HomeMy WebLinkAboutavuG0102.pdfA.vista Coiporaticm Ml 1 East Mission Pfl. Box 3727 Spokane, Washington 99220-3727 Telephone 500-43�0500 Toll free 800-727-9170 July 6. 2001 State of Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Statehouse Boise, Idaho 83720 Attention: Ms. Myrna J. Walters, Secretary Advice Number 01-02-G RE: Tariff IPUC No. 27, Natural Gas Service .J.\�JUISTA' Corp. Enclosed for filing with your Commission are an original and pursuant to the Commission's Electronic Filings Pilot, an electronic copy of the tariff and other documents contained in this liling. Additionally enclosed for filing is an Application for an Order approving revised rates and charges for natural gas service in the State of Idaho. As stated in the Company's Application, this filing results from changes in the arnortizanon rate used co recover previously deferred gas costs. If approved as filed the Company's annual natural gas revenues will increase by approximately $6,938.000 or I 1.5%. The Company is requesting that the revised Tariff Sheet 155 be approved effective August 9, 2001. If you have any questions regarding this filing please fee free to call Mr. Crni3 Bertholf al (509) 495-4124. Sincerely: Thomas D. Dukich, Manager Rates & Tariff Administration Enclosures CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have served Avista Corporation dba Avista Utilities' filing with Tariff IPUC No. 27 Natural Gas Service by mailing a copy thereof, postage prepaid to the following: Jean D Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission Statehouse Boise, ID 83720-5983 Conley Ward Vice-President and General Counsel Potlatch Corporation 277 N 61h Street Suite 200 PO Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701 Edward A. Finklea Energy Advocates LLP 526 NW 181h Avenue Portland, OR 97209-2220 University of Idaho Facilities Plant Moscow, ID 83844 Paul Franz Interstate Concrete & Asphalt 845 West Kathleen Avenue Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814 Paula Pyron Northwest Industrial Gas Users 4113 Wolfberry Court Lake Oswego, OR 97035 William Nicholson Corporate Energy Manager Potlatch Corporation 244 California Street, Suite 610 San Francisco, CA 94111 Louisiana Pacific Box 249 Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 Crown Pacific Box 897 Bonners Ferry, Idaho 83805 Curt Hibbard St Joseph PO Box 816 Lewiston, ID 83501 Dated at Spokane, Washington this 6th day of, July 2001. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION lN THE MA TIER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA UTILITIES FOR AN ORDER APPROVING A CHANGE IN NATURAL GAS RATES AND CHARGES Application is hereby made to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission for an Order approving a revised schedule of rates and charges for natural gas service in the state of ldaho to be effective for gas service rendered on and atter August 9, 2001. If approved as filed the Company's annual revenue will increase by approximately $6.9 million or about 11.5%. In support of this Application, Applicant states a, follows: I. The name of the Applicant is A VISTA UTILITIES, a subsidiary of A VISTA CORPORATION, a Washington corporation, whose principal business office is East 1411 Mission Avenue, Spokane, Washington, and is qualified In do business in the state of [daho. Applicant maintains district offices in Moscow, Lewiston. Coeur d'Alene, and Kellogg. Idaho. Communications i11 ,ere, ence lo this Application should be addressed to: Thomas D. Dukich, Manager Avista Utilities Rates & Tariff Administration P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 II. Attorney for the Applicant and his address is as follows: David J. Meyer, Senior Vice President Avista Utilities P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 (509) 489-0500 III. The Applicant is a public utility engaged in the distribution of natural gas in certain portions of Eastern and Central Washington, Northern Idaho, Southwestern and Northeastern Oregon, Northern California, and further engaged in the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity in Eastern Washington and Northern ldahn. IV. Second Revision Sheet 155, which Applicant requests the Commission approve, is filed herewith as Exhibit "A". Also included in Exhibit "A" is a tariff schedule showing lite proposed changes Lu Fi, st Revision Sheet 155 by lining over the existing rates. Further included in Exhibit "A" is another copy of Second Revision Sheet 155 with the changes underlined. v. The Commission approved applicant's existing rates and charges for natural gas service by Order No. 28641 and became effective on February 15, 200 l. The existing rates and charges for natural gas service on file with the Commission and designated as Applicant's Tariff !PUC No. 27, which will be superseded by the rates and charges filed herewuh, are incorporated herein as though fully attached hereto. VI. Notice to the Public of Applicant's proposed tariffs is to be given simultaneously with the filing of this Application by posting, at each of the Company's district offices in Idaho, a Notice in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and by means of a press release distributed to various informational agencies, a copy attached hereto as Exhibit "E''. In addition, a separate notice to each Idaho gas customer will be included in their current billing, a copy attached hereto as Exhibit "B - 1" and mailed to customer with the billing cycle starting July 9. 2001 and ending August 6, 2001. VII. The circumstances and conditions relied on for approval of Applicant's revised rates an: as follows: Applicant purchases natural gas from a subsidiary of Avista Corporation, Avista Energy under provisions of Tariff Schedule 163, Natural Gas Benchmark Mechanism. Applicant transports this gas over Williams Pipeline West (d.b.a. Northwest Pipeline Corporation), PG&E - GTN (PGT), TransCanada (Alberta), TransCanada (BC) and Westcoast Pipeline systems and defers the effect of timing differences due to implementation of rate changes and differences between Applicant's actual weighted average cost of gas (WACOG) purchased and the WACOG imbedded in rates. Applicant also defers the revenue received from Cascade Natural Gas for the release of storage capacity at the Jackson Prairie Storage Facility, various pipeline refunds or charges and miscellaneous revenue received from gas related transactions. Applicant's filing of proposed tariff sheet 155 serves to recover the timing differences accumulated in the gas cost deferral account over a two and a half year period. As of March 31, 2001 these differences total approximately $22.3 million. Ideally, recovery of the deferred cost balance over a shorter time period would be preferable to the Company. However. the Company balanced the length of time to recover the deferred balance with the magnitude of the proposed increase. Given the increase in gas rates to customers over the past year, the Company chose a relatively long penoct to recover these deferred costs in order to reduce the amount or the proposed increase. There is the possibility that the Company could recover the present deferred cost balance in less than 2.5 years if this proposed increase ts approved. However, that possibility depends on lower gas prices going forward and no reduction of the Company's present WACOG included in rates through 2002. The Company is filing the proposed increase at this time so that it can begin to reduce this deferred cost balance and begin to prepare customers for higher gas bills this winter. Over half of the present deferred cost balance is the result of unusually high gas prices during December through February last winter. The average price of gas to the Company during this period, based on the first of the month index under the Benchmark mechanism, was approximately 80 cents per therm. The WACOG included in rates during that time was 29.5 cents. until February lS'h. when the WACOG was increased to 48.0 cents in the Company's last PGA rate change. Because of the high gas prices this past winter, the Company has chosen to reduce the risk associated with purchasing all gas at monthly index rates going forward. Therefore, the Company is utilizing a "balanced portfolio" approach, whereby it has utilized hedging instruments to fix the price on about half of the estimated gas requirements for the next year. The Company has discussed this strategy in detail with the Commission staff. The immediate goal has been to hedge the price of gas so that the weighted average price of these volumes is close to the present WACOG included in rates. Through the use of hedging instruments, over the past several months the Company has fixed the price on approximately 54% of projected volumes over the next twelve months. The weighted average price for these volumes is about 53 cents per therm. Historically, the lowest price months to fix the price of gas for the next winter i., February/March. The Company began hedging in February and continued through May in order to dollar· cost average in an unpredictable market. The Company is not proposing to change its present WACOG in this filing. Included as Exhibit "F' is a worksheet that shows an estimate of the Company's projected average W !\COG for the 12-month period August 200 l - July 2002. The average projected WACOG for this period is 47 .0 cents per therm. which is only about 2% less than the present WACOG in rates (48 cents). The Company's projected WACOG for this period is comprised of the weighted average of fixed price gas and present monthly forward gas pnces based on the Basin weighting under the Benchmark mechanism. As a result of this filing customers on Schedules IOI. 1 1 1 and 121 will see a rate increase of 8.642 cents per therm. Customers on Schedule 131 will see an increase of 13.436 cents per therm. This increase is proposed to avoid price discrimination towards new interruptible customers. Currently there are only two customers on Schedule 1 31. to avoid double charging these customers they will be moved lo Schedule 132 after this filing becomes effective. Applicant is proposing that the large transportation and interruptible customers be given the option of receiving/paying their portion of the deferred gas costs either through a lump sum credit/charge or through ,111 amortization rate. If these customers choose the lump sum method Applicant proposes to adjust these billings credits/charges by the amount of interest that accumulates from the end of the test period used in this filing to the date of actual settlement. This proposal would clear out the small residual balances that are carried forward between PGA filings for large customers. VIII. Exhibit "C" attached hereto contains support for the rates proposed by Applicant contained in Exhibit "A". The average residential customer using 80 therms per month will see an estimated increase of $6.9 l per month or approximately 10.1 %. IX. Applicant is requesting that Applicant's rates be approved to become effective on August 9, 200 I. Applicant requests that, if appropriate, the Commission adopt the procedures prescribed by Rule 201- 210, Modified Procedure. Applicant stands ready for immediate consideration on its Application. X. WHEREFORE, Applicant requests the Commission issue its Order finding Applicant's proposed rate to be just. reasonable, and nondiscriminatory and to become effective for all natural gas service on and after August 9, 2001. Dated at Spokane, Washington, this 6th day of July, 2001 AVISTA UTILITIES BY Thomas D. Dukich Manager, Rates & Tariff Administration AVISTA UTILITIES Exhibit "A" Proposed Tariff Sheets July 6, 2001 I.P.U.C. No. 27 Second Revision Sheet 155 Canceling First Revision Sheet 1 55 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 155 GAS RATE ADJUSTMENT - IDAHO 155 AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. PURPOSE: To adjust gas rates for amounts generated by the sources listed below. MONTHLY RATE: (a) The rates of firm gas Schedules 1 0 1 , 1 1 1 and 121 are to be increased by 11.796¢ per therm in all blocks of these rate schedules. (b) The rate of interruptible gas Schedule 1 3 1 is to be increased by 13.436¢ per therm. SOURCES OF MONTHLY RATE: Changes in the monthly rates above result from amounts which have been accumulated in the Purchase Gas Adjustment (PGA) Balancing Account as described in Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. Issued July 6, 2001 Effective August 9, 2001 Issued by By Avista Utilities -inJ>.�� . Manager. Rates & Tariff Administration 1.P.U.C. No. 27 First Revision Sheet 155 Canceling Orioinal Sheet 155 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 155 GAS RATE ADJUSTMENT- IDAHO 155 AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. PURPOSE: To adjust gas rates for amounts generated by the sources listed below. MONTHLY RATE: (a) The rates of firm gas Schedules 1 0 1 , 1 1 1 and 121 are to be increased by �.1e4$ per therm in all blocks of these rate schedules. SOURCES OF MONTHLY RATE: Changes in the monthly rates above result from amounts which have been accumulated in the Purchase Gas Adjustment (PGA) Balancing Account as described in Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. Issued September 14, 1999 Effective November 1 , 1999 Issued by By Avista Utilities �n: 1>. 11.Jz..�� , Manager, Rates & Tariff Administration I.P.U.C. No. 27 Second Revision Sheet 155 Canceling First Revision Sheet 155 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 155 GAS RATE ADJUSTMENT- IDAHO 155 AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service available. PURPOSE: To adjust gas rates for amounts generated by the sources listed below. MONTHLY RATE: (a) The rates of firm gas Schedules 101, 1 1 1 and 121 are to be increased by 1 1 . 796¢ per therm in all blocks of these rate schedules. (b) The rate of interruptible gas Schedule 131 is to be increased by 13.436¢ per therm. SOURCES OF MONTHLY RATE: Changes in the monthly rates above result from amounts which have been accumulated in the Purchase Gas Adjustment (PGA) Balancing Account as described in Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. Issued July 6, 2001 Advice Number 01-02-G Effective August 9, 2001 Issued by By Avista Utilities �n: 'J>. lWz_.:.� , Manager, Rates & Tariff Administration AVISTA UTILITIES Exhibit "B" Notice to Public of Applicant's Proposed Tariffs July 6, 2001 AVISTA UTILITES NOTICE OF IDAHO TARI Ff CHANGE (Natural Gas Service Only) Notice is hereby given that the "Sheet" listed below of Tariff IPUC No. 27, covering natural gas service applicable to Idaho customers of Avista Utilities has been filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (!PUC) in Boise, Idaho. Second Revision Sheet 155 Canceling First Revision Sheet l55 Second Revision Sheet 155 reflects an increase to begin recovery of the deferred gas costs resulting from the difference between what the Company is allowed to charge customers and the actual gas costs incurred. If the proposed increase is approved by the IPUC, total Company Idaho revenues will increase by approximately $6.9 million per year, or about l l.5%. A residential or small business customer served under Schedule 10 l using an average of 80 therms per month can expect to see an average increase of approximately $6.91 per month, or about 10. l. Larger commercial customers served under Schedules l l l and 121 can expect to see an average increase of 11.3% and 12.2% respectively, with the higher percentages due to lower base rates. However, actual customer increases will vary based on therms consumed. The Company is requesting that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission approve these tariff sheets to become effective August 9, 2001. Copies of the proposed tariff changes are available for inspection in the Company's offices or can be obtained by calling (509) 495-4092 ur writing: A vista Utilities Attention: Jean Osterberg P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, WA. 99220 July 6, 2001 AVISTA UTJLITIES Exhibit "B - l" Notice Mailed to Each Idaho Gas Customer of Applicant's Proposed Tariff Change July 6, 2001 ai 'O 'iii a, s: 0 c 0 'O "' :, c i 0 o ai "'O 'ui a, s: 0 c 0 � :, .s c 0 () B e � ; ::J C1) o - E z ca _ z .s c o en ca .c :, t:: cu o o "O en c. ": ca E o o -- ... ... Cll -� - ::) AVISTA UTILITIES Exhibit C Work Papers July 6, 2001 Table of Contents Calculation of Present Rates Calculation of Proposed Rates Calculation of Over All Rate Change Recap of Per Therm Rate Changes Forecasted Usage/Revenue For Twelve Months Ended 12/31/01 Average Increase per Rate Schedule Recap of Changes to Schedule 155 Calculation of New Amortization Rate Total Increases <Decreases> per Rate Schedule and Large Customer Refunds or Charges Recap of Deferral Accounts Calculation of Amortization Rate for Firm Customers Calculation of Amortization Rate for Sales Customers Calculation of Amortization Rate for Crown Pacific Calculation of Amortization Rate for Interstate Concrete and Asphalt Calculation of Amortization Rate for St. Joseph Hospital Analysis of Deferral Account 191.41 Allocation of Deferral Account 191.41 by Customer Recap of Deferral Account 191.40 by Customer 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 - 17 18 - 22 21 - 27 Avista Utilities Calculation of Idaho Present Rates Sch Description Present Present Present Present Total No. Tariff Schedule Schedule Schedule Present Rate 150 155 191 (DSM) Rate 101 General $0.47011 $0.30520 $0.03154 $0.00426 $0.81111 1 1 1 Large General First 200 $0.48649 $0.30520 $0.03154 $0.00373 $0.82696 Next 800 $0.47011 $0.30520 $0.03154 $0.00373 $0.81058 Over 1,000 $0.:17789 $0.30520 $0.03154 $0.00373 $0.71836 1 1 2 Large General First 200 $0.48649 $0.30520 $0.00000 $0.00373 $0.79542 Next 800 $0.47011 $0.30520 $0.00000 $0.00373 $0.77904 Over 1,000 $0.37789 $0.30520 $0.00000 $0.00373 $0.68682 121 Commercial First 500 $0.47666 $0.30520 $0.03154 $0.00354 $0.81694 Next 500 $0.47011 $0.30520 $0.03154 $0.00354 $0.81039 Next 9,000 $0.37789 $0.30520 $0.03154 $0.00354 $0.71817 Over 10,000 $0.36098 $0.30520 $0.03154 $0.00354 $0.70126 122 Commercial First 500 $0.47666 $0.30520 $0.00000 $0.00354 $0.78540 Next 500 $0.47011 $0.30520 $0.00000 $0.00354 $0.77885 Next 9,000 $0.37789 $0.30520 $0.00000 $0.00354 $0.68663 Over 10,000 $0.36098 $0.30520 $0.00000 $0.00354 $0.66972 131 Interruptible $0.31354 $0.27425 $0.00000 $0.00294 $0.59073 132 Interruptible $0.31354 $0.27425 $0.00000 $0.00294 $0.59073 146 Transportation $0.13567 ($0.02993) $0.00000 $0.00000 $0.10574 Crown Pacific (Note 1 ) (Note 1 ) $0.00000 (Note 1) $0.00000 Interstate Concrete/Asphalt (Note 1 ) (Note 1 ) $0.00000 (Note 1) $0.00000 St Joseph Hospital (Note 1) (Note 1) $0.00000 (Note 1) $0.00000 Note 1 - Regular Tariff Rates and Schedule 191 Rates would vary depending upon which rate schedules these customers are on. Avista Utilities Calculation of Idaho Proposed Rates 06-25-01 Sch Description Present rroposed Proposed Present Total No. Tariff Schedule Schedule Schedule Proposed Rate 150 155 191 (DSM) Rate 101 General $0.47011 $0.30520 $0.11796 $0.00426 $0.89753 1 1 1 Large General First 200 $0.48649 $0.30520 $0.11796 $0.00373 $0.91338 Next 800 $0.47011 $0.30520 $0.11796 $0.00373 $0.89700 Over 1,000 $0.37789 $0.30520 $0.11796 $0.00373 $0.80478 1 1 2 Large General First 200 $0.48649 $0.30520 $0.00000 $0.00373 $0.79542 Next 800 $0.47011 $0.30520 $0.00000 $0.00373 $0.77904 Over 1,000 $0.37789 $0.30520 $0.00000 $0.00373 $0.68682 121 Commercial First 500 $0.47666 $0.30520 $0.11796 $0.00354 $0.90336 Next 500 $0.47011 $0.30520 $0.11796 $0.00354 $0.89681 Next 9,000 $0.37789 $0.30520 $0.11796 $0.00354 $0.80459 Over 10,000 $0.36098 $0.30520 $0.11796 $0.00354 $0.78768 122 Commercial First 500 $0.47666 $0.30520 $0.00000 $0.00354 $0.78540 Next 500 $0.47011 $0.30520 $0.00000 $0.00354 $0.77885 Next 9,000 $0.37789 $0.30520 $0.00000 $0.00354 $0.68663 Over 10,000 $0.36098 $0.30520 $0.00000 $0.00354 $0.66972 131 Interruptible $0.31354 $0.27425 $0.13436 $0.00294 $0.72509 132 Interruptible $0.31354 $0.27425 $0.00000 $0.00294 $0.59073 146 Transportation $0.13567 ($0.02993) $0.00000 $0.00000 $0.10574 Crown Pacific (Note 1) (Note 1) $0.10581 (Note 1) $0.10581 Interstate Concrete/Asphalt (Note 1) (Note 1) $0.06206 (Note 1) $0.06206 St Joseph Hospital (Note 1) (Note 1) $0.10668 (Note 1) $0.10668 Note 1 - Regular Tariff Rates and Schedule 191 Rates would vary depending upon which rate schedules thasa custornars �HP. on. Avista Utilities State of Idaho Calculation of Over-All Rate Change Forecasted Sch 150 Sch 150 Sch 155 Sch 155 Sch 155 Total Total Annual Per Therm Annual Per Therm Annual Direct Chg Sch 155 Sch 150/155 Therms Inc <Dec» Inc ..:Dec;., Inc «Dees- Inc -eDece- <Refund:,> Inc <Dec> Inc <Dec> Schedule 101 Schedule 1 1 1 Schedule 112 Schedule 121 Schedule 122 Schedule 131 Schedule 132 Schedule 146 52,244,357 13,804,751 9,149,704 722,491 4,229,980 $01'.14'.16 $97,074 $790,717 $97.074 $790,717 $97.074 $0.08642 $790, 717 $0.08642 $4,514,957 $0.08642 $1, 193,007 $4,514,957 $4,514,957 $1.193,007 $1.193.007 Crown Pacific Interstate Concrete/ Asphalt St Joseph Hospital Coeur d' Alene Asphalt Hughes Greenhouse Idaho Asphalt lmsamet Kootenai Medical Louisiana Pacific Potlatch University of Idaho 2,288,998 797,466 453,788 64,886,820 148,578,355 Total Annual Forecasted Revenue Percent of Increase <Decrease> $0.10581 $0.06206 $0.10668 $242, 199 $49,491 $48,410 $6,935,855 $242,199 $242.199 $49,491 $49,491 $48,410 $48.410 ($54) ($54) ($54) ($4) ($4) ($4) ($2) ($2) ($2) ($25) ($25) ($25) $1,379 $1,379 $1,379 ($267) ($267) ($267) $747 $747 $747 $1,774 $6,937,629 $6,937,629 $60,256,001 11.51% �� \.j Avista Utilities State of Idaho Recap of Rate Changes Previous Proposed Increase Rate Rate «Decreeae» Schedule 150 Schedule 101 $0.30520 $0.30520 Schedule 1 1 1 $0.30520 $0.30520 Schedule 1 1 2 $0.30520 $0.30520 Schedule 121 $0.30520 $0.30520 Schedule 122 $0.30520 $0.30520 Schedule 131 $0.27425 $0.27425 Schedule 132 $0.27425 $0.27425 Schedule 146 ($0.02993) ($0.02993) Schedule 155 Schedule 101 $0.03154 $0.11796 $0.08642 Schedule 1 1 1 $0.03154 $0.11796 $0.08642 Schedule 112 Sctledule 121 $0.03154 $0.11796 $0.08642 Schedule 122 Schedule 131 $0.13436 $0.13436 Schedule 132 Schedule 146 Crown Pacific $0.10581 $0.10581 Interstate Concrete/Asphalt $0.06206 $0.06206 St Joseph Hospital $0.10668 $0.10668 Combined Schedule 150 & 155 Schedule 101 $0.33674 $0.42316 $0.08642 Schedule 1 1 1 $0.33674 $0.42316 $0.08642 Schedule 1 1 2 $0.30520 $0.30520 Schedule 121 $0.33674 $0.42316 $0.08642 Schedule 122 $0.30520 $0.30520 Schedule 131 $0.27425 $0.40861 $0.13436 Schedule 132 $0.27425 $0.27425 Schedule 146 ($0.02993) ($0.02993) Crown Pacific $0.10581 $0.10581 Interstate Concrete/ Asphalt $0.06206 $0.06206 St Joseph Hospital $0.10668 $0.10668 Avista Utilities State of Idaho Forecasted Usage/Revenue for 12 Months Ended 12/31 /01 Revenue Volume Customers Schedule 101 $42,905,770 52,244,357 58,226 Schedule 1 1 1 /112 $9,928,411 13,804,751 593 Schedule 121 /1 22 $6,222.400 9,149,704 16 Schedule 131/132 $291,090 722,491 2 Total Sales $59.347,671 75.921.303 58,837 Schedule 146 $447,278 4,229,980 6 Schedule 147 $109, 165 5,458,221 1 Potlatch $351,887 65,626,730 2 Grand Total $6_0,256,001 151,236,234 58,846 Avista Utilities State of Idaho Average Increase Per Customer Based on Forecast 07-02-01 Sch Annual Average Average Average Present Total Proposed Total Estimated Estimated Forecasted Monthly No. Of Mo. Usage Rate Present Rate Proposed Monthly Increase Usage Usage Cust. Per Cust. Cost Cost Increase Percentage 101 52,244,357 4,353,696 58,226 80 $0.81111 $64.89 $0.89753 $71.80 Basic Charge $3.28 $3.28 $3.28 $68.17 $75.08 $6.91 10.14% 1 1 1 13,804,751 1,150,396 593 1,940 First 200 $0.82696 $165.39 $0.91338 $182.68 Next 800 $0.81058 $648.46 $0.89700 $717.60 All Over 1.000 $0.71836 $675.26 $0.80478 $756.49 $1,489.11 $1,656.77 $167.66 11.26% 1 1 2 First 200 $0.79542 $0.79542 Next 800 $0.77904 $0.77904 All Over 1,000 $0.68682 $0.68682 121 9,149,704 762,475 16 47,655 Fir:;L 500 $0.81094 $400.47 $0.90336 $451.68 Next 500 $0.81039 $405.20 $0.89681 $448.41 Next 9,000 $0.71817 $6,463.53 $0.80459 $7,241.31 All Over 10,000 $0.70126 $26,405.95 $0.78768 szs.sso.os $33,683.15 $37,801.49 $4,118.34 12.23% 122 First 500 $0.78540 $0.78540 Next 500 $0.77885 $0.77885 Next 9,000 $0.68663 $0.68663 All Over 10,000 $0.66972 $0.66972 131 722,491 oU,208 2 30,104 $0.59073 $17,783.34 $0.72509 $21,828.11 $4,044.77 22.74% 132 $0.59073 $0.59073 75,921,303 58,837 Avista Utilities State of Idaho Calculation of Changes to Schedule 155 25-Jun-01 Current Proposed Total Rate Gas Deferral Proposed Iner <Deer> Iner <Deer> Iner <Deer> (A) Firm Customers, Schs 101, 1 1 1 & 121 $0.0315'1 $0.11796 $0.08642 (B) Firm Customers, Schedules 1 1 2 & 122 (C) Interruptible Customers. Schedules 131 $0.13436 $0.13436 (D) Interruptible Customers. Schedules 132 (E) Transportation Customers, Schedules 146 (F) Crown Pacific $0.10581 $0.10581 (G) Interstate Concrete and Asphalt $0.06206 $0.06206 (H) St. Joseph Hospital $0.10668 $0.10668 Avista Utilities Idaho Gas Tracker Calculation of New Amortization Rate Total All Firm All Sales Amortization Customers Customers Rate Schedule 101 ($0.01640) $0.13436 $0.11796 Schedule 1 1 1 ($0.01640) $0.13436 $0.11796 Schedule 1 1 2 $0.00000 Schedule 121 ($0.01640) $0.13436 $0.11796 Schedule 122 $0.00000 Schedule 131 $0.13436 $0.13436 Schedule 132 $0.00000 Avista Ulllllles State of Idaho Total Increase <Decrease> Due To Tracker Rate Changes Previous Additional Current Total Schedule 150 Schedule 150 Total unamortized Amortization Deferrals Schedule 155 Demand Commodity Sch 155/150 Balance Recovery Recovery Schedule 155 Firm Customers (1,290,203) (1,674,010) (2,964,212) (2,964,212) Sales Customers 24,513,459 24,513,459 24,513,459 Coeur d' Alene Asphalt (5) (49) (54) (54) Crown Pac111c 5/3,088 573,088 573,088 Hughes Greenhouse (4) (4) (4) Idaho Asphalt (2) (2) (2) Interstate Concrele/Asphalt 99,611 99,611 99.611 Kootenai Medical (3) (22) (25) (25) Louisiana Pacific 1,379 1,379 1,379 Potlatch (267) (267) (267) St. Joseph 116,797 1 1 ti,79/ 116,797 University of Idaho 747 747 747 ($1,290,211� $23,630,728 $22,340,517 $22,340.517 Sch 150 Sch 155 Total Per Therm Basis Inc <Dec> Inc <Dec> Inc <Dec> Schedule 101 $0.08642 $0.08642 Schedule 1 1 1 $0.08642 S0.08642 Schedule 112 Schedule 121 $0.08642 S0.08642 Schedule 122 Schedule 131 $0.13436 S0.13436 Schedule 132 Schedule 146 Crown Pacific $0.10581 $0.10581 Interstate Concrete/Asphalt $0.06206 $0.06206 St Joseph Hospital $0.10668 $0.10668 Avista Utilities Idaho Gas Tracker 25-Jun-01 Residual Current Total Balance From Deferrals Last Tracker (Acct 191.41) (Acct 191.40) (7 /99 - 3/01) All Firm Customers (1,290,202.89) (1,674,009.52) (2,964,212.41) All Sales Customers 24,513,458.52 24,513,458.52 Coeur d' Alene Asphalt (5.27) (48.86) (54.13) Crown Pacific 573,088.38 573,088.38 Hughes Greenhouse (4.00) (4.00) Idaho Asphalt (2.26) (2.26) lmsamet Interstate Asphalt 99,611.15 99,611.15 Kootenai Medical Center (2.67) (22.11) (24.78) Lignetics Louisiana Pacific 1,379.34 1,379.34 Potlatch (266.52) (266.52) St. Joseph Hospital 116,797.35 116,797.35 University of Idaho 746.61 746.61 ·- -·- - �1.290,210.83) 23,630,728.08 22,340,517.25 ��\I Avista Utilities Idaho Gas Tracker Calculation of Amortization Rate Firm Customers (Schedules 101, 1 1 1 & 121) SGt1 101 Seti 1 1 1 Sch 121 Total Amortization Interest Balance Therms Therms Therms Therms ($0.01640) 5.00% To Be Amortized (2,964,212.41) January 8,338,822 1,884,420 1,021,400 11,244,642 184,412.13 (11,966.69) (2,791,766.97) February 6,943,948 1,632,070 024,360 9,500,387 155,806.35 (11,307. 77) (2,6'17,268.39) March 6,361,196 1,489,469 805,299 8,655,964 141,957.81 (10,734.54) (2,516,045.12) April 4,043,376 1,087,111 802,595 5,933,082 97,302.54 (10,280.81) (2,429,023.39) May 2,068,752 694,006 772,990 3,535,748 57,986.27 (10,000.13) (2,381,037.25) June 1,536,721 575,276 724,010 2,836,007 46,510.51 (9,824.09) (2.344,350.0:::n July 1,123,725 526,238 692,296 2,342,259 38,413.05 (9,688.10) (2,315,625.88) August 1,321,855 559,331 629,683 2,510,869 41,178.25 (9,56::>.65) (2,284,01 0.28) September 2, 130,698 1,030,023 558,657 3,719,378 60,997.80 (9,389.63) (2,232,402.11) October 4,284,537 1,109,728 653,649 6,047,914 99,185.79 (9,095.04) (2, 142,311.36) November 6,397,332 1,514,890 758,307 8.670,529 142, 196.68 (8.630.05) (2.008.7 44. 73) December 7,693,395 1,702,180 806,458 10,202,033 167,313.34 (8,021.20) (1,849,452.59) January 8,338,822 1,884,420 1,021,400 11,244,642 184,412.13 (7,321.86) (1,672,362.32) February 6,943,948 1.632,079 924,360 9,500.387 155.806.35 (6,643.58) (1,523, 199.55) March 6,361, 196 1.489,469 805,299 8,655,964 141,957.81 (6,050.92) (1,387,292.66) April 4,043,376 1,087, 1 1 1 802,595 5,933,082 97,302.54 (5.577.67) (1,295,567.79) May 2.068.752 694,006 772,990 3,535,748 57,986.27 (5,277.39) (1,242,858.91) June 1,536,721 575,276 724,010 2,836,007 46,510.51 (5,081.68) (1,201,430.08) July 1, 123,725 526,238 692,296 2,342,259 38,413.05 (4,925.93) (1, 167,942.96) August 1,321,855 559,331 629,683 2,510,869 4 1, 178.25 (4,780.64) (1 , 131,545.35) September 2,130,698 1,030,023 558,657 3,719,378 60,997.80 (4,587.69) ( October 4,284,537 1 , 109,728 653,649 6,047,914 99, 185.79 (4,273.09) (980,222.54) November 6,397,332 1,514,890 758,307 8,670,529 142, 196.68 (3,788.02) (841,813.88) December 7,693,395 1,702.180 806,458 10,202,033 167,313.34 (3, 158.99) (677,659.53) January 8,338,822 1,884,420 1,021,400 11,244,642 184,412.13 (2,439.39) (495,686.79) February 6,943,948 1,632,079 924,360 9,500,387 155,806.35 (1,740.77) (341,621.21) March 6,361, 196 1,489,469 805,299 8,655,964 141,957.81 (1, 127.68} (200,791.08) April 4,043,376 1,087,111 802,595 5,933,082 97,302.54 (633.92) (104, 122.46) May 2,068,752 694,006 772,990 3,535,748 57,986.27 (313.04) (46,449.23) June 1,536,721 575,276 724,010 2,836,007 46,510.51 (96.64) (35.36) 133,781,529 34,971,863 23,350,062 192, 103,454 3, 150,496.65 (186,319.60) Balance To Be Amortized _______ _j _ -- ··- Sch 101 Sch 1 1 1 Therms Therms .. --- ---··· Avista Utilitie - - Idaho Gas Tracker _ __ _ 1 ... Calculation of Amortization Ra_!�----· .i ... j ·-·· _ . ... .... _ S�les Customrs (Sc�edule� 101, 1 1 1 , 1 �1-�-1�1_L�--t --=�-�- . ---=---=--=-==--:-- _ _ ----:�-------i . . : __-c I Sch 12T'&h131_ Total .. Amortization_+�J�terest l. �_l:l�rms Iherms _ Ther_ms 1 __ jQJ3436 _ · 5.00%: : . --- . -· -----+-·· . ···--+-· _,__ I l;. [ , : 24,513,458.52 �����f ry __ �---f�_::���:�!� i �f�;:·���- . 1 :���:;��-t---- �� ����� .. J��-�:�6�(�� ·:��::���:���i _· -��:���,6� i ��:���:���:�� March J �361, �9�..,_1!3��469 / 805,299 ; __ 57i_570 . fl,_713,534 i (1, 170, 750.43);_ 88,820,25 : 20,820,305.12 April _ _ -- __ 4,043,376 _ 1,0.87,111 1._ 802 .. 5.95 4_3,717 ' . . __ 5 .. 976,799__ (8 .. 0 __ 3,042 .. 71 )i 8. 5,078.27, 20,102,340.68 M�L_ --- I_ ���..J�2T- 694,006 _IZ?,��- --· 5_5��4 j _:,_.�til,/12. J4_8�,��2.:.42L _ 82,754.37: 19,702,512.63 June -T 1,536, 720 575,276 : 724,010 . 82,594 · 2,918,601 (392, 143.23) 81,276.84 19,391,646.24 July l1.12:3,725 :--�,238. -692,296 ... - _-7"i_i'1f' 2).1i'377 1 __ {_�_?4�261:.3-3)j _ �0,122.98 I 19,147,507.89 Au ust 1,321,855 �- 559,331 629.683 62.544 2.573.413 345,763.77)1 7%.Q§_0.94 · 18/380,805.06 Se tember 2,130,698_ -1,03Q,923 �- _ 55�657 65,663 _ 3,785,04_!� (50��58.11)__ _ _ ?_?,6�9�53 [ 18_,449,857.48 October . 4,284,537 1,109,728 653,649 67,739 · 6,115,653 (821,699.14) 75,162.53 17,703,320.87 N�ber J"�7,33zi-1�514.890 ;···- 75.8,3071..- __ -38:95.5 r: -8, 709,484 i tl, 170,206.27): 71,325.91 . _ 16,604,440.51 Dt:il.:t:IIIUt:f _ 1 7_.�§)3.395 1 1.7�2,1_801. _ OOG!.4_58 : _ -�'!_._�5 r 1 ()1256.28ili_,37�.034.86)1 66.:3_14.2E>_�292.?_��-g1 _ �c1�uary __ ...J._ 8,338,8_�?.L 1,884,420. 1,021,400, 61,050 11,305,692. (1,_519,032.78.) __ 60,_55!i.Q_1. 13,834,242.14 Febr� : 6,943,948 1,632,079 924,360 . 61,322 9,561, 709 (1,284,711.22) 54,966.19 12,604,497 1 1 MllICh -� ---. -6�61,1961-,,489�4691 . SQ�.299-� ··---���-�i- 8,71j,534 l ·(1.-fr0,7�9..:�)i ·_5Q_,_Q??:Gij 11,48� .. fl .. 2 .. 6.3.5 Apr_il __ 4,043,37_§_ 1,08.?,111 , �_!i95 43.7!_7_1 _ _§,976,79_9 · _(803,04�- 46,176.27 [ 10,7?_6,85�,\:1_1 Ma _1,068_,752. _694,006] _ �2,990 55,964 �- _ 3,591,71n= (48�,582.42Ji_��.690.2_9._� 10,288,967.78 1,536,721 575,276 724,010 82,594 '�,60.1-j·-_@)·2,143.2,_ 4?,0_,l9.98 .. 9,937,974.53 1,1?3,7?5 526,238 _692.296 .. 11.118 _ 2.413.377+-__@24.261.,;33 __ _<!_Q,_732.68: 9,654,445.88 AU US! . _ 1,321,85� 559,331 j 6�9.683 02,544 2,573,41�.i.__(345,763.77) . . �?06.52 L 9,3�81�_88.63 SEJptember _ , 2, 130,698 : 1,03Q,023�· ---�!i8,657 _!�5,663 , 3_.785,Q±:IJ .@2?)i58.11) 37_._891 -��- 8,877,521.81 October .. 4,284,537 i 1,109,728 _ 653, __ �---67,739 l---.s.1.15,653J_ ... (821,699.lil_ 35,277.80 8,091,100.47 November 6,397,332 1,514,890 ---- 758,m+-- 38,95G I 8,709,484 ! (1,170,206.27)1 31,274.99 __ 6,952,169.19 December 7,693,395 1, 702, 180 806,458 _ 54,255 10,256,288 : (1,378,034.86) 26,096.47 . 5,600,230.80 J1:1_n_!Jt1ry_ .. 8,338,822 . 1,884,420 . 1,021,400 61,050 . 11,305,692 (1,519,032.78)• 20, 169.64 · 4, 101,367.66 February j 6,943,948f 1,632,079:--924,360f 61,3221 9,561,709_(1,284,711.22). 14,412.55 2,831,0�899 March ...L_ 6,36� __ 1.489_,��, _ 80!i,299 I_ .. _g570 · -�?_13.2_34 '_jl, 1_7-Q,Z.50.43) ·9.357.06 · _1.669,675 62 April '. 4,Q43,37� __ . _1 ,g�z,11_1_+ 802,59._q__!__ ·--�,.Z:1.?J 5,976, 799 [ (8Q3,042: 71 l[ . __ _§_,283.98 871,_916.89 Ma 2,068,752. L . 694,006 · 77?.9:!g.; _ .55,964 '. 3 .• 5. 91,712 . _{482,582.42) 2,627.61 . 391 ,962.08 Jung 1.�36,7_?_1 J_ __ §75,2�6 · _ 7::i4,_()!.Q..i_ _ �2/i94 . . _?,9HL601 (�_92.143.23): 816.21 635.06 ! Total 133,781,529 34,971,863, 23,350,062 1,807,199, 193,910,653 26,053,835.33 1,541,011.87; Avista Utilities ��\� Idaho Gas Tracker Calculation of Amortization Rate Crown Pacific Balance Total Amortization Interest To Be Therms (0.10581) 5.00% Amortized 573,088.38 January 257,145 (27,208.51) 2,331.18 548,211.05 February 205,042 {21,695.49) 2,239.01 528,754.57 March 145,115 (15,354.62) 2, 171.16 515,571.11 April 198,545 (21,008.05) 2,104.45 496,667.51 May 212,220 {22,455.00) 2,022.67 476.235.18 June 179,235 (18,964.86) 1,944.80 459,215.12 July 182,715 (19,333.07) 1,873.12 441,755.17 August 135.251 (14.310.91) 1,810.83 429,255.09 September 111,950 (11,845.43) 1,763.88 419,173.54 October 191,943 (20,309.49) 1,704.24 400,568.29 November 232,964 (24,649.92) 1,617.68 377,536.05 December 236,873 (25,063.53) 1,520.85 353,993.37 January 257,145 (27,208.51) 1,516.38 328,301.24 February 205,042 (21,695.49) 1,429.77 308,035.52 March 145, 1 1 5 (15,354.62) 1,335.93 294,016.83 April 198,545 (21,008.05) 1,239.71 274,248.49 May 212,220 (22,455.00) 1,178.29 252,971.78 June 179,235 (18,964.86) 1 , 103.19 235,110.11 July 182,715 (19,333.07) 1,013.77 216,790.81 August 135,251 (14,310.91) 949.81 203,429.71 September 111 ,950 (11,845.43) 878.62 192,462.90 October 191,943 (20,309.49) 805.31 172,958.72 November 232,964 (24,649.92) 750.57 149,059.37 December 236,873 (�!:>.063.53) 668.45 124,664.29 January 257,145 (27 ,208.51) 564.40 98,020.18 February 205,042 (21,695.49) 474.24 76,798.93 March 1 4 5 ,1 1 5 (15,354.62) 376.43 01 ,820.74 April 198,545 (21,008.05) 276.23 41,088.92 May 212,220 (22,455.00) 210.81 18,844.73 June 179,235 (18,964.86) 131.69 11 .56 Total 5,775,298 (611,084.29} 38,007.47 Avista Utilities Idaho Gas Tracker Calculation of Amortization Rate Interstate Concrete and Asphalt Balance Total Amortization Interest To Be Therms (0.06206) 5.00% Amortized 99,611.15 January 0.00 415.05 100,026.20 February 0.00 416.78 100,442.98 March 0.00 418.51 100,861.49 April 5,223 (324.14) 419.58 100,956.93 May 49,993 (3, 102.57) 414.19 98,268.55 June 63,941 (3,968.18) 401.19 94,701.56 July 113,878 (7,067.27) 379.87 88,014.16 August 83,713 (5, 195.23) 355.90 83,174.83 September 93,795 (5,820.92) 334.43 77,688.34 October 171,241 (10,627.22) 301.56 67,362.68 November 158,339 (9,826.52) 260.21 57,796.37 December 57,343 (3,558.71) 233.40 54,471.06 January 0 0.00 240.82 54,711.88 February 0 0.00 226.96 54,938.84 March 0 0.00 227.97 55, 166.81 April 5,223 (324.14) 228.24 55,070.91 May 49,993 (3,102.57) 223.40 52,191.74 June 63,941 (3,968.18) 221.20 48,444.76 July 113,878 (7,067.27) 202.74 41,580.23 August 83,713 (5, 195.23) 191.03 36,576.03 September 93,795 (5,820.92) 1 6 1.1 2 30,916.23 October 171,241 (10,627.22) 130.26 20,419.27 November 158,339 (9,826.52) 108.35 10,701.10 December 57,343 (3,558.71) 77.67 7,220.06 January 0 0.00 44.59 7,264.65 February 0 0.00 30.08 7,294.73 March 0 0.00 30.27 7,325.00 April 5,223 (324.14) 29.72 7,030.58 May 49,993 (3,102.57) 24.06 3,952.07 June 63,941 (3,968.18) 21.03 4.92 Total 1,714,089 (106,376.41} 6,770.18 ��\� Avista Utilities Idaho Gas Tracker Calculation of Amortization Rate St. Joseph Hospital Balance Total Amortization Interest To Be Therms {0.10668) 5.00% Amortized 116,797.35 January 56,716 (6,050.46) 474.05 111,220.94 February 44,866 (4,786.30) 453.45 106,888.09 March 45,658 (4,870.80) 435.22 102,452.51 April 37,383 (3,988.02) 418.58 98,883.07 May 38,656 (4, 123.82) 403.42 95,162.67 June 36,422 (3,885.50) 388.42 91,665.59 July 26,027 (2,776.56) 376.16 89,265.19 August 23,930 (2,552.85) 366.62 87,078.96 September 22,840 (2,436.57) 357.75 85,000.14 October 30,292 (3,231.55) 347.43 82, 116 .02 November 40,795 (4,352.01) 333.08 78,097.09 December 50,203 (5,355.66) 314.25 73,055.68 January 56,716 (6,050.46) 312.80 67,318.02 February 44,866 (4,786.30) 294.43 62,826.15 March 45,658 (4,870.80) 270.34 58,225.69 April 37,383 (3,988.02) 253.47 54,491.14 May 38,656 (4, 123.82) 234.02 50,601.34 June 36,422 (3,885.50) 218.95 46,934.79 July 26,027 (2,776.56) 205.05 44,363.28 August 23,930 (2,552.85) 190.24 42,000.67 September 22,840 (2,436.bl) 179.77 39,743.87 October 30,292 (3,231.55) 168.27 36,680.59 November 40,795 (4,352.01) 156.53 32,485.11 LJecember 50,203 (5,355.66) 141.68 27,271.13 January 56,716 (6,050.46) 122.75 21,343.42 February 44,866 (4,786.30) 103.66 16,660.78 March 45,658 (4,870.80) 78.78 11,868.76 April 37,383 (3,988.02) 6 1 .1 1 7,941.85 May 38,656 (4,123.82) 40.86 3,858.89 Jun� 36,422 (3,885.50) 25.00 (1.61) Total 1,167,277 {124,525.10) 7,726.14 �� ,, .;;- m "' 8 @' � a, N :;; :;; � "' a, oi" °' E 0 ID t- I'- M 0 ..,. t- <D ID <D "' -i -i cc .,; M M ,-..: ci ,-..: ,-..: M M .,; .,; "' * l8 '!i ;;!: .... a, a, (I) <D ..... ..,. 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News Release Contact: Media: Catherine Parochetti (509) 495-2916 Email: catherine.parochetti@avistacorp.com FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 6, 2001 Avista Files for Natural Gas Price Adjustments in Washington and Idaho Deferred wholesule gu:,; bulance uf $65 million prompts Avista to file Purchase Gas Adjustment Spokane, Wash: With its wholesale natural gas deferrals reaching $65 million. Avista Corp. (NYSE: A VA) today filed requests for natural gas price adjustments with state utility commissions in Washington and Idaho. Known as a Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment (PGA), these filings primarily reflect increases during the past year from A vista's suppliers in the cost of gas purchased for use by the company's customers. As a natural gas distribution company, Avista is only passing on the higher costs of acquiring gas from suppliers for its customers. The company does not mark up or make additional profits from PGA filings-any increase in revenues is offset by the cost of gas purchased in the marketplace by A vista on behalf of its customers. The PGA filing requests an overall increase in gas revenues of 12.2 percent in Washington and 11.5 percent in Idaho to reflect changes in the cost of gas Avista has purchased to serve its customers. If the proposed increase is approved by the state utility commissions, total company revenue will increase by approximately $6.9 million per year in Idaho and $17.7 million in Washington. Avista has asked that the filings become effective in both states on Aug. 9, 200 l. A vista Utilities serves about 170,000 natural gas customers in eastern Washington and northern Idaho. In Washington, a residential customer using an average of 80 therms of natural gas per month will see an average increase of about $7.51 per month, or about 11 percent. The total bill for 80 therms including the increase is $75.88. In Idaho, a residential customer using an average of 80 therms of gas will see an average increase of about 56.91 per month, or about 10.1 percent. The total bill including the increase is $75.08. -- more-- -·-·-- ·------- Page 2 A vista Files for Natural Gas Price Adjustments in Washington and Idaho During this past winter, natural gas commodity prices rose to their highest levels in more than a decade, and prices from A vista's domestic and Canadian suppliers followed this upward trend. Despite increases in retail rates, Avista continued to defer gas costs that were well above what the company was recovering in customer rates. Avista Utilities President Scott Morris said, "While wholesale natural gas prices are now coming down slightly, we still must deal with the costs we deferred when prices were at record highs. At this time, that balance is $65 million. Of course, once these deferred costs have been reduced, and if natural gas prices continue Lo go down, we would, as we have in the past, lower natural gas rates." Natural gas is still the best value for home space and water heating. For example, to heat a I ,500 square-foot home on a cold winter day with natural gas under the new prices, it would cost about $2.64 per day. To heat the same home with straight resistance electric heat would cost $3.50; with oil about $3.38; or with propane about $4.00. How your home compares depends on a number of factors including insulation, amount of window space, etc. "We recognize that energy price increases create a hardship for our customers, particularly those on a limited or fixed income," Morris said. "To help ease the burden of higher energy bills, Avista has contributed over $500,000 to energy assistance programs throughout our service territory since the beginning of the year." Morris encouraged customers to visit the company's website at www.ayjstautiJitjes.com for a free home energy audit, energy saving tips and a full listing of energy efficiency programs. He also noted that A vista offers its customers a range of convenient payment options, including Comfort Level Ililling, which averages the customer's bill into equal monthly pnyrnents. For more information, customers may call Avista Utilities at l-800-659-4427. Avista Corp. is an energy, information and technology company whose utility and subsidiary operations focus on delivering superior products and providing innovative solutions to business and residential customers throughout N01th America. Avista Corp.'s affiliate companies include Avista Utilities, which operates the company's electric and natural gas generation, transmission and distribution business. A vista's non-regulated businesses include Avista Advantage, Avista Labs, Avista Communications, A vista Energy and A vista Power. Avista Corp.'s stock is traded under the ticker symbol "AVA." For more information about Avista Corp. and its affiliate businesses, visit the corporate website at www.avistacorp.com. -- more -- Page 3 Avista Files for Natural Gas Price Adjustments in Washington and Idaho A vista Corp. and the A vista Corp. logo are trademarks of A vista Corporation. All other trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of their respective owners. This news release contains forward-looking statements regarding the company's current expectations. Forward-looking statements are all statements other than historical facts. Such statements speak only as of the date of the news release and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the company's control, which could cause actual results to differ materially from the expectations. These risks and uncertainties include, in addition to those discussed herein, all of the factors discussed in the company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended Dec. 31, 2000, and the Quarter! y Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 200 l. --0144-- A VJST A UTILITIES Exhibit "F" Projected W ACOG July 6, 2001 Avista Utilities Estimated Forward Looking WACOG Estimated Volumes WACOG Commodity Costs August 1,086,343 2,574,044 $0.4220 September 1,597,025 3,785,908 $0.4218 October 2,728,760 6, 117,089 $0.4461 November 4,723,603 8,712,435 $0.5422 December 5,088,024 10,261,254 $0.4958 January 2002 5,453,213 11.972,221 $0.4555 February 4,563,947 10,041,612 $0.4545 March 3,898,616 9,150,299 $0.4261 April 2,667,466 6,264,592 $0.4258 May 1,876, 166 3,748,646 $0.5005 June 1,617,544 3,039, 1 1 8 $0.5322 July 1,447,465 2,503,696 $0.5781 36,748,172 78, 170,914 $0.4701