HomeMy WebLinkAbout20000905.min.doc MINUTES OF DECISION MEETING September 5, 2000 – 1:30 p.m. Commission President Dennis Hansen called the meeting to order. First item of business was approval of the Minutes of the August 21, 2000 Decision Meeting. The minutes had circulate to the Commissioners and corrections had been made. Commissioner Hansen made a motion to approve the minutes; vote taken; motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA Weldon Stutzman’s August 31, 2000 Decision Memorandum re: Case No. GTE-T-00-09, Petition of GTE Northwest for Approval to Revise Depreciation Rate. Weldon reviewed the matter. Commissioner Smith said she wanted to state that when she first saw a June matter that was just now on the agenda, she wondered what took three months. Terri Carlock reviewed the reasons for the delay. Commissioner Smith then made a motion to approve the matter; motion carried. MATTERS IN PROGRESS Rick Sterling’s August 29, 2000 Decision Memorandum re: Tariff Advice No. 00-07, Revisions to Idaho Power Company Rule H, Service Attachments and Distribution Line Installations or Alterations and to Schedule 66, Miscellaneous Charges. Rick reviewed the matter. Idaho Power is requesting to revised its Rule H – Line Extension Tariff and also Schedule 66 with a corresponding change. He explained the proposed changes that reference an intervenor funding lot charge which is no longer being charged. So all references to that charge will be removed. That is the housekeeping change. The second change involves a definition; explained what happens currently. Staff and the Company have recently encountered situations where a group of customers have requested a line extension that required an upgrade. Idaho Power is requesting that they be allowed to include some new language. Staff agrees with the company’s request. Staff does point out that the language suggested by the Company does give the Company some discretion but notes that customers could appeal to the Commission if they feel it has been exercised unfairly. He pointed out that since the filing was made, staff has been contacted by one customer who would like to provide comments so staff suggests that a comment period be established and it be placed on modified procedure. Commissioner Kjellander had a question. Asked if the matter went modified procedure, is staff anticipating this might allow someone to come up with alternative language? Rick Sterling said it has that potential. Commissioner Kjellander asked - if something comes to the Commission, will we see language that may be suspect? Rick Sterling said this tariff has been in place for a number of years and he doesn’t know of any problems before this time. It is only in the last few months that we have run into subdivisions that have caught on. It is also uncommon that line upgrades are required. It is not something we are going to encounter very often. Commissioner Smith had just one comment. Didn’t think there is language that will apply in every situation so it would foolish to look for it. Commissioner Hansen asked what the pleasure of the Commission was? He made a motion to approve the request of Idaho Power Company referring to the intervenor funding lot charge which has now expired and would also based on discussion the Commission has had, really thought that very little would be accomplished going through modified procedure. With that would also include in the motion to approve Idaho Power’s request to amend the definition of “company’s betterment”. Called for discussion. Commissioner Smith said she believed that if we have a party requesting to make comments, we should allow that, parties may be in 3 weeks but give them an opportunity to send in letter comments. Allow a 10-day comment period. Rick Sterling said at this time the person he was referring to indicated that he would file comments but didn’t know for sure until he talked to him. Commissioner Hansen said the Chair was looking at a substitute motion. Commissioner Kjellander said one of the messages he heard when he first came on the Commission is it doesn’t hurt to give people due process. Asked if 10 days puts the Company in jeopardy? Rick Sterling said not that he knew of. This person purchased property in a subdivision and the developer suggested he come to us to see how we would interpret those rules. Developed did not include that in the cost of the lot, did not include amount for upgraded line. Commissioner Kjellander said half the question already has been addressed in how the Commission interprets the numbers. Are we going to gain anything at all? Rick Sterling said the case could turn into a complaint case because the subdivision that triggered this has three prior phases that are partially developed. The developer was not informed at first that a line upgrade would be required so he put in a fourth phase and is now faced with a big bill to serve the remaining customers; customers who have purchased in Phase 4 do not think they should have to pay for what the other three phases didn’t have to pay. Commissioner Smith said she spoke in favor of the proposal and would approve it as soon as possible and let the individual complaints get filed and the Commission can judge those particular circumstances. Commissioner Hansen commented they still have a way to come to the Commission. Vote taken on the motion; motion carried. Rick Sterling’s August 29, 2000 Decision Memorandum re: Avista Utilities Tariff Advice, Revisions to Schedule 62, Cogeneration and Small Power Production. Avista is requesting to remove avoided costs from their tariffs. Second change request is regarding net metering. Staff recommends approval of the requested changes. Commissioner Kjellander said he would move approval of the company’s request. Did have a question regarding net metering, in staff comments there are no customers in Washington and Idaho. Is there something problematic about this or do they choose not to take advantage of it? Rick Sterling said that option has been available nearly a year. It draws a lot of attention but very few take advantage of it. Perhaps it is because of the timing or the few customers who want it, never take advantage of it. Commissioner Kjellander said he had heard earlier it was a problem, perhaps it wasn’t related to this utility. Rick Sterling said it may not have been Avista. Commissioner Hansen called for a vote: motion carried. Terri Carlock’s September 1, 2000 Decision Memorandum re: Silver Star Telephone Company’s Application for Debt Authority; Case No. SIL-T-00-1. Terri reviewed the matter. Staff recommends additional monitoring of reporting requirements – set out in decision memo. Question before the Commission is: should the application be approved with the recommended reporting requirements? Commissioner Hansen asked what if the Company were to default on the loan? Terri responded. Commissioner Hansen said with the five requirements listed, did she think that alleviated some of the risks Terri said it allows the Commission to monitor what the RFTC is seeing with this Company, so if there is a default, the Commission would know it. It does reduce the risk somewhat in that area. Commissioner Hansen asked – do we currently have companies that are using unregulated assets to guarantee loans for non-regulated functions? Terri responded it is possible that it would include non-regulated things. CLECs and non-regulated telephone companies, avoid those being included, but she thought this typoe of situation could be included in other loans. Commissioner Hansen asked what the pleasure of the Commission was? Commissioner Kjellander made a motion to approve the matter, with staff recommendations with reporting requirements attached. Vote taken: motion carried., Dated at Boise, Idaho, this 20th day of September, 2000. Myrna J. Walters Commission Secretary aHan