HomeMy WebLinkAboutBAR CIRCLE S WATER.pdfIDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE T arriff No.Page 111"125 'JAN 1 - 'LP.C. No. Cancelina Name of Utility Bar Circle "5" Water Company ~m.~t( SECRETARY (Approval Stamp) METERED WATER RATES Monthl 0 - 7 500 gallons Over 7 500 gallons $27.43 $1.per additional thousand gallons NOTE: Bills for water service will be rendered monthly and are payable within fifteen (15) days of the billing date. Per Commission Order No.30970 Issued January 11 , 2010 Effective January 1 2010 Title President Tarriff No. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONPageAPPROVEDEFFECTIVE I.P.C. No.!AN25 '10 JAr. 1 - ' CancelinQ Name of Utility Bar Circle "5" Water Company ~. ~J SECRETARY (Approval Stamp) NON RECURRING CHARGES Applicable:To all customers bills. Reconnection Charges: A reconnection charge will be assessed to any customer who has been involuntarily disconnected in compliance with the Idaho Public Utilities Commision Uniform Customer Relations Rules (UCRR). Charges do not apply to customers who have been involuntarily disconnected for the convenience of the Company. Reconnection Charge during normal business hours Reconnection Charge for times outside of normal business hours $20. $40. Customer Requested Service Calls: During Normal Business Hours Other Than Normal Business Hours Service call charges will be waived if the service call results in repair to Company s equipment through no fault of the customer. $0. $20. Normal Business Hours are 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday excluding Legal Holidays recognized by Idaho State Government Offices. Returned Check Charge: In the event a customers check is returned by the Company s bank for any reason , the Company will charge the customers account a reprocessing fee of $20. Per Commission Order No.30970 Issued January 11 , 2010 Effective January 1 , 2010 Title President Tariff No.APPROVED IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION EFFECTIVEPage I.P.C. No.IAN25 ' Cancelina Name of Utility Bar Circle "5" Water Company JAN 1 - '1l; ifj, ro) SECRETARY (Approval Stamp) COMMERCIAL FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE Applicable to all commercial customers for private fire protection upon the customers premises. For each fire hydrant $17. For each separate building sprinkler connection $88. Per Month Per Month Billing for each service will be charged in advance at the beginning of each month. Per Commission Order No.30970 Issued January 11 , 2010 Effective Title President January 1 , 2010 Tarriff No.Page IDAHO rY6b!C UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPi1~V~O EFFECTIVE M~~ '10 FEB 10' ~eA 0 f\ ' "3 \ DO ~.. SECRETARY (Approval Stamp) LP.C. No. CancelinQ Name of Utility Bar Circle "5" Water Company NEW CUSTOMER CONNECTION CHARGES For a first time connection to the Bar Circle "S" Water Company system when an existing service line and meter base are already in place on the property the charge is $400.00. If there is no service line tap to the Company s water mains or meter box in place on the property the charge is $2 500.00. When the installation of a new service line requires the Company to bore a line under a road , all additional costs will be charged to the customer on a time and materials basis. The new customer may, at their option , hire a Bar Circle "S" Company approved independent contractor to perform the road bore and connection. The Company will require such contractor to show proof of bonding, licensing and insurance and have at least five (5) years of experiencine at hot tapping water lines. Bar Circle " Water Company s Water Master will inspect and approve all the work being performed to insure compliance with the Company s installation requirements. Per Commission Order No. 31002 Issued February 23 , 2010 Effective February 10 , 2010 ~4 J~~/p Title President ... UNIFORM MAIN EXTENSION RULE FOR WATER UTILITIES A. GENERAL PROVISIONS AND DEFINITIONS 1. Applicability All extensions of diatdbution I18W froB the utility existing distribution syst.., to serve new customers, except for thole speci-fically ucluded below, shall be .ade under the provisions of thisRule UDlen specific authority 18 fint. obtaiD.ed fr08 the Cc_issiol1 to deviate therefr08. A..iD. exUUion contract. shall be executed by the utility and the applicant or applicuts fol' the ..in extension before the utility cOl88nces conltnctioR work OR .aid eztenaions or,if col18tncted by applicant or applicants, before the facilitiescOilprisiq the utA uteuioD al'l trauflrrecl to the utility. b. Iztensiou lolely for fire hydrant, private fire pRtection, resale,te8poral'1, standby, 01' suppl_ntal senice sball not be _de underthis Iule. c. The utility ,I88Y, but will not be requirecl to, ute .zteaions UDder this Rule ill. eas88Uts 01' ripts-of-way wilen fiDal Irade. have not b88D established, 01' wh.re street Irad.. have DOt been broupt to thOle eltablished by public authority. If uteuioa are ude when Irades have not been eltablisbad and there ii ' a reasonable probabilitythat the existinl Irade will be chanlH, the utility shall require that the applicant or applicants for the 88ill ezteatoD deposit, atthe tiM of executioll of the lAiD ezteuioll alre8ll8Dt, the estimatednet. cost of relocatua, raisil1l, or lowednl facilities upou estab- Usblleut of final Iradel. Adjutment of an1 difference between the amount so deposited and the actual COlt of relocatiDl, raisinl, or lowerinl facilities aball be ude vitIUA ten (10) days after, the utility hal ascertained such actual COlt. The net deposit repre- sential actual cost is not subject to refund. The entire deposit related to the proposed relocation, raisinl, or lowerial shall be refunded when such displacements are deterBined by proper authority to be not required. Definitions SODa Fide Customer - for the purposes of this Rule, shall be a . cus- toiler excluding any customer formerly served at the same location) who has given satisfactory evidence that service will be reasonably permanent to the property which has been improved with a building of a permanent nature, and to which service has commenced. The provisionof service to a real estate developer or builder, during the con- struction or development period, shall not establish him as a bona fide customer. IDAHO PUBLIC UTJlIT~ESCOMM1SS'ONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JAR 23 '90 FfB 1- P&/L -aV\)o 0);;lC1'13 J2 ~c(~~SEcaT" . . Real t"state Developer or Build - for p~rp?S~s of this Rule, shall include any individual, assocutlon of lnd~vlduals, partnership, or corporation that divides a parcel of land lnto two (2) or lDore por- tiOd. Adjusted Construction Cost ~ for the purposes of this Rule, shall be reasonable and shall not exceed the costs recorded in conformity with generally accepted water utility accountinl and sound engineering practices, and as specifically defined in the Uniform System of Accounts for Water Utilities prescribed by the CO88ilsion, of instal- liAa facilities of adequate capacity for the service requested. If the utility, at its option, should taltall facilities with a larger capacity or relultiAl in . Ireater footale of exteDIion than required for the semce, the "adjusted construction COlt" for the purposes of this Rule, shall be deteJ:1lined by the application of &11 adjustment factor to actual coutruction cOlt of facilities installed. This factor lhall be the ratio of eeti8ated COlt of required facilities to esti8ated cost of actual facilities' inltalled. d. C088ission'" sball mean the Idaho Public Utilities CO88ilsion. . 3. Ownerahip, nesill1 and Coutruction of Facilities a. Any facilities 1utalled hereunder lhall b. t- lole property of the utility. IA those inltancel ilL which title to certa1l1 portiol18 of the iI1Itallation, such ae fire hydrants, vill be ald by a political subdivision, such facilities sball DOt be 1I1cluded a. a part of the 111111 exteuioll under this Rule. b. The .ize, tne, quality of ..tenall, and their location shall be specified by the utility; and the actual construction shall be done by the utility or by a coutruCt.inl aleney acceptable to it. Where the property of all applicant il located adjacent to a right-of- way, exceedinl 70 f.et. 111 width, for a street, hilhway or other public purpole, re.ardlell of the width of the traveled way or pavement; or a freeway, waterway or railroad right-of-way, the utility may elect to install a ..in extensioll OD the sam. lide thereof al the property of the applicant, and the estimated and adjusted construction costs in such case shall be based upon such an extension. When an extension must comply with an ordinance, regulation, or speci- fication of public 'authority, the estimated and adjusted construction cOStl of said extension shall be based upon the facilities required to comply therewith. Estimates, Plans and Specifications Upon request by a' potential applicant for a main extension, the util- ity shall prclJare, without charge, a preliminary sketch and rough estimates of the cost of installation to be advanced by said appli- cant. UNIFORM MAIN EXTENS ION RULE b. Any. applicant fat.a ...i~_e~tension request~nl the utility to prepare detailed plana, specifications and cost estlmatel shall ,be required to deposit with the utility an amount ~q~l to the estllUted cost of preparatton of such material. The utlllty shall, upon request, make available within 45 days after receipt of the deposit referred toabove, IU~ plans, IpecificatioAl and COlt est~atel of the proposed main extension. If the extension is to include overlizinl of facili- ties to be dona at the utility s expense, appropriate details shall be set forth in the plans,. specifications and COlt estimatel. In the evemt a lIIin extension contract with the utility is executed vithin 180 days after the utility fumilhel the detailed plans andspecificationl, the deposit shall beco.. a part of the advance, andshall be refllAded in accordance vith the tema of the -in exteDIioncontract. If such contract il not so executed, the deposit to cover the COI~ of prepariDa pl&l18, specificatioaa and cost elt18ates shall be forfeited by the applicant for the 881m exteaaion aad the I8CUDt of the forfeited deposit lhall be credited to tba aCcoUAt 01.' accoUllts tovla1ch the 8Zpeue o~ prepld.nl slid uterill ':'11 ~rled. d. Wba detailed plau, Ipecificatioaa ad coat eltillatel are requastH, the Ipplicaa.t for a _in ezulUlion sball funilh a up to a suitable Icale llaoviq the street and lot layouts ad, vb8a requelteel by the utility, contours or other indication of tba nlative elevation of thevarious parts of the Irea to be developed. If c:baqel are _de lubse- quent to the presentation of WI up by the applicut, and these cJwa.es require additional upeue in reviliq plaut lpecificatioDSucI cOlt eitillltel, WI additiollll Dpellle lhall be bome by thea"licut, not subject to refund, ud tile additional ezpeue thus recovered sball be creeli ted to the accoUAt or accoats to which the additional expense vas charled. Tilliul and Ad~ustment of Advances Ualesl the applicant fo~ the main exteDlion elects to arranle for the installation of the extension himself, as peraited by Section C.c., the full a8QUDt of the required advance or an acceptable surety bond must be provided to the utility at the time of execution of the mainextension alre88ent. If the applicant for a main extension posts a surety bond in lieu of cash, such surety bond must be replaced with cash not leis than ten(10) calendar days before construction is to commence; provided, however, that if special facilities are required primarily for the service requested, the applicant for the extension may be required to deposit sufficient cash to cover the cost of such special facilities before they are ordered by the utility. An applicant for a main extension who advances funds shall be provided with a statement of actual construction cost and adjusted constructioncost showing in reasonable detail the cost incurred for material,labor, any other direct and indirect costs. overheads, and totalcosts; or unit costs; or contract costs, whichever are appropriate. UNIFORM MAIN EXTENS ION RULE Said - stateMnt shall be submitted within sixty (60) days after the actual construction costs of the installation have been ascertained by the utility. In the event that the actual construction costs for the entire iutallation shall not have been detel'llined within 120 days after completion of construction work, a preliminary determination actual and adjusted construction costs shall be sub8itted , based upon the best available information at that time. e. Any differences between- the adjusted construction costa and the amount advanced shall be shown al a revision of the aaount of advance and shall be payable wiWA thirty (30) daya of sub.inion of the state- ment. AalilDMnt of Kain Extel18ion Contracts Any contract entered into under Sectionl I and C of this Rule, or underliBilar pro91.iol18 of fo~r rule., say b. a.lianed, after settlement of adJuated col18truction colt., after written notice to the utility by the holder of said contract a. shown by the utility l record.. Such aslign- I118Dt lhall apply only to tho.e refunds which bec.. due .ore than thirty(30) clava after the data of r~ceipt by the utility of the notice of.s.illUl8D.t. The utility shall not be required to ..a 8117 one refUnd paJ88Dt UDder such contract to 8Ore than a .iAlle allisaa8. InterpretatioDS and Deviations In ca.e of di.l.re...nt or di.pute re.ardinl the application of any pro- vision of thia Rule, or iA circ.stances wiler. the application of thisRule appears unreasonable to either party, the utility, applicant orapplicant. -y refer the utter to the C088i1lion for detemination. EXTENSIONS TO SERVE INDIVIDUALS Free-Footal. AllowaDce The utility shall extend its water distr:i,bution mains to serve new bonafide customers at its own expense, other than to serve subdivisions, tracts, housins projects, industrial developments or organized commercial districts, when the required total length of main extension from the nearest existinl utility facility is not in excess of fifty (SO) feet per service connection. Advances If the total length of main extension is in excess of fifty (50) feet perservice connection applied for, tae applicant or applicants for such service saall be required to advance to the utility, before construction is commenced, that portion of the estimated reasonable cost of such exten- sion which ~xceeds the estimated reasonable cost of SO feet of the main extension per service connection, exclusive of the cost of service pipes, UNIFORM MAIN EXTENSION RULE meter boxtl and _terSe Such estimated reasonable cost shall be based upon the COlt of a aain not in excess of six (6) inches in diameter except where a lar.er aain il required by the special needs of the applicant or applicantl. The 88Qunt of the advance is subject to adjustment in accor- dance vitA the provisionl of Section A.e. of tbil Rule. Refund. The lIOn.,. 10 advanced sha11 be refunded by the utility, in cash, withoutinterelt, il1 paYMnta equal to the ac1j11lted contruction COlt of fifty (SO) feet of the 1118111 atenliol1 for which advance waa ude, for each . additioaal I.rvice colUUlctioD _de to laid gin ext8niol1 ucluaivCl of that of any c:utoMr fo1'88rly .erve4 111 a realoaable llUDer at the salle location. At the requelt of the applicant, nfUAdl lhall b. ude within 180 daYI after the date of fint l.mCI to a bona fide c:uatoeer. If no requelt il received froll applicant, the utility lhall initiate refunds 011 811 aDDWIl b..i.. 110 nf1lD4a lull be ..- aftar . period of ten (10),..8n froe tile date of cOlipletion of the ..ia uteuion an4 the totalrel1ll1d sball not aceed the 8IIOunt advanced. 4. Exception .1'8 a arcup of fi.8 (5) or 801'8 individual applicat8 nqueata service fra8 tb8 I'" gun ion , or ia UDUIual cale. after obtaWDa COI8islion authorization. the utility, at ita option, MY require that the iAclividualor iAclivi4ual. advance the eat1re COlt of the 88in uteuioll .1 hereinprovided a4 the utility .Ihall refund thi. advance a. pRvided in Section 2. of thi. Rale. . C. EXTENSIONS TO SERVE SUBDIVISIONS, TRACTS, HOUSING PROJECTS, IlfDUSTRIAI. DEVELOPttEHTS OR ORGANIZED COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS 1. AdvancII 8. Unlill the procedure outlined in Section C.c. is followed, an appli- cant for a 88in ext:euioD to serve a new subdivision, tract , housing project or induatrial dayelopaent or orsal1ized cOI88rcial districtshall be r~uir.d to advance to the utility, before construction isco_nced, t!I8 eltillated reasonable COlt of the extension to be actually installed, frO8 the nearest utility facility at Leist equal in size or capacity to the main required to serve both the new cus- tomers and a reasonable estimate of the potential customers who might be served directly fr08 the main extension without additional exten-sion. The costs of the extension shall include necessary service stubs, or service pipes, fittings, gates and housing therefor, and meter boxes, but shall not include meters. To this shall be added the cost of fire hydrants when requested by the applicant for the main extension or required by public authority, whenever such hydrants are to become the property of the utility. UNIFORl1 MAIN EXTENSION RULE If, f~r any purpose, speci~l facilities ~re req~i~e~ primarily for the service requested, the cost of such specla~ facl11tles may be included in the advance, subject to refund, as herelnafter p!ovided! aloag with refunda of the advance of the cost of the extenslon facllities des. cribed in Section C. 1. a. above. In lieu of providinl the advances in accordance wi th Sections C. 1. a . and C.b., the applicant for a main extension shall be permitted, ifqualified in the judpent of the utility, to construct and install thefac:Uities lWuelf, or arran.e for their inatallatioa. purluaa.t tocompetitive biddia.a procedures initiated by hi8 aa.d li8ited to quali-fied bidden. The cost, includinl the cost of inapectioa. aa.d super-visioD by the utility, shall be paid directly by applicnt. The applicaDt shall provide the utility with a ItatellUt of actual con- structioD cost in reasonable detail. The 88Ount to be treated as an advaDce subject to refund shall be the le.ser of (1) the actual COlt,. or (2) the price quoted in the IItility s detailed COlt estiute. The iaatallatioD shall be in accordance with the plaaa and specificationssub8itted by the utility pursuant to Section A. 2. Refund. a. The UIOunt advanced unGer 5ectiol18 C.a., C.b., uut C.c. shall be .ubject to refuncl by the utility iA calb, without interest, to theparty 01' partiel entitled thereto a. set fortia the follovinl twopara,raja. The total UIOUDt 10 refUDdeci lull nOt Gcud the total of the lIIOunt advanced. Except al hereinafter pron", the refundssull be ude in amwal, seaiannual or quarterly paYII8Dtl, at the electioD of the utility, and for a period not to ucen tventy (20)yeaI'I after the date of the contract. b. Whenever COltl of Mia ateuiou have beeD advanced pursuant toSections C. 1. a. or C. 1. c., the utility shall determine the revenue received fro. cultOllerl other than residential, includinl fire pro- tection alencies, supplied by service pipes connected directly to the extension for which the COlt WI. advanced. The refund shall be 22 percent of the revenue so received.For residential customers con- nected directly to the e.tension for which the cost val advanced, the utility shall refund 22 percent of the averale revenue per residential customer of the entire sYltem for the immediately precedinl 12-monthperiod. (See Section C.d. and B. c. Whenever costs of special facilities have been advanced pursuant to Section. C.b. or C.c., the amount so advanced shall be divided bythe nWllber of lots to be served by the special facilities. This advance per lot shall be refunded for each lot on which, one or morebona fide customers are served by those facilities. With respect to a contract entered into on and after the effective date of this Rule, if, at any time during the 20-year refund period specified above, 80 percent of the bona fide customers for which the UNIFORM MAIN EXTENSION RULE extenalon or special facilities were designed are being served there- frOR the utility shall immediately notify the contract holder of that fact: and at that time shall become obligated to pay, in casb, any balance which may remain unrefunded at the end of said 20-year period. Such balance shall be refunded in five (S) equal annual installments, payable beaiDDinl 21 years after the date of the contract. Where a contract has been entered into under a former main extension , rule, and where 80 pes:cent of the bona fide CustOIlfl:i:S for which the ext8D8ion or special facilities were designed are betas served there- fro., the utility lIIay nelotiate and enter into a new and substitute contract, identical in all respects with the orilwl contract, in- clud1l11 the orisinal termination date, except that said substitutecontract lull include the followinl provisions: "HotWit.h8tanding anyother provisions hereof, any unrefunded balance resainina at thetemination date of thia contract lull be paid in five (S) equalamwal inatallmenta beainninl 0118 (1) year after said teminationdaU. Temination of Main Extension Contracts I. Any contract entered into under Section C of 'thi. Rule, or Wl.dersillilar proviliona of fomer rules, .., be pucha.ed by the utilityand teminated, after first obtaininl the aut!1orizatiol1 of the Cos-IItssioll, at' any tiM after the DU8ber of bona fiele cuatoaers therec8iv1l11 service fro. ,the extension for which the advance WI. udeequals at least 60 percent of the total nWlber of bona fide cuato_rsfor which such extension was desilDed by the utility and the terms are otherwise IlUtully alreed to by the partie. or their a.lianees andthatSectioD C.b. and Section C.c. hereof are cOllplieel with. b. The utility, in requesting authorization for luch termination, lhallfurnish to. the COBDission the followinl inforaatioll in writinl by anadvice letter in the event the t~rmination is to be accomplished by payment in calh, or by a formal application: (1) A copy of the uin extension contract, together with data ade- quately describing the developlllent for which the advance was made and the total adjusted construction cOlt of the extension. (2) The balance unpaid on the contract, as above defined, as of the date of termination and terms under which the obligation is re- quested to be terminated. (3) The name of the holder of the contract when terminated. (4) The total number of bona fide customers for which the extension was designed and the number of bona fide customers actually re-ceiving service on said extension as of the proposed termination date of contract. UNIFORM MAIN EXTENSION RULE c. Discounts obt~ined by the utility from contracts terminated under the provisions of this Section shall be accounted for by credits to Account 265 - Contributions in Aid of Construction. UNIFORM MAIN EXTENSION RULE