HomeMy WebLinkAboutSBC Long Distance LLC IXC Pg 201-338.pdfSBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 6th Revised Sheet 201 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 5th Revised Sheet 201 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: June 20, 2019 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: July 1, 2019 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.1 Block of Time SM II Term Agreement Plans (continued) (I) Rate Options (continued) .8 AT&T Business Block of TimeSM 300 II This rate option is available for a 1-Year term agreement. For the MRC specified in Section 4.7.1 (I) of this Price List, the Customer receives a 300 minute block of time for placing (1+) Direct-Dialed domestic outbound long distance calling, inbound switched TFS calling or for both (1+) Direct-Dialed domestic outbound calling and inbound switched TFS calling. See Section 4.7.1 (I) of this Price List for the per-minute rate after the block of time has been used. .9 AT&T Business Block of TimeSM 750 II This rate option is available for a 1-Year term agreement. For the MRC specified in Section 4.7.1 (J) of this Price List, the Customer receives a 750 minute block of time for placing (1+) Direct-Dialed domestic outbound long distance calling, inbound switched TFS calling or for both (1+) Direct-Dialed domestic outbound calling and inbound switched TFS calling. See Section 4.7.1 (J) of this Price List for the per-minute rate after the block of time has been used. .10 AT&T Business Block of TimeSM 1500 II This rate option is available for a 1-Year term agreement. For the MRC specified in Section 4.7.1 (K) of this Price List, the Customer receives a 1500 minute block of time for placing (1+) Direct-Dialed domestic outbound long distance calling, inbound switched TFS calling or for both (1+) Direct-Dialed domestic outbound calling and inbound switched TFS calling. See Section 4.7.1 (K) of this Price List for the per-minute rate after the block of time has been used. .11 AT&T Business Block of TimeSM 3000 II This rate option is available for a 1-Year term agreement. For the MRC specified in Section 4.7.1 (L) of this Price List, the Customer receives a 3000 minute block of time for placing (1+) Direct-Dialed domestic outbound long distance calling, inbound switched TFS calling or for both (1+) Direct-Dialed domestic outbound calling and inbound switched TFS calling. See Section 4.7.1 (L) of this Price List for the per-minute rate after the block of time has been used. (M) Material moved to 7th Revised Sheet 202. (D) (M)(N) (M) (N) (N) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 1, 2019 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 7th Revised Sheet 202 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 6th Revised Sheet 202 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: June 20, 2019 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: July 1, 2019 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.2 AT&T High Volume Calling II1 (A) General .1 AT&T High Volume Calling II is a custom combination Flat Rate optional pricing plan. There are four Service offerings available under this optional calling plan. AT&T High Volume Outbound Calling II is an outbound calling plan for Customers that utilize Switched Access to reach the long distance network. AT&T High Volume Calling II is a TFS for Customers that utilize Switched Access to receive calls from the long distance network. The Customer may subscribe to AT&T High Volume Calling II for outbound Service only, TFS only or for both outbound and TFS. .2 See Section 3.6 of this Tariff for optional features, rules and regulations, and general information regarding TFS. (B) Availability .1 This optional calling plan is designed for Business Customers that Switched Access arrangements to reach the long distance network. Outbound Service is available to Customers that utilize Switched Access. The Customer may subscribe to AT&T High Volume Calling II for outbound Service only, TFS only, or both outbound and TFS. .2 The AT&T High Volume Calling II plan is available to Business Customers that (1) request to be provisioned under this optional pricing plan; (2) make a MAC of at least $600 per year and sign a term plan agreement for one (1) or two (2) years and subscribe to AT&T High Volume Calling II for the provision of interstate service. 1Effective October 12, 2017, the High Volume Calling plans will no longer be available to new Customers. Existing Customers may keep this service until they move locations and/or make changes to their service or until it is discontinued by the Company, whichever comes first. (M) Material moved from 6th Revised Sheet 201. (M) (M) (N) (T) (T) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 1, 2019 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 7th Revised Sheet 203 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 6th Revised Sheet 203 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 29, 2017 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2017 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.2 AT&T High Volume Calling II1 (continued) (B) Availability (continued) .3 If a Centrex Customer with terminals subscribes to AT&T High Volume Outbound Calling II, all lines associated with the Centrex terminals must be presubscribed to the Company. (C) MACs and Term Plan Agreements .1 Customers that subscribe to this service and who wish to: (1) change MAC; (2) change the length of their term; or; (3) change to another High Volume Calling Plan; customers must cancel their current term plan agreement and sign a new term plan agreement with new begin/end dates unless otherwise indicated in this Tariff. .2 The Company will not charge an early termination fee and/or under utilization fee (ETF/UUF) when a Customer cancels an existing term plan agreement with a MAC if at the same time the Customer agrees to replace some or all of their existing service with Internet Protocol (IP) service, Wireless, or any functionally equivalent service from an Affiliate of the Company for the purpose of placing outbound and/or inbound live voice communications outside of the customer's local calling area. .3 At the end of a Customer's term plan agreement, if the Customer does not renew for a new term, or cancel Services, they may continue with this Service on a month-to-month basis at the out of term rates defined Section 4.7 of this Tariff. See Section 2.26 of this Tariff for rules and regulations applicable to MACs, MMCs and term plan agreements. 1Effective October 12, 2017, the High Volume Calling plans will no longer be available to new Customers. Existing Customers may keep this service until they move locations and/or make changes to their service or until it is discontinued by the Company, whichever comes first. (T) (N) (N) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2017 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 4th Revised Sheet 204 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 3rd Revised Sheet 204 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 29, 2017 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2017 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.2 AT&T High Volume Calling II1 (continued) (D) IntraLATA and InterLATA Service Options .1 For outbound Services provided via a Switched Access arrangement, Business Customers may subscribe to any of the Company's outbound Service offerings for the provision of (1) intrastate InterLATA and intrastate IntraLATA calling; (2) intrastate InterLATA calling only and select another company for the provision of the Customer's intrastate IntraLATA calling; or (3) intrastate IntraLATA calling only and select another company for the provision of the Customer's intrastate InterLATA calling. .2 For TFS, Customers may subscribe to TFS with or without the ability to receive intrastate IntraLATA Service from the Company. 1Effective October 12, 2017, the High Volume Calling plans will no longer be available to new Customers. Existing Customers may keep this service until they move locations and/or make changes to their service or until it is discontinued by the Company, whichever comes first. (T) (N) (N) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2017 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 7th Revised Sheet 205 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 6th Revised Sheet 205 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 29, 2017 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2017 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.2 AT&T High Volume Calling II1 (continued) (E) Rating Inbound and Outbound Calls .1 Usage Rates The Customer's usage rate for each call is based on (1) whether the call is outbound or inbounds TFS; (2) the Customer's MAC; and (3) the length of the Customer's term plan (1 year or 2 years). 1Effective October 12, 2017, the High Volume Calling plans will no longer be available to new Customers. Existing Customers may keep this service until they move locations and/or make changes to their service or until it is discontinued by the Company, whichever comes first. (T) (N) (N) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2017 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 6th Revised Sheet 206 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 5th Revised Sheet 206 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 29, 2017 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2017 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.2 AT&T High Volume Calling II1 (continued) (E) Rating Inbound and Outbound Calls (continued) .2 Billing Increments Outbound and TFS Calls are billed in increments of one (1) second subject to a minimum connect time (initial period) of eighteen (18) seconds. This optional pricing plan is rated on an Aggregation ID basis if multiple BTNs are involved. .3 Per Call Charges For per call charges, see Section 4.1.1 (B).2 of this Price List. 1Effective October 12, 2017, the High Volume Calling plans will no longer be available to new Customers. Existing Customers may keep this service until they move locations and/or make changes to their service or until it is discontinued by the Company, whichever comes first. (T) (N) (N) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2017 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 4th Revised Sheet 207 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 3rd Revised Sheet 207 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 29, 2017 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2017 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.2 AT&T High Volume Calling II1 (continued) (F) Billing Customers subscribing to any of the AT&T High Volume Calling II plans will be direct-billed. (G) Transfer of an Existing TFS to AT&T High Volume Toll Free Calling II A Customer request to transfer TFS to the AT&T High Volume Toll Free Calling II will be processed as a request to cancel the Customer's existing TFS optional calling plan. To transfer TFS, the Customer must meet the availability requirements for the AT&T High Volume Toll Free Calling II plan. Customer shall be responsible for any and all early termination charges. 3.7.3 Reserved For Future Use 3.7.4 Reserved For Future Use 1Effective October 12, 2017, the High Volume Calling plans will no longer be available to new Customers. Existing Customers may keep this service until they move locations and/or make changes to their service or until it is discontinued by the Company, whichever comes first. (T) (N) (N) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2017 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance,LLC Idaho P.U.C.No.9 dJb/a SBC Long Distance 1St Revised Sheet 208 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels Original Sheet 208 Carol Paulsen,Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued:October 1,2013 Dallas,Texas 75202 Effective:October 12,2013 SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.5 Reserved for Future Use (T) (D) (D) daho Public Utilities commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR RUNG Boise,ld5hO SBC Long Distance,LLC Idaho P.U.C.No.9 dlb/a SBC Long Distance 1st Revised Sheet 209 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels Original Sheet 209 Carol Paulsen,Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued:October 1,2013 Dallas,Texas 75202 Effective:October 12,2013 SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.5 Reserved for Future Use (continued)(T) (D) (D) idaho Pubc Uttes Comiiissin Offic.e of the S.ecretary ACCEPTE.D FOR FlUNG OCT 1 2 2013 SBC Long Distance,LLC Idaho P.U.C.No.9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 1st Revised Sheet 210 d/b!a AT&T Long Distance Cancels Original Sheet 210 Carol Paulsen,Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued:October 1,2013 Dallas,Texas 75202 Effective:October 12,2013 SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.6 Reserved for Future Use (C) (D) (D) Idaho Pubflc UtWtios Commission Otdce orine Secretary ACCEPTED FOR fl LING Boise,Idaho SBC Long Distance,LLC Idaho P.U.C.No.9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 1st Revised Sheet 211 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels Original Sheet 211 Carol Paulsen,Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued:October 1,2013 Dallas,Texas 75202 Effective:October 12,2013 SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.6 Reserved for Future Use (continued)(C) (D) (D) SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 2nd Revised Sheet 212 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 1st Revised Sheet 212 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 30, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2015 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.7 AT&T Business Calling (formerly Long Distance For Business) AT&T Business Calling is a combination switched TFS and outbound optional pricing plan available to Business Customers. This optional calling plan is available to new and existing Business Customers (1) that use Switched Access to reach the long distance network for outbound calling and/or to receive calls from the long distance network for TFS and (2) that request to be provisioned under this optional pricing plan. The rates and charges specified herein provide for a usage sensitive charge. All calls are billed in increments of six (6) seconds subject to a minimum connect time (initial period) of sixty (60) seconds. When ordering Service, the Business Customer must specify if Long Distance for Business is to be used for outgoing calls only, inbound calls only, or both. Multiple BTN aggregation is not available with this Service. 3.7.8 Total Solutions Plus1 Total Solutions Plus is a combination switched TFS and outbound optional pricing plan designed for Business Customers with a single BTN. Multiple BTN Aggregation is not available with this Service. All calls are billed in increments of six (6) seconds subject to a minimum connect time (initial period) of sixty (60) seconds. When ordering Service, the Business Customer must specify if Total Solutions Plus is to be used for outgoing calls only, TFS, or both. Total Solutions Plus is available to new and existing Business Customers that (1) request to be provisioned under this optional pricing plan; (2) utilize Switched Access to receive calls from the long distance network for TFS and/or to reach the long distance network for outbound calling; and (3) subscribe to at least one of the following products, services or features under the terms and conditions of the applicable Affiliated LEC or Affiliated CLEC tariff: (a) Centrex, (b) T1.5 access line or (c) DSL Internet and shared web posting. The start of Service date for Total Solutions Plus may be on or after the installation date of the products, services or features discussed in (3) above. If a Customer fails to maintain at least one of the products, services or features described in (3) above, the Customer will no longer qualify for Total Solutions Plus. Unless the Customer selects an alternative optional calling plan, the Customer will be moved to AT&T Business Calling and the rates and charges in Section 4.7.7 of the Tariff will apply in lieu of the rates and charges in Section 4.7.8 of this Tariff. 1 This service is no longer available to new Customers or existing Customers at new locations effective April 1, 2004 (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 2nd Revised Sheet 213 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 1st Revised Sheet 213 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 30, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2015 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.9 Reserved for Future Use (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 2nd Revised Sheet 214 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 1st Revised Sheet 214 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 30, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2015 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7. Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.9 Reserved for Future Use (continued) (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 3rd Revised Sheet 215 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 2nd Revised Sheet 215 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 30, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2015 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.10 AT&T Business Calling $5.951 (formerly Business Domestic Saver) AT&T Business Calling $5.95 is a custom combination switched TFS and outbound optional pricing plan available to Business Customers. For rules and regulations regarding the MMC, see Section 2.26 of this Tariff. Outbound and TFS calls are billed in increments of six (6) seconds subject to a minimum connect time (initial period) of sixty (60) seconds. For rates and charges, see Section 4.7.10 of this Tariff. Multiple BTN aggregation is not available with this Service. Customers subscribing to AT&T Business Calling $5.95 may be CLEC-billed or direct-billed. The method of billing is determined by the Company. 1This Service is no longer available to new Customers or existing Customers at new locations effective May 12, 2009. (T) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 4th Revised Sheet 216 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 3rd Revised Sheet 216 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 30, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2015 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.11 Reserved for Future Use (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 4th Revised Sheet 217 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 3rd Revised Sheet 217 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 30, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2015 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.11 Reserved for Future Use (continued) (T) (D) (D) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Carol Paulsen, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Dallas, Texas 75202 Idaho P.U.C. NO.9 1 st Revised Page 218 Cancels Original Page 218 Issued: February 17,2011 Effective: March 21, 2011 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.12 Reserved for future use T D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING March 21, 2011 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Carol Paulsen, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Dallas, Texas 75202 Idaho P.U.C. NO.9 1 st Revised Page 219 Cancels Original Page 219 Issued: February 17,2011 Effective: March 21, 2011 SECTION 3 - DESCRITION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) D I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I i I I I I I I I I I D Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING March 21, 2011 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d//a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Carol Paulsen, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Dallas, Texas 75202 Idaho P.U.C. NO.9 1 st Revised Page 220 Cancels Original Page 220 Issued: February 17,2011 Effective: March 21, 2011 SECTION 3 - DESCRITION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING March 21, 2011 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Carol Paulsen, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Dallas, Texas 75202 Idaho P.U.C. NO.9 1 st Revised Page 221 Cancels Original Page 221 Issued: February 17,2011 Effective: March 21,2011 SECTION 3 - DESCRITION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) D I I I I I I I D Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING March 21, 2011 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d//a AT&T Long Distance Carol Paulsen, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Dallas, Texas 75202 Idaho P,U'c. NO.9 1 st Revised Page 222 Cancels Original Page 222 Issued: February 17,2011 Effective: March 21, 2011 SECTION 3 - DESCRITION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) D D Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING March 21, 2011 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Carol Paulsen, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Dallas, Texas 75202 Idaho P.U.C. NO.9 1 sl Revised Page 223 Cancels Original Page 223 Issued: February 17, 2011 Effective: March 21,2011 SECTION 3 - DESCRITION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) D D Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING March 21, 2011 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d//a SBC Long Distance d//a AT&T Long Distance Carol Paulsen, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Dallas, Texas 75202 Idaho P.U.C. NO.9 1 st Revised Page 224 Cancels Original Page 224 Issued: February 17,2011 Effective: March 21,2011 SECTION 3 - DESCRITION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) D I I I I I I I I D Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING March 21, 2011 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Carol Paulsen, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Dallas, Texas 75202 Idaho P.U.C. NO.9 1 st Revised Page 225 Cancels Original Page 225 Issued: Februar 17,201 i Effective: March 21, 2011 SECTION 3 - DESCRITION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) D D Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING March 21, 2011 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Carol Paulsen, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Dallas, Texas 75202 Idaho P.U.C. NO.9 1 st Revised Page 226 Cancels Original Page 226 Issued: February 17,2011 Effective: March 21,2011 SECTION 3 - DESCRITION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) D D Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING March 21, 2011 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Carol Paulsen, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Dallas, Texas 75202 Idaho P.U.C. NO.9 1 st Revised Page 227 Cancels Original Page 227 Issued: Februar 17,2011 Effective: March 21, 2011 SECTION 3 - DESCRITION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) D D Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING March 21, 2011 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d//a AT&T Long Distance Carol Paulsen, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Dallas, Texas 75202 Idaho P.U.C. NO.9 1 st Revised Page 228 Cancels Original Page 228 Issued: Februar 17,2011 Effective: March 21,2011 SECTION 3 - DESCRITION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) D D Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING March 21, 2011 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 2nd Revised Sheet 229 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 1st Revised Sheet 229 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 30, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2015 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.13 Reserved for Future Use (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 2nd Revised Sheet 230 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 1st Revised Sheet 230 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 30, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2015 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.13 Reserved for Future Use (continued) (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 1st Revised Sheet 231 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels Original Sheet 231 Carol Paulsen, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: December 2, 2013 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: December 12, 2013 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.14 Reserve for Future Use (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING December 12, 2013 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 1st Revised Sheet 232 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels Original Sheet 232 Carol Paulsen, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: December 2, 2013 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: December 12, 2013 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.14 Reserved for Future Use (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING December 12, 2013 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 1st Revised Sheet 233 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels Original Sheet 233 Carol Paulsen, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: December 2, 2013 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: December 12, 2013 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.14 Reserved for Future Use (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING December 12, 2013 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 1st Revised Sheet 234 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels Original Sheet 234 Carol Paulsen, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: December 2, 2013 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: December 12, 2013 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.14 Reserved for Future Use (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING December 12, 2013 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 1st Revised Sheet 235 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels Original Sheet 235 Carol Paulsen, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: December 2, 2013 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: December 12, 2013 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.15 Reserved for Future Use (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING December 12, 2013 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 1st Revised Sheet 236 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels Original Sheet 236 Carol Paulsen, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: December 2, 2013 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: December 12, 2013 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.15 Reserved for Future Use (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING December 12, 2013 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 1st Revised Sheet 237 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels Original Sheet 237 Carol Paulsen, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: December 2, 2013 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: December 12, 2013 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.15 Reserved for Future Use (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING December 12, 2013 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 1st Revised Sheet 238 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels Original Sheet 238 Carol Paulsen, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: December 2, 2013 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: December 12, 2013 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.15 Reserved for Future Use (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING December 12, 2013 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 1st Revised Sheet 239 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels Original Sheet 239 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 30, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2015 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.16 Reserved for Future Use (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 1st Revised Sheet 240 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels Original Sheet 240 Carol Paulsen, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: November 1, 2013 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: November 12, 2013 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.17 Reserved for Future Use (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 12, 2013 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 1st Revised Sheet 241 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels Original Sheet 241 Carol Paulsen, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: November 1, 2013 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: November 12, 2013 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.17 Reserved for Future Use (continued) (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 12, 2013 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Janet Vader, Associate Director Regulatory 5850 W. Las Positas Blvd. Pleasanton, California 94588 Idaho P.UC. No. Original Page 242 Issued: November 29 2006 Effective: December 12, 2006 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES Custom Business Services (continued) 18 Reserved For Future Use 19 Reserved For Future Use 7.20 Reserved For Future Use 7.21 Reserved For Future Use 7.22 Reserved For Future Use 7.23 Reserved For Future Use 7.24 Reserved For Future Use 7.25 Reserved For Future Use 26 Reserved For Future Use Idaho Public Utiltties Commission Of~ice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 1 2 2006 Boise. Idaho , -' -, . SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 5th Revised Sheet 243 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 4th Revised Sheet 243 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: July 29, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: August 12, 2015 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.27 Reserved for Future Use (T) (D) (D) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 4th Revised Sheet 244 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 3rd Revised Sheet 244 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: July 29, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: August 12, 2015 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.27 Reserved for Future Use (continued) (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 6th Revised Sheet 245 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 5th Revised Sheet 245 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: July 29, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: August 12, 2015 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.27 Reserved for Future Use (continued) (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 4th Revised Sheet 246 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 3rd Revised Sheet 246 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: July 29, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: August 12, 2015 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.27 Reserved for Future Use (continued) (T) (D) (D) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 5th Revised Sheet 247 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 4th Revised Sheet 247 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: July 29, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: August 12, 2015 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.27 Reserved for Future Use (continued) (T) (D) (D) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 4th Revised Sheet 248 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 3rd Revised Sheet 248 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: July 29, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: August 12, 2015 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.27 Reserved for Future Use (continued) (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 3rd Revised Sheet 249 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 2nd Revised Sheet 249 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: July 29, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: August 12, 2015 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.27 Reserved for Future Use (continued) (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Janet Vader, Associate Director Regulatory 5850 W. Las Positas Blvd. Pleasanton, California 94588 Idaho P.Ue. No. Original Page 250 Issued: November 29 2006 Effective: December 12, 2006 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES Custom Business Services (continued) 28 Reserved for future use 29 Reserved for future use 30 Reserved for future use 31 Reserved for future use 7.32 Reserved for future use 33 Reserved for future use 34 Reserved for future use 7.35 Reserved for future use 36 Reserved for future use 7.3 7 Reserved for future use 38 Reserved for future use 7.39 Reserved for future use 7.40 Reserved for future use 7.41 Reserved for future use 7.42 Reserved for future use 7.44 Reserved for future use 7.45 Reserved for future use Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 1 2 2006 Boise. Idaho .. . - --. SBC Long Distance,LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Carol Paulsen.Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Dallas,Texas 75202 SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.43 Reserved for future use 37.46 Reserved for future use 3.7.47 Reserved for future use 3.7.48 Reserved for future use 3.7.49 Reserved for future use Idaho P.U.C.No.9 1st Revised Page 251 Cancels Original Page 251 Issued:April 17,2012 Effective:May 19,2012 iA’ci2 .‘ T D D SBC Long Distance,LLC Idaho P.U.C.No.9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 1st Revised Page 252 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels Original Page 252 Carol Paulsen,Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued:April 17,2012 Dallas,Texas 75202 Effective:May 19,2012 SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) D D Idaho Pubhc Ut%ities Cammsoo Offi.e the Secretary ACCEPTED ra. MAY I 9 2012 Bose,!dho SBC Long Distance.LLC Idaho P.U,C.No.9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 1st Revised Page 253 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels Original Page 253 Carol Paulsen,Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued:April 17.2012 Dallas.Texas 75202 Effective:May 19,2012 SECTION 3 -DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) D 3.7.50 Reservedforfutureuse D 3.7.51 Reserved for future use D D Idaho Pbic Utilities CrjmrnIssiofl Oft1c of the Secreto ACCEPTED FOR F.L.JNG MAY I 9 2012 Bois idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 4th Revised Sheet 254 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 3rd Revised Sheet 254 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 30, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2015 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.52 Reserved for Future Use (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 4th Revised Sheet 255 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 3rd Revised Sheet 255 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 30, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2015 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.52 Reserved for Future Use (continued) (T) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 2nd Revised Sheet 256 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 1st Revised Sheet 256 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: November 26, 2014 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: December 12, 2014 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.53 Reserved for Future Use (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING December 12, 2014 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 2nd Revised Sheet 257 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 1st Revised Sheet 257 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: November 26, 2014 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: December 12, 2014 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.53 Reserved for Future Use (continued) (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING December 12, 2014 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 7th Revised Sheet 258 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 6th Revised Sheet 258 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: July 29, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: August 12, 2015 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.54 Reserved for Future Use (T) (D) (D) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 6th Revised Sheet 259 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 5th Revised Sheet 259 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: July 29, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: August 12, 2015 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.54 Reserved for Future Use (continued) (T) (D) (D) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 8th Revised Sheet 260 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 7th Revised Sheet 260 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: July 29, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: August 12, 2015 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.54 Reserved for Future Use (continued) (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 7th Revised Sheet 261 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 6th Revised Sheet 261 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: July 29, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: August 12, 2015 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.54 Reserved for Future Use (continued) (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 6th Revised Sheet 262 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 5th Revised Sheet 262 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: July 29, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: August 12, 2015 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.54 Reserved for Future Use (continued) (T) (D) (D) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 3rd Revised Sheet 263 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 2nd Revised Sheet 263 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: March 30, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: April 12, 2015 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.55 Reserved for Future Use (T) (D) (D) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 2nd Revised Sheet 264.1 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 1st Revised Sheet 264.1 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: January 31, 2014 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: February 12, 2014 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.57 Reserved for Future Use 3.7.58 Reserved for Future Use (T) (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 12, 2014 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 3rd Revised Sheet 264.2 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 2nd Revised Sheet 264.2 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: January 31, 2014 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: February 12, 2014 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.58 Reserved for Future Use (continued) (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 12, 2014 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 3rd Revised Sheet 264.3 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 2nd Revised Sheet 264.3 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: January 31, 2014 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: February 12, 2014 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.58 Reserved for Future Use (continued) (T) (D) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 12, 2014 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 4th Revised Sheet 264.4 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 3rd Revised Sheet 264.4 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: April 19, 2018 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: May 1, 2018 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.59 Reserved for future use 3.7.60 AT&T Business CallingSM Monthly (A) AT&T Business CallingSM Monthly is a bundled domestic intrastate/interstate outbound calling and/or Switched Toll Free Service inbound calling long distance calling plan. This plan is established at the BTN level. Multiple BTN aggregation is not available with this Service. If the Customer or Applicant selects a different business long distance calling plan for specific WTN(s), the Customer is required to establish a separate BTN for each variation. When ordering Service, the Business Customer must specify if AT&T Business CallingSM Monthly is to be used for outgoing calls only, inbound calls only, or both. This Service is available to new and existing Business Customers who: .1 use Switched Access to reach the long distance network for outbound calling and/or to receive calls from the long distance network for Switched AT&T Long Distance Toll FreeSM Service; .2 Subscribe to the Company for the provision of interstate and intrastate InterLata and/or intrastate IntraLata Service; .3 request to be provisioned under this optional calling plan. (B) Outbound and Switched AT&T Long Distance Toll FreeSM Service inbound calls are billed in increments of six (6) seconds subject to a minimum connect time (initial period) of one (1) minute. (N) (N) (T) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2018 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 5th Revised Sheet 264.5 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 4th Revised Sheet 264.5 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: June 29, 2016 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: July 12, 2016 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.61 AT&T High Volume Calling IV (A) General .1 AT&T High Volume Calling IV is a custom combination Flat Rate optional pricing plan. The following Service offerings are available under this optional calling plan; (a) outbound calling for Customers that utilize Switched Access to reach the long distance network; and/or (b) Customers that utilize Switched Access to receive calls from the long distance network. The Customer may subscribe to this plan for outbound Service only, TFS only or for both outbound and TFS. .2 See Section 3.6 of this Tariff for optional features, rules and regulations, and general information regarding TFS. Toll free calls may originate on any type of access and are terminated via Switched Access to the Customer's location. (B) Availability .1 This optional calling plan is designed for Business Customers that utilize Switched Access arrangements to reach the long distance network. Outbound Service is available to Customers that utilize Switched Access. TFS is available for termination to a Customer's Switched Access lines. The Customer may subscribe to this plan for outbound Service only, TFS only, or both outbound and TFS. .2 This plan is available to Business Customers that (1) request to be provisioned under this optional pricing plan; (2) make a MAC of at least $600 per year and sign a term plan agreement for one (1) or two (2) years; and (3) subscribe to this plan for the provision of interstate service. .3 If a Centrex or Plexar® Customer with terminals subscribes to this plan, all lines associated with the Centrex or Plexar® terminals must be presubscribed to the Company. (C) MACs, MMCs and Term Plan Agreements .1 Customers that subscribe to this service and who wish to: (1) change MAC or MMC; (2) change the length of their term; or; (3) change to another High Volume Calling Plan; customers must cancel their current term plan agreement and sign a new term plan agreement with new begin/end dates unless otherwise indicated in this Tariff. (T)(D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 12, 2016 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 5th Revised Sheet 264.6 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 4th Revised Sheet 264.6 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: June 29, 2016 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: July 12, 2016 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.61 AT&T High Volume Calling IV (continued) (C) MACs, MMCs and Term Plan Agreements (continued) .2 The Company will not charge an early termination fee and/or under utilization fee (ETF/UUF) when a Customer cancels an existing term plan agreement with a MAC if at the same time the Customer agrees to replace some or all of their existing service with Internet Protocol (IP) service, Wireless, or any functionally equivalent service from an Affiliate of the Company for the purpose of placing outbound and/or inbound live voice communications outside of the customer's local calling area. .3 At the end of a Customer's term plan agreement, if the Customer does not renew for a new term, or cancel Services, they may continue with this Service on a month-to-month basis at the out of term rates defined Section 4.7.61 of this Tariff. See Section 2.26 of this Tariff for rules and regulations applicable to MACs, MMCs and term plan agreements. (D) IntraLATA and InterLATA Service Options .1 For outbound Services provided via a Switched Access arrangement, Business Customers may subscribe to any of the Company's outbound Service offerings for the provision of (1) intrastate InterLATA and intrastate IntraLATA calling; (2) intrastate InterLATA calling only and select another company for the provision of the Customer's intrastate IntraLATA calling; or (3) intrastate IntraLATA calling only and select another company for the provision of the Customers's intrastate InterLATA calling. .2 For TFS, Customers may subscribe to TFS with or without the ability to receive intrastate IntraLATA Service from the Company. (E) Rating TFS and Outbound Calls .1 Usage Rates The Customer's usage rate for each call is based on (1) whether the call is outbound or TFS; (2) the Customer's MAC; and (3) the length of the Customer's term plan (1 year or 2 years). (T)(D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 12, 2016 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 10th Revised Sheet 264.7 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 9th Revised Sheet 264.7 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: August 1, 2017 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: August 15, 2017 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.61 AT&T High Volume Calling IV (continued) (E) Rating TFS and Outbound Calls Calls (continued) .2 Billing Increments - Outbound and TFS Calls For Customers with a MAC, calls are billed in increments of one (1) second subject to a minimum connect time (initial period) of eighteen (18) seconds. This optional pricing plan is rated on an Aggregation ID basis if multiple BTNs are involved. (F) Billing Customers subscribing to any this plan will be direct-billed. (G) Transfer of an Existing TFS to TFS associated with this plan A Customer request to transfer existing TFS to the TFS associated with this plan will be processed as a request to cancel the Customer's existing TFS optional calling plan. To transfer TFS, the Customer must meet the availability requirements for this plan. Customer shall be responsible for any and all early termination fees. (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 15, 2017 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 1st Revised Sheet 264.8 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels Original Sheet 264.8 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 30, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2015 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 3.7.62 Reserved for Future Use 3.7.63 Reserved for Future Use 3.7.64 Reserved for Future Use 3.7.65 Reserved for Future Use 3.7.66 Reserved for Future Use (D) (T) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (T) (T) (T) (T) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d//a SBC Long Distace d//a AT&T Long Distace Tariff Administrator, Regulatory 5130 Hacienda Dr., 3rd Floor South Dublin, CA 94568 Idaho P.U.c. NO.9 2nd Revised Page 265 Cancels Original 1 st Revised Page 265 Issued: February 5, 2008 Effective: February 18, 2008 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.8 Custom Consumer Services 3.8.1 General Unless otherwise indicated in ths Tariff for outbound Services provided via a Switched Access arangement, Residential Customers may subscribe to any of the Company's outbound Service offerings for the provision of (l) intrastate InterLAT A and intrastate IntraLAT A callng; (2) intrastate InterLATA callng only and select another company for the provision of the Customer's intrastate IntraLA TA calling; or (3) intrastate IntraLA T A callng only and select another company for the provision of the Customer's intrastate InterLAT A callng. 3.8.2 300 Block of Time 1 Reserved for future use Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 8 2008 Boise, Idaho T D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D D D SBC Long Distance,LLC Idaho PU.C.No.9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 5th Revised Sheet 266 dIb’a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 4th Revised Sheet 266 Carol Paulsen.Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued:July 31,2012 Dallas,Texas 75202 Effective:September 12,2012 SECTION 3-DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.8 Custom Consumer Services (continued) 3.8.3 AT&T Nationwide Calling 120 SMI formerly known as AT&T Nationwide Calling 120SM (T) Direct (A)This plan a bundled intrastate and interstate outbound long distance calling plan (T) that for a single MRC the Customers receive a 120 MOU (block)of I +outbound direct-dialed intrastate and/or interstate long distance calling anytime minutes. This service is for Residential Customers with a single BTN.Multiple BTN Aggregation is not available.This plan is available to Residential Customers (T) that: .1 Use Switched Access to reach the long distance network; .2 Subscribe to the Company for the provision of interstate,intrastate IntraLATA,and/or intrastate IntraLATA Service. .3 Provide the Company the same billing name and address for all Services required to subscribe to this plan. .4 Limit the use of Service to that which is of a standard,domestic, Residential nature. .5 Request to be provisioned under this plan (B)See section 4.8.for plan rates and charges (T) 1This Service is no longer available to new Customers or existing Customers at new locations effective July 12,2009. daho PubPo UtPtes Commsrim ACCEP1)CYL1NG n I flI 9ose.id’jQ SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Carol Paulsen, Director, Regulatory 5130 Hacienda Dr., 3rd Floor, South Dublin, California 94568 Idaho P.C. No. 1 st Revised Page 266. Replaces Original Page 266. Issued: May 20, 2008 Effective: June 2008 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES Custom Consumer Services (continued) 8.4 AT&T ONE RATE'ID Nationwide 10 Cents Direct(A) AT&T ONE RATE'ID Nationwide 10 Cents Direct is a bundled intrastate and interstate outbound long distance calling plan that for a single MRC the Customers receive a flat per minute usage rate for both 1 + outbound direct-dialed intrastate and interstate long distance calling anytime minutes. This service is for Residential Customers with a single BTN. Multiple BTN Aggregation is not available. AT&T ONE RATE'ID Nationwide 10 Cents Direct is available to Residential Customers that: Dse Switched Access to reach the long distance network; Subscribe to the Company for the provision of interstate, intrastate IntraLATA , and/or intrastate IntraLATA Service. Provide the Company the same billing name and address for all Services required to subscribe to this plan. Limit the use of Service to that which is of a standard, domestic Residential nature. Request to be provisioned under this plan See section 4.n for plan rates and charges(B) Expired Plans 1 AT&T Business Long Distance Aggregation Preferred! (A)General 1 AT&T Business Long Distance Aggregation Preferred is a custom combination Flat Rate optional pricing plan. There are two Service offerings available under this optional calling plan. AT&T Business Long Distance Aggregation Preferred Outbound Calling is an outbound calling plan for Customers that utilize Switched Access to reach the long distance network. AT&T Business Long Distance Aggregation Preferred Toll Free Calling is a TFS for Customers that utilize Switched Access to receive calls from the long distance network. The Customer may subscribe to AT&T Business Long Distance Aggregation Preferred for outbound Service only, TFS only or for both outbound and TFS. See Section 3.6. of this Tariff for optional features, rules and regulations, and general information regarding TFS. Toll Free calls may originate on any type of access and are terminated via Switched Access to the Customer s location. Effective June 1 2008, this Service will no longer be available to new Customers and to existing Customers in new locations. M Moved from Original Page 264. Idaho Public Utilities CommissieR Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 1- ZO08 Boise, Idaho '.. .., n ;.. __ SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 2nd Revised Sheet 266.2 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 1st Revised Sheet 266.2 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 30, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2015 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.9 Expired Plans (continued) 3.9.1 AT&T Business Long Distance Aggregation Preferred1 (continued) (B) Availability .1 This optional calling plan is designed for Business Customers that utilize Switched Access arrangements to reach the long distance network. Outbound Service is available to Customers that utilize Switched Access. TFS is available for termination to a Customer's Switched Access. The Customer may subscribe to AT&T Business Long Distance Aggregation Preferred for outbound Service only, TFS only, or both outbound and TFS. .2 The AT&T Business Long Distance Aggregation Preferred plan is available to Business Customers that (1) are currently provisioned with a Grandfathered AT&T High Volume Calling II Plus (HVCPII+) plan, (2) request to be provisioned under this optional pricing plan; (3) make a MAC of at least $9,000 per year and (4) sign a term plan agreement for one (1), two (2) or three (3) years. .3 If a Centrex or Plexar ® Customer with terminals subscribes to AT&T Business Long Distance Aggregation Preferred Outbound Calling, all lines associated with the Centrex or Plexar ® terminals must be presubscribed to the Company.# (C) MACs and Term Plan Agreements The Company will not charge an early termination fee and/or under utilization fee when a Customer cancels an existing term plan agreement with a MAC if at the same time: (a) the Customer signs a new term plan agreement or; (b) has an existing agreement for a functionally equivalent service from an Affiliate of the Company with a term that is equal to or longer than the remainder of the current term revenue commitment that is equal to or greater than the unpaid portion of the Customer’s Total Revenue Commitment on the Customer’s current term plan agreement that is being cancelled at the request of the Customer. See Section 2.26 of this Tariff for rules and regulations applicable to MACs and term plan agreements. #Services not covered by this Tariff. 1Effective June 1, 2008, this Service will no longer be available to new Customers and to existing Customers in new locations. (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 1st Revised Sheet 266.3 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels Original Sheet 266.3 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 30, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2015 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.9 Expired Plans (continued) 3.9.1 AT&T Business Long Distance Aggregation Preferred1 (continued) (D) Rating Inbound and Outbound Calls .1 Usage Rates The Customer's usage rate for each call is based on (1) whether the call is outbound or inbound TFS; (2) the Customer's MAC; and (3) the length of the Customer's term plan (1 year, 2 years, or 3 years). .2 Billing Increments .a Outbound and TFS Calls For Customers with a MAC, calls are billed in increments of one (1) second subject to a minimum connect time (initial period) of eighteen (18) seconds. .3 Per Call Charges For per call charges, see Section 4.1.1 (B).2 of this Tariff. (E) Billing Customers subscribing to any of the Business Long Distance Aggregation Preferred plans will be direct-billed. (F) Transfer of an Existing TFS to AT&T Business Long Distance Aggregation Preferred Toll Free Calling. A Customer request to transfer TFS to the AT&T Business Long Distance Aggregation Preferred Toll Free Calling will be processed as a request to cancel the Customer's existing TFS optional calling plan. To transfer TFS, the Customer must meet the availability requirements for the AT&T Business Long Distance Aggregation Preferred Toll Free Calling plan. Customer shall be responsible for any and all early termination charges. (G) Customer who purchases a MAC of $9,000 and $12,000 must maintain a minimum of two access lines or voice equivalent switched local exchange service from an affiliated LEC or CLEC. Customers who purchase a MAC of $18,000, $24,000, $30,000 $42,000, $60,000 and $90,000 must maintain a minimum of four access lines or voice equivalent switched local exchange service from an affiliated LEC or CLEC. Customer who purchases a MAC of $120,000 and $180,000 must maintain a minimum of six access lines or voice equivalent switched local exchange service from an affiliated LEC or CLEC. If customer drops below the minimum number of lines stated above they will be moved to the AT&T High Volume Calling II Service as described in Section 3.7.2 of this Tariff. 1Effective June 1, 2008, this Service will no longer be available to new Customers and to existing Customers in new locations. (D) (D) (D) (D) (T)(D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Donna Daniele, Area Manager Regulatory 5130 Hacienda Drive Dublin, CA 94568 Idaho P.C. No. 2nd Revised Page 266.4 Cancels 151 Revised Page 265 Issued: April 2, 2009 Effective: May L 2009 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES Custom Business Services (continued) 59 AT&T Business Block of TimesM 200 II Business Customers that subscribe to AT&T Business Block of TimesM 200 II, travel to this State and bill intrastate calls to their calling card will pay the Calling Card Option 2 rates specified in Section 4.59 of this Tariff in lieu of the Calling Card Option 2 rates specified in Section 4.2 of this Tariff AT&T Business CallingSM Monthly (A) AT&T Business Calling MonthllM is a bundled domestic intrastate/interstate outbound calling and/or Switched Toll Free Service inbound calling long distance calling plan. This plan is established at the BTN level. Multiple BTN aggregation is not available with this Service. If the Customer or Applicant selects a different business long distance calling plan for specific WTN(s), the Customer is required to establish a separate BTN for each variation. This Service is available to new and existing Business Customers who: (B) use Switched Access to reach the long distance network for outbound calling and/or to receive calls from the long distance network for Switched Toll Free Service; Subscribe to the Company for the provision of interstate and intrastate InterLata and/or intrastate IntraLata Service;.3 request to be provisioned under this optional calling plan. Outbound and Switched Toll Free Service inbound calls are billed in increments of six (6) seconds subject to a minimum connect time (initial period) of one (I) minute. (C)Fully automated, operator assisted, and operator dialed calls billed to the Calling Card - Option 2 are billed in increments of six (6) seconds subject to a minimum connect time (initial period) of one (I) minute. See Section 4.n of this Tariff for calling card rates associated with this plan. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 - 2009 Boise, Idaoo Idaho u.e. No. Original Page 266. SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Donna Daniele, Area Manager Regulatory 5130 Hacienda Drive Dublin, CA 94568 Issued: June 3 2009 Effective: Jul 2009 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES Custom Business Services (continued) 61 AT&T High Volume Calling IV (A)General AT&T High Volume Calling IV is a custom combination Flat Rate optional pricing plan. The following Service offerings are available under this optional calling plan; (a) outbound calling for Customers that utilize Switched Access to reach the long distance network; and/or (b) Customers that utilize Switched Access to receive calls from the long distance network. The Customer may subscribe to this plan for outbound Service only, TFS only or for both outbound and TFS. See Section 3.6 of this Tariff for optional features, rules and regulations and general information regarding TFS. Toll free calls may originate on any type of access and are terminated via Switched Access to the Customer s location. (B)Availability (C) This optional calling plan is designed for Business Customers that utilize Switched Access arrangements to reach the long distance network. Outbound Service is available to Customers that utilize Switched Access. TFS is available for termination to a Customer s Switched Access lines. The Customer may subscribe to this plan for outbound Service only, TFS only, or both outbound and TFS. Customers may also subscribe to the Calling Card - Option 3 described in Section 3.1.5 (A).2 of this Tariff. This plan is available to Business Customers that (1) request to be provisioned under this optional pricing plan; (2) make a MAC of at least $600 per year and sign a term plan agreement for one (1), two (2) or three (3) years; and subscribe to this plan for the provision of interstate service. If a Centrex or PlexariID Customer with terminals subscribes to this plan, all lines associated with the Centrex or PlexariID terminals must be presubscribed to the Company. MACs and Term Plan Agreements See Section 2.26 of this Tariff for rules and regulations applicable to MACs and term plan agreements. klaho Public UtiHties Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FI LING JUL 1 2 2009 Boise, tdsha Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 - 2009 SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Donna Daniele, Area Manager Regulatory 5130 Hacienda Drive Dublin, CA 94568 Idaho P.u.C. No. 3rd Revised Page 266. Replaces 2nd Revised Page 266. Issued: September 22, 2009 Effective: November 2 2009 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES Custom Business Services (continued) AT&T High Volume Calling IV (continued) (G) Transfer of an Existing TFS to TFS associated with this plan Boise, Idaho A Customer request to transfer existing TFS to the TFS associated with this plan will be processed as a request to cancel the Customer s existing TFS optional calling plan. To transfer TFS, the Customer must meet the availability requirements for this plan. Customer shall be responsible for any and all early termination fees. Customers that commit to a MAC of $600, $2 400, $6 000 or $9 000 must maintain a minimum of two local access lines or Voice Grade Equivalent switched local exchange service from an AT&T Affiliate. Customers that commit to a MAC of$12 000, $18 000, $24 000, $30 000, $42 000, $60 000 or $90 000 must maintain a minimum of four local access lines or Voice Grade Equivalent switched local exchange service from a AT&T Affiliate. Customers that commit to a MAC of $120 000, $180 000 or $240 000 must maintain a minimum of six local access lines or Voice Grade Equivalent switched local exchange service from a AT&T Affiliate. If the Customer drops below the minimum number of local access lines stated above, the Customer will be moved to the AT&T High Volume Calling Plan II as described in Section 3.2 ofthis Tariff. If the Customer is moved to AT&T High Volume Calling II or any alternative Service and the Customer s MAC and term plan commitment is equal to or greater than the MAC and term plan commitment for AT&T High Volume Calling IV, the Company will credit the Customer s account for the amount of any early termination charges as described in Section 2.26 of this Tariff. AT&T Business Unlimited CallingSM II Business Customers that subscribe to AT&T Business Unlimited CallingSM II, travel to this State and bill intrastate calls to their calling card will pay the Calling Card Option 2 rates specified in Section 4.62 ofthis Tariff in lieu of the Calling Card Option 2 Rates specified in Sections 4.1.2(A) and 4.1.2(C) of this Tariff. (H) 63 Bock of Time Term Agreement Plans Business Customers that subscribe to a Block of Time Term Agreement Plans travel to this State and bill intrastate calls to their calling card will pay the Calling Card Option 2 rates specific in Section 4.63 of this Tariff in lieu ofthe Calling Option 2 Rates specified in Sections 4.2(A) and 4/1/2(C) of this Tariff. AT&T Business Unlimited CallingSM III Business Customers that subscribe to Company s AT&T Business Unlimited Calling III plan, travel to this State and bill intrastate calls to their calling card will pay the Calling Card Option 2 rates specified in Section 4.64 of this Tariff in lieu of the Calling Card Option 2 rates specified in Section 4.1.2(A) and Section 4.1.2(C) of this Tariff SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Donna Daniele, Area Manager Regulatory 5130 Hacienda Drive Dublin, CA 94568 Idaho P.u.e. No. Original Page 266. Issued: June 3 2009 Effective: Jul 2009 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES Custom Business Services (continued) AT&T High Volume Calling IV (continued) (G) Transfer of an Existing TFS to TFS associated with this plan A Customer request to transfer existing TFS to the TFS associated with this plan will be processed as a request to cancel the Customer s existing TFS optional calling plan. To transfer TFS, the Customer must meet the availability requirements for this plan. Customer shall be responsible for any and all early termination fees. Customers that commit to a MAC of $600, $2 400, $6 000 or $9 000 must maintain a minimum of two local access lines or Voice Grade Equivalent switched local exchange service from an AT&T Affiliate. Customers that commit to a MAC of $12 000, $18 000, $24 000, $30 000, $42 000, $60 000 or $90 000 must maintain a minimum offour local access lines or Voice Grade Equivalent switched local exchange service from a AT&T Affiliate. Customers that commit to a MAC of$120 000 $180 000 or $240 000 must maintain a minimum of six local access lines or Voice Grade Equivalent switched local exchange service from a AT&T Affiliate. If the Customer drops below the minimum number of local access lines stated above, the Customer will be moved to the AT&T High Volume Calling Plan II as described in Section 3.7.2 of this Tariff. If the Customer is moved to AT&T High Volume Calling II or any alternative Service and the Customer s MAC and term plan commitment is equal to or greater than the MAC and term plan commitment for AT&T High Volume Calling IV, the Company will credit the Customer s account for the amount of any early termination charges as described in Section 2.26 of this Tariff. (H) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 22009 Boise. Ideh& SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 3rd Revised Sheet 267 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 2nd Revised Sheet 267 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: August 1, 2014 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: August 12, 2014 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 3.10 Miscellaneous 3.10.1 Reserved for Future Use (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 12, 2014 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 3rd Revised Sheet 268 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 2nd Revised Sheet 268 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 30, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2015 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.1 Operator Toll Assistance Services 4.1.1 Access Method - Toll Free Access Number (A) Reserved For Future Use (B) Group 2 Toll Free Access Numbers .1 Reserved for Future Use (T) (D) (D) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 3rd Revised Sheet 269 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 2nd Revised Sheet 269 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 30, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2015 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.1 Operator Toll Assistance Services (continued) 4.1.1 Access Method - Toll Free Access Number (continued) (B) Group 2 Toll Free Access Numbers (continued) .1 Reserved for Future Use (continued) .2 All Other Operator Toll Assistance Billing Options For all other Operator Toll Assistance Services calls completed via a Group 2 Toll Free Access Number, the usage rates and per call charges are the same as the usage rates and per call charges described in Section 4.1.2 of this Price List. (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 12th Revised Sheet 270 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 11th Revised Sheet 270 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: May 17, 2016 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: May 31, 2016 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.1 Operator Toll Assistance Services (continued) 4.1.2 All Other Access Methods There are two rate elements. They include a usage charge and a per call charge. The usage charges and per call charges follow: (A) Usage Rates Call Type Rate Per Minute All Other Operator Toll Assistance Services Calls - Business - Residential $0.35 $0.35 (B) Reserved for Future Use (D) (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 31, 2016 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 3rd Revised Sheet 271 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 2nd Revised Sheet 271 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 30, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2015 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.1 Operator Toll Assistance Services (continued) 4.1.2 All Other Access Methods (continued) (C) Reserved for Future Use (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 1st Revised Sheet 272 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels Original Sheet 272 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 30, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2015 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.1 Operator Toll Assistance Services (continued) 4.1.2 All Other Access Methods (continued) (C) Reserved for Future Use (continued) (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 5th Revised Sheet 273 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 4th Revised Sheet 273 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: May 17, 2016 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: May 31, 2016 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.1 Operator Toll Assistance Services (continued) 4.1.2 All Other Access Methods (continued) (D) Station-to-Station Per Call Charges Call Type Rate Per Call Sent Paid Operator Assisted $2.35 Operator Dialed $3.35 4.1.3 Reserved for Future Use 4.1.4 Reserved for Future Use (T) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 31, 2016 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 25th Revised Sheet 274 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 24th Revised Sheet 274 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: May 30, 2019 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: June 12, 2019 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.2 Directory Assistance Services 4.2.1 Reserved For Future Use 4.2.2 Call Completed Via All Other Access Methods The rate is $1.25 per call. 4.2.3 Directory Assistance Call Completion The rate is $0.50 per completed call. 4.3 Reserved for Future Use 4.4 Outbound Services-Switched Access 4.4.1 MTS (A) Business .1 Minimum Usage Charge (MUC): $47.50 If the monthly outbound usage charges or outbound and inbound usage charges combined equal or exceed the MUC in a billing period, the MUC will not apply. If the monthly outbound usage charges or outbound and inbound usage charges combined in a billing period are less than the MUC, the charge that will apply will be the difference between that month's usage charges and the MUC. .2 Per-Minute Usage Rates Peak Off-Peak Initial Period Add'l Period Initial Period Add'l Period $0.99 $0.99 $0.99 $0.99 (B) Residential Monthly Minimum Usage Charge (MUC) and Per-Minute Usage Rates Customer Subscribes To MUC Per Minute Usage Rate intraLATA Only MTS $0.00 $0.42 interLATA Only MTS $5.99 $0.42 intraLATA and interLATA MTS $5.99 $0.42 If monthly outbound domestic 1+ Direct-Dialed usage equals the MUC in a billing period, MUC will not apply. If monthly outbound domestic 1+ Direct- Dialed usage in a billing period is less than the MUC, the MUC that will apply will be the difference between that month's usage and the MUC. 4.4.2 Reserved for Future Use (I) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 12, 2019 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distace, LLC d//a SBC Long Distance d//a AT&T Long Distance Tariff Administrator, Regulatory 5130 Hacienda Dr., 3rd Floor South Dublin, CA 94568 Idaho P.D.C. NO.9 15t Revised Page 275 Cancels Original Page 275 Issued: February 5, 2008 Effective: February 18, 2008 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.4 Outbound Services-Switched Access (continued) 4.4.3 Consumer Outbound Services Idaho Public Utilities CommissieR Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 8 2008 Boise, Idaho D I I I I I I I I I I I I I D SBC Long Distance, LLC d//a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Tariff Administrator, Regulatory 5130 Hacienda Dr., 3rd Floor South Dublin, CA 94568 Idaho P.D.C. NO.9 2nd Revised Page 276 Cancels 1 st Revised Page 276 Issued: February 5, 2008 Effective: Februar 18,2008 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.4 Outbound Services-Switched Access (continued) 4.4.3 Consumer Outbound Services D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Idaho Public Utilities Commissiøn D Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 8 2008 Boise, Idaho _,.. ... 0, ,J SBC Long Distace, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distace Tariff Administrator, Regulatory 5130 Hacienda Dr., 3rd Floor South Dublin, CA 94568 Idaho P.D.C. NO.9 1 st Revised Page 277 Cancels Original Page 277 Issued: Februar 5, 2008 Effective: February 18, 2008 ,SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.4 Outbound Services-Switched Access (continued) 4.4.3 Consumer Outbound Services (continued) Idaho Public Utilities Commissiøn Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 8 2008 Bo ldaho D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 6th Revised Sheet 278 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 5th Revised Sheet 278 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: March 1, 2019 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: March 12, 2019 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.4 Outbound Services-Switched Access (continued) 4.4.3 Consumer Outbound Services (continued) (A) Value Plus 5001 formerly known as Block of Time 500 II (continued) The MRC is $26.99 per BTN. The rate is $0.07 per minute for all 1+ Direct- Dialed outbound intrastate calls completed after the 500 minute block of time has been used. 1 This Service is no longer available to new Customers or existing Customers at new locations effective February 15, 2007. (I) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING March 12, 2019 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Donna Daniele, Area Manager, Regulatory 5130 Hacienda Drive Dublin, CA 94568 Idaho P.c. No. 3rd Revised Page 279 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 279 Issued: October 10, 2008 Effective: November 14 2008 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.4 Outbound Services-Switched Access (continued) 4.4.3 Consumer Outbound Services (continued) (B) AT&T Worldwide & US CallingSM formerly known as JustCallSM GlobalI Customers selecting the AT&T Worldwide & US CallingSM plan, as set forth in Section 8.4.2 (Ae) of Company s Voice Reference and Product Pricing Guidebook will receive a rate of $0.20 per minute for outbound 1 + Direct-Dialed (not including Calling Card calls) Intrastate long distance. This Service is no longer available to new Customers or existing Customers at new locations effective November 21 2008 Idaho Public Utilities CommissieR Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 1 4 2008 Boise. Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d//a SBC Long Distance d//a AT&T Long Distance Tariff Administrator, Regulatory 5130 Hacienda Dr., 3rd Floor South Dublin, CA 94568 Idaho P.U.C. NO.9 1 st Revised Page 280 Cancels Original Page 280 Issued: February 5, 2008 Effective: Februar 18,2008 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.4 Outbound Services-Switched Access (continued) 4.4.3 Consumer Outbound Services (continued) Idaho Public Utilities Commissiøn Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 8 2008 Boise Idaho D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 9th Revised Sheet 281 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 8th Revised Sheet 281 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: March 1, 2018 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: March 12, 2018 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.4 Outbound Services-Switched Access (continued) 4.4.3 Consumer Outbound Services (continued) (C) AT&T ONE RATE® Nationwide Calling Preferred (formerly known as AT&T ONE RATE® Nationwide 10 Cents, JustCallSM Plus and AT&T ONE RATE® Nationwide 12 Cents)1 The usage charge is $0.14 per minute. For Customers subscribing to Service for the provision of interstate and intrastate, the intrastate/interstate MRC is $5.99. For Customers subscribing to Service for the provision of intrastate only, the MRC is $5.99. 1This Service is no longer available to new Customers or existing Customers at new locations effective August 1, 2007. (I) (I) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING March 12, 2018 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d//a SBC Long Distance d//a AT&T Long Distance Tarff Administrator, Regulatory 5130 Hacienda Dr., 3rd Floor South Dublin, CA 94568 Idaho P.D.C. NO.9 2nd Revised Page 282 Cancels 1 st Revised Page 282 Issued: Februar 5, 2008 Effective: February 18,2008 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.4 Outbound Services-Switched Access (continued) 4.4.3 Consumer Outbound Services (continued) Idaho Public Utilties Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 8 2008 Boise, Idaho D I I I I I I I I I I D SBC Long Distance,LLC Idaho PU.C.No.9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 7th Revised Sheet 283 dlb/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 6th Revised Sheet 283 Carol Paulsen,Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued:December 26,2012 Dallas,Texas 75202 Effective:January 12,2013 SECTION 4-SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.4 Outbound Services-Switched Access (continued) 4.4.3 Consumer Outbound Services (continued) (D)Reserved for future use (C) (D) (D) (E)Reserved for future use (D) SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 14th Revised Sheet 284 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 13th Revised Sheet 284 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: August 1, 2019 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: August 12, 2019 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.4 Outbound Services-Switched Access (continued) 4.4.4 Business Outbound Services (A) Business Default Plan for Hierarchical Billing - Switched Switched Peak Off-Peak Initial Period Add’l Period Initial Period Add’l Period InterLAT $0.9781 $0.1956 $0.9781 $0.1956 IntraLAT $0.9781 $0.1956 $0.9781 $0.1956 4.5 Reserved for Future Use (I) (I) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 12, 2019 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 14th Revised Sheet 285 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 13th Revised Sheet 285 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: November 1, 2018 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: November 12, 2018 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.6 AT&T Long Distance Toll FreeSM Services 4.6.1 Switched Access Business Inbound Default per-minute usage rates (TFS) Peak Off-Peak Initial Period Add'l Period Initial Period Add'l Period $0.99 $0.99 $0.99 $0.99 4.6.2 Rates and Charges The description and rates for available optional features, the MRC and one-time charges may be found in the Company's interstate Voice Product Reference and Pricing Guide which may be found at http://www.att.com/servicepublications. (D) (T) (D) (D) (T) (D) (T) (D) (D) (T) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 12, 2018 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d//a AT&T Long Distance Carol Paulsen, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: February 17,2011Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: March 21, 2011 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES Idaho P.U.c. NO.9 3rd Revised Page 286 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 286 D D Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING March 21, 2011 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d//a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Carol Paulsen, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: February 17,2011Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: March 21, 2011 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES Idaho P.U.C. NO.9 3rd Revised Page 287 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 287 D D Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING March 21, 2011 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Carol Paulsen, Director Regulatory208 South Akard Street Issued: Februar 17, 2011Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: March 21, 2011 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES Idaho P.U.C. NO.9 3rd Revised Page 288 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 288 D D Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING March 21, 2011 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d//a SBC Long Distance d//a AT&T Long Distance Carol Paulsen, Director Regulatory208 South Akard Street Issued: Februar 17, 2011Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: March 21, 2011 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES Idaho P.U.c. NO.9 3rd Revised Page 289 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 289 D D Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING March 21, 2011 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 3rd Revised Sheet 290 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 2nd Revised Sheet 290 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: June 20, 2019 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: July 1, 2019 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services 4.7.1 Block of Time SM II Term Agreement Plans Rate Options (A) See the Company’s Voice Product Reference and Pricing Guidebook at http://att.com/servicepublications Section 4.6 for the Switched AT&T Long Distance Toll FreeSM Service MRC. (B) AT&T Business Block of TimeSM 250 II1 Anytime Minutes Allotted in MRC: 250 MRC Per-Minute Usage Inbound/Outbound Over Allotment 1-Year Term A reement $15.00 $0.060 Out of Term Month-to-Mont $20 $0.085 (C) AT&T Business Block of TimeSM 700 II1 Anytime Minutes Allotted in MRC: 700 MRC Per-Minute Usage Charge Inbound/Outbound Over Allotment 1-Year Term Agreement $31.00 $0.045 2-Year Term Agreement $30.00 $0.043 Out of Term Month-to-Mont $35.00 $0.05 1This plan/rate option is no longer available to new customers effective July 1, 2019. Existing customers may keep this plan/rate option until: (a) they add or remove lines; (b) they move this service to a new location; (c) they make changes to their service; or (d) it is discontinued by the Company, whichever occurs first. 1-Year and 2-Term Agreements will not be eligible for renewal. Upon expiration of the Customer's term, Customers will be billed on a month-to-month basis at the out of term rates and charges as defined in Section 4.7.1 of this Price List for the selected Block of Time Term Agreement rate option. (M) Material moved to 3rd Revised Sheet 291. (C) (C) (N) (N) (M) (M) (N) (N) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 1, 2019 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 3rd Revised Sheet 291 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 2nd Revised Sheet 291 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: June 20, 2019 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: July 1, 2019 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.1 Block of TimeSM II Term Agreement Plans (continued) Rate Options (continued) (D) AT&T Business Block of TimeSM 1200 II1 Anytime Minutes Allotted in MRC: 1200 MRC Per-Minute Usage Charge Inbound/Outbound Over Allotment 1-Year Term Agreement $50.00 $0.042 2-Year Term Agreement $48.00 $0.041 Out of Term Month-to-Mont $55.00 $0.048 (E) AT&T Business Block of TimeSM 2500 II1 Anytime Minutes Allotted in MRC: 2500 MRC Per-Minute Usage Charge Inbound/Outbound Over Allotment 1-Year Term Agreement $100.00 $0.041 2-Year Term Agreement $97.00 $0.039 Out of Term Month-to-Mont $110.00 $0.047 1This plan/rate option is no longer available to new customers effective July 1, 2019. Existing customers may keep this plan/rate option until: (a) they add or remove lines; (b) they move this service to a new location; (c) they make changes to their service; or (d) it is discontinued by the Company, whichever occurs first. 1-Year and 2-Term Agreements will not be eligible for renewal. Upon expiration of the Customer's term, Customers will be billed on a month-to-month basis at the out of term rates and charges as defined in Section 4.7.1 of this Price List for the selected Block of Time Term Agreement rate option. (M1) Material moved from 3rd Revised Sheet 290.(M2) Material moved to 3rd Revised Sheet 292. (C) (C)(M1) (M1) (N) (M2) (N) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 1, 2019 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 3rd Revised Sheet 292 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 2nd Revised Sheet 292 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: June 20, 2019 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: July 1, 2019 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.1 Block of TimeSM II Term Agreement Plans (continued) Rate Options (continued) (F) AT&T Business Block of TimeSM 5000 II Anytime Minutes Allotted in MRC: 5000 MRC Per-Minute Usage Charge Inbound/Outbound Over Allotment 1-Year Term Agreement $190.00 $0.039 2-Year Term Agreement $186.00 $0.038 Out of Term Month-to-Mont $215.00 $0.045 (G) AT&T Business Block of TimeSM 7500 II Anytime Minutes Allotted in MRC: 7500 MRC Per-Minute Usage Charge Inbound/Outbound Over Allotment 1-Year Term Agreement $273.00 $0.037 2-Year Term Agreement $268.00 $0.036 Out of Term Month-to-Mont $305.00 $0.043 (M1) Material moved from 3rd Revised Sheet 291. (M2) Material moved to 2nd Revised Sheet 293. (M1) (M1) (M2) (M2) (N) (N) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 1, 2019 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 2nd Revised Sheet 293 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 1st Revised Sheet 293 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: June 20, 2019 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: July 1, 2019 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.1 Block of TimeSM II Term Agreement Plans (continued) Rate Options (continued) (H) AT&T Business Block of TimeSM 10000 II Anytime Minutes Allotted in MRC: 10000 MRC Per-Minute Usage Charge Inbound/Outbound Over Allotment 1-Year Term Agreement $350.00 $0.036 2-Year Term Agreement $342.00 $0.035 Out of Term Month-to-Mont $390.00 $0.042 (I) AT&T Business Block of TimeSM 300 II Anytime Minutes Allotted in MRC: 300 Term MRC Per-Minute Usage Rate Over Allotment 1-Year Ter $18.00 $0.065 Out of Term Month-to-Mont $23.00 $0.082 (J) AT&T Business Block of TimeSM 750 II Anytime Minutes Allotted in MRC: 750 Term MRC Per-Minute Usage Rate Over Allotment 1-Year Ter $35.00 $0.052 Out of Term Month-to-Mont $40.00 $0.058 (M) Material moved from 3rd Revised Sheet 292. (N) (N) (N) (N) (M) (M) (N) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 1, 2019 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 4th Revised Sheet 294 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 3rd Revised Sheet 294 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: June 20, 2019 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: July 1, 2019 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.1 Block of TimeSM II Term Agreement Plans (continued) Rate Options (continued) (K) AT&T Business Block of TimeSM 1500 II Anytime Minutes Allotted in MRC: 1500 Term MRC Per-Minute Usage Rate Over Allotment 1-Year Ter $65.00 $0.048 Out of Term Month-to-Mont $70.00 $0.052 (L) AT&T Business Block of TimeSM 3000 II Anytime Minutes Allotted in MRC: 3000 Term MRC Per-Minute Usage Rate Over Allotment 1-Year Ter $120.00 $0.045 Out of Term Month-to-Mont $130.00 $0.048 (T) (N) (N) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 1, 2019 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 21st Revised Sheet 295 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 20th Revised Sheet 295 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 29, 2017 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2017 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.2 AT&T High Volume Calling II2 (A) Outbound Calls .1 AT&T High Volume Outbound Calling II The per minute usage rates for intrastate InterLATA calls are as follows: MAC Per Minute Rate 1 Year Term Plan 2 Year Term Plan 3 Year1 Term Plan $600 $0.1350 $0.1300 $0.1240 $2,400 $0.1340 $0.1280 $0.1220 $6,000 $0.1320 $0.1260 $0.1200 $12,000 $0.1260 $0.1200 $0.1140 The per minute usage rates for intrastate InterLATA Out of Term calls are as follows: MAC Out of Term $600 $3.9472 $2400 $3.9046 $6,000 $3.8178 $12,000 $3.6449 Out of Term rates are associated with 1, 2 and 3 Year Term Plans only.1 1Effective July 12, 2016, 3-Year terms are no longer available. Existing Customers may continue with their current 3-Year term until the term expires. Existing Customers at the end of their current 3-Year term may request to renew this plan for a 1-Year or 2-Year term, or they may continue to subscribe to this plan on a month-to-month basis at the then applicable out of term rates for this plan. 2Effective October 12, 2017, the High Volume Calling plans will no longer be available to new Customers. Existing Customers may keep this service until they move locations and/or make changes to their service or until it is discontinued by the Company, whichever comes first. (N) (N) (T) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2017 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 20th Revised Sheet 296 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 19th Revised Sheet 296 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 29, 2017 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2017 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.2 AT&T High Volume Calling II2 (continued) (A) Outbound Calls (continued) .1 AT&T High Volume Outbound Calling II (continued) The per minute usage rates for intrastate IntraLATA calls are as follows: MAC Per Minute Rate 1 Year Term Plan 2 Year Term Plan 3 Year1 Term Plan $600 $0.1350 $0.1300 $0.1240 $2,400 $0.1340 $0.1280 $0.1220 $6,000 $0.1320 $0.1260 $0.1200 $12,000 $0.1260 $0.1200 $0.1140 The per minute usage rates for intrastate IntraLATA Out of Term calls are as follows: MAC Out of Term $600 $3.2893 $2400 $3.2538 $6,000 $3.1815 $12,000 $3.0374 Out of Term rates are associated with 1, 2 and 3 Year Term Plans only. 1 1Effective July 12, 2016, 3-Year terms are no longer available. Existing Customers may continue with their current 3-Year term until the term expires. Existing Customers at the end of their current 3-Year term may request to renew this plan for a 1-Year or 2-Year term, or they may continue to subscribe to this plan on a month-to-month basis at the then applicable out of term rates for this plan. 2Effective October 12, 2017, the High Volume Calling plans will no longer be available to new Customers. Existing Customers may keep this service until they move locations and/or make changes to their service or until it is discontinued by the Company, whichever comes first. (T) (N) (N) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2017 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d//a AT&T Long Distance Carol Paulsen, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: Februar 17,2011Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: March 21,2011 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES Idaho P.U.C. NO.9 8th Revised Page 297 Replaces 7th Revised Page 297 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) D D Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING March 21, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho P.U.C. NO.9 8th Revised Page 298 Replaces 7th Revised Page 298 SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Carol Paulsen, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: February 17,2011Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: March 21, 2011 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.D I I I I I D Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING March 21, 2011 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 5th Revised Sheet 299 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 4th Revised Sheet 299 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 29, 2017 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2017 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.2 AT&T High Volume Calling II1 (continued) (B) Inbound Toll Free Calls .1 AT&T High Volume Toll Free Calling II - Usage Rates The per minute usage rates are the same as Section 4.7.2 (A).1 of this Price List. .2 Reserved for Future Use .3 Optional Feature Charges The description and rates for available optional features may be found in the Company's interstate Voice Product Reference and Pricing Guide which may be found at http://www.att.com/servicepublications. 1Effective October 12, 2017, the High Volume Calling II plans will no longer be available to new Customers. Existing Customers may keep this service until they move locations and/or make changes to their service or until it is discontinued by the Company, whichever comes first. (N) (N) (T) (T) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2017 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 1st Revised Sheet 300 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels Original Sheet 300 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 30, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2015 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.3 Reserved for Future Use (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 1st Revised Sheet 301 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels Original Sheet 301 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 30, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2015 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.4 Reserved for Future Use (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 10th Revised Sheet 302 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 9th Revised Sheet 302 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: April 19, 2018 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: May 1, 2018 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.5 Reserved for Future Use 4.7.6 Reserved for Future Use 4.7.7 AT&T Business Calling (formerly Long Distance for Business) The MRC is $3.00. The usage rate is $0.555 per minute for outbound and TFS. See the Company’s Voice Product Reference and Pricing Guide at http://att.com/servicepublications Section 4.6 for the Switched AT&T Long Distance Toll FreeSM Service MRC. (N) (N) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2018 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 2nd Revised Sheet 303 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 1st Revised Sheet 303 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 30, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2015 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.8 Total Solutions Plus1 The usage rate is $0.1330 per minute for outbound and TFS calls 4.7.9 Reserved for Future Use 1 This service is no longer available to new Customers or existing Customers at new locations effective April 1, 2004 (D) (D) (D) (D) (T) (D) (D) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 8th Revised Sheet 304 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 7th Revised Sheet 304 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 30, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2015 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.10 AT&T Business Calling $5.951 (formerly Business Domestic Saver) The usage rate is $0.1970 per minute for outbound and TFS calls. 4.7.11 Reserved for Future Use 1This Service is no longer available to new Customers or existing Customers at new locations effective May 12, 2009. (T) (D) (D) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Carol Paulsen, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: February 17,2011Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: March 21,2011 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES Idaho P.U.c. NO.9 1 st Revised Page 305 Cancels Original Page 305 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.12 Reserved for future use T D D Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING March 21, 2011 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d//a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Carol Paulsen, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: Februar 17,2011Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: March 21,2011 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES Idaho P,U'c. NO.9 1 st Revised Page 306 Cancels Original Page 306 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) D D Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING March 21, 2011 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 3rd Revised Sheet 307 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 2nd Revised Sheet 307 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 30, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2015 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.13 Reserved for Future Use 4.7.14 Reserved for Future Use (T) (D) (D) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 3rd Revised Sheet 308 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 2nd Revised Sheet 308 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 30, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2015 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.15 Reserved for Future Use 4.7.16 Reserved for Future Use 4.7.17 Reserved for Future Use (D) (D) (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 1st Revised Sheet 309 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels Original Sheet 309 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: January 2, 2014 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: January 12, 2014 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.18 Reserved for Future Use 4.7.19 Reserved for Future Use 4.7.20 Reserved for Future Use (T) (T) (T) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 12, 2014 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 1st Revised Sheet 310 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels Original Sheet 310 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 30, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2015 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.21 Reserved for Future Use 4.7.22 Reserved for Future Use 4.7.23 Reserved for Future Use (T) (T) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (T) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 1st Revised Sheet 311 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels Original Sheet 311 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 30, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2015 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.24 Reserved for Future Use 4.7.25 Reserved for Future Use 4.7.26 Reserved for Future Use (T) (T) (T) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 3rd Revised Sheet 312 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 2nd Revised Sheet 312 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: July 29, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: August 12, 2015 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.27 Reserved for Future Use (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d//a SBC Long Distace d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Carol Paulsen, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: February 17,2011Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: March 21,2011 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES Idaho P.U.c. NO.9 3 rd Revised Page 313 Replaces 2nd Revised Page 313 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) D D Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING March 21, 2011 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 4th Revised Sheet 314 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 3rd Revised Sheet 314 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: July 29, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: August 12, 2015 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.27 Reserved for Future Use (continued) (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 20th Revised Sheet 315 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 19th Revised Sheet 315 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: July 29, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: August 12, 2015 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.27 Reserved for Future Use (continued) (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance,LLC Idaho P.U.C.No.9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 1st Revised Page 316 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels Original Page 316 Carol Paulsen,Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued:April 17,2012 Dallas,Texas 75202 Effective:May 19,2012 SECTION 4-SWiTCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.28 Reserved for future use 4.7.29 Reservedforfutureuse T D D 4.7.30 Reserved for future use T D D 4.7.3 1 Reserved for future use T D D Idaho PubHc Ut:HWes Cmmissjmi 0ffce off ACCEPTED tNG MAY I { Bose,Idaho SBC Long Distance,LLC Idaho P.U.C.No.9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 1 Revised Page 317 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels Original Page 317 Carol Paulsen,Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued:April 17,2012 Dallas,Texas 75202 Effective:May 19,2012 SECTION 4-SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.32 Reserved for future use T D D 4.7.33 Reserved for future use T D D 4.7.34 Reserved for future use T D D dhr1 SBC Long Distance,LLC Idaho P.U.C.No.9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 1st Revised Page 318 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels Original Page 318 Carol Paulsen,Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued:April 17,2012 Dallas,Texas 75202 Effective:May 19,2012 SECTION 4-SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.3 5 Reserved for future use T D D 4.7.36 Reserved for future use T D D 4.7.3 7 Reserved for future use T D D dahoFuoke ACD Hi(I 2012 SBC Long Distance,LLC Idaho P.U.C.No.9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 1 Revised Page 319 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels Original Page 3 19 Carol Paulsen,Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued:April 17,2012 Dallas,Texas 75202 Effective:May 19,2012 SECTION 4-SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.3 8 Reserved for future use T D D 4.7.39 Reserved for future use T D D 4.7.40 Reserved for future use T D D Idaho Public Uthhus Commissioa. Office of the Oecretari ACC SBC Long Distance,LLC Idaho P.U.C.No.9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 1st Revised Page 320 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels Original Page 320 Carol Paulsen,Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued:April 17,2012 Dallas,Texas 75202 Effective:May 19,2012 SECTION 4-SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.41 Reserved for future use T D D 4.7.42 Reserved for future use T D D 4.7.43 Reserved for future use T I D Idaho Public Utilities Cemmission Office of the SLy ACr.“ SBC Long Distance,LLC Idaho P.U.C.No.9 d!b/a SBC Long Distance 1st Revised Page 321 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels Original Page 321 Carol Paulsen,Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued:April 17,2012 Dallas,Texas 75202 Effective:May 19,2012 SECTION 4-SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.44 Reserved for future use T D D 4.7.45 Reserved for future use T D D 4.7.46 Reserved for future use T D D M1Y I 2012 SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 2nd Revised Sheet 322 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 1st Revised Sheet 322 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 30, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2015 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.47 Reserved for Future Use (D) (D) (T) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 3rd Revised Sheet 323 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 2nd Revised Sheet 323 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 30, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2015 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.48 Reserved for Future Use (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance.LLC Idaho P.U.C.No.9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 2nd Revived Page 324 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 1st Revised Page 324 Carol Paulsen,Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street,Room3S300L Issued:April 17,2012 Dallas,Texas 75202 Effective:May 19.2012 SECTION 4-SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.49 Reserved for future use T D 4.7.50 Reserved for Future Use D D rormsw SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 6th Revised Sheet 325 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 5th Revised Sheet 325 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 30, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2015 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.51 Reserved for Future Use (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 5th Revised Sheet 326 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 4th Revised Sheet 326 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 30, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2015 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SWITCHED SERVICES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.52 Reserved for Future Use 4.7.53 Reserved for Future Use (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 4th Revised Sheet 327 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 3rd Revised Sheet 327 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: July 29, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: August 12, 2015 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.54 Reserved for Future Use (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 6th Revised Sheet 328 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 5th Revised Sheet 328 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: July 29, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: August 12, 2015 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.54 Reserved for Future Use (continued) (N) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 7th Revised Sheet 329 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 6th Revised Sheet 329 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: July 29, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: August 12, 2015 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.54 Reserved for Future Use (continued) (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 14th Revised Sheet 329.1 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 13th Revised Sheet 329.1 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: July 29, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: August 12, 2015 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.54 Reserved for Future Use (continued) . (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 9th Revised Sheet 330 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 8th Revised Sheet 330 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 30, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2015 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.55 Reserved for Future Use 4.7.56 Reserved for Future Use 4.7.57 Reserved for Future Use 4.7.58 Reserved for Future Use (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 8th Revised Sheet 330.1 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 7th Revised Sheet 330.1 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: April 19, 2018 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: May 1, 2018 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.58 Reserved for Future Use (continued) 4.7.59 Reserved for Future Use 4.7.60 AT&T Business Calling SM Monthly (A) The bundled outbound intrastate/interstate and/or inbound toll free calling per minute usage rate is $0.14. (B) The bundled outbound intrastate/interstate MRC is $10.00. See the Company’s Voice Product Reference and Pricing Guide at http://att.com/servicepublications Section 4.6 for the Switched AT&T Long Distance Toll FreeSM Service MRC. (T) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2018 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 13th Revised Sheet 330.1.1 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 12th Revised Sheet 330.1.1 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: July 27, 2016 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: August 12, 2016 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.61 AT&T High Volume Calling IV The per minute usage rates for outbound calls and inbound TFS calls are as follows: InterLATA IntraLATA MAC 1 Year Term Plan 2 Year Term Plan 3 Year1 Term Plan 1 Year Term Plan 2 Year Term Plan 3 Year1 Term Plan $600 $0.1350 $0.1300 $0.1240 $0.1350 $0.1300 $0.1240 $2,400 $0.1340 $0.1280 $0.1220 $0.1340 $0.1280 $0.1220 $6,000 $0.1320 $0.1260 $0.1200 $0.1320 $0.1260 $0.1200 $9,000 $0.1320 $0.1260 $0.1200 $0.1320 $0.1260 $0.1200 $12,000 $0.1260 $0.1200 $0.1140 $0.1260 $0.1200 $0.1140 $18,000 $0.1260 $0.1200 $0.1140 $0.1260 $0.1200 $0.1140 $24,000 $0.1260 $0.1200 $0.1140 $0.1260 $0.1200 $0.1140 $30,000 $0.1200 $0.1140 $0.1080 $0.1200 $0.1140 $0.1080 $42,000 $0.1200 $0.1140 $0.1080 $0.1200 $0.1140 $0.1080 $60,000 $0.1140 $0.1080 $0.1020 $0.1140 $0.1080 $0.1020 $90,000 $0.1140 $0.1080 $0.1020 $0.1140 $0.1080 $0.1020 $120,000 $0.1080 $0.1020 $0.0960 $0.1080 $0.1020 $0.0960 $180,000 $0.1050 $0.0990 $0.0930 $0.1050 $0.0990 $0.0930 $240,000 $0.1020 $0.0960 $0.0900 $0.1020 $0.0960 $0.0900 The out of term per minute usage rates for outbound and inbound TFS calls associated with expired 1-Year, 2-Year, and 3-Year term agreements are as follows:1 MAC InterLATA IntraLATA $600 $1.2890 (I) $1.2890 (I) $2,400 $1.2695 (I) $1.2695 (I) $6,000 $1.2497 (I) $1.2497 (I) $9,000 $1.2497 (I) $1.2497 (I) $12,000 $1.1905 (I) $1.1905 (I) $18,000 $1.1905 (I) $1.1905 (I) $24,000 $1.1905 (I) $1.1905 (I) $30,000 $1.1308 (I) $1.1308 (I) $42,000 $1.1308 (I) $1.1308 (I) $60,000 $1.0710 (I) $1.0710 (I) $90,000 $1.0710 (I) $1.0710 (I) $120,000 $1.0118 (I) $1.0118 (I) $180,000 $0.9821 (I) $0.9821 (I) $240,000 $0.9520 (I) $0.9520 (I) 1Effective July 12, 2016, 3-Year terms are no longer available. Existing Customers may continue with their current 3-Year term until the term expires. Existing Customers at the end of their current 3-Year term may request to renew this plan for a 1-Year or 2-Year term, or they may continue to subscribe to this plan on a month-to-month basis at the then applicable out of term rates for this plan. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 12, 2016 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 4th Revised Sheet 330.2 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 3rd Revised Sheet 330.2 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 30, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2015 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.62 Reserved for Future Use 4.7.63 Reserved for Future Use (D) (T) (D) (D) (T) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance,LLC Idaho P.U.C.No.9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 1st Revised Sheet 330.3 dlb/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels Original Sheet 330.3 Carol Paulsen,Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued:July 17,2012 Dallas,Texas 75202 Effective:August 16.2012 SECTION 4-SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) (D) (D) Idaiio Public Uttlities CommisjoiOfficeoftheACCEpI2 AUG ] SBC Long Distance,LLC Idaho P.U.C.No.9 d/bla SBC Long Distance 1st Revised Sheet 330.4 dlb/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels Original Sheet 330.4 Carol Paulsen,Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued:July 17.2012 Dallas,Texas 75202 Effective:August 16,2012 SECTION 4-SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) (D) (D) --- AUG 1 6 201Z E3WSe,IdahO SBC Long Distance,LLC Idaho P.U.C.No.9 d/bla SBC Long Distance 1st Revised Sheet 330.4.1 dIb’a AT&T Long Distance Cancels Original Sheet 330.4.1 Carol Paulsen,Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued:July 17.2012 Dallas,Texas 75202 Effective:August 16,2012 SECTION 4-SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) (D) (D) Idaho Public Uttbties CommissionOfficeoftheSecretary ACCEPTS: SBC Long Distance.LLC Idaho PU.C.No.9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 2nd Revised Sheet 330.3.2 dib!a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 1St Revised Sheet 330.4.2 Carol Paulsen.Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued:July 17,2012 Dallas,Texas 75202 Effective:August 16,2012 SECTION 4-SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) (D) (D) daho Public Uti•lities Commission Office of fhe Secretary ACCEPTED FOR AU6 1 6 2012’ SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 3rd Revised Sheet 330.5 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 2nd Revised Sheet 330.5 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: September 30, 2015 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: October 12, 2015 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.7 Custom Business Services (continued) 4.7.64 Reserved for Future Use 4.7.65 Reserved for Future Use 4.7.66 Reserved for Future Use (T) (T) (T) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 12, 2015 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 10th Revised Sheet 331 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 9th Revised Sheet 331 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: March 1, 2019 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: March 12, 2019 SECTION 4 - SWITCHED SERVICES RATES AND CHARGES 4.8 Custom Consumer Services 4.8.1 Reserved for future use 4.8.2 AT&T Nationwide CallingSM1 120 formerly known as AT&T Nationwide Calling 120SM Direct1 The bundled intrastate/interstate MRC is $14.99 and the per minute usage rate is $0.10 for calls completed after the 120 minute block of time has been used. 4.8.3 AT&T ONE RATE® Nationwide Preferred Direct The bundled interstate/intrastate MRC is $5.99, and the per-minute rate is $0.14. 4.9 Expired Plans 4.9.1 AT&T Business Long Distance Aggregation Preferred1 MAC Per Minute Rate 1 Year Term Plan 2 Year Term Plan 3 Year Term Plan $ 9,000 $0.0874 $0.0874 $0.0874 $ 12,000 $0.0874 $0.0874 $0.0874 $ 18,000 $0.0874 $0.0874 $0.0874 $ 24,000 $0.0874 $0.0874 $0.0874 $ 30,000 $0.0874 $0.0874 $0.0874 $ 42,000 $0.0874 $0.0874 $0.0874 $ 60,000 $0.0874 $0.0874 $0.0874 $ 90,000 $0.0874 $0.0874 $0.0874 $120,000 $0.0874 $0.0874 $0.0874 $180,000 $0.0874 $0.0874 $0.0874 1Effective June 1, 2008, this Service is no longer available to new Customers and existing Customers at new locations. 2This Service is no longer available to new Customers or existing Customers at new locations effective July 12, 2009. (T) (T)(I) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING March 12, 2019 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance,LLC Idaho P.U.C.No.9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 2nd Revised Page 332 d!b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 1st Revised Page 332 Carol Paulsen,Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued:April 17,2012 Dallas,Texas 75202 Effective:May 19.2012 SECTION 5 -MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 5.1 Return Check Charge When another telecommunications carrier provides the billing function on behalf of the Company. the other carrier’s bad check charge applies.Otherwise,the Company will assess the Customer a return check charge of $20.00.or the face value of the check,whichever is the lesser,for any check that is returned for any reason by the financial institution on which it is drawn. 5.2 Reserved for future use T D D flOPtJbHC ;• SBC Long Distance,LLC Idaho P.U.C.No.9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 2nd Revised Page 333 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 1St Revised Page 333 Carol Paulsen,Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued:April 17,2012 Dallas,Texas 75202 Effective:May’19.2012 SECTIONS -MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 5.3 Reserved for future use T I D SBC Long Distance, LLC Idaho P.U.C. No. 9 d/b/a SBC Long Distance 3rd Revised Sheet 334 d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Cancels 2nd Revised Sheet 334 Linda Guay, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Issued: August 1, 2014 Dallas, Texas 75202 Effective: August 12, 2014 SECTION 5 - MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 5.4 Payphone Origination Charge Pursuant to the FCC's Order in CC Docket 96-128, this charge applies only to dial-around calls, i.e., calls originating using a carrier's access code, a Customer's 800/877/888 (and other area code assignments as appropriate) number and other toll free numbers and debit card calls, from payphone instruments. The Customer shall pay the Company a per call charge of $0.60 per call for all such traffic. 5.5 PIC Change Rebate If local telephone company is requested to change the subscriber's PIC from one long distance service provider to another long distance service provider, the local telephone company may charge the Customer for the PIC change. If a Customer incurs such a charge from its local telephone company for changing the PIC to the Company, the Company will rebate that charge to the Customer. The rebate will be in the form of a credit on the Customer's bill. The credit will appear within two (2) billing cycles after the Customer provides the Company proof that the local telephone company billed the Customer for the PIC change. (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 12, 2014 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Janet Vader, Associate Director Regulatory 5850 W. Las Positas Blvd. Pleasanton, California 94588 Idaho P.D.C. No. Original Page 335 Issued: November 29 2006 Effective: December 12, 2006 SECTION 6 - PROMOTIONS General From time-to-time, the Company may offer special promotions to its Customers waiving certain charges offering Service(s) at special rates, and/or offering promotional discounts. Promotional discounts include but are not limited to reduced monthly rates or charges for an existing Service, incentive subscription bonuses, free Service periods, full or partial waivers of installation charges or optional feature charges or any combination thereof. Terms and conditions of promotions may be limited to certain dates, times market segments, and/or locations. The Company may engage in national and/or intrastate special promotional offerings or trial Service offerings designed to attract new Customers, retain existing Customers, win back former Customers, or stimulate Customer usage. The terms of national promotional offerings are set forth in the applicable interstate Voice Product Reference and Pricing Guide which may be found at www.sbc.com governing such programs. To the extent these programs may extend intrastate Services, the terms of these national offerings are incorporated by reference. The Company may require an advance payment as a condition of a promotional offering. The Company will provide the Commission a ten (10) day advance notice prior to offering a promotion. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Of~ice of the Secretaij ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 1 2 2006 Boise, Idaho .. - SBC Long Distance, LLC d//a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Carol Paulsen, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Dallas, Texas 75202 Idaho P.U.C. NO.9 1 st Revised Page 336 Cancels Original Page 336 Issued: Februar 17,2011 Effective: March 21, 2011 SECTION 6 - PROMOTIONS D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING March 21, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho P.U.C. NO.9 1st Revised Page 337 Cancels Original Page 337 SBC Long Distance, LLC d//a SBC Long Distance d//a AT&T Long Distace Carol Paulsen, Director Regulatory 208 South Akard Street Dallas, Texas 75202 Issued: Februar 17,2011 Effective: March 21,2011 SECTION 6 - PROMOTIONS D I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I D Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING March 21, 2011 Boise, Idaho SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Janet Vader, Associate Director Regulatory 5850 W. Las Positas Blvd. Pleasanton, California 94588 Idaho P.D.e. No. Original Page 338 Issued: November 29 2006 Effective: December 12, 2006 SECTION 7 - SPECIAL SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS General The Company may offer Services to Customers for terms and conditions and for rates and charges that differ from those stated in this Price List. Individual contracts will specify the applicable terms and conditions, rates and charges, and the length of the term plan agreement. Such terms and conditions and rates and charges will be available under contract to similarly situated Customers for a period of ninety (90) days following the effective date of the SSA of the initial Customer for whom the SSA was designed, unless otherwise specifically provided for in the SSA. Similarly situated Customers enrolling in a SSA must agree to service installation no more than ninety (90) days after contracting to receive services under a SSA. 1.2 Unless otherwise specified, the regulations for the special service arrangements are in addition to the applicable regulations specified in other sections ofthis Price List. Customer-specific service arrangements, which may include engineering, installation, construction, facilities, assembly, and/or other special services, may be furnished in addition to existing Price List offerings. Rates terms, and conditions plus any additional regulations, if applicable, for the special service arrangements will be developed upon Customer s request. Idatm Pub1k mmties tomm~ Of~jce ,of the Secf&3ry ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG DEC 1 2 2006 &ise.