HomeMy WebLinkAboutNeutral Tandem-Idaho LLC Price List No 1.pdf.1 Neutral Tl,dem-Idaho, LLC ~/ :;-: Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. I Original Title Page This informational price list, Idaho P. Uc. Price List No.1, replaces in its entirety, the Company's tarif Idaho P. Uc. No 3, which is currently onfile with the Commission. ACCESS SERVICES PRICE LIST OF NEUTRAL TANDEM-IDAHO, LLC This price list contains the descriptions, regulations, and rates applicable to the provision of intrastate access services provided by Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC ("Company"). This price list is on fie with the Idaho Public Utilties Commission and copies may be inspected during normal business hours at the Company's principal place of business at 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900, Chicago, Ilinois 60661. Issued: November 22, 2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Effective: November 23,2010 Idaho Public Utilties Commission Offce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING :;: NOV 2 3 2010 Boise Idaho , . '-.'. ._...,.....-.j.....~.._.._..- ...,~...,-.-_._---'''''- Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. I Original Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents Concurring, Connecting and Other Paricipating Cariers Explanations of Revision Marks Check Sheet Price List Format Application of Price List Applicabilty of Regulations Section 1 - Definitions Section 2 - General Regulations Section 3 - Service Descriptions Section 4 - Rates and Charges Section 5 - Special Arrangements i 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 14 46 66 76 Issued: November 22, 2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adas Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Effective: November 23,2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Offce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho '-""":" Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. I Original Page 2 CONCURRING, CONNECTING, AND OTHER PARTICIPATING CARRIER CONCURRING CARRIERS No Concurring Carriers CONNECTING CARRIERS No Connecting Cariers OTHER PARTICIPATING CARIERS No Other Paricipating Cariers EXPLANATION OF REVISION MARKS The following symbols shall be used in this price list for the purpose indicated below: (C) - To signify changed regulation. (D) - To signify discontinued rate or regulation. (I) - To signify increased rate. (M) - To signify a move in the location of text. (N - To signify new rate or regulation. (R) - To signify reduced rate. (S) - To signify reissued matter. (T) - To signify a change in text but no change in rate or regulation. All of the foregoing shall be accompanied by explanatory footnotes. Issued: November 22, 2010 Effective: November 23, 2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utilities Commission ACC Office of the SecretaryEPTED FOR FlUNG NOV 2 32010 Boise, Idaho .'.._'-"..",. Neutral Tandem-Idaho,LLC CHECK SHEET Idaho P.U.C.Price List No.1 4th Revised Page 3 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 3 The pages listed below of this price list are effective as of the date shown.Revised pages contain all changes from the original price list that are in effect as of the date indicated. PAGE Title I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 REVISION Original Original Original 4th Revised Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original * PAGE 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 REVISION Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original 1st Revised Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original * PAGE 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 REVISION Original Original Original Original Original Original 2nd Revised 3rd Revised 3rd Revised 2nd Revised Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original * Issued:July 20,2017 *-indicates those pages included with this filing Richard L.Monto,General Counsel 550 West Adams Street,Suite 900 Chicago,Illinois 60661 Effective:July 29,2017 IDal701Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 29, 2017 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. I Original Page 4 PRICE LIST FORMAT A. Sheet Numbering - Sheet numbers appear in the upper right comer of the sheet. Sheets are numbered sequentially. However, new sheets are occasionally added to the price list. When a new sheet is added between sheets already in effect, a decimal is added. For example, a new sheet added between sheets 14 and 15 would be 14.1. B. Sheet Revision Numbers - Revision numbers also appear in the upper right comer of each sheet. These numbers are used to determine the most current sheet version on fie with the Commission. For example, the 4th revised Sheet 14 cancels the 3rd revised Sheet 14. Because of various suspension periods, deferrals, etc. the Commission follows in its price list review and acceptance process, the most current sheet number on fie with the Commission is not always the sheet in effect. Consult the Check Sheet for the sheet currently in effect. C. Paragraph Numbering Sequence - There are seven levels of paragraph coding. Each level of coding is subservient to the next higher level: 2. 2.1 2.1.1 2.I.I(A) 2. 1. I (A)(l) 2.1. I (A)(l)(a) 2. I. I (J\)(l )(a)(l) Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Original Page 5 APPLICATION OF PRICE LIST This price list sets forth the service offerings, rates, terms and conditions applicable to intrastate communications services provided by Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC (Telephone Company). This price list is on fie with the Idaho Public Utilties Commission, and copies may be inspected, during normal business hours, at the Company's principal place of business, 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900, Chicago, Ilinois 60661. APPLICABILITY OF REGULATIONS The following Regulations are applicable to all of the Telephone Company's services, unless expressly noted otherwise. Issued: November 22, 2010 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utiities Commission Offce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 'original Page 6 SECTION 1 - DEFINITIONS Cert term used herein ar defied as follows: Access or Access Service - transmission or switching services to cariers for the purpose of the origination or termination of telephone Toll Service and does not include 911, 411, 976, 311, 611, 500, 950, Directory Assistance, 0+ local, and 0+ operator services. Access Tandem - a Telephone Company switching system that provides a distribution fuction for Access Service trafc between Telecommunications Cariers. Act - means the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 1 53(R)), as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996, Public Law 104-104, 110 State. 56 (1996) codified throughout 47 U.S.C., and as interpreted by Applicable Law Alternate Access Tandem - an access tadem owned by a par other than the Telephone Company. Alternate Transit Tandem - a transit tadem owned by a par other than the Telephone Company AnswerlDisconnect Supervision - the transmission of the switch trnk equipment supervisory signal (off-hook or on-hook) to the customer's point of termination as an indication that the called par has answered or disconnected. Automatic Number Identification (AND - a multi-frequency signaling Common Switching Optional Feature that provides the automatic transmission of a seven or ten digit number and information digits to the customets premiss for ca origintig in the LATA, to identify the calling station. Bit - the smallest unit of information in the binar system of notation. Issued: November 22, 20 i 0 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.c. Price List NO.1 Original Page 7 SECTION 1- DEFINITIONS, (CONT'D.) Busy Hour Minutes of Capacity æHMC) - the customer specifed maximum amount of Access Service and/or Tranit Service minutes the customer expects to be handled in a designated switch during any hour in an 8:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. period for the service ordered. This customer fuished BHMC quatity is the input data the Telephone Company uses to determine the number of transmission paths for the service ordered. Call - an end usr atempt for which the complete addrss code (e.g., i 0 digits) is provided to the serving dial tone offce. Call Classification - Call Classification is the classification of traffc as Access Service or as Transit Service. Calling Par Number (CPN) - means a Signaling System 7 "SST' parameter whereby the ten (10) digit number ofthe calling Par is forwarded from the End Offce. Carier or Telecommunications Carier - any individua, parership, association, joint-stock company, trt, governental entity or corporation engaged for hire in communication by wire or radio; provided that where the defied term "Non-Carier" is used in this price list, the entity wil not be considered a Telecommunications Carer. Carer Identification Code - a numeric code curntly used for routig trc and biling purses. Central Offce - a Telephone Company switching center. Centr Offce Code - the firs thee digits (N) of the seven-digit telephone number assigned to an end usts telephone exchage service. Chanel(s) - an electrcal or photonic, in the cas offibe optc-bad tranmission systems, communications path between two or more points oftermination. Commission - Refers to the Idaho Public Utilties Commission, unless otherwise indicated. Common Chanel Signaling Network - a digital data network caring signaling, routig, and control inormation which interfaces with the voice/data network. Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adas Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List NO.1 Original Page 8 SECTION 1- DEFINITIONS, (CONT'D.) Company - see "Telephone Company". Constrctive Order - Delivery or acceptance of calls over Company-switched local exchange services constitutes a Constrctive Order by the Customer to purchase switched access services as described herein. Similarly, the selection of the Customer as the pre subscribed IXC by any End user constitutes a Constrctive Order of switched access by the Customer. Customer(s) - any individua parerhip, assoiaon, joint-stock company, trt, corporation, or goverenta entity or any other enti which subscribes to the services offered under this prce lis Dedicated Trasport - Direct-tred tranport provided between the customer's facilty and a Telephone Company facilty, hub, or tadem. End Offce Switch - a Caer loc switchig systm, wiles or wirline, where Customer trafc is switched for purposes of interconnection to End User(s). End User - any customer of a telecommunications service that is not a caer. Entrance Facilitv - A Tranport facilty that provides dedicated trsport from the cusmets point of termintion to the Telephone Company's facilty. Exchange - a unit generally smaller than a LATA, established by the incumbent local service provider for the adintion of communcations service in a specified area which usually embraes a cit, town or villae and it envins. It consists of one or more central offces together with the associated facilties used in fuishing communicatons service within that area. Issued: November 22,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adas Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Effective: November 23,2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Original Page 9 SECTION 1 - DEFINTIONS, (CONT'D.) Grandfathered - Services ordere under the prviions of this price list and which are considered grandfathered and no longer available to new customers. Host Offce - an electronic switching system which provides call processing capabilties for one or more Remote Switching Modules or Remote Switching Systems. Imediately Available Funds - a corpra or persna check drwn on a ba acunt and fuds which ar availe for us by the receiving par on the same day on which they ar received and include U.S. Federal Reserve ban wire tranfers, U.S. Federal Reserve notes (p cah), U.S. coin and U.S. Pos Money Or. Individual Case Basis (ICB) - a condion in which the reguons, rates and charges for an offerig under the provisions of this price lis ar develope based on the cirumtaces in each case. Interconnected Carer (IC) or Interconnected Telecommunications Carer - A Carier or Telecommunications Carer connected to the Telephone Company. InterMTA Traffc - InterMTA traffc refers to wireless traffic that originates and terminates in two different MTAs. Interstate Communications - both interstate and foreign communications. Interexchange Carer axC) - Toll Service provider. IntraMTA Traffc - IntraMTA traffc refers wireless-to-wireline traffic that originates and terminates within the same MT A. Intrtate Communications - any communications within a state subject to oversight by a state regulatory commission as provided by the laws of the state involved. Intrastate communication can be intraLA TA or InterLATA in nature, with intrA TA calls being between two pares located within the same LATA and intrtate, interLATA calls being between two users in different LA TAs in the state. Local Exchange Routing Guide (LERG) - is the industr reporting tool used to provision the appropriate NP A NXXs in networks. Issued: November 22,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Effective: November 23, 2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Offce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Original Page 10 SECTION 1- DEFINTIONS, (CONT'D.) Lo Ca Ar - a geogrhical ar as defied in the incumbent telephone compay's local exchange service taiff in which an end user may complete a cal witout incurg Toll chages. Loal Accss and Traport Ara (LATA) - a geographic area established for the provision and adintion of communcations service. It encompasses one or more designated exchanges, which are grouped to serve common social, economic and other purses. Line Inormation Data Base (LIDH) - a transaction-oriented database system that functions as a centralized repository for data storage and retrievaL. LIDB contains records associated with End User line numbers and special billng numbers. UDB accepts queries from other network elements and provides return result, return error, and return reject responses as appropriate. Examples of information that stored in UDB and in its Line Records are: ABS validation data, originating line number screening (OLNS) data, ZIP Code data, and callng name information. Line Record - means information in UDB and/or the UDB administrative system that is specific to a single telephone number or biling number. Line-Side Connection - a connection of a trmission path to the line side of a local exchange switching system. Major Fraction Thereof - is any peod of tie in exce of 1/2 of the st amount of time. As an example, in considerig a period of one hour, a major fraction of one hour would be 3 I minutes. Therefore, if a given service is interrpted for one hour and 31 minutes, the customer would be given a credit for two hour. For one hour and 30 minutes or less, the customer would be given credit for one hour. Meet-Point Biling (MPH) - refers to the biling associated with interconnection of facilties between two or more cariers for the routing of traffc to and from an interexchange carier with which one or more of the carriers does not have a direct connection. In a multi-bil environment, each local carier bils the appropriate tariffed or price list rate for its portion of a jointly provided Access Service. Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 55Ó West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Original Page I 1 SECTION 1- DEFINITIONS, (CONT'D.) Message - a "Call" as defined preceding. Minutes of Use (MOUs) - the number of minutes for which a customer is biled in relation to any usage- sensitive service element provided by the Telephone Company Mixed Access and Trasit Service - Both Transit and Access Services provided over a single facilty. Mobile Switching Center (MSC) - is the locaton of the swih in a cellul telephone network used by a Commercial Mobile Radio Services (CMRS) provider in performing, inter alia, terminating and originating functions for calls to and from a CMRS provider's end user. MTA - Major Trading Area as defined in 47 C.F.R. paragraph 24- i 02 of the FCC Rules and Regulations. Network Interface - the point of intennection beeen Telephone Compay communcatons facilties and te equipment, protective apparatus or wiring at a customer's premises or point of interconnection. The network interface or demarcation point shall be located on the subscriber's side of the telephone company's protector, or the equivalent thereof in cases where a protector is not employed, as provided under the Telephone Compay's renale and nondiscriminatory stadard operating practices. Non-Authorid Trafc - traffc that is not defined as Transit or Access traffc, including 911, 411, 976, 3 i I, 6 i 1, 500, 950, Directory Assistance, 0+ local, and 0+ operator services. Non-Carier - any individual, parership, association, joint-stock company, trst, governental entity or corporation which has not been explicitly classified as a Telecommunications Carer by the Federal Communications Commission. Nort American Numberig Plan (NANP) - a thee-digit area (Numberig Plan Ara) code and a seven-digit telephone number mae up of a the-igit Central Offce code plus a four-digit station number. Off-hook - the active condition of a Switched Access or Transit Service connection. On-hook - the idle conditon of a Switched Accs or Trait Service connection. Issued: November 22,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Effective: November 23,2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Offce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List NO.1 Original Page 12 SECTION 1- DEFINITIONS, (CONT'D.) Oprating Company Number (OCN) - a four plac alphaumeric coe (N, assigned by NECA, that identifies providers of telecommunications services. A separte code is required for each state in which a company provides facility based telecommunication services. Originatig Carier - The carier originatig a call from an End User. Originating Direction - the origination of calls from an End User premises. Originating Point Code - a field with a signing messae tht identies the originating network signaling node. Other ILEC Areas -designates the rates applicable for areas served by ILECs not specifically named in this price list. Percentage of Intrastate IntraLATA Use (PII - Intrastate intraLATA versus intrastate interLATA jurisdictional use of a service as reported by the customer. This percentage is stated as a whole number percentage which is the customer's best estimate of the percentage of the total use of the intrastate service that wil be intrastate intraLATA in natue. Percentae for Interstate Use (PIU - Interstate jurisdictional use of a service as reported by the customer. This percentage is stated as a whole number percentage which is the customer's best estiate of the percentage of the total use of the service that wil be interstate in natue. Point of Termination - the point of demaration with a customer-designat premises or point of interconnection at which the Telephone Company's responsibilty for the provision of service ends. Premises - a buidig, a porton of a budig in a mul-te building or buildings on contiuous propert not separated by a public thoroughfar. Service Coe - an SS7 parameter that allows individual calls to be identified and routed based on specific service charcteristics. Service Interface - is that point of termination where all taffed and price list technical/physical pareters are defined. The Service Interface is located at the Network Interface or may be extended at the customer's request. Signaling System Seven (SS7) - the layered protocol used for stadadizd Common Chanel Signaling in the United States. Issued: November 22,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adas Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Effective: November 23,2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Offce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. I Original Page 13 SECTION 1- DEFINITIONS, (CONT'D.) Telephone Company - Neutral Tandem-Idao, LLC Toll Service or Long Distance - is as defined in the Act. Terminating Carer - The carier terminating a call to an End User. Terminating Direction - the completion of calls to an End User premises. Transit or Transit Service - Transit Service means all Section 251 (b)(5) Traffc, ISP-Bound Traffc, IntraLATA Toll Traffic (not delivered to an IXC), and/or CMRS IntraMTA Traffc. A Transit rate element applies to all MOUs transited over the Telephone Company network. The originating Interconnected Carier is responsible for payment of the appropriate rates unless otherwise specified. Transit Service does not include 911, 41 1,976,31 1,61 1,500,950, Directory Assistance, 0+ local, and 0+ operator services. Transit Tandem - a Telephone Company switching system tht provides a distibution function for Trasit Service trafc between Telecommunications Cariers. Tru - a communcatons pa connectig two switchig systems in a network, used in the establishment of an end-to-end connection. Trunk Group - a set of trnk which are trafc engineered as a unit for the establishment of connections between switching systems in which all of the communications paths are interchangeable. Trunk Side Connection - the connection of a trsmission path to the trnk side of a local exchange switching system. V and H Coordinates Method - a method of computing airline miles between two points by utilzing an established formula which is baed on the vertca and horinta coordintes of the two points. Issued: November 22,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Effective: November 23,2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List NO.1 Original Page 14 SECTION 2 - GENERA REGULATIONS 2.1 Underting of the Telephone Company 2.1.1 Scope (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 2. 1.2 Limitations The Telephone Compay doe not underte to trmit messages under this price list. The Telephone Company shall be responsible only for the intalation, operation and maintenance of the services which it provides. The Telephone Company wil, for maintenance puroses, test its services only to the extent necssar to detect and/or clear troubles. Services are provided 24 hour daily, seven days per week, except as set fort in other applicable sections of this price list. The Telephone Company does not warant that its facilties and services meet stadards other than those set fort in this price list. (A) The customer may not assign or trfer the use of services provided under this prce list; however, where there is no intepton of use or relocation of the services, such assignent or transfer may be made to: (I) another customer, whether an individual, parership, association or corpration, provided the assignee or trferee assumes all outstading indebtedness for such services, and the unexpired porton of the minimum peod and the teon liil, if any, aplicable to such services, if any; or Issued: November 22,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Effective: November 23, 2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise. Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. I Original Page 15 SECTION 2 - GENERAL REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) 2.1 Underting of the Telephone Company, (Cont'd.) 2.1.2 Limitations, (Cont' d.) (2) a cour appointed receiver, trtee or other person acting puruat to law in banptcy, receivership, reorganiztion, insolvency, liquidation or other similar proceedings, provided the assignee or trferee assumes the unexpired porton of the minum period and the teon liabilty applicable to such services, if any. (B) In all caes of assignent or trfer, the wrn acknowledgment of the Telephone Company is required prior to such assignent or tranfer which acknowledgment shall be made within i 5 days from the receipt of notification. All regulations and conditions contained in this price list shall apply to such assignee or trsferee. (C) The assignent or tranfer of services does not relieve or discharge the assignor or trferor from remaining jointly or severaly liable with the assignee or tranferee for any obligations existing at the time ofthe assignent or tranfer. (D) The regulations for the installation and restoration of Telecommunications Service Prority (TP) syste services shal be subject to the Federal Communcations Commission's Rules and Regulatons. (E) Subject to compliance with the rules mentioned in (D) preceding, the services offered herein wil be provided to customers on a firt-come, fist-served basis. 2.1.3 Liabilty (A) The Telephone Company's liabilty, if any, for its wilful misconduct is not limited by this price list. With respect to any other claim or suit, by a cusomer, or by any others, for damages associated with the installation, provision, preemption, termination, maintenace, repai or restraon of service, and subject to the provisions of (B) though (L) followi the Telephone Compay's liabilty, if any, shall not exceed an amount equa to the prportona chage for the service for the period during which the service was affected. This liabilty for daages shall be in addition to any amounts that may otherwise be due the customer under this price list as a Credit Allowance for a Service Interrption. Issued: November 22,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Effective: November 23,2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Offce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Original Page 16 SECTION 2 - GENERAL REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) 2.1 Undeg of the Telephone Compay, (Contd) 2.1. Liail, (Contd) (B) The Telephone Compay sha not be lile for: (1) Any act or omission of any other carer or customer providing a porton of a service; (2) Any intentional, wrongful act of a Telephone Company employee when such act is not within the scope of the employee's responsibilties for the Telephone Company and/or is not authorized by the Telephone Company; (3) Any representations made by Telephone Company employees that do not comport, or that are inconsistent, with the provisions of this price list; (4) Any noncompletion of calls due to network busy conditions; and (5) Any calls not actually attempted to be completed during any period that service is unavailable. (C) The Telephone Company is not liable for damages to the customer premises resulting from the fuishing of a service, including the instalation and removal of equipment and associated wiring, unless the damage is caused by the Telephone Company's negligence. (D) The Telephone Company shall be indemnified, defended and held harless by the end usr agai any cla, loss or daag arin from the end user's use of services offered under th price lis involving: (1) (2) Cla for libei slader, invasion of privacy, or ingement of copyright arin frm the end usets own communcatons; Claims for patent infrgement arising from the end user's acts combining or using the service fuished by the Telephone Company in connection with facilties or equipment fuished by the end user or Interconnected Carier ("IC"); All other cla arin out of any ac or omision of the end user in the course of using services provided puruat to this price list. (3) Issued: November 22,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Effective: November 23,2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho ',,"".: Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idao P.U.C. Price List NO.1 Original Page 17 SECTION 2 - GENERAL REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) 2.1 Underg of the Telephone Compay, (Cont'd.) 2.1.3 Liabil, (Cont'd.) (E) The Telephone Company shall be indemnified, defended and held harless by the IC againt any claim, loss or damage arising from the IC's use of services offered under this price list, involving: (l) Cla for libei slander, invasion of privacy, or ingement of copyright arising from the IC's own communications; (2) Clais for patent iningement arising from the IC's acts combining or using the service fuished by the Telephone Company in connection with facilties or equipment fuished by the end user or IC or; (3) All other cla aring out of any ac or omision of the IC in the coure of using services provided puruat to this price lis (F) The Telephone Compay doe not gute or mae any waranty with respect to its services when used in an explosive atosphere. The Telephone Company shall be indemnified, defen,ded and held harless by the customer from any and all clas by any person relati to such cusmets use of services so provided. (G) No licen under pats (other th the liite license to use) is granted by the Telephone Company or shall be implied or are by estoppel, with respect to any service offered under this price list. The Telephone Company wil defend the customer against claims of patent infringement arising solely from the use by the customer of services offered under this price list and wil indemnify such customer for any daages awarded based solely on such claims. (H) The Telephone Company's failure to provide or maintain services under this price list shall be excused by labor difculties, governental orders, civil commotion, criinal actions taen against the Telephone Company, acts of God and other circumstaces beyond the Telephone Company's reasonable control, subject to the Credit Allowance for a Service Interrption as set forth in 2.4.4. following. Issued: November 22,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Effective: November 23,2010 Idaho Public Utiities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List NO.1 Original Page 18 SECTION 2 - GENERA REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) 2.1 Undertg of the Telephone Compay, (Cont'd) 2.1.3 Liail, (Cont'd) (I) The Telephone Company assumes no responsibilty for the availabilty or performance of any cable or satellte systems or related facilities under the control of other entities, or for other facilities provided by other entities used for service to the Customer, even if the Telephone Company has acted as the Customer's agent in aranging for such facilities or services. Such facilties are provided subject to such degree of protection or nonpreemptibilty as may be provided by the other entities. (J) Except as otherwise stated in this price list, any claim of whatever natue against the Telephone Company shall be deemed conclusively to have been waived unless presented in writing to the Telephone Company within thirt (30) days after the date of the occurrence that gave rise to the claim. (K) NEITHR TELEPHONE COMPANY NOR ITS AFFILIATES, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS OR ASSIGNS, SHALL BE LIABLE TO CUSTOMER OR ANY THRD PARTY, INCLUDING THIR OWN CUSTOMERS OR END USERS, FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, CONSEQUENTIAL OR OTHR INIRECT DAMAGES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOST PROFITS, LOSS OF BUSINSS OR ANY OTHR PECUNIARY LOSS, ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF OR UNDER THIS PRICE LIST OR RELATED AGREEMENT, WHETHER IN TORT, CONTRCT OR OTHRWISE, EVEN IF SUCH PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF TH POSSffILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. CARRER'S AND ITS SUBCONTRACTORS LIABILITY TO CUSTOMER AND ITS CUSTOMERS OR END USERS ARISING OUT OF OR UNER THIS PRICE LIST OR RELATED AGREEMENT, WHETHR IN CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHRWISE, SHALL BE LIMITED TO TH AMOUNTS PAID BY CUSTOMER TO CARRER IN TH SIX (6) MONTH PERIOD IMMEDIA TEL Y PRECEDING TH TIME THAT TH EVENT RESULTING IN LIABILITY OCCURS. Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Original Page 19 SECTION 2 - GENERAL REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) 2. I Undeg of the Telephone Compay, (Contd) 2.1.3 Liabil, (Contd) (L) DISCLAIMER OF WARRNTIES. TELEPHONE COMPANY MAKS NO WARRNTY TO CUSTOMER, OR TO ITS OWN CUSTOMERS, END USERS, OR ANY OTHR PERSON, WHTHR EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO TH MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, LACK OF VIRUSES, ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF RESPONSES OR RESULTS, TITLE, NONINFRINGEMENT, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR QUIET POSSESSION, OR CORRSPONDENCE TO DESCRIPTION WITH RESPECT TO TH SERVICES AND ANYTHING PROVIDED OR USED UNER, OR AS A RESULT OF, THS PRICE LIST OR ANY RELATED AGREEMENT. (M TH INCLUDED EXCULPATORY LANGUAGE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A DETERMINATION BY THE COMMISSION THT A LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IMPOSED BY THE COMPANY SHOULD BE UPHELD IN A COURT OF LAW. ACCEPTANCE FOR FILING BY TH COMMISSION RECOGNIZES THAT IT IS A COURT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ADJUICATE NEGLIGENCE AND CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGE CLAIMS. IT IS ALSO TH COURT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE TH VALIDITY OF TH EXCULPATORY CLAUSE. 2.1.4 Provision of Services The Telephone Company, to the extent that such services are or can be made available with reasonable effort wil provide to the customer upon reasonable notice services offered in other applicable sections of this price list at rates and charges specified therein. 2.1.5 Maintenance of Services The services provided under this price list shall be maintaed by the Telephone Company. The customer or others may not rearge, move, disconnect, remove or attempt to repa any failties provided by the Telephone Company, other than by connection or disconnection to any interface means used, except with the written consent of the Telephone Company. Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho P~b'ic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. I Original Page 20 SECTION 2 - GENERA REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) 2. i Underg of the Telephone Compay, (Cont'd) 2. 1.6 Refusal and Discontinuace of Service (A) Unless the provisions of 2.2.1(B) apply, if a customer fails to comply with the provisions of this price list or other requirements agreed to by the customer, including any payments to be mad by it on the das and ties herin speifed the Telephone Company may, on five (5) days wrttn notice of noncomplice, refuse additional applications for seice and/or refu to complete any pending orders for service by the non-complying cusmer and/or dicontiue the prvision of servces at any tie thereafr. Telephone Compay reseres the right to refue service to any caer whose use or contiued us of the Service would be matrily adver to the intest of the Telephone Compay or Intercnnecte Carers. If the Telephone Company does not refuse additional applications for service on the date specified in the five (5) days notice, and the customer's noncompliance contiues, nothing contained herein shall preclude the Telephone Compay's right to refu additional applicaons for serice by the non-cmplying cusmer without fuer notice. (B) If the Telephone Compay discontiues service, it wil no longer route any trc that uses the customer's Carer Identification Code (CIC), Local Routing Number (LRN, carier owned NPA-NX or any other element used to route trafc. In the case of such discontiuance, all applicable charges, including termination charges, if any, shall become due. If the Telephone Company does not discontinue the provision of the services involved on the date specified in the five (5) days notice, and the customets noncompliance continues, nothing contained herein shall preclude the Telephone Company's right to discontinue the provision of the services to the non- complying customer without fuer notice. Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 6066 i Idaho Public Utiities Commission Offce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List NO.1 Original Page 21 SECTION 2 - GENERA REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) 2.1 Underg of the Telephone Compay, (Contd) 2.1.6 Refual and Discontinuace of Service, (Contd.) (C) If the Company refues or discontinues providing service puruant to this price list or the Customer elects to discontiue receiving service pursuant to ths price list, in an effort to preserve uninterrpted termination of trafc and to avoid unecessar disruptions in PSTN calling, the Customer wil maintain the existig interconnections for the purse of receiving trafc from the Company while the Company and Customer negotiate a termination agreement to govern the interconnections. The Company wil be responsible for all costs associated with deliverig trafc to the existing point of interconnection. These terms wil continue to apply until such time as a termination agreement under which the Customer wil receive trafc from the Company becomes effective. The Customer and the Company wil use their best endeavors to resolve promptly and in good faith all outstading issues in the negotiation of such an agreement, and wil escalate any disputes to members of senior management. However, if the Customer and the Company ar unable to come to a resolution of certin issues during the negotiation process, either the Customer or the Company may at any tie request arbitration, mediation or assistace from the Commission or, if applicable, the Federal Communications Commission, to resolve the remaiing issues, in accordace with the applicable commission's procedures. For puroses of this provision, "providing/receiving service pursuat to this price list" includes services that are provided under a separate wrtten agreement that only incorporates the General Regulations section of this price list. Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utiities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. I Original Page 22 SECTION 2 - GENERAL REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) 2.1 Undeg of the Telephone COmpay, (COntd) 2.1.7 Notification of Service-Affectig Activities The Telephone COmpay wi prvide the cusmer reasonable notification of service afectig activities that may occur in normal operation of its business. Such activities may include, but are not limited to, equipment or facilties additions, removals or rearangements, routine preventative maintenance and major switching machine change-out. Generally, such activities are not individual customer service specific; they afect many customer services. No specific advance notification period is applicable to all service activities. The Telephone Company wil work cooperatively with the customer to deterine reonale notification reuients. 2. 1.8 Cordintion with Respet to Netork Contigencies The Telephone Compay intends to work coperavely with the customer to develop network contingency plan in order to maitain maximum network capabilty following na or man-made disasters which afect telecommuncatons services. 2. 1.9 Emergency Blocking Customer agrees that if the Telephone Company, in its sole discretion, determines that an emergency action is necessar to protect the Telephone Company network or business, the Telephone Company may block any tranmission path over the Telephone Company network to Customer transmissions that are needed to protect the integrity of the Telephone Company network or business. Neither Par shall have any obligation to the other Par for any clai, judgment or liability resultig from such blockage. Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 6066 i Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho ¡ .... .".. Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. I Original Page 23 SECTION 2 - GENERA REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) 2.2 Use 2.2.1 Interference or Impairent (A) The characteristics and methods of operation of any circuits, facilties or equipment provide by other th the Telephone Compay and assoiat wi the failes ut to provide services under th price li sh not inteer wit or impa service over any failties of the Telephone Compay, it afd compaes, or it connecg and concurg caers involved in its services, ca dae to their plat impa the pracy of any communcaons caried over their facilties or create hazds to the employees of any of them or the public. (B) Except as provided for equipment or systems subject to the FCC Par 68 Rules in 47 C.FR Section 68.108, if such chatecs or methods of operation are not in accordace with (A) preceding, the Telephone Company wil, where practicable, notify the customer that tempora discontinuace of the use of a service may be required; however, where prior notice is not practicable, nothing contained herein shall be deemed to preclude the Telephone Company's right to temporarily discontinue forthwith the use of a service if such action is reasonable under the circumstaces. In case of such temporar discontiuace, the customer wil be promptly notied and aforded the opprtty to correct the condition which gave rise to the tempora discontinuance. Durg such period of temporar discontinuace, credit allowance for service interrptions as set fort in 2.4.4 (A) and (B) following is not applicable. 2.2.2 Unlawfl Use The service provided under this price list shall not be used for an unlawfl purse. Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No.1 Original Page 24 SECTION 2 - GENERAL REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) 2.3 Obligations of the Customer 2.3.1 Damages The customer shall reimburse the Telephone Company for daages to the Telephone Compay facilites utid to prvide seices under th price li caused by the neglgence or will act of the cusmer or reultig from the cusomets improper use of the Telephone Compay faciles, or due to malction of any facilties or equipment provided by other than the Telephone Company. The Telephone Compay wil upn reimburent for daages, cooperate with the customer in prosecuting a claim againt the person causing such daage and the customer shall be subrogated to the right of recovery by the Telephone Company for the damages to the extent of such payment. 2.3.2 Ownership of Facilities and Theft Facilties utilized by the Telephone Company to provide service under the provisions of this price list shall remain the propert of the Telephone Company. Such facilties shall be retued to the Telephone Compay by the cusmer, whenever requested, within a reasonable period following the request in as good condition as reasonable wear wil permit. 2.3.3 Equipment Space and Power The customer shall fuish or arge to have fuished to the Telephone Company, at no charge, equipment space and electrcal power requird by the Telephone Company to provide services under this price list at the points of termination of such services. The selecon of ac or dc power shall be mut ag to by the customer and the Telephone Company. The customer shall also make necessar arangements in order that the Telephone Company wil have access to such spaces at reasonable times for intalling, testig, inspectig, repairing or removing Telephone Company services. Customer shall prepare its site for and accept delivery of any equipment before the requested service start date. Customer shall provide reasonable access for Carier to install, maintain, or remove any equipment. Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 6066 i Idaho P~b'ic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Original Page 25 SECTION 2 - GENERAL REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) 2.3 Obligations of the Customer, (Cont'd.) 2.3.4 Availabilty for Testig The services provided under this price list shall be available from the Telephone Company at ties mutully agreed upon in order to permit the Telephone Company to make tests and adjustments appropriate for maintaining the services in satisfactory operating condition. Such tests and adjustments shall be completed within a reasonable tie. No credit wil be allowed for any interrptions involved during such tests and adjustments. 2.3.5 Design of Customer Services The customer shall be solely responsible, at its own expense, for the overall design of its services and for any redesigning or reargement of its services which may be required because of changes in facilties, operations or procedures of the Telephone Company, minimum protection criteria or operatig or maintenance characteristics of the facilties. 2.3.6 References to the Telephone Company The customer may advise End Users that cert services are provided by the Telephone Compay in connection with the service the customer furnishes to End Users; however, the customer shall not represent that the Telephone Company jointly paricipates in the customer's services. Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23, 2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utiities Commission Offce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise. Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. I Original Page 26 SECTION 2 - GENERAL REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) 2.3 Obligations of the Customer, (Contd.) 2.3.7 Claims and Demands for Damages (A) With respect to claims of patent infringement made by third persons, the customer shall defend, indemnify, protect and save harless the Telephone Company from and agai al cla aring out of the combin with or use in connection with the services provided under th price li any ciruit, apparatu, system or method provided by the customer. (B) The customer shall defend, indemnify, protect and save harless the Telephone Compay from and ag any and all suits, clas, and demads by th pens aring out of the consction, intation, operation, maitenance, or removal of the cusomets ciruits, facilties, or equipment connected to the Telephone Compay's service provided under ths price lis including, without limitation, Worken's Compenson cla actions for ingement of copyright and/or unauthorized use of program material, libel and slander actions based on the content of communications transmitted over the customer's circuits, facilties or equipment, and proceedings to recover taes, fines, or penalties for failure of the customer to obtain or maitain in effect any necessar certificates, permits, licens, or other auori to acquir or operate the services provided under this price list; provided, however, the foregoing indemnification shall not apply to suits, clas, and demands to recover daes for daage to propert, death, or pena injur uness such suits, cla or demands are based on the tortious conduct of the customer, its offcers, agents or employees. (C) The customer shall defend, indemnfy and save harless the Telephone Company from and against any suits, clais, losses or damages, including punitive damages, attorney fees and court costs by the customer or third paries arsing out of any act or omision of the cusmer in the cour of using services provided under this price list. Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23, 2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List NO.1 Original Page 27 SECTION 2 - GENERAL REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) 2.3 Obligations of the Customer, (Contd.) 2.3.8 Traffic Information (A) Customer shall provide Signaling Data (as defined below) and shall not, directly or indirectly, including in concert with a third par, strip, alter, modify, add, delete, change, mask, manipulate, or incorrectly assign any Signaling Data. Signaling Data shall, at a minimum, include: (a) information that accurately reflects the geographic location of the end user that originated and/or dialed the call, when including such information is technically feasible, (b) calling par number as defined in 47 C.F.R. Section 64.1600( c) ("CPN"), (c) Automatic Number Identification as defined in 47 C.F.R. Section 64.1600(b) ("ANI"), (d) Charge Number as defined in 47 C.F.R. Section 64.1600(d), (e) Jurisdictional Indicator Parameter ("JIP") and (f) any other signaling data that affects the terminating Part's abilty to jurisdictionalize trafc. If it is determined that Customer has: (a) directly or indirectly made any such addition, deletion, change, mask, manipulation, alteration, modification, or incorrect assignment, or (b) intentionally or unintentionally failed to provide any Signaling Data, all of Customer's traffc, including prior traffc, wil be re-rated to the highest price list rate. Upon request, Telephone Company wil provide to Customer available Signaling Data for traffc terminated to Customer. (B) Where SS7 connections exist, customer wil include the original and tre Line Information, including the Callng Par Number (CPN), in the information transmitted to the Telephone Company for each call. (C) If customer is passing Line Information but the Telephone Company is not properly receiving information, the paries wil work cooperatively to correct the problem. (D) For transit traffc, if the original and tre CPN is not received from the originating third part, the Telephone Company canot forward the CPN and wil not be biled as the default originator. Issued: November 22, 2010 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utiities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho ."..' Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. I Original Page 28 SECTION 2 - GENERAL REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) 2.3 Obligations of the Customer, (Cont'd.) 2.3.9 Jurisdictional Report Requirements* (A) In this section the terms "trk group" shall be assumed to also represent a single line or trnk. (B) Reportg by the customer of the expete jurdictonal use of services is reui be the Telephone Compay caot determine the actual jurisdiction of the customer's usage from every type of call detail recording. In some cases the Telephone Company cannot record the customer's usage of the service at all. The information reported by the customer wil be used by the Telephone Company in an effort to determine the appropri charges, as set forth in 2.3.10 following. The cusmer must always report th inormaton for those services or portions of services for which the actual jurisdictional use cannot be determined by Telephone Company. * (Puuat to Fedeml Communcaons Commsion order FCC 85-145 released Apri 16, 1985, inte us is to be develope as though every call that enters a customer network at a point within the same state as that in which the called station (as designated by the called station number) is situated is an intrastate communication and every call for which the point of entr is in a state other than that where the called station (as designated by the called station number) is situated is interstate in nature.) (l) When a customer orders a new Access Service, the customer shall, in its order, state the proporton of the service which is to be provided for interstate use. This proporton is the Percent for Interstate Use or PIU. The customer can either specify one general PIU for the service use or the cusomer ca specif an 800 terminatg PIU and a residual PIU. All PIUs shall be stated as whole number percentages. If the customer chooses to report one general Percent for Interstate Use, then the geneml PIU wi be the cusmets bet esat of the percentae of the total use of the tr group that wil be interstate in natue. Issued: November 22,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 6066 i Effective: November 23, 2010 Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission ACC Office of the SecretaryEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List NO.1 Original Page 29 SECTION 2 - GENERAL REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) 2.3 Obligations of the Customer, (Cont'd.) (1), (Cont'd.) If the customer chooses to provide a separte 800 terminatig PIU, then tht PIU wil be the customets best estiate of the percentage of the total 800 terminatig use of the tr group usage that wil be interstate in natue. The residual PIU would then be the customets best estiate of the pentae of the tota tr grup use th wil not be 800 terminating usage and wil be interstate in natue. The reportd Percentage(s) for Interstate Use PIU(s) wil be used in the detrmination of all intete and intrte charges for the tr group, as set fort in 2.3.10 following, as well as for the associated charges for transport and port charges. The PIU(s) remains in effect until it is superseded by a revised PIU(s), as set fort in (3) following. When the customer detrmines th any curntly effectie PIU(s) for one or more tr grups is no longer accurte, the cusmer shal rert a revised PIU(s) for each tr grup. The customer can report the new PIU(s) to the Telephone Company in wrtig. The report mus clealy identi each tr group, the acount number under which it is biled and both the curnt and revised PIU(s). The revised PIU(s) wil become effctive on the fi day of the next monthy biling period that begi at leat 15 business days afr the day on which the cusomer report the revisd PIU(s) to the Telephone Compay. No revisions to bills preceding the effective date of the revised PIU(s) wil be made basd on th report. If no PIU is submitted as specified herein, then the PIU wil be set on a default basis of 50 percent interstate and 50 percent intrastate traffc. The Telephone Company wil charge the intrastate terminating switched access rates to Customers for those minutes lacking jurisdictional information that are in excess of a reasonable percentage (10%) of minutes for which this information is not transmitted. For example, if 40% of a Customer's minutes sent to the Telephone Company do not contain suffcient originating information to allow the Telephone Company to determine the originating location, the Telephone Company would apply these provisions to those minutes exceeding the 10% "floor," or 30% in this example. Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adas Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Effective: November 23,2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Issued: November 22,2010 Boise. Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List NO.1 Original Page 30 SECTION 2 - GENERA REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) 2.3 Obligations of the Customer, (Contd.) 2.3.9 Jurisdictional Report Requirements, (Contd.) (B) (Contd.) (2) NPA-NXX Surrogate If the customer's end users utilize NPA-NXXs from outside of a local market to terminate Transit calls, customer shall report an NPA-NX Surrogate, which shall be customer's estiate of Trait trafc that appears to be access trafc. For example, a cellular end user with an NPA-NX different than the market in which the end user is roaming and terminatig a Transit call or an end user assigned an NPA-NX from a market diferent than the market in which the end user is terminating Tranit calls. (3) Call Classification Report Verification If a biling dispute ar or a regutoiy commision questions the PIU, the Telephone Company wil ask the customer to provide the data the customer uses to determine the PIU. The customer shall supply the data within 15 days of the Telephone Company request. The customer shall keep records of call detail, including not altering directly or indirectly with a third par call origination or termination data from which the Call Classification can be ascerted. Upon request of the Telephone Company, customer shall make the records available for inpection as reasonably necessar for purses of verification. Requests for verification shall be limited to no more than two per year, except in exteme circumstaces. Audits may be conducted by independent auditors if the Telephone Compay and the cusmer or the cusmer alone is wiling to pay the expenses of the audit. Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Offce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idao P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Original Page 31 SECTION 2 - GENERAL REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) 2.3 Obligations of the Customer, (Contd.) 2.3.10 Determination of Interstate Charges for Mixed Interstate and Intrtate Tandem Service When mixed interstate and intrastate Service is provided, all charges (i.e., nonrcurg, monthy and/or usage) including the associated charges for transport and port charges and optional featues, wil be prorated between interstate and intrastate. The Percentage for Interstate Use PIU(s) reported as set forth in 2.3.9 preceding wil serve as the basis for prorating the charges. The percentage of a Tandem Service to be charged as interstate is applied in the following maner: (A) For monthly and nonrecuring chargeable rate elements (1) Tandem Serices Except Dirt-Tru Trart Facilties or Entrance Facilties Multiply the general PIU or the residual PIU, if the customer has chosen to provide usage type PIUs, times the quantity of chargeable elements ties the stated applicable price list rate per element (2) Dirct- Trued Transport Facilties and Entrance Facilties Multiply the Direct- Trued Transport Facilty or Entrance Facility PIU, times the quatity of chargeable elements times the stated applicable price list rate per element. (B) For all Tandem Services usage sensitive chargeable rate elements: (1)If the actual jurisdiction of the usage can be reasonably identified, multiply the actul measured use that is identified by jurisdiction ties the applicable stated price list rate. (2)If the cusomer ha chosen to prvide one genera PIU for all usage tys, then multiply the genera PIU ties actu usage (i.e., measured or Telephone Compay assumed averae usage) which canot be reasonably jurisdictionally identified times the stated price list rate. If the customer has chosen to provide separate usage type PIUs and the residual PIU, then multiply the usage type PIU or the residual PIU ties the corresponding actul usage type minutes of use ties the sta applicable price lis rate. Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adas Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. I Original Page 32 SECTION 2 - GENERAL REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) 2.3 Obligations of the Customer, (Cont'd.) 2.3.11 Certfication of Tandem Services As Intrtate (A) Determination of Jurisdiction of Tandem Sece Jurisdiction refers to the classification of a service as interstate (subject to the jurdiction of the Fedra Communcaons Commission) or as intrastate (subject to the jurdiction of a stae regulatory body). Every call that enters a customer network at a point within the same state as that in which the called station (as designated by the called station number) is situated is an intrastate communication and every call for which the point of entr is in a state other than that where the called station (as designated by the called station number) is situated is an interstate communication. (B) Jurisdictional Use Certification Requirment When a customer orders a service from this price list, the customer shall certify in its order that the service meets the requirments for classifcaon as interstate. The customer shall be responsible for advising the Telephone Company of any changes in such classifcation. 2.3.12 Certfication of Tandem Services As Access and Trait When a customer order a Tandem Service from this price list, the customer shall certfy in its order that the traffc it is sending via the Tandem Service meets the requirments for Call Clasificaton as Access and/or Transit Service. The customer shall be responsible for advising the Telephone Company of any changes in such classification. Issued: November 22,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Effective: November 23,2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Original Page 33 SECTION 2 - GENERA REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) 2.3 Obligations of the Customer, (Contd.) 2.3.13 Forecasts Customer shall exchange technical descriptions and forecasts of its interconnection and traffc requirements in suffcient detail necessar to establish the interconnections required to assure traffc completion to and from all End Users in their respective designated service areas. 2.3.14 Cordon with Respect to Network Contigencies The customer shall, in cooperation with the Telephone Company, coordinate in planing the actions to be taen to maintain maximum network capabilty, including following natual or manade disaters which afect telecommunications services. 2.3.15 Updating Data Bases The Telephone Company and customer shall use the Local Exchange Routing Guide (LERG) to provision the appropriate NP A NXXs. Customer shall be responsible for updating its routing tables and internal databases to reflect changes in the Telephone Company profile and terminations. 2.3.16 Resale of Services Customer agrees not to resell the Telephone Company service in any maner without prior written consent of the Telephone Company. 2.3.17 Compliance with Laws Customer shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations in its use of the service. Customer is solely responsible for all products and services it provides to its End Users and to other carriers. Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 6066 i Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Original Page 34 SECTION 2 - GENERAL REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) 2.3 Obligations of the Customer, (Cont'd.) 2.3.18 Exchange of Traffc and Information All facilties interconnected to the Telephone Company by Customer shall be two-way in nature, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Telephone Company. Customer shall accept both originating and terminating traffic from the Telephone Company. At all times, Customer shall provide facilties within its network that are necessar for routing, transporting, measuring, and biling of traffc originated by other customers of the Telephone Company and for delivering traffic to the Telephone Company for termination to other carriers. Customer shall transmit traffc in the stadard format compatible with the Telephone Company's network as referenced in Telcordia BOC Notes on LEC Networks Practice No. SR-TSV-002275, and terminate the traffc it receives in that standard format to the proper address on its network. Customer shall exercise best efforts in responding to requests by the Telephone Company to install additional facilities and capacity with the customer to accommodate traffic volumes and maintain the highest network quality stadards. Customer agrees that Telephone Company may share certain customer information with other customers of the Telephone Company for the sole purpose of providing service. 2.3.19 Non-Authorized Traffc Customers agree to not send Carrier Non-Authorized Traffc (i.e., traffc that is not Transit and Access traffc, including 911,41 1,976, directory assistance, and 0+ operator services local calls). Telephone Company wil block any Carier Non-Authorized Traffc sent to the Telephone Company switches and wil have no obligation to car such traffc. Customer wil not send to the Telephone Company local traffc that is destined for the network of a third part carier unless Customer has the authority to exchange traffc with that carrier. Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23, 2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Offce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List NO.1 Original Page 35 SECTION 2 - GENERA REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) 2.3 Obligations ofthe Customer, (Cont'd.) 2.3.20 Customer Responsibilty Customers seeking to cancel service for traffc terminating to the Company have an obligation to cease sending such traffc to the Company's network. Customers wil remain responsible for traffic originating from the Company's network if the Customer accepts such traffc. 2.3.21 Determination of InterMTA and IntraMTA Trafc CMRS provider wil have the responsibilty of providing, on a quarerly basis (or as otherwise agreed to by the Company), a report to the Company providing the percentage of the CMRS provider's traffc terminated to the Company that is intraMT A or interMT A. The report wil also detail what percentage of the interMTA traffc is intrastate and what percentage is interstate (PIU). Reports regarding the percentages of intraMT A or interMTA traffc (and the intrastate or interstate jurisdiction of interMT A traffc) shall be based on a reasonable traffc study conducted by the CMRS provider and available to the Company upon request. Upon reasonable written notice, the Company or its authorized representative shall have the right to conduct a review and verification of the CMRS provider's reported percentages. This includes on-site verification reviews at the CMRS provider's or vendor locations. The review may consist of an examination and verification of data involving records, systems, procedures and other information related to the traffc originated by the CMRS provider and terminated to the Company. The customer shall keep records of call detail, including not altering directly or indirectly with a third par call origination or termination data from which the call jurisdiction can be ascerted. The CMRS provider wil provide the Company with reasonable access to such information as is necessar to determine amounts payable under this price list. \ If the CMRS provider fails to provide the verifiable reports required under this section, the Company wil apply a default percent interMTA of 50% (and a default PIU of 50% on all interMT A traffc), on all traffic originated by the CMRS provider for termination by the Company. Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Gmce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List NO.1 Original Page 36 SECTION 2 - GENERAL REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) 2.4 Payment Arangements and Credit Allowances 2.4.1 Payment of Rates, Charges and Deposits (A) Deposits 1.The Company, in accordance with the "The Telephone Customer Relations Rules", may require an applicant for service or a present customer which has a proven history of late payments to the Company or does not have established credit with the Company, to make and keep intact a deposit prior to or at any time after the provision of a service to the customer to be held by the Company. No such deposit wil be required of a customer which is a successor of a company which has established credit with the Company and has no history of late payments to the Company. The fact that a deposit has been made shall in no way relieve the customer from complying with the regulations of the Company as to advance payments and the prompt payment of bils on presentation, nor constitute a waiver or modification of the regular practices of the Company providing for the discontinuance of service for nonpayment of any sums due the Company for service rendered. 2.The Company adopts by reference "The Telephone Customer Relations Rules", codified at IDAPA 31.41.01000 et seq, by the Idaho Public Utilties Commission and all amendments to those rules which may be hereafter adopted by the Idaho Public Utilties Commission. Copies of these Rules are on fie in every Business Office and are available for public inspection. 3.Interest wil be payable on all deposits at the rate determined by the I.P.U.C. pursuant to Commission rule IDAPA 31.41.01106. Interest wil accrue from the date of the deposit until the date of refund or application to the customer's telephone bil. 4.The deposit wil be returned to the customer within 18 months after the customer has established good credit. 5.If, however, the average charge exceeds $100 per month, the Company may retain the deposit longer than 18 months. Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23, 2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List NO.1 Original Page 37 SECTION 2 - GENERAL REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) 2.4 Payment Arangements and Credit Allowances, (Cont'd.) (B) The Telephone Company shall bil all charges incured by and credits due to the customer under this price list attbutable to services. In addition, the Telephone Company shall bil in advance charges for all services to be provided durg the ensuing biling peod except for chages associat with service usage wil be biled in arears. The Telephone Compay wil establish a bil day each month for each customer account. The bil wil cover non-usage sensitive service charges for the ensuing biling period for which the bil is rendered, any known unbiled non-usage sensitive charges for prior periods and unbiled usage chages for the peod afr the la bil day though the curent bil day. Any known unbiled usage charges for prior periods and any known unbiled adjustments wil be applied to this bil. Payment for bils is due as set forth in (C) following. If payment is not received by the payment date, as set forth in (C) following in imediately available funds, a late payment penalty wil apply as set forth in (C) following (C) All bils dated as set fort in (B) preceding for service are due 30 days (payment date) after the bil day or by the next bil date (i.e., same date in the following month as the bil date) whichever is the shortest interval, except as provided herein, and are payable in immediately available funds. If such payment date would cause payment to be due on a Satuday, Sunday or Holiday (i.e., New Year's Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thansgiving Day, Chrstmas Day, and a day when Marin Luter Kig Day, Washigtn's Birday, Memorial Day, Columbus Day and Vetera Day ar legally obseived), payment for such bils wil be due from the customer as follows: (1)If such payment date falls on a Sunday or on a Holiday which is observed on a Monday, the payment date shall be the fIrst non-Holiday day following such Sunday or Holiday. If suh payment da fa on a Satuday or on a Holiday which is obsered on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, the payment date shall be the last non-Holiday day preceding such Satuday or Holiday. Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adas Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Original Page 38 SECTION 2 - GENERAL REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) 2.4 Payment Arangements and Credit Allowances, (Cont'd.) (I), (Cont'd.) Furter, if any portion of the payment is received by the Telephone Company after the payment date as set fort herein, or if any porton of the payment is reeived by the Telephone Company in fuds which ar not imedly availe to the Telephone Company, then a late payment pe sha be due to the Telephone Company. The late payment penalty shall be the portion of the payment not received by the payment date ties a late factor. The late factor shal be the lesser of. (a) the highest interest rate (in decimal value) which may be levied by law for commercial transactions, applied on a simple interest basis for the number of days from the payment due date to and including the date that the customer actully makes the payment to the Telephone Company, or (b) 0.000493 per day, (anual percentage rate of 18.0% applied on a simple interest basis for the number of days from the payment date to and including the date th the customer actuly makes the payment to the Telephone Company. (D) In the event that a biling dispute concerning any charges biled to the customer by the Telephone Company is resolved in favor of the Telephone Company, any payments witheld pending settlement of the dispute shall be subject to the late payment penalty set fort in (C) preceding. If the customer disputes the bil on or before the payment dae, and pays the undiut amount on or before the payment date, any late payment charge for the disputed amount wil not sta until 10 working days after the payment date. If the biling dispute is resolved in favor of the cusmer, no late payment peal wil apply to the disputed amount. If the customer disputes the biled amount and the biling dispute is reolved in the favor of the customer, the customer wil receive a refud for any amount overpaid plus interest if applicable as described below. If a customer has overpaid because of a biling error, a refud in the amount of the overpayment wil be made to the customer. If a claim for a refud pertg to the overpayment was submittd by the customer with six month of the payment date, interest on the refud wil be paid to the customer from the date of the overpayment to and including the date on which the refund is made to the customer. The interest rate wil be 0.000493 per day (anual percentage rate of 18.0%), applied on a simple interest basis. Refuds wil be made by crediting the customer's account. Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Effective: November 23,2010 Idaho Public Utiities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Issued: November 22,2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. I Original Page 39 SECTION 2 - GENERAL REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) 2.4 Payment Arangements and Credit Allowances, (Cont'd.) (E) Adjustments for the quatities of services established or discontinued in any biling period beyond the minum period set fort for sece in other sections of this price list wil be prorated to the number of days or major fraction of days based on a 30 day month. The Telephone Company wil, upon written request and if available, fuish such detailed inormation as may reasonably be required for verification of any bil. (F) When a rate as set fort in this price list is shown to more than two decimal places, the chages wil be detrmined using the ra shown. The resultig amount wil be rounded to the nearest penny (i.e., rounded to two decimal places). (G) Customer shall pay to the Telephone Company all taes and fees that are associated with Customer's lease, use or purchase of the Services, or any other transaction hereunder, including, but not limited to, any sales, use, federal excise or similar taes, franchise fees, right-of-way fees, license fees and surcharges. All such taxes and fees shall be stated separately on Customer's invoices. To the extent Customer claims exemption from any tax or fee, Customer must provide a valid exemption certificate. Customer agrees to pay and to hold the Telephone Company harless from and against any penalty, interest, additional ta, or other charge that may be levied or assessed as a result of a delay or failure of Customer, for any reason, to pay any tax or fee charged to Customer by the Telephone Company. (H) Customer shall be liable for the payment of all fees and expenses (including, without limitation, attorney's fees and expenses, costs of investigation, and costs of litigation) reasonably incurred by the Telephone Company in collecting, or attempting to collect, any charges owed hereunder, including, without limitation, charges for services provided by the Telephone Company. Issued: November 22, 2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Effective: November 23,2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. I Original Page 40 SECTION 2 - GENERAL REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) 2.4 Payment Arangements and Credit Allowances, (Cont'd.) 2.4.2 Minimum Periods The minimum period for which services are provided and for which rates and charges are applicable is one month except for those services ordered with a longer minimum term. When a service is disontiued prior to the expiron of the minimum period, chages are applicable, whether the service is used or not, as follows: (A) When a service with a one-month minimum period is discontinued prior to the expiration of the minimum period, a one-month charge wil apply at the rate level in effect at the time service is discontinued. (B) When a service with a minum period gratr th one month is discontiued prior to the expiration of the minimum period, the applicable charge wil be the total monthly charges, at the rate level in effect at the tie serice is dicontiued for the remaider of the minimum period, unless otherwise expressly specified under the terms of the written service order. 2.4.3 Cancellation of an Order for Service Provisions for the cancellation of an order for service are established in the service order. 2.4.4 Cret Allowance for Service Interptons (A) Genera A service is interrpted when it becomes unusable to the customer because of a failure of a facilty component used to fuish service under this price list or in the event that the protective controls applied by the Telephone Company result in the complete loss of service by the customer, though no fault ofthe customer directly or indirectly. An interrption period sta when an inoperative service is reportd to the Telephone Company, and ends when the service is operative. Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List NO.1 Original Page 4 i SECTION 2 - GENERAL REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) 2.4 Payment Arangements and Credit Allowances, (Cont'd.) 2.4.4 Creit Allowance for Service Interrptons, (Cont'd.) (B) When a Credit Allowance Applies In case of an interrpton to any service, alowance for the period of interrption, when requested by the Customer in writig within ninety (90) days of the interrption and if not due to the negligence of the customer or the customer's end user, shall be as follows: (1) (2) (3) For Dedicated Serices, except as specifed in the wrttn service order, no credit shall be allowed for an interrption of less than 30 minutes. The customer shall be credited for. an interrption of 30 minutes or more at the rate of l/1440 of the monthly charges for the facilty or service for each period of 30 minutes or major frction thereof that the interrption contiues for all services except as described herein. The Telephone Company may require joint out of service testg beee the cusomer and the Telephone Company for investgation and corron of the interrpton. For interrptions of Services other th those provided for in 2.4.4.(B).(1), the Customer shall be credited for an interrption of24 hour or more at the rate of l/30 of the applicable fied monthy rates, ifany. The credit allowance(s) for service interrptions in any month shall not exceed applicable fied monthly rates for that month for tht pacula rate element. An interrption period sta when an inopetive service is released by the customer to the Telephone Company for testg/repa and ends when the service is operative. The customer mus make an inoperave ciruit availe for testing by the Telephone Company and provide access as needed. Suspension of the calculated interption period wil ocur when acess to the customer premises caot be gained or the customer doe not release the ciruit experiencing trouble. Issued: November 22, 2010 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List NO.1 Original Page 42 SECTION 2 - GENERA REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) 2.4 Payment Arangements and Credit Allowances, (Cont' d.) 2.4.4 Creit Allowance for Service Inteptions, (Contd.) (B) When a Credit Allowance Applies, (Cont'd.) (4) No credit shall be allowed for interrptions requird to perform preventative or routine maintenance, or to perform softare updates when the customer has been notified at least 24 hour prior to such occurnces. (5) The monthly charges used to determine the credit shall be the recurg, non- usage sensitive charges associated with that rate element (less any credits) that is inoperative. (C) When A Credit Allowance Does Not Apply No credit allowance wil be made for: Interrptions caused by the negligence of the customer.(1) (2)Interrptions of a service due to the failure of equipment or systems provided by the customer or others. (3)Interrptions of a service durg any period in which the Telephone Company is not aforded access to the premises where the service is terminated. Issued: November 22, 2010 Effective: November 23, 2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.u.c. Price List No.1 Original Page 43 SECTION 2 - GENERAL REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) 2.4 Payment Arangements and Credit Allowances, (Cont d.) 2.4.4 Creit Allowance for Serice Interrptions (Contd.) (C) When a Credit Allowance Does Not Apply, (Contd.) (4) Interrptons of a service when the cusmer ha released that service to the Telephone Company for maintenance purposes, to make reargements, or for the implementation of an order for a change in the service during the time that was negotiated with the customer prior to the release of that service. (5) Periods when the customer elects not to release the service for testg and/or repair and continues to use it on an impaired basis. (6) An interrption or a group of interrptions, resultig from a common cause, for amounts less than one dollar. (D) Use of an Alternative Service Provided by the Telephone Company Should the customer elect to use an alternative service provided by the Telephone Company during the period that a service is interrpted, the customer must pay the price list rates and charges for the alternative service used. (E) Temporar Surender of a Service In certin instances, the customer may be requested by the Telephone Company to surender a service for puroses other than maintenance, testig or activity relating to a service order. If the customer consents, a credit allowance wil be grted. The credit allowance wil be 1/1440 of the monthly rate for each period of30 minutes or frction thereof that the service is surndered. In no case wil the credit allowance exceed the monthy rate for the service rendered in anyone monthly biling period. Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Off ce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Original Page 44 SECTION 2 - GENERAL REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) 2.4 Payment Arangements and Credit Allowances, (Cont'd.) 2.4.5 Reestablishment of Service Following Fire, Flood or Oter Occurrence (A) Nonrecuring Charges Do Not Apply Charges do not apply for the reestablishment of service following a fie, flood or other occurence attibuted to an Act of God provided that: (l) The service is for the same customer. (2) The service is at the same location on the same premises. (3) The reestablishment of service begins within 60 days afer Telephone Company service is available. (The 60 day period may be extended a reasonable period if the renovation of the original location on the premises affected is not practical within the allotted time period). (4) The services is the same tye as that provided previous to the occurence. (5) The customer is curent for all charges for services. (B) Nonrecurring Charges Apply Nonrecuring Charges apply for establishing service at a different location on the same premises or at a different premise pending reestablishment of service at the original location. 2.4.6 Title or Ownership Rights The payment of rates and charges by customers for the services offered under the provisions of this price list does not assign, confer or transfer title or ownership rights to proposals or facilties developed or utilzed, respectively, by the Telephone Company in the provision of such services. Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 6066 i Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List NO.1 Original Page 45 SECTION 2 - GENERAL REGULATIONS, (CONT'D.) 2.4 Payment Arangements and Credit Allowances, (Cont' d.) 2.4.7 Org, Rag and Billig of Acc Seiice Where More Th One Exchange Telephone Company is Involved (A) When an Access Service is ordere by a customer where one porton of the service is provided by one Exchange Telephone Company and the other portion of the service is provided by another Exchange Telephone Company, the Telephone Compay accepts and adheres to the Orderig and Biling Foru guidelines, Multiple Exchange Carier Access Biling (MCAB) and Multiple Exchange Carier Ordering and Design (MECOD). 2.5 Notices 2.5.1 Any notices or other communications required or permitted to be given or the terms of this section shall be in hard-copy writing, unless otherwise specifically provided herein. Such notices or communications shall be suffciently given if delivered personally, or if delivered by prepaid overnight express service, or if delivered by confirmed facsimile transmission and with a copy delivered thereafter either personally, or by prepaid overnight express service, to the Customer's authorized representative. 2.5.2 Notice shall be given to the Telephone Company's Vice President - Regulatory, 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900, Chicago, Ilinois 60661. Facsimile: (312) 346-3276. A copy of each notice relating to an action, suit, proceeding or claim is to be sent simultaneously to the Telephone Company's General Counsel, 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900, Chicago, Ilinois 60661. Facsimile: (312) 346-3276. 2.5.3 Either part may unilaterally change its designated representative and/or address for the receipt of notices by giving seven days' prior written notice to the other par in compliance with this section. Any notice or other communication shall be deemed given when received. Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Effective: November 23, 2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Issued: November 22,2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Original Page 46 SECTION 3 - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 3.1 Tandem Service 3.1.1 Tandem Services are comprised of Transit and Access Services. 3.1.2 All facilties installed for provisioning Tandem Services are bi-directional, two-way in nature, unless expressly agreed to by the Telephone Company. Customer ordering Tandem Service agrees to accept additional facilties to accommodate traffc volume at reasonable fill rates. 3.1.3 Customer must be authorized to send traffc to third par Interconnected Telecommunications Cariers prior to delivering traffic to such paries using the Tandem Service. 3.1.4 In the event Customer sends traffic through the Telephone Company to a carier with whom customer does not have a traffc exchange agreement, then Customer wil indemnify the Telephone Company against any and all charges levied by such third par carrier, including any charges related to such traffic and any attorneys fees and expenses. 3.1.5 The Telephone Company wil bil its respective portion of the charges directly to the Customer, and wil not function as a biling intermediar, e.g. clearinghouse. 3.1.6 The Terminating Carier shall not bil the Telephone Company for terminating any Tandem Service traffic, whether identified or unidentified, i.e. whether the Telephone Company is sent CPN or is not sent CPN by the Originating Carier. 3.1.7 For Access traffc routed from or to Non-Cariers, the Company wil function as an End Offce provider rather than as an Access Tandem provider. Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adas Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.c. Price List NO.1 Original Page 47 SECTION 3 - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS, (CONT'D.) 3.2 Transit Service 3.2.1 Transit Service allows an Originating Carier to send all Section 251 (b)(5) Traffc, ISP- Bound Traffc, IntraLATA Toll Traffc (not delivered via IXC), and/or CMRS IntraMTA Traffc to a Terminating Carier through the Telephone Company tadem. A Transit rate element applies to all MOUs transmitted over the Telephone Company network. The Originating Carrier is responsible for payment of the appropriate rates unless otherwise specified. Transit Service does not include 911, 411, 976, 311, 611, 500,950, Directory Assistance, 0+ local, and 0+ operator services. Notwithstanding any other provision, Customer appoints Telephone Company to act on its behalf for the limited purpose of establishing arrangements for the termination of Transit Trafc to Terminating Cariers. This authority is limited to the establishment of the technical and operational aspects of such arrangements. At the request of the Customer, Telephone Company wil provide electronic terminatig Transit biling records to the Customer to assist in their biling process. The records wil be provided in stadard EMI format and wil be delivered to the Customer either weekly or monthly utilizing an electronic delivery method negotiated on a case by case basis. Rates are listed in section 4.1. Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utiliies Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List NO.1 Original Page 48 SECTION 3 - SERVICE DESCRIIONS, (CONT'D.) 3.2 Transit Service, (Contd.) 3.2.2 Transit Diagram Carrier Switch A is the Originating Carier Carier Switch B is the Terminating Carier Call Direction . "Neutral Carrier Tandem Switch Switch Carrier ij A Switch Tandem B End-ser Switching ~ End-u l l user Dedicated Access Dedicated Access 3.2.3 Customer is responsible for compliance with all third par traffc termination arrangements, including primar toll carier agreements, and optional and/or extended callng area plans. 3.2.4 Customer, the Originating Carrier, wil be charged a Tandem Transit MOU charge for all Transit traffc delivered to the Telephone Company, including On-Net and Off-Net traffc, except as provided in 3.2.5 below. The Tandem Transit MOU charge may differ based on the Exchange of the terminating number. 3.2.5 If the Company re-routes an On-Net call to an Alternate Transit Tandem due to a third part failure or insuffcient capacity on the Telephone Company network to terminate the call, the Customer may be charged a tandem transit MOU charge by the Alternate Transit Tandem Company. If the Customer is charged a tadem transit MOU charge by the Alternate Transit Tandem Company, the Customer wil not be charged a Tandem Transit MOU by the Company. If the Company is biled by the Alternate Transit Tandem Company for that traffc, then the Company wil charge Customer the same Tandem Transit MOU charge that the Company is biled by the Alternate Transit Tandem Company. Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Effective: November 23,2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Issued: November 22, 2010 Boise. Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.u.c. Price List No.1 Original Page 49 SECTION 3 - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS, (CONT'D.) 3.2.6 Transit Service shall be on a Meet Point Biling ("MPB") basis, with the Terminating Carier and the Telephone Company biling their respective portions of the charges directly to the Originating Carier, and neither the Terminating Carier nor the Telephone Company wil be required to function as a biling intermediar, e.g. clearinghouse. 3.3 Access Service 3.3.1 Access Service enables Interconnected Cariers or the Company to originate Toll Service to Toll Service providers and Toll Service providers to terminate Toll Services to Interconnected Cariers or the Company. Access Services do not include 911, 411, 976, 311, 611, 500, 950, Directory Assistance, 0+ local, and 0+ operator services. Access Service for traffc originating to Toll Service providers can be delivered either over a direct connection between the Company and Toll Service provider when the connection exists, or when the connection does not exist, via an Alternate Access Tandem. Access Service for traffic terminating to Interconnected Cariers or Company End Offce can be delivered either over a direct connection between the Company and Toll Service provider when the connection exists, or when the connection does not exist, via an Alternate Access Tandem. Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adas Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. I Original Page 50 SECTION 3 - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS, (CONT'D.) 3.3 Access Service, (Cont'd.) 3.3.2 Access Diagrams Comi prati¡ a$ Aece$$ Tan provider Alte:mte Ace... !ai 1m? ~ Intex:eoate Cant.x: Jl Office Coy Ac.. 'laiø oi POI CO! OPrati as Kn Office prO'dMr Alte:mte Ace... 'l:a BIP' I ICQy (; OC ) Jl Office fi o:i.. POI Element DIP CCL LS !N CT TST-T TST-F CMU TS DIP DTI DM DTI EF Element Description Datas Query Chare (where it ocur) Carer Common Line Local Switching Intennection Common Tru Port Tandem Switched Trasport- Termtion Tandem Switched Trasport - Facilty Common Trasport Multiplexing Tandem Switching Dedicated Tru Port Dedicate Tandem Tru Port Dedicat Multiplexing Dirct-Trued Traport (fixed and per mile) Entrce Facility Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Effective: November 23,2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Issued: November 22,2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho,LLC Idaho P.U.C.Price List No.I Isl Revised Page 5] Cancels Original Page 51 SECTION 3 -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS,(CONT'D.) 3.3 Access Service,(Cont'd.) 3.3.3 Customer is responsible for compliance with all third party traffic termination arrangements,including primary toll carrier agreements,and optional and/or extended calling area plans. 3.3.4 ]n addition to all applicable nonrecurring and monthly recurring charges,Customer for Access Service will be charged a MOU charge for all Access Service traffic delivered to or from the Telephone Company. 3.3.5 Customer for Access Service is the Toll Service provider 3.3.6 Access Service shall be on a Meet Point Billing ("MPB")basis,with all applicable calTiers billing their respective portions of the charges directly to the Toll Service provider,and Telephone Company will not be required to function as or use a billing intermediary,e.g.clearinghouse. 3.3.7 The rates charged for Switched Access elements identified herein are applied in a manner such that the rate charged by the Company reasonably approximates the rate charged by the relevant Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier for each Switched Access element. 3.3.8 The terminating Tandem-Switched Transport rate schedules are bifurcated into (N) "Standard"and "Affil PCL"rates.The Affil PCL terminating Tandem-Switched I Transport rates'apply to terminating traffic traversing a Company tandem switch I when the terminating carrier is a Company-affiliated price cap carrier.All other I terminating Tandem-Switched TranspOlt traffic is subject to the Standard terminating I Tandem-Switched Transport rates.2 (N) I Affil PCL terminating Tandem-Switched Transport rates are benchmarked to the price cap LEC rates which are subject to the step down specified in Commission Rules 51.907(g)(2)and 51.907(g). 2 Standard terminating Tandem-Switched Transport rates are benchmarked to the price cap LEC rates which are not subject to the step down specified in Commission Rules 51.907(g)(2)and 51.907(g). (N) I I I (N) Issued:July 20,20]7 Richard L.Monto,General Counsel 550 West Adams Street,Suite 900 Chicago,Illinois 60661 Effective:July 29,2017 IDal701 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 29, 2017 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List NO.1 Original Page 52 SECTION 3 - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS, (CONT'D.) 3.4 Collocation Unless otherwise specified herein, the general regulations specified in Section 3, apply and are in addition to the regulations for collocation specified in this price list. Rates and charges for the individual collocation arrangements are contained in Section 4.3. 3.4.1 General (A) Collocation provides for access to central offce cross connect points that wil serve as a point of interconnection for the exchange of traffic with the Telephone Company. (B) Connection to physical collocation or cageless collocation is available through fiber optic facilties, or leased facilties of a third par. 3.4.2 Forecasting and Forecast Requirements (A) Forecast Requests - The Telephone Company wil request from the Customer, forecasts on a semianual basis, with each forecast covering a two-year period. The Customer wil be required to update the near-term (six month) forecasted application dates. Information requested wil include central office, month applications are expected to be sent, requested in-service month, and square footage required. For augments, the Customer may elect to substitute alternative CLLI codes within a LATA for the forecasted demand. (1) If the Telephone Company has a written guarantee of reimbursement, it wil examine forecasts for offces in which it is necessar to condition space, and discuss these forecasts with Customer to determine the required space to be conditioned. Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING ! i I i l NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No.1 Original Page 53 SECTION 3 - SERVICE DESCRIIONS, (CONT'D.) 3.4 Collocation, (Contd.) 3.4.2 Forecasting and Forecast Requirements, (Cont'd.) (A) Forecast Requests, (Cont'd.) (2) If the Telephone Company commits to condition space based on forecasts, Customer wil give the Telephone Company a non-refundable deposit equal to the application fee. (3) The Telephone Company wil perform initial reviews of requested central offices forecasted for the next six months to identify potential problem sites. (4) The Telephone Company wil consider forecasts in staffng decisions. (5) The Telephone Company wil enter into planing discussions with forecasting Customer to validate forecasts, discuss flexibilty in potential trouble areas, and assist in application preparation. (B) The Telephone Company wil aggregate data received in Customer forecasts and provide Customer with information which includes the central offces requested, the number of applications for each central offce, and any previously known space constraints. (C) Unforecasted demand (including augments) wil be given a lesser priority than forecasted demand. The Telephone Company wil make every attempt to meet standard intervals for unforecasted requests. However, if unanticipated requests push demand beyond the Telephone Company's capacity limits, the Telephone Company wil negotiate longer intervals as required (and within reason). (D) Interval adjustments wil be discussed with the Customer at the time the application is received. In general, if forecasts are received less than two months prior to the application date, the interval star day may be postponed as follows: (l) No Forecast Received-Interval sta date commences two months after application receipt date. Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Effective: November 23, 2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Issued: November 22,2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Original Page 54 SECTION 3 - SERVICE DESCRIIONS, (CONT'D.) 3.4 Collocation, (Contd.) 3.4.2 Forecasting and Forecast Requirements, (Contd.) (D) (Contd.) (2) Forecast Received One Month or Less Prior to Application Receipt Date - Interval star date commences two months after application receipt date. (3) Forecast Received Greater than One Month and Less Than Two Months Prior to Application Receipt Date - Interval start date commences one month after application receipt date. (4) Forecast Received Two Months or More Prior to Application Receipt Date - Interval star date commences on the application receipt date. (E) The Telephone Company wil inform all forecasting Customers of the total square footage available and the total number of Customers requesting space in that central offce. The Telephone Company wil offer each Customer an equal share of the central office space, and request applications immediately, with appropriate fees, to reserve the space. The Customers wil have one month to respond. If a Customer does not respond within the specified time, its apportioned share wil be allocated evenly among those that do respond. (F) If there is not enough space available to provide all requesting Customers with a minimum configuration (i.e., 25 square feet), a drawing for the space wil be held. The Telephone Company wil inform each Customer of the number of requesting Customers and the quantity of Customers that can be accommodated in the available space. The Telephone Company wil request applications immediately, with appropriate fees, to enter the drawing. Each Customer wil have one month to respond or be ineligible for the drawing. Applications and associated fees wil be returned to those not selected in the drawing. Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Effective: November 23,2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Offce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FI LING NOV 2 3 2010 Issued: November 22, 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. I Original Page 55 SECTION 3 - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS, (CONT'D.) 3.4 Collocation, (Contd.) 3.4.3 Termination of Arrangement (A) The Telephone Company shall have the right to terminate a collocation arrangement at any time with respect to any area(s) of the Telephone Company central office premises which becomes the subject of a taking by eminent authority having such power. The Telephone Company shall notify the Customer of such termination immediately after it receives notice of the taing. The Customer shall have no claim against the Telephone Company for any relocation expenses, any par of any award that may be made for such taing or value of any unexpired arangement that results from a termination by the Telephone Company under this provision, or any loss of business from full or parial interruption or interference due to any such termination (B) If at anytime the Telephone Company reasonably determines that any Customer's facilties or equipment or the installation of the Customer's facilties or equipment does not meet the requirements of these terms and conditions, the Customer wil be responsible for the costs associated with the removal or modifications of such facilties to render it compliant. If the Customer fails to correct any non-compliance with these stadards within 15 days' written notice, the Telephone Company may have the facilties or equipment removed or the condition corrected at the Customer's expense, subject to the collocation dispute resolution procedures. (C) If the Telephone Company reasonably determines that any Customer's activities, equipment or facilities are unsafe, or are in violation of any applicable fire, environmental, health, safety or other laws or regulations, or pose an immediate threat to the safety of the Telephone Company's employees or others or to the Telephone Company's network, the Telephone Company has the right to immediately stop such activities or the operation of such facilties or equipment without prior notice. The Customer wil be charged for any costs incurred as a result of such actions. Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List NO.1 Original Page 56 SECTION 3 - SERVICE DESCRITIONS, (CONT'D.) 3.4 Collocation, (Cont'd.) 3.4.3 Termination of Arrangement, (Cont'd.) (D) The Telephone Company may also discontinue service or cancel an application for the arrangement without incurring any liabilty for any of the following reasons. (l) Upon non-payment of any sum owing to the Telephone Company for more than 30 days beyond the date of rendition of the bil for the arrangement, the Telephone Company may, on 30 days advance notice in writing to the Customer without incurring any liabilty, discontinue the furnishing of a new or existing arangement, subject to the provisions for dispute resolution. (2) The Telephone Company shall be prohibited from furnishing services by order of a court or other governent authority having jurisdiction. (3) In the event of fraudulent use of the Telephone Company's network, the Telephone Company may discontinue the arrangement without notice and/or seek legal recourse to recover all costs involved in enforcement of this provision. (E) Grounds for Termination by the Telephone Company - The Telephone Company reserves the right to inspect the Customer's collocation arangement to determine if the collocation arrangement is being used for interconnection. If the Telephone Company determines that the collocation arangement is not being used for interconnection, the Telephone Company reserves the right to terminate the Customer's collocation service upon thirt (30) calendar days notice. If the Telephone Company elects to terminate a collocation arrangement pursuat to this section, the termination shall be governed by this Section 3.4.3. Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23, 2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No.1 Original Page 57 SECTION 3 - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS, (CONT'D.) 3.4 Collocation, (Cont'd.) 3.4.3 Termination of Arrangement, (Cont'd.) (F) Termination by the Customer - A Customer must notify the Telephone Company in writing of its plans to terminate a collocation arrangement ("Customer Termination Notice"), and such Customer termination shall be governed by this Section 3.4.3. (l) Termination After Completion If a Customer elects to terminate an existing collocation arangement after a collocation arangement has been completed, the termination wil be effective thirt (30) calendar days after the Telephone Company's receipt of the Customer Termination Notice. If Customer terminates a collocation arangement under this section, the termination shall be governed by this Section 3.4.3 and the Customer remains responsible to pay any unpaid Nonrecurring Charges associated with the terminated arangement as set forth in Section 4.3. If the collocation arangement being terminated contains equipment in which a third par maintains an ownership or a security interest, the Customer shall include a list of any such owners and secured paries in the Customer Termination Notice. (2)Termination Prior to Completion If the Customer elects to terminate a request for collocation when construction is in progress and prior to completion of the collocation arangement, the termination wil be effective upon the Telephone Company's receipt of the Customer Termination Notice. Application fees submitted wil not be refunded. The Customer Termination Notice must be received by the Telephone Company prior to the Scheduled Completion Date to avoid incurring any monthly recurring charges. Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Original Page 58 SECTION 3 - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS, (CONT'D.) 3.4 Collocation, (Cont'd.) 3.4.3 Termination of Arrangement, (Cont'd.) (G) Effect Of Termination If the Telephone Company or Customer terminates a collocation arrangement under this Price list, the following provisions shall apply: (l) Equipment Removal and Monthly Recurring Charges - The Customer shall disconnect and remove its equipment from the designated collocation space by the effective date of the termination. Upon removal by the Customer of all its equipment from the collocation space, if the Customer does not restore the collocation space to its original condition at time of occupancy, the Customer wil reimburse the Telephone Company for the cost to do so. Due to physical and technical constraints, removal of the Customer's cables wil be at the Telephone Company's option The Telephone Company reserves the right to remove the Customer's equipment if the Customer fails to remove and dispose of the equipment by the effective date of the termination. The Customer wil be charged the appropriate additional labor charge in Section 4.3 for the removal and disposal of such equipment. All monthly recurring charges wil continue to be charged to the Customer until the effective date of the termination or, at the Telephone Company's discretion, until any later date, not to exceed 60 days, that all equipment is removed and the collocation space is restored to its original condition at space turnover. Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Offce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise. Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List NO.1 Original Page 59 SECTION 3 - SERVICE DESCRIIONS, (CONT'D.) 3.4 Collocation, (Contd.) 3.4.4 Collocation Capacity (A) Telephone Company Capacity - The Telephone Company's estimate of its present capacity (i.e., no more than an increase of 15% over the average number of applications received for the preceding three months in a paricular geographic area) is based on current stafng and current vendor arrangements. If the forecasts indicate spikes in demand, the Telephone Company wil attempt to smooth the demand via negotiations with the forecasting Customers. If the Telephone Company and the Customer fail to agree to smooth demand, the Telephone Company wil determine if additional expenditures would be required to satisfy the spikes in demand. (B) Vendor Delays - No par shall be excused from their obligations due to the acts or omissions of a par's subcontractors, material, person, suppliers or other third persons providing such products or services to such par unless such acts or omissions are the product of a force majeure event, or unless such delay or failure and the consequences thereof are beyond the reasonable control and without the fault or negligence of the par claiming excusable delay or failure to perform. (C) Vendor Capacity - The Telephone Company wil continuously seek to improve vendor performance for all central office work, including collocation. Since the vendors require notice in order to meet increases in demand, the Telephone Company wil share Customer actual and forecasted demand with appropriate vendors, as required, subject to the appropriate confidentiality safeguards. Customers may also contract with Telephone Company approved vendors directly for a variety of the functions required. Customers can contract directly for cage construction, electrical outlets, lighting, ground bar and point-of- termination bay (POT Bay) bay installation in their cages. Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Effective: November 23,2010 Idaho Public Utiites Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Issued: November 22, 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Original Page 60 SECTION 3 - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS, (CONT'D.) 3.4 Collocation, (Contd.) 3.4.5 Implementation of Collocation Charges (A) The Telephone Company shall provide the Customer with a notice ("Scheduled Completion Notice") indicating the scheduled completion date ("Scheduled Completion Date") for the collocation arangement. The Telephone Company shall also provide a notice that wil remind the Customer of the Scheduled Completion Date and request the Customer to schedule and attend a "Collocation Acceptance Meeting" ("CAM"). Collocation charges wil be implemented in accordance with this section regardless of the readiness of the Customer to utilize the completed collocation arrangement. (1)Collection of Non-Recurring Charges - The Customer shall have ten business days from the receipt of a Telephone Company provided collocation schedule to pay 50% of the Nonrecurring Charges (NCs) associated with the ordered collocation service. The balance of the NRCs ("NRC Balance") wil be biled to the Customer upon Customers acceptance of the collocation arangement or thir (30) calendar days after the collocation arangement is completed, whichever comes first. (2)Commencement of Recurring Charges - Monthly recuring charges wil commence upon Customer acceptance of the collocation arangement or thirt (30) calendar days after the collocation arangement is completed, whichever comes first ("Commencement Date"), and shall continue until terminated pursuant to Section 3.4.3. Issued: November 22, 2010 Effective: November 23, 2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 32010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Original Page 61 SECTION 3 - SERVICE DESCRIIONS, (CONT'D.) 3.4 Collocation, (Cont'd.) 3.4.5 Implementation of Collocation Charges, (Cont'd.) (A) (Cont'd.) (3) Extension Request - A Customer may request to extend or delay the Scheduled Completion Date of a collocation arangement for up to six (6) months. A Customer electing to extend the Scheduled Completion Date of a collocation arangement must notify the Telephone Company in writing ("Extension Notice") within thirt (30) calendar days after receiving the Scheduled Completion Notice. In order for the Telephone Company to delay biling of monthly recurring charges for the applicable collocation arangement, the Customer must remit to the Telephone Company the NRC Balance for the collocation arangement with the Extension Notice. Monthly recurring charges wil not be biled by the Telephone Company until the space for the collocation arangement is accepted by the Customer or the six (6) month extension period has expired, whichever comes first. At any time during or after the extension period, if the Customer terminates its collocation arangement, the termination shall be governed by Section 3.4.3. (B) If the Telephone Company believes the space for the collocation arangement is needed to satisfy another's Customer's collocation request prior to the end of the six (6) month extension period, the Telephone Company wil notify the original Customer that its collocation space has been requested by another Customer. The original Customer wil have up to five (5) business days after receipt of the notification to retain the collocation space by notifying the Telephone Company in writing that it desires to keep the space ("Retention Notice"). If the original Customer retains the collocation space, monthly recurring charges shall commence for the original Customer thir (30) calendar days after the original Customer sends the Retention Notice or when the original Customer accepts the space, whichever comes first. Issued: November 22, 20 i 0 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adas Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utiities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List NO.1 Original Page 62 SECTION 3 - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS, (CONT'D.) 3.4 Collocation, (Contd.) 3.4.6 Closure, Decommissioning or Sale of Premises (A) Collocation arrangements wil automatically terminate if the premises in which the collocation space is located is closed, decommissioned or sold and no longer houses the Telephone Company's network facilties. At least one hundred eighty (180) days written notice wil be given to the Customer of events which may lead to the automatic termination of any such arangement pursuant to this price list, except when extraordinar circumstaces require a shorter interval. In such cases, the Telephone Company wil provide notice to the Customer as soon as practicable. The Telephone Company wil work with the Customer to identify alternate collocation arrangements. The Telephone Company wil work cooperatively with the Customer to minimize any potential for service interruption resulting from such actions. Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23, 2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 6066 i Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List NO.1 Original Page 63 SECTION 3 - SERVICE DESCRIIONS, (CONT'D.) 3.5 THS SECTION IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE Issued: November 22,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Effective: November 23, 2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Oifce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. I Original Page 64 SECTION 3 - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS, (CONT'D.) 3.6 THIS SECTION IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE Issued: November 22,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 6066 i Effective: November 23,2010 Idaho ~~blic Utilities Commission Oïfíce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 32010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List NO.1 Original Page 65 SECTION 3 - SERVICE DESCRITIONS, (CONT'D.) 3.7 THS SECTION IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Offce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 Original Page 66 SECTION 4 - RATES AND CHARGES 4.1 Transit Service Charges 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.1.6 4.1.7 Tandem Switching Per minute of use Per minute of use (lntraLATA) Database Charge LNP Query - per query Blocked Call Charge Per Blocked Call Transit Dedicated Transport Facility Per DS 1 - First 5 miles Per DS 1 - Each additional mile Trunk Group Charge First trunk group Each additional trunk group Biling Records Charge Per Market Transit Service Non-Recurring Charges Per Market - Biling Records Charge Per Service Order Fee: Per Reconfiguration: Install (per DS 1) Usage Charge $0.0039227 $0.0035400 $0.002002 $0.001880 Monthly Recurring Charge $210.00 $ 15.00 $ 00.00 $ 50.00 $250.00 Nonrecurring Charge $500.00 $ 50.00 $150.00 $885.00 Issued: November 22,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 6066 i Effective: November 23,2010 Idaho Public Utilties Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Issued: July 30, 2014 Effective: July 31, 2014 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Illinois 60661 IDa1401 Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 67 Cancels 1st Revised Page 67 SECTION 4 – RATES AND CHARGES, (CONT’D.) 4.2 Access Service Charges Monthly Recurring Charge 4.2.1 Entrance Facility Entrance Facility - (DS3) CenturyLink (former Qwest) North Areas Note 1 CenturyLink (former Qwest) South Areas Note 1 Frontier (former Verizon) Areas Note 1 Other ILEC Areas Note 1 Entrance Facility - (DS1) CenturyLink (former Qwest) North Areas Note 1 CenturyLink (former Qwest) South Areas Note 1 Frontier (former Verizon) Areas Note 1 Other ILEC Areas Note 1 4.2.2 Direct-Trunked Transport – Fixed Direct-Trunked Transport – Fixed per DS3 CenturyLink (former Qwest) North Areas Note 1 CenturyLink (former Qwest) South Areas Note 1 Frontier (former Verizon) Areas – per termination Note 1 Other ILEC Areas – per termination Note 1 Direct-Trunked Transport – Fixed per DS1 CenturyLink (former Qwest) North Areas Note 1 CenturyLink (former Qwest) South Areas Note 1 Frontier (former Verizon) Areas – per termination Note 1 Other ILEC Areas – per termination Note 1 . Note 1: See the Company's Access Services Tariff FCC No. 2 at the following link https://apps.fcc.gov/etfs/public/lecTariffs.action?idLec=326. (T) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 31, 2014 Boise, Idaho Issued: July 21, 2015 Effective: July 31, 2015 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Illinois 60661 IDa1501 Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 3rd Revised Page 68 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 68 SECTION 4 – RATES AND CHARGES, (CONT’D.) 4.2 Access Service Charges, (Cont’d.) Monthly Recurring Charge 4.2.3 Direct-Trunked Transport – Per Mile Direc -Trunked Transport – Per Mile (DS3) CenturyLink (former Qwest) North Areas Note 1 CenturyLink (former Qwest) South Areas Note 1 Frontier (former Verizon) Areas Note 1 Other ILEC Areas Note 1 Direct-Trunked Transport – Per Mile (DS1) CenturyLink (former Qwest) North Areas Note 1 CenturyLink (former Qwest) South Areas Note 1 Frontier (former Verizon) Areas Note 1 Other ILEC Areas Note 1 4.2.4 Dedicated Multiplexing CenturyLink (former Qwest) North Areas Note 1 CenturyLink (former Qwest) South Areas Note 1 Frontier (former Verizon) Areas Note 1 Other ILEC Areas Note 1 4.2.5 Dedicated Trunk Port, per DS1 Originating Terminating CenturyLink (former Qwest) North Areas $0.00 Note 1 CenturyLink (former Qwest) South Areas Note 1 (C) Note 1 Frontier (former Verizon) Areas $0.00 Note 1 Other ILEC Areas * Not applicable Note 1 4.2.6 Dedicated Tandem Trunk Port, per DS1 CenturyLink (former Qwest) North Areas $0.00 $0.00 CenturyLink (former Qwest) South Areas $60.48 $60.48 Frontier (former Verizon) Areas $0.00 $0.00 Other ILEC Areas * Not applicable $0.00 * Uses aggregated Tandem Switched Transport – Termination in lieu of these components. Note 1: See the Company's Access Services Tariff FCC No. 2 at the following link https://apps.fcc.gov/etfs/public/lecTariffs.action?idLec=326. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 31, 2015 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho,LLC Idaho P.U.C.Price List No.1 3rd Revised Page 69 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 69 SECTION 4 -RATES AND CHARGES,(CONT'D.) 4.2 Access Service Charges,(Cant'd.) 4.2.8 Tandem Switched Transport -Termination,per minute of use CenturyLink (former Qwest)North Areas $0.0004320 CenturyLink (former Qwest)South Areas $0.0004320 Frontier (former Verizon)Areas -per $0.0160000 termination Other ILEC Areas -per termination $0.0583000 Note 1 Note 1 $0.0000000 $0.0000000 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note I Terminating (C) Affil PCL INote1I Note 1 I $0.0000000 I $0.0000000 (C) Terminating (C) Affil PCL INoteII Note 1 INote1I $0.0000000 (C) Note 1 Note I Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note I Note I Note 1 $0.0143080 $0.0169180 $0.0152000 $0.0330000 $0.0022221 $0.0022221 $0.0000000 *Not applicable $0.0000000 $0.0004990 $0.0000000*Not applicable Usage Charge Originating Terminating Originating $0.0000207 $0.0000207 $0.0000000 *Not applicable Originating $0.0000000 $0.0002178 $0.0000000 *Not applicable Tandem Switched Transport -Facility,per minute of use per mile Terminating Standard $0.0000230 $0.0000230 $0.0000000 $0.0000000 CenturyLink (former Qwest)North Areas CenturyLink (former Qwest)South Areas Frontier (former Verizon)Areas Other ILEC Areas CenturyLink (former Qwest)North Areas CenturyLink (former Qwest)South Areas Frontier (former Verizon)Areas Other ILEC Areas 4.2.7 Tandem Switching,per minute of use CenturyLink (former Qwest)North Areas CenturyLink (former Qwest)South Areas Frontier (former Verizon)Areas Other ILEC Areas 4.2.9 4.2.10 Common Transport Multiplexing (DS3/DS I),per minute of use Terminating Standard $0.0000000 Note 1 Note 1 $0.0000000 4.2.11 Common Trunk Port,per minute of use CenturyLink (former Qwest)North Areas CenturyLink (former Qwest)South Areas Frontier (former Verizon)Areas Other ILEC Areas 4.2.12 Local Switching,per minute of use CenturyLink (former Qwest)North Areas CenturyLink (former Qwest)South Areas Frontier (former Verizan)Areas Other ILEC Areas *Uses aggregated Tandem Switched Transport -Termination in lieu ofthese components. Note 1:See the Company's Access Services Tariff FCC No.2 at the following link https://apps.fcc.gov/etfs/public/lecTariffs.action?idLec=326. Issued:July 20,2017 Effective:July 29,2017 Richard L.Manto,General Counsel 550 West Adams Street,Suite 900 Chicago,Illinois 60661 IDal701 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 29, 2017 Boise, Idaho Issued: July 30, 2014 Effective: July 31, 2014 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Illinois 60661 IDa1401 Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 70 Cancels 1st Revised Page 70 SECTION 4 – RATES AND CHARGES, (CONT’D.) 4.2 Access Service Charges, (Cont’d.) Usage Charge Originating Terminating 4.2.13 Carrier Common Line CenturyLink (former Qwest) North Areas $0.0215330 Note 1 CenturyLink (former Qwest) South Areas $0.0153030 Note 1 Frontier (former Verizon) Areas $0.0307011 Note 1 Other ILEC Areas $0.0271300 Note 1 4.2.14 Interconnection Charge, per minute of use CenturyLink (former Qwest) and Frontier (former Verizon) Areas $0.0000000 Note 1 Other ILEC Areas $0.0000000 Note 1 4.2.15 Database Charges LNP Query - per query $0.0020020 CenturyLink (former Qwest) North Areas - 800 Query Basic, per query $0.0035000 POTS translation, per query $0.0036650 CenturyLink (former Qwest) South Areas - per query Basic, per query $0.0035000 POTS translation, per query $0.0036650 Frontier (former Verizon) Areas - per query Basic, per query $0.0067000 POTS translation, per query $0.0067000 Other ILEC Areas - 800 Query Basic, per query $0.01047977 POTS translation, per query $0.0000000 Note 1: See the Company's Access Services Tariff FCC No. 2 at the following link https://apps.fcc.gov/etfs/public/lecTariffs.action?idLec=326. (T) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 31, 2014 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List NO.1 Original Page 7 I SECTION 4 - RATES AND CHARGES, (CONT'D.) 4.2 Access Service Charges, (Cont'd.) 4.2.16 Blocked Call Charge Per Blocked Call Usage Charge $0.001880 4.2.17 Access Service Installation Charges Per Service Order Fee: Per Reconfiguration: Install (per DS 1) Nonrecurring Charge $50.00 $150.00 $885.00 Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idao P.U.C. Price List No. I Original Page 72 SECTION 4 - RATES AND CHARGES, (CONT'D.) 4.3 Collocation Charges Nonrecurring Monthly Charge Recurring Charge4.3.1 Application Fees Initial $5,000.00 Subsequent $5,000.00 Augment $2,500.00 4.3.2 Engineering and Implementation Initial Arrangements $3,436.00 Subsequent Arrangements $1,898.00 Cage Expansion and Additional Cable $3,542.00 Additional Cabling $1,334.00 Power Augment Only $1,334.00 Cabling Plus Equipment - Cage less $9,505.79 Cabling Only - Cage less $7,320.29 4.3.3 Site SureylReport Per request $1,557.45 4.3.4 SAC Cable and Frame Termination DSI - Per 28 - DCS $2,103.03 DSI - Per 28 - DCS $400.47 Per DS3/STS- i - DSX $521.29 Per DS3/STS-l - DSX $20.24 4.3.5 Land and Building 25 Square Feet $465.40 100 Square Feet $984.50 300 Square Feet $2,416.50Additional 20 Square Feet $143.20 Issued: November 22,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adas Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Effective: November 23,2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Offce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise. Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List NO.1 Original Page 73 SECTION 4 - RATES AND CHARGES, (CONT'D.) 4.3 Collocation Charges, (Cont' d.) Nonrecurring Monthly Charge Recurring Charge4.3.6 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Per 10 load amps $ 7.03 4.3.7 Escorting Per technician, per l/4 hour or fraction $15.09 4.3.8 DC Power Cabling and Fusing Charge Installation of 60 Amp Ampacity DC Power Feed -Customer Selected Fuse Size: Up to 60 Amps - Per Feed $ 960.00 4.3.9 DC Power Per number of load amps requested $19.64 4.3.10 DC Power Feed Augment Load Amp Augment Per Collocation Arrangement $ 200.00 Over Current Protector Augment Per Feed $ 425.00 4.3.ii Shelf, Bay Installation - Per shelf $1,287.36 Per quarter equipment bay or fraction thereof $12.44 4.3.12 Additional Labor Charges Biling Labor Rates Time Minimums Increments Rate Stadard 8am - 5pm i hour Hour $100 per hourBusiness Hours (Local Time) After Hours 5pm - 8am i hour Hour $200 per hour(Local Time) Saturday, Sunday 2 hour Hour $250 per hourand Holidays Issued: November 22, 20 i 0 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List NO.1 Original Page 74 SECTION 4 - RATES AND CHARGES, (CONT'D.) 4.4 THS SECTION IS RESERVED FOR FUTU USE Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG NOV 2 32010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idao P.U.C. Price List NO.1 Original Page 75 SECTION 4 - RATES AND CHARGES, (CONT'D.) 4.4 TilS SECTION IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (cont'd) 4.5 Miscellaneous Charges 4.5.1 NSF Check Charge Checks with insufficient funds or non-existing accounts wil be assessed a fee of $20.00. Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23, 2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adas Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 32010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List NO.1 Original Page 76 SECTION 5 - SPECIAL ARRNGEMENTS 5.1 Special Constrction 5.1.1 Basis for Charges Where the Company furnishes a facilty or service for which a rate or charge is not specified in the Company's price lists, charges wil be based on the costs incurred by the Company and may include: (A) nonrecurring type charges; (B) recurring type charges; (C) termination liabilties; or (D) combinations thereof. 5.1.2 Basis for Cost Computation The costs referred to in 5. i. i preceding may include one or more of the following items to the extent they are applicable: (A) cost installed of the facilties to be provided including estimated costs for the rearangements of existing facilities. Cost installed includes the cost of: (1) (2) (3) (4) equipment and materials provided or used, engineering, labor and supervision, transportation, and rights of way; Issued: November 22, 2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 6066 i Effective: November 23,2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 3 2010 Boise. Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List No. I Original Page 77 SECTION 5 - SPECIAL ARRGEMENTS, (CONT'D.) 5.1 Special Constrction, (Cont'd.) 5.1.2 Basis for Cost Computation, (Cont'd.) (B) cost of maintenance; (C) depreciation on the estimated cost installed of any facilties provided, based on the anticipated useful service life of the facilities with an appropriate allowance for the estimated net salvage; (D) administration, taxes and uncollectible revenue on the basis of reasonable average costs for these items; (E) license preparation, processing and related fees; (F) price list preparation, processing and related fees; (G) any other identifiable costs related to the facilties provided; or (H) an amount for return and contingencies. 5. 1.3 Termination Liability To the extent that there is no other requirement for use by the Company, a termination liabilty may apply for facilties specially constrcted at the request of the customer. (A) The termination liabilty period is the estimated service life of the facilties provided. Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Offce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 32010 Bo Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idaho P.U.C. Price List NO.1 Original Page 78 SECTION 5 - SPECIAL ARRNGEMENTS, (CONT'D.) 5.1 Special Constrction, (Cont'd.) 5.1.3 Termination Liabilty, (Cont'd.) (B) The amount of the maximum termination liabilty is equal to the estimated amounts for: (l) Cost installed of the facilties provided including estimated costs for rearrangements of existing facilties and/or constrction of new facilities as ~ppropriate, less net salvage. Cost installed includes the cost of: (a) equipment and materials provided or used, (b) engineering, labor and supervision, (c) transportation, and (d) rights of way; (2) license preparation, processing, and related fees; (3) price list preparation, processing, and related fees; (4) cost of removal and restoration, where appropriate; and (5) any other identifiable costs related to the specially constrcted or rearranged facilities. (C) The applicable termination liabilty method for calculating the unpaid balance of a term obligation is: (a) the sum of the amounts determined as set forth in Section 5.1.3(B) preceding, multiplied by (b) a factor related to the unexpired period of liabilty, multiplied by (c) the discount rate for return and contingencies. The amount determined in section 5.1.3(B) preceding shall be adjusted to reflect the predetermined estimate net salvage, including any reuse of the facilties provided. This product is adjusted to reflect applicable taxes. Issued: November 22,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Effective: November 23,2010 Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 32010 Boise, Idaho Neutral Tandem-Idaho, LLC Idao P.U.C. Price List NO.1 Original Page 79 SECTION 5 - SPECIAL ARRGEMENTS, (CONT'D.) 5.2 Individual Case Basis (lCB) Arrangements Arrangements wil be developed on a case-by-case basis in response to a bona fide request from a Customer or prospective Customer to develop a competitive bid for a service offered under this price list. Rates quoted in response to such competitive requests may be different than those specified for such services in this price list. ICB rates wil be offered to the Customer in writing and on a non-discriminatory basis. If the Company and a Customer enter into an ICB arangement, the ICB arangement may provide the Customer or the Company with certain rights to terminate the arangement. If the Customer or the Company exercises such a termination right, then upon the effective date of termination, the ICB rates wil no longer apply. Customer may choose to transit traffc through the Company at price list rates, subject to meeting any credit requirements of the Company in this price list. Regardless, in an effort to preserve uninterrupted termination of traffic and to avoid unnecessar disruptions in PSTN callng, Customer wil maintain the existing interconnections for the purpose of receiving traffic from the Company while the Company and Customer negotiate a termination agreement governing the interconnection. The terms of the ICB arangement applicable to the Customer's acceptance of traffc from the Company wil continueto apply until such time as a successor termination agreement becomes effective. The Customer and the Company wil use their best endeavors to resolve in good faith all outstanding issues in the renegotiation of a successor agreement and wil escalate any disputes to members of senior management. However, if the Customer and the Company are unable to come to a resolution of certin issues during the renegotiation process, either the Customer or the Company may at any time request arbitration, mediation or assistance from the Commission or, if applicable, the Federal Communications Commission, to resolve the remaining issues, in accordance with the applicable commission's procedures. 5.3 Temporary Promotional Programs The Company may establish temporary promotional programs wherein it may waive or reduce non-recurring or recurring charges, to introduce present or potential Customers to a service not previously received by the Customers. Issued: November 22,2010 Effective: November 23,2010 Richard L. Monto, General Counsel 550 West Adams Street, Suite 900 Chicago, Ilinois 60661 Idaho P~blic Utiities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 2 32010 Bois Idaho