HomeMy WebLinkAboutPay Tel Communications Inc.pdfPay- Tel Communications, Inc.Tariff No. 1 Original Page 1 IDAHO INMATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES TITLE SHEET IDAHO INMATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS TARIFF This tariff contains the descriptions, regulations, and rates applicable to the furnishing of inmate telecommunications services provided by Pay-Tel Communications, Inc., with the principal offices at 4230 Beechwood Drive, Greensboro, N.C. 27410. This tariff applies to services furnished within the state of Idaho. This tariff is on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and may be inspected during normal business hours at the Company s principal place of business. A copy may also be obtained by visiting the Company s website www.payte1.com, or by writing the Company. Issued: June 12 2009 By:John Vincent Townsend, President Pay-Tel Communications, Inc. O. Box 8179 Greensboro, NC 27419 866-729-8352 ext. 178 president~pavtel.com Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 2 32009 Boise, Idaho - .'. - -- ---------- Pay-Tel Communications, Inc.Tariff No. 1 Original Page 2 IDAHO INMATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES CHECK SHEET SHEETS 1 THROUGH 28, INCLUSIVE OF THIS TARIFF ARE EFFECTIVE AS OF THE DATES SHOWN AT THE BOTTOM OF THE RESPECTIVE SHEET(S). ORIGINAL AND REVISED SHEETS AS NAMED BELOW COMPRISE ALL CHANGES FROM THE ORIGINAL TARIFF AND ARE CURRENTLY IN EFFECT AS OF THE DATE ON THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE. Sheet Revision Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Issued: June 12, 2009 By:John Vincent Townsend, President Pay-Tel Communications, Inc. O. Box 8179 Greensboro, NC 27419 866- 729-8352 ext. 178 president~paytel.com Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING J UN 2 3 2009 Boise, Idaho -- ---------- - ----------- ------ - - - - ---------- Pay-Tel Communications, Inc.Tariff No. 1 Original Page 3 IDAHO INMATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page...... ... ............... ... ......... ............ ............ ............... Check Sheet...... ...... ......... ............... ... ...... ...... ...... ............ .... 2 Table of Contents....................................... ............................ Explanation of Symbols................................... ......................... Section I-Defmitions.............................................................. 5 Section 2 - Rules and Regulations... ... ...... ... ...... ...... ... ...... ...... ....... Section 3 - Description of Services. . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . .. . .. . . . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. 16 Section4-Rates and Charges.............................................. ........ Issued: June 12, 2009 By: Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 2 32009 John Vincent Townsend, President Pay-Tel Communications, Inc. O. Box 8179 Greensboro, NC 27419 866- 729-8352 ext. 178 president~paytel.com ====-------------------------------------- - -' - .. ... I Boise, Idaho -------- -- - -- --- ------------------------- ------- - -- -- -- - ----------------------- ------------------------ -------- Pay- Tel Communications, Inc.Tariff No. 1 Original Page 4 IDAHO INMATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS Page Numbering - Page numbers appear in the upper right hand comer of the page. Pages are numbered sequentially. From time to time new pages may be added to the tariff. When a new page is added between existing pages a decimal is added to the preceding page number. For example, a new page added between pages 2 and 3 would be numbered 2. Explanation of Symbols - When changes are made in any tariff sheet, a revised sheet will be issued cancelling the tariff sheet affected. Changes will be identified on the revised page(s) through the use of the following symbols: To signify changed regulation To signify discounted rate or regulation To signify increased rate To signify new rate or regulation To signify reduced rates To signify reissued matter To signify a change in text but no change in rate or regulation To signify matter relocated without change To signify a correction Change in text or regulation Issued: June 12 2009 By:Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 2 32009 John Vincent Townsend, President Pay-Tel Communications, Inc. O. Box 8179 Greensboro, NC 27419 866- 729-8352 ext. 178 president~paytel.com Boise, Idaho ----- - - --- --- -- ---- ------ - - - - - - - - --------- --- -- ---- -- -------- -- - - - -- - - -- -- -- -------- --- -- - -- -- - - - - - -- -- - ----- ----- ---------- - - - - - ---- -- -- - -- - -------- ---- ---- --- ---- Pay-Tel Communications, Inc.Tariff No. 1 Original Page 5 IDAHO INMATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION DEFINITIONS Access Line - An arrangement ITom a local exchange telephone company or other common carrier which connects an inmate telephone to a switching center. Alternative Local Telephone Service Providers - Carriers such as CLEC, VOIP, or Wireless Carriers that do not provide billing and collection agreements for other carriers. When the Customer chooses to use an Alternative Local Telephone Service Provider, the Company will assist the Customer in establishing billing arrangements through Company Direct Bill or Prepaid Account Programs with multiple payment options through the Company or Third Party Payment Processors. Automated Call Processing System - Equipment that automates the placement of collect calls, including recordation of billing information. Automated Collect Inmate Telecommunications Services - Calls whereby an inmate in a Confinement Facility dials the called number and the call is billed to the called number (collect call) and where call placement and recording of billing information is performed without the assistance of a live operator. Billed Party - The individual who accepts a collect call, is billed for the call, and responsible for the payment of the applicable charges. Billing Limit - A dollar value of accepted collect call charges beyond which is deemed to be an at-risk collection. Billing Service Company - A Company with billing and collection agreements with Local Exchange Carriers. Called Party - The individual who receives an inmate collect call who can either accept or refuse the call. Called Station - The terminating point of a call (i., the called number). Calling Station - The originating point of a call (i., the calling number). Client - The Confmement Facility Administration or the government entity with which the Company has contracted to provide service. Collect Call - a Billing arrangement whereby the charge for a call may be billed to the called station, provided the called station accepts responsibility for such calls. Issued: June 12 2009 By:John Vincent Townsend, President Pay-Tel Communications, Inc. O. Box 8179 Greensboro, NC 27419 866- 729-8352 ext. 178 president~paytel.com Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 2 32009 Boise, Idaho - - ---------- - - - - - - ------ ---- ---- ---- - - - --- 0.. .. . -------- -- -- -- - - -- ---------------------- ------------ -- ---------------- ----- - -- ---- - --------- -------- -- ------------ -- - - - - - ---------- ------------ - - - --------------- Pay-Tel Communications, Inc.Tariff No. 1 Original Page 6 IDAHO INMATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION I DEFINITIONS (continued) Commission - Idaho Public Utilities Commission Common Carrier - A company or entity providing telecommunications services to the public and subject to the jurisdiction of the Idaho Public Service Commission. Company - Pay-Tel Communications, Inc. Completion of a Collect Call - A call is completed when the call is accepted at the call station. Confmement Facilitv - A local, state, or federal facility that has authorized the Company to provide inmate telecommunications services. Customer - The person or legal entity that enters into payment arrangements with the Company for telecommunications services to send or receive calls. Debit Calls - A service where the inmate may place calls using funds transferred ITom the Inmate s Trust Account. Direct Bill Customer Program - A program available to those Customers whose calls cannot be billed through their Local Exchange Carrier or provided to those Customers who accrue a threshold amount of charges. An account is established with the Company by a Customer who completes a credit application and receives a satisfactory credit score. A credit limit is established and calls are billed by the Company directly to the Customer each week. Family Connection Calling Plan - A plan available for Customers who open a prepaid account with the Company. The plan provides a discount on every call depending on the amount of the payment made by the Customer. Fixed Service Charge - A fee, in addition to the underlying local call rate or long distance measured charge, for providing services when using the inmate telephone. Incomplete Call - Any call where transmission between the calling and called station is not established (e., busy, no answer, billing refused, etc. Inmate - The individual who uses the Company s telephones and the Company s services to place a call. An inmate may, pursuant to the Prepaid Calling Cards and/or Debit Calling through Confmement Facility Commissary offerings described herein, be a Customer of the Company. Inmate Telephone - A coinless telephone instrument conforming with Idaho Public Utilities Commission Orders and Regulations governing such equipment. Issued: June 12 2009 By:John Vincent Townsend, President Pay-Tel Communications, Inc. O. Box 8179 Greensboro, NC 27419 866- 729-8352 ext. 178 president~pavtel.com Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING : . JUN 2 32009 Boise, Idaho ... c- . ------------------ ------- -- ------ ---- - - -- - -- -- -- - - -- - - -- --- --- ---- ------- --------- -- ----- - -- --------- -- ---------------- -- --------------- ---------- - - ------------- Pay-Tel Communications, Inc.Tariff No. 1 Original Page 7 IDAHO INMATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 1 DEFINITIONS (continued) Inmate Trust Account - An Inmate Trust Account is an account established by the Facility where all funds belonging to an Inmate are placed and maintained. Interexchange Carrier (IX C) - a company which furnishes inter exchange telephone service. Local Call - a call originated and terminated within a single exchange or extended service area. Local Exchange Carrier ("LEe")- A certified telecommunications company that provides local exchange service to customers in the State ofIdaho. Measured Charge - A distance-sensitive charge assessed on a per-minute basis in calculating a portion of the charge due for a completed call. MoneyGram Payment Processing Fee - An un discountable fee charged to a Customer by MoneyGram each time the Customer chooses to make a cash payment through MoneyGram for an account with the Company. Phone Payment Processing Fee - An undiscountable fee charged to a Customer by the Third Party Phone Payment Processor when the Customer chooses to make a payment using credit card, check/debit card or check over the phone for an account with the Company. Prepaid Customer Account Program - A program available to those Customers whose calls cannot be billed through their Alternative Local Telephone Service Provider or provided to those Customers who accrue a threshold amount of charges billed through their Local Exchange Carrier. An account is established with the Company by a Customer with an initial payment of $25 or more. Charges for service provided by the Company are deducted on a per minute or per call real time basis ITom the Customer s account. Prepaid Card - A card issued by the Company which provides an inmate with a Prepaid Account, an Authorization Code, and instructions for accessing the Company s network. An inmate purchases the prepaid card usage on a set prepaid basis ITom the Confinement Facility. Usage charges for Prepaid Card calls are deducted ITom the Prepaid Card on a real-time basis. Following release ITom a Confmement Facility, a Company Prepaid Card can be used to place additional prepaid calls until available funds are used or a refund can be requested by sending the card to the Company at the address printed on the card. Regulatory Cost Recovery Fee - A charge, applied to a Billed Party's bill during each billing period calls are billed, to recover costs associated with the Company s administration, billing, collection and remittance of various govemment- mandated fees, surcharges and other amounts associated with the provision of services by the Company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Issued: June 12 2009 By:John Vincent Townsend, President Pay- Tel Communications, Inc. O. Box 8179 Greensboro, NC 27419 866- 729-8352 ext. 178 president~paytel.com Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiliNG JUN 2 32009 Boise, Idaho -- ------- --- ----------- ---------- -- - - -- ------------------------ --------------------------------- ---- - ------- --------------------------------- -------- ----- Pay-Tel Communications, Inc.Tariff No. 1 Original Page 8 IDAHO INMATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 1 DEFINITIONS (continued) Third Party Payment Processors - The Company has established multiple payment options for Customers who choose to open an account directly with the Company. These payment options are provided by Third Party Service Providers that charge an undiscountable fee to the Customer for processing Customer payments. The Company has negotiated the lowest possible fee with each of these Third Party Payment Processors, and receives no revenue in connection with any such fee. This fee is added to the Customer s payment amount by the Third Party Payment Processor, collected when the Customer makes payment, and paid to the Third Party Payment Processor. These Third Party Payment Processors are Western Union Prepaid Services, MoneyGram, a Phone Payment Processor, and a Web site Online Payment Processor. Toll Call - A call originating in one exchange and terminating in another that is not part of the exchange and is not a part of any extended area service arrangement. These calls can be either intraLA T A or inter LA T long distance calls. Web site Online Payment Processing Fee - An undiscountable fee charged to a Customer by the third party Website Online Payment Processor when the Customer chooses to make a payment online using a credit card, check/debit card or check for an account with the Company. Western Union Prepaid Service Pavment Processing Fee - An undiscountable fee charged to a Customer each time the Customer chooses to make a cash payment through Western Union for an account with the Company. Issued: June 12 2009 By:John Vincent Townsend, President Pay-Tel Communications, Inc. O. Box 8179 Greensboro, NC 27419 866- 729-8352 ext. 178 president~paytel.com Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 2 32009 Boise. Idaho Pay-Tel Communications, Inc.Tariff No. 1 Original Page 9 IDAHO INMATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Undertaking of the Company The Company s inmate telephone services are furnished for communications originating in Confmement Facilities within the State ofIdaho. The Company installs, operates and maintains the communications services provided hereunder in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth under this Tariff. The Company furnishes its inmate telephone services for the benefit ofInmates housed in local, county, and state Confmement Facilities as well as for the benefit of the people Inmates call. The Company s services are available twenty-four hours per day, seven days a week, subject to the rules oftheConfmement Facility. 2.2 Limitations 2.2.Service is offered subject to the provisions of this tariff. 2.2 The Company reserves the right to discontinue furnishing service, or limit the use of service necessitated by conditions beyond its control or when a Customer, Calling Party, Called Party, Inmate or other person is attempting to steal service or is using service in violation of the law, the rules of the particular Confmement Facility or the provisions of this Tariff. The Company may prosecute those who use its services in violation of the law. The Company may refuse, restrict, or interrupt service to Customers due to insufficient billing information, invalid telephone numbers, invalid commercial credit card numbers, refusal of a called party to accept responsibility for payment, or other circumstances which may prevent the Company ITom collecting the charges due. The Company may refuse or otherwise restrict the use of some or all billing methods for calling to or ITom certain parts of the United States or in circumstances where the Company reasonably believes such restrictions are necessary to prevent ITaud and uncollectibles. All equipment located onsite in the Confinement Facility or at the Company operations centers, and necessary to provide services is owned and operated by the Company. Service is restricted to permit placement of outward only automated collect, prepaid, or debit calls to locations within the United States and Confmement Facility-requested foreign countries. All other call- types including direct dial, sent paid and calls charged to calling cards or third numbers are prohibited (other than as specifically set out herein). Issued: June 12 2009 Effective: By:John Vincent Townsend, President Pay-Tel Communications, Inc. O. Box 8179 Greensboro, NC 27419 866- 729-8352 ext. 178 resident((1),p el.com Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 2 32009 Boise, Idaho " ; Pay-Tel Communications, Inc.Original Page 10 IDAHO INMATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 2 RULES AND REGULATIONS (continued) Use of the Company s service is subject to any conditions or limitations imposed by Confmement Facilities. The Company may restrict or refuse service to any Inmate at the request of the Confmement Facility, and/or prohibit inmate access to certain telephone numbers as specified by the Confmement Facility. Service may be limited at the discretion of the Confmement Facility. 2.2.3 Calls to Company numbers and other numbers stipulated by Confmement Facility authorities will be blocked in the interest of public safety and to avoid harassment. 2.4 Calls dialed 10XXX+0, 950 911 900 976, 700, 411 and other information calls are blocked. A copy ofthe current local directory shall be available upon request by Confmement Facility authorities for inmate use. 2.2.The Company will also block calls in the following circumstances, subject to provisions of this Tariff that provide Customers with alternative means for connecting calls: A. When the Customer s Local Exchange Carrier or Alternative Local Telephone Service Provider does not provide billing for collect calls; B. When the telephone number in question lacks sufficient billing history or billing information; C. When the Local Exchange Carrier identifies multiple lines at a particular address; D. When the Local Exchange Carrier has a collect call block on the line; E. When the amount of collect calls received by a particular phone number has reached the billing limits established with the Customer s or Billed Party's Local Exchange Carrier based on that carrier s uncollectible revenue history; F. When a Prepaid Customer s account balance lacks available funds; G. When a Customer s Direct Bill account balance is over the established credit limit. When a Customer with one of the above circumstances receives a call ITom an inmate, the call will be connected and a one-minute courtesy call will be provided to the Customer. The Customer will be instructed to call the Company s 1-800 customer service number where they will be told why their number is blocked and they will be given an opportunity to open a Company account twenty- four hours a day, seven days a week. Issued: June 12, 2009 By:John Vincent Townsend, President Pay-Tel Communications, Inc. O. Box 8179 Greensboro, NC 27419 866-729-8352 ext. 178 president~paytel.com Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 2 32009 Boise, Idaho -------- --- --- - - - -- - - -- - -- ---- ---- -- ---- --- - -- - - -- -- ----- - - - - - -- -- - - ------------------- - - - - - -- -------- ---- ---- --- -- -- - - ------------- ----- ------ -------- ----- --- - --- Pay-Tel Communications, Inc.Tariff No. 1 Original Page 11 IDAHO INMATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES 2.2. 2.3 SECTION 2 RULES AND REGULATIONS (continued) The Company will also block calls in the following circumstances and will not provide alternative means for connecting calls: A. When the Confmement Facility has placed a block on the phone number; B. When the Customer or telephone subscriber has requested a block on their phone number; C. When a Local Exchange Carrier notifies the Company that the subscriber owes past due Company charges to the Local Exchange Carrier; D. When a Customer account is in "collection status , i.e. NSF check, invalid check ITaudulent credit card payment, etc. Maximum call duration is limited to any maximum duration specified by the Confinement Facility, but otherwise is not limited to less than ten minutes. Liability of the Companv The Company s liability for damages arising out of mistakes, interruptions, omissions delays, errors or defects in the transmission occurring in the course of furnishing service and not caused by the negligence of its employees or its agents, in no event shall exceed the amount equal to the charge to the customer or called party for the period during which the aforementioned faults in the transmission occur. In no event will the Company be liable for consequential damages ITom any such interruptions of service. The Company is not liable for damages to a Confinement Facility resulting ITom the furnishing of service including the installation and removal of equipment and associated wiring, unless the damage is caused by the Company s negligence. In addition, the Company shall not be responsible for interruptions of service resulting ITom the following: 1) when the parties stop talking without hanging up; 2) attempts to make a 3-way call; 3) attempts to answer Call Waiting; 4) attempts to put a call on hold; 5) attempts to transfer a call; 6) use of a cordless phone; and/or 7) use of a cell phone. Issued: June 12, 2009 By:John Vincent Townsend, President Pay-Tel Communications, Inc. O. Box 8179 Greensboro, NC 27419 866-729-8352 ext. 178 president~paytel.com Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING J U N 2 3 2009 Boise, Idaho ================================================================================== =============== . Pay-Tel Communications, Inc.Tariff No. 1 Original Page 12 IDAHO INMATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 2 RULES AND REGULATIONS (continued) 2.3.The Company shall not be liable for and shall be indeIIU1ified and held harmless by . Customers, Calling Parties, Inmates andlor Called Parties against: A. Claims for libel, slander, or infringement or copyright arising out of the material, data, information, or other content transmitted over the Company's facilities. B. All loss, claims, demands, suits, or other action, or any liability whatsoever, whether suffered, made, instituted or assessed by Customer, Calling Party, Called Party, Inmate or any other party or person , or for any destruction of any property, whether owned by a Customer or others, caused by or claimed to have been caused directly or indirectly by the installation, operation, failure to operate, maintenance, removal, condition, location or use of facilities or equipment provided by the Company which is not the direct result of the Company's negligence. No agents or employees of other earners or companies shall be deemed to be agents or employees of the Company without written authorization. C. All other claims arising out of any act 01' omission of the Customer, Called Party, Calling Party, or any other person in connection with any service or facility provided by the Company. D. Violations of the provisions of this Tariff. 2.3.The included tariff language does not constitute a determination by the Commission that a limitation of liability imposed by the Company should be upheld in a court of law. Acceptance for filing by the Commission recognizes that it is a courts responsibility to adjudicate negligence and consequential damage claims. It is also the courts responsibility to determine the validity oftheexculpatory clause. 2.4 Taxes and Fees All state and local taxes and any fee imposed by a governmental entity (e.g. sales tax, municipal utilities tax, telecommunications business license tax, USF assessment) are listed as separate line items and are not included in the rates and charges specified in Section 4. 2.4.Universal Service Fees The Universal service Fees ('lJSF') on your phone bill are regulated by federal and state law. The USF is based on a specific percentage of the cost of the calls set by the federal government for interstate calls and set by state government for intra-state calls. == =--==--===== == = == = === ================= ========= ================= == ======= === Issued: June 12 2009 By:John Vincent Townsend, President Pay-Tel Communications, Inc. O. Box 8179 Greensboro, NC 27419 866-729-8352 ext. 178 president~paytel.com Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 2 3'ZO09 Boise, Idaho ==---==--==========--=========----============================= -- - ------ - --------- - - ------ --- Pay-Tel Communications, Inc.Tariff No. 1 Original Page 13 IDAHO INMATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 2 RULES AND REGULATIONS (continued) 2.5 Payment for Service Disputed Charges Charges billed directly by the Company are due upon receipt. Amounts not paid within 10 days of the invoice will be considered past due. For charges billed directly by the Company, notice ITom the Customer of a dispute must be received in writing within thirty (30) days after the date of the invoice. Otherwise, all charges will be considered correct and binding. For charges billed through the Customer s LEC, notice ITom the Customer of disputed charges must be received in writing by the Company within ninety (90) days after the bill is issued. Otherwise, all charges will be considered correct and binding. The Company will promptly investigate and advise all billed parties of its fmdings concerning disputed charges. Bill adjustments will be made to the extent that circumstances exist which reasonably indicate that such changes are appropriate. A. Contact Customer Service:Customers with questions about billed charges may contact the Company directly at 1-800-729-8355 twenty-four hours a day. The Company s automated phone system can provide the Customer with account balance, call and payment activity, information on why an account is blocked information on how to open an account and answer the most ITequently asked questions. A Customer wishing to speak to a Customer Service Representative can call 1-800-729-8355 Monday through Friday ITom 8:00 am to 8:00 pm and on Saturday ITom 9:00 am to 2:00 pm and follow the voice prompts to reach a Customer Service Representative. Those persons who have not yet established an account with the Company nor received a call ITom the Company requesting the establishment of an account may contact the Company at 1-800-729-8355. The customer will be asked by an automated voice prompt to enter their phone number. When their number is not identified as an active account, the customer will be transferred to a Customer Service Representative. The Customer can contact a Company Customer Service Representative via e-mail at csr~payteI.com by fax at 1-800-776-8423, or by mail at the following address: Pay-Tel Communications, Inc. Customer Service O. Box 19290 Greensboro, NC 27419 All inquiries are addressed the day they are received during normal business hours. Issued: June 12 2009 By:John Vincent Townsend, President Pay-Tel Communications, Inc. O. Box 8179 Greensboro, NC 27419 866-729-8352 ext. 178 president~paytel.com Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 2 32009 Boise, Idaho ------- - ----- -- - - - --- -- - --- ---- ----------- ---- --- -- ------- --- -- -- ---------------------------------- --- --------- ----------- - ------ --- - - -- ---- -- --- ---- -- ----------- Pay-Tel Communications, Inc.Tariff No. 1 Original Page 14 IDAHO INMATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 2 RULES AND REGULATIONS (continued) B. Contact Customer Relations:If the Customer is not satisfied with the Company s service or the resolution of any billing issue, the Customer can file a complaint with Customer Relations via e-mail at customerrelations~pavtel.com.All complaints are addressed by the Customer Relations Manager the day they are received during normal business hours Monday through Friday. C. Contact President:If the Customer is not satisfied with the Company s service or the resolution of any billing issue, the Customer can contact the President of the Company via e-mail at president~pavtel.com. All inquiries are addressed by the President the day they are received during normal business hours Monday through Friday. D. Contact Better Business Bureau:The Company is a member in good standing of the Better Business Bureau OnLine Reliability Program. If the Customer is not satisfied with the Company s services, they can use the BBB link on the Company s web site home page to file a complaint with the BBB.. All complaints are addressed the day they are received during normal business hours. E. Contact Commission:If the Customer is not satisfied with the resolution of intrastate billed charges by the Company, the Customer has the right to express its concerns to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission: Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St (Zip: 83702-5918) PO Box 83720 Boise, ill 83720-0074 Telephone Number: Toll Free Number Toll Free: Voice/TDD TTY: Fax Number: Web site: 208-334-0300 800-432-0369 (Complaints) 800-337-1363 800-377-3529 208-334-3762 www.puc.idaho.gov Collection of Post-Billing Adjustments The Company will exercise its rights, (as set out in the truth-in-billing regulatory statements on the LEC's bill) to pursue collection on unpaid charges for Company services billed by a LEC and recoursed to the Company. Upon receipt of post-billing adjustments ITom a LEC containing a Customer s past due charges for services provided by the Company, the Company will invoice the Customer for those amounts. If the Customer does not contact the Company within ten (10) days to dispute the validity of the charges, the charges will be presumed valid. By:John Vincent Townsend, President Pay- Tel Communications, Inc. O. Box 8179 Greensboro, NC 27419 866- 729-8352 ext. 178 resident~paytel.com Effective: Idaho Public Utiiitie$ Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 2 32009 Issued: June 12 2009 Boise, Idaho ----- Pay-Tel Communications, Inc.Tariff No. 1 Original Page 15 IDAHO INMATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 2 RULES AND REGULATIONS (continued) Refusal or Discontinuance of Service by Company With Notice: A. For failure to pay for service when it is due; B. For failure to make proper application for service; C. For violation and/or noncompliance with the Commission s Orders or regulations regarding service supplied by the Company; D. For violation of any of the Company s rules; E. Where there is probable cause to believe that there is illegal or willful misuse of the Company s service; F. In the event the validation process determines that the terminating carrier (e.g. an Alternative Local Telephone Service Provider cannot bill the collect call); G. In the event the validation process does not produce a bill name and address; H. In the event the validation process does not produce any satisfactory billing history. Without Notice: A. In the event of a condition determined by the Company to be hazardous or dangerous;B. In the event of use of equipment in such a manner as to adversely affect the Company service to others; C. In the event of unauthorized use of telephone service; D. In the event of ITaudulent payment for service or other evidence of an attempt to steal servIces. Returned Check Charge The Company will charge a fee, not to exceed $25.00 or the amount set out in Idaho Code 28-22-105 (2002) for each check returned for insufficient funds. Costs of Collection and Repair Company shall be entitled to recover any and all costs incurred in the collection of monies owed the Company, including legal fees and accounting expenses. Company is also entitled to recover all costs and expenses required for repair or replacement of damaged equipment. Issued: June 12 2009 By:John Vincent Townsend, President Pay-Tel Communications, Inc. O. Box 8179 Greensboro, NC 27419 866- 729-8352 ext. 178 president~paytel.com Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 2 32009 Boise, Idaho ----- --- -------------------------- - -- ------ ----- Pay-Tel Communications, Inc.Tariff No. 1 Original Page 16 IDAHO INMATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERIVCE General The Company provides telecommunications services to Inmates in local, county and state Confmement Facilities throughout the United States including Idaho. Service provided under this tariff is intrastate voice telecommunications service between points in the State of Idaho. Originating points of service are limited to Inmate telephones owned or operated by the Company in Confmement Facilities and made available for the use of Inmates. Services are provided on an automated basis through Inmate telephones, automated call processors and over subscribed facilities of various telecommunications providers. These facilities include, but are not limited to, broadband access lines (e.g. T-, DSL), MultiProtocol Label Switching ("MPLS") equipment and services, Integrated Services Digital Network ("ISDN"), and payphone service provider access lines. The Company will choose appropriate facilities for the provision of its services based upon Confmement Facility requirements and the Company s evaluation of cost, reliability, and network function. Inmate telephone service consists of the provision of automated operator service by means of an Automated Call Processing System. To complete and arrange billing for calls, automated service is provided by means of a microprocessor which uses recorded voice prompts which prompt parties to the call through the process of completing the call. The microprocessor responds to the Called Party's input of information by automatically processing and transmitting the information to establish a valid billing procedure for the call and to complete the call. Consistent with applicable law governing the provision of telecommunications services to inmates in Confmement Facilities and restrictions based upon the provision of such services by Confmement Facilities, the Company s inmate telecommunications services are provided as follows: Only automated collect calls and authorized Prepaid Card calls or Debit Calls through a Confmement Facility commissary may be placed. The automated voice prompts identify the Company, audibly and distinctly, to the Customer at the beginning of each call, and again before the Billed Party incurs any charge for the call. The Inmate and/or the Called Party receiving the call can terminate the call at no charge before the call is accepted. By:John Vincent Townsend, President Pay-Tel Communications, Inc. O. Box 8179 Greensboro, NC 27419 866-729-8352 ext. 178 president~paytel.com Effective: Idaho Public Utiliti~ Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING J U N 2 3 2009 Issued: June 12, 2009 Boise. Idaho Pay- Tel Communications, Inc.Tariff No. 1 Original Page 17 IDAHO INMATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 3 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (continued) d. The Company shall disclose to the Customer, upon request and at no charge, a quote of its rates and charges for the call. The Company shall post notices in each Confmement Facility where the Company provides service containing the Company s contact information along with information on how the service is provided. 3.2 Timing of Calls Charges begin once the Called Party accepts a collect call or when the prepaid Inmate call is accepted. After the system verifies acceptance, timing begins and a call detail record is generated uom that moment until the call is concluded. There shall not be a charge for unanswered and non-accepted collect calls. Upon receiving reasonable and adequate notification form Customer of a billing error for any such call, the Company or an authorized agent will issue a credit to the Customer in an amount equal to the charge for the call. Monitoring and Recording of Inmate Calls The Company installs and maintains call origination equipment (inmate telephone service systems) with monitoring and recording capabilities in Confmement Facilities that request and contract for such equipment. The Company has a Monitoring and Recording policy that prohibits any employee uom recording, listening to or disclosing the contents oftelephone recordings except as authorized in accordance with all applicable state and federal laws, including Title III of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended (the "Act"), 18 u.S.C.A. 92511 (c) and (d). The Monitoring and Recording Policy provides the guidelines for law enforcement officials to monitor and record non-privileged inmate conversations. It also provides guidelines for company employees to respond to law enforcement investigations, analyze recordings for the purpose of quality control (voice and volume), and review recordings for the purpose of telephone uaud investigation. Prior to recording any conversation, the Calling Party (the Inmate) and the Called Party are both notified that the call will be recorded and may be monitored. After the call is answered this notification is provided before and after the call is accepted. Calls between an Inmate and attorney are not recorded if the attorney provides their phone numbers to the Confmement Facility to block recording. 3.4 Rate Quotes The Customer prior to accepting a collect call can receive a quote for the call by pressing a single digit. The Customer can also receive a rate quote by calling the Company s toll tree customer service number twenty-four hours a day. Issued: June 12 2009By: John Vincent Townsend, President Pay-Tel Communications, Inc. O. Box 8179 Greensboro, NC 27419 866- 729-8352 ext. 178 president~paytel.com Idaho Public Utiliti~s Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 2 3 2009 Boise, Idaho -------- ---------- - --- ---- - -- ----------- -------- ---- ----------- - - - -- ------ -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pay-Tel Communications, Inc.Tariff No. 1 Original Page 18 IDAHO INMATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 3 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (continued) Inmate Customers Prepaid Cards Inmates may obtain Company Prepaid Cards (in various denominations) directly ITom the Confinement Facility. All monetary transactions involving Inmates take place between the Confmement Facility and the Inmate, and are under the direct and complete control ofthe Confmement Facility. The Inmate obtains access to the Company s Prepaid Card Services via a toll-tree number. The Inmate must input a valid Authorization Code to access an account. At the beginning of each call the Inmate is informed of the remaining balance on the card. The Inmate then inputs the destination number. Network usage will be debited ITom the available funds on the card on a real time basis and in full minute increments as the call progresses. Call timing is rounded up to the nearest one (1) minute increment after the initial minimum period of one (1) minute. Inmate will be provided with an announcement when the account balance is one minute prior to exhaustion. The Inmate can transfer a balance ITom one card to another card. Prepaid cards will expire twelve months ITom date of initial use. The Called Party is provided the name of the Confmement Facility and the name of the Inmate calling prior to being offered the option to accept or refuse the incoming pre-paid call. Following release ITom a Confmement Facility, a refund can be requested by sending the card to the Company at the address printed on the card. Refund requests must be submitted to the Company within twelve months ITom date of initial use. A refund will be issued to the Customer within ten to fifteen (10 - 15) business days ITom receipt of the Customer s card. ------------------------------ ------------- ----------------------------------------------------- Issued: June 12 2009 By:John Vincent Townsend, President Pay-Tel Communications, Inc. O. Box 8179 Greensboro, NC 27419 866- 729-8352 ext. 178 president~paytel.com Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING J U N 2 3 2009 Boise, Idaho Pay- Tel Communications, Inc.Tariff No. 1 Original Page 19 IDAHO INMATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 3 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (continued) Debit Calls When made available by the Confmement Facility, the Inmate may place debit calls using funds transferred ITom the Inmate s Trust Account. The Inmate selects the debit account option and inputs the destination number. At the beginning of the call the Inmate is informed of the remaining balance in the debit account. Network usage will be debited ITom the funds available in the debit account on a real time basis and in full minute increments as the call progresses. Call timing is rounded up to the nearest one (1) minute increment after the initial minimum period of one (1) minute. Inmates will be provided an announcement when the account balance is one minute prior to exhaustion. The Called Party is provided the name ofthe Confmement Facility and the name of the Inmate calling prior to being offered the option to accept or refuse the incoming debit call. At the time ofrelease from a Confmement Facility, the debit account balance will be transferred to the Inmates Trust Account for refund. -------- -- - - --- - - --------- ----- - ----- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Issued: June 12, 2009 By:John Vincent Townsend, President Pay-Tel Communications, Inc. O. Box 8179 Greensboro, NC 27419 866-729-8352 ext. 178 president~paytel.com Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING . -': " J UN 2 3 2009 Boise Idaho -------------------- --- -- - ----- --- ----- - ------ Pay-Tel Communications, Inc.Tariff No. 1 Original Page 20 IDAHO INMATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 3 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (continued) Non-Inmate Customers Validation, and Fraud Prevention Process When an Inmate attempts to place a collect call to a prospective Customer, the Company will initiate a process whereby the prospective Customer is evaluated. This process is a necessary undertaking by the Company in order to protect the Company s ability to collect for the services provided (and similarly limit and prevent unbillable revenues and bad debt), and limit and prevent uaud. Accordingly, the Company will validate its Customers' bill-to-number through available verification procedures and establish a maximum predetermined credit amount. Where the Customer s requested billing method cannot be validated, or a maximum credit amount cannot be established, the Company may refuse to provide service except through a Company Direct Bill and/or Prepaid Account basis as set out herein. Furthermore, the Company will use various methods to determine the likelihood of uaud associated with a particular Customer, and in the event the Company determines that such a likelihood exists, the Company may also refuse to provide service except on a Prepaid Account basis with payments only by money order, Western Union Prepaid Services, or MoneyGram. 6.2 Billing through the Customer s Local Exchange Carrier ("LEC" This option is limited to those Customers who satisfy the Validation and Fraud Prevention procedures described above. Accordingly, billing through the Customer s Local Exchange Carrier is not available when: the Customer s Local Exchange Carrier will not bill the Company s calls; the Customer has reached the local Exchange Carrier s billing limit for collect calls; the Company determines, based upon the review described in Section 3.1 above, the Customer is otherwise ineligible to have calls billed on the Local Exchange Carrier s bill; or the Customer accrues a threshold amount of charges as set out in Section 3.5 hereof. 6.3 Billing for Customers that use Alternative Local Service Providers Alternative Local Service Providers such as CLECs, VOIP, and Wireless Carriers do not provide billing and collection agreements for other carriers. When the Customer chooses to use an Alternative Local Service Provider, the Company will assist the Customer in establishing billing arrangements through Company Direct Bill or Prepaid Account Programs with multiple payment options through Third Party Payment Processors. Issued: June 12 2009 By:John Vincent Townsend, President Pay-Tel Communications, Inc. O. Box 8179 Greensboro, NC 27419 866- 729-8352 ext. 178 president~paytel.com Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 2 32009 Boise, Idaho ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- --- -- ------------ --- -- ---- -- --- ----- ---- ----- - - ------- --- - ----- -- -- - - --- - --- -- - ---------------- ------ --- -- ---------------- --- -------------------- ------------ Pay-Tel Communications, Inc.Tariff No. 1 Original Page 21 IDAHO INMATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 3 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (continued) 6.4 Third party Pavrnent Processors The Company has established multiple payment options for Customers who choose to open an account directly with the Company. These payment options are provided by Third Party Service Providers that charge an undiscountable fee to the Customer for processing Customer payments. The Company has negotiated the lowest possible fee with each of these Third Party Payment Processors, and receives no revenue in connection with any such fee. This fee is added to the Customer s payment amount by the Third Party Payment Processor, collected when the Customer makes payment, and paid to the Third Party Payment Processor. These Third Party Payment Processors are Western Union Prepaid Services MoneyGram, a Phone Payment Processor, and a Website Online Payment Processor. Direct Bill Customer Account Program The Direct Bill Customer Account Program ("Program ) is available to those Customers whose calls cannot be billed through their Alternative Local Telephone Service Provider. In addition, the Program is available to those Customers who accrue a threshold amount of charges billed through their Local Exchange Carrier within a thirty-to-ninety day period. The Customer is provided a courtesy call to inform the Customer of the Company s Billing Limit for calls billed through the Local Exchange Carrier when total outstanding charges accrued within a thirty-day period reach $50.00. Once the Customer has accrued $75.00 or more of collect call charges within a ninety-day period, a second notification call is made to the Customer indicating placement in the Program. Billing treatment for Customers participating in the Program is as follows: A. To participate in the Direct Bill Program, the customer must complete a credit application and receive a satisfactory credit score. The credit application can be taken over the phone or completed on the Company website. B. If the customer receives a satisfactory credit score, all future billing will be by the Company directly to the Customer. The Company will obtain the address ofthe Customer and begin the billing process uom the date the Customer is approved for the Direct Bill Program. C. With the fIrst bill, the Customer is notified of the Billing Limit established by the Company s credit policies, and the Company s address and toll-tree Customer Service telephone number. Information about the average cost of calls received uom the Confmement Facility is also provided to assist the Customer in budgeting telecommunications expenses. Issued: June 12 2009 By:John Vincent Townsend, President Pay-Tel Communications, Inc. O. Box 8179 Greensboro, NC 27419 866- 729-8352 ext. 178 president~pavtel.com Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 2 32009 Boise, Idaho ----- -- --- --- -- - - - - - - --------- -- -- - - -- - - ---------- -- -- ---------------- - -- ---------- -- -- - - ---- ------ ------ ------ ----- - --- -- --- -- - - - -- --- -- - - -- - - - ------- ---- ------ -- - -- ---- ------- - ---- --- ------ --- -- ------ ---- -- - --------- -- ----- ----------- - ------- - - ---------- -- -- ------ ----- --- - -- - ------------------------------------ --- Pay-Tel Communications, Inc.Tariff No. 1 Original Page 22 IDAHO INMATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 3 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (continued) D. Thereafter, Program Customers are billed on a weekly basis. E. Ifa Customer s bill exceeds the Billing Limit established by the Company, the Customer is notified and then the Customer s telephone number is blocked uom receiving collect calls uom Confmement Facilities served by the Company until payment on the account is received. Prepaid Customer Account Program The Prepaid Customer Account Program ("Program ) is available to those Customers whose calls cannot be billed through their Alternative Local Telephone Service Provider. In addition, the Program is available to those Customers who accrue a threshold amount of charges billed through their Local Exchange Carrier within a thirty-to-ninety day period. Customers who do not wish to complete a credit application or do not receive a satisfactory credit score can open a Prepaid Account. A. The Customer establishes a Prepaid Account with the Company by paying $25 or more to the Company by one ofthe payment methods offered by the Company. Payments can be made over the phone or on the web via credit card, check card, or check. The Customer account number is the ten digit phone number where they wish to receive calls. The Customer will also select a six digit Personal Identification Number or PIN to use in accessing their account information in the future. B. When the Customer receives a call, they are informed the call is uom an Inmate and the Customer has the option to accept or decline the incoming call. All security measures associated with an Inmate collect call, as implemented by the Company and the Confmement Facility, will apply. C. Customers using this pre-payment option will receive a weekly statement listing their call activity, charges, call discounts, and notifying them of their remaining balance. Weekly statements are provided at no charge to the customer. The Customer can contact the Company s customer service toll-tree number or visit the Company s web site to obtain account balances information twenty-four hours a day. If the Customer s entire account balance is used, the Customer is notified and then the Customer s telephone number is blocked uom receiving collect calls uom the Confmement Facility served by the company until payment on the account is received. Customers may send the Company additional funds using a check or money order to receive more calls, or authorize payment of additional funds via credit card, check card, check by phone, echeck, MoneyGram, or Western Union Prepaid Services. --- -- - --- - - - ---- ---- ---- - - ---------- - -- - - - -- --- -- -- - -- ---- ---- ----- - - -- - - - - -- - - ----- - - - ----- -- - -- - - - ----- ------ - -- -- -- -- - -- -- --- - - - - -- --- - - -- ---- -- ---- -- --- -- --- Issued: June 12, 2009 By:John Vincent Townsend, President Pay-Tel Communications, Inc. O. Box 8179 Greensboro, NC 27419 866-729-8352 ext. 178 president~paytel.com Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 2 32009 Boise, Idah() :. ..- - - -- -- -- - -- - - - ---------- - - - --- --- -- - - -- - --- - ---- ----- ---- -- ------ - - - - -- ----- ----------- -- - --------- - - - ----- -- -- -- -- -- - ----- -- ---- - ---- - - - - - - ----- -- ----------- - --- Pay-Tel Communications, Inc.Tariff No. 1 Original Page 23 IDAHO INMATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 3 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (continued) D. The Company may apply pre-payments to past due charges billed to the Customer by the Local Exchange Carrier. The account remains open until one of the following events occurs: I) the balance is depleted; or 2) the Customer requests that the account be terminated. F. Customers who prepay will receive a Family Connection Calling PlanTM discount on every call. This discount will be offered based upon the amount of prepayment, as outlined in Section 4.5 of this tariff. G. Refunds - Customers may request a refund of unused funds by sending a written request to cancel their account to the Company via email at refunds~pavtel.com, fax at 1-800-776- 8423 , or u.S. mail. The Company will endeavor to refund such monies, provided that no past due charges are owed by the Customer to its local exchange carrier or the Company, within ten to fifteen (10-15) business days uom the receipt ofthe Customer s request. There is no charge for issuing a refund. H. All unused funds of the Customer will be maintained by the Company in conformance with the Idaho Unclaimed Property Law. Issued: June 12 2009 By:John Vincent Townsend, President Pay-Tel Communications, Inc. O. Box 8179 Greensboro, NC 27419 866- 729-8352 ext. 178 president~paytel.com Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING ~:. :. J U N 2 3 2009 Boise, Idaho - ------------------------ ----- --------------------- ------- ----- ------- ---- --- -------------------- - ------ ---- -- - -- -- -- - - - ------------ - - - -- --- ------ ----- -- - -------- Pay- Tel Communications, Inc.Tariff No. 1 Original Page 24 IDAHO INMATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 4 - RATES AND CHARGES Intra-State Collect Call Rates. This Section 4.1 applies to all Company intrastate calls. The Company provides all of its services via individual contracts with Confmement Facilities or applicable governmental entities. As such, these contracts may contain rates less than or equal to (but not higher than) the rates set out herein. The Company will make any of these contracts available to the Commission upon request. 1.1 Computation of Charges Local calls shall consist of a Fixed Service Charge and the applicable local call rate. The total charges for each toll call consists of two elements: a fIXed service charge and a measured charge dependent on the duration of the call. The measured charge element is specified as a rate per minute which is applied to each minute, with tractional minutes rounded up to the nearest one full minute. 1.2 Chargeable Times Chargeable time begins when a Called party accepts the charges by positive acceptance through pressing the number "3" on a touch-tone phone. In the absence of acceptance, calls will be terminated and no charges incurred. Chargeable time ends when either the Calling Party or Called Party hangs up or when released by the automatic timing equipment in the telephone. 1.3 Local Collect Calls The maximum rate for a local collect call is a $1.30 Operator Surcharge plus $.50 per five minutes. IntraLA T A Collect Calls1.4 A. Operator Surcharge $1.85 B. Measured Charges Initial Minute Each Additional Minute $.40 $.40 -- ---- --- -- -- ----- -- --- - - - - - - -- - -- ---- - - -- - ---------- - - - - - - - -- -- - - --- -- - ----- ------ - - - - - - -- -- -- - -- -- --- - -- - -- -- - -- --- -- - -- ------ -- ---- -- -- -- - --- - - - ---- ------- - ----- Issued: June 12, 2009 By:John Vincent Townsend, President Pay-Tel Communications, Inc. O. Box 8179 Greensboro, NC 27419 866- 729-8352 ext. 178 president~paytel.com Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 2 32009 Boise, Idaho - - - - -- --- -------- ----------------------- -- ---- - - -------------- -- - - --- ---- ---- - - - -- -- - --- -------- --- - - -- - - - - - -- -- - - - - - ----------- - -- --- - - - - -- ------- ------------- --- -- - - --------- - -- - - - - - - ------------- - ---- ------------ - -- - --- ---------- ------- ----- ------- --- ----- --- - -- ------- - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- ----- - -- -- - --------- - - ----- Pay-Tel Communications, Inc.Tariff No. 1 Original Page 25 IDAHO INMATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 4 RATES AND CHARGES (continued) InterLA T A Collect Calls A. Operator Surcharge $1.85 B. Measured Charges Initial Minute Each Additional Minute $.40 $.40 1.6 Taxes and Fees All state and local taxes and any fee imposed by a government entity are listed as separate line items on the Customer s bill. Prepaid Card Calls Prepaid Card calls, as described in Section 3.1 hereof, will not exceed the collect call rate for the appropriate type call as listed in Section 4. Following release uom a Confmement Facility a refund can be requested by sending the card to the Company at the address printed on the card. Refund requests must be submitted to the Company within twelve months uom date of initial use. Debit Calls Debit Calls, as described in Section 3.2 hereof, will not exceed the collect call rate for the appropriate type call as listed in Section 4. At the time of release uom a Confmement Facility, the debit account balance will be transferred to the Inmate s Trust Account. 4.4 Direct Bill Customer Account Program Direct Bill calls, as described in Section 3.5 hereof will not exceed the collect call rate for the appropriate type of call as listed in Section 4. Issued: June 12 2009 By:John Vincent Townsend, President Pay-Tel Communications, Inc. O. Box 8179 Greensboro, NC 27419 866-729-8352 ext. 178 president~paytel.com Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 2 32009 Boise, Idaho -- ---- -- - - - --- -- - - - - --- ------ ---- - - ---- -- ------- ---- - - - ------ ------ - ---- ----- - - ---- - -- ----- -- -- ---- ------- ------ - - - - -- - -- -- -- -- -- ------ --- -- ---- - --- ------ -- --- ----- ---- -------- - -- - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - ---- - -- - - - -- - -- -- - ------------ ------ - - - -------------- --------------- -- ------- -- ---------- ---- - -- -- - - --- ----------- - --- ------ Pay-Tel Communications, Inc.Tariff No. 1 Original Page 26 IDAHO INMATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 4 RATES AND CHARGES (continued) Prepaid Customer Account Program Prepaid Account Calls as described in Section 3.6 hereof, will receive a Family Connection Calling PlanTM discount on every call. The plan provides a discount on every call based on the amount of prepayment made by the Customer, as outlined below. Family Connection Calling PlanTM Discounts Payment $25 $50 $100 $150 Discount 10% To maximize the value of the discount, Customers can mail payments directly to the Company with a check money order, in order to avoid the payment processing fees charged when payments are made through Western Union, MoneyGram, the Web site Online Payment Processor or the Phone Payment Processor. The Family Connection Calling PlanTM is designed to provide rates for calls to uiends and family members who need to stay in touch with inmates. Customers should make payment amounts that best fit their needs. When the Customer no longer needs the account, they can request a refund. There is no charge for issuing a refund. See Section 3.6 G for information on how to request a refund. Rate Quotes The Customer prior to accepting a collect call can receive a quote for the call by pressing a single digit. The Customer can also receive a rate quote by calling the Company s toll tree customer service number twenty-four hours a day. Disputed Charges Billed party bills shall display the Company toll tree number whereby the billed party can contact the Company to resolve billing complaints. Disputed charges are subject to the conditions described in Section 2., above. Issued: June 12, 2009 Re:John Vincent Townsend, President Pay-Tel Communications, Inc. O. Box 81Greensboro, NC 27419 866- 729-8352 ext. 178 president~paytel.com Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 2 32009 Boise, Idaho -------- ------------------- ---- --- ---- - --- ------------- - - ------------ ----- ----- ------ -- ---- - - -- ---- ------ -- --- -- -- - ----- ------ ---- ----- ------- - -- -------------- ---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- ----------- ------------ ------------ --- - ---------------- Pay- Tel Communications, Inc.Tariff No. 1 Original Page 27 IDAHO INMATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 4 RATES AND CHARGES (continued) Billing Entity Conditions When billing functions on behalf of the Company are performed by billing agents (i.e., local exchange carrier, credit card companies, or other), the payment of charge conditions, tariffs regulations of such companies and any regulations imposed upon these companies by regulatory bodies having jurisdiction apply, including any applicable tax, applicable interest, and/or late payment charge conditions. Regulatorv Cost Recovery Fee A monthly charge of$1.90 will be applied to a Billed Party's bill to recover costs associated with the Company s administration, billing, collection and remittance of various government-mandated fees surcharges and other amounts associated with the provision of services by the Company. Payment by Check or Money Order through the Mail No additional fees will be charged to a Customer each time the Customer chooses to make a payment with a check or money order through the mail for an account with the Company. Third Party Payment Processors Third Party Payment Processors - The Company has established multiple payment options for Customers who choose to open an account directly with the Company. These payment options are provided by Third Party Service Providers that charge an undiscountable fee to the Customer for processing Customer payments. The Company has negotiated the lowest possible fee with each of these Third Party Payment Processors, and receives no revenue in connection with any such fee. This fee is added to the Customer payment amount by the Third Party Payment Processor, collected when the Customer makes payment, and paid to the Third Party Payment Processor. These Third Party Payment Processors are Western Union Prepaid Services, MoneyGram, a Phone Payment Processor, and a Website Online Payment Processor. 11.1 Western Union Prepaid Services Payment Processing Fee An undiscountable fee of $5.95 will be charged to a Customer by Western Union each time the Customer chooses to make a cash payment through Western Union for an account with the Company. This fee is referenced in this tariff to advise the Customer ofthe charge. This fee will not be assessed on those Customers who mail a check or money order to the Company. Issued: June 12, 2009 By:John Vincent Townsend, President Pay-Tel Communications, Inc. O. Box 8179 Greensboro, NC 27419 866-729-8352 ext. 178 president~paytel.com Idaho Public Utiliti~ Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 2 32009 Boise, Idaho - - - - -- - -- -- -- - -------- - -- ---------- -- -- --- --- ---- -- - ----------- - - - - - --- -- -- - - - --------- ---- --- ------- ------- -------- ---- - - - - - - - -- -- -- --- - - - - - - ------ ---- -- - - - ------ -------------- ---- --- - -- ----- - ---- --------------------- --- ---- ---- -- -- - - - -- - ------- -- ------------------- ------------------- ------ - -- ---- ------ --------- ------ ----- Pay-Tel Communications, Inc.Tariff No. 1 Original Page 28 IDAHO INMATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SECTION 4 RATES AND CHARGES (continued) 4.11.2 MonevGram Payment Processing Fee An undiscountable fee of$5.50 will be charged to a Customer by MoneyGram each time the Customer chooses to make a cash payment through MoneyGram at Wal*Mart for an account with the Company. This fee is referenced in this tariff to advise the Customer of the charge. This fee will not be assessed on those Customers who mail a check or money order to the Company. 4.11.3 Website Online Payment Processing Fee An undiscountable fee of$3.00 will be charged to a Customer by the Third Party Website Online Payment Processor each time the Customer chooses to make a payment using a credit card, check/debit card or check online for an account with the Company. This fee covers the expenses associated with third-party database verification, validation, uaud prevention services and payment processing available through the Web site Online Payment Processor. This fee is referenced in this tariff to advise the Customer of the charge. This fee will not be assessed on those Customers who mail a check or money order to the Company. 11.4 Phone Payment Processing Fee An un discountable fee of$3.00 will be charged to a Customer by the Third Party Phone Payment Processor each time the Customer chooses to make a payment using a credit card, check/debit card or check over the phone for an account with the Company. This fee covers the expenses associated with third party database verification, validation, uaud prevention services and payment processing available through the Phone Payment Processor. This fee is referenced in this tariff to advise the customer of the charge. This fee will not be assessed on those customers who mail a check or money order to the Company. Issued: June 12 2009 By:John Vincent Townsend, President Pay-Tel Communications, Inc. O. Box 8179 Greensboro, NC 27419 866-729-8352 ext. 178 president~paytel.com Idaho Public lItiiities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 2 32009 Boise, Idaho -- -------- - -- -- ------ - ----- ---- ------- -- ------ -- -- - - - -- - - - - ---------- -- - ------- ------ ------- -- ----- --- - ---- - - -- --- -- - -- ------------------ -- -- ---- -- - - - - - --- ---- - ----