HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040209Hirschkorn Exhibits Part I.pdfDA VID J. MEYER SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL A VISTA CORPORATION O. BOX 3727 1411 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220-3727 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4316 FACSIMILE: (509) 495-4361 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MA ITER OF THE APPUCA nON OF A VISTA CORPORATION FOR THE AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO CASE NO. A VU-04- EXHIBIT NO. 18 BRIAN J. lllRSCHKORN FOR A VISTA CORPORT A TION PROPOSED CHANGES TO ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES I.P.C. No. 28 First Ro'.'isioR Shoot 1 Canceling .. C'1o.~~+ of AVISTA CORPORATION dba A vista Utilities SCHEDULE 1 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase & available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To service for domestic purposes in each individual residence, apartment, mobile home, or other living unit when all such service used on the premises is supplied through a single meter. VI.'horo a portion of a dwelling i& used regularly for oithor (a) tho oondl:Jot of busine&s (e) whoro a portion of the electricity &uppliod is used for other than domestic purpoe;es or (0) when t\...o or mora living units are served through a singlo meter tho appropriate general sorvioo schedule is applicable Howovor if tho wiring is so arranged that the sorvioo fer all domo&tio purposo& can bo metered separatoly this sohesulo will bo applied to such sor\'ioo MONTHLY RATE: $4:00 Basic Charge, plusFirst 600 kWhAll over 600 kWh 4:&ae1t per kWh~It per kWh Monthly Minimum Charge: $4.00 OPTIONAL SEASONAL MONTHLY CHARGE: A $4:00 monthly charge shall apply to Customers who close their account on a seasonal or intermittent basis, provided no energy usage occurs during an entire monthly billing cycle while the account is closed. Customers choosing this option are required to notify the Company in writing or by phone in advance and the account will be closed at the start of the next billing cycle following notification. . If energy is used during a monthly billing cycle, the above listed energy charges and basic charge of $4:00 shall apply. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rate ~ subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Rate Adjustment Schedule 65, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued oJ blly 2000 Effective ugust 1 2000 Issued by Avista Utilities Thomas D Dukich , Manager, Rates & Tariff AdmiRistration I.P.C. No. 28 Second Revision Sheet Canceling First Revision Sheet 1 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 1 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase & available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To service for domestic purposes in each individual residence , apartment, mobile home, or other living unit when all such service used on the premises is supplied through a single meter. ' Where a ortion of a dwellin is used re ularl for the conduct of business or where a ortion of the electrici lied is used for other than domestic oses the riate eneral service schedule is a licable. However if the service for all domestic oses is metered se arate Iv. this schedule will be a lied to such service. When two or more livin units are served throu h a sin le meter the a riate eneral service schedule is a licable. MONTHLY RATE: Basic Charge , plusFirst 600 kWh All over 600 kWh 858/t per kWh 606/t per kWh Monthly Minimum Charge: $5. OPTIONAL SEASONAL MONTHLY CHARGE: $5.monthly charge shall apply to Customers who close their account on a seasonal or intermittent basis, provided no energy usage occurs during an entire monthly billing cycle while the account is closed. Customers choosing this option are required to notify the Company in writing or by phone in advance and the account will be closed at the start of the next billing cycle following notification. If energy is used during a monthly billing cycle, the above listed energy charges and basic charge of $5.shall apply. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rate2 are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Rate Adjustment Schedule 65, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy Ax .:. ':J ' Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation I.P.C. No. 28 Fir&t Revision Shoet 11 Canceling .. Ch,..~+"" AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges: $6.00 Basic Charge, plus Energy Charge: &.ee4ct per kWh Demand Charge: No charge for the first 20 kW of demand. $3.50 per kW for each additional kW of demand. Minimum: $6.00 for single phase service and $13.10 for three phase service; unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. DEMAND: The average kW supplied during the 15-minute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rate ~ subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Rate Adjustment Schedule 65, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued .Jblly 7, 2000 Effective Augblst 1 , 2000 Issued by Avista Utilities Thomas D Dblkich , Manag9r, Ratos & Tariff AdminiEtration I.P.C. No. 28 Second Revision Sheet 11 Canceling First Revision Sheet 11 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 11 GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges: $6.00 Basic Charge, plus Energy Charge:First 3650 kWhAll Over 3650 kWh 362 ~ p er kWh 604/t er kWh Demand Charge: No charge for the first 20 kW of demand. $3.50 per kW for each additional kW of demand. Minimum: $6.00 for single phase service and $13.10 for three phase service; unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. DEMAND: The average kW supplied during the 15-minute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rate,2 are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Rate Adjustment Schedule 65 Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista Utilities By Ar:.....:::1' Norwood - ViDe President, State & Federal Regulation I.P.C. No. 28 First Revision Shoot 21 Canceling - .. C'1o.~~. ,.", AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 21 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge: &Welt per kWh Demand Charge: $225 for the first 50 kW of demand or less. $2.+a per kW for each additional kW of demand. Primary Voltage Discount: If Customer takes service at 11 kv (wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 201t per kW of demand per month. Minimum: $225 , unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: The current 12-month billing including any charges for power factor correction shall be not less than $10.00 per kW of the highest demand established during the current 12- month period provided that such highest demand shall be adjusted by the elimination of any demand occasioned by an operation totally abandoned during such 12-month period. DEMAND: The average kW supplied during the 15-minute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customers served at 11 kv or higher shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on their side of the point of delivery. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rate ~ subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Rate Adjustment Schedule 65, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued .Jblly 7 2000 Effective /\l:4gblst 1 2000 Issued by Avista Utilities Thomas D Dl:4kich , Managor, Ratos & Tariff Administration I.P.C. No. 28 Second Revision Sheet 21 Canceling First Revision Sheet 21 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 21 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and ma be re uired to enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge:First 250 000 kWh All Over 250 000 kWh Demand Charge: $250.00 for the first 50 kW of demand or less. $3.per kW for each additional kW of demand. Primary Voltage Discount: If Customer takes service at 11 kv (wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 201t per kW of demand per month. Power Factor Ad ustment Char If Customer has a reactive kilovo t-am ere kV Ar meter he will be sub ect to a Power Factor Ad ustment char as set forth in the Rules & ulations. Minimum: $250.00, unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: The current 12-month billing including any charges for power factor correction shall be not less than $10.00 per kW of the highest demand established during the current 12- month period provided that such highest demand shall be adjusted by the elimination of any demand occasioned by an operation totally abandoned during such 12-month period. DEMAND: The average kW supplied during the 15-minute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customers served at 11 kv or higher shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on their side of the point of delivery. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rate~ are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Rate Adjustment Schedule 65, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 250 ~ p er kWh 393e per kWh Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy Kelly O. Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation ,.j~... I.P.C. No. 28 First Ro'/isien Shoot 25 Canceling -.. "'.._. n... AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 25 EXTRA LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Three phase, available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation for a demand of not less than 500 kV A but not greater than 25,000 kV A. The average of the Customer s demand for the most recent twelve-month period must fall within these demand limits for service under this schedule. If the Customer has less than twelve months of billing history, the Customer must have a minimum of six consecutive billing months of demand of at least 2,500 kV A in order to receive service under this schedule. New Customers must meet the above criteria or otherwise provide the Company with reasonable assurance that their peak demand will average at least 2 500 kV A. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge: a.8741t per kWh Demand Charge: 500.for the first 3,000 kVA of demand or less. per kV A for each additional kV A of demand. Primary Voltage Discount: If Customer takes service at 11 kV (wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 201t per kV A of demand per month. Minimum: The demand charge unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: $406,140 Any annual minimum deficiency will be determined during the April billing cycle for the previous 12-month period. For a customer who has taken service on this schedule for less than 12 months, the annual minimum will be prorated based on the actual months of service. Issued Jl:4ly 7 2000 Effective August 1 , 2000 Issued by Avista Utilities Thomas D Dl:4kish , Manager, Rates & Tariff l\dministration I.P.C. No. 28 Second Revision Sheet 25 Canceling First Revision Sheet 25 A VISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 25 EXTRA LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Three phase, available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation for a demand of not less than 500 kV A but not greater than 25,000 kV A. The average of the Customer's demand for the most recent twelve-month period must fall within these demand limits for service under this schedule. If the Customer has less than twelve months of billing history, the Customer must have a minimum of six consecutive billing months of demand of at least 2 500 kV A in order to receive service under this schedule. New Customers must meet the above criteria or otherwise provide the Company with reasonable assurance that their peak demand will average at least 2,500 kV A. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge:First 500 000 kWh All Over 500 000 kWh Demand Charge: 000.00 for the first 3,000 kV A of demand or less. $2.per kVA for each additional kVA of demand. Primary Voltage Discount: If Customer takes service at 11 kV (wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 201t per kVA of demand per month. Minimum: The demand charge unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. 393ct er kWh 3.420ct er kWh ANNUAL MINIMUM: $542 580 Any annual minimum deficiency will be determined during the April billing cycle for the previous 12-month period. For a customer who has taken service on this schedule for less than 12 months, the annual minimum will be prorated based on the actual months of service. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy Ax ;:::1 " Norwood - Vioe President, State & Federal Regulation I.P.C. No. 28 FirEt Rovision Sheet 25A Candeling ~ .. C'L.~~+ 1"11:" 25A A VISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 25A DEMAND: The average kV A supplied during the 30-minute period of maximum use during the current month as measured by Company s metering equipment. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: For Customers who have more than one metering point to serve contiguous facilities or properties, the coincident demand from all such meters must not exceed 25,000 kV A in order to receive service under this schedule. Customers whose demand from all such meters exceeds 25,000 kV A may be served under special contract wherein the rates, terms, and conditions of service are specified and approved by the I.P.C. If the Company and the Customer cannot agree on the rates, terms, and conditions of service, the matter will be brought before the I.P.C. for resolution. If the Customer requires service during either the contract negotiation or resolution period, service will be supplied under this rate schedule subject to refund or surcharge based on the terms of the final contract. For Customers whose power factor is less than 80%, their kV A demand will be computed at an 80% power factor and the resulting kV A must be at least 2 500 in order to receive service under this schedule. Customers utilizing resistance load banks solely for the purpose of increasing their demand in order to qualify for service under this schedule will not be served under this schedule. Existing Customers who install demand-side management measures after May 1 , 1992, which cause their demand to fall below 2,500 kV A will continue qualify for service under this schedule. The Company will estimate the Customer demand reduction created by those demand-side management measures in order to determine qualification for service under this schedule. If a Customer installs demand-side management measures without assistance from the Company, it is the Customer s responsibility to inform the Company regarding the installation of such measures. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rate is subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Rate Adjustment Schedule 65, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued J\;jly 7 2000 Effective August 1 , 2000 Issued by Avista Utilities Them3s D D\;jkiQh J Manager, Ratos & Tariff P.dFRinistration I.P.C. No. 28 Second Revision Sheet 25A Canceling First Revision Sheet 25A 25A AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 25A DEMAND: The average kV A supplied during the 30-minute period of maximum use during the current month as measured by Company s metering equipment. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: For Customers who have more than one metering point to serve contiguous facilities or properties , the coincident demand from all such meters must not exceed 25,000 kV A in order to receive service under this schedule. Customers whose demand from all such meters exceeds 25,000 kV A may be served under special contract wherein the rates, terms, and conditions of service are specified and approved by the I.P.C. If the Company and the Customer cannot agree on the rates, terms, and conditions of service, the matter will be brought before the I.P.C. for resolution. If the Customer requires service during either the contract negotiation or resolution period, service will be supplied under this rate schedule subject to refund or surcharge based on the terms of the final contract. For Customers whose power factor is less than 80%, their kV A demand will be computed at an 80% power factor and the resulting kV A must be at least 2,500 in order to receive service under this schedule. Customers utilizing resistance load banks solely for the purpose of increasing their demand in order to qualify for service under this schedule will not be served under this schedule. Existing Customers who install demand-side management measures after May 1 , 1992, which cause their demand to fall below 2,500 kV A will continue to qualify for service under this schedule. The Company will estimate the Customer demand reduction created by those demand-side management measures in order to determine qualification for service under this schedule. If a Customer installs demand-side management measures without assistance from the Company, it is the Customer s responsibility to inform the Company regarding the installation of such measures. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rate~ are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Rate Adjustment Schedule 65, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy .:::J Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation I.P.C. No. 28 First Ro'lision Shoot 31 Canceling ~ .. C'1o.~~+ '3of AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 31 PUMPING SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To service through one meter for pumping water or water effluents, including incidental power used for other equipment and lighting essential to the pumping operation. For such incidental service, Customer will furnish any transformers and other necessary equipment. Customer wm enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer and will have service available on a continuous basis unless there is a change in ownership or control of property served. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges: $6.00 Basic Charge, plus Energy Charge:~It per kWh for the first 85 KWh per kW of demand, and for the next 80 KWh per kW of demand but not more than 3,000 KWh. 4:7(;)21t per KWh for all additional KWh. Annual Minimum: $9:00 per kW of the highest demand established in the current year ending with the November billing cycle. If no demand occurred in the current year, the annual minimum will be based on the highest demand in the latest previous year having a demand. Demand: The average kW supplied during the 15-minute period of maximum use during the month determined, at the option of Company, by a demand meter or nameplate input rating of pump motor. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: If Customer requests the account to be closed by reason of change in ownership or control of property, the unbilled service and any applicable annual minimum will be prorated to the date of closing. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rate ~ subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Rate Adjustment Schedule 65, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued .Jblly 7 2000 Effective ..\~gblst 1 2000 Issued by Avista Utilities Thomas D Dukich , Managor, Rates & Tariff Aeministration I.P.C. No. 28 Second Revision Sheet 31 Canceling First Revision Sheet 31 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 31 PUMPING SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To service through one meter for pumping water or water effluents, including incidental power used for other equipment and lighting essential to the pumping operation. For such incidental service, Customer will furnish any transformers and other necessary equipment. Customer will enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer and will have service available on a continuous basis unless there is a change in ownership or control of property served. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges: $6.00 Basic Charge, plus Energy Charge: 9371t per kWh for the first 85 KWh per kW of demand, and for the next 80 KWh per kW of demand but not more than 3,000 KWh. 7691t per KWh for all additional KWh. Annual Minimum: 10.per kW of the highest demand established in the current year ending with the November billing cycle. If no demand occurred in the current year, the annual minimum will be based on the highest demand in the latest previous year having a demand. Demand: The average kW supplied during the 15-minute period of maximum use during the month determined, at the option of Company, by a demand meter or nameplate input rating of pump motor. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: If Customer requests the account to be closed by reason of change in ownership or control of property, the unbilled service and any applicable annual minimum will be prorated to the date of closing. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rate~ are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Rate Adjustment Schedule 65, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista Utilities By ~,J~ :'J Norwood Vice President, State & Federal Regulation I.P.C. No. 28 First Revision Sheet 41 Canceling . . . , Ch,.,.....t A VISTA UTILITIES dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 41 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE-IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all Idaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24, 1981 except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Fixture & Size Lumens No Pole Code Rate Wood Pole Code Rate Pole Facilit Metal StandardPedestal Direct DeveloperBase Burial Contributed Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Sin le Incandescent* 2500 4000 151 251 $6Aa +:9i Sin le Mercu 4000 7000 10000 20000 55000 415 $ iAQ 51 5 +O-:a3615 +4:e4 411 511 611 811 214# $ &+3 3.79 4 1 2 $+a,.Q9 4 1 3 +a-:o9 +O.i& 512 513 +a,.Q+ 612 613 416 $ 3.79516 +O.i&616 SinGle Sediym Vapor250gg 631 03 632 21.4550000 831 Not available to new customers accounts, or locations. #Decorative Curb. 633 6d6 Issued .J~ly 7 2000 Effective .'\bI€J~st 1 2000 Issued by Avista Utilities Themas D Dblkish , Managor, Rates & Tariff Administration I.P.C. No. 28 Second Revision Sheet 41 Canceling First Revision Sheet 41 A VISTA UTILITIES dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 41 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE-IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all Idaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24, 1981 except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Fixture & Size (Lumens)No Pole Code Rate Wood Pole Code Rate Pole Facilitv Metal StandardPedestal Direct DeveloperBase Burial Contributed Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Sinale Mercurv Vapor 4000 7000 10000 20000 411 $11. 511 13. 611 19. 416 $11.15 Not available to new customers accounts, or locations. #Decorative Curb. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista Utilities By KellY 00 Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation ?~ /J Irt ~ I.P.C. No. 28 First Revision Sheet ~2 Canceling .. C'1o.~~+ AI') AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 42 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE - IDAHO HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local , state , or federal governments in all Idaho territory served by Company. APPLICABLE: . To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Fixture & Size No Pole Code Rate Wood Pole Code Rate Pole Facilit Metal StandardPedestal Direct DeveloperBase Burial Contributed Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Sin le Hi Pressure Sodium Va (Nominal Rating in Watts) SOW 100W 100W 200W 250W 400W 150W 435 431535 +2A9 531635 .:!496 631835 831935 11.38 931 $-7.90 432 532 632 832 28.68932 234# 434# &++433 533 633 833 933 436 $-+,9G536 636 836 936 Double Hi Pressure Sodium Va (Nominal Rating in Watts)100W 441 +&:84 442200W 545 a4,.99 542 #Decorative Curb 22.a8 446 +&:84 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Company will install, own, and maintain the facilities for supplying street lighting service using facilities utilizing Company s design. Company will furnish the necessary energy, repairs and maintenance work including lamp and glassware cleaning and replacement. Maintenanco and replacement of lampE oloaning of fixture glaEE and goneral Eoheduled maintonance will be performed by Company at 60 month intervals . Repairs and maintenance work will be performed by Company during regularly scheduled working hours. Issued .July 7 2000 Effective A~g~st 1 2000 Issued by Avista Utilities Thomas D CukiQh , Manager Ratos & Tariff Administration I.P.C. No. 28 Second Revision Sheet 42 Canceling First Revision Sheet 42 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 42 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE - IDAHO HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local , state, or federal governments in all Idaho territory served by Company. APPLICABLE: . To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Fixture & Size No Pole Code Rate Wood Pole Code Rate Pole Facili Metal StandardPedestal Direct DeveloperBase Burial Contributed Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Sin le Hi Pressure Sodium Va (Nominal Rating in Watts)SOW 235 100W 100W 200W 250W 400W 150W 435 535 635 835 935 431 $ 10.432 $18. 15.531 16.532 24. 18.631 19.632 27. 27.831 28.832 36. 14.43 931 14.932 22. 234# $ 434# 10. 433 18. 533 24. 633 27. 833 36. 933 22. 436 $ 10. 536 16. 636 19. 836 28. 936 14. Double Hi Pressure Sodium Va (Nominal Rating in Watts)100W 441 $ 20.442 $ 28.200W 545 $31.542 41. #Decorative Curb 446 $ 20. 546 32. Decorative Sodium Va 100W Granville 100W Post To 474* 484* 18. 17. 16' fiberglass pole Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy Ax :::JNorwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation I.P.C. No. 28 Second Revision Sheet 42A Canceling First Revision Sheet 42A 42A A VISTA CORPORATION dba A vista Utilities SCHEDULE 42A - Continued SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Company will install, own , and maintain the facilities for supplying street lighting service using facilities utilizing Company s design. Company will furnish the necessary energy, repairs and maintenance work Including lamp and glassware cleaning and replacement. Repairs and maintenance work will be performed by Company during regularly scheduled working hours. Individual lamps will be replaced on burnout as soon as reasonably possible after notification by Customer and subject to Company s operating schedules and requirements. Company will make any change in location at the request and expense of Customer. Service may be terminated (abandoned) at any location on payment by Customer of Company s average present investment less net salvage in the facilities abandoned. Customer, at his option, may order a change of location of the facilities and pay Company the cost of relocation rather than the cost of termination. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Rate Adjustment Schedule 65, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, and Energy Efficiency Adjustment Rider Schedule 91. Issued Februa 2004 Effective March 9 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy Kelly Norwood ?~ ,J~ Vice President, State and Federal Regulation I.P.C. No. 28 First Revision Shoot 4 Canceling .. C'1o.~~+ A') AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 43 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY AND MAINTENANCE SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state , or federal governments in all Idaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24, 1981 , except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Fixture & Size Lumens No PoleCode Rate Wood Pole Code Rate Pole Facili Metal StandardPedestal DirectBase Burial Code Rate Code Rate Sin le Mercu 1000020000 615 611 512 $-h69612 61d Sin le Sodium Va 17fY.fJ 25000 50000 d11 632 832 9.75 Issued July 7 2000 Effective AbI~blst 1 2000 Issued by Avista Utilities Thomas D Dukist!, Managor Ratos & Tariff AdminiEtration I.P.C. No. 28 Second Revision Sheet 43 Canceling First Revision Sheet 43 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 43 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY AND MAINTENANCE SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local , state, or federal governments in all Idaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24, 1981 , except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Fixture & Size Lumens No Pole Code Rate Wood Pole Code Rate Pole Facili Metal StandardPedestal DirectBase Burial Code Rate Code Rate Sin le Mercu 1000020000 615 $ 14.611 $ 14. 512 $10. 612 14. Sin le Sodium Va 25000 50000 632 832 12. 19. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy Kelly O. Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation ?~ /11 fI1. I.P.C. No. 28 First Ro'Jision Shoot 4 Canceling .. C'...~~+ A"" 43A AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 43A - continued SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Company is responsible for financing, installing and owning standards, luminaires and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. All such facilities will conform to Company s design, standards and specifications. Customer is also responsible for painting (if desired) and replacing damaged pole facilities. Company will furnish the necessary energy and luminaire maintenance including repairs, lamp and glassware replacement. Individual lamps will be replaced on burnout as soon as reasonably possible after notification by Customer and subject to Company s operating schedules and requirements. Company will make any change in location at the request and expense of Customer. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Rate Adjustment Schedule 65, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued July 7 2000 Effective August 1 , 2000 Issued by Avista Utilities Thomas D. Dukich , Manager Rates & Tariff Administration I.P.C. No. 28 Second Revision Sheet 43A Canceling First Revision Sheet 43A 43A AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 43A - continued SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing and owning standards luminaires and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. All such facilities will conform to Company s design standards and specifications. Customer is also responsible for painting (if desired) and replacing damaged pole facilities. Company will furnish the necessary energy and luminaire maintenance including repairs, lamp and glassware replacement. Individual lamps will be replaced on burnout as soon as reasonably possible after notification by Customer and subject to Company s operating schedules and requirements. Company will make any change in location at the request and expense of Customer. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Rate Adjustment Schedule 65, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy Kelly Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation ?~ Ax "' I.P.C. No. 28 First Rovicion Sheet 44 Canceling - .. . C'1o.~~+ A A A VISTA CORPORATION dba A vista Utilities SCHEDULE 44 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY AND MAINTENANCE SERVICE - IDAHO HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all Idaho territory served by Company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Wood Pole Code Rate Pedestal Base Code Rate Pole Facilit Metal Standard Direct Burial Code Rate Developer Contributed Code Rate Fixture & Size Lumens No PoleCode Rate Sin le Hi Pressure Sodium Va100W 435 431200W 535 &96 531250W 635 631310W 735 +h-+G 731400W 835 +a.:a2 831150W 935 +.M 931 Double Hi Pressure Sodium Va (Nominal Rating in Watts) 100W 200W 310W $-a.+a &96 +h-+G +a.:a2 +.M 432 532 632 732 832 932 $ a..7& &96 +.M 441 ++:00 442 542 742 ++:00 -1-&93 21. 433 $ a..7&533 &96633 733 +h-+G833 +a.:a2933 +.M a3& &96 936 +.M 443 543 ++:00 -1-&93 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing and owning standards, luminaires and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. All such facilities will conform to Company s design, standards and specifications. Customer is also responsible for painting (if desired) and replacing damaged pole facilities. Company will furnish the necessary energy, repairs and maintenance work including lamp and glassware cleaning and replacement. Maintenanoo and replaoomcmt of lamps cleaning of fixture glas& and general &Ghodulod maintenance will be performod by Company at eO month intervals . Repairs and maintenance work will be performed by Company during regularly scheduled working hours. Issued July 7 2000 Effective Issued by Avista Utilities ~bI!ilbist 1 2QOO Thom3s D DblkiQR , Managor Rates & Tariff Administration I.P.C. No. 28 Second Revision Sheet 44 Canceling First Revision Sheet 44 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 44 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY AND MAINTENANCE SERVICE - IDAHO HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all Idaho territory served by Company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Fixture & Size (Lumens) Pole Facility Metal Standard Direct BurialCode Rate Developer Contributed Code Rate No PoleCode Rate Wood PoleCode Rate Pedestal Base Code Rate Sinale Hiah-Pressure Sodium VaDor100W 435 $ 431200W 535 10.531250W 635 12.631310W 735 14.731400W 835 19.831150W 935 931 Double Hiah-Pressure Sodium VaDor (Nominal Rating in Watts) 100W 200W 310W 441 $7.432 433 $ 7. 10.532 10.533 10. 12.632 12.633 12. 14.732 14.733 14. 19.832 19.833 19. 932 933 13.442 13.443 13. 542 21.543 21. 742 27. 936 534 10. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing and owning standards, luminaires and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. All such facilities will conform to Company s design , standards and specifications. Customer is also responsible for painting (if desired) and replacing damaged pole facilities. Company will furnish the necessary energy, repairs and maintenance work including lamp and glassware cleaning and replacement. Repairs and maintenance work will be performed by Company during regularly scheduled working hours. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9. 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy Kelly O. Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation ?~ ~x "' I.P.C. No. 28 First Re):ision Shoot 4 Iii Canceling - .. "'..... . AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 45 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local , state , or federal governments in all Idaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24 , 1981 , except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Fixture & Size Lumens Per LuminalreDusk to Dusk toDawn 1 :00 a.Service ServiceCode Rate Code Rate Mercu10000 51520000# 615 #Also includes Metal Halide. $441- 7-:9& 519 619 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing, owning, maintaining and replacing all standards, luminaires, and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. Customer will also provide a light sensitive relay and/or time switch in order to control the hours that energy will be provided. Company is responsible only for the furnishing of energy to the point of delivery and the billing and accounting related thereto. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Rate Adjustment Schedule 65, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued J~ly 7 2000 Effective bI~U&t 1 2000 Issued by Avista Utilities Thomas C C~kiQh , Manager Ratos &. Tariff .'\dministration I.P.C. No. 28 Second Revision Sheet 45 Canceling First Revision Sheet 45 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 45 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all Idaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24 , 1981 , except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Fixture & Size Lumens Per LuminaireD~k ~ D~k ~Dawn 1 :00 a.Service ServiceCode Rate Code Rate Mercu10000 51520000# 615 #Also includes Metal Halide. $5.519 619 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing, owning, maintaining and replacing all standards, luminaires, and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. Customer will also provide a light sensitive relay and/or time switch in order to control the hours that energy will be provided. Company is responsible only for the furnishing of energy to the point of delivery and the billing and accounting related thereto. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Rate Adjustment Schedule 65, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista Utilities By Kelly O. Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation ?~ /J IJ-t "' I.P.C. No. 28 First Ro'JisiQn Sheet 16 Canceling .. C'I..~~+ AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 46 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE - IDAHO HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all Idaho territory served by Company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Fixture & Size Lumens Dusk to Dawn ServiceCode Rate Per Lumlnaire Dusk to 1 :00 a. ServiceCode Rate Pressure Sodium Va (Nominal Rating in Watts)1 OOVV 435200VV 535250W 635310W 735400W 835150VV 935 $U2 4:89 e.oo +.+e 3:7S 439 539 639 739 839 $+.82 &44- 4.28 4.9+ 9.9Q SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing, owning, maintaining and replacing all standards, luminafres, and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. Customer will also provide a light sensitive relay and/or time switch in order to control the hours that energy will be provided. Company is responsible only for the furnishing of energy to the point delivery and the billing and accounting related thereto. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Rate Adjustment Schedule 65, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued July 7 2000 Effective Ablg1.Jst 1 2000 Issued by Avista Utilities ThQFRas D D1.JkicR , Managor Rates & Tariff Administration I.P.C. No. 28 Second Revision Sheet 46 Canceling First Revision Sheet 46 A VISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 46 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE - IDAHO HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state , or federal governments in all Idaho territory served by Company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Fixture & Size Lumens Dusk to Dawn ServiceCode Rate Per Luminaire Dusk to 1 :00 a. ServiceCode Rate Pressure Sodium Va (Nominal Rating in Watts)100VV 435200VV 535250VV 635310VV 735400VV 835150W 935 11. 439 539 639 739 839 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing, owning, maintaining and replacing all standards, luminaires, and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. Customer will also provide a light sensitive relay and/or time switch in order to control the hours that energy will be provided. Company is responsible only for the furnishing of energy to the point of delivery and the billing and accounting related thereto. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Rate Adjustment Schedule 65, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66 , and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy Kelly O. Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation ?~ ~x "' I.P.C. No. 28 First Rovision Sheet 47 Cancleing ~ .. 'C'Io.~~+ A-7 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 47 AREA LIGHTING - MERCURY VAPOR - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: In all Idaho territory served by Company where existing secondary distribution facilities are of adequate capacity, phase, and voltage. APPLICABLE: . To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn area lighting with mercury vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or more. Mercury vapor lamps will be available only to those customers receiving service on October 23 1981. MONTHLY RATE: Charge per Unit Nominal Lumens) 000 000 000 Luminaire (on existing standard)$&+9 $15 Luminaire and Standard: 30-foot wood pole .:t-:hOO +7:33 Galvanized steel standards: 25 foot -t4-:4a 2G-:+8 30 foot 2+.37 Aluminum standards: 25 foot Issued .Jblly 2000 Effective Ablgblst 1 , 2099 Issued by Avista Utilities Thomas D Dukich , Manag9r, Rates & Tariff Administration I.P.C. No. 28 Second Revision Sheet 47 Canceling First Revision Sheet 47 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 47 AREA LIGHTING - MERCURY VAPOR -IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: In all Idaho territory served by Company where existing secondary distribution facilities are of adequate capacity, phase, and voltage. APPLICABLE: . To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn area lighting with mercury vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or more. Mercury vapor lamps will be available only to those customers receiving service on October 23, 1981. MONTHLY RATE: Luminaire (on existing standard) 000 11. Charge per Unit Nom !lli!LLu mens 000 000 13.19. Luminaire and Standard: 30-foot wood pole Galvanized steel standards: 25 foot 30 foot 18. 19. 20. 21. 26. 27. Aluminum standards: 25 foot 19.22.27. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy Kelly O. Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation~ ~Vt...-=J LP.C. No. 28 First Revision Shoot 49 Canceling .. Clo.~~+ An AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 49 AREA LIGHTING - IDAHO HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: In all territory served by the Company where existing secondary distribution facilities are of adequate capacity, phase, and voltage. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn area lighting with high-pressure sodium vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or more. MONTHLY RATE: Charge per Unit (Nominal Ratina in Watts)1 COW 200W 400W Luminaire Cobrahead +:G+9-:26 Monthly Rate er Pole Pole Facility 30-foot wood pole 40-foot wood pole 55-foot wood pole 20-foot fiberglass 25-foot galvanized steel standard* 30-foot galvanized steel standard* 25-foot galvanized aluminum standard* 30-foot fiberglass-pedestal base 30-foot steel-pedestal base $ &&:I- &:Q3 +:G+ &&:I- No new installations after March 14, 1986. Issued .July 7 2000 Effective h:lgust 1 20gg Issued by Avista Utilities Thomas D D~kiQh , Managor, Rates &. Tariff AdminiEtration I.P.C. No. 28 Second Revision Sheet 49 Canceling First Revision Sheet 49 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 49 AREA LIGHTING -IDAHO HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: In all territory served by the Company where existing secondary distribution facilities are of adequate capacity, phase, and voltage. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn area lighting with high-pressure sodium vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or more. MONTHLY RATE: Charge per Unit (Nominal Ratina in Watts) 100W 200W 250W 400W Luminaire Cobrahead Decorative Curb 11 .13.17.44 OOW Granv le w/16-tQQ!J;!ecorative 22. 100W Post To w/16-foot decorative ole 21.46 Monthly Rate er Pole Pole Facili 30-foot wood pole 40-foot wood pole 55-foot wood pole 20-foot fiberglass 25-foot galvanized steel standard* 30-foot galvanized steel standard* 25-foot galvanized aluminum standard* 30-foot fiberglass-pedestal base 30-foot steel-pedestal base 21. 20. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy Kelly O. Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation ?~ Ax I.P.C. No. SOOR Revision Sheet 66 Canceling Revision Sheet 66 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 66 TEMPORARY POWER COST ADJUSTMENT - IDAHO APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where the Company has electric service available. This Power Cost Adjustment shall be applicable to all retail customers for charges for electric energy sold and to the flat rate charges for Company-owned or Customer-owned Street Lighting and Area Lighting Service. This Rate Adjustment is designed to recover or rebate a portion of the difference between actual and allowed net power supply costs. MONTHLY RATE: The energy charges of the individual rate schedules are to be increased by the following amounts: Schedule 1 egO kwhs over 600 kwh& Schedules 11 & 12 Schedules 21 & 22 Schedules 25 Schedules 31 & 32 G-:9391t per kwh .:t-.W21t per kwh per kwh per kwh per kwh G.888It per kwh Flat rate charges for Company-owned or Customer-owned Street Lighting and Area Lighting Service are to be increased (Gfesma&od)by the following percentage: Schedules 41- SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The rates set forth under this Schedule are subject to periodic review and adjustment by the IPUC based on the actual balance of deferred power costs. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Rate is subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58. Issued .J~ly 17 2001 Effective Ostol;)er 12 2001 Qy IPUC Order No 28879 Issued by Avista Utilities Thomas D. Dl::lkish, Director of Rates & Rogl::llatory Nfairs I.P.C. No. Seventh Revision Sheet 66 Canceling Sixth Revision Sheet 66 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 66 TEMPORARY POWER COST ADJUSTMENT - IDAHO APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where the Company has electric service available. This Power Cost Adjustment shall be applicable to all retail customers for charges for electric energy sold and to the flat rate charges for Company-owned or Customer-owned Street Lighting and Area Lighting Service. This Rate Adjustment is designed to recover or rebate a portion of the difference between actual and allowed net power supply costs. MONTHLY RATE: The energy charges of the individual rate schedules are to be increased by the following amounts: Schedule 1 Schedules 11 & 12 Schedules 21 & 22 Schedules 25 Potlatch - Lewiston Plant Schedules 31 & 32 4191t per kwh 566tt per kwh 4061t per kwh 271 It per kwh 2501t er kwh 4091t per kwh Flat rate charges for Company-owned or Customer-owned Street Lighting and Area Lighting Service are to be increased by the following percentage: Schedules 41-20% SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The rates set forth under this Schedule are subject to periodic review and adjustment by the I PUC based on the actual balance of deferred power costs. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Rate is subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58. Issued Februa 2004 Effective March 9 2004 Issued by Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwood - Vice President. State & Federal Reaulation ?~ ,db-( ~ I.P.C. No. First Revision Shoot 70 d Cancelling Original Shoot 70 d 70- AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities IDAHO RULES AND REGULATIONS - continued6. APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT FOR SERVICE: - continued to constitute an agreement by and between the Company and the Customer for the delivery and acceptance of service under the applicable rate schedule or schedules and said Rules and Regulations. The Company will provide to its Customers at time of application for service and thereafter such information relative to its rates. rules and regulations as may from time to time be required by law or Commission rule and regulation. All service shall be fumished under an agreement for a term of one year. at the option of the Company, or longer when so provided in the applicable rate schedule. When optional rate schedules are available the Customer may not change from one rate schedule to another more frequently than once in any 12-monthperiod. For service in large volumes or received under unusual circumstances. the Company may require the Customer to execute a special written agreement. New Customer Turn-On Charge (After-Hours): There will be no charge for new customer turn-ons when such service connection is performed during office hours regularly maintained by the Company. For new customer tum-ons requested to be completed during other hours there will be a charge of $32.00. When a new Customer receives Company-supplied electric and gas service, a single charge of $32.00 will be required for after hours service turn-ons. Return Trip Charge If the conditions stated in Sections 7 and 8. below. are not satisfied prior to the Customer's request for temporary service, a $55.00 charge, per trip, will be billed to the Customer whenever Company personnel are dispatched to the job site but are unable to connect the service. The charge will be billed after the conditions have been satisfied and the connection has been made. When a residential Customer supplies the trench, backfill, conduit, and compaction for an underground service. a charge of $55.00 per trip return charge will be assessed if the Company installation crew cannot install cable on the first appointment or subsequent appointments. CUSTOMER'S SERVICE ENTRANCE AND RELATED FACILITIES: The Customer shall provide a suitable service entrance facility to the premises to be served at the point specified by the Company which facility shall meet local, state and national code requirements. The Customer shall also provide a structurally sound point of attachment for the Companys service connections which will permit the clearance required for safety. All wiring and other distribution facilities on the Customer's side of the point of delivery shall be provided by the Customer and maintained and operated at his expense. The Customer shall fumish a convenient place. readily accessible without risk of bodily harm to the Company employees, free from vibration, corrosive atmosphere. and abnormal temperatures. in which to install the metering equipment. Usually residential meters will be installed on Issued Novomber 19 2000 Effective Dosombor 22 2000 Issued by Avista Utilities Thomas D Dukich Dirostor, Ratos & TariU .drninistration I.P.C. No. Second Revision Sheet 70- Cancelling First Revision Sheet 70- AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities 70- IDAHO RULES AND REGULATIONS - continued6. APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT FOR SERVICE: - continued to constitute an agreement by and between the Company and the Customer for the delivery and acceptance of service under the applicable rate schedule or schedules and said Rules and Regulations. The Company will provide to its Customers at time of application for service and thereafter such information relative to its rates. rules and regulations as may from time to time be required by law or Commission rule and regulation. All service shall be furnished under an agreement for a term of one year, at the option of the Company, or longer when so provided in the applicable rate schedule. When optional rate schedules are available the Customer may not change from one rate schedule to another more frequently than once in any 12-monthperiod. For service in large volumes or received under unusual circumstances, the Company may require the Customer to execute a special written agreement. New Customer Turn-On Charge (After-Hours): There will be no charge for new customer turn-ons when such service connection is performed during office hours regularly maintained by the Company. For new customer tum-ons requested to be completed during other hours there will be a charge of $48.. When a new Customer receives Company-supplied electric and gas service, a single charge of $48.will be required for after hours service turn-ons. Return Trip Charge If the conditions stated in Sections 7 and 8, below, are not satisfied prior to the Customer's request for temporary service, a $55.00 charge, per trip, will be billed to the Customer whenever Company personnel are dispatched to the job site but are unable to connect the service. The charge will be billed after the conditions have been satisfied and the connection has been made. When a residential Customer supplies the trench, backfill, conduit. and compaction for an underground service, a charge of $55.00 per trip return charge will be assessed if the Company's installation crew cannot install cable on the first appointment or subsequent appointments. CUSTOMER'S SERVICE 'ENTRANCE AND RELATED FACILITIES: The Customer shall provide a suitable service entrance facility to the premises to be served at the point specified by the Company which facility shall meet local, state and national code requirements. The Customer shall also provide a structurally sound point of attachment for the Company s service connections which will permit the clearance required for safety. All wiring and other distribution facilities on the Customer's side of the point of delivery shall be provided by the Customer and maintained and operated at his expense. The Customer shall furnish a convenient place. readily accessible without risk of bodily harm to the Company employees, free from vibration, corrosive atmosphere, and abnormal temperatures, in which to install the metering equipment. Usually residential meters will be installed on Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation ?~ tv--c-rd DA VID J. MEYER SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL A VISTA CORPORATION O. BOX 3727 1411 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220-3727 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4316 FACSIMILE: (509) 495-4361 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MA ITER OF THE APPUCA nON OF A VISTA CORPORA nON FOR THE AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO CASE NO. A VU-04- EXHIBIT NO. 19 BRIAN J. lllRSCHKORN FOR A VISTA CORPORT AnON PROPOSED ELECTRIC SERVICE RATES I.P.C. No. 28 Second Revision Sheet Canceling First Revision Sheet 1 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE RESIDENTIAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase & available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To service for domestic purposes in each individual residence, apartment, mobile home, or other living unit when all such service used on the premises is supplied through a single meter. ' Where a portion of a dwelling is used regularly for the conduct of business or where a portion of the electricity supplied is used for other than domestic purposes, the appropriate general service schedule is applicable. However, if the service for all domestic purposes is metered separately, this schedule will be applied to such service. When two or more living units are served through a single meter, the appropriate general service schedule is applicable. MONTHLY RATE: $5.00 Basic Charge, plusFirst 600 kWh All over 600 kWh 8581t per kWh 6061t per kWh Monthly Minimum Charge: $5. OPTIONAL SEASONAL MONTHLY CHARGE: A $5.00 monthly charge shall apply to Customers who close their account on a seasonal or intermittent basis, provided no energy usage occurs during an entire monthly billing cycle while the account is closed. Customers choosing this option are required to notify the Company in writing or by phone in advance and the account will be closed at the start of the next billing cycle following notification. If energy is used during a monthly billing cycle, the above listed energy charges and basic charge of $5.00 shall apply. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Rate Adjustment Schedule 65, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy Ax Norwood - VICe President, State & Federal Regulation I.P.C. No. 28 Second Revision Sheet 11 Canceling First Revision Sheet 11 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 11 GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges: $6.00 Basic Charge, plus Energy Charge:First 3650 kWhAll Over 3650 kWh 362ct per kWh 604ct per kWh Demand Charge: No charge for the first 20 kW of demand. $3.50 per kW for each additional kW of demand. Minimum: $6.00 for single phase service and $13.10 for three phase service; unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. DEMAND: The average kW supplied during the 15-minute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Rate Adjustment Schedule 65, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy :::J Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Reguiatioo I.P.C. No. 28 Second Revision Sheet 21 Canceling First Revision Sheet 21 A VISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 21 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and may be required to enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge: First 250,000 kWh All Over 250,000 kWh Demand Charge: $250.00 for the first 50 kW of demand or less. $3.00 per kW for each additional kW of demand. Primary Voltage Discount: If Customer takes service at 11 kv (wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 20~ per kW of demand per month. Power Factor Adjustment Charge: If Customer has a reactive kilovolt-ampere (kVAr) meter, he will be subject to a Power Factor Adjustment charge, as set forth in the Rules & Regulations. Minimum: $250.00, unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: The current 12-month billing including any charges for power factor correction shall be not less than $10.00 per kW of the highest demand established during the current 12- month period provided that such highest demand shall be adjusted by the elimination of any demand occasioned by an operation totally abandoned during such 12-month period. DEMAND: The average kW supplied during the 15-minute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customers served at 11 kv or higher shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on their side of the point of delivery. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Rate Adjustment Schedule 65, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 2501t per kWh 3931t per kWh Issued by Avista Utilities Ax :::J Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation I.P.C. No. 28 Second Revision Sheet 25 Canceling First Revision Sheet 25 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 25 EXTRA LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Three phase, available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation for a demand of not less than 500 kV A but not greater than 25,000 kV A. The average of the Customer's demand for the most recent twelve-month period must fall within these demand limits for service under this schedule. If the Customer has less than twelve months of billing history, the Customer must have a minimum of six consecutive billing months of demand of at least 2 500 kV A in order to receive service under this schedule. New Customers must meet the above criteria or otherwise provide the Company with reasonable assurance that their peak demand will average at least 2 500 kV A. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge: First 500,000 kWh All Over 500,000 kWh Demand Charge: $9,000.00 for the first 3,000 kVA of demand or less. $2.75 per kV A for each additional kV A of demand. Primary Voltage Discount: If Customer takes service at 11 kV (wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 201t per kV A of demand per month. Minimum: The demand charge unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. 3931t per kWh 3.420ct per kWh ANNUAL MINIMUM: $542 580 Any annual minimum deficiency will be determined during the April billing cycle for the previous 12-month period. For a customer who has taken service on this schedule for less than 12 months, the annual minimum will be prorated based on the actual months of service. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista Utilities By ~"Jx .:::J Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation I.P.C. No. 28 Second Revision Sheet 25A Can de ling First Revision Sheet 25A 25A AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 25A DEMAND: The average kV A supplied during the 30-minute period of maximum use durIng the current month as measured by Company s metering equipment. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: For Customers who have more than one metering point to serve contiguous facilities or properties, the coincident demand from all such meters must not exceed 25,000 kV A in order to receive service under this schedule. Customers whose demand from all such meters exceeds 25,000 kV A may be served under special contract wherein the rates, terms, and conditions of service are specified and approved by the I.P.C. If the Company and the Customer cannot agree on the rates, terms, and conditions of service, the matter will be brought before the I.P.C. for resolution. If the Customer requires service during either the contract negotiation or resolution period , service will be supplied under this rate schedule subject to refund or surcharge based on the terms of the final contract. For Customers whose power factor is less than 80%, their kV A demand will be computed at an 80% power factor and the resulting kV A must be at least 2 500 in order to receive service under this schedule. Customers utilizing resistance load banks solely for the purpose of increasing their demand in order to qualify for service under this schedule will not be served under this schedule. Existing Customers who install demand-side management measures after May 1 , 1992, which cause their demand to fall below 2 500 kV A will continue to qualify for service under this schedule. The Company will estimate the Customer demand reduction created by those demand-side management measures in order to determine qualification for service under this schedule. If a Customer installs demand-side management measures without assistance from the Company, it is the Customer s responsibility to inform the Company regarding the installation of such measures. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Rate Adjustment Schedule 65 Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued February 6. 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy Ar:... :::J Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation I.P.C. No. 28 Second Revision Sheet 31 Canceling First Revision Sheet 31 AVISTA CORPORATION dba A vista Utilities SCHEDULE 31 PUMPING SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To service through one meter for pumping water or water effluents, including incidental power used for other equipment and lighting essential to the pumping operation. For such incidental service, Customer will furnish any transformers and other necessary equipment. Customer may be required to enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer and will have service available on a continuous basis unless there is a change in ownership or control of property served. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges: $6.00 Basic Charge, plus Energy Charge: 9371t per kWh for the first 85 KWh per kW of demand, and for the next 80 KWh per kW of demand but not more than 3,000 KWh. 7691t per KWh for all additional KWh. Annual Minimum: $10.00 per kW of the highest demand established in the current year ending with the November billing cycle. If no demand occurred in the current year, the annual minimum will be based on the highest demand in the latest previous year having a demand. Demand: The average kW supplied during the 15-minute period of maximum use during the month determined, at the option of Company, by a demand meter or nameplate input rating of pump motor. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: If Customer requests the account to be closed by reason of change in ownership or control of property, the unbilled service and any applicable annual minimum will be prorated to the date of closing. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Rate Adjustment Schedule 65, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 . Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy Kelly O. Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation ?~ Ax "' I.P.C. No. 28 Second Revision Sheet 41 Canceling First Revision Sheet 41 AVISTA UTILITIES dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 41 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE-IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local , state, or federal governments in all Idaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24, 1981 except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Fixture & Size (Lumens)No Pole Code Rate Wood Pole Code Rate Pole Facilitv Metal StandardPedestal Direct DeveloperBase Burial Contributed Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate Sinqle Mercurv Vaoor 7000 10000 20000 411 $11. 511 13. 611 19. 416 $11. Not available to new customers accounts, or locations. #Decorative Curb. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy Kelly O. Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation ?~ ,Ix r-cd I.P.C. No. 28 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities Second Revision Sheet 42 Canceling First Revision Sheet 42 SCHEDULE 42 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE - IDAHO HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all Idaho territory served by Company. APPLICABLE: , To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Fixture & Size No Pole Code Rate Wood Pole Code Rate Sin le Hi Pressure Sodium Va (Nominal Rating in Watts)50W 235 $7. 100W 100W 200W 250W 400W 150W 435 535 635 835 935 15. 18. 27. 14. 431 $ 10. 531 16. 631 19. 831 28. 931 14. Double Hi Pressure Sodium Va (Nominal Rating in Watts)100W 441 $ 20.200W 545 $31. #Decorative Curb Decorative Sodium Va 100W Granville 100W Post Top Issued February 6, 2004 Pole Facilit Metal StandardPedestal Direct DeveloperBase Burial Contributed Code Rate Code Rate Code Rate 432 $18. 532 24.632 27. 832 36.932 22. 234# $ 9. 434# 10.433 18. 533 24. 633 27. 833 36. 933 22. 436 $ 10. 536 16. 636 19. 836 28. 936 14. 442 $ 28. 542 41. 446 $ 20. 546 32. 474* 484* 18. 17. 16' fiberglass pole Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy Kelly O. Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation ?~ Ax "' I.P.C. No. 28 Second Revision Sheet 42A Canceling First Revision Sheet 42A 42A AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 42A - Continued SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Company will install, own, and maintain the facilities for supplying street lighting service using facilities utilizing Company s design. Company will furnish the necessary energy, repairs and maintenance work including lamp and glassware cleaning and replacement. Repairs and maintenance work will be performed by Company during regularly scheduled working hours. Individual lamps will be replaced on burnout as soon as reasonably possible after notification by Customer and subject to Company s operating schedules and requirements. Company will make any change in location at the request and expense of Customer. Service may be terminated (abandoned) at any location on payment by Customer of Company s average present investment less net salvage in the facilities abandoned. Customer, at his option, may order a change of location of the facilities and pay Company the cost of relocation rather than the cost of termination. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Rate Adjustment Schedule 65, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, and Energy Efficiency Adjustment Rider Schedule 91. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy Kelly Norwood - Vice President, State and Federal Regulation ?~ ~x~ I.P.C. No. 28 Second Revision Sheet 43 Canceling First Revision Sheet 43 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 43 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY AND MAINTENANCE SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local , state, or federal governments in all Idaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24, 1981 , except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Fixture & Size (Lumens)No Pole Code Rate Wood Pole Code Rate Pole Facility Metal StandardPedestal DirectBase Burial Code Rate Code Rate Sinale Mercurv VaDor 1000020000 615 $ 14.611 $ 14. 512 $10.612 14. Sin ale Sodium VaDor 25000 50000 632 832 12. 19. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy Kelly O. Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation ?~A~~ I.P.C. No. 28 Second Revision Sheet 43A Canceling First Revision Sheet 43A 43A AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 43A - continued SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing and owning standards, luminaires and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. All such facilities will conform to Company s design standards and specifications. Customer is also responsible for painting (if desired) and replacing damaged pole facilities. Company will furnish the necessary energy and luminaire maintenance including repairs , lamp and glassware replacement. Individual lamps will be replaced on burnout as soon as reasonably possible after notification by Customer and subject to Company s operating schedules and requirements. Company will make any change in location at the request and expense of Customer. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Rate Adjustment Schedule 65, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy Ax ::::l lWQod - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation I.P.C. No. 28 Second Revision Sheet 44 Canceling First Revision Sheet 44 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 44 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY AND MAINTENANCE SERVICE - IDAHO HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local , state, or federal governments in all Idaho territory served by Company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Fixture & Size Lumens No PoleCode Rate Wood PoleCode Rate Sin le Hi Pressure Sodium Va100W 435 $ 7.29 431200W 535 10.98 531250W 635 12.37 631310W 735 14.08 731400W 835 19.68 831150W 935 9.56 931 Double Hi Pressure Sodium Va (Nominal Rating in Watts) 100W 200W 31 OW $ 7. 10. 12. 14. 19. 441 13. Pedestal Base Code Rate Pole Facili Metal Standard Direct BurialCode Rate Developer Contributed Code Rate 432 $ 7. 532 10. 632 12. 732 14. 832 19.932 9. 442 542 742 13. 21. 27. 433 533 633 733 833 933 $7. 10.98 534 10. 12. 14. 19.56 936 9. 443 543 13. 21. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing and owning standards, luminaires and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. All such facilities will conform to Company s design , standards and specifications. Customer is also responsible for painting (if desired) and replacing damaged pole facilities. Company will furnish the necessary energy, repairs and maintenance work including lamp and glassware cleaning and replacement. Repairs and maintenance work will be performed by Company during regularly scheduled working hours. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy Kelly O. Norwood. Vice President, State & Federal Regulation ?~ ,J~ I.P.C. No. 28 Second Revision Sheet 45 Canceling First Revision Sheet 45 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 45 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state , or federal governments in all Idaho territory seNed by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24, 1981 , except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Fixture & Size Lumens Per LuminaireD~k ~ D~k ~Dawn 1:00 a.Service ServiceCode Rate Code Rate Mercu10000 51520000# 615 #Also includes Metal Halide. $5.519 619 $ 3. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing, owning, maintaining and replacing all standards , luminaires, and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. Customer will also provide a light sensitive relay and/or time switch in order to control the hours that energy will be provided. Company is responsible only for the furnishing of energy to the point of delivery and the billing and accounting related thereto. SeNice under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Rate Adjustment Schedule 65, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy Kelly O. Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation ?~ Ab't ~ I.P.C. No. 28 Second Revision Sheet 46 Canceling First Revision Sheet 46 A VISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 46 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE - IDAHO HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state , or federal governments in all Idaho territory served by Company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Fixture & Size Lumens Dusk to Dawn ServiceCode Rate Per Luminalre Dusk to 1 :00 a. ServiceCode Rate Pressure Sodium Va (Nominal Rating in Watts)1 OOVV 435200W 535250W 635310W 735400VV 835150W 935 $3. 11. 439 539 639 739 839 $ 2. 5.43 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing, owning, maintaining and replacing all standards, luminaires, and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. Customer will also provide a light sensitive relay and/or time switch in order to control the hours that energy will be provided. Company is responsible only for the furnishing of energy to the point of delivery and the billing and accounting related thereto. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58 , Temporary Rate Adjustment Schedule 65, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, and Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy Kelly O. Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation ?~ /J b-t kI I.P.C. No. 28 Second Revision Sheet 47 Canceling First Revision Sheet 47 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 47 AREA LIGHTING - MERCURY VAPOR - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: In all Idaho territory served by Company where existing secondary distribution facilities are of adequate capacity, phase, and voltage. APPLICABLE: . To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn area lighting with mercury vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or more. Mercury vapor lamps will be available only to those customers receiving service on October 23, 1981. MONTHLY RATE: Luminalre (on existing standard) 000 $11. Charge per Unit umens 000 000 $ 13.$ 19. Luminaire and Standard: 30-foot wood pole 13.16.21. Galvanized steel standards: 25 foot 30 foot 18. 19. 20. 21.43 26. 27. Aluminum standards: 25 foot 19.22.27. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy Kelly O. Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation Ax... I.P.C. No. 28 Second Revision Sheet 49 Canceling First Revision Sheet 49 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 49 AREA LIGHTING -IDAHO HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: In all territory served by the Company where existing secondary distribution facilities are of adequate capacity, phase, and voltage. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn area lighting with high-pressure sodium vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or more. MONTHLY RATE: Charge per Unit (Nominal Ratina in Watts) 1 OOVV 200W 250W 400W luminaire Cobrahead Decorative Curb $ 8.89 $ 11.74 $ 13.60 $ 17.44 $ 8. 100VV Granville w/16-foot decorative pole 100VV Post Top w/16-foot decorative pole $ 22. 21.46 Monthly Rate er Pole Pole Facili 30-foot wood pole 40-foot wood pole 55-foot wood pole 20-foot fiberglass 25-foot galvanized steel standard. 30-foot galvanized steel standard. 25-foot galvanized aluminum standard. 30-foot fiberglass-pedestal base 30-foot steel-pedestal base $4. 21. 20. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy Kelly O. Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation ?~ ,Jx I.P.C. No. Seventh Revision Sheet 66 Canceling Sixth Revision Sheet 66 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 66 TEMPORARY POWER COST ADJUSTMENT - IDAHO APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where the Company has electric service available. This Power Cost Adjustment shall be applicable to all retail customers for charges for electric energy sold and to the flat rate charges for Company-owned or Customer-owned Street Lighting and Area Lighting Service. This Rate Adjustment is designed to recover or rebate a portion of the difference between actual and allowed net power supply costs. MONTHLY RATE: The energy charges of the individual rate schedules are to be increased by the following amounts: Schedule 1 Schedules 11 & 12 Schedules 21 & 22 Schedules 25 Potlatch - Lewiston Plant Schedules 31 & 32 4191t per kwh 5661t per kwh 0.4061t per kwh 271 It per kwh 2501t per kwh 0.4091t per kwh Flat rate charges for Company-owned or Customer-owned Street Lighting and Area Lighting Service are to be increased by the following percentage: Schedules 41-20% SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The rates set forth under this Schedule are subject to periodic review and adjustment by the IPUC based on the actual balance of deferred power costs. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Rate is subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avlsta Utilities Kelly O. Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation ?~ AM ~~t I.P.C. No. Second Revision Sheet 70- Cancelling First Revision Sheet 70- AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities 70- IDAHO RULES AND REGULATIONS - continued6. APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT FOR SERVICE: - continued to constitute an agreement by and between the Company and the Customer for the delivery and acceptance of service under the applicable rate schedule or schedules and said Rules and Regulations. The Company will provide to its Customers at time of application for service and thereafter such information relative to its rates, rules and regulations as may from time to time be required by law or Commission rule and regulation. All service shall be furnished under an agreement for a term of one year, at the option of the Company, or longer when so provided in the applicable rate schedule. When optional rate schedules are available the Customer may not change from one rate schedule to another more frequently than once in any 12-monthperiod. For service in large volumes or received under unusual circumstances, the Company may require the Customer to execute a special written agreement. New Customer Turn-On Charge (After-Hours): There will be no charge for new customer tum-ons when such service connection is performed during office hours regularly maintained by the Company. For new customer tum-ons requested to be completed during other hours there will be a charge of $48.00. When a new Customer receives Company-supplied electric and gas service. a single charge of $48.00 will be required for after hours service turn-ons. Return Trip Charge If the conditions stated in Sections 7 and 8, below, are not satisfied prior to the Customer's request for temporary service. a $55.00 charge, per trip, will be billed to the Customer whenever Company personnel are dispatched to the job site but are unable to connect the service. The charge will be billed after the conditions have been satisfied and the connection has been made. When a residential Customer supplies the trench, backfill, conduit, and compaction for an underground service, a charge of $55.00 per trip return charge will be assessed if the Company installation crew cannot install cable on the first appointment or subsequent appointments. CUSTOMER'S SERVICE ENTRANCE AND RELATED FACILITIES: The Customer shall provide a suitable service entrance facility to the premises to be served at the point specified by the Company which facility shall meet local. state and national code requirements. The Customer shall also provide a structurally sound point of attachment for the Company s service connections which will permit the clearance required for safety. All wiring and other distribution facilities on the Customer's side of the point of delivery shall be provided by the Customer and maintained and operated at his expense. The Customer shall furnish a convenient place, readily accessible without risk of bodily harm to the Company employees. free from vibration, corrosive atmosphere, and abnormal temperatures, in which to install the metering equipment. Usually residential meters will be installed on Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation ?~- ~b-t &v DAVIDJ. MEYER SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL A VISTA CORPORA nON O. BOX 3727 1411 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220-3727 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4316 FACSIMILE: (509) 495-4361 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MA ITER OF THE APPUCA nON OF A VISTA CORPORA nON FOR THE AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE~ IDAHO CASE NO. A VU-04- EXHIBIT NO. 20 BRIAN J. lllRSCHKORN FOR A VISTA CORPORTAnON ELECTRIC SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMA nON AVISTA UTiliTIES PROPOSED GENERAL INCREASE BY RATE SCHEDULE IDAHO - ELECTRIC 12 MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2002 (OOOs of Dollars) Revenue Proposed Revenue General Line Type of Schedule Under Pres.General Under Prop.Percent No.Service Number Base Rates(1)Increase Base Rates(1)Increase (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f) Residential $52,648 $13,937 $66,585 26. General Service $16,212 $3,560 $19,772 22. Large General Service $34,804 $8,295 $43,099 23. Extra Large General Service $10,475 $2,870 $13,345 27. Potlatch $27 696 $5,463 $33,159 19. Pumping Service $2,549 $597 $3,146 23. Street & Area Lights 41-$1.864 $500 $2.364 26. Total $146,248 $35,222 $181,470 24. (1) Excludes all present rate adjustments / Reflects only base tariff rates Exhibit No. 20 Avista Corp. Case No. AVU-04- Page 1 of 9 A V I S T A UT I L I T I E S PR O P O S E D N E T I N C R E A S E B Y S E R V I C E S C H E D U L E B A S E D O N P R E S E N T B I L L I N G R A T E S ID A H O - E L E C T R I C 12 M O N T H S E N D E D D E C E M B E R 3 1 , 2 0 0 2 (O O O s o f D o l l a r s ) Re v e n u e Pr o p o s e d To t a l R e v e n u e Ne t Li n e Ty p e o f Sc h e d u l e Un d e r Ge n e r a l PC A To t a l N e t Un d e r Pe r c e n t kw h s Av g . I n c r e a s e No . Se r v i c e Nu m b e r P r e s . Ra t e s ( 1 ) In c r e a s e De c r e a s e In c r e a s e Pr o p . R a t e s ( 1 ) I n c r e a s e (O O O s ) pe r k w h (a ) (b ) (c ) (d ) (e ) (f ) (g ) (h ) (i ) Re s i d e n t i a l $6 0 , 10 2 $1 9 , 43 6 Ge n e r a l S e r v i c e La r g e G e n e r a l S e r v i c e $4 1 68 2 Ex t r a L a r g e G e n e r a l S e r v i c e $1 2 34 6 $3 3 , 05 6 Po t l a t c h Pu m p i n g S e r v i c e $2 , 99 7 $2 . 22 8 St r e e t & A r e a L i g h t s 41 - To t a l $1 7 1 , 84 7 $1 3 , 93 7 $3 , 56 0 $8 , 29 5 $2 , 87 0 $5 , 4 6 3 $5 9 7 $5 0 0 $3 5 , 22 2 ($ 5 , 83 7 ) ($ 1 , 86 0 ) ($ 4 , 08 0 ) ($ 1 02 0 ) ($ 3 , 10 5 ) ($ 2 3 4 ) ($ 1 6 , 35 1 ) $8 , 10 0 70 0 21 5 $1 , 85 0 $2 , 35 8 $3 6 3 $2 8 5 $1 8 , 87 1 (1 ) I n c l u d e s a l l p r e s e n t r a t e a d j u s t m e n t s : S c h e d u l e 5 9 - R e s i d e n t i a l E x c h a n g e C r e d i t , Sc h e d u l e 6 5 - C e n t r a l i a C r e d i t , S c h e d u l e 6 6 - P C A S u r c h a r g e & S c h e d u l e 9 1 - D S M R i d e r $6 8 , 20 2 $2 1 , 13 6 $4 5 , 89 7 $1 4 , 19 6 $3 5 , 41 4 $3 , 36 0 $2 . 51 3 $1 9 0 , 71 8 13 . $0 . 00 8 2 0 98 8 , 38 0 22 5 , 32 8 $0 . 00 7 5 4 10 . $0 . 00 6 2 5 67 4 17 7 15 . $0 . 00 6 0 9 30 3 , 70 7 87 0 , 08 6 $0 . 00 2 7 1 12 . 48 , 92 2 $0 . 00 7 4 2 12 . 12 . 98 3 11 . 12 3 , 58 3 $0 . 00 6 0 4 Ex h i b i t N o . 2 0 Av i s t a C o r p . Ca s e N o . A V U - 04 - Pa g e 2 o f 9 AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO - ELECTRIC RATES OF RETURN BY RATE SCHEDULE - BEFORE & AFTER PROPOSED GENERAL INCREASE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2002 Present Rates Proposed Rates Line Type of Schedule Rate of Relative Rate of Relative No.Service Number Return Rate of Return Return Rate of Return (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f) Residential 97%0.42 01% General Service 70%15.06% Large General Service 12%13.35% Extra Large General Service 17%22% Potlatch 24%10.31% Pumping Service 24%12.43% Street & Area Lights 41-55%05% Total 71%1.00 82% Exhibit No. 20 Avista Corp. Case No. AVU-04- Page 3 of 9 Avista Utilities Idaho-Electric Present & Proposed PCA Surcharge Revenue as a Percentage of Base Rates Year Ended 12/31/02 2002 Pro Present Present PCA Schedule Forma kwhs PCA Rates Surchar e Rev. Residential Sch. 1 600 kwhs(1)534 389,729 $0.00939 $5,017,920 over 600 kwhs(1)453.989.822 $0.01092 957 569 Total Sch. 1 988,379,551 $9,975,488 General Svc. 11 & 225,328,497 $0.01391 $3,134 319 Lg. Gen. Svc. 21 &22 674 177,247 $0.01011 $6,815,932 Ex. Lg. Gen. Svc. 25 303,707 481 $0.00607 $1,843,504 Potlatch 870,085,620 $0.00607 $5,281,420 Pumping Sch. 31 &32 48,921 582 $0.00888 $434,424 St. & Area Lgts. 41-49(2)361 082 Total $27 846,169 Divided by: Pro Forma Revenue under Base Tariff Rates 146 248 Present PCA Revenue as a % of Base Tariff Revenue 19.04% Proposed Annual PCA Revenue $11 500,000 Divided by: Pro Forma Revenue under Base Tariff Rates 146 248 Proposed PCA Revenue as a % of Base Tariff Revenue 86% Proposed PCA Revenue Reduction as a % of Base Tariff Revenue 11.18% (1) Billing data recorded by block Ratio Adjustment to Actual Base-Load Adj.(Weather & Unbilled) Weather Sens. Adj.(Weather & Unbilled) 600 kwhs 529,648,147 995,910 745,672 534 389,729 ~600 kwhs Total 457 530,578 987 178,725 3,451,822 7,447,732 0 745,672 (6.992.578) (6.992.578) 453,989,822 988,379,551 (2) Present Revenue under Base Rates X 19.37% Exhibit No. 20 Avista Corp. Case No. A VU-04- Page4of9 Avista Utilities Idaho - Electric Proposed PCA Surcharge Rates by Schedule Effective September 2004 Revenue Proposed Proposed Divided by:Proposed Line under Present PCA%Annual PCA Pro Forma PCA Rates No.Schedule Base Rates Surcharae Revenue kwhs cer kwh (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(I) Residential Sch. 1 $52 648,458 86%$4,138,169 988,379,551 $0.00419 General Svc. 11 & 12 $16,211,647 86%$1,274 235 225,328,497 $0.00566 Lg. Gen. Svc. 21 & 22 $34,804,217 86%$2,735,611 674,177,247 $0.00406 Ex. Lg. Gen. Svc. 25 $10,475,102 86%$823,343 303,707,481 $0.00271 Potlatch $27,696,337 86%$2,176,932 870,085,620 $0.00250 Pumping Sch. 31 & 32 $2,548,606 86%$200,320 48,921 582 $0.00409 St. & Area Lgts. 41-864 128 86%146 520 Total $146,248,495 86%$11,495,132 Exibit No. 20 Avista Corp. Case No. A VU-04- Page 5 of 9 A VISTA UTiliTIES IDAHO - ELECTRIC PRESENT AND PROPOSED BilLING RATE COMPONENTS BY SCHEDULE Present General Proposed Proposed Base Tariff PCA&Present Rate PCA Net Billing Base Tariff Sch. Rate Other Ad (1)Billin Rate Increase Decrease Increase Rate Rate (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f) (g) (h)(i) Residential Service - Schedule 1 Basic Charge $4.$4.$1.$1.$5.$5. Energy Charge: First 600 kwhs $0.04555 $0.00700 $0.05255 $0.01303 ($0.00520)$0.00783 $0.06038 $0.05858 All over 600 kwhs $0.05303 $0.00853 $0.06156 $0.01303 ($0.00673)$0.00630 $0.06786 $0.06606 General Service - Schedule 11 Basic Charge $6.$6.$6.$6. Energy Charge: First 3.650 kwhs $0.06564 $0.01407 $0.07971 $0.01798 ($0.00825) $0.00973 $0.08944 $0.08362 All over 3,650 kwhs $0.06564 $0.01407 $0.07971 $0.00040 ($0.00825) ($0.00785)$0.07186 $0.06604 Demand Charge: 20 kw or less no charge no charge no charge Over 20 kw $3.501kw $3.501kw $3.50/kw $3.50/kw Larae General Service - Schedule 21 Energy Charge: First 250,000 kwhs $0.03996 $0.01026 $0.05022 $0.01254 ($0.00605) $0.00649 $0.05671 $0.05250 All over 250,000 kwhs $0.03996 $0.01026 $0.05022 $0.00397 ($0.00605) ($0.00208)$0.04814 $0.04393 Demand Charge: 50 kw of less $225.$225.$25.$25.$250.$250. Over 50 kw $2.75/kw $2.75/kw $0.25/kw $0.25/kw $3.00/kw $3.00/kw Primary Voltage Discount $0.20/kw $0.20Ikw $0.20/kw $0.20/kw Extra Laroe General Service - Schedule 25 Energy Charge: First 500,000 kwhs(2)$0.02874 $0.00616 $0.03490 $0.01519 ($0.00336)$0.01183 $0.04673 $0.04393 Allover 500,000 kwhs(2)$0.02874 $0.00616 $0.03490 $0.00546 ($0.00336)$0.00210 $0.03700 $0.03420 Demand Charge: 000 kva or less $7,500 $7.500 $1,500 $1,500 $9,000 $9.000 Over 3,000 kva $2.25Ikva $2.25/kva $0.50Ikva $0.50/kva $2.751kva $2.75/kva Primary Voltage Discount $0.20Ikva $0.20Ikva $0.20/kva $0.20/kva Annual Minimum Present: $406,140 plus $0.00616/kwh Proposed: $542,580 plus $0.00280/kwh PumDina Service - Schedule 31 Basic Charge $6.$6.$6.$6. Energy Charge: First 165 kw/kwh $0.05716 $0.00917 $0.06633 $0.01221 ($0.00479)$0.00742 $0.07375 $0.06937 All additional kwhs $0.04548 $0.00917 $0.05465 $0.01221 ($0.00479)$0.00742 $0.06207 $0.05769 (1) Includes all present rate adjustments: Schedule 59 - Residential Exchange Credit, Schedule 65 - Centralia Credit. Schedule 66 - PCA Surcharge & Schedule 91 - DSM Rider (2) All rates the same for Potlatch except the proposed PCA surcharge decrease of $0.00357 resulting in a proposed billing rate of $0.04652 for the first 500,000 kwhs & $0.03679 for kwhs over 500,000. Exhibit No. 20 Avista Corp. Case No. AVU-04- Page 6 of 9 VISTA UTiliTIES ESTIMATED MONTHLY COST FOR SERVICES, METERS, METER READING & BilliNG ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL SCHEDULE 1 . IDAHO 12 MONTHS ENDED 12/31/02 Line Average Cost Monthly Cost No.Total Costs(1)Customers per Customer per Customer (a)(b)(c)(d)(e) Services 391 053 87,494 $27.$2. Meters $524,896 87,494 $6.$0. Meter Reading $592,594 87,494 $6.$0. Billing 160,602 494 $24.$2. Total $5,669,145 $64.$5.40 (1) From cost of service study. Exhibit No. 20 Avista Corp. Case No. AVU-04- Page 7 of 9 AVISTA UTILITIES GENERAL SERVICE SCHEDULE 11 AVERAGE RATE PER KWH UNDER PRESENT & PROPOSED RATES IDAHO. ELECTRIC Present Rates(1)ProDosed Rates(1) Line Load Monthly Bill under Eff. Rate Bill under Eff. Rate No.kw Demand Factor kwhs Pres. Rates Der kwh ProD. Rates Der kwh (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f) (g) 25%650 $245.$0.06728 $311.$0.08526 25%5,475 $400.$0.07313 $466.$0.08525 25%300 $555.$0.07605 $622.$0.08524 50%300 $485.$0.06646 $552.$0.07565 50%10,950 $759.$0.06938 $828.$0.07564 50%600 034.$0.07085 104.$0.07564 (1) Rates exclude all rate adjustments (PCA, DSM , etc. Exhibit No. 20 Avista Corp. Case No. A VU-04- Page 8 of 9 AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO - ELECTRIC PROPOSED MONTHLY BILL INCREASE FOR SCHEDULE 21 CUSTOMERS AT VARIOUS USAGE LEVELS Bill Under Bill Under Proposed kwhs kw(1)Pres. Rates Pro . Rates Increase(2)% Increase (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f) 10,000 $727.$817.$89.12.4% 25,000 $1,530.721.$191.12. 50,000 137 $2,975.$3,346.$371.12. 100,000 274 $5,863.$6,593.$730.12. 250,000 685 $14 526.$16,332.806.12.4% (3) 500,000 370 $28,965.$30,672.$1,707.9% (3) 750,000 055 $43,403.$45,012.$1 ,608.7% (3) (1) Based on an assumed 50% load factor. (2) Rates includes all rate adjustments (PCA, DSM , etc. (3) Only 39 (2%) of approximately 1 800 customers served under Schedule 21 have monthly usage that exceeds 250,000 kwhs - only 6 customers have usage that consistently exceeds 500,000 kwhs per month. Exhibit No. 20 Avista Corp. Case No. AVU-04- Page 9 of 9