HomeMy WebLinkAboutQwest Corp S ID Catalog No 1 Exch & Network Secs 6-9.pdfSID2016-005 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 6 Index Page 1 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 4-26-2016 Effective: 5-6-2016 6. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE SUBJECT PAGE Adjustment of Charges .............................................................................. 13 Advance Payments and Deposits ............................................................... 11 Application for Service .............................................................................. 4 Calling Connection Plans ........................................................................... 37 Customer Responsibility ............................................................................ 8 Directory Assistance Service ..................................................................... 33 Establishing and Furnishing Service .......................................................... 1 Hearing or Speech Impaired Persons Discount ......................................... 25 Interest Rates ............................................................................................... 12 Liability ...................................................................................................... 17 Limited Communication ............................................................................. 6 Lost or Damaged Equipment ..................................................................... 14 Maintenance and Repair ............................................................................ 14 Obligation to Furnish Service .................................................................... 6 Optional Service Offerings ........................................................................ 37 Payment of Bills ......................................................................................... 8 Priority of Services .................................................................................... 16 (D) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 6, 2016 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissii) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 6 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Index Page 2 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease2Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE SUBJECT PAGE Regulations 16 Resale of Service 6 Scope 16 Special Services 15 Special Taxes,Fees,Charges 15 Standard Service Offerings 20 Termination of Service -Company Initiated 7 Terms and Conditions for Unregulated Services 1 Timing of Calls 23 Transfer of Service Between Customers 6 Two-Point Message Telecommunication Service 20 Use 19 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissii) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTIoN 6 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Pagel Junel5,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise Idahoissued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 ________________________ 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 6.1 GENERAL A.Establishing and Furnishing Service These regulations are added to those pertaining to specific service items in other sections. B.Terms and Conditions For Unregulated Services 1.Services:Unregulated Services are governed by these Terms and Conditions and NOT by the Public Utilities Commission,unless some other written agreement applies to you or your service,in which case that agreement governs.Customers may complain to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission regarding service availability,quality,and terms and conditions and whether the price and conditions of these services are in conformance with this price list.If you are a residential customer or a business customer with 5 lines or less in one building, you don’t have to have any unregulated services to have basic local telephone service.The unregulated services you presently purchase appear on the front of this billing page. 2.Cancellation/Agreement:You may cancel any unregulated service without further charge,as of the date you call us.We’ll continue to provide each service and expect you to pay for it,until you cancel that service.By using,paying for or failing to cancel a service,you agree to these Terms and Conditions. 3.Billing,failure to pay,abuse:We’ll bill you monthly,in advance,for most unregulated services.If you don’t pay your bill on time or comply with these Terms and Conditions,then we may discontinue all or part of your services after giving you 7 days written notice.Your unregulated services may also be suspended or discontinued if your basic telephone service is suspended or discontinued for any reason.We may discontinue all or part of your unregulated services,without notice,if any abuse or misuse of these services occurs or if a hazard or danger to person or property exists. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-S1D Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissii) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 6 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 2 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease2BoiseIdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 6.1 GENERAL B.Terms and Conditions For Unregulated Services (Cont’d) 4.Deposit:We may require a deposit if you don’t pay your bill on time or if we have a good reason to believe that you won’t or can’t pay you future monthly bills on time.Once you pay a deposit,whether for regulated or unregulated services, we may apply that deposit to any unpaid amount that you owe us when any service is terminated for any reason.We’ll hold and refund all deposits in the same way we hold and refund deposits for regulated services. 5.With regard to 3.and 4.above,these services will be provided consistent with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission’s rules governing customer deposits and termination. 6.LIMITATION OF LIABILITY/SOLE REMEDY-Out of Service Credit:If an unregulated service is interrupted for 24 hours,or more,and if it is not due to the wiring or instruments in your home or business,nor due to your own actions or the actions of your family,guests,customers or employees,you may be entitled to an “out-of-service”credit.If you don’t contact us within a reasonable time, generally 30 days,we may refuse this credit.THIS IS YOUR SOLE REMEDY FOR FRRORS OMISSIONS AND OUT OF SERVICE CONDITIONS EVEN IF IT IS OUR FAULT.IN OTHER WORDS,OUR ONLY LIABILITY TO YOU IS TO GIVE YOU THE OUT OF SERVICE CREDIT,AND WE ARE NOT LIABLE FOR ANY OTHER DAMAGES, REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY,WHETHER DIRECT,INDIRECT,INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL.Except for the Limited Warranty for Time and Materials and Wire Maintenance Services set forth below,WE ARE NOT MAKING ANY WARRANTIES TO YOU,AND WE EXPRESSLY EXCLUDE AND DISCLAIM ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES SUCH AS WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY. 7.Reporting/Repairs:If you have any problems with your unregulated services or if you’re entitled to an “out-of-service credit”,please contact us at the telephone number on your bill.It’s our obligation to repair our facilities,but if you or your family,guests,customers or employees damage our facilities,we may charge you for the cost of repair. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%ii) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 6 ACCEPTED FOR FILINGPage3Junel5,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease3Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 6.1 GENERAL B.Terms and Conditions For Unregulated Services (Cont’d) 8.Changes:We may change the prices for unregulated services and any of these Terms and Conditions,and we may change or stop offering the unregulated services,but only after giving you at least 10 days notice.The notice may be included with your monthly bill.Any change in these Terms and Conditions must be in writing.Changes to nonrecurring prices,which are quoted when a customer places an order,or changes which result in price reductions will be effective upon tiling with the Commission and no other form of notice is necessary. Taxes:We’ll add applicable sales.use and other taxes,assessments and charges to your bill. 9.Time and Materials and Wire Maintenance LIMITED WARRANTY:Only with these services do we offer you a LIMITED WARRANTY.We warrant to you and no one else that the work we provide will be done in a proper manner,consistent with industry standards any materials we supply will be substantially free of defects.This LIMITED WARRANTY applies to the work or materials we supply.If you feel our work or materials are defective,please call us promptly;we’ll correct the defects in our work or materials without further charge.REPAIR OF ANY DEFECT IS YOUR ONLY REMEDY FOR ANY CLAIMS IN CONNECTION WITH THIS LIMITED WARRANTY OR THE TIME AND MATERIAL AND WIRE MAINTENANCE SERVICES.IN NO EVENT WILL WE BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL,INDIRECT,INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES;OUR TOTAL LIABILITY FOR DIRECT DAMAGES,UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY SHALL NOT EXCEED OUR ACTUAL COST OF REPAIRING THE DEFECTIVE CONDITION DIRECTLY CAUSED BY US.Our limited and any implied warranty will expire and will not be honored,30 days after work is done.If you need warranty service,please call us at the telephone number on the front of this bill. This warranty gives you specitic legal rights,and you may have other rights which vary from state to state.Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages,or do not allow limitations on implied warranties or their durations,so the above exclusions and limitations may not apply to you. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 6 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page4 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease2Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 6.1 GENERAL (Cont’d) C.Application For Service 1.Applications for establishment of telephone service may be made to the Company orally or in writing.These applications become contracts upon approval or establishment of the service and shall be subject at all times to the lawful rates, charges and regulations of the Company. 2.Requests from customers for additional service may be made orally or in writing and,upon approval or installation of the service,become a part of the original contract,except that each such additional item is subject to the appropriate rates, charges and initial contract period,if any. 3.Any change in rates,charges or regulations will act as a modification of all contracts to that extent without further notice. 4.Refusal a.The Company reserves the right to refuse an application for service made by a present or former customer who is indebted to the Company for telephone service previously furnished,until the indebtedness is satisfied. b.Service will be denied and/or disconnected when it reasonably appears to the Telephone Company that a customer has employed subterfuge to obtain service. Subterfuge shall include,but shall not be limited to the establishment of service by an applicant or a responsible party,who is acting alone or with others,to establish telephone service which materially benefits a person or entity who has previously failed to pay an amount due for similar utility service.Service disconnected as a direct result of subterfuge will be reinstated only upon payment of sums due to the Company,in addition to charges applicable for restoral or for obtaining new service,as appropriate. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%i) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 6 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page5 Junel5,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease2BoiseIdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 6.1 GENERAL C.Application For Service (Cont’d) 5.Cancellation Where an order for service with 1 month minimum contract period,or with no minimum contract period specified,is canceled before establishment of service is completed and the cancellation is not caused by the Company,a charge equal to the costs incurred by the Company not to exceed the minimum installation charge specified,is applied if all or a portion of the equipment or facilities has been installed. 6.Message Telecommunication Service (MTS)applies to all MTS calls made between two or more rate centers within the same LATA in this state.The rate centers are specific geographic locations from which airline mileage measurements are determined. 7.MTS provides telecommunication beyond the local calling area.MTS charges cover the service furnished between the calling and called stations. 8.MTS is available to and from customers of a Miscellaneous Common Carrier with arrangement for interchange of telephone traffic.This service is furnished through interconnecting equipment and local connecting facilities provided by the Company. 9.The rates between the applicable rate center and the rate center of the Miscellaneous Common Carrier are the rates set forth in this document for two- point service.The rate center of the Miscellaneous Common Carrier is the rate center of the Company’s serving exchange.An additional charge which the Miscellaneous Common Carrier bills to and collects from its customer is applicable to the remainder of the haul as set forth in the Miscellaneous Common Carrier’s Tariff. 10.The telecommunications network is designed,maintained,and operated to originate and terminate calls between station lines furnished by the Company. However,connections of facilities,equipment and/or communications systems provided by others may be made to the telecommunication network.The Company is not responsible for the through transmission of signals or quality of transmission on such connections.When such connections are made at premises where the customer doesn’t originate or terminate calls,the Company may require exchange service to be provided from a central office(s)different from the central office(s)designated by the Company to serve that premises. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/bla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Comm issi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SEcTIoN 6 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 6 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 6.MESSAGE TELEcoMMuNIcATIoN SERVICE 6.1 GENERAL (Cont’d) D.Transfer of Service Between Customers An applicant may supersede the service of a customer where an arrangement acceptable to the Company is made by the customer and the applicant to pay all outstanding charges against the service. F.Obligation to Furnish Service 1.The Company’s obligation to furnish service or to continue to furnish service is dependent on its ability to obtain,retain,and maintain suitable rights and facilities,without unreasonable expense,and to provide for the installation of those facilities required incident to the furnishing and maintenance of that service. 2.Such connections are also subject to the availability of required facilities. 3.When such connections are requested and facilities to provide the required connections at the CO normally designated to serve the premises are inadequate, facilities may be furnished from another CO to provide the requested interconnection.Under such circumstances.additional monthly rates and installation charges will apply. F.Limited Communication The Company reserves the right to limit use of communication services when emergency conditions cause a shortage of facilities. G.Resale of MTS and Calling Plans 1.MTS and calling plans are available to resellers of Company services who have a valid Resale Contract with the Company.Each service or plan is available on the identical terms to the reseller’s end user customers as available to the Company’s retail customers;that is,residential plans may only be purchased by residential customers,and business plans may only be purchased by business customers. 2.When subscribing to calling plans,resale customers must subscribe to one plan for each end user billing telephone number utilizing the plan.End users may have single or multiple residential or business line(s)at a single customer premises.Sharing one plan for multiple customers is not permitted. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE GENERAL (Cont’d) Termination Of Service -Company Initiated Reasons for Termination The Company may terminate service,with written notice,due to: a.Nonpayment of any sum due the Company or due to a violation of any of the conditions governing the furnishing of service. b.Abandonment In the event of the abandonment of the service. c.Violation of Company Regulations Any other violation of the regulations of the Company,the Company may, without notice,either suspend service or terminate the service without suspension. d.Subterfuge See refusal in 6.1.C.4.b.,preceding. Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 6 Page 7 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 15,2013 Boise,Idaho 6.1 H. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissii) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 6 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 8 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease2BoiseIdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 6.1 GENERAL (Cont’d) I.Customer Responsibility 1.The customer is responsible for payment of all charges for facilities and services furnished the customer,including charges for services originated,or charges accepted,at such facilities. 2.The calling party shall establish his/her identity in the course of any communication as oflen as may be necessary. 3.The calling party shall be solely responsible for establishing the identity of the person or persons with whom connection is made at the called station or stations. 4.Where mobile radio telephone stations are involved,the party in the vehicle placing or receiving a call shall inform the mobile service operator upon request as to the State in which the vehicle is located at the time of placing or receiving the call. J.Payment of Bills 1.Charges for toll messages are due monthly,on receipt of the bill,except that the Company reserves the right to require payment of such charges at more frequent intervals. 2.In the event a customer is indebted to the Company for charges and services previously rendered,or for service under one or more numbers at the same location,and the customer does not pay the charges or satisfy such indebtedness, the Company may charge and bill such indebtedness for a business account against the customer’s business service. 3.In the event that payment from a customer is less than the total amount of all charges owing to the Company and the customer does not specifically designate the manner in which he wishes to apply said payment,then the Company will apply the payment to each entity based on the ratio of the entity balance to the total account balance. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJEC I’fO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO,13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.I SECTION 6 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page9 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 6.1 GENERAL J.Payment of Bills (Cont’d) 4.Payment of bills for telephone service may be made by check,money order or cash.Payment by check which is not honored or paid by the payor bank will be considered as nonpayment.All charges for exchange and toll service are payable only in lawful money of the United States. 5.Customers have the following options as to the method of paying bills for telephone service: •At any Company payment depository location. •At the office of any authorized payment agent of the Company. •By U.S.Mail,by check or money order only. •Through an agent of the customer. 6.Payments received by the Company on or before the due and payable date on the customer’s bill will be considered timely,provided the following billing information is remitted with payment: •Customer’s name •Customer’s telephone number -customer’s customer code •Customer’s account type •Amount of payment 7.Payments received by the Company after the due and payable date on the customer’s bill,but at least one day before the termination date on the suspension notice,may result in discontinuance of the customer’s service unless the following billing information is remitted with payment: •All of the items enumerated in 6.,and •The final payment date before discontinuance for nonpayment 8.The Company will not be responsible if a customer’s telephone service is discontinued after payment has been remitted,unless the payment is timely as set forth in 6.or,if the payment is not timely,the requirements of 7.have not been met. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID SOUTHERN IDAHO Issued:6-5-2013 SECTION 6 Page 10 Release 2 Effective:6-i 5-2013 Idaho Public Utilities Commissi€) Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 15,2013 Boise,Idaho 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 6.1 GENERAL J.Payment of Bills (Cont’d) 9.In the event that it becomes necessary for service to be discontinued to a customer for nonpayment,a written notice of at least seven calendar days (measured from the day following the date of mailing)will be given advising the customer of the amount due and the date by which the same must be paid.If the customer fails to pay or make suitable arrangements for payment by said date,the Company may suspend the service or discontinue the service. 10.Delinquency in payment for service to a previous occupant of the premises to be served,or unpaid charges for service or facilities not ordered by the present customer or applicant may not in and of itself be considered as sufficient cause for refusal of service to the present customer or applicant. 11.The Company may refuse to furnish service at the same or other premises for use of a delinquent customer,when such service has been obtained by subterfuge or where the delinquent customer’s spouse applies to obtain service in his or her own name while the delinquent customer and the spouse continue to live together. Subterfuge includes,but is not restricted to,an application for service at a given location in the name of another party by an applicant whose account is delinquent and who resides at that location. 12.The Company may refuse to provide service or,where service is presently provided,may discontinue service for failure of an applicant or customer to comply with these regulations,the Idaho Public Utilities Commission’s rules, municipal ordinances,or any law pertaining to telephone service. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No.I Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi€) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 6 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 11 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease2BoiseIdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 6.1 GENERAL (Cont’d) K.Advance Payments and Deposits 1.Advance Payments a.In accordance with the Company’s practice of requiring that all regularly recurring charges for services,equipment,and facilities be paid monthly in advance,an applicant for telephone service,equipment or facilities,may be required to pay in advance at the time application for such is made,the installation charges and/or service and equipment charges applicable,together with at least 1 month’s charges for the services,equipment,and facilities applied for,and where necessary,in the opinion of the Company,the estimated amount of construction charges.An applicant to buy facilities or equipment may be required to pay the sales price in advance,at the time of application,if in the opinion of the Company such is necessary to satisf’reasonable credit standards. b.The amount of the advance payment will be credited to the customer’s account and applied to any indebtedness under the contract for services,equipment,and facilities furnished,for any applicable rates and charges.and for toll messages. 2.Deposits a.The Company adopts by reference “The Telephone Customer Relations Rules”, codified at IDAPA 31.41.01000 et seq,by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and all amendments to those rules which may be hereafter adopted by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. b.When the Company deems it necessary,in protecting its earned revenues,an applicant for service or a present customer may be required to make and keep intact a deposit in such amount as may be required from time to time by the Company as a guarantee of the payment of charges for services.The fact that a deposit has been made shall in no way relieve the applicant or customer from complying with the regulations of the Company as to advance payments and the prompt payment of bills on presentation,nor constitute a waiver or modification of the regular practices of the Company providing for the discontinuance of service for nonpayment of any sums due the Company for services rendered. c.Copies of these Rules and Regulations are on file in every business office and are available for public inspection. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CI-IANGF TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi1ii) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 6 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 12 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease2Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 6.1 GENERAL K.2.(Cont’d) d.Residential Service The deposit will be returned to the customer in 12 months or less if the account of the customer has not been subject to temporary denial of service for nonpayment. The deposit may be monitored for as long as the deposit is required and may be increased when toll usage in a one-month period exceeds by $50.00 or more the portion of the customer’s deposit covering one month’s toll usage.This portion equals one-half the deposit less the customer’s nontoll monthly obligations.The Company may discontinue or refuse service to a customer for failure or refusal to pay an additional deposit which may be required. e.Non-residential Service A deposit will be returned to the customer within 18 months after the customer has established good credit.If however,the average charges for basic exchange and toll service exceed $100 per month,the Company may retain the deposit longer than 18 months. f.Interest will be payable on all deposits at the rate determined by the IPUC pursuant to Commission rule IDAPA 31.41.01106. g.Interest will accrue from the date of the deposit until the date of refund or application to the customer’s telephone bill. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT fO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SEcTIoN 6 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 13 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 6.1 GENERAL (Cont’d) L.Adjustment of Charges 1.Interruptions a.For the purpose of applying this provision,the word interruption shall mean the inability to complete calls either incoming or outgoing or both.Interruption does not include and no credit allowance shall be given for service difficulties such as slow dial tone,busy circuits or other network and/or switching capacity shortages. b.The credit allowance will not apply where service is interrupted by the negligence or willful act of the customer or the failure of facilities provided by the customer,or where the Company,pursuant to the terms of this document, suspends or terminates service because of unlawful or improper use of the facilities or service,or any other reason covered by this document. c.No credit allowance shall be made for interruptions due to electric power failure where,by the provisions of this document,the customer is responsible for providing electric power. d.When service is interrupted for a period of at least 24 hours after notice by the customer to the Company,a credit allowance equal to 1/30 of the monthly rate for all services and facilities furnished by the Company rendered useless shall apply for each 24 hours,or major fraction thereof during which the interruption continues after notice to the Company.Credit allowances in any billing period shall not exceed the total charges for that period for the services and facilities which were rendered useless. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT 10 CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the SecretaryServicesCatalogNo.1 SECTION 6 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 14 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease2BoiseIdahoIssued:6-5-20 13 Effective:6-15-20131 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 6.1 GENERAL (Cont’d) M.Maintenance and Repair 1.All ordinary expense of maintenance and repair in connection with service provided by the Company is borne by the Company unless otherwise specified. 2.Service and equipment charges do not apply to repair services. 3.Except as otherwise specified,equipment and or wiring to the Network Interface furnished by the Company on customers’premises shall be and remain the property of and must be installed,relocated and maintained by the Company. Company agents and employees shall have the right to enter the premises at any reasonable hour for the purpose of installing,inspecting,or repairing the facilities or for the purpose of disconnecting service. 4.Unless otherwise specified,customers may not rearrange,disconnect,remove, attempt to repair,or permit others to rearrange,disconnect.remove or attempt to repair any equipment or wiring owned by the Company except upon the consent of the Company. N.Lost or Damaged Equipment 1.In case of damage to,or destruction of any of the Company’s instruments or accessories due to the negligence or willful act of the customer and not due to ordinary wear and tear,the customer will be held responsible for the cost of restoring the equipment to its original condition,or of replacing the equipment destroyed. 2.The customer is required to reimburse the Company for loss,through theft,of equipment or apparatus furnished to him. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissiui) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 6 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 15 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease2Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 6.1 GENERAL (Cont’d) 0.Special Taxes,Fees,Charges Insofar as practicable,any sales.use,privilege,excise,franchise or occupation tax,costs of furnishing service without charge or similar taxes or impositions now or hereafter levied by the Federal,State,or Local government or any political subdivision or taxing authority thereof may be billed by the Company to its exchange customers on a pro rata basis in the areas wherein such taxes, impositions or other charges shall be levied against the Company. P.Special Services 1.Where service arrangements are requested which are not provided for in Sections 6,106 and 7 of this Catalog,monthly rates and one-time charges such as installation and nonrecurring service and equipment charges will apply based on the circumstances in each case. 2.For the purpose of encouraging customers to try different telecommunication services,the Company may,with respect to any of its services or products in Sections 6 and 7 of this Catalog,offer a temporary waiver or partial waiver of any nonrecurring,usage or monthly rate.The Company may also offer incentives, benetits or gifts to customers to encourage the purchase or retention of any such service or product.All such offers are subject to facility availability.Customers will be notified of the availability and duration of such offers,however,such offers will not constitute price changes. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissiii) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 6 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 16 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease2BoiseIdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 6.1 GENERAL (Cont’d) 6.1.1 REGULATIONS A.Scope 1.MTS is that of furnishing facilities for telecommunication between station lines in different local service areas of the same LATA in accordance with the regulations and system of charges specified. 2.The Company does not undertake to transmit messages but furnishes the use of its facilities to its customers for communications. 3.Service is furnished subject to the availability of the service components required. The Company will (1)determine which of those components shall be used and (2) make modifications to those components at its option. B.Priority of Services 1.The installation and restoration of service shall be in accordance with the rules for Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP)as set forth in Section 12 of the Access Service Catalog. 2.Subject to compliance with the above mentioned rules,when a shortage of facilities exists either for temporary or protracted periods,MTS will he established before all other services.However,the duration of MTS calls may be limited when facility shortages are caused by emergency conditions. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi€) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 6 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 17 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 6.1 GENERAL 6.1.1 REGULATIONS (ConVd) C.Liability 1.In view of the fact that the customer has exclusive control of his communications over the facilities furnished him by the Company,and of the other uses for which facilities may be furnished him by the Company,and because of unavoidability of errors incident to the services and to the use of such facilities of the Company,the services and facilities furnished by the Company are subject to the terms, conditions and limitations specified in 2.,3.and 4.,following. 2.The liability of the Company for damages arising out of mistakes,omissions, interruptions,delays,errors or defects in transmission,or failures or defects in facilities furnished by the Company,occurring in the course of furnishing service or other facilities and not caused by the negligence of the customer,or of the Company in failing to maintain proper standards of maintenance and operation and to exercise reasonable supervision shall in no event exceed an amount equivalent to the proportionate charge to the customer for the period of service during which such mistake,omission,interruption,delay,or error or defect in transmission,or failure or defect in facilities occurs. 3.The customer indemnifies and saves the Company harmless against claims for libel,slander,or infringement of copyright from the material transmitted over its facilities;against claims for infringement of patents arising from combining with, or using in connection with,facilities of the Company,apparatus and systems of the customer;and against all other claims arising out of any act or omission of the customer in connection with facilities provided by the Company. 4.When the lines of other telephone companies or of Intercity Carriers are used in establishing connections to points not reached by the Company’s lines,the Company is not liable for any act or omission of the other company or carrier. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO,13-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 6 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 18 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease2BoiseIdahoIssued:6-5-20 13 Effective:6-15-2013 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 6.1 GENERAL 6.1.1 REGULATIONS C.Liability (Cont’d) 5.The Company shall not be liable for any defacement ot or damage to,customer’s premises resulting from the existence of the Company’s instruments,apparatus,or wiring,on such premises,or caused by the installation or removal,when such defacement or damage is not the result of the negligence of the Company. 6.The Company does not guarantee nor make any warranty with respect to equipment provided by it for use in an explosive atmosphere.The customer shall indemnify and hold the Company harmless from any and all loss,claims, demands,suits,or other action,or any liability whatsoever,whether suffered, made,instituted or asserted by customer or by any other party or person,for any personal injury to or death of any person or persons.and for any loss,damage or destruction of any property,whether owned by the customer or others,caused or claimed to have been caused directly or indirectly by the installation,operation, failure to operate,maintenance,removal,presence,condition,location or use of said equipment so provided. a.The Company may require each customer to sign an agreement for the furnishing of such equipment as a condition precedent to the furnishing of such equipment. b.The customer shall furnish,install and maintain sealed conduit with explosion- proof fittings between this equipment and points outside the hazardous area where connection may be made with regular facilities of the Company.The customer may be required to install and maintain this equipment within the hazardous area if in the opinion of the Company,injury or damage to Company employees or property might result from installation or maintenance by the Company. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%I) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 6 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 19 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 6.1 GENERAL 6.1.1 REGULATIONS (Cont’d) D.Use 1.Use of Service Service is provided for use by the customer and may be use by others,when so authorized by the customer,providing that such use shall be subject to the provisions as stated herein. 2.Abuse and Fraudulent Use The service is furnished subject to the condition that there will be no abuse or fraudulent use of the service.Abuse or fraudulent use of service includes: a.The use of service or facilities of the Company to transmit a message or to locate a person or otherwise to give or obtain information,without payment of the charge applicable for service; b.The obtaining,or attempting to obtain,or assisting another to obtain or to attempt to obtain MTS by rearranging,tampering with,or making connection with any facilities of the Company,or by any trick,scheme,false representation, or false credit device,or by or through any other fraudulent means or device whatsoever,with intent to avoid the payment,in whole or in part,of the regular charges for such service; c.The use of service or facilities of the Company for a call or calls,anonymous or otherwise,if in a manner reasonably to be expected to frighten,abuse,torment, or harass another; d.The use of profane or obscene language; e.The use of the service in such a manner as to interfere unreasonably with the use of the service by one or more other customers. 3.Unlawful Purposes The service is furnished subject to the condition that it will not be used for an unlawful purpose. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%i) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SEcTION 6 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 20 June 15,2013 SOuTHERN IDAhO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 6.2 STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS 6.2.1 Two-PoINT MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE A.Class of Calls Charges apply according to the class of call the calling customer selects as defined below. I.Dial Station-to-Station Applies when the calling person dials the desired telephone number without the assistance of an operator and the call is billed to the calling number.This includes calls forwarded by call forwarding equipment.Dial Station-to-Station also applies when the operator: •Records the calling telephone numbers for areas without recording equipment. •Reaches the called telephone number because of trouble on the network or because dial completion is not available. •Places a call for a calling party who is identified as being disabled and is unable to dial the call because of that disability. •Reestablishes a dialed call when there is a service fault that interrupts a call after the called person has been reached. 2.Payphone-Dial Station-to-Station Applies to MTS cash calls placed from pay telephones,utilizing Smart PAL, when Station-to-Station calls are dialed and paid by the calling person with no assistance from the operator. 3.Customer-Dialed Calling Card (Mechanized) Applies to station-to-station calls where equipment is available and the calling person dials zero,the telephone number desired.and the calling card or special billing number without the assistance of an operator and to station-to-station calling card calls where equipment is not available and operator assistance is required to complete the call.This also applies to calls placed from PALs. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.I SECTION 6 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 21 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 6.2 STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS 6.2.1 TWO-POINT MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE A.Class ot’Calls (Cont’d) 4.Customer-Dialed Calling Card (Partially-Assisted) Applies to Station-to-Station calls where equipment is available and the calling person dials zero,the telephone number desired,and operator assistance is limited to the operator entering the calling card.This also applies to calls placed from PALs. 5.Operator-Assisted Station-to-Station Partially-Assisted Applies when the customer dials the terminating number and calls are completed with the assistance of an operator.Examples of these calls include collect,billed to another telephone number,and operator-assisted calling card.This also applies to calls placed from PALs. Fully-Assisted Applies when the customer elects to have the operator place the entire station-to- station call for them.This also applies to calls placed from PALs. 6.Operator-Assisted Person-to-Person Partially-Assisted Applies when the customer dials the terminating number and names the particular party to be reached,agrees to speak to someone else or requests an operator to make arrangements with a person to receive a call at a specified time.The party may be a person,station,department or office reached through a PBX attendant. This also applies to calls placed from PALs. Fully-Assisted Applies when the customer elects to have the operator place the entire person-to person call for them.This also applies to calls placed from PALs. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%i) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.I SECTION 6 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 22 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease2Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATiON SERVICE 6.2 STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS 6.2.1 TWO-POINT MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE A.Class of Calls (Cont’d) 7.Charges a.Payphone Surcharge Applies to all Qwest Corporation carried non coin calls (i.e.billed to a third party,calling card,or collect)placed from pay telephones.This charge is in addition to all other applicable charges. b.The following charges apply in addition to the established MTS rates.The intraLATA operator-assisted station-to-station charge will apply when a customer requests a time and charges quote for an intraLATA toll call. CHARGE •Customer-Dialed Calling Card (Mechanized)S4.95 •Customer-Dialed Calling Card (Partially-Assisted)4.99 •Operator-Assisted Station-to-Station -Partially-Assisted[l]4.99 -Fully-Assisted 5.50 •Operator-Assisted Person-to-Person -Partially-Assisted 9.48 -Fully-Assisted 9.99 •Payphone Surcharge 0.55 •Inmate Station-to-Station,Collect 2.25 [I]Applies to Operator-Assisted Station-to-Station calls to Directory Assistance. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THiS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi4) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SEcTIoN 6 ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 6.2 STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS 6.2.1 TWO-POINT MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE (Cont’d) B.Timing of Calls 1.On dial station-to-station,customer-dialed calling card (mechanized),and operator-assisted station-to-station,the timing of a call begins when the calling and called stations are connected. 2.On person-to-person calls,the timing of a call begins when the calling person is connected to a specified person,station or an agreed upon alternate. 3.Chargeable time ends when the connection is terminated at any point. 4.When exchange telephone service used for MTS is directly connected.i.e.,not connected through a Multiline Terminating System,at a customer’s premises to a communications system,chargeable time for all classes of calls begins when a call from the telecommunications network terminates in or passes through the first multiline terminating system or terminal equipment on that communications system.It is the customer’s responsibility to furnish appropriate answer supervision to the point of connection with the exchange telephone service so that chargeable time may begin. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED TN THIS DOCUMENT IS STJBJFCT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 6 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 24 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease2Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 6.2 STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS 6.2.1 Two-PoINT MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE B.Timing of Calls (Cont’d) 5.MTS service rates are quoted in terms of initial and additional minutes. a.The initial minute is the first minute or any fraction after connection is made. b.The additional minute is each minute or any fraction after the initial minute. 6.The timing of a call does not include time lost because of service faults or defects that are reported to the Company. 7.The time of day at the calling party rate center determines whether the day, evening or night/weekend rates apply. 8.Payphone —Dial Station-to-Station rates are quoted in terms of initial and additional periods.The initial period of the call is for four minutes or any fraction thereof The additional period of the call is for each minute or any fraction thereof C.Collection of Charges 1.Charges for all MTS calls are billed to the calling party,except where the calls are billed to: •The called party as a collect call and the charge is accepted by the called party. •A third telephone number,unless restricted from accepting this call type. •An authorized calling card or special billing number. 2.Charges for Payphone —Dial Station-to-Station calls are charged to the calling party on a sent-paid basis. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 6 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 25 June 15,2013 SOuTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 6.2 STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS 6.2.1 Two-POINT MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE (Cont’d) D.Hearing or Speech Impaired Persons Discount A 50%rate reduction on calls originating from a certified hearing and/or speech impaired customer’s residential line to any other teletypewriter in this State within the same LATA,will be extended to individuals who are certified,in writing by a physician,or an audiologist,or the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation,that he or she is disabled to the extent that he or she is unable to communicate via the telephone by voice conversation.The Department of Vocational Rehabilitation must also certify that any hearing and/or speech impaired person requesting this service has and uses teletypewriter equipment,before the rate reduction applies. This rate reduction applies only to a certified residential customer line. E.Charge Determination 1.The charge for residence,business,or miscellaneous MTS is determined by the: •Time of day and day of week •Duration of call •Class of call 2.Charges for each minute are applied on the basis of whole minute intervals.The total minutes of the call are determined by rounding up partial minutes to the next whole minute.When application of any discount results in a fractional charge, the amount will be rounded to the nearest cent. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network [Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SEcTIoN 6 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page26,Junel5,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 6.2 STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS 6.2.1 Two-PoINT MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE E.Charge Determination (Cont’d) 3.The schedule is as follows: •RESIDENCE -Applies to customer-dialed station-to-station calls DAY EVENING/NIGHT/WEEKEND RATE PER MINUTE RATE PER MINUTE $0.37 $0.37 •BUSINESS -Applies to customer-dialed station-to-station calls DAY EVENING/NIGHT/WEEKEND RATE PER MINUTE RATE PER MINUTE $0.35 $0.35 •MISCELLANEOUS -Applies to operator-assisted calls (including mechanized calling card)and all alternately billed calls.This charge also applies where billing capabilities do not exist to separately identify residence and business customer-dialed station-to-station calls. DAY EVENING/NIGHT/WEEKEND RATE PER MINUTE RATE PER MINUTE $0.37 $0.37 4.Payphone —Dial Station-to-Station Rate Schedule[1] RATE PERIOD INITIAL ADDITIONAL (4 MINUTES)(1 MINUTE) •Per call $1.00 $0.25 [1]Applies to all MTS cash calls placed from Qwest Payphones. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No.1 SECTIoN 6 Page 27 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 Idaho Public Utilities CommissiiEl) Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 15,2013 Boise,Idaho 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS TWO-POINT MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE Charge Determination (Cont’d) 5.The Evening rate applies to the holidays listed below unless a lower rate applies: •New Year’s Day •Independence Day •Labor Day •Thanksgiving Day •Christmas Day 6.The following table indicates the appropriate times for the day,evening and night/weekend rate periods. 5:00 PM Evening Rate Periodto 11:00 PM[ll a.In cases where a message begins in one rate period and ends in another,the initial period rate is the rate in effect at the time the connection is established. The rate for each additional period is the rate in effect at the beginning of each additional period. [1]To,but not including. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID 6.2 6.2.1 E. January 1 July 4 December 25 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM[1] MON1TUEI WEDI THU FT I S/IT St Day Rate Period 11:00PM to 8:00 AM[1] Eve. Rate Night and Weekend Rate Period Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No.I SECTION 6 Page 28[1j Release 4 Effective:6-15-2013 Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%1) Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 15,2013 Boise,Idaho 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 6.2 STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont’d) 6.2.3 RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE [1]Pages 29 through 32 were previously canceled. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT [0 CHANGE TRANSMLTTAL NO.13-02-SID (C) SOUTHERN IDAHO Issued:6-5-2013 Qwest Corporation d/bla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%i) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.I SECTION 6 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 33 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 6.2 STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont’d) 6.2.4 DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE SERVICE A.Directory Assistance Service 1.Description The Company furnishes Directory Assistance Service whereby customers may request assistance in determining telephone numbers within or outside this State. 2.Terms and Conditions a.If a customer abuses or fraudulently uses Directory Assistance service,the appropriate Directory Assistance charges may be assessed on that customers telephone account. b.A caller may request a maximum of two telephone numbers for each call to Directory Assistance. c.There are no call allowances for Directory Assistance Service. d.Call completion is provided without additional charge for calls within the LATA.However,intraLATA long distance or local message charges apply if applicable.Call completion is provided from Public Access Lines where facilities permit. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGF TRANSMiTTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 6 Page 34SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 8 Issued: 1-21-19 Effective: 2-1-19 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 6.2 STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS 6.2.4 DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE SERVICE A.2. (Cont’d) e. These charges do not apply to Directory Assistance calls from: • Requests originating from telephone services the Company has determined are used on a continuing basis by a special needs person(s) certified incapable of using a published telephone directory. f. A nonrecurring charge does not apply to establish or remove directory assistance exemption. 3. Charges a. In locations (including Public Access Lines) where the customer has the capability to direct dial Directory Assistance but chooses to place the call as a Customer-Dialed Calling Card (Mechanized) or Operator-Assisted Station-to-Station call, the appropriate charge applies as specified in 6.2.1, in addition to the Directory Assistance charge. b. The charge for a call to Directory Assistance is: CHARGE • Each call dialed directly by customer $5.99 • Each call placed from Public Access Lines - Direct Dial 0.60 - Alternately Billed 1.25 • Each call placed from Qwest Payphones - Direct Dial 0.75 - Alternately Billed 1.25 (I) SID2018-021 NOTICETHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 19-01-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING February 1, 2019 Boise, Idaho SID2016-005 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 6 Page 35 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 4-26-2016 Effective: 5-6-2016 6. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 6.2 STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont’d) 6.2.8 RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (T) (D) (D) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 6, 2016 Boise, Idaho SID2016-005 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 6 Page 36 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 4-26-2016 Effective: 5-6-2016 6. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 6.2 STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS 6.2.8 RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (T) (D) (D) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 6, 2016 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissii) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTIoN 6 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 37 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 6.3 OPTIONAL SERVICE OFFERINGS 6.3.18 CALLING CONNECTION PLANS A.Description Message Telecommunication Service (MTS)Calling Connection Plans (hereafter referred to as the Plans)are optional toll calling discount plans. The Plans are defined below. SUPER SA VINGS Calling Plan SUPER SA VINGS Calling Plan customers will be charged a special rate,specified in C.,following,for their intrastate/intraLATA dial station-to-station long distance calls,as described in 6.2.1,preceding.The Plan is available to residence and business service customers.Customers must have single,or multiple,residential or business lines at single customer premises,billed on one retail bill to one billing telephone number. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-S ID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%i) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 6 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 38 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 6.3 OPTIONAL SERVICE OFFERINGS 6.3.18 CALLING CONNECTION PLANS A.Description (Cont’d) City Connection Customers subscribing to this plan are charged a monthly rate for which they may select a city most frequently called,as represented by a telephone company exchange,and for calls placed to that city,they receive a discount as specified in C.,over the established MTS rates in effect.All additional calls receive a separate discount as specified in C.,following.These discounts do not apply to operator service charges. Volume Calling Connection This Plan applies only to business customers.Customers subscribing to this plan are charged a special rate that is not distance sensitive as specified in C., following.In addition,customers receive a discount based on the monthly MTS Plan usage billed to their account.The discount will apply to the customer’s total amount of intraLATA toll billed each month,per account.Customers also receive a discount on the customer-dialed calling card (mechanized)charge specified in C.,following. A multilocation option is available to business customers with additional locations within the state.The location account(s)must have a legal or formal affiliation such as a partnership or subsidiary relationship with the main account.A maximum number of 25 account(s)may be included in this category.These location account(s)must be authorized by the main account.The main account and location account(s)must be located in the same telephone company territory. The main account and location account(s)will receive an additional discount specified in C.,following.In addition,customers will receive a discount on the customer-dialed calling card (mechanized)charge specified in C.,following.Both the main account and each additional location account must be located within the state.The monthly rate is applied only to the main account.The multilocation option is available only to business customers. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED TN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi.4) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 6 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 39 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease2BoiseIdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 ______________________ 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 6.3 OPTIONAL SERVICE OFFERINGS 6.3.18 CALLING CONNECTION PLANS A.Description (Cont’d) Tenant Calling Connection Tenant Calling Connection Plan is available to building owners/managers and their tenants located in the same building.These customers are charged a special non- distance sensitive rate as specified in C.,following.Customers also receive a discount based on the volume of monthly MTS usage billed to their account.The discount applies to the customer’s total amount of intraLATA toll billed each month,per account.In addition,customers receive a discount on the calling card service charge as specified in C.,following.The building owner/manager receives an additional discount as indicated in C.,following,on their account and on each tenant’s account. Tenant Calling Connection will be offered in designated multi-tenant office buildings,shopping malls,and office parks in which the owner/manager agrees via contractual agreement to endorse the Company as the preferred telecommunications provider.Office buildings must have a minimum of 100,000 square feet of leasable space;shopping malls must have a minimum of 250,000 square feet of leasable space;and,office parks must have a total accumulated square footage for all buildings of at least 200,000 square feet,and all must be located in targeted cities.Additionally,at least one building within the office park must contain a minimum of 50,000 leasable square feet. Office buildings with less than 200,000 square feet and shopping malls with less than 250,000 square feet will also qualify if the building is located in a targeted city and if the owner/manager of other buildings of more than 200,000 square feet or shopping malls of more than 250,000 square feet,subscribes to the plan at both locations. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMEN F IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO,l3O2-SID Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 6 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 40 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-l5-20i3 _______________________ 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 6.3 OPTIONAL SERVICE OFFERINGS 6.3.18 CALLING CONNECTION PLANS A.Description (Cont’d) SUPER SA VINGS Calling Plan SUPER SA VINGS Calling Plan customers will be charged a special rate,specified in C.,following,for their intrastate/intraLATA dial station-to-station long distance calls,as described in 6.2.1,preceding.The Plan is available to residence and business service customers.Customers must have single,or multiple,residential or business lines at single customer premises,billed on one retail bill to one billing telephone number. SIMPLE VALUE Calling Plan This Plan is available to residence and business customers.Customers subscribing to this Plan will be charged special rates based on the time-of.day and day-of-week as specified in C.,following.This Plan applies only to intraLATA,dial station-to- station long distance calls. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 6 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 41 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 __________________________ 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 6.3 OPTIONAL SERVICE OFFERINGS 6.3.18 CALLING CONNECTION PLANS (Cont’d) B.Terms and Conditions 1.These Plans are not available with the following: •Information Delivery Service sponsor charges •Other Company Discount Calling Plans •Other Company MTS Discount Plans •Toll Only Accounts 2.When the customer initially subscribes to or disconnects this service,if a partial month is billed,the customer’s minutes and monthly rate will be prorated. 3.These Plans are available on an account level basis,where one or more lines are billed to the same account. 4.Where the customer has one account which includes multiple lines,these Plans apply to total usage of combined lines. 5.These Plans apply to all intraLATA dial station-to-station,calling card,operator- assisted and pay telephone originated calls (where the call is billed to the customer’s telephone number)unless otherwise specified. 6.These Plans are available (where billing capabilities exist)to all business, residence and PAL accounts with the restrictions and limitations set forth elsewhere. 7.The rates and charges for this service are in addition to the rates and charges for the local exchange service with which it is associated. 8.The minimum service period is one month. 9.Nonrecurring charges do not apply. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO,13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi€) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 6 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 42 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 __________________________ 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 6.3 OPTIONAL SERVICE OFFERINGS 6.3.18 CALLING CONNECTION PLANS B.Terms and Conditions (Cont’d) 10.These Plans will be temporarily discontinued when the customer places their basic exchange service on full suspension.These Plans will be reinstated at no charge when the custome?s basic exchange service is removed from suspension. 11.These Plans do not apply to intraLATA calls placed in another state and billed back to the account. 12.Unless otherwise specified herein,all operator service charges apply. 13.These Plans are available only in Independent Company territories where billing capabilities exist. NOTICE THE [NFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 6 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 43 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 6.MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 6.3 OPTIONAL SERVICE OFFERINGS 6.3.18 CALLING CONNECTION PLANs (Cont’d) C.Rates SUPER SA VINGS Calling Plan NON-RATE PERIOD RECURRING INITIAL ADD’L.INITIAL MIN OR USOC CHARGEI1I (30 SEC.)(6 SEC.)ADD’L MIN[21 •Business OLGFX —$0.10 $0.020 •Residence OLGVX $3.00 $0.20 [1]The nonrecurring charge does not apply to existing residential customers who subscribe to CUSTOMCHOICE,CUSTOMCHOICE-COMPLETE,POPULAR CHOIcE,SELECTPAK,or VALUECHOICE packages found in 105.9.1,preceding. [2)Partial minutes are treated as full minutes for billing purposes. NOTICE FHE iNFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QCExchange and NetworkServices Catalog No. 1 SECTION 106Index Page 1SOUTHERNIDAHORelease 4Issued: 8-21-2017 Effective: 9-1-2017 106.OBSOLETE MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE SUBJECT PAGE Calling Connection Plans ...........................................................................8 Optional Service Offerings.........................................................................8 Special Reserved Charge Long Distance Service (SRLD).........................6 (D) SID2017-013 NOTICETHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QCExchange and NetworkServices Catalog No. 1 SECTION 106Page 1SOUTHERNIDAHORelease 4Issued: 8-21-2017 Effective: 9-1-2017 106.OBSOLETE MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 106.2 STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS (D) SID2017-013 NOTICETHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QCExchange and NetworkServices Catalog No. 1 SECTION 106Page 2SOUTHERNIDAHORelease 4Issued: 8-21-2017 Effective: 9-1-2017 106.OBSOLETE MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 106.2 STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS (D) SID2017-013 NOTICETHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QCExchange and NetworkServices Catalog No. 1 SECTION 106Page 3SOUTHERNIDAHORelease 4Issued: 8-21-2017 Effective: 9-1-2017 106.OBSOLETE MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 106.2 STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS (D) SID2017-013 NOTICETHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QCExchange and NetworkServices Catalog No. 1 SECTION 106Page 4SOUTHERNIDAHORelease 4Issued: 8-21-2017 Effective: 9-1-2017 106.OBSOLETE MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 106.2 STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS (D) SID2017-013 NOTICETHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QCExchange and NetworkServices Catalog No. 1 SECTION 106Page 5SOUTHERNIDAHORelease 4Issued: 8-21-2017 Effective: 9-1-2017 106.OBSOLETE MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 106.2 STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS (D) SID2017-013 NOTICETHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SEcTIoN 106 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 6 June 15,2013 SOuTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-20 13 Effective:6-15-2013 106.OBSOLETE MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 106.2 STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont’d) 106.2.5 SPECIAL RESERVED CHARGE LONG DISTANCE SERVICE (SRLD) A.Description 1.Special reversed charge long distance service provides an arrangement,in connection with MTS,whereby a customer offers his patrons,in certain designated exchanges,the privilege of calling him without the payment of a message charge and without having to request specific reversal of this charge. 2.The service is available only to customers having PBX service or individual line, except PAL Service. 3.The exchanges in which such service is furnished are selected by the customer, subject to the approval of the Company,and the Company assigns and lists in the directory,unless otherwise requested by the customer,a special call number designation for the use of patrons in each such exchange. 4.Calls for the special number are accepted only when originating at telephones located in the exchange with which the special call number is associated and only those MTS calls placed by calling this special number are considered as coming within the scope of the service. 5.The customer assumes the charges for all MTS calls placed by calling this special number in each exchange. 6.The initial contract period for SRLD is three months. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%l) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 106 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page7 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease3Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 106.OBSOLETE MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 106.2 STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS 106.2.5 SPECIAL RESERVED CHARGE LONG DISTANCE SERVICE (SRLD)(Cont’d) B.Rates and Charges 1.The customer pays the operator-handled station-to-station rate for each completed call plus a charge for each selected exchange. 2.The service and equipment charge specified below applies to establish special reversed charge long distance service. SERVICE & EQUIPMENT MONTHLY USOC CHARGE RATE •Each Company exchange ENT S7.50 S3.56 •Each exchange of another company ENV 7.50 [1] [1]The rate of the other company applies. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 106 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 8 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 __________________________ 106.OBSOLETE MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 106.3 OPTIONAL SERVICE OFFERINGS 106.3.18 CALLING CONNECTION PLANS A.Description Business Daytime Connection Plus Effective 11-15-01,this Plan is grandfathered to existing customers.New subscribers or changes to the existing plan are not allowed. Customers subscribing to this plan will be charged a monthly rate for which they receive a designated number of minutes of intraLATA toll.For all additional calls, the customer will be charged a special rate specified in C.,following.The monthly rate will always apply.In addition,customers will receive a discount on the customer-dialed calling card (mechanized)charge specified in C.,following. City Connection Effective 11-15-01,this Plan is grandfathered to existing customers.New subscribers or changes to the existing plan are not allowed. Customers subscribing to this plan are charged a monthly rate for which they may select a city most frequently called,as represented by a telephone company exchange,and for calls placed to that city,they receive a discount as specified in C.,over the established MTS rates in effect.All additional calls receive a separate discount as specified in C.,following.These discounts do not apply to operator service charges. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 106 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 9 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease3BoiseIdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 106.OBSOLETE MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 106.3 OPTIONAL SERViCE OFFERINGS 106.3.18 CALLING CONNECTION PLANS A.Description (Cont’d) Volume Calling Connection Effective 11-15-01,this Plan is grandfathered to existing customers.New subscribers or changes to the existing plan are not allowed. This Plan applies only to business customers.Customers subscribing to this plan are charged a special rate that is not distance sensitive as specified in C., following.In addition,customers receive a discount based on the monthly MTS Plan usage billed to their account.The discount will apply to the customer’s total amount of intraLATA toll billed each month,per account.Customers also receive a discount on the customer-dialed calling card (mechanized)charge specified in C.,following. A multilocation option is available to business customers with additional locations within the state.The location account(s)must have a legal or formal affiliation such as a partnership or subsidiary relationship with the main account.A maximum number of 25 account(s)may be included in this category.These location account(s)must be authorized by the main account.The main account and location account(s)must be located in the same telephone company territory. The main account and location account(s)will receive an additional discount specified in C.,following.In addition,customers will receive a discount on the customer-dialed calling card (mechanized)charge specified in C.,following.Both the main account and each additional location account must be located within the state.The monthly rate is applied only to the main account.The multilocation option is available only to business customers. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CFIANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 106 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 10 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease2Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 106.OBSOLETE MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 106.3 OPTIONAL SERVICE OFFERINGS 106.3.18 CALLING CONNECTION PLANS A,Description (Cont’d) Tenant Calling Connection Effective 11-15-01,this Plan is grandfathered to existing customers.New subscribers or changes to the existing plan are not allowed. Tenant Calling Connection Plan is available to building owners/managers and their tenants located in the same building.These customers are charged a special non- distance sensitive rate as specified in C.,following.Customers also receive a discount based on the volume of monthly MTS usage billed to their account.The discount applies to the customer’s total amount of intraLATA toll billed each month,per account.In addition,customers receive a discount on the calling card service charge as specified in C.,following.The building owner/manager receives an additional discount as indicated in C.,following,on their account and on each tenant’s account. Tenant Calling Connection will be offered in designated multi-tenant office buildings,shopping malls,and office parks in which the owner/manager agrees via contractual agreement to endorse the Company as the preferred telecommunications provider.Office buildings must have a minimum of 100,000 square feet of leasable space;shopping malls must have a minimum of 250,000 square feet of leasable space;and,office parks must have a total accumulated square footage for all buildings of at least 200,000 square feet,and all must be located in targeted cities.Additionally,at least one building within the office park must contain a minimum of 50,000 leasable square feet. Office buildings with less than 200,000 square feet and shopping malls with less than 250,000 square feet will also qualify if the building is located in a targeted city and if the owner/manager of other buildings of more than 200,000 square feet or shopping malls of more than 250,000 square feet,subscribes to the plan at both locations. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SEcTION 106 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 11 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 106.OBSOLETE MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 106.3 OPTIONAL SERVICE OFFERINGS 106.3.18 CALLING CONNECTiON PLANS A.Description (Cont’d) SIMPLE VALUE Calling Plan Effective 8-1-2005,this Plan is grandfathered to existing customers.New subscribers or changes to the existing plan are not allowed. This Plan is available to residence and business customers.Customers subscribing to this Plan will be charged special rates based on the time-of-day and day-of-week as specified in C.,following.This Plan applies only to intraLATA,dial station-to- station long distance calls. B.Terms and Conditions For terms and conditions see 6.3.18,preceding. C.Rates Business Daytime Connection Plus Customers subscribing to this plan will receive a 30%discount on the customer- dialed calling card (mechanized)charge specified in 6.2.1,preceding. RATE PERIOD MONTHLY INITIAL ADDNL USOC RATE MINUTES (30 SEC)(6 SEC.) OBK6X $8.40 0 -60 61 andover $0.070 $0.014 City Connection DISCOUNT MoNTHLY PRESELECTED ALL OTHER USOC RATE CITY CALLS OAPXX $1.00 20%5% NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 106 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 12 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 106.OBSOLETE MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 106.3 OPTIONAL SERVICE OFFERINGS 106.3.18 CALLING CONNECTION PLANS C.Rates (Cont’d) Volume Calling Connection and Multilocation Option MULTILOCATION MONTHLY USOC DISCOUNT RATE •Plan with Call Detail OVDXX $5.00 •Multilocation-Main Account OVM1M 2%5.00[1j •Multilocation-Location Account OVM1A 2%— Customers subscribing to this plan will receive a 30%discount on the customer- dialed calling card (mechanized)charge specified in 6.2.1,preceding. The following table is used to apply rates for calls subscribed to under this Plan. The time periods for day,evening and night/weekend are the same as found in 6.2.l.E.,preceding. INITIAL PERIOD ADDITIONAL PERIOD (30 SECONDS)(6 SECONDS) All days and hours $0.050 $0.0l0 VOLUME DISCOUNT MONTHLY ADDITIONAL PLAN USAGE DISCOUNT $50.00 to $99.99 10% 100.00 and over 20% [1]Applies in lieu of the monthly rate under Volume Calling Connection. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO,13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%i) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 106 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 13 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease2Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 106.OBSOLETE MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 106.3 OPTIONAL SERVICE OFFERINGS 106.3.18 CALLING CONNECTION PLANS C.Rates (Cont’d) Tenant Calling Connection Customers will receive a 30%discount on the customer-dialed calling card charge, in accordance with 6.2.1.preceding. VOLUME DISCOUNT MONTHLY ADDITIONAL USOC DISCOUNT PLAN USAGE DISCOUNT OVM3A 2%$50.00 to $99.99 10% 100.00 and over 20% The following table is used to apply rates for calls subscribed to under this Plan. The time periods for day,evening and night/weekend are the same as found in 6.2.1,preceding. INITIAL PERIOD ADDITIONAL PERIOD (30 SECONDS)(6 SECONDS) •Alldaysandhours S0.050 S0.010 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi*) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.I SECTION 106 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 14 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease2BoiseIdahoIssued:6-5-20 13 Effective:6-15-2013 106.OBSOLETE MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE 106.3 OPTIONAL SERVICE OFFERINGS 106.3.18 CALLING CONNECTION PLANS C.Rates (Cont’d) SIMPLE VALUE Callin2 Plan RATE PERIOD INITIAL ADD’L.INITIAL MIN OR USOC (30 SEC.)(6 SEC.)ADD’L MINIII •Business OLGJX -Peak[2]$0.055 $0.011 -Off-Peak[3]0.040 0.008 •Residence OLGWX -Peak[2]$0.22 -Off-Peak[3]0.09 [1]Partial minutes are treated as full minutes for billing purposes. [2]The peak rate period is from 7 A.M.-7 P.M.,Monday through Friday. [3]The off-peak rate period is from 7 P.M.-7 A.M.,Monday through Friday,and 24 hours on Saturdays and Sundays. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SEcTIoN 800 Service. Abuse or Fraudulent Use . Allowance for Interruptions Application of Monthly Rates and Usage Chargeable Time Company Liability Completion of 800 Service Connection to Other Services Description Directory Listings Fractional Periods Limitations of Service Method of Determining Rates for 800 Service Minimum Average Time Requirement (MATR)for 800 Service Minimum Service Period NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%ui) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 7 L ACCEPTED FOR FILING Index Page 1 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-20 13 7.WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PAGE 8 13 9 9 6 7 1 11 10 ) 12 11 10 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No.1 SECTIoN 7 Index Page 2: Release 3 Effective:6-15-20 13 7.WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE SECTION Payment of Charges Payphone Surcharge Priority of Services Rates and Charges Service Group Transmission Quality Use of Service WATS Terminations SOUTHERN IDAHO Issued:6-5-2013 Idaho Public Utilities Commissiji) Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 15,2013 Boise,Idaho PAGE 10 14 5 15 9 7 8 4 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMEN1 IS SUBJFCT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.I SECTION 7 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 1 June 15,2013SOuTHERNIDAHORelease3Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-20 13 7.WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE Terms and conditions found in Section 6,paragraphs 6.1 .A.through 6.1 .P.are made a part of this Section 7 by reference. 7.1 800 SERVICE A.Description 1.Wide Area Telecommunications Service (WATS)provides for dial-type communications between a WATS termination and exchanges within the same LATA.within the State and in accordance with the regulations and schedules of charges specified in this document. 2.A WATS access line is a line from the Company CO to the Company-provided network interface on or near the customer’s premises and is provided for the purpose of completing WATS calls. 3.WATS is provided as 800 Service: a.The 800 Service customer is furnished a WATS access line arranged for inward calling only.800 Service provides for dial-type calling to a WATS termination by way of the WATS access line and the public switched network from exchanges within the same LATA in the State.800 Service allows customers to receive and pay for incoming long distance calls by use of a telephone number which begins with the special service area code,8XX (i.e.,800.822, 833,844,855,866,877 or 888,as available).Usage is bulk billed as set tbrth in 7.1.2,following. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%i) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 7 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 2 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 ________________________ 7.WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE 7.1 800 SERVICE A.Description (Cont’d) 4.WATS is furnished only if the necessary service components are available.If unusual costs are involved to make facilities available,the customer may have to pay additional charges. 5.Intrastate 800 Service may be provided jointly by the Company and the Interexchange Carrier on a shared basis.A shared WATS access line is where the Company provides the WATS access line,transports the intraLATA traffic and bills both the WATS access line and intraLATA usage to the end user as set forth in this Catalog.The Interexchange Carrier transports the interLATA traffic and bills interLATA usage to the end user at the IC’s applicable WATS usage rates. The Interexchange Carrier shall order Switched Access Service under the terms and conditions of the Company’s Access Service Catalog. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT [S SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 7 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 3 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 7.WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE 7.1 800 SERVICE A.Description (Cont’d) 6.Interstate interLATA 800 Service will be provided by the Interexchange Carrier. 7.IntraLATA only 800 Service will not be provided by the Company. 8.Wire Center -a specified geographical location in an exchange from which charges for WATS extensions are determined. 9.Service Terminating Arrangement -Company-provided equipment which terminates WATS access lines and facilitates design,isolation,and testing of WATS service.Protective connecting arrangements include the service terminating arrangement. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 7 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page4 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 7.WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE 7.1 800 SERVICE (Cont’d) B.WATS Terminations 1.The term “Station”as used in connection with WATS: a.Denotes the network control signaling unit and any other equipment which is arranged for WATS and provided at a customer’s premises in accordance with this Catalog or, b.Denotes the point,at a customer’s premises,at which customer-provided terminal equipment or communications system is connected to Company facilities furnished for WATS or, c.Denotes the point of connection of WATS to switching equipment (as specified in 3.,following)when such switching equipment is located in a Company CO or, 2.The term “Main Station”denotes the first WATS station furnished for use with a WATS access line.The term “Extension Station”denotes any other WATS station furnished for use with the same WATS access line. 3.At the option of the customer,a WATS access line may be connected to:(i)a standard telephone,(ii)an attendant’s position or switching equipment of a PBX or CO dial switched system,a Common Control Switching arrangement,(iii)a key telephone system,or (iv)an lnterexchange Carrier Channel utilizing a WATS CO Connecting Facility. 4.When connections are made to customer or Interexchange Carrier-provided communications systems at a premises where the customer does not originate or terminate communications,the Company may require that WATS be furnished from a Company WATS CO(s)different than the CO(s)designated by the Company to serve that premises.Under such circumstances,monthly and service and equipment charges equal to access line extension charges apply between the WATS CO that would serve the customer’s premises and the WATS CO from which service is actually provided. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMiTTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 7 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 5 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease3Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 7.WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE 7.!800 SERVICE (Cont’d) C.Limitations of Service 1.WATS calls must be dialed and completed without the assistance of a Company operator except when facilities or conditions do not allow customer dial completion or when an interrupted call is reestablished by a Company operator. 2.The design,maintenance and operation of WATS envisions that communications will originate or terminate at a WATS station for the purpose of communicating with stations in the specified service areas.Connections of communications system provided by the customer or lnterexchange Carrier to WATS may be made.However,the Company will not be responsible for the through transmission of signals or for the quality of transmission on such connections. 3.Connection to Other Services Connections of WATS to other services is permitted on a switched basis only. No permanent connection between WATS and other services may be established. 4.Priority of Services a.The installation and restoration of service shall be in accordance with the rules for Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP)as set forth in Section 12 of the Access Service Catalog. b.Subject to compliance with the above mentioned rules,when a shortage of facilities exists either for temporary or protracted periods,MTS will be established before all other services.However,the duration of MTS calls may be limited when facility shortages are caused by emergency conditions. 5.800 Service is not eligible for Suspension of Service —Customer Initiated. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 7 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page6 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 7.WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE 7.1 800 SERVICE C.Limitations of Service (Cont’d) 5.Company Liability a.In view of the fact that the customer has exclusive control of communications over the facilities furnished by the Company,and of the other uses for which facilities may be furnished by the Company,and because of unavoidableness of errors incident to the services and to the use of such facilities of the Company, the services and facilities furnished by the Company are subject to the terms, conditions and limitations herein specified. b.The liability of the Company for damages arising out of mistakes,omissions, interruptions,delays,errors or defects in transmission,or failure or defects in facilities furnished by the Company,occurring in the course of furnishing service or other facilities and not caused by the negligence of the customer,or of the Company in failing to maintain proper standards of maintenance and operation and to exercise reasonable supervision shall in no event exceed an amount equivalent to the proportionate charge to the customer for the period of service during which such mistake,omission,interruption,delay,error,defect in transmission,or failure or defect in facilities occurs. c.The customer indemnifies and saves the Company harmless against claims for libel,slander,or infringement of copyright from the material transmitted over its facilities;against claims for infringement of patents arising from combining with,or using in connection with,facilities of the Company,apparatus and systems of the customer;and against all other claims arising out of any act or omission of the customer in connection with facilities provided by the Company. d.When the lines of other telephone companies are used in establishing connections to points not reached by the Company’s lines,the Company is not liable for any act or omission of the other company or companies. e.The Company shall not be liable for any defacement of,or damage to, customer’s premises resulting from the existence of the Company’s instruments, apparatus,or wiring,on such premises,or caused by the installation or removal, when such defacement or damage is not the result of the negligence of the Company. NOTICE THE iNFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/b!a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 7 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 7 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise Idahoissued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 7.WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE 7.1 800 SERVICE C.5.(Cont’d) f.The Company does not guarantee nor make any warranty with respect to equipment provided by it for use in an explosive atmosphere.The customer shall indemnii’and hold the Company harmless from any and all loss,claims, demands,suits,or other action,or any liability whatsoever,whether suffered, made,instituted or asserted by customer or by any other party or person.for any personal injury to or death of any person or persons,and for any loss,damage or destruction of any property,whether owned by the customer or others,caused or claimed to have been caused directly or indirectly by the installation,operation, failure to operate,maintenance,removal,presence,condition,location or use of said equipment so provided. (1)The Company may require each customer to sign an agreement for the furnishing of such equipment as a condition precedent to the furnishing of such equipment. (2)The customer shall furnish,install and maintain sealed conduit with explosion- proof fittings between this equipment and points outside the hazardous area where connection may be made with regular facilities of the Company.The customer may be required to install and maintain this equipment within the hazardous area it in the opinion of the Company,injury or damage to Company employees or property might result from installation or maintenance by the Company. 6.Transmission Quality Satisfactory transmission cannot be assured when the WATS access line is connected to other Company services or to customer-provided equipment or service. 7.Completion of 800 Service Messages 800 Service is furnished upon condition that the customer obtain adequate facilities to permit the use of this service without interfering with this service or impairing it or without injurious effects upon it or any other service rendered by the Company.The Company,without incurring any liability,may terminate or refuse to furnish 800 Service to any customer who fails to comply with said conditions,provided that,in case of a termination of service,at least five days have elapsed following written notification to the customer by mail or in person of the Company’s intention to terminate the service for such cause. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%1) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 7 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 8 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 ________________________ 7.WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE 7.1 800 SERVICE C.Limitations of Service (Cont’d) 8.Use of Service WATS may be used by the customer or others authorized by the customer. Orders involving installation,rearrangement,billing,or discontinuance of service will be accepted by the Company only from the customer. 9.Abuse or Fraudulent Use The service is furnished subject to the condition that there will be no abuse or fraudulent use of the service.Abuse or fraudulent use of service includes: a.The placing or acceptance of a WATS call by a WATS customer,a customer’s agent,employee or representative,in response to an uncompleted MTS call, which was not completed in order to transmit or receive intelligence without the payment of the applicable message toll charge; b.The obtaining,or attempting to obtain,or assisting another to obtain or to attempt to obtain,WATS by rearranging,tampering with,or making connection with any facilities of the Company,or by any trick,scheme,false representation, or false credit device,or by or through any other fraudulent means or device whatsoever,with intent to avoid the payment,in whole or in part,of the regular charge for such service; c.The use of service or facilities of the Company for a call or calls,anonymous or otherwise if in a manner reasonably to be expected to frighten,abuse,torment, or harass another; d.The use of profane or obscene language; e.The use of the service in such a manner as to interfere unreasonably with the use of the service by one or more other customers. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-O2SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 7 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page9 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease3Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 7.WinE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE 7.1 800 SERVICE (Cont’d) D.Application of Monthly Rates and Usage I.General WATS usage charges are for payment for the service between the WATS termination and another location. 2.Service Group Service Group,as used in connection with 800 Service,denotes the access lines arranged in CO equipment furnished by the Company as part of a given hunting arrangement.(The term “hunting arrangement”denotes a grouping of 800 Service access lines at the same customer’s premises arranged for the completion of a given call or arranged for overflow to or from another access line or group of access lines.) 3.Chargeable Time a.Chargeable time begins when connection is established between a station associated with the WATS termination and the calling or called station. b.Chargeable time ends when the calling station “hangs up”thereby releasing the network connection.If the called station “hangs up”but the calling station does not,chargeable time ends when the network connection is released by automatic timing equipment in the telecommunications network. c.When 800 Service is directly connected (i.e.,not connected through a multiline terminating system)at a customer’s premises to a communications system, chargeable time begins when the call terminates in or passes through the first multiline terminating system or terminal equipment on that communications system.It is the customer’s responsibility to furnish appropriate answer supervision to the point of connection with the 800 Service so that the chargeable time may begin. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 7 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 10 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 ______________________ 7.WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE 7.1 800 SERVICE D.Application of Monthly Rates and Usage (Cont’d) 4.Minimum Service Period The minimum service period for WATS is one day. 5.Payment of Charges a.The customer is responsible for payment of all charges for service furnished the customer.Service and equipment charges are payable upon establishment of service.All other charges from time to time in force and effect are payable monthly in advance,except additional hourly usage charges,which are payable upon rendition of a bill by the Company. b.Where a WATS application for service is canceled by the applicant prior to the start of installation of facilities,no charge applies.Where installation of facilities has been started prior to the cancellation,the service and equipment charges apply. c.Charges of less than a cent will be rounded to the nearest cent. 6.Fractional Periods a.The charge for a fractional part of a month will be a proportionate part of the monthly rate based on the actual number of days the service is provided. b.For the purpose of administering this regulation with respect to the determination of the charge for a fractional part of a month,every month is considered to have 30 days. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 7 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 11 June 15,2013 SouTHEw IDAHO Release 3 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 7.WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE 7.1 800 SERVICE D.Application of Monthly Rates and Usage (Cont’d) 7.Directory Listings a.Directory listings for 800 Service will be provided at rates applicable for business additional listings.(See 5.7.1,preceding.) 8.Minimum Average Time Requirement (MATR)for 800 Service Usage is subject to an average of 30 seconds per completed call in each rate period for each billing period.This means that if the average duration per call in any rate period during each billing cycle is less than 30 seconds,billing will be based on an average duration of 30 seconds per call. NOTICE FHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissiili) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 7 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 12 June 15,2013 SOuTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 7.WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE 7.1 800 SERVICE D.Application of Monthly Rates and Usage (Cont’d) 9.Method of Determining Rates for 800 Service a.Determine the total number of calls for the service group. b.Determine the equivalent hours used by applying the minimum average time requirement of 30 seconds (1 call =30 seconds or 1/2 minute). c.Determine the total actual hours used for the service group. d.Determine the chargeable hours which is the greater of b.or c.,preceding, rounded to the nearest tenth (one decimal place). e.Detennine the number of access lines in service during the month.Access lines in service for a fraction of a month are based on the number of days in service divided by 30 days.The result is rounded to the nearest hundredth,two decimal places. f.Determine the average use per line in the service group by dividing the chargeable hours in d..preceding,by the number of access lines in e.,preceding. g.Determine the usage charge per line by multiplying the hourly rate in the appropriate taper(s)by the number of hours used in each taper and totaling these charges. h.Determine the total usage charge in the service group by multiplying the usage charge per access line in g.,preceding,by the number of access lines in e., preceding. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 7 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page l3 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 7.WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE 7.1 800 SERVICE (Cont’d) E.Allowance for Interruptions Allowance for interruptions apply to each WATS access line as set forth ibllowing: I.When the WATS access line is interrupted for a period of less than 2 hours after the trouble is reported to the Company,no credit applies. 2.When the WATS access line is interrupted for a period of 2 hours to 24 hours after the trouble is reported to the Company,the following credit applies: CREDIT ALLOWANCE Allowance $6.20 3.When the WATS access line is interrupted for a period of more than 24 hours after the trouble is reported to the Company,a credit applies for each 24 hour period or any fraction thereof CREDIT ALLOWANCE Allowance $6.20 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN ‘I HIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 7 Page 14 Release 3 Effective:6-15-2013 7.WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE 7.1 800 SERVICE E.Allowance For Interruptions (Cont’d) 4.The credit in 2.and 3..preceding,includes all credits to be applied for an interruption. 5.None of the prior credit allowances will be made for: •Non-completion of WATS messages due to busy network conditions,or •Interruption of service due to customer-provided equipment or systems,or •Interruption of service due to negligence of the customer,or •Interruption of service during any period in which the Company is not afforded access to the premises at which the WATS access line is terminated,or •Interruption of service during any period when the customer has released the WATS access line to the Company for maintenance purposes,or implementation of a customer order for a change in service arrangement. 6.Message telecommunications service furnished at a customer’s request.when his WATS is interrupted,is charged at the message telecommunications rates. F.Payphone Surcharge The Payphone Surcharge applies to all calls placed from pay telephones.This charge is in addition to all other applicable 800 Service rates and charges. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SOUTHERN IDAHO Issued:6-5-2013 Idaho Public Utilities Commissi4EI) Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 15,2013 Boise,Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi€) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.I SECTION 7 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 15 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3[l]Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 7.WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE 7.1 800 SERVICE (Cont’d) 7.1.2 800 SERVICE A.Rates and Charges 1.Shared 800 Service Access Line MONTHLY USOC RATE •Each,AT&T 8L9++$28.50 •Each,Interexchange Carrier (IC)other than AT&T,Company bills interLATA usage on behalf of IC 8Q9++28.50 •Each,Interexchange Carrier bills own interLATA usage 8J9++28.50 NONRECURRING CHARGE •Install or connect new $66.00 •Change of Interexchange Carrier 15.00 •Allother changes 25.50 2.The hourly rates apply to the average use for each rate period,rounded to the nearest tenth of an hour,for each access line within a service group. RATE •Usage rate per access line,per hour 0 -5 hours $13.87 5.1 -15 hours 12.83 15.1 -25 hours 11.78 25.1 -40 hours 10.69 Over 40 hours 10.07 [1]Pages 16 and 17 were previously canceled.(C) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/b!a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No.1 SEcTIoN 8 Index Page 1 Release 2 Effective:6-15-2013 8.CONNECTIONS OF PREMISES EQUIPMENT TO TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 15,2013 Boise,Idaho NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SOUTHERN IDAHO Issued:6-5-2013 SECTION Acoustic or Inductive Connections Company Responsibility Connections of Equipment,Communication Systems and Premises Wire Customer Responsibility General Recording of Two-Way Telephone Conversations Violation of Regulations PAGE 5 2 1 3 6 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 8 Page 1SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 9-20-18 Effective: 10-1-18 8.CONNECTIONS OF PREMISES EQUIPMENT TO TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES 8.1 CONNECTIONS OF EQUIPMENT,COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS AND PREMISES WIRE A. General Equipment (including protective circuitry), communications systems, and premises wiring connected to telecommunications services furnished by the Company are generally subject to Title 47, Telecommunication, of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 68, Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network (47 CFR 68), commonly known as the FCC's Registration Program. Equipment and systems not subject to 47 CFR 68 which are connected to telecommunications services furnished by the Company must meet the minimum protection criteria specified in 47 CFR 68. B. Customer Responsibility 1. The customer shall be responsible for the installation, operation and maintenance of any customer equipment or system. No combinations of customer equipment or systems shall require change in or alteration of the equipment or services of the Company, cause electrical hazards to Company personnel, damage to Company equipment, malfunction of Company billing equipment, or degradation of service to persons other than the user of the subject equipment or system, his calling or called party. Upon notice from the Company that a customer equipment or system is causing such hazard, damage, malfunction or degradation of service, the customer shall make such changes as shall be necessary to remove or preventsuch hazard, damage, malfunction or degradation of service. 2. Except as described otherwise elsewhere in this Local Terms of Service for specific services, the customer shall be responsible for the payment of a Trouble Isolation for visits by a Company employee to the customer's premises when a service difficulty or trouble report results from the use of the customer's equipment or system. (C) (C) SID2018-017 NOTICETHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-15-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 1, 2018 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTIoN 8 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page2 Junel5,2013 SouTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 8.CONNECTIONS OF PREMISES EQUIPMENT To TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES 8.1 CONNECTIONS OF EQUIPMENT,COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS AND PREMISES WIRE (ConVd) C.Company Responsibility 1.Telecommunications services are not represented as adapted to the use of customer equipment or systems.Where customer equipment or systems are used with telecommunications services,the responsibility of the Company shall be limited to the furnishing of service components suitable for telecommunications services and to the maintenance and operation of service components in a manner proper for such services.Subject to this responsibility the Company shall not be responsible for a.the through transmission of signals generated by the customer equipment or systems or for the quality of,or defects in,such transmission,or b. the reception of signals by customer equipment or systems,or c.address signaling where such signaling is performed by customer signaling equipment. 2.The Company will,at the customer’s request,provide information concerning interface parameters,including the number of ringers which may be connected to a particular telephone line,needed to permit customer equipment to operate in a manner compatible with telecommunications services. 3.The Company may make changes in its telecommunications services,equipment, operations or procedures,where such action is not inconsistent with 47 CFR 68. If such changes can be reasonably expected to render any customer’s equipment or system incompatible with telecommunications services,or require modification or alteration of such customer equipment or systems,or otherwise materially affect its use or performance,the customer will be given adequate notice,in writing,to allow the customer an opportunity to maintain uninterrupted service. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT [0 CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities CommissifiE) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 8 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 3 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 8.CONNECTIONS OF PREMISES EQUIPMENT To TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES 8.1 CONNECTIONS OF EQUIPMENT,COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS AND PREMISES WIRE (Cont’d) D.Recording of Two-Way Telephone Conversations Telecommunications services are not represented as adapted to the recording of two-way telephone conversations.However,customer voice recording equipment may be directly,acoustically or inductively connected with telecommunication services as follows: I.Customer recording equipment may be connected to the Telecommunications Network provided that,when such connections are made the voice recording equipment shall be so arranged that at the will of the user it can be activated and deactivated.In addition,one of the following conditions must apply: a.All parties to the telephone conversation must give their prior consent to the recording of the conversation,and the prior consent must be obtained in writing or be part of,and obtained at the start of the recording,or b.A distinctive recorder tone,repeated at intervals of approximately fifteen seconds,is required to alert all parties when the recording equipment is in use. The distinctive recording tone can be provided as part of •The recording equipment;or •Customer registered or grandfathered protective circuitry;or •A grandfathered Company connecting arrangement. In the case of municipal fire and police departments which have central office lines used exclusively for the receipt of local or intrastate fire or police emergency calls and are attended at all times for such purposes,recorder- connector equipment without the automatic tone device may be furnished for use with such systems provided that the proper municipal authority certifies that these conditions will be observed. NOTICE THE TNFORMATJON CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 8 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 4 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-20 13 _______________________ 8.CONNECTIONS OF PREMISES EQUIPMENT TO TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES 8.1 CONNECTIONS OF EQUIPMENT,COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS AND PREMISES WIRE D.1.(Cont’d) c.A broadcast licensee shall be exempt from the above recording requirements provided at least one of the following requirements is met: •The licensee informs each party to the call of its intent to broadcast the conversation;or •Each party to the call is aware of the licensee’s intent to broadcast the call;or •Such awareness of the licensee’s intent to broadcast the call may be reasonably imputed to the party. 2.The FCC has established the following exceptions to the foregoing requirements. a.Recordings made of incoming calls to the telephone numbers publicized for emergencies involving health or safety of life and property (e.g.,emergency situations involving fire,health care,police,public utilities and emergency road service)and outgoing calls made in immediate response to such calls.Included in this exception are: •Recordings made at the United States Department of Defense Command Center of emergency communications transmitted over the Department of the Defense’s private line system when connected to MTS,WATS or local exchange service,and •Recordings made by the United States Nuclear Regulatory commission of the Department of Energy with respect to the telephone systems located at its Operations Center. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAiNED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi4E) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 8 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page5 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 8.CONNECTIONS OF PREMISES EQUIPMENT To TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES 8.1 CONNECTIONS OF EQUIPMENT,COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS AND PREMISES WIRE D.2.(Cont’d) b.Recordings of calls made for patently unlawful purposes,such as bomb threats, kidnap ransom requests and obscene telephone calls.Outgoing calls made in immediate response to such calls are also excepted.Included in this exception are recordings made by the United States Secret Service of the Department of the Treasury for recording of two-way telephone conversations which concern the safety and security of the person of the President of the United States, members of his immediate family,or the White House and its grounds. c.Recordings of calls made by Federal,State or local law enforcement authorities, or federal intelligence authorities,under color of law. E.Acoustic or Inductive Connections Customer voice or data terminal equipment may be acoustically or inductively connected to Company-provided terminal equipment provided the connection is made external to the terminal equipment.Such connections are subject to the Minimum Protection Criteria specified in 47 CFR 68. Customer tone-type address signaling is permitted through such connections, however,the services of the Company are not designed for such use and the Company makes no representation as to the reliability of address signaling which is performed in such manner. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-511) Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%ui) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 8 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 6 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 8.CONNECTIONS OF PREMISES EQUIPMENT To TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES 8.1 CONNECTIONS OF EQUIPMENT,COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS AND PREMISES WIRE (Cont’d) F.Violation of Regulations When any customer equipment or system is used with telecommunications services in violation of any of the provisions of 47 CFR 68 or this 8.1.,the Company will take such immediate action as necessary for the protection of the telecommunications network and Company employees,and will promptly notify the customer of the violation.The customer shall discontinue such use of the equipment or system or correct the violation and shall confirm in writing to the Company within 10 days,following the receipt of written notice from the Company,that such use has ceased or that the violation has been corrected. Failure of the customer to discontinue such use or to correct the violation and to give the required written confirmation to the Company within the time stated above shall result in suspension of the customer’s service until such time as the customer complies with the provisions of this Catalog. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 9 Index Page 1 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued: 7-7-2017 Effective: 7-20-2017 9. CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES SUBJECT PAGE PRIME Customized Call Management Services/CENTRON I Service SID2017-008 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 17-06-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 20, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities CommissiEa!J) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 1 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.1 DIAL SWITCHING SYSTEMS 9.1.7 CUSTOMIZED CALL MANAGEMENT SERvIcEsICENTRONI SERVICE A.Description 1.CENTRON I Service is composed of standard and optional features furnished from a Stored Program Controlled central office.C’ENTRON I is available to individual line residence customers wishing to combine one or more exchange access lines into a group. 2.CENTRON I Service is available to residence customers where technically feasible.CENTRON I Service may incompatible with some services due to technical limitations. 3.A customer may choose to combine access lines terminating at different locations into a single CENTRON I package.However,All access lines terminating in CE}VTROZ’/I Service must be served by the same central office. 4.Flat Rate Service and Message or Measured Rate Service access lines may not be mixed in the same CENTRON I package. 5.The combination of residence and business access lines is allowed.When a CENTRON I system contains both residence and business access lines only one residence access line is permitted.In addition,no hunting or call forward busy line features will be permitted between the business and residence access lines. 6.The quality of transmission for calls utilizing CENTRON I Call Forwarding or CENTRON I Conferencing may vary depending on the distance and routing involved.The Company makes no representation as to the quality of the transmission on such calls. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED N THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi4) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SEcTIoN 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 2 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.1 DIAL SWITCHING SYSTEMS 9.1.7 CUSTOMIZED CALL MANAGEMENT SERvICESICENTRON I SERVICE A.Description (Cont’d) 7.CENTROZ’/I Service standard and optional features cannot be used in combination with the following Custom Calling services;Call Waiting,Call Forwarding -Variable,Three Way Calling,Speed Call 8 and Speed Call 30. 8.CENTRONI Service is allowed only with Touch-Tone equipped access lines. 9.Where Message or Measured Service exchange access lines terminate in CENTRON I Service,message charges are not applied to calls completed utilizing the Intercom feature. 10.800 Service circuit terminating on a CEATTRON I Service can be furnished with C’ENTRON I Service standard and optional features the excluding intercom feature. 11.The nonrecurring charge will not apply when changing from existing CENTROJV 6 and 30 Service to CENTRON I service. NOTICE IHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGF TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/bla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 3 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.1 DIAL SWITCHING SYSTEMS 9.1.7 CUSTOMIZED CALL MANAGEMENT SERVICESICENTRON I SERVICE (Cont’d) B.Standard Features Touch-Tone Touch-Tone Calling Service is a distinctive type of telephone service using audible voice frequency tones to actuate the CO equipment,and is provided as a part of the standard package. Call Hold A user of CENTRON I Service can place any established call on hold by dialing a control code.This frees the line to originate another call or use the call pickup feature. User Transfer The user of CENTRON I Service can transfer any established call to another line within or outside the package. Conferencing The user of CENTRON I Service can hold an in progress call and complete a second call while maintaining privacy from the first call.In addition,the user may choose to add on the previously held call into a three-way conference. NOTICE [HE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%I) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 4 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.1 DIAL SWITCHING SYSTEMS 9.1.7 CUSTOMIZED CALL MANAGEMENT SERvICESICENTRON I SERVICE (Cont’d) C.Optional Features Call Forwarding -(Variable) This feature allows the user to program automatic transfer of all calls made to the called line to a different line,within or outside the C’ENTRON I group. Call Pickup Group This feature enables a user of CENTRON I Service to answer a call which has been directed to another line in the package. NOTICE [HE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%l) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.I SEcTIoN 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 5 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.1 DIAL SWITCHING SYSTEMS 9.1.7 CUSTOMIZED CALL MANAGEMENT SERvICESICENTRONI SERVICE C.Optional Features (Cont’d) Call Waiting This feature provides a tone alert to a CENTRON I Service user who is on an existing call that another call is waiting. Convenience Dialing This feature allows a user to abbreviate dialing patterns for frequently called and emergency numbers.By dialing an access code of one or two digits,a customer can dial up to six (6)or thirty (30)preprogrammed numbers.All lines in a package may share the same (30)number list or the (30)number may be available to an individual line only.The (6)number list is available only on an individual line basis.Convenience Dialing (6)can only be combined with Intercom (30)on the same line or Convenience Dialing (30)can only be combined with Intercom (6). D.Rates and Charges -General 1.The following USOCs are for CENTRON I Service only and are in addition to the USOCs for access lines and other services or equipment with which they are associated. MONTHLY RATE USOC RESIDENCE a.Standard Feature Package, per line MVPI1 $5.00 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%I) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page6 Junel5,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.1 DIAL SWITCHING SYSTEMS 9.1.7 CUSTOMIzED CALL MANAGEMENT SERvICEs/C’ENTRONI SERVICE D.2.(Cont’d) J4IONTHLY RATE USOC RESIDENCE b.Optional Features •Call Forwarding -Variable, per line MVPCF $2.80 •Call Pickup Group,per line MVPCU 0.50 •Call Waiting,per line MVPCW 5.00 •Convenience Dialing - 6#List,per list,each MBWCD 2.50 •Convenience Dialing - 30#List,per list,each MVPCD 3.50 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 7 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.1 DIAL SWITCHING SYSTEMS 9.1.7 CUSTOMIZED CALL MANAGEMENT SERVICEs/CENTRONI SERVICE D.2.(Cont’d) MONTHLY RATE USOC RESIDENCE c.Miscellaneous Line Terminating Arrangements[1] 800 Service Circuit,each Termination to main station line WTK $2.00 [I]In the event an incoming 800 service call is transferred to a remote location, transmission performance cannot be guaranteed. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissiii) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.I SECTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 7.1 June 15,2013 SOUTHELN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.1 DIAL SWITCHING SYSTEMS (Cont’d) 9.1.18 CENTREX PRIME SERVICE A.Description 1.Centrex PRIA/fE Service is a switched business communications service furnishing connections between a central office based switching system and the network interface which serves end user customer terminals.Centrex PRIME Service is a multi-media platform which delivers integrated Video,Voice,Image, and Data services to customers. 2.Centrex PRIAzIE Service includes analog or digital station lines which may be provided utilizing various technological designs.The arrangements of these station lines will vary for each customer depending on the number of connections to a location,the desired technology,available technology,and operating limitations,e.g.distance from a serving central office.A group of station lines is translated for an individual common block and is provided common access to a predetermined group of system features.Optional features are also available. 3.Customers select Centrex PRJA’iE station lines based upon Basic Analog,Digital, or ISDN options.The standard set of features provided varies depending on the alternative selected and the available central office technology.A list of standard features for each alternative and central office technology is available on a separate list provided by the Company. 4.The ISDN alternative consists of three distinct channels per station line:one or two B (Bearer)channels and one D (Delta)channel (2B+D).TSDN is also available in a 2B+S configuration.The ISDN alternative may be provisioned as either Custom or National.The ISDN alternative conforms to internationally developed,published,and recognized standards generated by the International Telecommunications Union (formerly CCITT). B.Terms and Conditions 1.All terms and conditions for the provision of Centrex PRIME Service shall be subject to a Service Agreement between the Company and the customer. 2.Centrex PRIME Service is available as a business system to single businesses for resale by certified resellers.Ccntrex PRIME Service is only available for resale to the same class of customer which the Company sells the service.For example, no reseller of service shall subscribe to Centrex PRIME station lines or associated features and provide those services to a residence customer. NOTICE TFIE 1NFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 9 Page 7.2SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 9-20-18 Effective: 10-1-18 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.1 DIAL SWITCHING SYSTEMS9.1.18 CENTREX PRIME SERVICE (CONT'D) 3. Each customer system with blocked access is equipped with a number of Network Access Registers based on a standard Poisson Capacity Table. This table provides the number of Network Access Registers for the number of analog station lines, digital ISDN channels, and Electronic Business Set station lines in the system. These Network Access Registers provide a standard level of usage for the customer’s system. This standard usage level is included in the station line rate. If additional Network Access Registers are required beyond the standard level, additional Network Access Registers may be obtained from 5.3.6., preceding. 4. An Unblocked Usage Adder is required in lieu of Network Access Registers. Should the customer’s usage exceed an average of 8 CCS (hundred call seconds) per station line, the customer will be converted to blocked service with the appropriate number of Network Access Registers. 5. End User Common Line (Subscriber Line Charge)charges will be assessed on network access which is the NAR in a blocked system and the basic station line in a non-blocked system. 6. All maintenance calls to the Company in which the trouble proves to be other than on the Company side of the Network Interface will result in the application of Trouble Isolation Charges, as specified in Section 13, following. The Trouble Isolation Charge will not apply to lines equipped with UNISTAR Service. C. Rates and Charges 1. The rates and charges for station lines and system features will be developed on an individual case basis and will be specified in a Service Agreement between the Company and the customer. 2. Each system will be configured based on the volume of switching requirements and will be engineered for the appropriate interfaces and transport. (T) (N) (N) SID2018-017 NOTICETHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-15-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 1, 2018 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissil) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SEcTIoN 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 8 June 15,2013 SOuTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 ________________________ 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.2 EMERGENCY REPORTING SERVICE 9.2.1 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY NUMBER SERVICE -911 A.Basic9ll 1.Description a.911 Emergency Communication System Service (911 Service)is a telephone exchange service whereby a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP)designated by the customer may receive calls signaled to the telephone number 911.The service provides the capability to answer emergency calls originated by persons within the serving area who dial 911. b.911 Service provides for routing 911 calls originated by telephone with given central office prefix codes to a single PSAP via the switched network to dedicated or non-dedicated access lines.The choice of the service arrangement is the customer’s,subject to availability of facilities. c.The 911 Code feature permits the public to dial 911 and have the central office route the call to the PSAP. d.The dedicated access line option provides a circuit from the originating end office to the PSAP.The following optional features are available where operating conditions permit: Forced Disconnect Enables a PSAP attendant to terminate,at any time,an existing 911 call regardless of the action of the calling party.Forced disconnect prevents the dedicated facilities (lines or trunks)to the PSAP from being tied up by calling parties who remain off-hook.After the PSAP attendant releases from a 911 call, the dedicated 911 trunk or line facility to the PSAP is automatically released and made available for other 911 calls.Forced disconnect may be used to disconnect any established 911 call connection to a PSAP. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%i) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 9 June 15,2013 SOuTHERN IDAHO Release 2 i Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.2 EMERGENCY REPORTING SERVICE 9.2.1 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY NUMBER SERVICE -911 A.1 .d.(Cont’d) Idle Tone A reorder tone at 120 1PM is a tone that is given to alert the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP)attendant that the originating party has gone off-hook afier the 911 call was established to the Company but before the PSAP attendant answered the phone.This feature allows the PSAP attendant to distinguish between calls that are abandoned before they are answered and calls where the calling party is unable to speak for some reason. Switchhook Status This is a feature which automatically provides a visual indication of the switchhook status of the originating station after the PSAP attendant answers the call.It provides the visual indications,in connection with the customer’s terminal equipment,to allow the PSAP attendant to know whether a 911 call put on hold is still on hold or has disconnected.Additionally,a control circuit is required in connection with the customer provided visual lamp indicator. Called Party Hold Allows the PSAP attendant to hold the connection established for a station from which a 911 call was originated,regardless of calling party actions.Called party hold enables the call to be traced to determine the calling party location. Actions by the calling party will not affect the connection being held.The connection is held until the PSAP attendant releases the call or until trunk time out.Activation of ringback will restart the timing. Emergency Ringback Allows the PSAP attendant to ring back a calling station whether the station is on or off hook. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 10 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.2 EMERGENCY REPORTING SERVICE 9.2.1 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY NUMBER SERVICE -911 A.1.(Cont!d) e.Features other than those described in I .d.,preceding,may be provided on an individual case basis. f.The non-dedicated access line option forwards the call from an originating end office over the message network to the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP). No additional features are available with this option. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 11 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.2 EMERGENCY REPORTING SERVICE 9.2.1 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY NUMBER SERVICE -911 A.Basic 911 (Cont’d) 2.Definitions 911 Service Area The geographical area that contains the serving central office and originating end offices in which the 911 customer will have the capability to respond to all 911 calls and initiate appropriate responses. Avoidance Provides the routing of a facility to avoid a customer specified geographic area. Called Party Hold (CPH’) A feature of 911 Service that enables a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) attendant to retain control of an incoming 911 call connection even if the calling party hangs up. Customer Location Location of the primary Public Safety Answering Point. Diversity Provides separate facility paths to avoid routing all of a customer’s traffic through a single transmission facility. Emergency Ringback A feature that allows the PSAP attendant to call or ring the line of an incoming 911 call that appears to have gone on-hook (hungup).CPH is required for this feature. Forced Disconnect A feature that allows the PSAP attendant to release a connection regardless of the action of the calling party.This prevents blockage of the incoming 911 lines serving the PSAP. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.I SECTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 12 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 __________________________ 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.2 EMERGENCY REPORTING SERVICE 9.2.1 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY NUMBER SERVICE -911 A.2.(Cont’d) idle Tone Application A feature that allows the PSAP attendant to distinguish between calls abandoned before they are answered and instances in which the calling party is unable to speak for some reason.If the call is abandoned,a distinct tone is heard.If the caller is still on the line but unable to speak,no tone is heard. Meet Point A predetermined point in the provision of a circuit,between two or more operating companies,i.e.,where the Company provides a portion of the facilities to a point and another telephone company continues in order to provide end-to- end service to a customer. Originating End Office A central office that serves the caller originating a 911 call. Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) An answering location of 911 calls originated within a given service area.PSAPs are designated as primary and secondary.The primary PSAP receives all calls directly from the public;secondary PSAPs only receive calls from a primary PSAP on a transfer or relay basis. Serving Central Office The central office from which a primary PSAP is served. Switchhook Status A feature that provides the PSAP attendant audible and visual signals indicating whether a 911 call put on hold is still on hold or has disconnected. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 13 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.2 EMERGENCY REPORTING SERVICE 9.2.1 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY NUMBER SERVICE -911 A.Basic 911 (Cont’d) 3.Regulations a.The 911 customer may be a municipality or other state or local government unit, or an authorized agent of one or more of these units.The customer must be legally authorized to subscribe to the service and respond to public emergency calls from the central office service areas arranged for 911 calling. b.If Company facilities are not available to provide 911 service,modifications may be made to our facilities as necessary on an individual case basis.The actual cost of these modifications will be charged to the customer in addition to the published rates. c.In a dedicated access line arrangement,the customer will be required to purchase exchange lines from the originating end office to the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP)and when necessary,applicable mileage rates from the originating end office to the serving central office,to allow the direct routing of end office calls over those lines. For the non-dedicated access line option,the customer must purchase exchange lines from the serving central office,as noted below,for receipt of calls forwarded from each remote end office. (1)A combination of dedicated and non-dedicated lines may be provided to one PSAP,operating conditions permitting,but only one option is available per originating end office. (2)The customer must subscribe to enough lines at the PSAP to receive 911 calls on lines other than its administrative lines.In no case shall there be less than two 911 lines per originating end office. d.The mileage rates per mile apply to the airline distance measured between the serving wire center through which the service is provided.The airline miles between serving wire centers are measured using the V and H coordinates method,as set forth in the Exchange Carrier Association Tariff F.C.C.No.4. and administered as set forth in 7.2.2.C.,in the Access Service Catalog. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi1i) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 14 June 15,2013 SOUThERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.2 EMERGENCY REPORTING SERVICE 9.2.1 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY NUMBER SERVICE -911 A.3.(Cont’d) e.All general rules and regulations contained in other tariff/catalog sections of this Company apply,as appropriate,to the provision of 911 Emergency Service. f 911 are the only digits which may be used as an abbreviated emergency telephone number. g.The 911 emergency telephone number may not be used as a replacement for general telephone service.The public safety agencies will subscribe to other exchange service as provided in other tariff/catalog Sections of this Company to satisfy telecommunicating needs other than receipt of 911 calls. h.The service is furnished to the customer for the purpose of receiving reports of emergencies from the public. i.911 Service is classified as business service and is arranged for one-way incoming service to the appropriate PSAP. j.911 Service is provided solely for the benefit of the customer operating the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP).The provision of 911 Service by the Company shall not be interpreted,construed,or regarded,either expressly or implied,as being for the benefit of or creating any Company obligation toward any third person or legal entity other than the customer. k.911 service will not be suspended or disconnected for non-payment without a ninety day written notification to the customer,the Company,and the State of Idaho,Executive Department,Emergency Management Division. 1.The Company will furnish facilities to enable the customer’s personnel to respond to 911 calls,but will not answer and forward those calls. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02--SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 15 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.2 EMERGENCY REPORTING SERVICE 9.2.1 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY NUMBER SERVICE -911 A.3.(Cont’d) m.The Company shall not be responsible for providing 91 1 Service to less than an entire central office (switching entity)and will only provide one type of 911 Service within a given central office,i.e.,the 911 Service will not be activated in only one of two or more prefixes in the same central office. n.The rates and charges for 911 Service include only the usual inspection or monitoring of facilities,which are done on a routine basis,to discover errors, defects and malfunctions in the service. The customer shall make such operational tests as,in the judgment of the customer,are required to determine whether the system is functioning properly for its specific use.The customer shall promptly notify the Company in the event the system is not functioning properly.Any additional testing requested by the customer will be handled and priced on an individual case basis. o.In any central office where 911 Service has been activated,the Company will provide the same level of reliability and quality as it provides for all other telephone services in that central office. p.For service liabilities,see Section 2.4.1,preceding. q.The customer will be responsible for making arrangements to handle all 911 calls that originate from telephones served by originating end offices in the 911 service area whether or not the calling telephone is situated on property within the geographical boundaries of the customer’s public safety jurisdiction. r.Application for 911 Service must be executed in writing by each customer.In addition,the customer must submit a copy of the State of Idaho approved Emergency Telephone System Plan.If application for service is made by an agent,the Company must be provided in writing with satisfactory proof of appointment of the agent by the customer. NOTICE 1HE INFORMATION CONTANED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%l) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 16 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.2 EMERGENCY REPORTING SERVICE 9.2.1 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY NUMBER SERVICE -911 A.3.(Cont’d) s.The customer must furnish the Company its agreement in writing to the following terms and conditions: (1)All 911 calls will be answered on a twenty-four hour day,seven-day week basis. (2)The customer has responsibility for dispatching the appropriate emergency service vehicles within the 911 service area,or will undertake to transfer all 911 calls received to the governmental agency with responsibility for dispatching such services,to the extent that such services are reasonably available. (3)The customer will develop an appropriate method for responding to calls for nonparticipating agencies which may be directed to the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP)by calling parties.Furthermore,a written assurance is required from all agencies indicating their concurrence in the arrangement. (4)The customer will subscribe to local exchange service,and where necessary, private line service,at the PSAP location for administrative purposes,for placing outgoing calls,for transferring or dispatching 911 calls,and for receiving all other calls. (5)The customer will provide telephone equipment with a capacity adequate to handle the number of incoming 911 lines.When customer provided terminal equipment is used,it must be compatible with the technical requirements and features of9l 1 Service,i.e.,lines must be 1oop start. (6)The customer will maintain an adequate number of circuits to handle the traffic volume. t.The calling party will not be charged for calls placed to the 911 number.Any appropriate toll charges associated with 911 calls will be billed to the 911 customer. u.Neither the calling party nor the 911 customer is billed for message unit charges associated with measured service or calls placed from a pay telephone. NOTICE THE IIJFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%Ii) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.I SECTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 17 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.2 EMERGENCY REPORTING SERVICE 9.2.1 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY NUMBER SERVICE -911 A.3.(Cont’d) v.It is the customer’s obligation to assure that any customer provided terminal equipment is compatible with 911 service and features. w.The Company may refuse to provide certain features if,in the Company’s judgment,they are not compatible with the customer’s terminal equipment. x.Trunk conditioning charges may apply under certain circumstances.For example,if there is a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP)installed to back up the primary PSAP,the charges could apply,on an individual case basis. y.Where facilities permit,the customer can request diversification and redundancy,of any or all interoffice and/or local ioop facility routes.Additional charges for such facilities,or the construction and provisioning thereof will be the responsibility of the customer and will be assessed on an Individual Case Basis. z.Where facilities permit,the customer may request Avoidance of any point in the interoffice facilities and/or local loop facilities and/or the central offices serving that 911 system.Additional charges for such facilities,or the construction and provisioning thereot will be the responsibility of the customer and will be assessed on an Individual Case Basis. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi4) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.I SECTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 18 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.2 EMERGENCY REPORTING SERVICE 9.2.1 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY NUMBER SERVICE -911 A.Basic 911 (Cont’d) 4.Rates Class of Service -91L -Basic 911 Service SERVICE & EQUIPMENT MONTHLY USOC ChARGE RATE a.Basic 911 Dedicated Line (1)911 Code Recognition,per Central Office equipped N/A ICB (2)911 business line from serving end office to Public Safety Answering Point 91 L [1][1] (3)Basic 911 Optional Features B92 $200.00 $21.00 (4)Automatic Number Identifi cation,per line equipped D98 600.00 16.60 [11 Apply same rates and charges as for Business Measured Service Access Lines as specified in 5.2.1,preceding. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 19 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.2 EMERGENCY REPORTING SERVICE 9.2.1 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY NUMBER SERVICE -911 A.4.a.(Cont’d) SERVICE & EQUIPMENT MONTHLY USOC CHARGE RATE (5)Interoffice mileage,intra and interexchange[1] (a)Qwest Corporation exchanges -from originating end office to the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP)serving central office •Fixed charge,per line XU9AX $395.00 $44.00 •Interexchange,per mile XN9BX —0.25 •Intraexchange,per mile XN9CK —0.25 (b)Qwest Corporation charges when connected with Local Exchange Companies •From originating end office to meet point N/A [2][2] •From meet point to the PSAP serving end office N/A [3][3] [1]See paragraph A.3.d.,Regulations,preceding. [2]Apply same rates and charges for Code Recognition (as shown in paragraph A.4.a.(1),preceding),rates and charges for both fixed and per mile mileage (see paragraph A.3.d.,Regulations,preceding),and rates and charges for Automatic Number Identification (as shown in paragraph A.4.a.(4),preceding),or rates and charges for Basic 911 Optional Features (as shown in paragraph A.4.a.(3), preceding),if requested. [3]Apply same rates and charges for both fixed and per mile mileage (see paragraph A.3.d.Regulations,preceding),and 911 Business Line (as shown in paragraph A.4.a.(2),preceding). NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network I Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 20 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.2 EMERGENCY REPORTING SERVICE 9.2.1 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY NUMBER SERVICE -911 A.4.(Cont’d) SERVICE & EQUIPMENT MONTHLY USOC CHARGE RATE b.911 Non-dedicated Service[1,2] (1)911 Code Recognition per Central Office equipped N/A ICB (2)Originating end office emer gency call forwarding 9R1 [3][3] B.Enhanced 911 (E91l) 1.Description Enhanced Universal Emergency Number Service,also referred to as Enhanced 911 (E91 1)Service,is a communication service whereby one or more Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs)designated by the E91 1 Service Provider may receive telephone calls dialed to the telephone number 911.E9 11 Service includes network facilities necessary for the answering,transferring and forced disconnect of emergency 911 calls originated by persons within the serving area. [1]911 Business Line as shown in paragraph A.4.a.(2),preceding,is required at the Public Safety Answering Point for each originating end office emergency call forwarding feature to allow answering of calls forwarded. [2]No 911 Optional Feature or ANI is available with this service. [3]Apply rates and charges as found in 5.4.4,preceding,Market Expansion Line (MEL)Service,preceding. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT iS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 21 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.2 EMERGENCY REPORTING SERVICE 9.2.1 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY NUMBER SERVICE -911 B.Enhanced 911 (E911)(Cont’d) 2.Detinitions Alternate Routing (AR) A method by which 911 calls are routed to a designated alternate location if all E91 1 lines to the primary PSAP are busy,or the primary PSAP is closed for a period of time. Automatic Location Identification (ALl) A feature by which the name and address associated with the calling party’s telephone number (identified by ANI feature)is forwarded to the PSAP for display.Additional telephones with the same number as the calling party’s (secondary locations,off premises,etc.)will be identified with the address of the telephone number at the main location. Automatic Location ldentificationlData Management System (ALI/DMS) A computer data base used to create,store and update the data (e.g.,emergency service numbers,addresses,customer names,etc.)required to provide the Selective Routing (SR)and ALl features. Automatic Number Identification (ANI) A feature by which the calling party’s telephone number is forwarded to the E9 11 Service Provider’s customer premises equipment for display. Avoidance Provides the routing of a facility to avoid a customer specified geographic area. Customer Location Location of the primary Public Safety Answering Point. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED TN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network I Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SEcTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 22 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.2 EMERGENCY REPORTING SERVICE 9.2.1 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY NUMBER SERVICE -911 B.2.(Cont’d) Default Routing (DR) A feature activated when an incoming 911 call cannot be selectively routed due to an ANI failure,garbled digits or other causes.Such incoming calls are routed from the E911 control office to an E91 1 Service Provider-designated default PSAP. Diversity Provides separate facility paths to avoid routing all of a customer’s traffic through a single transmission facility. Diverse Routing A method of deploying end office facilities using separate systems to provide E91 1 Service in case of facility or central office equipment failure. Emergency Service Numbers (ESNs) Numbers used to identii’primary and secondary Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP)locations as well as unique combinations of police,fire,ambulance or any other appropriate agencies responsible for providing emergency service in the E91 I service area.ESNs are programmed into the Automatic Location Identification1Data Management System and are assigned by the Company to facilitate the routing and transfer features. End Office A central office which receives originating 911 calls. E91 I Control Office A central office which provides tandem switching of 911 calls.It controls switching of Automatic Number Identification (AM)information to the PSAP and also provides the Selective Routing (SR)feature and certain maintenance functions for each PSAP. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 23 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.2 EMERGENCY REPORTING SERVICE 9.2.1 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY NUMBER SERVICE -911 8.2.(Cont’d) E911 Service Area The geographic area in which the E91 1 Service Provider will respond to all 911 calls and dispatch appropriate emergency assistance. E91 1 Service Provider A municipality,state or local governmental unit,or an authorized agent of one or more of these units to whom the state Emergency Telephone System Plan has lawfully delegated authority.The E91 1 Service Provider must be legally authorized to subscribe to the service and have public safety responsibility by law to respond to emergency calls from the public within the Company’s central office areas where E9 11 Service is provided. E9 11 Transport Utilization of dedicated point-to-point facilities between an end office and an E9 11 control office,a control office and a PSAP serving office,and/or a PSAP serving central office and a node to transmit a telephone number (ANI Transport), a name and address (Automatic Location Identitication Transport),or routing information (SR Transport)associated with a 911 call. Fixed Transfer A feature which enables a PSAP attendant to transfer incoming 911 calls to secondary PSAPs by use of a single button on the customer premises equipment. Forced Disconnect A feature which enables the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP)attendant to release a connected call even though the calling party has not hung up.This prevents blockage of incoming E9 11 facilities to the P SAP. Manual Transfer A feature that enables the PSAP attendant to transfer an incoming 911 call by manually obtaining dial tone through use of the telephone switchhook or the appropriate button on the customer premises equipment and dialing the appropriate telephone number or speed calling code. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 24 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,Idaho Issued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.2 EMERGENCY REPORTING SERVICE 9.2.1 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY NUMBER SERVICE -911 B.2.(Cont’d) Master Street Address Guide (MSAG) The document or computer file that lists the standard street names,address ranges,and routing codes used in the Data Management System of an E91 I system equipped with Selective Routing an/or Automatic Location Identification (ALl). Node A computer utilized to multiplex ALl data lines between the PSAPs and the ALI/DMS Computers.A pair of Node Computers is utilized for up to 48 PSAPs. Node Port The access/connection point on each Node Computer through which the data request from the PSAP is sent to the ALL’DMS,and through which the data response is sent from the ALL7DMS back to the PSAP.Each PSAP is connected to one port on each of the pair of Node computers. P.01 Grade of Service Trunk facility provisioning to ensure that during the average busy hour,no more than 1%of calls into the E9 11 system will encounter a busy condition. Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) An answering location for 911 calls originating in a given area.PSAPs are designated as primary or secondary,which refers to the order in which calls are directed for answering.Primary PSAPs receive calls directly from the public; secondary PSAPs receive calls only on a transfer or relay basis from the primary PSAP.Secondary PSAPs generally serve as centralized answering locations for a particular type of emergency call.PSAPs are staffed by employees of service agencies such as police,fire or emergency medical or by employees of a common bureau serving a group of such entities. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMiTTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page25 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-1 5-2013 __________________________ 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.2 EMERGENCY REPORTING SERVICE 9.2.1 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY NUMBER SERVICE -911 13.2.(Cont’d) Selective Routing (SR) A feature that permits a 911 call to be routed to the designated primary PSAP based upon the identified telephone number of the calling party. Selective Routing “In”Trunk Port Provides termination of the incoming trunking arrangement from the end office to the Selective Router for transmitting voice messages to the PSAP. Selective Routing “Out”Trunk Port Provides termination of the outgoing trunking arrangement from the selective router to the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP)for purposes of transmitting voice and data. Selective Transfer A feature that enables a PSAP attendant to transfer an incoming 911 call to another agency by depressing a button labeled with the type of agency;e.g., “Fire,”on the customer premises equipment. Serving Central Office The central office from which a PSAP,either primary or secondary,is served. Standard Addressing A means of addressing which provides street/road names and house numbers, used in populating the Automatic Location IdentificationlData Management System. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMiTTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%1) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SEcTIoN 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 26 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.2 EMERGENCY REPORTING SERVICE 9.2.1 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY NUMBER SERViCE -911 B.Enhanced 911 (E91 1)(Cont’d) 3.Regulations a.This service is limited to the use of 911 as the universal emergency telephone number.Only one E91 1 service will be provided within any government agency’s locality. b.The 911 emergency telephone number is not intended as a total replacement for the telephone service of the various public safety agencies which participate in the use of this number.The public safety agencies may subscribe to other telephone service as provided in this catalog and other tariffs/catalog of the Company. c.E911 Service is furnished to the E9l I Service Provider only for the purpose of receiving reports of emergencies from the public. d.E9l I Service is arranged for one-way incoming service to the appropriate PSAP.Outgoing calls can only be made on a transfer basis on E91 1 systems equipped with the Selective Routing feature. e.E9l 1 Service is provided solely for the benefit of the E91 1 Service Provider operating the PSAP.The provision of E91 1 Service by the Company shall not be interpreted,construed,or regarded,either expressly or implied,as being for the benefit of or creating any Company obligation toward any third person or legal entity other than the E91 1 Service Provider. f The Company does not answer and forward 911 calls,but furnishes the use of its facilities to enable the E91 1 Service Provider’s personnel to respond to such calls. g.Any customer premises equipment used in conjunction with E9l 1 service or attached to the network shall be configured so that it is unable to extract any information from the Qwest Corporation Automatic Location Identificationl Data Management System other than information relating to a number identified through the Automatic Number Identification (ANT)feature as the source of an in-progress call. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT FO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissil) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 27 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 ______________________ 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.2 EMERGENCY REPORTING SERVICE 9.2.1 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY NUMBER SERVICE -911 B.3.(Cont’d) h.Suspension of Service —Customer Initiated is not provided for E91 I Service and/or P S/ALT Service. i.E9 11 information consisting of the names,addresses,and telephone numbers of Company customers,whose listings are not published in directories or listed in Directory Assistance offices,is confidential.Information may only be retrieved by the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP)on a call-by-call basis and may only be used for the purpose of responding to calls placed to 911.Should an E9 11 Service Provider not take the necessary steps to protect this confidential information,the Company has the right to restrict access to such confidential customer information. j.When ANT Service is provided,the E91 1 calling party forfeits the privacy afforded by non-listed and non-published service to the extent that the telephone number,address,and name associated with the originating station location may be furnished to the PSAP. k.Default Routing and central office identification will be provided in lieu of Selective Routing and ANI for E9 11 systems served from central offices not equipped to transmit ANT.Central offices that are not currently equipped to transmit ANT will not be modified to provide ANT specifically for E91 1 Service. 1.Central office identification is provided in lieu of Automatic Number Identification (ANT)on 911 calls where ANI cannot be provided. i-n.For service liabilities,see 2.4.1,preceding. n.It is the obligation of the E911 Service Provider to make arrangements to handle all 911 calls that originate from telephones served by central offices in the E91 I service area whether or not the calling telephone is situated on property within the geographical boundaries of the E91 1 Service Provider’s public safety jurisdiction. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTIoN 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 28 June 15,2013 SOuTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.2 EMERGENCY REPORTING SERVICE 9.2.1 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY NUMBER SERVICE -911 B.3.(C’ont’d) o.Application for E9l 1 Service must be executed in writing by each E91 I Service Provider.If application for service is made by an agent,the Company must be provided,in writing,with satisfactory proof of appointment of the agent by the E9 ii Service Provider. p.The E9 11 Service Provider must furnish the Company its agreement to the following terms and conditions: (1)All 911 calls will be answered on a twenty-four hour day,seven-day week, fifty-two weeks per year basis. (2)The E9 11 Service Provider has responsibility for emergency calls within the E9 11 service area,or will undertake to transfer or relay all 911 calls received to the governmental agency with responsibility for such services.The E9 ii Service Provider is responsible on a twenty-four hour a day basis for transfer of all 911 calls received. (3)The E9l I Service Provider will develop an appropriate method of responding to calls for non-participating agencies which may be directed to the E91 1 Public Safety Answering Point. (4)The E9l I Service Provider will subscribe to local exchange service at the PSAP location for administrative purposes,for placing outgoing calls,and for receiving other calls. (5)The E9 Ii Service Provider will provide Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) with a capacity adequate to handle the number of incoming circuits recommended by the Company.It is the E91 1 Service Provider’s responsibility to ensure the CPE selected is compatible with the service furnished by the Company. (6)Prior to any dispatch,the E9l I Service Provider will verify address information displayed on the screen on the Automatic Location Identification feature. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINFD IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%1) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page29 Junel5,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 ______________________ 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERvIcEs 9.2 EMERGENCY REPORTING SERVICE 9.2.1 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY NUMBER SERVICE -911 B.3.(Cont’d) q.When the Selective Routing feature is provided,the E91 1 Service Provider is responsible for identifying primary and secondary Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP)locations as well as the unique combinations of police,fire,and ambulance or any other appropriate agencies responsible for providing emergency service in the E91 I service area.An Emergency Service Number (ESN)will be provided for each unique combination by the Company.Prior to the effective date of service,the E9 11 Service Provider will associate these ESNs with street address ranges or other mutually agreed upon routing criteria in the E91 1 service area.These ESNs will be programmed into the Automatic Location ldentificationlData Management System to permit routing of 911 calls to the primary and secondary PSAPs responsible for handling calls from each telephone in the E91 1 service area.The following terms define the E91 1 Service Provider’s responsibility in providing this information: (1)Afier establishment of service,it is the E9 ii Service Provider’s responsibility to continue to verify the accuracy of the routing information contained in the master address file and to advise the Company of any changes in street names, establishment of new streets,changes in address numbers used on existing streets,closing and abandonment of streets,changes in police,fire,ambulance, or other appropriate agencies’jurisdiction over any address,annexations,and other changes in municipal and county boundaries,incorporation of new cities or any other matter that will affect the routing of 911 calls to the proper PSAP. (2)The Company will furnish to the E911 Service Provider,on request,a complete copy of the master address file to permit the E9l 1 Service Provider to verify accuracy of the police,fire,and ambulance PSAP routing designations. (3)Changes,deletions,and additions (updates)which the E91 1 Service Provider desires to have made in the MSAG should be submitted on an “as occurred” basis. (4)The Company will furnish a copy of the updates to the E91 I Service Provider for verification showing each change,deletion,and addition to the master address file. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/bla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 30 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.2 EMERGENCY REPORTING SERVICE 9.2.1 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY NUMBER SERVICE -911 B.3.(Cont’d) r.The Company shall not be required to provide E91 1 Service to less than an entire central office serving area. s.The rates charges for E9 11 Transport Service do not contemplate the inspection or constant monitoring of facilities to discover errors,defects,and malfunctions in the service,nor does the Company undertake such responsibility.The E9 11 Service Provider shall make operational tests to determine whether the system is functioning properly for its use.The E9 11 Service Provider shall promptly notify the Company in the event the system is not functioning properly. t.All E9 11 facilities are required to maintain a minimum of P.01 Grade of Service. In all situations,a minimum of two circuits will be required to connect each end office in the E91 1 System to the E91 1 control office and/or to the Public Safety Answering Point (P SAP)serving central office. u.E9 11 Transport includes local access,if needed,for seven-digit transfers. v.Where facilities permit.the E9 11 Service Provider can request diversification and redundancy of any or all inter-office and/or local facility routes.Additional charges for such facilities,or the construction and provisioning thereot will be the responsibility of the E9l I Service Provider and will be assessed on an individual case basis. w.Where facilities permit,the customer may request Avoidance of any point in the interoffice facilities and/or local loop facilities and/or the central offices serving that 911 system.Additional charges for such facilities,or the construction and provisioning thereof will be the responsibility of the customer and will be assessed on an Individual Case Basis. x.When the Automatic Location Identitication service feature is provided,two 4- wire data facilities will be required to connect each PSAP serving central office in the E9 11 service area to the node. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3M2-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SEcTIoN 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 31 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.2 EMERGENCY REPORTING SERVICE 9.2.1 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY NUMBER SERVICE -911 8.3.(Cont’d) y.Secondary PSAPs that are not equipped to display Automatic Number Identification on compatible customer premises equipment will receive calls on a transfer basis over the exchange network or the customer may subscribe to additional E9 11 Transport Service. z.One ALl Node Port is required for each AL!data circuit terminating in each Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP)served. aa.When the Selective Routing (SR)feature is purchased,the E9 11 Service Provider must also purchase SR “In”and “Out”trunk ports. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%li) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 32 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.2 EMERGENCY REPORTING SERVICE 9.2.1 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY NUMBER SERVICE -911 B.Enhanced 911 (E911)(Cont’d) 4.Rates and Charges a.General (1)Service Charges specified on an individual case basis may apply,as appropriate. (2)The calling party is not charged for calls placed to the 911 number. (3)When a call is transferred from a primary PSAP and toll charges are applicable,the charges are billed to the primary PSAP according to rates applicable from the rate center in which the E9 11 control office providing the transfer resides to the rate center where the transfer terminates. (4)The rates and charges contained herein are in addition to any applicable charges rendered by other Local Exchange Companies in connection with the provisioning of this service to the E91 I Service Provider. (5)The rates and charges for E91 1 Service features are based upon utilizing Standard Addressing in populating the Automatic Location IdentificationlData Management System.Should there be a need for any other form of addressing,i.e.,Rural Route,P.O.Box,etc.,additional charges apply and will be calculated on an individual case basis. (6)Tie lines,extension lines and other such channels connecting a PSAP to various agencies such as police,fire or ambulance service,are provided at established rates for such channels and facilities specified in other tariffs/catalogs. (7)Service and equipment charges for this service are based on the assumption that addresses are programmed in the Automatic Location IdentificationlData Management System utilizing the standard addressing format as required by the software specifications.Addressing not in this format will result in errors that must be manually corrected.Resultant additional charges will be billed directly to the customer on an individual case basis. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%1) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 33 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 ______________________ 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.2 EMERGENCY REPORTING SERVICE 9.2.1 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY NUMBER SERVICE -911 B.4.a.(Cont’d) Class of Service -UEE -Enhanced 911 Service SERVICE & EQUIPMENT MONTHLY USOC CHARGE RATE b.911 Dedicated Access Line (1)911 Code Recognition,per Central Office equipped N/A ICB (2)911 business line from serving end office to Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP)9EW [1][1] (3)Automatic Number Identifi cation,per line equipped D98 $600.00 $16.60 [1)Apply same rates and charges as for Business Measured Service Access Lines as specified in 5.2.1,preceding. NOTICE THE iNFORMATION CONTAINED IN [HIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJEC1 TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 34 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.2 EMERGENCY REPORTING SERVICE 9.2.1 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY NUMBER SERVICE -911 B.4.b.(Cont’d) SERVICE & EQUIPMENT MONTHLY USOC CHARGE RATE (4)Interoffice Mileage,Intra and Interexchange[1] (a)Qwest Corporation exchanges -from originating end office to the 911 Control Office •Fixed charge,per line XU9FX $395.00 $44.00 •Interexchange,per mile XN9GX —0.25 •lntraexchange,per mile XN9HX —0.25 (b)Qwest Corporation exchanges -from 911 Control Office to the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP)serving end office •Fixed charge,per line XU9JX 395.00 44.00 •lnterexchange,per mile XN9KX —0.25 •Intraexchange,per mile XN9LX —0.25 (c)Qwest Corporation exchanges -4-Wire Data Circuit from PSAP to Automatic Location Identifi cation (ALT)Data Nodes[2j •Fixed charge,per line XU9MX 706.00 93.00 •Interexchange,per mile XN9NX —0.25 •Intraexchange,per mile XN9PX —0.25 [1]See paragraph A.3 .d.,Regulations,preceding. [2]Two 4-wire ALT Data Circuits are required per PSAP location. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi€) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SEcTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 35 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.2 EMERGENCY REPORTING SERVICE 9.2.1 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY NUMBER SERVICE -911 B.4.b.(4)(Cont’d) SERVICE & EQUIPMENT MONTHLY CHARGE RATE (d)Qwest Corporation charges when connected with other Local Exchange Companies •From Qwest Corporation originating end office to meet point [I][1] •From meet point to Qwest Corporation 911 Control Office [2][2] •From Qwest Corporation 911 Control Office to meet point [2][2] •From meet point to Qwest Corporation Public Safety Answering Point serving end office [3][3] [1]Apply same rates and charges for Code Recognition (as shown in paragraph B.4.b.(l),preceding),rates and charges for both fixed and per mile mileage (see A.3.d.,Regulations,preceding),and rates and charges for Automatic Number Identification (as shown in paragraph B.4.b.(3),preceding). [2]Apply same rates and charges for both fixed and per mile mileage (see paragraph A.3 .d..Regulations,preceding). [3]Apply same rates and charges for both fixed and per mile mileage (see paragraph A.3.d.,Regulations,preceding),and for 911 business line (as shown in paragraph B.4.b.(2),preceding),if requested. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-O2SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%1) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTIoN 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 36 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.2 EMERGENCY REPORTING SERVICE 9.2.1 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY NUMBER SERVICE -911 B.4.(Cont’d) c.Service Features (1)Customers must purchase Automatic Number Identification when purchasing Selective Routing (SR)or Automatic Location Identification. (2)Where two 911 jurisdictions are served by one central office,each jurisdiction may select a different feature combination as long as SR is one of the features. (3)The following standard features are included with SR: •Default Routing •Alternate Routing •Speed Calling •Fixed,Manual,and Selective Transfer Arrangements (4)The following standard features are included with tandem non-SR: •Default Routing •Alternate Routing •Speed Calling •Fixed and Manual Transfer NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.I SECTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 37 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _________________________ 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.2 EMERGENCY REPORTING SERVICE 9.2.1 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY NUMBER SERVICE -911 B.4c.(Cont’d) (5)Rates and Charges SERVICE & EQUIPMENT MONTHLY USOC CHARGE RATE (a)Tandem (Non-Selective Routing) •Per 1000 access line served[1]E8M ICB ICB •Trunk port -in TX81X ICB ICB •Trunk port -out TX8OX ICB ICB (b)Selective Routing (SR) Qwest Corporation exchanges •Per 1000 access line served (includes MSAG develop ment)[l]E8R ICB ICB •Trunk port -in SR61X ICB 1CB •Trunk port -out SR6OX ICB ICB (c)SR (other Local Exchange Companies) •Per 1000 access line served 9RZ ICB ICB •SR per incoming trunk port SJ6IX 1GB ICB •SR per outgoing trunk port SJ6OX ICB ICB (d)Automatic Location Identification Qwest Corporation exchanges,per 1000 access line served[1j EU ICB ICB [1]Rounded to nearest 1000 access lines (excluding all types of Wide Area Telecommunications Service terminations).This count is based upon the maximum number of access lines in service in the E91 I service area during the most current twelve-month period at the time service is established.This number will be based upon the previous twelve months’data with an annual review to update the E91 1 Service Provider’s billing. NOTICE THE iNFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID SOUTHERN IDAHO Issued:6-5-2013 SECTION 9 Page 38 Release 3 Effective:6-1 5-2013 Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%ji) Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 15,2013 Boise,Idaho 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.2 EMERGENCY REPORTiNG SERVICE 9.2.1 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY NUMBER SERVICE -911 B.4.c.(5)(Cont’d) USOC SERVICE & EQUIPMENT CHARGE IV IONTHLV RITE (e)Automatic Location Identifi cation (ALl)non-franchised territory,per 1000 access lines (t)Combined ALl and Selective Routing (SR)[1] Qwest Corporation exchanges •Per 1000 access lines served (includes MSAG development)[11 •SR per incoming trunk •SR per outgoing trunk (g)Combined ALT and SR[l] (non-franchised territory) •Per 1000 access lines served (includes MSAG development)[I •SR per incoming trunk •SR per outgoing trunk (h)ALl node per Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No.1 ELY ICB ICB ERI ICB ICB SR61X ICB ICB SR6OX ICB ICB EJK ICB ICB SJ61X ICB ICB SJ6OX ICB ICB NOP ICB ICB [1]Rounded to nearest 1000 access lines (excluding all types of Wide Area Telecommunications Service terminations).This count is based upon the maximum number of access lines in service in the E9 11 service area during the most current twelve-month period at the time service is established.This number will be based upon the previous twelve months’data with an annual review to update the E9 11 Service Provider’s billing. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities CommissiIiE) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 39 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-1 5-2013 _________________________ 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.2 EMERGENCY REPORTING SERVICE 9.2.1 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY NUMBER SERVICE —911 (Cont’d) C.Wireless E9-1-1 Connectivity[1] Wireless E9-1-1 Connectivity allows for the delivery of a wireless 9-1-1 call through the Company E9-1-l network to a PSAP.Wireless carriers have the option of connecting directly through the Company E9-1-I Control Office or through CELLTRACE found in 109.2.1 which provides cell location and ANT information. 1.Connection through Company E9-1-1 Control Office Carriers having the capability to provide wireless handset ANT,cell site and sector and/or longitudinal and latitudinal (x,y)coordinates in the appropriate format,may connect directly to the Company’s E9-1-1 Control Office.The E9-I - I Control Office will forward information to the PSAP as well as provide Selective Routing functions. 2.Definitions ALl Delivery The process which delivers the ALl information,and the wireless handset’s ANT, cellsite and sector and/or longitudinal and latitudinal (x,y)coordinates to the PSAP. Mobile Switching Center (MSC) A Wireless Carriers switch that manages facilities used to provide wireless two- way telecommunications services. [1]Per FCC Report and Order 94-102,the Carrier must at least route a wireless caller’s E9-l-1 call to the nearest PSAP and deliver the associated ten-digit wireless handset telephone number,the cell site and the sector. NOTICE THE INFORMATiON CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMiTTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi%I) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 40 June 15,2013SOUTHERNIDAHORelease3BoiseIdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 _______________________ 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.2 EMERGENCY REPORTING SERVICE 9.2.1 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY NUMBER SERVICE -911 C.2.(Cont’d) Psuedo ANI (PANI) A unique seven digit non-dialable number used to route a wireless 9-1-1 call. SR/ALT Phase I Wireless Selective Routing/Automatic Location Identification (SR/ALl)Phase I provides for the routing of a wireless 911 call to a PSAP based on the PANT and delivery of ALT information to the PSAP,including PANT,and the wireless handset’s ANT.This information is “pushed”into the ALl database so that when the PSAP makes the ALT request,this location information is returned. SR/ALT Phase II Wireless SR/ALl Phase II provides for the routing of a wireless 911 call to a PSAP based on PANT information.Tn Phase II,the wireless carrier has equipment that finds latitude and longitude,x and y coordinates,of the caller when they dial 911.This information is held in their database based on the callers ANI.When the PSAP requests the ALT for the caller,they go to the ALT database to “pull”the latitude and longitude information from the wireless carrier’s database.SRIALI Phase IT allows the PSAP to continually “pull”the latitude and longitude information via ALT.This ability to “pull”information is referred to as retrievable location (RLOC). 3.Terms and Conditions a.Wireless E9-1-1 Connectivity is determined by the municipality,county,or state government unit,or an authorized agent to whom authority has been legally delegated.Phase I data (PANT)ceilsite and sector,and wireless handset’s ANI will be provided by Wireless Carriers if Phase II data (latitude and longitude, coordinates)is not available. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.1 SECTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 41 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 ________________________ 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.2 EMERGENCY REPORTING SERVICE 9.2.1 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY NUMBER SERVICE -911 C.3.(Cont’d) b.Delivery of wireless calls to the PSAP requires specific entries in the E9-l-l ALl database.These entries must be MSAG valid and agreed upon by each PSAP.The entries are then loaded into the ALl database by the Wireless Carrier. c.A minimum of two dedicated trunks are required between the MSC and the Selective Routing switch and are the responsibility of the Wireless Carrier.In addition,the PSAP is required to subscribe to two selective routing ports to terminate these incoming trunks. d.PSAPs must subscribe to either a SR/ALl per trunk port option or an End User Subscriber Option. e.The customer is responsible for determining call routing based on jurisdictional boundaries. f Phase II RLOC is an incremental charge to the SR/ALl connectivity option selected and feature functionality. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi4) Exchange and Network Office of the Secretary Services Catalog No.I SECTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 42 June 15,2013 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4[2j Boise,IdahoIssued:6-5-2013 Effective:6-15-2013 ________________________ 9.CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES 9.2 EMERGENCY REPORTING SERVICE 9.2.1 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY NUMBER SERVICE -911 C.Wireless E9-1-1 Connectivity (Cont’d) 4.Rates and Charges NONRECURRING MONTHLY USOC CHARGE RATE a.Phase I Selective Routing/Automatic Location Identification Trunk Port for each, •Incoming trunk E8WIX ICB [CB •Outgoing trunk E8WOX ICB ICB b.Phase I Selective Routing/Automatic Location Identification Features[1]E8WEX, E8WFX ICB ICB c.Phase II Retrievable Location Feature Functionality[l]WR9 ICB ICB [1]Rates and Charges based on an individual customer case by case basis. [2]Pages 43 through 50 were previously canceled.(C) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-02-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 9 Page 51 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 7-7-2017 Effective: 7-20-2017 9. CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES SID2017-008 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 17-06-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 20, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 9 Page 52 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 7-7-2017 Effective: 7-20-2017 9. CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES SID2017-008 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 17-06-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 20, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 9 Page 53 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 7-7-2017 Effective: 7-20-2017 9. CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES SID2017-008 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 17-06-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 20, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 9 Page 54 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 7-7-2017 Effective: 7-20-2017 9. CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES SID2017-008 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 17-06-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 20, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 9 Page 55 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 7-7-2017 Effective: 7-20-2017 9. CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES SID2017-008 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 17-06-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 20, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 9 Page 56 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 7-7-2017 Effective: 7-20-2017 9. CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES SID2017-008 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 17-06-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 20, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 9 Page 57 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 7-7-2017 Effective: 7-20-2017 9. CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES SID2017-008 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 17-06-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 20, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 9 Page 58 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 7-7-2017 Effective: 7-20-2017 9. CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES SID2017-008 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 17-06-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 20, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 9 Page 59 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 7-7-2017 Effective: 7-20-2017 9. CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES SID2017-008 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 17-06-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 20, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 9 Page 60 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 7-7-2017 Effective: 7-20-2017 9. CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES SID2017-008 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 17-06-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 20, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 9 Page 61 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 7-7-2017 Effective: 7-20-2017 9. CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES SID2017-008 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 17-06-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 20, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 9 Page 62 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 7-7-2017 Effective: 7-20-2017 9. CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES SID2017-008 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 17-06-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 20, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 9 Page 63 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 7-7-2017 Effective: 7-20-2017 9. CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES SID2017-008 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 17-06-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 20, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 9 Page 64 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 7-7-2017 Effective: 7-20-2017 9. CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES SID2017-008 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 17-06-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 20, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 9 Page 65 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 7-7-2017 Effective: 7-20-2017 9. CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES SID2017-008 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 17-06-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 20, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 9 Page 66 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 7-7-2017 Effective: 7-20-2017 9. CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES SID2017-008 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 17-06-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 20, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 9 Page 67 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 7-7-2017 Effective: 7-20-2017 9. CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES SID2017-008 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 17-06-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 20, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 9 Page 68 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 7-7-2017 Effective: 7-20-2017 9. CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES SID2017-008 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 17-06-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 20, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 9 Page 69 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 7-7-2017 Effective: 7-20-2017 9. CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES SID2017-008 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 17-06-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 20, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 9 Page 70 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 7-7-2017 Effective: 7-20-2017 9. CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES SID2017-008 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 17-06-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 20, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 9 Page 71 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 7-7-2017 Effective: 7-20-2017 9. CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES SID2017-008 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 17-06-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 20, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 9 Page 72 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 7-7-2017 Effective: 7-20-2017 9. CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES SID2017-008 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 17-06-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 20, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 9 Page 73 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 7-7-2017 Effective: 7-20-2017 9. CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES SID2017-008 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 17-06-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 20, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 9 Page 74 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 7-7-2017 Effective: 7-20-2017 9. CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES SID2017-008 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 17-06-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 20, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 9 Page 75 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 7-7-2017 Effective: 7-20-2017 9. CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES SID2017-008 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 17-06-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 20, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 9 Page 76 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 7-7-2017 Effective: 7-20-2017 9. CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES SID2017-008 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 17-06-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 20, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 9 Page 77 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 7-7-2017 Effective: 7-20-2017 9. CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES SID2017-008 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 17-06-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 20, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 9 Page 78 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 7-7-2017 Effective: 7-20-2017 9. CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES SID2017-008 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 17-06-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 20, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 9 Page 79 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 7-7-2017 Effective: 7-20-2017 9. CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES SID2017-008 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 17-06-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 20, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Exchange and Network Services Catalog No. 1 SECTION 9 Page 80 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 7-7-2017 Effective: 7-20-2017 9. CENTRAL OFFICE SERVICES SID2017-008 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 17-06-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 20, 2017 Boise, Idaho