HomeMy WebLinkAboutusermanual.pdfQwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissiç) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.I SEcTIoN 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Index Page 1 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 6:Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CoNDITIoNs OF OFFERIG SUBJECT PAGE 60 Day Product Guarantee 17 Adjustment of Charges 38 Advance Payments and Deposits 36 Application for Service 13 Application of Initial Contract Periods and Termination Charges in Connection With Changes in Class or Grade of Service 29 Assigning and Changing of Telephone Numbers 19 Building Space and Electric Power Supply 42 Cable.Wire and Service Termination Policy 44 Cancellation 14 Charges for Termination of Service 27 Connection With Other Telephone Companies 40 Contractual Service Agreements 50 Convenience Fee Charge 35.2 Customer Responsibility 32 Defacement of Premises 40 Definition of Terms I Directory Errors or Omissions 41 Duplicate Bill Charge 35.1 Establishing and Furnishing Service 13 Facility Relocation Cost Recovery Fee 43.1 Hazardous or Inaccessible Locations 42 Initial Contract Periods 26 Installment Billing 39 Interruptions 38 Liability of the Company 39 Limitations 39 Limited Communication 18 Lost of Damaged Equipment 42 Maintenance and Repair 42 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%i) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Index Page 2 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 __________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CoNDITIoNs OF OFFERING SUBJECT PAGE Natural Disaster Relief For Customers 49 Numbers,Assigning and Changing of Telephone 19 Obligation to Furnish Service 17 Obsolete Services 49 Payment For Service 32 Payment of Bills 32 Payment Plans 39 Reasons For Termination 20 Refusal 14 Resale of Service 19 Responsibilities of the Customer 42 Restriction of Service 16 Service and Equipment Charge For Restoral of Service 22 Service Liabilities 39 Special Services 25 Special Taxes,Fees,Charges 43 Suspension of a Portion of Service 23 Suspension of All Service (SUS)23 Temporary Suspension of Service -Customer Initiated 23 Termination Liability/Waiver Policy 29 Termination of Service -Company Initiated 20 Termination of Service 26 Transfer of Service Between Customers 16 Transmission 40 Universal Service Fund Surcharge 43 Use of Service 15 Use otTelephone Alarm Reporting Devices 42 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID S1D201 3-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 1 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CoNDITIoNs OF OFFERING 2.1 DEFINITION OF TERMS 800 Service and 800 SER VICELINE Option Denotes a toll-free service when the 8XX service access code (i.e.,800,822,833, 844,855,866,877 or 888,as available)is used.The term 800/800-type service is used interchangeably with 800 Service and 800 SERVICELINE Option throughout this Catalog to describe this service. Base Rate The monthly rate that applies for a specific grade and class of exchange service located within a base rate area. Base Rate Area That portion or portions of an exchange within which specified classes and grades of basic exchange service are furnished at a charge that does not vary with the distance from the CO. Building A structure occupied by one or more customers. Campus A group of two or more buildings or spaces located on a single owned continuous or contiguous property. Central Office (CO) A switching unit providing telecommunication services to the general public, designed for terminating and interconnecting lines and trunks.More than one CO may be located in a building. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page2 Junel5,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CoNDITIoNs OF OFFERING 2.1 DEFINITION OF TERMS Central Office Connecting Facilities A facility furnished to an Other Common Carrier by the Company between the terminal location of the Other Common Carrier and a point of connection on the Company premises. Central Office District The territory served by a CO or group of CO’s,any one of which may serve any part of a district. Central Office Line See “Exchange Access Line.” Class of Service A subgrouping of customers typically business,residence,or Public Access Line for the purpose of rate distinctions. Code Ringing The method of signaling stations on a party line whereby the bells of all or part of the stations on the circuit are rung whenever one station is signaled,signals of the respective stations being distinguished by a code made up of various combinations of short and long rings. Company Refers to Qwest Corporation,d/b/a U S WEST Communications,The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company and Mountain Bell. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page3 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease2Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CONDITIONS OF OFFERING 2.1 DEFINITION OF TERMS (Cont’d) Continuous Portions of a Building Denotes spaces within a given building which are occupied by the customer and connected by doors,hallways,stairs or elevators and not separated by space occupied by others or used by the general public. Continuous Property Continuous property is defined as the land,including any building or buildings thereon,occupied by a customer that may be served without crossing a public street,right-of-way or the property of another.Noncontinuous property is treated as continuous if the customer furnishes a passageway which is suitable to the Company for the placing of wire facilities.Pipe and conduits are considered enclosed passageways. Cost Where the words cost or actual cost are used,they are intended to cover the actual cost of material,labor,and incidentals,plus a charge for administration. Customer A person,firm,corporation,or governmental agency responsible for paying the telephone bills and for complying with the rules and regulations of the Company. Demarcation Point The point of interconnection between the Company’s telecommunications facilities and terminal equipment,protective apparatus or wiring at a premises. The demarcation point location will be within twelve inches (12”)of the protector,or when there is no protector,within twelve inches (12”)(or as close as practicable)of the point at which the cable/wire enters the customer’s premises. Drop Wire Wires between an open wire lead,aerial,or underground cable terminal and the point of entrance to the building in which the customer’s service is located. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT iS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.1 3-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page4 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CoNDITIoNs OF OFFERING 2.1 DEFINITION OF TERMS (Cont’d) Entrance Facilities Those facilities from the property line to the point at which the cable terminates at the protector. Exchange A geographical unit,established by the Company,for the administration of telecommunication services in a specified area. Exchange Access Line All of the Company’s CO equipment and outside plant facilities that are needed to connect the service CO to and including the Company provided Network Interface or equivalent. Exchange Access Line Type •Individual main telephone service. •Companion line service,which is normally provided in a group of two or more lines so arranged that when a busy line is dialed the CO equipment will automatically select another line. •Trunk line service,which is an offering of CO lines which connect an automatic call distributing system,PBX system, or other (dial)automatic switching system at the customer’s premises to the CO. Exchange Service The service of furnishing equipment and facilities for telephone communications within a designated area. Exchange Service Area The territory served by an exchange. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SEcTIoN 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page5 Junel5,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 ______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CONDITIONS OF OFFERING 2.1 DEFINITION OF TERMS (Cont’d) Exchange Zone One of a series of specified areas,beyond the base rate area of an exchange,in which service is furnished at rates in addition to base rates. Facilities Central office equipment,supplemental equipment,apparatus,wiring,cables (outside plant feeder and distribution)and other material and mechanisms necessary to or furnished in connection with telephone service. Flat Rate Service An exchange service for which a specified rate is charged,regardless of the amount of local use. Grade of Service The term used to describe exchange service with respect to the number of main telephones which may be connected to a CO line or to designate a specific type of exchange service,i.e.,individual line,PBX,rural,service station service,etc. Individual Line An exchange access line designed for the connection of one main station. Joint User A person,firm or corporation who is designated by the customer as a user of exchange service furnished to the customer and to whom a portion of the charge for the service will be billed under a joint user arrangement. Local Exchange Service The furnishing of telecommunication services to the Company!s customers within an exchange for local calling.This service also provides access to and from the telecommunication network for long distance calling. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page6 Junel5,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,Idaho issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 ______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CoNDITIoNs OF OFFERING 2.1 DEFINITION OF TERMS (Cont’d) Local Service Area or Extended Local Service Area That area throughout which an exchange service customer,at a given rate,may make calls without the payment of a toll charge.A local service area may be made up of one or more exchange areas. Maintenance of Service Maintenance of Service denotes an occurrence of a visit to a customer’s premises in connection with a service difficulty when it is determined that the difficulty is due to a condition in customer-provided facilities,terminal equipment,a communication system or for customer-maintained premises wire.When a Maintenance of Service visit is made,Premises Work Charges will apply only for complex services. Measured Rate Service The type of exchange service provided at a monthly rate with additional usage charge for each local message based on distance,time of day,duration and frequency. Message Rate Service The type of exchange service provided at a monthly rate with an additional charge for each local message. Message Unit A unit of measurement used in charging for local message rated calls. Minimum Point of Entry The closest practicable point to where telephone facilities cross a property line or enter a building. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-S ID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page?Junel5,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -C0ND1TI0Ns OF OFFERING 2.1 DEFINITION OF TERMS (Cont’d) Minimum Point Of Presence (MPOP) A service interface point established inside the customer’s property.One network interface point per property will be provided prior to September 1,1996,see 2.8, Cable,Wire and Service Termination Policy.The customer or property owner is responsible for all cable past the MPOP in the same building and for cable between buildings on the customer’s property. Miscellaneous Common Carrier A communications common carrier which is engaged in providing service by radio through a base station authorized by the Federal Communications Commission but who does not also provide a public land wire telephone service. Multiline Telephone Systems (Key Telephone Systems) •Multiline Telephone Service is an arrangement consisting of common equipment,line equipment,station sets,and wiring located on the customer’s premises,or another premises of the same customer which allow stations to selectively answer,originate,or hold calls over individual CO lines,WATS lines,FX lines,PBX station lines or Centrex station lines,etc. •Direct access to a line is provided by the operation of a button or key which may be mounted separately or internal to the station apparatus. •This service may include multiline station sets and suitably equipped single line sets and other features such as illumination,intercommunication,etc. Network Control Signaling Transmission of signals used in the telecommunications system which perform functions such as supervision (control,status,and charging signals),address signaling (e.g.,dialing),calling and called number identification,audible tone signals (call process signals indicating reorder or busy conditions,alerting,coin denominations,coin collect and coin return tones)to control the operating of switching machines in the system. NOTICE THE iNFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SEcTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING PageS Junel5,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CoNDITIoNs OF OFFERING 2.1 DEFINITION OF TERMS (Cont’d) Network Facilities All Company facilities from the central office up to and including the Standard Network Interface at the demarcation point. Network Interface See “Standard Network Interface”. Network Premises Work Charge A time-sensitive one time Charge billed to the customer for work performed by a Company employee or representative for work done on the customer’s premises on the Company side of the network interface.Does not include the work required to establish or reestablish access service. Party Line Service A single exchange access line which serves more than one customer.Each customer has a different telephone number and the calls are determined by code ringing.Two-party line service is the connection of two main stations and four- party line service is the connection of four main stations,etc. Premises See “Same Premises.” Premises Work Charge A time-sensitive one time charge that applies to customer requested work done by the Company on the customer’s side of the Network Interface. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page9 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CONDITIONS OF OFFERING 2.1 DEFINITION OF TERMS (Cont’d) Privacy Provides the station user with sole access to the line and prevents others from entering the connection. Protector An electrical device located in a central office,a customer premises or anywhere along the telephone facility path.This device protects both the Company’s and the customer’s property and facilities from high voltages and surges in current. Public Access Line Service Public Access Line (PAL)Service is provided for use with Payphone Service Provider (PSP)pay telephones at locations accessible to the public,subject to the availability of existing central office facilities and special operator equipped locations,as appropriate,e.g.,Traffic Operator Position System (TOPS). Same Building Same building means a structure under one roof,or two or more structures under separate roofs,throughout which there is general access by means of doors, elevators,stairways,enclosed passageways or continuous corridors.Sidewalks, driveways,heating and utility tunnels,pipes and conduits are not considered enclosed passageways. Same Household Those who dwell as a family under one roof,including relatives and not more than four other persons residing with the family and participating in the common use of such facilities as dining room,kitchen,living room,etc.Premises occupied by any group of four or less persons functioning in the same manner as a family are also considered as the same household. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-S ID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissik) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 10 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease2BoiseIdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CONDITIONS OF OFFERING 2.1 DEFINITION OF TERMS (Cont’d) Same Premises All the space in the same building in which a customer has the right of occupancy to the exclusion of others or shares the right of occupancy with others;and all space in different buildings on continuous property,provided such buildings are occupied solely by one customer.Foyers,hallways,and other space provided for the common use of all occupants of a building are considered the premises of the operator of the buildings. Service and Equipment Charge The service and equipment charge is a nonrecurring charge associated with a given service or item of equipment which applies on a per-service and/or a per- item basis each time the service or item of equipment is provided or changed. Service Station Service •Service station service is an exchange line furnished to a remote area outside the base or locality rate areas and generally within the exchange area where it is not practical for the Company to make facilities available.CO switching only is contemplated.The CO line beyond an agreed upon junction point at or near the base or locality rate area boundary,is furnished and maintained by the customer. •Toll station service station service provides for connecting customer owned and maintained telephone lines and equipment to Company toll line facilities by means of a switching device located at a toll station. Service Terminating Arrangement Company-provided equipment which terminates exchange telecommunications service at a customer’s premises.The service terminating arrangement provides a clearly delineated interface which facilitates the design,isolation,and testing of the telecommunications network.Where a protective connecting arrangement is required,the service terminating arrangement is provided as a part of the protective connecting arrangement. NOTICE FHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 11 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-1 5-2013 _________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CONDITIoNs OF OFFERING 2.1 DEFINITION OF TERMS (Cont’d) Standard Network Interface (SNI) A standard F.C.C.registration jack or its equivalent,which is provided,installed, owned and maintained by the Company at the customer’s premises.The SNI is placed at the point on the customer’s premises where all premises services are connected to the telecommunication’s network via Company or customer owned facilities/wire. Station A signaling unit and other type equipment at the customer’s premises which allows the customer to establish communication. Supporting Structure Consisting of but not limited to,pipes,conduits,poles,trenches,backboards, plenum spaces,etc.:as required for the physical placement,protection and support of telephone facilities.These structures are furnished,installed and maintained at the expense of the premises owner for use by the Company in terminating facilities. Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP) Denotes the regulatory,administrative,and operational system developed by the Federal Government to ensure priority provisioning and/or restoration of National Security Emergency Preparedness (NSEP)telecommunications services. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC)defines NSEP telecommunications services as those services which are used to maintain a state of readiness or to respond to and manage any event or crisis,which causes or could cause harm to the population,damage to or loss of property,or degrades or threatens the NSEP posture of the United States.TSP regulations,rates and charges applicable to Exchange and Network Services are found in Section 12 of the Access Service Catalog NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation d/bla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SEcTIoN 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 12 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-20 13 Effective:6-15-2013 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CONDITIONS OF OFFERING 2.1 DEFINITION OF TERMS (Cont’d) Type of Service Flat rate service,measured rate service,and message rate service. Urban Service Any of the grades of service regularly furnished inside base or locality rate areas, or outside base or locality rate areas at base or locality rates plus zone connection charges. Wire Center The building which houses the local switching equipment (Central Offices)from which exchange and private line services are furnished and where cable facilities are terminated which furnish telephone service within a designated wire center serving area. •Primary Wire Center The wire center in a multi-wire center exchange in which most interchange circuits terminate. •Serving Wire Center The wire center from which service is provided to the customer. Wire Center Serving Area The area of the exchange area served by a single wire center. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%i) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.I SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 13 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CoNDITIoNs OF OFFERING 2.2 ESTABLISHING AND FURNISHING SERVICE These regulations are added to those pertaining to specific service items in other sections. 2.2.1 APPLICATION FOR SERVICE 1.Applications for establishment of telephone service may be made to the Company orally or in writing.These applications become contracts upon approval or establishment of the service and shall be subject at all times to the rates,charges and regulations of the Company. 2.Requests from customers for additional service may be made orally or in writing and,upon approval or installation of the service,become a part of the original contract,except that each such additional item is subject to the appropriate rates, charges and initial contract period,if any. A.Refusal 1.The Company reserves the right to refuse an application for service made by a present or former customer who is indebted to the Company for telephone service previously furnished,until the indebtedness is satisfied. 2.Service will be denied and/or disconnected when it reasonably appears to the Company that a customer has employed subterfuge to obtain service.Subterfuge shall include,but shall not be limited to,the establishment of service by an applicant or a responsible party,who is acting alone or with others,to establish telephone service which materially benefits a person or entity who has previously failed to pay an amount due for similar utility service.Service disconnected as a direct result of subterfuge will be reinstated only upon payment of sums due to the Company,in addition to charges applicable for restoral or for obtaining new service,as appropriate. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID S1D201 3-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 14 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CONDITIONS OF OFFERING 2.2 ESTABLISHING AND FURNISHING SERVICE 2.2.1 APPLICATION FOR SERVICE (Cont’d) B.Cancellation 1.When an application or request for service,for which the minimum contract period is longer than 1 month,or special engineering,is canceled in whole or in part before service is established,the applicant or customer is required,on demand,to reimburse the Company for all expense incurred in connection with the application for service and the installation of the required equipment and facilities before notice of cancellation is received.Such charges are not to exceed the installation, construction and termination charges otherwise applicable if the service had been established. 2.Where an order for service with 1 month minimum contract period,or with no minimum contract period specified,is canceled before establishment of service is completed and the cancellation is not caused by the Company,a charge equal to the costs incurred by the Company not to exceed the minimum installation charge specified,is applied if all or a portion of the equipment or facilities has been installed. 3.When application for a service which has no general public application,requiring a special assembly of equipment,is canceled in whole or in part before the service is established,the applicant or customer is required,on demand,to reimburse the Company for all expenses which were incurred in connection with the application for and/or installation of service including but not limited to engineering costs,and which were incurred prior to notice of cancellation.This reimbursement practice will apply to all special assembly requests with the exception of inquiries. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID S1D201 3-002 Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 15 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-20 13 Effective:6-15-2013 ______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CONDITIONS OF OFFERING 2.2 ESTABLISHING AND FURNISHING SERVICE 2.2.1 APPLICATION FOR SERVICE (Cont’d) C.Use of Service Customer telephone service,as distinguished from Public Access Line Service, will be furnished only: 1.In business establishments for communications by the customer,his immediate family,or by employees and representatives upon the customer’s business except as the use of the service may be extended to joint users or where regular flat rate PBX or Centrex Service is provided to hospitals where patient room telephones are required or to customers who resell/share local exchange service. 2.In residences,for communication by the customer,the members of his immediate family,his employees,and not more than four roomers,boarders,roommates,or others residing in the close circle of the customer’s household. 3,The Company reserves the right to refuse to install customer service or to permit such service to remain on premises of a public or semipublic character when the instrument will be or is so located as to be accessible for use by the public in general or by patrons of the customer,except as provided in the Public Access Line Service and Resale/Sharing of Company Services documents. 4.A customer shall not provide switched voice or data communications between local exchange areas,including the bridging of Extended Area Service (EAS) zones,using underlying services from this Catalog.Providers of interexchange service,that furnish service between local calling areas,must purchase services from the Access Service Catalog for their use in furnishing their authorized intrastate telecommunications services to end user customers.If a customer violates this regulation,and has not placed an order for necessary services from the Company’s Access Service Catalog for immediate installation within 14 days of notice from the Company,the Company shall immediately disconnect such services purchased from this Catalog. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAiNED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID S1D201 3-002 Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi4) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 16 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CONDITIoNS OF OFFERING 2.2 ESTABLISHING AND FURNISHING SERVICE 2.2.1 APPLICATION FOR SERVICE (ConVd) D.Restriction of Service Flat,message and measured rate services will not be furnished on the same premises except as follows: 1.Where the flat rate service is physically arranged so it cannot be used to supplement message or measured rate service. 2.Where the flat and message or measured rate services have entirely different local service areas. E.Transfer of Service Between Customers An applicant may supersede the service of a customer where an arrangement acceptable to the Company is made by the customer and the applicant to pay all outstanding charges against the service. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID SD2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi4E) Exchange and Network I Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 17 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CONDITIONS OF OFFERING 2.2 ESTABLISHING AND FURNISHING SERVICE (Cont’d) 2.2.2 OBLIGATION To FuRNIsH SERVICE 1.The Companys obligation to furnish service or to continue to furnish service is dependent on its ability to obtain,retain,and maintain suitable rights and facilities,without unreasonable expense,and to provide for the installation of those facilities required incident to the furnishing and maintenance of that service. 2.Such connections are also subject to the availability of required facilities. 3.When such connections are requested and facilities to provide the required connections at the CO normally designated to serve the premises are inadequate, facilities may be furnished from another CO to provide the requested interconnection.Under such circumstances additional monthly rates and installation charges will apply. 2.2.3 60 DAY PRODUCT GUARANTEE 1.The 60 Day Product Guarantee allows residence customers who are new subscribers to a covered product(s)and are not completely satisfied with that covered product(s)to receive a credit for all applicable paid charges. 2.If a new customer of a covered product(s)is not satisfied with the covered product(s)that was ordered,and so notifies the Company within 60 days of the installation of that covered product(s)and requests disconnection of that product, then that customer will receive a credit for all applicable paid charges. 3.The 60 Day Product Guarantee does not include and will not apply to any service, feature,product,or offering that is offered,provided,made available,or the subject of a separately negotiated contract,understanding,or agreement. 4.The 60 Day Product Guarantee does not include and will not apply to the following products and services of the Company: •Optional Toll Calling Plans •Directory Assistance •IntraLATA Toll Service •Any service,product,or an offering of the Company that is not offered and provided as a local,intrastate service offering provided under and in accordance with this Catalog. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SEcTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 18 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CONDITIONS OF OFFERING 2.2 ESTABLISHING AND FURNISHING SERVICE 2.2.3 60 DAY PRODUCT GUARANTEE (Cont’d) 5.The 60 Day Product Guarantee does not include and will not apply to charges, taxes,costs and items that are billed by the Company for others or on account of other rules,nor to any product,service,offering,or other feature that is not solely provided by the Company,such as but not limited to: •Customer Access Line Charge (CALC) •State Assessed Charges (i.e.,911 Surcharge) •900 Service •Toll Service provided by others •Access Charges,features,or services that are provided as part of or pursuant to an access catalog. •Equipment,facilities,telephone sets,instruments or the like provided by another. The following services have separate guarantees that apply to them: •Basic Wire Maintenance •Line Backer Service •Line Backer Plus Service •Time and Material Services 6.The Company may refuse to return a customer’s applicable paid charges where the customer has previously ordered that same or similar product(s)or service(s) and cancelled such same or similar product or service. 2.2.4 LIMITED COMMUNICATION The Company reserves the right to limit use of communication services when emergency conditions cause a shortage of facilities. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 19 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease2Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 __________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CoNDITIoNs OF OFFERING 2.2 ESTABLISHING AND FURNISHING SERVICE (Cont’d) 2.2.5 RESALE OF SERVICE Except as otherwise provided in this document,service furnished by the Company is intended only for communications in which the customer has a direct interest and shall not be used for any purpose for which payment or other compensation shall be received by him from any other person,firm or corporation for use,in the collection,transmission or delivery of any communication for others. Resale/Sharing of service is allowed pursuant to the terms of 5.3.4,5.4.3, 5.5.7,5.10,6.1.l.D.1,9.4.4,10.10.1,10.10.2 and 10.10.4,following. 2.2.7 ASSIGNING AND CHANGING OF TELEPHONE NUMBERS 1.The customer has no property right in the telephone number nor any right to continuance of service through any particular CO,and the Company may change the telephone number or CO designation of a customer whenever it considers it desirable in the conduct of its business. 2.In any case where existing service is continued for a new customer,the telephone number may be retained by the new subscriber only if the former customer consents and an arrangement acceptable to the Company is made to pay all outstanding charges against the service. 3.The following service and equipment charge applies to change a telephone number of a CO line or trunk at the customer’s request.No charge applies to change the telephone number due to annoyance calls,or Company initiated number changes. SERViCE & EQUIPMENT CHARGE •Per telephone number changed $25.50 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 20 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CONDITIONS OF OFFERING 2.2 ESTABLISHING AND FURNISHING SERVICE (Cont’d) 2.2.9 TERMINATION OF SERVICE -COMPANY INITIATED A.Reasons For Termination The Company may terminate service,with written notice,due to: 1.Nonpayment Any sum due the Company beyond the payment date. 2.Abandonment In the event of the abandonment of the service. 3.Obscenities Use of foul or profane language over the lines of the Company. 4.Abuse a.Use of service that interferes with another customer’s service or that is used for any purpose other than communication. b.Directory Assistance to obtain a subscriber’s listed name,address or telephone number for any purpose other than to facilitate the making of a telephone call shall constitute an abuse of the service. 5.Fraud The impersonation of another with fraudulent intent.Abuse or fraudulent use of service includes the use of service or facilities of the Company to transmit a message or to locate a person otherwise to give or obtain information,without payment of a message toll charge. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2OI 3-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SEcTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 21 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 ______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CoNDITIoNs OF OFFERING 2.2 ESTABLISHING AND FURNISHING SERVICE 2.2.9 TERMINATION OF SERVICE -COMPANY INITIATED A.Reasons For Termination (Cont’d) 6.Party Line Abuse Listening in on party line conversations,the use of service by a customer in connection with a plan or contrivance to secure a large volume of telephone calls to be directed to such customer at or about the same time resulting in preventing, obstructing or delaying the telephone service of others. 7.Unlawful Use of Service The service is furnished subject to the condition that it will not be used for an unlawful purpose.Service will not be furnished if any law enforcement agency, acting within its jurisdiction,advises that such service is being used or will be used in violation of law,or if the Company receives other evidence that such service is being or will be so used. 8.Violation of Company Regulations Any other violation of the regulations of the Company,the Company may, without notice,either suspend service or terminate the service without suspension. 9.Subterfuge See refusal in 2.2.1 .A.,preceding,paragraph 2. 10.Nonpayment of MTS Charges When a customer fails to pay outstanding charges billed by the Company for MTS calls,including MTS provided by the Company and interexchange carriers (e.g.,0+,1+,0-,IOXXX),all MTS service may be denied (Full Toll Denial), where Company facilities are capable of providing Full Toll Denial. EXCEPTION:Lifeline service may not be disconnected for nonpayment of toll. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED iN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 22 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CONDITIONS OF OFFERING 2.2 ESTABLISHING AND FURNISHING SERVICE 2.2.9 TERMINATION OF SERVICE -COMPANY INITIATED (Cont’d) B.Service and Equipment Charge For Restoral of Service 1.A service and equipment charge will be applied to reestablish service if service is interrupted due to nonpayment of exchange service,toll service or other charges, but an order providing for complete disconnection has not been completed.The following charge will be applied unless a charge for restoral of service is included in a specific service’s section of the Catalog.Additionally,all charges up to the date of the suspension are due prior to restoral of service. 2.Once a disconnection order has been completed,service will be reestablished only upon the basis of a new application for service in addition to any charges for services due up to the date of suspension. SERVICE & EQUIPMENT CHARGE •Business,each line restored $52.00 3.Where Full Toll Denial (see 2.2.9.A.10.,preceding,)has been applied to a customer’s account,and the customer’s main line service remains connected,MTS will be reestablished only upon the payment of all outstanding MTS charges.The following MTS Restoration Charge will apply. SERVICE & EQUIPMENT USOC CHARGE •Per line NPAPL $16.00 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-S ID S1D201 3-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SEcTIoN 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 23 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CoNDITIoNs OF OFFERING 2.2 ESTABLISHING AND FURNISHING SERVICE (Cont’d) 2.2.10 TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF SERVICE -CUSTOMER INITIATED A.Description Upon the request of the customer,one or all of their exchange access lines/trunks may be temporarily suspended so that inward,outward,and intercom calls can not be made.All features and services associated with a suspended access line/trunk would also be temporarily suspended. Suspension of service allows the customer to retain their directory listings(s). B.Terms and Conditions 1.Any class of business or residence service,flat,measured or message rate,may be suspended except as specifically precluded elsewhere. 2.Suspension of service may begin or terminate on any day of the month provided sufficient notice is given in advance for arrangements to be made. 3.When a service is suspended,persons calling the number of the suspended service will hear a recorded announcement.At the customer’s request,the recorded announcement will provide a forwarding number.The customer assumes all risks in connection with the forwarding number and no liability attaches to the Company by reason of failure to complete a particular call. 4.Services provided out of the Private Line Transport Services Catalog,e.g., Foreign Exchange (FX),Foreign Central Office (FCO),off-premises lines,and exchange service extension lines,may not be suspended. 5.Services provided under contract,e.g.,payment plans,are not eligible for suspension. 6.Calling cards may be used while the line(s)/trunk(s)is suspended. 7.The customer may suspend service any time after service has been established. No minimum period for service applies and no minimum period for suspension applies. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID S1D201 3-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%I) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 24 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CONDITIONS OF OFFERING 2.2 ESTABLISHING AND FURNISHING SERVICE (Cont’d) 2.2.10 TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF SERVICE -CUSTOMER INITIATED C.Rates and Charges The following rates and charges apply for suspended exchange access line(s)/trunk(s).Features and services associated with suspended exchange access line(s)/trunk(s)will not be billed during the period of suspension.Charges for additional listings associated with line(s)/trunk(s)not suspended will be billed; however,when a directory listing charge is directly associated with a suspended line/trunk,the listing monthly rate does not apply during the period of suspension. When an exchange access line(s)/trunk(s)is restored,optional features and services,including those previously removed due to incompatibility with suspend service,will be restored at no charge.When service is restored,the customers may add additional features and services at the rates and charges specified for that feature/service. NON RECURRING MONTHLY USOC CHARGE RATE •Residence -Per line suspended SUS $10.00 -Per line restored RES $15.00 •Business -Per line suspended SUS 17.00 -Per line restored RES 25.00 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SD2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 25 June 15,2013 SOuTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CONDITIONS OF OFFERING 2.2 ESTABLISHING AND FURNISHING SERVICE (Cont’d) 2.2.11 SPECIAL SERVICES 1.Where equipment,facilities,or service arrangements are requested which are not provided for within this Catalog,monthly rates and one-time charges such as installation,nonrecurring service and equipment and construction charges will apply based on the circumstances in each case. 2.These special equipment and service items will be provided whenever,in the judgment of the Company,there is a valid reason for providing the service requested.In such cases,the Company reserves the right to require an initial contract period longer than 1 month at the same location. 3.For the purpose of encouraging customers to try different telecommunication services,the Company may,with respect to any of its services or products in this Catalog,offer a temporary waiver or partial waiver of any nonrecurring,usage or monthly rate.The Company may also offer incentives,benefits or gifts to customers to encourage the purchase or retention of any such service or product. All such offers are subject to facility availability.Customers will be notified of the availability and duration of such offers,however,such offers will not constitute price changes. 4.The rates and charges specified contemplate that work will be performed during regular working hours and that work once begun will not be interrupted by the customer.If at the request of the customer,work is performed outside of regular working hours,either to meet his convenience or because the time allowed is insufficient to permit completion during regular hours or if the customer interrupts work which has begun,the customer may be required to pay any additional costs incurred. 5,A concession will be allowed from the standard rates for service furnished to employees of the Company.The amount of concession will,in each case,depend upon how necessary the service is considered in carrying on the work of the Company. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID S1D201 3-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 26 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CONDITIONS OF OFFERING 2.2 ESTABLISHING AND FURNISHING SERVICE (Cont’d) 2.2.14 TERMINATION OF SERVICE A.Initial Contract Periods 1.An initial contract period of 1 month will apply to all CO lines to which telephone numbers are assigned. 2.For directory additional listings and joint user services where the listing appears in the directory,both the initial and subsequent contract periods will be coextensive with the directory period, 3.Where service is disconnected and subsequently reestablished at the same location for the same or a different customer,a new initial contract period will apply,whether or not the equipment has been removed.However,where there is a transfer of service from one customer to another without lapse in the rendition of service and the same business is continued,a new initial contract period will not apply,except that the succeeding customer will be required to assume responsibility for any unexpired portion of the initial contract period. 4.Where the provision of service requires unusual costs or involves special assemblies of equipment,or where the provision of service requires construction of outside plant facilities for possible short term use,the Company reserves the right to require an initial contract period of longer than one month in addition to any construction charge that may be applicable. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED 1N THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 27 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 __________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CONDITIONS OF OFFERING 2.2 ESTABLISHING AND FURNISHING SERVICE 2.2.14 TERi’zIINATION OF SERVICE (Cont’d) B.Charges For Termination Service 1.Service and equipment charges do not apply to disconnect and/or removal of service,equipment,service features or facilities unless otherwise specified. 2.After the expiration of the initial contract period,service may be terminated upon reasonable advance notice to the Company and payment of all charges due to the date of termination of the service,except that,in the case of joint user services, each directory period will be considered as a separate initial contract period,(i.e., listings will be automatically included in each directory unless sufficient advance notice to do otherwise is received from the listed party)and termination may be arranged for only under the conditions specified in 3.b.,following. 3.Prior to the expiration of the initial contract period,service may be terminated upon reasonable advance notice to the Company and upon payment of the termination charges hereinafter provided,in addition to all charges for the period service has been rendered. a.In case the initial contract period is one month or three months,the termination charge consists of the charges for the remainder of the initial contract period. b.Directory additional listings and joint user services (1)Where the listing appears in the current directory,charges to the end of the directory period will apply except that the charges will cease at the time: •The contract for the main service is terminated. •The listed party or joint user becomes a subscriber to some class of exchange service. •The listed party or joint user dies or moves to some new location at which the customer’s service in connection with which he is listed is not available. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED iN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 28 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _____________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CONDITIONS OF OFFERING 2.2 ESTABLISHING AND FURNISHING SERVICE 2.2.14 TERMINATION OF SERVICE B.3.(Cont’d) c.Where the rated items of equipment associated with other services to which a termination charge applies,are disconnected within the initial contract period and like items of equipment have been added subsequent to the initial installation,termination charges for the items disconnected will be computed on the basis that the equipment removed was the last of its kind installed. d.in the case of Centrex Service,the termination charge is an amount equal to the minimum monthly rate for the unexpired portion of the initial contract period. e.Battery Operated Power Equipment In the case of battery-operated power service provided for certain Multiline Telephone Systems,the termination charge is an amount equal to one-half of the regular monthly rate specified for the power service for the unexpired portion of the initial contract period. f Where the provision of service requires construction of outside plant facilities for possible short term use,or involves unusual costs or special assemblies of equipment,the initial contract period and termination charge base will be determined by the Company in each individual case.The amount of the termination charge actually billed is such proportion of the termination charge base as the number of days in the unexpired portion of the initial contract period bears to the total number of days in the full initial contract period. 4.initial contract period of three years a.An addition of rated items of equipment to a regular PBX system is subject to the same initial contract period and termination charge treatment as applies to the PBX system with which it is associated.A separate initial contract period is applicable to each such addition. b.In connection with the disconnection of dial switched on step-by-step dial systems where five or less selectors,selector-connectors or connectors are disconnected,no termination charges will be applicable;where more than five such items are disconnected regular termination charges will apply to all the items disconnected. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAiNED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-O2SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation d/bla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 29 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CoNDITIoNs OF OFFERING 2.2 ESTABLISHING AND FURNISHING SERVICE 2.2.14 TERMINATION OF SERVICE (Cont’d) C.Application of Initial Contract Periods and Termination Charges in Connection With Changes in Class or Grade of Service 1.Where the initial contract period is one month for both the old and new services,a new contract period will not apply in connection with a change in class or grade of service. 2.Where the initial contract period is longer than one month for both the old and new service the customer is required to pay the termination charge applicable to the old service and apply for a new contract for the new service. 3.Where the initial contract period is one month for the old service and longer than one month for the new service,a new initial contract period will apply.If the change occurs during the initial contract period for the old service,termination charges will not be applicable. 4.Where the initial contract period is longer than one month for the old service and one month for the new service,a new initial contract period will not apply. However,if the change occurs during the initial contract period of the old service, termination charges will apply. D.Termination Liability/Waiver Policy Services provided via service agreements may be subject to the Termination Liability/Waiver Policy.This policy applies only to services that specifically reference this Termination Liability/Waiver Policy in their respective section of this Catalog. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SD201 3-002 Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%iE) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 30 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CONDITIONS OF OFFERING 2.2 ESTABLISHING AND FURNISHING SERVICE 2.2.14 TERMINATION OF SERVICE D.Termination Liability/Waiver Policy (Cont’d) 1.Definitions Minimum Billing Level When services are provided under a service agreement,a Minimum Billing Level will be established for use in calculating discontinuance charges.The Minimum Billing Level is 100%percent of the total monthly rates for the service provided under the customer’s service agreement,unless otherwise specified. Minimum Service Period When services are provided under a service agreement,a Minimum Service Period may be established.This would be the period of time that the 100%factor of the Termination Liability Charge would apply. 2.Complete Disconnect If the customer chooses to completely discontinue service,at any time during the term of the agreement,a termination charge will apply,unless the customer satisfies the conditions specified in the Waiver Policy.The termination charge is 100%of the rates for the Minimum Service Period,if applicable,plus the Minimum Billing Level multiplied by the termination liability percentage specified in the service agreement,for the remaining term of the agreement. •For example,if the customer discontinues service after 17 months of a 3-year (36 month)agreement,the termination charge will be the Minimum Billing Level for the service,multiplied by the termination liability percentage, multiplied by 19 months. •If the customer discontinues service after 6 months of a 3-year (36 month) agreement,with a 1-year (12 months)Minimum Service Period,the Termination Charge will be 100%of the Minimum Billing Level for the remaining 6 months of the Minimum Service Period,plus the Minimum Billing Level multiplied by the termination liability percentage,multiplied by 24 months. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 31 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CONDITIONS OF OFFERING 2.2 ESTABLISHING AND FURNISHING SERVICE 2.2.14 TERMINATION OF SERVICE D.Termination Liability/Waiver Policy (Cont’d) 3.Partial Disconnect If the customer discontinues a portion of their service,and that causes the customer’s monthly billing level to fall below the Minimum Billing Level of the agreement,a termination charge will apply to the portion of the service agreement that is below the Minimum Billing Level. 4.Waiver Policy A termination charge will be waived when the customer discontinues their contracted service(s),provided all of the following conditions are met: •The customer signs a new service agreement for any other Company provided service(s); •Both the existing and the new service(s)are provided solely by the Company; •The order to discontinue the existing service(s)and the order to establish the new service(s)are received by the Company at the same time; •The new service(s)installation must be completed within thirty calendar days of the disconnection of the old service(s),unless the installation delay is caused by the Company; •The total value of the new service agreement(s),excluding any special construction charges and any other nonrecurring charges,is equal to or greater than 115%of the remaining value ofthe existing agreement(s); •A new minimum service period goes into effect when the new service agreement term begins; •The customer agrees to pay any previously billed,but unpaid recurring,and any outstanding nonrecurring charges.The charges cannot be included as part of the new service agreement; •All applicable nonrecurring charges will be assessed for the new contracted service(s). NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi41) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SEcTIoN 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 32 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CONDITIONS OF OFFERING 2.3 PAYMENT FOR SERVICE 2.3.1 CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITY The customer is responsible for payment of all charges for facilities and services furnished the customer,including charges for services originated,or charges accepted,at such facilities. 2.3.2 PAYMENT OF BILLS 1.All charges for exchange service,equipment,and facilities exclusive of charges for local messages in excess of the monthly allowance and toll message,are payable monthly in advance.Charges for local messages in excess of the monthly allowance and toll messages are payable monthly except that the Company reserves the right to require payment of such charges at more frequent intervals. 2.Where the rates and charges for a particular service are determined by applying a percentage or similar factor to a quoted rate or charge and such computation results in a fraction,the charge for the service shall be computed to the nearest cent,a half cent being increased to the next higher cent. 3.In the event a customer is indebted to the Company for charges and services previously rendered,or for service under one or more numbers at the same location,and the customer does not pay the charges or satisfy such indebtedness, the Company may charge and bill such indebtedness for a business account against the customer’s business service. 4.In the event that payment from a customer is less than the total amount of all charges owing to the Company and the customer does not specifically designate the manner in which he wishes to apply said payment,then the Company will apply the payment to each entity based on the ratio of the entity balance to the total account balance. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation d/bla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi4) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SEcTIoN 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 33 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CONDITIONS OF OFFERING 2.3 PAYMENT FOR SERVICE 2.3.2 PAYMENT OF BILLS (Cont’d) 5.Payment of bills for telephone service may be made by any means mutually acceptable to the customer and the company.Payment which is not honored or paid by the customer’s designated financial institution will be considered as nonpayment. 6.Customers have the following options as to the method of paying bills for telephone service: •At any Company payment depository location. •At the office of any authorized payment agent of the Company. •By U.S.Mail,by check or money order only. •Through an agent of the customer. •By electronic funds transfer. 7.Payments received by the Company on or before the due and payable date on the customer’s bill will be considered timely,provide the following billing information is remitted with payment: •Customer’s name. •Customer’s telephone number, •Customer’s customer code. •Customer’s account type. •Amount of payment. 8.Payments received by the Company after the due and payable date on the customer’s bill,but at least one day before the termination date on the suspension notice,may result in discontinuance ofthe customer’s service unless the following billing information is remitted with payment: •All of the items enumerated in 7.,and •The final payment date before discontinuance for nonpayment. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi€) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 34 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 ______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CoNDITIoNs OF OFFERING 2.3 PAYMENT FOR SERVICE 2.3.2 PAYMENT OF BILLS (Cont’d) 9.The Company will not be responsible if a customer’s telephone service is discontinued after payment has been remitted,unless the payment is timely as set forth in 7.,or,if the payment is not timely,the requirements of 8.,have not been met. 10.In the event it becomes necessary for service to be discontinued to a customer for nonpayment,a written notice of at least seven calendar days (measured from the day following the date of mailing)will be given advising the customer of the amount due and the date by which the same must be paid.If the customer fails to pay or make suitable arrangements for payment by said date,the Company may suspend the service or discontinue the service and remove any or all of its equipment from the customer’s premises. 11.Delinquency in payment for service to a previous occupant of the premises to be served,or unpaid charges for service or facilities not ordered by the present customer or applicant may not in and of itself be considered as sufficient cause for refusal of service to the present customer or applicant. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-S ID SID2OI 3-002 SID2014-009 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 2 Page 35 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 7-7-2014 Effective: 7-18-2014 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS - CONDITIONS OF OFFERING 2.3 PAYMENT FOR SERVICE 2.3.2 PAYMENT OF BILLS (Cont'd) 12. where the delinquent customer's spouse applies to obtain servi location in the name of another party by an applicant whose account is dand who resides at that location. 13. comply with these regulations, the Idaho Public Utilitiemunicipal ordinances, or any law pertaining to telephone service. 14. Residence Late Payment Charges a. A maximum late payment charge of 2.0% per month applies to all billed Title 62 balances that are not paid by the billing date balance is $25.00 or less. b. charge does not extend the trights of a customer. Notice of intention to pay late will not avoid this charge. c. The late payment charge does not apply to the following: • Bills mailed more than ten days after bill date. • Final bills. • One time miscellaneous bills. • in the customer’s favor. (I) THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 18, 2014 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%iE) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 35.1 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CONDITIONS OF OFFERING 2.3 PAYMENT FOR SERVICE 2.3.2 PAYMENT OF BILLS (Cont’d) 15.Duplicate Bill Charge In the event a customer requests a reprint of a monthly bill that is greater than six months old,a duplicate bill charge may apply. USOC CHARGE •Residence,per account -Reprint on paper,per bill OBMDC $5.00 -Reprint on CD-ROM[1]OBMDE 15.00 -Online Self Service Access[2]OBMDH 10.00 •Business,per account -Reprint on paper,per bill OBMDC 5.00 -Reprint on CD-ROM[1]OBMDD 25.00 -Online Self Service Access[2]OBMDG 20.00 [1]Charge applies for any 12 months of bills and/or partial 12 months of bills per request for bills dated March 2003,through September 2006.For example,the charge assessed for a single request of 16 months of duplicate bills provided via CD-ROM would be $30.00 for a residence customer and $50.00 for a business customer.The CD-ROM option will be available February 19,2007 through October 1,2007. [2]Bills from March 2003,through September 2006,will be available via On-line Self Service Access to current customers from January 22,2007,through October 1, 2007,only. NOTICE UHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJEC I TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO,13-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 SID2015-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 2 Page 35.2 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 6-17-15 Effective: 7-1-15 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS - CONDITIONS OF OFFERING 2.3 PAYMENT FOR SERVICE 2.3.2 PAYMENT OF BILLS (Cont’d) 16. Convenience Fee Charge a. In the event a residential customer makes a one-or an electronic funds transfer over the phone with a CenturyLink representativeConvenience Fee Charge may appl plans, customers who pay their bill by mail or who use tbill payment service. This one-credit card statement along with the payment amount. CHARGE • Convenience Fee Charge, per occasion $5.00 (Live Representative) b. In the event a business customer makes a one-an electronic funds transfer over the phone with a CenturyLink representative to establish new service a payment service, customers with multiple would not be assessed a fee, and customers without a computer. This one-charge will appear on the customer’s bank or credit card statepayment amount. CHARGE • Convenience Fee Charge, per occasion $5.00 (Live Representative) 17. Late Payment Charge a. A Late Payment Charge of 4% on the entire unpaid balance or $7.00, whichever is greater, will be assessed to all customer payments received after the due date. (I) (I) (N) (N) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 1, 2015 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 36 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 ______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CONDITIONs OF OFFERING 2.3 PAYMENT FOR SERVICE (Cont’d) 2.3.3 ADVANCE PAYMENTS AND DEPOSITS A.Advance Payments 1.In accordance with the Company’s practice of requiring that all regularly recurring charges for services,equipment,and facilities be paid monthly in advance,an applicant for telephone service,equipment or facilities,may be required to pay in advance at the time application for such is made,the installation charges and/or service and equipment charges applicable,together with at least 1 month’s charges for the services,equipment,and facilities applied for,and where necessary,in the opinion of the Company,the estimated amount of construction charges.An applicant to buy facilities or equipment may be required to pay the sales price in advance,at the time of application,if in the opinion of the Company such is necessary to satisfy reasonable credit standards. 2.The amount of the advance payment will be credited to the customer’s account and applied to any indebtedness under the contract for services,equipment,and facilities furnished,for any applicable rates and charges,and for toll messages. B.Deposits 1.The Company adopts by reference “The Telephone Customer Relations Rules”, codified at IDAPA 31.41.01000 et seq,by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and all amendments to those rules which may be hereafter adopted by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. 2.When the Company deems it necessary,in protecting its earned revenues,an applicant for service or a present customer may be required to make and keep intact a deposit in such amount as may be required from time to time by the Company as a guarantee of the payment of charges for services.The fact that a deposit has been made shall in no way relieve the applicant or customer from complying with the regulations of the Company as to advance payments and the prompt payment of bills on presentation,nor constitute a waiver or modification of the regular practices of the Company providing for the discontinuance of service for nonpayment of any sums due the Company for services rendered. 3.Copies of these Rules and Regulations are on file in every business office and are available for public inspection. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED TN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi€) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 37 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CONDITIONS OF OFFERING 2.3 PAYMENT FOR SERVICE 2.3.3 ADVANCE PAYMENTS AND DEPOSITS B.Deposits (Cont’d) 4.Residential Service a.The deposit will be returned to the customer in 12 months or less if the account of the customer has not been subject to temporary denial of service for nonpayment. b.The deposit may be monitored for as long as the deposit is required and may be increased when toll usage in a one-month period exceeds by $50.00 or more the portion of the customer’s deposit covering one month’s toll usage.This portion equals one-half the deposit less the customer’s non-toll monthly obligations. The Company may discontinue or refuse service to a customer for failure or refusal to pay an additional deposit which may be required. c.Qualifying applicants for the Telephone Assistance Program (TAP)may initiate service without paying a deposit if they voluntarily elect to have Toll Restriction on their line.Toll Restriction will be provided at no charge to TAP customers. 5.Non-Residential Service a.The deposit will be returned to the customer within 18 months after the customer has established good credit. b.If however,the average charges for basic exchange and toll service exceed $100 per month,the Company may retain the deposit longer than 18 months. 6.Interest will be payable on all deposits at the rate determined by the IPUC pursuant to Commission rule IDAPA 31.41.01106.Interest will accrue from the date of the deposit until the date of refund or application to the customer’s telephone bill. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%i) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 38 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CONDITIONS OF OFFERING 2.3 PAYMENT FOR SERVICE (Cont’d) 2.3.4 ADJUSTMENT OF CHARGES A.Interruptions 1.For the purpose of applying this provision,the word interruption shall mean the inability to complete calls either incoming or outgoing or both.Interruption does not include and no credit allowance shall be given for service difficulties such as slow dial tone,busy circuits or other network and/or switching capacity shortages. 2.The credit allowance will not apply where service is interrupted by the negligence or willful act of the customer or the failure of facilities provided by the customer, or where the Company,pursuant to the terms of this document,suspends or terminates service because of unlawful or improper use of the facilities or service, or any other reason covered by this document. 3.No credit allowance shall be made for interruptions due to electric power failure where,by the provisions of this document,the customer is responsible for providing electric power. 4.When service is interrupted for a period of at least 24 hours after notice by the customer to the Company,a credit allowance equal to 1/30 of the monthly rate for all services and facilities furnished by the Company rendered useless shall apply for each 24 hours,or major fraction thereof,during which the interruption continues after notice to the Company.Credit allowances in any billing period shall not exceed the total charges for that period for the services and facilities which were rendered useless. 5.Credit allowance for interruptions of message rate service will not affect the number of local messages or message units to which the customer is entitled during a given billing period. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 39 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CoNDiTIoNs OF OFFERING 2.3 PAYMENT FOR SERVICE (Cont’d) 2.3.5 PAYMENT PLANS Rates for service and facilities continue monthly and are payable as specified in 2.3.2.,except as modified by the following: A.Installment Billing 1.Installment billing except as otherwise provided in this document is provided,at no extra charge,to assist our customers in obtaining adequate and up-to-date telephone service. 2.Installment billing provides for billing one time charges in monthly installments where a need for it is indicated.The monthly installments normally begin with the first bill rendered after completion of the arrangements between the Company and the customer. 2.4 LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY 2.4.1 SERVICE LIABILITIES In view of the fact that the customer has exclusive control of his communications over the facilities furnished him by the Company,and of the other uses for which facilities may be furnished him by the Company,and because of unavoidability of errors incident to the services and to the use of such facilities of the Company,the services and facilities furnished by the Company are subject to the following terms,conditions and limitations. A.Limitations NO LIABILITY SHALL ATTACH TO THE COMPANY FOR DAMAGES ARISING FROM ERRORS,MISTAKES,OMISSIONS,INTERRUPTIONS,OR DELAYS OF THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS,SERVANTS OR EMPLOYEES,IN THE COURSE OF ESTABLISHING, FURNISHING,REARRANGING,MOVING,TERMiNATING,OR CHANGING THE SERVICE OR FACILITIES (INCLUDING THE OBTAINING OR FURNISHING OF INFORMATION IN RESPECT THEREOF OR WITH RESPECT TO THE CUSTOMERS OR USERS OF THE SERVICE OR FACILITIES)IN THE ABSENCE OF GROSS NEGLIGENCE OR WILLFUL MISCONDUCT. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO,13-02-SID SID2OI 3-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%l) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 40 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CONDITIONS OF OFFERING 2.4 LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY 2.4.1 SERvICE LIABILITIES (Cont’d) B.Transmission I.The Company does not transmit messages but offers the use of its facilities,when available,for communications between parties,each of whom is present at a telephone. 2.The customer indemnifies and saves the Company harmless against claims for libel,slander,or infringement of copyright from the material transmitted over its facilities;against claims for infringement of patents arising from combining with, or using in connection with,facilities of the Company,apparatus and systems of the customer;and against all other claims arising out of any act or omission of the customer in connection with facilities provided by the Company. C.Connections With Other Telephone Companies When the lines of other companies are used in establishing connection to points not reached by the Company’s lines,the Company is not liable for any act or omission of the other company or companies and their agents,servants,or employees. D.Defacement of Premises The Company shall not be liable for any defacement of or damage to,customer’s premises resulting from the existence of the Company’s instruments,apparatus,or wiring,on such premises,or caused by the installation or removal,when such defacement or damage is not the result of the negligence of the Company. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page4l Junel5,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-20 13 Effective:6-15-20 13 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CoNDITIoNs OF OFFERING 2.4 LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY (Cont’d) 2.4.2 MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR I.All ordinary expense of maintenance and repair in connection with service provided by the Company is borne by the Company unless otherwise specified. 2.Service and equipment charges do not apply to repair services. 3.Except as otherwise specified,equipment and or wiring to the Network Interface furnished by the Company on customers premises shall be and remain the property of and must be installed,relocated and maintained by the Company. Company agents and employees shall have the right to enter the premises at any reasonable hour for the purpose of installing,inspecting,or repairing the facilities,or for the purpose of disconnecting service. 4.Unless otherwise specified,customers may not rearrange,disconnect,remove, attempt to repair,or permit others to rearrange,disconnect,remove or attempt to repair any equipment or wiring owned by the Company except upon the consent of the Company. 2.4.4 DIRECTORY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS I.The Company’s liability arising from errors in or omissions of directory listings shall be limited to and satisfied by a refund not exceeding the amount of the charges for such of the customer’s service as is affected during the period covered by the directory in which the error or omission occurs. 2.The Company,in accepting listings as prescribed by applicants or customers,will not assume responsibility for the result of the publication of such listings in its directories,nor will the Company be a party to controversies arising between customers or others as a result of such publication. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SEcTIoN 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 42 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CoNDITIoNs OF OFFERING 2.4 LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY (Cont’d) 2.4.5 HAZARDOUS OR INACCESSIBLE LOCATIONS 1.In areas the Company considers hazardous or inaccessible to its employees,the customer may be required to furnish,install and maintain the facilities or equipment. 2.Such installations must meet Company specifications and the rules which apply to customer-provided equipment. 2.5 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CUSTOMER 2.5.1 LOST OR DAMAGED EQUIPMENT 1.In case of damage to,or destruction of any of the Company’s instruments or accessories due to the negligence or willful act of the customer and not due to ordinary wear and tear,the customer will be held responsible for the cost of restoring the equipment to its original condition,or of replacing the equipment destroyed. 2.The customer is required to reimburse the Company for loss,through thefi,of equipment or apparatus furnished to him. 2.5.2 BUILDING SPACE AND ELECTRIC POWER SUPPLY When Company equipment installed on the customer’s premises requires power for its operation,the customer is required to provide such power. 2.5.3 USE OF TELEPHONE ALARM REPORTING DEVICES Devices that automatically dial a predetermined telephone number and transmit a prerecorded message may be used only afier authorization has been obtained from the party to whom the called telephone number is assigned or that party’s agent.In those cases where the number dialed is assigned to a public emergency agency,written authorization is required. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. SID2O1 3-002 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation il/b/a CenturyLink QC AcCEpTED FoR FaLir)Exchange and Network October 1,2012ServicesCatalogNo.1 SECTION 2 Boise IdahoPage43 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 6 Issued:9-20-2012 Effective:10-1-2012 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CONDITIONS OF OFFERING 2.6 SPECIAL TAXES,FEES,CHARGES Insofar as practicable,any sales,use,privilege,excise,franchise or occupation tax,costs of furnishing service without charge or similar taxes or impositions now or hereafter levied by the Federal,State,or Local government or any political subdivision or taxing authority thereof may be billed by the Company to its exchange customers on a pro rata basis in the areas wherein such taxes, impositions or other charges shall be levied against the Company. A.Universal Service Fund Surcharge (D) 1.A surcharge assessed on all access lines to contribute toward funding the Idaho (C) Universal Service Fund (USF).The surcharge will remain in effect until otherwise modified,cancelled,or changed by the Commission.(C) 2.In compliance with IPUC Order No.27380,a monthly surcharge rate is assessed (T) on all Message Telecommunication Service (MTS)calls and is included in the MTS rates in 6.2.1,following.The surcharge contributes towards funding for the (C) Idaho Universal Service Fund.” (D) (D) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CON FAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGF TRANSMITTAL NO.12-14-SID S1D2012-017 SID2015-005 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog SECTION 2 Page 43.1 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued: 5-20-15 Effective: 6-1-15 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS - CONDITIONS OF OFFERING 2.6 SPECIAL TAXES, FEES, CHARGES (Cont’d) MONTHLY RATE •$0.09 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 15-05-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 1, 2015 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissiç) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 44 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CONDITIONS OF OFFERING 2.8 CABLE,WIRE AND SERVICE TERMINATION POLICY The following Policy,effective September 1,1996,applies to the termination of new cable/wire facilities in buildings under new construction or when there is a complete reinforcement of existing entrance facilities.The policy applies to facilities required to provide services at speeds of 1.544 Mbit/s and below.Due to technical requirements,services provided at speeds above 1.544 Mbit/s will be terminated per technical specifications. A.Description Based on options specified in D.,following,the Company will place and maintain cable/wire facilities to a point of demarcation that is mutually acceptable to both the Company and the premises owner.The demarcation point location will be within 12”inches of the protector,or when there is no protector,within 12”inches (or as close as practicable)of the point at which the cable/wire enters the customer’s premises. Company network facilities includes the portion of an exchange access line circuit that commences at the Minimum Point of Entry (MPOE)and extends up to,and includes the demarcation point,at which point a Standard Network Interface (SNI) is placed.These facilities may include,but are not limited to,wiring enclosures, riser and house cable/wire facilities,protector units and the SNI Unit(s). B.Terms and Conditions 1.All cable/wire,up to and including the SNI at the demarcation point,are facilities,managed and maintained by the Company. 2.Access to the Company’s facilities on the Company’s side of the demarcation point is prohibited. 3.The premises owner is responsible for the provision and maintenance of adequate space and supporting structure (e.g.,conduit,poles,trenches)for all cable/wire facilities placed into,or within a private property.The Company may,at its discretion,modify requirements and charges to allow it to respond to competition. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 45 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease2Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-20 13 Effective:6-15-2013 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CONDITIONS OF OFFERING 2.8 CABLE,WIRE AND SERVICE TERMINATION POLICY B.Terms and Conditions (Cont’d) 4.When the repair of facilities is required on private property,it is the responsibility of the premises owner to provide suitable working space for repairs by the Company.This would include,but is not limited to,removing any required concrete or asphalt,the repair or replacement of supporting structure or to provide any required digging to access the damaged area. 5.The premises owner/customer has responsibility to provide,and/or maintain and manage the cable/wire beyond the demarcation point. 6.The Company will install and provide maintenance for cable/wiring beyond the demarcation point at the request of the premises owner/customer at appropriate charges. 7.It is the customer’s responsibility to know where their facilities begin.The Company will not perform premises audits to determine demarcation point locations,without appropriate charges. 8.The premises owner shall be responsible for Company costs associated with the disruption of service to the customer if caused by other provider’s access to Company equipment that serves as a common demarcation point for multiple customers.The premises owner is responsible for providing a secured location for the demarcation point,and also to limit access to authorized personnel only. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED N THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissif1) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.I SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 46 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease2BoiseIdahoIssued:6-5-20 13 Effective:6-15-20 13 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CONDITIONS OF OFFERING 2.8 CABLE,WIRE AND SERVICE TERMINATION POLICY (Cont’d) C.New Cable Facilities 1.Single Tenant Building(s) If a building is occupied by a single tenant,then the premises owner must choose to have the Company locate the demarcation point (SNI)as outlined in either Options I or 4 in D.,following. 2.Multi-Tenant Building(s) The premises owner must choose one of the options outlined in D.,following, for the premises demarcation location(s). 3.Campus Options The premises owner may choose how the campus property and the buildings on the property will be provisioned with Company facilities.The choices of demarcation point location(s)are as follows: •one location for the campus property (Option 4).or; •designating demarcation points;in one or more building(s),following the single-tenant or multi-tenant guidelines for each building.(Options 1,2 or 3 as outlined in D.,following.) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation dlb!a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi4) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page4T Junel5,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CONDITIONS OF OFFERING 2.8 CABLE,WIRE AND SERVICE TERMINATION POLICY (Cont’d) D.Premises Owner Choices There are four termination options which a premises owner may choose from.The options vary depending on the occupancy of the building(s). In a campus environment,the premises owner may choose an option for each building. •Option I All Company facilities will terminate at one location upon entering the building. This location will be mutually agreed upon by the Company and the premises owner or designee.Normally this location will be at the lowest common serving point.(This option is available for both single and multi-tenant premises.) •Option 2 The Company will terminate facilities at common locations throughout the building (terminal rooms,utility closets,etc.).These locations will be mutually agreed upon by the Company and the premises owner or designee.The demarcation points will be accessible to end-users at these locations.(Option 2 is not an option for single tenant buildings). •Option 3 The Company will terminate facilities at one mutually agreed upon location within each individual space/unit,within 12”(or a similarly reasonable distance) of cable/wire entry.(Option 3 is not an option for single tenant buildings.) •Option 4 The Company will terminate facilities at one location on the property mutually agreed upon by the Company and the premises owner or designee.(This option is available for both single and multi-tenant premises.) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.I SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 48 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CONDITIONS OF OFFERING 2.8 CABLE,WIRE AND SERVICE TERMINATION POLICY (Cont’d) E.End User Choices Where a premises owner has chosen an option other than Option 3,the end user may obtain service directly from the Company provided they obtain permission from the premises owner or designee.The premises owner/designee must agree to provide necessary supporting structures.Such service will be provided from the same demarcation point elected by the premises owner.With the premises owner’s permission,service will be provided using existing cable pairs.if necessary,new cable/wire will be placed from the demarcation point/SNI to the end user’s space at appropriate charges. If the premises is served by a Shared Tenant Provider,the end user is entitled to receive service from the Company.See 5.10,following,for terms and conditions. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 49 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise,Ida hoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CoNDITIoNS OF OFFERING 2.12 NATURAL DISASTER RELIEF FOR CUSTOMERS In situations where customers’telecommunications services are interrupted by natural disasters,the Company may offer alternative telecommunications services to customers in the immediate affected area,and waive otherwise applicable charges for those services.The availability and details of the offers,including, but not limited to,the maximum duration of the offer or waiver of any applicable charges,will be determined by the Company in each instance of natural disaster. 2.15 OBSOLETE SERVICES Services and equipment referred to as obsolete are no longer suitable to meet the current needs of the general public.They will not be furnished as a new entire item of service to any customer or applicant. 2.15.1 MONTHLY SERVICES Certain items of service may be furnished where they are required to fully utilize the installed common equipment capacities of existing systems.At the discretion of the Company,such items presently being furnished to existing customers may be continued in service on the same premises for the same customer for a limited period of time subject to the ability of the Company to maintain the items without unreasonable expense and to obtain repair parts from existing or recovered stock. NOTICE THE INFOR.MATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 50 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease2Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS -CONDITIONS OF OFFERING 2.16 CONTRACTUAL SERVICE AGREEMENTS A.TOTAL ADVANTAGE Express Service (QTA Express) 1.General Description As applied in this Catalog,the TOTAL ADVANTAGE Express Agreement is a Qwest Communications Corporation offer of a suite of communications services targeted to mid-sized business customers based on term and minimum usage commitments.The QTA Express Agreement may include Qwest Corporation, Qwest Communications Corporation and/or Qwest Long Distance Corporation products or services.It is available on one-year,two-year,or three-year term commitments.Terms and conditions for QTA Express Agreements may be found on: http://tariffs.qwest.com:8000/QWEST_RSS/index.htm B.TOTAL ADVANTAGE (QTA) 1.General Description As applied in this Catalog,the TOTAL ADVANTAGE Agreement is a Qwest Communications Corporation offer of a suite of business communications services offering flat rates based on term and minimum usage commitments.The QTA Agreement may include Qwest Corporation,Qwest Communications Corporation and/or Qwest Long Distance Corporation products or services.It is available on a month-to-month basis,one-year,two-year,or three-year term commitments.Terms and conditions for QTA Agreements may be found on: http://tariffs.qwest.com:8000/QWEST RSS/index.htrn NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.1 3-02-Sil) SD201 3-002 Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No.I SECTION 3 Index Page 1 Release 2 Effective:6-15-2013 3.SERVICE CHARGES SUBJECT Expedited Order Service Express Change Charges Network Premises Work Charges Service and Equipment Charges NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL.NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 SOUTHERN IDAHO Issued:6-5-2013 Idaho Public Utilities Commissiç) Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 15,2013 Boise,Idaho PAGE 9 6 Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi€) Exchange and Network .Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 3 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 1 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 3.SERVICE CHARGES 3.1 SERVICE CHARGES 3.1.1 SERVICE AND EQUIPMENT CHARGES A.Regulations Unless otherwise specified,service and equipment charges apply whether or not the facilities are in place.Facilities are considered as being in place when no change is made at the customer’s request in the type or location of the facilities. B.Charges 1.Service and equipment charges do not apply to: a.Move or change a customer’s telephone service if required or initiated by the Company. b.Install,move,or change telephone service located on a customer’s premises but used exclusively by the Company for maintenance or training activities. c.The “from”portion of work involved in a transfer of service from one premises to another. 2.Service and equipment charges apply to: Establish or change billing name responsibility subsequent to the initial installation of service and is in addition to directory listing charges,if applicable. This charge will also apply to establish toll only accounts. SERVICE & EQUIPMENT CHARGE Each service order required -Residence $4.00 -Business 7.50 3.The service and equipment charges,where applicable,are specified with a given service as stated in this Catalog. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUB JEC F TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi4) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 3 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page2 Junel5,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease3Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 ________________________ 3.SERVICE CHARGES 3.1 SERVICE CHARGES (Cont’d) 3.1.2 NETWORK PREMISES WORK CHARGES A.Description Network Premises Work Charges are charges billed to the customer for work performed by a Company employee or representative for work done on the Company side of the network interface. B.Regulations 1.Network Premises Work Charges will apply to move,change,or modify the access line or access line termination on the custome?s premises when requested by the customer. 2.Network Premises Work Charges do not apply to the following work: •To move or change a customer’s telephone service if required or initiated by the Company. •To install,move,or change telephone service located on a customer’s premises but used exclusively by the Company for maintenance or training activities. •Disconnection of access line services providing no other work subject to Network Premises Work Charges is involved. •Repair service except as stated otherwise. 3.Network Premises Work Charges apply for a visit to the customer’s premises which is required because of a move of network facilities by the customer in violation of the regulations. 4.Premises work required to establish or reestablish network access to the premises is not subject to Network Premises Work Charges. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SEcTIoN 3 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page3 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-20 13 3.SERVICE CHARGES 3.1 SERVICE CHARGES 3.1.2 NETWORK PREMISES WORK CHARGES B.Regulations (Cont’d) 5.Only one initial Network Premises Work Charge applies when: •For Company reasons,more than one Company technician is involved in performing billable premises work on the same service order. •Additional Network Premises Work Charges will be calculated by totaling the remaining billable work time performed by all technicians. 6.The initial Network Premises Charge,as well as additional Network Premises Work Charges,will apply if applicable,for the first and subsequent move of network equipment,drop wire,entrance facilities,etc.,on the customer’s premises,made at the customer’s request,as a result of the customer’s remodeling/redecorating or any other customer activity requiring the tirst and subsequent visit for moves. 7.In cases where an existing customer requests that an aerial drop be changed to a buried one,or requests a buried drop be moved,and the Company provides the trench,the charges specified in C.2.,following,will be billed in addition to the Network Premise Work Charge.In cases where the distance is greater than 600 feet,where permits are required,or where specific situations dictate,the request will be provided for as specified in Section 4,following. 8.In those cases where an existing customer requests that an aerial drop be changed to a buried one,or requests a buried drop be moved and the customer has provided their own trench,the per 10 foot charge for the type of Buried Service Wire requested,which appear in C.3.,following,will be billed in addition to the Network Premise Work Charge. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02.SI[) SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%i) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 3 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 3.1 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 3.SERVICE CHARGES 3.1 SERVICE CHARGES 3.1.2 NETWORK PREMISES WORK CHARGES (Cont’d) C.Charges 1.Network Premises Work Charges -each 15 minutes or fraction thereof of billable premises work NO RECURRING LTSOC CHARGE Schedule 1 Applicable to work performed Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m.and 5:00 p.m. -First 15 minute increment or fraction thereof HRH1 1 565.00 -Each additional 15 minute increment or fraction thereof HRHA1 25.00 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissiii) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 3 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page4 Junel5,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 3.SERVICE CHARGES 3.1 SERVICE CHARGES 3.1.2 NETWORK PREMISES WORK CHARGES C.1.(Cont’d) NONRECURRING USOC CHARGE •Schedule II Applicable to work performed Monday through Friday at hours other than Schedule I and all day Saturday. -First 15 minute increment or fraction thereof HRH12 $70.00 -Each additional 15 minute increment or fraction thereof HRHA2 25.00 •Schedule III Applicable to work performed on Sundays and holidays. -First 15 minute increment or fraction thereof HRHI 3 75.00 -Each additional 15 minute increment or fraction thereof HRHA3 30.00 Holidays subject to Schedule III Charges are: HOLIDAYS DAY OBSERVED New Year’s Day January 1 Memorial Day Last Monday in May Independence Day July 4 Labor Day First Monday in September Thanksgiving Day Fourth Thursday in November Christmas Day December 25 NOTICE THE INFORMA [ION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT iS SUBJFCT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO,13-02-SID S1D201 3-002 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi4) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 3 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 5 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 3.SERVICE CHARGES 3.1 SERVICE CHARGES 3.1.2 NETWORK PREMISES WORK CHARGES C.Charges (Cont’d) NONRECURRING USOC CHARGE 2.Trenching[1] •I -300 feet HRHTA $545.00 •301 -600 Feet HRHTB 1,035.00 3.Buried Service Wire[2] •Three Pair,per 10 feet 93G2K 2.50 •Three Pair Gopher Protected per 10 feet 93G2L 3.00 •Six Pair,per 10 feet 93G2M 3.50 •Six Pair Gopher Protected per 10 feet 93G2N 4.00 [1]The charge for trenching includes the cost of the Buried Service Wire used. [2]Buried service wire charges apply only where the customer has provided their own trench. NOTICE THE iNFORMATiON CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAl.NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissid) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 3 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page6 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 3.SERVICE CHARGES 3.1 SERVICE CHARGES (Cont’d) 3.1.9 EXPRESS CHANGE CHARGES A.Description CENTRON Custom and Centrex Plus customers may have changes to their service completed within a one-hour time frame or on an overnight basis.These changes include feature changes (move,add,delete and/or change features),system changes,moves and rearrangements of telephone numbers,and moves and changes to lines within a system. B.Definitions Standard Express Change Change completed overnight. Priority Express Change Change completed within a one-hour period from the time the request is received by the Company. Service Establishment Charge One-time charge applicable to non-CENTRON/Centrex Plus Management System customers for initial express change request. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID SD201 3-002 Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SEcTION 3 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page7 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease2Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 ________________________ 3.SERVICE CHARGES 3.1 SERVICE CHARGES 3.1.9 EXPRESS CHANGE CHARGES (Cont’d) C.Regulations I.All express changes are processed by the Company. 2.Adding or disconnecting telephone numbers cannot be done on an express change basis. 3.The Company will process changes on an express basis where technically feasible.If due to technical limitations,certain features/lines are not able to be changed on an express basis,the regular procedures and charges for processing a change request will apply. 4.Customers may request the same change be applied to multiple lines simultaneously.The Company will process up to 100 express feature changes,80 express line changes,20 priority feature changes and 4 priority line changes per day,per customer. 5.Customers may add optional features only in blocks of 10.There is no limit to the number of standard features that can be added using the express process,other than that stipulated above. 6.Customers must have a minimum of 20 station lines in their system in order to qualify for express charges. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation d!b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 3 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 8 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease2Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 3.SERVICE CHARGES 3.1 SERVICE CHARGES 3.1.9 EXPRESS CHANGE CHARGES (Cont’d) D.Rates and Charges 1.Customers may request multiple changes on the same line.Charges are assessed per line,per request,regardless of the number of changes made per line.(“Per request”is defined here as each time the customer contacts the Company.) 2.Features added using the express process will be assessed the same monthly recurring rates as if they were added through the conventional service order process and will be reflected on the customer’s bill as such. 3.The following charges are in addition to all other charges applicable to the associated service,except as specified herein.Service and equipment charges or other nonrecurring charges found elsewhere for moving or changing features or moving or changing lines within the customer’s system do not apply when express changes are made. NONRECURRING USOC CHARGE •Service Establishment Charge, initial request XPTXX $150.00 •Standard Express Change, per line,per request XPTOX 6.00 •Priority Express Change, per line,per request XPT1X 12.00 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL.NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi1f) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 3 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page9 Junel5,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 3.SERVICE CHARGES 3.1 SERVICE CHARGES (Cont’d) 3.1.10 EXPEDITED ORDER CHARGE Digital Switched Service (DSS).Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), and Uniform Access Solution (UAS)Service customers may request a service date that is prior to the standard interval service date as set forth in the Qwest Corporation Service Interval Guide (SIG).If the Company agrees to provide the service on an expedited basis,an Expedite Charge will apply as set forth in the Private Line Transport Services Catalog.The customer will be notified of the Expedite Charge prior to the order being issued. OTTCE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID S1D201 3-002 SID2014-004 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 4 Index Page 1 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 2-11-2014 Effective: 2-21-2014 4. CONSTRUCTION CHARGES AND OTHER SPECIAL CHARGES SUBJECT PAGE Construction Under Unusual Conditions ................................................... 6 General ....................................................................................................... 1 Line Extension Charges .............................................................................. 3 Other Construction or Conditions .............................................................. 6 Provisioning Agreement for Housing Developments ................................. 4 Special Assemblies, Facilities and Finishes of Equipment ........................ 6 Special Service Arrangements ................................................................... 6 Special Types of Construction ................................................................... 6 Temporary Construction ............................................................................ 6 (T) (T) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 14-004-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 21, 2014 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 4 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 1 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease2Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 ______________________ 4.CONSTRUCTION CHARGES AND OTHER SPECIAL CHARGES 4.1 GENERAL 1.The provision of telephone service may require the payment of a Line Extension, special or temporary construction charge by the customer ordering telephone service.These charges are in addition to the regular rates and charges applicable for the exchange service provided.If facilities are requested by a developer/builder for single family residential dwellings,a Provisioning Agreement for Housing Developments is required. 2.Advance payments or deposits for exchange service,if required under the regulations contained in Section 2 of this Catalog,shall be paid at the time agreement is made between the applicant and the Company to provide such exchange service. 3.With approval of the Company,arrangements may be made for the payment of Line Extension charges in monthly installments spread over a reasonable period, not to exceed one year.All unpaid installments become due upon termination of service. 4.With approval of the Company,a customer may furnish material,transportation, labor,board or lodging as all or part payment of the charge in lieu of cash. 5.Except as specifically provided for service station lines,the ownership of any pole line,circuit or other facilities provided wholly or in part at the expense of an applicant under this Catalog shall at all times be vested exclusively in the Company or another company with which the Company has a joint agreement. 6.Except as otherwise provided herein,the regulations in this Catalog contemplate that the type of construction required to provide the quantity and grade of telephone service involved will be determined by the Company.The customer will be required to pay the added costs involved when a different type of construction than that proposed by the Company is desired. 7.Where applicants are so located that it is necessary or desirable to use private and/or government right-of-way to furnish service,such applicants may be required to provide or pay the cost of providing such right-of-way including survey costs,in addition to any applicable charges. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAiNED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID SID2O1 3-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%i) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.I SECTION 4 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 2 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 4.CONSTRUCTION CHARGES AND OTHER SPECIAL CHARGES 4.1 GENERAL (Cont’d) 8.Applicants who request service at a location where facilities have never existed, and the Company must extend facilities in order to provide the requested service may be required to pay Line Extension charges in addition to the rates and charges applicable to establish service.Additional charges may apply as provided in paragraphs 6.and 7.,preceding,and for special types of construction, new areas of land development and temporary construction. 9.All necessary construction will be undertaken at the discretion of the Company consistent with budgetary responsibilities and consideration for the impact on the general body of subscribers. 10.Service station customers who request local exchange service will be classed as new applicants for the application of Line Extension charges.New service station customers will be assessed the appropriate Line Extension charge applicable at the point of connection. ii.The customer may request a detailed engineering quote to be performed to establish an estimated construction charge.The Company will provide an engineer’s quote of the construction charges at no fee for the first quote.All quotes are valid for six (6)months from the date they are presented to the customer.If subsequent quotes are requested,there will be a $300.00 fee for each subsequent quote.The fee will be applied as a credit to the construction charge bill when the customer notifies Qwest to begin construction within the six (6) month window described above.If the customer does not accept the quotation, then the $300.00 fee is retained by the Company. 12.The Company may,at its discretion modify terms and conditions to allow it to respond to competition. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED iN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID S1D201 3-002 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%1) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.I SECTION 4 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page3 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-20 13 Effective:6-15-2013 4.CONSTRUCTION CHARGES AND OTHER SPECIAL CHARGES 4.2 LINE EXTENSION CHARGES 1.Applicants who request service at a location where facilities have never existed, and the Company must extend facilities in order to provide the requested service, may be required to pay Line Extension charges in addition to the rates and charges applicable to establish service. 2.The Company will grant a one -time credit allowance of $1,600 for the premises. Charges for the Line Extension in excess of the credit allowance shall be based on the cost to the Company to place the facilities.The credit allowance will be applied towards the written quote to determine customer charges. 3.The terms and conditions stated in 4.1,preceding,also apply to the provision of Line Extensions. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-S ID SID2O1 3-002 SID2014-004 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 4 Page 4 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 2-11-2014 Effective: 2-21-2014 4. CONSTRUCTION CHARGES AND OTHER SPECIAL CHARGES 4.4 PROVISIONING AGREEMENT FOR HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS A. Description for the provision of facilities development. B. Terms and Conditions 1. A PAHD is required for the following: a. Developments for the purpose of constructing single-dwellings or two-family dwellings; multifamily dwellings; or a mix of single-family detached, two-family dwellings and multifamily dwellings. b. mobile home or mobile home park. the Company. c. RV parks platted for long- meet the specifications of the Company. 2. For thdesigned or used exclusively for residential purposes. A single- family. A two-family dwelling contains dwelling units, designed for and occupied by an equal number of families. (C) (C) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 14-004-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 21, 2014 Boise, Idaho SID2014-004 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 4 Page 5 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 2-11-2014 Effective: 2-21-2014 4. CONSTRUCTION CHARGES AND OTHER SPECIAL CHARGES 4.4 PROVISIONING AGREEMENT FOR HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS B. Terms and Conditions (Cont’d) 3. The following do not fall under the provisions of 4.4. a. Developments containing less than four (4) single or two- Company’s line extension policy in effect at the time. b. Marinas. c. Mobile home parks, except as defined in 4.4.B.1.b. d. RV parks, except as defined in 4.4.B.1.c. 4. Company with an addressed, recorded mutually agreed upon requirements for easements, rights-of- dates aDeveloper/Builder. 5. include provisions that are different from or additional to those stated in 4.4. 6. Developer/Builders’ Responsibilities and Charges a. with anothe and within the development or enter into a development under mutually agreeable terms and conditions. (M) Material moved to Page 6. (C) (C) (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 14-004-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 21, 2014 Boise, Idaho SID2014-004 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 4 Page 5.1 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 2-11-2014 Effective: 2-21-2014 4. CONSTRUCTION CHARGES AND OTHER SPECIAL CHARGES 4.4 PROVISIONING AGREEMENT FOR HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS B. Terms and Conditions (Cont’d) 6. (Cont’d) b. If 4.4.B.6.a., preceding, does not apply, the following charges and responsibilities shall apply: (1) The Developer/Builder will provide, without expense to the Company, trench and backfill based on the specifications provided by the Company for the facilities within the development. The Developer/Builder will also provide, as specified by the Company and without expense to the Company, conduit with adequate pull string for the service drop from the serving pedestal or property line to the dwelling. In areas where the Company has trench and backfill agreements with other utilities, the Developer/Builder is responsible for the Company’s trench and backfill costs. (2) The Developer/Builder shall provide at no cost to the Company a legally sufficient easement to accommodate the placing and maintenance of the facilities (e.g. distribution cables plus terminal pedestals or like devices and access point cabinets) throughout the development. The surface of the easements shall be brought to final grade prior to the installation of buried or underground facilities. (3) Where the Company deems it necessary or desirable to use private and/or government right-of-way to place facilities to and within the development, such Developer/Builder shall be required to provide or pay the cost of providing such right-of-way in addition to any other applicable charges. The route established shall be determined by the Company. (4) If in the opinion of the Company, construction to and within the development does not constitute a prudent investment, the Developer/Builder will assume that portion of the construction costs that exceed a prudent financial contribution by the Company. For the purpose of this section (4), construction costs are defined in 4.4.B.7., following. (5) The Developer/Builder may request an engineering quote to be performed to establish an estimated construction charge by the Company. For the purpose of 4.4, the Company will provide an engineering quote of the construction charges and an executable PAHD to the Developer/Builder for a fee of $300.00. All quotes are valid for thirty (30) days from the date they are presented to the Developer/Builder. This fee is non-refundable. (6) All costs payable by the Developer/Builder shall be paid prior to the start of any construction. (C) (C) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 14-004-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 21, 2014 Boise, Idaho SID2014-004 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 4 Page 5.2 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 2-11-2014 Effective: 2-21-2014 4. CONSTRUCTION CHARGES AND OTHER SPECIAL CHARGES 4.4 PROVISIONING AGREEMENT FOR HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS B. Terms and Conditions (Cont’d) 7. For the purpose of 4.4.B.6.b.(4), construction costs shall include all material, supplies, engineering, labor, supervision, transportation, and rights-of-way for placing and removal of distribution and feeder facilities, and all facilities necessary to provide service from the central office to and within the development, including but not limited to channel equipment, feeder, distribution, and drop facilities, and any applicable overhead, as determined by the Company. 8. For the purpose of 4.4, facilities means feeder facilities and distribution facilities, including but not limited to the communications cable, wire, standard network interfaces, pedestals and terminals necessary to enable end-users to arrange to have communications services to their living unit activated in the future from a standard network interface, as well as any necessary structures including but not limited to communications conduit, sleevings, service drop and pull strings. Title to all facilities placed by or for the benefit of the Company to provide services to the development shall belong solely to the Company. 9. Facilities covered in the PAHD cannot be used for subsequent developments until they are covered by a new PAHD. 10. The Company shall not be required to provide facilities at the request of a Developer/Builder within new developments which meet any of the conditions listed in 4.4, absent the execution of PAHD. 11. To the extent that the terms and conditions in 4.4 or the PAHD conflict with any terms and conditions of any other section in this Catalog, the terms and conditions set forth in 4.4, and/or the PAHD agreement shall control. C. Developer Non-Participation If a Developer/Builder does not enter into a PAHD, the Company, at its option, may accept requests for service from individual customers in the subdivision/development area as provided for in the Company’s line extension policy in effect at that time. (C) (C) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 14-004-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 21, 2014 Boise, Idaho SID2014-004 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 4 Page 6 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 2-11-2014 Effective: 2-21-2014 4. CONSTRUCTION CHARGES AND OTHER SPECIAL CHARGES 4.5 SPECIAL SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS 4.5.1 SPECIAL ASSEMBLIES, FACILITIES AND FINISHES OF EQUIPMENT individual case. 4.6 OTHER CONSTRUCTION OR CONDITIONS A. Special Types of Construction 1. would be regularly used, or where conditions imposed by the cust difference construction and the average cost of construction normally used by the Company. 2. area where the Company would requesting the relocation of such facilities. B. Temporary Construction Where temporary construction is necessary to and removing the temporary construction. C. Construction Under Unusual Conditions 1. Where the service location is so isolated or charge may be assessed. 2. construction charges. 3. Construc exchange boundary. (M) Material moved from Page 5. (M) (M) THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 21, 2014 Boise, Idaho SID2014-014 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 105 Index Page 1 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 8 Issued: 11-25-14 Effective: 12-5-14 105. OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES SUBJECT PAGE Additional Line Feature Packages .............................................................. 77 Business CUSTOMCHOICE ...................................................................... 62 Business Line Volume Purchase Plan......................................................... 7 Coinless Public telephone Service .............................................................. 29.6 Combination Access Line Service .............................................................. 1.4 Core Connect Professional ....................................................................... 81.1 CUSTOMCHOICE ...................................................................................... 32 CUSTOMCHOICE-COMPLETE ................................................................ 40 Custom Calling Services ............................................................................. 15 Custom Ringing Service ............................................................................. 24 Custom Solutions ........................................................................................ 26 Direct-Inward-Dialing (DID) Service ......................................................... 13 Directory Services ....................................................................................... 31 Hunting Service .......................................................................................... 25 Identified Outward Dialing (IOD) .............................................................. 13 Joint User Service ....................................................................................... 30.4 LINE VOLUME ADVANTAGE ................................................................... 82 Listing Services ........................................................................................... 31 Local Exchange Service .............................................................................. 1 Local Service Options ................................................................................. 1 Local Voice Discount Plans ........................................................................ 82 Packaged Services ....................................................................................... 32 Packages Associated With Basic Exchange Service .................................. 32 Packages Not Associated With Basic Exchange Service ........................... 78.8 POPULARCHOICE .................................................................................... 36 PREFERREDCHOICE ............................................................................... 50 Premium Exchange Services....................................................................... 15 Private Branch Exchange (PBX) Trunks .................................................... 13 Public Communications Service - Coin and Coinless ................................ 28.1 Public Telephone Service ........................................................................... 28.1 (N) THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING December 5, 2014 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities CommissiErJ) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.I SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Index Page 2.June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES SUBJECT PAGE QWESTBUSJ7’/ESS LINE PLUS 67 0 WEST CHOICE Business 71 QWEST CHOICE Business Plus Term Discount Pricing 77.3 QWEST CHOICE Business Term Discount Pricing 77.1 0 WEST CHOICE Home 56 Q WEST CHOICE Two-line Business 74 0 WEST CHOICE Two-line Home 59 0 WEST UTILITY LINE 5 SELECTPAK 34 Semipublic Extension Service 30 Semipublic Telephone Service 29 Service Stations 1 SMARTSET Feature Packages 79 Two-line CUSTOMCHOICE 36 Two-line CUSTOMCHOICE-COMPLETE 42 Two-line POPULARC’HOICE 38 Two-line PREFERREDCHOICE 53 Two-line VALUECHOICE 47 VALUECHOICE 44 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissii) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SEcTIoN 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 1 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise,Idahoissued:6-5-20 13 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.2 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE 105.2.5 LOCAL SERVICE OPTIONS A.Service Stations 1.Effective June 1.2007,Suburban Service for residence customers is obsolete and no longer available to new customers.Existing customers in Rate Group 2 only may retain the obsolete service only as long as service remains at the same location. 1.Description a.Generally the Company will provide facilities for local exchange service within the exchange area.Where facilities are not in place or where unusual costs are involved,facilities may be provided in accordance with Section 4 of this Catalog. b.Service Station Service is offered as a means of providing telephone service in isolated and sparsely developed areas where it is not practicable for the Company to make facilities available or where to do so would impose excessive costs on the general body of customers. c.Service Stations may be connected with a CO of the Company. d.Service Station associations will be required to appoint a secretary or representative to transact all business with the Company.An association will be required to execute through its delegated representative,an agreement with the Company covering the privileges and obligations of either party to the other. e.After written notice,service may be discontinued on any line or lines at the option of the Company when the Service Station association or the owner of the Service Station line neglects or refuses to make such additions,replacements, changes,and repairs as may be necessary to place the line or lines and equipment in condition satisfactory to the Company for furnishing adequate service of the type established by the Company for the exchange zone area in which the Service Stations are located. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID S1D201 3-008 Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTIoN 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 1.1 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.2 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERViCE 105.2.5 LOCAL SERVICE OPTIONS A.1.(Cont’d) f The Company may limit the number of telephones connected to a line in order that the general quality of telephone service may be maintained.The association’s representative will report immediately to the Company any installations or removals of telephones on a Service Station line. g.A line will not be terminated at more than one CO.Lines will not be interconnected except as provided through the Company’s CO unless permission for such interconnection is granted in writing. h.Both business and residence stations may be connected with the same service station line. i.Except as specifically provided herein,the furnishing of service will be subject to standard rules and regulations.Where the provision of any equipment requires unusual installation,special charges based on cost may apply. 2.Service Stations Connected with a CO a.The local service area for customers will be the same as for other customers connected with the CO at which the Service Station line terminates.All customers on any one service station line must have the same local service area. b.The Service Station rates shown herein provide for the necessary switching at the CO and allow each customer one listing in the alphabetical section of the directory. c.Charges for exchange service,toll service,etc.,will be billed against the individual Service Station customer or,in the case of Service Station associations,billing may be against the association.Bills against the association will be rendered in the name of the individual customers and sent to the authorized representative of the association for payment.The representative of the association will be held responsible for the payment of such accounts. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.1 3-O2SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 1.2 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.2 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE 105.2.5 LOCAL SERVICE OPTIONS A.2.(Cont’d) d.Service Station Service is not furnished inside base,suburban,or locality areas. Ordinarily,all telephones must be located within the exchange zone area. Where connection is made with telephones located outside the exchange zone area,an extension of the exchange boundary to include the area involved should be considered.Where this is not practicable,additional rates and/or charges may be assessed,depending on the circumstances in each case. e.Extension stations may be connected with a Service Station System.Neither directory listings nor distinctive signals,such as code rings,will be furnished in connection with extension service. f.The Company will provide and maintain the necessary circuit between the CO and a mutually agreed upon junction point,usually at or near a base or locality area boundary.Service Station customers will be required to construct and maintain the necessary circuit or circuits and pole lines beyond such junction point.Where the agreed junction point is outside of the base,suburban,or locality area boundary,Line Extension Charges per Section 4.will apply. g.Special Service Arrangements (1)Service Station circuits may,under separate agreement,be attached to poles of the Company. (2)The regular main station line rates plus the appropriate nonrecurring charge and exchange zone increments will be applicable for each main station line connected. (3)Where facilities are available,Service Station lines may connect with facilities of the Company at exchange zone boundaries.In such cases the individual line monthly incremental charge applicable within the exchange zone area will apply to each Service Station line in addition to regular rates and charges.The incremental charge will be apportioned equally among all stations on the line. (4)Where facilities are available,Service Station lines may be connected with facilities of the Company at a location beyond the normal junction point.In such cases Private Line mileage charges will apply. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrty Exchange and Network ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 October 3,2011 Page 1.3 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued:9-26-1 1 Effective:10-3-1 1 _________________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.2 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE 105.2.5 LOCAL SERVICE OPTIONS A.2.(Cont’d) h.Rates and Charges (1)Service Station lines connected to lines of the Company. (2)The nonrecurring charge associated with provision of flat rate service access line applies: •To install CO line; •For connecting a CO line when changing a grade of service to or from PBX Service. (3)The nonrecurring change charge applies when changing from exchange service station service to individual line or rural grades of service. NON-MONTHLY RATE RECURRING PER RATE GROUP USOC CHARGE I i-A 2 Residence, each Service Station Line Connected -One-party 1SS $30.00 [1][11 $22.95 (I) [1]Service not available. NOTICE THE INFORMA lION CONTAINFD IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUB JEC1 10 CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO,11-1 6-SID SID2O1 1-012 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi!J) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 1.4 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.2 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE 105.2.5 LOCAL SERVICE OPTIONS (Cont’d) B.Combination Access Line Service 1.Description a.When two or more access lines,each at a different location in the same local service area,desire the capability of answering calls for one line or each of the lines at another location,such service will be provided subject to availability of facilities and in accordance with regulations and rates herein. b.Combination Access Line Service will be furnished in accordance with the following arrangements: (1)Arrangement 1:When any one of the access lines is called,the bells at all locations will ring: •Code rings or distinctive signaling,intended to designate which line is being called,will not be permitted in connection with this arrangement. •The Company reserves the right to limit the number of lines furnished when in its opinion this is necessary to prevent impairment of the service. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%ö) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 2 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.2 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE 105.2.5 LOCAL SERVICE OPTIONS B.1 .b.(Cont’d) (2)Arrangement 2:When the first access line is called,the bell at the called line and the extension bell at the other location will ring;when the second line is called,the bell at that location only will ring: •An extension bell will be required at the second location. •More than two access lines will not be permitted in connection with this arrangement. (3)Arrangement 3:When either access line is called,the bell at the called line and also,as provided below,a bell at the other location will ring: •In those exchanges in which semi-selective code ringing is used,the two access lines may be so connected that the bells at both telephones will ring when either line is called,the particular line called being identified by the code used in ringing. •An extension bell will be required at each location except in those cases where the arrangement discussed in the above paragraph is adopted,in which case no extension bells will be required. •More than two access lines will not be permitted in connection with this arrangement. 2.Terms and Conditions a.Effective February 3,1997,Arrangement 1 is no longer available. Any Arrangement 1 remaining as of December 3,1996,will be converted to Exchange Service Extension (ESE)specified in Section 13 of the Access Service Catalog,between December 3.1996 and February 3,1997.Conversion will be accomplished at no cost to the customer. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%ui) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 3 June 15,2013 SOuTHERN IDAHO Release 2:Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.2 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE 105.2.5 LOCAL SERVICE OPTIONS B,2.(Cont’d) b.Combination access line service will be furnished only in connection with individual line services. c.Combinations of tiat and message rate services will not be permitted. d.A directory listing may be furnished with each access line under any of the arrangements for combination access line service. e.Combination access line service will be furnished only in connection with services for the same customer,business associates,members of the same family and when there is a business relationship,such as,service in a business location and service in the residence of an employee,etc. f Custom Calling is not available with arrangement 2 or 3. 3.Rates and Charges a.Each access line will be charged for at the established individual line rate.and the appropriate business or residence rate will apply. b.Where combination access line service is furnished in connection with individual line message services,the local message allowances and message use for all lines are combined and excess local message charges are computed on the combined basis provided that all services involved are in the same billing period. c.FCO charges,as specified in the Access Service Catalog,will apply in addition to any other charges applicable when the access lines are not located in the same CO area in multioffice exchanges. The charges specified in Paragraph d.above,will apply to combination access line services established subsequent to December 3,1961,and to any existing services moved to a new location in the Boise Exchange. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.I SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page4 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.2 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE 105.2 .5 LOCAL SERVICE OPTIONS B.3.(Cont’d) d.FX charges,as specified in the Access Service Catalog,for individual lines will apply to each access line located outside the exchange area of the foreign (serving)exchange;except that when more than one access line is located outside the exchange area and such lines are served by the same CO circuit,the rates will be determined by the circumstances in each individual case. e.The rates quoted for Combination Access Line Service contemplate the use of standard equipment.Where,in the opinion of the Company,messages cannot be satisfactorily transmitted from or to any one station by using standard equipment,and where it is feasible to overcome the transmission difficulties by using special equipment,such special equipment will be provided at additional rates or charges based on the circumstances in each individual case. f No mileage charges will be applied for extension bells in consideration of the distance between any station and the bell associated with such station but located at another station. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED iN fHIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT 10 CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 5 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.2 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE 105.2.5 LOCAL SERVICE OPTIONS (Cont’d) C.Q WEST UTILITY LINE Effective April 11,2005,Q WEST UTILITY LINE is obsolete.Customers subscribing to service under QWEST BUSINESS LINE PLUS OR Business CUSTOMCHOICE Standard Rate Stability Plan may keep their existing service at the rates and terms associated with the RSP period until they move,disconnect or a change occurs in the rates or terms of the obsolete service.The service may be transferred between customers (supersede)in accordance with 2.2.1.E., preceding. 1.Description QWEST UTILITY LINE is an additional flat rate access line that allows business customers to expand access and capacity to their business.QWEST UTILITY LINE does not allow features or a listing and must be purchased with a QWEST BUSiNESS LINE PLUS Rate Stabilized Plan (RSP)or a Business CUSTOMCIIOICE RSP. 2.Terms and Conditions a.QWEST UTILITY LINE is available to business customers. b.QWEST UTILITY LINE cannot be used as the primary business line.Customers must subscribe to one QWEST BUSINESS LINE PLUS RSP or Business CUSTOMHOIE RSP for each Q WEST UTILITY LINE that they purchase. c.This service is offered subject to the availability of existing central office facilities. d.Terms,conditions,rates and charges as described elsewhere in the Company’s Catalogs,apply as appropriate. e.A directory listing will not be allowed with Q WEST UTILITY LINE. f.Existing customers will not incur nonrecurring charges when switching between basic business line services or Business CUSTOMCHOICE and QWEST UTILITY LINE. g.Any mandated charges or special surcharges,e.g.,911,TDD,EUCL,Telephone Assistance Plan,will apply under the same terms as a flat rate business line. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMiTTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCPTEDFOFIE Exchange and Network p Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 Boise,Idaho Page 6 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued:9-2-1 1 Effective:9-12-1 1 ________________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXChANGE SERVICES 105.2 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE 105.2.5 LOCAL SERVICE OPTIONS C.QWEST UTILITY LINE (Contd) 3.Rates and Charges NONRECURRING MONTHLY USOC CHARGE RATE •Per Line AWL $52.00 $31.00 (1) NOTICE I IL [NFORMATION CON PAINED IN 1 HIS DOCUMEN I IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.I I-15-SID S1D201 1-010 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissiç!’j) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTIoN 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page7 Junel5,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.2 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE (Cont’d) 105.2.13 BUSINESS LINE VOLUME PURCHASE PLN Effective April 11,2005,the volume discounts associated with the obsolete services,QWEST BUSINESS LINE PLUS with Hunting,QWEST UTILITY LINE,0 WEST CHOICE Business,QWEST CHOICE Two-line Business, Business CUSTOMCHOICE and Centrex 21 Service are obsolete and are no longer available in this configuration.Business Line Volume Purchase Plans that include a discount for an obsolete service will continue to receive the discount for as long as the services remain at the same location for the same customer. 1.Description a.The Business Line Volume Purchase Plan is available to business customers subscribing to 50 or more lines in conjunction with basic business access lines.A customer may have up to a maximum of 3000 participating lines across the Qwest region.Business customers subscribing to the plan are also entitled to hunting. b.The Business Line Volume Purchase Plan may be offered to existing business customers who request that part or all of their Basic Exchange line(s)be terminated in order to establish or change their service to another telecommunications provider,or who receive a competitive offer from another telecommunications provider. c.This configuration of Business Line Volume Purchase Plan defines qualifying lines as the following: •Flat Rate Business Lines (1FB)with Hunting •QWEST BUSINESS LINE FLUS[1] •Q WEST UTILITY LINES[2j •QWEST CHOICE Business[1] •Q WEST CHOICE Two-line Business[11 •Business CUSTOMC’HOIC’E[1] •Centrex 21 Service[3] [1]Obsolete service effective April 11,2005,described in 105.9.1,following. [2]Obsolete service effective April 11,2005,described in 105.2.5,preceding. [3]Obsolete service effective April 11,2005,described in 109.1 .17,following. NOTICE I HE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-S ID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.I SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILINGPage8June15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease2Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.2 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE 105.2.13 BUSINESS LINE VOLUME PURCHASE PLAN (Cont’d) 2.Terms and Conditions a.Customers subscribing to the Business Line Volume Purchase Plan are required to pay the monthly rates for service.All terms and conditions for qualifying products and services as specified elsewhere apply,and are subject to a minimum billing period of one month. b.All access lines must be associated with the same customer.The Company may withdraw this offering to customers at any time with appropriate notice. c.Intercept Service will be provided on the main listed directory number. d.The Business Line Volume Purchase Plan is not available on Public Communication Service. e.The discount level for the Business Line Volume Purchase Plan is based on volume and a contract term of 2 years or 3 years. f.Customers with an unexpired plan may add additional lines to count toward the minimum threshold only as part of the following packages defined in 5.9.1, preceding. •0 WEST CHOICE Business •0WEST CHOICE Business Plus •Add-A-Line The volume discount percentages for the services above appear in 5.2.13, preceding. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILINGPage9June15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-1 5-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.2 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE 105.2.13 BUSINESS LINE VOLUME PURCHASE PLAN 2.Terms and Conditions (Cont’d) g.If Qwest terminates the Service(s)for Cause,or if a customer terminates the Services(s)in whole without Cause before the expiration date,the Customer will pay termination charges calculated at 25%of the remaining value based on the minimum line requirement for the discount tier times the fixed amount of $60.00 over the remaining Term. Annually,if an account falls below the minimum line requirement for the discount tier,a shortfall penalty of $60.00 per line will be assessed. A termination charge will be waived if the Customer places an order to discontinue the service and replaces the line(s)within the Qwest region or purchases similar Qwest services equal to or greater than the remaining value of the commitment,based on the minimum line requirement for the discount tier times $60.00 for the remaining Term. h.Customers with an unexpired plan may move the physical location of all or part of the lines in the Business Line Volume Purchase Plan within the Qwest region, provided the lines moved are provided as part of one of the following Qwest products and the lines continue to be provided to the customer by the Company: •Flat Rate Business Service (1 FB)with Hunting •Q WEST CHOICE Business[I] •0 WEST CHOICE Business Plus[l] •Add-a-line[1] The volume discount percentages for the new services appear in 5.2.13, preceding. [1]Described in 5.9.1,preceding. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID S1D201 3-008 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.I SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page l0 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.2 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE 105.2.13 BUSINESS LINE VOLUME PURCHASE PLAN (Cont’d) 3.Rates and Charges a.Where applicable,incremental charges as specified in 5.1,preceding,apply and will not be discounted. b.Customers with unexpired plans may add or change optional features at no charge within the services shown in c.Normal nonrecurring charges associated with the line apply where Business lines are provided in association with the installation of new business individual line flat rate service or,the move of a business individual line flat rate service from one location to another. d.Effective April 11,2005,the following discounts are obsolete and are no available to new customers.Existing customers will continue to receive the discounts on these obsolete services until the time they move,disconnect or a change occurs in the rates or terms of the Business Line Volume Purchase Plan. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation d/bla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 11 June 15,2013 SOUThERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise,Idaho[ssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.2 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE 105.2.13 BUSINESS LINE VOLUME PURCHASE PLAN 3.d.(ConCd) (1)Q WEST B USJNESS LINE FL US[1] MONTHLY DiscouNTs 2 YEAR 3 YEAR Number of lines -50-499 17%19% -500-999 19%21% -1000-3000 21%23% (2)QWEST CHOICE Business[2] MONTHLY DISCOUNTS 2 YEAR 3 YEAR N umber of lines -50-499 25%27°/a -500-999 27%29% -1000-3000 29%30% (3)QWEST CHOICE Two-Line Business[3] MONTHLY DISCOUNTS 2 YEAR 3 YEAR Number of lines -50-499 18%20% -500-999 20%22% -1000-3000 22%23% [1]The monthly discount level applies to the month-to-month rates for QWEST BUSINESS LINE PLUS as specified in 105.9.1,following.Hunting may be provided at no additional charge. [2]The monthly discount level applies to the month-to-month rates for QWEST CHOICE Business as specified in 105.9.1,following. [3]The monthly discount level applies to the rates for QWEST CHOICE Two-line Business as specified in 105.9.1,following. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED 1N THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.3-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation d/bla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissii) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 12 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.2 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE 105.2.13 BUSINESS LINE VOLUME PURCHASE PLAN 3.d.(Cont’d) (4)Business CUSTOMHOJE[1] MONTHLY DISCOUNTS 2 YEAR 3 YEAR •Number of lines -50-499 35%37% -500-999 37%39% -1000-3000 39%41% (5)Centrex2l Service[2] MONTHLY DISCOUNTS 2 YEAR 3 YEAR •Number of lines -50 -499 20%22% -500 -999 22%24% -1000-3000 24%26% [1]The monthly discount level applies to the month-to-month rates for Business CUSTOMCHOICE as specified in 105.9.1,following. [2]The monthly discount level applies to the month-to-month rates for Centrex 21 Service as specified in 109.1.17,following. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi1ii) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 13 June 15,2013 SOUThERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.3 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE (PBX)TRUNKS 105.3.4 DIRECT-INWARD-DIALING (DID)SERVICE A.Rates and Charges 1.DID Service SERVICE & EQUIPMENT MONTHLY USOC CHARGE RATE •Each block of 20 DID numbers[l]ND4 $11.00 105.3.5 IDENTIFIED OUTWARI DIALING (IOD)[2] A.Description The IOD feature identifies all outgoing long distance calls by station number and lists such calls on the customer’s bill. B.Regulations 1.This feature may be provided in addition to regular,FCO,or FX circuit rates and charges where CO facilities are available and the PBX system or customer- provided switching equipment capabilities permit. 2.The provision of this feature requires that the customer subscribe to a sufficient number of trunk facilities to adequately handle the volume of outgoing calls. 3.As of March 7,1981,Identified Outward Dialing (IOD)may not be offered without DID being provided. [1]100 DID numbers minimum order. [2]IOD found in this section is obsolete and available only for maintenance to existing customers. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 14 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.3 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE (PBX)TRUNKS 105.3.5 IDENTIFIED OUTWARD DIALING (IOD)j1I (Cont’d) C.Rates and Charges I.The rates and charges for automatic IOD are in addition to rates and charges for required data channels and associated adjunct equipment. SERVICE & EQUIPMENT MONTHLY USOC CHARGE RATE •Operator JOD,per number YM9 $13.50 $0.74 •Automatic IOD,per number[2]NEN 13.00 0.63 2.The IOD monthly rates and installation charges apply on the basis that all main station lines are equipped for lOD.Where special or other equipment or wiring arrangements are requested by the customer,monthly rates and installation charges will be determined and based upon the circumstances in each case. [Ij IOD found in this section is obsolete and available only for maintenance to existing customers. [2]Available from an ESS CO only. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID S1D201 3-008 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Comm issioC) Exchange and Network Office of the S5 Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 15 January 7,2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise,Idaho Issued:12-21-2011 Effective:1-7-2012 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.4 PREMIUI1 EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.4.3 CUSToM CALLING SERVICES A.Description Call Manager Connection Call Manager Connection is a package of services available to business customers. The services in this package are defined by the Company but the customer does have the choice of including,at no additional charge,Call Waiting or the Call Waiting feature which meets their needs,e.g.Call Waiting ID or QWEST Receptionist.The package includes: •Call Rejection •Call Forwarding-Variable •Caller Identification-Name and Number •Continuous Redial •Priority Call •Three-Way Calling 0 WEST Receptionist Allows the customer to control the disposition of incoming calls while in an off- hook condition via a visual display unit.As of January 7,2012,this functionality (C) is no longer supported due to the discontinuance of the manufacturer’s equipment.(C) Additionally,provides for the delivery of the telephone number,including non- published and non-listed numbers,and/or the name associated with the telephone line used by the calling party to place the call.The number and name delivered to the customer’s 0 WEST Receptionist are those provided by the telephone network to the customer’s serving central office and the database consulted by the Company to determine the name associated with that number,respectively.The Company,in its sole discretion.may abbreviate and modify name information for display purposes. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 1-20-SID SID2OI 1OO5 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret) Exchange and Network ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 Februanj 1,2010 Page 16 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:1-22-2010 Effective:2-1-2010 _______________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.4 PREMIUM EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.4.3 CUSTOM CALLING SERVICES A.Description (Cont’d) (D) The Real Deal A package of the following services is available to residence customers.This package is known as The Real Deal’s and a customer must agree to subscribe to all services in the package. •Caller Identification-Name and Number •Call Rejection •Call Waiting •Call Forwarding-Variable •Continuous Redial •Priority Call •Last Call Return •Selective Call Forwarding •Speed Calling 8 •Speed Calling 30 •Three-Way Calling B.Terms and Conditions 1.As of April 11,2005,Call Manager Connection is obsolete and no longer available to new customers.Existing customers will continue to receive the rate specified in C.,following,provided Call Manager Connection remains at the same location for the same customer. NOTICE FHI INFORMATION CONTAINED IN 1 HIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT 10 CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID S 10201 3-008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrtyy Exchange and Network ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 October 3,2011 Page 17 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAhO Release 4 Issued:9-26-2011 Effective:10-3-2011 ________________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.4 PREMIUM EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.4.3 CUSTOM CALLING SERVICES B.Terms and Conditions 2.Effective May 12,2008,QWEST Receptionist is an obsolete service and no longer available to new customers or as a new selection in existing packages. Existing customers will continue to receive the rate specified in C.,following, provided QWEST Receptionist remains at the same location for the same customer. 3.As of August 30,1999,The Real Deal is obsolete and no longer available to new customers.Existing customers will continue to receive the rate specified in C., following,provided the Real Deal remains at the same location for the same customer. 4.See 5.4.3,preceding,for additional descriptions of services,terms and conditions. C.Rates and Charges 1.Residence and Business MONTHLY RESIDENCE USOC RATE QWEST Receptionist -with Name &Number EWY2X $1 8.00 (1) -withNumberonly EWY2O 18.00 -with CALLER ID WJTI1 FRI VACY +EWY29 19.25 (1) MONTHLY BUSINESS USOC RATE QWEST Receptionist -with Name &Number EWY2X $15.75 -with Number only EWY2O 15.30 with CALLER ID WITH FRIVACY+EWY29 18.75 NOTICE TIlE INFORMA lION CONTAINED IN mIS DOCUMEN1 IS SUBJECT 10 CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.I 1-16-SID S1D201 1-012 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secryy Exchange and Network ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog No.I SECTION 105 October 3,2011 Page 18 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued:9-26-2011 Effective:10-3-2011 ______________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXChANGE SERVICES 105.4 PREMIUM EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.4.3 CUSTOM CALLING SERVICES C.Rates and Charge (Cont’d) 2.Obsolete Discounted Rates (D) Business (T)(M) As of April 11,2005,these discounted rates are obsolete and no longer available to new customers.Existing customers will continue to receive the rate following. MONTHLY BuSINESS USOC RATE •Call Forwarding -Busy Line (overflow) -Discounted{lj $4.00 -Busy Line/Dont Answer (expanded) -Discounted[1]4.00 -Busy Line (external)/Dont Answer -Discounted[1]4.00 -Busy Line (overflow)/Dont Answer -Discounted[1]4.00 -Variable -Discounted[1]4.00 •Call Transfer -Discounted[l]4.00 •Call Waiting -Discounted[lj 4.00 •Caller Identification-Name &Number -Discounted[1j 4.00 (M) (D) [ii Discounted rate applies when this feature is an additional feature with the obsolete (M) QWEST CHOICE Business or Q WEST CHOICE Two-line Business.(M) (M)Material moved from Page 20. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CON]AINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTALNO.I 1-16-SID S1D201 1-012 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrtyy Exchange and Network ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog No.1 SECTIoN 105 October 3,2011 Page 19 Boise,Idaho SOUThERN IDAHO Release 4[3] Issued:9-26-2011 Effective:10-3-201 1 ________________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.4 PREMIUM EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.4.3 CUSTOM CALLING SERVICES C.2.(Cont’d)(T) (D) MONTHLY (M) BUSINESS USOC RATE •Last Call Return -Discounted[l]$4.00 •Remote Access Forwarding -Discounted[2]7.45 -Discounted[l]4.00 •Scheduled Forwarding -Discounted[21 8.45 •Selective Call Waiting -Discounted[1]4.00 •Three-Way Calling -Discounted[1j 4.00 (M) (D) [1]Discounted rate applies when this feature is an additional feature with the obsolete (M) QWEST CHOICE Business or QWEST CHOJE Two-line Business found in 105.9.1,following. [2]Discounted rate applies when this feature is part of the obsolete Business CUSTOMCHOICE found in 105.9.1,following.(M) [3]This page also cancels the following pages:Pages 20 and 21,Release 2.(N) (M)Material moved from Page 21. NOTICE 1 HF INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.1 1-16-SID SID2O1 1-012 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities CommissiuJ) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.I SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 22 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.4 PREMIuM EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.4.3 CUSTOM CALLING SERVICES C.Rates and Charges (Cont’d) 3.Obsolete Custom Calling Packages a.Residence MONTHLY RESIDENCE USOC RATE •The Real Deal ESYBQ $14.95 b.Business MONTHLY BUSINESS USOC RATE •Call Waiting,Call Forwarding-Variable onthesameline ES7 $12.00 •Call Waiting,Three-Way Calling on the same line ER9 11.97 •Speed Calling,8-number and 30-number capacity on the same line EZL 8.83 •Call Waiting,Speed Calling,8-number capacity on the same line ES6 10.88 •Call Waiting,Speed Calling,30-number capacity on the same line ESW 11.97 •Call Waiting,Speed Calling,8-number and 30-number capacity on the same line EZN 15.85 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SD201 3-008 Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%1) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 23 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 ______________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.4 PREMIUM EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.4.3 CUSTOM CALLING SERVICES C.3.b.(Cont’d) MONTHLY BUSINESS USOC RATE •Call Waiting,Call Forwarding-Variable, Three-Way Calling on the same line ETC 16.97 •Call Waiting,Call Forwarding-Variable,Speed Calling,8-number capacity on the same line ESA 15.88 •Call Waiting,Call Forwarding-Variable,Speed Calling,30-number capacity on the same line ESG 16.97 •Call Waiting,Call Forwarding-Variable, Speed Calling,8-number and 30-number capacity on the same line EZQ $20.85 •Call Waiting,Three-Way Calling,Speed Calling,8-number capacity on the same line ET8 15.85 •Call Waiting,Three-Way Calling,Speed Calling,30-number capacity on the same line ET3 16.94 •Call Waiting,Call Forwarding-Variable, Three-Way Calling,Speed Calling, 8-number capacity on the same line ES3 20.85 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SEcTIoN 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 23.1 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 ________________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.4 PREMIUM EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.4.3 CUSTOM CALLING SERVICES C.3.b.(Cont’d) MONTHLY BUSINESS USOC RATE •Call Waiting,Call Forwarding-Variable, Three-Way Calling,Speed Calling, 30-number capacity on the same line ES5 $21.94 •Call Forwarding-Variable,Three-Way Calling on the same line ER5 9.97 •Call Forwarding-Variable,Speed Calling,8-number capacity on the same line ER3 8.88 •Call Forwarding-Variable,Speed Calling,30-number capacity on the same line ER4 9.97 •Call Forwarding-Variable,Three-Way Calling,Speed Calling,8-number capacity on the same line ESR 13.85 •Call Forwarding-Variable,Three-Way Calling,Speed Calling,30-number capacity on the same line ESB 14.94 •Call Forwarding-Variable,Three-Way Calling,Speed Calling,8-number and 30-number capacity on the same line EZS 18,82 •Three-Way Calling,Speed Calling, 8-number capacity on the same line ER6 8.83 •Three-Way Calling,Speed Calling, 30-number capacity on the same line ER7 9.92 •Three-Way Calling,Speed Calling, 8-number and 3-number capacity on the same line EZP 13.79 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SJD SD201 3-008 Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities CommissiIii) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 23.2 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.4 PREMIUM EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.4.3 CusToM CALLING SERVICES C.3.b.(Cont’d) MONTHLY BUSINESS USOC RATE Call Manager Connection NLUBQ $19.95 -with Call Waiting NLUBR 19.95 -with Q WEST Receptionist NLUBS 19,95 -with Call Waiting ID NLUBT 19.95 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13—02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi4) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTIoN 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 24 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.4 PREMIUM EXCHANGE SERVICES (ConVd) 105.4.10 CUSTOM RINGING SERVICE See 5.4.10,preceding,for descriptions,terms,conditions,and rate terms. C.Rates and Charges Effective April 11,2005,the discounted rate below is obsolete and no longer available to new customers.Existing customers will continue to receive the rate following. MONTHLY USOC RATE a.Custom Ringing •Business -First additional number -Discounted[1j $4.00 [1]Discounted rate applies when this feature is an additional feature with the obsolete Q WEST CHOICE Business or the obsolete Q WEST CHOICE Two-line Business as described in 105.9.1,following. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMiTTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%i) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 25 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN iDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.4 PREMIUM EXCHANGE SERVICES (Cont’d) 105.4.11 HUNTING SERVICE See 5.4.11,preceding,for descriptions,terms,conditions,and rate terms. A.Rates and Charges Effective April 11,2005,the discounted rate below is obsolete and no longer available to new customers.Existing customers will continue to receive the rate following. MONTHLY USOC RATE Business,per line or trunk) -Discounted[l]$4.00 [1]Discounted rate applies when this feature is an additional feature with the obsolete QWEST CHOICE Business or the obsolete QWEST HOIE Two-line Business described in 105.9.1,following. NOTiCE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-O2SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation d/bla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%1) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 26 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-20 13 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.4 PREMIUM EXCHANGE SERVICES (Cont’d) 105.4.14 CUSTOM SOLUTIONS A.Description Custom Solutions provides Residence Customers the option to design groups of services/products which will meet their needs.These customer selected groups may be chosen from Qwest Corporation premium services and additional services/products,all of which are identified under 105.4.14.C. B.Terms and Conditions I.Custom Solutions is available on individual or additional residential lines only. 2.Custom Solutions does not apply to,and the discount is not available on, additional lines that are not billed on the same account,to the same person,at the same premises. 3.Services offered as part of Custom Solutions are subject to availability of existing facilities. 4.As of the effective date of this sheet,Custom Solutions is obsolete and no longer available to new customers.Existing customers with discounted monthly rates on the additional products listed below will continue to receive the discounted rate provided the additional products remain at the same location for the same customer.Existing customers may add or remove any of the additional products as long as they remain at the same location for the same customer.If the customer removes all Premium services,no discounted monthly rate shall apply to any of the additional products. C.Rates and Charges 1.When a residence customer buys one or more Qwest Corporation premium products/services: Additional Lines, Call Waiting and/or Caller Identification NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED [N THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.1 3-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Pubhc Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.I SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 27 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.4 PREMIUM EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.4.14 CUSTOM SOLUTiONS C.1.(Cont’d) A discounted monthly rate will apply to the following products: Additional Listings Foreign Listings Alternate Listings Informational Listings Call Curfew Priority Call Call Forwarding Remote Access Forwarding Call Rejection (Call Following) Continuous Redial Scheduled Forwarding Cross Reference Listings Selective Call Forwarding Custom Ringing Speed Calling 8 Dial Lock Three-Way Calling 2.The customer must buy at least one Qwest Corporation premium product/service in order to receive a discount on the products listed above. 3.Appropriate nonrecurring charges for the services listed in 1.,above,can be found in Custom Calling,5.4.3,Custom Ringing,5.4.10 and Directory Listings,5.7.1, preceding,respectively. MONTHLY USOC RATE •Additional listing,each -Discounted NLYXA $0.75 •Foreign listing,each -Discounted NLYXB, RAXID 0.75 •Informational listing,each -Discounted NLYXC 0.75 •Call Curfew -Discounted RCU2X 2.00 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.1 3-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%j) Office of the Secretary SEcTIoN 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 28 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-20 13 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.4 PREMIUM EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.4.14 CUSTOM SOLUTIONS C.Rates and Charges (Cont’d) MONTHLY USOC RATE •Call Forwarding -Variable -Discounted NLRXZ •Call Rejection -Discounted NLRXO •Continuous Redial -Discounted NLRXL •Custom Ringing -Discounted -First additional number NLQI+ •Dial Lock -Discounted NLUAC •Priority Call -Discounted NLRX8 •Remote Access Forwarding (Call Following) -Discounted NLUAA •Scheduled Forwarding -Discounted NLUAB •Selective Call Forwarding -Discounted NLRXN •Speed Calling,8-number capacity -Discounted NLRXW •Three-Way Calling -Discounted NLRXR Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No.1 $1.50 2.25 1.75 2.50 2.00 1.75 2.50 3.00 1.75 1.00 1.75 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret3) Exchange and Network ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 Sept.23,2005 Page 28.1 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHo Release 2 Issued:9-22-2005 Effective:9-23-2005 ________________________ 105.EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.5 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE -COIN AND COINLESS 105.5.1 PUBLIC TELEPHONE SERVICE (N) A.Description A public telephone provides pay telephone service to the public and is installed at the Company’s initiative or option.The Company chooses or accepts the location as suitable or necessary for furnishing service to the general public. B.Terms and Conditions 1.Public telephones are installed for the use of the general public and any use by occupants of the premises in which they are located is considered as incidental to this principal purpose. 2.The telephone will be removed or relocated when,in the opinion of the Company, the telephone or its contents may he subjected to theft or damage. 3.The Company will arrange with the owner or tenant of the premises for space and install the public telephones.Where desirable,additional arrangements will be made with the owner or tenant of the premises for supervision. 4.Enclosures and other items of supplemental equipment,and other facilities will be furnished without charge where such provision will improve the quality of the service from the standpoint of the general public. 5.The Company will furnish and display such of its standard signs as are necessary to properly advertise the station.At locations where it is necessary to secure a permit and pay a fee for the privilege of placing a sign,the owner or tenant may be required both to secure the permit and pay the fee. C.Message Charges[l] CHARGE Local messages,direct dialed, per message $0.50 [1]See 5.2,preceding for local operator-handled charges which are in addition to the local message or Directory Assistance charge for alternately billed local calls. NOTICE 1 HE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CFIANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SEcTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILINGPage29June15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease3Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.5 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE -COIN AND C0INLEss (Cont’d) 105.5.2 SEMIPuBLIc TELEPHONE SERVICE A.Description 1.Semipublic Telephone Service provides pay telephone service to the customer who wishes to make the service available for combined customer and public use. 2.Semipublic Telephone Service is designed to meet telephone service requirements at the following types of locations: •Where,in the opinion of the Company,the installation of a public telephone is not warranted,but where there is a demand for service on the part of transients. •Where there is a collective use of the service by a relatively stable body of guests,members,employees,or occupants.Such use should be incidental and therefore not as a substitute for regular telephone service. B.Terms and Conditions 1.The location of the semipublic telephone will be determined by the Company. The telephone will be removed or relocated when,in the opinion of the Company, the telephone or its contents may be subject to theft or damage. 2.The customer will reimburse the Company for any loss of or damage to the pay telephone instrument or enclosure from any source,including,but not limited to, theft of the collecting device or loss or damage due to fire or flood.See 3., following. 3.The Company has the right to require the redemption by the customer of all slugs and spurious,mutilated or foreign coins deposited in the coin receptacle at the value for which they were evidently deposited.The Company may disconnect and remove the pay telephone and any extension equipment if the customer refuses to honor these arrangements. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 29.1 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease2Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.5 PUBLIC CoMMuNIcATIoNs SERVICE -COIN AND COINLESS 105.5.2 SEMIPUBLIC TELEPHONE SERVICE B.Terms and Conditions (Cont’d) 4.Semipublic Telephone Service is not designed to supplant regular telephone service and,as such,will be provided only upon request and where there is an apparent need for the service to be used by the public as well as the customer. 5.Semipublic Telephone Service will be furnished only on an individual line basis. 6.Semipublic Telephone Service is not provided on an FX basis nor in connection with combination access line service. 7.Joint Use Service will be permitted with Semipublic Telephone Service provided such joint use will not undesirably affect the availability of the service to the public. 8.Semipublic Telephone Service will be considered the same as business service for directory listing purposes.As such,the Semipublic Telephone Service rates and charges include one listing.Additional listings will be furnished at regular rates and charges. 9.The premises work and nonrecurring charges will not apply to moves and/or changes of semipublic telephones where,in the opinion of the Company,such moves or changes are primarily to improve the service rendered to the public. NOTiCE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Comm issi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.I SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 29.2 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-20 13 105.EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.5 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE -COIN AND COINLESS 105.5.2 SEMIPUBLIC TELEPHONE SERVICE B.Terms and Conditions (Cont’d) 10.The minimum contract period is one month. 11.Semipublic Telephone Service will not be permitted to appear on PBX or key telephone systems. 12.The Company will furnish and display,at the customer’s request,such of its standard signs as are necessary to properly advertise the telephone.At locations where it is necessary to secure a permit and pay a fee for the privilege of placing a sign,the customer will be required to secure the permit and pay the fee. 13.Enclosures and other items of supplemental equipment will be provided in accordance with the terms and conditions,and rates and charges specified in D., following. 14.Customers must provide to Company personnel ready access to the telephone equipment during normal working hours.Failure to do so could result in a loss of semipublic service. 15.Only one instrument will be furnished and installed per semipublic line. 16.Semipublic Telephone Service is not represented as adapted for extension or data service.The service contemplates the provision of satisfactory voice transmission when only the main pay telephone is in use. 17.The Company may apply,at no charge,additional ancillary equipment to the semipublic telephone for the purpose of enhancing or protecting service. Equipment such as an amplified handset,loud button,slug rejection apparatus, and informational stickers are examples of this type of equipment. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED iN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 29.3 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease3Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.5 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE -COIN AND COINLESS 105.5.2 SEMIPUBLIC TELEPHONE SERVICE (Cont’d) C.Rates and Charges 1.The following nonrecurring charge applies: •To establish Semipublic main station service; •To changes in class of service to or from Semipublic main station service. NON-MONTHLY RATE RECURRING PER RATE GROUP USOC CHARGE 1 1-A 2 •Semipublic main station, -Coin,two-way ISP $90.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 -Coin,outward 852 90.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 2.Where the customer requests the Semipublic instrument or enclosure be moved or changed,the following nonrecurring charge applies. NONRECURRING USOC CHARGE •Each instrument or enclosure moved or changed MVM $35.00 3.Message Charges Message charges,specified in 105.5.1,preceding,apply to calls placed from semipublic telephones. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMiTTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%1) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILINGPage29.4 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease2Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.5 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE -COIN AND COINLESS 105.5.2 SENIIPUBLIC TELEPHONE SERVICE (Cont’d) D.Enclosures 1.Enclosures furnished by the Company will be of a standard finish,Customers may have enclosures finished to fit their individual requirements at their ownexpensesubjecttotheapprovaloftheCompany. 2.Where outdoor enclosures are furnished in connection with SemipublicTelephoneServiceorforusewithotherthanpaytelephoneservice,the customerwillberequiredtofurnishanadequatebaseuponwhichtheenclosurecanbemountedandanchored. 3.The rates and charges specified for Semipublic Telephone Service include theprovisionofpowerwiringwhererequired.Power wiring for booths used withotherthanpaytelephoneservicewillbeprovidedbythecustomer. 4.The customer will furnish the commercial power for the operation of lights,signs, fans,etc.,for all enclosures. 5.Rates and Charges NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE[11 RATE •Shelf $35.00 $2.50 •Small Walk-up 35.00 7.50 •Medium Walk-up,each 35.00 10.00 •Large Walk-up 35.00 15.00 •Booth 35.00 20.00 [I]Premises Work Charges specified in 13.2,following,also apply. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAiNED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%i) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SEcTIoN 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 29.5 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease2Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.5 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE -COIN AND COINLESS 105.5.2 SE1IIPuBLIC TELEPHONE SERVICE D.Enclosures (Contd) 6.Indoor MONTHLY USOC RATE •Shelves -Acoustic. left mounting COD++56.23 7.Outdoor •Wood construction, anchored to concrete RZF++S 9.96 •Wood construction, anchored to pole CTW++9.96 •Drive-up or walk-up CT8++16.05 •Drive-up or walk-up with canopy G27++16.05 •Boothette G2B++16.05 •Aluminum construction CTY±+9.96 •Walk-up,ADCO 107 C32++38.32 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissiçl!1) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.I SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 29.6 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,Idahoissued:6-5-20 13 Effective:6-15-2013 105.EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.5 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE -COIN AND COINLESS (Cont’d) 105.5.3 COENLESS PUBLIC TELEPHONE SERVICE A.Description The Company may furnish public telephones without coin-collecting equipment in selected locations for the purpose of satisfying demand for optional billing services on an originating basis only.In the normal mode,Coinless Public Telephone Service affords transients the option of selecting a preferred billing arrangement for outgoing messages:charging to a third number or to a Company calling card account,or placing calls collect.In certain locations,however,calls will be hilled on a collect basis only. B.Terms and Conditions 1.Coinless Public Telephone users may normally place calls without charge to Company numbers such as repair service,800/800-type service numbers,and public emergency service numbers such as 911.However,at the option of the Company,all such calls may be blocked from phones located in areas not accessible to the general public. 2.When service is furnished in areas accessible to the general public,the Company is solely responsible for determining locations appropriate for installation of Coinless Public Telephones. 3.Coinless Public Telephones may be provided on the premises of city,state,and Federal prisons where potential usage by inmates participating in institutionally authorized telephoning programs warrants establishing the service.Such telephones will be provided for the purpose of originating collect messages to numbers in the North American Dialing Plan only.All other traffic--including calls to Company numbers such as repair service,800/800-type service numbers, and public emergency service numbers such as 911--may be blocked.Where prison authorities so stipulate,inmate service may be further restricted to toll calling only.The Company reserves the right to deny or terminate such service if unsatisfactory revenues or collection experiences are indicated. 4.Where requested by the institution,inmates will be allowed to make non-collect, no-charge,local calls to their designated legal counsel,attorney,or social agency as defined by the institution.This option will only be provided on accounts that fully recover costs. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi1i) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 29.7 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.5 PUBLIC CoMMuNICATIoNs SERVICE -COIN AND COINLESS 105.5.3 COINLESS PUBLIC TELEPHONE SERVICE B.Terms and Conditions (Cont’d) 5.Equipment a.Coinless Public Telephones may be wall-mounted or desk-type models,and are not equipped with coin-collecting devices or receptacles.They may be furnished with enclosures,shelves,and directories at the discretion of the Company depending upon location of the telephones. b.Extension service will not be provided with Coinless Public Telephones. However,where prison security arrangements restrict inmates from gaining access to a central Coinless Public Telephone location.the Company may elect to provide multiple jacks through which the telephone may be connected to the network at appropriate times. C.Message Charges Message charges,specitied in 5.5.1,preceding,apply to calls placed from coinless public telephones. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SD201 3-008 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%l) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.I SEcTIoN 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 30 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-20 13 105.EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.5 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE -COIN AND COINLESS (Cont’d) 105.5.5 SEMIPUBLIC EXTENSION SERVICE A.Description Semipublic Extension Service allows the customer to access the semipublic service at a location other than the semipublic telephone.The Semipublic Extension Service consists of Extended Network Interface (ENI)-The ENI provides for the connection of Customer Premises Equipment to a semipublic telephone line as an extension to the main station.The ENI provides privacy to the main station and consists of a privacy kit,associated wiring,jack and a card holder.The ENI allows Limited Outward Dialing on Dial Tone First Lines only for all chargeable,non-sent paid calls,Three Digit Service numbers (411,911,etc.)and 800/800-type service. Station or instrument can be connected to an ENI by a plug or adapter.The instrument must be registered Customer Premises Equipment. B.Basis of Offering 1.Terminal equipment associated with this service which is directly connected at the customer’s premises in accordance with any telephone Company’s Catalog prior to January 1,1983 is considered grandfathered and not subject to this provision.Existing rates and charges will apply as specified in 105.5.5.D.2., following.Any customer initiated moves,rearrangements,installation of new registered equipment or change of customer will revoke the grandfather status. 2.Customer Premises Equipment to be connected on or after January 1,1983 will be subject to rates and charges contained in D.1.,following. C.Terms and Conditions 1.A maximum of one ENI per semipublic line is allowed. 2.The ENI must be requested by the customer and provided by the Company prior to the connection of any registered customer premises equipment to a semipublic line. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE, TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%i) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 30.1 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-1 5-2013 _______________________ 105.EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.5 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE -CoIN AND COINLESS 105.5.5 SEMIPUBLIC EXTENSION SERVICE C.Terms and Conditions (Cont’d) 3.The customer is liable for damages to the ENI or associated Company provided equipment which,in the opinion of the Company,were caused by tampering with said equipment or as a result of negligence. 4.The Company has the right to terminate extension service to prevent harm to the network or to prevent fraud. 5,The Company is not liable for transmission difficulties caused by customer owned equipment defects or improper use of the ENI. 6.The Company is not liable for damages or harm arising from the customer use of this equipment unless such accident or injury is due to gross negligence of the Company. 7.The customer shall be responsible for the payment of a Maintenance of Service Charge (Premises Work Charge)for each visit by a Company employee to a customer’s premises when the cause of a service difficulty or trouble report is determined to be the customer provided equipment or system. 8.This is a voice grade service,the Company is not responsible or liable for defects, mistakes,etc.associated with other types of transmissions,such as data. 9.The Company is not liable for damages resulting from discontinuance of service to customer premises equipment resulting from storms,power outages,or other natural occurrences. 10,The ENI should not be located,exposed or accessible within ten feet of the semipublic telephone. 11.The Company will provide a maximum of 35 linear feet of wire to the ENI. 12.Customer Premises Equipment must be registered or grandfathered in accordance with Part 68 of the FCC rules and must be connected to the network through standard plugs and standard Company provided jacks. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID S1D201 3-008 SOUTHERN IDAHO Issued:6-5-2013 SECTION 105 Page 30.2 Release 2 Effective:6-15-2013 Idaho Public Utilities Commissi€) Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 15,2013 Boise,Idaho 105.EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.5 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE -COIN AND COINLESS 105.5.5 SEMIPUBLIC EXTENSION SERVICE C.Terms and Conditions (Cont’d) 13.The Company reserves the right to install the ENI device to comply with the following conditions: Accessible to Company personnel Security •Weather protection •Installation procedures l4.This Catalog is subject to the terms and conditions specified in other Catalogs as applicable to Customer Premises Equipment. 15.The Company will affix a card holder with a sign to the semipublic telephone to properly advertise the extension.At locations where it is necessary to secure a permit and pay a fee for the privilege of placing a sign,the customer will be required to secure the permit and pay the fee. D.Rates and Charges 1.Customer Premises Equipment Service USOC NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE •Extended Network Interface[11 each ENT ECD [l]Premises Work Charges apply as specified in 13.2,following. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT FO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No.1 $40.00 SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%l) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILINGPage30.3 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.5 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE -COIN AND C0INLEs5 105.5.5 SEMIPUBLIC EXTENSION SERVICE D.Rates and Charges (Cont’d) 2.Grandfathered Semipublic Extension Service MONTHLY USOC RATE Extension Service -Privacy and Priority (“D”kit) equipment for semi-public extension CUP $6.52 -Non coin collector equipped extension station set,each CUG 3.42 -Coin collector equipped extension station set,each CUF 3.42 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINFD IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 30.4 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-20 13 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.6 JOINT USER SERVICE A.Description Business exchange service is normally furnished for the exclusive use of a customer,and/or employees,agents or representatives.Joint use allows other individuals,firms or corporations to share the customer’s service. B.Regulations 1.New Joint User Services,as of August 4,1986,will only be allowed on four lines or less.The Primary customer designates the joint users. 2.Joint User Service can be associated only with business individual line or PBX service. 3.Applications for Joint User Service and for service,equipment or facility changes in connection therewith must be executed by the customer who is responsible for payment of all charges incurred. 4.Total charges for telephone service,allocated by the primary customer among the users,cannot exceed the Company’s total charges to the customer. 5.No special or distinctive arrangements are provided to signal the joint user of the primary customer’s service. 6.For Joint User Service where the listing appears in the directory,both the initial and subsequent contract periods will be coexistent with the directory period. 7.Joint User Service is automatically discontinued when: •The primary customer’s service is terminated. •The primary customer notifies the Company that the joint user no longer shares the service and the minimum service period has been satisfied. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi4) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 30.5 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.6 JOINT USER SERVICE B.Regulations (Cont’d) 8.A joint user is entitled to one listing in the alphabetical Company directory of the exchange where service is being provided.The listing may be that of the primary service facility or a DID number subject to regulations specified elsewhere. 9.Joint User Service is billed from the day following the effective date of the service order. 10.The address and telephone number of a Centrex station may be listed for a joint user on Centrex Service. 11.Joint users of a customer’s service must have the option of obtaining service directly from the Company. NOTICE THE INfORMATION CONTAINED IN I HIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID STD2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 30.6 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 ________________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.6 JOINT USER SERVICE (Cont’d) C.Rates and Charges 1.The monthly rates for Joint User Service apply uniformly throughout the exchange area. 2.The following nonrecurring charge applies to establish or change Joint User Service. MONTHLY RATE NONRECURRING PER RATE GROUP USOC CHARGE 1 Flat Rate Service -Individual line JUF[1j $20.00 $18.00 -PBX trunk public PBX JUP[l]20.00 26.00 [1)Service is only available in Rate Group 2. NOTICE THE iNFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%I) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 31 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 ______________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.7 DIRECTORY SERVICES 105.7.1 LISTING SERVICES A.Description The alphabetical directory is a list of names of customers,joint users,and others for whom directory listings are provided.Alphabetical listings include information which is essential to the identification of the listed party and facilitates the use of the directory.The Company reserves the right to refuse to publish listings which,in the judgment of the Company,are considered to be inappropriate. 1.Business Internet Listings •E-mail Address Listing Identifies the customer’s electronic mail (E-mail)address used to send and receive mail on a computer.An example of a standard E-Mail address is: userid@qwest.com. •Uniform Resource Locator (URL)Address Listing Identifies the customer’s URL address used to identify resources on the Internet’s World Wide Web.An example of a standard URL is: http://www.qwest.corn. •E-mail/URL Address Listing Package Discounted monthly rate for E-mail Address Listing and URL Address Listing on the same account. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 3L1 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-20 13 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.7 DIRECTORY SERVICES 105.7.1 LISTING SERVICES (Cont’d) B.Terms and Conditions 1.Telephone Answering Service Bureau Listing (TAS) a.The TAS bureau may subscribe for a business listing on its administrative service or a business listing on its DID service for those patrons of the bureau who do not maintain a place of business in the exchange and who do not have a requirement for service of their own.Such listings will not be provided when the purpose of the listing and the use of the TAS bureau’s administrative service by a patron will result in the resale of the service.This regulation is not intended to prohibit a bona fide Joint User Service. b.TAS bureau listings must bear the same telephone number as the Primary Listing or the telephone number of a nonconsecutive CO line or rotary line group.Such listings will be permitted on the first number only of a rotary number group of a DID telephone number. c.The TAS bureau subscribing for TAS bureau listings may not permit the use of the administrative telephone service by the patrons. d.A customer to exchange service may wish to have a TAS bureau answer calls at certain hours or on certain days or if no answer is received on a call to the customer’s listed number without having service terminated in the TAS bureau’s answering equipment.In these cases the rates,charges and regulations for an Alternate Listing will apply. 2.Wide Area Telecommunications Service (WATS)Listings a.An 800 Service customer may contract for a directory listing for each directory in which he wishes to have his inward access line listed. b.An 800 Serviceline customer may contract for a directory listing for each directory in which he wishes to have his 800 Serviceline listed. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi€) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTIoN 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 31.2 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.7 DIRECTORY SERVICES 105.7.1 LISTING SERVICES 13.Terms and Conditions (Cont’d) 3.Mobile Listings a.The Radio Carrier may request directory listings for its mobile radio patrons in the Company’s directory in accordance with the following provisions: (I)The Company will accept requests for listings only from the Carrier,and such listings will be billed only to the Carrier. (2)Listings for mobile radio service will be accepted by the Company for mobile customers only. (3)There is no initial contract period where the listing does not appear in the Company directory.Where listings appear in the directory the initial contract period is coextensive with the directory period except the contract may be terminated where:(I)the contract for the connecting circuit is terminated;or (2)the listed patron terminated his service with the Carrier. (4)The Carrier may subscribe for a Mobile Listing (L96)on its connecting circuit number for those patrons who require such listings.The Carrier may also subscribe for a Mobile Radio Service Listing indicating the mobile unit number. (5)The Mobile Radio Service Listing must either bear the same telephone number as the Carrier’s connecting circuit,if applicable,or the telephone number assigned by the Carrier to its’customers,but may show the address of the patron or the address of the connecting circuit,as requested. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page3L3 Junel5,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-20 13 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.7 DIRECTORY SERVICES 105.7.1 LISTING SERVICES (Cont’d) C.Rates and Charges MONTHLY USOC RATE 1.Internet Listings •E-mail Address Listing,each -Business EM6 $6.00 •URL Address Listing,each -Business NLI 12.00 2.Listing Packages •E-mail/URL Address Listing,each -Business L9GEU 15.00 3.Premium Listings •Mobile Radio listing,each L96 6.00 •Telephone Answering Service Bureau listing,each 9FK 6.00 •WATS listings,each -Business SZS 6.00 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 32 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE A.CUSTOMCHOJCE CUSTOMCHOICE in this configuration is obsolete and is not available to new customers after May 5,2003. 1.Description CUSTOMCHOICE is a package of features available to residential customers in conjunction with an additional or individual flat rate access line.Residence customers subscribing to the package are entitled to unlimited use of the services/features specified below: •Anonymous Call Rejection •Call Following (Remote Access Forwarding) •Call Forwarding -Busy Line (expanded) -Busy Line (overflow) -Busy Line/Don’t Answer (expanded) -Busy Line (overfiow)/Don’t Answer -Busy Line (programmable) -Don’t Answer -Don’t Answer (expanded) -Don’t Answer (programmable) -Variable •Call Rejection •Call Waiting •Call Waiting ID •Caller ID -Name and Number •Continuous Redial •US WEST Custom Ringing Service •DoNotDisturb •Easy Access •Last Call Return •Long Distance Alert •Message Waiting Indication •Non-listed Service Listing •Priority Call •Selective Call Forwarding NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED FOR FiLINGExchangeandIetwork Services Catalog No.1 SECTIoN 105 April 13,2012 Page 33 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 9 Issued:4-3-12 Effective:4-1 3-12 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERvIcEs 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE A.1.(Cont’d) •Speed Calling -8 Number •Speed Calling -30 Number •Three-Way Calling •QWEST Receptionist -Name and Number[l1 2.Terms and Conditions A customer may select an unlimited number of compatible services or features from the list in 105.9.1.A.1.,preceding.All terms and conditions specified elsewhere for the respective services/features requested as part of this service shall apply. 3.Rates and Charges a.The monthly rates,following,include the rate specified in 5.2.4 of this Catalog (C) for residence individual or additional line flat rate service.(C) b.Existing CUSTOMCIIOICE customers cannot take advantage of promotions for CUSTOMCJJOICE or any of the services/features specified in 105.9.1.A.l., preceding,unless specifically allowed by the terms and conditions of the promotion. c.Existing CUSTOMCHOJCE customers may add or change features within the obsolete CUSTOMCHOICE package while the service remains at the same address for the same customer. d.CUSTOMCHOJCE will be provided at the following rate: MONTHLY RATE PER R1TE GROUP USOC 1 1-A 2 •Per individual flat rate residence line PGOCC $35.99 $35.99 $35.99 (C) •Per additional flat rate residence line PGOCA 32.99 32.99 32.99 (C) Ill Obsolete service see 105.4.3.preceding.for further details. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I2-02-SID SID2O1 2-002 Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No.1 SOUTHERN IDAHO Issued:6-5-2013 Idaho Public Utilities Commissii) Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 15,2013 Boise,Idaho 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE (Cont’d) B.SELECTP.4K SELECTPAK in this configuration is obsolete and is not available to new customers after May 5,2003. 1.Description SELECTPAK is a package of features available to residential customers in conjunction with an additional or individual flat rate access line.Residence customers subscribing to the package are entitled to unlimited use of the services/features specified below: •Anonymous Call Rejection •Call Waiting •Continuous Redial •Last Call Return •Three-Way Calling In addition to the standard features,a customer may select one or more of the following optional features: •Call Forwarding-Variable •Do Not Disturb •Non-listed Service Listing •Priority Call 2.Terms and Conditions A customer is automatically provided with all of the standard services or features from the list in 105.9.l.B.l.,preceding.All terms and conditions specified elsewhere for the respective services/features requested as part of this service shall apply. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SECTION 105 Page 34 Release 4 Effective:6-15-2013 1 SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commission Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 35 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 8 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE B.SELECTPAK (Cont’d) 3.Rates and Charges a.The monthly rates,following,include the rate specified in 5.2.4 of this Catalog for residence individual or additional line flat rate service. b.Existing SELECTPAK customers cannot take advantage of promotions for SELECTPAK or any of the services/features specified in 105.9.1 .B.1.,preceding, unless specifically allowed by the terms and conditions of the promotion. c.Existing SELECTPAK customers may add or change optional features at no charge within the obsolete SELECTPAK package while the service remains at the same address for the same customer. d.SELECTPAK will be provided at the following rates.Customers may add additional optional features within the package at no extra charge. MONTHLY RATE PER RATE GROUP USOC I 1-A Per individual or additional flat rate residence line PGOVC $29.99 $29.99 $29.99 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.12-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%i) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 36 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE (Cont’d) C.POPULAR CHOICE Two-line CUSTOMCHOICE is obsolete and is not available to new customers after May 5,2003. I.Description POPULARCJIOIC’E is a package of features available to residential customers in conjunction with an individual flat rate or additional flat rate access line. Residence customers subscribing to the package are entitled to unlimited use of the services/features specified below: •Anonymous Call Rejection •Call Forwarding -Busy Line/Don’t Answer (expanded) -Busy Line (overflow)/Dont Answer -Variable •Call Rejection •Call Waiting •Call Waiting ID •Caller ID -Name and Number •Continuous Redial •Easy Access •Last Call Return •Long Distance Alert •Message Waiting Indication —Audible •Message Waiting Indication —Audible/Visual •Non-listed Service Listing •Security Screen •Three-way Calling •Q WEST Receptionist -Name and Number[1] •Voice Messaging Service [1]Obsolete service;see 105.4.3,preceding,for further details. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT 10 CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED FOR FILINGExchangeandNetwork Services Catalog No.1 SECTION io April 13,2012 Page 37 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 7 Issued:4-3-12 Effective:4-13-I2 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE C.POP ULARCHOICE (Cont’d) 2.Terms and Conditions A customer may select an unlimited number of compatible services or features from the list in 105.9.l,C.1,preceding.All terms and conditions specified elsewhere for the respective services/features requested as part of this service shall apply. 3.Rates and Charges a.The monthly rates,following,include the rate specified in 5.2.4 of this Catalog (C) for residence individual or additional line flat rate service.(C) h.Existing POPULARCHOICE customers cannot take advantage of promotions for POP ULARCIJOICE or any of the services/features specified in l05.9.1.C.l, preceding,unless specifically allowed by the terms and conditions of the promotion. c.Existing Two-line CUSTOMCHOJCE customers may add or change features within the obsolete Two-line CUSTOMCH()JCE package while the service remains at the same address for the same customer. d.POP ULARCHOICE will be provided at the following rate: MONTHLY RATE PER RATE GROUP USOC I 1-A 2 •Per individual or Additional hat rate residence line with Voice Messaging Service PGOP7 $35.99 $35.99 $35.99 (C) •Per individual or additional fiat rate residence line without Voice Messaging Service PGOPX 35.99 35.99 35.99 (C) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.12-02-SID SID2O1 2-002 Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page38 Junel5,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 __________________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE (Cont’d) D.Two-line POPULARCHOICE POPULARCHOICE is obsolete and is not available to new customers after May 5,2003. 1.Description Two-line POPULARHOIE is a package of features available to residential customers in conjunction with an individual flat rate and additional flat rate access line.Residence customers subscribing to the package are entitled to unlimited use of the services/features specified below: •Anonymous Call Rejection •Call Forwarding -Busy Line/Don’t Answer (expanded) -Busy Line (overflow)/Dont Answer -Variable •Call Rejection •Call Waiting •Call Waiting ID •Caller ID -Name and Number •Continuous Redial •Easy Access •Last Call Return •Long Distance Alert •Message Waiting Indication —Audible •Message Waiting Indication —Audible/Visual •Non-listed Service Listing •Security Screen •Three-way Calling •Q WEST Receptionist -Name and Number[1] •Voice Messaging Service [1]Obsolete service;see 105.4.3,preceding,for further details. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryQwestCorporationdiblaCenturyLinkQCACCEPTEDFORFILING Exchange and Network Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 April 13,2012 Page 39 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 6 Issued:4-3-12 Effective:4-13-12 _________________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE D.Two-line POPULAR CHOICE (Cont’d) 2.Terms and Conditions A customer may select an unlimited number of compatible services or features from the list in 105.9.l.D.1.,preceding.All features selected must be provided on the same line.Customers may subscribe to other packages and a la carte features on the second line at the appropriate rates.Customers wishing to have POPULARCIJOICE features on both lines must subscribe to POP ULARCHOICE at the rates specified in 105.9.1.C.,preceding. 3.Rates and Charges a.The monthly rates,following,include the rate specified in 5.2.4 of this Catalog (C) for residence individual and additional line flat rate service.(C) b.Existing Two-line POP ULARCIIOICE customers cannot take advantage of promotions for Two-line POPULARCHOICE or any of the services/features specified in 105.9.1.D.1.,preceding,unless specifically allowed by the terms and conditions of the promotion. c.Existing Two-line POP ULARCHOICE customers may add or change features within the obsolete Two-line POPULARCIJOICE package while the service remains at the same address for the same customer. d.Two-line POPULARCHOICE will be provided at the following rate: MONTHLY RATE PER RATE GROUP USOC I 1-A 2 •Per individual and additional flat rate residence line with Voice Messaging Service PGOP8 N/A N/A $49.95 (C) •Per individual and additional flat rate residence line without Voice Messaging Service PGOPY N/A N/A 49.95 (C) NOTICE FilL INFORMM ION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMtNT IS SUBJEC1 10 CHANGF TRANSMITTAL NO.12-02-SID SD2O12-OO2 Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SEcTIoN 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 40 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE (Cont’d) E.CUSTOMCHOICE-COMPLETE CUSTOMCHOICE-COMPLETE is obsolete and is not available to new customers after May 5,2003. 1.Description CUSTOMcHOIcE-COMPLETE is a package of features available to residential customers in conjunction with an individual flat rate or additional flat rate access line.Residence customers subscribing to the package are entitled to unlimited use of the services/features for CUSTOMCHOI(E specified in 105.9.1 .A.. preceding,and the services/features specified below: •LINE-BA CKER •SECURITY SCREEN •Voice Messaging Service 2.Terms and Conditions A CUSTOMCHOICE-COMPLETE customer may select an unlimited number of compatible CUSTOMCHOICE services or features found in 105.9.1 .A.1., preceding,as well as those in 105.9.1.E.,preceding.All terms and conditions specified elsewhere for the respective services/features requested as part of this service shall apply. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED FOR FILINGExchangeandNetwork Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 April 13,2012 Page 41 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 7 Issued:4-3-12 Effective:4-1 3-12 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE E,CUSTOMCHOICE-COMPLETE (Contd) 3.Rates and Charges a.The monthly rates,following,include the rate specified in 5.2.4 of this Catalog (C) for residence individual and additional line flat rate service.(C) b.Existing CUSTOMCIJOJCE-COMFLETE customers cannot take advantage of promotions for CUSTOMCHOICE-COMPLETE or any of the services/features specified in CUSTOMCHOICE in 105.9.1,A.l.,or in 105.9.1.E,l.,preceding, unless specifically allowed by the terms and conditions of the promotion. c.Existing CUSTOMC1JOICE-COMFLETE customers may add or change features within the obsolete CUS’TOMCHOICE-COMPLETE package while the service remains at the same address for the same customer. d.CUSTOMCHOICE-COMFLETE will be provided at the following rate: MONTHLY RATE PER RATE GROUP USOC 1 1-A 2 •Per individual and additional flat rate residence line with Voice Messaging Service PGOC7 $39.99 $39.99 $39.99 (C) •Per individual and additional flat rate residence line without Voice Messaging Service PGOCX 39.99 39.99 39.99 (C) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.12-02-SID SID2O1 2-002 Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILINGPage42June15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE F.Two-line CUSTOMCHOICE-COMPLETE Two-line CUSTOMCHOICE-COMPLETE is obsolete and is not available to new customers after May 5,2003. 1.Description Two-line CUSTOMCHOICE-COMPLETE is a package of features available to residential customers in conjunction with an individual flat rate and additional flat rate access line.Residence customers subscribing to the package are entitled to unlimited use of the services/features specified for CUSTOMCWOICE COMPLETE found in 105.9.1.E.l.,preceding,and the following services/features specified below: •LINEBACKER •SECURITY SCREEN •Voice Messaging Service 2.Terms and Conditions a.A Two-line CUSTOMCHOICE-COMPLETE customer may select an unlimited number of compatible CUSTOMC’HOICE services or features found in 105.9.l.A.1.,preceding,as well as those listed in 105.9.1 .F.l.,preceding, subject to availability.All terms and conditions specified elsewhere for the respective services/features requested as part of this service shall apply. Customers wishing to have CUSTOMCHOICE-COMPLETE features on both lines must subscribe to CUSTOMCHOJCE-COMPLETE at the rates specified in 105.9.1.E.,preceding. b.LINEBAC’KER will be provided on both lines if the customer selects that service. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN [HIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJFCT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID StD2O1 3-008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED FOR FILINGExchangeandNetwork Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 April 13,2012 Page 43 Boise,Ida ho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 6 Issued:4-3-12 Effective:4-13-12 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXChANGE SERVICE F.Two-line CUSTOMCHOICE-COMPLETE (Contd) 3.Rates and Charges a.The monthly rates,following,include the rate specified in 5.2.4 of this Catalog (C) for residence individual and additional line flat rate service.(C) b.Existing Two-line CUSTOMCHOICE-COMPLETE customers cannot take advantage of promotions for Two-line CUSTOMCHOICE-(OMPLETE or any of the CLLSTOMCHOICE services/features specified in l05.9.1.A.l,,or in 105.9.l.F.i..preceding,unless specifically allowed by the terms and conditions of the promotion. c.Existing Two-line CUS’TOMCIIOICE-COMPLETE customers may add or change features within the obsolete Two-line CUSTOMC1!OICE-COMPLETE package while the service remains at the same address for the same customer. d.Two-line CUSTOMCHOICE-COMPLETE will be provided at the following rate: MONTHLY RATE PER RATE GROUP USOC I i-A 2 •Per individual and additional flat rate residence line with Voice Messaging Service PGOC8 $59.95 $59.95 $59.95 (C) •Per individual and additional fiat rate residence line without Voice Messaging Service PGOCY 59.95 59.95 59.95 (C) NOTICE EHE INT ORMA liON CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMFNT IS SUBJFCT 10 ChANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.12-02-SID SID2O1 2-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 44 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE (Cont’d) G.VALUECHOICE VALUECHOICE is obsolete and is not available to new customers after August 16,2004. 1.Description a.VALUECHOICE is a package of services/features available to residential customers in conjunction with an individual flat rate or additional flat rate access line.Residence customers subscribing to the package are entitled to unlimited use of the services/features listed below: Standard Services/Features: •Anonymous Call Rejection •Call Forwarding -Variable •Call Waiting or Call Waiting ID •Caller Identification -Name and Number •Long Distance Alert •Three-Way Calling b.In addition to the standard features,a customer may select one or more of the following optional features: •Call Forwarding -Busy Line/Don’t Answer (Expanded) -Busy Line (Overflow)/Don’t Answer •Message Waiting Indication -Audible -Audible/Visual -Visual NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN FHIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID StD2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SEcTIoN 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 45 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 l05.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE G.1.(Cont’d) c.In addition to the standard and optional features,a customer may select the following optional package of services. FRIVACYPAK -Call Rejection -Non-listed Service Listing -SECURITY SCREEN -Selective Call Waiting 2.Terms and Conditions All terms and conditions specified elsewhere for the respective services/features as part of this service shall apply. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED FOR FILINGExchangeandNetwork Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 April 13,2012 Page 46 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 7 Issued:4-3-12 Effective:4-1 3-12 _________________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE G.VALUECHOICE (Cont’d) 3.Rates and Charges a.The monthly rate,following,includes the rate specified in 5.2.4 of this Catalog (C) for residence individual or additional line flat rate service.(C) b.Existing VALUECHOICE customers cannot take advantage of promotions for VAL UECHOICE unless specifically allowed by the terms and conditions of the promotion. c.Existing VALUECHOICE customers may add or change features within the obsolete VALUECHOICE and optional packages at no charge while the service remains at the same address for the same customer. d.VALUECHOICE and optional packages will be provided at the following rate. MONTHLY RATE PER RATE GROUP USOC I 1-A 2 •Per individual or additional flat rate residence line PCV6X $29.99 $29.99 $29.99 (C) •Optional FRIVACYPAK FFKX2 5.00 5.00 5.00 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.12-02-SID SID2O1 2-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%i) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTIoN 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 47 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE (Cont’d) H.Two-line V4LUECHOICE Two-line V4LUEcHOIC’E is obsolete and is not available to new customers after August 16,2004. 1.Description a.Two-line VALUETJOICE is a package of services/features available to residential customers in conjunction with an individual flat rate and additional flat rate access line.Residence customers subscribing to the package are entitled to unlimited use of the services/features listed below: Standard Services/Features: •Anonymous Call Rejection •Call Forwarding -Variable •Call Waiting or Call Waiting ID •Caller Identification -Name and Number •Long Distance Alert •Three-Way Calling b.In addition to the standard features,a customer may select one or more of the following optional features: •Call Forwarding -Busy Line/Don’t Answer (Expanded) -Busy Line (Overflow)/Don’t Answer •Message Waiting Indication -Audible -Audible/Visual -Visual NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 48 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXChANGE SERVICE H.1.(Cont’d) c.In addition to the standard and optional features,a customer may select the following optional package of services. PRIVACYPAK -Call Rejection -Non-listed Service Listing -SECURITY SCREEN -Selective Call Waiting 2.Terms and Conditions a.All terms and conditions specified elsewhere for the respective services/features as part of this service shall apply. b.A customer may select an unlimited number of compatible features or the optional Privacy package from the list in 105.9.l.H.1.,preceding.All features selected must be provided on the same line.Customers may subscribe to other packages and a la carte features on the second line at the appropriate rates. Customers wishing to have VALUECHOICE features or the optional FRi VACYPAK on both lines must subscribe to VALUECHOICE at the rates specified in 105.9.1 .G.,preceding. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NC).13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secretary Exchange and Network ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 April 13,2012 Page 49 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued:4-3-12 Effective:4-1 3-12 _________________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE H.Two-line VALUECHOJCE (Contd) 3.Rates and Charges a.The monthly rate,following,includes the rate specified in 5.2.4 of this Catalog (C) for residence individual and additional line flat rate service.(C) b.Existing Two-line VALUECHOICE customers cannot take advantage of promotions for Two-line VALUECHOICE unless specifically allowed by the terms and conditions of the promotion. c.Existing Two-line VALUECHOICE customers may add or change features within the obsolete Two-line VALUECHOICE and optional packages at no charge while the service remains at the same address for the same customer. d.Two-line VALUECHOICE and optional packages will be provided at the following rate. MONThLY RATE PER RATE GROUP USOC 1 1-A 2 •Per individual and additional flat rate residence line PGOVB N/A N/A $43.99 (T) •Optional PRIVACYPAK FFKX2 N/A N/A 5.00 (T) NOTICE THE INFORMAl ION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT FO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.12-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 50 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-20 13 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE (Cont’d) I.PREFERRED (HO1CE PREFERREDC’HOICE is obsolete and is not available to new customers after August 16,2004. I.Description PREFERREDCHOICE is a package of features available to residential customers in conjunction with an individual flat rate or additional flat rate access line. Residence customers subscribing to the package are entitled to unlimited use of the services/features specified below: a.Standard Features •Anonymous Call Rejection •Call Forwarding -Busy Line/Don’t Answer (expanded) -Busy Line (overfiow)/Don’t Answer -Variable •Call Rejection •Call Waiting •Call Waiting ID •Caller ID -Name and Number •Continuous Redial •Easy Access •Last Call Return •LINE-BACKER Service •Long Distance Alert •Message Waiting Indication —Audible •Message Waiting Indication —Audible/Visual •Non-listed Service Listing •SECURITY SCREEN •Selective Call Waiting •Three-way Calling •QWEST Receptionist -Name and Number[l] •Voice Messaging Service [1]Obsolete service;see 105.4.3,preceding,for further details. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%1i) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 51 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease2Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE 1.1.(Cont’d) b.In addition to the standard features,a customer may select the following optional package of services. CON VENIENCEPAK -Call Following -Custom Ringing -DoNot Disturb -Priority Call -Selective Call Forwarding -SpeedCalling8 -Speed Calling 30 2.Terms and Conditions A customer may select an unlimited number of compatible services or features from the list in,preceding.All terms and conditions specified elsewhere for the respective services/features requested as part of this service shall apply. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. SID2O1 3-008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED FOR FILINGExchangeandNetwork Services Catalog No.I SEcTIoN 105 April 13,2012 Page 52 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 7 Issued:4-3-12 Effective:4-1 3-12 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE I.PREFERREDCHOJCE (Cont’d) 3.Rates and Charges a.The monthly rate,following,includes the rate specified in 5.2.4 of this Catalog (C) for residence individual or additional line flat rate service.(C) b.Existing PREFERREDCHOICE customers cannot take advantage of promotions for PREFERREDCHOJCE or any of the services/features specified in,preceding,unless specifically allowed by the terms and conditions of the promotion. c.Existing PREFERREDCHOICE customers may add or change features within the obsolete PREFERREDCHOICE and optional packages at no charge while the service remains at the same address for the same customer. d.PREFERREDCHOICE and optional packages will be provided at the following rate. MONTHLY RATE PER RATE GROUP USOC I 1-A 2 •Per individual or additional flat rate residence line with Voice Messaging Service PGOFD $35.99 $35.99 $35.99 (C) •Per individual or additional flat rate residence line without Voice Messaging Service PGOFE 35.99 35.99 (C) •Optional CONVENIENCEPAK FFK7N 5.00 5.00 5.00 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.12-02-SID S1D2012-002 Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissij) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 53 June 15,2013 SouTHE1N IDAHO Release 4 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE (Cont’d) J.Two-line PREFERREDCHOICE Two-line PREFERRED CHOICE is obsolete and is not available to new customers after August 16,2004. 1.Description a.Two-line PREFERRED CHOICE is a package of features available to residential customers in conjunction with an individual flat rate and additional flat rate access line.Residence customers subscribing to the package are entitled to unlimited use of the standard services/features specified below: •Anonymous Call Rejection •Call Forwarding -Busy Line/Don’t Answer (expanded) -Busy Line (overflow)/Don’t Answer -Variable •Call Rejection •Call Waiting •Call Waiting ID •Caller ID -Name and Number •Continuous Redial •Easy Access •Last Call Return •LINE-BA CKER Service •Long Distance Alert •Message Waiting Indication —Audible •Message Waiting Indication —Audible/Visual •Non-listed Service Listing •SECURITY SCREEN •Selective Call Waiting •Three-way Calling •Q WEST Receptionist -Name and Number[1] •Voice Messaging Service [1]Obsolete service;see 105.4.3,preceding,for further details. NOTICE TFIE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%i) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 54 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 ______________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE J.1.(Cont’d) b.In addition to the standard and optional features,a customer may select the following optional package of services. CONVENIENCEPAK -Call Following -Custom Ringing -DoNotDisturb -Priority Call -Selective Call Forwarding -Speed Calling 8 -Speed Calling 30 2.Terms and Conditions A customer may select an unlimited number of compatible features or the optional Privacy package from the list in 105.9.1.J.1.,preceding.All features selected must be provided on the same line.Customers may subscribe to other packages and a la carte features on the second line at the appropriate rates. Customers wishing to have PREFERRED CHOICE features or the option COAl VENIENCEPAK on both lines must subscribe to PREFERREDCHOJCE at the rates specified in,preceding. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED EN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED FOR FILINGExchangeandNetwork Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 April 13,2012 Page 55 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 6 Issued:4-3-12 Effective:4-13-12 _________________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE 3.Two-line PREFERREDCHOJCE (Cont’d) 3.Rates and Charges a.The monthly rate,following,includes the rate specified in 5.2.4 of this Catalog (C) for residence individual and additional line flat rate service.(C) b.Existing Two-line PREFERREDCHOICE customers cannot take advantage of promotions for Two-line PREFERREDCHOICE or any of the services/features specified in 105,9.1.J.1.,preceding,unless specifically allowed by the terms and conditions of the promotion. c.Existing Two-line PREFERREDCHOICE customers may add or change features within the obsolete PREFERREDCHOICE and optional packages at no charge while the service remains at the same address for the same customer. d.Two-line PREFERREDCHOICE and optional packages will be provided at the following rate. MONTHLY RATE PER RATE GROUP USOC 1 1-A 2 •Per individual and additional flat rate residence line with Voice Messaging Service PGOFA N/A N/A $49.99 (C) •Per individual and additional flat rate residence line without Voice Messaging Service PGOFB N/A N/A 49.99 (C) •Optional CON VENIENCEPAK FFK7N N/A N/A 5.00 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CON I AINED IN THIS DOCUMENT iS SUBJECT TO CHANGF TRANSMITTAL NO.12-02-SID S{D201 2-002 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissij) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 56 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE (Cont’d) K.Q WEST CHOICE Home QWEST CHOICE Home is obsolete and is not available to new customers after August 16,2004. 1.Description QWEST C’HOIC’E Home is a package of features available to residential customers in conjunction with an individual flat rate or additional flat rate access line.Residence customers subscribing to the package will automatically be provided with LINEBACKER Service on their line and are entitled to choose three services/features from the following list in their package. a.Standard Features •Caller 1D Family -Anonymous Call Rejection -CallerID—NameandNumber -SECURITY SCREEN •Call Forwarding Busy Line/Don’t Answer •Call Forwarding Family -Call Following -Call Forwarding Variable -Selective Call Forwarding •Call Rejection •Call Waiting Family -Call Waiting -Call Waiting ID -Selective Call Waiting -Long Distance Alert •Custom Ringing •Directory Assistance (6 calls) •Easy Access •Last Call Return •Message Waiting Indication —Audible or Audible/Visual •Three-Way Calling •Voice Messaging Service NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT [S SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SJD2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%ii) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 57 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE K.l.(Cont’d) b.In addition to choosing three services or features from the list in 105.9.l.K.l., preceding,a customer may select one or more additional services or features from the list in 105.9.l.K.l.,at rates and charges specified elsewhere.Directory Assistance and Voice Messaging cannot be selected as additional services or features. 2.Terms and Conditions a.All terms and conditions specified elsewhere for the respective services/features requested as part of this package shall apply. b.A customer may choose one or more of the features in the Caller ID Family as one of their selections.A customer choosing Security Screen must also choose Caller ID -Name and Number. c.A customer may choose one or more compatible features in the Call Forwarding Family as one of their selections. d.A customer may choose Call Waiting,Call Waiting ID or Selective Call Waiting from the Call Waiting Family as one of their selections.They may also add Long Distance Alert as part of that selection. e.A customer choosing Caller ID -Name and Number will automatically be provided with Anonymous Call Rejection. f A customer who chooses Qwest Voice Messaging Service will also be provided with Call Forwarding Busy Line/Don’t Answer,Easy Access and Message Waiting indication as part of their Voice Messaging Service selection.A customer who wishes to use another provider’s Voice Messaging Service will be provided with Call Forwarding Busy/Don’t Answer,Easy Access and Message Waiting Indication and it will not be counted as one of their three selections of features/services. g.All services or features selected in the package can only be provided where technically available and compatible with other features the customer may choose to order. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED FOR FILINGExchangeandNetwork Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 April 13,2012 Paae 58 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 7 Issued:4-3-12 Effective:4-13-12 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE K.QWEST CHOICE Home (Cont’d) 3.Rates and Charges a.The monthly rate,following,includes the rate specified in 5.2.4 of this Catalog (C) for residence individual or additional line flat rate service.(C) b.Existing QWEST CHOICE Home customers cannot take advantage of promotions for QWEST CHOICE Home or any of the service/feature specified in 105.9.1 .K.1.,preceding,unless specifically allowed by the terms and conditions of the promotion. c.Existing QWEST CHOICE Home customers may add or change features within the obsolete QWEST CHOICE Home Services specified in 105.9.1.K.1.,without a nonrecurring charge while the service remains at the same address for the same customer d.Existing QWEST CHOICE Home customers may add or change features as specified in 105.9.l.K.l.b. e.Recurring rates and nonrecurring charges specified elsewhere apply to add or change any feature or service not specified l05.9.l.K.l..preceding. f.QWEST CHOICE Home will be provided at the following rates: MONTHLY RATE PER RATE GROUP USOC 1 1-A 2 •Per individual or additional flat rate residence line PGORA $31.99 $31.99 $31.99 (C) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.12-02-SID S1D2012-002 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissie!) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTIoN 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 59 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE (Cont’d) L.0 WEST CHOICE Two-line Home QWEST CHOICE Two-line Home is obsolete and is not available to new customers after August 16,2004. I.Description 0 WEST CHOICE Two-line Home is a package of features available to residential customers in conjunction with an individual flat rate and additional flat rate access line.Residence customers subscribing to the package will automatically be provided LINEBACKER Service on both lines and are entitled to choose three services/features from the following list in their package. a.Standard Features •Caller ID Family -Anonymous Call Rejection -Caller ID —Name and Number -SECURITY SCREEN •Call Forwarding Busy Line/Dont Answer •Call Forwarding Family -Call Following -Call Forwarding Variable -Selective Call Forwarding •Call Rejection •Call Waiting Family -Call Waiting -Call Waiting ID -Selective Call Waiting -Long Distance Alert •Custom Ringing •Directory Assistance (6 calls) •Easy Access •Last Call Return •Message Waiting Indication —Audible or Audible/Visual •Three-Way Calling •Voice Messaging Service NOTiCE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SEcTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 60 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease3Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE Li.(Cont’d) b.In addition to choosing three services or features from the list in 105.9.1 .L.1., preceding,a customer may select one or more additional services or features from the list in 105.9.1 .L.i.,at rates and charges specified elsewhere.Directory Assistance and Voice Messaging cannot be selected as additional services or features. 2.Terms and Conditions a.All terms and conditions specified elsewhere for the respective services/features requested as part of this package shall apply. b.A customer may choose one or more of the features in the Caller ID Family as one of their selections.A customer choosing Security Screen must also choose Caller ID -Name and Number. c.A customer may choose one or more compatible features in the Call Forwarding Family as one of their selections. d.A customer may choose Call Waiting,Call Waiting ID or Selective Call Waiting from the Call Waiting Family as one of their selections.They may also add Long Distance Alert as part of that selection. e.A customer choosing Caller ID -Name and Number will automatically be provided with Anonymous Call Rejection. f A customer who chooses Qwest Voice Messaging Service will also be provided with Call Forwarding Busy Line/Don’t Answer,Easy Access and Message Waiting Indication as part of their Voice Messaging Service selection.A customer who wishes to use another provider’s Voice Messaging Service will be provided with Call Forwarding Busy/Don’t Answer,Easy Access and Message Waiting Endication and it will not be counted as one of their three selections of features/services. g.All services or features selected in the package can only be provided where technically available and compatible with other features the customer may choose to order. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED FOR FiLiNGExchangeandNetwork Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 April 13,2012 Page 61 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued:4-3-12 Effective:4-1 3-1 2 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE L.2.(Cont’d) h.The three features selected in the package must be provided on the same line. Customers may subscribe to other features or services on the individual or additional line at the appropriate rates.Customers wishing to have QWEST CHOICE Home on both lines must subscribe to QWEST CHOICE Home on both lines at the rates specified in 105.9.1.K.,preceding. 3.Rates and Charges a.The monthly rate,following,includes the rate specified in 5.2.4 of this Catalog (C) for residence individual and additional line fiat rate service.(C) h.Existing QWEST CHOICE Two-line Home customers cannot take advantage of promotions for QWEST CHOICE Two-line Home or any of the service/feature specified in 105.9.1 .L.1.,preceding,unless specifically allowed by the terms and conditions of the promotion. c.Existing QWEST CHOICE Two-line Home customers may add or change features within the obsolete QWEST CHOICE Two-line Home Services specified in 105.9.1 .L.1.,preceding,without a nonrecurring charge while the service remains at the same address for the same customer d.Existing QWEST CHOICE Two-line Home customers may add or change features as specified in 105.9.1.L.1.b. e.Recurring rates and nonrecurring charges specified elsewhere apply to add or change any feature or service not specified l05.9.l.L,l.,preceding. f.QWEST CHOICE Two-line Home will be provided at the following rates: MONTHLY RATE PER RATE GROUP USOC 1 1-A 2 •Per individual and additional flat rate residence line PGORB N/A N/A $46.99 (C) NOTICE FHE INFORMAl ION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMFNT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.12-02-SID SID2O1 2-002 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissftç) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SEcTIoN 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 62 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE (Cont’d) M.Business CUSTOMCHOICE Effective April 11,2005,Business CUSTOMCHOICE is obsolete.Customers will be allowed to retain the obsolete package only as long as service remains at the same location.The service may be transferred between customers (supersede)in accordance with 2.2.1 .E.,preceding. 1.Description Business CUSTOMc’HOJcE is a package of features available to business customers in conjunction with an additional or individual flat rate access line. Business customers subscribing to the package are entitled to unlimited use of the services/features specified below: a.Standard Services/Features •Anonymous Call Rejection •Call Forwarding -Busy Line (Expanded) -Busy Line (External) -Busy Line (Overflow) -Busy Line/Don’t Answer (Expanded) -Busy Line (External)/Dont Answer -Busy Line (Overflow)/Don’t Answer -Busy Line (Programmable) -Don’t Answer -Dont Answer (Expanded) -Don’t Answer (Programmable) -Variable •Call Transfer •Call Waiting •Call Waiting ID •Caller ID Name and Number •Continuous Redial •Custom Ringing •Do Not Disturb •Hunting NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINFD IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID S1D201 3-008 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 1051 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 63 June 15,2013SOUThERNIDAHORelease3Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-1 5-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE M.1.a.(Cont’d) •Last Call Return •Long Distance Alert •Message Waiting Indication •Priority Call •Remote Access Forwarding •Scheduled Forwarding •Selective Call Forwarding •Speed Call -8 Number •Speed Call -30 Number •Three-Way Calling •QWEST Receptionist -Name &Number[1] b.Optional Services/Features •Minutes Free Calling Plan 2.Terms and Conditions a.A business customer may select an unlimited number of compatible services or features from the list in l05.9.l.M.l.a,preceding.All terms and conditions specified elsewhere apply for the respective services/features requested as part of this service. b.Existing Business CUSTOMCHOICE customers cannot take advantage of promotions for Business CUSTOMCHOICE or any of the services/features specified in 105.9.1.M.l.a.,preceding,unless specifically allowed by the terms and conditions of the promotion. c.Business CUSTOMCHOIC’E is subject to a minimum billing period of one month. d.The Company may withdraw this offering to customers at any time with appropriate notice. [1]Obsolete service;see 105.4.3,preceding,for further details. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SEcTIoN 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 64 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASsOciATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE M.2.(Cont’d) e.The monthly rate for Business CUSTOMCHOICE covered under the Rate Stabilization Plan (RSP)is guaranteed against Company initiated increases for the duration of the plan.The minimum RSP term is one year.The maximum RSP term is three years.Customers selecting an RSP will be sent a confirmation outlining the length of the commitment of the RSP and the method of computing the early termination charge.The confirmation will remind customers that the tariff provisions govern and the customer is obligated for the entire RSP commitment period.Rates will begin appearing on the first bill. f Effective April 11,2005,additional lines may not be added.The Termination Liability will apply on the same terms and conditions for lines installed prior to April 11,2005. g.If the Company terminates the service for cause or the customer terminates the service in whole or in part without cause prior to the expiration date,the customer will pay termination charges.These charges are calculated at 15%of the remaining value of the terminated services over the remaining period, including any services added after the date of the original installation. Additional terms are specified in 2.2.14,preceding. h.A termination charge will be waived if the customer places an order to discontinue the service and replaces the line(s)within the Qwest region,or subscribes to similarly guaranteed Company services at 115%of the current value of the original commitment. i.A termination charge will be waived when customers change to QWEST (J-IOIC’E Business or QWEST CHOICE Business Plus described in 5,9.1, preceding,or the Business Line Volume Purchase Plan described in 5.2.13, preceding. NOTICE fHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SiD2O1 3-008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILINGQwestCorporationd/b/a CenturyLink QC September 12 2b1ExchangeandNetwork Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 Boise,Idaho Page 65 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:9-2-11 Effective:9-12-11 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE N.Business CUSTOMCIIOICE (Cont’d) 3.Rates and Charges a.The monthly rates that follow include rates specified in 5.2.4.B.,preceding,for (C) business individual flat rate or additional flat rate line service. b.Existing customers will not incur nonrecurring charges when switching from Business CUSTOMCHOICE to QWEST CHOICE Business or QWEST CHOICE Business described in 5.9.1,preceding. c.Existing Business CUSTOMCHOJCE customers may add of change features within the Business CUSTOMCIIOICE package while the service remains at the same address for the same customer. NOTICE 1HE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN 1 IllS DOCUMEN F IS SUBJECT TO ChANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.I 1-15-SID S1D201 1-010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED FOR FIG Exchange and Network Services Catalog No.1 SEcTIoN 105 Boise,Idaho Page 66 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued:9-2-1 1 Effective:9-12-1 1 _________________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE (Cont’d) M.3.(Cont’d) d.Business CUSTOMCHOJE will be provided at the following rates: MONTHLY (C) USOC RATE (1)Per individual or additional flat rate business line.PGOCL $54.95 (2)Rate Stability Plan[1] Per individual or additional flat rate business line •1 Year PGOCN 47.95 •2 Year PGOCO 45.95 •3 Year PGOCQ 43.95 (C) (3)Minutes Free Calling Plan The plan includes a designated number of minutes of intraLATA toll.For all additional plan calls,the customer will be charged a special rate.The plan is available on an account level basis,where one or more lines are billed to the same account.Where the customer has one account which includes multiple lines,the plan applies to total usage of the combined lines.This plan applies only to intraLAiA,dial station-to-station calls. PER MINUTE RATE PERIOD INITIAL ADDITIONAL USOC MINUTES (30 SEC.)(6 SEC.) OBK5X 0-100 -- 101 andover $0.045 $0.009 [lj Customers with service under a standard RSP that expires on or after April 11,2005,will be billed at the rates and terms associated with the RSP period that they subscribed to until they move,disconnect the service or a change occurs in the rates and terms of the obsolete Business CUcTOMCHOJCE. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I I-I5-SID SID2O1 1-010 Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 67 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE (Cont’d) N.Q WEST BUSINESS LINE PLUS Effective April 11,2005,QWEST BUSINESS LINE PLUS is obsolete.Customers will be allowed to retain their obsolete packages only as long as service remains at the same location.The service may be transferred between customers (supersede) in accordance with 2.2.l.E.,preceding. 1.Description QWEST BUSINESS LINE PLUS is a package of features available to business customers in conjunction with an individual or additional flat rate access line. Business customers subscribing to the package are entitled to the following standard features. •Call Forwarding-Variable •Call Transfer/Three-Way Calling 2.Terms and Conditions a.Customers subscribing to QWEST BUSINESS LINE PLUS are required to pay the monthly rates for service,whether or not all standard features are activated at initial installation.All terms and conditions specified elsewhere apply for the respective features as part of this service. b.QWEST BUSINESS LINE PLUS is subject to a minimum billing period of one month. c.All 0 WEST BUSINESS LINE PLUS access lines must be associated with the same customer. d.The Company may withdraw this offering to customers at any time with appropriate notice. e.One primary directory listing is furnished without charge for each 0 WEST BUSINESS LINE PLUS.Directory listings of QWEST BUSINESS LINE PLUS may be provided at the regular business additional listing rate as specified in 5.7.1,preceding. f Intercept Service will be provided on the main listed directory number. g.0 WEST BUSINESS LINE PLUS is not available on Public Communication Service. NOTICE THE iNFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 68 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 ______________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE N.2.(Cont’d) h.The monthly rate for QWEST BUSINESS LINE PLUS covered under the Rate Stabilized Plan (RSP)is guaranteed against Company initiated increases for the duration of the plan.The minimum RSP term is 1 year.The maximum RSP term is 3 years.Customers selecting an RSP will be sent a confirmation outlining the features,the length of the RSP,and the method of computing the early termination charge.The confirmation will remind customers that the tariff provisions govern and the customer is obligated for the entire RSP commitment period.Rates will begin appearing on the first bill. i.Effective April 11,2005,additional lines may not be added.The Termination Liability will apply on the same terms and conditions for lines installed prior to April 11,2005. j.If Qwest terminates the Service(s)for Cause,or if a customer terminates the Services(s)in whole or in part without Cause before the expiration date,the Customer will pay termination charges calculated at 15%of the remaining value of the terminated Services over the remaining Term,including any Services added after the date of this commitment.Additional terms are as specified in 2.2.14,preceding. A termination charge will be waived if the Customer places an order to discontinue the service and replaces the line(s)within the Qwest region or purchases similar guaranteed Qwest services at 115%of the current value of the commitment. k.A termination charge will be waived when customers change to QWEST CHOICE Business or QWEST CHOICE Business Plus described in 5.9.1, preceding or the Business Line Volume Purchase Plan described in 5.2.13, preceding. 1.Effective April 11,2005,customers may not move the physical location of all or part of Q WEST BUSINESS LINE PLUS. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 69 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCIL4NGE SERVICE N.QWEST BUSINESS LINE FL US (Cont’d) 3.Rates and Charges a.The monthly rates that follow include business individual flat rate or additional fiat rate line service and the standard features.Where applicable,incremental charges specified in 5.1,preceding,apply. b.Existing customers will not incur nonrecurring charges when switching between QWEST BUSINESS LINE PLUS to basic business line service in Section 5 or QWEST CHOICE Business or QWEST ChOICE Business Plus in 5.9.1, preceding. c.Existing Q WEST BUSINESS LINE PLUS customers may add or change features within the obsolete QWEST BUSINESS LINE PLUS package while the service remains at the same address for the same customer.No additional packages may be added. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMiTTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi1l) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 70 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 i Boise Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.!PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE N.3.(Cont’d) d.QWESTBUSINESSLJNEPLUS will be provided at the following rates: USOC •Month-to-Month Line NLUDE •Rate Stabilized Line -1 Year NLUDD,NLUDY -2 Year NLUDG -3 Year NLUDL MONTHLY RATE MONTHLY RATE RECURRING MONTH-TO-1 2 3 CHARGE MONTH YEARI1I YEARI1I YEAR[1] •Per individual Or additional flat rate business line S52.00 $41.00 S35.00 $35.00 $35.00 [1]Customers with service under a standard RSP that expires on or after April 11,2005,will be billed at the rates and terms associated with the RSP period that they subscribed to until they move,disconnect the service or a change occurs in the rates and terms of the obsolete Q WESTBtJSINESS LINE PLUS. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAiNED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation cl/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi4i) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 71 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE (Cont’d) 0.QWEST CHOICE Business Effective April 11,2005,QWEST CHOICE Business in this configuration is obsolete.Customers will be allowed to retain their obsolete package only as long as service remains at the same location.The service may be transferred between customers (supersede)in accordance with 2.2.l.E.,preceding. 1.Description 0 WEST CHOICE Business is a package of features available to business customers in conjunction with an individual flat rate or additional flat rate access line.Business customers subscribing to the package will automatically be provided UNIS TAR Service on their line and are entitled to choose five services/features from the following list in their package. a.Standard Features •Caller ID Family -Anonymous Call Rejection -Caller ID -Name and Number •Call Forwarding Family -Call Forwarding Busy Line -Call Forwarding Busy Line/Don’t Answer -Call Forwarding Don’t Answer -Call Forwarding Variable -Remote Access Forwarding •Call Transfer •Call Waiting Family -Call Waiting -Call Waiting ID -Selective Call Waiting -Long Distance Alert •Custom Ringing •Dial Lock •Directory Assistance (6 calls) •Easy Access •Hunting •Last Call Return •Message Waiting Indication —Audible or Audible/Visual •Three-Way Calling •Voice Messaging Service NOTICE THE NFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation d/b!a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 72 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE 0.1.(Contd) b.In addition to choosing five services or features from the list in 105.9.l.0.1.a., preceding,a customer may also select one or more additional services or features from the list in rates and charges specified elsewhere. Directory Assistance and Voice Messaging cannot be selected as additional services or features. 2.Terms and Conditions a.All terms and conditions specified elsewhere for the respective services/features requested as part of this package shall apply. b.A customer choosing Caller ID -Name and Number will automatically be provided with Anonymous Call Rejection. c.A customer may choose one or more compatible features in the Call Forwarding Family as one of their selections. d.A customer may choose Call Waiting,Call Waiting ID or Selective Call Waiting from the Call Waiting Family as one of their selections.They may add Long Distance Alert as part of that selection. e.A customer who chooses Qwest Voice Messaging Service will also be provided with Call Forwarding Busy Line/Don’t Answer,Easy Access and Message Waiting Indication as part of their Voice Messaging Service selection.A customer who wishes to use another provider’s Voice Messaging Service will be provided with Call Forwarding Busy Line/Don’t Answer,Easy Access and Message Waiting Indication and it will not be counted as one of their five selections of features/services. f All services or features selected in the package can only be provided where technically available and compatible with other features the customer may choose to order. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJEC F TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILINGQwestCorporationd/b/a CenturyLink QC September 12,2bI1 Exchange and I’etwork Services Catalog No.I SEcTioN 105 Boise,Idaho Page 73 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued:9-2-1 1 Effective:9-12-11 _______________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE 0.0 WEST CHOICE Business (Cont’d) 3.Rates and Charges a.The monthly rates following include the rates specified in 5.2.4,preceding,for (C) business individual flat rate or additional flat rate line service.Where applicable,incremental charges specified in 5.1,preceding,apply. b.Existing QWEST CHOICE Business customers cannot take advantage of promotions for QWEST C’HOICE Business or any of the services/features specified in,preceding,unless specifically allowed by the terms and conditions of the promotion. c.Existing QWEST CHOICE Business customers may add or change features as specified in l05.9.l.0.l.a.,at no charge within the obsolete QWEST CHOICE Business package while the service remains at the same address for the same customer.No additional packages may be added. d.Existing QWEST CHOICE Business customers may add or change features as specified in 105.9.1.O.l.b.,and the discounted rates for the features will apply where appropriate. e.Recurring rates and nonrecurring charges specified elsewhere apply to add or change any feature or service not specified f.0 WEST CHOICE Business will be provided at the following rate: MONTHLY (C) USOC RATE Per individual or additional fiat rate business line PGOBA $45.00 (C) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CFIANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 1-15-Sit) S1D201 1-010 Qwest Corporation cl/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissie) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 74 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE (Cont’d) P.QWEST CHOICE Two-line Business Effective April 11,2005,QWEST CHOICE Two-line Business in this configuration is obsolete.Customers will be allowed to retain their obsolete package only as long as service remains at the same location.The service may be transferred between customers (supersede)in accordance with 2.2.1 .E.,preceding. I.Description QWEST CHOICE Two-line Business is a package of features available to business customers in conjunction with an individual flat rate line and an additional fiat rate access line.Business customers subscribing to the package will automatically be provided UIVISTAR Service on both lines,Call Forwarding Busy Line,Call Forwarding Don’t Answer,Call Forwarding Busy Line/Don’t Answer or Hunting on the additional line and are entitled to choose five services/features from the following list in their package. a.Standard Features •Caller ID Family -Anonymous Call Rejection -Caller ID -Name and Number •Call Forwarding Family -Call Forwarding Busy Line -Call Forwarding Busy Line/Don’t Answer -Call Forwarding Don’t Answer -Call Forwarding Variable -Remote Access Forwarding •Call Transfer •Call Waiting Family -Call Waiting -Call Waiting ID -Selective Call Waiting -Long Distance Alert •Custom Ringing •Dial Lock •Directory Assistance (6 calls) NOTICE [HE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 75 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE P.1.a.(Cont’d) •Easy Access •Hunting •Last Call Return •Message Waiting Indication —Audible or Audible/Visual •Three-Way Calling •Voice Messaging Service b.In addition to choosing five services or features from the list in 105.9.l.P.1.a., preceding,a customer may also select one or more additional services or features from the list in 105.9.1 .P.I .a..preceding,at rates and charges specified elsewhere.Directory Assistance and Voice Messaging cannot be selected as additional services or features. 2.Terms and Conditions a.All terms and conditions specified elsewhere for the respective services/features requested as part of this package shall apply. b.A customer choosing Caller ID -Name and Number will automatically be provided with Anonymous Call Rejection. c.A customer may choose one or more compatible features in the Call Forwarding Family as one of their selections. d.A customer may choose Call Waiting,Call Waiting ID or Selective Call Waiting from the Call Waiting Family as one of their selections.They may add Long Distance Alert as part of that selection. e.A customer who chooses Qwest Voice Messaging Service will also be provided with Call Forwarding Busy Line/Don’t Answer,Easy Access and Message Waiting Indication as part of their Voice Messaging Service selection.A customer who wishes to use another provider’s Voice Messaging Service will be provided with Call Forwarding Busy Line/Don’t Answer,Easy Access and Message Waiting Indication and it will not be counted as one of their five selections of features/services. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED [N THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC September 12,(2bI1 Exchange and Network Services Catalog No.1 SEcTIoN 105 Boise,Idaho Page 76 SoUTHERN IDAhO Release 2 Issued:9-2-1 1 Effective:9-12-1 1 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE P.2.(Cont’d) f All services or features selected in the package can only be provided where technically available and compatible with other features the customer may choose to order. g.The five features selected in the package must be provided on the same line. Customers may subscribe to other features or services on the individual or additional line at the appropriate rates.Customers wishing to have QWEST CHOICE Business on both lines must subscribe to QWEST CHOICE Business on both lines at the rates specified in 3.Rates and Charges a.The monthly rates following include the rates specified in 5.2.4.preceding,for (C) business individual flat rate and additional flat rate line service.Where applicable,incremental charges specified in 5.1,preceding,apply. b.Existing QWEST CHOiCE Two-line Business customers cannot take advantage of promotions for QWEST CHOICE Two-line Business or any of the services/features specified in 105.9.l.P.1.a.,preceding,unless specifically allowed by the terms and conditions of the promotion. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.11-I 5-SID SID2O1 1-010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary •.ACCEPTED FOR FlUNGQwestCorporationdiblaCenturyLinkQCSentember122bI1ExchangeandNetwork•Boise IdahoServicesCatalogNo.I SECTION 105 Page 77 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued:9-2-1 1 Effective:9-12-11 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE P.3.(Cont’d) c.Existing QWEST CIIOICE Two-line Business customers may add or change features as specified in 105.9.1.P.1.a.,preceding,at no charge within the obsolete QWEST (‘HOICE Two-line Business package while the service remains at the same address for the same customer.No additional packages may be added. d.Existing QWEST CHOICE Two-line Business customers may add or change features as specified in 105.9.1 .P.1.b.,preceding,and the discounted rates for the features will apply where appropriate. e.Recurring rates and nonrecurring charges specified elsewhere apply to add or change any feature or service not specified 105.9.1.P.1.a.,preceding. f.QWEST CHOICE Two-line Business will be provided at the following rates: MONTHLY (C) USOC RATE •Per individual and additional fiat rate business line PGOBD $70.00 (C) NOTICE THE INFORMATiON CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I I-I5-SID SiD201 1-010 Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissiç*!!) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTIoN 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 77.1 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE (Cont’d) Q.QWEST CHOICE Business Effective September 24,2007,Term Discount Pricing associated with QWEST CHOICE Business found in 5.9.1,preceding,is obsolete.Customers will be allowed to retain Term Discount Pricing plan as long as the service remains at the same location.The Term Discount Pricing may be transferred between customers (supersedure)in accordance with 2.2.1 .E.,preceding. I.Term Discount Pricing a.A discount of 15%will be applied to the monthly rates specified in 5.9.1 .A.3.f, when a customer agrees to subscribe to one or more packages for a period of 24 months and maintains three or more of the qualifying lines and/or packages listed below.The 15%discount will apply to any combination of the packages, QWEST CHOICE Business,Q WEST CHOICE Business Plus or Add-A-Line. b.Qualifying lines and/or packages include the following: •Flat Rate Business Lines (1 FB) •Q WEST CHOICE Business •QWEST CHOICE Business Plus •QWEST CHOICE Business Add-A-Line •Obsolete QWEST CHOICE Business[11 •Obsolete OWEST CHOICE Two-line Business (counts as 2 lines)[1j •Obsolete Business CUSTOMCHOICE[1] •Obsolete Q WESTBUSINESS LINE FLUS[1] •Obsolete UTILITY LI7’s/E[1] c.The discount will appear as a credit(s)on the customer’s bill.No partial month’s credit(s)can be provided. d.All qualifying lines and/or packages meeting the three lines and/or packages minimum requirement must be at the same location,for the same customer,on the same billing number. [I]Obsolete Packages described in Section 105. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SD2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissiii) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SEcTIoN 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 77.2 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE Q.1.(Cont’d) e.Any qualifying package added after establishment of the initial discount period will be entitled to the discount only for the remaining months of the initial period.For example,a customer who adds a package in month seven of the initial period will only be entitled to the discount for the remaining 17 months of the initial discount period for the additional package. f Customers who opt out of the term pricing prior to the expiration of the 24 months will forfeit any discount provided from the start of the discount period to the date the customer opts out of term pricing.In the event the customer opts out of the arrangement,the forfeited discounts will appear as debits on the customef s bill. g.Customers may not initiate a renewal of the term pricing at the conclusion of the 24 month term period. h.Customers may switch between QWEST CHOICE Business,QWEST CHOICE Business Plus or Add-A-Line and not impact the initial term period.The discount will then apply to the rate of the appropriate package for the remainder of the term period. i In the event that a customer opts out of the term pricing,any discounts provided will not be forfeited when a customer enters into an agreement for similar Company services where the agreement value is equal to or greater than the remaining value of the existing QWEST CHOICE Business,QWEST CHOICE Business Plus or Add-A-Line package term agreement. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID S1D201 3-008 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 77.3 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE (Cont’d) R.0 WEST CHOICE Business Plus Effective September 24,2007,Term Discount Pricing associated with QWEST CHOICE Business found in 5.9.1.preceding,is obsolete.Customers will be allowed to retain Term Discount Pricing plan as long as the service remains at the same location.The Term Discount Pricing may be transferred between customers (supersedure)in accordance with 2.2.1 .E.,preceding. 1.Term Discount Pricing a.A discount of 15%will be applied to the monthly rates specified in 5.9.1 ,B.3,f, when a customer agrees to subscribe to one or more packages tbr a period of 24 months and maintains three or more of the qualifying lines and/or packages listed below.The 15%discount will apply to any combination of the packages, 0 WEST CHOICE Business,Q WEST CHOICE Business Plus or Add-A-Line. b.Qualifying lines and/or packages include the following: •Flat Rate Business Lines (IFB) •0 WEST CHOICE Business •QWEST CHOICE Business Plus •0 WEST CHOICE Business Add-A-Line •Obsolete 0 WEST CHOICE BusinessE 1] •Obsolete OWEST CHOICE Two-line Business (counts as 2 lines)[l] •Obsolete Business CUSTOMCHOICE[1] •Obsolete 0 WEST BUSINESS LINE PLUS[1] •Obsolete UTILITY LINE{1] c.The discount will appear as a credit(s)on the customer’s bill.No partial month’s credit(s)can be provided. d.All qualifying lines and/or packages meeting the three lines and/or packages minimum requirement must be at the same location,for the same customer,on the same billing number. [1]Obsolete Packages described in Section 105. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC I Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%i) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 77.4 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE R.l.(Cont’d) e.Any qualifying package added after establishment of the initial discount period will be entitled to the discount only for the remaining months of the initial period.For example,a customer who adds a package in month seven of the initial period will only be entitled to the discount for the remaining 17 months of the initial discount period for the additional package. f.Customers who opt out of the term pricing prior to the expiration of the 24 months will forfeit any discount provided from the start of the discount period to the date the customer opts out of term pricing.In the event the customer opts out of the arrangement,the forfeited discounts will appear as debits on the customer’s bill. g.Customers may not initiate a renewal of the term pricing at the conclusion of the 24 month term period. h.Customers may switch between QWEST CHOICE Business,QWEST CHOICE Business Plus or Add-A-Line and not impact the initial term period.The discount will then apply to the rate of the appropriate package for the remainder of the term period. i In the event that a customer opts out of the term pricing,any discounts provided will not be forfeited when a customer enters into an agreement for similar Company services where the agreement value is equal to or greater than the remaining value of the existing QWEST CHOICE Business,QWEST CHOICE Business Plus or Add-A-Line package term agreement. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissid) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTIoN 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 77.5 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE (Cont’d) S.Q WEST CHOICE Home 0 WEST CHOICE Home in this configuration is obsolete and is not available to new customers after June 18,2010. 1.Description QWEST CHOICE Home is a package of features available to residential customers in conjunction with an individual flat rate or additional flat rate access line.Residence customers are entitled to choose three services/features from the following list in their package. a.Standard Features •Caller ID Family -Anonymous Call Rejection -Caller ID —Name and Number -SECURITY SCREEN •Call Forwarding Busy Line/Don’t Answer •Call Forwarding Family -Call Following -Call Forwarding Variable -Selective Call Forwarding •Call Rejection •Call Waiting Family -Call Waiting -Call Waiting ID -Selective Call Waiting -Long Distance Alert •Custom Ringing (first Custom Ringing number only) •Directory Assistance (6 calls) •Easy Access •Last Call Return •LINE-BACKER •Message Waiting Indication —Audible or Audible/Visual •Q WEST Receptionist —Name and Number[1] •Three-Way Calling •Voice Messaging Service [I]Obsolete service;see 105.4.3,preceding,for further details. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi4) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105:ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 77.61 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE S.l.(Cont’d) b.In addition to choosing three services or features from the list in l05.9.l.S.l.a., preceding,a customer may select additional services or features at rates and charges specified elsewhere.Directory Assistance cannot be selected as an additional service or feature. 2.Terms and Conditions a.All terms and conditions specified elsewhere for the respective services/features requested as part of this package shall apply. b.A customer may choose one or more of the features in the Caller ID Family as one of their selections.A customer choosing Security Screen must also choose Caller ID -Name and Number. c.A customer may choose Call Waiting,Call Waiting ID or Selective Call Waiting from the Call Waiting Family as one of their selections.They may also add Long Distance Alert as part of that selection. d.A customer choosing Caller ID -Name and Number will automatically be provided with Anonymous Call Rejection. e.A customer who chooses Qwest Voice Messaging Service will also be provided with Call Forwarding Busy Line/Don’t Answer,Easy Access and Message Waiting Indication as part of their Voice Messaging Service selection.A customer who wishes to use another providers Voice Messaging Service will be provided with Call Forwarding Busy/Dont Answer,Easy Access and Message Waiting Indication and it will not be counted as one of their three selections of features/services. f.QWEST Receptionist[lj counts as two of a customer’s feature selections,Call Waiting and Caller ID. g.All services or features selected in the package can only be provided where technically available and compatible with other features the customer may choose to order. [I]Obsolete service;see 105.4.3.preceding,for further details. NOTICE THE INFORMITION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SI D201 3-008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryQwestCorporationcl/b/a CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED FOR FILINGExchangeandNetwork Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 April 13,2012 Page 777 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:4-3-12 Effective:4-1 3-12 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE S.OWESTCIIOICE Home (Cont’d) 3.Rates and Charges a.The monthly rate,following,includes the rate specified in 5.2.4 of this Catalog (C) for residence individual or additional line flat rate service.(C) b.Existing QWEST CHOiCE Home customers cannot take advantage of promotions for 0 WEST CHOICE Home or any of the service/feature specified in 105.9.1.S.1.a.,preceding,unless specifically allowed by the terms and conditions of the promotion. c.Normal nonrecurring charges associated with the line apply where QWEST CHOICE Home is provided in association with the installation of a new residence individual or additional flat rate line or the move of a residence individual or additional flat rate line. d.Services or features specified in 105.9.1.S.1.a.may be added or changed without a nonrecurring charge. e.Recurring rates and nonrecurring charges specified elsewhere apply to add or change any feature or service not specified 105.9.1.S.l.a. f.0WEST Cl-JUICE Home will be provided at the following rates: MONTHLY RATE PER RATE GROUP USOC 1 1-A 2 •Per individual or additional flat rate residence line PGO1H $31.99 $31.99 $31.99 (C) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.12-02-SID SID2O1 2-002 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissiç1!) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.I SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 77.8 June 15,2013 SouTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE (Cont’d) T.QWEST CHOICE Two-line Home QWEST CHOICE Two-line Home in this configuration is obsolete and is not available to new customers afier June 18,2010. 1.Description QWEST CHOICE Two-line Home is a package of features available to residential customers in conjunction with an individual flat rate and additional flat rate access line.Residence customers are entitled to choose three services/features from the following list in their package. a.Standard Features •Caller ID Family -Anonymous Call Rejection -Caller 1D —Name and Number -SECURITY SCREEN •Call Forwarding Busy Line/Don’t Answer •Call Forwarding Family -Call Following -Call Forwarding Variable -Selective Call Forwarding •Call Rejection •Call Waiting Family -Call Waiting -Call Waiting ID -Selective Call Waiting -Long Distance Alert •Custom Ringing (first Custom Ringing number only) •Directory Assistance (6 calls) •Easy Access •Last Call Return •LINEBACKER •Message Waiting Indication —Audible or Audible/Visual •Q WEST Receptionist —Name and Number[1] •Three-Way Calling •Voice Messaging Service [1]Obsolete service;see 105.4.3,preceding,for further details. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID S1D201 3-008 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissik) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 77.9 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.!PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE T.l.(Cont’d) b.In addition to choosing three services or features from the list in 105.9.l.T.1.a., preceding,a customer may select additional services or features at rates and charges specified elsewhere.Directory Assistance cannot be selected as an additional service or feature. 2.Terms and Conditions a.All terms and conditions specified elsewhere for the respective services/features requested as part of this package shall apply. b.A customer may choose one or more of the features in the Caller ID Family as one of their selections.A customer choosing Security Screen must also choose Caller ID -Name and Number. c.A customer may choose Call Waiting,Call Waiting ID or Selective Call Waiting from the Call Waiting Family as one of their selections.They may also add Long Distance Alert as part of that selection. d.A customer choosing Caller 1D -Name and Number will automatically be provided with Anonymous Call Rejection. e.A customer who chooses Qwest Voice Messaging Service will also be provided with Call Forwarding Busy Line/Don’t Answer,Easy Access and Message Waiting Indication as part of their Voice Messaging Service selection.A customer who wishes to use another provider’s Voice Messaging Service will be provided with Call Forwarding Busy/Don’t Answer,Easy Access and Message Waiting Indication and it will not be counted as one of their three selections of features/services. f.QWEST Receptionist[1]counts as two of a customer’s feature selections,Call Waiting and Caller ID. g.All services or features selected in the package can only be provided where technically available and compatible with other features the customer may choose to order. [1]Obsolete service;see 105.4.3,preceding,for further details. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID S1D201 3-008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED FOR FILINGExchangeandNetwork Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 April 13,2012 Page 78 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAhO Release 4 Issued:4-3-12 Effective:4-13-12. 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERViCES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE T.QWEST CHOICE Two-line Home (Cont’d) h.The three features selected in the package must be provided on the same line. Customers may subscribe to other features or services on the individual or additional line at the appropriate rates.Customers wishing to have QWEST CHOICE Home on both lines must subscribe to QWEST CHOICE Home on both lines at the rates specified in 105.9.l.S. 3.Rates and Charges a.The monthly rates following include a residence individual flat rate line and an additional flat rate line as specified in 5.2.4,preceding.(C) b.Existing QWEST CHOICE Two-line Home customers cannot take advantage of promotions for QWEST CHOICE Two-line Home or any of the service/feature specified in l05.9.l.T.1.a.,preceding,unless specifically allowed by the terms and conditions of the promotion. c.Normal nonrecurring charges associated with the lines as specified in 5.2.4, preceding,apply where QWEST CHOICE Two-line Home is provided in association with the installation of a new residence individual and additional flat rate line or the move of a residence individual and additional flat rate line. d.Services or features specified in 105.9.l.T.l.a.may be added or changed without a nonrecurring charge. e.Recurring rates and nonrecurring charges specified elsewhere apply to add or change any feature or service not specified l05.9,l.T.l.a. f.QWEST CHOICE Two-line Home will be provided at the following rates: MONTHLY RATE PER RATE GROUP USOC 1 1-A 2 •Per individual and additional fiat rate residence line with three features PGO2H N/A N/A $44.99 (T) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THiS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.12-02-SID S1D2012-002 Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissij) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 78.1 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,Idaho issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE (Cont’d) U.QWEST CHOICE Home Plus QWEST CHOICE Home Plus is obsolete and is not available to new customers afterJune 18,2010. 1.Description QWEST CHOICE Home Plus is a package of features available to residential customers in conjunction with an individual flat rate or additional flat rate access line.Residence customers subscribing to the package are entitled to unlimited use of the services/features specified below: a.Standard Features •Caller ID Family -Anonymous Call Rejection -Caller ID —Name and Number -SECURITY SCREEN •Call Forwarding Busy Line/Don’t Answer •Call Forwarding Family -Call Following -Call Forwarding Variable -Selective Call Forwarding •Call Rejection •Call Waiting Family -Call Waiting -Call Waiting ID -Selective Call Waiting -Long Distance Alert •Custom Ringing (first Custom Ringing number only) •Directory Assistance (6 calls) •Easy Access •Last Call Return •LINE-BACKER •Message Waiting Indication —Audible or Audible/Visual •QWEST Receptionist —Name and Number[1j •Three-Way Calling •Voice Messaging Service [I]Obsolete service;see 105.4.3,preceding,for further details. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT iS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation d/bla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%iE) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 78.2 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE U.l.(Cont’d) b.In addition to choosing services or features from the list in 105.9.1.U.1.a., preceding,a customer may select additional services or features at rates and charges specified elsewhere.Directory Assistance cannot be selected as an additional service or feature outside of the QWEST CHOICE Home Plus package. 2.Terms and Conditions a.All terms and conditions specified elsewhere for the respective services/features requested as part of this package shall apply. b.A customer may choose one or more of the features in the Caller ID Family as one of their selections.A customer choosing Security Screen must also choose Caller ID -Name and Number. c.A customer may choose Call Waiting,Call Waiting ID or Selective Call Waiting from the Call Waiting Family as one of their selections.They may also add Long Distance Alert as part of that selection. d.A customer choosing Caller ID -Name and Number will automatically be provided with Anonymous Call Rejection. e.A customer who chooses Qwest Voice Messaging Service will also be provided with Call Forwarding Busy Line/Don’t Answer,Easy Access and Message Waiting Indication as part of their Voice Messaging Service selection.A customer who wishes to use another provider’s Voice Messaging Service will be provided with Call Forwarding Busy/Don’t Answer,Easy Access and Message Waiting Indication and it will not be counted as one of their ten selections of features/services. f.All services or features selected in the package can only be provided where technically available and compatible with other features the customer may choose to order. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SIJBJEC F TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryQwestCorporationd/b/a CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED FOR FILINGExchangeandNetwork Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 April 13,2012 Page 78.3 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:4-3-12 Effective:4-1 3-12 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE U.QWEST CHOICE Home Plus (Cont’d) 3.Rates and Charges a.The monthly rates following include a residence individual flat rate line or an (C) additional flat rate line as specified in 5.2.4,preceding.(C) b.Existing QWEST ChOICE Home Plus customers cannot take advantage of promotions for QWEST CHoICE Home Plus or any of the service/feature specified in 105.9.1.T.l.a.,preceding,unless specifically allowed by the terms and conditions of the promotion. c.Normal nonrecurring charges associated with the line apply where QWEST ChOICE Home Plus is provided in association with the installation of a new residence individual or additional fiat rate line or the move of a residence individual or additional fiat rate line. d.Services or features specified in 105.9.1,T.l.a.may be added or changed without a nonrecurring charge. e.Recurring rates and nonrecurring charges specified elsewhere apply to add or change any feature or service not specified 105.9.1 .T.1 .a. f.QWEST CHOICE Home Plus will be provided at the following rates: MONTHLY RATE PER RATE GROUP USOC 1 I-A 2 •Per individual or additional flat rate residence line PGO1P $34.99 $34.99 $34.99 (C) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.12-02-SID S1D2012-002 Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi!J) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 78.4 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 __________________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE (Cont’d) V.QWEST CHOICE Two-line Home Plus QWEST CHOICE Two-line Home Plus is obsolete and is not available to new customers after June 18,2010. 1.Description QWEST CHOICE Two-line Home Plus is a package of features available to residential customers in conjunction with an individual flat rate and additional flat rate access line.Residence customers subscribing to the package are entitled to unlimited use of the standard services/features specified below: a.Standard Features •Caller ID Family -Anonymous Call Rejection -Caller ID —Name and Number -SECURITY SCREEN •Call Forwarding Busy Line/Don’t Answer •Call Forwarding Family -Call Following -Call Forwarding Variable -Selective Call Forwarding •Call Rejection •Call Waiting Family -Call Waiting -Call Waiting ID -Selective Call Waiting -Long Distance Alert •Custom Ringing (first Custom Ringing number only) •Directory Assistance (6 calls) •Easy Access •Last Call Return •LINEBACKER •Message Waiting Indication —Audible or Audible/Visual •Q WEST Receptionist —Name and Number[1] •Three-Way Calling •Voice Messaging Service [Ij Obsolete service;see 105.4.3,preceding,for further details. NOTICE fHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT FO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SD201 3-008 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 78.5 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease2Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 ______________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE V.1.(Cont’d) b.In addition to choosing services or features from the list in l05.9.l.V.1.a., preceding,a customer may select additional services or features at rates and charges specified elsewhere.Directory Assistance cannot be selected as an additional service or feature outside of the QWEST CHOICE Two-line Home Plus package. 2.Terms and Conditions a.All terms and conditions specified elsewhere for the respective services/features requested as part of this package shall apply. b.A customer may choose one or more of the features in the Caller ID Family as one of their selections.A customer choosing Security Screen must also choose Caller ID -Name and Number. c.A customer may choose Call Waiting,Call Waiting ID or Selective Call Waiting from the Call Waiting Family as one of their selections.They may also add Long Distance Alert as part of that selection. d.A customer choosing Caller ID -Name and Number will automatically be provided with Anonymous Call Rejection. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.I SECTION 1051 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 78.6 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE V.2.(Contd) e.A customer who chooses Qwest Voice Messaging Service will also be provided with Call Forwarding Busy Line/Don’t Answer,Easy Access and Message Waiting Indication as part of their Voice Messaging Service selection.A customer who wishes to use another provider’s Voice Messaging Service will be provided with Call Forwarding Busy/Don’t Answer,Easy Access and Message Waiting Indication and it will not be counted as one of their ten selections of features/services. f All services or features selected in the package can only be provided where technically available and compatible with other features the customer may choose to order. g.The features selected as part of the package must be provided on the same line. Customers may subscribe to other features or services on the individual or additional line at the appropriate rates.Customers wishing to have QWEST CHOICE Home Plus on both lines must subscribe to QWEST CHOICE Home Plus on both lines at the rates specified in l05.9.l.U. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.10-07-SID SID2O1 3-008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED FOR FILINGExchangeandNetwork Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 April 13,2012 Page 78.7 Boise,Idaho SOUThERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:4-3-12 Effective:4-13-12 ________________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.1 PACKAGES ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE V.QWEST ChOICE Two-line Home Plus (Cont’d) 3.Rates and Charges a.The monthly rates following include a residence individual flat rate line and an (C) additional fiat rate line as specified in 5.2.4,preceding.(C) b.Existing QWEST CHOICE Two-line Home Plus customers cannot take advantage of promotions for QWEST CHOICE Two-line Home Plus or any of the service/feature specified in 105.9.1 .V.l.a.,preceding,unless specifically allowed by the terms and conditions of the promotion. c.Normal nonrecurring charges associated with the lines as specified in 5.2.4, preceding,apply where QWEST CHOICE Two-line Home Plus is provided in association with the installation of a new residence individual and additional fiat rate line or the move of a residence individual and additional flat rate line. d.Services or features specified in 105.9.1.V.1.a.may be added or changed without a nonrecurring charge. e.Recurring rates and nonrecurring charges specified elsewhere apply to add or change any feature or service not specified l05.9.1.V.l.a. f.QWEST CHOICE Two-line Home Plus will be provided at the following rates: MONTHLY RATE PER RATE GROUP USOC 1 1-A 2 •Per individual and additional flat rate residence line PGO2P N/A N/A $49.99 (C) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN TFIIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT 10 CKANGF TRANSMITTAL NO.12-02-SID SID2O1 2-002 Qwest Corporation dlbla Century Link QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissiill) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 78.8 June 15,2013 SOLTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES (Cont’d) 105.9.2 PACKAGES NOT ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE A.Additional Line Feature Packages Additional Lines Feature Packages are obsolete and is not available to new customers after May 5,2003. 1.Description a.Additional Line Feature Packages are optional packages available to residence customers.Additional Line Feature Packages offer the customer a choice of subscribing to either the Fax Package,Teen/Roommate Package,or Home Office Package,as described below. (1)Fax Package •Custom Ringing •Continuous Redial •Last Call Return (2)Teen/Roommate Package •Call Waiting •Three-Way Calling •Last Call Return (3)Home Office Package •Caller ID-Name and Number •Call Forwarding-Variable •Three-Way Calling •Custom Ringing 2.Terms and Conditions a.The rates and charges are in addition to all rates and charges for the associated underlying service. b.All terms and conditions specified elsewhere for the respective services/features shall apply. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi4) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 79 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.2 PACKAGES NOT ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE A.2.(Cont’d) c.Existing customers may continue to subscribe to the Additional Lines Feature Packages while the service remains at the same address for the same customer but,may not add or change packages. d.Packages are available only on additional lines and only one package will be provided per additional line. e,Customers must agree to subscribe to all services in the packages. 3.Rates and Charges MONTHLY USOC RATE •Fax Package,each line arranged FPR2U $3.95 •Teen/Roommate Package, each line arranged FPR3W 5.95 •Home Office Package, each line arranged FPR4X 7.95 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I3-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 80 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.2 PACKAGES NOT ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE (Cont’d) B.SMARTSET Feature Packages SMARTSET Feature Packages are obsolete and are not available to new customers after April 11,2005.Customers will be allowed to retain their obsolete packages only as long as service remains at the same location for the same customer. 1.Description a.SMARTSET Feature Packages are optional packages available to business customers.SMARTSET Feature Packages offer the customer a choice of subscribing to either the SMARTSET or SMARTSET PLUS Package as described below. (1)SMARTSET Package •Call Waiting (includes Call Waiting ID). •Caller ID Name and Number •Call Forwarding Variable (2)SMARTSET PLUS Package •Call Waiting (includes Call Waiting ID) •Caller ID Name and Number •Call Forwarding Busy Line/don’t Answer Expanded •Message Waiting Indication Audible 2.Terms and Conditions a.The rates and charges are in addition to all rates and charges for the associated underlying service. b.All terms and conditions specified elsewhere for the respective services/features shall apply. c.Nonrecurring charges do not apply to change an existing Custom Calling Package to either the SMARTSETor SMARTSET FL US Package. NOTiCE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation d/b!a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissil) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 81 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.9 PACKAGED SERVICES 105.9.2 PACKAGES NOT ASSOCIATED WITH BASIC EXCHANGE SERVICE B.SMARTSET Feature Packages (Cont’d) 3.Rates and Charges NONRECURRING MONTHLY USOC CHARGE RATE •SMARTSET Package,each line arranged NLUY 1 [1]$11.95 •SMARTSET PLUS Package, each line arranged NLUY2 [1]11.95 [1]Same nonrecurring charge as found in 5.4.3,preceding. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED iN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 SID2014-014 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 105 Page 81.1 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 11-25-14 Effective: 12-5-14 105. OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.11 LOCAL VOICE DISCOUNT PLANS 105.11.2 CORE CONNECT Effective December 5, 2014, Core Connect Professional is obsolete and no longer available to new customers. Existing customers with Core Connect Professional will be allowed to retain Core Connect Professional their service for the duration of their term as long as they remain at the same location. Additional Unlimited Business Voice Lines cannot be added to their existing agreement. Termination fees will be waived for Core Connect Professional customers who disconnect their service prior to the expiration of their term as the result of a move to a different location. A. Description Core Connect Professional is available to current business customers who subscribed to CenturyLink qualifying products and services under month to month, 1-year, 2-year, 3-year or 5-year term plans. The following qualifying products and services are required for Core Connect Professional: • Minimum three (3) basic exchange lines with Choice Business Plus • Minimum three (3) Core Connect Professional Unlimited Long Distance (LD) • CenturyLink High Speed Internet Service with Core Service Pack up to 12Mbps B. Terms and Conditions For Terms and Conditions, see Section 5.11.2, preceding. Early Termination Fees for Core Connect Professional are as follows: CORE CONNECT PROFESSIONAL TERM TERMINATION FEE 1 year $ 200.00 2 year 400.00 3 year 600.00 5 year 800.00 (M) Material moved from 5.11.2. (N) (N) (M) (M) (N) (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 14-014-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING December 5, 2014 Boise, Idaho SID2014-014 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 105 Page 81.2 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 11-25-14 Effective: 12-5-14 105. OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.11 LOCAL VOICE DISCOUNT PLANS 105.11.2 CORE CONNECT C. Rates and Charges 1. The monthly rates that follow include the local voice services. Where applicable, incremental charges specified in 5.1 of this Catalog, apply. 2. Nonrecurring charges may apply as specified in C.3., following. 3. Core Connect Professional Local Voice Services will be provided at the following rates. NON RECURRING MONTHLY USOC CHARGE RATE PGOQO/ • Core Connect Professional PGOQR 50.00 100.00 [1] [1] Monthly rate is one PGOQO and two PGOQR for the minimum three (3) lines. (M) Material moved from 5.11.2. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 14-014-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING December 5, 2014 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%ii) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 82 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 __________________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.11 LOCAL VOICE DISCOUNT PLANS 105.11.4 LINE VOL UMEAD VANTAGE Effective June 19,2010,LINE VOLUME ADVANTAGE is obsolete and no longer available to new customers.Existing customers with a signed agreement may renew their LINE VOLUME ADVANTAGE for one additional term upon the expiration of their current agreement. A.Description 1.LINE VOLUME ADVANTAGE is available to business customers subscribing to 50 or more lines in conjunction with basic business access lines.A customer may have up to a maximum of 3000 participating lines across the Qwest region.LINE VOLUME ADVANTAGE is offered as a tiered plan with each tier having a Minimum Line Requirement. 2.LINE VOLUME ADVANTAGE may be offered to business customers who are contemplating establishing service with another telecommunications service provider or,business customer currently receiving their service from another telecommunications service provider. 3.LINE VOLUME ADVANTAGE defines qualifying lines as the following: •Flat Rate Business Lines (1FB)with Hunting •QWESTCFIOICE Business •QWEST CHOICE Business Plus •Add-A-Line •0 WEST CHOICE Business Prime NOTICE THE INFORMA liON CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGF TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation d!b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 83 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.11 LOCAL VOICE DISCOUNT PLANS 105.11.4 LINE VOLUMEADVANTAGE (Cont’d) 13.Terms and Conditions 1.Customers subscribing to LINE VOLUME ADVANTAGE receive discounts specified in 105.1l.4.C.,following.These discounts are applied to the monthly tariffed rates for qualifying services.All terms and conditions for qualifying products and services,as specified elsewhere,apply.The Company may withdraw this offering to customers at any time with appropriate notice. 2.All access lines must be associated with the same customer.The Company may, at its discretion,provide this plan to Affiliates or Franchisees of the customer.An Affiliate or Franchisee is an entity whose operation of business is substantially associated with the customer’s name,mark,or commercial symbol. 3.Intercept Service will be provided on the main listed directory number. 4.LINE VOLUME ADVANTAGE is not available on Public Communication Service. 5.The discount level for LINE VOLUME ADVANTAGE is based on volume and a contract term of 2 years,3 years,4 years or 5 years. 6.Additional lines may be added,but will not affect the monthly discount level. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 84 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise,Ida ho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.11 LOCAL VOICE DISCOUNT PLANS 105.11.4 LiNE VOLUMEAD VANTAGE B.Terms and Conditions (Cont’d) 7.If Qwest terminates the Service(s)for Cause,or if a customer terminates the Services(s)in whole without Cause before the expiration date,the Customer will pay termination charges of $15.00 per Line of the customer’s Minimum Line Requirement times the remaining number of months left on the Term.For example:a customer terminating all service with 3 months remaining on the Term and a Minimum Line Requirement of 50 lines will pay $15.00 x 50 x 3 = $2,250.00 Annually,if an account falls below the Minimum Line Requirement for the discount tier,the customer will pay a shortfall penalty of $60.00 for each line below the Minimum Line Requirement. A termination charge will be waived if the customer places an order to discontinue the service and replaces the line(s)within the Qwest region with similar Qwest contracted services equal to,or greater than,the remaining value of the commitment. 8.The customer may move the physical location of all or part of the lines in LINE VOL LiME ADVANTAGE to another location within the Qwest region,or move within the following Qwest products,provided the new lines are provided to the customer by the Company: •Flat Rate Business Service (I FB)with Hunting •QWEST CHOICE Business •Q WEST CHOICE Business Plus •Add-A-Line •QWEST CHOICE Business Prime 9.The Company may vary LINE VOLUME ADVANTAGE terms and conditions, excluding discount levels,to meet a specific customer’s request provided the changes are mutually agreed upon by the customer and the Company. NOTICE THE iNFORMATION CONTAINED IN TI-ITS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%l) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 85 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.11 LOCAL VOICE DISCOUNT PLANS 105.11.4 LINE VOL UMEAD VANTAGE (Cont’d) C.Rates and Charges 1.Where applicable,incremental charges as specified in 5.1,preceding,apply and will not be discounted. 2.Existing customers will not incur nonrecurring charges when switching basic business line service to LINE VOLUME ADVANTAGE. 3.Normal nonrecurring charges associated with the line apply when business lines are provided in association with the installation of new qualifying business individual line flat rate service or,the move of a qualifying business service from one location to another. 4.Qualifying lines may be aggregated across Qwests 14 state region to determine the discount level.QWEST UTILITY LINES will qualify under this Plan,but will not receive a discount.LINE VOLUME ADVANT4GE will be provided at the following Stabilized Line discounts: a.Flat Rate Business Service (1FB)[l} MONTHLY DISCOUNTS 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR •Number of lines -50-499 10%12%14%16% -500-999 12%14%16%18% -1000-3000 14%16%18%20% [1]The monthly discount level applies to the rates for the Business Individual Flat Rate Line or the Additional Flat Rate Line as specified in 5.2.4.B..preceding. Hunting may be provided at no additional charge. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-O2SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 86 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 ______________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.11 LOCAL VOICE DISCOUNT PLANS 105.11.4 LINE VOLUMEAD VANTAGE CA.(Cont’d) b.QWEST CHOICE Business MONTHLY DISCOUNTS 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR •Number of lines -50-499 29%31%33%35% -500-999 31%33%35%37% -1000-3000 33%35%37%38% C.QWEST CHOICE Business Plus MONTHLY DISCOUNTS 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR •Number of lines -50-499 37%39%41%42% -500-999 39%41%42%44% -1000-3000 41%42%44%46% NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008 Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTIoN 105 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 87 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 ______________________ 105.OBSOLETE EXCHANGE SERVICES 105.11 LOCAL VOICE DISCOUNT PLANS 105.11.4 LINE VOLUMEADVANTAGE C.4.(Cont’d) d.Add-A-Line MONTHLY DIsCouNTs 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR •Number of lines -50-499 14%15%17%19% -500-999 15%17%19%21% -1000-3000 17%19%21%23% e.QWEST CHOICE Business Prime MONTHLY DISCOUNTS 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR •Number of lines -50-499 33%35%37%38% -500-999 35%37%38%40% -1000-3000 37%38%40%42% NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2O1 3-008