HomeMy WebLinkAboutVerizon Long Distance LLC.pdfIdaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. 3 17th Revised Page 2 Cancels 16th Revised Page 2 CHECK SHEET Pages of this price list listed below are effective as of the date shown at the bottom of the respective page(s). Original and revised pages as named below comprise all changes from the original price list and are currently in effect as of the date on the bottom of this page. Issued: April 4, 2017 Effective: April 14, 2017 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920 Advice Letter 2017-01 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 14, 2017 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. 3 14th Revised Page 3 Cancels 13th Revised Page 3 CHECK SHEET, (Cont'd.) Issued: April 4, 2017 Effective: April 14, 2017 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920 Advice Letter 2017-01 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 14, 2017 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idàho Price List NO.3 Orginal Page 4 CONCURRG CARRERS None CONNECTING CARERS None OTHER PARTICIPATING CARRERS None Idaho Public Utilities Commission Offce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 42009 Bose, Idaho Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courtouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idàho Price List No.3 Orginal Page 5 EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS SYMBOLS (C) To signify changed regulation. (D) To signify discontinued rate or regulation. (n To signify an increase. (M) To signify matter relocated without change. (N To signify new rate or regulation. (R) To signify reduction. (S) To signify reissued matter. (T) To signify change in text but no change in rate or regulation. (z) To signify a correction. ABBREVIATIONS VLD-Verizon Long Distace LLC ISDN -Integrated Services Digital Network LEC-Local Exchange Company MTS-Measured Toll Servce PBX-Private Branch Exchange Idaho Public Utilities Commission Oni ce t'f the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 42009 Boise, Idaho Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: February 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virgiia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No.3 Orginal Page 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1 - Definitions Section 2 - Terms and Conditions Section 3 - Description of Service and Rates Section 4 - Miscellaneous Services Section 5 - Promotions Section 6 - Obsolete Service Offergs 8 11 32 103 118 119 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office t'f the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 42009 Boise, Idaho Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, iÖ09 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. 3 4th Revised Page 7 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 7 APPLICATION OF PRICE LIST The regulations, rules and conditions set forth in this price list apply to the provision of residential non-facilities based long distance resold intrastate, interexchange telecommunications services furnished within the State of Idaho by Verizon Long Distance LLC subject to the jurisdiction of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. COMPANY CONTACT INFORMATION Issued: April 4, 2017 Effective: April 14, 2017 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920 Advice Letter 2017-01 (T) (T) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 14, 2017 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC SECTION 1 -DEFINITIONS The following definitions are applicable to this price list: Idaho Price List No.3 2nd Revised Page 8 Cancels 1sl Revised Page 8 Access Line -A local channel for voice,data,or video communications which connects the Customer location to a location of the Company or its underlying carrier or service provider. Account -The Customer who has agreed,orally or in writing,to honor the terms ofservice established by the Company.An Account may have more than one service or telephone number and/ortelephone numbers billed to the same Customer address.An Account may include multiple locations for the same Customer. Aggregator -Any person or other legal entity that may be a Customer and,in the ordinary course of its operations,makes telephones available to the public or to transient users of its premises,for telephone calls using a provider ofoperator services. Authorization Code - A pre-defined series of numbers to be dialed by the Customer upon access to the Company's system to identifY the caller and validate the caller's authorization to use the services provided and to identifY the Customer for billing purposes.The Customer is responsible for charges incurred through the use ofhis or her assigned Authorization Code.An example ofan Authorization Code is a calling card account number and personal identification number. (D) I (D) Issued:October 19,2012 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge,New Jersey 07920 Effective:November 1,2012 Advice Letter 2012-02 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC SECTION 1 -DEFINITIONS,(Cont'd.) Idaho Price List No.3 3rd Revised Page 9 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 9 (D I (D) Collect Call-A billing arrangement by which the charges for a call may be billed to the called party,provided the called party agrees to accept the charges. Commission -The Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Company -Verizon Long Distance LLC unless stated otherwise. Consumer - A person who is not a Customer initiating any telephone calls using operator services. Customer -Any person,ftrm,partnership,corporation or other entity which subscribes to or uses service under the terms and conditions ofthis price list.The Customer is responsible for the payment ofcharges for service offered by the Company which are subscribed to or used by the Customer.The Customer is also responsible for payment of charges for a third person's use of service to which the Customer subscribes. Equal Access -The ability ofthe Company to serve Customers on a presubscribed basis rather than through the use of dial access codes such as,101XXXX. Initial And Additional Period -The Initial Period denotes the interval oftime allowed for a service at the rate specifted for a connection between given service points.The Additional Period denotes the interval oftime used for measuring and charging for time in excess of the Initial Period. LATA -Local access and transport area.A geographic area established by the US District Court for the District ofColumbia in Civil Action No.82-0192. LEC -Local Exchange Company. Issued:October 19,2012 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge,New Jersey 07920 Effective:November 1,2012 Advice Letter 2012-02 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 1, 2015 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 11 Cancels Original Page 11 SECTION 2 - TERMS AND CONDITIONS Undertaking of VLD and Locations of Service The Company s service is furnished to Customers for interexchange communications originating and terminating within Idaho under the terms ofthis price list. The Company s service is available twenty- four hours per day, seven days per week, except as otherwise provided in the Company s price list. (D) (D) Where network facilities and billing systems permit, the Company will block casual dialing to the Company s network. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING JUL 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 2, 2010 Effective: July 1 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idàho Price List NO.3 Original Page 12 SECTION 2 - TERMS AND CONDITIONS, (Contd.) 2.2 Use of Service 2.2.1 Service may be used for any lawfl purose for which it is technically suited. Serice may not be used for unlawful purposes. 2.2.2 The Customer obtains no propert right or interest in the use of any specific tye of facility, servce, equipment, number, process, or code. All rights, title and interest to such items remain, at all times, solely with the Company or its underlying carer or serice provider, as appropriate. 2.2.3 Recording of telephone conversations transmitted over servce provided by the Company under this price list is prohibited except as authorized by applicable federal, state and local laws. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Offce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 42009 Boise, Idaho Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courtouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 13 Cancels Original Page 13 SECTION 2 - TERMS AND CONDITIONS, (Cont' Limitations of Service 3.4 Service is offered subject to the availability of the necessary facilities and/or equipment including, but not limited to, billing systems, and subject to the provisions of this price list. The Company may decline applications for service to or from a location where the necessary facilities or equipment are not available. The Company may discontinue furnishing service accordance with the terms of this price list. The Company reserves the right to discontinue or limit service when necessitated by conditions beyond its control (examples of these conditions are more fully set forth elsewhere in this price list), or when service is used in violation of provisions of this price list or the law. The Company does not undertake to transmit messages, but offers the use of its service when available, and, as more fully set forth elsewhere in this price list, shall not be liable for errors in transmission or for failure to establish connections. The Company reserves the right to refuse to process Third Party Billed calls when the billed party and/or standard validation techniques do not confirm acceptance, or based on characteristics of the originating or terminating location. The Company reserves the right to refuse to process calling card billed calls when authorization for use of the card cannot be validated or to prevent the unlawful use of service. The Customer may be required to provide an acceptable alternate billing method or the Company may refuse to place the call. (T) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG JUL 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 2, 2010 Effective: July 1 , 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idàho Price List No.3 Original Page 14 SECTION 2 - TERMS AND CONDITIONS, (Contd.) 2.3 Limitations of Servce, (cont'd.) 2.3.6 The Company reserves the right to discontinue serce, limit servce, or to impose requirements as required to meet changig regulatory or statutory rules and standards, or when such rules and stadards have an adverse material affect on the business or economic feasibilty of providing service, as determined by the Company in its reasonable judgment. In such circumstances, the Company's price list wil be revised accordingly. 2.3.7 Serce is offered subject to restrctions imposed upon the Company by any authority having jurisdiction over the Company's provision of serice. 2.3.8 The Company may require the Customer to sign an application for service form furnished by the Company and to establish credit as provided in this price list, as a condition precedent to the initial establishment of service. The Company's acceptace of an application or order for service by an applicant whose credit has not been duly established may be subject to the deposit, advance payment and/or refusal of service provisions described in this price list. The Company may also require a signed authorization from the Customer for additions to or changes in existing service for such Customer. An application for serice canceled by the applicant or by the Company prior to the establishment of servce is subject to the provisions of this price list concerning cancellation charges. Idaho Public Utilities Commiss Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FI LING FEB 1 42009 Boise, Idaho Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON LONG DIST ANCELLC Idàho Price List NO.3 Original Page 15 Idaho Public Utilties Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SECTION 2 - TERMS AND CONDITIONS, (Contd.) FEB 1 42009 2.4 Assignment or Transfer Boise, Idaho The Customer may not transfer or assign the use of serice offered by the Company without the express prior wrtten consent of the Company. Such transfer or assignment shall only apply where there is no interption of the use or in the location of serce. All ters and conditions contained in this price list shall apply to all such permitted transferees or assignees, as well as all conditions of service. 2.5 Limitation of Liabilties 2.5.1 Except in cases of gross negligence or wilful misconduct, the liabilty of the Company for damages of any nature arsing from erors, mistakes, omissions, interptions, or delays of the Company, its agents, servants, or employees, in the course of establishing, fuishing, rearanging, moving, terinating, or changing the service or facilities or equipment shall not exceed an amount equal to the charges applicable under this price list (calculated on a proportionate basis where appropriate) for the period durig which such error, mistake, omission, interrption or delay occurs. 2.5.2 In no event shall the Company be liable for any incidental, indirect, special, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, lost revenue or profits) of any kid whatsoever regardless of the cause or foreseeability thereof. 2.5.3 When the servces or facilities of other common cariers or other service providers are used separately or in conjunction with the Company's serices, facilities or equipment in establishing connection to points not reached by the Company's services, facilities or equipment, the Company shall not be liable for any act or omission of such other common cariers, or other service providers, or their respective agents, serants or employees. 2.5.4 The Company shall not be liable for any failure of performance hereunder if such failure is due to any cause or causes beyond the reasonable control of the Company. Such causes shall include, without limitation, acts of God, fire, explosion, vandalism, cable cut, meteorological phenomena, floods, storm or other similar occurrence, any law, order, regulation, direction, action or request of the United States goverment or of any other government or of any civil or miltar authority, national emergencies, insurrections, riots, wars, strkes, lockouts or work stoppages or other labor diffculties, supplier failures, shortages, breaches or delays, or preemption of existing servce to restore service in compliance with state and federal laws. 2.5.5 The Company shall not be liable for interrptions, delays, erors, or defects in transmission, or for any injury whatsoever, caused by the Customer, or the Customer's agents, serants, employees, or customers, or by serces, facilities or equipment provided by the Customer or such agents, servants, employees, Or customers. Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courhouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idàho Price List NO.3 Origial Page 16 SECTION 2 - TERMS AND CONDITIONS, (Contd.) 2.5 Limitation of Liabilties, (contd.) 2.5.6 The Company shall not be liable for unlawful use, or use by any unauthorized person, of its service, or for any claim arsing out of a breach in the privacy or securty of communications transmitted by the Company. The Company is not liable for any damages, including toll usage charges, the Customer may incur as a result of the unauthoried use of its telecommunications facilties. Such unauthorized use of its telecommunications facilties includes, but is not limited to, the placement of calls though Customer-provided equipment which are transmitted or cared on the Company's network. The Customer is responsible for controlling access to, and the use of, its own telecommunications facilties. 2.5.7 WITH RESPECT TO SERVICE PROVIED BY THE COMPAN, THE COMPAN HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIS ALL WARRTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, NOT STATED IN THIS PRICE LIST, AND IN PARTICULAR DISCLAIMS ALL WARTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 2.5.8 The above price list language (and any and all language which appears in this price list addressing liability of Company or its Customers) does not constitute a deterination by the Commission that a limitation ofliability imposed by the Company should be upheld in a cour of law . Acceptance for filing by the Commission recognizes that it is a cour's responsibilty to adjudicate negligence and any direct, indirect, and consequential damage claims. It is also the court's responsibilty to determine the validity of the exculpatory clause( s). Idaho Public Utilties Commissio Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING fEB 1 42009 Boise, Idaho Effective: Februar 14, 2009Issued: Februar 4,2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courtouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idàho Price List No.3 Original Page 17 SECTION 2 - TERMS AND CONDITIONS, (Cont'd.) 2.6 Liabilties of the Customer The Customer shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Company (including the costs of litigation and reasonable attorney's fees) against: 2.6.1 Claims for libel, slander, infrgement of copyrght or unauthorized use of any trademark, trade name or service mark arsing out of the material, data, information, or other content transmitted over the Company's servces, facilities or equipment; and 2.6.2 Claims for patent infrgement arsing from combining or connecting the Company's serces, facilties or equipment with services, facilities, equipment, apparatus or systems of the Customer or the Customer's agents, serants, employees, or customers; and 2.6.3 All other claims (including, without limitation, claims for damage to any business or proper, or injury to, or death of, any person) arising out of any act or omission of the Customer, or the Customer's agents, servants, employees, or customers, in connection with any servce or facilties or equipment provided by the Company. Idaho Public Utilties Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB i 42009 Boise, Idaho Issued: February 4, 2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courtouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idàho Price List NO.3 Original Page 18 SECTION 2 - TERMS AND CONDITIONS, (Contd.) 2.7 Taxes and Fees 2.7.1 All state and local taes (e.g., gross receipts ta, sales tax, municipal utilties tax) are listed as a separate line item on the Customer's bil and are not included in the quoted rates and charges set forth in this price list. 2.7.2 To the extent that a municipality, other political subdivision or agency of government, or the Commission imposes upon and collects from the Company a gross receipts tax, occupation ta, license tax, permit fee, franchise fee, or regulatory fee, such taes and fees shall, insofar as practicable and allowed by law, be biled pro rata to Customers receivig service from the Company within the tertorial limits of such municipality, other political subdivision or agency of goverment. 2.7.3 Pay Telephone Surcharge In order to recover the Company's expenses to comply with the FCC's pay telephone compensation plan effective on October 7, 1997 (FCC 97-371), an undiscountable per call charge is applicable to all interstate, intrastate and international calls that originate from any domestic pay telephone used to access the Company's servces. The Pay Telephone Surcharge, which is in addition to stadard price listed usage charges and any applicable serce charges and surcharges associated with the Company's serice, applies for the use of the instrment used to access the Company serce and is unrelated to the Company's servce accessed from the pay telephone. Pay telephones include coin-operated and coinless phones owned by local telephone companies, independent companies and other interexchange cariers. The Pay Telephone Surcharge applies to the initial completed call and any reoriginated call (i.e., using the "#" symbol). Whenever possible, the Pay Telephone Surcharge wil appear on the same invoice containing the usage charges for the surcharged call. In cases where proper pay telephone coding digits are not transmitted to the Company prior to completion of a call, the Public Pay Telephone Surcharge may be biled on a subsequent invoice after the Company has obtained information that the originating station is an eligible pay telephone. Rate per Call $0.50 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Offce ef the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 42009 Boise, Idaho Effective: Februar 14, 2009Issued: February 4,2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courtouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idàho Price List NO.3 Original Page 19 SECTION 2 - TERMS AND CONDITIONS, (Contd.) 2.8 Terminal Equipment The Company's facilties and serice may be used with or terminated in Customer-provided terminal equipment or Customer-provided communications systems, such as a telephone set, PBX or key system. Such terminal equipment shall be furnished and maintained at the expense of the Customer, except as otherwise provided in this price list or separately agreed upon by the Customer and the Company. The Customer is responsible for all costs at his or her premises, including, but not limited to, personnel, wirig, electrical power, and the like, incurred in the use of the Company's service. When such terminal equipment is used, the equipment shall comply with applicable rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission, including, but not limited to, Par 68. In addition, equipment must comply with generally accepted minimum protective criteria stadards and engieering requirements of the telecommunications industr which are not bared by the Federal Communications Commission. 2.9 Installation No installation of the Company's servces at the Customer's premises is required to use the Company's serice. Service is initiated by request of the Customer. The Company may refuse to provision serce when the Company cannot verify that the pary requesting the Company's service is authoried to request or to change serice. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office ef the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 42009 Bois, Idaho Effective: Februar 14, 2009Issued: Februar 4,2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courhouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idàho Price List NO.3 Original Page 20 SECTION 2 - TERMS AND CONDITIONS, (Contd.) 2.10 Payment for Service 2.10.1 Service is provided and biled on a monthly basis. Bils are due and payable upon receipt. Late payment fees for Customers who have their charges biled by an affliated local exchange company wil be the late payment fee applied by the affliated local exchange company to overdue charges. Customers that are not biled by an affiliated local exchange company may be charged a late payment fee of 1.5% per month, or the maximum amount allowed by law, whichever is lower. The late payment fee wil apply to any overdue charges and wil begi to accrue no sooner than the 25th day after the biling date or as allowed by law. Collection fees on overdue charges apply in addition to all applicable late payment charges and shall begin to accrue when the Account is assigned to an outside collection agency. 2.10.2 The Customer is responsible for payment of all charges for serce fuished to or used by the Customer, or the Customer's agents, servants, employees or customers. The Customer is also responsible for payment of charges for all other third persons' use of serice to which the Customer subscribes. All charges due from the Customer are payable to the Company or to the Company's authorized biling agent in immediately available U.S. dollar. Any objections to biled charges must be reported to the Company or its biling agent within six months after receipt of bil. Adjustments to the Customer's bil shall be made to the extent that circumstances exist which reasonably indicate that such changes are appropriate. 2.10.3 The security of the Customer's Authorization Codes is the responsibilty of the Customer. All calls placed using such Authorization Codes shall be biled to and shall be the obligation of the Customer. The Customer is responsible for all calls placed via the Customer's Authorization Code, whether such use is as a result of the Customer's intentional or negligent disclosure of the Authorization Code or otherise. However, the Customer shall not be responsible for charges in connection with the unauthorized use of Authorization Codes arsing after the Customer notifies the Company of the loss, theft, or other breach of securty of such Authorization Codes. Idaho Public Utilties Commission Office !If the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 42009 Boise, Idaho Issued: February 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courtouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idàho Price List No.3 Original Page 21 SECTION 2 - TERMS AN CONDITIONS, (Contd.) 2.10 Payment for Service, (contd.) 2.10.4 The Company reserves the right to assess a charge of $20.00, or the maximum amount allowed by law (whichever is less), whenever a check or draft presented for payment of service is not accepted by the institution upon which it is wrtten. 2.10.5 The Customer shall be responsible for payment of rates and charges for all calls placed by or through Customer's equipment by any person. In paricular and without limitation of the foregoing, the Customer is responsible for payment of rates and charges for any calls placed by or through the Customer's equipment via any remote access features. 2.10.6 The Company reserves the right to examine the credit record or other available exteral sources of credit of an applicant or Customer. The Customer whose service has been disconnected for nonpayment of bils shall be required to pay any unpaid balance due to the Company before service is restored, and a deposit may be required. 2.10.7 The Company shall make no refund of overpayment by the Customer unless the claim for such overpayment, together with proper evidence, is submitted within two years of the date of alleged overpayment. In calculating refuds, any applicable discounts shall be adjusted based upon the actual monthly usage after all credits and adjustments have been applied. 2.10.8 In the case of a dispute between the Customer and the Company for service furnished to the Customer, which cannot be settled to the mutual satisfaction of the Customer and the Company, the Customer may fie an appropriate complaint with: Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Statehouse Boise, Idàho 83720-0074 Telephone: (800) 432-0369 Facsimile: (208) 334-3762 2.10.9 Duplicate Bil Charge A Residential Customer who requests a reprint of their monthly long distace bil that is older than six months and whose long distace charges are biled by an affiliated local exchange company wil be assessed the charge applied by the affiliated local exchange company. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Offce Ilf the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB i 42009 Issued: Februar 4,2009 Boise, Idaho Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courhouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 1, 2015 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idàho Price List NO.3 Original Page 23 SECTION 2 - TERMS AND CONDITIONS, (Contd.) 2.12 Interruption of Service 2.12.1 Credit allowances for interrptions of serce which are not due to the Company's testing or adjusting, to the negligence or other wrongful act or omission of the Customer, or to the failure of services, channels, equipment and/or communications systems provided by the Customer or the Customer's agents, servants, employees, or customers, are subject to the general liabilty provisions set fort in this price list. It shall be the obligation of the Customer to notify the Company immediately of any interrption in serce for which a credit allowance is desired by the Customer. Before givig such notice, the Customer shall ascertain that the trouble is not within his or her control, or is not in wirig or equipment, if any, furnished by the Customer. Interptions caused by Customer-provided, or Company-provided, automatic dialing equipment are not deemed an interption of servce as defied herein since the Customer has the option of using the long distance network via dial access code. 2.12.2 For puroses of credit computation, every month shall be considered to have 30 days and ever day 24 hours. For all Company services no credit shall be allowed for an interption of continuous duration of less than twenty-four hours. For serices biled on a usage basis, credits wil be limited to, at maximutn, the price of the call that was in progress at the time of the serice interrption. Credit is computed by multiplyig the monthly recurring rate by the ratio that the number of hours in the period of interption bears to 720 hours (30 days times 24 hours). The credit shall be based upon the non-usage charges for the month durg which the interrption occurred, excluding equipment and access line charges. 2.12.3 An interrption is measured from the time the Customer notifies the Company of the interrption until the trouble is cleared. Each interption is considered separately for the purposes of establishing credit allowance. Unless otherise specified in this price list, the credit for a biling period shall not exceed the monthly rate. Idaho Public Utilties Commission Offce ~f the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 42009 Boi&., Idaho Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbur, President 1320 N. Courtouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idàho Price List No.3 Original Page 24 SECTION 2 - TERMS AND CONDITIONS, (Cont'd.) 2.13 Cancellation, Suspension and Restoration of Service Serce continues to be provided until canceled by the Customer or until canceled by the Company as set fort below. The Company may render bils subsequent to the cancellation of service for charges incurred before cancellation. The Customer shall pay such bils in full in accordance with the payment ters of this price list. 2.13.1 Cancellation by the Customer The Customer may have serce canceled upon wrtten or verbal notice to the Company. The Customer shall pay the Company for serce fuished until the cancellation date specified by the Customer or until the date that the wrtten cancellation notice is received, whichever is later. Cancellation of service is subject to early termination liabilty obligations as set fort in the price list. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office ef the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING fEB 1 42009 Boise, Ida Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: February 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virgiia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 25 Cancels Original Page 25 SECTION 2 - TERMS AND CONDITIONS, (Cont' Cancellation and Restoration of Service, (cont' 13.Refusal, Suspension or Cancellation of Service Without Prior Notice Service may be suspended by the Company, without prior notice to the Customer, by blocking traffic and all services to certain cities, countries, NP A-NXX exchanges, or individual telephone numbers, when the Company deems it necessary to take such action to prevent unlawful or fraudulent use of its service. The Company will restore services as soon as it can be provided without undue risk, and will upon request by the Customer, assign new authorization codes to replace ones that have been deactivated. (D) (D) For violation oflaw or this price list: Except as provided elsewhere in this price list the Customer shall be subject to refusal, suspension or cancellation of service without prior notice, for any violation of terms of this price list, for any actual or apparent violation of any law, rule, regulation, order, decree or policy of any government authority of competent jurisdiction, or by reason of any order or decision of a court or other government authority having jurisdiction which prohibits the Company from furnishing such service or prohibits Customer from subscribing to using, or paying for such service. For the Company to comply with any order or request of any governmental authority having jurisdiction: The Customer shall be subject to refusal, suspension or cancellation of service, without prior notice, in order to permit the Company to comply with any order or request of any governmental authority havingjurisdiction. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 2, 2010 Effective: July 1 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 26 Cancels Original Page 26 SECTION 2 - TERMS AND CONDITIONS, (Cont' Cancellation and Restoration of Service, (cont' 13.Refusal, Suspension or Cancellation by the Company Without Prior Notice, (cont' For unauthorized or unlawful use of Authorization Codes: Authorization Codes are issued by the Company only to the Customer and may not be sold or otherwise distributed without the written consent of the Company. Any unauthorized or unlawful use of such Authorization Codes shall result in the immediate refusal suspension or cancellation of service without prior notice. (D) (D) The Company may refuse, suspend, or cancel service immediately and without prior notice in the event of excessive network usage which is determined to be fraudulent or beyond the Customer s demonstrated ability to pay. Without prior notice in the event of Customer or Customer s authorized user use of equipment in such a manner as to adversely affect the Company s facilities and/or equipment or service to others. Without prior notice in the event of tampering with the facilities and/or equipment or services owned by the Company or its suppliers and used to provide service under this price list. Without prior notice in the event of unauthorized or fraudulent use of service. Whenever service is discontinued for fraudulent use of service, the Company may, before restoring service, require the Customer to make, at his or her own expense, all changes in facilities or equipment necessary to eliminate illegal use and to pay an amount reasonably estimated as the loss in revenues resulting from such fraudulent use. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 2 2010 Effective: July 1 , 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idàho Price List No.3 Original Page 27 SECTION 2 - TERMS AND CONDITIONS, (Cont'd.) 2.13 Cancellation and Restoration of Service, (cont'd.) 2.13.3 Refusal, Suspension, or Cancellation of Service with Notice The Company may refuse, suspend or cancel serce under the followig conditions provided that, unless otherwise stated in this price list, existing Customers shall be given 15 days wrtten notice to comply with any rule or remedy any deficiency. A. The Company reserves the right to refuse, suspend, or cancel serce for applicants or Customers who canot show reasonable credit-worthiness or cannot satisfy deposit requirements set forth in this price list. B. For nonpayment: The Company, by wrtten notice to the Customer and in accordance with applicable law, may refuse, suspend or cancel servce without incurrg any liabilty when there is an unpaid balance for service that is more than 30 days overdue. Cancellation of servce for nonpayment is subject to early termination liabilty obligations set fort in this price list. C. For returned checks: The Customer whose check or draft is returned unpaid for any reason, afer two attempts at collection, shall be subject to refusal, suspension or cancellation of serice in the same maner as provided for nonpayment of overdue charges. D. For lack of use: The Company, by wrtten notice to the Customer, may refuse, suspend .or cancel service in the same maner as provided for nonpayment of overdue charges if after three full biling cycles the serce has not been used. E. For use of service for any purpose other than that described in this price list for the application for serice. F. For neglect or refusal to provide reasonable access to the Company or its agents, employees, or contractors for the purose of inspection and maintenance of facilities and/or equipment owned by the Company or its suppliers and used to provide serce under this price list. Idaho Public Utilities CommissiOl Office ef the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING fEB 1 42009 Boise, Ida Issued: Februar 4, 2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbur, President 1320 N. Courouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idàho Price List No.3 Original Page 28 SECTION 2 - TERMS AND CONDITIONS, (Contd.) 2.13 Cancellation and Restoration of Service, (cont'd.) 2.13.4 Restoration of Service If serce has been refused, suspended, or canceled for nonpayment or as otherwise provided herein and the Customer wishes it continued, servce shall, at the Company's discretion, be restored when all past due amounts are paid or the event giving rise to the refusal, suspension, or cancellation (if other than nonpayment) is corrected. 2.13.5 Use and Restoration in Emergencies The use and restoration of service in emergencies shall in all cases be subject to the priority system specified in Par 64, Subpar D, of Chapter 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office ef the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 42009 Boise, Idaho Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbur, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idàho Price List No.3 Original Page 29 SECTION 2 - TERMS AND CONDITIONS, (Contd.) 2.14 Application for Service The Company reseres the right to require Customers to make application(s) for serice in wrting using forms provided by the Company.. Upon acceptace of an application for service by the Company, all applicable provisions in the Company's price lists, as amended from tie-to-tie which are lawfully on fie, become the agreement for serice between the Company and the Customer. Requests for additional service and changes to serice, upon acceptace by the Company, become a par of the agreement for servce, provided that each item of additional service shall be subject to the applicable minimum ter of service. Acceptance or use of service offered by the Company shall be deemed an application for such service and an agreement by the Customer to subscribe to, use, and pay for such serce in accordance with the applicable price lists of the Company, as amended from time to time, which are lawflly on fie. Any change in rates or other price list provisions which are lawflly made and for which required notice has been given shall be deemed to modify all agreeents for serce affected by such changes without further notice by Company to the Customer. Customer provision of false information, or a failure by the Customer to provide materal information, in an application for service (either wrtten or verbal) shall be deemed an attempt to avoid payment or to otherwise defraud the Company. In such circumstances, the Company may, at its option and with proper notice, revoke the application and refuse, cancel or suspend any serce provided to the Customer without furter liability or obligation to the Customer. 2.15 Interconnection 2.15.1 Service fuished by the Company may be interconnected with serices or facilities of other authorized communications common carers and with private systems, subject to technical limitations established by the Company. Servce furnished by the Company is not par of a joint undertg with such other common carers or systems. The Company does not undertke to provide any special facilities, equipment, or services to enable the Customer to interconnect the facilties or the equipment of the Company with serices or facilities of other common cariers or with private systems. Customer is responsible for all charges biled by other carers in connection with the use of service. Any special equipment or facilities necessar to achieve compatibilty between carers are the sole responsibilty of the Customer. Idaho Public Utilties Commission Offce f!f the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 42009 Boise, Idaho Effective: Februar t4,2009: ----Issued: Februar 4,2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courhouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virgiia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idàho Price List No.3 Original Page 30 SECTION 2 - TERMS AND CONDITIONS, (Contd.) 2.15 Interconnection, (contd.) 2.15.2 Interconnection with the serces or facilities of other common carers shall be under the applicable terms and conditions of this price list and the other common carrer's taffs. 2.15.3 The Customer shall ensure that the facilities or equipment provided by the Customer are properly interconnected with the serices, facilities and equipment of the Company and its suppliers. If the Customer maintains or operates the interconnected serces, facilities or equipment in a maner which results or may result in har to the Company's facilties, equipment, personnel, or the quality of serce, the Company may, upon wrtten notice, require the use of protective equipment at the Customer's expense. If this wrtten notice fails to eliminate the actual or potential har, the Company may, upon wrtten notice, terinate the existing serice of the Customer. 2.16 Inspection, Testing and Adjustment Upon reasonable notice, the facilties provided by the Company and its suppliers shall be made available to the Company for such inspection, tests and adjustments as may be deemed necessar for maintenance in a condition satisfactory to the Company. No interption allowance wil be granted for the time during which such tests and adjustments are made. 2.17 Local Charges and Wireless Air Time Charges In cerain instances, the Customer may be subject to charges by local exchange companies, including, but not limited to, message unit charges or to wireless air time charges to access the Company's network or to terminate calls. The Company shall not be responsible for any such charges incurred by the Customer in gaining access to the Company's network. Idaho Public Utilties Commission Offce ef the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING fEB 1 42009 Boise, Idaho Effective: Februar 14, 2009Issued: Februar 4,2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virgiia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 1, 2015 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 1, 2015 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idàho Price List NO.3 Origial Page 34 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Contd.) 3.3 Timing of Calls Biling for calls placed over the network is based in par on the duration of the call. 3.3.1 Timing for all calls begins when the called par answers the call (i.e. when two way communications are established). Answer detection is based on standard industr answer detection methods, including hardware and softare answer detection. 3.3.2 Chargeable time for all station-to-station calls begins when connection is established betwee calling part and the called par and ends when the calling pary hangs up thereby releasing the network connection. If the called part hangs up but the calling station does not, chargeable time ends when the network connection is released either by automatic timing equipment in the network, or by an operator. 3.3.3 Minimum call duration for biling puroses is one minute unless otherise specified in the individual rate schedules of this price list. 3.3.4 Calls are measured and biled in one minute increments on a per call basis, unless otherwise indicated in this price list. Fractional biling increments are rounded to the full biling increment as stated in the product description. 3.3.5 No charges apply to incomplete calls. An incomplete call is a station call in which the called station does not answer, or a person to person call in which the station does not answer or the requested person is unavailable, or a collect call for which the called par refuses to accept the charges. 3.3.6 Usage charges are computed on a per call basis. When computation of call charges result in fractional cents, the resulting charge is rounded up to the nearest penny. 3.3.7 The Company wil not knowingly bil for unanswered calls. When a Customer indicates that he/she was biled for an incomplete call, VLD wil reasonably issue credit for the call. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office ef the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING fEB 1 42009 Boise, Idaho Issued: February 4,2009 Effëctive': . Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courtouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virgiia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 1, 2015 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 1, 2015 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No.3 2nd Revised Page 37 Cancels 151 Revised Page 37 SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES,(Cont'd.) 3.6 Optional Residential Services,(cont'd.) 3.6.1 [Reserved For Future Use] Best Times Service has been withdrawn effective 11/1/12. (T) (T) (D) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (D) Issued:October 19,2012 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge,New Jersey 07920 Effective:November 1,2012 Advice Letter 2012-02 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. Second Revised Page 38 Cancels First Revised Page 38 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' Optional Residential Services, (cont' (Reserved For Future Use) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG AUG 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho Issued: July 22, 2010 Effective: August 1 , 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- (D) (D) VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 39 Cancels Original Page 39 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' Optional Residential Services, (cont' (Reserved For Future Use) Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission O!ilC~.~~ the SecretaryCCEPH:D FOR FlUNG AUG 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho Issued: July 22, 2010 Effective: August 1 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- (D) (D) VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 40 Cancels Original Page 40 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' Optional Residential Services, (cont'd. (Reserved For Future Use) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the: Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG AUG 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho Issued: July 22 2010 Effective: August 1 , 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- (D) (D) VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No.3 3rd Revised Page 41 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 41 SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES,(Cont'd.) 3.6 Optional Residential Services,(cont'd.) 3.6.3 [Reserved For Future Use] Worldwide Saver Service has been withdrawn effective 11/1/12. (T) (T) (D) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (D) Issued:October 19,2012 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge,New Jersey 07920 Effective:November 1,2012 Advice Letter 2012-02 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No.3 2nd Revised Page 42 Cancels 1sl Revised Page 42 SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES,(Cont'd.) 3.6 Optional Residential Services,(cont'd.) 3.6.4 [Reserved For Future Use] StateSaver Service has been withdrawn effective 11/1/12. (T) (T) (D) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (D) Issued:October 19,2012 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge,New Jersey 07920 Effective:November 1,2012 Advice Letter 2012-02 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 7, 2016 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 44 Cancels Original Page 44 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' Optional Residential Services, (cont' (Reserved For Future Use) Material previously located on this page is now found on Page 155 (M) (M) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING J U N 1 2 2009 Boise, I~he Issued: June 2, 2009 Effective: June 12 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 45 Cancels Original Page 45 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' Optional Residential Services, (cont' (Reserved For Future Use)(M) (M)Material previously located on this page is now found on Page 156 I~aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 1 22009 Boise, Id8ho Issued: June 2 2009 Effective: June 12 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 46 Cancels Original Page 46 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' Optional Residential Services, (cont' (Reserved For Future Use) Material previously located on this page is now found on Page 157 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 1 2 2009 Boise, 1deho Issued: June 2, 2009 Effective: June 12 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- (M) (M) VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 47 Cancels Original Page 47 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' Optional Residential Services, (cont' (Reserved For Future Use)(M) (M) Material previously located on this page is now found on Page 158 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 1 2 2009 Boise, ldilho Issued: June 2, 2009 Effective: June 12 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009- VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No.3 2nd Revised Page 48 Cancels 1sl Revised Page 48 SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES,(Cont'd.) 3.6 Optional Residential Services,(cont'd.) 3.6.7 TalkTime Service A.General Description TalkTime Service is an optional calling plan offered to Residential Customers for outbound direct-dialed calling.TalkTime Service utilizes Customer-provided switched access lines that are presubscribed to the Company. This plan is provided only in conjunction with the corresponding interstate TalkTime Service.A single Minimum Spend Level Charge applies to the 30 Minute Allotment for TalkTime Service as specified in the Company's interstate Product Guide.See (T) www.verizonldregulatory.com. Calls are billed in one (1)minute increments after an initial minimum call duration of one (l)minute.Any partial minute is rounded up to a full minute.A Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC)applies,as describe below. Any promotions that discount usage or apply free minutes are not allowed with this plan. B.Usage Rates Monthly Recurring Minutes Allotted in Monthly Additional Per Minute Charge Recurring Charge *Charge over Allotment $6.50 30 $0.12 per minute (T) (D) I I (D) *The 60,300,500,and 1000 Minutes Allotted in Monthly Recurring Charge plans have been withdrawn effective 11/1/12. Issued:October 19,2012 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge,New Jersey 07920 Effective:November 1,2012 Advice Letter 2012-02 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 17, 2014 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 17, 2014 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 17, 2014 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 17, 2014 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 17, 2014 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 17, 2014 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 17, 2014 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. Second Revised Page 59 Cancels First Revised Page 59 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' Optional Residential Services, (cont' 10 (Reserved For Future Use)(D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG AUG 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho Issued: July 22 2010 Effective: August 1 , 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 60 Cancels Original Page 60 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' Optional Residential Services, (cont' 10 (Reserved For Future Use)(D) (D) Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiUNG AUG 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho Issued: July 22 2010 Effective: August 1 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 61 Cancels Original Page 61 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' Optional Residential Services, (cont' 10 (Reserved For Future Use)(D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG AUG 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho Issued: July 22 2010 Effective: August 1 , 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- ... VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. Second Revised Page 62 Cancels First Revised Page 62 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont' Optional Residential Services, (cont' 10 (Reserved For Future Use)(D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG AUG 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho Issued: July 22, 2010 Effective: August 1 , 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 17, 2014 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 17, 2014 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 17, 2014 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 17, 2014 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idàho Price List No.3 Original Page 67 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Contd.) 3.6 Optional Residential Servces, (cont'd.) 3.6.12 Discounted Plan for Disabled Customers A. General Description A discounted optional calling plan is available for residential Customers that have been cerified as disabled by their local exchange carer. The Customer must demonstrate their eligibilty for this plan at the time of presubscription. This serce utilzes Customer-provided switched access lines that are presubscribed to the Company. B. Additional Terms and Conditions If the Customer selects an alternative calling plan, no furter discounts wil be applied to that plan's rates. C. Operator Servce Discounts Rates for usage associated with operator assisted calling wil also be reduced by applyig the direct dial rates described in Rates and Charges instead of the Operator Services usage rate, unless the operator assisted rate is lower. In those cases, the lower rate wil apply. In addition, the disabled Residential Customer who places a call from the presubscribed line with the assistace of an operator wil receive the operator assistance at no charge. D. Directory Assistance Discount Directory Assistace Charges wil be waived for any Customer presubscribed to the Discounted Plan for Disabled Customers. E. Rates and Charges Each call is biled in one (1) minute increments after an initial minimum call duration of one (1) minute. Any partial minute is rounded up to a full minute. The Customer must be presubscribed to the Discounted Plan for Disabled Customers to obtain the discounted rates for Operator Serices and Directory Assistace. Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Office af the SecretaryRate Per Minute $0.13 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Monthly Recurg Charge $0.00 FEB 1 4 2009 BoiSè, Idaho Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: _l~bruar i4~2009 Vincent J. Woodbur, President 1320 N. Courhouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. 3 2nd Revised Page 68 Cancels 1st Revised Page 68 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont'd.) 3.6 Optional Residential Services, (Cont'd.) 3.6.13 RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (T) (D) (D) Issued: April 4, 2017 Effective: April 14, 2017 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge, New Jersey, 07920 Advice Letter 2017-01 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 14, 2017 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. 3 2nd Revised Page 69 Cancels 1st Revised Page 69 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont'd.) 3.6 Optional Residential Services, (Cont'd.) 3.6.13 RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (T) (D) (D) Issued: April 4, 2017 Effective: April 14, 2017 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge, New Jersey, 07920 Advice Letter 2017-01 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 14, 2017 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. 3 4th Revised Page 70 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 70 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont'd.) 3.6 Optional Residential Services, (Cont'd.) 3.6.13 RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (T) (D) (D) Issued: April 4, 2017 Effective: April 14, 2017 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920 Advice Letter 2017-01 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 14, 2017 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. 3 2nd Revised Page 71 Cancels 1st Revised Page 71 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (Cont'd.) 3.6 Optional Residential Services, (Cont'd.) 3.6.13 RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (T) (D) (D) Issued: April 4, 2017 Effective: April 14, 2017 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge, New Jersey, 07920 Advice Letter 2017-01 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 14, 2017 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 7, 2016 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. Third Revised Page 103 Cancels Second Revised Page 103 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES (Reserved for Future Use) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 2, 2010 Effective: July 1 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. Second Revised Page 104 Cancels First Revised Page 104 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (Cont' (Reserved for Future Use), (cont' (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1- 2010 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 2, 2010 Effective: July 1 , 2010 Edward L. Googe President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. Second Revised Page 105 Cancels First Revised Page 105 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (Cont' (Reserved for Future Use), (cont'(T) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2010 Boise. Idaho Issued: June 2, 2010 Effective: July 1 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. Second Revised Page 106 Cancels First Revised Page 106 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (Cont' (Reserved for Future Use), (cont' Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FI LING JUL 1 - 2010 Boise. Idaho Issued: June 2 2010 Effective: July 1 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- (D) (D) VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 107 Cancels Original Page 107 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (Cont' (Reserved for Future Use), (cont' Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 2, 2010 Effective: July 1 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- (D) (D) VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. Second Revised Page 108 Cancels First Revised Page 108 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (Cont' (Reserved for Future Use), (cont' Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 2, 2010 Effective: July 1 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- (D) (D) Idaho Price List No. Second Revised Page 109 Cancels First Revised Page 109 VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES , (Cont' (Reserved for Future Use) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOH FILING JUL 1- 2010 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 2, 2010 Effective: July 1 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 1, 2015 Boise, Idaho Issued: July 29, 2016 Effective: August 9, 2016 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge, New Jersey, 07920 Advice Letter 2016-02 VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. 3 2nd Revised Page 111 Cancels 1st Revised Page 111 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (Cont'd.) 4.4 Operator Services Operator Services allow Customers to place calls using operator assistance for call completion. Service is available only for direct use by residential subscribers and may not be used or resold to provide payphone, hotel, transient, guest or other aggregator services. Usage charges and a service charge will be assessed on a per call basis, as stated in this price list. 4.4.1 Operator services may be used by a Customer to complete Operator Station calls. 4.4.2 Charges for Operator Assisted Calls include two components: a usage-sensitive component and a fixed per-call service charge. 4.4.3 The usage-sensitive portion of the charge for an Operator Assisted Call is set forth in Section 4.4.8 below. 4.4.4 The fixed per-call service charge portions of the charge for an Operator Assisted Call are set forth in Section 4.4.7. (C) (C) (C) (D) | | (D) (C) | (C) (C) (D) | | (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 9, 2016 Boise, Idaho Issued: July 29, 2016 Effective: August 9, 2016 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge, New Jersey, 07920 Advice Letter 2016-02 VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. 3 2nd Revised Page 112 Cancels 1st Revised Page 112 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (Cont'd.) 4.4 Operator Services, (Cont'd.) 4.4.5 Per Call Service Charges The Per-Call Service Charge applies in addition to the charges specified in Section 4.4.8 Operator Services, and in addition to all other surcharges and fees, when applicable. The following charge applies in all rate periods. Station to Station $4.00 (D) | | | | | | | | | | (D) (C) (C) | (C) (D) | | | | | (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 9, 2016 Boise, Idaho Issued: July 29, 2016 Effective: August 9, 2016 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge, New Jersey, 07920 Advice Letter 2016-02 VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. 3 2nd Revised Page 113 Cancels 1st Revised Page 113 SECTION 4 - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES, (Cont'd.) 4.4 Operator Services, (Cont'd.) 4.4.6 Per Minute Usage Charges Calls are billed in one (1) minute increments after an initial minimum call duration of one (1) minute. Partial minutes are rounded up to the next minute. A. IntraLATA Usage Rates B. InterLATA Usage Rates (C) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 9, 2016 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idàho Price List NO.3 Original Page 118 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS* 5.1 Promotional Offerings From time to time the Company shall, at its option, promote subscrption or stimulate network usage by offerg promotions, including, but not limited to waiver of some or all of the nonrecg, recurg or usage charges for the Customer (if eligible) of taget serices for a limited duration. Promotions may also be offered to attact or retain Customers who indicate that they would otherwise intend to accept a legitimate competitive offer made by a taffed carer. Such promotions shall be made available to all similarly situated Customers. 5.2 Complementary Promotions From time to time,. the Company may offer promotions in its interstate and/or interational taffs which may also apply to intrastate serces ("Complementa Promotions"). Such Complementa Promotions are subject to the terms and conditions set fort in Verizon Long Distance LLC federal rate schedules. Discounts, charge or other term waivers, certificates, credits or other value offered in identical Complementa Promotions are not cumulative. * All other Promotions have been removed from this Price List They are now being filed via letter to the Commission. Idaho Public Utilities Commissio Office af the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 42009 Boise. Idaho Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: F ebruai14;.'iöôêT'.' Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courtouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idàho Price List No.3 Orginal Page 119 SECTION 6 - OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERIGS Serces in this section are available only to existing Customers at existing locations, except as otherwise indicated in the serice description in this Section. Customers who are disconnected from an obsolete/grandfathered plan as a result of non-payment may lose their eligibilty to be restored to the obsolete/grandfathered plan. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office af the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 42009 Boise, Idaho _ .'._ _~J Issued: Februar 4,2009 Effective: Februar 14, 2009 Vincent J. Woodbury, President 1320 N. Courouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2009-01 VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No.3 2nd Revised Page 120 Cancels 1sl Revised Page 120 6.1 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS,(CONT'D.) [Reserved For Future Use] Residence Line Toll Free Service has been withdrawn effective 11/1/12. (T) (T) (D) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CD) Issued:October 19,2012 TariffManager Basking Ridge,New Jersey 07920 Effective:November 1,2012 Advice Letter 2012-02 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No.3 2nd Revised Page 121 Cancels 1st Revised Page 121 6.1 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS,(CONT'D.) [Reserved For Future Use],(Cont'd.) Residence Line Toll Free Service has been withdrawn effective 11/1/12. (T) (T) (D) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (D) Issued:October 19,2012 TariffManager Basking Ridge,New Jersey 07920 Effective:November 1,2012 Advice Letter 2012-02 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No.3 2nd Revised Page 122 Cancels 1sl Revised Page 122 6.1 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS,(CONTID.) [Reserved For Future Use],(Contld.) Residence Line Toll Free Service has been withdrawn effective 11/1/12. (T) (T) (D) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (D) Issued:October 19,2012 TariffManager Basking Ridge,New Jersey 07920 Effective:November 1,2012 Advice Letter 2012-02 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No.3 2nd Revised Page 123 Cancels 1sl Revised Page 123 6.2 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS,(CONT'D.) [Reserved For Future Use] Easy Savings Plan has been withdrawn effective 11/1/12. (T) (T) (D) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (D) Issued:October 19,2012 TariffManager Basking Ridge,New Jersey 07920 Effective:November 1,2012 Advice Letter 2012-02 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No.3 1sl Revised Page 124 Cancels Original Page 124 6.2 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS,(CONT'D.) [Reserved For Future Use],(Cont'd.) Easy Savings Plan has been withdrawn effective 11/1/12. (T) (T) (D) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (D) Issued:October 19,2012 TariffManager Basking Ridge,New Jersey 07920 Effective:November 1,2012 Advice Letter 2012-02 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No.3 1sl Revised Page 125 Cancels Original Page 125 6.2 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS,(CONT'D.) [Reserved For Future Use],(Cont'd.) Easy Savings Plan has been withdrawn effective 11/1/12. (T) (T) (D) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (D) Issued:October 19,2012 TariffManager Basking Ridge,New Jersey 07920 Effective:November 1,2012 Advice Letter 2012-02 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No.3 2nd Revised Page 132 Cancels 1st Revised Page 132 6.6 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS,(CONT'D.) [Reserved For Future Use] Easy Savings Plan Plus has been withdrawn effective 11/1/12. (T) (T) (D) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (D) Issued:October 19,2012 TariffManager Basking Ridge,New Jersey 07920 Effective:November 1,2012 Advice Letter 2012-02 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No.3 1st Revised Page 133 Cancels Original Page 133 6.2 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS,(CONT'D.) [Reserved For Future Use],(Cont'd.) Easy Savings Plan Plus has been withdrawn effective 11/1/12. (T) (T) (D) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CD) Issued:October 19,2012 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge,New Jersey 07920 Effective:November 1,2012 Advice Letter 2012-02 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No.3 1sl Revised Page 134 Cancels Original Page 134 6.7 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS,(CONT'D.) [Reserved For Future Use] One Easy Price has been withdrawn effective 11/1/12. (T) (T) (D) I I I I I I I I I (D) Issued:October 19,2012 TariffManager Basking Ridge,New Jersey 07920 Effective:November 1,2012 Advice Letter 2012-02 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No.3 1sl Revised Page 135 Cancels Original Page 135 6.8 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS,(CONT'D.) [Reserved For Future Use] Residential Toll Free Service has been withdrawn effective 11/1/12. (T) (T) (D) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (D) Issued:October 19,2012 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge,New Jersey 07920 Effective:November 1,2012 Advice Letter 2012-02 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No.3 1st Revised Page 137 Cancels Original Page 137 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS,(CONT'D.) 6.10 [Reserved For Future Use] Solid Cents Plan has been withdrawn effective 11/1/12. (T) (T) (D) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (D) Issued:October 19,2012 TariffManager Basking Ridge,New Jersey 07920 Effective:November 1,2012 Advice Letter 2012-02 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No.3 151 Revised Page 13 8 Cancels Original Page 138 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS,(CONT'D.) 6.11 [Reserved For Future Use] Volume/Term Pricing Plan has been withdrawn effective 11/1/12. (T) (T) (D) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (D) Issued:October 19,2012 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge,New Jersey 07920 Effective:November 1,2012 Advice Letter 2012-02 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No.3 1st Revised Page 140 Cancels Original Page 140 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS,(CONTID.) 6.13 [Reserved For Future Use] Nationwide Saver has been withdrawn effective 11/1/12. (T) (T) (D) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (D) Issued:October 19,2012 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge,New Jersey 07920 Effective:November 1,2012 Advice Letter 2012-02 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No.3 2nd Revised Page 141 Cancels 151 Revised Page 141 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS,(CONT'D.) 6.14 [Reserved For Future Use] Flextime Saver has been withdrawn effective 11/1/12. (T) (T) (D) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (D) Issued:October 19,2012 TariffManager Basking Ridge,New Jersey 07920 Effective:November 1,2012 Advice Letter 2012-02 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No.3 1st Revised Page 142 Cancels Original Page 142 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS,(CONT'D.) 6.15 [Reserved For Future Use] 100 Complimentary Minutes has been withdrawn effective 11/1/12. (T) (T) (D) I I I I I I I I I I I I I (D) Issued:October 19,2012 TariffManager Basking Ridge,New Jersey 07920 Effective:November 1,2012 Advice Letter 2012-02 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 143 Cancels Original Page 143 SECTION 6 - OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (CONT' (Reserved for Future Use) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JULI-201O Boise, Idaho Issued: June 2, 2010 Effective: July 1 , 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No.3 1st Revised Page 146 Cancels Original Page 146 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS,(CONT'D.) 6.19 [Reserved For Future Use] 10%Discount Program has been withdrawn effective 11/1/12. (T) (T) (D) I I I I I I I I I I I (D) Issued:October 19,2012 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge,New Jersey 07920 Effective:November 1,2012 Advice Letter 2012-02 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No.3 1sl Revised Page 147 Cancels Original Page 147 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS,(CONT'D.) 6.19 [Reserved For Future Use],(Cont'd.) 10%Discount Program has been withdrawn effective 11/1/12. (T) (T) (D) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (D) Issued:October 19,2012 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge,New Jersey 07920 Effective:November 1,2012 Advice Letter 2012-02 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No.3 15t Revised Page 148 Cancels Original Page 148 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS,(CONT'D.) 6.19 [Reserved For Future Use],(Cout'd.) 10%Discount Program has been withdrawn effective 11/1/12. (T) (T) (D) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (D) Issued:October 19,2012 TariffManager Basking Ridge,New Jersey 07920 Effective:November 1,2012 Advice Letter 2012-02 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No.3 151 Revised Page 149 Cancels Original Page 149 SECTION 6 -OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS,(CONT'D.) 6.20 [Reserved For Future Use] Anytime Saver has been withdrawn effective 11/1/12. (T) (T) (D) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (D) Issued:October 19,2012 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge,New Jersey 07920 Effective:November 1,2012 Advice Letter 2012-02 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 155 Cancels Original Page 155 SECTION 6 - OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (CONT' (Reserved for Future Use) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SfCcretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 2, 2010 Effective: July 1 , 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- (D) (D) (D) VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 156 Cancels Original Page 156 SECTION 6 - OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (CONT' (Reserved for Future Use), (cont' Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office or the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING JUL 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 2, 2010 Effective: July 1 , 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- (D) (D) VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 157 Cancels Original Page 157 SECTION 6 - OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (CONT' (Reserved for Future Use), (Cont' Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2010 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 2, 2010 Effective: July 1 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- (D) (D) VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. First Revised Page 158 Cancels Original Page 158 SECTION 6 - OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (CONT' (Reserved for Future Use), (Cont' Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1- 2010 Boise, Idaho Issued: June 2, 2010 Effective: July I , 2010 Edward L. Googe, President 1320 N. Courthouse Road, 6th Floor Arlington, Virginia 22201 Advice Letter 2010- (D) (D) VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. 3 4th Revised Page 159 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 159 SECTION 6 - OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (CONT'D.) 6.25 RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (T) (D) (D) Issued: April 4, 2017 Effective: April 14, 2017 Tariff Manager Advice Letter 2017-01 Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 14, 2017 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. 3 3rd Revised Page 160 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 160 SECTION 6 - OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (CONT'D.) 6.25 RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (T) (D) (D) Issued: April 4, 2017 Effective: April 14, 2017 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge, New Jersey, 07920 Advice Letter 2017-01 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 14, 2017 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. 3 3rd Revised Page 161 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 161 SECTION 6 - OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (CONT'D.) 6.25 RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (T) (D) (D) Issued: April 4, 2017 Effective: April 14, 2017 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge, New Jersey, 07920 Advice Letter 2017-01 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 14, 2017 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. 3 3rd Revised Page 162 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 162 SECTION 6 - OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (CONT'D.) 6.25 RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (T) (D) (D) Issued: April 4, 2017 Effective: April 14, 2017 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge, New Jersey, 07920 Advice Letter 2017-01 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 14, 2017 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. 3 3rd Revised Page 163 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 163 SECTION 6 - OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (CONT'D.) 6.25 RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (T) (D) (D) Issued: April 4, 2017 Effective: April 14, 2017 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge, New Jersey, 07920 Advice Letter 2017-01 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 14, 2017 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. 3 3rd Revised Page 164 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 164 SECTION 6 - OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (CONT'D.) 6.25 RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (T) (D) (D) Issued: April 4, 2017 Effective: April 14, 2017 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge, New Jersey, 07920 Advice Letter 2017-01 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 14, 2017 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. 3 3rd Revised Page 165 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 165 SECTION 6 - OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (CONT'D.) 6.25 RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (T) (D) (D) Issued: April 4, 2017 Effective: April 14, 2017 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge, New Jersey, 07920 Advice Letter 2017-01 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 14, 2017 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. 3 3rd Revised Page 166 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 166 SECTION 6 - OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (CONT'D.) 6.26 RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (T) (D) (D) Issued: April 4, 2017 Effective: April 14, 2017 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge, New Jersey, 07920 Advice Letter 2017-01 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 14, 2017 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. 3 3rd Revised Page 167 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 167 SECTION 6 - OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (CONT'D.) 6.26 RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (T) (D) (D) Issued: April 4, 2017 Effective: April 14, 2017 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge, New Jersey, 07920 Advice Letter 2017-01 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 14, 2017 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. 3 3rd Revised Page 168 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 168 SECTION 6 - OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (CONT'D.) 6.26 RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (T) (D) (D) Issued: April 4, 2017 Effective: April 14, 2017 Tariff Manager Basking Ridge, New Jersey, 07920 Advice Letter 2017-01 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 14, 2017 Boise, Idaho VERIZON LONG DISTANCE LLC Idaho Price List No. 3 1st Revised Page 169 Cancels Original Page 169 SECTION 6 - OBSOLETE SERVICE OFFERINGS, (CONT'D.) 6.26 RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (T) (D) (D) Issued: April 4, 2017 Effective: April 14, 2017 Tariff Manager Advice Letter 2017-01 Basking Ridge, New Jersey, 07920 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 14, 2017 Boise, Idaho