HomeMy WebLinkAboutQwest Corp S ID Private Line Transport.pdfIdaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrety) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog September 7,2013 PREFACE PAGE Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 Pursuant to commitments made with wholesale customers in the Settlement Agreement entered into on November 6,2010,as amended,between CenturyLink,Inc. (CenturyLink),Qwest Communications international,Inc.(QCI),and Integra Telecom, Inc.(integra)in the context of CenturyLink’s merger with QCI,[Qwest/CenturyLink] hereby provides notice of: Wholesale (lnterexchange Carrier,Local Exchange Carrier and Commercial Mobile Radio Service Provider)term agreements for Private Line Transport Services will be extended by 12 months beyond the expiration date of the then existing term,unless the wholesale customer opts out of this extension. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTA1NED TN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog TITLE PAGE SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 TERMS, CONDITIONS, RATES AND CHARGES PRIVATE LINE TRANSPORT SERVICES IDAHO ADOPTION NOTICE NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-13-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 1 Index Page 1 Release 2 Effective:9-7-2013 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secrety) ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 7,2013 Boise,Idaho SUBJECT Application of Catalog Catalog Format Explanation of Abbreviations Explanation of Catalog Change Symbols Reference to Other Publications Reference to Other Tariffs or Catalogs Reference to Technical Publications Subject Index Table of Contents Trademarks,Service Marks and Trade Names SOUTHERN IDAHO Issued:8-28-2013 1.APPLICATION AND REFERENCE PAGE 13 16 15 25 19 20 8 2 19 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrety) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 1 August 8,2011 Page 1 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:7-28-201 1 Effective:8-8-2011 _______________________ 1.APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.1 APPLICATION OF CATALOG This Catalog contains regulations,terms,conditions,rates and charges applicable (T) to Private Line Transport Services provided by Qwest Corporation d/b/a (C) CenturyLink QC,hereinafter referred to as the Company,throughout the territory served by it in the State of Southern Idaho.The regulated services offered herein by Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC,whether under that name or the trade or brand name CenturyLink,are subject to the terms and conditions of this Catalog.(C) The terms and conditions and rates and charges are applicable to all intraLATAlintrastate Private Line Transport Services furnished by the Company. The provision of such services by the Company,as set forth in this Catalog,does not constitute a joint undertaking with the customer for the furnishing of any service. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.1 1-13-SID SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 1 Page 2 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 1. APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.2 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE SECTION 1. APPLICATION AND REFERENCE PPLICATION F ATALOG ABLE F ONTENTS UBJECT NDEX ATALOG ORMAT OCATION F ATERIAL UTLINE TRUCTURE ATE ABLES ESERVED OR UTURE SE XPLANATION F ATALOG HANGE YMBOLS XPLANATION F BBREVIATIONS RADEMARKS ERVICE ARKS ND RADE AMES EFERENCE O THER ARIFFS R ATALOGS EFERENCE O ECHNICAL UBLICATIONS EFERENCE O THER UBLICATIONS SECTION 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS NDERTAKING F HE OMPANY COPE IMITATIONS IABILITY NSTALLATION ND ERMINATION F ERVICES ROVISION F ERVICES HANGES ND UBSTITUTIONS EFUSAL ND ISCONTINUANCE F ERVICE IMITATION F SE F ETALLIC ACILITIES OTIFICATION F ERVICE FFECTING CTIVITIES OORDINATION ITH ESPECT O ETWORK ONTINGENCIES ROVISION ND WNERSHIP F ELEPHONE UMBERS PECIAL AXES EES AND HARGES NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-13-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret(y) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 1 September 7,2013 Page 3 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 ________________________ 1.APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.2 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont’d) PAGE 2.2 USE 7 2.2.1 INTERFERENCE OR IMPAIRMENT 7 2.2.2 UNLAWFUL USE 7 2.3 OBLIGATIONS OF THE CUSTOMER 8 2.3.1 ORDERiNG,PAYMENT AND COMPLIANCE WITH TERMS AND CONDITIONS 8 2.3.2 DAMAGES 9 2.3.3 OWNERSHIP OF FACILITIES 9 2.3.4 EQUIPMENT SPACE AND POWER 9 2.3.5 HAZARDOUS AND ExPLOSivE ENVIRONMENTS 10 2.3.6 AVAILABILITY FOR TESTING 10 2.3.7 REFERENCES To THE COMPANY 10 2.3.8 CLAIMS AND DEMANDS FOR DAMAGES 11 2.3,9 COORDINATION WITH RESPECT To NETWORK CONTINGENCIES 11 2.3.10 BUSINESSHOURS 11 2.3.11 DETERMINATION OF JURISDICTION AND CHARGES FOR MIXED INTERSTATE AND INTRASTATE PRIVATE LINE TRANSPORT SERVICE 12 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES 16 2.4.1 END USER ACCOUNTS 16 2.4.2 CARRIER ACCOUNTS 20 2.4.3 MINIMUM PERIODS 25 2.4.4 CANCELLATION OF AN ORDER FOR SERVICE 25 2.4.5 CREDIT ALLOWANCE FOR SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS 26 2.4.6 ORDERING,RATING AND BILLING OF PRIVATE LINE TRANSPORT WHERE MORE THAN ONE EXCHANGE COMPANY IS INVOLVED 30 2.4.7 TERMINATION LIABILITY/WAIVER POLICY 34 2.5 CONNECTIONS 36 2.5.1 GENERAL 36 2.6 DEFINITIONS 37 2.12 NATURAL DISASTER RELIEF FOR CUSTOMERS 54 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-Sb Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret.y) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SEcTiON 1 September 7,2013 Page 4 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2: Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-20 13 1.APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.2 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont’d) PAGE SECTION 3.RATE REGULATIONS 3.1 GENERAL 3.2 TYPES OF CHARGES 3.2.1 RECURRING RATES 3.2.2 NONRECURRING CHARGES 1 3.2.3 CUSTOM SERVICE ARRANGEMENT 10 3.2.4 ALTERNATE PRICING ARRANGEMENT 10 3.3 MINIMUM BILLING PERIOD AND FRACTIONAL RATES 11 3.4 MILEAGE MEASUREMENT 12 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrety) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 1 September 7,2013 Page 5 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 _______________________ 1.APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.2 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont’d) PAGE SECTION 4.ORDER MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4.1 GENERAL 1 4.1.1 SERVICE DATE CHANGE I 4.1.2 DESIGN CHANGE 2 4.1.3 CANCELLATION OF APPLICATION FOR SERViCE 3 4.1.4 EXPEDiTE 7 4.1.5 DESIGN LAYOUT REPORT 8 4.1.6 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION 8 4.1.7 MAINTAINING FACIL1TIE5 10 4.1.8 REPAIR OF FACILITIES 10 4.1.9 MAINTENANCE OF SERVICE 10 4.1.10 MAINTENANCE OF SERVICE CHARGES 11 4.1.11 ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING 12 4.1.12 ADDITIONAL LABOR 12 4.1.13 ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING AND LABOR CHARGES 13 4.1.14 ACCEPTANCE TESTING 15 4.1.15 TESTING SERVICES 15 4.1.16 DISPATCHCHARGE 17 4.2 PROVISION OF PRIVATE LINE TRANSPORT BILLING INFORMATION-CARRIERS 18 4.3 FACILITIES PROTECTION -SPECIAL FACILITIES ROUTING 20 4.3,1 DESCRIPTION 20 4.3.2 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 21 4.3.3 RATES AND CHARGES 22 4.4 FACILITIES PROTECTION -HOT STANDBY PROTECTION 24 4.4.1 DESCRIPTION 24 4.4.2 PROVISION OF SERVICE 24 4.4.3 RATES AND CHARGES 24 4.5 PROTECTION SERVICE FOR HIGH VOLTAGE ENVIRONMENTS 25 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the SeCrety) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SEcTIoN 1 September 7,2013 Page 6 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 6 Noticed:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 ______________________ 1.APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.2 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont’d) PAGE SECTION 5.SERVICES 5.1 GENERAL 1 5.1.1 SERVICETYPES I 5.1.2 RATECATEGORIES 4 5.1.3 SERVICE CONFIGURATIONS 6 5.1.4 RATE STABILIZED AND DISCOUNT PRICING 11 5.1.5 FACILITYHUBS 20 5.1.6 SHARED USE 21 5.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 5.2.1 LOW-SPEED DATA SERVICE 22 5.2.2 VOICE GRADE SERVICE 27 5.2.4 AUDIO SERVICE 36 5.2.5 FOREIGN EXCHANGE SERVICE 39 5.2.6 FOREIGN CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICE 42 5.2.7 EXCHANGE SERVICE EXTENSIONS (N0N-PBX)45 5.2.8 TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE 46 5.2.9 DIGITAL DATA SERViCE 49 SECTION 105.OBSOLETE SERVICES 105.1 GENERAL 1 105.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS I 105.2.2 VOICE GRADE SERVICE 1 105.2.5 FOREIGN EXCHANGE SERVICE 2 105.2.14 PROTECTIVE CONNECTION ARRANGEMENTS 3 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID SOUTHERN IDAHO Issued:8-28-2013 SECTION 1 Page 7 Release 5 Effective:9-7-20 13 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secrety) ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 7,2013 Boise,Idaho SECTION 6.RATES AND CHARGES 6.1 ANALOG AND DIGITAL DATA SERVICE SERVICE PROVISIONING CHARGE NETWORK ACCESS CHANNEL (NAC) CHANNEL PERFORMANCE (CP) TRANSPORT MILEAGE (TM) OPTIONAL FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog 1.APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.2 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont’d) 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.1.5 PAGE 2 8 13 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret!) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTIoN 1 September 7,2013 Page 8 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 _______________________ 1.APPLICATiON AND REFERENCE 1.3 SUBJECT INDEX SUBJECT SECTION Acceptance Testing 4 Additional Cooperative Acceptance Testing 4 Additional Engineering 4 Additional Labor 4 Administrative Charges 3 Advance Payments 2 Alternate Pricing Arrangement 3 Analog and Digital Data Service 6 Audio Service 5 Availability for Testing 2 Avoidance 4 Billing 2 Billing Disputes 2 Billing Information 4 Bridging 5 Business Hours 2 Cancellation of an Application for Service 4 Carrier Accounts 2 Central Office Multiplexing 5 Changes and Substitutions 2 Channel Performance 3,5 Rates and Charges 6 Conditioning 5 CO Relay 5 Connections 2 Coordination with Respect to Network Contingencies 2 Credit Allowance for Service Interruptions 2 Critical Dates 4 Custom Service Arrangement 3 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMiTTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrety) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 1 September 7,2013 Page 9 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-20 13 Effective:9-7-2013 _________________________ 1.APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.3 SUBJECT INDEX (Cont’d) SUBJECT SECTION Damages 2 Definitions 2 Deposits 2 Design Change 4 Design Layout Report 4 Digital Data Service (DDS)5 Discount Pricing 5 Dispatch Charge 4 Disputes 2 Diversity 4 End User Accounts 2 Equipment Space and Power 2 Exchange Service Extensions (Non-PBX)5 Facilities Protection-Special Facilities Routing 4 Facility Flub 5 Foreign Exchange Service 5 Foreign Central Office Service 5 Fractional Rates 3 Half-Tap 5 Hazardous and Explosive Environments 2 Hot Standby Protection 4 Hub 5 Installation and Termination of Service 2 Interest Rates on Deposits 2 Interference or Impairment 2 Key Arrangement 5 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 1 Page 10 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 6 Issued: 5-20-2016 Effective: 6-1-2016 1. APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.3 SUBJECT INDEX (Cont'd) SUBJECT SECTION NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 1, 2016 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrety) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTIoN 1 September 7,2013 Page 11 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 _______________________ 1.APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.3 SUBJECT INDEX (Cont’d) SUBJECT SECTION Payment Arrangements and Credit Allowances 2 Premium Time 2 Protection Service for High Voltage Environments 4 Provision and Ownership of Telephone Numbers 2 Provision of Private Line Transport Billing Information - Carriers 4 Provision of Services 2 Rate Categories 5 Rate Regulations 3 Rate Stabilized and Discount Pricing 5 Rates and Charges 6 Recurring Rates 3 Reestablishment of Service Following Fire,Flood, or Other Occurrence 3 References to the Company 2 Refusal and Discontinuance of Service 2 Repair of Facilities 4 Rollover 3 Scope 2 Secondary Channel 5 Service Configurations 5 Multipoint Service 5 Two-Point Service 5 Service Date Change 4 Service Guarantee -Provisioning 3 Service Provisioning 3 Service Provisioning Charge 6 Service Rearrangements 3,5 Service Types 5 Shared Use 5 Special Construction 4 Special Taxes,Fees and Charges 2 Subject Index 1 Subsequent Service Provisioning 3 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the SeCrety) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 1 September 7,2013 Page 12 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 1.APPLIcATION AND REFERENCE 1.3 SUBJECT INDEX (Cont’d) SUBJECT SECTION Table of Contents Telecommunications Service Priority 2 Telephone Answering Service 5 Temporary Surrender of a Service 2 Termination Liability/Waiver Policy 2 Testing Services 4 Additional Cooperative Acceptance Testing 4 Nonscheduled Testing 4 Trademarks,Service Marks and Trade Names Transfer or Assignment of Service 2 Transport Mileage 3,5 Rates and Charges 6 Types of Charges 3 Undertaking of the Company 2 Unlawful Use 2 Use 2 Use of Alternate Service Provided by the Company 2 Voice Grade Service 5 Obsolete 105 When a Credit Allowance Applies 2 When a Credit Allowance Does Not Apply 2 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrety) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 1 September 7,2013 Page 13 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 ________________________ 1.APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.4 CATALOG FORMAT 1.4.1 LOCATION OF MATERIAL 1.Section 1 provides the following for all of the sections in this Catalog: •Subject Index -an alphabetical listing to find the desired section. •Table of Contents -A numerical listing to find the desired section and page. 2.Each individual section in the Catalog provides a Subject Index for the material located within that section. 3.Obsolete Service Offerings Obsolete service offerings are identified in the Catalog by adding 100 to the current section number,i.e.,obsolete items from Section 5,Services,would be found in Section 105,Obsolete Services.This section is then filed behind Section 5. 1.4.2 OUTLINE STRUCTURE This document uses nine levels of indentations referred to as Tariff information Management (TIM)Codes,as outlined below: LEVEL APPLiCATION EXAMPLE 1 Section Heading 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2 Sub Heading 2.5 CONNECTIONS 3 Sub Heading 2.5.1 GENERAL 4 Sub Heading/Text A.Text 5 Sub Heading/Text 1.Text 6 Sub Heading/Text a.Text 7 Sub Heading/Text (1)Text 8 Sub Heading/Text (a)Text 9 Footnotes [1]Text NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 1 Page 14 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 1. APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.4 CATALOG FORMAT (Cont'd) 1.4.3 RATE TABLES • •– • • 1.4.4 RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-13-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho 1.APPLiCATION AND REFERENCE 1.5 EXPLANATION OF CATALOG CHANGE SYMBOLS SYMBOL EXPLANATION (C)To signify changed regulation (D)To signify discontinued material (I)To signify rate increase (M)To signify material moved from or to another part of the document withno change,unless there is another change symbol present (N)To signify new material (R)To signify rate reduction (T)To signify a change in text but no change in rate or regulation Qwest Corporation ct/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 1 Page 15 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secret) ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 7,2013 Boise,Idaho NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT iS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SEcTIor”1 September 7,2013 Page 16 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 1.APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.6 EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS ac -Alternating current ACAT -Additional Cooperative Testing ACD -Automatic Call Distributor AIOD -Automatic Identification of Outward Dialing AMA -Automatic Message Accounting AML -Actual Measured Loss AST -Automatic Scheduled Testing Blvd.-Boulevard C.F.R -Code of Federal Regulations CI -Channel Interface CNCC -Customer Network Control Center Co.-Company CO -Central Office CPE -Customer Provided Equipment CP -Channel Performance cps -Cycles per second CST -Cooperative Scheduled Testing Ctx -Centrex dB -Decibel dBmO -Decibel Reference to 0dB dBrnC -Decibel Reference Noise C-Message Weighting dBrnCO -Decibel Reference Noise C-Message Weighting 0 dBv -Decibel (s)Relative to 1 Volt (Reference) dBvL -Decibel(s)Relating to 1 Volt (Reference) dc -Direct current D.C.-District of Columbia DD -Service Date DDS -Digital Data Service DID -Direct Inward Dialing DLR -Design Layout Report NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 1 Page 17 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 1. APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.6 EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS (Cont'd) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 1 September 7,2013 Page 18 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-28-20 13 Effective:9-7-2013 _________________________ 1.APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.6 EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS (Cont’cl) MST -Manual Scheduled Testing MTS -Message Telecommunications Service(s) N.-North NA -Not Applicable NAC -Network Access Channel NCI -Network Channel Interface No.-Number NRC -Nonrecurring Charge NST -Nonscheduled Testing OFX -Obsolete Foreign Exchange OTPL -Zero Transmission Level Point PBX -Private Branch Exchange PCA -Protective Connecting Arrangement P1 -Priority Installation PLTS -Private Line Transport Service P.O.-Post Office POT -Point of Termination S.-South SRL -Singing Return Loss SWC -Serving Wire Center TAS -Telephone Answering Service TIM -Tariff Information Management TLP -Transmission Level Point TM -Transport Mileage TSP -Telecommunications Service Priority U.S.-United States USAC -Universal Special Assembly Code V -Vertical VG -Voice Grade V &H -Vertical &Horizontal W.-West NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC [Office of the Secrety) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SEcTIoN 1 August 8,2011 Page 19 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:7-28-2011 Effective:8-8-2011 1.APPLicATIoN AND REFERENCE 1.7 TRADEMARKS,SERVICE MARKS AND TRADE NAMES (D) Trade names,trademarks andlor service marks which may be used for services (N) offered in this Catalog are owned by CenturyLink,Inc.or a subsidiary of CenturyLink,Inc.and are used by the Company with express permission. Trademark and service mark designations will not be listed hereafter in this Catalog.However,the laws regarding trademarks and service marks are applicable. Trade names,trademarks and service marks that are owned by CenturyLink,Inc. or subsidiary of CenturyLink,Inc.cannot be used by another party without authorization. CENTURYLINK CENTURYLINKTMCENTURYLINKSM (N) 1.8 REFERENCE To OTHER TARIFFS OR CATALOGS Whenever reference is made in this Catalog to other tariffs or catalogs of the Company,the reference is to the tariffs or catalogs in force as of the effective date of this Catalog,and to amendments thereto and successive issues thereof. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 1-13-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrete(3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 1 September 7,2013 Page 20 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 ________________________ 1.APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.9 REFERENCE To TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS A.All service(s)installed after the original effective date of this Catalog must conform to the transmission specification standards contained in this Catalog or in the following Technical References and associated Addenda for each category of service. B.The following technical publications may be obtained from Bell Communications Research,inc.,Distribution Storage Center,60 New England Ave.,Piscataway,NJ 08854-4196: PUBLICATION TITLE NUMBER Transport Systems Generic FR-NWT-000440 Requirements issued:1992 Edition Ordering and Billing Forum-Multiple SR-ILB-000983 Exchange Carrier Access Billing (MECAD) Issued:November,1987 industry Support Interface (ISI)SR-STS-000284 General Overview Issued:November,1987 Ordering and Billing Forum-Multiple SR-TAP-000984 Exchange Carrier Ordering and Design Guidelines (MECOD) Issued:March,1988 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secretti) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTIoN 1 September 7,2013 Page 21 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-20 13 1.APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.9 REFERENCE To TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS B.(Cont’d) PUBLICATION TiTLE NUMBER Telecommunications Transmission ST-TEC-000053 Engineering Textbook-Volume 3: Network and Services,Third Edition issued:August,1989 Voice Grade Special Access TR-NPL-000335 Service Transmission Parameter Limits and Interface Combinations Issued:May,1990 Metallic and Telegraph Grade TR-NPL-000336 Special Access Service Transmission Parameter Limits and Interface Combinations Issued:October,1987 Program Audio Special Access TR-NPL-000337 and Local Channel Services Issued:July,1987 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.[3-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secretet3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 1 September 7,2013 Page 22 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 _______________________ 1.APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.9 REFERENCE To TECHNICAL PUBLLCATIONS (Cont’d) C.The following Qwest Corporation Technical Publications are referenced in this Tariff and may be viewed at: http ://www.qwest.comltechpub Pu BL1CATiON TITLE NUMBER Qwest Corporation Digital Data Service 77204 Product Description,Applications and Interface Combinations Voice Grade Special Service -Basic 77309 Voice -Transmission Parameter and Interface Combinations Qwest Corporation -77311 Analog Channels for Non-Access Services Qwest Corporation Digital Data Service 77312 Technical Description Qwest Corporation -77313 Low Speed Data Channels Interface Specifications and Combinations NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED 1N THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 1 September 7,2013 Page 23 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Noticed:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 _______________________ 1.APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.9 REFERENCE To TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS C.(Cont’d) PUBLICATION TiTLE NUMBER Special High Voltage Protection 77321 Qwest Corporation Diversity and Avoidance 77344 Network Channel (NC)and Network 77365 Channel Interface (NCI)Code Combinations NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.1 3-02-SID SID2015-004 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 1 Page 24 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 4-21-2015 Effective: 5-1-2015 1. APPLICATION AND EFERENCE 1.10 REFERENCE TO OTHER PUBLICATIONS A. The following publications are available for inspection in the Public Reference room of the Tariff Division at the main building of the Federal Communications Commission located at 1919 M Street N.W., Washington, D.C., and may be obtained from the Federal Communications Commission's commercial contractor: TITLE CC Docket No. 83-1145, Phase I Memorandum Opinion and Order (Including Appendices A, B, and C) Adopted: May 31, 1985 Released: June 12, 1985 National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc. Tariff F.C.C. No. 4 CenturyLink Operating Companies Tariff F.C.C. No. 11 CenturyLink Operating Companies Tariff F.C.C. No. 12 B. The following publication may be obtained by contacting the Qwest Corporation Company Account Representative: TITLE Qwest Corporation Service Interval Guide Issued: November, 1988 (T) (T) OTICETHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 15-01-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2015 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTiON 1 September 7,2013 Page 25 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 _______________________ 1.APPLIcATION AND REFERENCE 1.10 REFERENCE To OTHER PUBLICATIONS (Cont’d) C.The following publications may be obtained through the Government Printing Office,Superintendent of Documents,Document Control Branch,941 N.Capitol St.N.E.,Washington,D.C.20401: TITLE Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP)System for National Security Emergency Preparedness (NSEP) Service Vendor Handbook, National Communications System (NCS)H 3-1-2 Issued:July,1990 Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP)System for National Security Emergency Preparedness (NSEP) Service User Manual, National Communications System (NCS)M 3-1-1 Issued:July,1990 Code of Federal Regulations,Title 47 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commiss) Private Line Transport Office of the Secretary Services Catalog SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Index Page 1 September 7,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,Idaho Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS SUBJECT PAGE Advance Payments 17 Availability for Testing 10 Billing Carrier Accounts 20 End User 16 Billing Disputes 23 Business Hours 11 Cancellation of an Order for Service 25 Carrier Accounts 20 Changes and Substitutions 4 Claims and Demands for Damages Ii Connections 36 Coordination with Respect to Network Contingencies 5,11 Credit Allowance for Service Interruptions 26 Damages 9 Definitions 37 Deposits Carrier Accounts 20 End User Accounts 16 Determination of Jurisdiction and Charges for Mixed interstate and intrastate Private Line Transport Service 12 Diagram 32 End User Accounts 16 Equipment Space and Power 9 Hazardous and Explosive Environments 10 Installation and Termination of Services 3 Interference or Impairment 7 NOTICE THE iNFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 September 7,2013 Index Page 2 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 __________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS SUBJECT PAGE Late Payment Charge Liability Limitations Limitation of Use of Metallic Facilities Meet Point Billing 30 Minimum Periods 25 Natural Disaster Relief For Customers 54 Notification of Service Affecting Activities 5 Obligation of the Customer 8 Ordering,Payment and Compliance with Terms and Conditions 8 Ordering,Rate and Billing of Private Line Transport Where More than One Exchange Telephone Company is Involved (Meet Point Billing)30 Overtime 11 Ownership of Facilities 9 Payment Arrangements and Credit Allowances 16 Premium Time 11 Provision and Ownership of Telephone Numbers 6 Provision of Services 4 References to the Company 10 Refusal and Discontinuance of Service 5 Scope I Special Taxes,Fees and Charges 6 Telecommunications Service Priority 1 Temporary Surrender of a Service 29 Termination Liability/Waiver Policy 34 Transfer or Assignment of Service 8 Undertaking of the Company Unlawful Use 7 Use 7 Use of Alternative Service Provided by the Company 29 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTIoN 2 September 7,2013 Page 1 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 _________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.1 UNDERTAKING OF THE COMPANY 2.1.1 SCOPE A.Private Line Transport is the furnishing of Company facilities for communication purposes of the customer and end users (jointly referred to as customer)between specified locations.Private Line Transport is provided by means of wire,fiber, radio or any other suitable technology or a combination thereof.Service is furnished 7 days per week,24 hours per day for a minimum billing period of one month or as defined in 2.4.3,following. B.The Company shall be responsible only for the installation,operation and maintenance of the services which it provides,as defined in 2.1.4 and 2.1.5, following. C.The Company does not warrant that its facilities and services meet standards other than those set forth in this Catalog and the associated technical references. D.The Company will,for maintenance purposes,test its services only to the extent necessary to detect and/or clear troubles. 2.1.2 LIMITATIONS A.The installation and restoration of services shall be subject to the regulations set forth in Section 10 of the Access Service Tariff concerning the Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP)System. B.Subject to compliance with the rules mentioned in A.,preceding,where a shortage of channels exists at any time either for temporary or protracted periods,the services offered herein will be provided to customers on a first come,first served basis. C.The furnishing of service under this Catalog will require certain physical arrangements of the facilities of the Company and is therefore subject to the availability of such facilities. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.[3-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the SecrettJ) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 September 7,2013 Page 2 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.1 UNDERTAKING OF THE COMPANY (Cont’d) 2.1.3 LIABILITY A.The Company’s liability,if any,for its willful misconduct is not limited by this Catalog.With respect to any other claim or suit,by a customer or by any others, for damages associated with the installation,provision,preemption,termination, maintenance,repair or restoration of service,including presubscription,and subject to the provisions of B.through G.,following,the Company’s liability,if any,shall not exceed an amount equal to the proportionate charge for the service for the period during which the service was affected.This liability shall be in addition to any amounts that may otherwise be due the customer under this Catalog as a Credit Allowance for a Service Interruption as set forth in 2.4.5, following. B.The Company shall be indemnified,defended and held harmless by the customer against any claim,loss,or damage arising from use of services offered under this tariff involving: 1.Claims for libel,slander,invasion of privacy and infringement of copyright arising from the material transmitted over the facilities or the customer’s or Interexchange Carrier’s (IC)own communications; 2.Claims for infringement of patents arising from combining with,or using in connection with,facilities furnished by the Company,facilities or equipment furnished by the customer or IC; 3.All other claims arising out of any act or omission of the customer or IC in connection with the facilities provided by the Company. C.The Company shall not be liable for any act or omission of any customer providing a portion of a service,nor shall the Company for its own act or omission hold liable any customer providing a portion of a service. D.The Company does not guarantee or make any warranty with respect to its services when used in an explosive atmosphere.The Company shall be indemnified, defended and held harmless by the customer from any and all claims by any person relating to such customer’s use of services so provided. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 September 7,2013 Page 3 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN iDAHO Release 2 issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 __________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.1 UNDERTAKING OF THE COMPANY 2.1.3 LIABILITY (Cont’d) E.The Company is not liable for any defacement of or damage to the premises of a customer resulting from the furnishing of any facilities by the Company on the premises or by the installation or removal when defacement or damage is not the result of negligence of the agents or employees of the Company. F.No license under patents (other than the limited license to use)is granted by the Company or shall be implied or arise by estoppel,with respect to any service offered under this Catalog.The Company will defend the customer against claims of patent infringement arising solely from the use by the customer of services offered under this Catalog and will indemnify such customer for any damages awarded based solely on such claims. G.The Company’s failure to provide or maintain services under this Catalog shall be excused by labor difficulties,governmental orders,civil commotions,criminal actions taken against the Company,acts of God and other circumstances beyond the Company’s reasonable control,subject to the Credit Allowance for a Service Interruption as set forth in 2.4.5,following. 2.1.4 INSTALLATION AND TERMINATION OF SERVICES The services provided under this Catalog,(A)will include any Company facilities to that point where provision is made for termination of the Company’s outside distribution network facilities at a suitable location at a customer-designated premises,and (B)will be installed by the Company to such point of termination (POT).Each Private Line Transport has only one POT per customer premises.Any additional terminations beyond such POT are the sole responsibility of the customer. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secretet3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 September 7,2013 Page 4 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.1 UNDERTAKING OF THE C0MPANY(Cont’d) 2.1.5 PROVISION OF SERViCES A.The services provided to the Point of Termination (POT)under this Catalog shall be maintained by the Company.The customer may not rearrange,disconnect, remove or attempt to repair or permit others to rearrange,disconnect,remove or attempt to repair any facilities installed by the Company to the POT,except upon the written consent of the Company. B.Facilities on the premises of a customer furnished by the Company to the POT,are the property of the Company,whose agents and employees shall have the right to enter said premises at any reasonable hour for the purpose of installing,inspecting or repairing the facilities,or upon termination of the service or channel,for the purpose of removing Company facilities. 2.1.6 CHANGES AND SUBSTiTUTIONS Except as provided for equipment and systems subject to F.C.C.Part 68 regulations at 47 C.F.R.Section 68.110(b),the Company may,where such action is reasonably required in the operation of its business,(A)substitute, change or rearrange any facilities used in providing service under this Catalog, including but not limited to,(1)substitution of different metallic facilities,(2) substitution of carrier or derived facilities for metallic facilities used to provide other than metallic facilities and (3)substitution of metallic facilities for carrier or derived facilities used to provide other than metallic facilities,(B)change minimum protection criteria,(C)change operating or maintenance characteristics of facilities,or (D)change operations or procedures of the Company. In case of any such substitution,change or rearrangement,the performance characteristics will be within the range as set forth in this Catalog.The Company shall not be responsible if any such substitution,change or rearrangement renders any customer furnished services obsolete or requires modification or alteration thereof or otherwise affects their use or performance. If such substitution,change or rearrangement materially affects the operating characteristics of the facility,the Company will provide reasonable notification to the customer in writing.Reasonable time will be allowed for any redesign and implementation required by the change in operating characteristics.The Company will work cooperatively with the customer to determine reasonable notification requirements. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 September 7,2013 Page 5 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.1 UNDERTAKING OF THE COMPANY (Cont’d) 2.1.7 REFUSAL AND DISCONTINUANCE OF SERVICE The Company,by written notice to the customer,may immediately discontinue the furnishing of Private Line Transport,without incurring any liability,upon: •Nonpayment of any sum due the Company,or •A violation of any condition governing the furnishing of service. 2.1.8 LIMITATION OF USE OF METALLIC FACILITIES Signals applied to a metallic facility shall conform to the limitations set forth in the appropriate Technical Reference Publication.In the case of application of dc telegraph signaling systems,the customer shall be responsible,at its expense,for the provision of current limiting devices to protect the Company facilities from excessive current due to abnormal conditions and for the provision of noise mitigation networks when required to reduce excessive noise. 2.1.9 N0TIF1CAT10N OF SERVICE-AFFECTING ACTIV1TIES The Company will provide the customer reasonable notification of service- affecting activities that may occur in normal operation of its business.Such activities may include,but are not limited to,equipment or facilities additions, removals or rearrangements,routine preventative maintenance and major switching machine change-out.Generally,such activities are not individual customer service specific,they affect many customer services.No specific advance notification period is applicable to all service activities.The Company will work cooperatively with the customer to determine the reasonable notification requirements. 2.1.10 COORDINATION WITH RESPECT To NETWORK CONTINGENCIES The Company intends to work cooperatively with the customer to develop network contingency plans in order to maintain maximum network capability following natural or man-made disasters which affect telecommunications services. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAiNED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 September 7,2013 Page 6 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 __________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.1 UNDERTAKING OF THE COMPANY (Cont’d) 2.1.11 PRovISIoN AND OWNERSHIP OF TELEPHONE NUMBERS The Company reserves the reasonable right to assign,designate or change telephone numbers,any other call number designations associated with Private Line Transport,or the Company serving office prefixes associated with such numbers,when necessary in the conduct of its business.Should it become necessary to make a change in such number(s),the Company will notify the customer of the effective date and an explanation of the reason(s)for such change(s). 2.1.12 SPECIAL TAXES,FEES AND CHARGES Insofar as practicable,any sales,use,privilege,excise,franchise or occupation tax,costs of furnishing service without charge or similar taxes or impositions now or hereafter levied by the Federal,State,or Local government or any political subdivision or taxing authority thereof may be billed by the Company to its customers on a pro rata basis in the areas wherein such taxes,impositions or other charges shall be levied against the Company. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.1 3-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secretetj) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 September 7,2013 Page 7 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.2 USE 2.2.1 INTERFERENCE OR IMPAIRMENT A.The characteristics and methods of operation of any circuits,facilities or equipment provided by other than the Company and associated with the facilities utilized to provide services under this Catalog shall not interfere with or impair service over any facilities of the Company,its affiliated companies,or its connecting and concurring carriers involved in its services,cause damage to their plant,impair the privacy of any communications carried over their facilities or create hazards to the employees of any of them or the public. B.Except as provided for equipment or systems subject to the F.C.C.’s Part 68 Rules in 47 C.F.R.Section 68.108,if such characteristics or methods of operation are not in accordance with A.preceding,the Company will,where practicable,notify the customer that temporary discontinuance of the use of a service may be required; however,where prior notice is not practicable,nothing contained herein shall be deemed to preclude the Company’s right to temporarily discontinue forthwith the use of a service if such action is reasonable under the circumstances.In case of such temporary discontinuance,the customer will be promptly notified and afforded the opportunity to correct the condition which gave rise to the temporary discontinuance.During such period of temporary discontinuance,Credit Allowance for Service Interruptions,as set forth in 2.4.5,following,is not applicable. 2.2.2 UNLAWFUL USE Private Line Transport shall not be used for any unlawful purposes. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SEcTI0P’2 September 7,2013 Page 8 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.3 OBLIGATIONs OF THE CUSTOMER 2.3.1 ORDERING,PAYMENT AND COMPLiANCE WITH TERMS AND CONDITIONS A.The customer shall be responsible for placing all orders for service,payment of all charges offered herein and compliance with Company regulations. B.The customer may not assign or transfer the use of services provided under this Catalog;however,where there is no interruption of use or relocation of the services,such assignment or transfer may be made to: 1.Another customer,whether an individual,partnership,association or corporation, provided the assignee or transferee assumes all outstanding indebtedness for such services,and the unexpired portion of the minimum period and the termination liability applicable to such services,if any,or; 2.A court-appointed receiver,trustee or other person acting pursuant to law in bankruptcy,receivership,reorganization,insolvency,liquidation or other similar proceedings,provided the assignee or transferee assumes the unexpired portion of the minimum period and the termination liability applicable to such services,if any. C.In all cases of assignment or transfer,the written acknowledgment of the Company is required prior to such assignment or transfer which acknowledgment shall be made within 15 days from the receipt of notification.All regulations and conditions contained in this Catalog shall apply to such assignee or transferee. D.The assignment or transfer of services does not relieve or discharge the assignor or transferor from remaining jointly or severally liable with the assignee or transferee for any obligations existing at the time of the assignment or transfer. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the SecrettJ) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SEcTioN 2 September 7,2013 Page 9 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.3 OBLiGATIONs OF THE CUSTOMER (Cont’d) 2.3.2 DAMAGES The customer shall reimburse the Company for damages,to Company facilities utilized to provide services under this Catalog,caused by the negligence or willful act of the customer,or resulting from the customer’s improper use of the Company facilities,or due to malfunction of any facilities or equipment provided by other than the Company.Nothing in the foregoing provision shall be interpreted to hold one customer liable for another customer’s actions.The Company will,upon reimbursement for damages,cooperate with the customer in prosecuting a claim against the person causing such damage and the customer shall be subrogated to the right of recovery by the Company for the damages to the extent of such payment. 2.3.3 OWNERSHIP OF FACILITIES Facilities utilized by the Company to provide service under the provisions of this Catalog shall remain the property of the Company.Such facilities shall be returned to the Company by the customer,whenever requested,within a reasonable period following the request in as good condition as reasonable wear will permit. 2.3.4 EQUIPMENT SPACE AND POWER The customer shall furnish or arrange to have furnished to the Company,at no charge,equipment space and electrical power required by the Company to provide services under this Catalog at the POT of such services.The selection of ac or dc power shall be mutually agreed to by the customer and the Company.The customer shall also make necessary arrangements in order that the Company will have access to the premises at any reasonable hour for installing,testing,repairing or removing the facilities of the Company. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 September 7,2013 Page 10 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 ________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.3 OBLIGATIONS OF THE CUSTOMER (Cont’d) 2.3.5 HAZARDOUS AND ExPLoSiVE ENVIRONMENTS The customer shall be responsible for the provision,installation and maintenance of sealed conduit with explosive-proof fittings between facilities furnished by the Company in explosive atmosphere and points outside the hazardous area where connection may be made with regular facilities of the Company.The customer may also be required to install and maintain Company facilities within the hazardous area if,in the opinion of the Company,injury or damage to Company employees or property might result from installation or maintenance by the Company. 2.3.6 AVAILABILITY FOR TESTING The services provided under this Catalog shall be available to the Company at times mutually agreed upon in order to permit the Company to make tests and adjustments appropriate for maintaining the services in satisfactory operating condition.Such tests and adjustments shall be completed within a reasonable time.No credit will be allowed for any interruptions involved during such tests and adjustment. 2.3.7 REFERENCES To THE COMPANY The customer may advise their end users that certain services are provided by the Company in connection with the service the customer furnishes to their end users;however,the customer shall not represent that the Company jointly participates in these services. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secretetj) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 September 7,2013 Page 11 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 __________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.3 OBLIGATIONS OF THE CUSTOMER (Cont’d) 2.3.8 CLAIMS AND DEMANDS FOR DAMAGES A.With respect to claims of patent infringement made by third persons,the customer shall defend,indemnify,protect and save harmless the Company from and against all claims arising out of the combining with,or use in connection with,the services provided under this Catalog,any circuit,apparatus,system or method provided by the customer. B.The customer shall defend,indemnify and save harmless the Company from and against any suits,claims,losses or damages including punitive damages,attorney fees and court costs by third persons arising out of the construction,installation, operation,maintenance,or removal of the customer’s circuits,facilities,or equipment connected to the Company’s services provided under this Catalog, including,without limitation,Worker’s Compensation claims,actions for infringement of copyright and/or unauthorized use of program material,libel and slander actions based on the content of communications transmitted over the customer’s circuits,facilities or equipment,and proceedings to recover taxes,fines, or penalties for failure of the customer to obtain or maintain in effect any necessary certificates,permits,licenses,or other authority to acquire or operate the services provided under this Catalog;provided,however,the foregoing indemnification shall not apply to suits,claims,and demands to recover damages for damage to property,death,or personal injury unless such suits,claims or demands are based on the tortuous conduct of the customer,its officers,agents or employees. C.The customer shall defend,indemnify and save harmless the Company from and against any suits,claims,losses or damages,including punitive damages,attorney fees and court costs by the customer or third parties arising out of any act or omission of the customer in the course of using services provided under this Catalog. 2.3.9 COORDINATION WITH RESPECT To NETWORK CONTINGENCIES The customer shall,in cooperation with the Company,coordinate in planning the actions to be taken to maintain maximum network capability following natural or man-made disasters which affect telecommunications services. 2.3.10 BUSINESS HOURS Normal business hours are from Monday through Friday 8 a.m.to 5 p.m. Hours before 8 a.m.and after 5 p.m.,Monday through Friday,and all of Saturdays are considered overtime.Sundays and Holidays are premium time. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2015-004 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 2 Page 12 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 4-21-2015 Effective: 5-1-2015 2. GENERAL EGULATIONS 2.3 OBLIGATIONS OF THE CUSTOMER (Cont'd) 2.3.11 DETERMINATION OF JURISDICTION AND CHARGES FOR MIXED INTERSTATE AND INTRASTATE PRIVATE LINE TRANSPORT SERVICE A. When a customer orders a Private Line Transport Service, the customer must state the jurisdiction for each service ordered. When a Private Line Transport Service is used for both interstate and intrastate traffic, the jurisdiction will be determined as follows: 1. If the customer's estimate of the interstate traffic on the service involved constitutes ten percent or less of the total traffic on that service, the service will be provided in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations of this Catalog. 2. If the customer's estimate of the interstate traffic on the service involved constitutes more than ten percent of the total traffic on that service, the service will be provided in accordance with the appropriate interstate rules and regulations specified in CenturyLink Operating Companies Tariff F.C.C. No. 11. B. If a customer's estimate of interstate traffic on an interstate service should change to ten percent or less, the service requires a change in jurisdiction and the customer must submit an order to change the jurisdiction of the service. A change in jurisdiction is considered a service rearrangement and subject to the regulations set forth in 3.2.2.G. C. If a customer's estimate of interstate traffic on an intrastate service should change to more than ten percent, the service requires a change in jurisdiction and the customer must submit an order to change the jurisdiction of the service. A change in jurisdiction is considered a service rearrangement and subject to the regulations set forth in CenturyLink Operating Companies Tariff F.C.C. No. 11. D. When mixed interstate and intrastate Private Line Transport Service is provided, the jurisdiction of the service is determined in accordance with A. through C., preceding. If the Private Line Transport Service is determined to be an intrastate service, 100 percent of all appropriate charges of this Catalog will apply. If the Private Line Transport Service is determined to be an interstate service, 100 percent of the interstate charges, as specified in CenturyLink Operating Companies Tariff F.C.C. No. 11, will apply. (T) (T) (T) (T) OTICETHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 15-01-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2015 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 September 7,2013 Page 13 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 ________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.3 OBLiGATIONS OF THE CUSTOMER 2.3.11 DETERMINATION OF JURISDICTION AND CHARGES FOR MIXED INTERSTATE AND INTRASTATE PRIVATE LINE TRANSPORT SERVICE (Cont’d) E.For Private Line Transport Service,the Company will ask the customer to provide the data the customer uses to determine the projected interstate percentage,if a billing dispute arises or a regulatory commission questions the customer provided interstate percentage.The customer shall keep records of system design and functions from which the percentage of interstate and intrastate use can be ascertained and,upon request of the Company;make the records available for inspection as reasonably necessary for purposes of verification of the percentages. F.A Company audit request is intended to occur only in extreme circumstances,not as a matter of course,and only after the Company has given reason to the customer why such action is necessary.If the matter remains in controversy,the customer or the Company may seek Commission resolution. G.The Company will ask the customer to provide the data the customer uses to determine the projected interstate percentage if a billing dispute arises or a regulatory commission questions the customer-provided interstate percentage.The customer shall supply the data within (thirty)30 days of the Company request. The Company will not request such data more than once a year.The customer shall keep records of system design and functions from which the percentage of interstate and intrastate use can be ascertained and,upon request of the Company; make the records available for inspection as reasonably necessary for purposes of verification of the percentages. H.Jurisdictional Report Proprietary Information The data the customer provides to the Company to support their interstate percentage is considered proprietary to the customer.The Company agrees to use and protect such information by exercising the same degree of care normally used to protect its own proprietary information. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 September 7,2013 Page 14 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 ________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.3 OBLIGATIONS OF THE CUSTOMER 2.3.11 DETERMINATION OF JURISDICTION AND CHARGES FOR MIXED INTERSTATE AND INTRASTATE PRIVATE LINE TRANSPORT SERVICE (Cont’d) I.Contested Audits 1.When a jurisdictional audit is conducted by the Company or an independent Certified Public Accountant (CPA)auditing firm selected by the Company,the audit results will be furnished to the customer by certified U.S.Mail (return receipt requested).The customer may contest the audit results by providing written notification (by certified U.S.Mail,return receipt requested),to the Company within fifteen (15)calendar days from the date the audit report is furnished to the customer by certified U.S.Mail (return receipt requested).When a jurisdictional audit is conducted by an independent Certified Public Accountant (CPA)auditing firm selected by the customer,the audit results will be furnished to the Company by certified U.S.Mail (return receipt requested).The Company may contest the audit results by providing written notification (by certified U.S. Mail,return receipt requested),to the customer within fifteen (15)calendar days from the date the audit report is furnished to the Company by certified U.S.Mail (return receipt requested). 2.Contested audits will be resolved by the Company and the customer within thirty (30)days of written notification,or a neutral arbitrator will be mutually agreed upon by the Company and the customer.During the initial thirty (30)day resolution period,the Company and the customer will review the audit process and the data used to calculate the PTU factor in an attempt to resolve the dispute. Should the Company and the customer resolve the dispute on the PIU factor,a neutral arbitrator would not be warranted. 3.Contested audits will be resolved by a neutral arbitrator mutually agreed upon by the Company and the customer.The arbitration hearing will be conducted in Denver,Colorado or a state and location within the Company operating territory that is mutually agreed upon by both parties.The arbitration proceeding, including the decision rendered,shall be governed by the law (both statutory and case)of the state in which the arbitration hearing is held,including but not limited to the Uniform Arbitration Act as adopted in that state. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 September 7,2013 Page 15 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 _________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.3 OBLIGATIONS OF THE CUSTOMER 2.3.11 DETERMINATION OF JURISDICTION AND CHARGES FOR MIXED INTERSTATE AND INTRASTATE PRIVATE LINE TRANSPORT SERVICE I.Contested Audits (Cont’d) 4.Prior to the arbitration hearing,each party shall notify the arbitrator of the PIU factor which that party believes to be correct.The arbitrator,in deciding,may adopt the PIU factor of either party or may adopt a PIU factor different from those proposed by the parties. 5,If the arbitrator adopts a PIU factor proposed by one of the parties,the other party (whose PIU factor was not adopted)shall pay all costs of the arbitration.If the arbitrator adopts a PIU factor higher than the PIU factor proposed by both parties, then the party proposing the lower PIU factor shall pay all costs of the arbitration. If the arbitrator adopts a PIU factor lower than the PIU factor proposed by both parties,then the party proposing the higher PIU factor shall pay all costs of the arbitration.If the arbitrator adopts a PIU factor which falls between the two factors proposed by the parties,then the parties shall each pay one-half of the arbitration costs. 6.Absent written notification,within the time frame as set forth preceding,audit results cannot be contested and the Company will adjust the customer’s PIU factor based upon the audit results. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 September 7,2013 Page 16 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES 2.4.1 END USER ACCOUNTS A.Deposits 1.The Company,in accordance with the “The Telephone Customer Relations Rules”,may require an applicant for service or a present customer which has a proven history of late payments to the Company or does not have established credit with the Company,to make and keep intact a deposit prior to or at any time after the provision of a service to the customer to be held by the Company.No such deposit will be required of a customer which is a successor of a company which has established credit with the Company and has no history of late payments to the Company. The fact that a deposit has been made shall in no way relieve the customer from complying with the regulations of the Company as to advance payments and the prompt payment of bills on presentation,nor constitute a waiver or modification of the regular practices of the Company providing for the discontinuance of service for nonpayment of any sums due the Company for service rendered. 2.The Company adopts by reference “The Telephone Customer Relations Rules”, codified at IDAPA 31.41.01000 et seq,by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and all amendments to those rules which may be hereafter adopted by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission.Copies of these Rules are on file in every Business Office and are available for public inspection. 3.Interest will be payable on all deposits at the rate determined by the I.P.U.C. pursuant to Commission rule IDAPA 31 .41 .01106.interest will accrue from the date of the deposit until the date of refund or application to the customer’s telephone bill. 4.The deposit will be returned to the customer within 18 months after the customer has established good credit. 5.If,however,the average charge exceeds $100 per month,the Company may retain the deposit longer than 18 months. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED TN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 September 7,2013 Page 17 Boise,IdahoSOUTHERNIDAHORelease2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES 2.4.1 END USER ACCOUNTS (Cont’d) B.Advance Payments 1.In accordance with the Company’s practice of requiring that all regularlyrecurringratesforservices,equipment,and facilities be paid monthly in advance, an applicant for service will be required to pay in advance at the time applicationforserviceismade,the nonrecurring charges applicable,together with at least one month’s charges for the services,equipment,and facilities applied for,and,where necessary,in the opinion of the Company,the estimated amount ofconstructioncharges. 2.The amount of the advance payment will be credited to the customer’s accountandappliedtoanyindebtednessunderthecontractforservice,equipment,andfacilitiesfurnished,and for nonrecurring charges. C.The customer is responsible for payment of all charges for facilities and services furnished,including charges for services originated,or charges accepted,at such facilities,in accordance with the Company’s regular billing and collection practices. D.All charges for service,equipment,and facilities exclusive of charges for local messages in excess of the monthly allowance and toll messages,are payablemonthly,in advance.Charges for local messages in excess of the monthlyallowanceandtollmessagesarepayablemonthlyexceptthattheCompanyreservestherighttorequirepaymentofsuchchargesatmorefrequentintervals. The Company may require payment of charges prior to the due date which mayappearonanystatementorbillrenderedtothecustomerbytheCompany. E.Where the rates and charges for a particular service are determined by applying apercentageorsimilarfactortoaquotedrate,and such computation results in afraction,the charge for the service shall be computed to the nearest cent,a half cent being increased to the next higher cent. F.In the event a customer is indebted to the Company for charges and service rendered at a prior time,of any nature,or for service under one or more numbers at the same location,and the customer does not pay the charges or satisfy such indebtedness,the Company may charge and bill such indebtedness for a residence account against the same customer’s residence service or a business account against the customer’s business service. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 September 7,2013 Page l8 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES 2.4.1 END USER ACCOUNTS (Cont’d) G.in the event that payment from a customer is less than the total amount of all charges owing to the Company and the customer does not specifically designate the manner to apply said payment,then the Company may apply all or any part of the payments received to such accounts or indebtedness in any manner the Company desires. H.Payment of bills for service may be made by any means mutually acceptable to the customer and the Company.Payment which is not honored or paid by customer’s designated financial institution will be considered as nonpayment. I.The customer bill is due upon receipt.Customers have the following options as to the method of paying bills for Company services: •At any Company payment depository location. •At the office of any authorized payment agent of the Company. •By U.S.Mail,by check or money order only. •Through an agent of the customer. •By electronic funds transfer. J.In order to avoid collection procedures which could result in a temporary disconnection of service,payment must be received no later than the due and payable date shown on the customer’s bill. K.Payments received by the Company on or before the due and payable date on the customer’s bill will prevent collection procedures which could result in a disconnect of service provided the following billing information is remitted with payment.The following items are all contained on the customer’s bill: •Customer’s name •Customer’s telephone/billing number •Customer’s customer code •Customer’s account type •Amount of payment NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 September 7,2013 Page 19 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDiT ALLOWANCES 2.4.1 END USER ACCOUNTS (Cont’d) L.Payments received by the Company after the due and payable date on the customer’s bill,but at least one day before the termination date on the suspension notice,may result in discontinuance of the customer’s service unless the following billing information is remitted with payment: •All of the items enumerated in K.,preceding,and •The customer’s advised final payment date before discontinuance for nonpayment. M.The Company will not be responsible if a customer’s service is disconnected after payment has been remitted,unless the payment is made as set forth in K.or L., preceding,as applicable. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secretet3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 September 7,2013 Page 20 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 __________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES (Cont’d) 2.4.2 CARRIER ACCOUNTS A.Deposits 1.The Company,in accordance with the “The Telephone Customer Relations Rules”,may require an applicant for service or a present customer which has a proven history of late payments to the Company or does not have established credit with the Company,to make and keep intact a deposit prior to or at any time after the provision of a service to the customer to be held by the Company.No such deposit will be required of a customer which is a successor of a company which has established credit with the Company and has no history of late payments to the Company. The fact that a deposit has been made shall in no way relieve the customer from complying with the regulations of the Company as to advance payments and the prompt payment of bills on presentation,nor constitute a waiver or modification of the regular practices of the Company providing for the discontinuance of service for nonpayment of any sums due the Company for service rendered. 2.The Company adopts by reference “The Telephone Customer Relations Rules”, codified at IDAPA 3 1.41.01000 et seq,by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and all amendments to those rules which may be hereafter adopted by the idaho Public Utilities Commission.Copies of these Rules are on file in every Business Office and are available for public inspection. 3.interest will be payable on all deposits at the rate determined by the 1.P.U.C. pursuant to Commission rule IDAPA 3 1.41.01106.Interest will accrue from the date of the deposit until the date of refund or application to the customer’s telephone bill. 4.The deposit will be returned to the customer within 18 months after the customer has established good credit. 5.If,however,the average charge exceeds $100 per month,the Company may retain the deposit longer than 18 months. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAiNED TN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 September 7,2013 Page 21 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 __________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES 2.4.2 CARRIER ACCOUNTS (Cont’d) B.Advance Payments 1.In accordance with the Company’s practice of requiring that all regularly recurring rates for services,equipment,and facilities be paid monthly in advance, an applicant for service will be required to pay in advance at the time application for service is made,the nonrecurring charges applicable,together with at least one month’s charges for the services,equipment,and facilities applied for,and, where necessary,in the opinion of the Company,the estimated amount of construction charges. 2.The amount of the advance payment will be credited to the customer’s account and applied to any indebtedness under the contract for service,equipment,and facilities furnished,and for nonrecurring charges. C.The Company shall bill on a current basis all charges incurred by and credits due to the customer under this Catalog attributable to services,established or discontinued during the preceding billing period.in addition,the Company shall bill in advance charges for all services to be provided during the ensuing billing period except for charges associated with service usage and for the Federal Government which will be billed in arrears.The bill day (i.e.,the billing date of a bill for a customer for Private Line Transport Service under this Catalog),the period of service each bill covers and the payment date will be as follows: 1.The Company will establish a bill day each month for each customer account. The bill will cover non usage sensitive service charges for the ensuing billing period.Payment for such bills is due as set forth in D.,following.If payment is not received by the payment due date,as set forth in D.,following,in immediately available funds,a late payment penalty will apply as set forth in E., following. 2.For billing purposes each month is considered to have 30 days. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the SecrettJ) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 September 7,2013 Page 22 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRAr.GEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES 2.4.2 CARRIER ACCOUNTS (Cont’d) D.All bills as set forth preceding,for service provided to the customer by the Company are due 31 days (payment due date)after the bill date or by the next bill date (i.e.,same date in the following month as the bill date),whichever is the shortest interval,except as provided herein,and are payable in immediately available funds.If such payment due date would cause payment to be due on a Saturday,Sunday or Holiday (i.e.,New Year’s Day,Independence Day,Labor Day,Thanksgiving Day,Christmas Day,Veterans Day and a day when Washington’s Birthday,Memorial Day or Columbus Day is legally observed), payment for such bills will be due from the customer as follows: 1.if such payment due date falls on a Sunday or on a Holiday which is observed on a Monday,the payment due date shall be the first non-Holiday day following such Sunday or Holiday.If such payment due date falls on a Saturday or on a Holiday which is observed on Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday or Friday,the payment due date shall be the last non-Holiday day preceding such Saturday or Holiday. E.Further,if any portion of the payment is received by the Company after the payment due date as set forth in D.,preceding,or if any portion of the payment is received by the Company in funds which are not immediately available to the Company,then a late payment penalty shall be due to the Company.The late payment penalty shall be the portion of the payment not received by the payment due date times a late factor.The late factor shall be the lesser of: 1.The highest interest rate (in decimal value)which may be levied by law for commercial transactions,compounded daily for the number of days from the payment due date to and including the date that the customer actually makes the payment to the Company,or 2.0.000407 per day,compounded daily for the number of days from the payment due date to and including the date that the customer actually makes the payment to the Company. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 September 7,2013 Page 23 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES 2.4.2 CARRIER ACCOUNTS (Cont’d) F.In the event of a billing dispute,the customer must submit a documented claim for the disputed amount.If the claim is submitted within 90 days of the payment due date,any interest credits due the customer upon resolution of the dispute shall be calculated from the bill payment date,If the customer submits a claim for the disputed amount more than 90 days from the payment due date,any interest credits due the customer upon resolution of the dispute shall be calculated from the date the claim was submitted,rather than from the bill payment date.Any undisputed amounts withheld by the customer in conjunction with disputed amounts withheld shall be subject to the late payment penalty as set forth in E.,preceding.The Company will resolve the dispute and assess interest credits or penalties to the customer as follows: •If the dispute is resolved in favor of the Company and the customer has paid the disputed amount on or before the payment due date,no interest credits or penalties will apply. •If the dispute is resolved in favor of the Company and the customer has withheld the disputed amount,any payments withheld pending settlement of the dispute shall be subject to the late payment penalty as set forth in E.,preceding. •If the dispute is resolved in favor of the customer and the customer has withheld the disputed amount,no interest credits or penalties will apply. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 September 7,2013 Page 24 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES 2.4.2 CARRIER ACCOUNTS F.(Cont’d) If the dispute is resolved in favor of the customer and the customer has paid the disputed amount,the customer will receive an interest credit from the Company for the disputed amount times a late factor.The late factor shall be the lesser of: -The highest interest rate (in decimal value)which may be levied by law for commercial transactions,compounded daily for the number of days from the date when payment was made or credit claimed in accordance with E., preceding,to and including the payment due date (as set forth in D., preceding)of the bill that reflects the credit for the disputed amount.In the event that the Company agrees to refund a credit by check or wire transfer, interest will be applied up to and including the date of issuance for either the check or wire transfer. -0.000407 per day,compounded daily for the number of days from the date when payment was made or credit claimed in accordance with E.,preceding, to and including the payment due date (as set forth in D.,preceding)of the bill that reflects the credit for the disputed amount.In the event that the Company agrees to refund a credit by check or wire transfer,interest will be applied up to and including the date of issuance for either the check or wire transfer. G.Adjustments for the quantities of services established or discontinued in any billing period beyond the minimum period set forth for services in other sections of this Catalog will be prorated to the number of days or major fraction of days based on a 30 day month.The Company will,upon request and if available, furnish such detailed information as may reasonably be required for verification of any bill. H.When a rate as set forth in this Catalog is shown to more than two decimal places, the charges will be determined using the rate shown.The resulting amount will then be rounded to the nearest penny (i.e.,rounded to two decimal places). NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secretj) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SEcTIoN 2 September 7,2013 Page 25 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 2.GENERAL.REGULATiONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES 2.4.2 CARRiER ACCOUNTS (Cont’d) 1.When more than one copy of a customer bill for services provided under the provisions of this Catalog is furnished to the customer,an additional charge applies for each additional copy of the bill as set forth in 4.2,following. J.Payment of bills for service may be made by check,money order or cash.Payment by check which is not honored or paid by the payer bank will be considered as nonpayment.All charges for service are payable only in lawful money of the United States. 2.4.3 MININIUNI PERIODS A.The minimum period for which services are provided and for which rates and charges are applicable is one month,unless otherwise specified in this Catalog or in specific service agreements. B.The minimum period for which service is provided and for which rates and charges are applicable,for a Custom Service provided on an individual case basis, is one month unless a different minimum period is established with the custom arrangement. Where circumstances warrant,a customer subscribing to Private Line Transport may request,on an individual case basis,an Alternate Pricing Arrangement.The terms and conditions of such an arrangement will be determined by the Company at the time the request is made. C.When a service is discontinued prior to the expiration of the minimum period, charges are applicable,whether the service is used or not,as follows: •When a service with a one month minimum period is discontinued prior to the expiration of the minimum period,a one month charge will apply at the rate level in effect at the time service is discontinued. •When a service with a minimum period greater than one month is discontinued prior to the expiration of the minimum period,a termination charge will apply as specified in 2.4.7,following. 2.4.4 CANCELLATION OF AN ORDER FOR SERVICE Provisions for the cancellation of an order for Private Line Transport are set forth in 4.1.3,following. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret13) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SEcTIoN 2 September 7,2013 Page 26 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 __________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES (ConCd) 2.4.5 CREDIT ALLOWANCE FOR SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS A.General A service is interrupted when it becomes unusable to the customer because of a failure of facilities used to furnish service under this Catalog.An interruption period starts when an inoperative service is found by the Company or reported to the Company and ends when the service is operative. B.When a Credit Allowance Applies 1.In case of an interruption to any service,allowance for the period of interruption, if not due to the negligence of the customer,shall be as follows: a.For Private Line Transport,except for Foreign Exchange,Foreign Central Office,Exchange Service Extensions,and Telephone Answering Service,no credit shall be allowed for an interruption of less than 4 hours.The customer shall be credited for an interruption of 4 hours or more at the rate of 1/180 of the monthly charges for the facility or service for each period of 4 hours or fraction thereof that the interruption continues. The monthly charges used to determine the credit shall be as follows: (1)For two-point services,the monthly charge shall be the total of all the monthly rate element charges associated with the service (i.e.,Network Access Channel,Channel Performance,Transport Mileage and Optional Features and Functions). (2)For multipoint services,the monthly charge shall be only the total of all the monthly rate element charges associated with that portion of the service that is inoperative (i.e.,a Network Access Channel per customer designated premises,Channel Performance,Transport Mileage and Optional Features and Functions). NOTICE THE iNFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 September 7,2013 Page 27 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-20 13 ________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATiONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES 2.4.5 CREDIT ALLOWANCE FOR SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS B.l.a.(Cont’d) (3)For multiplexed services,the monthly charge shall be the total of all the monthly rate element charges associated with that portion of the service that is inoperative.When the facility which is multiplexed or the multiplexer itself is inoperative,the monthly charge shall be the total of all the monthly rate elements associated with the service (i.e.,the Network Access Channel, Channel Performance,Transport Mileage,and Optional Features and Functions,including the multiplexer on the facility to the wire center,and the Network Access Channel,Channel Performance,Transport Mileage and Optional Features and Functions on the individual services from the wire center).When the service which rides a channel of the multiplexed facility is inoperative,the monthly charge shall be the total of all the monthly rate element charges associated with that portion of the service from the wire center to a customer premises. b.For Foreign Exchange Service,Foreign Central Office Service,Exchange Service Extensions,or Telephone Answering Service,no credit shall be allowed for an interruption of less than 24 hours.The customer shall be credited for an interruption of 24 hours or more at the rate of 1/30 of(a)any applicable monthly rates,(b)the assumed minutes of use charge,or (c)the minimum monthly usage charge for each period of 24 hours or fraction thereof that the interruption continues.However,in no case is a credit allowance applicable when the actual usage charge exceeds the minimum monthly usage charge in any one monthly billing period. 2.The credit allowance(s)for an interruption or for a series of interruptions shall not exceed the monthly rate for the service interrupted in any one monthly billing period.For the purpose of determining the allowance every month is considered to have 30 days. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 September 7,2013 Page 28 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES 2.4.5 CREDIT ALLOWANCE FOR SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS (Cont’d) C.When a Credit Allowance Does Not Apply No credit allowance will be made for: 1.Interruptions caused by the negligence of the customer. 2.Interruptions of a service due to the failure of equipment or systems provided by the customer or others. 3.Interruptions of a service during any period in which the Company is not afforded access to the premises where the service is terminated. 4.Interruptions of a service when the customer has released that service to the Company for maintenance purposes,to make rearrangements,or for the implementation of an order for a change in the service during the time that was negotiated with the customer prior to the release of that service. 5.Interruptions of a service which continue because of the failure of the customer to authorize replacement of any element of Special Construction,as set forth in 4.1.6,following.The period for which no credit allowance is made begins on the seventh day after the customer receives the Company’s written notification of the need for such replacement and ends on the day after receipt by the Company of the customer’s written authorization for such replacement. 6.Periods when the customer elects not to release the service for testing and/or repair and continues to use it on an impaired basis. 7.An interruption or a group of interruptions,resulting from a common cause,for amounts less than one dollar. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED TN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SEcTIoN 2 September 7,2013 Page 29 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN iDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-20 13 Effective:9-7-2013 ________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES 2.4.5 CREDIT ALLOWANCE FOR SERViCE INTERRUPTIONS (Cont’d) D.Use of an Alternative Service Provided by the Company Should the customer elect to use an alternative service provided by the Company during the period that a service is interrupted,the customer must pay the appropriate rates and charges for the alternative service used. E.Temporary Surrender of a Service In certain instances,the customer may be requested by the Company to surrender a service for purposes other than maintenance,testing or activity relating to a service order.If the customer consents,a credit allowance will be granted.The credit allowance will be 1/1440 of the monthly rate for each period of 30 minutes or fraction thereof that the service is surrendered.In no case will the credit allowance exceed the monthly rate for the service surrendered in any one monthly billing period. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the SecrettJ) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 September 7,2013 Page 30 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES (Cont’d) 2.4.6 ORDERING,RATING AND BILLING OF PRIVATE LINE TRANSPORT WHERE MORE THAN ONE EXCHANGE TELEPHONE COMPANY Is INVOLVED The Company,if requested by the Customer,will handle ordering,rating,and billing of that portion of Private Line Transport Service that it provides.When service is jointly provided by the Company and another Local Exchange Company the following will apply: A.Each Local Exchange Company will provide the portion of the mileage element in its operating territory and will bill its rates and charges. B.The rate for the mileage element for services provided by the Company as set forth in A.,preceding,is determined as follows: 1.The appropriate mileage is determined by computing the airline mileage between each premises serving wire center using the V&H methods as set forth in the National Exchange Carrier Association Tariff F.C.C.No.4. 2.The billing percentages will be agreed upon by the Local Exchange Telephone Companies involved and are listed in the National Exchange Carrier Association Tariff F.C.C.No.4 or other billing percentage document agreed to by the companies involved. 3.Using the rates for the airline mileage determined in B.I.,preceding,multiply the rates by the Company’s billing percentage to obtain the mileage element rates. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SEcTION’2 September 7,2013 Page 31 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES 2.4.6 ORDERING,RATING AND BILLING OF PRIVATE LINE TRANSPORT WHERE MORE THAN ONE EXCHANGE TELEPHONE COMPANY Is INVOLVED (Cont’d) C.When Private Line Transport service is provided jointly between the Company and another Local Exchange Company,the appropriate recurring rates and nonrecurring charges are applied as follows: 1.The appropriate Private Line mileage rates and nonrecurring charges are applied as specified in B.3.,preceding. 2.All other appropriate Private Line Transport recurring rate elements (e.g., Network Access Channel and Channel Performance)and their associated nonrecurring charges apply at 100 percent. D.When Private Line Transport service is provided jointly and the Company is the intermediate non-terminating carrier,only the recurring mileage rate applies.The rate is determined by multiplying the appropriate mileage rate by the billing percentage. E.When Private Line Transport service is provided jointly between the Company and another Local Exchange Company,or when the Company is the intermediate non- terminating carrier,the appropriate nonrecurring charges apply as set forth in Section 5 of this Catalog. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-S1D Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SEcTIoN 2 Page 32 Release 2 Effective:9-7-20 13 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secret(J) ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 7,2013 Boise,Idaho 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES 2.4.6 ORDERING,RATING AND BILLING OF PRIVATE LINE TRANSPORT WHERE MORE THAN ONE EXCHANGE TELEPHONE COMPANY Is INVOLVED (Cont’d) F.Example -Private Line Transport The following diagram depicts a Private Line Transport Service between a Qwest Corporation Serving Wire Center and a customer premises served by another Exchange Company. a.Private Line Transport is ordered to a serving wire center which is in the operating territory of Qwest Corporation. b.Premises of ordering customer is in operating territory of another Exchange Company. OTHER EXCHANGE COMPANY (OEC) OPERATING TERRITORY V &H COORDINATES WCV =6041 WCUSw565 PREMISES TERRITORY BOUNDARY CUSTOMER PREMISES SOUTHERN IDAHO issued:8-28-2013 OPERATiNG TERRITORY V &H COORDINATES WCV =5972 WC1-Dc2554 PREMISES BP=57 II I I I THE iNFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 September 7,2013 Page 33:Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES 2.4.6 ORDERING,RATING AND BILLING OF PRIVATE LINE TRANSPORT WHERE MORE THAN ONE EXCHANGE TELEPHONE COMPANY Is INVOLVED F.Example -Private Line Transport (Cont’d) 2.Airline Mileages (Using National Exchange Carrier Association Tariff F.C.C.No. 4) •Qwest Corporation premises to OEC premises =22.1,rounded 23 3.Transport Mileage[l] •Assume Qwest Corporation rates for Transport Mileage Band of over 8 to 25 miles are $20.00 fixed and $4.00 per mile. •Assume Qwest Corporation Billing Percentage (BP)is 57. •Calculation of Transport Rates[2j Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC (C)TRANSPORT MILEAGE RATE = 23X$4.00X57%=$52.44 plus $20.00 X 57%=$11.40 $63.84 4.The rates and charges for the Transport Mileage provided by another Exchange Company,will be billed by the other Exchange Company,in accordance with its appropriate tariff. [1)Rates used in this example are used for demonstration purposes only. [2]The same calculation is performed to determine the appropriate Transport Mileage nonrecurring charge. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-S ID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 September 7,2013 Page 34 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 2.GENERAL REGULATiONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES (Cont’d) 2.4.7 TERMINATION LIABILITY/WAIVER POLICY All Private Line Transport Services provided via service agreements,are subject to the Termination Liability/Waiver Policy,unless otherwise specified. A.Minimum Billing Level When services are provided under a fixed-period service agreement,a Minimum Billing Level will be established for use in calculating discontinuance charges. The Minimum Billing Level is 100%of the total monthly rates for the service provided under the custome?s service agreement,unless otherwise specified. Partial discontinuance of service will not decrease the Minimum Billing Level. B.Minimum Service Period When services are provided under a service agreement,a Minimum Service Period may be established.This would be the period of time that the 100%factor of the Termination Liability Charge would apply. C.Complete Disconnect If the customer chooses to completely discontinue contracted service,at any time during the term of the agreement,a termination charge will apply,unless the customer satisfies the conditions specified in the Waiver Policy.The termination charge is 100%of the rates for the Minimum Service Period,if applicable,plus the Minimum Billing Level multiplied by the termination liability percentage specified in the service agreement,for the remaining term of the agreement. •For example,if the customer discontinues service after 17 months of a 3-year (36 months)agreement,the termination charge will be the Minimum Billing Level for the service multiplied by the termination liability percentage, multiplied by 19 months. •If the customer discontinues service after 6 months of a 3-year (36 month) agreement,with a 1-year (12 months)Minimum Service Period,the Termination Charge will be 100%of the N inimum Billing Level for the remaining 6 months of the Minimum Service Period,plus the Minimum Billing Level multiplied by the termination liability percentage,multiplied by 24 months. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID SID2017-004 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 2 Page 35 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 07-11-17 Effective: 07-12-17 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES 2.4.7 TERMINATION LIABILITY/WAIVER POLICY (Cont'd) D. Partial Disconnect the agreement, a ter agreement that is below the Minimum Billing Level. E. Waiver Policy if the customer moves to a different location within the Company territory or migrates to another Company service. When the customer is purchasing these services to offer to third party end users, the end user must be the same for both the old and new service. In the cas must be the same at the old and new location. original service and the new service or tran contracted service(s), provided all of the following conditions are met: • The customer signs a new service agreement for any other Company service(s); • Both the existing and the new service(s) are provided solely by the Company; • new service(s) are received by the Company at the same time; • The new the Company; • construction than 115% of the remaining value of the existing agreement(s); • term begins; • The customer agrees to pay an the new service agreement; • (T) (T) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 17-04-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 12, 2017 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SEcTIoN 2 September 7,2013 Page 36 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.5 CONNECTIONS 2.5.1 GENERAL Equipment and Systems (i.e.,terminal equipment,multiline terminating systems and communications systems)may be connected with Private Line Transport furnished by the Company where such connection is made in accordance with the provisions specified in the code of Federal Regulations, Title 47,Chapter 1,Federal Communications Commission,Part 68, Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network and 2.1, preceding. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SI[) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 September 7,2013 Page 37 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-20 13 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.6 DEFINITIoNS Certain terms used herein are defined as follows: Attenuation Distortion Denotes the differences in loss at specified frequencies relative to the loss at 1004 Hz,unless otherwise specified. Audio Transmission Denotes speech or music transmission by means of an Audio channel. Authorized User Denotes a person,firm,or corporation who is authorized by the customer to be connected to the service of the customer.An authorized user must be specifically named in the application for service and a termination of the service must be located at the authorized user’s premises. Automatic Ringdown Denotes a two-point or multipoint channel with Company provided signaling at a serving wire center.Either end of the channel can originate a seizure which will cause a 20 Hz ringing signal to be applied to the remote ends until answered. The customer must identify primary and remote stations. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 September 7,2013 Page 38 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 _________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.6 DEFINITIONS (Cont’d) Base Rate Area Denotes that portion of the exchange area surrounding and including the serving wire center within which urban classes of local service are offered at rates that do not vary with the distance from the serving wire center or exchange rate center. Baud Denotes a unit of signaling speed.It is the reciprocal of the time duration in seconds of the shortest signal element (binary 1 or 0)within a code signal.The rates specified are the number of signal elements per second. Bit Denotes the smallest unit of information in the binary system of notation. Bridging Denotes the process of connecting three or more customer locations. Business Day Denotes the times of day that a company is open for business.Generally,in the business community,these are 8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m.with an hour for lunch, Monday through Friday,resulting in a standard forty (40)hour work week. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SEcTioN 2 September 7,2013 Page 39 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 ________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.6 DEFINITIoNs (Cont’d) Carrier or Common Carrier See “Interexchange Carrier”. Central Office (CO) Denotes a local switching unit providing local telephone service to customers within an exchange or wire center serving area.More than one Central Office may be located in the same wire center. Central Office Prefix Denotes the first three digits (NXX)of the seven digit telephone number assigned to a customer’s Telephone Exchange Service when dialed on a local basis. Channel(s) Denotes the individual segment(s)of a circuit. Channel Service Unit Denotes equipment which performs one or more of the following functions: termination of a digital facility,regeneration of digital signals,detection and/or correction of signal format errors,and remote loop back. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 September 7,2013 Page 40 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.6 DEFINITIoNs (Cont’d) Channel Performance Denotes establishing or enhancing the performance characteristics of a channel. Circuit Denotes facilities and/or equipment necessary to provide a specific service. Class of Service Denotes a subgrouping of customers typically for the purpose of rate distinctions. Common Line Denotes a line,trunk,pay telephone line or other facility provided under the appropriate catalog of the Company terminated on a central office switch.A common line-residence or business is a line or trunk provided under the residence terms and conditions of the Basic Local Exchange Services Tariff. Communication System Denotes channels and other facilities which are capable of communications between terminal equipment provided by other than the Company. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 September 7,2013 Page 41 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-20 13 Effective:9-7-20 13 2.GENERAl.REGULATIONS 2.6 DEFINITIONS (Cont’d) Conditioning Denotes an enhancement to the transmission performance of a Voice Grade circuit.Performance(s)affected are attenuation distortion,envelope delay, distortion and noise. Contact Closure Denotes the low resistance short provided by a pair of electrical contacts which indicate a change in signaling states on a circuit. Continuous Property Denotes the land,including any building or buildings thereon,occupied or used in the conduct of one establishment or business,throughout which there is a general access without the necessity of crossing land used publicly or privately by others. Contract Denotes the service agreement between a customer and the Company under which facilities for communication between specified locations,for designated periods,and for the use of the customer and the authorized users specifically named in the contract are furnished in accordance with the provision of this catalog. Control Leg Denotes the specific leg of a multipoint circuit used by the customer to broadcast to all tributary legs and to control all tributary legs so that only one tributary is transmitting back towards the control leg at a time. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SEcTIoN 2 September 7,2013 Page 42 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-20 13 Effective:9-7-20 13 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.6 DEFINITIONS (Cont’d) Customer(s) Denotes any individual,partnership,association,joint-stock company,trust, corporation,governmental entity or any other entity which subscribes to the services offered under this catalog,including both Interexchange Carriers (iCs) and/or End Users. Demarcation Point See “Point of Termination (POT)”. Design Layout Report (DLR) Denotes a document which describes the circuit provided by the Company and matches the service ordered by the customer. Duplex Denotes service which provides for simultaneous transmission in both directions. E&M Signaling Arrangements Denotes a method of transmitting signaling between switching equipment. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAfNED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SEcTIoN 2 September 7,2013 Page 43 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.6 DEFINITIoNs (Cont’d) Echo Control Denotes the control of reflected electrical energy in a telephone transmission path. Echo Return Loss (ERL) Denotes the weighted average of the return loss of all frequencies between 560 and 1965 Hz. Effective 2-Wire Denotes a channel consisting of a single electrical path capable of voice grade transmission in both directions,but not simultaneously,and which is 2-Wire at the points of termination. Effective 4-Wire Denotes a channel comprised entirely of 4-Wire facilities.The channel may be terminated as 2-Wire or 4-Wire at the end-user.The termination at the Interexchange Carrier Point Of Termination (IC POT)must be 4-Wire.When terminated as 2-Wire it is not possible to ensure independent information transmission simultaneously in both directions. End-Link or Mid-Link Denotes one end of a two-point (end-link)or multipoint (mid-link)circuit that is transported interLATA. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-S1D Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/bla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SEcTIor 2 September 7,2013 Page 44 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-20 13 Effective:9-7-20 13 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.6 DEFINITIONS (Cont’d) End Office Switch Denotes a local Telephone Company switching system where Telephone Exchange Service Customer station loops are terminated for purposes of interconnection to trunks. End to End Denotes a circuit that is transported from a customer’s premises to other premises location(s)within the LATA. End-User (EU) Denotes any customer of telecommunications service that is not a carrier,except that a carrier shall be deemed to be an “end-user”to the extent that such carrier uses a telecommunications service for administrative purposes without making such service available to others,directly or indirectly. Envelope Delay Distortion (EDD) Denotes a measure of the linearity of the phase-versus-frequency characteristic of a channel. Eciual Level Echo Path Loss (ELEPL) Denotes the measure of Echo Path Loss (EPL)at a four-wire interface which is corrected by the difference between the send and receive Transmission Level Point (TLP).[ELEPL =EPL -TLP (send)+TLP (receive)] NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 2 Page 45 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.6 DEFINITIONS (Cont'd) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-13-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 September 7,2013 Page 46 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-20 13 Effective:9-7-2013 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.6 DEFINITIONS (Cont’d) Grandfathered Denotes certain services offered in other sections of this catalog that are provided to existing customers only and not provided to new customers or to existing customers who move from one premises to another. Half Duplex Denotes service which provides for transmission in both directions,but in only one direction at a time. Host Office Denotes an electronic switching system which provides call processing capabilities for one or more Remote Switching Modules or Remote Switching Systems. Immediately Available Funds Denotes a corporate or personal check drawn on a bank account and funds which are available for use by the receiving party on the same day on which they are received and include U.S.Federal Reserve bank wire transfers,U.S.Federal Reserve notes (paper cash),U.S.coins,U.S.Postal Money Orders and New York Certificates of Deposit. Impulse Noise Denotes any momentary occurrence of the noise on a channel over a specified level threshold.It is evaluated by counting the number of occurrences which exceed the specified threshold. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED TN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 September 7,2013 Page 47 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-20 13 Effective:9-7-20 13 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.6 DEFiNITIoNs (Cont’d) Individual Case Bases (ICB) Denotes a condition in which the terms and conditions,if applicable and rates and charges for an offering under the provisions of this catalog are developed based on the circumstances in each case. Interexchange Carrier (IC)or Interexchange Common Carrier Denotes any individual,partnership,association,joint-stock company,trust, governmental entity or corporation engaged for hire in intrastate communication between two or more exchanges. Intermodulation Distortion Denotes a measure of the nonlinearity of a channel.It is measured using four tones,and evaluating the ratios (in dB)of the transmitted composite four-tone signal power to the second-order products of the tones (R2),and the third-order products of the tones (R3). Interstate Communications Denotes both interstate and foreign communications. Intrastate Communications Denotes any communications within a state subject to oversight by a state regulatory commission as provided by the laws of the state involved. Eocal Access and Transport Area (LATA) Denotes a geographic area established for the provision and administration of communications service.It encompasses one or more designated exchanges, which are grouped to serve common social,economic and other purposes. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SEcTIoN 2 September 7,2013 Page 48 Boise,IdahoSOUTHERNIDAHORelease2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.6 DEFINITIONS (Cont’d) Maintenance of Service Denotes an occurrence of a visit to a customer’s premises in connection with a service difficulty when it is determined that the difficulty is due to a condition in customer-provided facilities,terminal equipment,a communication system or for customer-maintained premises wire. McCulloh Loop Signaling Denotes a signaling format which provides a contact closure to the tip and ring of the POT during the normal state.During an alarm state a momentary open is provided.During the signaling state a series of grounded pulses are applied to the POT for termination and identification purposes. Modification of Final Judgment (MFJ) Denotes the consent decree approved by the U.S.District Court in United States versus Western Electric 552 F.Supp.171 (To D.C.1982). Move Denotes a change in the physical location of one of the following: •The Point of Termination at the customer’s designated premises. •The customer’s premises. Network Access Channel Denotes the transmission path between a customer designated premises and the serving wire center of the premises. Network Interface See “Point of Termination (POT)”. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-S1D Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 September 7,2013 Page 49 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.6 DEFINITIONS (Cont’d) Non continuous Property Denotes land,including the building or buildings thereon,which is divided by rights of way or by land used publicly or privately by others,i.e.,city streets, state highways or roads,or private property. Nonrecuffing Charge Denotes those charges which are one time charges to the customer,i.e.,not monthly charges. Obsolete See definition for Grandfathered Ohm Denotes a unit of electrical resistance. Optional Features and Functions Denotes options available to change the basic circuit’s quality or utility. Examples of Optional Features and Functions include,but are not limited to,the following: •Bridging •Conditioning NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTATNED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CEIANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SEcTIoN 2,September 7,2013 Page 50 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.6 DEFINFFI0Ns (Cont’d) Point of Termination (POT) Denotes the point of interconnection between Company communications facilities and terminal equipment,protective apparatus or wiring at or near a customer’s premises.The POT shall be located on the customer’s side of the Company’s protector,or the equivalent thereof in cases where a protector is not employed,as provided under the Company’s reasonable and nondiscriminatory standard operating practices.Previously known as “Network Interface”and “Demarcation Point”. Premises Denotes a building,or a portion of a building in a multi-tenant building,or buildings on continuous property (except railroad rights of way,etc.)not separated by a public highway. Premises Work Charge Denotes Work Charges (Time and Material Charges)for work performed on the customer’s side of the Network Interface by a Company employee or representative,at the customer’s request,which are not covered by other charges. Private Branch Exchange (PBX) Denotes a switching system that provides internal telephone communications between stations located on a customer’s premises as well as between these stations and exterior networks. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-Sb Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 September 7,2013 Page 51 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-20 13 Effective:9-7-20 13 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.6 DEFINITIONS (Cont’d) Remote Switching Modules and/or Remote Switching Systems Denotes small,remotely controlled electronic end office switches which obtain their call processing capability from an ESS-type Host Office.The Remote Switching Modules and/or Remote Switching Systems cannot accommodate direct-in-dialed trunks to a customer. Return Loss Denotes a measure of the similarity between the two impedances at the junction of two transmission paths.The higher the return loss,the higher the similarity. Same Building Denotes a structure under one roof,or two or more structures under separate roofs,throughout which there is general access by means of a door,elevators, stairways,enclosed passageways or continuous corridors.Sidewalks,driveways, heating and utility tunnels,pipes and conduits are not considered enclosed passageways. Serving Wire Center Denotes the Company office from which dial tone for local exchange service would normally be provided to the customer’s premises. Shortage of Facilities or Equipment Denotes a condition which occurs when the Company does not have appropriate cable,bridging or,multiplexing equipment,etc.,necessary to provide the service requested by the customer. Signaling Denotes the transmission of information to establish,monitor,or release connections andlor provide Network Control. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SEcTIoN 2 September 7,2013 Page 52 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-20 13 Effective:9-7-20 13 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.6 DEFINITIoNs (Cont’d) Singing Return Loss Denotes the frequency weighted measure of return loss at the edges of the Voice Grade (200 to 500 Hz and 2500 to 3200 Hz),where singing (instability)problems are most likely to occur. Studio Denotes the term as used in connection with Audio Service to indicate the fixed premises of a customer at which (1)program material regularly originates or (2) program material is received for transmission and at which location amplifier- distributor equipment is provided by the customer.The term Studio also indicates premises at which personnel of the customer are present,or in lieu of personnel,the customer provides supervision and control equipment. Termination Liability Denotes a specified financial obligation assumed by the customer,to protect the Company’s nonrecoverable investment over a specified period of time.The maximum amount of liability is reduced each month during the life of the agreement,and is billed to the customer only if the agreement is terminated or modified. Transmission Path Denotes a path capable of transmitting signals within the range of the service offering,e.g.,a Voice Grade transmission path is capable of transmitting voice frequencies within the approximate range of 300 to 3000 Hz.A transmission path is comprised of physical or derived channels consisting of any form or configuration of facilities typically used in the telecommunications industry. Transport Mileage Denotes that portion of a Private Line Transport which connects two wire centers. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-S1D SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 2 Page 53 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.6 DEFINITIONS (Cont'd) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-13-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 September 7,2013 Page 54 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 2.GENERAL REGULATiONS 2.12 NATURAL DISASTER RELIEF FOR CUSTOMERS In situations where customers’telecommunications services are interrupted by natural disasters,the Company may offer alternative telecommunications services to customers in the immediate affected area,and waive otherwise applicable charges for those services.The availability and details of the offers,including, but not limited to,the maximum duration of the offer or waiver of any applicable charges,will be determined by the Company in each instance of natural disaster. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SEcTIoN 3 September 7,2013 Index Page 1 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 ________________________ 3.RATE REGULATIONS SUBJECT PAGE Administrative Changes 4 Alternate Pricing Arrangement 10 Channel Performance 2 Custom Service Arrangement 10 Fractional Rates 11 Mileage Measurement 12 Minimum Billing Period Ii Moves 5 Nonrecurring Charges 1 Optional Features and Functions 3 Recurring Rates 1 Reestablishment of Service Following Fire,Flood, or Other Occurrence 6 Rollover 7 Service Guarantee -Provisioning 9 Service Provisioning Service Rearrangements 3 Transport Mileage 2 Types of Charges 1 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the SecretJ) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 3 [September 7,2013 Page 1 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9720l3: 3.RATE REGULATIONS 3.1 GENERAL This section contains specific regulations governing the rates and charges for Private Line Transport. 3.2 TYPES OF CHARGES There are two types of rates and charges.These are recurring rates and nonrecurring charges described as follows. 3.2.1 RECURRiNG RATES Recurring rates are flat rates that apply each month or fraction thereof that Private Line Transport is provided.These rates may apply on a daily or monthly basis,depending on the type of service.For billing purposes,each month is considered to have 30 days. 3.2.2 NONRECURRING CHARGES Nonrecurring charges are one-time charges that apply for a specific work activity.The type of nonrecurring charges that apply are:Service Provisioning Charge (Initial,and/or Subsequent or Same Wire Center),Channel Performance,Transport Mileage,Optional Features and Functions and Service Rearrangements.Special Construction charges as defined in 4.1.6,following, may also apply.Customers,who order service under an Alternate Pricing Arrangement as defined in 3.2.4,following,may incur additional nonrecurring charges as identified in each individual case. A,Initial Service Provisioning The Initial Service Provisioning Charge applies toward the processing, engineering,and design functions per customer request,for work to be performed on one circuit or service.Requests for additional work to be performed on existing circuit(s)or service(s)will be billed an Initial Service Provisioning Charge. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED [“THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 3 September 7,2013 Page 2 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 _________________________ 3.RATE REGULATIONS 3.2 TYPES OF CHARGES 3.2.2 NONRECURRING CHARGES (Cont’d) B.Subsequent Service Provisioning The Subsequent Service Provisioning Charge applies per circuit(s)or service(s) when; 1.At the same time as the initial circuit or service is requested,a customer orders identical additional circuit(s)or service(s),due the same date,for the same type of service and exact NC/NCI combinations,at the same location(s). 2.At the same time as a request for additional work on an existing circuit or service, a customer requests the same additional work to be performed on identical existing circuit(s)or service(s),due the same date,for the same type of service and exact NC/NC!combinations,at the same location(s). C.Same Wire Center Service Provisioning -Initial and Subsequent The Same Wire Center Service Provisioning Charge applies toward the order processing and work to be performed,on each circuit(s)or service(s),when provisioned within the same wire center.This charge applies only to the following services EXCHANGE SERVICE EXTENSIONS AND TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE. When these services are provisioned on a different wire center basis,the Initial Service Provisioning and/or Subsequent Service Provisioning Charges apply. D.Channel Performance A nonrecurring charge applies for the installation of each Channel Performance and includes its predefined technical specifications and the facilities from the customer designated premises to the serving wire center. E.Transport Mileage A nonrecurring charge applies for the installation of Transport Mileage which provides the transmission facilities between wire centers. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED [N THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret(3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 3 September 7,2013 Page 3 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Noticed:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 _______________________ 3.RATE REGULATIONS 3.2 TYPES OF CHARGES 3.2.2 NONRECURRiNG CHARGES (Cont’d) F.Optional Features and Functions Nonrecurring charges apply for the installation of some of the Optional Features and Functions available with Private Line Transport.The charge applies whether the feature or function is installed coincident with the initial installation of service or at any time subsequent to the installation of the service,unless otherwise specified. G.Service Rearrangements Service rearrangements are changes to existing (installed)services which do not result in either a change in the minimum billing period requirements or a change in the physical location of the Network Access Channel at a customer designated premises.The charge to the customer for the service rearrangement is dependent on whether the change is administrative only in nature or involves actual physical change to the service.Changes which result in the establishment of new minimum billing period obligations are treated as disconnects and new connects.Changes in the physical location of the Network Access Channel are treated as moves and are described in I.,following. Service rearrangements will be charged for as follows and the appropriate Service Provisioning Charge will apply in addition: •If the change involves the addition of another leg to an existing service,the nonrecurring charge for the Channel Performance will apply.The charge will apply only for the leg that is being added. •If the change involves the addition of an Optional Feature or Function which has a separate nonrecurring charge,that nonrecurring charge will apply. •If the change involves changing the type of Channel Performance on a service, the Channel Performance nonrecurring charge will apply. •If the change involves the changing of the type of service (e.g.,a change from VG2 to VG3),it will be treated as a discontinuance of the existing service and the installation of a new service. If the change involves reterminating an existing Voice Grade or Digital Data Service Network Access Channel onto a spare channel of a higher capacity service,only the Rollover nonrecurring charge,as specified in L.,following,will apply. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.1 3-02-SID SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 3 Page 4 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 3. RATE REGULATIONS 3.2 TYPES OF CHARGES 3.2.2 NONRECURRING CHARGES • • • • • NONRECURRING CHARGE • NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-13-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 3 September 7,2013 Page 5 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-20 13 Effective:9-7-2013 ______________________ 3.RATE REGULATIONS 3.2 TYPES OF CHARGES 3.2.2 NONRECURRING CHARGES 1.Nonbillable Administrative Changes (Cont’d) Nonbillable Administrative changes are as follows: •Change of customer name (i.e.,the customer of record does not change but rather the customer of record changes its name--e.g.,XYZ Company to XYZ Communications), •Change of customer or customer’s end user premises address when the change of address is not a result of a physical relocation of facilities, •Change in billing data (name,address,or contact name or telephone number), •Change of customer contact name or telephone number. J.Moves A move involves a change in the physical location of one of the following: •The Point of Termination at the customer’s designated premises •The customer’s premises The charges for the move are dependent on whether the move is to a new location within the same building or to a different building. 1.Moves Within the Same Building or Between Buildings on the Same Premises. When the move is to a new location within the same premises or between buildings on the same premises,the move is the responsibility of the customer. There will be no change in the minimum billing period requirements. 2.Moves to a Different Building Moves to a different building will be treated as a discontinuance and new installation of service and all associated nonrecurring charges will apply.New minimum period requirements will be established for the new services.The customer will also remain responsible for satisfying all outstanding minimum period charges for the discontinued service. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret(3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 3 September 7,2013 Page 6 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 __________________________ 3.RATE REGULATIONS 3.2 TYPES OF CHARGES 3.2.2 NONRECURRING CHARGES (Cont’d) K.Reestablishment of Service Following Fire,Flood or Other Occurrence 1.Nonrecurring Charges Do Not Apply Charges do not apply for the reestablishment of service following a fire,flood or other occurrence attributed to an Act of God provided that: a.The service is of the same type as was provided prior to the fire,flood or other occurrence. b.The service is for the same customer. c.The service is at the same location on the same premises. d.The reestablishment of service begins within 60 days after Company service is available.(The 60 day period may be extended a reasonable period if the renovation of the original location on the premises affected is not practical within the allotted time period). 2.Nonrecurring Charges Apply Nonrecurring Charges apply for establishing service at a different location on the same premises or at a different premises pending reestablishment of service at the original location. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SEcTION 3 September 7,2013 Page 7 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Noticed:8-28-20 13 Effective:9-7-20 13 3.RATE REGULATIONS 3.2 TYPES OF CHARGES 3.2.2 NONRECURRING CHARGES (Cont’d) L.Rollover 1.A rollover allows for a lower speed service (i.e.,Voice Grade Service or Digital Data Service),to be either placed onto a higher speed service or moved from one higher speed service to a different higher speed service or moved to a different channel on the same multiplexed service. Should the customer request to have work performed which involves the change of an: •Existing Voice Grade Service (i.e.,Standard or WATS)onto a multiplexed DSI Service,or •Existing Digital Data Service onto a multiplexed DS I Service and all of the following conditions are met,a rollover charge will apply to the lower speed service as specified in 2.,following: •The services are provided between the same customer locations as the original service(s),and •All rollovers are performed at the same Company Central Office location,and •All services involved in the rollover are provided by the Company. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 3 Page 8 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Noticed: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 3. RATE REGULATIONS 3.2 TYPES OF CHARGES 3.2.2 NONRECURRING CHARGES NONRECURRING CHARGE • • NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-13-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret) Private line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SEcTIoN 3 September 7,2013 Page 9 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-20 13 Effective:9-7-20 13 3.RATE REGULATIONS 3.2 TYPES OF CHARGES 3.2.2 NONRECURRING CHARGES (Cont’d) M.Service Guarantee -Provisioning The Company assures that all provisioning requests for Digital Data Service (DDS)will be installed on the customer requested service date (due date) providing it is equal to or greater than the standard intervals published in the Service Interval Guide.If the Company fails to meet this commitment,the customer’s bill will be adjusted to reflect a Service Guarantee credit of 100%of the total nonrecurring charge for the service.Service Guarantee applies to provisioning orders,with an application date on or after the effective date of this Catalog revision,for DDS,which add,move,or change the Network Access Channel(s),Transport Mileage,Channel Performance,and Optional Features and Functions,including service rearrangements.There is no additional charge for this guarantee.To be eligible for the Service Guarantee credit,the following conditions must be met. 1.The Service Guarantee -Provisioning conditions include: •Service requests for DDS.This is limited to the nonrecurring charges for Channel Performance,Transport Mileage,Optional Features and Functions and the Service Provisioning Charge. •The Services must be provided wholly within Company territories. 2.The Service Guarantee -Provisioning Credit does not apply: •To Service Date Changes or Design Changes due to customer reasons, •To requests for Expedites,Cancellations,Additional Engineering,Additional Labor,Design Layout Report (DLR),Power Protection,Special Facilities Routing,Testing and any other Miscellaneous Changes specified in Section 4, preceding, •During natural disasters or a declared national emergency,or where Priority Installation under the provisions for Telecommunications Service Priority take precedence, •To Special Construction. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 3 September 7,2013 Page 10 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 3.RATE REGULATIONS 3.2 TYPES OF CHARGES (Cont’d) 3.2.3 CUSTOM SERVICE ARRANGEMENT If the standard Channel Performance packages or available Optional Features and Functions are not adequate to meet a specific customer requirement,the customer may request and the Company may develop a unique Custom package where facilities and operating conditions permit.Both the monthly rate and the nonrecurring charges for the features will be developed on an individual case basis.The charges for all other rate categories as described in 5.1.2,following,will apply for the type of channel service requested.Special Construction Charges as defined in 4.1.6,following,may also apply. 3.2.4 ALTERNATE PRICING ARRANGEMENT Where circumstances warrant,a customer subscribing to Private Line Transport may request,on an individual case basis,an Alternate Pricing Arrangement.The terms and conditions of such an arrangement will be determined by the Company at the time the request is made. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.[3-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SEcTIoN 3,September 7,2013 Page 11 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-20 13 Effective:9-7-2013 3.RATE REGULATIONS 3.3 MINIMUM BILLING PERIOD AND FRACTIONAL RATES A.Rates for service offered under this catalog are for a minimum billing period of one month or the length of time specified in a Custom Service Arrangement,in a Rate Stabilized or Discount Pricing Arrangement,or in specific service agreements. B.When a service is discontinued prior to the expiration of the minimum period, charges are applicable,whether the service is used or not,as follows: •When a service with a one month minimum period is discontinued prior to the expiration of the minimum period,a one month charge will apply at the rate level in effect at the time service is discontinued. •When a service with a minimum period greater than one month is discontinued prior to the expiration of the minimum period,a termination charge will apply as specified in 2.4.7,preceding. C.When the minimum billing period has been met,charges for a fraction of a month will be the monthly rate,prorated for the actual number of days service is furnished.For this purpose every month is considered to have 30 days. D.Fractions of a cent are carried throughout the computation of the charge.When the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent; •One-half cent or more is treated as one cent; •Less than one-half cent is disregarded E.The rates for service installed or changes in service which involve a change in rates will become effective on the day the service is installed or changed. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SEcTIoN 3 September 7,2013 Page 12 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 3.RATE REGULATIONS 3.4 MILEAGE MEASUREMENT The mileage to be used to determine the monthly rate for the Transport Mileage is calculated using the airline distance between wire centers.The serving wire center associated with a customer designated premises is the serving wire center from which the customer designated premises would normally obtain dial tone. Transport Mileage is shown in terms of mileage bands.To determine the rate to be billed,first compute the mileage using the V&H coordinates method,as set forth in the National Exchange Carrier Association Tariff F.C.C.No.4,then find the band into which the computed mileage falls and apply the rates shown for that band.When the calculation results in a fraction of a mile,always round up to the next whole mile before determining the mileage band and applying the rates. When bridging locations are involved,mileage is computed and rates applied separately for each section of the Transport Mileage.When any service is routed through a wire center for purposes other than customer specified bridging (e.g., the Company chooses to so route for test access purposes),rates will be applied only to the distance calculated between the serving wire centers associated with the customer designated premises. NOTICE THE FNFORMATION CONTANED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.1 3-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 4]September 7,2013 Index Page 1 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-20 13 Effective:9-7-20 13 4.ORDER MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES SUBJECT PAGE Acceptance Testing 15 Additional Cooperative Acceptance Testing 16 Additional Engineering 12 Charges 13 Additional Labor 12 Other Labor 13 Charges 14 Avoidance 20 Billing Information 18 Cancellation of an Application for Service 3 Critical Dates 4 Design Change 2 Design Layout Report 8 Dispatch Charge 17 Diversity 20 Expedite 7 Facilities Protection-Special Facilities Routing 20 Rates and Charges 22 Hot Standby Protection 24 Rates and Charges 24 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED [N THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secret) ACCEPTED FOR FILING SECTION 4 September 7,2013 Index Page 2 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-20 13 4.ORDER MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES SUBJECT PAGE Maintaining Facilities Maintenance of Service Charges Other Labor Overtime Installation Protection Service for High Voltage Environments Rates and Charges Provision of Private Line Transport Billing Information-Carriers Rates and Charges Repair of Facilities 10 Service Date Change 1 Special Construction 8 Testing Services Additional Cooperative Acceptance Testing Charges Nonscheduled Testing Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog 10 10 11 13 12 25 31 18 19 15 16 16 16 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 4 Page 1 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 4. ORDER MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4.1 GENERAL 4.1.1 SERVICE DATE CHANGE NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-13-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 4 Page 2 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 4. ORDER MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4.1 GENERAL 4.1.1 SERVICE DATE CHANGE (Cont'd) 4.1.2 DESIGN CHANGE NONRECURRING CHARGE • NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-13-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 4 Page 3 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 4. ORDER MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4.1 GENERAL (Cont'd) 4.1.3 CANCELLATION OF APPLICATION FOR SERVICE • • percentage of the Company’s provisioning costs have bee NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-13-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 4 September 7,2013 Page 4 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-20 13 4.ORDER MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4.1 GENERAL 4.1.3 CANCELLATION OF APPLICATION FOR SERVICE (Cont’d) C.The Critical Dates monitored by the Company for the purpose of calculating a Cancellation Charge are as follows: •Application Date (APP):The date the customer provides a firm commitment and sufficient information to the Company for order placement.The APP Date is the date the Company enters the order into the Company’s order distribution system(s).This is sometimes referred to as the order date. •Design Layout Report Date (DLRD):The date the Design Layout Report whichcontainsthedesignfortheservice(s)ordered is forwarded to the customer. •Plant Test Date (PTD):The date acceptance testing is performed with the customer. •Service Date (DD):The date the service is due to be made available to the customer.This is sometimes referred to as the Due Date. D.The percentage of the total provisioning cost incurred by the Company at a particular Critical Date varies by the type of service as shown in E.,following. When a customer cancels an order,or part of an order,before the Service Date,the Company will calculate the Cancellation Charge by multiplying all the nonrecurring charges associated with the order,or that part of the order being canceled,by the percentage shown in E.,following,based on the last monitored Critical Date which has occurred on the order.When a customer cancels an order, or part of an order,on or after the Service Date,100%of the nonrecurring charges plus minimum billing period charges apply. Nonrecurring charges associated with an order are used to calculate the Cancellation Charge even when nonrecurring charges are waived. Analog Service orders where the Network Access Channel recurring rate element is not billed,will be assessed a Cancellation Charge based on the equivalent of one Channel Performance nonrecurring charge for the service. Digital Data Service orders where the Network Access Channel recurring rate element is not billed,will be assessed a Cancellation Charge based on the equivalent of one Channel Performance nonrecurring charge for the service. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 4 September 7,2013 Page 5 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Noticed:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 _________________________ 4.ORDER MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4.1 GENERAL 4.1.3 CANCELLATION OF APPLICATION FOR SERVICE (Cont’d) E.The Critical Dates monitored by the Company are as follows: APP DLRD PTD DD %%%% •Low Speed Data 13 44 77 [1] •Voice Grade 13 44 77 [1] •Audio 13 44 77 [1] •Foreign Exchange 13 44 77 [1] •Foreign Central Office 13 44 77 [1] •Exchange Service Extensions[2J 13 44 77 [1) •Telephone Answering Service[2]13 44 77 [1] •Digital Data Service 13 44 77 [1] [1]Minimum billing period charges and 100%of the nonrecurring charges apply when an order or part of an order is canceled on or after the original Service Date. [2]Critical Dates applicable only when provisioned on an interoffice basis. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 4 September 7,2013 Page 6 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-20 13 Effective:9-7-20 13 4.ORDER MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4.1 GENERAL 4.1.3 CANCELLATION OF APPLICATION FOR SERVICE (Cont’d) F.When a customer cancels an order for the discontinuance of service,no charges apply for the cancellation. G.If the Company misses a service date due to circumstances over which it has direct control (excluding,e.g.,acts of God,governmental requirements,work stoppages and civil commotions),the customer may cancel an order without incurring cancellation charges. H.A request for cancellation after completion of an installation will be treated as a discontinuance of service. NOTICE THE iNFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.1 3-02-SID SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 4 Page 7 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 4. ORDER MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4.1 GENERAL (Cont'd) 4.1.4 EXPEDITE NONRECURRING CHARGE • NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-13-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 4 Page 8 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 4. ORDER MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4.1 GENERAL (Cont'd) 4.1.5 DESIGN LAYOUT REPORT (DLR) NONRECURRING CHARGE • • 4.1.6 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-13-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 4 September 7,2013 Page 9 Boise,IdahoSOUTHERNIDAHORelease2: Issued:8-28-20 13 Effective:9-7-2013 4.ORDER MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4.1 GENERAL 4.1.6 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION 8.1.(Cont’d) b.At the request of the customer,the Company constructs facilities of a type otherthanthatwhichtheywouldnormallyfurnishinordertoprovideservicesforthecustomer. c.In order to comply with requirements specified by the customer,construction bytheCompanyinvolvesaroutingoffacilitiesotherthanthatwhichtheywould normally utilize to provide services for the customer. d.At the request of the customer,the Company constructs a greater quantity of facilities than that which they would otherwise construct in order to fulfill the customer’s initial requirements for services. e.The facilities to provide services are not available and,at the request of thecustomer,the Company expedites construction of the facilities at greaterexpensethanwouldotherwisebeincurred. f.The facilities to provide services are not available and,at the request of thecustomer,the Company constructs temporary facilities to provide services fortheperiodduringwhichthepermanentfacilitiesareunderconstruction. C.Special Construction Agreements 1.Customers requiring Special Construction enter into Special Construction agreements with the Company.In doing so,the customer may incur any one or all of the following liabilities depending on the circumstances surrounding the special construction: •Maximum Termination Liability (MTL). •Nonrecurring Charge (NRC). •Excess Recurring Monthly Charge (RMC). •Annual Underutilization Liability (AUL). NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13.-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/bla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 4 September 7,2013 Page 10 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 4.ORDER MoDIFiCATIoNs AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4.1 GENERAL (Cont’d) 4.1.7 MAINTAINING FACILITIES Maintaining of facilities is initiated and furnished by the Company and is generally performed during the normal business hours of 8 a.m.to 5 p.m.At atimeagreeabletoboththecustomerandtheCompany,facilities shall be available for maintenance purposes. All ordinary expense of maintaining Company provided facilities and service is borne by the Company.No credit allowance will be made for the period during which service is interrupted for such purpose. 4.1.8 REPAIR OF FACILITIES A repair call is initiated by the customer.A charge as specified in 4.1.9, following,applies for a repair visit to the customer’s premises,in response to a trouble report,when the service difficulty is determined to be the result of the use of customer premises equipment.No charge will apply when the trouble isfoundintheCompany’s facilities or equipment. 4.1.9 MAINTENANCE OF SERVICE A.When a customer reports trouble to the Company for clearance and no trouble is found in the Company’s facilities,the customer shall be responsible for payment of a Maintenance of Service charge.Maintenance of Service charges apply,per technician,for the period of time from when Company personnel are dispatched to an unattended Company building or to the customer’s premises,to when the work is completed.A Dispatch Charge also applies,as specified in 4.1.16,following, when Company personnel are dispatched. The customer shall be responsible for payment of a Maintenance of Service charge when the trouble is in equipment or communications systems provided by other than the Company,or in detariffed CPE provided by the Company.No charge will apply when the trouble is found in the Company’s facilities or equipment. B.In addition,when a customer reports trouble within a quantity of services and circuits,but fails to identify the specific service and circuit which is experiencing trouble,a Maintenance of Service charge applies for the time spent by Company personnel to isolate the trouble. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTANED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 4 Page 11 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 4. ORDER MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4.1 GENERAL 4.1.9 MAINTENANCE OF SERVICE (Cont'd) 4.1.10 MAINTENANCE OF SERVICE CHARGES NONRECURRING CHARGE MAINTENANCE OF SERVICE PERIODS • • • NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-13-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 4 September 7,2013 Page 12 Boise,IdahoSOUTHERNIDAHORelease2 issued:8-28-20 13 Effective:9-7-20 13 4.ORDER MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4.1 GENERAL (Cont’d) 4.1.11 ADDITIONAL ENGiNEERING Additional Engineering will be provided by the Company at the request of thecustomeronlywhen: A.A customer requests additional technical information after the Company hasalreadyprovidedthetechnicalinformationnormallyincludedontheDesign Layout Report (DLR). B.Additional engineering time is incurred by the Company to engineer a customer’s request for a Customized service. The Company will notify the customer that additional engineering charges,as set forth in 4.l.13.A.,following,will apply before any additional engineering isundertaken.Normal business hours are from Monday through Friday 8 a.m.to 5p.m.Hours before 8 a.rn.and after 5 p.m.,Monday through Friday,and all ofSaturdaysareconsideredovertime. 4.1.12 ADDITIONAL LABOR Additional labor is that labor requested by the customer on a given service and agreed to by the Company as set forth in A.and B.following.The Company will notify the customer that additional labor charges as set forth in 4.1.13 B. following will apply before any additional labor is undertaken.The charges apply per Company technician performing billable work at the customer’s request.When more than one technician is involved in working on a customer’s request,the amount of time accrued by all technicians will be totaled to determine the number of 1/2 hour increments to be billed.NormalbusinesshoursarefromMondaythroughFriday8a.m.to 5 p.m.Hours before 8 a.m.and after 5 p.m.,Monday through Friday,and all of Saturdays are considered overtime.Sundays and Holidays are premium time. A.Overtime Installation Overtime installation is that Company installation effort outside of normal business hours. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT iS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 4 Page 13 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 4. ORDER MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4.1 GENERAL 4.1.12 ADDITIONAL LABOR (Cont'd) 4.1.13 ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING AND LABOR CHARGES NONRECURRING ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING PERIODS CHARGE • • NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-13-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 4 Page 14 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 4. ORDER MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4.1 GENERAL 4.1.13 ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING AND LABOR CHARGES (Cont'd) ADDITIONAL LABOR - NONRECURRING INSTALLATION PERIODS CHARGE • • ADDITIONAL LABOR - OTHER PERIODS • • • LABOR FOR THE CONFIGURATION OF OPTICAL AND/OR ETHERNET SERVICES NONRECURRING CHARGE • NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-13-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 4 September 7,2013 Page 15 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-20 13 Effective:9-7-20 13 4.ORDER MoDIFICATioNs AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4.1 GENERAL (Cont’d) 4.1.14 ACCEPTANCE TESTING At no additional charge,the Company will,at the customer’s request,schedule a mutually agreeable time to cooperatively test the following parameters at the time of installation: A.For Voice Grade analog services (except Voice Grade Basic),acceptance tests will include tests for loss,3-tone slope,dc continuity,operational signaling,C-notched noise,and C-message noise when these parameters are applicable and specified in the order for service.Additionally,for Voice Grade Services,a balance (improved return loss)test will be made if the customer has ordered the improved return loss optional feature. B.For other analog services (i.e.,Low-Speed Data,Audio)acceptance tests will include tests for the parameters applicable to the service and as specified in the order for service. C.For Voice Grade Basic Service,no cooperative testing is available. In addition to the above tests,Additional Cooperative Acceptance Testing for Voice Grade Service to test other parameters,as described in 4.l.l5.A.,following, is available at the customer’s request.All test results will be made available to the customer upon request. 4.1.15 TESTING SERVICES Testing Services offered under this section of the catalog are optional and subject to rates and charges as set forth for Additional Labor -Other in 4.1.13.B.,preceding.Other testing services provided by the Company in association with Private Line Transport are furnished at no additional charge. These other testing services are described in 4.1.14,preceding. Testing services are normally provided by Company personnel at Company locations.However,provisions are made following for a customer to request Company personnel to perform testing services at the customer’s premises. The offering of Testing Services under this section of the catalog is made subject to the availability of the necessary qualified personnel and test equipment at the various test locations mentioned. The Company will,at the request of a customer,provide assistance in performing specific tests requested by the customer. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 4 September 7,2013 Page 16 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 4.ORDER MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4.1 GENERAL 4.1.15 TESTING SERVICES (Cont’d) A.Additional Cooperative Acceptance Testing (ACAT) When a customer provides a technician at its premises or at an End User’s premises,with suitable test equipment to perform the required tests,the Company will provide a technician at its office for the purpose of conducting Additional Cooperative Acceptance Testing on Voice Grade Services.At the customer’s request,the Company will provide a technician at the customer’s premises or at the End User’s premises.These tests may consist of the following: •Attenuation Distortion (i.e.,frequency response) •Intermodulation Distortion (i.e.,harmonic distortion) •Phase Jitter •Impulse Noise •Envelope Delay Distortion •Echo Control •Frequency Shift B.Nonscheduled Testing (NST) When a customer provides a technician at its premises,with suitable test equipment to perform the required tests,the Company will provide a technician at its office for the purpose of conducting Nonscheduled Testing.At the customer’s request,the Company will provide a technician at the customer’s premises. Nonscheduled tests may consist of any tests,such as loss,noise,slope,or envelope delay which the customer may require. C.Obligation of the Customer When the customer subscribes to Testing Service as set forth in this section,the customer shall make the facilities to be tested available to the Company at times mutually agreed upon. D.Testing Charges The charges for Additional Cooperative Acceptance Testing and Nonscheduled Testing are specified in 4.l.13.B.,preceding,for Additional Labor -Other Periods. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 4 Page 17 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 4. ORDER MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4.1 GENERAL (Cont’d) 4.1.16 DISPATCH CHARGE technician is dispatched to the customer’s premises Maintenance of Service and no trouble is found in the Company’s facilities. If, Charge only applies if trouble is still not found in Company’s facilities. NONRECURRING CHARGE • NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-13-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 4 Page 18 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 5-20-2016 Effective: 6-1-2016 4. ORDER MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4.2 PROVISION OF PRIVATE LINE TRANSPORT BILLING I NFORMATION - CARRIERS NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 1, 2016 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 4 Page 19 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 5-20-2016 Effective: 6-1-2016 4. ORDER MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4.2 PROVISION OF PRIVATE LINE TRANSPORT BILLING INFORMATION - CARRIERS (Cont'd) RATE • • • NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 1, 2016 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secretetj) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 4 September 7,2013 Page 20 Boise,IdahoSOUTHERNIDAHORelease2Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 4.ORDER MOD1FICATIOrS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4.3 FACILITIES PROTECTION -SPECIAL FACILITIES ROUTiNG 4.3.1 DESCRIPTION The services provided by Qwest Corporation are over such routes and facilities astheCompanymayelect.Special Facility Routing is involved when,in order tocomplywithrequirementsspecifiedbythecustomer,the Company providesservicesinamannerwhichincludesoneormoreofthefollowingconditions: Diversity Diversity occurs when the service is provisioned over a primary route andsecondaryrouteoverseparatetransmissionfacilities.The alternate routes musthavearouteseparationof25feetormore.Diversity can be provided on the localloop(from the serving wire center to the subscriber location),or InterofficeFacilities(between wire centers). Avoidance Avoidance occurs when service is provisioned in a manner to avoid,or by-pass,asubscriberdefinedgeographicallocation. A.Diversity and Avoidance Options The following is a description of the standard options available: Loop Diversity Provides a second route from the first utility vault outside of the serving wirecentertothesubscriberpremises.The diversity will end at the last terminal priortothesubscriber’s premises unless the subscriber provides for a separate entrancefacility. Interoffice Diversity Provides a second route between the first utility vault outside the serving wirecenterandthefirstutilityvaultoutsidetheremotewirecenter.This serviceappliesonlytoPrivateLineTransportService. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 4 September 7,2013 Page 21 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 _________________________ 4.ORDER MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4.3 FACILITIES PROTECTION -SPECIAL FACILITIES ROUTING 4.3.1 DESCRIPTION A.Diversity and Avoidance Options (Cont’d) Avoidance Geographical avoidance of a given point or wire center. B.Cable-Only Facilities Certain Voiceband services are provided on Cable-Only Facilities to meet the particular needs of a customer. Service is provided subject to the availability of Cable-Only Facilities.In the event of service failure,restoration will be made through the use of any available facilities as selected by the Company. 4.3.2 TERMS AND CONDITIONS A.Diversity and Avoidance are available on all Private Line Transport services and on the ioop portion of certain Exchange Access services.Loop Diversity is available on ATM Cell Relay Service,LAN Switching Service (LSS)and Metro Optical Ethernet (MOE).Service is subject to availability of facilities.When facilities are not available Special Construction charges may be assessed. B.The rates and charges for Special Facilities Routing and Hot Standby Protection are in addition to all other rates and charges that may be applicable to the service provided with Special Facilities Routing and Hot Standby Protection. C.When a customer orders more than one Special Facilities Routing option,(e.g., Loop Diversity and Interoffice Diversity,or multipoint Loop Diversity,i.e.on more than one leg of a multipoint circuit),at the same time,for the same service, only one nonrecurring charge applies.This nonrecurring charge applies to both the primary and secondary route for each service or circuit. D.Rate Elements applicable for other services with Special Facilities Routing apply on both the Primary Route and the Secondary Route.Special Construction charges may be applicable with Loop Diversity when Secondary Routes are not available. 13.The terms Primary and Secondary Route are not meant as a reference to quality or usage,but are used to designate separate routing. F.At the request of the customer,information about the routing of services provided with Avoidance andlor Diversity can be provided.The rates and charges for the provision of this information will be assessed on an individual basis (ICB). NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-S ID SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 4 Page 22 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 4. ORDER MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4.3 FACILITIES PROTECTION - SPECIAL FACILITIES ROUTING (Cont'd) 4.3.3 RATES AND CHARGES[1] NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE[3] RATE • • NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-13-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 4 Page 23 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 4. ORDER MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4.3 FACILITIES PROTECTION - SPECIAL FACILITIES ROUTING 4.3.3 RATES AND CHARGES[1] (Cont'd) NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE[2] RATE • • NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-13-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 4 Page 24 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 4. ORDER MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4.4 FACILITIES PROTECTION - HOT STANDBY PROTECTION NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE • NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-13-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secretetj) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 4 September 7,2013 Page 25 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 _______________________ 4.ORDER MODIFICATIONS AND MiSCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4.5 PROTECTION SERVICE FOR HIGH VOLTAGE ENVIRONMENTS A.Description[1] 1.Company services provided on facilities that extend to a high voltage environment,i.e.,electric power generating,switching and distributing locations, require high voltage protection whenever hazardous voltages of 1 000V peak- asymmetrical or greater appear on those facilities due to Ground Potential Rise (GPR)and/or induction caused by faults in electric power system(s)located on the customer’s premises.The high voltage protection may be provided by the Company,as specified herein,or the customer may elect to provide the high voltage protection.The high voltage protection is designated to isolate or neutralize the hazardous voltages.The protection objectives on Company services and facilities at these locations are as follows: a.To minimize electrical hazards to personnel engaged in construction,operation, maintenance and use of telecommunications service. b.To limit electrical damage to telecommunications equipment,cable and wire facilities. c.To provide the required service continuity and integrity of telecommunications transmission as specified by the customer. 2.This offering requires high voltage protection at the customer’s premises and,if necessary,at the Company CO whenever the fault-produced GPR/induction equals or exceeds I000V peak-asymmetrical. [I]High Voltage Protection,as specified herein,does not apply to services provided on fiber optic facilities. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 4 September 7,2013 Page 26 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 __________________________ 4 ORDER MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4.5 PROTECTION SERVICE FOR HIGH VOLTAGE ENVIRONMENTS (Cont’d) B.Responsibility of the Customer 1.A customer whose Qwest Corporation services are provided on facilities that extend to a high voltage environment where high voltage protection is required, as set forth in A.preceding,shall be responsible for providing to the Company a completed Form RG 3 1-0048,“Design Information for Power Industry Channels,”which includes the following: a.The maximum return (line fault)current under worst case single phase fault conditions at each location where telecommunications services are requested. b.The type,quantity and projected forecast of each service required at a given location,including those required by contractors or any other temporary service needs,in accordance with the definitions given in D.,following. c.The Service Performance Objective Classification for each service in accordance with the definitions in E.,following. d.The technical data needed by the Company to determine the method of protection required at each service location.This data includes,but is not limited to,the ground grid area,impedance of the station ground grid to remote earth,X/R ratio of the power system at the probable point of fault,fault current diagrams and maps of major power feeder routes. 2.Changes in the information provided in 1.,preceding,will require written notification,with a revised Form RG 3 1-0048.These changes shall be provided as they occur to permit reevaluation,redesign,implementation and tests of the required modified or new protection method. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SEcTION 4 September 7,2013 Page 27 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-20 13 Effective:9-7-20 13 4.ORDER MoDIFIcATIoNs AND MISCELLA EOUS CHARGES 4.5 PROTECTION SERVICE FOR HIGH VOLTAGE ENVIRONMENTS (Cont’d) C.Responsibility of the Company 1.The Company,working in conjunction with the customer,shall determine the proper methods of protection required to achieve the objectives set forth in A. The method of protection for every service in a cable shall be coordinated by the Company to be compatible with the protection provided for the most critically important service in that cable. 2.It is expressly declared that metallic facilities are in continually decreasing supply,and the Company is not obligated to continue to make such facilities available.Metallic facilities are offered only where existing facilities and operating conditions permit. 3.The Company reserves the right to treat high voltage protection on an individual case basis,dependent on the type of facilities available. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAiNED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO,13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secretetj) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SEcTioN 4 September 7,2013 Page 28 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 __________________________ 4.ORDER MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4.5 PROTECTiON SERVICE FOR HIGH VOLTAGE ENViRONMENTS (Cont’d) D.Protection Service Types 1.Protection services which the Company offers are identified according to the following types: Type I Services requiring either dc transmission or ac and dc transmission,used for basic exchange telephone service and/or Private Line Transport Service. Type 2 Private Line Transport Service requiring Voice Grade and/or Low Speed Data, D.C.Channel and Alarm transmission,used for pilot wire protective relaying or dc tripping. Tyøe 3 Private Line Transport Service requiring ac Voice Grade transmission only,used for telemetering,supervisory control,data,etc. Type 4 Private Line Transport Service requiring ac Voice Grade transmission only,used for audio tone protective relaying. E.Service Performance Objective Classification 1.Interruptions or outages of telecommunications circuits serving electric power substations may occur for physical reasons such as cable damage due to extraordinarily heavy storm loading,a vehicle striking and breaking a utility pole, a cable cut,a lightning strike,or acts of God.Circuit failures caused by such events cannot be prevented and the Company expressly states that provision of the service provided in this section cannot preclude such service outages as may occur due to the above mentioned circumstances. 2.Interruptions or outages due to the effect (GPR and/or induction)of faults in the customer’s power generating,transmission and/or distribution systems are minimized through the installation and maintenance of high voltage protection service which is designed to operate in a fault-produced electrical environment. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 4 September 7,2013 Page 29 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 __________________________ 4.ORDER MoDIFIcATIoNs AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4.5 PROTECTION SERVICE FOR HIGH VOLTAGE ENVIRONMENTS E.Service Performance Objective Classification (Cont’d) 3.Because of the customer’s need for service continuity during power system faults on some types of telecommunications services provided to power stations,the following system of Service Performance Objective Classifications has been established for the purpose of permitting the customer to specify the performance objectives for most types of telecommunications services provided to power stations: Class A Non-interruptible service performance (must function before,during and after the power fault condition)for services requiring ac transmission only.Class A service cannot tolerate even a momentary service interruption.Non-tolerable service interruptions include both loss of dependability (failure to deliver a valid trip or control signal)and loss of security (delivery of a false trip or control signal). Class B Self-restoring interruptible service performance (must function before and after the power fault condition)for any service.Class B service can tolerate a service interruption for the duration of a power system fault,but service continuity must be restored immediately after the fault without requiring any repair personnel activity. Class C Interruptible service performance (can tolerate a station visit to restore service) for power stations with a GPR less than l000V peak-asymmetrical.Class C service can tolerate a service interruption which requires a station visit by repair personnel to restore service.Class C service cannot be provided in conjunction with Class A or Class B service. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 4 September 7,2013 Page 30 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 _________________________ 4.ORDER MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4.5 PROTECTION SERVICE FOR HIGH VOLTAGE ENVIRONMENTS (Cont’d) F.Provision of High Voltage Protection Service 1.The Company or the customer may provide the high voltage protection. 2.At the customer’s request,the Company shall provide any required high voltage protection at the customer’s premises and,if necessary,at the Company’s CO at rates and charges set forth in G.,following.The Company will inspect and verify the protection when service is established at new or existing customer locations and at future times as deemed necessary during changes,rearrangements or maintenance. 3.if the customer elects to provide the required high voltage protection,the equipment used must meet the technical requirements specified in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)Standard 487. 4.Where the Company does not provide the high voltage protection (HVP)on the customers facilities because the customer has elected to select,install,use and maintain its own HVP,the customer does so with the understanding that it is solely responsible for any interruption of Company service associated with its selection,installation,use or maintenance of the HVP.Furthermore,the customer,its successors and assigns,agree to indemnify and hold the Company and its Subsidiaries and its and their employees,officers,directors and agents harmless from all loss,liabilities,costs and expenses,including attorneys’fees and all cost of defense and settlement,resulting from interruption of service, damage to Company property,claims,demands,suits or actions of any nature whatsoever (“Proceedings”),arising from the failure of the HVP selected, installed,used or maintained by the customer. 5.The Company reserves the right to suspend any service without adequate high voltage protection until adequate protection is provided. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 4 Page 31 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 4. ORDER MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4.5 PROTECTION SERVICE FOR HIGH VOLTAGE ENVIRONMENTS (Cont'd) NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE • • • • • NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-13-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 4 Page 32 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 4. ORDER MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4.5 PROTECTION SERVICE FOR HIGH VOLTAGE ENVIRONMENTS NONRECURRING CHARGE • • • • • NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-13-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 5 September 7,2013 Index Page 1 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 ________________________ 5.SERVICES SUBJECT PAGE Audio Service 35 Channel Performance 4 Conditioning 31 CO Relay 47 Diagrams Multipoint 9 Two-Point 7 Digital Data Service (DDS)48 Discount Pricing 13 Exchange Service Extensions (Non-PI3X)44 Facility Hubs 20 Foreign Central Office Service 41 Foreign Exchange Service 38 Half-Tap 47 Hub 5 Key Arrangement 47 Low-Speed Data Service 22 Network Access Channel 4 Optional Features and Functions 5 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAiNED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SOUTHERN IDAHO Noticed:8-28-2013 SECTION 5 Index Page 2 Release 4 Effective:9-7-2013 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secrett3) ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 7,2013 Boise,Idaho 5.SERVICES SUBJECT PAGE Rate Categories 4 Rate Stabilized and Discount Pricing 11 Secondary Channel Service Types Service Configurations Multipoint Service Two-Point Service Service Rearrangements Shared Use Telephone Answering Service 45 Transport Mileage 4 Voice Grade Service 27 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog 4 6 8 6 22 21 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SEcTIoN 5 September 7,2013 Page 1 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 ________________________ 5.SERVICES 5.1 GENERAL Private Line Transport provides a transmission path between customer designated premises or customer designated premises and a Serving Wire Center (SWC). Company Centrex CO-like switches are considered to be customer designated premises for purposes of administering and providing Private Line Transport. 5.1.1 SERVICE TYPES There are several types of services used to provide Private Line Transport. Each type has its own characteristics.All are subdivided by one or more of the following: •Transmission specifications •Bandwidth •Speed (i.e.,bit rate) Customers can order a basic channel and select from a list of available transmission performance and channel interfaces,those that they desire to meet specific communications requirements. For purposes of ordering channels,each has been identified as a type of Private Line Transport.However,such identification is not intended to limit a customer’s use of the channel nor to imply that the channel is limited to a particular use. Following is a brief description of each type of service: •Low Speed Data A channel for the transmission of low speed loop status signals of up to 150 baud and for the transmission of McCulloh type alarm signals •Voice Grade A channel for the transmission of analog signals within an approximate bandwidth of 300-3000 Hz. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED TN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO,13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SEcTioN 5 September 7,2013 Page 2 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 ________________________ 5.SERVICES 5.1 GENERAL 5.1.1 SERViCE TYPES (Cont’d) •Audio A channel for the transmission of audio signals.The nominal frequency bandwidths are from 200 to 3,500 Hz,from 100 to 5,000 Hz,from 50 to 8,000 Hz or from 50 to 15,000 Hz.Audio multipoint private line channels are specially provided for the closed circuit (nonbroadcast)transmission of voice and music in one direction only. •Foreign Exchange (FX) Provides dial tone from a wire center in an exchange from which the customer is not normally served. •Foreign Central Office (FCO) Provides dial tone from a SWC to a remote wire center in the same exchange. •Exchange Service Extension (ESE) Channel which extends dial tone from a customer’s SWC to a noncontinuous property station location. •Telephone Answering Service (TAS) Channel from a patron’s central office to the Answering Bureau. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMiTTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secreteli) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 5 September 7,2013 Page 3 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Noticed:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 _________________________ 5.SERVICES 5.1 GENERAL 5.1.1 SERVICE TYPES (Cont’d) •Digital Data A channel for the digital transmission of synchronous serial data at rates of 2.4,4.8,9.6,19.2,56 and 64 kbps. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the SecretJ) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 5 September 7,2013 Page 4 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 5.SERVICES 5.1 GENERAL (Cont’d) 5.1.2 RATE CATEGORIES There are four basic rate categories which apply to Private Line Transport: •Network Access Channel •Channel Performance •Transport Mileage •Optional Features and Functions A.Network Access Channel (NAC) The Network Access Channel provides a two-wire or four-wire communications path between the POT and the normal SWC of that premises.One Network Channel Interface (NCI)charge applies per channel terminated at the POT.This charge will apply even if the customer designated premises and the SWC are collocated in the same building.On certain services,the NAC may be derived from an existing service. B.Channel Performance (CP) The Channel Performance provides the electronic equipment which is added to the NCI to provide the desired level of transmission performance.It modifies the circuit with the basic performance necessary for the circuit to function.If appropriate,it may also provide various signaling parameters to enhance the basic performance.Included as part of the CP is a NCI or POT arrangement which defines the technical characteristics at the interface between the customer and the Company.One CP charge will apply per NAC. C.Transport Mileage (TM){1J The Transport Mileage provides for the transmission facilities between the SWCs associated with two customer designated premises.The TM is portrayed in mileage bands.There are two rate elements that apply for each band,a flat rate per band and a rate per mile.TM is measured by airline miles between SWCs via the V and H Coordinates Method,as set forth in the National Exchange Carrier Association Tariff F.C.C.No.4. [I)When a customer’s intrastate Private Line Transport Service or Foreign Exchange Service is extended into unassigned territory,that service location is termed a Private Line Pricing Point.This location shall be considered a wire center for the purpose of determining airline mileages between two wire centers. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTIoN 5 September 7,2013 Page 5 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-20l3 5.SERVICES 5.1 GENERAL 5.1.2 RTE CATEGORIES (Cont’d) D.Optional Features and Functions The Optional Features and Functions rate category provides for optional features and functions which may be added to Private Line Transport to improve its quality or utility to meet specific communications requirements.These are not necessarily identifiable with specific equipment,but rather represent the end result in terms of performance characteristics which may be obtained.These characteristics may be obtained by using various combinations of equipment.Although the equipment necessary to perform a specified function may be installed at various locations along the path of the service,they will be charged for as a single rate element. Examples of Optional Features and Functions that are available include,but are not limited to,the following: •Hubbing Functions •Bridging •Multiplexing •Conditioning •Secondary Channel A hub is a Company designated SWC at which bridging functions are performed. The bridging functions performed are to connect three or more customer designated premises in a multipoint arrangement.National Exchange Carrier Association Tariff F.C.C.No.4 identifies SWCs,hub locations and the type of bridging. Standard offerings are available within each category of service.If a Standard offering does not meet a particular customer requirement,the customer may request and the Company may develop a Custom offering.The Channel Performance and/or Optional Features and Functions for customer services will be developed and rated on an individual case basis. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 5 September 7,2013 Page 6 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 __________________________ 5.SERVICES 5.1 GENERAL (Cont’d) 5.1.3 SERVICE CONFIGURATIONS The two types of service configurations over which Private Line Transport can be provided are: •Two-point •Multipoint A.Two-Point Service A two-point service connects two customer designated premises through Company wire centers or a customer designated premises and a wire center. Applicable rate categories are: •Network Access Channel •Transport Mileage (when applicable) •Channel Performance •Optional Features and Functions (when applicable) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 5 September 7,2013 Page 7 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 __________________________ 5.SERVICES 5.1 GENERAL 5.1.3 SERVICE CONFIGURATIONS A.Two-Point Service (Cont’d) The following diagram depicts a two-point service connecting two customer designated premises with SWCs located 15 miles apart.This service is provided with Cl -Type Conditioning.The location of the NCI is noted on the diagram. NCI NCI PREMISES swc swc PREIISES NAC ______ TM ______ NAC CP CP Cl CONDITIONING Applicable rate categories for this example are: •Network Access Channels (NAC)(2) •Transport Mileage (TM)(Mileage band over 8 to 25 miles) •Channel Performance (CP)(2) •Optional Features and Functions (Cl Conditioning)(2) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 5 September 7,2013 Page 8 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 _______________________ 5.SERVICES 5.1 GENERAL 5.1.3 SERVICE CONFIGURATiONS (Cont’d) B.Multipoint Service Multipoint service connects three or more customer designated premises through a Company wire center.When more than four bridging locations are provided in tandem,the quality of the service may be degraded.Only certain types of Private Line Transport are provided as multipoint service.These are so designated in the Service Descriptions set forth in 5.2,following. When ordering,the customer may specify the desired bridging location(s)selected from the National Exchange Carrier Association Tariff F.C.C.No.4,The Company,when requested to do so,will assist the customer in selecting the bridge location(s). Applicable rate categories are: •Network Access Channel •Transport Mileage (when applicable) •Channel Performance •Optional Features and Functions (when applicable) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED TN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.1 3-02-SID SOUTHERN IDAHO Issued:8-28-2013 SECTION 5 Page 9 Release 3 Effective:9-7-20 13 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secrett3) ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 7,2013 Boise,Idaho GENERAL SERVICE CONFIGURATIONS Multipoint Service (Cont’d) Multipoint Analog Service •Network Access Channel (NAC)(4) •Transport Mileage (TM)(3 sections,each from the appropriate mileage band) •Channel Performance (CP)(4) •Optional Features and Functions -bridging (B)(6 applicable,one per port) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED TN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog 5.1 5.1.3 B. 5.SERVICES The following diagram depicts a service connecting four customer designated premises,each served by a different SWC.The location of the NCI is noted on the diagram. NCI PREMISES A op PREMISES B NCI PREMISES PREMISES C 0 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 5 September 7,2013 Page 10 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-20 13 5.SERvicEs 5.1 GENERAL 5.1.3 SERVICE CONFIGURATIONS B.Multipoint Service (Cont’d) Multipoint Digital Data Service The following diagram depicts a Digital Data service connecting four customer designated premises,each served by a different SWC.The location of the NCI is noted on the diagram. NCI NCI PREMISESI_______________l -HUB _,_j TMI I I1NAc1I PREMISES TM TM swc Swc NAd NAC cP *cp NCI _____ NCI PREMISES PREMISES C D •Network Access Channel (NAC)(4) •Transport Mileage (TM (3 sections,each from the appropriate mileage band) •Channel Performance (CP)(4) •Optional Features and Functions -bridging (B)(4 applicable,one per port) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SEcTioN 5 September 7,2013 Page 11 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 __________________________ 5.SERVICES 5.1 GENERAL (Cont’d) 5.1.4 RATE STABILIZED AND DiscouNT PRicING As an alternative to month-to-month cataloged rates,qualifying customers may elect a rate stabilized or discounted pricing arrangement.Rate stability allows eligible customers to have rate predictability for specified periods of time. Discounting allows eligible customers to realize some savings due to their larger volume of services and their long term commitment to that volume of services. Each customer will be required to sign a contractual agreement for the furnishing of services on a rate stabilized or discounted pricing basis. A.Rate Stability Terms and Conditions 1.Both Analog and DDS Private Line Transport Services are eligible for rate stability consideration. 2.The rate stabilized price is the catalog rate in effect at the time the agreement is signed by the customer. 3 The minimum contract value for Analog Private Line Transport Services is $1,000.00 per month. 4.No minimum contract value is required for DDS Private Line Transport Services. 5.The only rate elements eligible for rate stabilization are:NACs (at Catalog rates), CP,TM and Private Line Transport Optional Features and Functions.These rate elements are the only ones to be used in the revenue calculation for determining eligibility. 6.In addition to satisfying the minimum eligibility requirements,the rate stabilized price must be above cost. 7.The nonrecurring charges,for circuit(s)installed under a rate stability plan,are not included under the contract and are those specified in the current Catalog. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMiTTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the SecrettJ) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTiON 5 September 7,2013 Page l2 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3’ Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 5.SERVICES 5.1 GENERAL 5.1.4 RATE STABILIZED AND DISCOUNT PRICING A.Rate Stability Terms and Conditions (Cont’d) 8.The contract period for both Analog and DDS Private Line Transport Services shall be not less than 12 months nor more than 84 months. 9.Customers with service under a rate stability plan that is within 6 months of expiration may extend their rate stability plan rates for a period of 12 months,by notifying the Company in writing of their intent to do so.The 12 month extension will begin upon expiration of the existing rate stability plan.Extension of an existing rate stability plan is available only for the original customer of record of the service. At the end of the rate stability plan or of the extension (whichever is applicable), the customer must choose to: •Renew the service under a new rate stability plan, •Continue service under the month-to-month option,or •Discontinue the service. if the customer renews the service,the monthly rates for a new rate stability plan will be the rates in effect,in the Catalog,on the renewal date.Should the customer not make a choice by the end of the existing rate stability plan or extension period,the rates will automatically revert to the month-to-month option. 10.A termination charge may apply if a customer falls below 80%of the billing level of the agreement.The termination charge is as specified in 2.4.7,preceding. If a customer completely cancels all or a portion of the contracted service at any time during the term of the agreement,a termination charge may apply as specified in 2.4.7,preceding. Ii.in any month,where the customer receives service generating a monthly billing amount greater than 120%of the original contract billing level,the customer’s contract billing level shall then increase to 90%of the new billing amount for the remainder of the term of the agreement.The minimum billing level will be 80% of the contract billing level. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the SecrettJ) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 5 September 7,2013 Page 13 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-28-20 13 Effective:9-7-20 13 5.SERVICES 5.1 GENERAL 5.1.4 RATE STABILIZED AND DISCOUNT PRICING (Cont’d) B.Discount Pricing Terms and Conditions Discount Pricing for Analog Private Line Transport Services,will be based on the length of the term of the agreement and the quantity of the circuits between the same two points.The two discounts,based on the term and the quantity,will be added together to determine the total discount.These standard discounts apply to all rate elements for Analog Private Line Transport except the NAC.A separate NAC discount structure for Analog Private Line Transport Services is specified in l3.e.,following. Discount Pricing for DDS will be based on the length of the term of the agreement and the billing amount.The two discounts,based on the term and the billing amount,will be added together to determine the total discount.These standard discounts apply to all rate elements for DDS except the NAC.A separate NAC discount structure for DDS is specified in l3.e.,following.. 1.Analog and DDS Private Line Transport Services are eligible for discount pricing consideration for CP,TM and Optional Features and Functions. 2.The discounted price is based on the Catalog rates in effect at the time the agreement is signed by the customer. 3.For Analog Private Line Transport Services,the customer must have 21 or more, two-wire equivalent circuits,between two points, or; The circuits to be included in the discount pricing agreement must have a minimum billing of $5,000.00 dollars per month,before discount. 4.For DDS,the circuits to be included in the discount pricing agreement must have a minimum billing of $500.00 dollars per month,before discount, or; The customer must subscribe to a contract period of 36 months,or longer. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secreteli) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 5 September 7,2013 Page 14 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 ________________________ 5.SERVICES 5.1 GENERAL 5.1.4 RATE STABILIZED AND DISCOUNT PRICING B.Discount Pricing Terms and Conditions (Cont’d) 5.In addition to satisfying the minimum eligibility requirements,the discounted price must be above cost. 6.The nonrecurring charges,for circuit(s)installed under a discount pricing agreement,are not included under the contract and are those specified in the current catalog. 7.The contract period shall be not less than 12 months nor more than 84 months. 8.Customers with service under a discount pricing agreement that is within 6 months of expiration may extend their discount pricing agreement rates for a period of 12 months,by notifying the Company in writing of their intent to do so. The 12 month extension will begin upon expiration of the existing discount pricing agreement.Extension of an existing discount pricing agreement is available only for the original customer of record of the service. At the end of the discount pricing agreement or of the extension (whichever is applicable),the customer must choose to: •Renew the service under a new discount pricing agreement, •Continue service under the month-to-month option,or •Discontinue the service. If the customer renews the service,the monthly rates for a new discount pricing agreement will be the rates in effect,in the Catalog,on the renewal date.Should the customer not make a choice by the end of the existing discount pricing agreement or extension period,the rates will automatically revert to the month-to- month option. 9.A termination charge may apply if a customer falls below 80%of the billing level of the agreement.The termination charge is as specified in 2.4.7,preceding. If a customer completely cancels all or a portion of the contracted service at any time during the term of the agreement,a termination charge may apply as specified in 2.4.7,preceding. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 5 September 7,2013 Page 15 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 ________________________ 5.SERVICES 5.1 GENERAL 5.1.4 RATE STABILIZED AND DISCOUNT PRICING B.Discount Pricing Terms and Conditions (Cont’d) 10.in any month,where the customer receives service generating a monthly billing amount greater than 120%of the original contract billing level,the customer’s contract billing level shall then increase to 90%of the new billing amount for the remainder of the term of the agreement.The minimum billing level will be 80% of the contract billing level. ii.Analog Discount Schedule The following discount schedule applies to only the following rate elements; Channel Performance,Transport Mileage,and Optional Features and Functions. The discounts are additive and will apply up to a maximum of 15%.Discounts may be less than those indicated to assure that rates are above costs. DISCOUNT •Length of Agreement -12 through 35 months 3% -36 through 59 months 10% -60 through 84 months 15% (Plus) •Quantity of Circuits -0 through 20 Not Eligible -Over 20 5% NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 5 September 7,2013 Page 16 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-20 13 Effective:9-7-20 13 5.SERVICES 5.1 GENERAL 5.1.4 RATE STABILIZED AND DISCOUNT PRICING B.Discount Pricing Terms and Conditions (Cont’d) 12.Digital Data Service Discount Schedule The following discount schedule applies to only the following billing elements; Channel Performance,Transport Mileage,and Optional Features and Functions. The discounts are additive and will apply up to a maximum of 16%.Discounts may be less than those indicated to assure that charges are above cost. DISCOUNT •Length of Agreement -12 through 35 months 0% -36 through 59 months 5% -60 through 84 months 10% (Plus) •Billing Amount -$0.OOto$l000.00 0% -$1000.00 to $3000.00 before discount 2% -$3000.00 to $5000.00 before discount 4% -Over $5000.00,before discount 6% NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 5 Page 17 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 5. SERVICES 5.1 GENERAL 5.1.4 RATE STABILIZED AND DISCOUNT PRICING MONTHLY RATE • NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-13-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 5 September 7,2013 Page 18 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued:8-28-20 13 Effective:9-7-20 13 5.SERVICES 5.1 GENERAL 5.1.4 RATE STABILIZED AND DISCOUNT PRICING B.13.(Cont’d) e.NAC Discount Schedule,per two-wire NAC[l] MONTHLY RATE 12-35 36-59 60-84 NAC QUANTITY MONTH TERM MONTH TERM MONTH TERM 1 to 50 [2]$27.00 $27.00 $27.00 [1]The four-wire rate is double the two-wire rate. [2]The rates for two-wire equivalent NACs over 50 are developed on an individual case basis (ICB). NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 5 September 7,2013 Page 19 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 __________________________ 5.SERVICES 5.1 GENERAL (Cont’d) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 5 September 7,2013 Page 20 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-28-20 13 Effective:9-7-2013 5.SERVICES 5.1 GENERAL (Cont’d) 5.1.5 FACILITY HUBS A customer has the option of ordering digital high capacity facilities to a facility hub for channelizing to individual services requiring lower capacity facilities (e.g.,Voice Grade,Audio,etc.)where facilities are available. Different locations may be designed as hubs for different facility capacities, e.g.,multiplexing from digital to digital may occur at one location while multiplexing from digital to analog may occur at a different location.When ordering,the customer will specify the desired multiplexing hub(s)selected from the National Exchange Carrier Association Tariff F.C.C.No.4.This catalog identifies the type(s)of multiplexing functions which are available and the SWCs at which they are available. Some of the types of multiplexing available include the following: •From higher to lower bit rate •From digital to voice frequency channels End-to-end services may be provided on channels of these facilities to a hub. The transmission performance for the end-to-end service provided between the customer designated premises will be that of the lower capacity or bit rate.For example,when a 1.544 Mbps facility is multiplexed to voice frequency channels,the transmission performance of the channelized services will be voice grade. The Company will commence billing the monthly rate for the facility to the hub on the service due date specified by the customer on the service order. Individual services utilizing these facilities may be installed coincident with the installation of the facility to the hub,or may be ordered and/or installed at a later date,at the option of the customer.The customer will be billed the appropriate rates and charges for the high capacity facility,including the multiplexer,at the time the facility is installed.Individual service rates (by service type)will apply for a NAC,CP and additional TM (as required)for each channelized service.These will be billed to the customer as each individual service is installed. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 5 September 7,2013 Page 21 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-28-20 13 Effective:9-7-20 13 5.SERVICES 5.1 GENERAL 5.1.5 FACILITY HUBS (Cont’d) Cascading multiplexing occurs when a digital channel is dc-multiplexed to provide channels with a lesser capacity and one of the lesser capacity channels is further dc-multiplexed.For example,a DS1 facility is dc-multiplexed to twenty-four DSO facilities and then one of the DSO facilities is further de multiplexed to subrate (e.g.,ten 4.8 kbps). When cascading multiplexing is performed whether in the same or a different hub,a charge for the additional multiplexing unit also applies.When cascading multiplexing is performed at different hubbing locations,Transport Mileage charges also apply between the hubs. 5.1.6 SHARED USE Shared Use occurs when Private Line Transport Service and Switched Access Service are provided over the same high capacity facilities through a common interface.The facility will be ordered,provided and rated as Private Line Transport Service.The nonrecurring charge that applies when the Shared Use Facility is installed will be the nonrecurring charge associated with the appropriate Private Line Transport Service.Rating as Private Line Transport will continue until such time as the customer chooses to use a portion of the available capacity for providing Switched Access Service.As each individual channel is activated for Switched Access Service,the Private Line Transport rates will be reduced accordingly (e.g.,1/24th for a DS1 service,etc.).The customer must place an order for each individual Switched Access or Private Line Transport Service utilizing the Shared Use Facilities and specify the channel assignment for each such service. Switched Access Service rates and charges will apply for each channel of the Shared Use Facility that is used to provide Switched Access Service.Where Private Line Transport Service is provided utilizing a channel of the Shared Use Facility to the hub,those rates and charges will apply for the facility to the hub and individual service rates and charges will apply from the hub to the customer designated premises.The rates and charges that will apply to the portion from the hub to the customer designated premises will be dependent on the specific type of Private Line Transport Service that is provided (e.g.,Voice Grade,etc.). NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret1j) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 5 September 7,2013 Page 22 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-28-20 13 Effective:9-7-20 13 5.SERVICES 5.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 5.2.1 LOW-SPEED DATA SERVICE A.Basic Circuit Description These unconditioned channels are capable of transmitting low speed varying signals at rates up to 30 baud or binary signals at rates of 0-150 baud.Low-Speed Data Channels are furnished and rated from a Point of Termination (POT)to a POT or bridging location to a POT.These channels are furnished on a two-point or multipoint basis. Information pertaining to the technical specifications and compatible channel interfaces is set forth in the Technical Publications listed under the Reference to Technical Publications,preceding. B.End-Link or Mid-Link Application This application is intended for customers requiring Private Line Transport as part of an overall circuit,extending beyond the LATA.Several Channel Performances are available to facilitate compatibility and a mechanized DLR is available to the customer to assist in their overall design.The NCI between the Company facility and the remainder of the overall circuit is referred to as the Mid User-POT.The ‘CI that is at the terminating end of the overall circuit is referred to as the End User-POT.Following are the service categories that normally apply to the End- link or Mid-link application. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secretetj’) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 5 September 7,2013 Page 23 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 _______________________ 5.SERVICES 5.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 5.2.1 LOW-SPEED DATA SERVICE (Contd) C.End-to-End Application This application is intended for customers requiring an overall Private Line Transport,furnished by the Company within the LATA.No DLR will be provided since the performance and maintenance will be the responsibility of the Company. The NCT at the terminating end of the overall circuit is referred to as the End User- POT.Following are the service categories that normally apply to the End-to-End application: 1.Service Categories LS3 1 -Provides for data transfer at speeds within the range of 0 to 150 baud. The channel is further defined by speed into the following functions: 0-30 baud channels provide: -Two-point service used for key control circuits or remote status monitoring, furnished on a two-wire only basis.[l] -Two-point or multipoint service intended for use in McCulloh Alarm-type applications,furnished on a two-wire only basis. [1]When used as a control type channel,a CPE key may also be required. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 5 September 7,2013 Page 24 I Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-28-20 13 Effective:9-7-2013 5.SERVICES 5.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 5.2.1 LOW-SPEED DATA SERVICE C.1.(Cont’d) -DC Channel (metallic channel)current or voltage interfaces on a two-wire basis.Available at the Company’s option,on an intra office basis only where facilities and operations permit.This two-point or multipoint service is intended for applications where dc continuity is required. D.End-Link or Mid-Link and End-to-End Application Low-Speed Data-Custom A Custom Low-Speed Data channel may be provided upon request when parameters and/or features are not provided by the standard Low-Speed Data channels. E.Regulations It is expressly declared that metallic facilities are in continually decreasing supply and the Company is not obligated to continue to provide such facilities.Due to facility rearrangements,continued use of metallic facilities may be denied to existing customers with no obligation on the Company’s part to pay customer equipment rearrangement costs.The Company will give the customer 90 days notification of this type of facility rearrangements.Metallic facilities are provided only where existing facilities and operating conditions permit. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 5 September 7,2013 Page 25 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 ________________________ 5.SERVICES 5.2 SERVICE DEsCRiPTIoNs 5.2.1 LOW-SPEED DATA SERVICE F.Regulations (Cont?d) All Network Access Channels must have the same Channel Performance.Any deviation from the established parameters on a given circuit will be handled on an individual case basis.All transmission measurements will be measured from the primary station. F.Optional Features and Functions 1.Central Office Bridging Capability a.McCulIoh Bridging allows the connection of up to 26 customer premises.This bridging is only available with McCulloh Alarm-type service. b.Direct Bridging connects three or more customer designated premises on the DC Channel. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 5 Page 26 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 5. SERVICES 5.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 5.2.1 LOW-SPEED DATA SERVICE (Cont'd) NETWORK SERVICE CHANNEL CODE NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-13-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 5 September 7,2013 Page 27 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 ________________________ 5.SERVICES 5.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS (Cont’d) 5.2.2 VOICE GRADE SERVICE A.Basic Description Voice Grade circuits are provided with a bandwidth of 300-3000 Hz designed to meet certain specifications based on Company standards of measurement for voice transmission,data transmission,remote metering,telephoto and miscellaneous signaling purposes.Such identification is not intended to limit a customer’s use of the circuits nor to imply that the circuit is limited to a particular use.These circuits are not suitable for the transmission of direct current pulses.The number of stations that may be connected and the distance over which transmission is possible may be limited by operating and transmission factors.Circuits are furnished as either two-wire or four-wire on a two-point or multipoint basis. Information pertaining to the technical specifications and compatible channel interfaces is set forth in the Technical Publications listed under the Reference to Technical Publications,preceding. B.End-Link or Mid-Link Application This application is intended for customers requiring Private Line Transport as part of an overall circuit,extending beyond the LATA.Several Channel Performances are available to facilitate compatibility and a mechanized DLR is available to the customer to assist in their overall design.The NCI between the Company facility and the remainder of the overall circuit is referred to as the Mid User-POT.The NCI that is at the terminating end of the overall circuit is referred to as the End User-POT.Following are the service categories that normally apply to the End- link or Mid-link application. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT 15 SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.1 3-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 5 September 7,2013 Page 28 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 ________________________ 5.SERVICES 5.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 5.2.2 VOICE GRADE SERVICE B.End-Link or Mid-Link Application (Cont’d) 1.Service Categories •VG3 -Suitable for use as a two-point voice trunk-type circuit.The transmission interfaces are provided as either two-wire or four-wire. •VG5 -Suitable for use as a two-point or multipoint voice grade data alarm-type circuit.The transmission interfaces may be either two-wire or four-wire. •VG6 -Suitable for voice grade analog data circuits (Applications may be limited).This service is provided on a two-point or multipoint basis.The transmission interfaces are provided on a four-wire basis only. •VG7 -Suitable for two-point use for a switched or nonswitched data circuit. The transmission interfaces may be either two-wire or four-wire. •VGIO -Suitable for a specialized simultaneous two-way voice grade analog data circuit that extends Digital Data Service (DDS)into areas without DDS facilities.This service is provided on a two-point or multipoint basis.The transmission interfaces are provided as either two-wire or four-wire. •VG 12 -Suitable for specialized voice grade private line audio tone protective relaying circuit.High Voltage Power protection is required for provision of VG12 service.This service is provided on a two-point or multipoint basis. The transmission interfaces are provided as either two-wire or four-wire. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the SecrettJ) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 5 September 7,2013 Page 29 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-20 13 _________________________ 5.SERVICES 5.2 SERVICE DESCRiPTIONS 5.2.2 VOICE GRADE SERVICE (Cont’d) C.End-to-End Application This application is intended for customers requiring an overall Private Line Transport,furnished by the Company within the LATA.No DLR will be provided since the performance and maintenance will be the responsibility of the Company. The NCI at the terminating end of the overall circuit is referred to as the End User- POT.Following are the service categories that normally apply to the End-to-End application: 1.Service Categories •VG32 -is suitable for use as a two-point or multipoint line-type circuit.The basic channel is modified with Channel Performance providing no signaling, loop-start or automatic signaling.Data capability may be added to specific combinations of loop-start signaling circuits.The loop-start signaling option provides the additional capabilities of extending the signaling ranges and of offering repeated ringing for PBX station ports. •VG33 -is suitable for use as a two-point trunk-type circuit.The basic channel• is modified with Channel Performance providing no signaling,E&M or ground-start signaling.Data capability may be added to specific combinations of E&M or ground-start signaling circuits. •VG36 -is suitable for use as a two-point or multipoint voice grade (analog) circuit.All channels are provided with basic data transmission parameters modified by the appropriate Channel Performance.Additional conditioning parameters may be added to the basic Channel Performance.These conditioning parameters allow the section of attenuation distortionlenvelope delay and intermodulation distortion as needed. •Voice Grade Basic (VGB)Service is a two point and two wire transmission service designed to provide a low cost communication path between two locations served from the same wire center.This service does not provide technical specifications or signaling.There is also no guarantee of dc continuity. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED N THiS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 5 September 7,2013 Page 30 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-20 13 Effective:9-7-2013 5.SERVICES 5.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 5.2.2 VOICE GR4DE SERVICE (Cont’d) D.End-Link or Mid-Link and End-to-End Application 1.Voice Grade Custom (VGC) VGC service is a voice grade service that may be ‘customized”by specifying any of the technical specifications for VG1 through VGI2 or 32 through 36.The specifications and interfaces chosen must be compatible,technically feasible,and available. VGC would be recommended when (1)a VG type does not meet a customers criteria,(2)parameters from more than one VG type meet the customer’s requirements,(3)or the Company can provide according to the customer’s specifications and the specifications are provided for in accordance with this catalog. E.Optional Features and Functions 1.Central Office Bridging Capability Provides the capability to connect three or more customer designated premises. Various types of central office bridging are available as defined in the following: a.Resistive Bridging For use on two-wire and four-wire Voice Grade services connected for voice or data communications. b.Bridge Lifter A two-wire bridge capability that allows the connection of two stations to a single PBX or Centrex-type line. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 5 September 7,2013 Page 31 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 ________________________ 5.SERVICES 5.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 5.2.2 VOICE GRADE SERVICE E.Optional Features And Functions (Confd) 2.Conditioning Conditioning provides enhanced transmission characteristics to each applicable Voice Grade service.These options allow the customer to specify envelope delay distortion,intermodulation distortion,or signal to C-notched noise.The conditioning option applies to each Network Access Channel.Refer to the Optional Features and Functions Table in 6.,following,and the Reference to Technical Publication preceding. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTIoN 5 September 7,2013 Page 32 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 5.SERVICES 5.2 SERVICE DEscRIPTIoNs 5.2.2 VOICE GRADE SERVICE E.Optional Features And Functions (Cont’d) 3.Improved Termination Where applicable,this option provides a matching 600 ohm impedance at a four- wire POT,an extended range of customer specified levels (-16 to +7 TLP),and simplex reversal.This option requires Company equipment be placed at the customer designated premises. 4.Data Channel Terminating Equipment Data Channel Terminating Equipment (DCTE)is available for use on certain four-wire voice grade services.A customer powered DCTE unit is a standard provision whenever the customer specifies the DA interface code.DCTE provides data equalization with central office powered 2713 Hz tone activated loop back relay and assists in providing service continuity during commercial ac power outages. 5.Customer Specified Levels The customer may specify transmit andlor receive levels within ranges as delineated in the appropriate technical reference.This option applies to customer specified level(s)other than the recommended level(s)shown in the technical references. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT [S SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 5 September 7,2013 Page 33 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 5.SERvicEs 5.2 SERVICE DEscRiPTIoNs 5.2.2 VOICE GRADE SERVICE E.Optional Features and Functions (Cont’d) 6.Optional Features and Functions Table The following table shows the technical specifications packages with which the Optional Features and Functions are available. END-LINK OR MID-LINK END-TO-END C 3 5 6 7 10121 C 32 33 36 B CO Bridging Resistive x x x x x x x x Bridge Lifter x x x Conditioning CCond.x x x xxi Imp.EDD.x x x x x1 Data Capability x x x x Cl Cond.x x C2 Cond.x x C4Cond.x Dl Cond.x x Data Channel Terminating Equip.x x x x x x Improved Termination x x x x x x x Customer Specified Levels x x x x x x x x x NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 5 Page 34 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 5. SERVICES 5.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 5.2.2 VOICE GRADE SERVICE (Cont'd) NETWORK SERVICE CHANNEL CODE NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-13-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 5 Page 35 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 5-20-2016 Effective: 6-1-2016 5. SERVICES 5.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS (Cont'd) 5.2.4 AUDIO SERVICE NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 1, 2016 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the SecrettJ) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTIONS September 7,2013 Page 36 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN iDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 __________________________ 5.SERVICES 5.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTiONS 5.2.4 AUDIO SERVICE (Cont’d) C.End-To-End Application This application is intended for customers requiring an overall Private Line Transport,furnished by the Company within the LATA.No DLR will be provided since the performance and maintenance will be the responsibility of the Company. The NCI at the terminating end of the overall circuit is referred to as the End User POT.Following are the service categories that normally apply to the End-to-End application: 1.Service Categories •AP3 1 -provides a non-equalized channel with a nominal bandpass from 200 to 3000 Hz. •AP32 -provides an equalized channel with a nominal bandpass from 100 to 5000 Hz. •AP33 -provides an equalized channel with a nominal bandpass from 50 to 8000 Hz. •AP34 -provides an equalized channel with a nominal bandpass from 50 to 15000 Hz. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 5 Page 37 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 5. SERVICES 5.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 5.2.4 AUDIO SERVICE (Cont'd) • NETWORK SERVICE CHANNEL CODE NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-13-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secretet3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTiON 5 September 7,2013 Page 38 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 __________________________ 5.SERVICES 5.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS (Cont’d) 5.2.5 FOREIGN EXCHANGE SERVICE A.Basic Description Foreign Exchange (FX)Service provides dial tone from a wire center in an exchange from which the customer is not normally served,or where the customer is located outside an exchange in unassigned territory.This service is available to either residence or business customers but will not be provided for resale. B.Terms and Conditions 1.Where facility conditions permit,the Company will provide FX Service at the rates shown herein.Where FX Service is furnished at remote or isolated locations,or where facilities are not available,or where unusual costs are involved,additional nonrecurring,construction,and/or monthly charges may apply. 2.FX Service is normally furnished to a single customer premises.Where facility conditions permit,up to two additional points may be added. 3.When a customer subscribes to local services and requests an extension in a foreign exchange,a Network Access Channel,Channel Performance and Transport Mileage,as specified for Foreign Exchange Service,will apply to the extension. 4.Foreign Exchange Service is not furnished in connection with party line or Smart PAL Service. 5.Directory Listings a.One directory listing will be provided for FX Service in the exchange where the customer’s dial tone is obtained. b.Additional listings will be furnished at regular rates and charges as specified in the appropriate catalog c.Listings in other directories will be furnished at the regular rates for foreign listings as specified in the Exchange and Network Service Tariff. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAiNED N THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the SecrettJ) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 5 September 7,2013 Page 39 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 ________________________ 5.SERVICES 5.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 5.2.5 FOREIGN EXCHANGE SERViCE B.Terms and Conditions (Cont’d) 6.FX will not be provided on the same circuit as Foreign Central Office (FCO) Service. 7.Message toll rates are applicable in connection with FX Service when calls are placed to telephone numbers outside the local calling area of the dial tone wire center. 8.Rates and Terms and Conditions associated with Directory Assistance apply and are set forth in the Exchange And Network Service Tariff. 9.Use of service limitations as delineated in the Exchange and Network Service Tariff apply to FX Service. 10.Foreign Exchange provides unlimited access to and from the local calling area of the foreign wire center. ii.Rates and charges for all Optional Features and Functions are as specified in the Exchange and Network Service Tariff. 12.FX Service will obtain a line or trunk from the Exchange and Network Service Tariff.The NAC is also applicable. 13.The rates and charges for individual line service and PBX trunks are those in effect in the serving (foreign)exchange. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 5 Page 40 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 5. SERVICES 5.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 5.2.5 FOREIGN EXCHANGE SERVICE •••• NETWORK SERVICE CHANNEL CODE NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-13-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 5 September 7,2013 Page 41 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 issued:8-28-20 13 Effective:9-7-20 13 ______________________ 5.SERVICES 5.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS (Cont’d) 5.2.6 FOREIGN CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICE A.Basic Description Foreign Central Office (FCO)Service provides dial tone from a customer’s SWC to a remote wire center in the same exchange.This service is available to either residence or business customers but will not be provided for resale. B.Terms and Conditions 1.FCO Service is offered on individual lines and PBX truriks. 2.FCO Service will obtain a line or trunk from the Exchange and Network Services Tariff.The NAC is also applicable. 3.FCO Service is not in accord with the normal plan of furnishing telephone service and the Company does not obligate itself to furnish such service,particularly where it involves undue expense or impairment of the service furnished to the general public. 4.Transport Mileage applies based on airline measurements from the wire center from which the customer actually is served to the SWC from which the customer would normally be served. 5.FCO will not be provided on the same circuit as Foreign Exchange (FX)Service. 6.Rates and charges for all Optional Features and Functions are as specified in the Exchange and Network Services Tariff. 7.Locality,suburban or exchange zone rate area increments (ZNA/)for any main station or PBX located outside the base rate area of the normal exchange do riot apply to Foreign Central Office Service. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 5 September 7,2013 Page 42 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 __________________________ 5.SERVICES 5.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTiONS 5.2.6 FOREIGN CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICE B.Terms and Conditions (Cont’d) 8.Directory Listings a.One directory listing will be provided for FCO Service in the wire center where the customer’s dial tone is obtained. b.Additional listings will be furnished at regular rates and charges as specified in the Exchange and Network Services Tariff. c.Listings in other directories will be furnished at the regular rates for foreign listings as specified in the Exchange and Network Services Tariff. 9.Message toll rates are applicable in connection with FCO Service when calls are placed to telephone numbers outside the local calling area of the dial tone wire center. 10.Rates and Terms and Conditions associated with Directory Assistance apply and are set forth in the Exchange and Network Services Tariff. 11.Use of service limitations as delineated in the Exchange and Network Services Tariff apply to FCO Service. 12.The rates for individual line service and PBX trunks are those in effect in the serving (foreign)central office. 13.In the case of Centrex main stations,the basic secondary location Centrex station rate schedule will apply at each FCO station location in addition to mileage and/or incremental charges. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 5 Page 43 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 5. SERVICES 5.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 5.2.6 FOREIGN CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICE •••• NETWORK SERVICE CHANNEL CODE NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-13-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 5 Page 44 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 5. SERVICES 5.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS (Cont'd) 5.2.7 EXCHANGE SERVICE EXTENSIONS (NON-PBX) ••• NETWORK SERVICE CHANNEL CODE NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-13-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 5 September 7,2013 Page 45 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 __________________________ 5.SERVICES 5.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS (Cont’d) 5.2.8 TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE A.Basic Description 1.A Telephone Answering Service (TAS)circuit provides access to any individual or firm offering a telephone answering service to a number of customers as a general undertaking.This service will not be provided for resale. 2.An individual or firm will be considered as a TAS Bureau for the application of terms,conditions and rates and charges,if any of the following criteria is met: a.Answers a number of telephone lines for other firms or individual patrons or answers calls referred through directory listings for a number of patrons. b.Furnishes an answering service to one or more patrons located outside of the same building in which the answering equipment is located. c.Offers telephone answering service to the general public by advertising in any telephone directory or other publication. d.Requires one or more administrative telephone lines and associated directory listings,indicating telephone answering service is provided. e.Contracts to answer the telephone lines of patrons or take calls through directory listings on a 24-hour basis. B.Terms and Conditions 1.It is expressly declared that metallic facilities are in continually decreasing supply and the Company is not obligated to continue to provide such facilities.Due to facility rearrangements,continued use of metallic facilities may be denied to existing customers with no obligation on the Company’s part to pay customer equipment rearrangement costs.The Company will give the customer 90 days notification of this type of facility rearrangements.Metallic facilities are provided only where existing facilities and operating conditions permit. 2.The TAS bureau is required to contract for the telephone answering service described herein,and in addition is required to subscribe for regular business exchange service,either flat or message rate but not a combination of both.The service of the TAS patron must be individual line,two-party line or PBX service NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 5 September 7,2013 Page 46 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 __________________________ 5.SERVICES 5.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 5.2.8 TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE B.Terms and Conditions (Cont’d) 3.Lines for connecting the telephone service of the TAS patrons with the answering equipment of the TAS bureau,are known as telephone answering service lines, which are furnished for answering incoming calls only.Such lines may not be used by the TAS bureau for making outgoing calls or for communication between the TAS bureau and its patrons. 4.TAS patrons may have business individual telephone service terminated directly in a TAS bureau where facilities permit.These services so terminated are limited to incoming use only.Regular business individual line flat or message rates as specified in the appropriate catalog will apply. 5.TAS patrons may have business individual line service terminated in a jack on the TAS bureau premises.The primary function of such a line is for receiving messages for a patron who is absent from the TAS location for the greater part of the patron’s business day. 6.All rates and charges quoted herein for TAS assume that the Company will not be required to provide unusually large amounts of cable facilities required for this type of service at a location remote from its SWC or in areas in the exchange where the cable required to provide telephone answering service would not have a normal usage for other services if the telephone answering service were discontinued at such a location.For the purpose of administering this regulation, no extra charge will be applicable if the TAS bureau is located within one airline mile of the SWC.If the TAS bureau is located more than one airline mile from the SWC,special charges will be applicable depending upon the circumstances in each case. 7.When a TAS bureau moves to a different premises within the same exchange,the TAS bureau will be assessed the charges applicable to the reestablishment of all services moved to the new location.These charges include all charges applicable to the TAS lines and business patron service lines reterminated in the TAS bureau answering equipment. 8.When the TAS patron is served out of the same SWC as the TAS bureau,the TAS patron is responsible for rates and charges associated with NAC and CP. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTA1NED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.1 3-02-SID SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 5 Page 47 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 5. SERVICES 5.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 5.2.8 TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE ••• ••• NETWORK SERVICE CHANNEL CODE NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-13-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secretet3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 5 September 7,2013 Page 48 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 __________________________ 5.SERVICES 5.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS (Cont’d) 5.2.9 DIGITAL DATA SERVICE A.Basic Description Digital Data Service (DDS)is provided on a two-point or multipoint,four-wire basis and is capable of transmission of synchronous serial data at the rate of 2.4, 4.8,9.6,19.2 or 56 kbps.DDS is also provided at 64 kbps on a two-point only basis.Subrated DSO Service is also available.The actual bit rate is a function of the channel interface selected by the customer where applicable.The circuit provides a synchronous service,with timing provided by the Company through the Company’s facilities,to the customer in the received bit stream.DDS circuits are provided between customer designated premises,between a customer designated premises and a Company Hub or designated digital wire center,or between Company Hubs or designated digital wire centers. A subrated DSO Service (HCO)transports multiple subrate digital data channels, i.e.,twenty 2.4,ten 4.8,or five 9.6 kbps,between Digital Data Hubs. When a 64 kbps DDS circuit is multiplexed onto a DS1 Service,the DSI Service must be optioned for Clear Channel Capability. information pertaining to the technical specifications and compatible channel interfaces is set forth in the Technical Publications listed under the Reference to Technical Publications preceding. B.End-Link or Mid-Link Application This application is intended for customers requiring Private Line Transport as part of an overall circuit,extending beyond the LATA.Several Channel Performances are available to facilitate compatibility and a mechanized DLR is available to the customer to assist in their overall design.The NCI between the Company facility and the remainder of the overall circuit is referred to as the Mid User-POT.The NCI that is at the terminating end of the overall circuit is referred to as the End User-POT.Following are the service categories that normally apply to the End link or Mid-link application. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrettj) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 5 September 7,2013 Page 49 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 __________________________ 5.SERVICES 5.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 5.2.9 DIGITAL DATA SERVICE (Cont’d) C.End-to-End Application This application is intended for customers requiring an overall Private Line Transport,furnished by the Company within the LATA.No DLR will be provided since the performance and maintenance will be the responsibility of the Company. The NCI at the terminating end of the overall circuit is referred to as the End User- POT. D.Optional Features and Functions 1.Bridging Bridging is an arrangement within Digital Data Hub(s)to connect three or more customer designated premises to form multipoint configurations.It permits a customer to transmit communications from one location to many locations simultaneously and/or receive communications at a single location from many locations.It is not available with 64 kbps or subrated DSO.All NACs connected by Bridging must operate at the same transmission speed. 2.Secondary Channel Secondary Channel provides an independent lower rate channel which allows diagnostic,maintenance and network administration capabilities.This enhancement is available with 4.8,9.6,19.2 and 56 kbps on two-point and multipoint arrangements.This offering is contingent upon equipment and facility availability. Secondary Channel Service does not constitute a 64 kbps Clear Channel Capacity nor shall the offering of Secondary Channel Service obligate the Company to provision it using any specific 64 kbps Clear Channel Capability protocols. When the control leg of a multipoint 56 kbps DDS circuit with Secondary Channel is multiplexed onto a DS 1 Service,the DS 1 Service must be optioned for Clear Channel Capability. Customer provided equipment interfacing with Secondary Channel service arrangements must be designed in accordance with technical specifications. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 5 September 7,2013 Page 50 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Noticed:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 _______________________ 5.SERVICES 5.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 5.2.9 DIGITAL DATA SERVICE D.Optional Features and Functions (Cont’d) 3.Central Office DSO to Subrate (DSOB to DSOA Subrate)Multiplexing An arrangement that provides a Company multiplexer which converts a Subrated DSO (DSOB)channel containing up to twenty 2.4 kbps,ten 4.8 kbps,or five 9.6 kbps channels into individual 2.4,4.8,or 9.6 kbps circuits,each utilizing time division multiplexing.Where available,this option may be applied to both the DS1 to Voice/Data channel and DS1 to DSO channel multiplexing options,as specified under DS 1 Service. The placement of DDS onto a DDS Central Office DSO to Subrate Multiplexer will only be provided in Digital Data Hub(s). 4.Central Office Multiplexer to Multiplexer Connecting Arrangement a.Subrate to Subrate An arrangement that allows a customer to connect an individual channel from one DSO to Subrate Multiplexer to an individual channel of another DSO to Subrate Multiplexer,at 2.4,4.8 or 9.6 kbps,within the same Digital Data Hub. In addition,this arrangement allows a customer to connect an individual channel from one DSO to Subrate Multiplexer,to an individual channel of another DSO to Subrate Multiplexer located in a different Digital Data Hub,at 2.4,4.8 or 9.6 kbps.Transport Mileage applies between Digital Data Hubs. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.1 3-02-S ID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 5 September 7,2013 Page 51 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued:8-28-20 13 Effective:9-7-2013 5.SERVICES 5.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 5.2.9 DIGITAL DATA SERVICE D.4.(Cont’d) b.DSOtoDSO An arrangement that allows a customer to connect an individual channel from one DS I to DSO Multiplexer to an individual channel of another DS 1 to DSO Multiplexer,within the same Company SWC.In addition,this arrangement can be used to allow a customer to connect an individual channel of one DS 1 to Voice Multiplexer to another DS I to Voice Multiplexer,within the same Company SWC.DSO to DSO can be used for 2.4,4.8,9.6,19.2,56 and 64 kbps and Subrated DSO Service.DSO to DSO with Secondary Channel can be used for 19.2,and 56 kbps. In addition,this arrangement allows a customer to connect an individual channel from one DS1 to DSO/Voice Multiplexer,to an individual channel of another DS1 to DSO/Voice Multiplexer located in a different Digital Data Hub. Transport Mileage applies between Digital Data Hubs. c.When a Central Office Multiplexer to Multiplexer Connecting AlTangement is made within the same Digital Data Hub,only one arrangement will apply. When a Central Office Multiplexer to Multiplexer Connecting Arrangement is made in different Digital Data Hub(s),one arrangement will apply for each Digital Data Hub.Transport Mileage will also apply.For example,a customer wants to connect one 2.4 kbps channel on a DSO to Subrate Multiplexer from Digital Data Hub A to a DSO to Subrate Multiplexer in Digital Data Hub B.The customer would pay for two Central Office Multiplexer to Multiplexer Connecting Arrangements and Transport Mileage as set forth in Section 6, following. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 5 Page 52 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5[1] Noticed: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 5. SERVICES 5.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 5.2.9 DIGITAL DATA SERVICE (Cont'd) NETWORK SERVICE CHANNEL CODE NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-13-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SEcTIoN 105 Index Page 1 Release 4 Effective:9-7-2013 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secrettj) ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 7,2013 Boise,Idaho SUBJECT General Obsolete Foreign Exchange (OFX)Service Protective Connecting Arrangements Voice Grade Service SOUTHERN IDAHO Issued:8-28-2013 105.OBSOLETE SERViCES PAGE 1 2 3 I NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 105 September 7,2013 Page 1 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 _________________________ 105.OBSOLETE SERviCEs 105.1 GENERAL Obsolete Services are certain items of service and equipment previously offered elsewhere.They will not be furnished as new items of service to any customer or applicant except where they are required to fully utilize the installed common equipment capacities of existing systems. At the discretion of the Company,the items of service and equipment listed herein which were furnished prior to the date such items became obsolete, hereunder,may be continued in service only if they remain on the same premises for the same customer,and the Company is able to maintain such items without unreasonable expense and is able to obtain repair parts from existing or recovered stock. 105.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 105.2.2 VOICE GRADE SERViCE MONTHLY USOC RATE A.Channel Performance (CP) I.End-to-End,per termination Voice Grade 32 -Code-select ringdown PCWHX $12.00 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation cl/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 105 September 7,2013 Page 2 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 __________________________ 105.OBSOLETE SERVICES 105.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTiONS (Cont’d) 105.2.5 FOREIGN EXCHANGE SERVICE A.Obsolete Foreign Exchange Service 1.Description Obsolete Foreign Exchange (OFX)Service is exchange service furnished to a customer located in an exchange other than the one from which he is served or where the customer is located outside an exchange in unassigned territory. 2.Rates and Charges a.The rates and charges shown herein are applicable so long as the following conditions are met: Contiguous OFX Service may be continued for existing customers or members of the customer’s immediate family.The right to grandfather service will be limited to the customer,or members of the immediate family, originally receiving this service prior to April 13,1979,and still receiving this service on the date of this Notice. b.Application of Mileage Charges The OFX mileage charge will apply to the airline distance measured from the customer’s main station to the nearest point on the boundary of the serving exchange and is in addition to the individual,2-party,and 4-party exchange zone line rates applicable at that point. c.Mileage Charges MONTHLY USOC RATE •Each 1/4 mile or fraction thereof -Individual line 1LHBU $2.54 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMiTTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the SecretJ) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 105 September 7,2013 Page 3 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4{l] issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-20 13 105.OBSOLETE SERVICES 105.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 105.2.14 PROTECTIVE CONNECTING ARRANGEMENTS MONTHLY USOC RATE Automatic PCA for connection of a customer, authorized user or joint user provided communications system arranged for CPE dial or automatic channel signaling,to a Company Private Line Access Service which terminates at the distant end in a Company- provided PBX arranged for dial or automatic signaling (four-wire).C234W $8.09 [1]Page 4,Release 2 and Page 5,Release 2,were previously cancelled.(I) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/bla CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 6 Index Page 1 Release 4 Effective:9-7-2013 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecrettJ) ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 7,2013 Boise,Idaho SUBJECT Analog and Digital Data Service Channel Performance (CP) Network Access Channel (NAC) Optional Features and Functions Service Provisioning Charge Transport Mileage (TM) SOUTHERN IDAHO Issued:8-28-20 13 6.RATES AND CHARGES PAGE 1 2 1 13 1 8 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 6 Page 1 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 6. RATES AND CHARGES 6.1 ANALOG AND DIGITAL DATA SERVICE 6.1.1 SERVICE PROVISIONING CHARGE NONRECURRING CHARGE ••• •• 6.1.2 NETWORK ACCESS CHANNEL (NAC)[1] NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE •–– Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 6 Page 2 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 6. RATES AND CHARGES 6.1 ANALOG AND DIGITAL DATA SERVICE (Cont'd) 6.1.3 CHANNEL PERFORMANCE (CP) NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE • •••• • Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 6 Page 3 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 6. RATES AND CHARGES 6.1 ANALOG AND DIGITAL DATA SERVICE 6.1.3 CHANNEL PERFORMANCE (CP) (Cont’d) NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE • • • • • • Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 6 Page 4 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 6. RATES AND CHARGES 6.1 ANALOG AND DIGITAL DATA SERVICE 6.1.3 CHANNEL PERFORMANCE (CP) Voice Grade Service (Cont’d) NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE • • • • • Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 6 Page 5 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 6. RATES AND CHARGES 6.1 ANALOG AND DIGITAL DATA SERVICE 6.1.3 CHANNEL PERFORMANCE (CP) (Cont’d) NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE • ••••• Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 6 Page 6 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 6 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 6. RATES AND CHARGES 6.1 ANALOG AND DIGITAL DATA SERVICE 6.1.3 CHANNEL PERFORMANCE (CP) (Cont’d) NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE ••• ••• •• •• Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 6 Page 7 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 6. RATES AND CHARGES 6.1 ANALOG AND DIGITAL DATA SERVICE 6.1.3 CHANNEL PERFORMANCE (CP) (Cont’d) NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE •••••• •••••• Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 6 Page 8 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 6. RATES AND CHARGES 6.1 ANALOG AND DIGITAL DATA SERVICE (Cont’d) 6.1.4 TRANSPORT MILEAGE (TM) NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE • – • – • – • – Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 6 Page 9 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 6. RATES AND CHARGES 6.1 ANALOG AND DIGITAL DATA SERVICE 6.1.4 TRANSPORT MILEAGE (TM) (Cont’d) NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE • – • – • – • – Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 6 Page 10 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 6. RATES AND CHARGES 6.1 ANALOG AND DIGITAL DATA SERVICE 6.1.4 TRANSPORT MILEAGE (TM) Audio Service (Cont’d) NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE • – • – • – • – Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 6 Page 11 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 6. RATES AND CHARGES 6.1 ANALOG AND DIGITAL DATA SERVICE 6.1.4 TRANSPORT MILEAGE (TM) Audio Service (Cont’d) NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE • – • – • – • – Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 6 Page 12 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 6. RATES AND CHARGES 6.1 ANALOG AND DIGITAL DATA SERVICE 6.1.4 TRANSPORT MILEAGE (TM) NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE • – • – • – • – Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 6 Page 13 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 6. RATES AND CHARGES 6.1 ANALOG AND DIGITAL DATA SERVICE (Cont'd) 6.1.5 OPTIONAL FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE • • Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 6 Page 14 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 6. RATES AND CHARGES 6.1 ANALOG AND DIGITAL DATA SERVICE 6.1.5 OPTIONAL FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS (Cont'd) NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE • • • • Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 6 Page 15 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 6. RATES AND CHARGES 6.1 ANALOG AND DIGITAL DATA SERVICE 6.1.5 OPTIONAL FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS Voice Grade Service (Cont’d) NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE • – Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 6 Page 16 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 6. RATES AND CHARGES 6.1 ANALOG AND DIGITAL DATA SERVICE 6.1.5 OPTIONAL FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS (Cont'd) NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE •••• • Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2016-013 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 6 Page 17 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 6. RATES AND CHARGES 6.1 ANALOG AND DIGITAL DATA SERVICE 6.1.5 OPTIONAL FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS (Cont'd) NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE • • • • • NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-13-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 6 September 7,2013 Page 18 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued:8-28-20 13 Effective:9-7-2013 6.RATES AND CHARGES 6.8 RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 6 September 7,2013 Page 19 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 6.RATES AND CHARGES 6.9 RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrett3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 6 September 7,2013 Page 20 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 6.RATES AND CHARGES 6.9 RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (Contd) NOTICE THE [NFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret3) Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 6 September 7,2013 Page 21 Boise,Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5[1J Issued:8-28-2013 Effective:9-7-2013 6.RATES AND CHARGES 6.9 RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (Cont’d) [1)Pages 22 through 27,Release 2,were previously cancelled.(T) NOTICE THE [NFORMATTON CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID