HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOSVA Limited Partnership.pdfNOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121Issued: February 3, 1998 Idaho Price List First Revised Page 1 Cancels Original Page 1 Effective: February 13, 1998 TITLE SHEET LONG DISTANCE TELECOMMUNICATIONS PRICE LIST NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Issued by: Tariff Administrator 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121 (N) (N) This price list, filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission , contains the rates, terms and conditions applicable to the Resale Telecommunications Services provided by NOSVA Limited Partnership within the state of Idaho. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 3 1998 Boise, Idaho ", - . J NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: July 4, 2008 Idaho Price List Fifty Third Revised Page 2 Cancels Fifty Second Revised Page 2 Effective: July 15 2008 CHECK SHEET Pages 1 through 42, inclusive, of this price list are effective as of the date shown. Original and revised pages, as named below, contain all changes from the original price list that are in effect on the date thereon, except as otherwise noted. Page 12. 16. 16. 16. 16.4 16. 16. 16. 16. 16. 16. 19. 19. 19. 19.4 19. 19. 19. 19. 19. Revision Number First Revised Fifty Third Revised* Twenty Seventh Revised* Third Revised Original Original Original Third Revised Original Third Revised Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original First Revised Original Original Original Original Original Second Revised Original Original Second Revised Second Revised Second Revised Fifth Revised Fifth Revised Fifth Revised First Revised First Revised First Revised First Revised First Revised First Revised First Revised Page 19. 19. 19. 20. 20. 20. 20.4 20. 20. 22. 22. 29. 29. 29. 29. 29.4 30. 30. 30. 30.4 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. *Denotes pages included with this filing. Revision Number First Revised First Revised First Revised Third Revised First Revised Second Revised Second Revised Second Revised Second Revised Second Revised Original First Revised Original Twenty Sixth Revised* Second Revised Second Revised Second Revised Third Revised Third Revised Seventh Revised Ninth Revised Seventh Revised Eighth Revised Fifth Revised Original First Revised Sixth Revised Second Revised Original First Revised First Revised First Revised Second Revised Second Revised Second Revised First Revised First Revised Second Revised Second Revised Second Revised Second Revised Second Revised Idaho P~blic Utilities Commissi,n ACC~~T the Secretary FOR FIUN( JUl 1 5 2008 Boise, IdaIro Idaho Price List Twenty Seventh Revised Page 2. Cancels Twenty Sixth Revised Page 2. NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: July 4, 2008 Effective: July 15 2008 Page 30. 30. 30. 30. 32. 33. 34. 41.1 41.2 41.3 41.4 41.5 41.6 CHECK SHEET (Cont'd) Revision Number First Revised First Revised Fourth Revised Original Fifteenth Revised* Seventh Revised Fifth Revised Fifth Revised Seventh Revised Fourth Revised Eighth Revised Third Revised Second Revised Third Revised Second Revised Third Revised Third Revised First Revised First Revised Original Original Original Original First Revised Original Revision NumberPage Idaho P~blic Utilities Commissiln ACC~~of the Secretary FOR FILING JUl 1 5 2008*Denotes pages included with this filing. Boise, Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, Nevada 89121Issued: November 29, 2000 Idaho Price List Third Revised Page 3 Cancels Second Revised Page 3 Effective: December 11, 2000 TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Sheet Check Sheet Section 1 - Technical Terms and Abbreviations Section 2 - Rules and Regulations Section 3 - Explanation of Rates Section Rates Section 5 - Promotions, Special Service Offerings, and Telecompeti ti ve Service Offerings (T) Section 6 - Reserved for Future Use (T) Idaho Public Utilities Commission QJ,fice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 1 1 2000 Boise, Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 6701 Democracy Boulevard,Bethesda, Maryland 20817Issued: January 8, 1996 Suite 811 Idaho Price List Original Page 4 Cancels ---- Page -- Effective:January 18, 1996 SYMBOLS The following are the only symbols used for the purposes indicated below: C - Changed regulation. D - Delete or discontinue. I - Change Resulting in an increase to a customer s bill. M - Moved from another tariff location. N - New R - Change resulting in a reduction to a customer s bill. T - Change in text or regulation. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JAN 1 8 1996 Boise, Idaho 0 '. . ' , NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs6701 Democracy Boulevard,Bethesda, Maryland 20817Issued: January 8, 1996 Suite 811 Idaho Price List Original Page 5 Cancels ---- Page -- Effective:January 18, 1996 PRICE LIST FORMAT A. Sheet Numbering - Sheet numbers appear in the upper rightcorner of the page. Sheets are numbered sequentially. When a new sheet is added between sheets already in effect, a decimal isadded. For example, a new sheet added between sheets 14 and 15 would be 14. B. Sheet Revision Numbers - Revision numbers also appear in the upper right corner of each page. These numbers are used to determine the most current sheet version on file with the IPUC. For example, the 4th revised Sheet 14 cancels the 3rd revised Sheet14. Consult the Check Sheet for the sheet currently in effect. C. Paragraph Numbering Sequence There are nine levels of paragraph coding. Each level of coding is subservient to its nexthigher level: 1.1.A.1.1.A.1. (a).1.1.A.1. (a).1.1.A.1. (a).1. (i). 1.1.A.1. (a).1. (i). (1). D. Check Sheets - When a price list filing is made with the IPUC, an updated Check Sheet accompanies the price list filing. The Check Sheet lists the sheets contained in the price list, with a cross-reference to the current revision number. When new sheets are added, the Check Sheet is changed to reflect the revision. All revisions made in a given filing are designated by as asterisk (*). There will be no other symbols used on this sheet if these are the only changes made to it (i. e., the format, etc. remain the same, just revised revision levels on some sheets. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JAN 1 8 1996 Boise, Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 6701 Democracy BoulevardBethesda, Maryland 20817Issued: January 8, 1996 Suite 811 Idaho Price List Original Page 6 Cancels ---- Page -- Effective:January 18, 1996 Application of Price List This price list contains the regulations and rates applicable to the provision of intrastate resale commoncarrier communications service by NOSVA Limited Partnership within the State of Idaho. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JAN 1 8 1996 Boise. Idaho . ....-,.. ..... NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas , NV 89121 Issued: October 29, 1999 Idaho Price List Third Revised Page 7 Cancels Second Revised Page 7 Effective: November 8, 1999 SECTION 1 - TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Access Line - An arrangement which connects the customer s locationto a NOSVA Limited Partnership switching center or point ofpresence. Account Codes - Optional , customer defined digits that allow the customer to identify the individual user , department or client associated with a call. Authorized User - A person, firm , corporation, or any other entity authorized by the customer to utilize the Company's service. Bill Second - One-sixtieth of a minute. Business Day - 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Call Duration Charges - Company s charges for the time duration of a call determined by adding the charges tariffed for Minimum and Incremental Call Units only, excluding charges for non-transport (non-usage) charges (see Equivalent Call Unit definition , below). The total of Minimum and Incremental Call Units equal total callduration (time). Call Unit (CU) - The basic unit by which calls are rated based on uniform mathematical factor of 6, that is, for purposes of calculating call charges for recovery of Company s transport and non-transport costs, a call unit is uniform at 6 subject to minimum values at 18, 30, and 60 as specified in this tariff. There arefour types of call units Minimum (MCU) , Incremental (ICU) ,Equivalent (ECU) , and Total (TCU) , as defined herein. Cents Per Minute (CPM) - The term and acronym of reference used toidentify Company I s charges for minimum and incremental call duration, that is, those charges associated only with Minimum and Incremental Call Unit (s), in any rate plan and/or promotion which excludes, exempts, or waives charges for non-transport (non-usage)charges (see Equivalent Call Unit definition , below). Idaho Public Utilities Commission O'ffioe of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 8 - 1999 Boise, Idaho * Material formerly appearing on this page now appears on page 7.1 * (N) (N) (N) ( C) ( C) (N) (N) (M) (M) NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: October 29 , 1999 Idaho Price List Original Page 7. Effective: Novmeber 8, 1999 SECTION 1 - TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Cents Per Minute of Usage (CPMU) The term and acronym of reference used to identify Company charges for minimum and incremental call duration, that is, those charges associated only with Minimum and Incremental Call Unit (s) whenever a rate plan or promotion also includes non-transport (non-usage) charges (see Equivalent Call Unit definition , below). Company or Carrier - NOSVA Limited Partnership unless otherwise clearly indicated by the context. Commission - The Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Customer or End User - The person , firm, corporation or other entity which orders, cancels, amends or uses service and is responsible for payment of charges and compliance with the Company I s tariff. Equal Access - Where the local exchange company central officeprovides interconnection to interexchange carriers with FeatureGroup D circuits. In such end offices, customers presubscribe their telephone line (s) to their preferred interLATA carrier. Equivalent Call Unit (ECU) - The Call Unit, expressed in dollars and/ or cents or decimal fractions thereof , applied pursuant to this tariff to recover the non-transport (non-usage) costs incurred by Carrier in providing service. Equivalent Call Unit Value - An Equivalent Call Unit I s "value " is equal to the tariffed charge for an Incremental Call Unit in dollars and/or cents or decimal fractions thereof as set forth inthis tariff. Holidays - The Company observes the following holidays: New Years Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Incremental Call Unit (ICU) - The Call Unit, expressed in dollars and/ or cents or decimal fractions thereof, applied pursuant to this tariff to recover the transport (usage) costs of the incremental duration of a call and measured in 6, 30, 60, or other increments of Bill Seconds as specified herein. (M) ( C) ( C) (N) (N) ( C) M/C Idaho Public UtT Ou- I r res Comm ACCEPT the Secretary FOR FI L NOV 8 - 1999 * Material formerly appearing on page 7 now appears here. * Boise, Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: October 29, 1999 Idaho Price List Third Revsied Page 8 Cancels Second Revised Page 8 Effective: November 8 , 1999 SECTION 1 - TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (Cont'd) Minimum Call Unit (MCU) - The Call Unit, expressed in dollars and/or cents or decimal fractions thereof, applied pursuant to this tariff to recover the transport (usage) costs of the initial minimum duration of a call and measured in 6, 15, 18, 30, 60, or other increments of Bill Seconds as specified herein. Minute of Use (MOU) - A minute of call usage (transport) measured by the total of applicable Call Units as defined herein. Minimum Period - The minimum periods of time for which charges are incurred or to which billing time is rounded to meet the minimum billing period provided in this tariff expressed as Call Units. Non-Business Day - 4:01 p.m. to 8:59 a.m., Monday through Friday, and all day Saturday and Sunday. Non-Transport Costs - Company s costs incurred to render service other than the underlying transport of a call and synonymous with non-usage. NOSVA Used throughout this tariff to mean NOSVA Limited Partnership unless clearly indicated otherwise by the text. Special Access Origination - Where originating access between the customer and the interexchange carrier is provided on dedicatedcircuits. The cost of these dedicated circuits is billed by the access provider directly to the end user. Swi tched Access Origination - Where originating access between the customer and the interexchange carrier is provided on local exchange company Feature Group circuits. The cost of switched Feature Group access is billed to the interexchange carrier. Total Call Units (TCU) - The total number of applicable Call Units (Minimum, Incremental, Equivalent) billed in whole numbers and fractionally in tenths (e. g., .3, 1. 2, and so forth) used to determine the charges necessary to recover the Carrier I s transport and non-transport costs incurred in providing services pursuant tothis tariff. ( C) ( C) (N) (N) (N) (N) ( C) ( C) (M) appears on page 1 * Idaho Public Utilities Commission ,.,( O'ffice of the Secretary VI.;,' M ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 8 - 1999 * Material formerly appearing on this page now Boise, Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: October 29, 1999 Idaho Price List Original Page 8. Effective: November 8, 1999 SECTION 1 - TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (Cont' Transport Costs - Company's costs incurred to transport a call from the time of connection to disconnection, and synonymous with the terms lI usagell and IIduration. Usage Increments - Increments of use measured in Bill Seconds (up to a maximum of 1200 Bill Seconds) as specified in this tariff by which the Equivalent Call Units applicable to a completed call aredetermined and applied. V & H Coordinates - Geographic points which define the originating and terminating points of a call in mathematical terms so that the airline mileage of the call may be determined. Call mileage is used for the purposed of rating calls. Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Offlc-e of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 8 - 1999 Boise. Idaho * Material formerly appearing on page 8 now appears here. M/N (N) ( C) ( C) (M) NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs6701 Democracy Boulevard,Bethesda, Maryland 20817Issued: January 8, 1996 Idaho Price List Original Page 9 Cancels ---- Page --Suite 811 Effective:January 18, 1996 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS RULES AND REGULATIONS Application of Tariff This tariff contains the regulations and rates applicable to intrastate long distance resale telecommunications services between points within the State of Idaho. (A)The Company may, from time to time , offervarious enhanced services and informationservices within the State of Idaho. Such services will be provided pursuant to contract and will not be governed by this tariff. (B)The Company may also, from time to time, offerswitching and/or transmission to othertelecommunications carriers, for resale to such companies ' customers. The rates for any such services will be determined pursuant to contract, and Section 4 of this Tariff willnot apply thereto. The services of the Company are not part of a joint undertaking with any other telecommunications entity, but do involve the resale of the IntrastateLong Distance Message Toll Services (MTS) of underlying common carriers. The rates and regulations contained in this tariff apply only to the services furnished by the Company and do not apply, unless otherwise specified, tothe lines, facilities, or services provided by a local exchange telephone company or other common carrier for use in accessing the services of the Company. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JAN 1 8 1996 Boise, Idaho ..., .--,- -.. - NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 6701 Democracy BoulevardBethesda, Maryland 20817Issued: January 8 , 1996 Suite 811 Idaho Price List Original Page 10Cancels Page -- Effective:January 18, 1996 RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT' Use of Services 2.4 The Company s services may be used for any lawfulpurpose consistent with the transmission andswitching parameters of the telecommunications facilities utilized in the provision of services. The use of the Company services to make callswhich might reasonably be expected to frighten, abuse, torment, or harass another or in such a way as to unreasonably interfere with use by others is prohibi ted. The use of the Company s services without paymentfor service or attempting to avoid payment forservice by fraudulent means or devices, schemesfalse or invalid numbers, or false calling or credit cards is prohibited. The Company services are available for use twenty- four hours per day, seven days per week. The Company does not undertake to transmit messages pursuant to this tariff, but its services may be used for that purpose. The Company s services may be denied for nonpayment of charges or for other violations of this tariff in compliance with the rules and regulations of theIdaho Public Utilities Commission and paragraph1 of this tariff. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG JAN 1 8 1996 Boise, Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 6701 Democracy BoulevardBethesda, Maryland 20817Issued: January 8, 1996 Idaho Price List Original Page 11 Cancels ---- Page --Suite 811 Effective:January 18, 1996 RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT' Liability of The Company The Company s liability for damages arising from any failure of service shall not exceed an amount equivalent to the proportionate charge to the customer for the period during which the failureoccurs. The Company shall be indemnified and saved harmlessby any customer, user or by any other entityagainst claims for libel, slander or the infringement of copyright arising from the material transmitted over its services; and against all other claims arising out of any act or omission of customer or of any other entity in connection wi th the services provided by the Company. The Company is not liable for any act or omission of any entity furnishing facilities or services connected with or provided in conjunction with the services of the Company. Acceptance by the Commission of the liabilityprovisions contained in this tariff does not constitute its determination that the limitation of liability imposed by the Company should be upheld in a court of law , but the recognition that, as it is the duty of the courts to adjudicate negligence claims and rights to recover damages, therefore, it is the duty of the courts to determine the validity of exculpatory provisions of this tariff. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JAN 1 8 1996 Boise, Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 6701 Democracy Boulevard,Bethesda, Maryland 20817Issued: January 8, 1996 Suite 811 Idaho Price List Original Page 12Cancels Page -- Effecti ve January 18, 1996 RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT' Liability of The Company (cont' d) The Company shall not be liable for and shall beindemnified and saved harmless by any customer user or other entity from any and all loss, claimsdemands, suits, or other action or any liability whatever , whether suffered , made, instituted, or asserted by any customer , user or any other entity for any personal injury to, or death of, any person or persons, and for any loss, damage , defacement or destruction of the premises of any customer , user or any other entity or any other property whether owned or controlled by the customer, user orothers, caused or claimed to have been caused,directly or indirectly, by any act or omission of the customer user or others or by anyinstallation, operation failure to operate, maintenance, removal, presence, condition, locationor use of facilities or equipment provided by the Company which is not the direct result of the Company s negligence. The Company shall not be liable for any failure ofperformance due to causes beyond its control, including, without being limited to, acts of God,fires, floods or other catastrophes, national emergencies , insurrections, riots or wars, strikes,lockouts, work stoppage or other labor difficulties, acts or omissions of other carriers, and any law , order , regulation or other action of any governing authority or agency thereof. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JAN 1 8 1996 Boise. Idaho . - ,-au._-. V NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, Nevada 89121 Issued: May 4 , 1999 Idaho Price List Original Page 12. Effecti ve:May 14 1999 *All material on this page is new. * RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT' Liability of the Company (Cont' Year 2000 Compliance Company shall not be liable to any Customer , Authorized User or third party under any law or regulation or any theory of liability, includingindemnity, based on claims or because of Company s or its underlyingcarriers failure or neglect to have and maintain a system, systems, anetwork, networks, equipment, facilities or services that are Year 2000 compliant. As the Year 2000 approaches , date information associated with any interfaces between the Company and Customer and/or its Authorized User shall be considered to remain as it is. Any changes in the interfaces, interface format or formats associated with date information shall be processed and worked by Company s Y2K Compliance Division and no change of any nature may be made, used or implemented unless and until approved by Company Y2K Compliance Division and tested successfully for Y2K compliance. Customer s service may be delayed, canceled, temporarily or permanently discontinued or terminated without liability in the event Company determines that harm to its network, equipment , facilities or services may be caused by a Customer s not having provided proof of its compliance with the Y2K phenomenon. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 4 1999 Boise, Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 6701 Democracy BoulevardBethesda, Maryland 20817Issued: January 8 , 1996 Suite 811 Idaho Price List Original Page Cancels ---- Page -- Effective:January 18 , 1996 RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT' Responsibilities of the Customer 2.4. 2.4. The customer is responsible for placing anynecessary orders for complying with tariff regulations and for assuring that users comply with tariff regulations. The customer shall ensure compliance with any applicable laws , regulations, orders or other requirements (as they exist from time to time) of any governmental entity relatingto services provided or made available by the customer to Authorized Users. The customer is responsible for the payment of charges for allcalls originated at the customer premises utilizing the Company s services. The customer is responsible for charges incurred for special construction and/or special facilities which the customer requests and which are ordered by the Company on the customer s behalf. If required for the provision of the Company services, the customer must provide any equipment space, supporting structure, conduit and electrical power without charge to the Company. The customer is responsible for arranging access its premises at times mutually agreeable to the Company and the customer when required for the Company personnel to install, repair, maintain program, inspect or remove equipment associated with the provision of the Company s services. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JAN 1 8 1996 Boise, Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 6701 Democracy Boulevard,Bethesda, Maryland 20817Issued: January 8 , 1996 Idaho Price List Original Page Cancels Page --Suite 811 Effective:January 18, 1996 RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT' Responsibilities of the CUstomer (cont' d) 2.4. 2.4. The customer shall ensure that the equipment and/or system is properly interfaced with the Companyfacilities or services, that the signals emitted into the Company network are of the proper mode bandwidth , power, and signal level for the intended use of the customer and in compliance with the criteria set forth in this tariff , and that the signals do not damage equipment, injure personnelor degrade service to other customers. I f theFederal Communications Commission or some other appropriate certifying body certifies terminal equipment as being technically acceptable fordirect electrical connection wi th interstate communications service, the Company will permit such equipment to be connected with its channels without the use of protective interface devices. If the customer fails to maintain the equipment and/or the system properly, with resulting imminent harm to the Company equipment, personnel, or the quali ty of service to other customers, the Companymay, upon written notice, require the use of protective equipment at the customer s expense. Ifthis fails to produce satisfactory quality andsafety, the Company may, upon written notice, terminate the customer s service. The customer must pay the Company for replacement or repair of damage to the equipment or facilities of the Company caused by negligence or willful act of the customer , users, or others, by improper use of the services, or by use of equipment provided by the customer, users , or others. The customer must pay for the loss through theft of any the Company equipment installed at customerpremises. The customer is responsible for payment charges set forth in this tariff.the Idaho Public \ftilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG JAN 1 8 1996 Boise. Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 6701 Democracy Boulevard,Bethesda, Maryland 20817Issued: January 8, 1996 Idaho Price List Original Page 15 Cancels ---- Page --Suite 811 Effective:January 18, 1996 RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT' Responsibilities of the Customer (cont' 2.4.The customer is responsible for compl iance with the applicable regulations set forth in this tariff. Cancellation or Interruption of Services (A) The Company may discontinue service without incurring liability in accordance with and following proper notice pursuant the conditions summarized below: With ten days written notice to the customer for noncompliance with utility or commission rules and regulations after a reasonable effort has been made to induce compliance. (B)Without prior notice when a dangerous condition exists on the customer s or applicant's premises. The Company must immediately notify the customer ofthe reason (s) service was disconnected and the corrective action necessary for service restoral. ( C)With fifteen days written notice when a customer applicant refuses or neglects to provide reasonable access to the premises. (D)The Company is not required to furnish service to any applicant when such applicant is indebted tothe Company until such applicant pays the indebtedness. (E)Service may be discontinued or refused if the customer or applicant does not comply with state, municipal or other codes, rules and regulationsapplying to such service. ( F)With five (5) days written notice (separate from the bill) for nonpayment of bills. The Companymust make a reasonable effort to induce the customer to pay and shall not cut-off servicebefore twenty (20) days after the mailing of theoriginal bill. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JAN 1 81996 8cise. Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 6701 Democracy Boulevard,Bethesda, Maryland 20817Issued: January 8, 1996 Suite 811 Idaho Price List Original Page 16 Cancels ---- Page -- Effective:January 18, 1996 RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT' Cancellation or Interruption of Services (cont' d) (G)Without notice for illegal use or theft of service pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. wi thout incurring liability, the Company may interrupt the provision of services at any time in order to perform tests and inspections to assure compliance with tariff regulations and the proper installation and operation of customer and Company equipment and services and may continue such interruption until any items of non-compliance orimproper equipment operation so identified arerectified. Contested Charges Customer complaints and contested charges will be handled in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Idaho PublicUtilities Commission. For consideration of any disputed charge, a user must submit in writing, in person or bytelephone, to the Company, within 30 days of the date the bill is issued, the call details and the basis for any requested adjustment. The Company will promptly investigate and advise the user as to its findings and disposition , and their rightof appeal to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Any undisputed charges must be paid on a timely basis. Deposits The Company does not require a deposit from the customer. Taxes All state and local taxes (e.g., gross receipts tax , sales tax, municipal utilities tax) are billed as separate line items and are not included in the quoted rates. Late Payment Charge The Company will assess a late payment charge equal to 1. for any past due balance that exceeds thirty days. The late payment penalty will be assessed only once on each monthlybill for services and the penalty will not be applied tounpaid previous penal ties. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR F'LlNG JAN 1 8 1996 Boise. Idaho NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: August 5 2003 Idaho Price List First Revised Page 16. Cancels Original Page 16, SECTION - 2 RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont'd) Effective: August 15 2003 Reserved for Future Use (T) (D/T) (D) (D) NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: May 4 , 1999 Idaho Price List Original Page 16. Effective: May 14 1999 *All material on this page is new. * 2 . 0 RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' General Customer Eligibility Requirements Company offers service to all persons and/or entities which meet thefollowing general eligibility requirements. Additional eligibility requirements may apply for specific services and will be described and prescribed in the sections of this tariff applicable to each service offering based on specific eligibility requirements in addition to those following. 11.Non-Payment of Charges At any time within the two years prior to ordering servicefrom Company, customer may not have had its account with another telecommunications service provider canceled for non- payment of charges. 11. 2 Timely Payment of Charges At any time within the twelve (12) months prior to ordering service from Company, customer may not have had any history oflate payment charges for services provided by another telecommunications service provider. 11. 3 No History of Delinquencies Presently, or at any time during a previous service period with Company or any commonly-owned telecommunication service provider , Customer may not have had or have any delinquencies in payment of applicable charges. 11. 4 Credi tworthiness Prior to and at all times during service terms, customer musthave and maintain credit worthiness determined to be satisfactory to Company in its sole and absolute discretion. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 4 1999 Boise, Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: May 4, 1999 Idaho Price List Original Page 16. Effective: May 14 *All material on this p;3.ge is new. * 1999 0 RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont'd) Service Cancellation, Discontinuance and Tt!rmination Subj ect to and to be construed consistent with section 2.5, preceding, and underapplicable circumstances as set forth following, Company services may be canceled, temporarily or permanently discontinued or terminated without liability of any kind to customer or any third party. Company right to cancel discontinue and/or terminate a service or services applies equally to and/or may in Company s discretion be limited to new o:~ders for or modifications to existing service , new service orders, modifications of services yet to be commenced or other service circumstances. 2 . 12 . 1 Defini tions A service or services are considered "canceled" when the Company determines not to provision service prior to colnmencement of that service. A service or services are considered to be "temporarily discontinued" when Company determines to suspend service or services for a period of timeduring which the causes underlyi::lg the suspension of service are investigated to determine whether a service or services may be reinstituted consistent with this tariff and/or applicable law and/or regulation. Temporary discontinuances may not exceed thirty days, unless good cause is shown. At the end of the applicable period of temporary discontinuance, e. g ., 30 days, service must be reinstituted according to the original terms and conditions applicable to said service or services as set forth in thistariff. A service or services are considered to be "permanently discontinued" when Company is unable to determine within the applicable period of temporary discontinuance that the service or services cannot be reinstituted according to the original terms and conditions applicable to said service or servicesas set forth in this tariff. A service or services are considered "terminated" when Company ceases to provision the service or services fo:!:" a customer or class of customers or determines that offering the service or services is no longer warranted because customer demand for the service or services has fallen below the level needed to maintain the servic(~ or services on a cost effective or operationally practical basis or both. 2 . 12 . 2 Cancellation 2 . 12 .2 . 1 A specific service or any combination of multiple services may be canceled if Company determines the customer s service profile does not meet the eligibility requirements applicable to the service or services under this tariff. Company will provide written notice of the cancellation in accordance with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission s Customer ServiceRules. Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 141999 Boise. Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: May 4 , 1999 Idaho Price List Original Page 16. Effective: May 14,1999 *All material on this p;age is new. * RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont'd) Service Cancellation, Discontinuance and T(:!rmination (Cont'd) 2 . 12 2 . 12 2 . 12. 12. 12. Cancellation (Cont'd) A specific service or any com~ination of multiple services may be canceled if Company determine~: that the customer has a history of late payments, payment delinquencies, a poor credit rating, or a history of disputed billings with Company or other telecommunicationsservice providers. Company will provide written notice of the cancellation in accordance with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission s Customer Service :cules. A specific service or any com~ination of multiple services may be canceled if Company determines that the customer s representative did not have the authority to order the service or services, fails to provide proof satisfactory to Company that such authority was delegated to the person claiming to represent the customer , or Company determines by any means that the person misrepresented his or her authority on behalf of customer. Company will provide written notice of the cancellation in accordance with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission s Custome:c Service rules. Temporary Discontinuance A specific service or any com~ination of multiple services may be temporarily discontinued if Company determines that circumstances exist which if shown to be trUo:~ would cause the continuation of the service or services to violate any term or provision of this tariff, any applicable law or regulation, or result in unlawful, abusive, fraudulent, or harassing use or an invasion of another's privacy. Company will provide reasonable advance written notice in accordance with the Idaho Public utilitie;3 Commission's Customer Service rules of any temporary discontinuance; provided that Company may institute temporary discontinuance Ili thout prior notice when Company determines such action is necessary in the public interest, to avoid a possible violation of law, this tariff , or governing regulations or in any circumstance where the rights of a third party may be threatened with substantive ha:cm or damage. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 4 1999 Boise, Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: May 4, 1999 Idaho Price List Original Page 16. Effective: May 14 1999 *All material on this p;age is new. *Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 4 1999 RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont'd) Service Cancellation, Discontinuance and Tt!rmination (Cont'd) Boise, Idaho12. 12. 2 . 12 . 3 . 12. Temporary Discontinuance (Cont' A specific service or any co~Jination of multiple services may be temporarily discontinued upon 'Nritten notice in accordance with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission s Customer Service rules if Company determines that a customer s monthly usage exceeds or is projected in any of the next three succeeding billing cycles to exceed customer' estimated usage provided prior to commencement of service by $500, and customer , having been notified of its unexpected level of usage, and requested to provide specific security for payment of charges, fails to confirm in writing customer s acknowledgment and agreement to the tariffed charge applicable to customer s service or servicesand provide Company, in Co~9any ' s sole discretion, subj ect compliance with state law and regulation , with either a deposit or an advance payment as duly tariffed herein, in any case, such deposit or advance payment must be provided Company by wire transfer pursuant to banking instructions provided by Company. , j A specific service or any comJination of multiple services may be temporarily discontinued upon 'Nritten notice in accordance with the Idaho Public Utilities Commissi~n ' s Customer Service rules if Company determines that customer s mos-t recent payment was remitted withoutsufficient funds to cover the then outstanding charges and any arrearage , and customer , having been notified of its insufficient funds, fails to confirm in w:~iting customer s acknowledgment and agreement to the tariffed charg,es applicable to customer's service or services and provide Company, in Company s sole discretion, subject to compliance with state law and regulation , with either a deposit or an advance payment as duly tariffed herein. A specific service or any comJination of multiple services may be temporarily discontinued upon 'Nritten notice in accordance with theIdaho Public Utilities Commission Customer Service rules if customer has not paid the charg,es for services rendered within thirty (30) days of invoice date and Company determines that customer has or will refuse to pay the invoiced tariffed charges other than for legitimate unresolved dispute::: about the charges. For purposes of this section, legitimate disputes over charges do not include 12.Disputes arising from Company s billing and collection of government imposed surcharges, fees, assessments, taxes or other similar charges for which Company is not the originator; 12.Disputes arising from Company s bill presentation format; NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: May 4, 1999 Idaho Price List Original Page 16. Effective: May 14,1999 *All material on this page is new. 2 . 0 RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' Service Cancellation , Discontinuance and Termination (Cont'd) 12.Temporary Discontinuance (Cont'd) 12.Disputes arising from Company s rate structure; 12.Disputes arising from any cause not related to miscalculations of charges for services rendered; disputes over the services themselves as to quality, reliability, or "as ordered" correctness; and/or 12.Customer dispute of the correctness of Company determination to rej ect customer s original" legitimate dispute of Company s charges. 12.Permanent Discontinuance A specific service or any combination of multiple services may be permanently discontinued if Company is unable to determine within the applicable period of temporary discontinuance as provided for section 2.12.4, preceding, that the service or services may bereinsti tuted according to the original terms and conditions applicable to said service or services as set forth in this tariff; or the causes giving rise to the temporary discontinuance in the first instance have not been resolved permitting reinstitution of service on the terms and conditions applicable prior to temporary discontinuance of service. Company will provide prior written notice of permanent discontinuance wi thin a reasonable time, not to exceed five (5) business days once Company determines permanentdiscontinuance is required. 12.Termination A specific service or any combination of multiple services may be terminated if Company determines to cease provisioning the service or services for a customer or class of customers for cause. For purposes of this section, "cause " is defined as follows: 2 . 12 . 5 . 1 The circumstances giving rise to Company s determinationto cancel, temporarily discontinue or permanently discontinue a service or any combination of multiple services are determined by Company to be immune to positive changes or improvement. 2 . 12 . 5 . 2 The offering of the service or services is no longerwarranted because customer demand for the service or services has fallen below the level needed to maintainthe service or services on a cost effective or operationally practical basis or both. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 4 1999 Boise, Idaho NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: December 20, 2002 Idaho Price List Second Revised Page 16. Cancels First Revised Page 16. Effective: January 1 2003 2 RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont'd) Service Cancellation, Discontinuance and Termination (Cont' 12.Termination (Cont' 12.The offering of the service or services is no longer warranted because applicable laws regulations, or government policy have separately or in combination made continued provisioning of the service or services technically and/or competitively infeasible economically unviable, or operationally impracticable. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MN 1 - 2003 I~j) *Certain material formerly appearing on this page now appears on First Revised Page 16. Idaho Price List Original Page 16, NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: December 20, 2002 Effective: January 1 , 2003 ** ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE IS NEW**Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JAN 1 - 2003 2 RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont'd) Service Cancellation, Discontinuance and Termination (Cont' Boise, Idaho 12.Service Term Commitments 12. 12. 12. Termination Charges - Discontinuance Before Expiration. Should customer discontinue service before the expiration of any term commitment specified in this tariff, customer shall be liable for termination charges as specified in the term commitment. 90-Day Term Agreement - In consideration for the value of various promotional offerings granted to certain new customers, such customers may elect to be subject to a 90-Day Term Agreement. Should a customer under this term agreement terminate service with Company prior to completion ofthe term, that customer is subject to an early termination charge equal to the amount of estimated billing for such customer, applied on a pro-rata basis for the remainder of the term. The monthly estimated billing for a customer is determined by customer s previous carrier s invoice. The initiation date of the term is deemed the date of customer s first call. The date of termination of service is deemed as the date Company Winback Department notes customer s account as in "jeopardy.The pro-rata early termination charge amount is determined by multiplying customer s monthly estimated billing by three (3) (to determine the total term estimated billing), determining the percentage of the remaining days of the term after termination, as compared to the entire term, and applying the remaining term percentage to the total term estimated billing. Percentages are rounded up to the next whole number, and termination charges are rounded up to the next whole dollar. The early termination charge will be applied to customer s next invoice after the date of termination. Customer s 90-Day Term Agreement will automatically renew for subsequent additional 90-Day terms unless customers cancel their account within 30 days of completion of the current term. Month Term Agreement - In consideration for the value of various promotional offerings granted to certain new customers, such customers may elect to be subject to a 6-Month Term Agreement. Should a customer under this term agreement terminate service with Company prior to completion of the term, that customer is subject to an early termination charge equal to the amount of estimated billing for such customer, applied on a pro-rata basis for the remainder of the term. The monthly estimated billing for a customer is determined by customer s previous carrier s invoice. The initiation date of the term is deemed the date of customer s first call. The date of termination of service is deemed as the date Company Winback Department notes customer s account as in "jeopardy.The pro-rata early termination charge amount is determined by multiplying customer s monthly estimated billing by six (6) (to determine the total term estimated billing), determining the percentage of the remaining days ofthe term after termination, as compared to the entire term, and applying the remaining term percentage to the total term estimated billing. Percentages are rounded up to the next whole number, and termination charges are rounded up to the next whole dollar. The early termination charge will be applied to customer s next invoice after the date of termination. Customer s 6-Month Term Agreement will automatically renew for subsequent additional 6-Month terms unless customers cancel their account within 30 days of completion of the current term. Idaho Price List Original Page 16. NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: December 20, 2002 Effective: January 1, 2003 ** ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE IS NEW** 2 RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont' Service Cancellation, Discontinuance and Termination (Cont' 12.Service Term Commitments (Co nt' 12. 12. Year Term Agreement - In consideration for a guarantee, granted to certain new customers, that a customer s long distance Interstate and Intrastate/IntraLata usage rates will not increase during the Agreement term, such customers may elect to be subject to a I-Year Term Agreement. Should a customer under this term agreement terminate service with Company prior to completion of the term, that customer is subject to an early termination charge equal to the amount of estimated billing for such customer, applied on a pro-rata basis for the remainder of the term. The monthly estimated billing for a customer is determined by customer s previous carrier s invoice. The initiation date of the term is deemed the date of customer s first call. The date of termination of service is deemed as the date Company Winback Department notes customer s account as in "jeopardy.The pro-rata early termination charge amount is determined by multiplying customer s monthly estimated billing by twelve (12) (to determine the total term estimated billing), determining the percentage of the remaining days of the term after termination, as compared to the entire term, and applying the remaining term percentage to the total term estimated billing. Percentages are rounded up to the next whole number, and termination charges are rounded up to the next whole dollar. The early termination charge will be applied to customer s next invoice after the date of termination. Discontinuance Without Liability - Customers may discontinue service before expiration of any term commitment specified in this tariff without incurring the applicable termination charges if customers restructure their service by agreeing to a new service term of equal or greater length as that of the service term customer discontinues or to a new service with a greater volume commitment for a term, the combination of which (that is, the new term and greater volume commitment) has a value equal to or greater than the value of the service being discontinued. Idaho P~b!;c Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary EPTED FOR FlUNG JAN 1 - 2003 Boise, Idaho NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: August 5, 2003 Idaho Price List Second Revised Page 16, Cancels First Revised Page 16. Effective: August 15, 2003 (T)SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS (Cont'd) Limitations of Actions 13.All actions at law or in equity, and/or all complaints to regulatory authorities against Company for the recovery of damages and/or seeking mandates requiring the Company to take action or to cease any action which is not based on tariffed charges shall be begun within one year from the time the cause of action accrues and not after. Commencement of an action or complaint does not relieve Customer s duties to pay Company s charges. 13.All actions at law or in equity, and/or all complaints to regulatory authorities against Company for the recovery of overcharges based on tariffed rates shall be begun within one year from the time the cause of action accrues and not after, except that if a claim for the overcharge has been presented in writing to Company within the one- year period oflimitation, said period shall be extended to include one year from the time the notice in writing is given by the Company to the claimant of disallowance of the claim, or any part or parts thereof, specified in such notice. Commencement of an action or complaint does not relieve Customer s duties to pay Company charges, 13.All actions at law by Company for recovery of its lawful charges, or any part thereof, shall be begun within one year from the time the cause of action accrues, and not after. If on or before the period of limitation in sections 13.1 or 2.13., preceding, Company begins action under this section for recovery of lawful charges in respect to the same service, or, without beginning action, collects charges in respect if that service, said period of limitation shall be extended to include ninety (90) days from the date such action is begun or such charges are collected by Company, 13.4 The tenn "overcharges" as used in this section shall be deemed to mean charges for services in excess of those applicable to such service or services under the Company s schedules of charges lawfully on file with the Commission, Resolution of Disputes The Idaho Public Utilities Commission shall have the authority to investigate and resolve complaints made by subscribers to telecommunication services which are subject to the provisions ofIdaho Statute Title 62, Chapter 62-616, which concern the quality and availability of local exchange service, or whether price and conditions of service are in confonnance with filed tariffs or price lists, deposit requirements for such service or disconnection of such service by telephone corporations subject to the provisions of Chapter 62-616. The commission may, by order, render its decision granting or denying in whole or in part the subscriber s complaint or providing such other relief as is reasonable based on the evidence presented to the commission at the hearing, Any fma1 order of the commission entered pursuant to this section may be enforced against any telephone corporation by an affected person or by the commission. All disputes, not resolved pursuant to the Idaho Statute Title 62 procedure outlined above, concerning or affecting any service, rating of services, transfer of service, payments on account, credits, promotions, special offers or services, or any action or service of Company and/or its agents and/or any billing, bills, invoices, or statements of accounts shall be resolved through binding arbitration. Arbitration of disputes, whether raised by the Company or by the Customer, shall resolve all issues between the Company and the Customer, and shall not involve any fonn of class or collective arbitration nor any fonn whatsoever of class action lawsuit. A dispute occurs when the customer fails to pay an invoice or contests it for any reason associated with the ordering, installation, provisioning, maintenance, repair, interruption restoration or tennination of any service or facility offered under this Tariff, Once a dispute, not resolved pursuant to the Idaho Statute Title 62 procedure outlined above is raised, arbitration is mandatory, and counterclaims may be asserted. The arbitration shall be administered by the neutral third party administrator (Administrator) jointly chosen by the customer and Company and shall be conducted under rules and procedures nonnally followed for arbitrations conducted in this country. As a condition of service under this Tariff, and as disclosed in the customer authorization for service (LOA), any dispute, not resolved pursuant to the Idaho Statute Title 62 procedure outlined above, or any counterclaims in response to such a dispute shall be governed by such arbitration rules and procedures. (C) (C) NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121Issued: November 10, 2000 Idaho Price List Second Revised Page 17 Cancels First Page Effective:November 20, 2000 SECTION 3 - EXPLANATION OF RATES (T) General Description of Services Company s intrastate toll services include switched and dedicated outbound and inbound services or specified combinations thereof and include calling card service as specified. No minimum monthly usage and no installation charges apply. Company s services are offered only in conjunction with its interstate services as tariffed beforethe Federal Communications Commission and are offered on intrastate basis subj ect to the provisions of Sections 3.2, 3.3 and4, following, as applicable. Company offers flat rate service as its "All Time Period" or "ATP" service and peak/business day/off- peak/non-business day service as its "Time Period" or "TP" service. Discounted rates are available based on volume and term commitments. All service is provided via standard business or residential access lines, with dedicated line services offered to businesses and other customers whose volume of service requires dedicated facilities. Services originate from equal access areas only unless otherwise specified in this tariff. Directory assistance is available. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NaV 2 0 2000 Boise, Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: November 10, 2000 Idaho Price List Second Revised Page 18 Cancels First Page 18 Effective: November 20, 2000 SECTION 3 - EXPLANATION OF RATES (Cent'd)(T) Rate Elements (T) Long distance usage charges are based on the usage of the Company s network. The Company will determine that a call has been established through industry standard answer detection methods, including hardware answer detection. Chargeable time for a call ends upon disconnection by ei ther party. Charges for calls are based on usage of the Companynetwork (transport) and the related non-transportfunctions including without limitation installation/account set up, general and account administration, regulatory fees, and other costs. Charges for call are determined by adding allapplicable Call Units as defined in this tariff Minimum/Ini tial, Incremental and Equivalent to obtainTotal Call Units and are in lieu of additional surcharges, the imposition of minimum service terms orother special charges, unless expressly set forth inthis tariff. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 0 2000 Boise, Idaho NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: April 4, 2003 Idaho Price List Fifth Revised Page 19 Cancels Fourth Revised Page 19 Effective: April 15, 2003 SECTION 3 - EXPLANATION OF RATES (Cont' Rate Elements (Cont' Reserved for Future Use. Reserved for Future Use, Reserved for Future Use. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 1 5 2003 Boise, Idaho (T) (D) (D) (T) (D) (D) (D/T) (D) (D) NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Tariff Administrator 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: September 19 2003 Idaho Price List Fifth Revised Page 19. Cancels Fourth Revised Page 19. Effective: October 1 , 2003 SECTION 3 - EXPLANATION OF RATES (Cont' Rate Elements (Cont' Call Unit Calculations Total charges per call are calculated by using the information provided in Tables 1 or 2 to determine Total Call Units ("TCU') in each call and by multiplying the TCU's by the rates applicable to the service provided. The following tables may be used to determine the TCU's in any call of a specified duration as shown following: TABLE 1 - Calls of a Minute or Less Duration (In seconds)TCU' 18* 19- 23- 25- 27- 31- 37- 43-44 45- 49- 55- 3.4 4.4 (I) (I) * calls are subject to an 18-second minimum. TABLE 2 - Calls in Minutes Duration (In minutes)Formula Calculations 20+TCU's = (Call Duration (in minutes) + 26. (I) (I) 19.TCU's = (Call Duration (in minutes) x 2.2 + 2. Note: The tables preceding can be used in reverse to convert TCU's to minutes of call duration for individual calls, Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FIL\N OCT 1 - 2003 Boise, Idaho NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Tariff Administrator 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: April 4, 2003 Idaho Price List Fifth Revised Page 19, Cancels Fourth Revised Page 19, Effective: Apri115 , 2003 SECTION 3 - EXPLANATION OF RATES (Cont' Rate Elements (Cont' I~aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 1 5 2003 Boise, Idaho (D) (D) NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Tariff Administrator 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: April 4, 2003 Idaho Price List First Revised Page 19. Cancels Original Page 19. Effuctive: Apri115, 2003 SECTION 3 - EXPLANATION OF RATES (Cont' Rate Elements (Cont' Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 1 5 2003 Boise, Idaho (D) (D) NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Tariff Administrator 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: April 4, 2003 Idaho Price List First Revised Page 19.4 Cancels Original Page 19.4 Effective: April 15 , 2003 SECTION 3 - EXPLANATION OF RATES (Cont'd) Rate Elements (Cont' I€laho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 1 5 2003 Boise, Idaho (D) (D) NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Tariff Administrator 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: April4, 2003 Idaho Price List First Revised Page 19. Cancels Original Page 19, Effuctive: Apri115 , 2003 SECTION 3 - EXPLANATION OF RATES (Cont' Rate Elements (Cont'd) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 1 5 2003 Boise. Idaho (D) (D) NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Tariff Administrator 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: April 4, 2003 Idaho Price List First Revised Page 19. Cancels Original Page 19, Effective: April 15, 2003 SECTION 3 - EXPLANATION OF RATES (Cont' Rate Elements (Cont' Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 1 5 2003 Boise, Idaho (D) (D) NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Tariff Administrator 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: April 4, 2003 Idaho Price List First Revised Page 19. Cancels Original Page 19. Effective: Apri115, 2003 SECTION 3 - EXPLANATION OF RATES (Cont' Rate Elements (Cont'd) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 1 5 2003 Boise, Idaho (D) (D) NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Tariff Administrator 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: April 4, 2003 Idaho Price List First Revised Page 19. Cancels Original Page 19. Effective: April 15, 2003 SECTION 3 - EXPLANATION OF RATES (Cont'd) Rate Elements (Cont' Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 1 5 2003 Boise, Idaho (D) (D) NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Tariff Administrator 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: April4, 2003 Idaho Price List First Revised Page 19, Cancels Original Page 19. Effuctive: Apri115 , 2003 SECTION 3 - EXPLANATION OF RATES (Cont' Rate Elements (Cont'd) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 1 5 2003 Boise, Idaho CD) CD) NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Tariff Administrator 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: April 4, 2003 Idaho Price List First Revised Page 19. Cancels Original Page 19. Effective: Apri115, 2003 SECTION 3 - EXPLANATION OF RATES (Cont'd) Rate Elements (Cont' Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 1 5 2003 Boise. Idaho (D) (D) NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Tariff Administrator 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: April 4, 2003 Idaho Price List First Revised Page 19. Cancels Original Page 19. Effective: April 15, 2003 SECTION 3 - EXPLANATION OF RATES (Cont' Rate Elements (Cont' Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 1 5 2003 Boise, Idaho (D) (D) NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Tariff Administrator 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: April 4, 2003 Idaho Price List First Revised Page 19. Cancels Original Page 19. Effuctive: April 15, 2003 SECTION 3 - EXPLANATION OF RATES (Cont' Rate Elements (Cont' Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 1 5 2003 Boise, Idaho (D) (D) NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Tariff Administrator 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: November 10, 2000 Idaho Price List Third Revised Page 20 Cancels Second Revised Page 20 Effective: November 20, 2000 SECTION 3 - EXPLANATION OF RATES (Cent'd)(T) Rate Elements (Cent' (T) All calls incur charges for Minimum and applicable Equivalent Call Units and all calls of more than seconds will also incur charges for applicableIncremental Call Units. (M) (M) When the connection is established in one rate periodand ends in another, the rate for each rate period applies to the portion of the connection occurring wi thin that rate period. In the event that a billing increment is split between two rate periods the rate in effect at the start of the billing increment applies. (T) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 0 2000 Boise, Idaho *Certain Material Now Appearing on This Page Formerly Appeared on Third Revised Page 19,2. * NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Tariff Administrator 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: November 10, 2000 Idaho Price List First Revised Page 20. Cancels Original Page 20. Effective: November 20, 2000 SECTION 3 - EXPLANATION OF RATES (Cont'd) Rate Elements (Cont'd) Rounding 11.1 11.2 Rounding at 18/6. Company follows the industrypractice of "rounding,that is, in its mostbasic form, when call duration does not end onthe nearest whole six second increment, thecall's duration is rounded to the next whole 6six second increment. Services with billing increments of second increments with an second minimum are billed as follows - a minimumof 3 call units, equal to either 3 ICUs of seconds each , or 1 MCU of 18 seconds as the minimum, with additional call duration rounded to the next higher 6 second increment, i. e., the next ICU having a value in this case of a whole 6 seconds. Rounding to Whole Cents. Charges for each call are totaled. If the computed charges include a fraction of a cent, the fraction is rounded up tothe next whole cent (e. g., $1.4233 would be rounded up to $1.43). (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING Nay 2 0 2000 Boise, Idaho NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Tariff Administrator 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: April 4, 2003 Idaho Price List Second Revised Page 20. Cancels First Revised Page 20. Effuctive: Apri115 , 2003 SECTION 3 - EXPLANATION OF RATES (Cont' Rate Elements (Cont' 12 Reserved for Future Use, Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 1 5 2003 Boise, Idaho (T) (D) (D) NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Tariff Administrator 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: April4, 2003 Idaho Price List Second Revised Page 20, Cancels First Revised Page 20, Effective: Apri115 , 2003 SECTION 3 - EXPLANATION OF RATES (Cont'd) Rate Elements (Cont'd) 12 Reserved for Future Use, Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 1 5 2003 Boise, Idaho (T) (D) CD) NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Tariff Administrator 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: April 4, 2003 Idaho Price List Second Revised Page 20.4 Cancels First Revised Page 20.4 Effuctive: Apri115 , 2003 SECTION 3 - EXPLANATION OF RATES (Cont'd) Rate Elements (Cont'd) 12 Reserved for Future Use. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 1 5 2003 Boise, Idaho (T) (D) (D) NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Tariff Administrator 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: April 4, 2003 Idaho Price List Second Revised Page 20. Cancels First Revised Page 20, Effective: Apri115 , 2003 SECTION 3 - EXPLANATION OF RATES (Cont'd) Rate Elements (Cont' 12 Reserved for Future Use. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 1 5 2003 Boise, Idaho (T) (D) (D) NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Tariff Administrator 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: April4, 2003 Idaho Price List Second Revised Page 20. Cancels First Revised Page 20. Effuctive: April 15, 2003 SECTION 3 - EXPLANATION OF RATES (Cont'd) Rate Elements (Cont'd) 12 Reserved for Future Use. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 1 5 2003 Boise, Idaho (T) (D) (D) NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 6701 Democracy Boulevard,Bethesda, Maryland 20817Issued: January 8, 1996 Suite 811 Idaho Price List Original Page 21 Cancels ---- Page -- Effective:January 18, 1996 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (CONT' Calculation of Distance Usage charges for all mileage sensitive products are based on the airline distance between the serving wire center locations associated with the originating and terminating points of thecall. At present, Carrier does not offer mileage sensitiveproducts or services. The distance between the originating and terminating points is calculated by using the "V" and "H" coordinates of the rate centers as defined by AT&T in its Tariff No. 10 as filed with the FCC in the following manner: Step 1 - Obtain the "V" and "H" coordinates for the rate center of the customer s switch and the destination point. Step 2 - Obtain the difference between the "V" coordinates of each of the Rate Centers. Obtain the Difference between the "H" coordinates. Step 3 - Square the differences obtained in Step Step Add the squares of difference obtained in Step the "V"difference and "H" Step 5 - Divide the sum of the square obtained in Step 4 byten (10). Round to the next higher whole number if any fraction results from the division. Step 6 - Obtain the square root of the whole number obtained in Step 5. Round to the next higher whole number if any fraction is obtained. This is the distance between the originating and terminating rate centers of the call. Formula: (V 1 - V 2 ) 2 + (H1 - H ) 2 --------------------\/ Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JAN 1 8 1996 Boise. Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121Issued: February 3, 1998 Idaho Price List First Revised Page 22 Cancels Original Page 22 Effective:February 13 , 1998 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (CONT' Rating Periods ( C) The appropriate rates apply for day, evening and night/weekend calls based on the followingchart. Times MOll Tues Wed Thur I Fri Sat Sun 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Daytime Period 4:01 pm to 11:00 pm Evening Period I Eve. 11:00 pm to 8:59 am Night/Weekend Period The appropriate rates apply for Peak/Business Day and Non-Peak/Non-Business Day calls basedon the following chart. Times I MOll I Tues I Wed I Thur Fri Sat I Sun Peak/Business Day Period Non-PeaklNoll-Business Day Period (C) 9:00 am to 4:00 pm 4:00 pm to 9:00 am Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 3 1998 Boise, Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas , NV 89121Issued: February 3 , 1998 Idaho Price List Original Page 22. Effective:February 13,1998 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (CONT' Telecompetitive Service Offerings (~TSOs From time to time, Carrier shall tariff rates or select tariffed rates, the purpose of and/or design for which is to retain Carrier s competitive posi tion by offering rates which are necessitated by competing offersrecei ved by or available to existing or potential customers, which if not matched or bettered would result in the loss of an existing or potential customer and/or in the reduction of traffic volume of the customer. Carrier either shall require customer confirmation of the competitive offer in writing or shall confirm the availability of a more favorable competi ti ve rate from published tariffs, marketing materials, or other public sources to establish a customer s right to obtain a TSO. 1 TSOs will comply with the Carrier s net revenue test which founded on established economic principles ensuring above-costpricing. A customer or potential customer which is similarly situated mayrequest service under a new or previously tariffed TSO. To qualify as a similarly situated customer for purposes of this Section, thecustomer seeking the TSO must demonstrate the existence of circumstances substantially and materially like those which justified the TSO as tariffed. 3 An existing customer or potential customer unable to demonstrate being similarly situated under a tariffed TSO may, nonetheless, be able to qualify for a different or new TSO tailored to that customer s circumstances. 4 TSOs are available for all rates published in this Tariff. 5 Whenever a customer s competi ti ve offer entails a rate which is not at the time offered by the Company, a specifically responsive competitive rate (RCR) matching that otherwise available from the competi ti ve offering shall be tariffed in Section 4, following. Benchmark Rates Certain rates set forth in Section 4 of this tariff are "benchmarked, that is, keyed to a customer monthly revenue volume and/or term commi tments. Customers whose monthly revenue volume and/or term commi tments do not meet the applicable benchmark (s) may obtain the benchmarked rate pursuant to Section 3.5 preceding. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 1 3 1998 Boise. Idaho (N) (N) NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: July 4, 2008 Idaho Price List Twenty Sixth Revised Page 22. Cancels Twenty Fifth Revised Page 22.2 Effective: July 15 2008 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Cont' Freedom Plans Subject to Section 5.1 following, carrier offers services under its Freedom Plan for Business Users based on the Rate Plans and categories as specified following. Rates are graduated as shown in Table I following, higher to lower, that is, Rate Category I for the Cairo 2 Rate Plan contains Carrier lowest offered rates and Rate Category XI for the Basic Q Rate Plan contains Carrier s top rates. Table I Rate Plan Rate Category Basic Q Classic Q Classic 2 Classic I VIII Universal VII Prime 2 Prime I Super 1 Super 2 III Cairo 1 Cairo 2 Any Rate Category I-IX customers in service on or before April IS, 2008, whose services are not part of an unexpired term plan or usage rate guarantee, and which have not experienced a rate category change during the previous three consecutive invoices, shall have their rates adjusted upward by two Rate Categories, effective for all calls on or after July 15 2008, that are reflected on invoices rendered on or after August 15 2008. Any Rate Category X customers in service on or before April IS, 2008, whose services are not part of an unexpired term plan or usage rate guarantee, and which have not experienced a rate category change during the previous three consecutive invoices, shall have their rates adjusted to Rate Category XI, effective for all calls on or after July IS, 2008, that are reflected on invoices rendered on or after August IS, 2008. Idaho Public Utilities Commissilll Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUll 5 2008 Boise. IdahlJ (C/l) (C/I) (C/I) (C/I) NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: December 14, 2000 Idaho Price List Second Revi sed Page 23 Cancels First Revised Page 23 Effective: December 26, 2000 SECTION 4 - RATES RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.(N) (0) (0) Idaho Public Utilities Comm1~iOft Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OEC 26 2000 Boise " . 1!ia.b9 NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: December 14, 2000 Idaho Price List Second Revised Page 24 Cancels First Revised Page 24 Effective: December 26, 2000 SECTION 4 - RATES , (CONT' RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.(N) (0) (0) Idaho Public' Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 26 2000 Boise, Idaho -- -- .- ' -'.-- n_ NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: December 14, 2000 Idaho Price List Second Revised Page 25 Cancels First Revised Page 25 Effective: December 26, 2000 SECTION 4 - RATES (CONT' RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.(N) (0) (0) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 26 2000 Boise, Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: December 14 , 2000 Idaho Price List Third Revised Page 26 Cancels Second Revised Page 26 Effective: December 26, 2000 SECTION 4 - RATES (CONT' RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE. hfaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 26 2000 Boise. Idaho (N) (0) (0) NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: December 14 , 2000 Idaho Price List Third Revised Page 27 Cancels Second Revised Page 27 Effective: December 26, 2000 SECTION 4 - RATES (CONT' RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 26 2000 Boise. Idaho (N) (0) (0) NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: August 5, 2003 Idaho Price List Seventh Revised Page 28 Cancels Sixth Revised Page 28 Effective: August 15 2003 SECTION 4 - RATES (Cont' 1 - 4.6 Reserved for Future Use. Miscellaneous Charges Directory Assistance Rate Per Call: $1.25 Remote Access Surcharge A surcharge applies to all remote access calls, including 800/888 and calling card calls that are accessed by dialing 800/888, originating from payphones. Per Call $0.(I) Changes (ARCs) Customers choosing to close their respective accounts with Company prior to the completion of a continuous service period of six consecutive invoices are subject to Account Recourse Charges (ARCs). Account Recourse Charges include one of two adjustments in 1+ and toll free access service rate(s) and a separate adjustment in calling card rates for the final period of service which immediately precedes Customer s service termination, Application of ARC charges are determined on the day prior to the final day of active service for each Customer, that is, the last day on which Customer utilizes the Company s services, All ARCs are billed in the final invoice rendered. ARC charges do not apply if the final day of active service is the last day of the Customer s first invoice period, Final Adjusted Invoice Rate (FAIR) F or a Customer whose last service date is less than 18 days into Customer final billing cycle, $0,558 per applicable full billing increment Final Adjusted Invoice Rate (FAIR) For a Customer whose last service date is more than 18 days into Customer final billing cycle. $0.279 per applicable full billing increment Final Adjusted Invoice Rate (FAIR) Calling Card Service $0.306 per applicable full billing increment for all services plus a call set up charge of $0.50 per call Separate FAIR charges are applied pursuant to Company s applicable international and interstate tariffs. NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: December 22, 2003 Idaho Price List Ninth Revised Page 29 Cancels Eighth Revised Page 29 Effective: January 1 , 2004 SECTION 4 - RATES (Cont'd) Company offers two Freedom Plans, its Freedom Plan 2000 and its Freedom Plan for Business Users, Company standard tariff rate methodology applies in each invoice under its Freedom Plan 2000. Sections 5,, 5., and 5.3 apply to Company s Freedom Plan for Business Users. The following Freedom Plans rate plans, the Basic Q, Classic Q, Classic 2, Classic 1 , Universal, Prime 2, Prime 1, Super 1, Super 2 and Cairo, are offered. The provisions of sections , and 4.24 of this tariff apply. Company s Freedom Plans rates are as follows: (T) Basic Q Rate Plan Basic Q rates are provided to customers with no minimum monthly intrastate usage requirement at the following rates: Peak/Business Day Off-Peak/Non-Business Day Minimum Call Unit or Fraction $0,0825 $0.0825 Incremental Call Unit or Fraction $0.0275 $0.0275 Classic Q Rate Plan Classic Q rates are provided for customers whose minimum monthly intrastate usage is over $5,00 at the following rates: (C) Peak/Business Day Off-Peak/Non-Business Day Minimum Call Unit or Fraction $0,0678 $0.0678 Incremental Call Unit or Fraction $0,0226 $0.0226 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiliNG JAN 1;- 2004 Boise, Idaho NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: December 22, 2003 Idaho Price List Seventh Revised Page 29. Cancels Sixth Revised Page 29. Effective: January 1 2004 Classic 2 Rate Plan SECTION 4 - RATES (Cont' Classic 2 rates are provided to customers whose minimum monthly intrastate usage is over $10.00 at the following rates: PeaklBusiness Day Off-Peak/Non-Business Day Classic 1 Rate Plan Minimum Call Unit or Fraction $0,0597 $0.0597 Incremental Call Unit or Fraction $0,0199 $0.0199 Classic 1 rates are provided to customers whose minimum monthly intrastate usage is over $15.00 at the following rates: PeaklBusiness Day Off-Peak/Non-Business Day Universal Rate Plan Minimum Call Unit or Fraction $0.0567 $0.0567 Incremental Call Unit or Fraction $0.0189 $0.0189 Universal rates are provided to customers whose minimum monthly intrastate usage is over $20.00 at the following rates: PeaklBusiness Day Off- Peak/N on-Business Day Prime 2 Rate Plan Minimum Call Unit or Fraction $0.0537 $0.0537 Incremental Call Unit or Fraction $0.0179 $0,0179 Prime 2 rates are provided to customers whose minimum monthly intrastate usage is over $25.00 at the following rates: Peak/Business Day Off-Peak/Non-Business Day Minimum Call Unit or Fraction $0,0417 $0.0417 Incremental Call Unit or Fraction $0.0139 $0.0139 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiliNG JAN 1 - 2004 Boise, Idaho (C) (T) (T) (C) (T) (T) (C) (T) (T) (C) (T) (T) NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: June 21 , 2004 Idaho Price List Eighth Revised Page 29. Cancels Seventh Revised Page 29, Effective: July 1 2004 SECTION 4 - RATES (Cont' Prime 1 Rate Plan Prime 1 rates are provided to customers whose minimum monthly intrastate usage is over $30.00 at the following rates: PeaklBusiness Day Off-PeakINon-Business Day Minimum Call Unit or Fraction $0,0387 $0.0387 Super 1 Rate Plan Incremental Call Unit or Fraction $0.0129 $0.0129 Super 1 Rates are provided to customers whose minimum monthly intrastate usage is over $35.00 at the following rates: PeaklBusiness Day Off-PeakINon-Business Day Minimum Call Unit or Fraction $0,0357 $0,0357 Super 2 Rate Plan Incremental Call Unit or Fraction $0.0119 $0.0119 Super 2 rates are provided to customers whose minimum monthly intrastate usage is over $40.00 at the following rates: PeaklBusiness Day Off-PeakINon-Business Day Minimum Call Unit or Fraction $0.0327 $0,0327 Cairo 1 Rate Plan Incremental Call Unit or Fraction $0.0109 $0.0109 (T) The Cairo 1 Rate Plan can not be combined with the Freedom Plan Plus Telecompetitive Service Offering, and is provided exclusively to new customers, whose minimum monthly intrastate usage is over $25., at the following rates: PeaklBusiness Day Off-PeakINon-Business Day Minimum Call Unit or Fraction $0,0327 $0,0327 (T) Incremental Call Unit or Fraction $0.0109 $0,0109 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL L~ 2004 Boise, Idaho NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: June 21 , 2004 Idaho Price List Fifth Revised Page 29. Cancels Fourth Revised Page 29. Effective: July 1 , 2004 SECTION 4 - RATES (Cont' Peak/Business Day Off-Peak/Non-Business Day Minimum Call Unit or Fraction $0.0147 $0.0147 Incremental Call Unit or Fraction $0,0049 $0.0049 (DIN) (DIN) Cairo 2 Rate Plan The Cairo 2 Rate Plan can not be combined with the Freedom Plan Plus Telecompetitive Service Offering, and is provided to new , " saved" or "Winback" customers, whose minimum monthly intrastate usage is over $30. at the following rates: Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG JUL 1 - 2004 Boise. Idaho NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: June 21 , 2002 Idaho Price List Original Page 29. Effective: July 1 , 2002 *ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE IS NEW* SECTION 4 - RATES (Cont' Limited-Class Switched Rates 19.1 Limited-Class "X" Rates. The following rates are available to new customers and "save" or winback" customers. Calls made under these rate plans shall not be subject to the addition of Equivalent Call Unit's (ECU's) as described in the sections preceding. I Rate Plan I rates are provided to customers whose estimated minimum monthly intrastate usage is over $100,00 at the following rates: PeaklBusiness Day Off-Peak/Non-Business Day Minimum Call Unit or Fraction $0.0357 $0,0357 Incremental Call Unit or Fraction $0.0119 $0.0119 2 Rate Plan 2 rates are provided to customers whose estimated minimum monthly intrastate usage is over $110.00 at the following rates: PeaklBusiness Day Off-Peak/Non-Business Day Minimum Call Unit or Fraction $0,0327 $0.0327 Incremental Call Unit or Fraction $0.0109 $0,0109 Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2002 Boise, Idaho NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: June 21 , 2002 Idaho Price List First Revised Page 29.4 Cancels Original Page 29.4 Effective: July 1 , 2002 SECTION 4 - RATES (Cont'd) 20 - 4.Reserved for Future Use.(TIM) Minimum Call Unit or Fraction $0,0657 Incremental Call Unit or Fraction $0,0219 (M) (M) Rates for Calls Terminated to a Mobile Phone or Pager From and after January 26, 2000, all calls terminated to a mobile phone or pager shall be charged the following rates: Rates for Calling Cards Rates for calling card calls which are not associated with other services are time of day sensitive, Minimum Call Unit or Fraction Incremental Call Unit or Fraction PeaklBusiness Day Off-Peak/Non-Business Day $0.0918 $0.0825 $0.0306 $0,0275 Calling Card "Bong" Charge A $0,50 per call charge applies to each call initIated using calling card access. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING J U L 1 - 2002 Boise, Idaho *Certain material appearing on this page formerly appeared on Third Revised Page 29. Idaho Price List Sixth Revised Page 30 Cancels Fifth Revised Page 30 NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: June 21, 2002 1 - 5. Effective: Jul 2002 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS, SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS, AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont' Reserved for Future Use Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING J U L 1.- 2002 Boise, Idaho (D) (D) NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: November 29, 2000 Idaho Price List Second Revised Page 30. Cancels First Revised Page 30. Effective:December 11,2000 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS , SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cent'd)(T) (T) INETBA Service INETBA Service offers Company s Freedom Plan 2000 and Freedom Plan for Business Users collectively, the "Freedom Plans intrastate interexchange services in exclusive combination with its Internet Web page design and hosting services and its Internet Access - DSL services where facilities are available. Any small business which orders Company s Internet Web page design and hosting services and who meets all other eligibility requirements applicable to the Freedom Plans set forth in this tariff is eligible for INETBAService. INETBA Service is available for calls that originate and terminate wi thin this state, and includes 1+ Outbound, Toll Free Access (800/888/877), and Calling Card calling. All rate provisions applicable to Company s Freedom Plans, Sections 3.2, 3.7, 4.5 - 4. and 4.8 - 4.15, and all other provisions of this tariff applicable to the Freedom Plans apply to INETBA Service except as otherwise provided. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Dlfice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 1 1 2000 Boise, Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: November 29, 2000 Idaho Price List Original Page 30. Effective: December 11, 2000 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS, SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cent'd) Advantage Card Service (ACS) Advantage Card Service (ACS) is offered to existing and new customers meeting the eligibility requirements set forth in 5. following. Each ACS Customer who maintains its eligibility isenti tIed to free calling card calling equal to 30% of the average monthly charges incurred for the ACS Customer s non-calling card calling beginning with Customer s 2nd invoice following Customer commencement of service as an ACS Customer ("Total Calling Advantage ) . Eligibili ty Company s Advantage Card Service (ACS) becomes availableonce Customer has completed a minimum of consecutive days of "on-line services offered by Company (that is, any stand-alone or combination of interexchange, toll free, local, Internet access or Internet site services), whose account is current (no delinquencies in payment occurring or having occurred)and whose billing cycle has remained consistently consecuti ve (without interruption for any cause) . Idaho Public Utilities Commission Djfice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OEC 1 1 2000 Boise, Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: November 29, 2000 Idaho Price List First Revised Page 30. Cancels Original Page 30. Effective: December 11, 2000 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS , SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd)(T) (T) Advantage Card Service (ACS)(Cont'd) Limi tations and Disclaimers ACS is offered only in conjunction with Company interstate and international companion ACS offerings as tariffed with the FCC. The ACS Total Calling Advantage will be reflected in Customer s second invoice following commencement of ACSservice. ACS Calling Advantages are not available with any other promotional offering, or any " save/winback" program offered by Company except as provided in E following. Each month'ACS Total Calling Advantage is noncumulative (cannot be carried over to any following month or otherwise accumulated) . Subj ect to and in accordance with the provisions ofSection 3.5 preceding and the eligibility requirements of 5.preceding, ACS service may be offered to counter a competi ti ve offer that would cause or has caused any Customer to select another carrier for its services, that is, ACS service may be offered to "saveor "winback" such Customers; provided that at the time Customer is "saved" or "wonback " Customer is neither delinquent in any payments nor suffered an interruption in its billing cycle as required 5.1 preceding. An ACS Customer whose service is terminated for cause or which voluntarily terminates Company s service forfeits all unused credits. Idaho Public Utilities Commission 1'J.fice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 1 1 2000 Boise, Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: November 29, 2000 Idaho Price List First Revised Page 30. Cancels Original Page 30. Effective: December 11, 2000 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS, SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cant'd)(T) (T) Advan tage Card Service (ACS)(Cant'd) Reinstatement An ACS Customer which has lost its eligibility for the Total Calling Advantage may reinstate its eligibilityfor the Total Calling Advantage by curing any outstanding delinquency and/or by qualifying as winback customer. Once reinstated, the ACS Customer must maintain its eligibility in good standing. Rates The rates set forth in Section 4.25 preceding apply to ACS service. Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Affrce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 1 1 2000 Boise, Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: November 29, 2000 Idaho Price List First Revised Page 30. Cancels Original Page 30. Effective: December 11, 2000 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS, SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS, AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) (T) (T) Customer Advantage Plans ("CAPs General Terms and Conditions From time to time, rates may be tariffed or tariffed rates selected, a "Customer Advantage Plan " or "CAP," the purpose and/or design for which is to retain Company s competitive posi tion by offering rates which are necessitated by competingoffers received by or available to existing or potential Customers, which if not matched or bettered would result in the loss of an existing or potential Customer and/or in the reduction of traffic volume of Customer. Customer confirmation of the competitive offer in writing may be required or the availability of a more favorable competi ti ve rate may need to be confirmed from published tariffs, marketing materials or other public sources to establish a Customer s right to obtain a CAP. In order to respond to the competitive pricing ini tiati ves of competitors, the following Customer Advantage Plan offerings are available for eligible Customers taking outbound and inbound equal access switched services of Company originated from and terminated to locations wi thin this state whenever Company determines thatbut for the availability of these rates, Company will not retain an existing Customer (" save ) or will not be able to winback a prior Customer already having switched its servicesto another carrier ("winback" ). The following terms and condi tions must exist for any CAP to be valid. CAPs will comply with the net revenue test as defined by the one or more regulatory commissions having competentjurisdiction and which is founded on established economic principles ensuring above-cost pricing. Customer or potential Customer which is similarly si tuated may request service under a new or previouslytariffed CAP. To qualify as a similarly situated Customer for purposes of this Section, the Customerseeking the CAP must demonstrate the existence of circumstances substantially and materially like those which justified the CAP as tariffed. Idaho ()~~blic Utilities Commission , flce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 1 1 2000 Boise. Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Idaho Price List Administrator of Tariffs Second Revised Page 30. 4380 Boulder Highway Cancels First Revised Page 30. Las Vegas,89121 Issued:November 29,2000 Effective:December 11,2000 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS , SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cent'd) (T) (T) Custemer Advantage Plans (Cent' d) General Terms and Cendi tiens (Cent'd) An existing Customer or potential Customer unable to demonstrate being similarly situated under a tariffed CAP may, nonetheless, be able to qualifyfor a different or new CAP tailored to that Customer s circumstances. CAPs are available for all published rates. Whenever a Customer s competi ti ve offer entails a rate which is not at the time an offered rate by Company, a specific rate competi ti vely responsive to that available from the competi ti ve offering shall be tariffed in this Section All of the conditions set forth above must exist inorder to qualify for the following Customer Advantage Plans. Company shall apply the lowest rate necessary to meet the competi ti ve offering being made to or having been provided to Customerby a carrier competi ng with Company. Additionalterms and/or conditions, such as term or volume commi tments, may apply. In the event additional terms or conditions are required, such terms and condi tions shall be tariffed by Company prior toinsti tution of the first billing for services under the applicable Customer Advantage Plans. To receive the Invoice Free CAPs pursuant to 5.through and including 5.6 following, a Customer must call Customer Care before the issuance date of each credit bearing invoice to verify Customer eligibili ty except as otherwise provided following. Idaho Public Utilities Commission mfice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 1 1 2000 Boise, Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: January 16, 2001 Idaho Price List Second Revised Page 30. Cancels First Revised Page 30. Effective: January 26, 2001 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS , SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS ANDTELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) Customer Advantage Plans (Cont' d) Customer 6th and 12th Invoice Advantage Plan Customers who qualify as a new customer or as either asave" or a "winback" and who meet the eligibilityrequirements set forth below will receive a credit on their 6th and 12th invoices as provided following. For each five and immediately succeeding sixaddi tional invoices of consecutive uninterruptedservice (total of 11 consecutive invoices), a credi t shall be calculated equal to the lower ofei ther (i) the average of the Customer s monthlycharges excluding calling card charges, fees, taxes, surcharges, assessments, and similar charges eligible charges ), for the consecutive five month period preceding Customer s 6th invoice and, for the consecutive eleven-month period precedingCustomers 12th invoice; or (ii) a credit which equals the eligible charges on the invoice in which the credit is applied. (C) (C) (T) (T) (T) (N) (N) Eligibili ty. To be eligible for the 6th and 12th invoice free bonuses, each Customer must: have initiated service;have current usage which exceeds the established minimum monthly usage levels forthe applicable service; have no record of nonpayment in any of thepreceding consecutive month qualifyingperiods (5 and 11 months) of service; have received first five, then six additional consecutive and uninterrupted invoices over the preceding eleven-month period; have selected the 6th and 12th invoice free bonus incentives prior to the first day in the period of service covered by Customer eleventh invoice; and pay all charges rendered in Customer s fifth and related eleventh invoice in excess of the amount of the applicable credits calcula ted under 5.1, preceding. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JAN 26 2001 Boise. Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: January 16, 2001 Idaho Price List Second Revised Page 30. Cancels First Revised Page 30. Effective: January 26, 2001 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS, SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) Customer Advantage Plans (Cont' d) Customer 6th , 10th , and 14th Invoice Advantage Plan Customers who save " or arequirementstheir 6th,following. Idaho Public Utilities com~ission Office of the secreW~UNGACCEPTED FOR JAN 26200\ Boise, idaho qualify as a new customer orwinback" and who meet the set forth below will receive10th, and 14th invoices as either a eligibili ty a credi t onas provided For each five and immediately succeeding four andnext immediately succeeding four additional invoices of consecutive uninterrupted service (total of 13 consecutive invoices), a credit shall be calculated equal to the lower of either (i) the average of the Customer s monthly charges excludingcalling card charges, fees, taxes, surcharges,assessments, and similar charges ("eligiblecharges), for the consecutive five month period preceding Customer 6th invoice, for theconsecutive nine-month period preceding Customer10th invoice, and for the consecutive thirteen month period preceding Customer s 14th invoice; or (ii) a credit which equals the eligible charges on the invoice in which the credit is applied. Eligibili ty. To be eligible for the 6th, 10th, and 14th invoice free bonuses, each Customer must: have initiated service;have current usage which exceeds the established minimum monthly usage levels forthe applicable service; have no record of nonpayment in any of thepreceding consecuti ve month qualifyingperiods (5, 9, and 13 months) of service;have received first five, nine, and thenthirteen addi tional consecuti ve anduninterrupted invoices over the precedingthirteen-month period; have selected the 6th, 10th, and 14th invoice free bonus incentives prior to the first dayin the period of service covered Customer s fifth invoice; and pay all charges rendered in Customer s fifth and related ninth and thirteenth invoice in excess of the amount of the applicable credi ts as calculated under 5.preceding. (C) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (N) (N) (N) NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: November 29, 2000 Idaho Price List First Revised Page 30. Cancels Original Page 30. Effective: December 11, 2000 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS , SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS, AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd)(T) (T) Customer Advantage Plans (Cont' d) Customer "Thanks for Taking the Time" Advantage Plans "Thanks for Taking Advantage Plan the Time ("TTT-1" ) On and after August 17, 2000, any end user contacted by a sales/marketing representative of Company and which has taken the time to listen tothe services and benefits offered by Company isenti tIed to receive a debit card under Company Thanks for Taking the Time " (" TTT-service promotion. Card Denominations. Under this promotion Company s debit card is available in $25, $50, and $150 denominations based on the end user s monthly volume of usage. Denomination $25. $50. $150. Monthly Usage Volume 0 - $49. $50.00 - $149. $150.00 - $249. Rates. The rates for calls using the Company TTT-service are time of day insensitive; decremented in sixty (60) second increments based on a minimum call unit of 60 seconds; and rounded to the next whole 60 second increment. Minimum Call Unit Value 0 60 seconds or Fraction $0.306 Incremental Call Unit Value 0 60 seconds or Fraction $0.306 Availabili ty. available onFebruary 17, terminated in Company. Company s TTT-1 service promotion is and after August 17, 2000 until 2001 ("sunset date ) unless sooner the sole and exclusive discretion of Idaho Public Utilities Commission !1ffice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 1 1 2000 Boise, Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: November 29, 2000 Idaho Price List First Revised Page 30. Cancels Original Page 30. Effective: December 2000 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS , SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd)(T) (T) Customer Advantage Plans (Cont' d) Customer "Thanks for Taking the Time" Advantage Plans (Cont'd) Thanks for Taking the Advantage Plan (Cont' Time TTT-1" Limi tations. Company reserves the right wi thdraw and/or terminate this promotion at any time prior to its sunset date; provided that any Customer which has received a TTT-1 Card prior tothe sunset date or Company discretionarywi thdrawal of the TTT-Card promotion shallreceive service until its TTT-Card calling capaci ty is exhausted by use or specified usagedeadline. Each TTT-1 Card expires one (1) year from date of activation. Idaho Public Utilities Commission D/fice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 1 1 2000 Boise, Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: November 29, 2000 Idaho Price List Second Revised Page 30. Cancels First Revised Page 30. Effective:December 11,2000 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS , SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS, AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd)(T) (T) Customer Advantage Plans (Cont' d) Customer "Thanks for Taking the Time" Advantage Plans (Cont'd) Thanks for Taking the Advantage Plan (Cont' TTT-2"Time On and after August 17 2000, any end user contacted by a sales/marketing representative of Company and which has taken the time to listen tothe services and benefits offered by Company isenti tIed to receive a debit card under Company Thanks for Taking the Time " service promotion. Card Denominations. Under this promotion, a Company debit card is available in a single $250 denomination based on the end user s monthly volume of usage. Denomination $250. Monthly Usaae Volume $250.00+ Rates. The rates for calls using the Company s TTT service are time of day insensi ti ve; decremented insixty (60) second increments based on a minimum call unit of 60 seconds; and rounded to the nextwhole 60 second increment. Minimum Call Uni t Value (9 60 seconds or Fraction $0.306 Incremental Call Unit Value (9 60 seconds or Fraction $0.306 Availability. available on February 17terminated in Company. Company s TTT service promotion is and after August 17, 2000 until 2001 ("sunset date ) unless sooner the sole and exclusive discretion of Idaho Public Utilities Commission 0/fice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 1 1 2000 Boise, Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: November 29, 2000 Idaho Price List Second Revised Page 30. Cancels First Revised Page 30. Effective: December 11 , 2000 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS , SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd)(T) (T) Customer Advantage Plans (Cont' d) Customer "Thanks for Taking the Time " Advantage Plans (Cont'd) Thanks for Taking the Advantage Plan (Cont' TTT-2"Time Limi tations. Company reserves the right withdraw and/or terminate this promotion at any time prior to its sunset date; provided that any Customer which has received a TTT Card prior to the sunset date or Company s discretionary withdrawal of the TTT Card promotion shall receive service until its TTT Card calling capacity is exhausted by use or specified usage deadline. Each TTT Cardexpires one (1) year from date of activation. Second Card Availability. During the term of this promotional offering, a second TTT Card in the same denomination listed in Section 5.A preceding will be made available to customers requesting and receiving Company Websi te Design and Hosting Services as set forth in 5.4 preceding. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Wfice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 1 1 2000 Boise, Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: November 29, 2000 Idaho Price List Second Revised Page 30. Cancels First Revised Page 30. Effective: December 11, 2000 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS , SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS 1 AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) (T) (T) Customer Advantage Plans (Cont' d) Customer S&W Prepaid Advantage Plan On and after August 17, 2000, any customer which qualifies as a "save " or "winback" customer will upon so qualifying receive a Company prepaid (debit) card orcards equal to the "saved" or "wonback" Customer immediately preceding full month'(30 days) volume of non-calling card charges multiplied by 2.5. The table following demonstrates how the denomination of an S&W card is determined on a per-Customer basis. Table Customer Prior Month' Non-Calling- Card Charges 5 Factor S&W Calling Card Denomination (s) $ 50. 75. 90. 100. 150. 250. x 2.x 2.x 2.x 2.x 2.x 2. $125. 187. 225. 250. 250.00+125. 250.00+250.00+125. *Sample levels only. Company reserves the right to round down the actual capacity of any S&W Card. Rates. The rates for calls using the Company s S&W Card are time of day insensitive; decremented insixty (60) second increments with a minimum call uni t of 60 seconds; and are rounded to the next whole 60 second increment. Minimum Call Unit 0 60 seconds or Fraction Incremental Call Unit 0 60 seconds or Fraction $0.306 $0.306 Availabili ty. is availableFebruary 17, terminated in Company. Company s S&W Card service promotion on and after August 17 , 2000 until 2001 ("sunset date ) unless sooner the sole and exclusive discretion of Idaho Public Utilities Commission .P.Jfice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 1 1 2000 Boise, Idaho Idaho Price List Second Revised Page 30. Cancels First Revised Page 30. NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: November 29, 2000 Effecti ve: December 11, 2000 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS , SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS, AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) (T) (T) Customer Advantage Plans (Cont' d) Customer S&W Prepaid Advantage Plan (Cont'd) Limi tations. Company reserves the right wi thdraw and/or terminate this plan at any timeprior to its sunset date; provided that any Customer which has received an S&W Card prior tothe sunset date or Company discretionary wi thdrawal of S&W Card plan shall receive service until its S&W Card calling capacity is exhausted by use or by the specified usage deadline. Each S&WCard expires ninety (90) days from date ofactivation (the specified usage deadline) Second S&W Card Availability. An additional S&W Card (s) in the qualifying denomination of the Customer as listed in Section 5.1 preceding will be made available to any such customer which requests and receives Company s Websi te Design and Hosting Services as set forth in 5.4 preceding. Idaho Public Utilities Commission D.Hice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 1 1 2000 Boise. Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: January 16, 2001 Idaho Price List Second Revised Page 30. Cancels First Revised Page 30. Effective: January 26, 2001 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS , SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) Customer Advantage Plans (Cont' d) Customer 6th , 9th , 13th , 19th , 22nd , and 26th InvoiceAdvantage Plan Customers who qualify as a new customer or save " or a "winback" and who meet the requirements set forth below will receivetheir 6th, 9th, 13th, 19th, 22nd, and 26thprovided following. as either a eligibili ty a credi t on invoices as For each five, and the immediately succeeding three, and next immediately succeeding four, and next immediately succeeding six, and nextimmediately succeeding three, and nextimmediately succeeding four additional invoices of consecutive uninterrupted service (total of 25 consecutive invoices), a creditshall be calculated equal to the lower ofei ther (i) the average of the Customermonthly charges excluding calling cardcharges, fees, taxes, surcharges,assessments, and similar charges ("eligible charges), for the consecutive five month period preceding Customer s 6th invoice, for the consecutive eight-month period preceding Customer s 9th invoice, for the consecutive twelve-month period preceding Customer s 13th invoice, for the consecutive eighteen-month period preceding Customer s 19th invoice, forthe consecuti ve twenty-one-month period preceding Customer s 22nd invoice, and forthe consecuti ve twenty-five month period preceding Customer s 26th invoice; or (ii) a credi t which equals the eligible charges on the invoice in which the credit is applied. Idaho P~blic Utiiities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JAN 26 2001 Boise, Idaho (C) (C) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (N) (N) (N) NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: November 29, 2000 Idaho Price List First Revised Page 30. Cancels Original Page 30. Effective: December 11, 2000 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS , SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS , AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) (T) (T) Customer Advantage Plans (Cont' d) Customer 6th , 9th , 13th , 19th , 22nd , and 26th Invoice Advantage Plan (Cont'd) Eligibili ty. To be eligible for the 6th, 9th, 13th, 19th , 22nd, and 26th invoice free bonuses, each Customer must: have initiated service; have current usage which exceeds theestablished minimum monthly usage levels for the applicable service; have no 90-day or older outstanding unpaid balance, and no 60-day or older outstanding unpaid balance equal to or greater than $50.00;have received first five, eight, twel ve, eighteen, twenty-one, and then twenty-fi ve additional consecutive anduninterrupted invoices over the preceding twenty-five month period; have selected the 6th, 9th, 13th , 19th,22nd, and 26th invoice free bonus incentives prior to the first day inthe period of service covered by Customer s fifth invoice; pay all charges rendered in Customerfifth and related eighth, twelfth, eighteenth, twenty-first, and twenty- fifth invoice in excess of the amount of the applicable credits as calculated under 5.1, preceding; and Idaho Public Utilities Commission .0J.fice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 1 1 2000 Boise, Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: November 29, 2000 Idaho Price List First Revised Page 30. Cancels Original Page 30. Effective: December 11, 2000 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS , SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS , AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd)(T) (T) Customer Advantage Plans (Cont' d) Customer 6th , 9th , 13th , 19th , 22nd , and 26th Invoice Advantage Plan (Cont'd) (Cont'd) Contact Company Customer Care Department to confirm eligibility and to activate the Promotion. A Customer must contact Customer Care prior to thelast day in the period of service covered by Customer s fifth invoice inorder to receive all six invoice credi ts. Customer who meets and continues to meet all other Eligibility requirements except that it does not contact Customer Care to activate the promotion until a date subsequent to the last day in the period of service covered by Customer s fifth invoice, will receive all credits on specifiedinvoices (9th, 13th 19th, 22nd, and26th) generated by Company after the required contact with Customer Care ismade, but will not retroacti velyrecei ve credit for any specified invoice already generated by Company. Example: A Customer that meets all other eligibility requirements, except that it does not contact Customer Care prior to the last day in the period ofservice covered by Customer fifth invoice to activate the promotion,calls Customer Care to activate thepromotion two weeks later. The Customer will recei ve credi tscalculated according to Section 5. preceding for the 9th, 13th, 19th, 22nd , and 26th invoices; the Customer will not retroactively receive the 6thinvoice credit to which it would otherwise have been entitled. Idaho Public Utilities Commission .Q.ffice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 1 1 2000 ooise, Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: July 30, 2001 Idaho Price List Fourth Revised Page 30. Cancels Third Revised Page 30. Effective: August 15, 2001 Idaho Public Utilities Commission SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS, SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS, AND Office of the SecretaryTELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 1 5 2001Customer Advantage Plans (Cont' d) Save/Winback Off-Peak/Non-Business Day Adjustments Boise, Idaho Customers whose rates are adjusted pursuant to 4. preceding and who then qualify as a "save " or "winback" customer are eligible to be rerated to the rates prior to any applicable adjustment made pursuant to Sections 4.17. (T) (T) 1st and 3rd Invoice Credits For new customers and those qualifying as save or winback customers, and who meet the eligibility requirements ofSection 5.8. A following, a credit equal to customer monthly Total Call Unit charges in the first and thirdinvoices (exclusive therefore of fees, taxes, surcharges, assessments or other non-TCU charges "Qualifying Charges ). The credit will issue with the first and third invoices in the form of that number of pre-paid calling cards at a $50.00 denomination that equals the total of the customer Qualifying Charges for the first and third invoices. A customer s Qualifying Charges will be rounded up to that number of $50.00 pre-paid cards that equals or exceeds the totals of Qualifying Charges in customer first and third invoices. For example, if a customer Qualifying Charges in the first invoice total $125.00, three pre-paid $50.00 calling cards (a total of $150.00)would be provided and remain activated until fully decremented. Eligibili ty To be eligible for the first and third invoice credits,each customer must have initiated the TCU service; have current usage which exceeds applicable monthly minimum usage levels, if any; have a credit worthy history or profile; have received three consecutive and uninterruptedinvoices over the preceding three month period; have selected the first and third invoice credit prior to the first day of service; and timely pay all Qualifying andnon-Qualifying Charges rendered in the customer s first, second, and third invoices. Terms Each $50.00 pre-paid calling card is decremented at the rates set forth in Section 5.18 for peak rates with each fractional increment of less than 60 seconds rounded to the next full 60 second increment (full minute billing) Rates are distance and time-of-day insensi ti ve. NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: January 16, 2001 Idaho Price List Original Page 30. Effective: January 26, 2001 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS , SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS , AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) 20% Credit Every 6 Months Company will offer the following to new business customers and existing business customers who qualify as a "save" or "winback" customer whose service plan calculates charges by Total Call Units (TCUs) : To receive the benefits, eligible customers must call a Company Customer Care Representative.Eligible customers will accrue a 20 percent credit on intrastate usage for direct Dial "1" and toll free calls, equal to the customer s charges during the preceding 5-month' usage, to be applied to the customer s 6-month invoice. The 20 percent credit will be applied to the customer s account once every 6 months so long as the subscriber remains a Company customer during each 6-month period, or they will forfei t all benefits. Credi ts will not apply to calls made to Directory Assistance, taxes, access fees, or other fees and assessments, and may notbe combined with any other credits, promotions, or offers except promotional debit cards, referral credits, and the freeminutes offers. Customers will not receive credit if the customer has a 60-dayoutstanding balance of $50 or greater. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JAN 2 6 2001 Boise, Idaho -------- *All material now appearing on this page formerly appeared on second revised page 30,16. (M) (M) NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: July 4, 2008 Idaho Price List Fifteenth Revised Page 31 Cancels Fourteenth Revised Page 31 Effective: July 15 2008 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS, SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS, AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont' Freedom Plan Plus (FPP) Customers who qualify as either a "winback" or "save" under Telecompetitive Service Offerings TSO'), and who Company determines that but for the availability of an alternative rate plan structure, Company would not be able to retain ("save ), or will not be able to winback a prior customer already having switched its services to another carrier ("winback"), may be offered Freedom Plan Plus. The Freedom Plan Plus telecompetitive service offering, whenever added to a customers calling plan, is limited in duration to six consecutive invoices once initiated. Freedom Plan Plus customers ' accounts are subject to ninety-six (96) second Minimum Call Units (MCU's) and Incremental Call Units (ICU's), with rounding to the next full ninety-six (96) second increment thereafter, unless subject to other rounding methodology under a telecompetitive service offer. However, Customers under Freedom Plan Plus receive a waiver of Equivalent Call Units (ECU's). That is, Customers under Freedom Plan Plus are charged, on a per-call basis, for the duration of a call only. All conditions applicable to Freedom Plan customers must be satisfied in order for a customer to qualify for Freedom Plan Plus. A Customer under Freedom Plan Plus shall be billed at Freedom Plan Rates for Freedom Plan Services, as determined by the Customer s applicable Freedom Plan Rate Category. However, Freedom Plan Plus Customers ' accounts must have an applicable Freedom Plan Rate Category which corresponds to a call unit rate of $0.139 or higher. Freedom Plan customers who select Freedom Plan Plus, whose accounts are subject to a Freedom Plan Rate Category which corresponds to a lower call unit rate than $0.139 will have their Rate Category adjusted upward to a Rate Category corresponding to a call unit rate of$0.139 or higher. The same promotions and incentives available to other Freedom Plan customers are available to Freedom Plan Plus customers, subject to the same qualifications and other requirements applicable to other Freedom Plan customers for those promotions or incentives. As of October 1 2003, any Customer who has had the Freedom Plan Plus service offering active on their account for six or more consecutive invoices shall have this offering removed from their calling plan. All Freedom Plan Plus customers in service on or before April 15 , 2008, whose services are not part of an unexpired term plan or usage rate guarantee, and which have not experienced a rate category change during the previous three consecutive invoices, shall have their rates adjusted upward by two Rate Categories or to the highest available rate category, whichever is lower, effective for all calls on or after July 15 2008, that are reflected on invoices rendered on or after August 15 2008. (I) (I) Idaho P~blic Utilities Commissiln OffIce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUll 5 2008 Boise. !dab!) NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: June 21 , 2002 Idaho Price List Seventh Revised Page 32 Cancels Sixth Revised Page 32 Effective: July 1 , 2002 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS, SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS, AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) Reserved for Future Use Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG IUL 1 - 2002 Boise, Idaho (D) (D) NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: June 21 , 2002 Idaho Price List Fifth Revised Page 32, Cancels Fourth Revised Page 32. Effective: July 1 , 2002 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS, SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS, AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) Reserved for Future Use (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING J U L 1.- 2002 Boise, Idaho NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: June 21 , 2002 Idaho Price List Fifth Revised Page 33 Cancels Fourth Revised Page 33 Effective: July 1 , 2002 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS, SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS, AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont' Reserved for Future Use Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2002 Boise, Idaho (D) (D) NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: June 21 , 2002 Idaho Price List Seventh Revised Page 33, Cancels Sixth Revised Page 33. Effective: July 1 , 2002 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS, SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS, AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) Reserved for Future Use Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL l,~ 2002 Boise, Idaho (D) (D) NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: June 21, 2002 Idaho Price List Fourth Revised Page 34 Cancels Third Revised Page 34 Effective: July 1 , 2002 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS, SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS, AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont' Reserved for Future Use Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1,- 2002 Boise, Idaho (D) (D) NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: June 21 , 2002 Idaho Price List Eighth Revised Page 34. Cancels Seventh Revised Page 34, Effective: July 1 , 2002 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS, SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS, AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont' Reserved for Future Use Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG JUll - 2002 Boise, Idaho CD) CD) NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: June 21 , 2002 Idaho Price List Third Revised Page 35 Cancels Second Revised Page 35 Effective: July 1 , 2002 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS, SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS, AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont' Reserved for Future Use Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretarv ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG J U l l,~ 2002 Boise, Idaho (D) (D) NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: June 21 , 2002 Idaho Price List Second Revised Page 36 Cancels First Revised Page 36 Effective: July 1 2002 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS, SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS, AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont' Reserved for Future Use IEfaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG JUll - 2002 Boise, Idaho CD) CD) NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: June 21 , 2002 Idaho Price List Third Revised Page 37 Cancels Second Revised Page 37 Effective: July 1 , 2002 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS, SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS, AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont' Reserved for Future Use Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 - 2002 Boise, Idaho (D) (D) NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: June 21 2002 Idaho Price List Second Revised Page 38 Cancels First Revised Page 38 Effective: July 1 , 2002 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS, SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS, AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) Reserved for Future Use Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG JUll - 2002 Boise, Idaho CD) CD) NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: June , 2002 Idaho Price List Third Revised Page 39 Cancels Second Revised Page 39 Effective: July 1 , 2002 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS, SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS, AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) Reserved for Future Use 'daho ~blic Utilities Commission ffl~ of the Secretaryt:P I ED FOR FILING JUl L~ 2002 Boise, Idaho (D) (D) NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NY 89121 Issued: June 21 2002 Idaho Price List Third Revised Page 40 Cancels Second Revised Page 40 Effective: July 1 , 2002 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS, SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS, AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont' Reserved for Future Use (D) (D) N on-Voice Communications For any Customer who qualifies as a "save" or "winback" Customer, Company shall waive non-transportlnon-usage charges (equivalent call units) for lines used for non-voice communications, i., facsimile and/or modem lines. Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission ACe Office of the Secretary EPTED FOR FILING JUL 1 ,~ 2002 Boise, Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: November 29, 2000 Idaho Price List First Revised Page 41 Cancels Original Page 41 Effective: December 11, 2000 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS , SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd)(T) (T) *Reserved for Future Use* (D) (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Dffice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 1 1 2000 Boise, Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: June 25, 2001 Idaho Price List First Revised Page 41. Cancels Original Page 41. Effective: July 5, 2001 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS, SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) Service Term Invoice Free Credit. New customers or customers whoqualify as either a "save or a "winback" and who meet theeligibili ty requirements set forth in Section 5.10.2 shall receive the Service Term Invoice Free Credit. 10. 10. Credit. For the entire service term of each new customer or customer that qualifies as either a "saveor "winback" customer, a continuing periodic credit shall be given in the invoice following each consecutivefive months of uninterrupted service ("credit invoice equal to the lower of either (i) the average of the customer s monthly usage and non-usage charges for five months preceding the credit invoice (excluding callingcard charges, fees, taxes, surcharges, assessments, andsimilar charges); or (ii) a credit which equals the eligible charges on the invoice in which the credit isapplied. Eligibility. To be eligible for the Invoice Free Credit, each customer must: Service Term Have initiated service under a Freedom Plan for Business Users Plan; Have current usage which exceeds the established minimum monthly usage levels for the applicable Freedom Plan for Business Users Plan; Have no record of nonpayment, delinquencies or issues of credi t worthiness; Have received five months of consecutive and uninterrupted service preceding each credit invoice; Have selected this Service Term Invoice Free Credit atthe initiation of service or at any time during the first five service months but not later than the first day of service in the sixth month; and,(C) Pay all charges rendered in customer s credit invoice in excess of the amount of the applicable credit calculated under Section 5.10.1, preceding. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 5 - ZO01 Boise, Idaho Idaho Price List Original Page 41. NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: June 25, 2001 Effective: July 5, 2001 *All Material On This Page Is New* SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS , SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS , AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) Service Term Invoice Free Credit II. New customers or customers whoqualify as either a "save U or a "winbacku and who meet the eligibility requirements set forth in Section 5.11.2 shall receive the Service TermInvoice Free Credit II. 11. 11. Credit. For the entire service term of each new customer or customer that qualifies as either a "saveU or "winbacku customer, a continuing periodic credit shall be given in theinvoice following each consecuti ve three months of uninterrupted service ("credit invoice ) equal to the lower ofeither (i) the average of the customer s monthly usage and non-usage charges for three months preceding the creditinvoice (excluding calling card charges, fees, taxes,surcharges, assessments, and similar charges); or (ii) a credit which equals the eligible charges on the invoice in which the credit is applied. Eligibili ty. To be eligible for the Service Term Invoice Free Credi t II, each customer must: Have initiated service under a Freedom Plan for Business Users Plan; Have current usage which exceeds the established minimum monthly usage levels for the applicable Freedom Plan for Business Users Plan; Have no record of nonpayment,credi t worthiness;delinquencies or issues Have received three months of consecutive and uninterruptedservice preceding each credit invoice; Have selected this Service Term Invoice Free Credit II at theini tiation of service or at any time during the first three service months but not later than the first day of service in the fourth month; and, Pay all charges rendered in customer credit invoice in excess of the amount of the applicable credit as calculatedunder Section 5.11.1, preceding. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 5 - 2001 Boise, Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: June 25, 2001 Idaho Price List Original Page 41. Effective: July 5, 2001 *All Material On This Page Is New* SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS , SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cent'd) Cross Over Special Service Offers 12.Cross Over Credit (COC) To induce new customers to order service, for any customer ordering service and which institutes service wi thin 30 days of such order, Company will provide its "Cross Over Credit" or COC" equal to 5% of the customer s usage charges incurred by customer in its final invoice immediately preceding customer commencement date of service with Company. Limi tations and Disclaimers The COC credit is available only in conjunction with Company s interstate and intrastate service offerings as tariffed with the FCC and the respective states. If earned, as specified in Section 5.12 .A preceding, the COC will be reflected in that customer s first invoice which follows customer s completion of 60 days of uninterrupted service following its commencement ofservice. This credit is not available with Company s offering set forth in Section 5.12.2 following. The coe is noncumulative (cannot be carried over to any following month or otherwise accumulated). A customer whose service is terminated for cause or who terminates Company s service in its discretion prior to the completion of its minimum service term forfeits its COC credi t . Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 5 - 2001 Boise, Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: June 25, 2001 Idaho Price List Original Page 41. Effective: July 5, 2001 *All Material On This Page Is New* SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS , SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) Cross Over Special Service Offers (Cont'd) 12.Cross Over Century Card (COCC) To induce new customers to order service, for any customer ordering service and which institutes service within 30 days of such order, Company will provide its "Cross Over CenturyCard" or "COCC," a prepaid calling card worth $100 for each $1000 of usage charges incurred by customer in its final invoice immediately preceding customer s commencement date of service with Company. Limi ta tions and Disclaimers This offer is available only in conj unction with Company s interstate and intrastate service offerings as tariffed with the FCC and the respective states. The COCC card will be commencement of service. issued following Customer This offer is not available with Company s 5% credit offer set forth in Section 5.12.1 preceding. The COCC card expires wi thin 6 months of its issuancedate ("use period") irrespective of the balance of the COCC card's face value when issued, if any, remaining at the date of expiration. Customer must remain in service during the period of time that any unused balance exists on the COCC card; must have no delinquencies in payments on account for its non-calling card and non-COCC card services; and must have no bill cycle interruptions. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 5 - 2001 Boise, Idaho NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: June 25, 2001 Idaho Price List Original Page 41. Effecti ve: July 5, 2001 *All Material On This Page Is New* SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS, SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS, AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) Cross Over Special Service Offers (Cant'd) 12.Cross Over Century Card (COCC)(Cant'd) (Cant'd) To qualify for each $100 of face value on eoee, the customer s previous usage will be segmented into $100usage "packets " as follows: Usa $100Previous $100. $200. $300. $395. $490. $585. $680. $775. $870. $965.00 + Packets COCC calls must originate and terminate from locations in the state from areas served with equal access. COCC calls are rated at $0.75 per minute of use and are distance, day-of-week, and time-of-day insensitive.Non-transport charges do not apply. If at any time prior to the completion of its use period, any of customer s services is terminated for cause, for any service customer in its discretion terminates, or should customer fail at any time to comply with the conditions of this Section, at the timeof termination or failure of compliance, the unused value of the coee card shall be cancelled immediately by Company. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUl 5 - 2001 Boise, Idaho NOSV A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: September 21 , 2005 Idaho Price List First Revised Page 41.6 Replaces Original Page 41. Effective: October 1 , 2005 SECTION 5 - PROMOTIONS, SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS, AND TELECOMPETITIVE SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont' One, Two, Three, Every Third Invoice Free" Promotion New customers who meet the eligibility requirements set forth below, may receive credits under the One, Two, Three, Every Third Invoice Free" Promotion as follows: 13.1 A credit applied to customer s first, second and third invoices equal to 33% of customer long distance call traffic charges, appearing on the same invoice, excluding calling card charges, fees, taxes, surcharges, assessments and similar charges, applied to the same invoice and 13.A credit applied to every third invoice, starting with customer s sixth invoice (6 , 9 , 12 etc.), equal to an average of the long distance call traffic charges appearing on the two invoices immediately preceding the credit invoice, excluding calling card charges, fees, taxes surcharges, assessments and similar charges, This promotion is non-cumulative and can not be carried over to any following month or otherwise accumulated. Should the calculated credit to be applied to the sixth, or subsequent invoices exceed the actual long distance call traffic charges for that credit invoice, then the credit amount is limited to the actual amount of long distance call traffic charges appearing on that credit invoice, Eligibility. To be eligible for this offering, customers must: have initiated new service; have current usage which exceeds the established minimum monthly usage levels for the applicable service; have less than fifty dollars sixty days past due; have received consecutive and uninterrupted service; and have selected this offering prior to the charges rendered in customer s credit invoice( s). Additionally, Customers must contact the Company to confirm the promotion selection, after service initiation, to be eligible to receive the sixth and subsequent invoice credits, prior to the sixth and each subsequent invoice credit invoice. Any Customer whose former telecommunications carrier was Red River Network, LLC (RRN) shall be eligible to have their intrastate rate grandfathered in at the RRN cents per minute rate of $0.119, All rounding shall be the same as Company s other service offering and maybe found in Section 3.11 of this tariff, The RRN Telecompetitive Service Offering only applies to calls that originate and terminate at locations within the state. (N) (N) RRN Te1ecompetitive Service Offering Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 -- 2005 Boise. Idaho .. NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Administrator of Tariffs 4380 Boulder HighwayLas Vegas, NV 89121 Issued: November 29, 2000 Idaho Price List Original Page 42 Effective: December 11, 2000 *A1l Material on this Page is New* SECTION 6 *Reserved for Future Use* Idaho Public Utilities Commission D.ffice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DEC 1 1 2000 Boise, Idaho