HomeMy WebLinkAboutQwest Corp N ID Catalog No 4 Private Line Trans.pdfNID2016-011 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 TITLE PAGE NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-16 Effective: 01-01-17 TERMS, CONDITIONS, RATES AND CHARGES PRIVATE LINE TRANSPORT SERVICES IDAHO ADOPTION NOTICE NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-11-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No.4 SEcTIoN 1 Index Page 1 Release 2 Effective:9-6-13 Idaho Public Utilities Commis& Office of the Secret ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 6,2013 Boise,Idaho SUBJECT Application of Catalog Catalog Format Explanation of Abbreviations Explanation of Catalog Change Symbols Reference to Other Publications Reference to Other Tariffs or Catalogs Reference to Technical Publications Subject Index Table of Contents Trademarks,Service Marks and Trade Names NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-03-NID ND-1 3-006 NORTHERN IDAHO Issued:8-27-13 1.APPLICATION AND REFERENCE PAGE 8 11 l0 16 13 14 5 2 13 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 1 Page 1 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 5-20-16 Effective: 6-1-16 1. APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.1 APPLICATION OF CATALOG NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-02-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 1, 2016 Boise, Idaho NID2016-011 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 1 Page 2 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-16 Effective: 01-01-17 1. APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.2 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE SECTION 1. APPLICATION AND REFERENCE PPLICATION F ATALOG ABLE F ONTENTS UBJECT NDEX ATALOG ORMAT OCATION F ATERIAL UTLINE TRUCTURE ATE ABLES ESERVED OR UTURE SE XPLANATION F ATALOG HANGE YMBOLS XPLANATION F BBREVIATIONS RADEMARKS ERVICE ARKS ND RADE AMES EFERENCE O THER ARIFFS R ATALOGS EFERENCE O ECHNICAL UBLICATIONS EFERENCE O THER UBLICATIONS SECTION 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS NDERTAKING F HE OMPANY COPE IMITATIONS IABILITY NSTALLATION ND ERMINATION F ERVICES ROVISION F ERVICES EFUSAL ND ISCONTINUANCE F ERVICES SE BLIGATIONS F HE USTOMER NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-11-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED FOR FILIPPrivateLineTransport Services Catalog No.4 SEcTIoN 1 September 6,2013 Page 3 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 __________________________ 1.APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.2 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont’d) PAGE 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES 8 2.4.1 PAYMENT OF RATES,CHARGES AND DEPOSITS 8 2.4.2 MINIMUM BILLING PERIOD 10 2.4.3 CANCELLATION OF APPLICATION FOR SERVICE 11 2,4.4 ALLOWANCES FOR SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS 14 2.4.5 REESTABLISHMENT OF SERVICE FOLLOWING FIRE,FLOOD OR OTHER OCCURRENCE 16 2.4.6 TERMINATION LIABILITY/WAIVER POLICY 17 2.5 CONNECTIONS 19 2.5.1 CONNECTION REGULATIONS 19 2.6 DEFINITIONS 20 2.12 NATURAL DISASTER RELIEF FOR CUSTOMERS 28 SECTION 3.RATE REGULATIONS 3.1 TYPES OF RATES AND CHARGES 1 3.2 OUT OF HOURS INSTALLATION 4 3.3 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION 5 3.4 MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS 5 3.5 SUPERSEDURE OF SERVICE 6 3.6 MINIMUM AND FRACTIONAL RATES AND CHARGES 6 3.7 MILEAGE MEASUREMENT 7 3.8 FACILITIES PROTECTION-SPECIAL FACILITIES ROUTING 8 3.9 FACILITIES PROTECTION-HOT STANDBY PROTECTION 11 3.10 ACCEPTANCE TESTING 12 3.11 ORDER MODIFICATiONS 13 3.12 ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING 17 3.13 ADDITIONAL LABOR 18 3.14 TESTING SERVICES 19 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID MD-i 3OO6 Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 1 Page 4 Release 2 Effective:9-6-13 4.1 4.1,1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.2 4.2.2 4.2.3 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secret ACCEPTED FOR FILl September 6,2013 Boise,Idaho 1 1 7 4 7 7 42 NORTHERN IDAHO Issued:8-27-13 1.APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.2 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont’d) PAGE SECTION 4.CHANNELS GENERAL CATEGORIES OF SERVICE RATE STRUCTURE SERVICE CONFIGURATIONS SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS INFOSPAN SERVICE MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES SECTION 104.OBSOLETE SERVICES 104.1 GENERAL 1 104.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS I 104.2.1 DIGICOM SERVICE 1 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID ND13OO6 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC AccEPTED FOR FiLiPrivateLineTransport Services Catalog No.4 SECTIoN 1 September 6,2013 Page 5 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 _______________________ 1.APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.3 SUBJECT INDEX SUBJECT SECTION Acceptance Testing 3 Additional Engineering 3 Additional Labor 3 Allowances for Service Interruptions 2 Assignment or Transfer of Service 2 Audio Program Service 4 Avoidance 3 Cancellation of Application for Service 2 Categories of Service 4 Charges for Additional Engineering 4 Charges for Additional Labor 4 Connections 2 Contract Option 2 Definitions 2 Design Change Charge Channels 4 Rate Regulations 3 Design Layout Record (DLR)4 Diagrams Multipoint Service 4 Two-Point Service 4 DIGICOM Service 104 Diversity 3 Diversity and Avoidance Options 3 Expedited Order Charge 3 Extension and Renewal Clause 2 NOTICE THE FNFORMATTON CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID MD-I 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED FPrivateLineTransport0 Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 1 September 6,2013 Page 6 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 ________________________ 1.APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.3 SUBJECT INDEX (Cont’d) SUBJECT SECTION Facilities Protection-Hot Standby Protection Channels 4 Rate Regulations 3 Facilities Protection-Special Facilities Routing Channels 4 Rate Regulations 3 General Regulations Individual Case Basis Charges 3 INFOSPAN Service 4 Installation and Termination of Services 2 Liability 2 Limitations 2 Low-Speed Data Service 4 Maintenance and Repairs 3 Maintenance of Service Charge 4 Mileage Measurement 3 Minimum and Fractional Rates and Charges 3 Minimum Billing Period 2 Miscellaneous Charges 4 Month-to-Month Lease Option -General 2 Multipoint Service 4 Natural Disaster Relief For Customers Obligations of the Customer 2 Obsolete Services 104 Order Modifications 3 Out of Hours Installation 3 Partial Cancellation Charge 3 Payment Arrangements and Credit Allowances 2 Payment of Rates,Charges and Deposits 2 Provision of Services 2 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED [N THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID MD-I 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED F RFiLiPrivateLineTransport0 Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 1 September 6,2013 Page 7 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 ________________________ 1.APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.3 SUBJECT INDEX (Cont’d) SUBJECT SECTION Rate Structure 4 Reestablishment of Service Following Fire, Flood or Other Occurrence 2 References to the Company 2 Refusal and Discontinuance of Services 2 Restoration Priority Change 4 Rollover 3 Scope 2 Service Configurations 4 Service Date Change Charge Channels 4 Rate Regulations 3 Service Descriptions 4 Special Construction 3 Summary Billing Service 4 Supersedure of Service Channels 4 Rate Regulations 3 Termination Liability/Waiver Policy Testing Services Channels 4 Rate Regulations 3 Two-Point Service 4 Types of Rates and Charges 3 Undertaking of the Company 2 Use 2 Voice Grade Service 4 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.1 3-03-N1D NID-13OO6 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED FOR FILIPrivateLineTransport Services Catalog No.4 SECTIoN 1 September 6,2013 Page 8 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 ________________________ 1.APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.4 CATALOG FORMAT 1.4.1 LOCATION OF MATERIAL 1.Section 1 provides the following for all of the sections in this Catalog: •Subject Index -an alphabetical listing to find the desired section. •Table of Contents -A numerical listing to find the desired section and page. 2.Each individual section in the Catalog provides a Subject Index for the material located within that section. 3.Obsolete Service Offerings Obsolete service offerings are identified in the Catalog by adding 100 to the current section number,i.e.,obsolete items from Section 4,Channels,would be found in Section 104,Obsolete Channels.This Section is then filed behind Section 4. 1.4.2 OUTLINE STRUCTURE This document uses nine levels of indentations referred to as Tariff Information Management (TIM)Codes,as outlined below: LEVEL APPLICATION EXAMPLE I Section Heading 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2 Sub Heading 2.5 CONNECTIONS 3 Sub Heading 2.5.1 CONNECTION REGULATIONS 4 Sub Heading/Text A.Text 5 Sub Heading/Text 1.Text 6 Sub Heading/Text a.Text 7 Sub Heading/Text (1)Text 8 Sub Heading/Text (a)Text 9 Footnotes [1]Text NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID NID-i 3-006 NID2016-011 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 1 Page 9 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-16 Effective: 01-01-17 1. APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.4 CATALOG FORMAT (Cont'd) 1.4.3 RATE TABLES • •– • • 1.4.4 RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-11-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho 1.APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.5 EXPLANATION OF CATALOG CHANGE SYMBOLS SYMBOL EXPLANATION (C)To signify changed regulation (D)To signify discontinued material (I)To signify rate increase (M)To signify material moved from or to another part of the document with no change,unless there is another change symbol present (N)To signify new material (R)To signify rate reduction (T)To signify a change in text but no change in rate or regulation Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 1 Page 10 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secret ACCEPTED FOR FILl September 6,2013 Boise,Idaho NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID MD-i 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED FOR FILIPrivateLineTransport Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 1 September 6,2013 Page ii Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 __________________________ 1.APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.6 EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS ac -Alternating current ACAT -Additional Cooperative Testing Blvd.-Boulevard C.F.R -Code of Federal Regulations Co.-Company CO -Central Office dB -Decibel dBmO -Decibel Reference to 0dB dBrnC -Decibel Reference Noise C-Message Weighting dBrnCO -Decibel Reference Noise C-Message Weighting 0 dBv -Decibel (s)Relative to I Volt (Reference) dBvL -Decibel(s)Relating to 1 Volt (Reference) dc -Direct current D.C.-District of Columbia DD -Service Date DID -Direct Inward Dialing DLR -Design Layout Report EDD -Envelope Delay Distortion e.g.-For example EIA -Electronics Industry Association ELEPL -Equal Level Echo Path Loss EPL -Echo Path Loss etc.-Etcetera ESSX -Electronic Switching System Exchange F.C.C.-Federal Communications Commission FCO -Foreign Central Office Ft.-Feet FX -Foreign Exchange H -Horizontal Hz -Hertz IC -Interexchange Carrier ICB -Individual Case Basis i.e.-That is IMP ATTN -Improved Attenuation Inc.-Incorporated NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-03-NID MD-i 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC A of the Secretg Private Line Transport CCEPTED FOR FILl Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 1 September 6,2013 Page 12 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 ________________________ 1.APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.6 EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS (Cont’d) kHz -Kilohertz LATA -Local Access and Transport Area MHz -Megahertz MST -Manual Scheduled Testing MTS -Message Telecommunications Service(s) NA -Not Applicable NCI -Network Channel Interface No.-Number NRC -Nonrecurring Charge NST -Nonscheduled Testing 0CC -Other Common Carrier PBX -Private Branch Exchange PCA -Protective Connecting Arrangement POT -Point of Termination SWC -Serving Wire Center TC -Transport Channel TIM -Tariff Information Management TSP -Telecommunications Service Priority U.S.-United States USAC -Universal Special Assembly Code V -Vertical VG -Voice Grade V &H -Vertical &Horizontal NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID ND-1 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/bla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secretar’ Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 1 August 8,2011 Page 13 Boise,Idaho NORThERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:7-28-11 Effective:8-8-li _______________________ 1.APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.7 TRADEMARKS,SERVICE MARKS AND TRADE NAMES Trade names,trademarks and/or service marks which may be used for services (N) offered in this Catalog are owned by CenturyLink,Inc.or a subsidiary of CenturyLink,Inc.and are used by the Company with express permission. Trademark and service mark designations will not be listed hereafter in this Catalog.However,the laws regarding trademarks and service marks are applicable. Trade names,trademarks and service marks that are owned by CenturyLink,Inc. or subsidiary of CenturyLink,Inc.cannot be used by another party without authorization. CENTURYLINK CENTURYLINKTM CENTURYLINKSM (N) Additional marks are identified in the text throughout this document in all caps (C) and italics,unless trademarked as all lower case letters.Service names which are preceded by QWES or “Qwest,”and services which include “Qwest”as part of the service marked or trademarked product name,may also be marketed and/or billed under the trade or brand name CenturyLink,or may be marketed and/or billed without any trade or brand name.A mark identified in the text of this document is in all caps and italics: MARK DIGICOM® INFOSPAN®(C) 1.8 REFERENCE To OTHER TARIFFS OR CATALOGS Whenever reference is made in this Catalog to other tariffs or catalogs of the Company,the reference is to the tariffs or catalogs in force as of the effective date of this Catalog,and to amendments thereto and successive issues thereof. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.1 1-09-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 1 September 6,2013 Page 14 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 _______________________ 1.APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.9 REFERENCE To TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS A.All service(s)installed after the original effective date of this Catalog must conform to the transmission specification standards contained in this Catalog or in the following Technical References and associated Addenda for each category of service. B.The following technical publications may be obtained from Bell Communications Research,Inc.,Distribution Storage Center,60 New England Ave.,Piscataway,NJ 08854-4196: PUBLICATION TITLE NUMBER Transport Systems Generic FR-NWT-000440 Requirements Issued:1992 Edition Industry Support Interface (1ST)SR-STS-000284 General Overview Issued:November,1987 Telecommunications Transmission ST-TEC-00005 3 Engineering Textbook-Volume 3: Network and Services,Third Edition Issued:August,1989 Metallic and Telegraph Grade TR-NPL-000036 Special Access Service Transmission Parameter Limits and Interface Combinations Issued:October,1987 Voice Grade Special Access TR-NPL-000335 Service Transmission Parameter Limits and Interface Combinations Issued:May,1990 Program Audio Special Access TR-NPL-000337 and Local Channel Services Issued:July,1987 IntraLATA Voice Grade Private Line TR-NWT-000965 Service -Transmission Parameter Limits and Interface Combinations Issued:December,1991 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID MD-i 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCEpTED FOR FiLiPrivateLineTransport Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 1 September 6,2013 Page 15 Boise,Idaho NORTHERJ%IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 ________________________ 1.APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.9 REFERENCE To TECHNICAL PUBLICATiONS (Cont’d) C.The following Qwest Corporation Technical publications may be obtained from Faison Office Products Company,Customer Services,3251 Revere Street,Suite 200,Aurora,CO 80011 PUBLICATION TITLE NUMBER Qwest Corporation -77311 Analog Channels for Non-Access Services Issued:March,1993 Qwest Corporation -77313 Low Speed Data Channels Interface Specifications and Combinations Issued:March,1991 Qwest Corporation -77314 Local Area Data Service issued:July,1991 Qwest Corporation Private Line Services 77320 Issued:October,1989 Special High Voltage Protection 77321 Issue:June 1989 Qwest Corporation Diversity and Avoidance 77344 Issued:November,1990 Network Channel (NC)and Network 77365 Channel lnterface (NCI)Code Combinations Issued:March,1989 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID MD-I 3-006 NID2015-004 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 1 Page 16 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 4-21-2015 Effective: 5-1-2015 1. APPLICATION AND EFERENCE 1.10 REFERENCE TO OTHER PUBLICATIONS A. The following publications are available for inspection in the Public Reference room of the Tariff Division at the main building of the Federal Communications Commission located at 1919 M Street N.W., Washington, D.C., and may be obtained from the Federal Communications Commission's commercial contractor: TITLE CC Docket No. 83-1145, Phase I Memorandum Opinion and Order (Including Appendices A, B, and C) Adopted: May 31, 1985 Released: June 12, 1985 National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc. Tariff F.C.C. No. 4 CenturyLink Operating Companies Tariff F.C.C. No. 11 CenturyLink Operating Companies Tariff F.C.C. No. 12 B. The following publication may be obtained by contacting the Qwest Corporation Account Representative. TITLE Qwest Corporation Service Interval Guide Issued: November, 1988 C. The following publication may be obtained through the Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents, Document Control Branch, 941 N. Capitol St. N.E., Washington, D. C. 20401: TITLE Code of Federal Regulations, Title 47 (T) (T) OTICETHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 15-01-ID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2015 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC AcCEPTED FOR FiLtPrivateLineTransport Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 2 September 6,2013 Index Page 1 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3: Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS SUBJECT PAGE Allowances For Service Interruptions 14 Assignment or Transfer of Service 7 Cancellation of Application For Service 11 Connection of Regulations 19 Connections 19 Contract Option 9 Definitions 20 Extension and Renewal Clause 9 Installation and Tennination of Services 4 Liability 2 Limitations I Minimum Billing Period 10 Month-to-Month Lease Option -General 8 Natural Disaster Relief For Customers 28 Obligations of the Customer Payment Arrangements and Credit Allowances 8 Payment of Rates,Charges and Deposits 8 Provision of Services 4 Reestablishment of Service Following Fire,Flood or Other Occurrence 16 References to the Company 8 Refusal and Discontinuance of Services 4 Scope I Termination Liability/Waiver Policy 17 Undertaking of the Company 1 Use 5 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-N ID MD-i 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC of the Secret Private Line Transport CCEPTED FOR FILl Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 2 September 6,2013 Page 1 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.1 UNDERTAKING OF THE COMPANY 2.1.1 SCOPE A.Private Line Transport Services is the furnishing of Company facilities for communication purposes of the customer and end users (jointly referred to as customer)between specified locations.Service is furnished 7 days per week,24 hours per day for a minimum billing period of one month or as defined in 2.4.2, following. B.The Company does not undertake to transmit messages under this Catalog. C.The Company shall be responsible only for the installation,operation and maintenance of the services which it provides,as defined in 2.1.4 and 2.1 .5, following. D.The Company does not warrant that its facilities and services meet standards other than those set forth in this Catalog and the associated technical references. 2.1.2 LIMITATIONS A.The installation and restoration of service shall be in accordance with the rules for Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP)as set forth in 12.3.2 of the Access Service Catalog. B.Subject to compliance with the above mentioned rules,where a shortage of channels exists at any time either for temporary or protracted periods,the services offered herein will be provided to customers on a first come,first serve basis. C.The furnishing of service under this Catalog will require certain physical arrangements of the facilities of the Company and is therefore subject to the availability of such facilities. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.1 3-03-NID MD-i 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCEpTED FOR FILIfPrivateLineTransport Services Catalog No.4 SEcTIoN 2 September 6,2013 Page 2 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 ________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATiONS 2.1 UNDERTAKING OF THE COMPANY (Cont’d) 2.1.3 LIABILITY A.The Company’s liability,if any,for its willful misconduct is not limited by this Catalog.With respect to any other claim or suit,by a customer or by any others, for damages associated with the installation,provision,preemption,termination, maintenance,repair or restoration of service,and subject to the provisions of B. through G.,following,the Company’s liability,if any,shall not exceed an amount equal to the proportionate charge for the service for the period during which the service was affected.This liability shall be in addition to any amounts that may otherwise be due the customer under this Catalog as a credit allowance for service interruptions. B.The Company shall be indemnified,defended and held harmless by the customer against any claim,loss,or damage arising from use of services offered under this Catalog involving: I.Claims for libel,slander and infringement of copyright arising from the material transmitted over the facilities or the customer’s or Interexchange Carrier’s (IC) own communications; 2.Claims for infringement of patents arising from combining with,or using in connection with,facilities furnished by the Company,facilities or equipment furnished by the customer or IC; 3.All other claims arising out of any act or omission of the customer or IC in connection with the facilities provided by the Company. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-N1D MD-i 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC ACcEpTED FOR FiLiPrivateLineTransport Services Catalog No.4 SEcTIoN 2 September 6,2013 Page 3 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 ________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.1 UNDERTAKING OF THE COMPANY 2.1.3 LIABILITY (Cont’d) C.The Company is not liable for any act or omission of the other company or companies furnishing a portion of the service. D.The Company does not guarantee nor make any warranty with respect to facilities provided by it for use in an explosive atmosphere.The customer indemnifies and holds the Company harmless from any and all loss,claims,demands,suits,or other action,or any liability whatsoever,whether suffered,made,instituted or asserted by the customer or by any other party or persons,for any personal injury to or death of any person or persons,and for any loss,damage or destruction of any property,whether owned by the customer or others,caused or claimed to have been caused directly or indirectly by the installation,operation,failure to operate, maintenance,removal,presence,condition,location or use of said facilities so provided.The Company may require each customer to sign an agreement for the furnishing of such facilities as a condition precedent to the furnishing of such facilities. E.The Company is not liable for any defacement of or damage to the premises of a customer resulting from the furnishing of any facilities by the Company on the premises or by the installation or removal when defacement or damage is not the result of negligence of the agents or employees of the Company. F.No license under patents (other than the limited license to use)is granted by the Company or shall be implied or arise by estoppel,with respect to any service offered under this Catalog.The Company will defend the customer against claims of patent infringement arising solely from the use by the customer of services offered under this Catalog and will indemnify such customer for any damages awarded based solely on such claims. G.The Company’s failure to provide or maintain services under this Catalog shall be excused by labor difficulties,governmental orders,civil commotions,criminal actions taken against the Company,acts of God and other circumstances beyond the Company’s reasonable control,subject to the credit Allowance for a Service Interruption as set forth in 2.4.4,following. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NTD MD-i 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCEPTPrivateLineTransportED 0 FILl Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 2 September 6,2013 Page 4 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 ________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.!UNDERTAKiNG OF THE COMPANY (Cont’d) 2.1.4 INSTALLATION AND TERMINATiON OF SERVICES The services provided under this Catalog will include any entrance cable or drop wiring to that point where provision is made for termination of the Company’s outside distribution network facilities at a suitable location at a customer designated premises.This Point of Termination (POT)is the end of the Private Line Transport Services.Additional premises wiring beyond this point will be the customer’s responsibility. 2.1.5 PROVISION OF SERVICES The services provided to the POT under this Catalog shall be maintained by the Company.The customer may not rearrange,disconnect,remove or attempt to repair or permit others to rearrange,disconnect,remove or attempt to repair any facilities installed by the Company to the POT,except upon the written consent of the Company. Facilities on the premises of a customer furnished by the Company to the POT, are the property of the Company,whose agents and employees shall have the right to enter said premises at any reasonable hour for the purpose of installing,inspecting or repairing the facilities,or upon termination of the service or channel,for the purpose of removing Company facilities. Installation and maintenance beyond the Company’s protected network facilities (POT)will be the responsibility of the customer or others requesting such work. Any additions,rearrangements or changes in wiring facilities beyond the (POT)may,upon request by the customer,be performed by the Company.If the Company is selected as the vendor of choice,time sensitive charges plus cost of any material used will be applicable. 2.1.6 REFUSAL AND DISCONTINUANCE OF SERVICES The refusal and discontinuance of service will be administered as set forth in IPUC No.9,Rule and Regulation 4. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID MD-i 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED FOR FlLIfPrivateLineTransport Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 2 September 6,2013 Page 5 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 ________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.2 USE A.Private Line Transport Services shall not be used for an unlawful purpose. B.The use of any channel is restricted only in so far as the allowable parameters set forth in Section 4,following,and the appropriate technical reference(s). 2.3 OBLiGATiONS OF THE CUSTOMER A.The customer responsibilities shall include: 1.Establishing his/her identity in the course of any communication as often as may be necessary.Establishing the identity of the person or persons with whom connection is made at the called station. 2.Placing all orders,payment of all charges offered herein and compliance with Company regulations. 3.Damage,loss or destruction to facilities of the Company caused by the negligence or willful act of the customer and not due to fire or other causes beyond the control of the customer. 4.Reimbursing the Company for replacing or restoring to normal facilities damaged,lost or destroyed as indicated in 3.,above. 5.The provision of the power including wiring and outlets required to operate Company facilities installed on the custome?s designated premises. 6.The provision of space,supporting structures,where necessary,and on premises conduit required for the termination of Company facilities. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-03-N1D ND-1 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC AccEPTED FOR FILIPPrivateLineTransport Services Catalog No.4 SEcTIoN 2 September 6,2013 Page 6 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.3 OBLIGATIONS OF THE CUSTOMER A.The customer responsibilities shall include:(Cont’d) 7.The provision,installation and maintenance of sealed conduit with explosive- proof fittings between facilities furnished by the Company in explosive atmospheres and points outside the hazardous area where connection may be made with regular facilities of the Company,and may be required to install and maintain Company facilities within the hazardous area if,in the opinion of the Company,injury or damage to Company employees or property might result from installation or maintenance by the Company. 8.Obtaining permission for Company agents or employees to enter the premises of the customer at any reasonable hour for the purpose of installing,inspecting, repairing or,upon termination of the service,removing the facilities of the Company. 9.Making Company facilities available periodically for maintenance purposes at a time agreeable to both the Company and the customer.No allowance will be made for the period during which the service is interrupted for such purposes. 10.With respect to claims of patent infringement made by third persons,the customer shall defend,indemnify,protect and save harmless the Company from and against all claims arising out of the combining with,or use in connection with,the services provided under this Catalog,any circuit,apparatus,system or method provided by the customer. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I3-03-NID MD-i 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED FOR FJLIPrivateLineTransport Services Catalog No.4 SEcTIoN 2 September 6,2013 Page 7 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 ________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.3 OBLIGATIONS OF THE CUSTOMER A.The customer responsibilities shall include:(Cont’d) 11.The customer shall defend,indemnify and save harmless the Company from and against any suits,claims,losses,damages,including punitive damages,attorney fees and court costs by third persons arising out of the construction,installation, operation,maintenance,or removal of the customer’s circuits,facilities,or equipment connected to the Company’s services provided under this Catalog. Included,without limitation,Workmen’s Compensation claims,actions for infringement of copyright and/or unauthorized use of program material.Also included without limitation are libel and slander actions based on the content of communications transmitted over the customer’s circuits,facilities or equipment. In addition,proceedings to recover taxes,fines,or penalties for failure of the customer to obtain or maintain in effect any necessary certificates,permits, licenses,or other authority to acquire or operate the services provided under this Catalog shall be included in the indemnification.However,the foregoing indemnification shall not apply to suits,claims,and demands to recover damages for damage to property,death,or personal injury unless such suits,claims or demands are based on the tortious conduct of the customer,its officers,agents or employees. 12.The customer shall defend,indemnify and save harmless the Company from and against any suits,claims,losses or damages,including punitive damages,attorney fees and court costs by the customer or third parties arising out of any act or omission of the customer in the course of using services provided under this Catalog. B.Assignment or Transfer of Service The service or any rights associated therewith may not be assigned or in any manner transferred except as specified in 3.5,following. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID MD-i 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED FOR FiLiPrivateLineTransport Services Catalog No.4 SEcTIoN 2 September 6,2013 Page 8 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 ________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATiONS 2.3 OBLIGATioNs OF THE CUSTOMER (Cont’d) C.References to the Company The customer may advise end users that certain services are provided by the Company in connection with the service the customer furnishes to end users; however,the customer shall not represent that the Company jointly participates in the customer’s services. 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDiT ALLOWANCES 2.4.1 PAYMENT OF RATES,CHARGES AND DEPOSITS A.Payment of rates,charges and deposits will be administered as set forth in 2.4 of the Access Service Catalog. B.When more than one copy of a customer bill for services provided under the provisions of this Catalog is furnished to the customer,an additional charge applies for each additional copy of the bill as set forth in 13.3.6 of the Access Service Catalog. C.Private Line Transport Services are available on a month-to-month lease basis as provided in this Catalog for a minimum billing period of 30 days unless otherwise specified herein,or in specific contract agreements. D.Private Line Transport Services are available on a month-to-month lease basis as provided in this Catalog or under contract for periods up to 60 months. I.Month-to-Month Lease Option -General Available for a minimum billing period of 30 days unless otherwise specified. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID MD-I 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC AccEPTED FOR FiLiPrivateLineTransport Services Catalog No.4 SEcTIoN 2 September 6,2013 Page 9 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 ________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES 2.4.1 PAYMENT OF RATES,CHARGES AND DEPOSITS D.(Cont’d) 2.Contract Option The contract option consists of an installation charge and a fixed monthly rate no lower than the currently cataloged monthly rate for a contract term. The Company will not initiate any rate increase during the contract term,but will bill for any increased rate ordered by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. 3.Termination Liability Termination of the contract by the customer before the end of the lease period may result in cancellation charges to the customer as specified in the contract. The Termination Liability/Waiver Policy is specified in 2.4.6,following. 4.Extension and Renewal Clause Customers with service under a contract that is within 6 months of expiration may extend their contract rates for a period of 12 months,by notifying the Company in writing of their intent to do so.The 12 month extension will begin UOfl expiration of the existing contract.Extension of an existing contract is available only for the original customer of record of the service. At the end of the contract or of the extension (whichever is applicable),the customer must choose to: •Renew the service under a new contract, •Continue service under the month-to-month option,or •Discontinue the service. If the customer renews the service,the monthly rates for a new contract will be the rates in effect,in the Catalog,on the renewal date.Should the customer not make a choice by the end of the existing contract or extension period,the rates will automatically revert to the month-to-month option. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-MD N ID-I 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILl Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 2 September 6,2013 Page 10 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 ________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES (Cont’d) 2.4.2 MINIMUM BILLING PERIOD Rates for service offered under this Catalog are for a minimum billing period of one month under provisions of the month-to-month lease arrangement. Service rearrangements which leave the existing service in continued use do not affect the minimum billing period.Changes that are treated as a discontinuance of one service and installation of another (i.e.,change in channel type,move to a different location)will require establishment of a new minimum billing period.The customer will also remain responsible for all outstanding minimum billing period obligations associated with the discontinued service. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-03-NID MD-I 3-006 NID2016-011 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 2 Page 11 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-16 Effective: 01-01-17 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES (Cont'd) 2.4.3 CANCELLATION OF APPLICATION FOR SERVICE • • ge of the Company’s provisioning costs have been incurred as of that NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-11-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC AccEPTED FOR FILIPrivateLineTransport Services Catalog No.4 SEcTIoN 2 September 6,2013 Page 12 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 ________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDiT ALLOWANCES 2.4.3 CANCELLATION OF APPLICATION FOR SERVICE (Cont’d) C.The Critical Dates monitored by the Company for the purpose of calculating a Cancellation Charge are as follows: •Application Date (APP):The date the customer provides a firm commitment and sufficient information to the Company for entry into the Company’s order distribution system.This is sometimes referred to as the order date. •Design Layout Report Date (DLRD):The date the Design Layout Report which contains the design for the service(s)ordered is forwarded to the customer. •Plant Test Date (PTD):The date acceptance testing is performed with the customer. •Service Date (DD):The date the service is due to be made available to the customer.This is sometimes referred to as the Due Date. D.The percentage of the total provisioning cost incurred by the Company at a particular Critical Date varies by the type of service as shown in E.,following. When a customer cancels an order,or part of an order,before the Service Date,the Company will calculate the Cancellation Charge by multiplying all the nonrecurring charges associated with the order,or that part of the order being canceled,by the percentage shown in E.,following,based on the last monitored Critical Date which has occurred on the order.When a customer cancels an order, or part of an order,on the Service Date,100%of the nonrecurring charges plus minimum billing period charges apply. Nonrecurring charges associated with an order are used to calculate the Cancellation Charge even when nonrecurring charges are waived. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-03-NID MD-i 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED FOR FILiPrivateLineTransport Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 2 September 6,2013 Page 13 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13j 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES 2.4.3 CANCELLATiON OF APPLICATION FOR SERVICE (Cont’d) E.The Critical Dates monitored by the Company are as follows: APP DLRD PTD DD %%%% •Voice Grade 13 44 77 [1] •Audio 13 44 77 [1] •Low Speed Data 13 44 77 [1] F.When a customer cancels an order for the discontinuance of service,no charges apply for the cancellation. G.If the Company misses a service date by more than 120 days due to circumstances over which it has direct control (excluding,e.g.,acts of God,governmental requirements,work stoppages and civil commotions),the customer may cancel an order without incurring cancellation charges. H.A request for cancellation after completion of an installation will be treated as a discontinuance of service. [1]Minimum billing period charges and 100%of the nonrecurring charges apply. NOTiCE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THiS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID NID-13-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED FOR FiLiPrivateLineTransport Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 2 September 6,2013 Page 14 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 ________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES (Cont’d) 2.4.4 ALLOWANCES FOR SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS A.A service is interrupted when it becomes unusable to the customer because of a failure of facilities used to furnish service under this Catalog.An interruption period starts when an inoperative service is reported to the Company and ends when the service is operative. B.In case of an interruption to any service,allowance for the period of interruption,if not due to the negligence of the customer shall be as follows: •Credit is allowed in hourly multiples for each hour or major fraction thereof when service is interrupted for 4 or more consecutive hours. •For the purpose of determining the allowance every month is considered to have 30 days. The monthly charges used to determine the credit shall be as follows: •For two-point services,the monthly charge shall be the total of all the monthly rate element charges associated with the service (i.e.,two Network Access Channels,two Channel Performances,Transport Channels and Optional Features and Functions). •For multipoint services,the monthly charge shall be only the total of all the monthly rate element that is inoperative (i.e.,a Network Access Channel per customer designated premises,Channel Performance,Transport Channels and Optional Features and Functions). The credit allowance(s)for an interruption or for a series of interruptions shall not exceed the monthly rate for the service interrupted in any one monthly billing period. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID MD-i 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC AccEPTED FOR FiLiPPrivateLineTransport Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 2 September 6,2013 Page 15 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 _________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES 2.4.4 ALLOWANCES FOR SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS (Cont’d) C.No credit allowance will be made for: 1.Interruptions caused by the negligence of the customer. 2.Interruptions of a service due to the failure of equipment or systems provided by the customer or others. 3.Interruptions of a service during any period in which the Company is not afforded access to the premises where the service is terminated. 4.interruptions of a service when the customer has released that service to the Company for maintenance purposes,to make rearrangements,or for the implementation of an order for a change in the service during the time that was negotiated with the customer prior to the release of that service. 5.interruptions of a service which continue because of the failure of the customer to authorize replacement of any element of special construction,as set forth in F.C.C.No.12,Special Construction.The period for which no credit allowance is (T) made begins on the seventh day after the customer receives the Company’s written notification of the need for such replacement and ends on the day after receipt by the Company of the customer’s written authorization for such replacement. 6.Periods when the customer elects not to release the service for testing and/or repair and continues to use it on an impaired basis. 7.An interruption or a group of interruptions,resulting from a common cause,for amounts less than one dollar. D.Should the customer elect to use an alternative service provided by the Company during the period that a service is interrupted,the customer must pay the appropriate rates and charges for the alternative service used. NOTICE THE iNFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID ND-1 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport LI Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 2 September 6,2013 Page 16 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 __________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES (Cont’d) 2.4.5 REESTABLISHMENT OF SERVICE FOLLOWING FIRE,FLOOD OR OTHER OCCURRENCE A.Nonrecurring Charges Do Not Apply Charges do not apply for reestablishment of service following fire,flood or other occurrences attributed to an Act of God provided that: 1.The service is of the same type as was provided prior to the fire,flood or other occurrence. 2.The service is for the same customer. 3.The service is at the location on the same premises. 4.The reestablishment of service begins within 60 days after Company service is available.(The 60 day period may be extended a reasonable period if the renovation of the original location on the premises affected is not practical within the allotted time period.) B.Nonrecurring Charges Apply Nonrecurring Charges apply for establishing service at a different location on the same premises or at a different premises pending reestablishment of service at the original location. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID MD-I 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC AccEPTED FOR FiLiPrivateLineTransport Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 2 September 6,2013 Page 17 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 __________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES (Cont’d) 2.4.6 TERMiNATION LIABILITY/WAIVER POLICY All Private Line Transport Services provided via service agreements,are subject to the Termination Liability/Waiver Policy,unless otherwise specified. A.Minimum Billing Level When services are provided under a fixed-period service agreement,a Minimum Billing Level will be established for use in calculating discontinuance charges. The Minimum Billing Level is 100%of the total monthly rates for the service provided under the customer’s service agreement,unless otherwise specified. Partial discontinuance of service will not decrease the Minimum Billing Level. B.Minimum Service Period When services are provided under a service agreement,a Minimum Service Period may be established.This would be the period of time that the 100%factor of the Termination Liability Charge would apply. C.Complete Disconnect if the customer chooses to completely discontinue contracted service,at any time during the term of the agreement,a termination charge will apply,unless the customer satisfies the conditions specified in the Waiver Policy.The termination charge is 100%of the rates for the Minimum Service Period,if applicable,plus the Minimum Billing Level multiplied by the termination liability percentage specified in the service agreement,for the remaining term of the agreement. •For example,if the customer discontinues service after 17 months of a 3-year (36 month)agreement,the termination charge will be the Minimum Billing Level for the service multiplied by the termination liability percentage, multiplied by 19 months. •If the customer discontinues service after 6 months of a 3-year (36 month) agreement,with a 1-year (12 months)Minimum Service Period,the Termination Charge will be 100%of the Minimum Billing Level for the remaining 6 months of the Minimum Service Period,plus the Minimum Billing Level multiplied by the termination liability percentage,multiplied by 24 months. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO,1 3-03-NID ND-1 3-006 NID2017-004 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 2 Page 18 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 07-11-17 Effective: 07-12-17 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES 2.4.6 TERMINATION LIABILITY/WAIVER POLICY (Cont'd) D. Partial Disconnect the agreement, agreement that is below the Minimum Billing Level. E. Waiver Policy if the customer moves to a different old and new service. In the case of a move to a dif must be the same at the old and new location. original service and the new service or transmission speed at th contracted service(s), provided all of the following conditions are met: • service(s); • both the existing and the new service(s) are provided solely by the Company; • service(s) are received by the Company at the same time; • the new service(s) installatio the Company; • construction charges and any other than 115% of the remaining value of the existing agreement(s); • term begins; • the customer agrees to pay any previously billed, b the new service agreement; • (T) (T) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 12, 2017 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED F Secret Private Line Transport OR FILl Services Catalog No.4 SECTIoN 2 September 6,2013 Page 19 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.5 CONNECTIONS 2.5.1 CONNECTiON REGULATIONS Equipment and Systems (i.e.,terminal equipment,multiline terminating systems and communications systems)may be connected with Private Line Transport Services furnished by the Company where such connection is made in accordance with the provisions specified in the code of Federal Regulations, Title 47,Chapter 1,Federal Communications Commission,Part 68, Connection of Terminal Equipment to the Telephone Network and 2.1, preceding. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMiTTAL NO.I 3-03-NID N ID-i 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED FOR FILIPrivateLineTransport Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 2 September 6,2013 Page 20 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 __________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.6 DEFINITIONS Certain terms and phases used throughout this Catalog and in these Regulations have the meaning given in the definition set forth below. Applicant An individual or concern making application to the Company for intrastate Private Line Transport Services. Application Refers to an application made by a prospective customer to the Company under which facilities for communication between specified locations,for designated periods,and for the use of the customer and the authorized users specifically named in the application are to be furnished in accordance with the provisions of the Company’s regulations and catalog. Attenuation Distortion The term “Attenuation Distortion”denotes the difference in loss at specified frequencies relative to the loss at a reference frequency (nominally 1004 Hz). Authorized User A person,firm or corporation who is authorized by the customer to be connected to the service of the customer.An authorized user must be specifically named in the application for service and a station of the Private Line Transport Services must be located on his/her premises. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED [N THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID MD-i 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCEpTED FOR FiLiPrivateLineTransport Services Catalog No.4 SECTiON 2 September 6,2013 Page 21 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 ________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.6 DEFINITIONS (Cont’d) Bandwidth A defined range of frequencies. Baud A unit of signaling speed.It is the reciprocal of the time duration in second of the shortest signal element (mark and space)with a code signal.The speed in bauds is the number of signal elements per second. ff1 (Binary Digit) The term “BIT”denotes the smallest unit of information in the binary system of notation. Channel A path (or paths)for electrical communication,between two or more stations or Company offices.A channel may be furnished in such manner as the Company may elect,whether by wire,carrier,radio or a combination thereof and whether or not by means of a single physical facility or route. Communications Systems Channels and other facilities which are capable,when not connected to Private Line Transport Services,of communications between Customer-premises terminal equipment or stations. Customer The person,firm,corporation or any other entity which applies for service and is responsible for the payment of charges and the compliance with the regulations of the Company.Interexchange Carriers and End Users are both considered customers for administration of this Catalog. Customer-Premises Terminal Equipment Devices,apparatus and their associated wiring,provided by a customer which do not constitute a communications system. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-03-NID MD-I 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED F Secret Private Line Transport OR F LI Services Catalog No.4 SEcTIoN 2 September 6,2013 Page 22 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 __________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.6 DEFINITIoNS (Cont’d) Duplex Service which provides for simultaneous transmission in both directions. E &M Signaling E &M Signaling provides for the terminal equipment leads at the interface to be connected to channel equipment for the purpose of transferring supervisory signals. End User “End User means any customer of an intrastate telecommunications service that is not a carrier,except that a carrier,other than a telephone company,shall be deemed to be an “End User”when such carrier uses a telecommunications service for administrative purposes;and a person or entity that offers telecommunications services exclusively as a reseller shall be deemed to be an “End User”if all resale transmissions offered by such reseller originate on the premises of such reseller. End User-POT (E.U.-POT) The network interface that is at the terminating end of the overall circuit is referred to as the End User-POT. Envelope Delay Distortion Envelope delay distortion,or relative envelope delay,is the difference between the envelope delay at any frequency with respect to a reference frequency.The reference is usually taken as the frequency at which the envelope delay is a minimum.The resulting measurements provide a picture of the linearity of the phase versus frequency of a voice grade channel. Equalization in the transport of signals through the Network the loss at one frequency will differ from that at another frequency.Equalization is a method to electronically control the losses,in relation to a reference frequency,to predefined limits. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-03-NID MD-i 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC AFOPrivateLineTransportRFILl Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 2 September 6,2013 Page 23 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.6 DEFINITIONS (Cont’d) First Come,First Serve The term “First Come,First Serve”denotes a procedure followed when a shortage of facilities or equipment occurs,such that Private Line Transport Services ordered cannot be installed.The orders delayed by the shortage of facilities will be prioritized according to the sequence in which they were received.That is,when facilities or equipment become available,the first order received will be the first order processed. Frequency Shift The term “Frequency Shift”denotes the change in the frequency of a tone as it is transmitted over a channel. Grandfathered The term “Grandfathered”denotes Terminal Equipment,Multiline Terminating Systems and Protective Circuitry directly connected to the facilities utilized to provide services under the provisions of this Catalog,and which are considered grandfathered under Part 68 of the F.C.C.’s Rules and Regulations. Half-duplex Service which provides for transmission alternately in either direction or for transmission in one direction only. Hertz (Hz) A unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second. Hub A hub is a Company designated wire center at which bridging or other functions are performed. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-N ID ND-1 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC AOffT0f the Secret Private Line Transport CCEP ED 0 LI Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 2 September 6,2013 Page 24 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 _______________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.6 DEFINITIONS (Cont’d) Individual Case Basis The term “Individual Case Basis”denotes a condition in which the regulations and,if applicable,rates and charges for an offering under the provisions of this Catalog are developed based on the circumstances in each case. lnterexchange Carrier (IC)or Interexchange Common Carrier The term “Interexchange Carrier”(IC)or “Interexchange Common Carrier” denotes any individual,partnership,association,joint-stock company,trust, governmental entity or corporation engaged for hire in intrastate communication by wire or radio between two or more exchanges. Intermodulation Distortion The term “Intermodulation Distortion”denotes a measure of the nonlinearity of a channel.It is measured using four tones,and evaluating the ratios (in dBs)of the transmitted composite four-tone signal power to the second-order products of the tones (R2),and the third-order products of the tones (R3). IntraLATA Service Service connecting stations wholly within one LATA. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-03-NID NID-i 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC AE of the Secret Private Line Transport CC PTED FOR FILl Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 2 September 6,2013 Page 25 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 ________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.6 DEFINITioNS (Cont’d) Local Access and Transport Area (LATA) The term “Local Access and Transport Area”(LATA)denotes a geographic area established for the provision and administration of communications service.It encompasses one or more designated exchanges,which are grouped to serve common social,economic and other purposes. Loop Signaling Loop signaling uses a DC path or loop,to convey address and supervisory signaling information.Various signaling systems using this process include reverse-battery,loop-start and ground-start. Major Fraction Thereof The term “Major Fraction Thereof’is any period of time in excess of 1/2 of the stated amount of time.As an example,in considering a Private Line Transport period of one hour,a major fraction thereof would be any period of time in excess of 30 minutes exactly.Therefore,if a given service is interrupted for a period of two hours and thirty-five minutes,the customer would be given a credit allowance for three hours. Mid User-POT (M.U.-POT) The network interface between the Company facility and the remainder of an overall circuit which extends beyond the LATA,is referred to as the Mid User- POT. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.1 3-03-NID MD-i 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC of the Secretçg Private Line Transport CCEPTED FOR FILl Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 2 September 6,2013 Page 26 Boise,Ida ho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 2.GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.6 DEFINm0Ns (Cont’d) Network Channel Interface (NCI) That point serving the premises of the customer at which provision is made for connection of Company facilities to customer facilities. Point Of Termination (POT) The term “Point of Termination”denotes a location at or near a customer designated premises at which the Company’s responsibility for provision of Private Line Transport Services ends.it is the end of the Company’s outside plant facilities and where the inside wire begins. Premises The space occupied by a customer or authorized user in a single building or in connecting buildings not separated by a public highway.Connecting buildings are buildings,even though divided by a public thoroughfare,connected by means of an underground or enclosed overhead passageway provided and maintained by the customer which is suitable to the Company for the placing of wire facilities. Pipes and conduit are considered enclosed passageways. Private Branch Exchange or Private Branch Exchange System (PBX) A customer-premises arrangement of equipment consisting of an attendant’s position with an operating telephone situated on a customer’s premises,stations connected with the attendant’s position and connected by trunks with a central office,providing for intercommunication between these stations,and for communication with the general exchange system of the Company and for toll service. Private Line Transport The channels,channel arrangements and facilities furnished to a customer without intermediate switching arrangements. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID ND-1 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation cl/b/a CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED FOR FILIPrivateLineTransport Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 2 September 6,2013 Page 27 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 ________________________ 2.GENERAL REGULATiONS 2.6 DEFINITIoNs (Cont’d) Registered Equipment The term “Registered Equipment”denotes the customer’s premises equipment which complies with and has been approved within the Registration Provisions of Part 68 of the F.C.C.’s Rules and Regulations. Shortage of Facilities or Equipment The term “Shortage of Facilities or Equipment”denotes a condition which occurs when the Company does not have appropriate cable,bridging or,other equipment,etc.,necessary to provide the Private Line Transport Services requested by the customer. Supersedure The transfer of customer service from one party to another with the consent of the relinquishing customer,without interruption of billing and with no change in type or location of facilities. Transmission Path The term “Transmission Path”denotes an electrical path capable of transmitting signals within the range of the service offering,e.g.,a voice grade transmission path is capable of transmitting voice frequencies within the approximate range of 300 to 3000 Hz.A transmission path is comprised of physical or derived facilities consisting of any form or configuration of plant typically used in the telecommunications industry. Trunk The term “Trunk”denotes a communications path connecting two switching systems in a network,used in the establishment of an end-to-end connection. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-N[D ND-1 3-006 NID2016-011 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 2 Page 28 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 12-15-16 Effective: 01-01-17 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.6 DEFINITIONS (Cont'd) 2.12 NATURAL DISASTER RELIEF FOR CUSTOMERS In situations where customers’ telecommunications servic NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-11-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED FOR FILiPrivateLineTransport Services Catalog No.4 SEcTIoN 3 September 6,2013 Index Page 1 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 _______________________ 3.RATE REGULATIONS SUBJECT PAGE Acceptance Testing 12 Additional Engineering 17 Additional Labor 18 Avoidance 8 Design Change Charge 15 Diversity 8 Diversity and Avoidance Options 9 Expedited Order Charge 16 Facilities Protection-Hot Standby Protection 11 Facilities Protection-Special Facilities Routing 8 Individual Case Basis Charges 4 Maintenance and Repairs 5 Mileage Measurement 7 Minimum and Fractional Rates and Charges 6 Monthly Rates 1 Nonrecurring Charges 1 Order Modifications 13 Out of Hours Installation 4 Partial Cancellation Charge 14 Rollover 3 Service Date Change Charge 14 Special Construction 5 Supersedure of Service 6 Testing Services 19 Types of Rates and Charges I NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID ND-1 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the ecretg Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILl Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 3 September 6,2013 Page 1 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 ________________________ 3.RATE REGULATIONS This section contains specific regulations governing the rates and charges for Private Line Transport Services. 3.1 TYPES OF RATES AND CHARGES There are three types of rates and charges.These are monthly rates,nonrecurring charges and individual case basis charges for specifically designed services as described in C.,following. A.Monthly Rates Monthly rates are flat recurring rates that apply each month or fraction thereof that Private Line Transport Services are provided.For billing purposes,each month is considered to have 30 days. B.Nonrecurring Charges Nonrecurring charges are one-time charges that apply for a specific work activity. The type of nonrecurring charges that apply for Private Line Transport Services are:Service Provisioning charge (initial and subsequent),installation of the Channel Performance,installation of certain Optional Features and Functions and service rearrangements.Special Construction charges as defined in 3,3,following, may apply. 1.The Service Provisioning charge covers receiving,recording and processing customer information relating to an order and specific engineering functions performed to prepare for final installation of the requested service.The Service Provisioning charge-initial applies per customer request for work to be performed on one Private Line Transport Service.Should a customer request additional services of the same type be ordered and provided at the same time and location, one Service Provisioning charge-subsequent applies for each additional service. 2.The nonrecurring charge for installation of the Channel Performance applies once per each Channel Performance and includes its predefined technical specifications and the facilities from the customer designated premises to the serving wire center. 3.Nonrecurring charges apply for the installation of some of the Optional Features and Functions available with Private Line Transport Services.The charge applies whether the feature or function is installed coincident with the initial installation of service or at any time subsequent to the installation of the service,unless otherwise specified. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-MD MD-i 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC AccEPTED FOR FiLiPrivateLineTransport Services Catalog No.4 SEcTIoN 3 September 6,2013 Page 2 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 _______________________ 3.RATE REGULATIONS 3.1 TYPES OF RATES AND CHARGES B.Nonrecurring Charges (Cont’d) 4.Service rearrangements are changes to existing (installed)services which do not result in either a change in the minimum billing period requirements as set forth in 2.4.2,preceding,or a change in the physical location of the Network Access Channel at a customer designated premises.Changes which result in the establishment of new minimum billing period obligations are treated as disconnects and starts.Changes in the physical location of the Network Access Channel are treated as moves and are described and charged for as set forth following. Generally,administrative changes (billing data,circuit identification without physical change)will be made without additional charges.Supersedures,as defined in 3.5,following,are an exception to that rule. All other service rearrangements will be charged for as follows and the appropriate Service Provisioning charge will apply in addition: •If the change involves the addition of another leg to an existing service,the nonrecurring charge for the Channel Performance rate element will apply.The charge will apply only for the leg that is being added. •If the change involves the addition of an optional feature or function which has a separate nonrecurring charge,that nonrecurring charge will apply. •If the change involves changing the type of Channel Performance on a service, a charge equal to the Channel Performance rate element nonrecurring charge will apply.The charge will apply per Network Access Channel affected. •For all other changes,including the addition of optional features without separate nonrecurring charges,a charge equal to the Channel Performance nonrecurring charge associated with the facility will apply. if the change involves reterminating an existing Voice Grade Network Access Channel onto a spare channel of a higher capacity service,only the Rollover nonrecurring charge,as specified in 3.1.B.6.,following,will apply. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID MD-I 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED FOR FILIPPrivateLineTransport Services Catalog No.4 SEcTIoN 3 September 6,2013 Page 3 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 ________________________ 3.RATE REGULATIONS 3.1 TYPES OF RATES AND CHARGES B.Nonrecurring Charges (Cont’d) 5.A move involves a change in the physical location of the Network Access Channel.The charges for the move are dependent on whether the move is to a new location within the same building or to a different building. a.Moves Within the Same Building or Between Buildings on the Same Premises When the move is to a new location within the same building or between buildings on the same premises beyond the POT,the move is the responsibility of the customer.There will be no change in the minimum billing period requirements. b.To a Different Building Moves to a different building will be treated as a discontinuance and start of service and all associated nonrecurring charges will apply.New minimum billing period requirements will be established for the new services.The customer will also remain responsible for satisfying all outstanding minimum billing period charges for the discontinued service. 6.Rollover a.A rollover allows for a lower speed service (i.e.,Voice Grade Service),to be either placed onto a higher speed service,or moved from one higher speed service to a different higher speed service or moved to a different channel on the same multiplexed service. Should the customer request to have work performed which involves the change of an: •Existing Voice Grade Service (i.e.,Standard or WATS)onto a multiplexed DS 1 Service and all of the following conditions are met,a rollover charge will apply to the lower speed service as specified in b.,following: •The services are provided between the same customer locations as the original service(s),and •All rollovers are performed at the same Company Central Office location,and •All services involved in the rollover are provided by the Company. NOTiCE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID MD-i 3-006 NID2016-011 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 3 Page 4 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-16 Effective: 01-01-17 3. RATE REGULATIONS 3.1 TYPES OF RATES AND CHARGES NONRECURRING CHARGE • 3.2 OUT OF HOURS INSTALLATION NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-11-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secretçg) Private Line Transport :EPTED FOR FILl Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 3 September 6,2013 Page 5 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 3.RATE REGULATIONS 3.3 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION The rates and charges shown in this Catalog provide for the furnishing of service where suitable facilities are available.Where special construction of facilities is necessary,special construction charges may apply as found in the F.C.C.No.12,(T) Special Construction. The provision of such service by the Company as set forth in F.C.C.No.12,with (T) such exception listed in A.,following,is specifically intended to provide Special Construction of facilities in accordance with an order for service to satisfy that request.The Company will determine,based on the customer’s use of the facilities involved,whether Special Construction as specified in F.C.C.No.12,or (T) rates and charges specified in other tariffs of the Company apply. The provision of such services by the Company as set forth in F.C.C.No.12 does (T) not constitute a joint undertaking with the customer for the furnishing of any service. The regulations,rates and charges contained in F.C.C.No.12 are in addition to (T) the applicable regulations,rates and charges specified in other catalogs and tariffs of the Company. A.Exceptions to Qwest Corporation F.C.C.Tariff No.12 (T) Section 3,(Special Construction Cases Transferred from Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company Tariff F.C.C.No.4),through Section 19,(Charges to Provide (T) Permanent Facilities),of F.C.C.No.12 are not applicable for intrastate (T) application. 3.4 MAINTENANCE AND REPAiRS Maintenance of facilities furnished by the Company is generally performed during the normal business hours of the Company as defined in 3.2,preceding. At a time agreeable to both the customer and the Company,facilities shall be available for maintenance purposes.At the request of the customer,the Company will make every reasonable effort to perform maintenance work at other than normal business hours,at charges defined in 3.12,following. All ordinary expense of maintenance and repairs in connection with Company facilities and services to the POT is borne by the Company.No credit allowance will be made for the period during which service is interrupted for such purposes. However,a charge as specified in 4.2.3.B.,following,applies for a maintenance or repair visit to the customer’s premises in response to a trouble report when the service difficulty is determined to be the result of the use of customer-premises equipment. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.1 3-03-NID MD-i 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED FOR FiLiPrivateLineTransport Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 3 September 6,2013 Page 6 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 3.RATE REGULATIONS 3.5 SUPERSEDURE OF SERVICE A transfer of billing responsibility from one customer to another customer without any change in the service is permitted if the new customer meets the requirements referenced in 2.1.6,2.3 and 2.4.1,preceding.A supersedure of service charge as found in 4.2.3.D.,following,applies for each service for which the billing is changed. 3.6 MINIMUM AND FRACTiONAL RATES AND CHARGES A.Rates for service offered under this Catalog are for a minimum billing period of one month or the length of time specified in a contract agreement. B.When the minimum billing period has been met,charges for a fraction of a month will be the monthly rate prorated for the actual number of days service is furnished.For this purpose every month is considered to have 30 days. C.Fractions of a cent are carried throughout the computation of the charge.When the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent; •One-half cent or more is treated as one cent; •Less than one-half cent is disregarded D.The rates for service installed or changes in service which involve a change in rates will become effective on the day following the day the service is installed or changed. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-N1D ND-1 3OO6 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED FOR FILIPrivateLineTransport Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 3 September 6,2013 Page 7 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 _________________________ 3.RATE REGULATIONS 3.7 MILEAGE MEASUREMENT The mileage to be used to determine the monthly rate for the Transport Channels is calculated on the airline distance between the locations involved,i.e.,the serving wire centers associated with two customer designated premises,a serving wire center associated with a customer designated premises and a Company hub, or two Company hubs.The serving wire center associated with a customer designated premises is the serving wire center from which the customer designated premises would normally obtain dial tone. Mileage is shown in terms of mileage bands.To determine the rate to be billed, first compute the mileage using the V&H coordinates method,as set forth in the National Exchange Carrier Association Tariff (NECA)F.C.C.NO.4,then find the band into which the computed mileage falls and apply the rates shown for that band.When the calculation results in a fraction of a mile,always round up to the next whole mile before determining the mileage band and applying the rate. When hubs or bridging locations are involved,mileage is computed and rates applied separately for each section of the Transport Channels,i.e.,customer designated premises serving wire center to a hub,hub to hub and/or hub to customer designated premises serving wire center.However,when any service is routed through a hub for purposes other than customer specified bridging (e.g., the Company chooses to so route for test access purposes),rates will be applied only to the distance calculated between the serving wire centers associated with the customer designated premises. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THiS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03--NID MD-i 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC of the Secretg Private Line Transport CCEPTED FOR FILl Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 3 September 6,2013 Page 8 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 3.RATE REGULATIONS 3.8 FAcILITIEs PROTECTION-SPECIAL FACILITIES ROUTING The services provided by Qwest Corporation are over such routes and facilities as the Company may elect.Special Facility Routing is involved when,in order to comply with requirements specified by the customer,the Company provides services in a manner which includes one or more of the following conditions: •Diversity Diversity occurs when the service is provisioned over a primary route and secondary route over separate transmission facilities,The alternate routes must have a route separation of twenty-five feet or more.Diversity can be provided on the local ioop (from the serving wire center to the customer location),or Interoffice Facilities (between wire centers). •Avoidance Avoidance occurs when service is provisioned in a manner to avoid,or by pass,a customer defined geographical location. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-MD MD-i 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC AT the Secret) Private Line Transport CCEP ED FOR FILl Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 3 September 6,2013 Page 9 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 3.RATE REGULATIONS 3.8 FACILITIES PROTECTION-SPECIAL FACILITIES ROUTING (Cont’d) A.Diversity and Avoidance Options The following is a description of the standard options available: Loop Diversity Provides a second route from the first utility vault outside of the serving wire center to the customer premises.The diversity will end at the last terminal prior to the customer’s premises unless the customer provides for a separate entrance facility. interoffice Diversity Provides a second route between the first utility vault outside the serving wire center and the first utility vault outside the remote wire center.This service applies only to Private Line Transport Service. Avoidance Geographical avoidance of a given point or wire center. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-03-NID ND-1 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC A’ of the Secret Private Line Transport EPTED FOR FILl Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 3 September 6,2013 Page 10 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 ________________________ 3.RATE REGULATIONS 3.8 FACILITIES PROTECTION-SPECIAL FACILITIES ROUTING (Cont’d) B.Rate Regulations 1.Diversity and Avoidance are available on all Private Line Transport services and on the loop portion of certain Exchange Access services.Service is subject to availability of facilities.When facilities are not available,Special Construction charges may be assessed. 2.The rates and charges for Special Facilities Routing and Hot Standby Protection are in addition to all other rates and charges that may be applicable to the service provided with Special Faãilities Routing and Hot Standby Protection. 3.When a customer orders more than one Special Facilities Routing option such as Loop Diversity and Interoffice Diversity,or multipoint Loop Diversity (i.e.,on more than one leg of a multipoint circuit)at the same time,for the same service, only one nonrecurring charge applies.This nonrecurring charge applies to both the primary and secondary route for each service or circuit. 4.Rate Elements applicable for other services with Special Facilities Routing apply on both the Primary Route and Secondary Route.Special Construction charges may be applicable with Loop Diversity when Secondary Routes are not available. 5.The terms Primary and Secondary Route are not meant as a reference to quality or usage,but are used to designate separate routing. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID MD-I 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED FOR FiLiPrivateLineTransport Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 3 September 6,2013 Page 11 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 3.RATE REGULATIONS 3.9 FAcILITIEs PROTECTION-HOT STANDBY PROTECTION A.Description Hot Standby Protection,hereinafter referred to as Fiber Optic Protect Path Diversity,is provided over fiber optic facilities with a second route separated by a minimum distance of twenty-five feet.Fiber Optic Protect Path Diversity is not a duplication of services,but dual routing with automatic transfer. B.Provision of Service Fiber Optic Protect Path Diversity is available when the customer is served by fiber optic facilities.This provides a second route between the first utility vault outside the serving wire center to the last terminal prior to the customer’s premises unless the customer provides for a separate entrance facility.A sampling device located at the customer termination is common to both routes and automatically selects the secondary route in the event of a failure to the primary route. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-Nil) MD-i 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC AccEpTED FOR FILIPrivateLineTransport Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 3 September 6,2013 Page 12 [Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 3.RATE REGULATIONS 3.10 ACCEPTANCE TESTING At no additional charge,the Company will,at the customer’s request,schedule a mutually agreeable time to cooperatively test the following parameters at the time of installation: For Voice Grade analog services (except Basic Voice),acceptance tests will include tests for loss,3-tone slope,DC continuity,operational signaling,C- notched noise,and C-message noise when these parameters are applicable and specified in the order for service.Additionally,for Voice Grade Services,a balance (improved return loss)test will be made if the customer has ordered the improved return loss optional feature. •For the other analog services,Low-Speed Data and Audio Program and for DIGICOM Basic,acceptance tests will include tests for the parameters applicable to the service and as specified in the order for service. •For Basic Voice Service,no cooperative testing is available. In addition to the above tests,Additional Cooperative Acceptance Testing for Voice Grade Service to test other parameters,as described in,following, is available at the customer’s request.All test results will be made available to the customer upon request. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-MD ND-1 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED FOR FILIPrivateLineTransport Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 3 September 6,2013 Page 13 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 ________________________ 3.RATE REGULATIONS 3.11 ORDER MODIFICATIONS The customer may request a modification of an order at any time prior to notification by the Company that service is available for the customer’s use.The Company will make every effort to accommodate a requested modification when it is able to do so with the normal work force assigned to complete such an order within normal business hours. If the modification cannot be made with the normal work force during normal business hours,the Company will notifj the customer.If the customer still desires the order modification,the Company will schedule a new service date. All charges for order modifications will apply on a per-occurrence basis. Any increase in the number of Private Line Transport Service channels will be treated as a new order (for the increased amount only).If order modifications are necessary to satisfy the transmission performance,these changes will be made without order modification charges being incurred by the customer. The types of order modifications available are delineated in the following paragraphs. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID MD-i 3-006 NID2016-011 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 3 Page 16 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 12-15-16 Effective: 01-01-17 3. RATE REGULATIONS 3.11 ORDER MODIFICATIONS (Cont'd) NONRECURRING CHARGE • NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-11-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC AccEpTED FOR FiLiPrivateLineTransport Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 3 September 6,2013 Page 15 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 3.RATE REGULATIONS 3.11 ORDER MODIFICATIONS (Cont’d) C.Design Change Charge The customer may request a design change to the service ordered.A design change is any change to an order which requires engineering review.An engineering review,is a review by Company personnel,of the service ordered and the requested changes to determine what change in the design,if any,is necessary to meet the changes requested by the customer.Design changes include such things as the addition or deletion of optional features or functions or a change in the type of channel interface,or technical specification package.Design changes do not include a change of customer premises,or Private Line Transport Service channel type.Changes of this nature will require the issuance of a new order and the cancellation of the original order with appropriate cancellation charges applied. The Company will review the requested change,notify the customer whether the change is a design change,if it can be accommodated and if a new service date is required.If the customer authorizes the Company to proceed with the design change,a Design Change Charge as found in 4.2.3.F.,following,will apply. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CFIANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID ND-13-OO6 NID2015-004 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 3 Page 16 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 4-21-2015 Effective: 5-1-2015 3. ATE EGULATIONS 3.11 ORDER MODIFICATIONS (Cont'd) D. Expedited Order Charge If a customer desires that service be provided on an earlier date than that which has been established for the order, the customer may request that service be provided on an expedited basis. If the Company agrees to provide the service on an expedited basis, an Expedited Order Charge will apply. If the Company is subsequently unable to meet an agreed upon expedited service date, no Expedited Order Charge will apply unless the missed service date was caused by the customer. The Expedited Order Charge will be applied when the customer requests a service date that is prior to the standard interval service date as set for in the Qwest Corporation Service Interval Guide (SIG) on an order or when a customer requests an earlier service date on a pending standard or negotiated interval order. The Expedited Order Charge, as set forth below, will apply on a per order basis for each day the service date is advanced. NONRECURRING USOC CHARGE • Per day advanced EODDD $200.00 The Expedited Order Charges will be billed in addition to other applicable nonrecurring charges. If costs other than additional labor are to be incurred when an order is expedited, the Company will develop, determine and bill the customer such costs in accordance with the special construction terms and conditions as set forth in the F.C.C. No. 12, Special Construction. (T) OTICETHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 15-01-ID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2015 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED FPrivateLineTransport 0 LI Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 3 September 6,2013 Page 17 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 _________________________ 3.RATE REGULATIONS 3.12 ADDITIONAL ENGiNEERING Additional Engineering will be provided by the Company at the request of the customer only when: •A customer requests additional technical information after the Company has already provided the technical information normally included on the Design Layout Report (DLR)for the End-Link or Mid-Link application. •Additional engineering time is incurred by the Company to engineer a custome?s request for a Customized service as set forth in 4.1 .2,following,for both the End-Link or Mid-Link and the End-to-End applications. The Company will notify the customer that additional engineering charges,as set forth in 4.2.3.G.,following,will apply before any additional engineering is undertaken. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED [N THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-03-NID NID-1 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED FPrivateLineTransport0 Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 3 September 6,2013 Page 18 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 3.RATE REGULATIONS 3.13 ADDITIONAL LABOR Additional labor is that labor requested by the customer on a given service and agreed to by the Company as set forth in A.through E.,following.The Company will notify the customer that additional labor charges as set forth in 4.2.3.H., following,will apply before any additional labor is undertaken. A.Overtime Installation Overtime installation is that Company installation effort outside of normally scheduled working hours. B.Overtime Repair Overtime repair is that Company maintenance effort performed outside of normally scheduled working hours. C.Standby Standby includes all time in excess of one-half (1/2)hour during which Company personnel stand by to make cooperative tests with a customer to verify facility repair on a given service. D.Testing and Maintenance with Other Telephone Companies Additional testing,maintenance or repair of facilities which connect to facilities of other telephone companies,which is in addition to normal effort required to test, maintain or repair facilities provided solely by the Company. E.Other Labor Other labor is that additional labor not included in A.through D.,preceding,and labor incurred to accommodate a specific customer request that involves only labor which is not covered by any other section of this Catalog. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.1 3-03-NID MD-i 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILl Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 3 September 6,2013 Page 19 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 __________________________ 3.RATE REGULATIONS 3.14 TESTING SERVICES Testing Services offered under this section of the catalog are optional and subject to rates and charges as set forth in,following.Other testing services provided by the Company in association with Private Line Transport Services are furnished at no additional charge.These other testing services are described in 3.10,preceding. Testing services are normally provided by Company personnel at Company locations.However,provisions are made following for a customer to request Company personnel to perform testing services at the customer’s premises. The offering of Testing Services under this Section of the catalog is made subject to the availability of the necessary qualified personnel and test equipment at the various test locations mentioned. The Company will,at the request of a customer,provide assistance in performing specific tests requested by the customer. A.Additional Cooperative Acceptance Testing (ACAT) When a customer provides a technician at its premises or at an End User’s premises,with suitable test equipment to perform the required tests,the Company will provide a technician at its office for the purpose of conducting Additional Cooperative Acceptance Testing on Voice Grade Services.At the customer’s request,the Company will provide a technician at the customer’s premises or at the End User’s premises.These tests may consist of the following: •Attenuation Distortion (i.e.,frequency response) •Intermodulation Distortion (i.e.,harmonic distortion) •Phase Jitter •Impulse Noise •Envelope Delay Distortion •Echo Control •Frequency Shift NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID MD-i 3.006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILl Services Catalog No.4 SECTIoN 3 September 6,2013 Page 20 Boise,Ida ho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 3.RATE REGULATIONS 3.14 TESTING SERVICES (Cont’d) B.onschedu1ed Testing (NST) When a customer provides a technician at its premises,with suitable test equipment to perform the required tests,the Company will provide a technician at its office for the purpose of conducting Nonscheduled Testing.At the customer’s request,the Company will provide a technician at the customer’s premises. Nonscheduled tests may consist of any tests,such as loss,noise,slope,or envelope delay which the customer may require. C.Obligation of the Customer When the customer subscribes to Testing Service as set forth in this Section,the customer shall make the facilities to be tested available to the Company at times mutually agreed upon. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-MD ND-1 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC ACCEPDF Secretç Private Line Transport 0 LI Services Catalog No.4 SEcTioN 4 September 6,2013 Index Page 1 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 4.CHANNELS SUBJECT PAGE Audio Program Service 27 Categories of Service Charges For Additional Engineering 46 Charges For Additional Labor 47 Design Change Charge 45 Design Layout Record (DLR)44 Diagrams Multipoint Service 6 Two-Point Service 4 Facilities Protection-Hot Standby Protection 54 Facilities Protection-Special Facilities Routing 52 [NFOSPAI’/Service 7 Low-Speed Data Service 34 Maintenance of Service Charge 42 Miscellaneous Charges 42 Multipoint Service 5 Rate Structure 2 Restoration Priority Change 42 Service Configurations 4 Service Date Change Charge 45 Service Descriptions 7 Summary Billing Service 51 Supersedure of Service 44 Testing Services 50 Two-Point Service 4 Voice Grade Service 7 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED EN THIS DOCUMENT [S SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID MD-i 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC AEPTE the Secret Private Line Transport CC 0 FOR FILl Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 4 September 6,2013 Page 1 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 4.CHANNELS 4.1 GENERAL Private Line Transport Services provide a transmission path between customer designated premises or customer designated premises and a Serving Wire Center. Company Centrex C.O.-like switches are considered to be customer designated premises for purposes of administering and providing Private Line Transport Services. 4.1.1 CATEGORIES OF SERVICE The INFOSPAN category has several types of channels each with its own characteristics.Customers may order a Network Access Channel and select, from various Channel Performances and Optional Features and Functions, those that they desire to meet specific communications requirements. For each category of service,there are two distinct applications available.It is the responsibility of the customer to decide which application best fits their needs. End-Link or Mid-Link Application This application is intended for customers requiring Private Line Transport Service as part of an overall circuit,extending beyond the LATA.Several Channel Performances are available to facilitate compatibility and a mechanized Design Layout Record (DLR)is provided to the customer to assist in their overall design.The network channel interface between the Company facility and the remainder of the overall circuit is referred to as the Mid User-POT (Point of Termination).The network channel interface that is at the terminating end of the overall circuit is referred to as the End User-POT. End-to-End Application This application is intended for customers requiring an overall Private Line Transport Service by the Company within the LATA.No DLR will be provided since the performance and maintenance will be the responsibility of the Company.The network channel interface that is at the terminating end of the overall circuit is referred to as the End User-POT. For the purposes of ordering channels,each has been identified as a type of Private Line Transport Services.A detailed description of each channel type, including the appropriate Service Code to assist in ordering,is provided in 4.2, following. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.1 3-03-NID NID-13-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC AccEpTED FOR FiLiPrivateLineTransport Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 4 September 6,2013 Page 2 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 4.CHANNELS 4.1 GENERAL (Cont’d) 4.1.2 RATE STRUCTURE The basic rate structure for Private Line Transport Services consists of four categories: •Network Access Channel •Transport Channels •Channel Performance •Optional Features and Functions The customer will specify the customer designated premises or serving wire centers involved,the type of service (e.g.,Voice Grade 32,Audio Program 5.0 kHz,etc.),the type of Network Channel Interface required,the Channel Performance and any options desired.If requested to do so,the Company will assist the customer in making the appropriate selections. Standard offerings are available within each category of service,If a Standard offering does not meet a particular customer requirement,the customer may request and the Company may develop a Customized offering.The Channel Performance andlor Optional Features and Functions for Custom services will be developed and rated on an individual case basis. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID MD-i 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILl Services Catalog No.4 SEcTIoN 4 September 6,2013 Page 3 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 __________________________ 4.CHANNELS 4.1 GENERAL 4.1.2 RATE STRUCTURE (Cont’d) A.Network Access Channel The Network Access Channel rate category provides for the transmission path between a customer designated premises and the serving wire center of the premises.One Network Access Channel charge applies per customer designated premises at which each channel is terminated. B.Transport Channels The Transport Channels rate category provides for the transmission facilities between the serving wire centers associated with two customer designated premises,between a serving wire center associated with a customer designated premises and a Company hub or between two Company hubs.Transport Channels are portrayed in mileage bands.There are two rates that apply for each band,i.e., a flat rate per band and a rate per mile.Transport Channels mileage is based on the airline distance using V and H coordinates between wire centers serving the customer’s designated premises. C.Channel Performance The Channel Performance rate category provides the electronic equipment which is added to the channel to provide the desired level of transmission performance. It modifies the circuit with the basic performance necessary for the circuit to function.If appropriate,it may also provide various signaling parameters to enhance the basic performance.Included as part of the Channel Performance is a Network Channel Interface (NCI)arrangement which defines the technical characteristics at the interface between the customer and the Company.One Channel Performance charge applies per customer designated premises at which each Network Access Channel is terminated. D.Optional Features and Functions The Optional Features and Functions rate category provides for options which may be added to Private Line Transport Services to improve quality or utility to meet specific communications requirements.The rate element will be charged per port or Network Access Channel.Descriptions for each of the available Optional Features and Functions are found in the Service Descriptions set forth following for each channel type. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.l3-O3NID NID13OO6 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED F Secret Private Line Transport OR ILl Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 4 September 6,2013 Page 4 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN iDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 ________________________ 4.CHANNELS 4.1 GENERAL (Cont’d) 4.1.3 SERVICE CONFIGURATIONS There are two types of service configurations over which Private Line Transport Services are provided:two-point service and multipoint service. A.Two-Point Service A two-point service connects two customer designated premises. Applicable rate categories are: •Network Access Channels Transport Channels (when applicable) •Channel Performance •Optional Features and Functions (when applicable) The following diagram depicts a two-point Voice Grade 36 service connecting two customer designated premises with serving wire centers (SWC)located 15 miles apart.This service is provided with Cl-Type Conditioning.The location of the Network Channel Interface (NCI)is noted on the diagram. NCI ______________ NCI PREMISES _________ swo _______________ swc j PREIISES NAC TC NAC cP op Cl CONDITIONING Applicable rate categories for this example are: •Network Access Channels (NAC)(2) •Transport Channels (TC)(Mileage band over 8 to 25 miles) •Channel Performance (CP)(2) •Optional Features and Functions (Cl Conditioning)(2) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID NtD-1 3OO6 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation 11b/a CenturyLink QC ACCEPTDF Secret Private Line Transport E OR FILl Services Catalog No.4 SEcTIoN 4 September 6,2013 Page 5 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 _______________________ 4.CHANNELS 4.1 GENERAL 4.1.3 SERVICE CONFIGURATIONS (Cont’d) B.Multipoint Service Multipoint service connects three or more customer designated premises through a Company hub.A mid-Link is a channel between hubs (i.e.,bridging locations). On JNFOSPAN service,when more than three mid-Links are provided in tandem, the quality of the service may be degraded.Only certain types of Private Line Transport Services are provided as multipoint service.These are so designated in the Service Descriptions set forth following. When ordering,the customer may specify the desired bridging hub location(s) from an available list.The Company,when requested to do so,will assist the customer in selecting the hub location(s). Applicable rate categories are: •Network Access Channel •Transport Channels (when applicable) •Channel Performance •Optional Features and Functions NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID MD-i 3-006 NORTHERN IDAHO Issued:8-27-13 SEcTION 4 Page 6 Release 2 Effective:9-6-13 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secret ACCEPTED FOR FILl September 6,2013 Boise,Idaho GENERAL SERVICE CONFiGURATIONS Multipoint Service (Cont’d) The following diagram depicts a Voice Grade 32 Service connecting four customer designated premises,each served by a different SWC via two specified serving wire center (SWC)bridging hubs.The location of the Network Channel Interface (NCI)is noted on the diagram. Applicable rate categories for this example: •Network Access Channel (NAC)(4) •Transport Channels (TC)(5 sections,each from the appropriate mileage band) •Channel Performance (CP)(4) •Optional Features and Functions Bridging (B)(6 applicable,one per port) Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No.4 4.1 4.1.3 B. 4.CHANNELS A NCI NCI cP TC PREMISES B cP cP NCI PREMISES PREMISES C 0 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-N1D MD-I 3-006 NORTHERN IDAHO Issued:8-27-13 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.2 INFOSPAN SERVICE A.Voice Grade Service 1.Basic Channel Description SECTION 4 Page 7 Release 2 Effective:9-6-13 4.CHANNELS Voice Grade Service provides channels for analog voice capability in the nominal frequency range of 300 to terminated with a two-wire or four-wire transmission provided between customer designated premises or designated premises and a Company serving wire center. frequency transmission 3000 Hz and may be path.The service is between a customer The basic rate structure consists of a Network Access Channel which provides the facility from the customer designated premises to the serving wire center and the Channel Performance specific to the service selected which provides the defined transmission parameters and appropriate signaling provision.If applicable,the Transport Channels element provides for the interwire center facilities.This basic channel may then be enhanced by the selection of various Optional Features and Functions to augment the service. Information pertaining to the technical specifications and compatible channel interfaces are set forth in the Technical Publications listed under the Reference to Technical Publications,preceding 2.Channel Performance -(End-Link or Mid-Link Application) Each Voice Grade Service category is distinguished by different transmission parameters with associated signaling options where appropriate.For a detailed description of each category,see the associated technical reference. a.Voice Grade 1 (LB) VG1 is suitable for use as a basic two-point,nonswitched voice circuit where the higher transmission quality of other end link services is not required.The service extends from a Mid User-POT to an End User-POT. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMiTTAL NO.13-03-NID Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No.4 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secret ACCEPTED FOR FILl September 6,2013 Boise,Idaho MD-i 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC AOffice of the Secretg Private Line Transport CCEPTED FOR FILl Services Catalog No.4 SEcTIoN 4 September 6,2013 Page 8 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 __________________________ 4.CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.2 INFOSPAN SERVICE A.2.(Cont’d) b.Voice Grade 2 (LC) VG2 is suitable for use as a voice two-point or multipoint private line and switched special service circuit.This service will support effective two-wire or four-wire transmission and extends from an End User-POT or a Company Centrex switch to a Mid User-POT or from a Company hub to a POT. c.Voice Grade 3 (LD) VG3 is suitable for use as a two-point voice trunk-type circuit.This service will support effective two-wire or four-wire transmission and extends from an End User-POT or a Company Centrex switch to a Mid User-POT. d.Voice Grade 4 (LE)-See F.C.C.No.ii (T) e.Voice Grade 5 (LF) VG5 is suitable for use as a two-point or multi-point voice grade data alarm-type circuit.The service extends from an End User-POT to a Mid User-POT or from a Company hub to a POT. f.Voice Grade 6 (LG) VG6 is suitable for use as two-point or multi-point voice grade analog data circuits.The service extends from an End User-POT to a Mid User-POT or from a Company hub to a POT. g.Voice Grade 7 (LH) VG7 is suitable for use as a two-point switched or nonswitched data circuit.The service extends from an End User-POT or Company Centrex switch to a Mid User-POT h.Voice Grade 8 (U) VG8 is suitable for use as a two-point,effective four-wire voice grade trunk- type data circuit.The service extends from an End User-POT or a Company Centrex switch to a Mid User-POT. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED N THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-MD N ID-I 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the ecretçg Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILl Services Catalog No.4 SEcTIoN 4 September 6,2013 Page 9 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 ________________________ 4.CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.2 1NFOSPAN SERVICE A.2.(Cont’d) i.Voice Grade 9 (LK) VG9 is suitable for use as a two-point,two-way simultaneous voice grade data circuit.The service extends from a Mid User-POT to a Mid User-POT. j.Voice Grade 10 (LN)see F.C.C.No.11.(T) k.Voice Grade ii (LP)see F.C.C.No.11.(T) I.Voice Grade 12 (LR) VGI2 is provided for use as a two-point or multi-point specialized voice grade private line audio tone protective relaying circuit.The power protection equipment as defined in 4.2.2.A.4.k.,following,is required for provision of VG12 service.This service extends from the End User-POT to the Mid User- POT or from a Company hub to a POT. m.Voice Grade Custom (LQ) VG Custom is a custom voice grade channel allowing the customer to request an End-Link or Mid-Link voice grade type channel with parameters and/or features not provided by the standard voice grade channels. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-03-NID MD-i 3OO6 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED F ecretç Private Line Transport OR FILl Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 4 September 6,2013 Page 10 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 ________________________ 4.CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.2 INFOSPAN SERVICE A.Voice Grade Service (Cont’d) 3.Channel Performance -(End-to-End Application) Each Voice Grade Service category is distinguished by different transmission parameters with associated signaling options where appropriate.For a detailed description of each category,see the associated technical reference. a.Voice Grade 32 (UC) VG32 is suitable for use as a two-point or multipoint line-type circuit.The basic channel is modified with Channel Performance providing no signaling,ioop start,or automatic signaling.Data capability may be added to specific combinations of loop-start signaling circuits.The loop-start signaling option provides the additional capabilities of extending the signaling ranges and of offering repeated ringing for PBX station ports. b.Voice Grade 33 (UD) VG33 is suitable for use as a two-point trunk-type circuit.The basic channel is modified with Channel Performance providing no signaling,E&M or ground- start signaling.Data capability may be added to specific combinations of E&M or ground-start signaling circuits. c.Voice Grade 36 (UG) VG36 is suitable for use as a two-point or multipoint voice grade data (analog) circuit.All channels are provided with basic data transmission parameters modified by the appropriate Channel Performance.Additional conditioning parameters may be added to the basic Channel Performance.These conditioning parameters allow the selection of attenuation distortionlenvelope delay and intermodulation distortion as needed. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID ND-1 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILl Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 4 September 6,2013 Page 11 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 ________________________ 4.CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.2 INFOSPAN SERVICE A.3.(Cont’d) d.Voice Grade Basic (UZ) VGB is suitable for use as a voice grade transmission channel offered without signaling or performance enhancements.The channel is only provided on a two-point basis.A two-wire interface is available on an intrawire center basis and a four-wire interface is available on an intrawire or interwire center basis. e.Voice Grade Custom (UQ) VG Custom is a voice grade channel allowing the customer to request an End- to-End voice grade type channel with parameters and/or features not provided by the standard voice grade channels. 4.Optional Features and Functions a.Central Office Bridging Capability Provides the capability to connect three or more customer designated premises through a Company hub.Various types of central office bridges are available as defined in the following.The Company does not provide customer premises bridging. (1)Resistive Bridge For use on two-wire and four-wire voice grade services connected for voice or data communications. (2)Transfer Bridge A bridging arrangement that affords the customer an additional measure of flexibility in the use of their voice grade services.This bridge capability can be utilized to transfer Private Line Transport Services to another channel that terminates in either the same or a different customer designated premises.A key activated control service is required to operate the transfer bridge and will be rated as a Low-Speed Data channel as found in 4.2.2.C.2.a.,following. The key will be provided by the customer and located at their premises. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID MD-I 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC A of the Secret Private Line Transport CCEPTED FOR FILl Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 4 September 6,2013 Page 12 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 ________________________ 4.CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.2 INFOSPAN SERVICE A.4.a.(Cont’d) (3)Bridge Lifter A bridge capability that allows the connection of two stations to a single PBX or Centrex line. (4)Split Frequency Bridge An arrangement that provides for a four-wire (master station)split frequency bridge and multiple two-wire (remote station)ports.This application provides multipoint voice-frequency data or tone signaling arrangements.Two-way polling communication between the master station and each remote station is intended.Transmission between remote stations is not available.The frequency band between the master station and the remote stations is separate from the frequency band between the remote stations and the master station. The customer must designate these bands when ordering.The split-band bridging system can accommodate a maximum of 128 two-wire ports. (5)Passive Bridging (End-Link or Mid-Link Application only) An arrangement that provides for a two-wire (master station)common port and multiple two-wire (remote station)ports and is intended for data or tone signaling arrangements.Two-way polling communication between the master station and each remote station is intended.This service accommodates a maximum of ten-points. (6)Summation Bridging (End-Link or Mid-Link Application Only) An arrangement that provides for a two-wire (master station)common port and multiple two-wire (remote station)ports and is intended for data or tone signaling arrangements.One-way communication from each remote station to the master station is intended.The customer must insure that the combined power in the voice band of simultaneous data tones does not exceed -l3dBmO. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED TN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-MD ND-13-0O6 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secretg Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILl Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 4 September 6,2013 Page 13 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 ________________________ 4.CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.2 INFOSPAN SERVICE A.4.(ConCd) b.Conditioning Conditioning provides enhanced transmission characteristics to each applicable voice grade service.These options allow the customer to specify attenuation distortion,envelope delay distortion or intermodulation distortion.The conditioning option applies to each Network Access Channel. •End-Link or Mid-Link Application When appropriate,the customer may choose among C conditioning,D conditioning,improved attenuation distortion or improved envelope delay distortion. •End-to-End Application When appropriate,the customer may choose among Cl conditioning,C2 conditioning,C4 conditioning or Dl conditioning (two-point only). c.Sealing Current Sealing current is not provided as an option.Sealing current provides a milliampere (MA)current flow on dry metallic circuits to ensure continuity.If the Company determines sealing current is required on a circuit to provide normal service,it will be provided by the Company at no additional charge to the customer. d.Data Capability (End-to-End Application Only) Allows the customer to add data parameters to Voice Grade 32 and 33 services (i.e.,for alternate voice/data type use). NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID MD-i 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC A of the Secret Private Line Transport CCEPTED FOR FILl Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 4 September 6,2013 Page 14 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 _______________________ 4.CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.2 INFOSPAN SERVICE A.4.(Cont’d) e.Data Channel Terminating Equipment Data Channel Terminating Equipment (DCTE)is available for use on certain four-wire voice grade services.A customer powered DCTE unit is a standard provision whenever the customer specifies the DA interface code.The following options are available: •The first option provides data equalization with central office powered 2713 Hz tone activated loop back relay.This option assists in providing service continuity during commercial AC power outages. •The second option provides customer powered,customer selectable addressing and testing using a four digit DTMF (Dual Tone Multi-Frequency) code.The first three digits of this code select a unique station (up to 1000 different combinations)and the fourth digit selects one of three testing modes, which are:loop back,tone source or quiet termination.The customer may use the addressing and testing modes to sectionalize and terminate a station in trouble. f.Customer Specified Levels The customer may specify transmit and/or receive levels within ranges as delineated in the appropriate technical reference.This option applies to customer specified level(s)other than the recommended level(s)shown in the technical references. g.Effective Four-wire Transmission (End-Link or Mid-Link Applications only) This option allows the customer to specify,where applicable,that the Company provide a four-wire transmission path throughout the network up to the two-wire transmission interface.Equipment will be required at the customer’s premises to convert the four-wire channel to the two-wire transmission interface. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID NID-13OO6 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC AC of the Secret Private Line Transport CEPTED FOR FILl Services Catalog No.4 SECTIoN 4 September 6,2013 Page 15 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 ________________________ 4.CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DEsCRiPTIoNs 4.2.2 INFOSPAN SERVICE A.4.(Cont’d) h.Equal Level Echo Path Loss (ELEPL-2)(End-Link or Mid-Link Application only) This option is available on an effective two-wire transmission at the four-wire POT.It provides for more stringent control of echo return loss and singing return loss.In order for this option to apply,the transmission path must be four- wire at one POT and two-wire at the other POT. i.Improved Return Loss (End-Link or Mid-Link Application only) This option is available on effective two-wire transmission,at the two-wire POT.It provides more stringent echo control specifications.in order for this option to apply,the transmission path must be four-wire at one POT and two- wire at the other POT. j.Improved Termination (End-Link or Mid-Link Application only) Where applicable this option provides a matching 600 ohm impedance at a four- wire POT,an extended range of customer specified levels (-16 to +7 TLP),and simplex reversal.This option requires Company equipment be placed at the customer designated premises. k.Power Protection This is a mandatory feature for each customer premises location that terminates a Network Access Channel in an environment that is subject to hazardous power and voltages (1000 V peak-asymmetrical or greater)due to ground potential rise and/or induction during fault conditions (power stations,etc.).This option requires a review of each facility by the Company Protection Engineer and the placement of additional equipment (isolation equipment,mutual drainage reactors,etc.)as needed.This is necessary to ensure the protection of personnel, terminal equipment and cable facilities and to provide the most reliable service to the customer. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID MD-i 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILl Services Catalog No.4 SECTIoN 4 September 6,2013 Page 16 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 ________________________ 4.CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DEscRiPTioNs 4.2.2 INFOSPAN SERVICE A,4.(Cont’d) The following table shows the technical specifications packages with which the Optional Features and Functions are available. FEATURES & FUNCTIONS END-LINK OR MID-LINK END-TO-END C!1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 12 C 32 33 36 B CO Bridging Resistive Bridge x x x x x x x x Transfer Bridge x x x x x x x x x x x x x Bridge Lifter x x x x Split Frequency x x x x Passive x x Summation x x Conditioning CCond.x xxxxx lmp.ATTN.x xxxxx lmp.EDD.x xxxxx DCond.x x x Cl Cond.x x C2 Cond,x x C4 Cond.x x DlCond.I x x: Data Capability x x x Data Channel Terminating Equip.x x x x x Cust.Specified Levels x x x x x x x x x x x x x Effective 4-wire Transmission x x x x x x Equal Level Echo Path Loss (ELEPL-2)x x x x x x Improved Return Loss x x x x Improved Termination x x x x x x x x x x Power Protection x x x x x x x x x x x x x x NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO,13—03-NID N ID-I 3-006 NID2016-011 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 4 Page 17 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-16 Effective: 01-01-17 4. CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.2 INFOSPAN SERVICE SERVICE NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-11-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho NID2016-011 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 4 Page 18 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-16 Effective: 01-01-17 4. CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.2 INFOSPAN SERVICE NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE •–•– •–– •–– •–– •–– NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-11-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho NID2016-011 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 4 Page 19 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-16 Effective: 01-01-17 4. CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.2 INFOSPAN SERVICE NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE •••• •• • • ••••• NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-11-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho NID2016-011 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 4 Page 20 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-16 Effective: 01-01-17 4. CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.2 INFOSPAN SERVICE NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE •• •• •• •••• ••• NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-11-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2018-015 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 4 Page 21 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 4. ORDER MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4.3 FACILITIES PROTECTION - SPECIAL FACILITIES ROUTING 4.3.1 DESCRIPTION A. Diversity and Avoidance Options (Cont'd) Avoidance Geographical avoidance of a given point or wire center. B. Cable-Only Facilities Certain Voiceband services are provided on Cable-Only Facilities to meet the particular needs of a customer. Service is provided subject to the availability of Cable-Only Facilities. In the event of service failure, restoration will be made through the use of any available facilities as selected by the Company. 4.3.2 TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. Diversity and Avoidance are available on all Private Line Transport services and on the loop portion of certain Exchange Access services. Loop Diversity is available on Metro Optical Ethernet (MOE). Service is subject to availability of facilities. When facilities are not available Special Construction charges may be assessed. B. The rates and charges for Special Facilities Routing and Hot Standby Protection are in addition to all other rates and charges that may be applicable to the service provided with Special Facilities Routing and Hot Standby Protection. C. When a customer orders more than one Special Facilities Routing option, (e.g., Loop Diversity and Interoffice Diversity, or multipoint Loop Diversity, i.e. on more than one leg of a multipoint circuit), at the same time, for the same service, only one nonrecurring charge applies. This nonrecurring charge applies to both the primary and secondary route for each service or circuit. D. Rate Elements applicable for other services with Special Facilities Routing apply on both the Primary Route and the Secondary Route. Special Construction charges may be applicable with Loop Diversity when Secondary Routes are not available. E. The terms Primary and Secondary Route are not meant as a reference to quality or usage but are used to designate separate routing. F. At the request of the customer, information about the routing of services provided with Avoidance and/or Diversity can be provided. The rates and charges for the provision of this information will be assessed on an individual basis (ICB). (C) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-19-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-015 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog SECTION 4 Page 22 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 4. ORDER MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4.3 FACILITIES PROTECTION - SPECIAL FACILITIES ROUTING (Cont'd) 4.3.3 RATES AND CHARGES[1] The rates and charges for Loop and Interoffice Diversity, Avoidance, and Cable-Only Facilities, are specified following. Customers with one hundred terminations or more at a single location may request, Diversity and/or Avoidance under an Alternate Pricing Arrangement [2]. For Private Line Transport or Exchange Access services, monthly rates and nonrecurring charges for Loop and Interoffice Diversity apply on a per termination or per circuit basis. For Metro Optical Ethernet (MOE) monthly rates and nonrecurring charges for Loop Diversity apply per Access Link optioned with protection. Monthly rates and nonrecurring charges for Avoidance apply on a per service basis. NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE[3] RATE • Loop Diversity, per point of termination, or MOE Bandwidth Profile - Primary Route $50.00 $12.00 - Secondary Route 50.00 12.00 • Interoffice Diversity, per circuit - Primary Route 50.00 10.00 - Secondary Route 50.00 10.00 [1] The rates and charges specified are in addition to the rates and charges for the services using Diversity and Avoidance. [2] Monthly rates and nonrecurring charges will be developed on an individual case basis and specified in the Qwest Corporation Service Agreement between the Company and the customer. [3] Only one nonrecurring charge applies, per circuit or service, when more than one option is ordered for the same service, at the same time. (C) (T) (D) (D) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-19-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho NID2016-011 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 4 Page 23 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-16 Effective: 01-01-17 4. CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.2 INFOSPAN SERVICE NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE • • • • •– • NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-11-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho NID2016-011 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 4 Page 24 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-16 Effective: 01-01-17 4. CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.2 INFOSPAN SERVICE NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE • •– •– • • • • •– – NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-11-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho NID2016-011 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 4 Page 25 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-16 Effective: 01-01-17 4. CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.2 INFOSPAN SERVICE NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE • – • – –– NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-11-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho NID2016-011 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 4 Page 26 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-16 Effective: 01-01-17 4. CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.2 INFOSPAN SERVICE NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE • • •– •– NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-11-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC AOret) Private Line Transport C FILl Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 4 September 6,2013 Page 27 Boise Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 ________________________ 4.CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DEscRIPTIoNs 4.2.2 INFOSPAN SERVICE (Cont’d) B.Audio Program Service I.Basic Channel Description Audio Program (AP)channels are provided for the transmission of non-broadcast program signals on a two-point or multipoint basis.The channels are furnished on a monthly basis for closed circuit (non-broadcast)transmission of voice and/or music signals in one direction only. AP channels are provided between customer designated premises or between customer designated premises and a Company hub office.The service arrangement is limited to the AP service category and may not be combined with other Private Line Transport classes of service.The basic rate structure consists of the Network Access Channel,Channel Performance appropriate to the transmission level required and,if applicable,Transport Channels from the appropriate mileage band.Service for broadcast audio purposes may be found in F.C.C.No.11.(T) lnformation pertaining to the technical specifications and compatible channel interfaces are set forth in the Technical publications listed under the Reference to Technical Publications,preceding 2.Channel Performance (End-Link or Mid-Link Application) a.Audio Program 1 (PE) APi provides a channel with a nominal bandpass from 200 to 3500 Hz with an actual measured loss of 10 dB or less between POTs. b.Audio Program 2 (PF) AP2 provides a channel with a nominal bandpass from 100 to 5000 Hz with an actual measured loss of 32 dB or less between POTs. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID MD-i 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACEPT the ecretg Private Line Transport C ED FOR FILl Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 4 September 6,2013 Page 28 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 _______________________ 4.CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.2 INFOSPAN SERVICE B.2.(Cont’d) c.Audio Program 3 (PJ) AP3 provides a channel with a nominal bandpass from 50 to 8000 Hz with an actual measured loss of 32 dB or less between POTs. d.Audio Program Custom (PQ) A Custom audio program service may be requested on an individual case basis to meet specific customer needs not available with the AP standard Channel Performances. 3.Channel Performance (End-to-End Application) a.AP (UE)channels provide for audio program transmission in the nominal frequency bandwidths from 200 to 3,000 Hz,100 to 5,000 Hz or 50 to 8,000 Hz. The actual bandwidth is a function of the channel interface selected by the customer.The channels are provided on an equalized or non-equalized basis. b.A Custom audio program (UP)service may be requested on an individual case basis to meet specific customer needs not available with the AP standard Channel Performances. 4.Optional Features and Functions a.Central Office Bridging Capability Central Office bridging (distribution amplifier)is offered for connection of multiple Network Access Channels of three or more. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID ND-1 3-006 NID2016-011 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 4 Page 29 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-16 Effective: 01-01-17 4. CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.2 INFOSPAN SERVICE SERVICE NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-11-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho NID2016-011 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 4 Page 30 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-16 Effective: 01-01-17 4. CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.2 INFOSPAN SERVICE NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE •– •–– •–– •–– •–– NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-11-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho NID2016-011 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 4 Page 31 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-16 Effective: 01-01-17 4. CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.2 INFOSPAN SERVICE NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE •–– •–– •–– •–– NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-11-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho NID2016-011 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 4 Page 32 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-16 Effective: 01-01-17 4. CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.2 INFOSPAN SERVICE NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE •–– •–– •–– •–– •••• NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-11-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho NID2016-011 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 4 Page 33 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-16 Effective: 01-01-17 4. CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.2 INFOSPAN SERVICE NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE ••••••• • •–•– NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-11-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC of the Secret) Private Line Transport CCEPTED FOR FILl Services Catalog No.4 SEcTIoN 4 September 6,2013 Page 34 Boise,Ida ho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 4.CHANNELS 4.2 SERViCE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.2 INFOSPAN SERVICE (Cont’d) C.Low-Speed Data Service 1.Basic Channel Description Low-Speed Data Service channels are furnished,at speeds no greater than 150 baud,to connect a customer designated premises to a Company serving wire center or to connect between two or more customer designated premises.The basic rate structure consists of the Network Access Channel,the appropriate Channel Performance and,if applicable,Transport Channels providing the interwire center facilities.If the standard service packages are not adequate for a specific customer requirement,the Low-Speed Data Customized offering may be requested on an individual case basis. Information pertaining to the technical specifications and compatible channel interfaces are set forth in the Technical Publications listed under the Reference to Technical Pub!ications,preceding 2.Channel Performance -(End-Link or Mid-Link Application) The specific Channel Performance packages define the transmission parameters provided for each application.Facilities will be provided by metallic or nonmetallic means at the Company’s option.The Channel Performances are defined below. a,LS-l (NT) The LS-l channel is capable of providing a two point circuit for control of a transfer bridge or a relay or a similar contact closure function at data speeds no greater than 30 baud.This function can be provided between two customer designated premises or a customer designated premises and a Company serving wire center. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID ND-1 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC A the Secret Private Line Transport PTED FOR FILl Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 4 September 6,2013 Page 35 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 __________________________ 4.CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.2 INFOSPAN SERVICE C.2.(Cont’d) b.LS-2 (NU) The LS-2 channel is capable of furnishing alarm signaling (McCulloh format) which may connect a maximum 26 points from three serving wire centers (one wire center for the master station and up to two more for the remote stations). The number of remote stations may be further limited by the Company to less than 25 to the extent necessary to allow the circuit to function properly. The receiver at the customer’s master station and the transmitters at the customer’s remote stations are provided by the customer.The Company will provide an energized channel from the serving wire center to each remote station.Master and remote stations will be connected by two-wire facilities to the Company central office bridging equipment in a series configuration. c.TG-1(NW) The TG-1 channel is capable of transmitting binary data signals at rates up to 75 Baud.Data may be transmitted either two-way nonsimultaneous (half duplex) or two-way simultaneous (duplex)at the customer’s option.This channel is provided between customer designated premises or between customer designated premises and a Company hub.The service is available on a two- point or multipoint basis. d.TG-2(NY) The TG-2 channel is capable of transmitting binary data signals at rates up to 150 Baud.Data may be transmitted either two-way nonsimultaneous (half duplex)or two-way simultaneous (duplex)at the customer’s option.This channel is provided between customer designated premises or between customer designated premises and a Company hub.The service is available on a two- point or multipoint basis. e.Low-Speed Data -Custom (MQ) A Custom Low-Speed Data channel may be provided upon request for an End- Link or Mid-Link Application when parameters and/or features are not provided by the standard Low-Speed Data channels. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NED MD-i 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC AEPT the Secret Private Line Transport CC ED FOR FILl Services Catalog No.4 SEcTIoN 4 September 6,2013 Page 36 i Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 4.CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DEscRIPTioNs 4.2.2 INFOSPAN SERVICE C.Low-Speed Data Service (Cont’d) 3.Channel Performance -(End-to-End Application) a.Low-Speed Data -31 (UY) The LS-3 I category provides for data transfer at speeds within the range of 0 to 150 baud.The channel is further defined by speed into the following functions: 0-30 baud channels provide: -Two-point,two-state current interfaces (mark/space).May be used for key control circuits or remote status monitoring. -Multipoint,three-state current interfaces (loop closure/openlground). Intended for use in 1cCulloh Alarm-type applications. -DC channel (metallic channel)current or voltage interfaces on a two-wire basis.Available only on an intra-wire center basis where,at the Company’s option,facilities and operations permit.This two-point or multipoint service is intended for applications where DC continuity is required.Service in place as of January 1,1988 on an interwire center basis will be grandfathered in place. •0-75 baud channels provide current interfaces (mark/space).The service is available on a two-point or multipoint basis and is intended for telegraph grade applications. •0-150 baud channels provide EIA RS 232 interfaces (mark/space),The service is available on a two-point or multipoint basis and is intended for telegraph grade applications. b.Low-Speed Data Custom (UN) This category allows the customer to request an End-to-End Low-Speed Data (<300 baud)channel with parameters and/or features not available in the standard channel. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.I 3-03-NID ND-1 3OO6 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED Secret Private Line Transport FO FIL Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 4 September 6,2013 Page 37 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 _______________________ 4.CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.2 INFOSPAN SERVICE C.Low-Speed Data Service (Cont’d) 4.Optional Features and Functions a.Central Office Bridging Capability •McCulloh Bridging is available to allow the connection of up to 26 customer premises.This bridging is only available with McCulloh Alarm-type service. •Telegraph Bridging is available to allow the connection of three or more customer designated premises. •Direct Bridging is available to connect three or more customer designated premises on the DC Channel. b.Power Protection This is a mandatory feature for each customer premises location that terminates a Network Access Channel in an environment that is subject to hazardous power and voltages (1000 V peak -asymmetrical or greater)due to ground potential rise and/or induction during fault conditions (power stations,etc.).This option requires a review of each facility by the Company Protection Engineer and the placement of additional equipment (isolation equipment,mutual drainage reactors,etc.)as needed.This is necessary to ensure the protection of personnel, terminal equipment and cable facilities and to provide the most reliable service to the customer. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMiTTAL NO.13-03-NID MD-i 3-006 NID2016-011 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 4 Page 38 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-16 Effective: 01-01-17 4. CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.2 INFOSPAN SERVICE SERVICE NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-11-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho NID2016-011 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 4 Page 39 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-16 Effective: 01-01-17 4. CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.2 INFOSPAN SERVICE NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE •–•– •– •–– •–– •–– ••••• NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-11-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho NID2016-011 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 4 Page 40 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-16 Effective: 01-01-17 4. CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.2 INFOSPAN SERVICE NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE • • •– • • NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-11-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho NID2016-011 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 4 Page 41 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-16 Effective: 01-01-17 4. CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.2 INFOSPAN SERVICE NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE • • •–– • •– •– NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-11-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED FPrivateLineTransport0 FILl Services Catalog No.4 SEcTIoN 4 September 6,2013 Page 42 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 ________________________ 4.CHANNELS 4.2 SERViCE DESCRIPTIONS (Cont’d) 4.2.3 MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES A.Restoration Priority Change Upon receipt of certification in conformance with Part 64,Subpart D,Appendix A of the Federal Communications Commission’s Rules and Regulations which specifies the priority system for restoration of Private Line Transport Services,the Company will change the priority designation of Private Line Transport Services. The Restoration Priority Change charge applies when the customer requests a change in the restoration priority after the service has been established or after the service has been ordered,but prior to start of service.No charge applies when the restoration priority certification is provided with the order to establish the service. NONRECURRiNG CHARGE •Each Private Line Transport Service $73.00 B.Maintenance of Service Charge The customer shall be responsible for the payment of all Company charges for visits by the Company to the customer’s premises in response to a trouble report when the service difficulty results from equipment or facilities provided by the customer. No credit allowance will be applicable for the interruption involved if the Maintenance of Service Charge applies. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID ND-1 3-006 NID2016-011 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 4 Page 43 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-16 Effective: 01-01-17 4. CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.3 MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES NONRECURRING CHARGE • • • NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-11-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho NID2016-011 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 4 Page 44 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-16 Effective: 01-01-17 4. CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.3 MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES (Cont'd) NONRECURRING CHARGE • • NONRECURRING CHARGE • NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-11-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho NID2016-011 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 4 Page 45 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-16 Effective: 01-01-17 4. CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.3 MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES (Cont'd) NONRECURRING CHARGE • NONRECURRING CHARGE • NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-11-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho NID2016-011 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 4 Page 46 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-16 Effective: 01-01-17 4. CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.3 MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES (Cont'd) NONRECURRING CHARGE • • NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-11-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho NID2016-011 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 4 Page 47 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-16 Effective: 01-01-17 4. CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.3 MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES (Cont'd) NONRECURRING CHARGE • • NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-11-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho NID2016-011 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 4 Page 48 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-16 Effective: 01-01-17 4. CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.3 MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES NONRECURRING CHARGE • – • – • – NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-11-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho NID2016-011 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 4 Page 49 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-16 Effective: 01-01-17 4. CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.3 MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES NONRECURRING CHARGE • • • NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-11-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho NID2016-011 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 4 Page 50 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-16 Effective: 01-01-17 4. CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.3 MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES (Cont'd) NONRECURRING CHARGE • • • NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-11-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho NID2016-011 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 4 Page 51 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-16 Effective: 01-01-17 4. CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.3 MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES NONRECURRING CHARGE • • • NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-11-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED F Secret Private Line Transport OR FILl Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 4 September 6,2013 Page 52 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 ________________________ 4.CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.3 MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES (Cont’d) K.Facilities Protection-Special Facilities Routing[I] The rates and charges for Loop and Interoffice Diversity,and Avoidance,are specified following.Customers with one hundred terminations or more at a single location may request Diversity and/or Avoidance under an Alternate Pricing Arrangement. Monthly rates and nonrecurring charges for Loop and Interoffice Diversity apply on a per termination or per circuit basis. Monthly rates and nonrecurring charges for Avoidance apply on a per service basis. [1]The rates and charges specified are in addition to the rates and charges for the services using Diversity and Avoidance. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID MD-i 3-006 NID2016-011 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 4 Page 53 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-16 Effective: 01-01-17 4. CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.3 MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE[1] RATE • • • • NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-11-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho NID2016-011 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No. 4 SECTION 4 Page 54 NORTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-16 Effective: 01-01-17 4. CHANNELS 4.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 4.2.3 MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES (Cont'd) NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE • NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-11-NID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Private Line Transport Services Catalog No.4 SEcTIoN 104 Index Page 1 Release 2 Effective:9-6-13 104.OBSOLETE SERVICES SUBJECT General DJGICOM Service Service Descriptions PAGE 1 NOTICE THE INFORMATiON CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID ND201 3-006 NORTHERN IDAHO Issued:8-27-13 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secret ACCEPTED FOR FILl September 6,2013 Boise,Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC ACCEPTED FPrivateLineTransport 0 FILl Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 104 September 6,2013 Page 1 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 _______________________ 104.OBSOLETE SERVICES 104.1 GENERAL Obsolete Services are certain items of service and equipment previously offered elsewhere.They will not be furnished as new items of service to any customer or applicant except where they are required to fully utilize the installed common equipment capacities of existing systems. At the discretion of the Company,the items of service and equipment listed herein which were furnished prior to the date such items became obsolete, hereunder,may be continued in service only if they remain on the same premises for the same customer,and the Company is able to maintain such items without unreasonable expense and is able to obtain repair parts from existing or recovered stock. 104.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 104.2.1 DIGICOM SERVICE This service will no longer be made available as of June 1,2002.Customers who currently have this service will be required to select an alternate service. A.DIGICOM Basic Service[lj 1.Basic Channel Description This service provides a channel for the transmission of subrate digital data on an intra-wire center basis only.The channel is provided using nonloaded metallic facilities,where available,without transmission enhancements.The basic rate structure consists of the Network Access Channel and the Channel Performance. Information pertaining to the technical specifications and compatible channel interfaces are set forth in the Technical Publications listed under the Reference to Technical Publications,preceding. [1]Grandfathered to existing customers as of June 1,1997. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMiTTAL NO.13-03-NID ND2O1 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secret Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILl Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 104 September 6,2013 Page 2 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 ________________________ 104.OBSOLETE SERVICES 104.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 104.2.1 DIGICOM SERVICE A.DIGICOM Basic Service (Cont’d) 2,Channel Performance (End-Link or Mid-Link Application) Not applicable 3.Channel Performance (End-to-End Application) DIGICOM Basic (US)is suitable for use as Local Area Data Service (LADS)if the customer determines that the assigned facilities are within the limits of their equipment. It is the responsibility of the customer to isolate trouble in their equipment from trouble in the Network.The removal of load coils to provide this service is not included in the basic charge of this channel. 4.Rates CLASS OF SERVICE SERVICE End-to-End Application Two-wire LDC2N Four-wire LDC4N NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID ND2O1 3-006 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturvLink QC Office of the Secret Private Line Transport ACCEPTED FOR FILl Services Catalog No.4 SECTION 104:September 6,2013 Page 3 Boise,Idaho NORTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued:8-27-13 Effective:9-6-13 104.OBSOLETE SERVIcEs 104.2 SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 104.2.1 DIGICOM SERVICE A.4.(Cont’d) NONRECURRING MONTHLY USOC CHARGE RATE a.Network Access Channel •Two-wire IDC2X $12.25 •Four-wire 1DC4X 24.50 b.Channel Performance (End-Link or Mid-Link Application)[1]Ni’A c.Channel Performance (End-to-End Application) •DIGICOM Basic PCWXX 1.60 d.Service Provisioning Charge •Initial SCH $254.00 •Subsequent[2]SCHAX 201.00 [1]Not applicable. [2]Applicable to additional circuits installed at the same time and location as delineated in 3.1 .2.A.,preceding. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.13-03-NID NID2O1 3-006