HomeMy WebLinkAboutXO Communications Services Tariff No 1.pdfXO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Title Page LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES This tariff, Idaho Price List No.1 submitted on behalf ofXO Communications Services, Inc., cancels and replaces Price List No., submitted on behalf of XO Idaho, Inc. XO Communications Services, Inc. Regulations and Schedule of Charges for Local Exchange Services And Message Toll Services Within the State Of Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiliNG MAR 1 3 ZO05 Boise. Idaho -..---...- -_.' - Issued: March 3 2005 Effective: March 13 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O50 1 XO Communications Services, LLC Idaho Price List No. I 57th Revised Page I Cancels 56th Revised Page I CHECK SHEET Pages ofthis tariff, as indicated below, are effective as ofthe date shown at the bottom ofthe respective pages. Original and revised pages, as named below, comprise all changes from the original tariff and are currently in effect as ofthe date on the bottom ofthis page. PAGE Title I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0ll t2 l3 t4 l5 16 t7 l8 l9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3l 32 JJ 34 35 36 REVISION Original 57th Rev. 46th Rev. Original 7th Rev. 8th Rev, Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original lst Rev. Original Original Original lst Rev. Original Original Original Original I st Rev. Original I st Rev. Original Original Original 2nd Rev. 2nd Rev. Original Original Original Original Original Original PAGE REVISION PAGE37 lst Rev. 64* 38 Original 65* 39 Original 66 40 4th Rev. 674l Original 6842 Original 6943 Original 70 44 Original 7l 45 9th Rev. * 7246 3rd Rev. 7347 2nd Rev. 7448 lst Rev. 75 49 2nd Rev. 76 50 2nd Rev. 77 5 I l2th Rev. * 7852 2nd Rev. 79 53 2nd Rev. 80 54 Original 8l55 lst Rev. 8256 lst Rev. 8357 8th Rev. * 84 57.1 Original 85 58 lst Rev. 8658.1 lst Rev. 87 58.2 Original 8858.3 Original 89 58.4 Original 9058.5 l0th Rev. * 9 I58.6 Original 92 58.7 Original 93 58.8 Original 9458.9 Original 95 58.10 Original 96 58.11 9th Rev. * 97 58.12 Original 98 58. 13 Original 9958.14 Original 10058.15 9'h Rev. * l0l 59 Original 102 60 lst Rev. 103 6 I 6th Rev. * 10462 lst Rev. 105 63 lst Rev.* - indicates those pages included with this filing REVISION 8rh Rev. lOth Rev. 3'd Rev. 2nd Rev. 4th Rev. 4th Rev. 4th Rev. 4rh Rev. 6th Rev. 8th Rev. Sth Rev. I st Rev Original Original Original 4th Rev. 4th Rev. 4th Rev. 8th Rev. 7th Rev. Original 2nd Rev. Original I st Rev. I st Rev. I st Rev. Original Original Original Original 6th Rev. 4th Rev. Original Original Original Original Original Original I st Rev. Original Original Original ISSUED: December 12. 2018 EFFECTIVE: January l, 2019 Kelly Faul - Senior Manager, Govemment Relations 22001 Loudoun County Pkwy Ashburn, VA 20147 ld:iIs.p11',,116 lliiiitirs Ccrnmlsslon Accfl IiTn il't'df l' flfli r rue JAN I - 2OI9 Boise,ldatro LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES XO Communications Services, LLC Idaho Price List No. I 46th Revised Page 2 Cancels 45th Revised Page 2 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES cHECK SHEET, (CONT'D.) PAGE 106 107 108 109 lt0lll tt2 I l3 n4 I l5 ll6 tt7 I l8 I l9 t20 1 20.1 t20.2 120.3 120.4 120.5 t2t 122 t22.t t22.2 t22.3 t23 t24 t25 126 t27 t28 1 28.1 t28.2 129 130 l3l t32 t32.t 133 t34 135 136 137 138 139 140 t4t PAGE t42 t43 t44 t45 t46 t47 t48 t49 150 l5l 152 t52.t 152.2 152.3 152.4 t52.5 153 t54 155 156 157 158 159 160 l6l t62 163 t64 165 t66 t67 168 t69 170 t7t 172 t73 t74 t75 t76 t7'7 178 179 180 l8t t82 183 t84 REVISION Original Sth Rev. lst Rev. 2nd Rev. 2'd Rev. lst Rev. 4th Rev. Original 3'd Rev. I st Rev. I st Rev. Original Original 6th Rev. Original Original 2nd Rev. Original Original Original lst Rev. Original I st Rev. 4th Rev. Original Original Original I st Rev. Original Original I st Rev. 2nd Rev. 3'd Rev. 3'd Rev. 2nd Rev. 5th Rev. 2nd Rev. I'r Rev. 2nd Rev. 5th Rev. Original lst Rev. Original Original Original Original Original REVISION Original Original Original Original Original lst Rev. lst Rev. 2nd Rev. I st Rev. 3'd Rev. Original 3rd Rev. 3'd Rev. lOth Rev. lst Rev. 4th Rev. Original I st Rev. I st Rev. I st Rev. I st Rev. Original 2nd Rev. Original 2nd Rev. Original 2nd Rev. Original 2nd Rev. Original 2nd Rev. Original 2nd Rev. 2nd Rev. 3'd Rev. 3'd Rev. 6th Rev. 6th Rev. Original Original Original Original 4th Rev. 7th Rev. 6th Rev. 2nd Rev. Original lst Rev. PAGE 185 186 187 188 189 t90 l9l t92 193 194 195 196 t97 198 199 200 20t 202 203 204 20s 206 207 208 209 2t02l 2t2 213 2t4 215 216 217 218 2t9 220 22t 222 REVISION 3td Rev. 3'd Rev. 6th Rev. 6th Rev. Original Original Original 4'h Rev. 3'd Rev. 6th Rev. 5th Rev. Original 6th Rev. 3rd Rev. 3'd Rev. lst Rev. lOth Rev. 3rd Rev. Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original * - Indicates pages included with this filing. ISSUED: December 12, 2018 Kelly Faul - Senior Manager, Government Relations 22001 Loudoun County Pkwy Ashburn, VA 20147 EFFECTIVE: January l, 2019 It!i,ilo F :1',iic Uiiiities Cornnnission il';t'ig I'i ilte fi4cril:ry Fiilil;.irT fii 1 F{jR f [[-t iUG JAN 1 - 2019 Bolse, ldaho XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 3 . LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES TABLE OF CONTENTS CHECK SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS CONCURRING, CONNECTING OR OTHER P ARTICIP ATING CARRIERS EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS TARIFF FORMAT SECTION 1 - TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS SECTION 2 - RULES and REGULATIONS Undertaking of the Company1.1 Scope1.2 Shortage of Equipment or Facilities Terms and Conditions1.4 Liability of the Company Notification of Service-Affecting Activities1.6 Provision of Equipment & Facilities Non-routine Installation1.8 Ownership of Facilities Telecommunications Service Priority Prohibited Uses Obligations of the Customer 2.3.General Customer Equipment and Channels 2.4.General 2.4.Station Equipment2.4.3 Interconnection of Facilities2.4.4 Inspections Payment Arrangements Payment for Service Billing and Collection of Charges5.3 Disputed Bills5.4 Advance Payments Deposits Discontinuance of Service Allowances for Interruptions in Service Credit for Interruptions Limitations on Allowances6.3 Use of Alternative Service Provided by the Company Cancellation of Service Cancellation of Application for Service Cancellation of Service by the Customer7.3 Changes in Service Requested Transfers and Assignments Notices and Communications 2.2 2.4 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3 2005 Effective: March 13 2005 A.. -.--..-...-. Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No.1 7th Revised Page 4 Cancels 6th Revised Page 4 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES TABLE OF CONTENTS,(CONT’D.) SECTION 3 -SERVICE AREAS and LOCATIONS 39 SECTION 4-LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE OFFERINGS,RATES and CHARGES 70 4.1 Local Exchange Service 70 4.1,1 Local Line 41 4.1.2 Business Trunk 59 4.1 .3 Deluxe XOption Service Offering 68 4.1.4 Multiple Service Discount #1 88 4.1 .5 Multiple Service Discount #2 89 4.1.6 XO High Capacity Local Loop Service 90 4.1.7 XO Premium Integrated Access Service 94 4.1 .8 IntraLATA Network Access 96 4.1.9 IntraLATA Private Line 100 4.1.10 InboundPRl 102 4.1.11 Local Volume Discount 105 4.1.12 Remote Call Forwarding Service 107 4.1.13 Foreign Exchange Service 108 4.1.14 National Local 109 4.2 Directory Assistance 114 4.3 Operator Assistance 115 4.4 Directory Listings 117 4.5 Emergency Telephone Services 121 4.6 Vanity Telephone Numbers 121 4.7 Telecommunications Relay Service 121 4.8 Promotional Offerings 121 4.9 Trial Service Offerings 123 4.10 Individual Case Basis Arrangements 126 4.11 Satisfaction Guarantee 127 4.12 Reserved for Future Use 128 4.13 Emergency Redundancy Routing (ERR)128.1 4.14 Supplemental Change Charge 128.1 4.15 Reserved for Future Use 128.2 (D) 4.16 Service Extension Charge 128.2 4.17 Administrative Service Fee 128.2 (N) Issued:April 2,2015 Effective:May 1,2015 IdanuPcKellyFaul—Regulatory Affairs Director 13 865 Sunrise Valley Dr ACCF Herndon,VA 20171 8ose,Watia XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No.I 8th Re ised Page 5 CanceI 7th Re\lsed Page 5 I OCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES TABLE OF CONTENTS,(CONTD. SECTION 5 -MESSAGE TOLL SERVICE OFFERINGS,RATES and CHARGES 129 5.1 Resered ftr Future Use 129 (D) 5.2 Rescred for Future Use 131 5.3 Reserved for Future Use 132 5.4 XOptions Service Ofti.ring 134 5.4A Mini Bundle Service Offering 135 5.5 Multiple Ser ice Discount #2 136 5.6i\InterLATA Network Access 137 5.6 InterLATA Private Line Service 139 5.7 Reserved thr Future Use 147 5.8 Directory Assistance 151 5.9 Employee Long Distance Program 152 5,10 Switched Long Distance Product 152.1 5.11 XO Unlimited Business Plan 152.2 5.12 XO Long Distance Business Plan 152.3 5.13 Public Telephone Surcharge 152.4 5.14 Historic Invoices 152.4 5.15 XO Corporate Long Distance Plan 152.5 SECTION 6-OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS 153 6.1 Integrated Services Digital Network GSDN)153 6.2 Dial Tone Ser ice 155 6.3 Local Trunk 158 6.3A Business Trunks 170 6.4 XOption Service Ofhrings 171 6.5 Integrated Access Service 183 6.6 Premium XOption Service Offerings 185 6.7 Deluxe XOptions Service Offerings 197 6.8 Gold and Platinum Message Toll Service 198 6.9 Dedicated Long Distance 201 SECTION 7-CONTRACT TARIFFS 21)3 7.1 Contract Tariff Option 101 203 7.2 Contract Tariff Option 102 205 7.3 Contract Tariff Option 103 207 7.4 Contract Tariff Option 104 210 7.5 Contract Tariff Option 105 213 7.6 Contract Tariff Option 106 215 7.7 Contract Tariff Option 107 217 7.8 Contract Tariff Option 108 220 Issued:May 24,2017 cJr4in Kell Faul Senioi M nagcr —Goernmi..nt Relations “L1G 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon,VA 20171 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 6 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES CONCURRING, CONNECTING OR OTHER PARTICIPATING CARRIERS None Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho ---,~- _...... -- -. --_. Issued: March 3 2005 Effective: March 13 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O50 1 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 7 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SYMBOLS The following symbols shall be used in this tariff for the purpose indicated below: To signify changed regulation To signify discontinued rate, regulation or condition To signify increased rate To signify that material has been transferred to another sheet or place in the tariff To signify that material has been transferred from another sheet or place in the tariff New rate or rule To signify reduction To signify a change in text for clarification Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho -_._---- - Issued: March 3 2005 Effective: March 13 , 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 IDI0501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 8 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES TARIFF FORMAT Page Numbering - Page numbers appear in the upper right corner of the page. Pages are numbered sequentially, however, new pages are occasionally addedto the Tariff. When a new page is added between pages already in effect, a decimal is added. For example, a new page added between pages 14 and 15 would be 14. Page Revision Numbers - Revision numbers also appear in the upper right corner of each page. These numbers are used to determine the most current page version on file. For example, the 4th Revised Page 14 cancels the 3 Revised Page 14. Paragraph Numbering Sequence - There are five levels of paragraph coding. Each level of coding is subservient to its next higher level: 1.1 1.1. (A) 2. 1. I.(A). 1 (A). (A).a.i Check Sheets - When a Tariff filing is made with the Commission, an updated check sheet accompanies the Tariff filing. The check sheet lists the pages contained in the Tariff, with a cross reference to the current revision number. When new pages are added, the check sheet is changed to reflect the addition. The Tariff user should refer to the latest check sheet to find out if a particular page is the most current on file with the Commission. Idaho Public Utilities CommissionOffice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 200S Boise. Idaho Issued: March 3 2005 ..._--..-...__....__...~...- - .. Effective: March 13 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 9 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 1 - TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Advance Payment - Payment of all or part of a charge required before the start of service. Anonymous Call Rejection - This feature allows subscribers with or without Calling Number Delivery and/or Calling Name Delivery to reject calls for which calling name/number display information has been intentionally blocked. Only calls for which the information has been blocked are rejected. If the display information is not available due to network restrictions or other reasons, the receiving customer premises equipment (telephone or adjunct)-if equipped-is presented with a message to indicate the unavailability of the calling information. Rejected calls are sent to a service provider announcement. An operator in case of emergency can override Anonymous Call Rejection. Assume Dial "9" - A system feature that eliminates the need for all Centrex users in the same Centrex group to dial an access level "9" to access the PSTN. All lines in the Centrex must be configured as Assume Dial 9 or none. Auto Answer Back - The Auto Answer Back feature, when implemented on a Meridian Business set, allows any incoming call to the Primary Directory Number (PDN) of the set to be automatically answered after 4 seconds. Conversation takes place through a hands free unit. This feature requires the use of a hands free Meridian Business Set. Automatic Call Back - The subscriber can automatically place a call to the last number they dialed without having to redial the full number, whether the call was answered, unanswered or busy. The number last called is rung again if the line is idle and the call goes through. If the line is busy, the subscriber will hear a special announcement and the DMS will continue to monitor the called number. When the number is idle again the subscriber will receive a special ring on their phone or a tone if they are on another call. When the subscriber picks up the phone the connection is made. This service is limited to calls within the LATA. Automatic Line (Hotline) - Directs the line to automatically call a preassigned number when a line user lifts the handset. Automatic Recall - Allows the subscriber to automatically place a call to the last number that tried to call them. This allows the subscriber to easily return missed calls. When activated, if the line is busy, the subscriber will hear a special announcement and the DMS will continue to monitor the called number. When the number is idle again the subscriber will receive a special ring on their phone or a tone if they are on another call. When the subscriber picks up the phone the connection is made. This service is limited to calls within the LATA. Automatic Route Selection-Basic (ARS- Basic) - This feature allows Centrex users to automatically select the preferred dedicated route for a PSTN call. The user dials an access level i.e. "9" and the call is routed over the correct dedicated facility for the call type based on routing choices predetermined by the customer and programmed into the Centrex switch. Routing patterns are based on three-digit screening using NPA's only. Authorized User - A person, firm, corporation or other entity that either is authorized by the Customer to use local exchange telephone service or is placed in a position by the Customer, either through acts or omissions, to use local exchange telephone service. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3 2005 Effective: March 13 2005 .-_.._0-'-. Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O50 1 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 10 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES' SECTION 1 - TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS, (CONT' Call Forward Busy - Automatically routes incoming calls to a designated answering point when the called line is busy. Call Forward Doesn t Answer Ring Select (Subscriber Programmable Ringing) - Allows the subscriber with the Call Forward Doesn t Answer option to program the number of rings before a call is forwarded. The subscriber dials an access code, receives a special dial tone, and enters the desired number of rings, ITom two to nine. A confirmation tone is provided if the operation is successful, and from this point on any incoming call that is unanswered is forwarded after the newly specified number of rings. The new ringing time-out value stays in effect until it is changed. Call Forward No Answer - Automatically routes incoming calls to a designated answering point when the called line does not answer within a pre-specified number of rings. Call Forward Variable - Automatically routes incoming calls to a designated answering point, regardless of whether the user s Station is idle or busy. Call Forwarding of Call Waiting Calls - This service provides the capability to forward unanswered waiting calls to a subscriber-designated DN by using the combined call treatments of Call Waiting and Call Forward Don t Answer. An incoming call to a busy line first receives standard call waiting treatment in which the called party hears an audible tone and the calling party hears audible ringing. If the call is not answered after a period of time that is equal to the time-out value of Call Forward Don t Answer, the incoming call is given Call Forward Don t Answer treatment and is forwarded to a subscriber-designated DN. Call Hold - Allows the User to hold one call for any length of time provided that neither party goes On Hook. Call Park - Allows a User to "park" a call against their directory number within the business group and "unpark" the call ITom any other directory number. A business group consists of a series of Customer-defined telephone numbers. Call Pickup - Allows a User to answer incoming calls to another Station line within a defined call pickup group. Call Pickup is provided as either Group Call Pickup, where predesignated groups can pickup each other s calls by activating an access code or a feature key, or Directed Call Pickup, where any call can be retrieved by dialing a different access code followed by the extension number. Call Transfer/Consultation/Conference - Provides the capability to transfer or add a third party, using the same line. Call Waiting - Provides the User with a burst of tone to indicate that another call is waiting. The second call can either be answered by flashing the switch hook or hanging up the phone and being rung back by the caller. Call Waiting Cancel- Allows a User to cancel the Call Waiting feature on a per call basis by dialing a specific two digitcode. . ' . Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Baise. Idaho Effective: March 13 2005Issued: March 3, 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 1 - TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS, (CONT' Call Waiting Display of Caller ID - On Call Waiting calls the calling party's name or number will be displayed along with the audible CWT tone. Caller ID Name and Number - Adds the display of the calling party's name to Calling Number Delivery Calling Number Delivery - Identifies the 10-digit number of the calling party. Calling Number Delivery Blocking - Blocks the delivery of the number to the called party on a per call or per line basis. Company - XO Communications Services, Inc., a Delaware corporation, which is the issuer of this tariff. Commission - The Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Conference/Meet Me - The User can sequentially call up to five other people and add them together to make up a six-way call. Customer - The person, fmn, corporation or other entity which orders service and is responsible for the payment of charges and for compliance with the Company s tariff regulations. Customer Group Dialing Plan - A dialing scheme shared by the members of a Customer group, such as 4 digit internal dialing. Dial Pulse ("DP") - The pulse type employed by rotary dial Station sets. Digital Facility Interface (IXC T-l Access) - This termination provides a digital interface for a high capacity (T- facility that terminates to a customer s Centrex system. This service provides for the termination of24 circuits within the Centrex to another Centrex, PBX or to a Long Distance Carrier (IXC). Two digital facility interfaces will be needed to connect two Centrex systems, one for each Centrex. The cost of the Digital Facility Interface is in addition to the T- private line. Direct Inward Dialing ("DID") - A service attribute that routes incoming calls directly to Stations, by-passing a central answering point. Directed Call Pickup - Allows a Centrex station user to answer incoming calls that ring on another station within a pre- set group by dialing a feature activation code and the extension number of the station being answered. The maximum number of members in a Directed Call Pickup Group is 75. Idaho Public Utilities CommissionOffice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3 2005 Effective: March 13, 2005 '~'-""~""'"'-'* -'... Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O50 1 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 12 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 1 - TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS, (CONT' Distinctive Ringing/Call Waiting - With this service, incoming calls from up to 12 DNs (DMS-I00) can be automatically identified by distinctive ringing. A distinctive ringing pattern (short-long-short for the DMS-I00) accompanies incoming calls from the designated DNs. If a subscriber is engaged in conversation and a call from one of the designated DNs arrives, a distinctive call waiting tone (short-long-short) accompanies the incoming call. Calls from all other DNs ring normally. Do Not Disturb - Allows the User to prevent incoming calls from ringing its line by diverting them to a tone or a recorded announcement that informs the caller that the User is not accepting calls at this time. Dual Tone Multi-Frequency ("DTMF") - The pulse type employed by tone dial Station sets. Electronic Set Interface per PDN - This feature allows for the connection of a Business Set to the Central Office through a special interface card Executive Busy Override - Allows a station to gain access (barge-in) to a busy station by flashing the switch hook when a busy is reached and dialing a feature activation code. This feature is also available forMADN groups, MCA and SCA. Executive Busy Override Exempt - Block a station using Executive Busy Override from entering a call that the EBX station user has made or received. Fast Transfer - This feature, which provides Transfer on Release capability, speeds up call handling for Meridian Business Set (MBS) users by: Reducing the number ofkeystrokes needed to transfer a call Eliminating the need to first conference the call. The Transfer on Release capability enhances Three""Way Call/Call Transfer (3WC/CXR) feature. Hunting - Routes a call to an idle Station line. With Serial Hunting, calls to a member of a hunt group will search from that point to the end of the group and stop. Individual Case Basis - A service arrangement in which the regulations, rates and charges are developed based on the specific circumstances of the Customer s situation. Intercept - Provides a recorded announcement of the status of the number dialed; disconnected, number changed etc. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3 2005 ' ..,.....' . - -." -. Effective: March 13 2005 Alaine.Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 13 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 1 - TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS, (CONT' Joint User - A person, fmn or corporation designated by the Customer as a user oflocal exchange service furnished the Customer by the Company, and to whom a portion of the charges for such facilities are billed under a joint use arrangement. LATA - A local access and transport area established pursuant to the Modification of Final Judgment entered by the United States District Court for the District of Columbia in Civil Action No. 82-0192 for the provision and administration of communications services. Least Idle Trunk Selection ("LIDL") - LIDL trunk selection occurs when a switching unit selects from a Trunk group the Trunk that has been idle for the shortest period of time. Local Calling - A completed call or telephonic communication between a calling Station and any other station within the local service area of the calling Station. Local Exchange Carrier - Any individual, partnership, association, joint-stock company, trust, governmental entity or corporation engaged in the provision of local exchange telephone service. Mbps - Megabits, or million of Bits, per second. Message Waiting - This feature provides an indication to a Station User that a message is waiting. Indications may be visual (lamp) or audible (stuttered dialtone). Most Idle Trunk Selection ("MIDL") - MIDL Trunk selection occurs when a switching unit selects from a Trunk group the Trunk that has been idle for the longest period of time. Multiple Appearance Directory Numbers - A directory number that is assigned more than once to one or more Proprietary Business Sets. Multi-Frequency ("MF") - An inter-machine pulse-type used for signaling between telephone switches, or between telephone switches and PBX/key systems. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho ~.._... ,--". ' Issued: March 3, 2005 Effective: March 13, 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 1st Revised Page 14 Cancels Original Page 14 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 1 - TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS, (CONT' Non-Recurring Charges - The one-time initial charges for services or facilities, including but not limited to charges for construction, installation, or special fees, for which the Customer becomes liable at the time the Service Order is executed. Off-Hook - The term "off-hook" denotes the active condition of a telephone exchange service line. On-Hook - The term "on-hook" denotes the idle condition of a telephone exchange service line. Originating Off-Net - A call originating on and placed via facilities neither owned nor leased by the Company. Originating On-Net - A call originating on and placed via facilities owned or leased by the Company. Point-of- Termination - The point at which the Company s responsibility to provide equipment and Service ends and where the Customer s responsibilities begin, identified as the interface between the Company and Customer at the Point- of-Presence, a local exchange company s central office, a long-distance company s Point-of-Presence or End-User sites identified in an Access Service Request. (N) (N) Premises - The location usually indicated by a street address at which Service is provided or delivered, identified as a Point-of- Termination or Service Location in a Service Order. Presubscription - Presubscription is an arrangement whereby an end user may select and designate to the Company an interexchange carrier (IXC) to access, without an access code, for toll calls. This IXC is referred to as the end user predesignated IXC. Privacy Release - Allows a Business Set user to establish a conference call among private MADN-SCA members and an external party. A maximum of 30 parties are permitted in a single connection depending on the number of members of the MADN group. Recurring Charges - The monthly charges to the Customer for services, facilities and equipment, which continue for the agreed upon duration of the service. Remote Access to Call Forwarding - From any phone anywhere a subscriber can forward their number to another number. Call Forward Remote Activation (CFRA) can be accessed from any DTMF telephone simply by dialing an access code and a personal identification number (PIN). If Call Forward is already in effect, the forward-to number can be changed by dialing the access code, the PIN, and the new forward-to destination. Selective Call Acceptance - Allows the subscriber to set up a list of up to 12 DNs in the DMS indicating numbers that should always be able to call the subscriber. When activated, only callers on this list will be connected to the subscriber line. All other callers hear an announcement. Selective Call Forwarding (SCF) - Allows subscribers to ensure that selected calls reach them when they are away from the office. Incoming calls from up to 12 DNs can be forwarded to another location. Calls from DNs that are not on the SCF list can be picked up at the office-or receive whatever treatment the subscriber has arranged, such as answering machine or voice mail. If the SCF destination is busy, the originator will receive busy tone. Issued: July 3 2007 Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 11111 Sunset Hills Rd. Reston, VA 20190 Effective: July 13 , 2007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 3 2007 Boise. Idaho XO Communications Services, Inc. Idaho Price List No. Original Page 15 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 1 - TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS, (CONT' Selective Call Rejection - Allows the subscriber to set up a list of up to 12 DNs in the DMS indicating telephone numbers from which the subscriber does not wish to receive calls. When activated a number on the list that tries to call will hear an announcement and will not be connected. Service Commencement Date - The first day following the date on which the Company notifies the Customer that the requested service or facility is available for use, unless extended by the Customer s refusal to accept service which does not conform to standards set forth in the Service Order or this tariff, in which case the Service Commencement Date is the date of the Customer s acceptance of service. The parties may mutually agree on a substitute Service Commencement Date. Service Order - The written request for local exchange services executed by the Customer and the Company in a format specified by the Company. The signing of a Service Order by the Customer and acceptance thereof by the Company initiates the respective obligations of the parties as set forth therein and pursuant to this tariff , but the duration of the service is calculated from the Service Commencement Date. Service Outage - A disruption or degradation of On-Net Service. Services - The Company s telecommunications services offered on the Company s network. Simultaneous Ring (SimRing) - Enables up to five Directory Numbers (DNs) to ring simultaneously whenever there is a call to a Pilot DN (PDN). The PDN can be any DMS Business line that has subscribed to this service. The PDN and up to four non-pilot DNs can be included in a SimRing group. The phone in the SimRing group that goes off-hook first receives the call. Special Construction - Subject to the arrangement of the Company and to all of the regulations contained in this tariff special construction of facilities may be undertaken on a reasonable efforts basis at the request of the Customer. Special construction is that construction undertaken:a) where facilities are not presently available, and Company agrees to construct those facilities;b) of a type other than that which the Company would normally utilize in the furnishing of its services;c) over a route other than that which the Company would normally utilize in the furnishing of its services;d) in a quantity greater than that which the Company would normally construct;e) on an expedited basis;f) on a temporary basis until permanent facilities are available; g) involving abnormal costs; orh) in advance of its normal construction. Special construction charges will be determined on a case by case basis. Speed Call- Provides User with the option to call selected directory numbers by dialing a one or two-digit code. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3 , 2005 Effective: March 13, 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 IDl0501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 16 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 1 - TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS, (CONT' Station - Telephone equipment from or to which calls are placed. Station to Station Dialing - Allows Centrex users to dial another station within the same Centrex group using the last 3,4, or 5 digits of the Centrex line number. Three Way Calling - Allows a station to include a third party on a call. If the originator disconnects from the call the Way call is ended, unless the originator s Business Line has Call Transfer in which case the remaining two callers are joined. The originator is billed for all toll or usage charges. Trunk - A communications path connecting two switching systems in a network, used in the establishment of an end-to- end connection. User - A Customer or any other person authorized by the Customer to use service provided under this tariff. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3 2005 Effective: March 13 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 17 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Undertaking of the Company 1.1 Scope The Company undertakes to furnish communications service in connection with one-way and/or two- way information transmission between points within the State of Idaho under the terms of this tariff. Customers may use services and facilities provided under this tariff to obtain access to services offered by other service providers. The Company is responsible under this tariff only for the services and facilities provided herein, and it assumes no responsibility for any service provided by any other entity that purchases access to the Company network in order to originate or terminate its own services, or to communicate with its own Customers. 1.2 Shortage of Equipment or Facilities (A)The Company reserves the right to limit or allocate the use of existing facilities, or of additional facilities offered by the Company when necessary because oflack of facilities or due to some other cause beyond the Company s control. (B)The furnishing of service under this tariff is subject to the availability on a continuing basis of all the necessary facilities and is limited to the capacity of the Company s fiber optic cable facilities as well as facilities the Company may obtain from other carriers, from time to time, to furnish service as required at the sole discretion of the Company. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 ZOOS Boise. Idaho --"-' ... .. . ..... - Effective: March 13, 2005Issued: March 3 , 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.I 1st Revised Page 18 Cancels Original Page 18 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 2-RULES AND REGULATIONS 2.1 Undertaking of the Company(Cont’d) 2.1.3 Terms and Conditions 2.1.3 .(A)Except as otherwise provided herein,service is provided and billed on the basis ofa minimum period of at least one month,and shall continue to be provided until canceled by the Customer,in writing,on not less than 45 days notice.Unless (C) otherwise specified herein,for the purpose of computing charges in this tariff,a month is considered to have 30 days.All calculations of dates set forth in this tariff shall be based on calendar days,unless otherwise specified herein. 2.1.3(B)Customers may be required to enter into written Service Orders which shall contain or reference the name of the Customer,a specific description of the service ordered,the rate to be charged,the duration of the services,and the terms and conditions in this tariff. 2.1.3(C)At the expiration of the initial term specified in each Service Order,or in any extension thereof,service shall continue on a month to month basis at the then current rates unless terminated by either party upon 45 days written notice for (C) Customer’s under contract at the time of notification,and on not less than 30 days for Customer’s month-to month at the time of notification Any termination shall (C) not relieve Customer of its obligation to pay any charges incurred under the Service Order and this tariff prior to termination.The rights and obligations which by their nature extend beyond the termination ofthe term ofthe Service Order shall survive such termination. 2.1.3(D)This tariff shall be interpreted and governed by the laws of the State of Idaho, 2.1.3 .(E)Another telephone company must not interfere with the right ofany person or entity to obtain service directly from the Company. Issued:August 15,2011 Effective:Seteyberl,20Il tc Kelly Faul —Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Hemdon,VA 20171 Boise,Idaho XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 19 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS. (CONT' Undertaking of the Company (Cont' 1.4 Liability of the Company Because the Customer has exclusive control of its communications over the services furnished by the Company, and because interruptions and errors incident to these services are unavoidable, the services the Company furnishes are subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations specified in this tariff and to such particular terms, conditions, and limitations as set forth in the special regulations applicable to the particular services and facilities furnished under this tariff. 1.4.(A)The liability of the Company for damages arising out of the furnishing of these services, including but not limited to mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays, or errors, or other defects, representations, or use of these services or arising out of the failure to furnish the service, whether caused by acts of commission or omission shall be limited to the extension of allowances for interruption. The extension such allowances for interruption shall be the sole remedy of the Customer authorized user, or joint user and the sole liability of the Company. 1.4.(B)The Company shall not be liable or responsible for any special, consequential exemplary or punitive damages or lost profits whether or not caused by the intentional acts or omissions or negligence of the Company s employees, agents or contractors. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, ~daho _..~.._...." -"~. """ - ... Effective: March 13 2005Issued: March 3 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory-& External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 20 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS. (CONT' Undertaking of the Company (Cont'd) 1.4 Liability of the Company (Cont'd) 1.4.(C) 1.4.(D) 1.4.(E) 1.4.(F) 1.4.(G) 1.4.(H) The Company shall not be liable for any failure of performance or equipment due causes beyond its control, including but not limited to: acts of God, fire, flood or other catastrophes; any law, order, regulation, direction, action, or request of the United States Government, or of any other government, including state and local governments having or claiming jurisdiction over the Company, or of any department, agency, commission, bureau, corporation, or other instrumentality of anyone or more of these federal, state, or local governments, or any civil or military authority; national emergencies; insurrections; riots; wars; unavailability of rights- of-way or materials; or strikes, lock-outs, work stoppages, or other labor difficulties. The Company shall not be liable for any act or omission of any entity furnishing to the Company or to the Company s Customers' facilities or equipment used for or with the services the Company offers. . The Company shall not be liable for any damages or losses due to the fault or negligence of the Customer. The Company shall not be liable for the claims of vendors supplying equipment to Customers of the Company which maybe installed at premises of the Company nor shall the Company be liable for the performance of said vendor or vendor equipment. The Company does not guarantee nor make any warranty with respect to installations it provides for use in an explosive atmosphere. The Customer indemnifies and holds the Company harmless from any and all loss, claims demands, suits, or other action, or any liability whatsoever, whether suffered, made instituted, or asserted by any other party or person(s), and for any loss, damage, or destruction of any property, whether owned by the Customer or others, caused or claimed to have been caused directly or indirectly by the installation, operation failure to operate, maintenance, removal, presence, condition, location, or use. any installation so provided. The Company is not liable for any defacement of, or damage to, the premises of a Customer (or authorized or joint user) resulting from the furnishing of services or equipment on such premises or the installation or removal thereof, when such defacement or damage is not the result of negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the agents or employees of the Company. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING fTART3lUD Issued: March 3, 2005 Effective: March 13 , 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External AffaiBoise, Idaho 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 IDl050 1 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 21 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS. (CONT' Undertaking of the Company (Cont'd) 1.4 Liability of the Company (Cont'd) 1.4.(1) The Company shall not be liable for any damages resulting from delays in meeting any service dates due to delays resulting from normal construction procedures. Such delays shall include, but not be limited to, delays in obtaining necessary regulatory approvals for construction, delays in obtaining right-of-way approvals and delays in actual construction work. 1.4.(1) The Company shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever to property resulting from the installation, maintenance, repair or removal of equipment and associated wiring unless the damage is caused by the Company s willful misconduct or negligence. 1.4.(K)The Company shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever associated with service, facilities, or equipment which the Company does not furnish or for any act or omission of Customer or any other entity furnishing services, facilities or equipment used for or in conjunction with XO Service. 1.4.(L) THE COMPANY MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED EITHER IN FACT OR BY OPERATION OF LAW, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANT ABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE, EXCEPT THOSE EXPRESSLY SET FORTH HEREIN. 1.4.(M) The included tariff language does not constitute a determination by the Commission that a limitation of liability imposed by the Company should be upheld in a court oflaw. Acceptance for filing by the Commission recognizes that it is a court' responsibility to adjudicate negligence and consequential damage claims. It is also the court's responsibility to determine the validity of the exculpatory clause. Notification of Service-Affecting Activities The Company will provide the Customer reasonable notification of service-affecting activities that may occur in normal operation of its business. Such activities may include, but are not limited to equipment or facilities additions, removals or rearrangements and routine preventative maintenance. Generally, such activities are not specific to an individual Customer but affect many Customers services. No specific advance notification period is applicable to all service activities. The Company will work cooperatively with the Customer to determine the reasonable notifications requirements. With some emergency or unplanned service-affecting conditions, such as outage resulting from cable damage, notification to the Customer may not be possible. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Issued: March 3, 2005 Boise, Idi:1ho Effective: March 13 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 22 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES 1.6 Undertaking of the Company (Cont' SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS. (CONT' (A) Provision of Equipment and Facilities (B) (C) (D) Where construction is required, the Company shall use reasonable efforts to make available services to a Customer on or before a particular date, subject to the provisions of and compliance by the Customer with, the regulations contained in this tariff. The Company does not guarantee availability by any such date and shall not be liable for any delays in commencing service to any Customer. The Company shall use reasonable efforts to maintain facilities that it furnishes to the Customer. The Customer may not, nor may the Customer permit others to rearrange, disconnect, remove, attempt to repair or otherwise interfere with any of the facilities installed by the Company, except upon the written consent of the Company. Equipment installed at the Customer Premises for use in connections with the services the Company offers shall not be used for any purpose other than that for which the Company provided it. The Company shall not be responsible for the installation, operation, or maintenance of any Customer-provided communications equipment. Where such equipment is connected to the facilities furnished pursuant to this tariff, the responsibility of the Company shall be limited to the furnishing of facilities offered under this tariff and to the maintenance and operation of such facilities. Beyond this responsibility, the Company shall not be responsible for: 1.6.(D).the transmission of signals by Customer-provided equipment or for the quality of, or defects in, such transmission; or (D).the reception of signals by Customer-provided equipment; or (D).3 network control signaling where such signaling is performed by Customer- provided network control signaling equipment. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise. Idaho "-'~"..._...' -.. ""'" Issued: March 3 2005 Effective: March 13 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 1st Revised Page 23 Cancels Original Page 23 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS. (CONT' 1.7 Undertaking ofthe Company (Cont'd) Non-routine Installation 1.8 At the Customer s request, non-routine installation may be provided by the Company. Non-routine installation may include, but not be limited to, installation and/or maintenance performed outside the Company s regular business hours, on an expedited basis outside of the standard installation intervals, or in hazardous locations. In such cases, charges based on cost of the actual labor, material, or other costs incurred by or charged to the Company will apply. The Customer will be charged a non-recurring charge to recover these costs incurred by the Company. Where an expedited installation due date is requested, these charges will be applied even if installation is not completed by the expedited installation due date. If installation is started during regular business hours but, at the Customer request, extends beyond regular business hours into time periods including, but not limited to weekends, holidays, and/or night hours, additional charges may apply. (T) (T) Ownership of Facilities Title to all facilities provided in accordance with this tariff remains in the Company, its agents or contractors. Telecommunications Service Priority The Telecommunications Service Priority System is the regulatory, administrative and operational system authorizing and providing for priority treatment, to provide and restore National Security Emergency Preparedness Telecommunications service. Under the rules of the Telecommunications Service Priority System, the Company is authorized and required to provide and restore services with Telecommunications Service Priority assignments before services without such assignments. The provision and restoration of Telecommunications Service Priority System services shall be compliance with Part 64, Appendix A, of the Federal Communications Commission s Rules and Regulations, the guidelines set forth in the Telecommunications Service Priority for National Security Emergency Preparedness Service User Manual and Service Vendor Handbook. Prohibited Uses The service the Company offers shall not be used for any unlawful purpose or for any use as to which the Customer has not obtained all required governmental approvals, authorizations, licenses, consents and permits. The Company may require a Customer to immediately shut down its transmission of signals if said transmission is causing interference to others. Issued: March 16 2006 Kelly Faul - Regulatory Affairs Director 11111 Sunset Hills Rd. Reston, VA 20190 Effective: April 14, 2006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 1 4 2006 ID1O501 Boise. Idaho XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 24 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES 2.3 Obligations of the Customer General SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS. (CONT' 2.3. 1. (A) The Customer shall be responsible for: the payment of all applicable charges pursuant to this tariff; 2.3. 1. (B) 2.3.1(C) 2.3. 1. (D) reimbursing the Company for damage to, or loss of, the Company s facilities or equipment caused by the acts or omissions of the Customer; or the noncompliance by the Customer with these regulations; or by fire or theft or other casualty on the Customer s premises, unless caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of the employees or agents of the Company. The Company will, upon reimbursement for damages, cooperate with the Customer in prosecuting a claim against the person causing such damage and the Customer shall be subrogated to the Company s right of recovery of damages to the extent of such payment. providing at no charge, as specified from time to time by the Company, any needed personnel, equipment, space and power to operate Company facilities and equipment installed on the premises of the Customer, and the level of heating and air conditioning necessary to maintain the proper operating environment on such pretnlses; obtaining, maintaining, and otherwise having full responsibility for all rights-of-way and conduit necessary for installation of fiber optic cable and associated equipment used to provide local exchange service to the Customer from the cable building entrance or property line to the location of the equipment space described in 2.3.1(C). Any costs associated with obtaining and maintaining the rights-of-way described herein, including the costs of altering the structure to permit installation of the Company-provided facilities, shall be borne entirely by, or may be charged by the Company to, the Customer. The Company may require the Customer to demonstrate its compliance with this section prior to accepting an order for service; Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 ZOOS Boise, Idaho . . - .,. . Issued: March 3 2005 Effective: March 13 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O50 1 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 1st Revised Page 25 Cancels Original Page 25 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES 3.1 General (Cont'd) Obligations of the Customer (Cont'd) SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS. (CONT' 3. 1. (E) 2.3. 1. (F) 1(G) 3.1(H) providing a safe place to work and complying with all laws and regulations regarding the working conditions on the premises at which Company employees and agents shall be installing or maintaining the Company s facilities and equipment. The Customer may be required to install and maintain Company facilities and equipment within a hazardous area if, in the Company s opinion, injury or damage to the Company s employees or property might result from installation or maintenance by the Company. The Customer shall be responsible for identifying, monitoring, removing and disposing of any hazardous material (e.g. friable asbestos) prior to any construction or installation work; complying with all laws and regulations applicable to, and obtaining all consents approvals, licenses and permits as may be required with respect to, the location of Company facilities and equipment in any Customer premises or the rights-of-way for which Customer is responsible under Section 2.3.1 (d) above; and granting or obtaining permission for Company agents or employees to enter the premises of the Customer at any time for the purpose of installing, inspecting, maintaining, repairing, or upon termination of service as stated herein, removing the facilities or equipment of the Company; not creating or allowing to be placed or maintained any liens or other encumbrances on the Company s equipment or facilities. Customer shall not route calls to a Public Safety Answering Point ("PSAP") or other emergency answering point over X a services from any location other than the Customer Premises at which XO's local voice service is established, unless Customer has subscribed to XO's PS/ALI service as set forth in Section 4. (N) (N) Issued: July 3 2007 Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 11111 Sunset Hills Rd. Reston, VA 20190 Effective: July 13, 2007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 3 ZO07 Boise, JdabDJ XO Communications Services, Inc. Idaho Price List No. Original Page 26 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS. (CONT' 2.3 Obligations of the Customer (Cont' 2.3.Jurisdictional Nature of Traffic 2.3.2(A) Customer agrees, represents and warrants that all traffic being delivered by Customer to Company for local termination, and all traffic that Company delivers to Customer that has originated in the same local calling area in which Customer s NXX is assigned and/or in which such traffic is terminated to Customer, is local traffic or is legally entitled to be treated as local traffic under all applicable federal, state and local laws, administrative and regulatory requirements and any other authorities having jurisdiction. 2.3.2(B) Customer further agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Company and its parent company, affiliates, employees, directors, officers, and agents from and against all claims, demands, actions, causes of actions, damages, liabilities, losses, and expenses (including reasonable attorney s fees) incurred in connection with: Customer s breach or failure of any representation or warranty; Customer s traffic being processed through the Company switch/node; or the effect of any regulatory or legal modifications/change of law. 2.3.2(C) If Customer defaults in fulfilling any material obligation of the Service Order Agreement , any Amendments or this Tariff, Company shall have the right to terminate the Agreement and the Customer shall pay Company, in addition to any other amounts then owing under the Agreement, a cancellation charge equal to the monthly recurring charge times the number of months remaining in the contract. These charges are intended to establish liquidated damages in the event of early termination and are not intended as a penalty. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILiNG MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3 2005 Effective: March 13 , 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 IDl050 1 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 27 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS. (CONT' 2.4.General Customer Equipment and Channels A Customer may transmit or receive information or signals via the facilities of the Company. 4.2 Station Equipment 2.4.(A) 2.4.(B) The Customer is responsible for providing and maintaining any terminal equipment on the Customer premises. The electric power consumed by such equipment shall be provided by, and maintained at the expense of, the Customer. All such terminal equipment must be registered with the FCC under 47 C.F ., Part 68 and all wiring must be installed and maintained in compliance with those regulations. The Company will, where practicable, notify the Customer that temporary discontinuance of the use of a service may be required; however, where prior notice is not practicable, nothing contained herein shall be deemed to impair the Company s right to discontinue forthwith the use of a service temporarily if such action is reasonable under the circumstances. In case of such temporary discontinuance, the Customer will be promptly notified and afforded the opportunity to correct the condition which gave rise to the temporary discontinuance. During such period of temporary discontinuance, credit allowance for service interruptions as set forth in Section 2.6 following is not applicable. The Customer is responsible for ensuring that Customer-provided equipment connected to Company equipment and facilities is compatible with such equipment and facilities. The magnitude and character of the voltages and currents impressed on Company-provided equipment and wiring by the connection, operation, or maintenance of such equipment and wiring shall be such as not to cause damage to the Company-provided equipment and wiring or injury to the Company s employees or other persons. Any additional protective equipment required to prevent such damage or injury shall be provided by the Company at the Customer s expense. 2.4.3 Interconnection of Facilities 2.4.3.(A) 2.4.3.(B) Any special interface equipment necessary to achieve compatibility between the facilities and equipment of the Company used for furnishing local exchange service and the channels, facilities, or equipment of others may be provided at the Customer s expense. Facilities furnished under this tariff may be connected to Customer-provided terminal equipment in accordance with the provisions of this tariff. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING t1ARJ ~ 2aDS Issued: March 3 2005 Effective: March 13 2005 Boise. Idaho Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 28 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS. (CONT' Customer Equipment and Channels (Cont' 2.4.4 Inspections 2.4.4. (A) 2.4.4.(B) Upon reasonable notification to the Customer, and at a reasonable time, the Company may make such tests and inspections as may be necessary to determine that the Customer is complying with the requirements set forth in Section 2.4.(B) for the installation, operation, and maintenance of Customer-provided facilities and equipment to Company-owned facilities and equipment. No credit will be allowed for any interruptions occurring during such inspections. If the protective requirements for Customer-provided equipment are not being complied with, the Company may take such action as it deems necessary to protect its facilities, equipment, and personnel. The Company will notify the Customer promptly if there is any need for further corrective action. Within ten days of receiving this notice the Customer must take this corrective action and notify the Company of the action taken. If the Customer fails to do this, the Company may take whatever additional action is deemed necessary, including the suspension of service, to protect its facilities, equipment and personnel from harm. The Company will, upon request 24 hours in advance, provide the Customer with a statement of technical parameters that the Customer s equipment must meet. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1. 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3 , 2005 Effective: March 13 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 IDl0501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 2nd Revised Page 29 Cancels 1st Revised Page 29 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS. (CONT' Payment Arrangements Payment for Service The Customer is responsible for payment of all charges for service and facilities furnished by the Company to the Customer or its Joint or Authorized Users. If an entity other than the Company imposes charges on the Company, in addition to its own internal costs, in connection with a service for which a Company Non- Recurring Charge is specified, those charges may be passed on to the Customer. Billing and collection functions performed by the Company shall be in accordance with all applicable statutes and Commission rules. 5. 1. (A) Taxes: The Customer is responsible for the payment of any sales, use, gross receipts, excise access or other local, state and federal taxes, charges, user fees, or surcharges (however designated) excluding taxes on the Company s net income imposed on or based upon the provision of Local Exchange Services, all of which shall be separately designated the Company s invoices. Any taxes imposed by a local jurisdiction (e., county and municipal taxes) will only be recovered from those Customers residing in the affected jurisdictions. It shall be the responsibility of the Customer to pay any such taxes that subsequently become applicable retroactively. 5 .(B) A surcharge is imposed on all charges for service originating at addresses in states, counties, and municipalities which levy, or assert a claim of right to levy, a gross receipt or franchise tax on the Company s operations in any such state, county or municipality. This surcharge is based on the particular state , county , or municipality s receipts tax or franchise fee and other jurisdiction s taxes imposed directly or indirectly upon the Company by virtue of, and measured by, the gross receipts or revenues of the Company in that jurisdiction. The surcharge will be shown as a separate line item on the Customer s monthly invoice. 1.(C) Service Order Charge.Company will assess a Service Order Charge for each of the following Customer initiated requests made after 30 days from the installation of Service: Primary Service Order Charge Adding lines, moving services, convert product types Record Order Charge Adding or changing directory listings, changing billing account information Subsequent Order Charge Adding new features, changing existing features Line Restoral Charge Re-establishing service after suspension for non-payment PIC Change Charge Changing interLATA or intraLATA carrier Technician Visit Charge Requests requiring a technician to be dispatched. for work to be completed $50.00 per order (I) $15.00 per order $50.00 per order (I) $20.00 per line $5.00 per line (N) $150.00 per occurrence (N) Kelly Faul, Regulatory Affairs Director XO Communications Services, Inc. 11111 Sunset Hills Rd. Reston, VA 20190 EFFECTIVE: November 1 2006 Idaho P~bJjc Utilities CommissiOIl ' Of.lce of the Secretary CEPTED FOR FILING NOY I - 2006 ISSUED: October 6, 2006 80m. fdlblJ XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No.1 (T) 2nd Revised Page 30 Cancels 1st Revised Page 30 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 2-RULES AND REGULATIONS.(CONT’D.) 2.5 Payment Arrangements (Contd) 2.5.2 Billing and_Collection of Charges Bills will be rendered monthl’to Customer. 2.5.2.(A)All service,installation,monthly Recurring Charges and Non-Recurring Charges are due and payable in accordance with applicable Commission rules. 2.5.2(B)The Company shall present bills for Recurring Charges monthly to the Customer,in advance ofthe month in which service is provided.Usage charges will be billed in arrears. 2.5.2.(C)For new customers or existing customers whose service is disconnected,the charge for the fraction of the month in which service was furnished will be calculated on a pro rata basis.For this purpose.every month is considered to have 30 days. 2.5.2.(D)Amounts not paid within 30 days after the date of invoice are considered past due and Customer will be assessed a 1.5%monthly late charge on past due balances. 2.5.2.(E)Checks payments with insufficient funds or noiexisting accounts will be (I) assessed a penalty fee of $50.00. 2.5.3 Disputed Bills The Customer shall notify the Company of any disputed items on a bill.If the Customer and the Company’are unable to resolve the dispute to their mutual satisfaction,the Customer may file a complaint with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission in accordance with the Commission’s rules of procedure. 2.5.3(A)The date of the dispute shall be the date the Company receives sufficient documentation to enable it to investigate the dispute. 2.5.3(B)The date of the resolution is the date the Company completes its investigation and notifies the Customer of the disposition of the dispute. Issued:June 7,2013 Effetiy,e:Jnne 30,2013lao-ubc Kelly Faul Regulatory Affairs Director ACCEFE)-: 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon,VA 20171 Boise,Ideho XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 31 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS. (CONT' Payment Arrangements (Cont' 5.4 Advance Payments To safeguard its interests, the Company may require a Customer to make an Advance Payment before services and facilities are furnished. The Advance Payment will not exceed an amount equal to the Non-Recurring Charge (s) for the service or facility. In addition, where special construction is involved, the Advance Payment may also include an amount equal to the estimated Non-Recurring Charges for the special construction and Recurring Charges (if any) for a period to be set between the Company and the Customer. The Advance Payment will be credited to the Customer s initial bill. An Advance Payment may be required in addition to a deposit. Deposits (A)Applicants for service or existing Customers may be required to provide the Company a security deposit. All deposits will be handled in accordance with the provisions of IDAP A 110. The deposit requested will be in cash or the equivalent of cash, and will be held in an interest bearing escrow account as a guarantee for the payment of charges. A deposit does not relieve the Customer the responsibility for the prompt payment of bills. The deposit will not exceed an amount equal to: (A).two month's charges for a service or facility which has a minimum payment period of one month; or (B)When a service or facility is discontinued, the amount of a deposit, if any, will be applied to the Customer s account and any credit balance remaining will be refunded with interest. (C)Deposits held will accrue interest at a rate specified by the Commission. Idaho Public Utilities Commission \ Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiliNG MAR 1 3 2005 ooase. Idaho ....--' - Issued: March 3 2005 Effective: March 13, 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 32 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS. (CONT' 2.5 Payment Arrangements (Cont'd) Discontinuance of Service (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) Upon nonpayment of any amounts owing to the Company, the Company may, by giving requisite prior written and oral notices to the Customer in accordance with Commission rules, discontinue or suspend service without incurring any liability. Upon violation of any of the other material terms or conditions for furnishing service the Company may, by giving 30 days' prior notice in writing to the Customer, discontinue or suspend service without incurring any liability if such violation continues during that period. Upon condemnation of any material portion of the facilities used by the Company to provide service to a Customer or if a casualty renders all or any material portion of such facilities inoperable beyond feasible repair, the Company, by notice to the Customer, may discontinue or suspend service without incurring any liability. Upon the Customer s insolvency, assignment for the benefit of creditors, filing for bankruptcy or reorganization, failing to discharge an involuntary petition within the time permitted by law, or abandonment of service, the Company may, with prior notice to the Customer, demand a deposit in accordance with applicable state and federal statutes and rules. Upon any governmental prohibition, or required alteration of the services to be provided or any violation of any applicable law or regulation, the Company may immediately discontinue or suspend service without incurring any liability. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3, 2005 Effective: March 13 2005 -- . Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 33 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS. (CONT' Payment Arrangements (Cont' Discontinuance of Service (F)The Company may discontinue the furnishings of any and! or all service( s) which the Company is legally entitled to disconnect, to a Customer, without incurring any liability: (F). (a) Immediately and without notice if the Company deems that such action is necessary to prevent or to protect against fraud or to otherwise protect its personnel, agents, facilities or services. The Company may discontinue service pursuant to this sub-section (F).1 (a-f) if: The Customer refuses to furnish information to the Company regarding the Customer s credit-worthiness, its past or current use of common carrier communications services or its planned use of service(s); or (b)The Customer provides false information to the Company regarding the Customer s identity, address, credit-worthiness past or current use of common carrier communications services or its planned use of the Company s service(s); or (c)The Customer has been given all requisite notices by the Company, in accordance with Commission rules, of any past due amount (which remains unpaid in whole or in part) for any of the Company s other common carrier communications services to which the Customer either subscribes or had subscribed or used; Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3, 2005 Effective: March 13 2005 -,--'--"- Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 IDl0501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 34 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS. (CONT' Payment Arrangements (Cont' (F). Piscontinuance of Service (Coni' dj (Cont' (F). (F).3 (G) (H) Issued: March 3, 2005 (d)The Customer uses, or attempts to use, service with the intent to avoid the payment, either in whole orin part, of the tariffed charges for the service by: (1) (2) Using or attempting to use service by rearranging, tampering with, or making connections to the Company s service not authorized by this by this tariff; or Using tricks, schemes, false or invalid numbers, false credit devices, electronic devices; or Any other fraudulent means or devices; or(3) (e)Use of service in such a manner as to interfere with the service of other users; or (f)Use of service for unlawful purposes. Upon being given all requisite notices by the Company in accordance with Commission rules, and, after failure of the Customer to comply with a request made by the Company for security for the payment of service in accordance with Section 5; or After sending the Customer proper notice of noncompliance with any provision of this tariff if the noncompliance is not corrected within a period established by Commission rule. The suspension or discontinuance of service(s) by the Company pursuant to this Section does not relieve the Customer of any obligation to pay the Company for charges due and owing for service(s) furnished during the time of or up to suspension or discontinuance. Upon the Company s discontinuance of service to the Customer under Section 1 or 2., all applicable charges, including termination charges, shall become due. This is in addition to all other remedies that may be available to the Company at law or in equity or under any other provision of this tariff. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise. Idaho Effective: March 13 2005 ..- --' .... . Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory"& External Aff~iITs- 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 35 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS. (CONT' Allowances for Interruptions of Service Credit for Interruptions: In the event that Company is unable to restore a portion of the Service as required hereunder, or in the event of a Service Outage, Customer shall be entitled to a credit as set forth in 2.b below, for all unplanned outages in excess offour (4) hours. Credit allowances, if any, shall be deducted from the charges payable by Customer hereunder and shall be expressly indicated a subsequent bill to Customer. A Service Outage begins when Company is notified or becomes aware of the failure, whichever occurs first. A Service Outage ends when the affected Service is fully operative, subtracting any delay time associated with Company s inability to access the Customer Premise. If the Customer reports Services to be inoperative but declines to release it for testing and repair, it is considered to be impaired, but shall not be deemed a Service Outage. (a) To be eligible for an Outage Credit, Customer must submit a request for credit in writing within sixty (60) days of the occurrence that includes the Trouble Ticket Number and Circuit ill or any claim for an allowance is waived. Unless otherwise specifically stated, Service Outages are not aggregated.for purposes of determining the credit allowance. (b) Service Outages for Services: Service Outage L&ngth Four (4) hours or less Between four (4) hours and eight (8) hours Between eight (8) hours and twentyOfour (24) hours More than twenty-four (24) hours and for each twenty-four (24) hours thereafter Credit Per Circuit None 75% ofMRC of the Circuit 5% ofMRC of Circuit 3.3% ofMRC of the Circuit capped at 50% of the MRC for any single Service Outage. Credits are capped at 100% of the MRC for all Service Outages to that same Circuit in any month. Credit allowances shall be issued in accordance with the Commission s Quality of Service Rules IDAPA 31.41.01. 501 503. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho . .... -~--------'---'-'."- - . --- J Effective: March 13 2005Issued: March 3 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 36 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Allowances for Interruptions of Service (Cont'd) SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS. (CONT' Limitations on Allowances No credit allowance will be made for: (A) (B) (C) (E) (F) (G) interruptions due to the negligence of, or noncompliance with the provisions of this tariff by, the Customer, Authorized User, Joint-User, or other common carrier providing service connected to the service of Company; interruptions due to the negligence of any person other than the Company including but not limited to, the Customer or other common carriers connected to the Company s facilities; interruptions of service during any period in which the Company is not given full and fTee access to its facilities and equipment for the purpose of investigating and correcting interruptions; interruptions of service during a period in which the Customer continues to use the service on an impaired basis; interruptions of service during any period when the Customer has released service to the Company for maintenance purposes or for implementation of a Customer order for a change in service arrangements; interruption of service due to circumstances or causes beyond the control of the Company. Use of Alternative Service Provided by the Company: Should the Customer elect to use an alternative service provided by the Company during the period that a service is interrupted, the Customer must pay the tariffed rates and charges for the alternative service used. 6.3 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho - ._-_.~- . .. Issued: March 3 2005 Effective: March 13 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No.1 (T) 1 Revised Page 37 Cancels Original Page 37 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 2 -RULES AND REGULATIONS.(CONT’D.) 2,7 Cancellation of Service 2.7.1.Cancellation of Application for Service 2.7.1 .(A)Applications for service are non-cancelable unless the Company otherwise agrees. Where the Company permits the Customer to cancel an application for service prior to the start of service or prior to any special construction,no charges will be imposed except for those specified below. 2.7.1 (B)Where,prior to cancellation by the Customer,the Company incurs any expenses in installing the service or in preparing to install the service that it otherwise would not have incurred,a charge equal to the costs the Company incurred shall apply,but in no case shall this charge exceed the sum of the charge for the minimum period of service ordered,including installation charges,and all charges others levy against the Company that would have been chargeable to the Customer had service begun. 2.7.1 (C)The special charges described in 2.7.1 (A)and 2.7.1 (B)will be calculated and applied on a case-by-case basis. 2.7.2 Cancellation of Service by the Customer If a Customer cancels a Service Order or terminates services before the completion of the term for any reason whatsoever,Customer agrees to pay to the Company the following sums which shall become (C) due and owing as of the effective date of the cancellation or termination and be payable within the period set forth in 2.5.2:all costs,fees and expenses reasonable incurred in connection with (I)all Non-Recurring Charges reasonably expended by the Company to establish service to the Customer,plus (2)any disconnection,early cancellation or termination charges reasonably incurred and paid to third parties by the Company on behalf of the Customer,plus (3)all Recurring Charges specified in the applicable Service Order tariff for the balance of the then current term. 2.7.3 ChajgyjSgrvice_Requested If the Customer makes or requests material changes in circuit engineering,equipment specifications, service parameters,premises locations,or otherwise materially modifies any provision of the application for service,the Customer’s installation fee shall be adjusted accordingly. Issued:June 7,2013 Kelly Faul —Regulator Affairs Director ACCE-LNG 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon,VA 20171 JUN30 ?j13 Boise.ldahG XO Communications Services, Inc. Idaho Price List No. - Original Page 38 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS. (CONT' Transfer and Assignments Neither the Company nor the Customer may assign or transfer its rights or duties in connection with the services and facilities provided by the Company without the written consent of the other party, except that the Company may assign its rights and duties ( a) to any subsidiary, parent company or affiliate of the Company; (b) pursuant to any sale or transfer of substantially all the assets of the Company; or (c) pursuant to any financing, merger or reorganization of the Company. Notices and Communications The Customer shall designate on the Service Order an address to which the Company shall mail or deliver all notices and other communications, except that Customer may also designate a separate address to which the Company s bills for service shall be mailed. The Company shall designate on the Service Order and address to which the Customer shall mail or deliver all notices and other communications, except that Company may designate a separate address on each bill for service to which the Customer shall mail payment on that bill. All notices or other communications required to be given pursuant to this tariff will be in writing. Notices and other communications of either party, and all bills mailed by the Company, shall be presumed to have been delivered to the other party on the fifth business day following deposit of the notice, communication or bill with the U.S. Mail or a private delivery service, prepaid and properly addressed, or when actually received or refused by the addressee, whichever occurs first. The Company or the Customer shall advise the other party of any changes to the addresses designated for notices, other communications or billing, by following the procedures for giving notice set forth herein. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho _. . . h_.Effective: March 13, 2005 Issued: March 3 , 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 39 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 3 - SERVICE AREAS AND LOCATIONS Exchange Areas The Company develops exchange service areas to establish service within a defined geographic area. 1.1.Extended Calling Areas:Exchanges and zones included in the extended calling areas are specified below. NXX's associated with each particular exchange or zone may be found in the telephone directory published by the incumbent local exchange provider in the Customer s exchange area. 1.2.List of Exchange Areas Included in Local Calling Area Exchange Area Exchange Areas Included In Extended Local Calling Area Rate Area A Colier D' Alene Colier D' Alene Rate Area B Lewiston Lewiston Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3 2005 ...._._. -'.'.-".'.- .- ,. - .. Effective: March 13 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.I 4th Revised Page 40 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 40 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4-SERVICE OFFERINGS,RATES &CHARGES 4.I Local Exchange Service:The Company’s Local Telephone Service provides a Customer with the ability to connect to the Company’s switching network which enables the Customer to: -place or receive calls to any calling Station in the local calling area,as defined herein: -access enhanced 911 Emergency Service where available; -access the same or different presubscribed interexchange carrier(s)selected by the Customer for intraLATA and interLATA calls,and a carrier for international calling; -access Operator Services; -access Directory Assistance; -place or receive calls to 800 telephone numbers; -access Telecommunication Relay Service. The Company’s service cannot be used to originate calls to other telephone companies’caller-paid information services (e.g.,900,976).Calls to those numbers and other numbers used for caller-paid information services will be blocked by the Company’s switch. 4.1 .0 The Access Recovery Charge (“ARC”)is a monthly charge designed to recover increased network costs for access circuits used to provide Service to customers,including but not limited to increases due to FCC or other governmental or regulatory actions orjudicial determinations made in connection with incumbent local exchange carrier charges for such circuits ..XO reserves the right to add,change or delete Access Recovery Charges upon notice to Customer.The ARC is calculated by application of a percentage to each customer’s total monthly recurring charges (MRCs).Ihe ARC percentage to be applied will be determined by the customer’s total MRCs on its monthly invoice.The chart below shows the ARC percentage that will be applied based on the MRCs. Total MRC Charge Percentage Total MRC Charge Percentage $0.00-100.00 16.00%$7,500.01-10,000.00 5.00% $100.01 -200.00 15.00%$10,000.01 -20,000.00 4.70% $200.0 1-400.00 14.00%$20,000.0 1-30.000.00 4.50% $400.01 -600.00 10.50%$30,000.01 -40,000.00 4.30% $600.01 -800.00 9.50%$40,000.01 -50,000.00 4.10% $800.01 -1000.00 8.50%$50,000.0 1-75,000.00 3,90% $1,000.01-I ,500.00 7.50%$75,000.01 -100,000.00 3.70% $1,500.01 -2,500.00 7.00%$100,000.01 -250,000.00 3.50% $2,500.0 1-5,000.00 6.50%$250,000.0 1-500,000.00 3 .40°/o S5,000.01-7,500.00 5.25%$500,000.01 +3.30% Issued:August 29,2011 Effective:October 1,2011 daho Pb kelly Faul Regulatory Affairs Director S 1386a Sunrise Valley Dr ACCE”T LING Herndon,VA 20171 OCT 1 2011 Boise.1dho XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 41 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Jntegrateq Services pigitallietwor~rimary ~lnterface (rRJ) Service Description Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) Primary Rate Interface (PRI) is furnished for the digital transmission of information at 64Kbps between the Company s serving wire center and ISDN- compatible terminal equipment located at the customer s premises or other service point. The service consists of a minimum of23 B (bearer channels) and 1 D (data channel) to provide the Customer with the capabilities of simultaneous access transmission and switching of voice and data services over channelized transport. In addition, ISDN PRI provides the customer with service capabilities and features described in this tariff. (A) Conditions: This service is offered subject to the following conditions: (1) PRI is only available from a serving central office (CO) equipped with the necessary facilities to provide PRI service. Feature availability and service capabilities are dependent on the facilities and digital technology providing the service. (2) ISDN compatible terminal equipment is required for operation. It is customer responsibility to power and obtain such equipment. (3) PRI service does not preclude customer from originating or receiving circuit-switched voice calls from inside or outside either their serving CO or their Local Exchange Area. Where facilities are available, customers will be able to originate and receive circuit- switched data calls outside of their serving CO. (4) PRI service does not provide for the transmission of packet data. (5) Local and long distance usage is not included in the Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC) or Non-recurring Charge (NRC) and is billed at the applicable tariffed rates. (6) All PRI Service must have at least one 23 B, plus 1 D PRI arrangement for signaling and control functions. A 23 B plus Back-up D PRI arrangement is required whenever more than 47 B Channels are controlled by a single D channel. (7) Each PRI is equipped with one telephone number. For Direct Inward Dial (DID) service, additional telephone numbers may be ordered in blocks of 10, 20 or 100 depending on customer location. (8) Clear Channel is available when all Carrier Equipment and customer equipment signaling is set to B8ZS. (See Service Components for defmition. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 ZOOS Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3 2005 - .- ..... - . Effective: March 13 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 IDl050 1 XO Communications Services, Inc. tdaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 ZOOS Idaho Price List No. Original Page 42 Boise, Idaho LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES - - SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' 4. 1. La 1.1.a.(B) Service Components: The following Service Components are included in the MRC when ordering ISDN PRI: (1) Primary Rate Access Line: Provides a four-wire access loop from the customer premise to the serving CO. The transmission via this loop supports Clear Channel Capability. (2) Primary Rate Interface: Provides the multiplexing to support up to 23 B Channels at 64 Kbps and 1 D Channel for signaling at 64 Kbps. With Non-Facilities Associated Signaling, the primary rate interface can provide up to 24 B Channels at 64 Kbps. (3) Primary Rate Channels: Provides unlimited usage of the channel that will transport voice or data up to 64 Kbps over any B Channel. ) Voice Calls may be completed to both ISDN and non-ISDN lines. ) Data Transmission on the B Channels will be circuit-switched at 64 Kbps within the switch and between compatible CO's. ISDN interconnection to non-ISDN equipped CO's may be potentially subjected to analog transmission or sub-rated to 56Kbps. ) B Channels can be allocated for specific services, such as DID, Direct Outward Dialing (DOD), Two-Way Trunk, Dedicated Inbound and Outbound Long Distance or customer can optionally configure channels to access multiple services on a per- call basis. (C) Primary Rate Channel Configurations:Customers may order anyone of the following three service configurations when ordering ISDN. However, the first PRI Access Line purchased must be the Standard Channel Configuration. A customer requiring additional ISDN PRI Access Lines may choose the 24 B channels with Non Facilities Associated Signaling or 23B with a Backup D Channel configuration. 1. Standard Channel Configuration: Provides 23 B Channels at 64 Kbps and primary D Channel at 64 Kbps. The B channels carry digitized customer traffic voice and/or data. The primary D Channel is out of band signaling used to control and route all B Channel traffic on a single ISDN PRI service arrangement. 2. Full Channel Configuration: Provides additional 24 B Channels at 64 Kbps. Only available in conjunction with a Standard channel configuration. 3. Backup Channel Configuration: Provides additional 23 B Channels at 64 Kbps and 1 Backup D Channel at 64 Kbps. The Backup D Channel controls and routes all the B channel traffic of a single ISDN PRI service arrangement should the primary D Channel go out of service. This option is only available in conjunction with a Standard service configuration. Issued: March 3, 2005 Effective: March 13 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 43 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' ~hange Service (Cont'd 1.1.a Inte ated Services Di ital Network Service Description (Cont'd) (D) Standard Service Features: The following Standard Service Features are included in the MRC when ordering anyone of the Primary Rate Channel Configurations, unless otherwise stated. Additional features and services are available to customer at the applicable rates found in this tariff. (1) Call-by-Call Service:Provides an option to the Dedicated B Channel Configuration allowing B channels to be configured to: Access multiple services on a per-call basis. Separate facilities are not needed for individual services such as DID, DOD, dedicated inbound and outbound long distance, and dial tone lines. Access the circuit-switched voice and data services to share B channels and arrange them as a single trunk group. Allows incoming and outgoing circuit-switched voice and data calls to utilize B channels on a call by call basis. Allow Customer to subscribe to more services than channels. The CPE signals the local CO to which type of service to access for each call; inbound/outbound trunk or dedicated long distance service. (2) Callin Line Identification Delive CLID: Customer receives the originating telephone number provided the information is forwarded by caller s Local Exchange and/or Long Distance Carrier. Incoming call identification is provided via the D channel associated with the incoming calls on a B channel to a PBX. (3) Calling Line Identification Delivery Blocking:Customer s telephone number(s) will not be forwarded to the called party. (4) Clear Channel Capability:Clear Channel is only available where technically feasible. The B Channels on ISDN PRI are clear. All signaling and control functions are handled by the D Channel allowing 64 Kbps on each channel to be used for customer information. (5) Non-Facility Control Signaling (NFAS):Provides capability for a single D Channel to provide signaling and control for one or more ISDN PRI line, up to a maximum of five. Following the 23B+D Channel, the 24th Channel on the subsequent ISDN PRI line is made available for customer use. When purchasing more than three ISDN PRI lines, a backup D Channel is recommended. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3 2005 ...-.-- ~_..- - ---.. Effective: March 13 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Idaho Price List No. Original Page 44 Boise. Idaho LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES . . SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Jntegrateq Services pigitallietwor~rimary Rate Interface CPR!) Service pescription (Cont'd) 1.1.a.(D) Standard Service Features (Cont'd) (6) D Channel Backup:Provides backup for the primary D channel for a customer with multiple PRI lines by automatically switching signaling capability over to another D channel if service to the primary D channel is interrupted. (7) Digital Voice Transmission:All voice calls are transmitted using digital signaling. (8) Direct Inward Dial DID Si alin : Permits incoming dialed calls from the exchange network to reach a specific number served by the CPE without the assistance of an attendant. Provides call identification based on digits sent to the CPE by the CO. (9) PBX Station ID Capability:Permits the station users number (calling party) to be transmitted over the ISDN PRI D channel from DID equipped CPE PBX's that use ISDN PRI. Number is provided by the originating station and must have an associated DID telephone number working in the CO. (10) Network Ring Again:Permits a calling station encountering a busy to notify the CO switch to signal the calling station when the called station becomes idle. The calling station then notifies the switch to complete the call. Enables the customer to complete calls to a busy station without continuous redialing. Certain equipment restrictions may apply. (11) Message Waiting Indication:Allows Utility network to pass Message Waiting Indication information between multiple entities within a PRI network serving arrangement. Requires suitably equipped ISDN switching and terminal equipment. (E) Optional Service Features: (a)2B Channel Transfer:2B Channel Transfer allows for the transfer of calls, the B channels are released immediately after a call is transferred, freeing up the B channels for additional call traffic. In a traditional PBX trunk environment, the two channels would be tied up for the duration of the call. (b)Calling Name Delivery:Delivers the name along with the number from the TCAP network database of the calling party. A private or unavailable indication will appear when the name is not available to the called customer. (F) Application of Rates: Customers will be charged for each ISDN PRI configuration ordered at the rates set forth below. ISDN PRI service is available in a month to month, 1, 2, 3 or 5 Year Term Plan. Rates vary depending on Term Plan. The Service Components and Standard Service Features listed above are included in the MRC. Local and Long Distance usage is not included in the MRC and billed at the applicable tariffed rates. Issued: March 3 2005 Effective: March 13 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, LLC Idaho Price List No. 1 9th Revised Page 45 Cancels 8th Revised Page 45 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT'D.) 4.1 Local Exchanee Service (Cont'd) 4.l.t.a Inteerated Services Dieital Network (ISDN) Primary Rate Interface (PRI) Service Description (Cont'd) 4.1.1.a.(F) Application of Rates (Cont'd) 4.1.1.a.(F).1 ISDN PRI Non-Recurrine Charee (NRC): Rate Area A Month to Month $ 1,454.00* I Year Term $954.00* 2 Year Term $954.00 * 3 Year Term $954.00* 5 Year Term $954.00 * 28 Channel Transfer (per PRI Span) $100.00 Calling Name Delivery (per PRI Span) $100.00 Rate Area B nla $3,724.00 $3,724.00 $3,326.0s $3,213.8s $ 100.00 $ 100.00 As of November 13, 2005 the following rates will apply: Rate Area A Month to Month $1,500.00 I Year Term $1.000.00 2 Year Term $ 1,000.00 3 Year Term $1.000.00 5 Year Term S1,000.00 4.1.1.a.(F).2 ISDN PRI Monthlv Recurrine Charees (MRC): Month to Month $ 1,651.32 I Year Term 51,617.60 2 Year Term $ 1,509.56 3 Year Term $ I ,410.80 5 Year Term 51,245 .44 28 Channel Transfer (per PRI Spr $75.00 Calling Name Delivery per PRI S $92.59 nla $ 1,339.8 I $1,108.31 $ I ,062.0 I $9s6.83 s75.00 $92.59 (D I I I (r) 4.1.1.a.(F).3 ISDN PRI Chanee Charee $50.00 Issued: December 12, 2018 Effective: January l, 2019 Kelly Faul - Senior Manager, Government Relations 22001 Loudoun County Pkwy Ashburn, YA 20147 lddro P,ubltc Uriiiiles Cr?-i;sto.r AccfFTfiflriltli,fu; JAN 1 - zAB Boiso,lftfp XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No.1 3rd Revised Page 46 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 46 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4-SERVICE OFFERINGS,RATES &CHARGES,(CONVD.) 4.1 Local Exchange Service (Cont’) 4.1.1 .b Basic Rate Interface (BR!)Basic Line*:BR!provides two 64 Kbps Bearer B channels used for voice and data transmission,and one 16 Kbps D channel used for call set-up and release the Customer’s terminal equipment and interconnection through non-digital central offices may cause transmission speed to be slower than the maximum achievable.The BR!line includes the following standard features at no additional charge.Customer Premises Equipment that is compatible with the ISDN interface is the responsibility of the Customer.ISDN BRI is subject to the availability of Company facilities.The Recurring and Non-Recurring rates are specified in 4.1.1 .(B).a.1. Dial Tone One Directory Listing Presubscription for InterLATA and IntraLATA Access to 911 Operator Services Directory Assistance Place/Receive Toll Free Number Calls Local/Long Distance Calls 900/976 Blocking 4.1 .1 .b.(A)ISDN Basic Rate interface (BR!)Rates and Charges BR!Non-Recurring Charges BR!Term Install Charge Month-to-Month $80.00 1-Year $75.00 2-Year $70.00 3-Year $65.00 BR!Monthly Recurring Charges Month-to-Month $100.41 (I) I-Year $119.36 2-Year $115.66 3-Year $112.22 (I) *Effective December 1,2008,this product will be available only to current customers at their current location. Issued:April 23,2012 Effective:May 18,2012 Kelly Faul —Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. 2Flerndon,VA 20171 V MAY I 8 ZOi2 Rse.dah-G XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 2nd Revised Page 47 Cancels 1st Revised Page 47 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont' 1.1.c Small Business Basic Business Lines Small Business Basic Business Lines are available to those customers who subscribe to this service as the only local exchange service from the Company. This service provides basic access service and supply a single, voice-grade communications channel for single line telephones, key telephone systems, modems and other devices needing access to the public switched telephone network (pSTN). Small Business Basic Business Line Customers will be charged a Non- Recurring Charge (NRC), a Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC) and usage charges as specified in Section 4.(D) of this Tariff as well as all applicable Federal, State and Local Taxes and Surcharges. 4. 1. l.c.(A)Small Business Basic Business Lines include the following standard attributes at no cost: Touchtone One White Pages Directory Listing One Yellow Pages Directory Listing 911 Access Caller ill Blocking- Per Call Blocking Restrictions- Small Business Basic Business Lines come standard with all Caller Paid Service, 500 and 900 area codes blocked. The additional blocking options listed below are available upon request for no additional charge. Option group B constitutes the default Blocking Option. 0 blocking lock 976-like, 500, 976, 900 area codes lock 976-like, 500, 976, 900, 01 , 011 codes lock 976-like, 500, 976, 900, 01 , 011 , DA lock 976-like, 500, 976, 900, 01, 011 , DA, InterLATA ntemational lock 976-like, 500, 976, 900, 01 , 011, DA, InterLATA temational, IntraLATA lock 976-like, 500, 976, 900, 0+ lock 976-like, 500, 976, 900, 0 lock all * As of April 1 , 2007, this product will only be available to current customers at their current location. Issued: March 14 2007 Effective: April 1, 2007 Idaho P~bfic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 1 -- 2007 Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 11111 Sunset Hills Rd. Reston, VA 20190 BoiJe" .Idaho (C) (N) XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 1st Revised Page 48 Cancels Original Page 48 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont' 4. 1. l.c.(B)Small Business Basic Business Line Optional Features: Small Business Basic Business Line Customers may order the following Optional Features listed below at the Rates specified in Section 4. 1. l.c.(D) of this Tariff. (T) (T) 1.1.c Small Business Basic Business Lines (Cont' Call Forward Busy Call Forward Don t Answer Call Forward Doesn t Answer Ring Select Call Fbrward Variable Call Waiting with Cancel Call Waiting Call Forwarding of Call Waiting Calls Call Transfer Speed Calling 8 Speed Calling 30 Three Way Calling Caller ill Number Only Caller ill Name & Number Caller ill Per Line Blocking Distinctive Ringing! Call Waiting Automatic Line (Hotline) Hunting Remote Access to Call Forwarding Simultaneous Ring Anonymous Call Rejection Automatic Call Back Selective Call Forwarding Selective Call Acceptance Selective Call Rejection Automatic Recall Message Waiting Indication- Audible Message Waiting Indication- Visual Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 11111 Sunset Hills Rd. Reston, VA 20190 Effective: March 17 2007 Idaho Public Utmties Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Issued: March 7, 2007 " ' MAR 1 7 2007 .I~ XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 2nd Revised Page 49 Cancels 1st Revised Page 49 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Local Exchange Services (Cont' SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' 4. 1. l.c.(C) 1.1.c Small Business Basic Business Lines (Cont'(T) Optional Feature Packages Optional Features that are combined into the following Feature Packages will have discounted pricing based on the number of features in each package. Pricing is listed in Section 4.(D) of this Tariff. Packages Feature Package 2 Feature Package 3 Feature Package 4 Feature Package 5 Feature Package 6 Features Included Three Way Calling and Call Forward Variable Three Way Calling, Call Forward Variable, and Call Transfer Call Forward Busy, Call Forward Don t Answer, Three Way Calling and Call Transfer Call Forward Busy, Call Forward Don t Answer, Three Way Calling, Call Transfer and Caller ill Name and Number Call Forward Busy, Call Forward Dont Answer, Three Way Calling, Call Transfer, Caller ill Name and Number and Remote Access to Call Forwarding Due to Network Turn Up and testing requirements in all Company Switches, features listed below may not be available at time of Service Activation. Anonymous Call Rejection Automatic Call Back Distinctive Ringing!Call Waiting Selective Call Forwarding Selective Call Acceptance Selective Call Rejection Automatic Recall MWI- Visual Issued: March 7, 2007 Kelly Faul, Regulatory Affairs Director 11111 Sunset Hills Road Reston, VA 20190 Effective: March 17, 2007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission OUice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 7 2007 BDise, rd. XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 2nd Revised Page 50 Cancels 1 st Revised Page 50 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont'd) 1.1.Small Business Basic Business Lines (Cont'd) 1.1.c.(D)Small Business Basic Business Line Rates and Charges (T) (T) Small Business Basic Business Line Customers will be charged applicable Non- Recurring, Monthly Recurring and Usage Charges as specified below. (T) 4. 1. l.c(D).Non-Recurrin Char Small Business Basic Business Line Rate Area A Rate Area B (T) 1 Year Rate $43.$37. 2 Year Rate $43.$37. 3 Year Rate $43.$37. Features Anonymous Call Rejection $10.$9. Call Forward Busy $10.$9. Call Forward No Answer $10.$9. Call Forward No Answer Ring Select $10.$9. Call Forward Variable $10.$9. Call Forwarding of Call Waiting Calls $10.$9. Call Transfer wlConsultation Hold $10.$9. Call Waiting wi Cancel Call Waiting $10.$9. Caller ill $10.$9. Caller ill wi Name & Number $10.$9. Distinctive Ringing wlCall Waiting $10.$9. Tone Hot Line $10.$9. Hunting $ 0.$0. Last Call Return $10.$9. SimRing $ 5.$9. Remote Access to Call Forwarding $10.$9. Repeat Dialing (Automatic Recall)$10.$9. Selective Call Acceptance $10.$9. Kelly Faul, Regulatory Affairs Director 11111 Sunset Hills Road Reston, VA 20190 Effective: March 17 2007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 7 2007 Issued: March 7 2007 Boise. Idako XO Communications Services, LLC ldaho Price List No. I I 2th Revised Page 5 I Cancels I lth Revised Page 5l LOCAL EXCHANCE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT'D.) 4.1 Local Exchanse Service (Cont'd) 4.1.1.c Small Business Basic Business Lines (Cont'd) 4.1.1.c.(D) Small Business Basic Business Line Rates and Charses (Cont'd) 4.1.1.c.(D).1 Non-RecurrineCharses(Cont'd) Features Selective Cal I Forwarding Selective Call Rejection Speed Calling - 30 Numbers Speed Calling- 8 Numbers Three Way Calling w/Consultation Hold Touchtone Rate Area A $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 Rate Area B s9.00 $e.00 $e.00 $e.00 $e.00 $ 0.00 $0.00 Proposed Feature Packases Feature Package 2 Feature Package 3 Feature Package 4 Feature Package 5 Feature Package 6 s20.00 $30.00 $40.00 $50.00 $60.00 $ 18.00 $27.00 s36.00 $45.00 $54.00 4.1.1.c.(D).2 MonthlvRecurrinsCharees Small Business Basic Business Line Rate Area A Rate Area B. 1-3 Lines: $78.24 $73.76 s73.76 I Year Rate 2 Year Rate 3 Year Rate $ 107.30 $ 102.83 $ 100.58 (r) I(r) (I) I (r) I Year Rate 2 Year Rate 3 Year Rate 4 or More Lines: $78.24 s73.76 $73.76 Features Anonymous Call Rejection Call Forward Busy Call Forward No Answer Call Forward No Answer Ring Select Call Forward Variable Call Forwarding of Call Waiting Calls $0.20 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $3.00 $3.80 $2.10 $ 1.70 $ 1.70 $3.00 $ 1.00 $ 1.70 Issued: December 12, 2018 Effective: January l, 20 l9 Kelly Faul - Senior Manager, Government Relations 22001 Loudoun County Pkwy Ashburn. VA 20147 ,o*ojlllp t lrities commission. -. . ,! ili i,l ri fftg !1rp,,1"riiL i, ;fi?',. i,.i,iii IlXi lfUO JAN I - ZOI9 Boise, ldaho XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 2nd Revised Page 52 Cancels 1st Revised Page 52 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont' 4. 1. l.c.(D)Small Business Basic Business Line Rates and Charges (Cont' (T) (T) 1.1.c Small Business Basic Business Lines (Cont' 4. 1. l.c.(D).Monthl Recurrin Char es (Cont' d) Features Rate Area A Rate Area B Call Transfer w/Consultation Hold $5.$5. Call Waiting wi Cancel Call Waiting $6.$3.40 Caller ill $9.$6.40 Caller ill wi Name & Number $10.$6. Distinctive Ringing wlCall Waiting $5.$1.00 Tone Hot Line $2.$1.70 Circular Hunting $0.$0. Sequential Hunting $0.$0. Last Call Return $5.$3. SimRing $5.$5. Remote Access to Call Forwarding $5.$5. Repeat Dialing (Automatic Recall)$3.$3. Selective Call Acceptance $3.$3. Selective Call Forwarding $3.$3. Selective Call Rejection $3.$3. Speed Calling - 30 Numbers $4.$5. Speed Calling - 8 Numbers $3.$3. Three Way Calling wlConsultation $4.$3. Hold T ouchtone $0.$0. Proposed Feature Packages Feature Package 2 $6.$5. Feature Package 3 $10.$9. Feature Package 4 $9.35 $10. Feature Package 5 $16.$14. Feature Package 6 $19.$17. Kelly Faul, Regulatory Affairs Director 11111 Sunset Hills Road Reston, VA 20190 Effective: March 17, 2007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 7 2007 Issued: March 7 2007 Boise. Idaho .. ,-- "., .- " i XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 2nd Revised Page 53 Cancels 1st Revised Page 53 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont'd) 1.1.c.(D)Small Business Basic Business Line Rates and Charges (Cont' (T) (T) 1.1.Small Business Basic Business Lines (Cont' 4. 1. l.c.(D).3 Additional Non-Recurring Charges Service Connection Charge (per line) Conversion Charge (per line) 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p. After hours Rate Area A $24. Rate Area B $37. $ 5. $10. $ 5. $10. Service order charges apply as described in Section 2.1.(e) of this tariff. Note Non-Recurring account change charges will not apply during the initial 30 day period following completion of a service order. Kelly Faul, Regulatory Affairs Director 11111 Sunset Hills Road Reston, VA 20190 Effective: March 17 2007 Idaho Public Utilities CommissioR OUice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 7 2007 Issued: March 7, 2007 Boise, Idaho XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 54 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Local Exchange Service (Cont' SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' 1.1.d Centrex Centrex is a business telephone system that is offered from the local Company central office. Centrex is a service that delivers a set of PBX-like features to individual desks with all lines linked in the Central Office to provide internal communications as well as access to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). Centrex Customers will be charged a Non-Recurring Charge, a Monthly Recurring Charge and Usage charges as specified in Section 4. 1. I.d.(C) of this Tariff, as well as all applicable Federal, State and Local Taxes and Surcharges. (A)Centrex includes the following standard attributes at no cost: T ouchtone One White Pages Directory Listing One Yellow Pages Directory Listing 911 Access Caller ill Blocking- Per Call Blocking Restrictions- Centrex service comes standard with all Caller Paid Service, 500 and 900 area codes blocked. The additional blocking options listed below are available upon request for no additional charge. Option group B constitutes the default Blocking Option. 0 blockin lock 976-like, 500, 976, 900 area codes lock 976-like, 500, 976, 900, 01, 011 codes lock 976-like, 500 976 900 011 , DA Block 976-like, 500, 976, 900, 01 , 011, DA, InterLATA International lock 976-like, 500, 976, 900, 01 , 011, DA, InterLATA International IntraLA T A Block 976-like, 500 976 900 0+ Block 976-like 500 976 900 0 Block all Idaho Public Utilities Commission .Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 ZO05 Boise. IdahD Issued: March 3 2005 Effective: March 13 , 2005 . ._..-. .- ,.- . . Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 IDl0501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 1st Revised Page 55 Cancels Original Page 55 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont'd) 1.1.d Centrex (Cont'd) 1.1.(B)Centrex Product Features The list below indicates which features will be included in the Centrex offering and whether they will be Standard or Optional features. Customer can select Standard Features at no additional cost over and above the Centrex line Monthly Recurring Charge and Non-Recurring Charges. Additional Monthly Recurring Charges and Non-Recurring Charges incurred for all Optional features are listed in Section 1.1.d.(C) of this Tariff. Standard Centrex Features Touchtone Blocking Restrictions- Centrex comes standard with all 976/976-1ike, 500 and 900 area codes blocked. Additional Blocking options are available upon request. White Pages and Yellow Pages Directory Listing 911 Access Caller ID Blocking - Per Call Itemized Usage Billing by Extension Station to Station Dialing (M) Executive Busy Override Executive Busy Override Exempt Call Forward Busy Call Forward Don t Answer Call Forward- Variable Call Forwarding of Call Waiting Calls Call Hold Call Waiting Display of Caller ID Call Pickup Call Transfer Call Waiting with Cancel Call Waiting Caller ID- Number Only Caller ID per Line Blocking Conference Calling - Meet Me Direct Inward/Direct Outward Dialing Directed Call Pickup Circular Hunting Sequential Hunting Some information on this page was moved to Page 56. (T) (N) (N) Issued: November 3, 2005 Effective: November 13 2005 Kelly Faul, Senior Regulatory Manager Idaho Public Utilities Commission11111 Sunset Hills Road Office of the SecretaryReston, VA 20190 ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 1 3 2005 Boise. Idaho XO Communications Services, Inc. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Idaho Price List No. 1st Revised Page 56 Cancels Original Page 56 Local Exchange Service (Cont'd) SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT'D. 1.1.Centrex (Cont'd) 1.1.(B)Centrex Product Features (Cont'd) Intercept Ring Again Speed Calling 8 Speed Calling 30 Three Way Calling Touch-Tone Optional Analo2 Features Assume Dial " Call Park Caller ID Name and Number Automatic Line Remote Access to Call Forwarding Simultaneous Ring (SimRing) Digital Facility Interface (IXC T -1 Access) Automatic Route Selection-Basic (ARS- Basic) Electronic Business Set Standard Features Auto Answer Back Automatic Line Fast Transfer Group Intercom Primary Directory Number Privacy Release Multiple Appearance of Directory Number (MADN - Single or Multi) Electronic Business Set Optional Features Electronic Set Interface per PDN Anonymous Call Rejection Automatic Call Back Automatic Recall Selective Call Acceptance Selective Call Forwarding Selective Call Rejection (N) (N) Business Set Automatic Dial Business Set Display Display Called Number Display Calling Number Key Short Hunt Query Time & Date (N) (N) (M) (M/T) Due to the scheduling of Network Turn Up and testing of Electronic Business Set features in all Company Switches, features listed below may not be available at time of Service Activation. Auto Answer Back Fast Transfer Group Intercom Privacy Release Electronic Set Interface per PDN Some information on this page was moved from Page 55.(N) Issued: November 3, 2005 Kelly Faul, Senior Regulatory Manager 11111 Sunset Hills Road Reston, VA 20190 Id '" Effective: November 13,2005a 0 ~ IC 'tll!tres Commission OffIce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 1 3 200S Boise, Idaho XO Communications Services, LLC Idaho Price List No. I 8th Revised Page 57 Cancels 7th Revised Page 57 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES 4.t SECTION 4 - SERVTCE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT'D.) Local Exchanse Service (Cont'd) 4.l.l.d Centrex (Cont'd) 4.1.1.d.(C) Centrex Rates and Charees - Centrex Customers will be charged applicable Non-Recurring, Monthly Recurring and Usage Charges as specified below. Monthly Recurring Charges 1 Year Term 10-24 Centrex Lines 25-72 Centrex Lines 73-96 Centrex Lines 97 + Centrex Lines 2 Year Term 10-24 Centrex Lines 25-72 Centrex Lines 73-96 Centrex Lines 97 + Centrex Lines 3 Year Term l0-24 Centrex Lines 25-72 Centrex Lines 73-96 Centrex Lines 97 + Centrex Lines Non-Recurrins Charses Optional Features Monthly Recurrine Charses Primary Appearance of Software No. Secondary Appearance of Software No. Add-On Module lnterface, per module Direct Station Selection /Busy Lamp Field Assume Dial "9" Call Park Caller ID Name and Number Catler ID Btocking Automatic Line (Hot Line) Remote Access to Call Forwarding Simultaneous Ring (SimRing) Digital Interface Facility (lXC T-1 Access) ARS-Basic (NPA Screening Only) Electronic Set Interface per PDN Rate Area A Rate Area B $55.65 $s5.65 $55.6s ICB $51.78 $51.78 $51.78 ICB $51.78 $51.78 $s 1.78 ICB $26.00 Rate Area A $ 1.00 $0.00 s4.00 s5.00 $3.00 $8e.25 $ 148.7s $ 1.00 $55.S0 $s5.90 $55.90 ICB $52.09 $52.0e $s2.0e ICB $52.0e $52.09 $52.09 ICB $37.00 Rate Area B $ 1.00 $0.00 (r) I(l) (l) I(l) (r) I(r) $ 1.00 $8.00 $3.00 $ 1.00 $3.00 $0.00 $ 1.00 $8.00 $3.00 $ 1.00 $7.00 $0.00 $4.00 $s.00 $3.00 $89.2s $ 148.75 $ 1.00 lssued: December 12. 2018 Kelly Faul - Senior Manager, Govemment Relations 22001 Loudoun County Pkwy Ashburn. VA 20147 Effective: January l, 2019 lddro Public tftilltles Corurnission Oltice of the Secrrtary ACCIiTt:r:l lriiil FiLl NG JAN 1 - 2019 Bolse, ldaho XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 57. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT'(N) Local Exchange Service (Cont'd) 1.1.d Centrex (Cont'd) 1.1.d.(C)Centrex Rates and Charges (Cont'd) Monthly Recurring Charges Anonymous Call Rejection Automatic Call Back Automatic Recall Selective Call Acceptance Selective Call Forwarding Selective Call Rejection Rate Area A $0. $ 5. $ 3. $ 3. $ 3. $ 3. Rate Area B $ 3. $ 3. $ 3. $ 3. $ 3. $ 3. (N) Idaho Public Ut'Off ' lIes Commioo;on ACCEPTE th~ Secretary Vv FOR FiUNG NOV 1 3 2005 Boise Idaho Issued: November 3, 2005 Effective: November 13,2005' Kelly Faul, Senior Regulatory Manager 11111 Sunset Hills Road Reston, VA 20190 XO Communications Services, Inc. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Idaho Price List No. 1st Revised Page 58 Cancels Original Page 58 Local Exchange Service (Cont'd) SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT'D. 1.1.d Centrex (Cont'd) (C)Centrex Rates and Charges Optional Features Non-Recurring Charges Primary Appearance of Software No. Secondary Appearance of Software No. Rate Area A $6. $13. Add-On Module Interface, per module Direct Station Selection /Busy Lamp Field Assume Dial " Call Park Caller ID Name and Number Caller ID per Line Blocking Automatic Line (Hot Line) Remote Access to Call Forwarding Simultaneous Ring (SimRing) Digital Interface Facility (IXC T -1 Access) ARS-Basic (NPA Screening Only) Electronic Set Interface per PDN Anonymous Call Rejection Automatic Call Back Automatic Recall Selective Call Acceptance Selective Call Forwarding Selective Call Rejection $9. $85. $4. $4. $0. $0. $26. $0. $0. $0. $0. $0. $ 0. Rate Area B $6. $13. (D) $9. $85. $4. $4. $9. $0. $26. $0. $0. $0. $0. $0. $ 3. (R) (N) (N) Idaho Pl~bljc Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaiY ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG NOV 1 3 200S Boise, Idaho Issued: November 3, 2005 Effective: November 13,2005 Kelly Faul, Senior Regulatory Manager 11111 Sunset Hills Road Reston, V A 20190 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 1st Revised Page 58. Cancels Original Page 58. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont' Business Services Basic Business Lines (C) Business Services Basic Business Lines are available to those customers who subscribe to other non- Basic Business Line services from the Company. This service provides basic access service and supply a single, voice-grade communications channel for single line telephones, key telephone systems, modems and other devices needing access to the public switched telephone network (pSTN). Business Services Basic Business Line Customers will be charged a Non- Recurring Charge (NRC), a Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC) and usage charges as specified in Section 4.(D) of this Tariff as well as all applicable Federal, State and Local Taxes and Surcharges. 4. 1. I.e. (A)Business Services Basic Business Lines include the following standard attributes at no cost: Touchtone One White Pages Directory Listing One Yellow Pages Directory Listing 911 Access Caller ill Blocking- Per Call Blocking Restrictions- Business Services Basic Business Lines come standard with all Caller Paid Service, 500 and 900 area codes blocked. The additional blocking options listed below are available upon request for no additional charge. Option group B constitutes the default Blocking Option. Option E 0 blocking lock 976-like, 500, 976, 900 area codes lock 976-like, 500, 976, 900, 01 , 011 codes lock 976-like, 500, 976, 900, 01 , 011 , DA lock 976-like, 500, 976, 900, 01 , 011 , DA, InterLATA temational lock 976-like, 500, 976, 900, 01, 011 , DA, InterLATA temational, IntraLATA lock 976-like, 500, 976, 900, 0+ lock 976-like, 500, 976, 900, 0 lock all * As of April 1 , 2007, this product will only be available to current customers at their current location.(N) Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 11111 Sunset Hills Rd. Reston, VA 20190 Effective: April 1, 2007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 1- 2007 Issued: March 14 2007 8Djse~ JdabD XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 58. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont' 1.1.Business Services Basic Business Lines (Cont' 4. 1. l.e.(B)Business Services Basic Business Line Optional Features: Business Services Basic Business Line Customers may order the following Optional Features listed below at the Rates specified in Section 4.1.1.e.(D) of this Tariff. Call Forward Busy Call Forward Don t Answer Call Forward Doesn t Answer Ring Select Call Forward Variable Call Waiting with Cancel Call Waiting Call Forwarding of Call Waiting Calls Call Transfer Speed Calling 8 Speed Calling 30 Three Way Calling Caller ill Number Only Caller ill Name & Number Caller ill Per Line Blocking Distinctive Ringing! Call Waiting Automatic Line (Hotline) Hunting Remote Access to Call Forwarding Simultaneous Ring Anonymous Call Rejection Automatic Call Back Selective Call Forwarding Selective Call Acceptance Selective Call Rejection Automatic Recall Message Waiting Indication- Audible Message Waiting Indication- Visual Issued: March 7, 2007 Effective: March 17, 2007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission OHice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 7 2007 Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 11111 Sunset Hills Rd. Reston, VA 20190 Boise. rdallo (N) (N) XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 58.3 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Services (Cont' 1.1.e Business Services Basic Business Lines (Cont' 4. 1. l.e.(C)Optional Feature Packages Optional Features that are combined into the following Feature Packages will have discounted pricing based on the number of features in each package. Pricing is listed in Section 4.1.1.e.(D) of this Tariff. Packages Feature Package 2 Feature Package 3 Feature Package 4 Features Included Three Way Calling and Call Forward Variable Three Way Calling, Call Forward Variable, and Call Transfer Call Forward Busy, Call Forward Don t Answer, Three Way Calling and Call Transfer Feature Package 5 Call Forward Busy, Call Forward Dont Answer, Three Way Calling, Call Transfer and Caller ill Name and Number Feature Package 6 Call Forward Busy, Call Forward Don t Answer, Three Way Calling, Call Transfer, Caller ill Name and Number and Remote Access to Call Forwarding Due to Network Turn Up and testing requirements in all Company Switches, features listed below may not be available at time of Service Activation. Anonymous Call Rejection Automatic Call Back Distinctive Ringing!Call Waiting Selective Call Forwarding Selective Call Acceptance Selective Call Rejection Automatic Recall MWI- Visual Issued: March 7 2007 Idaho Public Utilities conH~fo~ve: March 17, 2007 Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 7 2007 Kelly Faul, Regulatory Affairs Director 11111 Sunset Hills Road Reston, VA 20190 Boise, IdaU (N) (N) XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 58.4 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont' Business Services Basic Business Lines (Cont' d) 4. 1. l.e.(D)Business Services Basic Business Line Rates and Charges Business Services Basic Business Line Customers will be charged applicable Non-Recurring, Monthly Recurring and Usage Charges as specified below. 1.1.e(D).Non-Recurrin Char Busmess Services Basic Business Line Rate Area A Rate Area B 1 Year Rate $43.$37. 2 Year Rate $43.$37. 3 Year Rate $43.$37. Features Anonymous Call Rejection $10.$9. Call Forward Busy $10.$9. Call Forward No Answer $10.$9. Call Forward No Answer Ring Select $10.$9. Call Forward Variable $10.$9. Call Forwarding of Call Waiting Calls $10.$9. Call Transfer wlConsultation Hold $10.$9. Call Waiting wi Cancel Call Waiting $10.$9. Caller ill $10.$9. Caller ill wi Name & Number $10.$9. Distinctive Ringing wlCall Waiting $10.$9. Tone Hot Line $10.$9. Hunting $ 0.$0. Last Call Return $10.$9. SimRing $ 5.$9. Remote Access to Call Forwarding $10.$9. Repeat Dialing (Automatic Recall)$10.$9. Selective Call Acceptance $10.$9. Issued: March 7, 2007 Effective: March 17, 2007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 7 2007 Kelly Faul, Regulatory Affairs Director 11111 Sunset Hills Road Reston, VA 20190 BoiJe. IdaM (N) (N) XO Communications Services, LLC Idaho Price List No. I lOth Revised Page 58.5 Cancels 9th Revised Page 58.5 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERTNGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT'D.) 4.1 Local Exchanse Service (Cont'd) 4.l.l.e Business Services Basic Business Lines (Cont'd) 4.1.1.e.(D) Business Services Basic Business Line Rates and Charses (Cont'd) 4.1.l.e.(D).1 Non-RecurrineCharges(Cont'd) Features Selective Call Forwarding Selective Call Rejection Speed Calling - 30 Numbers Speed Calling - 8 Numbers Three Way Calling ilConsultation Hold Touchtone Rate Area A Rate Area B $ 10.00 s 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $ 0.00 $0.00 Proposed Feature Packages Feature Package 2 Feature Package 3 Feature Package 4 Feature Package 5 Feature Package 6 $20.00 $30.00 $40.00 $50.00 $60.00 $ 18.00 $27.00 $36.00 $4s.00 $54.00 4.1.1.e.(D).2 MonthlyRecurrineCharees Rate Area B $78.24 $73.76 s73.76 (I) I(r) Features Anonymous Call Rejection Call Forward Busy Call Forward No Answer Call Forward No Answer Ring Select Call Forward Variable Call Forwarding of Call Waiting Calls $0.20 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $3.00 $3.80 $2. l0 $ 1.70 $ 1.70 $3.00 s 1.00 $ 1.70 Issued: December 12, 2018 Effective: January l, 2019 lda\o Publtc UilttUss Cornr*sslon A c cEpTE d'tff fr'Fflr- r ru e JAN I - 2019 8olso, ldaho Kelly Faul - Senior Manager, Government Relations 22001 Loudoun County Pkwy Ashburn, VA 20147 Business Services Basic Business Line Rate Area A I Year Rate $107.30 2 Year Rate $ 102.83 3 Year Rate $ 100.58 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 58. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont'd) 1.1.e Business Services Basic Business Lines (Cont' 1.1.e.(D)Business Services Basic Business Line Rates and Charges (Cont' 4. 1. l.e.(D).Monthl Recurrin Char es (Cont' d) Features Rate Area A Rate Area B Call Transfer w/Consultation Hold $5.$5. Call Waiting wi Cancel Call Waiting $6.$3.40 Caller ill $9.$6.40 Caller ill wi Name & Number $10.$6. Distinctive Ringing wlCall Waiting $5.$1.00 Tone Hot Line $2.$1.70 Circular Hunting $0.$0. Sequential Hunting $0.$0. Last Call Return $5.$3. SimRing $5.$5. Remote Access to Call Forwarding $5.$5. Repeat Dialing (Automatic Recall)$3.$3. Selective Call Acceptance $3.$3. Selective Call Forwarding $3.$3. Selective Call Rejection $3.$3. Speed Calling - 30 Numbers $4.$5. Speed Calling - 8 Numbers $3.$3. Three Way Calling wlConsultation $4.$3. Hold Touchtone $0.$0. Proposed Feature Packages Feature Package 2 $6.$5. Feature Package 3 $10.$9. Feature Package 4 $9.35 $10. Feature Package 5 $16.$14. Feature Package 6 $19.$17. Issued: March 7 2007 Effective: March 17, 2007 Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission DU,ce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 7 ZOOl Kelly Faul, Regulatory Affairs Director 11111 Sunset Hills Road Reston, VA 20190 808, (N) (N) XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 58. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT'D. Local Exchange Service (Cont' 1.1.e Business Services Basic Business Lines (Cont' 4. 1. l.e.(D)Business Services Basic Business Line Rates and Charges (Cont'd) (D).Additional Non-Recurring Charges Service Connection Charge (per line) Conversion Charge (per line) 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p. After hours Rate Area A $24. Rate Area B $37. $ 5. $10. $ 5. $10. Service order charges apply as described in Section 2.1.(C) of this tariff. Note Non-Recurring account change charges will not apply during the initial 30 day period following completion of a service order. Issued: March 7, 2007 Effective: March 17, 2007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Kelly Faul, Regulatory Affairs Director OUice of the Secretary 11111 Sunset Hills Road ACCEPTED FOR FILING Reston VA20190 MAR 1 72007 Boise. Idaho (N) (N) XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 58. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont'd) Small Business Basic Business Lines II Small Business Basic Business Lines II are available to those customers who subscribe to this service as the only local exchange service from the Company. This service provides basic access service and supply a single, voice-grade communications channel for single line telephones, key telephone systems, modems and other devices needing access to the public switched telephone network (pSTN). This service includes the following features: 3-Way Calling, Call Transfer, Caller ill Name & Number, Call Forwarding Variable, Call Forwarding Busy, Call Forwarding No Answer, and Sequential Hunting. Small Business Basic Business Line II Customers will be charged a Non- Recurring Charge (NRC), a Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC) and usage charges as specified in Section 4.1.1.(D) of this Tariff as well as all applicable Federal, State and Local Taxes and Surcharges. 1.1.f.(A)Small Business Basic Business Lines II include the following standard attributes at no cost Touchtone One White Pages Directory Listing One Yellow Pages Directory Listing 911 Access Caller ill Blocking- Per Call Blocking Restrictions- Small Business Basic Business Lines II come standard with all Caller Paid Service, 500 and 900 area codes blocked. The additional blocking options listed below are available upon request for no additional charge. Option group B constitutes the default Blocking Option. 0 blocking lock 976-like, 500, 976, 900 area codes lock 976-like, 500, 976, 900, 01 , 011 codes lock 976-like, 500, 976, 900, 01 , 011 , DA lock 976-like, 500, 976, 900, 01, 011 , DA, InterLATA ntemational lock 976-like, 500, 976, 900, 01 , 011, DA, InterLATA ntemational, IntraLA T A lock 976-like, 500, 976, 900, 0+ lock 976-like, 500, 976, 900, 0 lock all Issued: March 14, 2007 Effective: April 1 , 2007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 1 -- 2007 Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 11111 Sunset Hills Rd. Reston, VA 20190 Boise. Idaho (N) (N) XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 58. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT'D. Local Exchange Service (Cont' 1.1.f Small Business Basic Business Lines II (Cont' 1.1.f.(B)Small Business Basic Business Line II Optional Features: Small Business Basic Business Line II Customers may order the following Optional Features listed below at the Rates specified in Section 4. 1. 1.f.(D) of this Tariff. Call Forward Doesn t Answer Ring Select Call Waiting with Cancel Call Waiting Call Forwarding of Call Waiting Calls Speed Calling 8 Speed Calling 30 Caller ill Per Line Blocking Distinctive Ringing/ Call Waiting Automatic Line (Hotline) Hunting (Circular) Remote Access to Call Forwarding Simultaneous Ring Anonymous Call Rejection Automatic Call Back Selective Call Forwarding Selective Call Acceptance Selective Call Rejection Automatic Recall Message Waiting Indication- Audible Message Waiting Indication- Visual f.(C)Optional Feature Due to Network Turn Up and testing requirements in all Company Switches, features listed below may not be available at time of Service Activation. Anonymous Call Rejection Automatic Call Back Distinctive Ringing/Call Waiting Selective Call Forwarding Selective Call Acceptance Selective Call Rejection Automatic Recall MWI- Visual Issued: March 14, 2007 Effective: April 1, 2007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 1- 2007 Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 11111 Sunset Hills Rd. Reston, VA 20190 Boise, Idaho (N) (N) XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 58. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Services (Cont' 1.1.f Small Business Basic Business Lines II (Cont'd) (D)Small Business Basic Business Line IT Rates and Charges Small Business Basic Business Line II Customers will be charged applicable Non-Recurring, Monthly Recurring and Usage Charges as specified below. f(D).1 Non-Recurrin Char Small Business Basic Business Line II Rate Area A Rate Area B 1 Year Rate $43.$37. 2 Year Rate $43.$37. 3 Year Rate $43.$37. Features Anonymous Call Rejection $10.$9. Call Forward No Answer Ring Select $10.$9. Call Forwarding of Call Waiting Calls $10.$9. Call Waiting wi Cancel Call Waiting $10.$9. Distinctive Ringing wlCall Waiting Tone $10.$9. Hot Line $10.$9. Hunting (Circular)$ 0.$0. Last Call Return $10.$9. SimRing $ 5.$9. Remote Access to Call Forwarding $10.$9. Repeat Dialing (Automatic Recall)$10.$9. Selective Call Acceptance $10.$9. Selective Call Forwarding $10.$9. Selective Call Rejection $10.$9. Speed Calling - 30 Numbers $10.$9. Speed Calling - 8 Numbers $10.$9. Touchtone $ 0.$0. Issued: March 14 2007 Effective: April 1 , 2007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission OUice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 1 -- 2007 Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 11111 Sunset Hills Rd. Reston, VA 20190 Boise, Idaho (N) (N) XO Communications Services, LLC Idaho Price List No. 1 9th Revised Page 58.1 I Cancels 8th Revised Page 58.1 1 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES 4.1 SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT'D.) Local Exchanee Services (Cont'd) 4.l.l.f Small Business Basic Business Lines Il (Cont'd) 4.1.1.f.(D).2 Monthly RecurrinsCharees Small Business Basic Business Line Il Rate Area A I Year Rate 2 Year Rate 3 Year Rate I Year Rate 2 Year Rate 3 Year Rate Features Anonymous Call Rejection Call Forward No Answer Ring Select Call Forwarding of Call CallWaiting Call Transfer dConsultation Hold Call Waiting w/ Cancel Call Waiting Distinctive Ringing ilCall Waiting Tone Hot Line Circular Hunting Last Call Return SimRing Remote Access to Call Forwarding Repeat Dialing (Automatic Recall) Selective CalI Acceptance Selective Call Forwarding Selective Call Rejection Speed Calling - 30 Numbers Speed Calling- 8 Numbers Touchtone $ 107.30 $ 102.83 $ 100.s8 (r) I(I) (l) I(r) $0.20 $ 1.00 s3.80 $ 1.70 Rate Area B. 1-3 Lines: $78.24 s'73.76 $73.76 4 or More Lines: $78.24 s73.76 s73.76 $ 1.00 $s.00 $6.00 $5.00 $2.00 $0.00 $5.00 $5.00 $s.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $4.00 $3.00 $0.00 $ 1.70 $5.10 $3.40 $ 1.00 $ 1.70 $0.00 $3.00 $s.00 $5.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $5.00 $3.00 $0.00 4.1.1.f.(D).3 AdditionalNon-RecurrineCharses Rate Area A Rate Area B Service Connection Charge (per line) $24.00 $37.00 Conversion Charge (per line) 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. $ 5.00 $ 5.00 Afterhours $10.00 $10.00 Service order charges apply as described in Section 2.5. I .(C) of this tariff.Note: Non-Recurring account change charges will not apply during the initial 30 day period following completion ofa service order. Issued: December 12, 2018 Kelly Fau[ - Senior Manager, Govemment Relations 22001 Loudoun County Pkwy Ashburn, VA 20147 ;,il##}il{ffi#ffit Effective: January 1, 20 19 JAN I - 2OI9 Boiss, ldaho XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 58. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont' Business Services Basic Business Lines II Business Services Basic Business Lines II are available to those customers who subscribe to other non- Basic Business Line services from the Company. This service provides basic access service and supply a single, voice-grade communications channel for single line telephones, key telephone systems, modems and other devices needing access to the public switched telephone network (pSTN). This service includes the following features: 3-Way Calling, Call Transfer, Caller ill Name & Number, Call Forwarding Variable, Call Forwarding Busy, Call Forwarding No Answer, and Sequential Hunting. Business Services Basic Business Line II Customers will be charged a Non- Recurring Charge (NRC), a Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC) and usage charges as specified in Section 4.1.1.(D) of this Tariff as well as all applicable Federal, State and Local Taxes and Surcharges. 1.1.h.(A)Business Services Basic Business Lines II include the following standard attributes at no cost: Touchtone One White Pages Directory Listing One Yellow Pages Directory Listing 911 Access Caller ill Blocking- Per Call Blocking Restrictions- Business Services Basic Business Lines II come standard with all Caller Paid Service, 500 and 900 area codes blocked. The additional blocking options listed below are available upon request for no additional charge. Option group B constitutes the default Blocking Option. Option A Option B Option C Option D 0 blocking lock 976-like, 500, 976, 900 area codes lock 976-like, 500, 976, 900, 01 , 011 codes lock 976-like, 500, 976, 900, 01, 011, DA lock 976-like, 500, 976, 900, 01 , 011, DA, InterLATA temational lock 976-like, 500, 976, 900, 01 , 011, DA, InterLATA temational, IntraLATA lock 976-1ike, 500 976 900 lock 976-like, 500, 976, 900, 0 lock all Option E Issued: March 14 2007 Effective: April 1, 2007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Oftice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG APR 1- ZO07 Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 11111 Sunset Hills Rd. Reston, VA 20190 Boise. idaho (N) (N) XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 58. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont'd) 1.1.Business Services Basic Business Lines II (Cont' 4. 1. l.h.(B) Business Services Basic Business Line II Optional Features: Business Services Basic Business Line II Customers may order the following Optional Features listed below at the Rates specified in Section 4.1.1.h.(D) of this Tariff. Call Forward Doesn t Answer Ring Select Call Waiting with Cancel Call Waiting Call Forwarding of Call Waiting Calls Speed Calling 8 Speed Calling 30 Caller ill Per Line Blocking Distinctive Ringing/ Call Waiting Automatic Line (Hotline) Hunting (Circular) Remote Access to Call Forwarding Simultaneous Ring Anonymous Call Rejection Automatic Call Back Selective Call Forwarding Selective Call Acceptance Selective Call Rejection Automatic Recall Message Waiting Indication- Audible Message Waiting Indication- Visual 1.l.h.(C) Optional Feature Due to Network Turn Up and testing requirements in all Company Switches, features listed below may not be available at time of Service Activation. Anonymous Call Rejection Automatic Call Back Distinctive Ringing/Call Waiting Selective Call Forwarding Selective Call Acceptance Selective Call Rejection Automatic Recall MWI- Visual Issued: March 14 2007 Effective: April 1 , 2007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 1 - ZO07 Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 11111 Sunset Hills Rd. Reston, VA 20190 Boise, Idaho (N) (N) XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 58. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Services (Cont'd) 1.1.h Business Services Basic Business Lines II (Cont' (D) Business Services Basic Business Line n Rates and Charges Business Services Basic Business Line II Customers will be charged applicable Non-Recurring, Monthly Recurring and Usage Charges as specified below. 1.1.h.(D).Non-Recurrin Char Business Services Basic Business Line II Rate Area A Rate Area B 1 Year Rate $43.$37. 2 Year Rate $43.$37. 3 Year Rate $43.$37. Features Anonymous Call Rejection $10.$9. Call Forward No Answer Ring Select $10.$9. Call Forwarding of Call Waiting Calls $10.$9. Call Waiting wi Cancel Call Waiting $10.$9. Distinctive Ringing wlCall Waiting Tone $10.$9. Hot Line $10.$9. Hunting (Circular)$ 0.$0. Last Call Return $10.$9. SimRing $ 5.$9. Remote Access to Call Forwarding $10.$9. Repeat Dialing (Automatic Recall)$10.$9. Selective Call Acceptance $10.$9. Selective Call Forwarding $10.$9. Selective Call Rejection $10.$9. Speed Calling - 30 Numbers $10.$9. Speed Calling - 8 Numbers $10.$9. Touchtone $ 0.$0. Issued: March 14, 2007 Effective: April 1 , 2007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission OUice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 1 -- 2007 Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 11111 Sunset Hills Rd. Reston, VA 20190 Boise, Idaho (N) (N) XO Communications Services, LLC Idaho Price List No. 1 9th Revised Page 58.15 Cancels Sth Revised Page 58.15 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT'D.) 4.2 Local Exchanse Services (Cont'd) 4.1.1.h Business Services Basic Business Lines Il (Cont'd) 4.1.1.h.(D).2 Monthlv RecurrineCharees Business Services Basic Business Line II I Year Rate 2 Year Rate 3 Year Rate Rate Area A $ 107.30 $ 102.83 $ 100.58 Rate Area B s78.24 s73.76 s73.76 (I) I(r) Features Anonymous Call Rejection Call Forward No Answer Ring Select Call Forwarding of Call Call Waiting Call Transfer VConsultation Hold Call Waiting w/ Cancel Call Waiting Distinctive Ringing w/Call Waiting Tone Hot Line Circular Hunting Last Call Return SimRing Remote Access to Call Forwarding Repeat Dialing (Automatic Recall) Selective Call Acceptance Selective Call Forwarding Selective Call Rejection Speed Calling - 30 Numbers Speed Calling- 8 Numbers Touchtone $0.20 $ 1.00 $3.80 $ 1.70 s 1.00 $s.00 $6.00 $5.00 $2.00 $0.00 $5.00 $s.00 $5.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 s4.00 $3.00 $0.00 $ 1.70 $5.1 0 $3.40 $ 1.00 $ 1.70 $0.00 $3.00 $5.00 $5.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $s.00 $3.00 $0.00 4.1.1.h.(D).3 AdditionalNon-RecurrinsCharees Service Connection Charge (per line) Conversion Charge (per line) 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. After hours Rate Area A Rate Area Bs24.00 $37.00 $ 5.00 $ 10.00 $ 5.00 $ 10.00 Service order charges apply as described in Section 2.5. 1.(C) of this tariff. Note: Non-Recurring account change charges will not apply during the initial 30 day period following completion of a service order. Issued: December 12. 201 8 Effective: January 1, 2019 Kelly Faul - Senior Manager, Govemment Relations 22001 Loudoun County Pkwy Ashburn, YA 20147 ;flH+eilrt$hF[d; JAN I - 2A$ Eolse,ldafp XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 59 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont' Business Trunks Business Trunk Service provides customers with access to and from the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) for inbound, outbound or two-way call traffic. The trunk connection can be either analog or digital depending on the customer s requirements. Analog trunk service is offered via standalone Private Branch Exchange (PBX) or Direct Inward Dial (DID) Trunks, while digital connections are provided through Digital Switched T -1 Service. Direct Inward Dial Trunks can be customized to support customers call traffic requirements: In-Only Trunks: A One-Way trunk that only allows traffic from the XO switching equipment to be transmitted to the customer s PBX. Out Only Trunks: A One-Way Trunk that only allows traffic originating in the customer s PBX to be transmitted to the XO switching equipment. Two-Way Trunks: A Trunk which allows traffic to be transmitted from either the customer s PBX or the XO switching equipment. In-Only with DID Trunk: A One-Way trunk equipped with Direct Inward Dialing Service that allows traffic from the XO switching equipment to be transmitted to the customer s PBX. Two-Way with DID Trunk: A Trunk equipped with Direct Inward Dialing Service that allows traffic to be transmitted from either the customer s PBX or the XO switching equipment. Direct Inward Dialing (DID) Service: a special trunking arrangement which permits incoming calls from the exchange network to reach a specific PBX station directly without an attendant's assistance. Fractional Tl Trunks Basic T1 Facility - A Tl facility that is equipped with In-Only, Out-Only, or Two-Way trunks. Advanced Tl Facility - A T1 facility that is equipped with In-Only with DID or Two-Way with DID trunks . Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3, 2005 - -- -. --... Effective: March 13 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O50 1 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. I I 5t Revised Page 60 Cancels Original Page 60 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont' d) 1.2 Business Trunks (Cont'd) 1.2.(A) PBX Analog Trunks (C) The PBX Analog Trunk provides a two-wire access loop from the customer premises to the serving central office. The transmission via this loop supports Clear Channel Capability where available. Call traffic in static Channels can be allocated for specific services, such as Two Way Calling, Inbound or Outbound Calling, Direct Inward Dialing (DID), Direct Outward Dialing (DOD), or a combination of DID/DOD. (A).PBX Analog Trunk Rates and Charges PBX Analog Trunk Customers will be charged applicable Non-Recurring Charges (NRC'S), Monthly recurring Charges (MRC's) and Usage Charges, as specified below. Usage Charges are included in the flat monthly charge for Business Trunks. Additional Federal, State and Local taxes and Surcharges may also apply. Non-Recurrin Char Rate Area A Rate Area B In Only I Year $37.$37. 2 Year $37.$37. 3 Year $37.$37. Out Onl I Year $37.$37. 2 Year $37.$37. 3 Year $37.$37. Two- I Year $37.$37. 2 Year $37.$37. 3 Year $37.$37. In Onl wi DID I Year $49.$49. 2 Year $49.$49. 3 Year $49.$49. DID Numbers - 20 $17.$17. DID Numbers - 100 $85.$85. * * Effective December 1 2008, this product will be available only to current customers at their current location.(N) Issued: November 21 2008 Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon, VA 20171 Effective: December I , 2008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 1 - 2008 Boise, Idaho XO Communications Services, LLC ldaho Price List No. I 6th Revised Page 61 Cancels 5th Revised Page 6l LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT'D.) 4.1 Local Exchange Service (Cont'd.) 4.1 .2 Business Trunks (Cont'd) 4.1.2!A) PBX Analoe Trunks (Cont'd) 4.1.2.(A).1 PBX Analoe Trunk Rates and Charges (Cont'd) Monthly Recurrins Charses In Only I Year 2Year 3 Year Out Onlv I Year 2 Year 3 Year Two-Way 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year In Onlv w/ DID I Year 2 Year 3 Year Two-Way w/ DID I Year 2 Year 3 Year DID Numbers - 20 DID Numbers - 100 Rate Area A Rate Area B $32.3e $30.75 $2e.s2 $42.0s $40.10 $38.89 $3.e0 $ 19.45 $31.60 s2e.22 $2e.22 $31.60 $29.22 $2e.22 $3.e0 s 19.45 $32.39 $30.75 $2e.s2 s32.39 s30.7s $29.52 $31.60 $2e.22 $29.22 $43.s0 s40.42 $40.42 $73.78 $68.90 $68.90 $43.s0 s40.42 $40.42 (r) (r) Issued: December 12, 2018 Effective: January l, 2019 Kelly Faul, - Senior Manager, Govemment Relations 22001 Loudoun County Pkwy Ashburn. VA 20147 ;ilrf|#1H,1[i}fi+fi"il; JAN I - 2OI9 Bolso, tdaln XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 1st Revised Page 62 Cancels Original Page 62 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont'd) Business Trunks (Cont'd) 1.2.(B)Digital Switched T - Digital Switched T -1 service provides an intraexchange digital connection between the customers PBX (Private Branch Exchange) or Hybrid Key system and XO's Central office. Each Digital Switched T -1 carries 24 channels over a standard digital transmission facility. The channels are used to carry circuit switched voice and data call traffic at channel signal rates of up to 64 Kbps per channel with a total of 1.544 Mbps dedicated bandwidth for each Digital Switched T -1 service. Channels can be allocated for specific services, such as Two Way Calling, Inbound or Outbound Calling, Direct Inward Dialing (DID) or Direct Outward Dialing. Digital Switched T-l Service and/or its Features are provided subject to the availability and Service Capabilities of the Central Office Facilities. Customer must provide his or her own DTI (Digital Interface) Card. If Customer wishes to provision analog PBX trunk services, Customer must provide compatible digital to analog conversion equipment. All Channel Service Units (CSU's) are the responsibility ofthe Customer. Digital Switched l service is not available for use by Commercial Mobile Radio Carriers, Private Mobile Radio Carriers or Interexchange Carriers, in the provision of service to their customers. Digital Switched T -1 service is provisioned as either a: Full Digital Switched T-l with a Digital Switched Facility (Access Line) per T- and 24 channels or, Fractional Switched T -1 with a Digital Switched Facility (Access Line) per T -1 and individual channels (minimum of 10 channels) (B).Digital Switched T -1 Rates and Charges -Digital Switched T -1 Customers will be charged applicable Non-Recurring Charges (NRC'S), Monthly Recurring Charges (MRC's) and Usage Charges, as specified below. Usage Charges are included in the flat monthly charge for Business Trunks. Additional Federal, State and Local Taxes and Surcharges may also apply. Non-Recurring Charges Rate Area A Rate Area B Full Switched Digital T 1 Trunks (T) In Onl y ( Basic 1 Year 037.037. 2 Year 037.037. 3 Year 037.037. Out Onl y ( Basic 1 Year 037.037. 2 Year 037.037. 3 Year 037.037. Issued: November 3, 2005 Effective: November 13,2005l(i;jho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryKelly Faul, Senior Regulatory Manager ACCEPTED FOR FILING11111 Sunset Hills Road Reston, VA 20190 NOV 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho XO Communications Services, Inc. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Idaho Price List No. 1st Revised Page 63 Cancels Original Page 63 Local Exchange Service (Cont'd. SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT'D. Business Trunks (Cont' 1.2.(B) 1.2.(B). Digital Switched T-(Cont'd) Non-Recurring Charges Digital Switched T-l Rates and Charges (Cont'd) Two-Way (Basic) 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year In Only wI DID 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year Two-Way wI DID 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year DID Numbers - 20 DID Numbers - 100 Fractional Switched Digital Tl Trunks Digital Transmission Facility, Basic 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year Per Channel Rate, Basic In Only 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year Out Only 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year Two-Way 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year Rate Area A Rate Area B 037.037. 037.037. 037.037. 037.037. 037.037. 037.$2,037. 037.037. 037.037. 037.037. $17.$17. $85.$85. (T) $935.$935. $935.$935. $935.$935. $61.00 $61.00 $61.00 $61.00 $61.00 $61.00 $61.00 $61.00 $61.00 $61.00 $61.00 $61.00 $61.00 $61.00 $61.00 $61.00 $61.00 $61.00 Issued: November 3 , 2005 Effective: November 13 2005Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary Kelly Faul, Semor Regulatory ManagerACCEPTED FOR FILING11111 Sunset Hills Road Reston, VA 20190 NO V 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho XO Communications Services, LLC Idaho Price List No. I Sth Revised Page 64 Cancels 7th Revised Page 64 LOCAL EXCHANCE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT'D.) 4.1 Local Exchanee Service (Cont'd) 4.1.2 Business Trunks (Cont'd) 4.1.2.(B)Digital Switched T-l (Cont'd) 4.1 .2.(B). 1 Diqital Switched T- I Rates and Charses (Cont'd) Non-Recurrins Charses Rate Area A Rate Area B Fractional Switched Disital Tl Trunks Dieital Transmission Facility. Advanced I Year 2 Year 3 Year Per Channel Rate. Advanced ln Onlv w/ DID I Year 2 Year 3 Year Two-Way w/ DID I Year 2 Year 3 Year Out Onlv (Basic) 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year Two-Way (Basic) I Year 2 Year 3 Year $935.00 $93s.00 $935.00 $935.00 $935.00 $935.00 $6 r .00 $61 .00 $61 .00 $61 .00 $61 .00 $61 .00 $61 .00 $61.00 $61.00 $61.00 $61 .00 $61 .00 Monthly Recurrins Charees Rate Area A Full Switched Dieital Tl Trunks In Only (Basic) I Year 2 Year 3 Year $ I,961.44 $ 1,830.45 s1,711.37 $1,624.61 s 1,343.93 $ l,287.78 $1,96t.44 $ 1,830.45 $1,711.37 Rate Area B $ l ,624.61 $ I ,343.e3 $ 1.287.78 $ l,961 .44 $ 1.830.4s $1.711.37 $ l ,624.61 $ 1,343.93 $ 1,287.78 (l) I(r) (r) I(r) (r) I(r) Issued: December 12, 2018 Kelly Faul - Senior Manager, Government Relations 22001 Loudoun County Pkwy Ashburn, YA 20147 ;,ffi+l[-H$fi.fflff' Effective: January I, 2019 JAN I - 2OI9 Eolse,ldaho X0 Communications Services, LLC Idaho Price List No. 1 1Oth Revised Page 65 Cancels 9th Revised Page 65 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT'D.) 4.1 Local Exchanse Service (Cont'd) 4.1 .2 Business Trunks (Cont'd) 4.1.2.(B)Digital Switched T-l (Cont'd) 4.1 .2.(B).1 Dieital Switched T- I Rates ancl Charqes (Cont'd) Monthlv Recurrine Charses Rate Area A Rate Area B Full Switched Dieital Tl Trunks tn Onlv w/ DID I Year 2 Year 3 Year $ 1,96 I .44 $ 1,830.4s $1,711.37 s|,624.6t $ I ,343.93 $ r,287.78 (r) I(r) (r) I(l) (l) (t) Two-Wav w/ DID I Year 2 Year 3 Year $ 1,961.44 $ l,830.45 $1,711.37 $1,624.61 $ 1.343.e3 $1,287 .78 DID Numbers - 20 DID Numbers - 100 $3.e0 $ 19.45 s3.e0 $ l e.4s Fractional Switched Dieital Tl Trunks Dieital Transmission Facility. Basic I Year 2Year 3 Year $278.78 $264.60 $250.43 s278.78 $264.60 $250.43 (t) I(r) (r) I(r) (r) I (r) Per Channel Rate. Basic In Onlv I Year 2 Year 3 Year s28.7s s27.31 $25.87 $2e.17 s27.7r $26.2s Out Onlv I Year 2 Year 3 Year $28.75 s27.31 $2s.87 $29.t7 s27.71 $26.2s Issued: December 12, 2018 Effective: January 1, 20 l9 Kelly Faul - Senior Manager, Government Relations 22001 Loudoun County Pkwy Ashburn, VA 20147 ;il'l#+ltmflflifi:Fr,.?i[ JAN I - 2OI9 Bolse, tdaio XO Communications Services, LLC (T)Idaho Price List No. I 3rd Revised Page 66 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 66 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT'D.) 4.1 Local Exchanse Service (Cont'd) 4.1 .2 Business Trunks (Cont'd) 4.1.2.(B)Digital Switched T-l (Cont'd) 4.1.2.(B).1 Disital Switched T-1 Rates and Charqes (Cont'd) Rate Area A Rate Area B Disital Transmission Facility. Basic Fractional Switched Disital T1 Trunks Two-Way I Year 2 Year 3 Year Fractional Switched Disital T 1 Trunks Dieital Transmission Facilitv. Advanced I Year 2 Year 3 Year Per Channel Rate. Advanced In Only w/ DID I Year 2 Year 3 Year Two-Way w/ DID I Year 2 Year 3 Year $ r33.49 $ 126.40 $ 120.49 $ 133.49 $ 126.40 $ 120.49 $28.75 $27.3r $2s.87 $70.7s $67.2t $63.67 $70.75 $67.21 $63.67 $29.17 $27.71 $26.2s (l) I(l) $71 .t7 $67.62 $64.0s (r) I(l) (r) I(r) (r) I(l) $71.17 s67.62 $64.05 Issued: December 12, 2018 Ketly Faul - Senior Manager, Government Relations 22001 Loudoun County Pkwy Ashburn, VA 20147 Effective: January l, 2019 ldaio Public Ufl ilfl ss Gorunrission Ac cf pTf 'f i ff Ei'Ffli r ru e JAN I - 2019 Boiso,ldalp Monthly Recurrine Charees XO Communications Services, Inc. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Idaho Price List No. 2nd Revised Page 67 Cancels 1st Revised Page 67 Local Exchange Service (Cont'd) SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' 1.2 Business Trunks (Cont'd) 1.2.(C)Additional Charges NRC Trunk Change Charge Trunk Group Configuration Channel Reconfiguration T Optional Feature Calling Number Delivery per Trunk Group MRC= Rate Area A Rate Area B $50.$50. $50.$50. $25.$25. $25.$25. Non-Recurring Charges Service order charges apply as described in Section 2.1.(C) of this tariff.(D)(N) (D) (D) (D) ISSUED: January 25 , 2006 EFFECTIVE: February 17 , 2006 Kelly Faul, Regulatory Affairs Director XO Communications Services, Inc. 11111 Sunset Hills Rd. Reston, VA 20190 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FE 8 1 7 2006 Boise, Idaho XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. I 4th Revised Page 68 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 68 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont' 1.3 Deluxe XOPTION Service Offering The Deluxe XOption Service Offering is a bundled service that includes XO local exchange, inbound and outbound domestic long distance and DSL or Dedicated Internet Access services provided at the same customer location. Deluxe XOptions also include shared hosting services. This service is available to Business customers and is subject to the availability offacilities and only offered where technically feasible. Rates indicated below do not include sales, use, gross receipts, excise, access or other local , state and federal taxes, charges, user fees, or surcharges. Under the Deluxe XOption Service Offering the Customer selects and receives service under one of the Deluxe XOptions listed in the sections below. Each Deluxe XOption includes the Standard Feature Package as defined below, at no additional cost. Additional voice features beyond the Standard Feature Package are available at tariffed rates. The Monthly Recurring Charge for each Deluxe XOption includes the specified amount of monthly minutes of use for local exchange and inbound and outbound domestic long distance service and the Standard Feature Package. The specified monthly minutes of use does not include International usage Unused minutes may not be carried over to the following month. Additionally, the Customer must commit to a minimum one year term agreement for both voice and Internet services in order to be eligible for the Deluxe XOption Service Offering. (A)Deluxe XOption #1 * -To receive service under this XOption, the Customer must order a minimum of 10 (ten) but nomore than 13 (thirteen) analog Centrex lines or basic Business local exchange lines or trunks and DSL service. This XOption also includes shared hosting space and the Customer s choice of end user shared hosting web applications. Customer must choose from one of the options below for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage: "A" = 4 000 minutes , " B" = 7 000 minutes , " c" =10 000 minutes, and "D" = 000 minutes. The domestic long distance usage above these options will be billed at rates set forth in Company s Message Toll Service tariff for intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance service found on Company s website for interstate use. The MRC for each is listed below. This XOption includes unlimited local exchange calling. International usage is provided under Company s Platinum Small Business Plan Pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company s website.Rate Area A Rate Area B Monthly Recurring ChargeA=$1 265.63 A=$1 082. B=$1,455.75 B=$1 271.25 C=$1 65 1.50 C=$1 468. D=$2 621.25 D=$2,437. Non-Recurring Charge $800.00 $800. *As of 06/1 0/05, this product will only be available to current customers at their current location. (I) (I) Issued: June 24, 20 I 0 Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon , VA 20171 Effective: August I , 2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. I 4th Revised Page 69 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 69 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont' d) Deluxe XOPTION Service Offering (Cont'd) (B)Deluxe XOption #2 To receive service under this XOption, the Customer must order a minimum of 14 (fourteen) but no more than 18 (eighteen) analog Centrex lines or basic Business local exchange lines or trunks and DSL service. This XOption also includes shared hosting space and the Customer s choice of end user shared hosting web applications. Customer must choose from one of the options below for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage: "A" = 000 minutes , " B" = 7 000 minutes , " c" =10 000 minutes, and "D" = 25 000 minutes. The domestic long distance usage above these options will be billed at rates set forth in Company s Message Toll Service tariff for intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance service found on Company s website for interstate use. The MRC for each is listed below. This XOption includes unlimited local exchange calling. International usage is provided under Company s Platinum Small Business Plan Pursuantto the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company s website. Rate Area A Monthly Recurring ChargeA=$I 644. B=$1 769. C=$1 966. D=$2 936. $800. Rate Area B A=$1 382. B=$1 507. C=$1 704. D=$2 674. $800. (I) (I) Non-Recurring Charge * As of 06/1 0/05 , this product will only be available to current customers at their current location. Issued: June 24, 20 I 0 Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon, VA 20171 Effective: August I , 2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG AUG 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho , . XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 4th Revised Page 70 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 70 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont'd) 1.3 Deluxe XOPTION Service Offering (Cont'd) (C)Deluxe XOption #3 To receive service under this XOption, the Customer must order a minimum of 10 (ten) but no more than 13 (thirteen) analog Centrex lines or basic Business local exchange lines or trunks and DSL service. This XOption also includes shared hosting space and the Customer s choice of end user shared hosting web applications. Customer must choose from one of the options below for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage: "A" = 000 minutes , " B" = 7 000 minutes , " c" =10 000 minutes, and "D" = 000 minutes. The domestic long distance usage above these options will be billed at rates set forth in Company s Message Toll Service tariff for intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance service found on Company s website for interstate use. The MRC for each is listed below. This XOption includes unlimited local exchange calling. International usage is provided under Company s Platinum Small Business Plan Pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing internatiornl traffic found on Company s website. Rate Area A Monthly Recurring ChargeA=$1 ,488. B=$1 678. C=$1 874.25 D=$2 844. $800. Rate Area B A=$1 305. B=$1 494. C=$1 690. D=$2 660. $800. (I) (I)Non-Recurring Charge * As of 06/1 0105, this product will only be available to current customers at their current location. Issued: June 24, 2010 Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon , VA 20171 Effective: August I , 2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. I 4th Revised Page 71 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 71 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT'D. Local Exchange Service (Cont'd) Deluxe XOPTION Service Offering (Cont' (D)Deluxe XOption #4 To receive service under this XOption, the Customer must order a minimum of 14 (fourteen) but no more than 18 (eighteen) analog Centrex lines or basic Business local exchange lines or trunks and DSL service. This XOption also includes shared hosting space and the Customer s choice of end user shared hosting web applications. Customer must choose from one of the options below for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage: "A" = 000 minutes , " B" = 7 000 minutes , " c" =10 000 minutes, and "D" = 25 000 minutes. The domestic long distance usage above these options wi1l be bi1led at rates set forth in Company s Message To1l Service tariff for intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance service found on Company s website for interstate use. The MRC for each is listed below. This XOption includes unlimited local exchange calling. International usage is provided under Company s Platinum Sma1l Business Plan Pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company s website. Rate Area A Monthly Recurring ChargeA=$1 848. B=$1 973. C=$2 169. D=$3 138. $800. Rate Area B A=$1 586. B=$1 711.13 C=$1 906. D=$2 976. $800. (I) (I) Non-Recurring Charge * As of 06/1 0105, this product wi1l only be available to current customers at their current location. Issued: June 24, 2010 Ke1ly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon, VA 20171 Effective: August I , 20 10 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No.I 6th Revised Page 72 Cancels 5th Revised Page 72 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4-SERVICE OFFERINGS,RATES &CHARGES,(CONT’D.) 4.1 Local Exchange Service (Cont’d) 4.1.3 Deluxe XOPT1ON Service Offering (Cont’d) (F)Deluxe XOption #5* To receive service under this XOption,the Customer must order a minimum of 10 (ten)but no more than 13 (thirteen) analog Centrex lines or basic Business local exchange lines or trunks and Dedicated Internet Access. This XOption also includes shared hosting space and the Customer’s choice of end user shared hosting web applications.Customer must choose from one ofthe options below for the monthly minutes ofdomestic long distance usage: “A” 4,000 minutes,“B”7,000 minutes,“C” 10,000 minutes,and “D”=25,000 minutes.The domestic long distance usage above these options will be billed at rates set forth in Company’s Message Toll Service tariff for intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Ierms and Conditions governing long distance service found on Company’s website for interstate use. The MRC for each is listed below.This XOption includes unlimited local exchange calling. International usage is provided under Company’s Platinum Small Business Plan Pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company’s website, Rate Area A Rate Area B Monthly Recurring Charge A$2,067.17 A$l,879.24 (1) B=$2,66203 B=$2,440.3 I C=$2,898.62 C=$2,676.90 D=$4,070.78 D=$2,676.90 (I) Non-Recurring Charge $1,800.00 $1,800.00 *Effective December 1,2008, this product will be available only to current customers at their current location. Issued:December 22,2015 Effective:January 1,2016 Kelly Faul Regulatory Affairs Director Idaho Public Utilities Cemmssion 0ffee of the Secretary Herndon,VA 20171 Dr.ACCEPTED FOR FILING XO Communications Services,EEC Idaho Price List No.1 8th Revised Page 73 Cancels 7th Revised Page 73 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4-SERVICE OFFERINGS,RATES &CHARGES,(CONT’D.) 4.1 Local Exchange Service (Cont’d) 4.1.3 Deluxe XOPTION Service Offering (Cont’d) (F)gieXOtionj* To receive service under this XOption,the Customer must order a minimum of I 4(fourteen) but no more than 18 (eighteen)analog Centrex lines or basic Business local exchange lines or trunks and Dedicated Internet Access.This XOption also includes shared hosting space and the Customer’s choice of end user shared hosting web applications.Customer must choose from one of the options below for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage:“A” =5,000 minutes,“B”=7,000 minutes,and “C”l0,000 minutes,and “D”25,000 minutes. The domestic long distance usage above these options will be billed at rates set forth in Company’s Message Toll Service tariff for intrastate toll use or pursuant to the lerms and Conditions governing long distance service found on Company’s website for interstate use. The MRC for each is listed below. This XOption includes unlimited local exchange calling. International usage is provided under Company’s Platinum Small Business Plan Pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company’s website. Rate Area A Rate Area B Monthly Recurring Charge AS3,342.74 A$3,579.34 B$3,76l .85 B=$4,05l .85 C=$4,059,28 C=$4,408.78 D=$5,524.49 D=$6,167.0I Non-Recurring Charge $1,800.00 $1,800.00 *Effective December 1,2008, this product will be available only to current customers at their current location. Issued:December22,2015 Effective:January 1,2016 Idaho Pubhc Utilities CommissionKellyFaulRegulatoryAffairs Director Offiee of the Secretary 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr.ACCEPTED FOR FiLiNG Hemdon,VA 20171 XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No,I 8th Revised Page 74 Cancels 7th Revised Page 74 ___________ LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4-SERVICE OFFERINGS,RATES &CHARGES,(CONT’D.) 4.I Local Exchange Service (Cont’d) 4.1.3 Deluxe XOPTION Service Offering (Cont’d) (G)gxgOtion7* To receive service under this XOption,the Customer must order a DS-l access facility tbr voice and Internet delivery.The Customer can select the configuration of the voice and data lines up to but not more than 24 lines combined.This XOption also includes shared hosting space and the Customer’s choice of end user shared hosting web applications.Customer must choose from one of the four options for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage:“A”=4,000 minutes,“B”=7,000 minutes,“C”=10,000 minutes,and “D”=25,000 minutes.The domestic long distance usage above these options will be billed at rates set forth in Company’s Message Toll Service tarifffor intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance service found on Company’s website for interstate use. The MRC for each is listed below.This XOption includes unlimited local exchangecalling. International usage is provided under Companv’sPlatinum Small Business Plan Pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company’s website. Rate Area A Rate Area B Monthly Recurring Charge A$2,053.30 A $2.111.10 (I) B=$2.693.79 B=$2.8 16.83 C=$4,377.00 C53,149.41 DS4,377.00 D=S4,836.67 (I) Non-Recurring Charge $999.00 S999.00 *Effective December I.2008,this product will be available onE to current customers at their culTent location. Issued:December 22.2015 Effective:January 1.2016 kelly Faul —Regulitor Affairs DirLctor r tins -trip13865SunriseValleyDr. Herndon,VA 20171 .1JNG XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 1 st Revised Page 75 Cancels Original Page 75 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont' d) 1.3 Deluxe XOPTION Service Offering (Cont'd) (H)Deluxe XOption #8 (C) This XOption is a per user network service that requires a minimum of 10 (ten) users accessing the same network. This XOption is provided over basic business or analog Centrex lines for a mmnnum of ten users and DSL service. This XOption also includes shared hosting space and the Customer choice of end user shared hosting web applications. Customer must choose from one of the options below for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage: "A" = 4 000 minutes "B" = 7 000 minutes and "C" =10 000 minutes and "D" = 25 000 minutes The domestic long distance usage above these options will be billed at rates set forth in Company s Message Toll Service tariff for intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance service found on Company s website for interstate use. The MRC for each is listed below. This XOption includes unlimited local exchange calling. The monthly minutes of use for domestic long distance is total combined usage for all the users in this Option. International usage is provided under Company s Platinum Small Business Plan Pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company s website. Rate Area A Rate Area B Monthly Recurring Charge - Two Components 1 st Ten Users A=$ 770. B=$ 870. C=$ 970. D=$1 470. A=$ 77. B=$ 87. C=$ 97. D=$147. Each Add'l User Above Ten A=$ 900. B=$1 020. C=$1 140. D=$1 740. A=$ 90. B=$102. C=$114. D=$174. Non-Recurring Charge The non-recurring charge is equal to one month's Monthly Recurring Charge. If additional users are added after installation, the Non-Recurring Charge for the additions is equal to the Each Additional User Charge Above Ten Users for the package chosen times the number of users added. *As of 06/10/05, this product will only be available to current customers at their current location.(C) Issued: May 31, 2005 . . Effective: June 10, 2005daho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryAlame MIller, VP - Regulatory & External AffaIrs ACCEPTED FOR FILING1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 JUN 1 0 2005 IDL0504 Boise, Idaho XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 76 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont' 1.3 Deluxe XOPTION Service Offering (Cont' (I)Reserved for future use. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3, 2005 . -'" - .-. .' -. Effective: March 13 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 77 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' 4.1 Local Exchange Service (Cont' 1.3 Deluxe XOPTION Service Offering (Cont'd) (J)Reserved for future use. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3 2005 Effective: March 13 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc. Idaho Price List No. Original Page 78 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont' 1.3 ~uxe XOPTION Service Offering (Cont'd) (K)Reserved for future use. Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3 2005 Effective: March 13 , 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. I 4th Revised Page 79 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 79 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERV~ES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT'D. Local Exchange Service (Cont'd) 1.3 Deluxe XOPTION Service Offering (Cont' (L)Deluxe XOption # To receive service under this XOption, the Customer must order a minimum of 19 (nineteen) but no more than 24 (twenty-four) analog Centrex lines or basic Business local exchange lines or trunks and DSL service. This XOption also includes shared hosting space and the Customer s choice of end user shared hosting web appl ications. Customer must choose from one of the options below for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage: "A" = 000 minutes , " B" = 25 000 minutes , " c" =50 000 minutes, and "D" 75 000 minutes. The domestic long distance usage above these options will be billed at rates set forth in Company s Message Toll Service tariff for intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance service found on Company s website for interstate use. The MRC for each choice is listed below. This XOption includes unlimited local exchange calling. International usage is provided under the Company s Platinum Medium Business Plan pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company s website. Rate Area A Monthly Recurring ChargeA=$2 536. B=$3 512. C=$5 131.13 D=$6 743. $800. Rate Area B A=$2 182. B=$3 159. C=$4 777. D=$6 388. $800. (I) (I) Non-Recurring Charge * As of 06/1 0105, this product will only be available to current customers at their current location. Issued: June 24, 20 10 Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon , VA 20171 Effective: August I , 20 I 0 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 4th Revised Page 80 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 80 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont'd) Deluxe XOPTION Service Offering (Cont' (M)Deluxe XOption #13 To receive service this XOption, the Customer must order a minimum of 19 (nineteen) but no more than 24 (twenty-four) analog Centrex lines or basic Business local exchange lines or trunks and Dedicated Internet Access. This XOption also includes shared hosting space and the Customer s choice of end user shared hosting web applications. Customer must choose from one of the options below for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage: " = 10 000 minutes , " B" = 25 000 minutes , " c" =50 000 minutes, and "D" 75 000 minutes. The domestic long distance usage above these options will be billed at rates set forth in Company s Message Toll Service tariff for intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance service found on Company s website for interstate use. The MRC for each choice is listed below. This XOption inc\udes unlimited local exchange calling. International usage is provided under the Company s Platinum Medium Business Plan pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company s website. Rate Area A Monthly Recurring ChargeA=$2 616. B=$4 060. C=$5 688. D=$7 308. 800. Rate Area B A=$2 314. B=$3 703. C=$5 33 1.38 D=$6 952. 800. (R) (I) (I) Non-Recurring Charge * Effective December 1 2008, this product will be available only to current customers at their current location. Issued: June 24, 20 I 0 Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon , VA 20171 Effective: August I , 2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUGl-201O Boise, Idaho XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 4th Revised Page 81 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 81 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont' 1.3 Deluxe XOPTION Service Offering (Cont'd) (N)Deluxe XOption #14 To receive service under this XOption, the Customer must order a Primary Rate Interface (PR!) for voice along with Digital Subscriber Line service. This XOption also includes shared hosting space and the Customer s choice of end user shared hosting web applications. Customer must choose from one of the options below for the month Iy minutes of domestic long distance usage: "A" = 10 000 minutes , " B" = 25 000 minutes , " c" =50 000 minutes, and D" 75 000 minutes. The domestic long distance usage above these options will be billed at rates set forth in Company s Message Toll Service tarifffor intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance service found on Company s website for interstate use. The MRC for each choice is listed below. This XOption includes unlimited local exchange calling. International usage is provided under the Company s Platinum Medium Business Plan pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company s website. Rate Area A Rate Area B Monthly Recurring Charge A=$2 530. B=$3 506. C=$5 124. D=$6 736. $800. A=$2 307. B=$3 283. C=$4 90 1. D=$6 513. $800. (I) (I) Non-Recurring Charge * As of 06/1 0105 , this product will only be available to current customcrs at their current location. Issued: June 24 , 20 I 0 Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon, VA 20171 Effective: August 1 20 I 0 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No.I 8th Revised Page 82 Cancels 7th Revised Page 82 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4-SERVICE OFFERINGS,RATES &CHARGES,(CONVD.) 4.1 Local Exgg_S.eryjce (Cont’d) 4.1.3 Deluxe XOPTIONSeryjcgOffejn (Cont’d) (0)Deluxe XOption #15* To receive service under this XOption,the Customer must order a Primary Rate Interface (PRI)for voice along with Dedicated Internet Access service.This XOption also includes shared hosting space and the Customer’s choice of end user shared hosting web applications. Customer must choose from one of the options below for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage: “A”10,000 minutes,“B”25,000 minutes,“C”50,000 minutes,and “D”75,000 minutes.The domestic long distance usage above these options will be billed at rates set forth in Company’s Message FoIl Service tariff for intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance service found on Company’s website for interstate use.The MRC for each choice is listed below, This XOption includes unlimited local exchange calling.International usage is provided under the Company’s Platinum Medium Business Plan pursuant to the Ferms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company’s website. Rate Area A Rate Area B Monthly Recurring Charge A $3,922.41 A $4,362.12 (I) B $6,088.93 B $6,903.16 C $8,534.30 C $9,837.59 D $10,969.54 D $12,757.85 (I) Non-Recurring Charge $1,800.00 $1,800.00 *Effective December 1,2008,this product will be available only to current customers at their current location. Issued:December 22,2015 Effective:January 1.2016 Kelly FauI Regulatory Affairs Director Idao Pubhc Ott tes Comrmse’on 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr.t C ae Herndon,VA 20171 tiN XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price list No.I 7th Revised Page 83 Cancels 6th Revised Page 83 ____ LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES _________________________ SECTION 4-SERVICE OFFERINGS,RATES &CHARGES,(CONT’D.) 4.1 Local Exchange Service (Cont’d) 4.1 .3 Deluxe XOPTION Service Offering (Cont’d) (P)Deluxe XOption #16* To receive service under this XOption,the Customer must order a PRI access facility for voice and Internet delivery.The Customer can select the configuration ofthe voice and data lines up to but not more than 24 lines combined.This XOption also includes shared hosting space and the Customer’s choice of end user shared hosting web applications. Customer must choose from one of the options below for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage:“A”4,000 minutes,“B”7,000 minutes,“C”10,000 minutes,and “D” 25,000 minutes.The domestic long distance usage above these options will be billed at rates set forth in Company’s Message 1oll Service tariff for intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance service found on Company’s website for interstate use.The MRC for each is listed below.This XOption includes unlimited local exchange calling.International usage is provided under Company’s Platinum Small Business Plan Pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company’s %ebsite, Rate Area A Rate Area B Monthly Recurring Charge A $2,196.96 A $1,978.94 (I) B $2,861.11 B $2,604.23 C $3,138.26 C $2,881.38 D $4,544.31 D $4,287.43 (I) Non-Recurring Charge $999.00 $999.00 *Effective December 1,2008,this product will be available only to current customers at their current location. Issued:December 22,2015 Effective:January 1,2016 Kelly Faul Regulatory Affairs Director 1d 0abI,C (Jtd tte commiss0 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr.An’the S cretar it-)r\riHerndon,VA 20171 ‘-‘n FILING XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 84 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont' d) 1.3 Deluxe XOPTION Service Offering (Cont' (Q)XOption M - Satellite Office Solutions This service offering will no longer be available to customers who sign up for service after April 25, 2003. See Section 4.(U) for Deluxe XOption M - Satellite Office Solutions Offering. To receive service under this XOption, the Customer must order a XOptions package at no fewer than five locations, with at least one location receiving one of the Deluxe XOptions 1- 16. Customer must also order a minimum of 6 (six) but no more than 9 (nine) local exchange lines via Integrated Access service. Customer will receive 1 500 monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage. Domestic long distance usage above the monthly minutes will be billed at rates set forth in Company s Message Toll Service tariff for intrastate use or pursuant to the Tenns and Conditions governing long distance traffic found on Company web site for interstate use. The installation and monthly recurring charge are listed below. This XOption includes unlimited local exchange calling. International usage will be provided under the Company s Platinum Small Business Plan pursuant to the Tenns and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company s website. Monthly Recurring Charge Non Recurring Charge Rate Area A $920. $700. Rate Area B $845. $700. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3 2005 Effective: March 13 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 IDl050 1 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 2nd Revised Page 85 Cancels 151 Revised Page 85 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Local Exchange Service (Cont' SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' (R) Deluxe XOPTION Service Offering (Cont' d) XOption MLP (S) Customers ordering XOptions 1-16 at no fewer than five locations are eligible for XOption MLP. MLP is a 5% discount off the monthly recurring charge of all XOption packages 1-16. XOption M is not eligible for the discount and does not contribute to the total of five necessary locations to receive the MLP discount. Standard Feature Package: All XOptions include the following standard features at no additional charge. Voicemail w/Message Waiting Call Forwarding 3 Way Calling Speed Dial Abbreviated Dialing Call Hold Call Pickup Call Transfer Hunting Caller ID - Number Only First Block of20 DIDs (T) (T)Term Discounts: XOption customers who choose one ofthe following term commitments that is greater than one year will receive a discount. The discount is applied to the XOption Monthly Recurring charge, and the local exchange and domestic long distance usage above the bundled minutes of use included in each XOption. The discount will not be offered with any other discounts. The term discounts are as follows: 2 Years = 5% Discount 3 Years = 10% Discount * Available to Customers who ordered business trunks. * * Services not regulated under this tariff.(T) Issued: February 2, 2010 Kelly Faul, Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon, VA 20171 Effective: February 19 20 I 0 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 9 2010 Boise. Idaho XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 86 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' 4.1 Local Exchange Service (Cont' 1.3 Deluxe XOPTION Service Offering (Cont' (U)XOption M - Satellite Office Solutions To receive service under this XOption, the Customer must order a XOptions package at no fewer than three locations, with at least one location receiving one of the Deluxe X Options 1- 16. Customer must also order a minimum of 6 (six) but no more than 9 (nine) local exchange lines via Integrated Access service. Customers renewing Company contracts are eligible to receive this XOption on a stand alone basis with no location or other XOption requirements. Customer will receive 1 500 monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage. Domestic long distance usage above the monthly minutes will be billed at rates set forth in Company Message Toll Service tariff for intrastate use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance traffic found on Company s web site for interstate use. The installation and monthly recurring charge are listed below. This XOption includes unlimited local exchange calling. International usage will be provided under the Company s Platinum Small Business Plan pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company s website. Monthly Recurring Charge Non Recurring Charge Rate Area A $755. $700. Rate Area B $660. $700. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho ' . - ". - .. Issued: March 3, 2005 Effective: March 13, 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 IDl0501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 1st Revised Page 87 Cancels Original Page 87 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont'd) 1.3.Mini Bundle Service Offering The following Service Offering will be available to new or existing XO Customers who order the Mini Bundle Service and agree to the terms and conditions below. Existing customer is defined as a voice only or data only customer who is upgrading to the Mini Bundle. New customer is defined as someone who has not subscribed to these services for one year prior to this offering. Customer will be charged the Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC) below when ordering either one of the following Mini Bundles for the specified term commitment: A) A minimum of six but no more than nine voice lines, 1 500 minutes of domestic long distance service, and DSL service; or B) A minimum of six but no more than nine voice lines, 1 500 minutes of domestic long distance service, and DIA service. Regardless if Customer selects the one, two or three year term commitment, the Non-Recurring Charge (NRC) for Option A is $499.00, and Option B is $699.00. Both options include unlimited local usage. Any domestic long distance usage greater than the amount granted in this offering will be billed at the rate found in the Message Toll Service tariff. Year Term Mini Bundle B Rate Area A Rate Area B MRC MRC $685.$615. $650.$584.25 $599.$554. NRC NRC $499.$499. Rate Area A Rate Area B MRC MRC $760.$690. $722.$655. $684.$621.00 NRC NRC $699.$699. (N) Year Term Mini Bundle A (N) Issued: November 3, 2005 Kelly Faul, Senior Regulatory Manager 11111 Sunset Hills Road Reston, VA 20190 Effective: November 13 2005 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOH FlUNG NOV 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 1st Revised Page 88 Cancels Original Page 88 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' 1.4 Local Exchange Service (Cont (C)Multiple Service Discount #1 * XO Multiple Service #1 is available to current or new XO Business Customers meeting the criteria listed below. Customer will receive a 10% discount off the combined total amount of the Monthly Recurring and Local Usage charges for their XO local exchange service, local calling features and XO DSL or Dedicated Internet Access service. Sales, use, gross receipts, excise, access or other local, state and federal taxes, charges, user fees, or surcharges are not included. Service is subject to the availability of facilities and offered only where technically feasible. This 10% discount is applied in addition to any term discount offered on the individual service components listed below. The following are not eligible with the Multiple Service Discount: XOption Offering; Integrated Access offering; other promotions; Individual Case Basis (ICB) contracts; or any off tariff pricing. To be eligible, Customer must meet the following criteria: Customer must subscribe to XO local exchange service ("Voice Service ). The Local Exchange Voice service requirement is a minimum of 48 lines or trunks (or 2 l equivalents), but no more than 144 lines or trunks (or 6 T-l equivalents); Customer must subscribe to a XO DSL or XO Dedicated Internet Access service Data Service New XO Customers must commit to a term of service for the XO Voice Service and Data Service for a minimum one (1) year term commitment. Existing XO Customers must commit to a term of service for Data Service that is equal to or greater than the amount of time remaining in Customer s term commi tment for the Voice Service listed in 1 above, but in no case shall the commitment be less than one (1) year; All Voice and Data Services must be provided the same customer location; Current Customers' XO account must be current as ofthe date ofInstallation and no outstanding balance past due; and , for any reason, Customer s service is terminated prior to the end of Customer s term commitment, the Customer will be liable for all discounted amounts provided under this Service Discount Plan. *As of November 13 2005 , this discount will no longer be available to new customers.(N) Issued: November 3, 2005 Effective: November 13,2005 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Kelly Faul, Senior Regulatory Manager Office of the Secretary 11111 Sunset Hills Road ACCEPTED FOR FILING Reston, V A 20190 NOV 1 3 200S Boise, Idaho :.., XO Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 1st Revised Page 89 Cancels Original Page 89 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4-SERVICE OFFERINGS,RATES &CHARGES,(CONT’D.) 4.1 Local Exchange Service (Cont’d) 4.1.5 Multiple Service Discount #2 XO Multiple Service #2 is available to current or new XO Business Customers meeting the criteria listed below.Customer will receive a 15%discount offthe combined total amount of the Monthly Recurring and Usage charges for their XO local exchange,local calling features,IntraLATA, interLATA,800 toll service,Shared Web Hosting and DSL or Dedicated Internet Access (D) Service.Sales,use,gross receipts,excise,access or other local,state and federal taxes, charges,user fees,or surcharges are not included.Service is subject to the availability of facilities and offered only where technically feasible.This 15%discount is applied in addition to any term discount offered on the individual service components listed below.The following are not eligible with the Multiple Service Discount:XOption Offering;Integrated Access Offering;XO Dedicated Long Distance;other promotions;Individual Case Basis (ICB)contracts,or any offtariffpricing.To be eligible,Customers must meet the following criteria: (D) I.Customers must subscribe to XO local exchange and long distance services (“Voice (D) Service”).The Local Exchange Voice service requirement is a minimum of48 lines or trunks (or 2 Ti equivalents)but no more than 144 lines or trunks (or 6 T-l equivalents); 2.Customers must subscribe to XO DSL or Dedicated Internet Access service,and XO Shared Web Hosting service (“Data Service”).Does not apply to Dedicated Web Hosting; 3.New XO Customers must committo a term of service for the XO Voice Service and Data Service for minimum one (1)year term commitment.Existing XO Customers must commit to a term of service for Data Service that is equal to or greater than the amount of time remaining in Customer’s term commitment for the XO Voice Service listed in I above,but in no case shall the commitment be less than one (1) year; 4.Current Customers’XO account must be current as ofthe date of Installation and no outstanding balance past due;and If,for any reason,Customer’s service is terminated prior to the end of Customer’s term commitment,the Customer will be liable for all discounted amounts provided under this Service Discount Plan. Issued:November 3,2011 Effective:November 13,2011 ki.a.ho Puhic:Utidties Comm!sston Kelly Faul —Regulatory Affairs Director crrry 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon,VA 20171 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 90 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont' XO High Capacity Local Loop Service XO High Capacity Local Loop Service (HCLL) is an intraLATA service, which provides a dedicated transmission path between two customer designated premises. Where HCLL is available, service is offered as a high capacity dedicated transmission facility available 24- hours per day, 7 days per week in the following bandwidths: DSI (1.544 Mbps) and DS3 (44.436 Mbps). The facilities to the customer designated premises may be entirely On-Net, Off-Net or a combination thereof. Customers may commit to one, two or three year service terms. The minimum service period for H CLL is one year. Should the Customer terminate service prior to the end of the term commitment, the Customer will be billed a termination charge equal to the monthly recurring charge times the number of months remaining in the term. (A)Rates and Charges Rates and charges for HCLL service is defined herein and is based on the locations of the customer designated premises in relation to the Company s network. Specifically, Customers will be charged according to whether the customer designated premises are On-Net or Off-Net, or a combination thereof. As used herein, On-Net service shall mean service to the Customer designated premises is provided entirely by XO over its own fiber or wireless facilities. Off-Net service shall mean service to the Customer designated premises is not provided entirely by XO over its own fiber or wireless facilities. Instead, service :to the Customer designated premises is provided through the use, purchase or lease of the facilities from a service provider other than XO. There are two rate elements that apply to HCLL: Channel Termination and Mileage. (A).Channel Termination The Channel Termination rate element provides for the dedicated transmission path between two customer designated premises. One Channel Termination charge applies per point of termination. A Channel Termination charge applies when the customer designated premises and the serving wire center are collocated in the same buildi:p.4' Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Issued: March 3, 2005 ise, Effective: March 13, 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 . .-.. . .. ._" ,. -.. .. .' . ID1O50 1 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 91 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont' 1.6 XO High Capacity Local Loop Service (Cont' (A)Rates and Charges (Cont'd) (A).Mileage The Mileage rate element provides for the dedicated transmission facilities path between the customer s serving wire centers associated with the two customer designated premises. The Mileage rate element is made up of two charges: a flat rate per circuit ("Fixed") and a per-mile rate ("Variable The Mileage rate element will be rounded up to the next mile for any fraction of a mile, so that, for example, 0.001 miles will be charged at 1 mile. If both locations of Customer s designated premises are within the same central office, Mileage charges will not apply. (B)Rate Application The following chart designates the applicable Rate Elements based on the location of the Customer designated Premises. Locations of Customer Desi2nated Premises Rate Elements On-Net to On-Net Channel Termination charge;plus applicable Mileage Charges On-Net to Off-Net Channel Termination charges;plus applicable Mileage Charges Off-Net to Off-Net Channel Termination charges;plus applicable Mileage Charges Customers that utilize HCLL in combination with or for the provisioning of other XO Services, including but not limited to Dedicated Internet Access (DIA) Service, Private Line Service and Dedicated Long Distance (DLD) Service, shall be charged rates for On-Net to On-Net. 0ff-Net to Off-Net HCLL Service is only available to Customers who subscribe to XO local and intraLATA and/or interLATA services. Idaho PublIC I I leg ommlSSlOn Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Issued: March 3, 2005 8oi:)e, Idailu Effective: March 13, 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O50 1 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 92 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont' 1.6 XO High Capacity Local Loop Service (Cont' (C)Rates 1.6.(C).1 DS1 Service Channel Termination 1 year 2 year 3 year $280. $266. $252. Nonrecurring Charges (per point of termination) $400. $400. $400. Monthly Recurring Charges per point of termination) Mileage Monthly Recurring Charges 0 Miles Fixed Per Mile 1 Year $0. $0. 2 Year $0. $0. Year $0. $0. Over 0 Miles Fixed Per Mile $49. $19. $47. $18. $45. $17. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3 2005 Effective: March 13, 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Idaho Price List No. Original Page 93 SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont' 1.6 XO High Capacity Local Loop Service (Cont' (C)Rates 1.6.(C).2 DS3 Service Channel Termination Monthly Recurring Charges per point of termination) 1 year 2 year 3 year 600. 500. 250. Mileage Monthly Recurring Charges 0 Miles Fixed Per Mile 1 Year $0. $0. 2 Year $0. $0. Over 0 Miles Fixed Per Mile $475. $48. $459. $46. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Nonrecurring Charges (per point of termination) $900. $900. $900. 3Year $0. $0. $440. $43. Effective: March 13, 2005Issued: March 3 2005 '-~._.. ,...~. Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price I,isl No.I (1) 6th Rcised Page 94 Cancels 5th Revised Page 94 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 -SERVICE OFFERINGS,RATES &CHARGES,(CONT’I).) 4.1 LocplJcbppge Service (Cont’d) 4,1 .7 XO Premium Integrated Access Service* XO Premium Integrated Access Service is a bundled ser ice offering that requires the Customer to purchase.at the same customer location,local exchange sers ice,message toll sersice and Internet services from the Company.‘l’he standard configuration invol’es having a single DS-l to the Customers premises.Service can also be provided \ia ISDN PR!,\k hen ordering sers ice s ia l)S-I, the Customer must purchase a minimum ofsix (6)local exchange lines or trunks and utilize a total of at least fourteen (14)voice &data channels.The Customer must also enter into a one (I),two (2)or three (3)year service order agreement.Usage for all services is not included in the following rates. ‘Fhe Non-Recurring and Monthly Recurring charges are specified below. MRC’s listed below are for one (1)year term contracts,two and three year contracts receive an additional 500 and boo discount, respectively. 4.1 .7.1 Standard &Optional Features XO Premium Integrated Access Service Customers using Basic I3usiness Lines will receive louchtone as a Standard feature and may request the following optional ftatures at no additional charge:Call Forward Variable,Call Forward Busy.Call Forward No Answer,Speed Calling.Call Waiting .and 3 Way Calling. 4.I .7,2 Non-Recurrin,g Charg,es For initial installation ofXO Premium Integrated Access Service over a single DS-l or ISDN PR!,Customers will pay a non-recurring installation charge specified below.Installation charges for those Customers that purchase more than a DS-I worth of capacity will be done on an Individual Case Basis (1C13).Ifa customer chooses to add additional local exchange lines or channels after installation ofthe initial service,the Company’s regular non-recurring installation charges fom’local exchange service,as specified in 3.1 will apply.An additional Service Order charge will apply for Features added subsequent to the initial service order. Single DSI or ISDN PR!:$999.00 Capacity Exceeding DSIor IDSN PR!:lCI3 Service order charges apply as described in Section 2.5.1 (C)ofthis tarifF 4,1.7.3 Rate Area A Rate Area B ISDN-PRI:$1,392.19 $1,141.59 Per Line: Basic Business Line $61.07 $40.95 (I) of December 31,2006, this product will only he available to current customers at their current location. ISSUED:April 4,2014 EFFECTIVE:April 15.2014 Kelly Faul,Regulatory Affairs Director Ideho Public Utilities CommissiurXOCommunicationsServices,Inc.U.f’ce r the cccretary 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr.ACCEP Eu RR flI NGHerndon,VA 20171 XO Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.I 4th Revised Page 95 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 95 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4-SERVICE OFFERINGS,RATES &CHARGES,(CONT’D.) 4.1 Local Exchange Service (Cont’d) 4.1.7 XO Premium Integrated Access Service (Contd) Monthly Recurring Charges (Cont’d) Trunks:Per Channel Rate Area A Rate Area B Customers will receive intraLATA and interLATA intrastate service under the Gold and Platinum Service offering listed in Company’s Message Toll Services Tariff PA P.U.C.No. 7.Interstate and International service is provided pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance service found on Company’s website for interstate and international use.Local Usage is included in the flat monthly charge for XO Premium Integrated Access. Enhanced Integrated Feature XO Premium Integrated Access Service Customers can order the Enhanced Integrated Feature,as an option,at the monthly recurring rate of $6.95. Enhanced Features:The following features are included in the Enhanced Integrated Feature Package:Abbreviated Dialing (3 or 4 digit),Call Hold,Call Pickup,Call Transfer,Voice MaiI*,Message Waiting*. *Services not regulated under this tariff. ISSUED:March 1,2012 Kelly Faul,Regulatory Affairs Director XO Communications Services,Inc. 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon,VA 20171 EFFECTIVE:March 12,2012 -. ?Cimtson Basic Analog Trunk:$29.15 $28.44 Advanced Analog Trunk In-Only w/DID $37.84 $39.15 Basic Digital Trunk:$33.88 $34.37 Facility charge:$212.40 $224.10 Advanced Digital Trunk: In-only w/DID $83.38 $83.89 Two-way w!DID $83.38 $83.89 Facility charge:$101.70 $101.70 Usage Charges (I) (I) (I) XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 96 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont' 1.8 IntraLA TAN etwork Access Company IntraLATA Network Access is an IntraLATA service that provides a dedicated transmission path between a customer designated premises and a Company Point of Presence. Where IntraLATA Network Access is available, service is offered as a high capacity dedicated transmission facility available 24-hours per day, 7 days per week in the following bandwidths: DSI (1.544 Mbps) andDS3 (44.436 Mbps). IntraLATA Network Access is used to provide access services in conjunction with IntraLA T A Private Line, DIA and Dedicated Long Distance. The facilities to the customer-designated premises may be entirely On-Net or Off-Net Customers may commit to one, two or three year service terms. The minimum service period for IntraLA T A Network Access is one year. Should the Customer terminate service prior the end of the term commitment, the Customer will be billed a termination charge equal to the monthly recurring charge times the number of months remaining in the term. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 200S Boise, Idaho .-~- J._ '-~ . ...,.. . Issued: March 3 2005 Effective: March 13 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 97 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont' 1.8 Imrn:.LATA ~etwor~ Access. (cont' Rates and Charges Rates and charges for IntraLA TAN etwork Access service are defined herein and are based on the location(s) of the customer designated premise(s) in relation to Company s network. Specifically, Customers will be charged according to whether the customer designated premises are On-Net or Off-Net. As used herein, On-Net service shall mean service to the Customer designated premises is provided entirely over Company facilities. Off-Net service shall mean service to the Customer designated premises is not provided entirely over Company facilities. Instead, service to the Customer designated premises is provided by Company, in whole or in part, through the use, purchase or lease of the facilities from a service provider other than Company. Rate Elements: Two rate elements apply to IntraLAT A Network Access: Channel Termination and Network Access Mileage. Channel' Termination The Channel Termination rate element provides for the dedicated transmission path between a customer designated premise and Company Point of Presence. One Channel Termination charge applies per each customer point of termination. A Channel Termination charge applies when the customer designated premises and the serving wire center are collocated in the same building. Network Access Mileage The Network Access Mileage rate element provides for the dedicated transmission facilities path between the customer s serving wire centers associated with the customer designated premise and the Company s Point of Presence. The Network Access Mileage rate element is made up of two monthly recurring charges: a flat rate per circuit ("Fixed") and a flat per- mile rate ("Variable Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3 2005 -~...."'-'-'-- .-_. Effective: March 13 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 IDl050 1 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 98 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Idaho Public Utilities Commission Local Exchange Service (Cont'd) Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING IntraLATA Network Access (Cont'd) 1.8.Rates and Charges (Cont'd) :-" . MAR 1 3 ZUGS Boise. Idaho Rate Elements (Cont'd) The Network Access Mileage rate element wil1 h"e.rounded up to the nextriiilef6f any fraction of a mile. For example, 0.001 miles will be charged at 1 mile. Ifboth locations of Customer s designated premises are within the same central office Network Access Mileage charges will not apply. Rate Application The following chart designates the applicable Rate Elements based on the location of the Customer designated Premises. Locations of Customer Designated Premises On-Net Off-Net On-Net DSI Applicable Rate Elements One Channel Termination charge per Customer designated point of termination; One Channel Termination charge per Customer designated point of termination; plus applicable Network Access Mileage Charges. NRC Installation $450. $450. $450. Network Access Mileage Charge Fixed Channel Termination Term 1 Yr. 2 Yr. 3 Yr. Off-Net DSI MRC $240. $240. $240. Variable NRC Installation $450. $450. $450. Network Access Mileage Charge Fixed $96. $96. $96. Channel Termination Term 1 Yr. 2 Yr. 3 Yr. MRC $340. $340. $340. Variable $17. $17. $17. Issued: March 3,2005 Effective: March 13, 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 IDl0501 XO Communications Services, Inc. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Idaho Price List No. Original Page 99 Local Exchange Service (Cont'd) SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' IntraLATA Network Access (Cont'd) 1.8.Rates and Charges (Cont'd) 1.8. 1.2 Rate Application (Cont'd) On-Net DS3 Channel Termination Term 1 Yr. 2 Yr. 3 Yr. Off-Net DS3 MRC $1400. $1400. $1400. NRC Installation $1000. $1000. $1000. Channel Termination Term 1 Yr. 2 Yr. 3 Yr. MRC $1750. $1750. $1343. NRC Installation $1000. $1000. $1000. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Network Access Mileage Charge Fixed Variable Network Access Mileage Charge Fixed $1023. $1023. $1023. Variable $51.19 $51.19 $51.19 ~._ Issued: March 3 2005 Effective: March 13 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING . . MAR 1 3 20tb Idaho Price List No. Original Page 100 XO Communications Services, Inc.'.0 . Boise, Idaho LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES , .. ; - - SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont' 1.9 IntraLA T A Private Line Company IntraLA T A Private Line is an IntraLA T A service, which is used in conjunction with IntraLATA Network Access. IntraLATA Private Line Service provides a dedicated transmission path that originates or terminates at a Company Point of Presence (POP). Where IntraLA T A Private Line is available, service is offered as a high capacity dedicated transmission facility available 24-hours per day, 7 days per week in the following bandwidths: DSI (1.544 Mbps) and DS3 (44.436 Mbps). The facilities to the customer-designated premises may be entirely On-Net or Off-Net. Customers may commit to one, two or three year service terms. The minimum service period for IntraLA T A Private Line is one year. Should the Customer terminate service prior to the end of the term commitment, the Customer will be billed a termination charge equal to the monthly recurring charge times the number of months remaining in the term. 1.9.Rates and Charges Rates and charges for IntraLA T A Private Line service is defined herein and is based on the locations of the customer designated premises in relation to the Company network. Specifically, Customers will be charged according to whether the customer-designated premises are On-Net or Off-Net. As used herein, On-Net service shall mean service to the Customer designated premises is provided entirely by Company over its own facilities. Off-Net service shall mean service to the Customer designated premises is not provided entirely over Company facilities. Instead, service to the Customer designated premises is provided by Company, in whole or in part, through the use, purchase or lease of the facilities from a service provider other than Company. Rate Elements:The rate element that applies to IntraLA T A Private Line is Long haul Mileage. The Long haul Mileage rate element provides for the dedicated transmission facilities path between the Company POPs associated with the two customer designated premises. The Long haul Mileage rate element is made up of one variable charge: a flat, per-mile rate. The Long haul Mileage rate element will be rounded up to the next mile for any fraction of a mile. For example, 0.001 miles will be charged at mile. Long haul Mileage charges do not apply for a circuit between two on-net locations in the same LATA that are less 5 miles or less apart. Issued: March 3 2005 Effective: March 13, 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 101 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' 4.1 Local Exchange Service (Cont' d) 1.9 IntraLA T A Private Line (Cont' d) 1.9.1 Rates and Charges (Cont'd) 1.9.Rate Application: DS 1 year 2 Year 3 Year Installation: NRC $450.$450.$450. Long haul Mileage: MRC Per mile $17.$17.$17. DS3 Installation: NRC 000.000.000. Long haul Mileage: MRC per mile $51.19 $51.19 $51.19 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 ZO05 Boise, 'daho Issued: March 3, 2005 .., ... .'--' , " -0. " ... '.... ,.- Effective: March 13 , 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.I 15t Revised Page 102 Cancels Original Page 102 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4-SERVICE OFFERINGS,RATES &CHARGES,(CONT’D.) 4.1 Local Exchange Service (Cont’d) 4.110 Inbound PRI Inbound PRI is a high inbound only Primary Rate Interface ISDN service.This service is available to Internet Service Providers and Information Service Providers.Inbound PRI is a DS-I level service that (C) provides trunk-side access from a customer’s premise to the local XO central office.Service will be delivered to the customer premise on a digital basis only.The customer may elect to convert the digital signal to analog using customer provided channel banks at their own discretion,but XO will not provide this as part of the service. Inbound PRI is a dedicated inbound-only service that can not be used to originate or terminate domestic long distance switched calls and is designed to support high inbound call volumes.Rates are offered under two pricing plans described in Section 3.1.12 (a)below.Pricing is based on whether the Customer service location is On-Net or Off-Net.For purposes ofthis offering,On-Net service shall mean service to the Customer service location is provided entirely by XO over its own fiber or wireless facilities,or when Customer is collocated with XO.Off-Net service shall mean service to the Customer service location is not provided entirely by XO over its own fiber or wireless facilities. Instead,service to the Customer service location is provided through the use,purchase or lease ofthe facilities of another local access provider other than XO,including the use of unbundled network elements or Type II facilities.A minimum one year term commitment is required with this service offering. Customer and XO,agree that in the event of a decision by a regulatory authority at the federal,state or local level,including but not limited to the approval of a new ILEC interconnection arrangement,which alters XO’s ability to offer the current contract rate,upon 30 days written notification to Customer,XO may migrate the Customer to the Off-Net Price Plan for remainder of Customer’s term commitment.If XO chooses to migrate customer to an Off-Net Price Plan for the remainder of Customer’s term commitment,Customer may cancel service without penalty upon 30 days written notice to XO after receipt of the XO migration notice. Issued:August 15,2011 Effective:September 1,2011 Kelly Faul Regulatory Affairs Director Idaho0 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr ACCE1 ED O’IUNG Herndon,VA 20171 SEP 1 —2011 Ooise,ldaho XO Communications Services, Inc. Idaho Price List No. Original Page 103 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont'd) 10 Inbound~, (cont'd..J 4. 1. 10.Rates With each Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC) Customer is provided with only one number for one rate center. Customer can receive up to two rate centers at no additional MRC. Rate centers are ILEC defmed rate centers in each state. Additional rate centers, but no more than five, can be purchased for MRC of$20.00 per rate center. Additional blocks of twenty (20) DID numbers will be available at a MRC of$3.50. Price Plan Option # Available to Off-Net Customers. Non-Recurring Charge 000.000. 3 Years 800. 000. 1 Year Monthly Recurring Charge$2 000. 2 Years 900. Price flan Option #2 Available to On-Net Customers. 1 Year Monthly Recurring Charge$ 475. 2 Years 451.25 3 Years $ 427. N on-Recurring Charge 000.000.000. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3 , 2005 Effective: March 13,2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 IDl0501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 104 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont' 1.10 Inbound PRI (Cont'd) 10.B Discount Schedule Customers are eligible for discounts based on revenue levels as shown below. The monthly revenue level is Customer s total monthly telecommunications expenses provided to Company for all services excluding taxes and surcharges, non-recurring charges, some hosting services and equipment and DIA usage. The discount will be applied monthly in the form of a credit off the bottom line of the Customer s bill. The amount of the discount may vary month to month. Discount Schedule based on monthly usage: Monthly Usage Level $0 - 5 000 000.01 - 25 000 $25 000.01 - 100 000 $100 000.01 - 300 000 $300 000.01 + Discount Percentage 10% 15% 20% 25% Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3 2005 Effective: March 13 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 105 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont' 1.11 Local Volume Discount Local Volume Discount is a discount plan based upon XO's currently offered Local Services. Two plans are available, as outlined below. Customer must choose one plan upon execution of their service agreement. 1.11.1 Restrictions The offer is available to New and Existing Customers who sign a minimum two (2) year commitment for XO Local service offerings. a)The following Services are not included in the discount, but are included in the revenue commitment: XOptions, ISDN-BRI, Inbound PRI, Integrated Access, Gateway traffic Residential Service, Operator Services, Resold Services, Carrier Local Term, DAL IntraLA T A usage, Labor and Non-Recurring Charges. All other products and usage types are included in the revenue commitment. b) This offer applies only to those other Local products currently available. c) Customers located in an area where the Company is collocated in the ILEC wire center serving the Customer are eligible for this offering. Other Customers may be eligible depending upon their service configuration. d) All other commitments and/or restrictions, including early termination fees, associated with the applicable local product(s) apply. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3 2005 -_. ---- .. .............---. "'' -... . Effective: March 13, 2005 .... Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 106 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' 4.1 Local Exchange Service (Cont' 1.11 Local Volume Discount 11.Pricing: Two Price plans are available. Customers must choose one of the following plans when they sign their service contract. Aggregate Revenue Plan: Customers who choose XO's Aggregate Revenue plan will receive discounts off their monthly Local MRC' s & Local usage, based upon the actual amount of revenue billed each month. The amount of the discount may vary month to month. Monthly Revenue Discount $20 000-999 10% $50 000-124 999 15% $125 000-199 999 20% Greater than $200 000 25% Aggregate Commitment Plan: Customers who choose XO's Aggregate Commitment Plan will receive the following discounts off their Local MRC's & Local usage, based upon the commitment level they choose. Discounts will be applied monthly. Failure to achieve the annual commitment level will result in a penalty equal to the difference between the actual amount billed and the selected commitment level. Annual Revenue Commitment Discount $250 000-599,999 10% $600 000-499 999 15% $1.5M- 2 399 999 20% Greater than $2.4M 25% Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3, 2005 ""--.'. ~,."" ..,_. Effective: March 13 , 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, LLC Idaho Price List No. I Sth Revised Page 107 Cancels 7th Revised Page 107 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT'D.) 4.1 Local Exchanse Service (Cont'd) 4.1 .12 Remote Call Forwardins Service Remote Call Forwarding ("RCF") is a feature that allows a telephone number in one exchange (the RCF number) to automatically forward by telephone company equipment to a second telephone number in the same or different exchange. There is a minimum contract period of one month for this service. One RCF path is required for each simultaneous call that is forwarded. This service is not offered where the terminating number is a pay phone. Custom Calting features are not available. CalI Forwarding and Remote Call Forwarding are not available on the terminating number. Customer must order sufficient facilities to handle calls. (a)Non-Recurring Charses: Connection Charge (Per Path) Rate Area A $38.30 Rate Area B $21.30 (b) (c) (d) (e) below, Recurrins Charses: Monthly Charges (First Path) $30.62 $30.62 Monthly Charges (Each Additional Path)$29.31 $29.31 Usaee Charses: Applicable toll rates and surcharges apply per call and per line. Determination of rates is based on location of RCF number termination number. For local calls, the following rates apply: l" Minute $.000 $.021 Each Additional Minute $.000 $.009 Chanee Charee: The non-recurring charge will apply each time the number at the Call Forwarding location or the terminating number is changed. Discounts:The following discounts will apply to calls made during the times specified (r) (l) Evening Discount (5PM-8AM) Weekends / Holiday Discount Discount 40% 40% Issued: December 12, 2018 Kelly Faul - Senior Manager, Government Relations 22001 Loudoun County Pkwy Ashburn, VA 20147 ldalo p_ubtic Uti[fl es Corunrlsslon AcdpTflfFUffirnre Effective: January l, 2019 JAN I - 2OI9 Bdso,ldarp XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 1st Revised Page 108 Cancels Original Page 108 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont'd) 1.13 Foreign Exchange Service Foreign Exchange Service is exchange service furnished from an exchange other than the one which normally serves the area in which the customer is located. Foreign Exchange Service is available when both the foreign rate center and the rate center in which the customer is located are served by a single switch and are supported by the same 911 selective router. Foreign Exchange Service may be provided as Inbound Only, Outbound Only or Two-Way service. Foreign Exchange Service is available on the following services: Business Lines, Centrex Lines, Analog Trunks, Full Switched Digital T 1 , Fractional Switched Digital T 1, ISDN-PRI and ISDN-BRI. See Section 4.1 of this Tariff for full product descriptions. The local calling area that applies to Foreign Exchange Service is the same as that which regularly applies to other Company-provided local exchange access service bearing the same NP A-NXX designation. 1.13.1 Restrictions Mixing of Foreign Exchange Service lines and non- Foreign Exchange Service lines within a service arrangement such as Hunting, PBX and ISDN Trunk Groups is allowed only when non- Foreign Exchange Service linesltrunks hunt to Foreign Exchange Service lines/trunks. Customer must subscribe to Foreign Exchange Service for a minimum contract period of one year. Foreign Exchange Service is and it is co-terminus with the service to which it is terminated. 1.13.Rates The pricing listed below is in addition to the local access service rates which regularly apply for exchange access service bearing the foreign exchange NPA-NXX. See Section 4.1 of this Tariff for applicable local rates. In addition, Customer will receive one foreign exchange directory listing at no charge. (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) Access T MRC NRC Foreign Exchange Business Line $20.$25. Foreign Exchange Centrex Line $20.$25.(T) Foreign Exchange ISDN-BRI $20.$25. Foreign Exchange Trunk (per DSO channel)$20.$25.(T) Foreign Exchange Full Switched T $500.$200. Foreign Exchange ISDN-PRI $500.$200.(T) (T) Issued: November 3 , 2005 Effective' :, November 13,20051",\" Pijblic Utilities Commission '! L~~ 2f the Secretary A(;~d-' I E:D FOR FILING NOV 1 3 ZOOS Kelly Faul, Senior Regulatory Manager 11111 Sunset Hills Road Reston, VA 20190 Boise, Idaho XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 2nd Revised Page 109 Cancels 1 sf Revised Page 109 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT'D. Local Exchange Service (Cont'd) 1.14 National Local National Local Service is available to Customers in areas where Company provides service by resale or so-called "UNE Platform" arrangements. In order to qualify for National Local Service Customers must sign a minimum2-year contract and order two or more lines. National Local Service is only available where facilities exist and operating conditions permit. 14.A Basic Business Lines Company will provide Basic Business Lines as described in Section X.X of the tariff. Basic Business Line Customers will be charged a Non- Recurring Charge (NRC), a Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC) and usage charges as specified below as well as all applicable Federal, State and Local Taxes and Surcharges. (a) Basic Business Lines include the following standard attributes at no cost: Touchtone One White Pages Directory Listing 911 Access One Yellow Pages Directory Listing Blocking Restrictions (b) Basic Business Line Optional Features: Basic Business Line Customers may order the following Optional Features listed below at the Rates specified below. Call Forward Busy Call Forward No Answer Hunting (Circular or Sequential) Call Forward Variable Call Waiting with Cancel Call Waiting Speed Calling 8 Three Way Calling Caller ID Number Only Caller ID Name & Number Voicemail*(T) * Services not regulated under this tariff.(T) Issued: February 2 , 20 I 0 Kelly Faul, Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon, VA 20171 Effective: February 19 2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 9 2010 Boise, Idaho XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. I 2nd Revised Page 1 10 Cancels 1" Revised Page 1 10 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT'D.) 4.1 Local Exchanse Service (Cont'd) 4.1.14 National Local (Cont'd) 4.1.14.A Basic Business Lines (Cont'd) (c) Basic Business Line Rates and Charges: Basic Business Line Customers will be charged applicable Non-Recurring, Monthly Recurring and Usage Charges as specified below. All rates are based on a two-year term. Pricing for alternate term lengths will be offered on an individual case basis. ( 1) Monthly Recurrins Charses Rate Area A Rate Area B (LATA 676) $ 31.92 Rate Area B (LATA 652) $ 34.14 (r) Line Charge Basic Local Line Optional Features: Call Forward Busy Call Forward No Answer Hunting Call Forward Variable Call Waiting with Cancel Call Waiting Speed Calling 8 Three Way Calling Caller ID Number Only Caller ID Name & Number Voicemail* Installation Charge (Per Line) First Line Additional Line(s) Features .00 .00 .50 .50 .95 .50 .38 .47 .50 .95 $ $ $ s s 42.68 $ 6.00 $ 4.00 $ 6.00 $ 10.00 $ l 1.50 N/R t.2s t.25 0.00 5.00 2 2 0 3 $ $ $ $ 5 4 8 5 $7$4$5$7$7 N/R $4$3$3$z$7 N/R .00 .00 .00 .00 .50 .50 $ $ $ $ .50 .50 $ 45.00 $ 45.00 $ 12.00 $ 43.00 $ 43.00 $ I 1.00 $ 52.00 $ 52.00 s 12.00 * Services not regulated under this tariff. Issued: December 12, 2018 Kelly Faul - Senior Manager, Government Relations 22001 Loudoun County Pkwy Ashburn, YA 20147 Orflcu cf the Secretz Ac cE pTE ii'Fti Fi*fflu rv o Effective: January l, 2019 ldairo F .'irllc Utilltlos Gomn*sslon JAN I - 2019 Bdso,ldalm (2) Non-Recurrins Charees XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. I I st Revised Page III Cancels Original Page III LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' 4.1 Local Exchange Service (Cont' d) 1.14 National Local (Cont'd) 14.Private Branch Exchange (PBX) Trunks (C) (a)Service Description: PBX Trunk Service provides customers with access to and from the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) for inbound, outbound or two-way call traffic. Two- Way Trunks: A Trunk which allows traffic to be transmitted from either the customer s PBX or the Company switching equipment. One-Way. out only: A One-Way Trunk that only allows traffic originating in the customer s PBX to be transmitted to the Company switching equipment. One-Way. in only: A One-Way Trunk that only allows traffic from the Company switching equipment to be transmitted to the customer s PBX. Direct Inward Dialing (DID) Service: A special trunking arrangement which permits incoming calls from the exchange network to reach a specific PBX station directly without an attendant's assistance. *Effective December I , 2008, this product will be available only to current customers at their current location.(N) Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon, VA 20171 Effective: December I , 2008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 1 '- ZO08 Issued: November 21 , 2008 Boise, Idaho XO Communications Services, LLC Idaho Price List No. I 4th Revised Page ll2 Cancels 3rd Revised Page ll2 LOCAL EXCHANCE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT'D.) 4.1 Local Exchanse Service (Cont'd) 4.1.14 National Local (Cont'd) 4.1 .14.8 Private Branch Exchanse (PBX) Trunks. (continued) (b) Rates and Charses PBX Trunk Customers will be charged applicable Non-Recurring Charges, Monthly Recurring Charges and Usage Charges, where applicable. Additional Federal, State, and Local taxes and Surcharges may also apply. Rates below are based on a two year term. Rates for alternate term lengths may be provided on an individual case basis. (1) Monthly Recurrine Charses Rate Area A PBX Trunks Two-Way One-Way, out only One-Way, in only Ootional Features DID Termination Hunting DID Numbers Per Blocks of20 Per Blocks of 100 $45.3s $45.35 $45.35 $45.19 $45.19 $45. l 9 Rate Area B (LATA 676) $ r4.00 s0.00 s3.90 $ 1e.4s Rate Area B (LATA 652) s37.20 $37.20 $37.20 $s0.00 $ 8.00 $3.90 $ I 9.45 nla $0.00 $3e.50 $ r97.s 1 (I) (r) Issued: December 12, 2018 Kelly Faul - Senior Manager, Govemment Relations 22001 Loudoun County Pkwy Ashburn, VA 20147 ;'ilef#c[$ffifi:,Ffi,i[ Effective: January l, 2019 JAN I - 2OI9 Boise, ldaho XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 113 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Local Exchange Service (Cont' 1.14 National Local (Cont' (b)Rates and Charges (Cont'd) (2)Non Recurring Charges PBX Trunks Two-Way One-Way, out only One-Way, in only Rate Area RateArea B Rate Area B (LATA (LATA 652) 676) $50.$43.$117. $50.$43.$117. $50.$43.$117. Optional Features DID Termination Hunting $50. $ 0. $15. $0. $50. $12. DID Numbers Per Blocks of 20 Per Blocks of 100 $78. $390. $20. $100. $20. $100. 14.Early Termination Charges Customers who subscribe to National Local Service shall also incur a per line charge of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per line/trunk that is terminated prior to the end of the Customer s service term commitment. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 ZOOS Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3 2005 Effective: March 13, 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 3rd Revised Page 114 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 114 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' 4.2 Directory Assistance Directory Assistance service provides a Customer with requested telephone numbers and/or addresses within the Customer s local calling area. Customers can reach a Directory Assistance Operator by dialing 411 or 555- 1212. The Directory Assistance Operator will furnish up to three items per call or will let the Customer know if the requested information cannot be found. Customers will be charged for calls placed to Directory Assistance even when the requested information cannot be found. Each call to Directory Assistance will be charged as follows: Per call $2.(I) Call Completion Feature Customers using Company s Directory Assistance Service will have the option of completing calls through Company s Call Completion feature. At the Customer s request, the Directory Assistance Operator will connect the Customer to the requested telephone number. In addition to the per call charge for Directory Assistance listed above, Customers will be charged for duration of the completed call as follows: 1) Customers placing the call from a telephone line that is subscribed to Company local service will be charged according to Customer s current Company rate plan. 2) Customers placing a call from a telephone line that is subscribed to Company long distance service only will be charged $0.10 per minute of use for the duration of the completed call. Other than the Directory Assistance per call charge and the applicable usage charges for the completed call, there is no additional charge for using this feature. 4.2.A credit will be given for calls to Directory Assistance as follows: - The Customer experiences poor transmission or is cut-off during the call; or - The Customer is given an incorrect telephone number. To obtain such a credit, the Customer must notify its Customer Service representative within 48 hours of placing the call to Directory Assistance. ISSUED: April 26, 2010 EFFECTIVE: May 14, 2010 Kelly Faul, Regulatory Affairs Director XO Communications Services, Inc. 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon, VA 20171 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 4 2010 Boise. Idaho XO Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.I 1st Revised Page 115 Cancels Original Page 115 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4-SERVICE OFFERINGS,RATES &CHARGES,(CONT’D.) 4.3 Operator Assistance A Customer may obtain the assistance of a local operator to complete local exchange telephone calls in the following manner.in addition to the rates specified in Section 4.1,surcharges as specified in Section 4.2.1 will apply: Third Number Billing:Provides the Customer with the capability to charge a local call to a third number which is different from the called or calling party.The party answerñg at the third number has the option to refuse acceptance of the charges in advance or when queried by the operator. Collect Calls:Provides the Customer with the capability to charge a call to the called party.On the operator announcement ofa collect call,the called party has the option to refuse acceptance of charges in advance or when queried by the operator. (D) (D) Person to Person:Calls completed with the assistance of an operator to a particular Station and person specified by the caller.The call may be billed to the called party. Station to Station:Calls completed with the assistance of an operator toa particular Station. The call may be billed to the called party. issued:November 3,2011 Effective:November 13,2011 Idaho Pubhc UUiites CommissionKellyFaulRegulatoryAffairsDirectorOfficeoftheSecretary 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr ACCEceTEC OR tJNG Herndon,VA 20171 XO Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.I 1st Revised Page 116 Cancels Original Page 116 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 SERVICE OFFERINGS,RATES &CHARGES,(CONT’D.) 4.3 Operator Assistance (Cont’d) 4.3.1 Operator Assisted Surcharges:The following surcharges will be applied on a per call basis. Automated Live Operator ThirdNumberBilling $1.30 $1.50 CollectCalling N/A $1.50 Person to Person $2.30 $3.50 Station to Station $1.30 $2.00 4.3.2 Busy Line Verification and Interrupt Service:Busy Line Verification and Interrupt Service, which is furnished where and to the extent that facilities permit,provides the Customer with the following options: 4.3.2.(A)Busy Line Verification:Upon request ofthe calling party,the Company will determine if the line is clear or in use and report to the calling party. 4.3.2.(B)Busy line Verification with Interrupt:The operator will interrupt the call on the called line only if the calling party indicates an emergency and requests interruption. 4.3.2.(C)Rates:Rates for Busy Line Verification and Interrupt Service,as specified below,will apply under the following cirwmstances: 4.3.2.(C).l The operator verifies that the line is busy with a call in progress or is available for incoming calls. 4.3.2.(C).2 The operator verifies that the called number is busy with a call in progress and the Customer requests interruption.The operator will then interrupt the call,advising the called party the name of the calling party. One charge will apply for both verification and interruption. Busy Line Verification $1.75 Busy Line Interrupt $2.00 Issued:November 3,2011 Effective:November 13,2011 Idaho Publlc UtiHties Commission Kelly Faul —Regulatory Affairs Director 0ffCM of tOe eeretey 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr.ACCEPTED FOR FILING Herndon,VA 20171 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 117 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' 4.4 Directory Listings The Company shall arrange for the listing of the Customer s main billing telephone number in the directory(ies) published by the dominant Local Exchange Carrier in the service area at no additional charge. At a Customer option, the Company will arrange for other types of listings and additional listings and will pass onto the Customer the charges, if any, for such listings that the dominant Local Exchange Carrier charges Company. Listings will be non-published at the specific request of the Customer. 4.4. 4.4. 4.4.3 The Company reserves the right to limit the length of any listing in the directory by the use of abbreviations when, in its judgment, the clearness of the listing or the identification of the Customer is not impaired thereby. When more than one line is required to properly list the Customer, no additional charge is made. The Company may refuse a listing which is known not to constitute a legally authorized or adopted name, contains obscenities in the name, or any listing which, in the opinion of the Company, is likely to mislead or deceive calling persons as to the identity of the listed party, or is a contrived name used for advertising purposes or to secure a preferential position in the directory or is more elaborate than is reasonably necessary to identify the listed party. The Company, upon notification to the Customer will withdraw any listing which is found to be in violation of its rules with respect thereto. Each listing must be designated Government, Business, or Residence to be placed in the appropriate section of the directory. In order to aid the user of the directory, and to avoid misleading or deceiving the calling party as to the identity of the listed party, only business listings may be placed in the Business Section and only residential listings in the Residential Section. The Company, upon notification to the Customer, will withdraw any listing which is found to be in violation of its rules with respect thereto. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Effective: March 13, 2005Issued: March 3 , 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 118 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES 4.4 Directory Listings (Cont'd) SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' 4.4.4 In order for listing to appear in an upcoming directory, the Customer must furnish the listing to the Company in time to meet the directory publishing schedule. 4.4.(A) Directory listings are provided in connection with each Customer service as specified herein.4.4. 4.4.(B) 4.4.(C) 4.4.(D) 4.4.(E) Primary Listing:A primary listing contains the name ofthe Customer, or the name under which a business is regularly conducted, as well as the address and telephone number of the Customer. This listing is provided at no additional charge. Additional Listings:In connection with local exchange service, additional listings are available only in the name of Authorized Users of the Customer s service, as defined herein. Rates for additional listings are specified in Section 4.4.(H) and 4.4.(1). Nonpublished Listings:Listings that are not printed in directories nor available from Directory Assistance. A Nonpublished Telephone Service will be furnished, at the Customer s request providing the omission or deletion of the Customer s telephone listing from the telephone directory and, in addition, the Customer s telephone listing will be omitted or deleted from the directory assistance records, subject to the provisions set forth in Section 2.1.4. Rates for Nonpublished Listings are specified in Sections 4.4.(H) and 4.4.(1). Nonlisted Numbers:A Nonlisted number will be furnished at the Customer request, providing for the omission or deletion of the Customer s listing from the telephone directory. Such listings will be carried in the Company s directory assistance and other records will be given to any calling party. Rates for Nonlisted Numbers are specified in Sections 4.4.(H) and 4.4.(1). Foreign Listings:Where available, a listing in a phone directory which is not in the Customer s immediate calling area. The Customer will be charged the rates specified in the tariff published by the specific exchange carrier providing the Foreign Listings. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3 2005 - .:.... - ' Effective: March 13 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, LLC Idaho Price List No. I 6th Revised Page I 19 Cancels 5th Revised Page I l9 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES 4.4 SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT'D.) Directorv Listines (Cont'd) 4.4.5. Cont'd 4.4.5.(F) Alternate Call Listinss: Where available, this feature is a listing which references a telephone number which is not the primary listing for the Customer. The Customer must provide written verification that the alternate telephone number is authorized to accept calls. 4.4.slG)Reference Listins: A listing including additional telephone numbers of the same or another Customer to be called in the event there is not an answer from the Customer's telephone. Charges for reference listings are specified in Section 4.4.5.(H) and 4.4.5.(l). 4.4.5.(H)Recurrins Charses: Monthly Recurring Charges associated with Directory Listings are as follows: Qwest Service Areas: Per Listing or Per Number Charee s0.00 s7.35 s7.35 s5.2s $6.30 Verizon Service Areas: Per Listins or Per Number Charse $0.00 $7.3s $7.35 $5.25 $6.30 4.4.s.(t)Non-Recurring Charges: Non-Recurring charges associated with Directory Listings are as follows: Per Listing or Per Number Charge Primary Listing $0.00 Additional Listing $0.00 Reference Listing $0.00 Non-Listed Number S0.00 Non-Published Number $0.00 Primary Listing Additional Listing Reference Listing Non-Listed Number Non-Published Number Primary Listing Additional Listing Reference Listing Non-Listed Number Non-Published Number (r) I I (r) (l) I I (r) ISSUED: December 12, 2018 Kelly Faul - Senior Manager, Govemment Relations XO Communications Services, Inc. 22001 Loudoun County Pkwy Ashburn, VA, 20147 EFFECTIVE: January l, 2019 kldro Fublic tftitides Corurnlsslon iAN r - 2019 Boise,ldalm AcceF?gfttiBit[rnri XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 120 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' 4.4.Intercept and Number Referral Service (A)Intercept Is an optional service employed after telephone service has been disconnected, whereby an automated system repeats the called number and provides the status of the telephone service. Intercept Service is available for published numbers and Dills free of charge for the fIrst 90 days of use. Intercept Service for published numbers in place longer than 90 days will be charged as outlined below. Intercept Service for unpublished numbers will be charged as outlined below from the start of the Number Referral Service. (B)Number Referral Service Is an optional service employed after telephone service has been disconnected, whereby an automated system repeats the called number and provides callers with the new number. Number Referral Service is available for published numbers free of charge for the first 90 days of use. Number Referral Service for published numbers in place longer than 90 days will be charged as outlined below. Number Referral Service for unpublished numbers will charged as outlined below from the start of the Number Referral Service. Duration 1 month: 2 months: 3 months: 6 months: 9 months: 12 months: Non-recurring Charge $10. $20. $30. $45. $55. $65. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 200S Boise, 'danG Issued: March 3 2005 Effective: March 13 2005 -, -.,' .-' .-". . Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O50 1 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 120. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Emergencv Telephone Services 5.1 Enhanced 911 (E911) Enhanced 911 allows a telephone user to reach appropriate emergency services including police fITe and medical services. Enhanced 911 has the ability to selectively route an emergency call to the primary E911 provider so that it reaches the correct emergency service located closest to the caller. In addition, the telephone user s address and telephone information will be displayed to the primary E911 provider for display at the Public Service Answering Point (PSAP). E911 charges are assessed on each access line. The furnishing of this service shall not create any liability, direct or indirect, to any person who dials the number 911 , or for whose benefit the number 911 is dialed. The Company liability in furnishing service is set forth in Section 2.1.4. 4.5.2 Emergency Systems Service Emergency Systems Service is furnished to municipalities and other governmental agencies only for the purpose of voice reporting of emergencies by the public. The determination of the public safety agencies which participate in a 911 service and the control and staffmg of the emergency report center shall be the responsibility of the subscriber; provided, however, that at least one of the participating public safety agencies shall be a law enforcement agency. The service is furnished with the understanding that the subscriber shall provide assistance on all emergency calls from the public, or secure or attempt to secure the assistance of the appropriate serving agency. This service is furnished for receipt of incoming calls only. The Company will recommend to the subscriber adequate trunking and equipment for the service. A sufficient number of lines and sufficient answering equipment should be subscribed for in order to adequately handle the incoming calls. Sufficient personnel should be provided by the subscriber to adequately handle the incoming calls 24 hours a day. Some material on this page was moved from Page 121. Issued: July 3 2007 (M)(T) (M)(T) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 11111 Sunset Hills Rd. Reston, VA 20190 Effective: July 13, 2007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 3 2007 Boise. Jdalu.1 XO Communications Services, LLC Idaho Price List No. I 2nd Revised Page 120.2 Cancels 1't Revised Page 120.2 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4. SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT'D.) 4.5 Emersency Telephone Services. (Cont'd) 4.5.3 Private Switch / Automatic Location Identification (PS/ALI) Private Switch / Automatic Location ldentification (PS/ALI) is an Enhanced 911 (Eqll) service offering which allows a private telephone switch, Private Branch Exchange (PBX), or other telephone service switch located on the customer premises to send Automatic Number Identification (ANI) information to the Enhanced 911 database, identifying the individual station line to the appropriate Public Service Answering Point (PSAP). PS/ALI is also available via Centrex and ISDN-PRI. The PS/ALI service is only available to multi{enant customers and to customers in a campus environment. The PS/ALI system enables the Customer to interface with a third party vendor's (Vendor) software, which updates an E91l database. Through the interface, the customer is able to enter and update the specific address and location of each extension or station. Communication between the Customer's computer system running PS/ALI and the Vendor is initiated by the Customer and occurs through the Internet. Restrictions - Customer must sign a minimum one (l) year term contract. The Customer must subscribe to Company's local voice service for which it is requesting a PS/ALI license. PS/ALI is not sold as a stand-alone produce. Should the Customer terminate Company's local voice service, PS/ALI shalI also be terminated. The Customer shall be subject to early termination penalties. Pricine - Prices below do not include Federal, State or Local Taxes or Surcharges. Customer's initial load file included in installation charge. * Effective January 1,2016, these rates will only be available for current customers. +* Effective January 1,2016, these rates will be available for new customers. (r) (r) (t) NRC* (lnstallation) MRC*NRC** (lnstallation) MRC** Up to 1,000 station records per Customer. $4,375.00 $210.00 per 1,000 records (or fraction thereof) $0.00 $630.00 per 1,000 records (or fraction thereof) 1,001- 4,000 station records per Customer $4,700 $183.75 per 1,000 records (or fraction thereof) $0.00 $577.50 per 1,000 records (or fraction thereof) 4,001 or more station records per Customer $s,400 $157.50 per 1,000 records (or fraction thereo0 $0.00 $525.00 per 1,000 records (or fiaction thereo0 License fee for each additional load file. $600.00 $600.00 Issued: December 12, 2018 Effective: January I, 2019 Kelly Faul - Senior Manager, Govemment Relations 22001 Loudoun County Pkwy Ashburn. VA 20141 ldaho p.ubtic tftiltiles Commissron AccfpTfli'Ffffr-FfluN; JAN I - 2019 goim,ldatp XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 120. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Emergency Telephone Services, (Cont'd) Private Switch I Automatic Location Identification (PS/ALD, (Cont' Requirements (a)The Customer must indicate in writing that the Customer has agreed to any potential changes in calling patterns or volumes resulting from the implementation of PSI ALL (b)Service availability is dependent upon the availability of facilities and the type and configuration of the 911 system in place for the service area. (c)The Customer must provide a single point of contact and written documentation to the Company stating that the Customer or its affected PSAPs will: . Accept and dispatch calls for those PBX stations . Assign appropriate Emergency Service Numbers, and . Provide any Master Street Address Guide additions or modifications that are required. (d)Customer will provide full ten-digit ANI for every station or extension within the private switch. This information must be approved by the Company prior to implementation to assure that no conflict exists between the PBX numbering plan and the Companys overall numbering plan. (e)PBX ANI multifrequency signaling must conform to the Company and Company s Vendor s specifications for Private Switch/Automatic Location Identification Service Network Interface Specification. (t)Customer will create, maintain and forward to the Vendor, current telephone number and address data in the format specified by the Vendor at the time intervals mutually agreed upon by the Vendor and the Customer. (g) The Customer is responsible for maintaining the accuracy of the data (i.e., if a station is relocated within the subscriber premises, the subscriber needs to download a new record with this information). Issued: July 3 2007 Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 11111 Sunset Hills Rd. Reston, VA 20190 Effective: July 13 , 2007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 3 ZO07 ..~..; Boise, JdabD (N) (N) XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 120.4 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Emergency Telephone Services, (Cont' Private Switch I Automatic Location Identification (PS/ALI), (Cont' Requirements, (Cont' (h)Private Switch! Automatic Location Identification Service does not include and the Company does not undertake, extraordinary tasks of inspection or constant monitoring to discover errors, defects or malfunctions in the subscriber s data management system/process. The Customer has the responsibility for reporting all errors, defects and malfunctions to the Company. (i)This service is offered solely as an aid in handling assistance calls in connection with rITe, police and other emergencies and does not create any relationship or obligation, direct or indirect, to any person other than the Customer contracting for Private Switch! Automatic Location Identification Service. The provision of Private Switch! Automatic Location Identification Service by the Company shall not be interpreted, construed, or regarded either expressly or implied, as being for the benefit of or creating any Company obligation toward any third person or legal entity other than the Customer. The Customer must supply the Company s Vendor with the initial telephone number-to-address data as well as periodic updates. The PBX must utilize Direct Inward Dial (DID) numbers. (k)The Customer will configure any private switch which it owns or operates so that it connects to at least two dedicated voice grade trunks recognizing the "911" or "9911" code as a complete dialing sequence and routing those calls to this dedicated trunk group without overflowing calls to any other access facility in the private switch. Each system must maintain a P.Ol Grade of Service or better for 911 call processing. (l)The Customer will develop and implement methods and procedures to prevent the use or misuse of the voice grade trunks for any use other than E911 telecommunications service. Misuse or abuse of the E911 PSI ALl trunk may result in disconnection of the service in addition to any remedies at law or equity including reimbursement of charges or other expenses associated with the misuse or abuse. Issued: July 3 2007 Effective: July 13, 2007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 13 ZOO? Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 11111 Sunset Hills Rd. Reston, VA 20190 Boise, Idaho (N) (N) XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 120. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Emergency Telephone Services, (Cont' 4.5.3 Private Switch I Automatic Location Identification (PSI ALl), (Cont' Requirements, (Cont' (m)The Customer shall use the required computer hardware and software provided by the Vendor for ongoing customer record update programs and processes. (n)The Company s liability in furnishing this service is further set forth in Section 2.1.4 of this tariff. Each Customer agrees to release, indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Company from any and all loss, claims demands, suits, or other action, or any liability whatsoever, whether suffered, made, instituted or asserted by the Customer or by any other party or person, for any personal injury to or death of any person or persons, or for any loss, damage or destruction of any property, whether owned by the Customer or others, or for any infringement or invasion of the right of privacy of any person or persons, caused or claimed to have been caused, directly or indirectly, by the installation operation, failure to operate, maintenance, removal, presence condition, location or use of Private Switch/Automatic Location Identification Service features and the equipment associated therewith or by any services which are or may be furnished by the Company in connection therewith, including but not limited to the identification of the telephone number, address or name associated with the telephone used by the party or parties accessing 911 services using Private Switch/Automatic Location Identification Service hereunder, and which arise out of the negligence or other wrongful act of the Company, the Customer, its user agencies or municipalities or employees or agents of anyone of them. Issued: July 3, 2007 Effective: July 13 2007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 3 ZO07 Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 11111 Sunset Hills Rd. Reston, VA 20190 Boise, Idaho (N) (N) XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 1st Revised Page 121 Cancels Original Page 121 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' (M) (M) Vanitv Telephone Numbers:At the request of the Customer, the Company may assign a telephone number with the last four digits selected by the Customer. The assignment is subject to availability of a particular number and subject to the terms and conditions set forth in Section 2. 1.3. There will be no charge for Vanity Telephone Numbers. Telecommunications Relay Service:Telecommunications Relay Service enables deaf, hard-of-hearing or speech-impaired persons who use a text telephone or similar devices to communicate freely with the hearing population for using the text telephone and vice versa. The Company does not impose any charge to end users for access to Telecommunications Relay Service. Promotional Offerings: The Company, from time to time, may make promotional offerings of its services which may include waiving or reducing the applicable charges for the promoted service. The promotional offerings may be limited as to the duration, the date and times of the offerings and the locations where the offerings are made. Written notice shall be provided the Commission in advance of the effectiveness of any promotional offering. XO Free Month of Local Service Promotion The XO Free Month of Local Service Promotion is available to new Customers who sign up for local service on or before September 29, 2000. Under this promotion, XO will apply a credit equal to Customer s local monthly recurring charges and local usage charges for Customer s third month of Service ("Credited Charges ). This credit will not include any applicable taxes, surcharges or tax-like charges and Customer will be responsible for paying such charges. In order to be eligible for this promotion, Customer must sign up for XO local service on or before September 29 2000 and must subscribe to XO local service for a minimum one (1) year commitment. , for any reason, Customer s local service is terminated before the end of Customer s minimum term commitment, the Customer will become liable for and will have to pay XO for credited charges. Some material on this page was moved to Page 120.(N) Issued: March 3, 2005 Effective: March 13 2005 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 13 ZO07 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98109 ID1O501 Boise, Idaho XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 122 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Promotional Offerings (Cont' XO Integrated Access Installation Waiver Business Promotion This promotion is available to current XO Business Customers who subscribe to Integrated Access Service offered pursuant to and under the terms and conditions of this tariff on or before September , 2000. Under this promotion, XO will waive the installation charges associated with Integrated Access Service. To be eligible for this promotion, the Customer must meet the following criteria: Customer must be an existing XO Customer receiving service under this or another XO tariff: Customer must commit to a term of service for Integrated Access Service that is equal or greater that the amount of time remaining in Customer s current term commitment for any X 0 tariffed business service( s ), but in no case shall the commitment be less than one (1) year; and Customer s XO account must be current as ofthe date of installation and no outstanding balance past due. , for any reason, Customer s Integrated Access Service is terminated prior to the end of Customer term commitment, the Customer will be liable for and will have to pay XO the installation charges associated with Integrated Access Service. All other terms and conditiQns of Integrated Access Service set forth in this tariff and XO's tariffs on file with the Federal Communications Commission shall also apply. This promotion can not be combined with any other offer or promotion offered by XO. The XO 10% On-net Business Promotion XO will offer the XO 10% On-net Business Promotion from July 13 through September 30, 2000. Under this promotion, new XO Business Customers meeting the criteria listed below will receive a 10% discount off the monthly recurring charges for XO local service set forth in Section 4.10fthis tariff. To be eligible for this promotion, Customers must meet the following criteria: 1. Customer must not currently receive XO local service;2. Customer must sign, up for XO local service for a minimum one (1) year term commitment;3. Customer must sign up for service on or before September 30 2000; and 4. XO service must be provided at a XO On-net location. For purposes of this promotion On-net shall mean a location or Premises where XO Service is provided exclusively over XO facilities and not over the facilities of another carrier. This promotion can not be combined with any other offer or promotion offered by the Company. Issued: March 3 2005 Idaho Public Utilities Ca~~t6~: March 13, 2005 Office of the Secretary Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External AffairACCt::PTED FOR FILING 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 MAR 1 3 2005 ID1O50 1. 8 Boise, Idaho "::' XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. I 1st Revised Page 122. Cancels Original Page 122. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' 8.4 Promotional Offerings (Cont' Three Free Month Promotion Beginning August 5 2005 and ending October 31 2005, the Company will offer the following promotion to new customers and existing customers who sign-up for a new two or three year term or commitment. Company will credit one month of Customer s Monthly Recurring Charges for each year of its new commitment on the following products: ISDN PRI, Digital PBX / Digital Switched T-I Service, XOptions (7 , & 16), True Business Total Communications and True Business Total Communications & Digital Total Communications. The credited month of service will be applied as follows: Commitment Credited Months of Service 2 Year Term 13th and 25th Month 3 Year Term 13th, 25th, and 37th Month The credited month is derIDed as the applicable monthly recurring charge (MRC) for the product(s) selected by the Customer, it does not include usage, taxes, user fees, or surcharges. The credited month(s) will appear as an automatic credit on the Customer s account. All of the Customer terms and conditions for the selected service apply to the credited month of service. This promotion may not be combined with any other promotion. Three Free Month Promotion II Beginning April 26, 2007 and ending September 30 2007, the Company will offer the following promotion to new customers and existing customers who sign-up for a new two or three year term or commitment. Company will credit one month of Customer s Monthly Recurring Charges for each year of its new commitment on the following Category One products: ISDN PRI, Full Switched Digital T-I Service, and XOptions (7 , & 16). The credited month of service will be applied as follows: Commitment Credited Months of Service 2 Year Term 13th and 25th Month 3 Year Term 13th, 25th, and 37th Month The credited month is derIDed as the applicable monthly recurring charge (MRC) for the product(s) selected by the Customer, it does not include usage, taxes, user fees, or surcharges. The credited month(s) will appear as an automatic credit on the Customer s account. All of the Customer terms and conditions for the selected service apply to the credited month of service. This promotion may not be combined with any other promotion. Issued: April 16, 2007 (N) (N) Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 11111 Sunset Hills Rd. Reston, VA 20190 Effective: April 26, 2007 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 2 6 ZO07 Boise. Idaho XO Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 4th Revised Page 122.2 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 122.2 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4-SERVICE OFFERINGS,RATES &CHARGES,(CONT’D.) 4.8 Promotional Offe4ngs (Cont’d) 4.8.6 XO Half Off the MRC Promotion Beginning April 26,2007 and ending September 30,2007,the Company will offer the followingpromotiontonewcustomersanddstingcustomerswhosigmupforanewtwoorthreeyeartermorcommitment.Company will credit 50%off of the Customers monthly recurring charges for thefirstthreefullinvoicecyclesfromactivationdateonthefollowingCategoryOneproducts:ISD’PRI,Full Switched Digital T-l Service,and XOptions (7,13,15,&16). The credit is defined as the applicable monthly recurring charge (MRC)for the product(s)selected bytheCustomer,it does not include usage,taxes,user fees,or surcharges.The credited months willappearasanautomaticcreditontheCustomer’s account.All of the Customer’s terms and conditionsfortheselectedserviceapplytothecreditedmonthofservice.This promotion may not be combinedwithanyotherpromotion. 4.8.7 Small Business Services Promotion Beginning May 14,2010 and ending July 14,2010,XO will offer to current Small Business Services’customers the following promotion:waiver ofthe Administrative Service Charge.This waiver willcontinuewhilecustomermaintainsitscurrentaccountatitscurrentlevelofservice.This promotion isnottransferableorassignable. 4.8.8 Small Business Services Rate Stabilization Promotion Beginning August 1,2010;XO will offer to current Small Business Services’customers thefollowingpromotion:stabilization of rates.Small Business Services’customers will maintaintheirratesthatwereineffectonJuly14,2010.fhis promotion will continue while customermaintainsitscurrentserviceonitscurrentaccountwithtscurrentlevelofservice.Small BusinessServicescustomerswhochangetheirserviceortermofservicewillnolongerreceivethebencttsolthispromotion.This promotion is not transferable or assignable. 4.8.9 Small Business Services 2011 Promotion Beginning June 1,2011 and ending June 15,2011,existing Small Business Service customers willreceivethefollowingpromotionofferforaperiodof12months.Customers receiving thispromotionwillnotbesubjecttoincreasesintheAdminiarativeServiceCharge.This promotionwillcontinuewhilethecustomermaintainsitscurrentaccountatitscurrentlevelofserviceand (T)ends on September 30,2011.This promotion is not transferable or assignable.(T) Issued:August 29,2011 Effective:October 1,2011 Kelly Faul —Regulatory Affairs Director Ofhce et th 5ieuiets:y13865SunriseValleyDr Herndon,VA 20171 OCT 1 —2011 XO Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.I Original Page 122.3 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4-SERVICE OFFERINGS,RATES &CHARGES,(CONVD.) 4.8 Promotional Offerings (Cont’d) 4.8.10 Small Business Services Administrative Service Charge Promotion Beginning October 1,2011 and October 15,2011,XO will offer to its Small Business Services customers a discounted Administrative Service Charge rate of $7.50 per month.This discounted rate will be offered to these customers until May 31,2012.At the expiration of this pumotion, these customers will receive Administration Service Charge at an undiscounted rate.This promotion will continue while the customer maintains its current account at its current level of service.This promotion is not transferable or assignable. Issued:August 29,2011 Effective:October 1,2011 ftaho Kelly Faul -Regulatory Affairs Diiector 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr.ACU .,, Herndon,VA 20171 Boise kiah XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 123 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' IriID Service Offering ("TSO"In the normal course of business the Company, at its discretion, may elect to offer certain services to Customers on a "trial basis . In order to conduct a "TSO", the Company will file with the Commission, on at least the minimum notice required by the Commission, notice of the TSO. The TSO will include a brief description of the trial service( s), features, special agreements, applicable rates and regulations. In addition, the TSO will include specific information as to the availability and the duration of the TSO. The filing of a TSO does not obligate the Company to continue the trial service beyond the stated trial period or to offer said service as a general tariffed offering in the future. Services provided as a TSO are subject to all other applicable provisions in the tariffs of the Company lawfully on file with the Commission. However, the TSO rates and charges will supersede applicable general tariff rates and charges for the duration of the trial period. Written notice shall be provided the Commission in advance of the effectiveness of any TSO:::- Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FIL'NG MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3, 2005 . .' .'- -. . .- .-.,. - . Effective: March 13, 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 124 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' XO Integrated Access Service XO Integrated Access Service is a bundled service offering that is being offered as a TSO from June 1 2000 through October 15, 2000 that requires the Customer to purchase, at the same customer location, local exchange service, message toll service and Internet services from the Company. A single DS-1 to the Customers' premises is the standard service configuration. In order to get the following pricing for this service the Customer must purchase a minimum of 10 local exchange lines or channels/trunks. Furthermore, the Customer must enter a service order for Integrated Access Service specifying a minimum term of not less than twelve months. The Non-Recurring and Monthly Recurring charges are specified in Sections 4.9 .(C) and 4.9 .(D) below. (A)Standard Features:Integrated Access Service includes the following standard features at no additional charge: Call Forward Variable Call Forward Busy Call Forward No Answer Speed Calling Call Waiting Touchtone 3 Way Calling 9. 1. (B)Optional Features:An Integrated Access Service Customer may order optional features at standard rates specified in this tariff. 9. 1. (C)Non-Recurring Charges:For initial installation ofXO Integrated Access Service over a single DS-, Customers will pay a non-recurring installation charge specified below. If a customer chooses to add additional local exchange lines or channels/trunks after installation of the initial service, the Company s non- recurring installation charges for local exchange service will apply. Installation for those Customers that purchase greater than one DS-l will be done on an Individual Case Basis. Single DS 1 Capacity Exceeding DS 1 $999. ICB Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3 , 2005 Effective: March 13 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 1 st Revised Page 125 Cancels Original Page 125 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Trial Service Offering ("TSO"(Cont' XO Integrated Access Service: (Cont' 1.(D)Monthly Recurring Charges Basic Line Per Line: $37.43 DID DOD Per Trunk: $41.93 $37.43 (E)Local Usage:Local Usage is included in the flat monthly charge for XO Integrated Access Service. 1.(F)Enhanced Integrated Features:XO Integrated Access Service Customer s can order, as an option , the Enhance Integrated Feature at the monthly recurring rate specified in Section 4.(F).2 below. The Enhance Integrated Feature is only offered to Customers at the time XO Integrated Access Service is initially ordered. I.(F).Standard Features:The following features are included in the enhanced Integrated Feature at no additional charge: Abbreviated Dialing (3 or 4 digit) Call Hold Call Pickup Call Transfer Voice Mail* Message Waiting (T) All other features are available at the tariff rate. I.(F).Monthly Recurring Charges: MRC $6. * Services not regulated under this tariff.(T) Issued: February 2, 2010 Kelly Faul ~ Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon, VA 20171 Effective: February 19, 2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 9 2010 Boise, Idaho XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 126 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Case Basis (lQ3) Arrangements.Arrangements will be developed on a case-by-case basis in response to a bona fide request from a Customer or prospective Customer to develop a competitive bid for a service offered under this tariff. Rates quoted in response to such competitive requests may be different than those specified for such service in this tariff. ICB rates will be offered to the Customer in writing and on a non- discriminatory basis. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, 'daho Issued: March 3 2005 Effective: March 13 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FI LING MAR 1 3 2005 . . Idaho Price List No. Original Page 127 Boise, Idaho . LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES _.._,,_.~...._._...... ......--..- '- ,.--.._~_... SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Satisfaction Guarantee XO is offering the following Satisfaction Guarantee to new customers purchasing services offered in this price list that meet the requirements below. This offer is available to a New Customer, which is defined as a Customer who has not subscribed to any XO service during the one year period prior to subscribing to new XO service. Pursuant to this offering, a New Customer may cancel its new Service, without incurring contractual penalties within three (3) months of the Service installation date if the New Customer is not completely satisfied with the Services provided by XO. (A month is equal to 30 calendar days.) In order to be eligible for this offering, a New Customer must not have received telecommunications service from another Service Provider at the location to which the new XO services are provided, or the New Customer must switch back to the Service Provider that provided New Customer s telecommunications service prior to New Customer subscribing to the new XO servIce. New Customer must notify XO, in writing (via certified or overnight delivery with signature) with the XO claim form no later than three (3) months from the date of Service installation and before contacting their previous provider, of its intent to discontinue the Services. New Customer must allow XO a minimum of30 days from the day of New Customer s notice, for the cancellation of the Services, including re-connection to the original Service Provider. After receipt of New Customer s timely notice, XO, in conjunction with the termination of New Customer s Service, will waive any applicable contract termination charges. XO also will reimburse the New Customer for any installation charges incurred by New Customer to restore the New Customer to its previous Service Provider at the identical level and type of service provided by the previous Service Provider at the same customer location. In order to receive the reimbursement, the New Customer must, within (3) months of the installation date, provide XO with the following: (1) the XO reimbursement form; (2) a copy of the invoice from the other Service Provider posting the non-recurring charges for restoring New Customer s service to the other Service Provider; and (3) a copy of the last invoice that the New Customer had received from the other Service Provider prior to switching to XO, if applicable. If New Customer previously did not have a provider other than XO at the location to which the Services are provided, or if the previous Service Provider will not or cannot provide the identical level and type of service previously provided to New Customer, XO will reimburse New Customer any initial XO installation charges New Customer incurred in conjunction with the installation of Service. All reimbursements will be in the form of a check. Credits will not be given. XO is not liable for any outage or inconvenience to New Customer relating to restoring the New Customer to its previous Service Provider. The New Customer is responsible to pay XO for all charges for XO new Service provided to the New Customer through and including the date of Service termination prior to receiving reimbursement from XO. Except as provided below, this offering is not available to customers receiving non-standard pricing, non- standard products, or non-standard terms and conditions (e., individual case basis prices, products, or terms and conditions), or customers for whom XO performed Special Construction or Special Configurations. Special Construction is derIDed in Section 1 of this price list. Special Configuration refers to the situation in which a customer s service connection is established through a non standard network architecture design. Issued: March 3 2005 Effective: March 13, 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 1st Revised Page 128 Cancels Original Page 128 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Reserved for Future Use Material on this page was moved to Page 120. Issued: July 3 2007 Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 11111 Sunset Hills Rd. Reston, VA 20190 Idah~ Public UtiljtieftbWiM~~o~uly 13 2007 Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING J U L 1 3 2007 Boise. Idaho , ,.. (M) (M) (D) (D) (M) (M) (N) XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 2nd Revised Page 128. Cancels 1 st Revised Page 128. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 4 - SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES & CHARGES, (CONT' Emergency Redundancy Routing Emergency Redundancy Routing (ERR) enables a Customer to establish an alternate routing solution when an emergency causing a communication failure or "all trunks busy" c(J\dition occurs. ERR will automatically reroute voice traffic to a number predetermined by the Customer. ERR is available with ISDN PRI , Digital T-, and all XOptions packages. ERR is available on a per T-l basis , for up to four T-l s per location. ERR is available where facilities permit. The Company s ability to redirect calls is dependent on the capabilities at the back-up site for ERR and redirecting large volumes of calls is not recommended. Customer will be charged applicable non-recurring charges and monthly recurring charges. Customers will also be charged for any applicable usage charges incurred if the predetermined number is located outside of the Central Office of the ERR enabled telephone number. Non-Recurring Charge Monthly Recurring Charge Per T- $250. $ 28.(I) Supplemental Change Charge Customers will be assessed a Supplemental Change Charge when a change is requested to an installation Service Order in progress. This non-recurring charge will be based on the total mmthly recurring charges for the Service Order and the time at which the change was requested during the order process. These charges are outlined below: NON-RECURRING CHARGES Timeframe of Change Request Monthly Recurring Charge Within 2 Business Days of On or after 3Td Business Within 5 Range Order Acceptance Day after Order Business Days Acceptance and up to the of Due Date 5th Business Day Prior Due Date Up to $500.$0.$100.$200. $501.00 to $2 000.$0.$200.$350. 001.00 and Up $0.$300.$500. Changes made to Service Orders in progress may result in a change to the order due date. If the Customer requests to keep the original due date additional, charges may also apply as outlined in Section 2. Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon , VA 20 I 71 Effective: August 1 , 20 I 0 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG AUG 1 - 2010 Issued: June 24, 20 I 0 Boise, Idaho :.. XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No.I 3rd Revised Page 128.2 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 128.2 LOCAL EXCFIANGE SERVICES __________ SECTION 4-SERVICE OFFERINGS,RATES &CHARGES,(CONVD.) 4.15 Reserved for Future Use 4.16 Service Extension Charge A Service Extension Charge will be assessed hen a customer requests and XO agrees to provide services at a location beyond XO’s demarcation point.This non-recurring charge will be applied to the first and each additional circuit as outlined below: Type of Circuit Less Than or Equal to a DSI (1.544 Mbps) More Than a DSI (1.544 Mbps)and Less Than or Equal to a DS3 (44.736 Mbps) 4.17 Administrative Service Fee NON-RECURRING CHARGES First Ci ch Additional Circuit $325.00 80.00 $550.0p _joo The Administrative Service Fee will be assessed to help recover expenses associated with administration and system support costs associated with providing and improving quality of customer service.The Administrative Service Fee will be assessed at 3.5 percent of customer’s total Monthly Recurring Charges.(I) Issued:December 22,2015 Kelly Faul—Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon,VA 20171 Effective:January 1,2016 Idaho PbJt fi 1 ties 1om10ffIeayACCFp).(jJP XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No 1 3rd Resised Page 129 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 129 __________ LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTIONS MESSAGE TOLL SERVICE OFFERINGS,R4TES and CHARGES 5.1 Reserved for Future Use (D) (D) Issued:May 24.2017 f,de:JuIS’I, 1” Kelly Faul,Senior Manager Government Relations 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr Herndon,VA 20171 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 2nd Revised Page 130 Cancels 1 st Revised Page 130 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 5 MESSAGE TOLL SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES and CHARGES, (CONT' Reserved for Future Use (T) (M) (M) (Material previously found on this page has been moved to Page 199) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 2 5 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: September 15 2005 Effective: September 25, 2005 Kelly Faul, Senior Regulatory Manager 11111 Sunset Hills Road Reston, VA 20190 IDL0506 XO Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 5th Revised Page 13 1 Cancels 4th Revised Page 131 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 5 MESSAGE TOLL SERVICE OFFERINGS,RATES and CHARGES,(CONT’D.) 5.1 Reserved for Future Use 5.2 Reserved for Future Use (D) (D) Issued:November 3,2011 Effectiyc:1ycipbr13,2R1 I j rrn ssoI Kelly Faul Regulatory Affairs Director JNG13865SunriseValleyDr. Herndon,VA 20171 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 2nd Revised Page 132 Cancels 1 st Revised Page 132 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 5 MESSAGE TOLL SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES and CHARGES, (CONT' Reserved for Future Use (T) (M) (M) (Material previously found on this page has been moved to Page 201) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 2 5 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: September 15 2005 Effective: September 25, 2005 Kelly Faul, Senior Regulatory Manager 11111 Sunset Hills Road Reston, VA 20190 IDL0506 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 1 st Revised Page 132. Cancels Original Page 132. LOCAL EX CHAN G E SER VI CES SECTION 5 MESSAGE TOLL SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES and CHARGES, (CONT' Reserved for Future Use (T) (M) (M) (Material previously found on this page has been moved to Page 202) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 2 5 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: September 15, 2005 Effective: September 25, 2005 Kelly Faul, Senior Regulatory Manager 11111 Sunset Hills Road Reston, VA 20190 IDL0506 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 2nd Revised Page 133 Cancels 1 st Revised Page 133 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 5 MESSAGE TOLL SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES and CHARGES, (CONT' Reserved for Future Use (T) (M) (M) (Material previously found on this page has been moved to Page 202) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 2 5 2005 Boise, Idaho ...- . Issued: September 15 2005 Effective: September 25, 2005 Kelly Faul, Senior Regulatory Manager 11111 Sunset Hills Road Reston, VA 20190 IDL0506 XO Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.I 5th Revised Page 134 Cancels 4th Revised Page 134 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 5 MESSAGE TOLL SERVICE OFFERINGS,RATES and CHARGES.(CONT’D.) 5.4 XOPTION Service Offering The XOption Service Offering is a bundled offering for Business customers who purchase,at the same customer location,local exchange,inbound and outbound domestic long distance and DSL or Dedicated Internet Services from the Company.This service is subject to the availability of facilities and only offered where technically feasible.Toll free calls that ternlinate on XO facilitates are included in the plan.Calls to off-net toll free numbers will be charged separately and billed at the switched tolfree per minute rate. Rates indicated below do not include sales,use,gross receipts,excise,access or other local,state and federal taxes,charges,user fees,or surcharges. Pursuant to the XOption Service Offerine set-forth in Section 4.1.3 of this Tariff,the Customer will receive unlimited monthly use oflocal exchange service and a specified amount of inbound and outbound domestic long distance service,depending upon the option selected.Additional intrastate inbound and outbound domestic long distance minutes of use above the specified amount listed for XOptions 1-16 shall be billed in six (6)second increments after an initial blling increment of sixty (60)seconds at a rate of $0.05 per minute of use, Additional intrastate inbound and outbound domestic long distance minutes of use above the specified amount listed for XOption “M”shall be billed in six (6)second increments after an initial billing increment of sixty (60)secpmdsat a rate of $0.06 per minute of use.Additional interstate domestic long distance usage above the specified amount for all XOptions will be billed pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing interstate long distance traffic found on Company’s website.Unused domestic long distance minutes may not be carried over to subsequent months or Iransferred to other users. In addition to the services offered in the bundle promotion,Customers will be billed at the following rates for usage of the following optional services: International Service:Customers choosing Option Numbers One (I)through Four (4)and Seven (7)through Eleven (II)and Sixteen (16)will be the Platinum Small Business Plan provided pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company’s website.Customers choosing Option Numbers Five (5)Six (6),Twelve (12)and Thirteen —Fifteen (13-15)will be the Platinum Medium Business Plan provided pursuant to the Tenis and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company’s website for international use. (D) (D) 5.4.1 Term Discounts: XOption customers who choose one of the following term commitments will receive the following discount.The discount is applied to the Monthly Recurring charge,and domestic long distance usage above the bundled minutes ofuse included in each XOption.The discount will not be offered with any other discounts.The term discounts are as follows: 2 Years =5%Discount 3 Years 10%Discount *Effectjve December I,2008,this product will be available only to current customers at their current location. (D) Issued:November 3,2011 Effective:November 13,2011 pi•c Ut.Htes CommissiGn Kelly Faul —Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon,VA 20171 c0 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 135 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 5 MESSAGE TOLL SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES and CHARGES, (CONT' Mini Bundle Service Offering The following Service Offering will be available to new or existing XO Customers who order the Mini Bundle Service and agree to the terms and conditions below. Existing customer is defined as a voice only or data only customer who is upgrading to the Mini Bundle. New customer is defined as someone who has not subscribed these services for one year prior to this offering. Customer will be charged the Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC) found in Section 4.1.3.A of this tariff when ordering either one of the following Mini Bundles: A) A minimum of six but no more than nine voice lines, 1 500 minutes of domestic long distance service, and DSL; or B) a minimum of six but no more than nine voice lines, 1 500 minutes of domestic long distance service, and DIA. Any domestic long distance usage greater than the amount granted in this offering will be billed at . cents a minute. International usage will be offered under the Platinum Small Business Plan. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FI LING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3 2005 J"- .:.,.-. .: Effective: March 13 , 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.I 1st Revised Page 136 Cancels Original Page 136 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 5 MESSAGE TOLL SERVICE OFFERINGS,RATES and CHARGES.(CONT’D.) 5.5 Multiple Service Discount #2 XO Multiple Service #2 is available to current or new XO Business Customers meeting the criteria listed below. Customer will receive a I S°/o discount off the combined total amount of the Monthly Recurring and Usage charges for their XO local exchange,local calling features,intraLATA,InterLATA,800 toll service,Shared (D) Web Hosting and DSL or Dedicated Internet Access Service.Sales,use,gross receipts.excise,access or other local,state and federal taxes,charges,user fees,or surcharges are not included.Service is subject to the availabilit of facilities and offered only where technically feasible.This I 5’discount is applied in addition to any term discount offered on the individual service components listed below.The following are not eligible with the Multiple Service Discount:XOption Offering:Integrated Access Offering:XO Dedicated Long Distance;other promotions;Individual Case Basis (ICB)contracts,or any offtariff pricing.To be eligible, Customers must meet the following criteria: I.Customers must subscribe to XO local exchange and long distance services (“Voice (D) Service”).The Local Exchange Voice service requirement is a minimum of 48 lines or trunks (or 2 LI equivalents)but no more than 144 lines or trunks (or 6 T-1 equivalents); 2.Customers must subscribe to XO DSL or Dedicated Internet Access service,and XO Shared Web Hosting service (“Data Service”).Does not apply to Dedicated Web Hosting; 3.New XO Customers must commit to a term of service for the XO Voice Service and Data Service for minimum one (1)year term commitment.Existing XO Customers must commit to a term of service for Data Service that is equal to or greater than the amount of time remaining in Customer’s term commitment for the XO Voice Service listed in I above,but in no case shall the commitment be less than one (1)year, 4.Current Customers’XO account must be culTent as of the date of Installation and no outstanding balance past due;and If.for any reason,Customer’s service is terminated prior to the end of Customer’s term commitment,the Customer will be liable for all discounted amounts provided under this Service Discount Plan. Issued:November 3,2011 Effective:November 13,2011 ttIe Kell Faul —Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr.i&r:(. Herndon.VA 20171 XO Communications Services, Inc. Idaho Price List No. Original Page 137 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 5 MESSAGE TOLL SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES and CHARGES, (CONT' InterLATA Network Access Company InterLATA Network Access is an InterLATA service that provides a dedicated transmission path between two customer designated premises. Where InterLA T A Network Access is available, service is offered as a high capacity dedicated transmission facility available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week in the following bandwidths: DSI (1.544 Mbps) and DS3 (44.436 Mbps). The facilities to the customer-designated premises may be entirely On-Net or Off-Net. Customers may commit to one, two or three year service terms. The minimum service period for InterLA T A Network Access is one year. Should the Customer terminate service prior to the end of the term commitment, the Customer will be billed a termination charge equal to the monthly recurring charge times the number of months remaining in the term. Rates and Charges Rates and charges for InterLATA Network Access service are defined herein and are based on the locations of the customer designated premises in relation to Company s network. Specifically, Customers will be charged according to whether the customer-designated premises are On-Net or Off- Net. As used herein, On-Net service shall mean service to the Customer designated premises is provided entirely over Company facilities. Off-Net service shall mean service to the Customer designated premises is not provided entirely over Company facilities. Instead , service to the Customer designated premises is provided by Company, in whole or in part, through the use , purchase or lease of facilities from a service provider other than Company. 1.1 Rate Elements: Two rate elements apply to InterLATA Network Access: Channel Termination and Network Access Mileage. Channel Termination The Channel Termination rate element provides for the dedicated transmission path between two customer-designated premises. One Channel Termination charge applies per point of termination. A Channel Termination charge applies when the customer designated premises and the serving wire center are collocated in the same building. Network Access Mileage The Network Access Mileage rate element provides for the dedicated transmission facilities path between the customer s serving wire centers associated with the two customer designated premises. The Mileage rate element is made up of two charges: a flat rate per circuit ("Fixed") and flat a per-mile rate ("Variable The Mileage rate element will be rounded up to the next mile for any fraction of a mile. For example, 0.001 miles will be charged at 1 mile. Ifboth locations of Customer' s designated premises are within the same central office, Mileage charges will not apply. Issued: March 3, 2005 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Effective: March 13, 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 Boise, Idaho IDl0501 .-..... --,..,. ..~ "'" XO Communications Services, Inc. Idaho Price List No. Original Page 138 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 5 MESSAGE TOLL SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES and CHARGES, (fd~~t~ Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary InterLATA Network Access (Cont'd) ACCEPTED FOR FILING . ~ '.... MAR 1 3 20lJJ Rates and Charges (Cont'd) . " 1.2 Rate Application Boise, Idaho The following chart designates the applicable Rate Elements ba ~ed on the location of the Customer designated Premises. ' .~" .~_._.., Locations of Customer Designated Premises Applicable Rate Elements On-Net Channel Termination charge(s); Off-Net Channel Termination charges;plus applicable Mileage Charges On-Net- DSI Channel Termination Network Access Mileage Charge Term MRC NRC-Fixed Variable Installation 1yr $240.$450. 2yr $240.$450. 3yr $240.$450. Off-Net- DSI lyr $540.$450.$96.$17. 2 yr $540.$450.$96.$17. 3 yr $540.$450.$96.$17. On-Net- DS3 Channel Termination Network Access Mileage Charge Term MRC NRC-Fixed Variable Installation lyr 400.000. 2yr 400.000. 3yr 074.000. Off-Net-DS3 Channel Termination Network Access Mileage Charge Term MRC NRC-Fixed Variable Installation lyr $3,100.000.023.$51.19 2yr 100.000.023.$51.19 3yr 417.000.023.$51.19 Effective: March 13, 2005 Issued: March 3 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 IDl0501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 139 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 5 MESSAGE TOLL SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES and CHARGES, (CONT' InterLA T A Private Line Service Company InterLATA Private Line is a InterLATA service, which is used in conjunction with InterLATA Network Access. InterLATA Private Line Service provides a dedicated transmission path that originates or terminates at a Company Point of Presence (POP). Where InterLAT A Private Line is available, service is offered as a high capacity dedicated transmission facility available 24-hours per day, 7 days per week in the following bandwidths: DS1 (1.544 Mbps) and DS3 (44.436 Mbps). The facilities to the customer -designated premises may be entirely On-Net or Off-Net. Customers may commit to one, two or three year service terms. The minimum service period for InterLATA Private Line is one year. Should the Customer terminate service prior to the end of the term commitment, the Customer will be billed a termination charge equal to the monthly recurring charge times the number of months remaining in the term. Rates and Charges: Rates and charges for InterLA T A Private Line service is defmed herein and is based on the locations of the customer designated premises in relation to the Company s network. Specifically, Customers will be charged according to whether the customer-designated premises are On-Net or Off-Net. As used herein, On-Net service shall mean service to the Customer designated premises is provided entirely by Company over its own facilities. Off-Net service shall mean service to the Customer designated premises is not provided entirely over Company facilities. Instead, service to the Customer designated premises is provided by Company, in whole or in part, through the use, purchase or lease of the facilities from a service provider other than Company. 'daho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR F\L\N MAR 1 3 2005 Boise. \daho , ,.-.---" .. Issued: March 3 , 2005 Effective: March 13, 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 140 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 5 MESSAGE TOLL SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES and CHARGES, (CONT' 1.1 Rate Elements:The rate element that applies to InterLATA Private Line is Long haul Mileage. The Long haul Mileage rate element provides for the dedicated transmission facilities path between the Company POPs associated with the two customer designated premises. The Long haul Mileage rate element is made up of one variable charge: a flat, per-mile rate. The Long haul Mileage rate element will be rounded up to the next mile for any fraction of a mile. For example, 0.001 miles will be charged at 1 mile. Long haul Mileage charges do not apply for a circuit between two on-net locations in the same LATA that are less 5 miles or less apart. 1.A DS-l Transport Rates Rates for Off-Net Customers - one or both ends of circuit terminates at a location off ofXO's network. Minimum Monthly Revenue Commitment $250. Installation (non-recurring) Channel Mileage Monthly Recurring Charge Per DSO Mile One Year Term Two Year Term Three Year Term $500.00 $500.00 $500. 099 096 091 ii)Rates for On-Net Customers - both ends of circuit terminate on XO's network. These rates are no longer effective after December 8, 2001. 080 $250. 2 Yr. Term 3 Yr. Term $500.Waived 075 070 Minimum Monthly Revenue Commitment Installation (non-recurring) Channel Mileage Monthly Recurring Charge Per DSO Mile 1 Yr. Term $500. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3 2005 ! Effective: March 13 2005 . " . .- .'" . . Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Idaho Price List No. Original Page 141 SECTION 5 MESSAGE TOLL SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES and CHARGES, (CONT' InterLA T A Private Line Service 1.1 1.A DS-1 Transport Rates. (continued) iii)Rates for On-Net Customers - both ends of circuit terminate on XO's network. These rates are available to customers who sign up for service on or after December 8, 2001. Term: Installation (non-recurring) 1 Yr. $500. 2 Yr. $475. 3 Yr. $450. The Monthly Recurring Charge per DSO Mile is based on contract term and monthly revenue commitments as follows: Monthly Revenue $0 - $100 000 $100 001 - $300 000 $300 001 - $1 000 000 000 001 - $2 000 000 000 001 + 1 Yr. 048 0468 0456 0444 0432 2 Yr. 0456 04446 04332 04218 04104 3 Yr. 0432 04212 04104 03996 03888 iv)Rates for "Forward" Customers - both ends of circuit anticipated to terminate on XO's network within 24 months of service start date. Minimum Monthly Revenue Commitment Installation (non-recurring) Channel Mileage: Monthly Recurring Charge Per DSO Mile 1 Yr. Term N/A N/A Other non-recurring charges Non-recurring charges Cancellation prior to install Cancellation during install, prior to acceptance Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR F\L\NG AAR-l 3 1005 $250. 2 Yr. Term 3 Yr. Term $500.$500. 075 070 $100. $300. Effective: March 13, 2005 Issued: March 3, 2005 Bois.e, \daho Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Attairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 142 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 5 MESSAGE TOLL SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES and CHARGES, (CONT' InterLATA Private Line Service (Cont'd) DS-3 Transport Rates Rates for Off-Net Customers - one or both ends of circuit terminate at a location off of XO's network. Minimum Monthly Revenue Commitment $2 000. One Year Term Two Year Term Three Year Term Installation (non-recurring) $2 000.00 $2 000.00 $2 000. Channel Mileage Monthly Recurring Charge Per DSO Mile 045 042 040 ii)Rates for On-Net Customers - both ends of circuit terminate on XO's network. These rates are no longer available to new customers after December 8 2001. Minimum Monthly Revenue Commitment $2 000. One Year Term Two Year Term Three Year Term Installation (non-recurring) $2 000.00 $2 000.00 Waived Channel Mileage Monthly Recurring Charge Per DSO Mile 040 036 033 iii)Rates for On-Net Customers - both ends of circuit terminate on XO's network. These rates are available to customers who sign up for service on or after December 8, 2001. Installation (non-recurring) One Year Term Two Year Term Three Year Term 000.00 $1 900.00 $1 800. The Monthly Recurring Charge per DSO Mile is based on contract term and monthly revenue commitments as follows: Monthly Revenue $0 - $100 000 $100 001 - $300 000 $300 001 - $1 000 000 000 001 - $2 000 000 000 001 + One Year Two Year 0144 $.01368 $.01296 01428 $.013566 $.012852 01416 $.013452 $.012744 01404 $.013338 $.012636 01392 $.013224 . $. 012528 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 20U~ Three Year ~. .. . Baise, Idaho Effective: March 13 2005Issued: March 3 , 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External.Affairs-" .. '" .. 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 143 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 5 MESSAGE TOLL SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES and CHARGES, (CONT' InterLATA Private Line Service (Cont'd) DS-3 Transport Rates. (cont'd.J iv)Rates for "Forward" Customers - both ends of circuit anticipated to tenninate on XO' network within 24 months of service start date. Minimum Monthly Revenue Commitment $2 000. One Year Tenn Two Year Tenn Three Year Tenn Installation (non-recurring) Not Available $2 000.00 $2 000. Channel Mileage Monthly Recurring Charge Per DSO Mile Not Available 036 033 Other non-recurring and monthly recurring charges Non-recurring charges Cancellation prior to install Cancellation during install, prior to acceptance $100. $300. Monthly Recurring Charge 1 Mux $500. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILiNG MAR 1 3 ZOO) Boise, Idaho _.-............-.~, -.---'---"--- ---- - Issued: March 3 , 2005 Effective: March 13, 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 IDl050 1 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 144 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 5 MESSAGE TOLL SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES and CHARGES, (CONT' InterLATA Private Line Service (Cont'd) 6.3 OC-3 Transport Rates Rates for Off-Net Customers - one or both ends of circuit terminate at a location off of XO's network. Minimum Monthly Revenue Commitment ICB One Year Term Two Year Term Three Year Term Installation (non-recurring) $5 000.00 $5 000.00 $5 000. Channel Mileage Monthly Recurring Charge Per DSO Mile ICB ICB ICB ii)Rates for On-Net Customers - both ends of circuit terminate on XO's network. These rates are no longer available to new customers after December 8 , 2001. Minimum Monthly Revenue Commitment ICB One Year Term Two Year Term Three Year Term Installation (non-recurring) $5 000.00 $5 000.00 Waived Channel Mileage Monthly Recurring Charge Per DSO Mile ICB ICB ICB iii)Rates for On-Net Customers - both ends of circuit terminate on XO's network. These rates are available to customers who sign up for service on or after December 8 2001. Installation (non-recurring) One Year Term Two Year Term Three Year Term 000.00 $4 750.00 $4 500. The Monthly Recurring Charge per DSO Mile is based on contract term and monthly revenue commitments as follows: Monthly Revenue $0 - $100 000 $100 001 - $300 000 $300 001 - $1 000 000 000 001 - $2 000 000 000 001 + One Year 007839 007722 007605 007488 007371 Two Year 007447 007336 007225 007114 007002 Three Year 007055 00695 006845 006739 006634 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 ZO05 Issued: March 3 , 2005 Boise, , Effective: March 13 , 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory &~E?fJernal Aff~4:~_. , ,""- 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ' . . .. . ..... . .., ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 145 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 5 MESSAGE TOLL SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES and CHARGES, (CONT' InterLATA Private Line Service (Cont' 6.3 OC-3 Transport Rates. (cont'd..:1 iv)Rates for "Forward" Customers - both ends of circuit anticipated to terminate on XO' network within 24 months of service start date. Minimum Monthly Revenue Commitment ICB One Year Term Two Year Term Three Year Term Installation (non-recurring) Not Available $5 000.00 $5 000. Channel Mileage Monthly Recurring Charge Per DSO Mile Not Available ICB ICB Other non-recurring and monthly recurring charges Non-recurring charges Cancellation prior to install Cancellation during install, prior to acceptance $150. $600. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 200) Boise, Idaho .~---,o. " .. """ ._. Issued: March 3, 2005 Effective: March 13 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 IDl0501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 146 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 5 MESSAGE TOLL SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES and CHARGES, (CONT' InterLATA Private Line Service (Cont'd) 6.4 OC-12 Transport Rates Rates for On-Net Customers - both ends of circuit terminate on XO's network. Term: Installation (non-recurring) One Year $10 000. Two Year 500. Three Year 000. The Monthly Recurring Charge per DSO Mile is based on contract term and monthly revenue commitments as follows: Monthly Revenue One Year Two Year Three Year $0 - $100 000 00924 008778 008316 $100 001 - $300 000 009108 008653 008197 $300 001 - $1 000 000 008976 008527 008078 000 001 - $2 000 000 008844 008402 00796 000 001 +008712 008276 007841 OC-48 Transport Rates Rates for On-Net Customers - both ends of circuit terminate on XO's network.Term: One Year Two Year Three Year Installation (non-recurring) $30 000.00 $28 500.00 $27 000. The Monthly Recurring Charge per DSO Mile is based on contract term and monthly revenue commitments as follows: Monthly Revenue $0 - $100 000 $100 001 - $300 000 $300 001 - $1 000 000 000 001 - $2 000 000 000 001 + One Year Two Year Three Year 00792 $.007524 $.007128007776 $.007387 $.006998007632 $.00725 $.006869007488 $.007114 $.006739007344 $.006977 $.00661 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FI LI NG MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3 2005 Effective: March 13 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 1st Revised Page 147 Cancels Original Page 147 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 5 MESSAGE TOLL SERVICE OFFERINGS,RATES and CHARGES,(CONTD.) 5.7 Reserved for Future Use (D) (D) Issued:November 3,2011 Effective:November 13,2011 Idaho Pk Utj1des Commission Kelly Faul —Regulatory Affairs Director fth 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr Herndon,VA 20171 XO Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.I 1st Revised Page 148 Cancels Original Page 148 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 5 MESSAGE TOLL SERVICE OFFERINGS,RATES and CHARGES,(CONT’D.) 5.7 Reserved for Future Use (Cont’d)(D) (D) Issued:November 3,2011 Effective:November 13,2011 wt Pbk UtiI:1es COn1fl1SStOtI Kelly Faul Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr ACA - Herndon,VA 20171 XO Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.I 2nd Revised Page 149 Cancels 1st Revised Page 149 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 5 MESSAGE TOLL SERVICE OFFERINGS,RATES and CHARGES,(CONT’D.) 5.7 Reserved for Future Use (Cont’d)(D) (D) Issued:November 3,2011 Effective:November 13,2011 r Kelly FauI Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr.ACULV HUNG Herndon,VA 20171 XO Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.I 1st Revised Page 150 Cancels Original Page 150 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 5 MESSAGE TOLL SERVICE OFFERINGS,RATES and CHARGES,(CONT’D.) 5.7 Reserved for Future Use (Cont’d)(D) (D) Issued:November 3,2011 Effective:November 13,2011 Kelly Faul —Regulatory Affairs Director U!t;esCoflfliSSO 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr.NGHerndon,VA 20171 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 3rd Revised Page 151 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 151 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 5 MESSAGE TOLL SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES and CHARGES, (CONT'D. Directory Assistance Directory Assistance service provides a Customer with requested telephone numbers and/or addresses within the state. Customers can reach a Directory Assistance Operator by dialing 41 1 or (NPA) 555-1212. The Directory Assistance Operator will furnish up to three items per call or will let the Customer know if the requested information cannot be found. Customers will be charged for calls placed to Directory Assistance even when the requested information cannot be found. Each call to Directory Assistance will be charged as follows: Per Call IntraLA T A InterLATA $2. $2. (I) (I) Call Completion Feature Customers using Company s Directory Assistance Service will have the option of completing calls through Company s Call Completion feature. At the Customer s request, the Directory Assistance Operator will connect the Customer to the requested telephone number. In addition to the per call charge for Directory Assistance listed above, Customers will be charged for the duration of the completed call as follows: (a)Customers placing the call from a telephone line that is subscribed to Company long distance service will be charged according to Customer s current Company rate plan. (b)Customers placing a call from a telephone line that is subscribed to Company local service only will be charged $0.10 per minute for the duration of the completed call. Other than the Directory Assistance per call charge and the applicable usage charges for the completed call, there is no additional charge for using this feature. A credit will be given for calls to Directory Assistance as follows: The Customer experiences poor transmission or is cut-off during the call; or The Customer is given an incorrect telephone number. To obtain such a credit, the Customer must notifY its Customer Service representative within 48 hours of the placement of the call to Directory Assistance ISSUED: April 26, 2010 Kelly Faul, Regulatory Affairs Director XO Communications Services, Inc. 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr.. Herndon, VA 20171 EFFECTIVE: May 14 2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 4 2010 Boise, Idaho XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 152 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 5 MESSAGE TOLL SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES and CHARGES, (CONT' Employee Long Distance Program The Employee Long Distance Program provides Company Regular Full-Time and Part-Time employees who choose Company as their primary interexchange carrier with the following long distance and toll free rates. Employees are responsible for applicable taxes and surcharges. Rates InterLATA Long Distance: IntraLATA Long Distance: InterLATA Toll Free: IntraLATA Toll Free: $0. $0. $0. $0. Idaho Pub1ic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3 2005 Effective:-M-drch 13 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.I 3rd Revised Page 152.1 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 152.1 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 5 MESSAGE TOLL SERVICE OFFERINGS,RATES and CHARGES,(CONT’D.) 5.10 Switched Long Distance Product 5.10.1 The Switched Long Distance Product is a measured business switched direct dialed outbound and inbound communications service.The service is billed in six (6)second increments after an initial billing increment of sixty (60)seconds.The duration of each call will be rounded off to the nearest higher increment for billing purposes.Additionally,fractional cents will be rounded offto the nearest higher cent.Unless specified otherwise in this Tariff,the duration of each call for bill purposes will be rounded off to the nearest highest increment.Toll Free service (applicable MRCs can be found in Section 6.9),Operator Assistance and Directory Assistance services are available to customers subject (D) to the provisions of this tariff. 5.10.2 Rates and Charges Per Minutes of Use IntraLATA $0,145* Intrastate SO.145* Effective February 19,2010,the following rates will be available to new customers: Per Minutes of Use IntraLATA $0153 Intrastate $0153 *Effective February 19,2010,these rates will be available only to current citomers. Issued:November 3,2011 Effective:November 13,2011 daho Pbhc UtIt.s C•mrnission Kelly Faul Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. l-Ierndon,VA 20171 ,. Lu! XO Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.I 2nd Revised Page 152,2 Cancels 1st Revised Page 152.2 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 5 MESSAGE TOLL SERVICE OFFERINGS,RATES and CHARGES,(CONT’D.) 5.11 XO Unlimited Business Plan 5.11.1 The XO Unlimited Business Plan is an outbound long distance calling plan available to Company’s business customers who are also subscribed to Company’s local.intraLATA,and interLATA service. Customers subscribing to this plan must make a one-year minimum commitment.The Monthly Recurring Charge includes both intraLATA and interLATA usage. There is a 10 line maximum per service location.This Plan must be appliedto all standard business lines at a given service location.The following restrictions apply to this offering:call-center applications are prohibited,including,but not limited to,auto-dialers;non-standard (e.g.,excessive) internet connections and other data transmission are prohibited (services have been engineered to meet typical peak hour usage and anything beyond such use shall be considered non-standard);and any use not consistent with standard business use,as reasonably detThed by the Company,is prohibited.Toll Free service (applicable MRCs can be found in Section 6.9),Operator Assistance,and Directory (B) Assistance services are available to customers subject to the provisions of th is tariff. 5.11.2 Rates and Charges Monthly Recurring Charge,per line $20.00 Issued:November 3,2011 Effective: Kell Faul Regulatory Affairs Director . 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon,VA 20171 XO Communications Services, LLC ldaho Price List No. I 1Oth Revised Page 152.3 Cancels 9th Revised Page 152.3 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 5 - MESSAGE TOLL SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES and CHARGES, (CONT'D.) 5.12 XO Long Distance Business Plan 5.12.1 XO Long Distance Business Plan is a long distance calling plan available to Company's who are also Company's local exchange customers. Customers must be subscribed to the Company's local, intraLATA, and interLATA service at the subscribed-to location. The plan includes outbound and inbound intraLATA and interLATA calling. Toll free calls that terminate on XO facilitates are included in the plan. A Monthly Recurring Charge will apply per service location. Calls to off-net toll free numbers will be charged separately and billed at the switched toll-free per minute rate. Operator Assistance and, and Directory Assistance services are available to customers subject to the provisions ofthis tariff. Customer chooses a plan based on minutes of use. If Customer's service location monthly usage exceeds the minutes of use for the plan chosen, it will be charged a per minute overage rate. Unused minutes will not be carried over to a subsequent month. Monthly recurring charge does not include any taxes, surcharges, or fees. Calls are billed in six second increments except the XO LD Business Plan ($0.00 MRC) which will be billed in sixty (60) second increments. Operator Assistance, and Directory Assistance services are available to customers subject to the provisions ofthis tariff. 5.12.2 Rates and Charges: A. IntraLATA/Interstate Long Distance Packages XO LD Business Plan XO LD Business Plan 200* XO LD Business Plan 500 XO LD Business Plan 1500 XO LD Business Plan 2500 XO LD Business Plan 5000 XO LD Business Plan 7500 XO LD Business Plan 10,000 XO LD Business Plan 15,000 XO LD Business Plan 20,000 XO LD Business Plan 25,000* XO LD Business Plan 30,000 XO LD Business Plan 35,000* XO LD Business Plan 40,000* XO LD Business Plan 60,000 XO LD Business Plan 80,000 Monthly Recurring $0 $9.07 s21.17 ss4.44 s83. I 6 s 166.33 $249.st $332.68 $498.40 $665.34 $756.08 s907.29 $ 1,058.52 sr,209.72 s I ,741.99 $2.22s.88 Overage Rate Per Minute $0.069 $0.045 $0.043 $0.041 $0.035 $0.034 $0.033 $0.032 $0.031 $0.030 $0.029 s0.028 s0.027 s0.0 l9 $0.025 $0.0 l9 $0.026 As of April I, 2008, this plan will be available to new customers: XO LD Business Plan 40,000 $1,209.72 (l) I I I I I I I I I I I I I (t) (r) * As of April I, 2008, these plans will be available only to current customers. Issued: December 12, 2018 Effective: January l, 2019 Kelly Faul, Senior Manager, Covernment Relations 22001 Loudoun County Pkwy Ashburn, VA 20147 ld#o P-ublic tltiliiles CorBrnlsslon AccflpTf'#EffEi'Fflurve JAN I - 2OI9 Boise,ldaho XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 1st Revised Page 152.4 Cancels Original Page 152.4 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 5 MESSAGE TOLL SERVICE OFFERINGS, RATES and CHARGES, (CONT' Public Telephone Surcharge In order to recover the Company= s expenses to comply with the FCC= s pay telephone compensation plan effective on October 7, 1997 (FCC 97 -371), an undiscountable per call charge is applicable to all interstate, intrastate and international calls that originate from any domestic pay telephone used to access the Company s services. This surcharge, which is in addition to standard tariffed usage charges and any applicable service charges and surcharges associated with the Company s service, applies for the use of the instrument used to access the Company s service and is unrelated to the service accessed from the pay telephone. Pay telephones include coin-operated and coinless phones owned by local telephone companies independent companies and other interexchange carriers. The Public Pay Telephone Surcharge applies to the initial completed call and any reoriginated call (i., using the A#&J symbol). Whenever possible, the Public Pay Telephone Surcharge will appear on the same invoice containing the usage charges for the surcharged call. In cases where proper pay telephone coding digits are not transmitted to the Company prior to completion of a call, the Public Pay Telephone Surcharge may be billed on a subsequent invoice after the Company has obtained information from a carrier that the originating station is an eligible pay telephone. The Public Pay Telephone Surcharge does not apply to calls placed from pay telephones at which the Customer pays for service by inserting coins during the progress of the call. Rate per Call $0. Historic Invoices The Company will furnish, upon the Customer s request, copies of invoices which were originally issued to the Customer more than thirteen months prior to the request or copies of invoices that are available on-line, but that customer does not wish to retrieve from the available on-line system. Customers can request the invoice in one of two formats: electronic copy (portable data file/.pdt) or CSV/CD of Call Detail Record. Customer will be charged based on the format requested and on a per invoice basis. Format Electronic CSV /CD of CDR Rate Per Invoice $10. $25. Issued: July 18, 2006 Effective: August 17, 2006 Idaho P~b1ic Umlt1es tommissltJ?1 Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 1 7 2006 Kelly Faul, Regulatory Affairs Director 11111 Sunset Hills Road Reston, VA 20190 Boise, Idaho (N) (N) XO Communications Services,LLC (T) LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Idaho Price List No.I 4th Revised Page 152.5 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 152.5 (T) SECTION 5 MESSAGE TOLL SERVICE OFFERINGS,RATES and CHARGES,(CONT’D.) 5.15 XO Corporate Long Distance Plan XO Corporate Long Distance Plan is a long distance calling plan available to Customers who subscribe to Company’s local or long distance facilities-based service.Customer subscribes to a monthly long distance revenue commitment level.Usagefor domestic interstate dedicated and switched service and intrastate dedicated and switched service contribute to the Customer’s commitment level.The commitment level subscribed to by the customer will determine the per minute rate billed to the Custoner..If customer’s monthly total usage does not meet its subscribed commitment level,customer will be charged the difference between its usage and its commitment level. Customers must subscribe to this service for a minimum of one year. Operator Assistance and Directory Assistance services are not included in this plan,but are available to customers subject to the provisions of this tariff.Switched usage will be charged at the per minute rate described in this tariff’s Switched Long Distance Prcduct. The service is billed in six (6)second increments after an initial billing increment of six (6)seconds.The duration of each call will be rounded off to the nearest higher increment for billing purposes.Additionally, fractional cents will be rounded off to the next highest cent,Unless specified otherwise in this Tariff,the duration of each call for bill purposes will be rounded off to the nearest highest increment.The monthly recurring charge does not include any taxes,surcharges,or fees. For Customers subscribed to the $10,000 commitment level,toll free usage cannot exceed 6opercent of customer’s total long distance usage (T) Issued:January 8,2015 Kelly Faul,Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Hemdon,VA 20171 Effective:February 1,2015 Plan Name LD Monthly Dedicated Intrastate Commitment Rate Per Minute (1+&toll free) XO Freedom Plan $275 $0041 XO Capital Plan $720 $0.04 I XO Advantage Plan $1,080 $0.04 I XO Elite Plan $1,360 $0041 XO Professional LD Plan $1,800 $0041 XO National LD Plan $4,000 $0.04 1 XO Executive LD Plan $7.000 $0041 XO Premiere LD Plan $10,000 $0041 XO Premiere Plus Plan $15,000 $0041 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 153 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS jntegrateq Services Pigitallietwork..fI..SJ2ID: ISDN supports the simultaneous use of voice and data over the same access line. XO ISDN is available as a Basic Rate Interface (BRI) service and a Primary Rate Interface (PRI). Customer Premises Equipment that is compatible with the ISDN interface is the responsibility of the Customer. ISDN BRI and PRI is subject to the availability of Company facilities. Prima Rate Interface PRI : The ISDN PRI is the equivalent of a DS-l that provides 23 B channels for transmission of speeds up to 1.472 MBPS, and one signaling D channel at speeds up to 64 KBPS used for call set-up and release. The Recurring and Non-Recurring rates are specified in Section 6.1.3. 1 (A) Prima Rate Interface PRI Basic: PRI Basic provides 23 B channels that allow data transmission speeds up to 1.472 MBPS, and one signaling D channel at speeds up to 64 KBPS used for call set-up and release. The PRI Basic restricts the subscriber from placing out-bound calls; it is an in-bound service only. The PRI Basic includes the following features: Caller ill Number Only 2(B) Prima Rate Interface PRI Enhanced: PRI Enhanced provides 23 B channels that allow for voice and data transmission speeds up to 1.472 MBPS, and one signaling D channel at speeds up to 64 KBPS used for call set-up and release. ThePRI Enhanced allows for both inbound and outbound call completion. The PRI Enhanced includes the following features: Caller ill Number Only T ouchtone Presubscription \d~~() Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR F'L'N MAR 1 3 ZO05 Boise, \daho Issued: March 3 2005 Effe-ctive:Nlarch 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ill1O50 1 XO Communications Services, Inc ldaho Price List No. I 1't Revised Page 154 Cancels Original Page 154 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES 6.1 SECTTON 6- OBSOLETE OR DISCONTTNUED OFFERTNGS, (CONT'D.) Inteerated Services Digital Network (lSDN), (Cont'd.) Dial Tone Service Rates and Charses 6.1.2(A) ISDN Primarv Rate Interface (PRI) Basic Rates and Charses Month-to-Month contracts require a previous longer term commitment on a like product. 6. I .2(B).1 PRI Basic Non-Recurrins Charees 6.1.2 PRI Basic Term Month-to-Month 1-Year 2-Year 3-Year 6.1.2(B).2 PRI Basic Monthly Recurrine Charees PRI Basic Term Month-to-Month I -Year 2-Year 3-Year 6.1.3(C).3 PRI EnhancedNon-RecurrinsCharees PRI Enhanced Term Month-to-Month l-Year 2-Year 3-Year 6.1.3(C).4 PRI Enhanced Monthly Recurrine Charees PRI Enhanced Term Month-to-Month l-Year 2-Year 3-Year Install Charee $ 1,000.00 s 1,000.00 $ l,000.00 $ l,000.00 lnstall Charse $ 1000.00 $ r 000.00 $ 1000.00 $ 1000.00 Monthly Charee $977.97 $9 l 3.99 $854.20 s798.32 (r) I (r) Monthlv Charee $ l, 173.56 $ l,096.7e $ I ,025.03 $957.98 Issued: December 12, 2018 Effective: January l, 2019 JAN I - Zf,Ig Boise, ldaho Ketly Faul - Senior Manager, Govemment Relations 22001 Loudoun County Pkwy Ashburn, VA 20147 ^flffi#l${ufiTflil; (r) I(r) XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. I I st Revised Page 155 Cancels Original Page 155 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS, (CONT'D. Dial Tone Service: Dial Tone Service provides the Customer with a single, voice-grade communications channel. Each Local Line will include a telephone number. Dial Tone Service is available in the following offering (A) XO Dial Tone Service: Dial Tone service includes the following standard features at no additional charge: Standard Features: Touchtone Presubscription Call Forward, Variable Call Forward, No Answer Call Forward, Busy Calling Number Delivery Blocking (Per Call) Call Transfer, Consultation, and Conference Conference Call, Three Way Hunting (B) Optional Features: A XO Dial Tone Service Customer may order, in addition to the standard features, The following optional features, at the rates specified in Section 6.2.2. Call Waiting Call Waiting - Cancel Anonymous Call Rejection Caller 10 Number Caller ID Name and Number Distinctive Ringing Call Forward Remote Access Remote Call Forwarding (10 Paths) Voice Mail*(T) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG FEB 1 9 2010 * Services not regulated under this tariff. Boise, Idaho (T) Issued: February 2 , 20 I 0 Effective: February 19 2010 Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon , VA 20171 XO Communications Services, Inc. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Idaho Price List No. 1st Revised Page 156 Cancels Original Page 156 Dial Tone Service, (Cont'd. SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS, (CONT'D. Dial Tone Service Rates and Charges A Dial Tone Customer will be charged applicable Non-Recurring Charges, monthly Recurring Charges and Optional Feature shares as specified in Sections 6.1 and 6.2 respectively. The rates and charges for the services specified within this tariff are subject to discount based upon term, volume required facilities and the level of competition. (A)XO Dial Tone Service Non-Recurring Charges Service Connection Charge (per line) Conversion Charge (per line) 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p. After hours $24. $ 5. $10. Service order charges apply as described in Section 2.1.(C) of this tariff. Note: Non-Recurring account change charges will not apply during the initial 30 day period following completion of a service order. ISSUED: January 25 , 2006 Kelly Faul , Regulatory Affairs Director XO Communications Services, Inc. 11111 Sunset Hills Rd. Reston, VA 20190 EFFECTIVE: February 17, 2006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING F E 8 1 7 2006 Boise, Idaho (D)(N) (D) (D) (D) (D) XO Communications Services, Inc. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Idaho Price List No. I st Revised Page 157 Cancels Original Page 157 Dial Tone Service, (Cont' SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS, (CONT'D. Dial Tone Service Rates and Charges (Cont' XO Dial Tone Service Non-Recurring Charges (Cont'(A) Optional Features Call Waiting Call Waiting - Cancel Anonymous Call Rejection Caller 10 Number Caller ID Name and Number Distinctive Ringing Call Forward Remote Access Remote Call Forwarding (10 Paths) Voice Mail* (B) $10. $10. $10. $10. $10. $10. $10. N/A N/R Dial Tone Line M/M XO Dial Tone Service Monthly Recurring Charges I year 2 years 3 years 19 access lines 20 + access lines $36.45 $32.39 $30.75 $29. $33.95 $27.42 $25.96 $24. Optional Features Call Waiting Call Waiting ~ Cancel Anonymous Call Rejection Caller ID Number Caller ID Name and Number Distinctive Ringing Call Forward Remote Access Remote Call Forwarding (10 Paths) Voice Mail* * Services not regulated under this tariff. $ 5. $ 1. $ 0. $ 8. $ 9. $ 5. $ 4. $22. N/R (T) (T) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 9 2010 (T) Boise, Idaho Issued: February 2, 20 I 0 Effective: February 19 20 I 0 Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon, VA 20171 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 158 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS, (CONT' 6.3 Local Trunk Local Trunk(s) provide Customer with voice-grade communication channel(s) to the Customer Private Branch Exchange (PBX) or Hybrid Key System. Local Trunks are either analog or digital and will be provided in the following manner: 6.3.1 Basic Analog Trunk: A Local Basic Analog Trunk can be used to carry one-way outbound traffic, one-way inbound or two-way traffic. 6.3. 1. (A)One-Way Outbound Provides the Customer with a single analog connection which is restricted to carry outbound traffic only. 6.3. 1. (B)One- W ay Inbound or Two-Way: Provides the Customer with single analog connection which can carry one-way inbound or two-way traffic. 6.3.1.(C)Features The following standard features are included with a Basic Analog Trunk: Touch Tone (DOD and Two-Way only) One Directory Listing (per trunk) Presubscription Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3 2005 ----_.._~--_.-----_.._.__..._._--- _.. .-. Effective: March 13 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 2nd Revised Page 159 Cancels 1st Revised Page 159 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS, (CONT'D. Local Trunk (Cont'd) 6.3.Basic Analog Trunk:(Cont 1.(D) Basic Analog Trunk Rates and Charges : ABasic Analog Customer will be charged applicable Non-Recurring Charges, Monthly Recurring Charges and usage charges as specified in Sections 6.1.(D)., 6.1.(D).2 and 6.1.(D)., respectively. 1.(D).Non-Recurring Charges Connection Charges per Trunk $24. (Change Trunk Directionality or Type of Service per trunk) One-Way Outbound: $38.95 One-Way Inbound: $38. Two-Way: $38. Service order charges apply as described in Section 2.1.(C) ofthis tariff.(D)(N) (D) (D) NOTE Non-recurring account change charges will not apply during the initial 10 day period following completion of a service order. ISSUED: January 25, 2006 EFFECTIVE: February 17, 2006 Kelly Faul, Regulatory Affairs Director XO Communications Services, Inc. 11111 Sunset Hills Rd. Reston, VA 20190 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 7 2006 Boise, Idaho XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 160 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS, (CONT' 6.3 Local Trunk (Cont'd) 6.3.Basic Analog Trunk (Cont' d) 3. 1. (D)Basic Analog Trunk Rates and Charges (Cont' 6.3.1.(D).Monthly Recurring Charges Two-Way Trunks, 1-19 access lines: Term M!M Year Year Year Local Trunk Char e $36.44 $32.39 $30. $29. Two-Way Trunks, 20 + access lines: Term M!M Year Year Year Local Trunk Char e $33. $27.42 $25. $24. 6.3.Local Trunk - Analo Direct Inward Dialin "DID"Provides the Customer with individual channels which can carry one-way inbound traffic. (A) Analog Direct Inward Dialing Numbers: Telephone numbers can be obtained individually. Additional monthly charges will apply, as specified in Section 4.1.2.(B).3. 6.3.(B) Analog Direct Inward Dialing Features:The following standard features are included with an analog DID Inbound Trunk: Hunting One Directory Listing (per trunk) Presubscription Issued: March 3, 2005 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 ZO05 Boise, '~ho Effective: March 13 2005 .. -.-' .,... ...-,-.--- Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 2nd Revised Page 161 Cancels 1st Revised Page 161 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS, (CONT'D. Local Trunk (Cont'd) Local Trunk - Analog Direct Inward Dialing ("DID"(Cont'd) (C)Analog Direct Inward Dialing Rates and Charges:A DID Customer will be charged applicable Non- Recurring charges, monthly Recurring Charges and usage charges as specified in Sections 6.(C)., 6.(C)., and 6.(C).3, respectively. (C).Non-Recurring Charges Connection Charges per Trunk Subsequent Account Changes (Change Trunk Directionality or Type of Service per trunk) Within category of Basic: Basic to Advanced or vice versa: $50. $23. $44. Service order charges apply as described in Section 2.1.(C) ofthis tariff.(D)(N) (D) (D) NOTE: Non-Recurring account change charges will not apply during the initial 10 day period following completion of a service order. ISSUED: January 25, 2006 EFFECTIVE: February 17, 2006 Kelly Faul, Regulatory Affairs Director XO Communications Services, Inc. 11111 Sunset Hills Rd. Reston, VA 20190 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 7 2006 Boise, Idaho XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 162 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS, (CONT' 6.3 Local Trunk (Cont'd) Local Trunk- Analo Direct Inward Dialin "DID" (Cont'd) 6.3.(C)Analog DID Inbound Trunk Rates and Charges (Cont'd) (C).Monthly Recurring Charges 19 access lines M/M Year 2- Year Year Analo DID Inbound Trunk Char e $41.45 $37.39 $35. $34. Term 20 + access lines M/M Year Year Year Analo DID Inbound Trunk Char e $38. $32.42 $30. $29. Term (C).3 Optional Features Non-Recurring Charges DID 25 Number Blocks $1.00 Recurring Charges DID 10 Number Blocks $0. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3 , 2005 ._"". . -"- . =-J Effective: March 13, 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O50 1 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 2nd Revised Page 163 Cancels 1st Revised Page 163 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS, (CONT'D. Local Trunk (Cont'd) Basic Digital Switched Service Trunk: Local Trunk - Digital Interface provides a DS-1 digital transmission facility operating at 1.544 Mbps and time division multiplexed into 24 channels for the connection of Basic or DID Trunks to the Customer s PBX or trunk-cable Key System. (A)Two-Way: Provides the Customer with a single digital connection that can carry two-way traffic. One common telephone number will be provided per trunk group. (B)Features : The following standard features are included with a Basic Digital Trunk: Touch Tone (DOD & Two-Way only) Presubscription One Directory Listing (per trunk) (C)The following optional features are available for a Basic Digital Trunk for an additional charge. DID 25 Number Blocks (D)Basic Digital Trunk Rates and Charges: A Basic Digital Trunk Customer will be charged applicable Non-Recurring Charges, monthly Recurring Charges and usage charges as specified in Sections 6.(D)., 6.(D)., and 6.(D). respectively. (D).Non-Recurring Charges Connection Charges per Trunk Two-Way Trunk:$ 24. Service order charges apply as described in Section 2.1.(C) of this tariff.(D)(N) (D) (D) Kelly Faul, Regulatory Affairs Director XO Communications Services, Inc. 11111 Sunset Hills Rd. Reston, VA 20190 EFFECTIVE: February 17, 2006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING F E B 1 7 2006 ISSUED: January 25, 2006 Boise, Idaho. XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 164 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS, (CONT' 6.3 Local Trunk (Cont'd) 6.3.3 Basic Digital Switched Service Trunk (Cont'd) 6.3.3.(D)Basic Digital Trunk Rates and Charges (Cont' 19 access lines Monthly Recurring Charges6.3.3.(D). Term M/M Year 2- Year Year 20 + access lines Term M/M Year 2- Year Year (D).3 Optional Features Non-Recurring Charges $1.00 J3asic Pigital..Inmk...C..harge (per trunk) $36.45 $32.39 $30. $29. J3asic Digita~arge (per trunk) $33. $27.42 $25. $24. DID 25 Number Blocks Recurring Monthly Charges $0.DID 25 Number Blocks Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the. Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3 2005 Effective: March 13, 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 2nd Revised Page 165 Cancels 1st Revised Page 165 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS, (CONT'D. Local Trunk (Cont'd) 3.4 Digital DID Switched Service Trunk:A Digital DID Switched Service Trunk provides the customer with individual channels which can carry one-way inbound traffic. The number of digits to be outpulse must be specified by the customer. (A) (B) Features: The following standard features are included with a Digital DID Trunk: Touch Tone Presubscription One Directory Listing (per trunk) The following optional features are available for a Digital DID Trunk for an additional charge: DID 25 number blocks 3.4.(C)Digital DID Switched Service Trunk Rates and Charges:A Digital DID Trunk Customer will be charged applicable Non-Recurring Charges, monthly Recurring Charges, and feature charges as specified in 6.3.4.(C)., 6.3.4.(C)., and 6.3.4.(C).3 respectively. 3.4.(C).Non-Recurring Charges Installation Charges per Trunk:$50. Service order charges apply as described in Section 2.5 .(C) of this tariff.(D)(N) (D) (D) ISSUED: January 25, 2006 Kelly Faul , Regulatory Affairs Director XO Communications Services, Inc. 11111 Sunset Hills Rd. Reston, VA 20190 EFFECTIVE: February 17, 2006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 7 2006 Boise, Idaho XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 166 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS, (CONT' 6.3 Local Trunk (Cont'd) 6.3.4 Digital DID Switched Service Trunk (Cont' 6.3.4.(C)pigitallliP Switc~ Service Trunk Rate and Charges (Cont'd) 6.3.4.(C).Monthly Recurring Charges 19 access lines Term MIM Year Year Year Month! $36.45 $32.39 $30. $29. 20 + access lines Term MIM Year Year Year Monthl $33. $32.42 $30. $29. 3.4.(C).3 Optional Feature Charges Non-Recurring Charges DID 25 Number Blocks $1.00 Recurring Monthly Charges DID 25 Number Blocks $0. \daho Public UtiHties Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiL'NG MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, 'daho Issued: March 3 , 2005 Effective: March 13, 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 2nd Revised Page 167 Cancels 1st Revised Page 167 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS, (CONT'D. Local Trunk (Cont'd) Digital Two-Way Switched Service Trunk: Provides the Customer with a single digital DID connection with answer supervision that can carry two-way traffic (A) Trunk: Features:The following standard features are included with a Digital Two-way Touch Tone Presubscription One Directory Listing (per trunk) (B)The following optional features are available for a Digital Two-way Trunk for an additional charge: DID 25 number blocks (C) Digital Two-way Switched Service Trunk Rates and Charges: A Digital two-say Trunk Customer will be charged applicable Non-Recurring Charges, monthly Recurring Charges, and feature charges as specified in 6.(C)., 6.(C)., and 6.(C). respectively. 6.3.5. (C). 1 Non-Recurring Charges Installation Charges per Trunk:$50. Service order charges apply as described in Section 2.(C) of this tariff.(D)(N) (D) (D) ISSUED: January 25, 2006 Kelly Faul, Regulatory Affairs Director XO Communications Services, Inc. 11111 Sunset Hills Rd. Reston, VA 20190 EFFECTIVE: February 17, 2006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 7 2006 Boise, Idaho XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 168 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS, (CONT' Local Trunk (Cont' 6.3.Digital Two-Way Switched Service Trunk (Cont' d) 6.3.(C)Digital Two-Way Switched Service Trunk Rates and Charges (Cont' 6.3.(C).Monthly Recurring Charges 19 access lines Term M/M Year Year Year Monthl $43.45 $39.39 $37. $36. 20 + access lines Term MonthlM/M $40.Year $43. 2- Year $32.Year $31.66 6.3.(C).3 Feature Rates and Charges Non-Recurring Charges DID 25 Number Blocks $1.00 Recurring Monthly Charges DID 25 Number Blocks $0. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILiNG MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, 'dahO ---...--. Issued: March 3 2005 Effective: March 13 , 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 2nd Revised Page 169 Cancels 1st Revised Page 169 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Local Trunk (Cont'd) SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS, (CONT'D. Internet Service Provider aSP) Trunks.Internet Service Provider Trunks provide inbound-only service and are sold in blocks of 24. (A) An ISP Trunk Customer will be charged applicable Non-Recurring Charges and monthly Recurring Charges as specified in 6.(A).1 and 6.(A).2 respectively. (A).Non-Recurring Charges Installation Charges per Trunk:$ 20. Service order charges apply as described in Section 2.5 .1.(C) of this tariff.(D)(N) (D) (A). (D) Monthly Recurring Charges Including Channel Bank Term M/M Year Year 3- Year Monthly Charge (per trunk) $24. $22. $21.45 $20. Without Channel Bank Term M/M Year Year Year Monthly Charge (per trunk) $19. $18. $17. $15. ISSUED: January 25, 2006 Kelly Faul, Regulatory Affairs Director XO Communications Services, Inc. 11111 Sunset Hills Rd. Reston, VA 20190 EFFECTIVE: February 17, 2006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 7 2006 Boise, Idaho XO Communications Services, LLC (T)Idaho Price List No. I 2nd Revised Page 170 Cancels l't Revised Page 170 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 6 - OBSOLETE OR DTSCONTTNUED OFFERTNCS, (CONT'D.) 6.3.A Business Trunks 6.3.A. 1 Dieital Switched T-1 Rates and Charees Monthlv Recurring Charses Rate Area B Full Switched Disital Tl Trunks In Onlv (Basic) I Year 2 Year 3 Year $649.95 $617.40 $605.8s (D I(r) (r) I(r) (r) I(r) (D I(r) (D I (D Out Only (Basic) 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year $649.95 s6 1 7.40 $605.8s Two-Way (Basic) 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year $649.95 $6 17.40 s605.85 In Onlv w/ DID I Year 2Year 3 Year $1,r92.80 $ 1 , 134.00 $ 1,074.1s Two-Wav w/ DID I Year 2 Year 3 Year $ r, 192.80 $ 1 , 134.00 $ 1 ,074. l5 Issued: December 12, 2018 Effective: January 1, 2019 ldafro p-u.btic Utififies Corunlsslon ACc#pT#'#FffEf'Fflurue JAN I - 2019 Boise,ldalp Kelly Faul - Senior Manager, Government Relations 22001 Loudoun County Pkwy Ashburn, VA 20147 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 3 rd Revised Page 171 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 171 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS, (CONT'D. 6.4 XOPTION Service Offering The XOption Service Offering is a bundled service that includes XO local exchange, inbound and outbound domestic long distance and DSL or Dedicated Internet Access services provided at the same customer location. This service is available to Business customers and is subject to the availability of facilities and only offered where technically feasible. Rates indicated below do not include sales, use, gross receipts, excise, access or other local, state and federal taxes, charges, user fees, or surcharges. Under the XOption Service Offering the Customer selects and receives service under one of the XOption listed in Sections 6.4.1 through 6.4.16 below. Each XOption includes the Standard Feature Package as defined Section 6.4., at no additional cost. Additional voice features beyond the Standard Feature Package are available at tariffed rates. The Monthly Recurring Charge for each XOption includes unlimited local exchange service, a specified amount of inbound and outbound domestic long distance service, and the Standard Feature Package. Unused minutes may not be carried over to the following month. Additionally, the Customer must commit to a minimum one-year term agreement for both voice and Internet services in order to be eligible for the XOption Service Offering. 6.4. I XOption #1 To receive service under XOption #1 , the Customer must order a minimum of 10 (ten) but no more than 13 (thirteen) basic Business local exchange lines or trunks and DSL service. Customer must choose from one of the three options for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage: "A" = 000 minutes , " B" = 7 000 minutes , " c" =10 000 minutes and "D" = 25 000 minutes. The domestic long distance usage above the monthly minutes for A, B, C or D will be billed at rates set forth in Section 5 of this tarifffor intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance traffic found on Company s website for interstate use. The MRC for each Option is listed below. Each XOption #1 includes unlimited local exchange calling. International usage is provided under the Company s Platinum Small Business Plan pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company s website. Monthly Recurring ChargeA=$1 215. B=$1 410. C=$1 606. D=$2 587. $800. (I) (I) Non-Recurring Charge Issued: June 24, 20 I 0 Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon , VA 20171 Effective: August 1 20 I 0 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING AUG 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 3rd Revised Page 172 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 172 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS, (CONT'D. 6.4 XOPTION Service Offering (Cont'd. 6.4.XOption #2 To receive service under XOption #2, the Customer must order a minimum of 14 (fourteen) but no more than 18 (eighteen) basic Business local exchange lines or trunks and DSL service. Customer must choose from one of the three options for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage: A" = 5 000 minutes , " B" = 7 000 minutes , " c" =10 000 minutes and "D" = 25 000 minutes. The domestic long distance usage above the monthly minutes for A, B, C or D will be billed at rates set forth in Section 5 of this tarifffor intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance traffic found on Company s website for interstate use. The MRC for each Option is listed below. Each XOption #2 includes unlimited local exchange calling. International usage is provided under the Company s Platinum Small Business Plan pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company s website. Monthly Recurring ChargeA=$1 594. B=$I 724. C=$1 922. D=$2 902. $800. (I) (I) Non-Recurring Charge 6.4.2 XOption #3 To receive service under XOption #3 , the Customer must order a minimum of 10 (ten) but no more than 13 (thirteen) basic Business local exchange lines or trunks and DSL service. Customer must choose from one of the three options for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage: "A" = 000 minutes , " B" = 7 ,000 minutes , " c" = I 0 000 minutes and "D" = 25 000 minutes. The domestic long distance usage above the monthly minutes for A, B, C and D will be billed at rates set forth in Section 5 of this tarifffor intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance traffic found on Company s website for interstate use. The MRC for each Option is listed below. Each XOption #3 includes unlimited local exchange calling. International usage is provided under the Company s Platinum Small Business Plan pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company s website. Monthly Recurring ChargeA=$1,482. B=$1 678. C=$1 874. D=$2 855. $800. (I) (I) Non-Recurring Charge Issued: June 24, 2010 Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon, VA 20171 Effective: August 1 2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No,1 6th Revised Page 173 Cancels 5th Revised Page 173 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES ______________ SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS.(CONT’D.) 6.4 XOPTION Service Offeriflg (Contd.) 64.4 XOption i4 To receive service under XOption 4.the Customer must order a minimum of 14(fourteen)but no more than IS (eighteen)basic Business local exchange lines or trunks and DSL service.Customer must choose from one of the three options for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage: “A”=5,000 minutes,“B”7,000 minutes.“C”‘l0,000 minutes and “D”=25,000 minutes.The domestic long distance usage above the monthly minutes for A,B,C or I)will be billed at rates set forth in Section 5 ofthis tariff for intrastate toll use or pursuantto the Terms and Conditions governing long distance traffic found on Company’s website for interstate use.The MRC for each Option is listed below.Each XOption #4 includes unlimited local exchange calling.International usage is provided under the Company’s Platinum Small Business Plan pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company’s website. Monthly Recurring ChargeA=$1,837.13 B=$1,967.63 C=$2,l63.38 D--$3,1 44.38 Non-Recurring Charge $800.00 6.4.5 Qption#5 To receive service under XOption #5.the Customer must order a minimum of 10 (ten)but no more than 13 (thirteen)basic Business local exchange lines or trunks and Dedicated Internet Access. Customer must choose from one ofthe three options for the monthly minutes ofdomestic long distance usage:“A”4.000 minutes,“B”7,000 minutes,“C”=10.000 minutes and “D”25.000 minutes. The domestic long distance usage above the monthly minutes for A,B,C or D will be billed at rates set forth in Section 5 of this tariff for intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance traffic found on Company’s website for interstate use.The MRC for each Option is listed below.Each XOption #5 includes unlimited local exchange calling.International usage is provided under the Company’s Platinum Medium BusinessPlan pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic faind on Company’s website. Monthly Recurring Charge A=$2,912.15 (I) B=$2,9l2.15 C=$3,439.4 1 D=$4,260.06 (I) Non-Recurring Charge $1 ,800.00 Issued:December 22,2015 Effective:January’1.2016 Kelly Faul —Regulatory Affairs Director lahoPutc fJt!tit Ccrvmssio l386S Sunrise Valley Dr ACC DFOR (LNGHerndon,VA 20171 XO Communications Services,LLC idaho Price List No.I 6th Revised Page 1 74 Cancels 5th Revised Page 174 _______________________ LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES _________________ SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS,(CONTD.) 6.4 XOPTION Service Offerino,t (Contd.) 6.4.6 XOption 6 To receive service under XOption “6.the Customer must order a minimum of l4(furteen)but no more than 18 (eighteen)basic Business local exchange lines or trunks and Dedicated internet Access. Customer must choose from one ofthe three options for the monthly minutes ofdoinestic long distance usage:“A”5.000 minutes.“B”7,000 minutes.“C”=10.000 minutes and “D”25.000 minutes. The domestic long distance usage above the monthl minutes for A,B,C or D will be billed at rates set forth in Section 5 of this tariff.The MRC for each Option is listed below.Each XOption 6 includes unlimited local exchange calling.International usage is provided under the Company’s Platinum Medium Business Plan pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company’s website. Monthly Recurring Charge A=$4,1 80.96 (1) B—$4.456.43 C=$4.752.18 D=S5.752.63 Non-Recurring Charge SI .800.00 (1) 6.4.7 XOption 7 To receive service under XOption t7,the Customer must order a DS-l access facility for voice and Internet delivery.The Customer can select the configuration of the voice and data lines up to but not more than 24 lines combined.Customer must choose from one of the three options for the monthlv minutes of domestic long distance usage:“A”4,000 minutes,“B”7,000 minutes,“C”=10,000 minutes and “D”25,000 minutes.The domestic long distance usage above the monthly minutes for A,B,C and D will be billed at rates set forth in Section 5 ofthis tariff for intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance traffic found on Company’s website for interstate use.The MRC for each Option is listed below.Each XOption #7 includes unlimited local exchange calling.International usage is provided under the Company’s Platinum Small Business Plan pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company’s website. Monthly Recurring Charge AS2.480.87 (1) B=S2.828.99 C=$3.124.75 D=S4,596.70 (I) Non-Recurring Charge $999.00 Issued:December 22.2015 Effective:January 1,2016 Idaho Pubttc Util:s CKellyFaulRegulatoryAffairsDirector,Omnsion 1386 Sunris.Valley Dr ACCE I-lerndon.VA 2017] JAN 1 —2015 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 175 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS, (CONT' XOPTION Service Offering (Cont' 6.4.XOption #8 The XOption #8, is a per user network service that requires a minimum of 10 (ten) users and DSL service. Customer must choose from one of the three options for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage: "A" = 4 000 minutes , " B" = 7 000 minutes , " C" =10 000 minutes and "D" = 25 000 minutes. The domestic long distance usage above the monthly minutes for A, B, C or D will be billed at rates set forth in Section 5 of this tariff for intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance traffic found on Company s website for interstate use. The MRC for each Option is listed below. Each XOption #8 includes unlimited local exchange calling. The monthly minutes of use for domestic long distance is total combined usage for all the users in this Option. International usage is provided under the Company s Platinum Small Business Plan pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company s website. Monthly Recurring Charge Per User A=$ 73. B=$ 83. C=$ 93. D=$143. Non-Recurring Charge Per User A=$ 73. B=$ 83. C=$ 93. D=$143. Id?ho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 ZOOS Boise, Ictaho , _." ... -_. ~ I Issued: March 3 2005 Effective: March 13, 2005 Alaine Miller, VP-- Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 176 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS, (CONT'D. XOPTION Service Offering (Cont' 6.4.XOption #9 XOption #9, is a per user network service that requires a minimum of30 (thirty) users accessing the same network. This Option consists of one voice line per user, or a minimum of 30 lines, and DSL service. Customer must choose from one of the three options for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage: "A" = 4 000 minutes , " B" = 7 000 minutes , " C" =10 000 minutes and "D" = 000 minutes. The domestic long distance usage above the monthly minutes for A, B, C or D will be billed at rates set forth in Section 5 of this tariff. The MRC for each Option is listed below. Each XOption #9 includes unlimited local exchange calling. The monthly minutes of use for domestic long distance is total combined usage for all the users in this Option. International usage is provided under the Company s Platinum Small Business Plan pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company s website. Monthly Recurring Charge Per User A=$24. B=$27. C=$31.00 D=$47. Non-Recurring Charge Per User A=$24. B=$27. C=$31.00 D=$47. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, idaho Issued: March 3 2005 Effective: March 13 , 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 IDl0501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 177 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS, (CONT' XOPTION Service Offering (Cont' 6.4.10 XOption#10 XOption #10, is a per user network service that requires a minimum of 10 (ten) users accessing the . same network. This Option consists of one voice line per user, or a minimum of ten lines, and Dedicated Internet Access. Customer must choose from one of the three options for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage: "A" = 4 000 minutes , " B" = 7 000 minutes , " C" =10 000 minutes and "D" = 25 000 minutes. The domestic long distance usage above A, B, C or D will be billed at rates set forth in Section 5 of this tariff for intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company s website. The MRC for each Option is listed below. Each XOption #10 includes unlimited local exchange calling. The monthly minutes of use for domestic long distance is total combined usage for all the users in this Option. International usage is provided under the Company s Platinum Small Business Plan pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company s website. Monthly Recurring Charge Per User A=$126. B=$136. C=$146. D=$180. Non-Recurring Charge Per User A=$126. B=$136. C=$146. D=$180. lo;;hc Public Utilities Commission Of"iice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3 2005 Effective: March 13 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 178 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS, (CONT' XOPTION Service Offering (Cont' 6.4.XOption #11 XOption #11, is a per network user service that requires a minimum of30 (thirty) users accessing the same network. This Option consists of one voice line per user, or a minimum of thirty lines, and Dedicated Internet Access. Customer must choose from one of the three options for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage: "A" = 4 000 minutes , " B" = 7 000 minutes , " C" =10 000 minutes and "D" = 25 000 minutes. The domestic long distance usage above A, B, Cor D will billed at rates set forth in Section 5 of this tariff for intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance traffic found on Company s website. The MRC for each Option is listed below. Each XOption #11 includes unlimited local exchange calling The monthly minutes of use for domestic long distance is total combined usage for all the users in this Option: International usage is provided under the Company s Platinum Small Business Plan pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company s website. Monthly Recurring Charge PerUser A=$42. B=$45. C=$49. D=$60. Non-Recurring Charge Per User A=$42. B=$45. C=$49. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 ZOOS Boise, 'daM Issued: March 3, 2005 Effective: March 13 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O5 0 1 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. I 4th Revised Page 179 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 179 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS, (CONT'D. 6.4 XOPTI0N Service Offering (Cont' 6.4.XOption # 12 To receive service under XOption # 12, the Customer must order a minimum of 19 (nineteen) but no more than 24 (twenty-four) basic Business local exchange lines or trunks and DSL service. Customer must choose from one of the three options for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage: A" = 10 000 minutes , " B" = 25 000 minutes , " c" =50 000 minutes and "D" = 75 000 minutes. The domestic long distance usage above A, B, C or D will be billed at rates set forth in Section 5 of this tariff for intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance traffic found on Company s website. The MRC for each Option is listed below. Each XOption # 12 includes unlimited local exchange calling. International usage is provided under the Company s Platinum Medium Business Plan pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company s website. Monthly Recurring ChargeA=$2 683. B=$3 664. C=$5 299. D=$6 934. $800. (I) (I) Non-Recurring Charge 6.4.XOption # 13 To receive service under XOption # 13 , the Customer must order a minimum of 19 (nineteen) but no more than 24 (twenty-four) basic Business local exchange lines or trunks and Dedicated Internet Access. Customer must choose from one of the three options for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage: "A" = 10 000 minutes , " B" = 25 000 minutes , " c" =50 000 minutes and "D" = 75 000 minutes. The domestic long distance usage above A, B, C or D will be billed at rates set forth in Section 5 of this tariff. The MRC for each Option is listed below. Each XOption #13 includes unlimited local exchange calling. International usage is provided under the Company s Platinum Medium Business Plan pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company s website. Monthly Recurring ChargeA=$3 612. B=$4 667. C=$6 312. D=$7 549. 800. (I) (I) Non-Recurring Charge Issued: June 24, 20 I 0 Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon, VA 20171 Effective: August I , 20 I 0 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No.I 7th Revised Page 180 Cancels 6th Revised Page 180 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES ________________________ SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS,(CONT’D.) 6,4 XOPTION Service Offering (Cont’d.) 6.4.14 XOption14 To receive service under XOption 14,the Customer must order a Primar Rate Interface(PRI)for voice along with Digital Subscriber Line service.Customer must choose from one of the three options for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage:“A”10.000 minutes.“B”25.000 minutes.“C”-50,000 minutes and “D”75.000 minutes.The domestic long distance usage above A. B,C or D will be billed at rates set forth in Section 5 ofthis tariff for intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance traffic foLind on Company’s website for interstate use.The MRC for each Option is listed below.Each Xoptioniil4 includes unlimited local exchange calling.International usage is provided under the Company’s Platinum Medium Business Plan pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company’s website. Monthly Recurring Charge A$2.7 19.13 B=S3,697.88 C=$5.332.50 DS7,192.13 Non-Recurring Charge $800.00 6.4.15 XOptionl5 To receive service under XOption l5,the Customer must order a Primary Rate lnterface(PRI)for voice along with Dedicated Internet Access service.Customer must choose from one of the three options for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage:“A”10,000 minutes,“B”25,000 minutes,“C”=50,000 minutes and “D”75,000 minutes.The domestic long distance usage above A, B,C or D will be billed at rates set forth in Section 5 ofthis tariff for intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing.The MRC for each Option is listed below.Each Xoption#15 includes unlimited local exchange calling.International usage is provided under the Company’s Platinum Medium Business Plan pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company’s website. Monthly RecuiTing Charge AS5.460.27 (I) B—S7.060.66 CS9.53 1.38 D=Sll,72].57 (I) Non-Recurring Charge $1,800.00 Issued:December 22.2015 Effective:January 1,2016 Idaho Pubhc Utilities Cornrsion Kelly Faul —Regulatory Affairs Director Offiee of the Secretary 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr.ACCEPTED FOR FILING l-lerndon,VA 20171 XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No.I 6th Revised Page 181 Cancels 5th Revised Page 1 8 I LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES _____ SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS,(CONTD.) 6,4 XOPTION Service Offering (Confd.) 6.4.16 Qp(jop.16 To receive service under XOption =16,the Customer mu order a PRI access facility for voice and Internet delivery.The Customer can select the configuration of the voice and data lines up to but not more than 24 lines combined.Customer must choose from one of the three options for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage:“A”4,000 minutes,“B”7,000 minutes,“C”10,000 minutes and “D”=25,000 minutes.The domestic long distance usage above the monthly minutes for A,B,C or D will be billed at rates set forth in Section 5 of this tariff for intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance traffic found on Company’s website.The MRC for each Option is listed below.Each XOptionl6 includes unlimited local exchange calling. International usage is provided under the Company’s Platinum Small Business Plan pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company’s website. Monthly Recurring Charge A $3,187.27 (I) B=S3,537.lO C=S3,831.l6 D=55,642.80 (1) Non-Recurring Charge $999.00 6.4.17 QpjonM To receive service under XOption M,the Customer must order a XOptions package at no fewer than five locations,with at least one location receiving one of the XOptions 1-16.Customer must also order a minimum of 6 (six)but no more than 9 (nine)local exchange lines via Integrated Access service.Customer will receive 1,500 monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage.Domestic long distance usage above the monthly minutes will be billed at rates set forth in Section 5 of this tariff for intrastate use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance traffic found on Company’s website for interstate use.The installation and monthly recurring charge are listed below. Each XOption M includes unlimited local exchange calling.International usage will be provided under the Company’s Platinum Small Business Plan pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company’s website. Monthly Recurring Charge A=$920.00 Non-Recurring Charge $700.00 6.4.18 XOption MLP Customers ordering XOptions 1-16 at no fewer than five locations are eligible for XOption MLP. MLP is a 5%discount offthe monthly recurring charge of all XOption packages 1-16,XOption M is not eligible for the discount and does not contribute to the total of five necessary locations to receive the MLP discount. Issued:December 22,2015 Effective:January 1,2016 Idaho Pubhc UtWtes Comrnssiori Director ACCEPT ED NG Herndon,VA 20171 $oise.fdaha XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. I 2nd Revised Page 182 Cancels 1 st Revised Page 182 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS, (CONT'D. 6.4 XOPT10N Service Offering (Cont' 6.4.Standard Feature Package All XOption options include the following standard features at no additional charge. Voicemail w/Message Waiting Call Forwarding 3 Way Calling Speed Dial Abbreviated Dialing Call Hold Call Pickup Call Transfer Hunting Caller ID - Number Only First Block of20 DlOs (T) 6.4.Term Discounts: XOption customers who choose one of the following term commitments that is greater than one year will receive a discount. The discount is applied to the XOption Monthly Recurring charge, and the local exchange and domestic long distance usage above the bundled minutes of use included in each XOption. The discount will not be offered with any other discounts. The term discounts are as follows: 2 Years = 5% Discount 3 Years = 10% Discount * Available to Customers who ordered business trunks. ** Services not regulated under this tariff. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 9 2010 (T) Boise. Idt~o Issued: February 2, 20 I 0 Effective: February 19, 2010 Kelly Faul, Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon , VA 20171 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 183 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS, (CONT' Integrated Access Service Integrated Access Service is a bundled service offering that requires the Customer to purchase, at the same customer location, local exchange, message toll and Internet services from the Company. The standard configuration involves having a single DS-1 to the Customer s premises. Service can also be provided via ISDN PRI. When ordering service via a DS-, the Customer must purchase a minimum of 10 (ten) local exchange lines or channels. In order to get the following pricing for this service the Customer must, at a minimum, enter a one year service order agreement. Usage for message toll and Internet services is not included in the following rates. The Non-Recurring and Monthly Recurring charges are specified in Sections 5.3. and 6.5.4. below. 5.3 Standard Features: Integrated Access Customers subscribed to the Basic Business Line product will receive the following Standard Features at no additional charge: Call Forward Variable Call Forward Busy Call Forward No Answer Speed Calling Call Waiting T ouchtone 3 Way Calling Optional Features: Integrated Access Service Customers may order optional features at standard rates specified in this tariff. Non-Recurring Charges:For initial installation of Integrated Access Service over a single DS-l or ISDN, Customers will pay a non-recurring installation charge specified below. Installation charges for those Customers that purchase more than a DS-1 or ISDN worth of capacity will be done on an Individual Case Basis (I CB). If a customer chooses to add additional local exchange lines or channels after installation of the initial service, the Company s regular non-recurring installation charges for local exchange service, as specified in this tariff will apply. Single DS1 $999. ISDN PRI $999. Capacity Exceeding DS 1 ICB 5.4 Monthl Recurrin Char es: Per Line: Basic Line $37.43 Per Trunk: DID $41.93 Two-way Trunks $37.43 ISDN PRI $835. Irhho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACC PTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3 2005 Effective'' March 13";2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 IDl0501 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. I 1 st Revised Page 184 Cancels Original Page 184 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS , (CONT'D. Integrated Access Service (Cont Usage Charges: Customers will receive the following local usage charges: Local Usage is included in the flat monthly charge for Integrated Access Service. Enhanced Integrated Feature:Integrated Access Service Customers can order the Enhanced Integrated Feature, as an option, at the monthly recurring rate of$6.95 per line. Enhanced Features: The following features are included in the Enhanced Integrated Feature Package: Abbreviated Dialing (3 or 4 digit) Call Hold Call Pickup Call Transfer Basic Voice Mail Box Message Waiting (T) (T) All other features are available at the tariffrate. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB192010 * Services not regulated under this tariff.Boise, Idaho (T) Issued: February 2, 2010 Effective: February 19, 20 I 0 Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon , VA 20171 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 3rd Revised Page 185 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 185 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS, (CONT'D. Premium XOPTION Service Offering The Premium XOption Service Offering is a bundled service that includes XO local exchange, inbound and outbound domestic long distance and DSL or Dedicated Internet Access services provided at the same customer location. Premium XOptions also include shared hosting services. This service is available to Business customers and is subject to the availability offacilities and only offered where technically feasible. Rates indicated below do not include sales, use, gross receipts, excise, access or other local , state and federal taxes, charges, user fees, or surcharges. Under the Premium XOption Service Offering the Customer selects and receives service under one of the Premium XOptions listed in the sections below. Each Premium XOption includes the Standard Feature Package as defined below, at no additional cost. Additional voice features beyond the Standard Feature Package are available at tariffed rates. The Monthly Recurring Charge for each Premium XOption includes the specfied amount of month Iy minutes of use for local exchange and inbound and outbound domestic long distance service and the Standard Feature Package. The specified monthly minutes of use does not include International usage. Unused minutes may not be carried over to the following month. Additionally, the Customer must commit to a minimum one year term agreement for both voice and Internet services in order to be eligible for the Premium XOption Service Offering. Premium XOption #1 To receive service under this XOption, the Customer must order a minimum of 10 (ten) but no more than 13 (thirteen) basic Business local exchange lines or trunks and DSL service. This XOption also includes shared hosting space and the Customer s choice of end user shared hosting web applications. Customer must choose from one of the options below for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage: "A" = 4 000 minutes , " B" = 7 000 minutes , " c" =10 000 minutes, and "D" = 25 000 minutes. The domestic long distance usage above these options will be billed at rates set forth in Company s Message Toll Service tariff for intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance service found on Company s website for interstate use. The MRC for each is listed below. This XOption includes unlimited local exchange calling. International usage is provided under Company s Platinum Small Business Plan Pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company s website. Rate Area A Monthly Recurring ChargeA=$1 276. B=$I,472. C=$1 668. D=$2 649. $800. Rate Area B A=$1 228. B=$1 423. C=$1 620. D=$2 60 1. $800. (I) (I) Non-Recurring Charge Issued: June 24, 2010 Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon , VA 20171 .. Effectjve: August 1 2010a 0 U IC tl rtles Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho XO Communications Services, Inc. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Idaho Price List No. 3rd Revised Page 186 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 186 Premium XOPTION Service Offering SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS, (CONT'D. Premium XOption #2 To receive service under this XOption, the Customer must order a minimum of 14 (fourteen) but no more than 18 (eighteen) basic Business local exchange lines or trunks and DSL service. This XOption also includes shared hosting space and the Customer s choice of end user shared hosting web applications. Customer must choose from one of the options below for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage: "A" = 5 000 minutes , " B" = 7 000 minutes , " c" =10 000 minutes, and D" = 25 000 minutes. The domestic long distance usage above these options will be billed at rates set forth in Company s Message Toll Service tariff for intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance service found on Company s website for interstate use. The MRC for each is listed below. This XOption includes unlimited local exchange calling. International usage is provided under Company s Platinum Small Business Plan Pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company s website. Rate Area A Monthly Recurring ChargeA=$1.656. B=$1 786. C=$1 984. D=$2 964. $800.Non-Recurring Charge Premium XOption #3 Rate Area B A=$1 557. B=$1 687. C=$1 884. D=$2 865. $800. (I) (I) To receive service under this XOption, the Customer must order a minimum of 10 (ten) but no more than 13 (thirteen) basic Business local exchange lines or trunks and DSL service. This XOption also includes shared hosting space and the Customer s choice of end user shared hosting web applications. Customer must choose from one of the options below for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage: "A" = 4 000 minutes , " B" = 7 000 minutes , " c" =10 000 minutes, and "D" = 25 000 minutes. The domestic long distance usage above these options will be billed at rates set forth in Company s Message Toll Service tarifffor intrastate toll use or pursuantto the Terms and Conditions governing long distance service found on Company swebsite for interstate use. The MRC for each is listed below. This XOption includes unlimited local exchange calling. International usage is provided under Company s Platinum Small Business Plan Pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company s website. Rate Area A Monthly Recurring ChargeA=$1 544. B=$1 740. C=$1 936. D=$2 917. $800.Non-Recurring Charge Rate Area B A=$1 501.88 B=$1 696. C=$1 893. D=$2 874. $800. (I) (I) Issued: June 24, 20 10 Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon, VA 20171 Effective: August 1 20 I 0 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG AUG 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No.I 6th Revised Page 87 Cancels 5th Revised Page 1 87 LOC,\L EXCI-IANGE SERVICES ______ SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DiSCONTINUED OFFERiNGS.(CONT’D.) 6.6 Premium XOPTION Service Offering.(Contd.) 6.6.4 crnjurnQpionft4 To receive service under this XOption.the Customer must order a minimum of 14 (fourteen)but no more than 18 (eighteen)basic Business local exchange lines or trunks and DSL service.This XOption also includes shared hosting space and the Customer’s choice of end user shared hosting web applications.Customer must choose from one of the options below for the nionthlv minutes of domestic long distance usage:“A”5.000 minutes,“B”7.000 minutes.“C”10,000 minutes,and “D”=25,000 minutes.The domestic long distance usage above these options will be billed at rates set forth in Company’s Message Toll Service tariff for intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance service found on Company’s website for interstate use.The MRC for each is listed below.This XOption includes unlimited local exchange calling.International usage is provided under Company’s Platinum Small Business Plan Pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company’swebsite. Rate Area A Rate Area B Monthly Recurring Charge A-S 1,899.00 A SI .800.00 B=52.029.50 B=$1,930.50 C=S2.225.25 C=S2.l26.25 D-$3,206.25 D=$3,107.25 Non-Recurring Charge $800.00 $800.00 6.6.5 To receive service under this XOption,the Customer must order a minimum of 10 (ten)but no more than 13 (thirteen)basic Business local exchange lines or trunks and Dedicated Internet Access.This XOption also includes shared hosting space and the Customer’s choice ofend user shared hosting web applications.Customer must choose from one of the options below for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage:“A”4.000 minutes.“B”7,000 minutes.“C”1 0.000 minutes,and =25.000 minutes.The domestic long distance usage above these options will be billed at rates set forth in Company’s Message Toll Service tariff for intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance service found on Company’s website for interstate use.The MRC for each is listed below.This XOption includes unlimited local exchange calling.International usage is provided under Company’s Platinum Small Business Plan Pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Conpany’s website. Rate Area A Rate Area B Monthly Recurring Charge A-S2.62l .47 AS2.459.24 (I) B=S2,9 2.15 B=S2,744.50 CS3.l48.75 C-S2.98l.l0 I)—S4,334.4l D=$3.926.42 (I) Non-Recurring Charge $1,800.00 $1,800.00 Issued:December22,2015 Effective:January 1,2016 Kelly Faul —Reoulatory Affairs Director tit2 0f tne Secrezaryr,.., 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr.u hirs HUNG ilerndon,VA 20171 ,,, LUiO XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No.I 6th Revised Page 188 Cancels 5th Revised Page 188 LOCAL EXCIIANGE SERVICES ________ SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERU”JGS,(CONTD.) 6.6 Premium XOPTION Service Offering.(Cont’d.) 6.6.6 Premium XOption i6 To receive service under this XOption,the Customer must order a minimum of 14(fourteen)but no more than 1 8 (eighteen)basic Business local exchange lines or trunks and Dedicated internet Access. This XOption also includes shared hosting space and the Customer’s choice ofend user shared hosting web applications.Customer must choose from one of the options below forthe monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage:“A”5,000 minutes,“B”=7,000 minutes,and “C”10,000 minutes, and “D”=25,000 minutes.The domestic long distance usage above these options will be billed at rates set forth in Company’s Message Toll Service tariff for intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance service found on Company’s webs ite for interstate use.The MRC for each is listed below.This XOption includes unlimited local exchange calling.International usage is provided under Company’s Platinum Small Business Plan Pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic fbund on Company’s website. Rate Area A Rate Area B Monthly Recurring Charge A$3,5l3.43 A53,508.36 (1) B=$3.788.89 B—S3.773.69 C=S4.084.64 C=S4,071.12 D$5,566.74 D—55,553.21 (I) Non-Recurring Charge S 1,800.00 5L800.00 6.6.7 Premium XOption #7 To receive service under this XOption,the Customer must order a DS-I access facility for voice and Internet delivery.The Customer can select the configuration ot’the voice and data lines up to but not more than 24 lines combined.This XOption also includes shared hosting space and the Customer’s choice of end user shared hosting web applications.Customer must choose from one of the foLir options for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage:“A”4,000 minutes,“B”7,000 minutes,“C”l0,000 minutes,and “D”25,000 minutes.The domestic long distance usage above these options will be billed at rates set forth in Company’s Message Toll Service tariff for intrastate toll use or pursuantto the Terms and Conditions governing long distance service found on Company’s website for interstate use.The MRC for each is listed below.This XOption includes unlimited local exchange calling.International usage is provided under Company’s Platinum Small Business Plan Pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company’s website. Rate Area A Rate Area B Monthly Recurring Charge A-$2,573.83 AS2,379.47 (I) B=$2,92l.94 B—$2,7l9.15 C=S3,217.69 C=$3.0I3.21 D=54,689.65 D=S4.486.85 (I) Non-Recurring Charge S999.00 $999.00 issued:December22,2015 Effective:January 1.2016 P:a :,,- -.Le-,Jri.o’Kell’Faul —Regulatory Affairs Directoi Secre 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr.ACCEPTED FOR FiLiNGHerndon,VA 20171 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 189 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission OffIce of the SecretaryACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS, (CONT' Premium XOPTION Service Offering.(Cont'Boise, Idaho Premium XOption #8 -'."..-.-.-- This XOption is a per user network service that requires a minimum of 10 (ten) users accessing the same network. This XOption consists of one voice line per user, or a minimum of ten lines, and DSL service. This XOption also includes shared hosting space and the Customer s choice of end user shared hosting web applications. Customer must choose from one of the options below for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage: "A" = 4 000 minutes , " B" = 7 ,000 minutes, and " =10 000 minutes, and "D" = 25 000 minutes. The domestic long distance usage above these options will be billed at rates set forth in Company s Message Toll Service tariff for intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance service found on Company s website for interstate use. The MRC for each is listed below. This XOption includes unlimited local exchange calling. The monthly minutes of use for domestic long distance is total combined usage for all the users in this Option. International usage is provided under Company s Platinum Small Business Plan Pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company s website. Non-Recurring Charge Per User Rate Area A Rate Area B A=$ 77.A=$ 75. B=$ 87.B=$ 85. C=$ 97.C=$ 95. D=$147.D=$145. A=$ 77.A=$ 75. B=$ 87.B=$ 85. C=$ 97.C=$ 95. D=$147.D=$145. Monthly Recurring Charge Per User Premium XOption #9 This XOption is a per user network service that requires a minimum of30 (thirty) users accessing the same network. This XOption consists of one voice line per user, or a minimum of30 lines, and DSL service. This XOption also includes shared hosting space and the Customer s choice of end user shared hosting web applications. Customer must choose from one of the options below for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage: "A" = 4 000 minutes , " B" = 7 000 minutes , " =10 000 minutes, and "D" = 25 000 minutes. The domestic long distance usage above these options will be billed at rates set forth in Company s Message Toll Service tariff for intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance service found on Company s website for interstate use. The MRC for each is listed below. This XOption includes unlimited local exchange calling. The monthly minutes of use for domestic long distance is total combined usage for all the users in this Option. International usage is provided under Company s Platinum Small Business Plan Pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company s website. Issued: March 3 2005 Effective: March 13 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O501 XO Communications Services, Inc. Idaho Price List No. Original Page 190 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office 6t the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS, (CONT'MAR 1 3 2005 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Premium XOPTION Service Offering,(Cont'Boise, Idaho Premium XOption #9 (Cont'd) Non-Recurring Charge Per User Rate Area A Rate Area B A=$26.A=$26. B=$29.B=$29. C=$33.C=$33. D=$49.D=$49. A=$26.A=$26. B=$29.B=$29. C=$33.C=$33. D=$49.D=$49. Monthly Recurring Charge Per User 10 PremiumXOption#10 This XOption is a per user network service that requires a minimum of 10 (ten) users accessing the same network. This XOption consists of one voice line per user, or a minimum of ten lines, and Dedicated Internet Access. This XOption also includes shared hosting space and the Customer choice of end user shared hosting web applications. Customer must choose from one of the options below for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage: "A" = 4 000 minutes, "B" = 7,000 minutes , " C" =10 000 minutes, and "D" = 25 000 minutes. The domestic long distance usage above these options will be billed at rates set forth in Company s Message Toll Service tariff for intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance service found on Company web site for interstate use. The MRC for each is listed below. This XOption includes unlimited local exchange calling. The monthly minutes of use for domestic long distance is total combined usage for all the users in this Option. International usage is provided under Company s Platinum Small Business Plan Pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company website.Rate Area A Rate Area B Monthly Recurring Charge Per User A=$114. B=$124. C=$134. D=$184. A=$106. B=$116. C=$126. D=$176. N on-Recurring Charge Per User A=$114. B=$124. C=$134. D=$184. A=$106. B=$116. C=$126. D=$176. Issued: March 3 2005 Effective: March 13, 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 IDl050 1 XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 191 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS, (CONT' Premium XOPTION Service Offering.(Cont' Premium XOption #11 This XOption is a per network user service that requires a minimum of30 (thirty) users accessing the same network. This XOption consists of one voice line per user, or a minimum of thirty lines, and Dedicated Internet Access. This XOption also includes shared hosting space and the Customer choice of end user shared hosting web applications. Customer must choose from one of the options below for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage: "A" = 4 000 minutes , " B" = 7 000 minutes , " C" =10 000 minutes, and "D" = 25 000 minutes. The domestic long distance usage above these options will be billed at rates set forth in Company s Message Toll Service tariff for intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance service found on Company web site for iriterstate use. The MRC for each is listed below. This XOption includes unlimited local exchange calling. The monthly minutes of use for domestic long distance is total combined usage for all the users in this Option. International usage is provided under Company s Platinum Small Business Plan Pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company web site. Rate Area A Rate Area B Monthly Recurring Charge Per User A=$39. B=$42. C=$46. D=$62. A=$36. B=$39. C=$43. D=$59. N on-Recurring Charge Per User A=$39. B=$42. C=$46. D=$62. A=$36. B=$39. C=$43. D=$59. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3, 2005 Effective: March 13 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 IDl050 1 XO Communications Services, Inc. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Idaho Price List No. 4th Revised Page 192 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 192 Premium XOPTION Service Offering,(Cont'd. SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS, (CONT'D. Premium XOption #12 To receive service under this XOption , the Customer must order a minimum of 19 (nineteen) but no more than 24 (twenty-four) basic Business local exchange lines or trunks and DSL service. This XOption also includes shared hosting space and the Customer s choice of end user shared hosting web applications. Customer must choose from one of the options below for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage: "A" = 10 000 minutes , " B" = 25 000 minutes , " c" =50 000 minutes and "D" 75 000 minutes. The domestic long distance usage above these options will be billed at rates set forth in Company s Message Toll Service tarifffor intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance service found on Company s website for interstate use. The MRC for each choice is listed below. This XOption includes unlimited local exchange calling. International usage is provided under the Company s Platinum Medium BusinessPlan pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company s website. Rate Area A Monthly Recurring ChargeA=$2,745. B=$3 726. C=$5 36 1.75 D=$6 996. $800.Non-Recurring Charge Premium XOption #13 Rate Area B A=$2 486.25 B=$3 468.38 C=$5 104. D=$6,737. $800. (I) (I) To receive service this XOption, the Customer must order a minimum of 19 (nineteen) but no more than 24 (twenty-four) basic Business local exchange lines or trunks and Dedicated Internet Access. This XOption also includes shared hosting space and the Customer s choice of end user shared hosting web applications. Customer must choose from one of the options below forthe monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage: "A" = 10 000 minutes , " B" = 25 000 minutes , " c" =50 000 minutes and "D" 75 000 minutes. The domestic long distance usage above these options will be bil1ed at rates set forth in Company s Message Toll Service tarifffor intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance service found on Company s website for interstate use. The MRC for each choice is listed below. This XOption includes unlimited local exchange calling. International usage is provided under the Company s Platinum Medium BusinessPlan pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company s website. Rate Area A Monthly Recurring ChargeA=$3 269. B=$4 324. C=$5 969. D=$7 61 1.75 800.Non-Recurring Charge Rate Area B A=$3 017.25 B=$4 063. C=$5 708. D=$7 351.88 800. (I) (I) Issued: June 24, 2010 Kelly Faul- Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon, VA 20171 Effective: August I , 2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secret3ry ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho I . XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. I 3rd Revised Page 193 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 193 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS, (CONT'D. Premium XOPTION Service Offering.(Cont' Premium XOption #14 To receive service under this XOption, the Customer must order a Primary Rate Interface (PR!) for voice along with Digital Subscriber Line service. This XOption also includes shared hosting space and the Customer s choice of end user shared hosting web applications. Customer must choose from one of the options below for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage: "A" = 000 minutes , " B" = 000 minutes , " c" =50 000 minutes, and "D" 000 minutes. The domestic long distance usage above these options will be billed at rates set forth in Company s Message Toll Service tariff for intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance service found on Company s website for interstate use. The MRC for each choice is listed below. This XOption includes unlimited local exchange calling. International usage is provided under the Company s Platinum Medium Business Plan pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company s website. Monthly Recurring Charge Rate Area A Rate Area B A=$2 777.308.(I) B=$3 759.B=$4 290. C=$5 394.C=$5 925. D=$7 254.D=$7 785.(I) $800.$800.Non-Recurring Charge Issued: June 24, 2010 Kelly Faul - Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon, VA 20171 .. J;:ffective: August 1 2010 Idaho Public Utilities CommisSion Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG AUG 1 - 2010 Boise. Idaho XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No.I 6th Revised Page 194 Cancels 5th Revised Page 194 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES _____ SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS.(CONTD.) 6.6 Premium XOPTION Service Offering (Contd.) 6.6.15 Premium XOption#15 To receive service under this XOplion,the Customer must order a Primary Rate Interface (PRI)for voice along with Dedicated internet Access service.This XOption also includes shared hosting space and the Customer’s choice of end user shared hosting web applications.Customer must choose from one of the options below for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage:“A”10,000 minutes,“B”=25.000 minutes.“C”=50.000 minutes.and “D”75,000 minutes.The domestic long distance usage above these options will be billed at rates set forth in Company’s Message Toll Service tariff for intrastate toll use or pursuant tothe Terms and Conditions governing long distance service found on Company’s website for interstate use.The MRC for each choice is listed below.This XOption includes unlimited local exchange calling.International usage is provided under the Company’s Platinum Medium Business Plan pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company’s website. Rate Area A Rate Area B Monthly Recurring Charge A=$4.953.29 A$5.753.45 (I) B=56,536.77 B=S7.332.76 C=$9,007.49 C=59,803.46 D=$1 1,814.53 D=$l2,608.81 (I) Non-Recurring Charge $1,800.00 $1,800.00 Issued:December 22,2015 Effective:January 1,2016 Idaho Puh! kelly Faul Regulatot’Alfairs [)ircctor 0 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Hemdon,VA 20171 XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No.I 5th Revised Page 195 Cancels 3r4thd Revised Page 195 LOCAL EXCHAGE_SERVICES __________ SECTiON 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS,(CONT’D.) 6.6 Premium XOPTION Service Offering,(Contd.) 6.6.16 Premium XOption #16 To receive service under this XOption.the Customer must order a PRI access facility for voice and Internet delivery.The Customer can select the configuration of the voice and data lines up to but not more than 24 lines combined.This XOption also includes shared hosting space and the Customer’s choice of end user shared hosting web applications.Customer mustchoose from one ofthe options below for the monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage:‘A”4.000 minutes.“B”7.000 minutes,“C”=10,000 minutes,and “D”25.000 minutes.The domestic long distance usage above these options will be billed at rates set forth in Company’s Messa Toll Service tariff for intrastate toll use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance service found on Company’s website for interstate use.The MRC for each is listed below.This XOption includes unlimited local exchange calling.International usage is provided under Company’s Platinum Small Business Plan Pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company’s website. Rate AreaA Rate Area B Monthly Recurring Charge AS3,280.23 AS3.883.73 (I) B=$3.630.04 B=S4,243.50 C-S3,924.09 C=4,537.56 D$4,537.56 D6,349.20 Non-Recurring Charge $999.00 $999.00 Issued:December22,2015 Effective:January 1,2016 ldh3 Pjf!.Corn Kelly Faul —Regulator Affairs Dii ector ‘., 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr.tD FOR FILING 1-lerndon.VA 20171 fl4’ XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. Original Page 196 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS, (CONT' Premium XOPTION Service Offering.(Cont' 17 XOption M - Satellite Office Solutions To receive service under this XOption, the Customer must order a XOptions package at no fewer than five locations, with at least one location receiving one of the Premium XOptions 1-16. Customer must also order a minimum of 6 (six) but no more than 9 (nine) local exchange lines via Integrated Access service. Customer will receive 1 500 monthly minutes of domestic long distance usage. Domestic long distance usage above the monthly minutes will be billed at rates set forth in Company s Message Toll Service tariff for intrastate use or pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing long distance traffic found on Company s website for interstate use. The installation and monthly recurring charge are listed below. This XOption includes unlimited local exchange calling. International usage will provided under the Company s Platinum Small Business Plan pursuant to the Terms and Conditions governing international traffic found on Company s website. Monthly Recurring Charge Non Recurring Charge Rate Area A $920. $700. Rate Area B $845. $700. XOption MLP Customers ordering XOptions 1-16 at no fewer than five locations are eligible for XOption MLP. MLP is a 5% discount off the monthly recurring charge of all XOption packages 1-16. XOption M is not eligible for the discount and does not contribute to the total offive necessary locations to receive the MLP discount. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued: March 3, 2005 Effective: March 13 2005 Alaine Miller, VP - Regulatory & External Affairs 1633 Westlake Avenue, No., Suite 200 Seattle, W A 98109 ID1O50 1 XO Communications Services,LIC Idaho Price List No,I 6th Revised Page 197 Cancels 5th Revised Page 197 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS.(CONT’D.) 6.7 eXOtionServiceOltrina 6.7 I Rate Area A Rate Area B Monthly Recurring Charge A$2,513.3 1 A—$2297.00 (I) B=S2.797 .52 B=S2.575.51 C-S3.033.82 C=S2.8l2.I0 D=$4,205.98 DS3.767.94 (I) 6.7.2 Deluxe XOption #6 Rate Area A Rate Area B Monthly Recurring Charge A-$2,939.18 A—S2,630.94 (I) 152.79 BS2,836.43 C$3,389.40 C$3,074.38 D=$4,561.54 D=54,246.54 (I) 6.7.3 Deluxe XOption #13 Rate Area A Rate Area B Monthly Recurring Charge AS3.123.00 A-S2.775.38 BS4,l72.63 B=S3,816.00 C$5.800.50 C-S5.443.88 D—S7.420.50 D-=$7,065.00 6.7.4 Rate Area B Monthly Recurring Charge A2,954.25 BS3.930.75 CS5 .54 8.50 D$7.160.63 6.7.5 Deluxe XOption #15 Rate Area A Rate Area B Monthly Recurring Charge AS3,746.3 I A=S4,258.70 BS5,006.34 B$5,5l4.69 (I) C$6,962.64 C$7,470.98 D=$8,910,83 D=$9,4l7.81 (I) Issued:December 22,2015 Effective:January 1,2016 or..uo8SKellyFauIRegulatoryAffairsDirector 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr.ACCEPTED FOR FILING Herndon.VA 20171 I.1 XO Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.I 3rd Revised Page 198 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 198 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVKES SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS,(CONVD.) 6.8 Gold and Platinum Message Toll Service -.4s 0/September 25,2005,this product will only be available to current customers at their current locations XO’s Gold and Platinum Message Toll Services provide XO customers with direct dialed communications services which are available for use by its customers on a twenty-four (24)hour a day.seven day a week basis. Customers may originate Gold and Platinum services from locations served by the Company,and may terminate such calls to any location within the United States.Gold and Platinum Services include 1+-Outbound and Inbound Service,Operator Assistance,Toll Free Service and Directory Assistance Services as set forth below.(D) For purposes of this section,timing of messages will be dete’mined by the following method: *Chargeable time begins when connection is established between the calling station and the called station. *Chargeable time ends when the calling station “hangs up”thereby releasing the network connection.If the called station “hangs up”but the calling station does not,chargeable time ends when the network connection is released by automatic timing equipment in the telephone network. 6.8.1 Service Description -XO Platinum Message Toll Service is an On-Net service where XO is the provider of dial tone.XO Gold is an Off-Net service where the local dial tone is provided by a LEC other than XO. 6.8.2 Standard Rates for Inbound and Outbound Services -Rates for inbound and Outbound Services are in Section fthe Company offers intraLATA services elsewhere in this tariffat rates that are different than the intraLATA rates set forth in 5.1.3.the Customer,at its option,can substitute such rates for the intraLATA rates referenced in 5.1.3 6.8.3 Usage rates -Inbound and Outbound.Usage rates for Gold and Platinum Message Toll Services are billed in six (6)second increments with an initial billing period of six seconds.The duration ofeach call for bill purposes will be rounded off to the nearest highest increment.Fractional cents will be rounded to the next highest cent.The following rates apply to intrastate interLATA and IntraLATA calls: (A)Platinum Rate,per minute of use (MOU)S0.099 (B)Gold Rate,per minute of use (MOU)$0.145 (Material on this page has been moved from Pagel29) Issued:November 3,2011 Effective:November 13.2011F te ecrtsrV Kelly Faul Regulatory Affairs Director j?FtLING 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. 1-Ierndon,VA 20171 1 3 2011 8ose,idaho XO Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No. 3rd Revised Page 199 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 199 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS, (CONT' Gold and Platinum Message Toll Service, (Cont' ) - As of September 2005, this product will only be available to current customers at their current locations Access Loops (local loops) - XO Customers who elect to have XO bill them for their Non-XO local exchange access service will be charged a rate equal to the rates charged by the applicable local exchange carrier to XO. XO reserves the right to adjust such charges to reflect any rate changes instituted by the applicable local exchange carrier. Customers who select XO as their local exchange provider will be billed pursuant to applicable XO tariffed rates. Payphone surcharge - A payphone surcharge will be charged for each toll frre call placed from a pay telephone: Per Call $0. Directory Assistance - Customers placing a Directory Assistance call as Gold and Platinum Service Customers will be charged a rate of $2.25 for each call.(I) Verified Account Codes - Verified Authorization codes used to restrict and/or monitor long distance usage. Upon the customer s request, 1+ dialing is limited to caller with authorization access. The caller dials the I + number, is prompted for the code, and then connects to the dialw party. Verified Account Codes - 1-100 Verified Account Codes - per 100 after first 100 Changes to Verified Account Codes, per change MRC $10. $10. N/A NRC $25. $25. $30. (Material on this page has been moved from Page 130) Kelly Faul, Regulatory Affairs Director XO Communications Services, Inc. 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon, VA 20171 EFFECTIVE: May 14 2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 4 2010 ISSUED: April 22, 2010 Boise, Idaho XO Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 1st Revised Page 200 Cancels Original Page 200 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS,(CONT’D.) 6.8 Gold and Platinum Message Toll Service,(Cont’d.)-As ofSeptember 25,2005,this product will onlr be available to current customers at their current locations 6.8.8 Discount Customers are eligible for discounts based on usage levels and contract terms as shown below. Elements included in determining the annual comm itment level,excluding taxes and surcharges,are: local line monthly recurring charges;local usage;intrastate,and international long distance usage;(U) international toll-free usage,internet service,DSL services,conference calling services,and private line services.The discount will be applied monthly in the form ofa credit off the bottom line ofthe Customer’s bill.The discount will be applied to the following elements:intrastate and interstate toll- free and outbound services;international toll-free;and other international services.In the event (D) customer’s Company billings fail to equal or exceed Customer’s Gold/Platinum revenue commitment, Company will bill Customer for the actual amount of Company service utilized plus the difference between the actual amount of service utilized and Customer’s annual revenue commitment. Discount Schedule based on annual commitment level and term of contract: Annual Commitment Level 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year $3,600 5.0%6.5%8.5% $6,000 7.5%9.5%11.5% $12,000 12.5%14.5%16.5% $18,000 15.0%17,0%19.0% $24,000 17.5%19,5%21.5% $60,000 20.0%22.0°/o 24.0% $120,000 22.0%24.0% $240,000 24.0%26.0%28.0% $600,000 26.0%28.0%30.0% (Material on this page has been moved from Page 131) Issued:November 3,2011 Effective:November 13,2011 idaho Pu1c Kelly Faul Regulatory Affairs Director OIiCe Ot tOUY 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr.ACCEPTED OR FLI4 Herndon,VA 20171 NUV13LU’ Boise,IdahO XO Communications Services, LLC Idaho Price List No. I 1Oth Revised Page 201 Cancels 9th Revised Page 201 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES 6.9 SECTION 6. OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS, (CONT'D.) Dedicated Long Distance - As of September 25, 2005, this product will only be available to current customers at their current locations Dedicated Long Distance provides Customer, where technically feasible, with a dedicated facility from the Customer premise to Company's interexchange point of presence. To be eligible for this product, Customer must agree to a minimum annual commitment level of at least $3, 600. Elements included in determining the annual commitment level are: local line monthly recurring charges, excluding taxes and surcharges; intrastate, interstate, and international long distance usage;; and international toll-liee, internet service, DSL services, CAP services, conference calling services, and private line services. If the Customer terminated agreement before its expiration date, Customer is liable for any unfulfilled annual commitment amounts for each partial and entire year remaining in the contract term. The rates and charges described below do not include the applicable local loop charges. The duration of each call for bill purposes will be rounded up to the nearest highest increment. Calls are billed in six second increments. Fractional cents will be rounded to the next highest cent. Per minute charges and the discount schedule apply to outbound (l+) and inbound (toll-fiee) calls. lntrastate Long Distance Rate $0.090 XO provides its Dedicated Long Distance service to end-users for their long distance service needs and thus should only be utilized by the end-user for their long distance traffic. Customers who elect to place local calls across such service (intentionally or unintentionally) will be billed at the applicable Dedicated Long Distance intrastate/intralATA toll rate. Local Calls over Dedicated Long Distance Trunks $0.06 Customer may also choose any number of special features for the rates indicated. Feature MRC NRC Verified Account Codes 1-100 $10.00 525.00 Verified Account Codes - per 100 after first 100 $10.00 $25.00 Changes to Verified Account Codes, per change N/A $10.00 Toll Free Number - per number S 16.34 N/A Toll Free Number Directory Listing 1-4 listings* $10.00 $20.00 Toll Free Number Directory Listing - 5-10 listings $10.00 $45.00 Toll Free - Real Time ANI $5.00 $5.00 (Allows Customer to receive calling party's telephone number as a component of the call set-up.) Toll Free - Digital Number ldentification Service N/A $450.00 (Allows Customer with multiple toll free numbers at the same location to identify and dynamically route the specific toll free numbers to a different point of termination.) Toll Free Number Directory Listing - l-4 listings $10.00 $35.00 (Material on this page has been moved from Page 132) (r) Issued: December 12, 2018 Effective: January l, 2019 Kelly Faul - Senior Manager, Govemment Relations 22001 Loudoun County Pkwy Ashburn, V A, 20141 ;ilfe#lfiillilflifilrfid; JAN I - 2OI9 Boise, tdatm XO Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.I 3rd Revised Page 202 Cancels nd Revised Page 202 LOCAL_EXCHANGE SERVICES ____________ SECTION 6 OBSOLETE OR DISCONTINUED OFFERINGS,(CONT’D.) 6.9 Dedicated Long Distance,(Cont’d.)-As ofSeptember 25,2005,this product will only be available to current customers at their current locations Feature MRC NRC Payphone Blocking N/A $135.00 Toll Free —Alternate Routing Disaster $35.00 $95.00 Toll Free Change Charge N/A $35.00 Toll Free —Day of Year Routing $5.00 $95.00 Toll Free —Expedite Charge N/A $500.00 Toll Free —LATA Restriction /Allowance N/A $135.00 Toll Free —Message Referral $0.00 $0.00 Toll Free -NPA/NXX Restriction /Allowance N’A $135.00 Toll Free —State Restriction /Allowance N/A $135.00 Toll Free—Additional Listings $10.00 $35.00 Toll Free Feature Package $35.00 $35.00 Includes:State Routing,LATA Routing.Area Code Routing, NPA/NXX,Percent Allocation,Time of Day Routing,Time of Week Routing Toll Free Area Code Restriction /Allowance N/A $135.00 Toll Free —Route Advanced Overflow $10.00 $135.00 Operator Service Surcharges:Rates apply on a per call basis. Automated Live (D) Operator (D) Third Number Billed $2.25 $2.25 Collect Calling N/A $3.00 Person to Person $3.00 $3.00 Station to Station $1.80 $1.80 Directory Assistance $1.25 Direct Connect/Station to Station $1 .05 Direct Connect/Person to Person $4.95 *XO provides its Dedicated Long Distance service to end-users for their long distance service needs and thus should only be utilized by the end-user for their long distance traffic.Customers who elect to place local calls across such service (intentionally or unintentionally)will be billed at the applicable Dedicated Long Distance intrastate/intraLATA toll rate. (Material on this page has been moved from Pages 132.1 &133) Issued:November 3,2011 Effective:November 13,2011 Kelly Faul Regulatory Affairs Director 2 .....- 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr.ACCt L/MtJNG Herndon,VA 20171 NOV 1 3 2011 XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No.1 Original Page 203 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 7—CONTRACT TARIFFS 7.1 Contract Tariff Option 101 7.1.1 Description:This Contract Tariff Option provides a discount on Monthly Recurring Charges (MRCs)for customers who order any of the following newly installed services (“Subscribed Services”)in accordance with the requirements set forth in this Contract Tariff Option 101: Rate/Service Element Tariff Section Small Business Basic Business Line I 4,1.l.c ISDN-PRI Service 4.l.1.a Business Services Basic Business Line I 4.1.1.e Small Business Basic Business Line II 4.1.1.f Business Services Basic Business Line II 4.1.1.h 7.1.2 Eligibiljtyj The customer must meet all of the following criteria in order to be eligible to receive the rates, terms and conditions of this Contract Tariff Option 101: A.The customer must subscribe to this Option 101 by submitting a written authorization in a manner designated by the Company during the period from March 23,2015 through July 31, 2015 (the “Subscription Period); B.The customer must order new installations of at least one of the following services listed above in Section 7.1.1. C.The customer must accept service on the original service date.If the customer does not accept service on the original service date,the customer’s acceptance of the service on a later date will make the service ineligible for the discount provided under this Option 101,unless the later date is designated by the Company. D.The customer may not concurrently subscribe to any other contract tariff option,special service arrangement,or Individual Case Basis (ICB)arrangement offered by the Company and available to the customer either currently or at any time during the Service Period,which contract tariff option,special service arrangement,or ICB provides a discount,credit or other reduction in rates or terms based on achievement of revenue or volume targets by the customer for the services ordered pursuant to this Option 101. 7.1.3 Service Period:The Service Period subscribed to under this Option 101 is one,two,or three years and Company and Customer must agree on the service period prior to commencement of service.The Service Period shall commence on the day that the newly installed service is accepted by the customer and end at the end ofthe term associated with the service period subscribed to. 7.1.4 Terms and Conditions A.Except as set forth in this Option 101.the rates,terms and conditions set forth in the sections listed for the Subscribed Services shown in Section 7.1.1 will apply for the Subscribed Service. Issued:March 13,201 5 EffecA frb Kelly Faul Regulato Affairs Director CU :L LENG 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Hemdon,VA 20171 Boise,Idaho XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No.I Original Page 204 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 7 CONTRACT TARIFFS.(CONT’D) 7.1.4 Terms and Conditions.(Cont’d) B.The discount set forth in 7.1.5 will be applied to the products outlined in Section 7.1.1 above in use beginning March 23,2015 with the rates discounted as set forth in Sections 7.1.5 that is subscribed to in this Option 101. C.Upon completion of the applicable Service Period,the customer must choose one ofthe following options: (1)discontinue service without termination liability;or (2)select any then offered term plan or contract tariff option for which the customer is eligible.In the event customer does not make an election pursuant to this subsection,the customer’s subscription to the service will continue in accordance with option (2). D.If a service subscribed to in this Option 101 is discontinued prior to the end of the selected Service Period,termination liability applies in accordance with Section 2.7. 7.1.5 Rates and Charges The following discounts will be applied during the selected Service Period of this Option 101: A.Service Rate/Service Element Small Business Basic Business Line I ISDN-PRI Service Business Services Basic Business Line I Small Business Basic Business Line II Business Services Basic Business Line 11 Tariff Section 4.l.1.c 4.1.l.a 4.1.1.e 4.1.1.f 4.1.1.h Discount Percentage 4.3% 4.3% 4.3% 4.3% 4.3% Issued:March 13,2015 Kelly Faul,Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon,VA 20171 Effectiv:.‘4çch 23,2015IjSor’rmss,on ACCE.I11D FcP FlUNG 7.1 Contract Tariff Option 101,(ConI’d) XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No.I Original Page 205 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 7-CONTRACT TARIFFS,(CONT’D) 7.2 Contract Tariff Option 102 7.2.1 Description:This Contract Tariff Option provides a discount on !Vlonthly Recurring Charges (MRC5)for customers who order any of the following newly installed services (“Subscribed Services”)in accordance with the requirements set forth in this Contract Tariff Option 102: Rate/Service Element Tariff Section Small Business Basic Business Line I 4.1.l.c ISDN-PRI Service 4.1.1.a Business Services Basic Business Line I 4.1.I.e Small Business Basic Business Line II 4.1.I.f Business Services Basic Business Line II 4.I.1.h 7.2.2 Eligibility:The customer must meet all of the following criteria in order to be eligible to receive the rates, terms and conditions of this Contract Tariff Option 102: A.The customer must subscribe to this Option 102 by submitting a written authorization in a manner designated by the Company during the period from March 23,2015 through May 12, 2015 (the “Subscription Period”); B.In order to be eligible for this contract,Customer’s most recent prior month’s invoice’s total Monthly Recurring Charges must have increased on its current invoice from its December 2014 invoice by more than three (3)percent due to an increase in its rates. C.The customer must enter into a new one,two,or three year term contract for the discounted service that is at least twelve months longer than the length of service remaining on their current contract for the services being discounted. D.The customer must accept service on the original service date.Ifthe customer does not accept service on the original service date,the customer’s acceptance of the service on a later date will make the service ineligible for the discount provided under this Option 102,unless the later date is designated by the Company. E.The customer may not concurrently subscribe to any other contract tariffoption,special service arrangement,or Individual Case Basis (ICB)arrangement offered by the Company and available to the customer either currently or at any time during the Service Period,which contract tariff option,special service arrangement,or ICB provides a discount,credit or other reduction in rates or terms based on achievement of revenue or volume targets by the customer for the services ordered pursuant to this Option 102. 7.2.3 Service Period:The Service Period for the Subscribed Services under this Option 102 is calculated as explained in 7.2.2.C above.The Service Period shall commence on the day that the newly installed service is accepted by the customer and end at the end of the term associated with the service period subscribed to. Issued:March 13,2015 Effective:March 23,2015 ldah Pubc litWties Commissjp Kelly Faul,Regulatory Affairs Director Office of the hecretary 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr.ACCEPThD FOR HUNG Hemdon VA 20171 MAR 2 2 2015 XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No.I Original Page 206 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 7-CONTRACT TARIFFS,(CONT’D) 7.2 Contract Tariff Option 102,(Cont’d) 7.2.4 Terms and Conditions.(Cont’d) A.Except as set forth in this Option 102,the rates,terms and conditions set forth in Sections listed for the Subscribed Services in 7.2.1 apply for the Subscribed Services. B.The discount set forth in 7.2.5 will be applied to the Subscribed Services in use beginning as indicated in customer’s new service order. C.Upon completion of the applicable Service Period,the customer must choose one ofthe following options: (1)discontinue service without termination liability;or (2)select any then offered term plan or contract tariff option for which the customer is eligible.In the event customer does not make an election pursuant to this subsection 8.2.4.C.the customer’s subscription to the service will continue in accordance with option (2). D.If a service subscribed to in this Option 102 is discontinued prior to the end of the selected Service Period,termination liability applies in accordance with Section 2.7. 7.2.5 Rates and Charges The following discounts will be applied during the selected Service Period of this Option 102: A.Service Rater’Service Element Tariff Section Discount Percentage Small Business Basic Business Line I 4.1.1.c 4.3% ISDN-PRI Service 4.1.1.a 4.3% Business Services Basic Business Line I 4.1 .1 .e 4.3% Small Business Basic Business Line II 4.1.1.f 4.3% Business Services Basic Business Line II 4.1.1.h 4.3% Issued:March 13,2015 Effective:March 23,2015 Kelly Faul Regulatory Affairs Director . 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr.LLS F)?LNG Herndon VA 20171 MA o•HMt 2U1D XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No.I Original Page 207 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 7 CONTRACT TARiFFS,(CONTD) 7.3 Contract Tariff Option 103 7.3.1 Description:This Contract Tariff Option provides a discount on Monthly Recurring Clrges (MRC5)for customers who order any of the following newly installed services (Subscribed Services”)in accordance with the requirements set forth in this Contract Tariff Option 103: Rate/Service Element Section Calling Name Delivery for ISDN-PRI Service 4.1.l.a.(F) Centrex Service 4.1.l.d.(C) Full Digital Switched TI Service 4.1.2 DiD Number Blocks of 20 4.1 .2.(A).4 DID umber Blocks of 100 4.1 .2.(A),4 Deluxe XOptions #5 4.I.3.E,6.7 Deluxe XOptions #6 4.1.3,F,6.7 Deluxe XOptions #7 4.1.3.G Deluxe XOptions #15,6.7 Deluxe XOptions #16 4.l.3.P Remote Call Forwarding,First Path 4.1.12 XO Long Distance Business Plans 5.12 XOptions #5 6.4.5 XOptions #6 6.4.6 XOptions #7 6.4.7 XOptions #15 6.4.15 XOptions #16 6.4.16 Premium XOptions #5 6.6.5 Premium X0ptions #6 6.6.6 Premium XOptions #7 6.6.7 Premium XOptions #15 6.6.15 Premium XOptions #16 6.6.16 Toll Free Number—Per Number 6.9 7.3.2 Eligibility:The customer must meet all of the following criteria in order to be eligible to receive the rates,terms aiid conditions of this Contract TariffOption 103: A.The customer must subscribe to this Option 103 by submitting a written authorization in a manner designated by the Company during the period from March 23,2015 through July 31.2015 (the ‘Subscription Period”); B.The customer must order new installations ofat least one of the following services listed above in Section 8.3.1.The customer must accept service on the original service date.Ifthe customer does not accept service on the original service date,the customer’s acceptance of the service on a later date will make the service ineligible for the discount provided under this Option 103,unless the later date is designated by the Company. Issued:March 13,2015 Kell\Faul Regulatory Affatrs Dtrector -. 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon,VA 20171 :3 2015 XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No.I Original Page 208 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 7 CONTRACT TARIFFS,(CONT’D) 7.3 Contract Tariff Option 103,(Cont’d) 7.3.2 Eligibility,(Cont’d) C.The customer must accept service on the original service date.Ifthe customer does not accept service on the original service date,the customer’s acceptance ofthe service on a later date will make the service ineligible for the discount provided under this Option 103,unless the later date is designated by the Company. D.The customer may not concurrently subscribe to any other contract tariff option,special service arrangement,or Individual Case Basis (ICB)arrangement offered by the Company and available to the customer either currently or at any time during the Service Period,which contract tariff option,special service arrangement,or ICB provides a discount,credit or other reduction in rates or terms based on achievement of revenue or volume targets by the customer for the services ordered pursuant to this Option 103. 7.3.3 Service Period:The Service Period subscribed to under this Option 103 is one,two,or three years and Company and Customer must agree on the service period prior to commencement of service.The Service Period shall commence on the day that the newly installed service is accepted by the customer and end at the end of the term associated with the service period subscribed to. 7.3.4 Terms and Conditions A.Except as set forth in this Option 103,the rates,terms and conditions set forth in the sections listed for the Subscribed Services shown in 7.3.1 will apply for the Subscribed Service. B.The discount set forth in 7.3.5 will be applied to the products outlined in Section 7.3.1 above in use beginning March 23,2015 with the rates discounted as set forth in Section 7.3.5 that is subscribed to in this Option 103. C.Upon completion ofthe applicable Service Period,the customer must choose one of the following options: (I)discontinue service without termination liability;or (2)select any then offered term plan or contract tariff option for which the customer is eligible.In the event customer does not make an election pursuant to this subsection,the customer’s subscription to the service will continue in accordance with option (2). D.If a service subscribed to in this Option 103 is discontinued prior to the end of the selected Service Period,termination liability applies in accordance with Section 2.7. Issued:March 13,2015 Effective:March 23,2015 idaho Pubhc Ut:iies (>ri Kelly Faul,Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr.ru Hemdon,VA 20171 MAR 2 3 2015 Rnist ldhn XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No.1 Original Page 209 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 7-CONTRACT TARIFFS.(CONT’D) 7.3 Contract Tariff Option 103.(Cont’d) 7.3.5 Rates and Charges The following discounts will be applied during the selected Service Period of this Option 103: A.Service Rate/Service Element Section Discount Calling Name Delivery for ISDN-PRI Service 4.1.1 .a.(F)4.3% Centrex Service 4.I.I.d.(C)4.3% Full Digital Switched Ti Service 4.1.2 4.3% DID Number Blocks of 20 4.1.2(A),4 4.3% DID Number Blocks of 100 4.1 .2.(A),4 4.3% Deluxe XOptions #5 4.l.3.E,6.7 4.3% Deluxe XOptions #6 4.1.3.F,6.7 4.3% DeluxeXOptions#7 4.1.3.G 4.3% Deluxe XOptions #15,6.7 4.3% Deluxe XOptions #16 4.1 .3.P 4.3% Remote Call Forwarding,First Path 4.1.12 4.3% XO Long Distance Business Plans 5.12 4.3% XOptions #5 6.4.5 4.3% XOptions #6 6.4.6 4.3% XOptions #7 6.4.7 4.3% XOptions #15 6.4.15 4.3% XOptions #16 6.4.16 4.3% Premium XOptions #5 6.6.5 4.3% Premium XOptions #6 6.6.6 4.3% Premium XOptions #7 6.6.7 4.3% Premium XOptions #15 6.6.15 4.3% Premium XOptions #16 6.6.16 4.3% Toll Free Number —Per Number 6.9 4.3% idaho Pub1c Ut:tis ComrmSStOP ACCEPTED FG MLN MAR 2 3 2015 8oise idahO Issued:March 13,2015 Effective:March 23,2015 Kelly Faul.Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon,VA 20171 XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No.I Original Page 210 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 7 CONTRACT TARIFFS,(CONT’D) 7.4 Contract Tariff Option 104 7,4,1 Description:This Contract Tariff Option provides a discount on Monthly Recurring Charges (MRCs)for customers who order any of the following newly installed services (“Subscribed Services”)in accordance with the ruirements set forth in this Contract Tariff Option 104: Rate/Service Element Section Calling Name Delivery for ISDN-PRI Service 4.1.1 .a.(F) Centrex Service 4.1.1 .d.(C) Full Digital Switched TI Service 4.1.2 DID Number Blocks of 20 4.1 .2.(A),4 DID Number Blocks of 100 4.1.2(A),4 Deluxe XOptions #5 4.I.3.E,6.7 Deluxe XOptions #6 4.l.3.F,6.7 Deluxe XOptions #7 4.l.3.G Deluxe XOptions #15,6.7 Deluxe XOptions #16 4.I.3.P Remote Call Forwarding,First Path 4.1.12 XO Long Distance Business Plans 5.12 XOptions #5 6.4.5 XOptions #6 6.4,6 XOptions #7 6.4.7 XOptions #15 6.4.15 XOptions #16 6.4.16 Premium XOptions #5 6.6.5 Premium XOptions #6 6.6.6 Premium XOptions #7 6.6.7 Premium X0ptions #15 6.6.15 Premium XOptions #16 6.6.16 Toll Free Number—Per Number 6.9 7.4.2 Elicibility’.The customer must meet all ofthe following criteria in order to be eligible to receive the rates,terms and conditions ofthis Contract TariffOption 104: A.The customer must subscribe to this Option 104 by submitting a written authorization in a manner designated by the Company during the period from March 23,2015 through May 12.2015 (the “Subscription Period’): B.In order to be eligible for this contract.Customer’s most recent prior month’s invoice’s total Monthly Recurring Charges must be have increased on its current invoice from its December 2014 invoice by more than three (3)per cent due to an increase in its rates, Idaho Public OterT ACCEPTEL)c’ Issued:March 13,2015 Effective:March 23,2015 Kelly Faul,Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Hemdon,VA 20171 XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No.I Original Page 211 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 7-CONTRACT TARIFFS,(CONT’D) 7.4 Contract Tariff Option 104,(Cont’d) 7.4.2 Ijgjjli:(Cont’d) C.The customer must enter into a new one,two,or three year term contract for the discounted service that is at least twelve months longer than the length of service remaining on their current contract for the services being discounted. D.The customer must accept service on the original service date.If the customer does not accept service on the original service date,the customer’s acceptance of the service on a later date will make the service ineligible for the discount provided under this Option 104,unless the later date is designated by the Company. E.The customer may not concurrently subscribe to any other contract tariff option,special service arrangement,or Individual Case Basis (ICB)arrangement offered by the Company and available to the customer either currently or at any time during the Service Period,which contract tariff option,special service arrangement,or ICB provides a discount,credit or other reduction in rates or terms based on achievement of revenue or volume targets by the customer for the services ordered pursuant to this Option 104. 7.4.3 Service Period:The Service Period for the Subscribed Services under this Option 104 is calculated as explained in 7.4.2.C above.The Service Period shall commence on the day that the newly installed service is accepted by the customer and end at the end ofthe term associated with the service period subscribed to. 7.4.4 Terms and Conditions A.Except as set forth in this Option 104,the rates,terms and conditions set forth in the Sections listed for the Subscribed Services in 7.4.1 apply for the Subscribed Services. B.The discount set forth in 7.4.5 will be applied to the Subscribed Services in use beginning as indicated in customer’s new service order. C.Lpon completion of the applicable Service Period,the customer must choose one of the following options: (1)discontinue service without termination liability;or (2)select any then offered term plan or contract tariff option for which the customer is eligible.In the event customer does not make an election pursuant to this subsection 7.4.4.C.the customer’s subscription to the service will continue in accordance with option (2). D.If a service subscribed to in this Option 104 is discontinued prior to the end ofthe selected Service Period,termination liability applies in accordance with Section 2.7.Idaho P2c Jt:Cssort A Boise,idaho Issued:March 13,2015 Effective:March 23,2015 Kelly Faul,Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. l-lerndon,VA 20171 XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No.1 Original Page 212 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 7-CONTRACT TI\RIFFS,(CONT’D) 7.4 Contract TariffOption 104,(Cont’d) 7.4.5 Rates and Charges The following discounts will be applied during the selected Service Period of this Option 104: A.Service Rate/Service Element Section Discount Calling Name Delivery for ISDN-PRI Service 4.1.1.a.(F)4.3% Centrex Service 4.1.1.d.(C)4.3% Full Digital Switched TI Service 4.1.2 4.3% DID Number Blocks of 20 4.1.2(A).4.1.l4.B 4.3% DID Number Blocks of 100 4.1 .2.(A),4.1.1 4.B 4.3% Deluxe XOptions #5 4,1.3.E,6.7.1 4.3% Deluxe XOptions #6 4.I.3.F,6.7.2 4.3% Deluxe XOptions #7 4.1.3.G 4.3% Deluxe XOptions #15,6.7.5 4.3% Deluxe XOptions #16 4.I.3.P 4.3% Remote Call Forwarding,First Path 4.1.12 4.3% XO Long Distance Business Plans 5.12 4.3% XOptions #5 6.4.5 4.3% XOptions #6 6.4.6 4.3% XOptions #7 6.4.7 4.3% XOptions #15 6.4.15 4.3% XOptions #16 6.4.16 4.3% Premium XOptions #5 6.6.5 4.3% Premium XOptions #6 6.6.6 4.3% Premium XOptions #7 6.6.7 4.3% Premium XOptions #15 6.6.15 4.3% Premium XOptions #16 6.6.16 4.3% Toll Free Number —Per Number 6.9 4.3% O.k .b sonu#of ihACCEPTEDFOR FUNG MAR23 2015 Boise,Idaho Issued:March 13,2015 Effective:March 23,2015 Kelly Faul,Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon,VA 20171 XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No.I Original Page 213 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 7-CONTRACT TARIFFS,(CONT’D) 7.5 Contract TariffOption 105 7.5.1 Description:This Contract Tariff Option provides a discount on Monthly Recurring Charges (MRC5) for customers who order any of the following newly installed services (“Subscribed Services”)in accordance with the requirements set forth in this Contract Tariff Option 105: Rate/Service Element Tariff Section Small Business Basic Business Line 1 4.1 .1 .c ISDN-PRI Service 4.1.l.a Business Services Basic Business Line I 4.1.1 .e Small Business Basic Business Line II 4.1.1.f Business Services Basic Business Line 11 4.1.1 .h 7.5.2 jgjbili:The customer must meet all ofthe following criteria in order to be eligible to receive the rates, terms and conditions ofthis Contract Tariff Option 105: A.The customer must subscribe to this Option 105 by submitting a written authorization in a manner designated by the Company during the period from July 25,2015 through December 31, 2015 (the “Subscription Period); B.The customer must order new installations of at least one of the following services listed above in Section 7.5.1. C.The customer must accept service on the original service date.If the customer does not accept service on the original service date,the customers acceptance ofthe service on a later date will make the service ineligible for the discount provided under this Option 105,unless the later date is designated by the Company. D.The customer may not concurrently subscribe to any other contract tariff option,special service arrangement,or Individual Case Basis (1CB)arrangement offered by the Company and available to the customer either currently or at any time during the Service Period,which contract tariff option,special service arrangement,or ICB provides a discount,credit or other reduction in rates or terms based on achievement of revenue or volume targets by the customer for the services ordered pursuant to this Option 105. 7.5.3 Service Period:The Service Period subscribed to under this Option 105 is one,two,or three years and Company and Customer must agree on the service period prior to commencement of service.The Service Period shall commence on the day that the newly installed service is accepted by the customer and end at the end of the term associated with the service period subscribed to. 7.5.4 Terms and Conditions A.Except as set forth in this Option 105,the rates,terms and conditions set forth in the sections listed for the Subscribed Services shown in Section 7,5.1 will apply for the Subscribed Service. Issued:July 15,2015 Effective:July 25,2015 Idaho Pobhc Utilities Con.non Kelly FauI,Regulatory Affairs Director Office of the Secretav 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr ACCEPTLD Th 4G Herndon,VA 20171 XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No,I Original Page 214 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 7-CONTRACT TARIFFS,(CONT’D) 7.5.4 Terms and Conditions.(Cont’d) B.The discount set forth in 7.5.5 will be applied to the products outlined in Section 7.5.1 above in use beginning July’25.2015 with the rates discounted as set forth in Sections 7.1.5 that is subscribed to in this Option 101. C.Upon completion of the applicable Service Period,the customer must choose one of the following options: (I)discontinue service without termination liability;or (2)select any then offered term plan or contract tariff option for which the customer is eligible.In the event customer does not make an election pursuant to this subsection,the customer’s subscription to the service will continue in accordance with option (2). D.If a service subscribed to in this Option 105 is discontinued prior to the end ofthe selected Service Period,termination liability applies in accordance with Section 2.7. 7.5.5 Rates and Charges The following discounts will be applied during the selected Service Period of this Option 105: A.Service Rate/Service Element Small Business Basic Business Line I lSDNPRl Service Business Services Basic Business Line I Small Business Basic Business Line II Business Services Basic Business Line II Tariff Section 4.l.1.c 4.1.l.a 4.l.I.e 4.I.l.f 4.I.l.h Discount Percentage 4.3% 4.3% 4.3% 4.3% 4.3% Issued:July 15.2015 Kelly Faul,Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Fftective:Juh.2,2015 r ,‘‘‘:s;’ 7.5 Contract Tariff Option 105.(Cont’d) Herndon,VA 20171 XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No.1 Original Page 215 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 7—CONTRACT TARiFFS.(CONT’D) 7.6 Contract Tariff Option 106 7.6.1 Description:This Contract Tariff Option provides a discount on Monthly Recurring Charges (MRCs) for customers who order any of the following newly installed services (“Subscribed Services”>in accordance with the requirements set forth in this Contract Tariff Option 106: Rate/Service Element Tariff Section Small Business Basic Business Line I 4.1 1 .c ISDN-PRI Service 4.1.1.a Business Services Basic Business Line I 4.1.1,e Small Business Basic Business Line II 4.l.1.f Business Services Basic Business Line II 4.1.1.h 7.6.2 Eligibility:The customer must meet all of the following criteria in order to be eligible to receive the rates, terms and conditions of this Contract Tariff Option 106: A.The customer must subscribe to this Option 106 by submitting a written authorization in a manner designated by the Company during the period from July 25,2015 through December 31, 2015 (the “Subscription Period); B.In order to be eligible for this contract.Customer’s most recent prior month’s invoice’s total Monthly Recurring Charges must have increased on its current invoice from its December 2014 invoice by more than three (3)percent due to an increase in its rates. C.The customer must enter into a new onc,two,or three year term contract for the discounted service that is at least twelve months longer than the length of service remaining on their current contract for the services being discounted. D.The customer must accept service on the original service date.If the customer does not accept service on the original service date,the customer’s acceptance of the service on a later date will make the service ineligible for the discount provided under this Option 106,unless the later date is designated by the Company. E.The customer may not concurrently subscribe to any other contract tariff option,special service arrangement,or Individual Case Basis (ICB)arrangement offered by the Company and available to the customer either currently or at any time during the Service Period,which contract tariff option,special service arrangement,or ICB provides a discount,credit or other reduction in rates or terms based on achievement of revenue or volume targets by the customer for the services ordered pursuant to this Option 106. 7.6.3 Service Period:The Service Period for the Subscribed Services under this Option 106 is calculated as explained in 7.6.2.C above.The Service Period shall commence on the day that the newly installed service is accepted by the customer and end at the end ofthe term associated with the service period subscribed to. Issued:July 15.2015 Effective:July 25.2015 Kelly Faul Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon,VA 20171 XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No.I Original Page 216 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 7-CONTRACT TARIFFS,(CONT’D) 7.6 Contract Tariff Option 106,(Cont’d) 7.6.4 Terms and Conditions.(Cont’d) A.Except as set forth in this Option 106,the rates,terms and conditions set forth in Sections listed for the Subscribed Services in 7.6.1 apply for the Subscribed Services. 13.The discount set forth in 7.6.5 will be applied to the Subscribed Services in use beginning as indicated in customer’s new service order. C.Upon completion of the applicable Service Period,the customer must choose one of the following options: (1)discontinue service without termination liability;or (2)select any then offered term plan or contract tariff option for which the customer is eligible.In the event customer does not make an election pursuant to this subsection 7.6.4.C.the customers subscription to the service will continue in accordance with option (2). D.If a service subscribed to in this Option 106 is discontinued prior to the end of the selected Service Period,termination liability applies in accordance with Section 2.7. 7.6.5 Rates and Charges The following discounts will be applied during the selected Service Period of this Option 106: A.Service Rate’Service Element Tariff Section Discount Percentage Small Business Basic Business 1.ine I 4.1.1 .c 4.3% ISDN-PRI Service 4.l.l.a 4.3% Business Services Basic Business Line I 4.l.I.e 4.3% Small Business Basic Business Line II 4.1.I.f 4.3% Business Services Basic Business Line II 4.1.1 .h 4.3% daho Pub Jt ts Omssort AjL:r i.oise.Idaho Issued:July 15,2015 Effective:July 25.2015 Kelly Faul.Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon,VA 20171 XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No.1 Original Page 217 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 7—CONTRACT TARIFFS.(CONLD) 7.7 Contract Tariff Option 107 7,7,1 Description:This Contract Tariff Option provides a discount on Monthl Recurring Charges (MRCs)for customers who order any of the following newly installed services (“Subscribed Services”)in accordance with the requirements set forth in this Contract ‘l’aritY Option 107: Rate/Service Element Section Calling Name Deliver)’for ISDN-PRI Service 4.1.1 .a.(F) Centrex Service 4.1.1 .d.(C) Full Digital Switched Ti Service 4.1.2 DID Number Blocks of2O 4.1.2(A),4 DID Number Blocks of 100 4.1.2(A),4 Deluxe XOptions #5 4.I.3.E,6.7 Deluxe XOptions #6 4.i.3,F,6.7 Deluxe XOptions #7 4.1.3.G Deluxe XOptions #15,6.7 Deluxe XOptions #16 4.1.3.P Remote Call Forwarding,First Path 4.1.12 XO Long Distance Business Plans 5.12 XOptions #5 6.4.5 XOptions #6 6.4.6 XOptions #7 6.4.7 XOptions #15 6.4.15 XOptions #16 6.4.16 Premium X0ptions 5 6.6.5 Premium X0ptions 6 6.6.6 Premium XOptions #7 6.6.7 Premium X0ptions 15 6.6.15 Premium XOptions #16 6.6.16 Toll Free Number —Per Number 6.9 7.7.2 Ehgibiht:[he customer must meet all of the Ibilowing criteria in order to he eligible to receive the rates,terms and conditions of this Contract Tariff Option 107: A.The customer must subscribe to this Option 107 by submitting a written authorization in a manner designated by the Company during the period from July 25,2015 through December 31,2015 (the “Subscription Period): B.The customer must order new installations ofat least one ofthe following services listed above in Section 7.7.1.The customer must accept service on the original service date.If the customer does not accept service on the original service date,the customers acceptance of the service on a later date will make the service ineligible for the discount provided under this Option 107.unless the later date is designated by the Company. lthho Pubhc Utff3 :..r:;fl UCE’ b’ois #aho Issued:July’15.2015 Effective:July 25.2015 Kelly Faul.Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon,VA 20171 XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No.I Original Page 218 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 7—CONTRACT TARIFFS.(CONT’D) 7.7 Contract Tariff Option 107.(Cont’d) 7.7.2 Eligibility,(Cont’d) C.The customer must accept service on the original service date.If the customer does not accept service on the original service date,the customers acceptance of the service on a later date will make the service ineligible for the discount provided under this Option 107.unless the later date is designated by the Company. D.The customer may not concurrently subscribe to any other contract tariff option.special service arrangement.or Individual Case Basis (ICB)arrangement offered by the Company and available to the customer either currently or at any time during the Service Period,which contract tariff option,special service arrangement,or ICB provides a discount,credit or other reduction in rates or terms based on achievement of revenue or volume targets by the customer for the services ordered pursuant to this Option 107. 7.7,3 Service Period:The Service Period subscribed to under this Option 107 is one,two,or three years and Company and Customer must agree on the service period prior to commencement of service.The Service Period shall commence on the day that the newly installed service is accepted by the customer and end at the end of the term associated with the service period subscribed to. 7.7.4 Terms and Conditions A.Except as set forth in this Option 107,the rates,terms and conditions set forth in the sections listed for the Subscribed Services shown in 7.7.1 will apply for the Subscribed Service. B.The discount set forth in 7.7.5 will be applied to the products outlined in Section 7.7.1 above in use beginning July 25,2015 with the rates discounted as set forth in Section 7.7.5 that is subscribed to in this Option 107. C.Lpon completion ofthe applicable Service Period,the customer must choose one of the following options: (1)discontinue service without termination liability;or (2)select any then offered term plan or contract tarifY option for which the customer is eligible.In the event customer does not make an election pursuant to this subsection,the customers subscription to the service will continue in accordance with option (2). D.If a service subscribed to in this Option 107 is discontinued prior to the end of the selected Service Period,termination liability applies in accordance with Section 2.7. j Issued:July 15.2015 Effective:July 25,2015 Kelly Faul,Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon,VA 20171 XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No.I Original Page 219 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 7 CONTRACT TARIFFS,(CONT’D) 7.7 Contract Tariff Option 107,(Cont’d) 7.7.5 Rates and Chargç The following discounts will be applied during the selected Service Period of this Option 107: A.Service Rate/Service Element Section Discount Calling Name Delivery for ISDN-PRI Service 4.1.1 .a.(F)4.3% Centrex Service 4.1.1 .d.(C)4.3% Full Digital Switched TI Service 4.1.2 4.3% DID Number Blocks of 20 4.1.2(A),4 4.3% DID Number Blocks of 100 4.1 .2.(A),4 4.3% DeluxeXOptions#5 4.l.3.E,6.7 4.3% DeluxeXOptions#6 4.l.3.F,6.7 4.3% Deluxe XOptions #7 4.1.3.G 4.3% Deluxe XOptions #15,6.7 4.3% Deluxe XOptions #16 4.l.3.P 4.3% Remote Call Forwarding,First Path 4.1.12 4.3% XO Long Distance Business Plans 5.12 4.3% XOptions #5 6.4.5 4.3% XOptions #6 6.4.6 4.3% XOptions #7 6.4.7 4.3% XOptions #15 6.4.15 4.3% XOptions #16 6.4.16 4.3% Premium XOptions #5 6.6,5 4.3% Premium XOptions #6 6.6.6 4.3% Premium XOptions #7 6.6.7 4.3% Premium XOptions #15 6.6.15 4.3% Premium XOptions #16 6.6.16 4.3% Toll Free Number—Per Number 6.9 4.3% Idaho Pubhc UtIt/, L Boise,Idaho Issued:July 15,2015 Effective:July 25,2015 Kelly Faul,Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon,VA 20171 XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No.I Original Page 220 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES -______________________ SECTION 7-CO:TRACT TARiFFS,(C’ONT’D) 7.8 Contract Tariff Option 108 7.8.1 Description:This Contract Tariff Option provides a discount on Monthly Recurring Charges (MRCs)for customers ho order any of the following newly installed services (“Subscribed Services’)in accordance n.h the requirements set forth in this Contract Tariff Option 108: Rate/Service Element Section Calling Name Delivery’for ISDN-PRI Service 4.1.1 .a.(F) Centrex Service 4.1*l.d.(C) Full Digital Switched TI Service 4.1.2 DID Number Blocks of2O 4.1.2(A),4 DID Number Blocks of 100 4.1 .2.(A),4 Deluxe XOptions #5 4.1.3,E,6.7 Deluxe XOptions #6 4.1.3.F,6.7 Deluxe XOptions #7 Deluxe XOptions #15,6.7 Deluxe XOptions #16 4.l.3.P Remote Call Forwarding,First Path 4.1 .12 XO Long Distance Business Plans 5.12 XOptions #5 6.4.5 XOptions #6 6.4.6 XOptions #7 6.4.7 XOptions #15 6.4.15 XOptions #16 6.4.16 Premium XOptions 5 6.6.5 Premium X0ptions #6 6.6.6 Premium XOptions #7 6.6.7 Premium XOptions #15 6.6.15 Premium XOptions #16 6.6,16 Toll Free Number —Per Number 6.9 7.8.2 Eligibility:The customer must meet all ofthe following criteria in order to be eligible to receive the rates,terms and conditions of this Contract Tariff Option 108: A.The customer must subscribe to this Option 108 h’submitting a written authorization in a manner designated by the Company during thc period from July 25.2015 through i)eeemher 31,2015 (the “Subscription Period’): B.In order to be eligible for this contract.Customer’s most recent prior month’s invoice’s total Monthly Recumng Charges must be hake increased on its current inoice from its December 2014 invoice by more than three (3)per cent due to aii increase in its rates. AC‘fl , Bnise,Idaho Issued:July’15.2015 Effective:July 25,2015 Kelly Faul,Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon,VA 20171 XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No.1 Original Page 221 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES SECTION 7-CONTRACT TARIFFS,(CONT’D) 7.8 Contract Tariff Option 108.(Cont’d) 7.8.2 Eligibility:(Cont’d) C.The customer must enter into a new one,two,or three year term contract for the discounted service that is at least twelve months longer than the length of service remaining on their current contract for the services being discounted. D.The customer must accept service on the original service date.If the customer does not accept service on the original service date,the customer’s acceptance of the service on a later date will make the service ineligible for the discount provided under this Option 108,unless the later date is designated by the Company. E.The customer may not concurrently subscribe to any other contract tariff option,special service arrangement,or Individual Case Basis (ICB)arrangement offered by the Company and available to the customer either currently or at any time during the Service Period,which contract tariff option,special service arrangement,or ICB provides a discount,credit or other reduction in rates or terms based on achievement of revenue or volume targets by the customer for the services ordered pursuant to this Option 108. 7.8.3 Service Period:The Service Period for the Subscribed Services under this Option 108 is calculated as explained in 7.8.2.C above.The Service Period shall commence on the day that the newly installed service is accepted by the customer and end at the end of the term associated with the service period subscribed to. 7.8.4 Terms and Conditions A.Except as set forth in this Option 108,the rates,terms and conditions set forth in the Sections listed for the Subscribed Services in 7.8.1 apply for the Subscribed Services. B.The discount set forth in 7.8.5 will be applied to the Subscribed Services in use beginning as indicated in customer’s new service order. C.Upon completion of the applicable Service Period,the customer must choose onc ofthe following options: (I>discontinue service without termination liability;or (2)select any then offered term plan or contract tariff option for which the customer is eligible.In the event customer does not make an election pursuant to this subsection 7.8.4.C.the customer’s subscription to the service will continue in accordance with option (2). D.Ifa service subscribed to in this Option 108 is discontinued prior to the end of the selected Service Period termination liability applies in accordance with Section 2 7 datio P ibic Jt C i Offi e of the Secnet.rv ACCE PT EL).E)F fL I ML)’ Boise,idaho Issued:July 15,2015 Effective:July 25,2015 Kelly Faul,Regulatory Affairs I)irector 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. I-Ierndon,VA 20171 XO Communications Services,LLC Idaho Price List No.I Original Page 222 7.8 Contract Tariff Option 108.(Cont’d) 78.5 Rates and Charges LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES The following discounts will be applied during the selected Service Period of this Option 108: A.Service Issued:July 15.2015 Kelly Faul,Regulatory Affairs Director 13865 Sunrise Valley Dr. Herndon,VA 20171 Effective:Jul 25.2015 SECTION 7-CONTRACT TARIFFS.(CONT’D) Rate/Service Element Section Discount CallingName Delivery for ISDN-PRI Service 4.l.i.a.(F)4.3% Centrex Service 4.1.1.d.(C)4.3% Full Digital Switched Ti Service 4.1.2 4.3% DID Number Blocks of 20 4.1.2(A),4.1 .14.B 4.3% DID Number Blocks of 100 4.1 .2.(A),4.1 .l4.B 4.3% Deluxe XOptions #5 4,1.3.E,6.7.1 4.3% Deluxe XOptions #6 4.1 .3.F,6.7.2 4.3% Deluxe XOptions #7 4.1 ,3.G 4.3% Deluxe XOptions #15 4,1.3.0,6,7.5 4.3% Deluxe XOptions #16 4.1.3.P 4.3% Remote Call Forwarding,First Path 4.1.12 4.3% XO Long Distance Business Plans 5.12 4.3% XOptions 5 6.4.5 4.3% XOptions #6 6.4.6 4.3% XOptions 7 6.4.7 4.3% XOptions o15 6.4.15 4.3% XOptions #16 6.4.16 4.3% Premium XOptions #5 6.6.5 4.3% Premium XOptions #6 6.6.6 4.3% Premium XOptions #7 6.6.7 4.3% Premium XOptions II 15 6.6.15 4.3% Premium XOptions #16 6.6.16 4.3% ‘Toll Free Number—Per Number 6.9 4.3%