HomeMy WebLinkAboutNetwolves Network Services LLC.pdf"'i l"' Netwolves Network Services, LLC INTEREXCHANGE CARRIER (IXC) SERVICES OF NETWOLVES NETWORK SERVICES, LLC P .S.c. 10 Tariff NO.1 2nd Revised Page 1 Replacing 1st Revised Page 1 Idao Public Utilties Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 7 - 2011 ~?~~;t";A Bo ldabG L ISSUED: March 4, 2011 By: Gina Wybel, Director of Finance 4710 Eisenhower Boulevard; Suite E-8 Tampa, FL 33634 EFFECTIVE: March 7, 2011 2nd Revised Sheet-1- Cancels 1st Revised Sheet-1- Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 9 -1994NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC 69 a a Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho CHECK SHEET Sheet Revislon Sheet Revi s 1 onTitle1st Revised 1st Revised 2nd Revised 1st Revised 1st Revised 1st Revised 1st Revised 1st Revised 1st Revised 1st RevisedOrlginal1st RevisedOriginal1st RevisedOriginal1st Revised 1st Revised 1st RevisedOriglnal1st RevisedOriginal1st RevisedOriginal45.Orlginal 1st Revised 1st Revised 1st Revised *47 2nd Revised 1st Revised *48 2nd Revised 1st Revised 48.Orlginal 1st Revised 1st Revised *17 2nd Revised 1st Revised *18 1st Revised 1st Revised 1st Revised 1st Revised 1st Revised 1st Revised 1st Revised Orlginal 1st Revised *55 2nd Revised 1st Revised *56 2nd Revised 1st Revised *57 2nd Revised *25 2nd Revised *58 2nd Revised 1st Revised *58.1st Revised 1st Revised *58.1st RevisedOriglnal*58.1st Revised 1st Revised *59 1st Revised 1st Revised *Al 2nd Revised 1st Revised *A2 2nd Revised 1st Revised *A3 2nd Revised 1st Revised *34 2nd Revised *Asterisk indicates changes in current tarriff filing. ISSUED:September 29. 1994 EFFECTIVE:October 9. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:Pres iden t 1st Revised Sheet Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC 6900 Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 TABLE OF CONTENTS Check Sheet Table of Contents Subj ect Index Explanation of Symbols Tariff Format Contact Information Technical Terms and Abbreviations Rules and Regulations Description of Service Outbound and Inbound Services VNS ServicesCard Service Directory Assistance Operator Service Rates Promotional Offerings Directory Assistance Operator Services VNS Services Card Services Outbound and Inbound Service Optima Volume Discounts Attachment A ISSUED:January 24. 1994 EFFECTIVE: ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE: Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG FEB 8 -1994 Boise, Idaho Sheet Al- A3 February 8. 1994 President (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (N) 1st Revised Sheet Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 8 -1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC 6900 Wedgewood Road Maple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, ~daho SUBJECT INDEX Application for Service At tachment A Cancellation of Service Cancellation of Service, VNS Service Check SheetContact Information Deposi ts Description of Service Directory Assistance Description of Directory Assistance Description of Disconnection of Service ServiceRates Explanation of Symbols Optima Card Description of Service Optima Card Description of Rates Inbound Services Description of Service Inbound Services Description of Rates Holidays Interruption of Service Liability of Carrier Mileage Calculation Obligations of Subscriber Operator Service Description of Service Operator Service Description of Rates Ownership of Facilities Payment of Charges Return Check Fee Rules and Regulations ISSUED:February 8. 1994January 24. 1994 EFFECTIVE: ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President SHEET 42 (T) 51 (T) 57 (T) 47 (T) 58 (T) 1st Revised Sheet Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Util!ti~s Commission Office of the Sew%ry ACCEPTED FOR FiLING FEB 8 -1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC 69 a a Wedgewood Road Maple Grove , MN 55369 Boise, Idaho SUBJECT INDEX ( Con t inued) Service Hours Table of Contents Tariff Format Terms and Abbreviations Outbound Service Description of Service Outbound Service Description of Rates Undertaking of Carrier VNS Description of Service VNS Description of Rates ISSUED:January 24. 1994 EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 47 (T) 58 (T) 48 (T) 56 (T) original Sheet 5 Idaho Tariff PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 1992 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 6900 Wedgwood Road Maple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho L__.__ .----... .. EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS When changes are made on any tariff page, a revised page will be issued cancelling the tariff page affected; such changes will be identified through the use of the following symbols: (C) - To signify a change in regulation. (D) - To signify a discontinued rate or regulation or text. (I) - To signify an increase. (M) - To signify matter relocated with no change. (N) - To signify a new rate , regulation and/or text. (R) - To signify a reduction. (T) - To signify a change in text but no change in rate or regulation. The above symbols will apply except where additional symbols are identified at the bottom of an individual page. ISSUED:MARCH 3. 1992 EFFECTIVE:MARCH 13. 1992 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAR NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE: President Original Sheet 6 Idaho Tariff PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG MAR 1 3 1992NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 6900 Wedgwood Road Maple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho L_.__. _--,...,.. TARIFF FORMAT Sheet Numberinq - Sheet numbers appear in the upper right corner of the page. Sheets are numbered sequentially. However , new sheets are occasionally added to the tariff. When a new sheet is added between sheets already in effect, a decimal is added. For example , a new sheet added between sheets 14 and 15 would be 14. Sheet Revision Numbers - Revision numbers also appear in the upper right corner of each page. These numbers are used to determine the most current sheet version on file with theIPUC. For example, the 4th revised Sheet 14 cancels the 3rdrevised sheet 14. Because of various suspension periodsdeferrals, etc. the IPUC follows in their tariff approval process, the most current sheet number on their tariff approval process, the most current sheet number on file withthe Commission is not always the tariff page in effect. Consul t the Check Sheet for the sheet currently in effect. ParaqraDh Numberinq Sequence There are nine levels of paragraph coding. Each level of coding is subservient to itsnext higher level: 2 .1.1.A.1. (a) .1.1.A.1. (a) .1.1.A.l. (a) .1. (i).1.1.A.1. (a) .1. (i). (1.). ISSUED:MARCH 13. 1992MARCH 3. 1992 EFFECTIVE: ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE: President Original Sheet 7 Idaho Tariff PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 1992. NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES , INC. 6900 Wedgwood Road Maple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho __..._--....-.---.-' .. TARIFF FORMAT (Continued) Check Sheets - When a tariff filing is made with the IPUC, an updated check sheet accompanies the tariff filing. The check sheet lists the sheets contained in the tariff, with a crossreference to the current revision number. When new pages are added, the check sheet is changed to reflect the revision. All revisions made in a given filing are designated by an asterisk (*). There will be no other symbols used on this page if these are the only changes made to it (i.e., the format, etc. remains the same , just revised revision levels on some pages) . The tariff user should refer to the latest check sheet to find out if a particular sheet is the most current on file with the IPUC. ISSUED:MARCH 3. 1992 EFFECTIVE:MARCH 13. 1992 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE: President 1st Revised Sheet Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiliNG FEB 8 -1994NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC 69 a a Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, IDaho CONTACT INFORMATION Customer complaints,disconnect requests:bill serviceinquiry,new Norstan Network Services, Inc. Long Distance Operations Coordinator 6900 Wedgwood Road Maple Grove, MN 55369 Toll Free 1-800-676-8870 Commission contact - tariff information , complaints: Norstan Network Services, Inc. Cheryl Jung 2955 Xeni um Lane Plymouth, MN 55441 (612) 420-1344 Idaho agent: Prentice-Hall Corporation System, Inc. 877 Main Street Boise, ID 83702 - 5858 ISSUED:January 24. 1994 February 8. 1994EFFECTIVE: ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President (T) (T) (T) (D) Original Sheet 9 Idaho Tariff PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 1992 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 6900 Wedgwood Road Maple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho __.___---- . ..., .-.. TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Definitions1.1 Certain terms used generally throughout this tariff for services furnished by the Carrier are defined below: Authorization Code The term "Authorization Code" denotes a code given to non-Feature Group D subscribers which, when dialed inproper sequence from the subscriber's premises identifies subscriber for billing and volume discountpurposes. Authorized User The term "Authorized User" denotes a person, firm or corporation who is authorized by the subscriber to be connected to the service of the subscriber. Automatic Number Identification ("ANI") The term "Automatic Number Identification" refers to the calling telephone number identification which will be forwarded to the Underlying Carrier's network by the Local Exchange Company ("LEC") as a call is placed. ANI is provided by the LEC only when Feature Group B direct or Feature Group D interconnections are used to gainaccess to carrier's switched telecommunication service. Band The term "Band" represents the spectrum of frequencies within two definite limits. Carrier The term "Carrier" refers to Norstan Network ServicesInc. ISSUED:MARCH 3. 1992 EFFECTIVE:MARCH 13. 1992 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAR NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE: President Original Sheet 10 Idaho Tariff PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 1992NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 6900 Wedgwood Road Maple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho _---_.~............' .. TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (Continued) 1.1 DEFINITIONS (Continued) Centrex The term "Centrex" denotes a PABX service that makescustomer'PABX part of the local central office'numbering plan. Channel The term "Channel" denotes a path for electricaltransmission between two or more points having a bandwidth and termination of a subscriber's own choosing. Co-Located T-1 Access The term "Co-Located T-1 Access" refers to an access arrangement which does not make use of local exchangecompany facilities and is available to Carrier' customers whose premises are located in the same locationas the Carrier's Underlying Carrier's POP. Common Control Swi tchinq Arrangement The term "Common Control switching Arrangement" (CCSA) denotes a private switched service network that directs station-to-station network inward and outward dialing and other features similar to those normally provided by the public telephone network. Day The term "Day" denotes a time period of 8: 00 AM to , but not including, 5: 00 PM local time at the originating city on Monday through Friday, excluding carrier-specifiedholidays. ISSUED:MARCH 3. 1992 EFFECTIVE:MARCH 13. 1992 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE: President Original Sheet 11 Idaho Tariff PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 1992NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 6900 Wedgwood Road Maple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho . -~...."--"~'-'- TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (Continued) 1.1 DEFINITIONS (Continued) Dedicated Access Line The term "Dedicated Access Line" (DAL) denotes a dedicated communications channel which terminates on a switch facility provided by the Carrier. Eveninq Calls The term "Evening" denotes a time period of 5: 00 PM tobut not including, 11: 00 PM local time at the originating city on Sunday through Friday and any time on Carrier-specified holidays except when a lower rate wouldnormally apply. Exchanqe Area The term "Exchange Area" denotes a geographically defined area wherein the telephone industry, through the use of maps or legal descriptions , sets down specified areaswhere individual telephone exchange companies hold themselves out to provide communications services. Foreiqn Exchanqe Service The term "Foreign Exchange Service" denotes a private line service designed to provide subscribers with the capability of local dialing in a remote exchange. Governmental Service Aqencies The term "Governmental Service Agencies" denotes fire- fighting, State Highway Patrol , police, and emergencyrescue services (as designated by the appropriate governmental agencies) provided they answer emergency service calls on a personally attended (live) 24-hour basis, 365 days a year. ISSUED:MARCH 3. 1992 EFFECTIVE:MARCH 13. 1992 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE: President 1st Revised Sheet Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 8 -1994NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC 6900 Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (Continued) 1.1 DEFINITIONS (Continued) Holidays The term "Holidays" denotes all Carrier- specified holidays: New Year s Day##, Martin Luther King Day*President's Day*, Memorial Day*, Independence Day##, Labor Day, Columbus Day*, Veterans Day##, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day##. Applies to Federally observed day only. When this holiday falls on a Sunday, the Holiday calling rate applies to calls placedon the following Monday. When this holidayfalls on a Saturday, the Holiday callingrate applies to calls placed on thepreceding Friday. See Service Hours for applicable Holidays associated (N)with each product. (N) Intercity Channels The term "Intercity Channel" denotes those channelsderived from Carrier network to provide communications capability between cities. Intercity Mileage The term Interci ty Mileage" denotes the mileage, measured as the shortest distance between any two of the Carrier technical operating centers using the Telephone Industry Standard Rate Centers ("V" &"H" coordinates associated with said Carrier s offices. Local Access Transport Area The term "Local Access Transport Area (LATA) denotes a geographical area established by the U. S. District Court for the District of Columbia in Civil Action No. 17-49, within which a local exchange company providescommunication services. ISSUED:January 24. 1994 EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 1st Revised Sheet Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING FEB 8 -1994NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC 69 a a Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (Continued) 1.1 DEFINITIONS (Continued) Local Distribution Area The term IILocal Distribution Area II denotes ageographically contiguous area surrounding theCarrier's serving switch location. Local Distribution Facility The term IILocal Distribution Facilityll denotes thechannel used to connect the Carrier technicaloperating center to the subscriber premises. Normally, the channel will have a network terminal onone end (Carrier s office) and a subscriber terminal on the other end (subscriber s premises) Night/Weekend The term IINight/Weekend II denotes a time period 11:00 PM to , but not including, 8:00 AM local time at the originating city, any time on Saturday, and all day Sunday except 5:00 PM to, but not including, 11:00 PM. Normal Work Hours The term IINormal Work Hours II denotes the time after8: 00 AM and before 5: 00 PM Monday through Friday excl uding Hol idays . Off -Net (Applicable to VNS Service only)(T) The term IIOff -Net II denotes origination or termination of calls over normal shared-used facilities. On-Net (Applicable to VNS Service only)(T) The term liOn-Net II denotes origination or termination of calls over dedicated facilities. ISSUED:January 24. 1994 EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 1st Revised Sheet Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 8 -1994NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC 69 a a Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (Continued) 1.1 DEFINITIONS (Continued) Other Common Carrier The term "Other Common Carrier" (OCC) denotes a specialized or other type of common carrier authorizedby the Federal Communications Commission to provide domestic or international communications service. Point of Presence The term "Point of Presence" (POP) denotes a point on the Underlying Carrier system where the intercity (T)communications channels and local distributionfacilities are terminated within that LATA. Otherfunctions such as switching, coordination testing,and connections with subscriber-provided communications channels may also be performed at thesepoints. Premises The term " Premises" denotes a building or buildings on contiguous property (except railroad rights - of -way,etc. Rate Center The term "Rate Center" denotes a geographically specified point used to determine mileage dependentrates. ISSUED:January 24. 1994 EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 1st Revised Sheet -12 Cancels Original Sheet -12 Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB ... 1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC 69 a a Wedgewood Road Maple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho __---.. . TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (Continued) 1.1 DEFINITIONS (Continued) Regular Billing The term IIRegular Billingll denotes standard bill sent in the normal Carrier billing cycle. This billing consists of one bill for each account assigned to the subscriber , or, in the case of Private Line Service, one bill for each subscriber together with explanatory detail showing the derivation of the charges. Regular Voice Grade Facility The term IIRegular Voice Grade Facility ll denotes communications channel with bandwidth approximately 2 700 (300 to 3,000) Hertz. Service Group For VNS Service (T) The term II Service Group II denotes one or more access lines leased by a subscriber that are served by a single end office. For 800 Services The term IIService Groupll denotes a group of lines in a hunting arrangement used to terminate one ormore inbound 8 a a numbers. Subscriber The term IISubscriberll denotes the person , firmcompany, corporation or other entity, having communications requirement of its own which contract for service under this tariff and is responsible for the payment of charges as well as compliance with theCarrierregulation pursuant to this tariff. Often used interchangeably with the term IICustomerll ISSUED:January 24. 1994 EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 1st Revised Sheet -1Q Cancels Original Sheet -1Q Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 8 -1994NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 69 a a Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (Continued) 1.1 DEFINITIONS (Continued) Switch The term "Switch" denoteselectromechanical device which circuit routing and control. an electronic is used to provide l Access Line The term IIT-Access Line" denotes a 1.544 mbps dedicated digital transmission connection furnished bythe Local Exchange Company (LEC) from a customer' premise that terminates at the Carrier local POP. This facility will provide the equivalent of 24 voicechannels. 800 Services The term " 800 Services" denotes inbound toll services offered by the Carrier for large volume users. Underlying Carrier The term "Underlying Carrier" denotes a common carrierauthorized by the Federal Communications Commissionto provide domestic or international communicationsservice and who has entered into a contract with Carrier to provide services to Carrier s subscribers. VNS Service (T) The term IIVNS" denotes communications services (T) provided by Carrier providing the functionality and capabilities of a private network through the use shared transmission facilities and operated by a single, software-controlled management system. ISSUED:January 24. 1994 EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 2nd Revised Sheet -12 Cancels 1st Revised Sheet -12 Idaho Tarrif PUC No. NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 6900 Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 RULES AND REGULATIONS TERRITORY Idaho Public tJrinties Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 9 -1994 Boise, Idaho Intercity Telecommunications Services are available origination and termination within the State of Idaho. for 1.1 Outbound Service Dedicated - qptima P~us (T) C~assic P~us '" (T)1..Dedicated outbound connections areavailable for origination LATA's where Carrier's UnderlyingCarrier (s) has a Point Of Presence ("POP" Switched - qptima OneCID C~assic OneQi) 1.1.. (T) (T) Switched outbound is available fororigination from areas that are served by end offices to which theCarrier's Underlying Carrier (s) are connected by Feature Group D Circui ts . Dedicated Inbound Service1.2 2.. Swi tched 2.. ISSUED:September 29. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: - qptima BOO P~USTM ( T ) C~assic BOO P~us (T)Dedicated 800 Service terminatedthrough dedicated facilities available for termination in theLATAs where Carrier'UnderlyingCarrier (s) has a Point Of Presence POP") and may originate from any point within the State of Idaho. - qptima BOOCID (T)C~assic BOOCID (T)Switched BOO Service terminatedthrough swi tched (shared)facilities is available for termination to all end offices andmay originate from any point within the State of Idaho. EFFECTIVE:October 9. 1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 2nd Revised Sheet Cancels 1st Revised Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 9 -1994NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 6900 Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 8oise, idaho RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) Virtual Network Service Op tima. VNsm 1.3. (T) VNS On-Net to On-Net VNS On-Net to On-Net is available fororigination in LATAs where Carrier'Underlying Carrier (s) has Point Presence (" POP") . 1.3.VNS On-Net to Off -Net VNS On-Net to Off -Net is only available atlocations which either originate terminate VNS On-Net to On-Net calls. VNS Off -Net to On-Net VNS Off -Net to On-Net is availableorigination from any location within State of Idaho. forthe 1.3.VNS Off -Net to Off -Net VNS Off -Net to Off -Net is available for origination from any point within the State of Idaho. UNDERTAKING OF CARRIER Carrier will make available its LongDistance services as soon as practicable upon receipt of an order for service between those points as specified. The obligation of Carrier to furnish service is dependant upon its ability to secure fromand to retain the rights to sui table facilities from its Underlying Carrier (s) . ISSUED:September 29. 1994 EFFECTIVE:October 9. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President Original Sheet -12 Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING FEB 8 -1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 69 a a Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) LIABILITY OF CARRIER ISSUED: The liability of the Carrier for damagesarising out of mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays or errors or defects in the transmission occurring in the courseof furnishing service, channels or other facilities and not caused by the negligence of the Customers, commences upon activation of service and in no event exceeds an amount equivalent to the proportionate charge tothe Customer for the period of serviceduring which such mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays or errors or defects in the transmission occur. For the purposesof computing such amount, a month is considered to have thirty (3 0) days (72 a hours) . In no event will Carrier be responsible forconsequentialincidental or punitive damages or lost profits suffered by Customer on account of unsatisfactory or interruptedservice. The Carrier is not liable for any act or omission of any other company or companies furnishing a portion of the service. No agents or employees or other carriers shall be deemed to be agents or employees of thecarrier. Carrier shall not be liable for unlawful useor use by an unauthorized person ofCarriers facilities and services. January 24. 1994 EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 1st Revised Sheet Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 8 -1994NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 69 a a Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) LIABILITY OF CARRIER (Continued) The (above or below) tariff language doesnot constitute a determination by the Commission that a limitation of liability imposed by the Company should be upheld in a court of law. Acceptance for filing by the Commission recognizes that it is a court' responsibility to adjudicate negligence and consequential damage claims. It is also the court'responsibility to determine the validity of the exculpatory clause. VNS Service (T) In addition to the above terms, following terms apply to VNS Service:the (T) ISSUED:January 24. 1994 Except for credit allowance forinterruption of VNS as specified (T)herein , Carrier shall not be liable forany failure of performance due to causes beyond it reasonable control including, but not limited to, acts of God, fires meteorological phenomena, floods or other catastrophies; national emergencies, insurrections, riots wars; strikes, lockouts, work stoppagesor other labor difficulties; and any law , order , regulation or other action of any governing authority or agency thereof. WITH RESPECT TO THE SERVICES, MATERIALS, AND EQUIPMENT PROVIDED HEREUNDER CARRIER HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED , NOT STATED IN THIS TARIFF AND IN PARTICULAR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIESOF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:Pres iden t 1st Revised Sheet Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 8 -1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 69 a a Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, IDaho RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) LIABILITY OF CARRIER (Continued) VNS Service (Continued)(T) Carrier shall not be liable for: 6. B. 1 Unlawful use or use by unauthorized person of Carrier facilities and services; Any claim resul ting fromfurnishing, installationoperation, maintenance, or removalof facilities at subscriberpremises; 6. B. 3 Any claim arising out of a breachin the privacy or security communications transmitted overCarriers facilities; Changes in any of the facilities, operations, services or proceduresof Carrier that render any facilities or services provided by subscriber obsolete or require modification or alteration of suchfacilities or services, otherwise affect their use performance. Carrier will endeavor to advise subscriber on a timely basis of such change. ISSUED:January 24. 1994 EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 1st Revised Sheet Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 8 - 1994NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 69 a a Wedgewood Road Maple Grove , MN 55369 Boise, Idaho RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) LIABILITY OF CARRIER (Continued) (T)VNS SERVICE (Continued) ISSUED:January 24. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: Subscriber shall indemnify and saveCarrier harmless from any and allliability not expressly assumed by Carrier in this Section 2.3 and arisingin connection with the provisions ofservice by Carrier to subscriber, and shall protect and defend Carrier fromany suits or claims alleging such liability, and shall pay all expenses(including attorney s fees) and satisfy all judgements which may be incurred byor rendered against Carrier connection therewith. Carrier shallnotify subscriber of any such suit or claim against Carrier. Carrier reserves the right to participate in the defenseof any such sui t or claim. The liability of Carrier for any interruption or failure of serviceshall in no event exceed the creditallowance provided herein. Carriershall not be liable to subscriber orany Authorized User for any loss or damage incurred by reason of incidental to any delay or interruption of service , or for any failure in or breakdown of facilities associated withthe service, or for any mistakes, omissions, delays, errors or defects in transmission occurring in the course offurnishing service, except to the extent of such credit allowance, which shall constitute subscriber's sole and exclusive remedy hereunder. EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 1st Revised Sheet Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 8 -1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 69 a a Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho --.-.. RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) LIABILITY OF CARRIER (Continued) The Carrier will make no refund of overpayment by subscriber unless the claim for such overpayment, together withproper evidence, is submitted within ninety (T)(9 0) days from the date of alleged overpayment. In calculating refunds, volume discounts will be adjusted based on total usage after all credits or adjustments havebeen applied. Use of Service Neither subscribers nor their Authorized Users may use the services furnished by the Carrier for any unlawfulpurpose. Subscribers and Authorized Users must take all necessary action to ensure Carrier s services are used in accordance with the rules and regulations ofthe Public Services Commission of Idaho. Use and restoration of the service furnished by the Carrier will be in accordance with Part 64, Subpart D of the Federal Communications Commission Rules. Minimum Service Period VNS S ERVI CE (T) 1.A Minimum Service Arranqements Period Access The minimum service period fordedicated access components of VNS (T)Service ordered by a Subscriber isninety (9 a ) days. 1.B Minimum Service Period - Other Charqes There is no minimum service period for other charges. ISSUED:January 24. 1994 EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 1st Revised Sheet Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 8 - 1994NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 69 a a Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, l-daho RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) Minimum Service Period (Continued) Outbound and Inbound Service (T) The minimum service period for Switched (T) service is thirty (30) days. The minimum service period for Dedicated service is thirty (30) days, (T) except for dedicated components for which the minimum service period isninety (90) days. Ownership of Facilities Title to all facilities provided by Carrier in accordance with these regulations remains with the Carrier or its Underlying Carrier. Application For Service Carrier may require a subscriber to sign application form furnished by the Carrier and establish his credit as provided in these Regulations as a condition precedent to the initial establishment of such service. Carrier s acceptance of an order for service to be provided to an applicant whose credit has not been duly established may be subj ect to theprovisions described in Section 2. Carrier may also require a signed authorization from a subscriber for additions to or changes in the existing service for such subscriber. An application for service cancelled by the subscriberor the Carrier prior to the establishment of the service applied for is subj ect to the provisions ofSection 2., 2., and 2.16. ISSUED:January 24. 1994 EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 2nd Revised Sheet Cancels 1st Revised Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Co~mission Office of the Secremy ACCEPTED FOR FlU OCT 9 -.1994NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 6900 Wedgewood Road Maple Grove , MN 55369 Boise, Idaho - . RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) \ . ' In the event the Carrier incurs fees or expenses, (T) including attorney s fees, in collection or attempting to collect, any charges owed the Company, the Subscriber will be liable to the Carrier for the payment of all such fees and expenses reasonably incurred. (T) 2 .Payment of Charges If subscriber does not give the carrier written notice of a dispute with respect to carrier s charges within six months from the date the invoice was rendered, such invoice shall be deemed to be correct and binding on the subscriber. Outbound and Inbound Service For billing of fixed charges, service is considered to be established upon the day in which the Carrier notifies the subscriber of installation and testing of the subscriber'service. Charges will be billed monthly in arrearsand are due immediately upon receipt. Subscriber will be billed for all usage accrued beginning immediately upon access tothe service. For the purpose of computing charges, a month is considered to consist ofthirty (30) days. VNS Service Payment is due upon subscriberreceipt of Carrier invoice. Installation charges will be billed on or after service installation; monthly recurring charges , which will begin to accrue on the date service commences,will be billed monthly in advance;usage charges, which will begin to accrue on the date service commences,will be billed after the use occurs; termination charges will be billed at the time of termination. ISSUED:September 29. 1994 EFFECTIVE:October 9. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 1st Revised Sheet Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG FEB 8 -1994NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 69 a a Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) Payment of Charges (Continued) (T)VNS Service (Continued) ISSUED:January 24. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: In the event that Carrier s ability to commence or to continue to provide service in a timely manner is delayedor interrupted because of the non- performance by subscriber of any obligation set forth in Section 2. subscriber shall pay to Carrier amounts equal to the monthly recurring charges which would have been paid had Carrier been able to commence or continue toprovide service unless such non- performance is due to causes beyondsubscriberreasonable controlincluding, but not limited to acts of God, fires, meteorological phenomenafloods, or other catastrophies;national emergencies, insurrections, riots, or wars; strikes, lockouts, work stoppages or other labor difficulties; and any authority or agency thereof. Partial Month Billing The charges for VNS service from the (T) commencement of service to the start of the first month billing period, or fromthe end of the last full monthly billing period to the termination of service, shall be the monthly recurring charges multiplied by the ratio of the number of days in such partial billing period to thirty (3 0) days. EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 1st Revised Sheet Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiUNG FEB 8 -1994NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 69 a a Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) Payment of Charges (Continued) Returned Check Fee charge of $20.00 or applicable state (I)returned check charge, whichever is lesswill apply whenever a check or draft presented for payment of service is not accepted by the institution on which it iswritten. State and Local Tax Additions Pursuant to the statutes of Idaho , Carrier will add an applicable sales tax plus anyother applicable taxes imposed by other political subdivisions to net billings. Late Payment Charges Payments not received by Carrier withinthirty (3 0) days after the invoice date will accrue interest from the date of the invoice until payment is received at the rate of one and one-half percent (1.5%) per month or the maximum allowed by applicable law , whichever is less. ISSUED:January 24. 1994 EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President Original Sheet 28 Idaho Tariff PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 1992 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 6900 Wedgwood Road Maple Grove , MN 55369 Boise, Idaho \ . RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) DeDosi ts Each applicant for service will be required to establish credit. Any applicant whose credit has not been duly established to the sole and exclusive satisfaction of the Carrier may be required to make a deposit to be held as a guarantee of payment of future charges at the time of application. Additionally, an existing subscriber may be required to make a deposit or to increase a depositpresently held by Carrier. Carrier will provide the customer with a written receipt of all deposits. deposit shall not exceed the estimatedcharges for two (2) months ' service. Deposits shall be returned upon the occurrence of one of the following events: An application for service is cancelledby the subscriber prior to the establishment of service; The subscriber shall have established six(6) months of satisfactory credithistory. Upon the discontinuance of service. The Carrier will refund the subscriber' deposi t or the balance in excess of unpaid bills for the service. The fact that a deposit has been made in no way relieves the subscriber from complying wi th the regulations contained herein wi respect to the prompt payment of bills uponpresentation. Carrier will pay interest on deposits pursuant to the Idaho Public Utility Rule. ISSUED:MARCH 3. 1992 EFFECTIVE:MARCH 13. 1992 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE: President 1st Revised Sheet Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 8 - 1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 69 a a Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, ldaho RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) 10 Interruption of Service It shall be the obligation of the subscriber to immediately notify Carrier of any interruption in service. Prior to subscriber giving notice to Carrier subscriber shall ascertain that the trouble is not being caused by any action or omission of subscriber or is not in subscriber-provided wiring or equipment connected to the terminal of the Carrier. 10.Interru tionServices Ou tbound and Inbound (T) When Outbound or Inbound Services are (T) interrupted for thirty (30) continuous minutes or more credit is allowed on demand to the Carrier, computed as set forth below provided such interruption is not shown bythe Carrier to have been caused by the negligence or willful action of thesubscriberor any other persons at asubscriber terminal location or is not caused by the failure of the subscriberequipment or power supply. ISSUED:January 24. 1994 EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 1st Revised Sheet Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG FEB 8 - 1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 69 a a Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise. Idaho RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) ....- ) Interruption of Service (Continued) 10. 10. ISSUED: Interuption of Outbound and Inbound Services (T) (Continued)For purposes of credit computations each month shall be considered to have 720 hours. Credit shall be computed by multiplying the monthly rate for the service by the ratio derived by dividing the number of hours in the period of interruption by 72 a hours. Thecredit will be based on the non-usage charges for the month during which the interruption occurred excluding equipmentand access line charges. An interruption shall be measured from the time the Carrier detects trouble, or the subscriber notifies Carrier of the interruption by expeditious means, until the trouble is cleared. Each interruption is considered separately for purposes of establishing credit allowance. Interruptions shall be accumulated to thenearest half-hour period. The credit for a monthly billing period shall in no event exceed the monthly rate. Interruption of VNS Services (T) For VNS Service, an interruption is measured (T)from the time the Underlying Carrierverifies the interruption to the time service has been restored and an attempt has been made to notify the subscriber. When service is interrupted because of events other than those specified in Section 2.herein , credit allowances will be made asset forth below. For purposes of credit computations, each month shall be considered to have 720 hours. January 24. 1994 EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 1st Revised Sheet Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG FEB 8 -1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 6900 Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho __--- ... -' RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) Interruption of Service (Continued) (T)10.Interruption of VNS Services (Continued) 10. 10.2. B ISSUED:January 24. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: For interruption of service through an access arrangement , subscriber will be credited for an interruption of twenty-four (24) consecutive hours or more atthe rate of 1/720 of the minimummonthly charge for that Access Arrangement for each period of one hour , accumulated to the nearest half hour , that the interruption continues.No credit will be given for interruption of service of less than twenty- four (24) consecutive hours. In no event shall a credit for a monthly billing period exceed the monthly rate. For interruption of all service throughspecific Underlying Carrier s POP subscriber will be credited for interruption of thirty (3 0) minutes or more at the rate of 1/720 of themonthly charge for all Access Arrangements servicing subscriber at that POP for each period of one hour accumulated to the nearest half hourthat the interruption continues. Nocredit will be given for interruption of less than thirty (30) minutes. In no event shall a credit for monthly billing period exceed themonthly rate. EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 1st Revised Sheet Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiUNG FEB 8 -1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 69 a a Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, l-daho RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) Interruption of Service (Continued) 10.Interruption of VNS Services (Continued)(T) 10.2. C For an interruption of leased facilities provided by the UnderlyingCarrier or Other Common Carrier subscriber will be credited for interruption of four (4) hours or more at 1/720 of the monthly charge for each period of one hour , accumulated to thenearest half hour that theinterruption continues. No credit willbe given for an interruption of less than four (4) hours. In no event shalla credit for a monthly billing periodexceed the monthly rate. 11 Cancellation for Cause The Carrier , by written notice to the subscriber or applicant, may immediately cancel the application for or discontinue service without incurring any liability for any of the following reasons: 11.1 An order of a court or other governmentauthority having jurisdiction which prohibi ts the Carrier from furnishing service 11. 2 Subscriber'violation of or failure comply with any regulation governing the furnishing service 11. 3 Nonpayment of any sum due to the Carrier for service for more than thirty (30) days beyond the date of rendition of the bill forsuch service. ISSUED:January 24. 1994 EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 1st Revised Sheet Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Sscret3ry ACCEPTED FOH FILING FEB 8 -1994NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 69 a a Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) 12 Disconnection of Service 2 . 12 .Outbound and Inbound Services (T) Subscriber may disconnect Outbound or (T) Inbound services at any time following theone month (30 days) minimum servicerequirement described in section 2.giving Carrier thirty (30) days priorwritten notice of the desired disconnectdate. Provided proper notice has been given bysubscriber, subscriber will be responsible for all charges incurred up to the desired disconnect date or until disconnect has beeneffected, whichever is sooner. 2 .12 .VNS Services (T) Subscriber may terminate any VNS service (T) upon advance notice subj ect to the minimumnotice period specified below minimum service period specified in Section 2.5, andany termination charges specified. Suchnotice shall be provided to Carrier in writing. The minimum notice periods are: Component Minimum Notice Period Access Arrangements (All Types) 30 days ISSUED:January 24. 1994 EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 2nd Revised Sheet Cancels 1st Revised Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 9 -1994NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 6900 Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) 12 Disconnection of Service (Continued) 12.VNS Services (Continued)For leased facilities provided by Other Common Carriers, the minimum notice period for termination of service shall be equal tothe minimum notice period imposed uponCarrier by the Other Common Carrierproviding the facilities. For servicesprovided through facilities owned Carrier'Underlying Carrier the minimumnotice period shall be forty-five (45) days. In the event that subscriber continues to utilize Carrier's facilities beyond the dateupon which the services are to terminated, the subscriber will be liable for the usage charges incurred. Obligations of the SubscriberIn the event suit is brought or an attorney is (T) retained by the Carrier to enforce the terms of this Tariff , the Carrier shall be entitled to recover , in addition to any other remedy, reimbursement for reasonable attorneys' fees, court costs, costs of investigation and other related expenses incurred in connection herewith. (T) 13.VNS Service 13.The Carrier shall be indemnified andsaved harmless by the subscriberagainst claims of libel , slander , orthe infringement of copyright, or for the unauthorized use of any trademarktrade name, or service mark , arising from the material transmitted over thechannels, against claims for infringement of patents arising fromcombining with , or using in connectionwith, channels furnished by the Carrieror apparatus and systems of thesubscriber; and against all otherclaims arising out of any act omission of the subscriber in connection with the channels providedby the Carrier. ISSUED: September 29. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: EFFECTIVE:October 9. 1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 1st Revised Sheet Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretarv ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG FEB 8 -1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 6900 Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) 13 Obligations of the Subscriber (Continued) 13.VNS Services (Continued)(T) 13.1. B The facilities provided hereunder bythe Carrier may be terminated insubscriber-provided terminal equipment or subscriber-provided communicationssystems. When such terminations are made, the subscriber shall comply with the minimum protective criteria whichshall be no less stringent than the criteria as may be prescribed by theCarrier. ISSUED:January 24. 1994 EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 1st Revised Sheet -1Q Cancels Original Sheet -1Q Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 8 -1994NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 69 a a Wedgewood Road Maple Grove , MN 55369 Boise, Idaho RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) 13 Obligations of the Subscriber (Continued) (T)13.VNS Services (Continued) 2 .13 .1. C ISSUED:January 24. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: The subscriber will be responsible forinsuring that subscriber-provided signals will not result in interferencewith any of the services provided bythe Carrier or interfere with othersusing services provided by the Carrier. Physical arrangements for protection of the Carrier or the UnderlyingCarrierfacilities serving the subscriber shall be employed if needed. The subscriber will be required to useonly those devices found to necessary to insure proper operation of the local distribution facility and the intercity facility. The intent of this provision is to insure proper signal insertion so as to protect the entire network. All signals must be of theproper technical parameters so as not to damage the Carrier s or UnderlyingCarriers equipment or degrade service to other subscribers. It shall also be the responsibility of the subscriber toprovide adequate electrical powerwiring, and electrical outlets necessary for the proper operation ofCarriers equipment on his premises. EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 1st Revised Sheet Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 8 -1994NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 69 a a Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) 13 Obligations of the Subscriber (Continued) (T)13.VNS Service (Continued) 13.1. D 13. 13.1. F The equipment and facilities which are connected wi th those of the Carrier orof its Underlying Carrier shall beconstructed, operated, and maintainedby those providing same so as to worksatisfactorily with the servicefurnished by the Carrier. Suchequipment and facilities shall sui table to avoid hazard or damage to the Carrier s or Underlying Carrier plant or injury to Carrier s employees or agents or to the public because ofthe character or location of such equipment or facilities and sources of power to which it is connected. In cases in which additional protection is required, this shall be provided by thesubscriber or by the Carrier subscriber s expense. Upon notice from the Carrier that the equipment or facilities of thesubscriber, or of others so authorizedto be connected, is causing or likely to cause hazard or interference, the subscriber , or others so authorizedto be connected, shall make such changes as may be necessary to removeor prevent such hazard or interference. The subscriber shall be liable for: Reimbursing the Carrier for all loss through theft, fireflood, or other catastrophiesto Carrier-providedfacilities on subscriber'premises. 13. ISSUED:January 24. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 1st Revised Sheet Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 8 -1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 69 a a Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) , . 13 Obligations of the Subscriber (Continued) (T)13.VNS Service (Continued) 13.1. F (Continued) Reimbursing the Carrier for damages to facilities causedby the negligence or willful act of subscriber s officers,employees, agents, contractors. 13.1.F. 13.1. G 13.1. H ISSUED:January 24. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: The Carrier reserves the right entrance for its employees, agents, or contractors to the premises of the subscriber at any reasonable hour for the purpose of installing, inspecting, repairing, or upon termination service, removing the Carrierchannels. It shall be theresponsibility of the subscriber tomake any necessary arrangements with owners of the premises for the entrance of the Carrier s employees, agents, orcontractors. Authorized Users maydisconnect, remove, to repair any Carrierthe prior written Subscriber or itsnot rearrange, modify or attemptfacility withoutconsent of Carrier. EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 1st Revised Sheet Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Comm ,ssion Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FE B 8 .. 1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 6900 Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise. Idaho RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) 13 Obligations of the Subscriber (Continued) 13.VNS Service (Continued)(T) 13.1. I 2 . 13 . 1 . J 13. 13.1. L ISSUED:January 24. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: Orders, including thoseinstallation, connection repair termination of VNS Service, will accepted only from subscriber orauthorized representative. for its Subscriber shall be responsible for obtaining all permits, licensesvariances and other authorizationsrequired by state and local jurisdictions for the installation and operation of Carrier facilities on subscriber premises. Subscriber shall be responsible for performing all construction and siteengineering required at subscriber premises for the provision of services to subscriber hereunder. Subscriber shall be responsible for thephysical security of all Carrier-provided facilities located subscriber premises and to be used providing VNS Service to subscriber (T) from time of receipt by subscriber or an Authorized User to time of removalby Carrier. EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 1st Revised Sheet Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commissioll Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 8 -1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 69 a a Wedgewood Road Maple Grove , MN 55369 Boise, Idaho RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) 13 Obligations of the Subscriber (Continued) (T)13.VNS Service (Continued) 13.1.M 13.1.N ISSUED:January 24. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: Subscriber shall be responsible for the provision of personnel; power lines andpower line conditioning; conduit;heating and cooling;building space; internal and external building wiring,and entrance facilities required for the facilities and services provided by Carrier at subscriber premises. Such subscriber responsibilities shall be performed in accordance with proceduresestablished by Carrier'UnderlyingCarrier for the installation andoperation of Carrier facilities located on subscriber premises. The subscriber shall be responsible formaintaining safe premises at whichCarrier'employees, suppliers agents shall be installing maintaining facilities provided Carrier or its agents. Subscriber responsibility shall include compliance wi th all laws and regulations regarding the conditions there at including, butnot limited to, the provision installation and maintenance of sealed conduit with explosive-proof fittings between facilities furnished by Carrierin explosive atmospheres and points outside the hazardous area if , in the opinion of Carrier inj ury or damage toCarriers employees , agents or propertymight result from installation maintenance by Carrier. EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 1st Revised Sheet Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Offi~e of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 8 -1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 69 a a Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) 13 Obligations of the Subscriber (Continued) 13.VNS Service (Continued) 13.1.0 13.1. P 13.1. Q ISSUED:January 24. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: (T) Subscriber shall be responsible forcooperation with Carrier installation , trouble determination and fault isolation. Subscriber shall be responsible forfurnishing information on a continuingbasis as required by Carrier prepare, install , provide and maintain service. Such information includes, but is not limited to , interface protocols for private network interfaces. No subscriber or Authorized User mayassign or delegate its responsibili ties, duties, rights obligations under this tariff to anypersoncorporation or other entity without the written consent of Carrier; provided, however , that subscriber may,without Carrier s approval , assign or delegate such responsibilities, dutiesrights, or obligations to any subsidiary or affiliated organization or to any successor organization. EFFECTIVE:Februarv 8. 1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 1st Revised Sheet Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 8 -1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 69 a a Wedgewood Road Maple Grove , MN 55369 Boise, ~daho RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) 14 Cancellation of Application for Service (T)14.VNS Services 14.1.A 2 . 14 . 1 . B ISSUED:January 24. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: An order for VNS Service may be (T)cancelled by subscriber upon writtennotice to Carrier, prior to the commencement of service, subj ect to the cancellation and/or termination chargesspecified below. If Carrier should assume a termination liability or other obligation for facilities leased from OCC' s, that liability or obligationshall be the responsibility of thesubscriber.If carrier is unable to make anyservice component available subscriber within ninety (90) days ofthe proj ected date of the availabilityof service specified in Carriernotification of the acceptance and confirmation for any other reason than (i) a failure on the part of subscriberto perform subscriber obligations specified in Section 2.15 herein , or(ii) causes beyond carrier control specified in Section 2.6. B herein , or(iii) any change to subscriber Application For Service concerning the service or service component that made after notification to subscriberof the acceptance and confirmationthereofsubscriber may cancel the application for such service component wi thou t charge. EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 1st Revised Sheet Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretmy ACCEPTED FOR FiLING FEB 8 -1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 69 a a Wedgewood Road Maple Grove , MN 55369 Boise, Idaho RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) 14 Cancellation of Application for Service (Continued) (T)14.VNS Services (Continued) 2 . 14 . 1 . C The charge for cancellation of Application For Service shall be thelesser of (i) the monthly recurring rate and the minimum usage charge , for (D)each cancelled service componentmultiplied by the appropriate minimum service period as specified in Section 5 herein plus applicable installation charges, or (ii) the costs incurred byCarrier in preparing to furnishservice, less net salvage. The costsincurred by Carrier will include the direct and indirect costs of facilities specifically provided or used; the cost of installation including designpreparation, engineering, supply expense, labor and supervision , general and administrative; and any other costsresulting from the preparation installation and removal effort. See Attachment A for FCC Tariff information ISSUED:January 24. 1994 EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 1st Revised Sheet Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FO~i FlUNG FEB 8 -1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 69 a a Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) 15 Change Of Application Of Service By Subscriber 2 . 15 . 1 VNS Service (T) An Application For Service may be changed bythe subscriber upon written notice Carrier subj ect to acceptance and confirmation by Carrier. Provided, howeverthat a charge shall apply to any change in an Application Of Service when such requestfor change is received by Carrier afterCarrier has notified subscriber of itsacceptance and confirmation of the Application Of Service. Such charge shall be the sum of the charges and costs for VNS (T) Services and the lesser of (i) the monthly (D) recurring rate for each service component that has been cancelled as a result of the change times the appropriate minimum serviceperiod as specified in Section 2.5 hereinplus the applicable installation chargesand (ii) the costs incurred by Carrier in accommodating each change, less net salvage. The costs incurred by Carrier will include the direct and indirect cost of facilities specifically provided or used; the costs ofinstallation, including design preparationengineering, supply expense, labor and supervision, general and administrative, andany other costs resul ting from thepreparationinstallation and removaleffort. See Attachment A for FCC Tariff information ISSUED:January 24. 1994 EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 1st Revised Sheet -12 Cancels Original Sheet -12 Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 8 -1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 69 a a Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE Mileage Between Rate Centers (D) (N) Calculation of distance is in accordance with the V&H coordinate system. The airline mileage between rate centers is determined by applying the formula below to the vertical and horizontal (V&H) coordinates associated with the rate centers involved. The calculation is based on V and H coordinates as obtained by reference to NECA FCC Tariff No.4. The airline mileage between two carrier service locations is calculated as follows: The mileage is rounded up to an integer value to determine the airline mileage. (N) Method of Calculation Mileage = Square root of (V1-V2) 2 + (H1-H2) 2 Where VI and HI are the V and H coordinates ofpoint 1 and V2 and H2 are the coordinates ofpoint Example: Distance between Miami and New York City Miami New YorkDifference ...5L351 997 354 -IL529 1. 406 - 877 Square and add and divide by 1 a : (3354)2 + (877) Round to = 1 201 845 Take Square Root of 1 201 845: Round to =1.097 miles ISSUED:January 24. 1994 EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President Original Sheet 45. Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiUNG FEB 8 -1994NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 69 a a Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE Continued) 13 Mileaqe Between Rate Centers (Continued) The distance is measured using the V&H (N)coordinates associated with either the rate centers of the originating and terminating stations or the V&H coordinates associated with the originating and terminating POP of the underlying carrier. The type of access determines which V&H coordinates are used. If call is originated or terminated via switched access, the distance is measured using the V&H coordinates associated with the rate centers of the originating or termininating station. If the call is originated or terminated via dedicated access, the distance is measured using the V&H coordinates associated with the originating or terminating POP of the underlying carrier. The rate for a call between access i lines associated with stations that use the same central office is the rate for zero miles. (N) Service Hours *(M) Service is available twenty- four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week. Rate periods are applicable as indicated in the chart below and are based on the time at the point of origin of the call , except for 800 Services , where calls will be rated according to the time at the point of termination. The evening rateshall also apply on Carrier-specified holidays as defined in Section 3.1 from 8: 00 am - 11: 00 pm* except when a lower rate would normally apply. (M) *3.2 Service Hours has moved from Original Page 45 to Original Page 45. ISSUED:January 24. 1994 EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 1st Revised Sheet Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FE B 8 dB 1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 69 a a Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise. Idaho DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) Service Hours (Continued) Calls that begin in one rate period and terminate in another will be prorated accordingly. MON TUE WEN THU FRI SAT SUN 8:00 am 5 : a a pm* DAY RATE -!- 5:00 I 11: 00 pm* EVENING RATE I EVENING IRATE I 11: a a pm 8:00 am* NIGHT /WEEKEND RATE *To but not including. HOLIDAYS (N) When this holiday falls on a Sunday, the Holiday calling rate applies to calls placed on the following Monday. When this holiday falls on a Saturday, the Holiday calling date applies to calls placed on the preceding Friday. (N) Holidays (5) for domestic calls on Optima VNS and allClassic products: New Years Day##, Independence Day##, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas ##. All other Optima services get 5 plus these additional 5: President's Day* Martin Luther King Day*, Memorial Day*, Columbus Day* andVeterans Day##. Applies to Federally observed day only. ISSUED:January 24. 1994 EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 2nd Revised Sheet Cancels 1st Revised Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 9 -1994- NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 6900 Wedgewood Road Maple Grove , MN 55369 Boise, Idaho DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) Outbound and Inbound Services Outbound Services Dedicated Services are intercity services available for use by subscribers 24 hours a day.Calls are originated via dedicated access facilities between the customer's premise and theunderlying carrier s POP , and are terminated via normal shared use facilities. Swi tched Services are interci ty services available for use by subscribers 24 hours a day.Calls are originated in equal access areas viaFeature Group D access connections and are terminated via normal shared use facilities. Charges for Outbound Services are based duration of the call , rate period (Day, Evening, Night/Weekend) when the call is originated and the total monthly usage The following optionsCarrier's Services: are available under Dedicated Optima p~US C~assic p~us'DII Swi tched Optima. One(8) C~assic One(8) Inbound Services Carrier'Inbound services are toll serviceswhich permit calls to be completed at thesubscriber'location without charge to thecalling party. Access to the service is gained by dialing a ten digit telephone number (BOO-NXX- XXXX) which will terminate at the customer'location. ISSUED:September 29. 1994 EFFECTIVE:October 9. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President the (T) (T) (T) (T) 2nd Revised Sheet Cancels 1st Revised Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiliNG OCT 9 -1994NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 69 a a Wedgewood Road Maple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) Outbound and Inbound Services (Continued) Inbound Services (Continued) Calls may originate anywhere within the State ofIdaho and terminate in locations served by theUnderlying Carrier (s) . Dedicated service is originated via normal sharedfacilities and are terminated via dedicated access lines or T-access lines between thesubscriberpremises and the UnderlyingCarriers POP in the terminating city. Switched service calls are originated via normal sharedfacilities and are terminated via thesubscriber's local exchange service access line. The options differ in pricing. Charges on Inbound Services are based on theduration of the call whether the call intrastate, interstate or international , the NPA Band of the call (distance), the rate period when the call terminates at the subscriber's location (time of day), and the total monthly usage. All calls are subj ect average time requirementgroup. 30 - second minimum (MATR) per service The following options are Carriers Inbound Services: available under the Dedicated Optima 800 Plus ( T) Classic 800 Plus (T) Switched Optima 800(8)(T) Classic 800f!)(T) ISSUED:September 29. 1994 EFFECTIVE:October 9. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President Original Sheet 48. Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG FEB 8 -1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 69 a a Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) VNS Services* VNS Service provides the functionality and capabilities of a private network through the use ofshared transmission facilities and is operated by asingle, software-controlled management system. It interconnects the subscribers ' locations via dedicated access lines to the Underlying Carrier POPs or accessed via the public switched network. (M) VNS service is virtually banded. A single circuit can carry traffic to and/or from any mileage band. The rates are automatically applied to the actual traffic originating from a specific location based upon the rate step in which the traffic terminates. (M) VNS Service is an interstate service offering from the Underlying Carrier with subscribers having the option of using the service for intrastate calls. *3.VNS Service Moved Original Page 48. from Original Page ISSUED:January 24. 1994 EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 1st Revised Sheet Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG FEB 8 -1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 6900 Wedgewood Road Maple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, I~aho DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) VNS Services (Continued)(T) There are four types of calling available via VNS (T)Service: 1) On-net to On-net calling provides the private network" type calls (7 - digit dialing) between locations linked by dedicated access. 2) On- net Off -net calling provides dedicated access WATS typecalls (ten digit dialing) which terminate to off-network locations via the public switched network. Off -net to On-net calling provides dialing from remote locations via the public switched network to On-net (dedicated access) locations. 4) Off-net to Off-netcalling provides switched access originated calling that terminates via the public switched network. VNS Optional Features (D) (T) 1.A Route Advance In the event that a call terminating On-net , cannot be completed because allof the dedicated access lines are in use at the terminating location , the 7- digit On-net number can be converted tothe la-digit Off-net number of the busy location and the call can be completedas a toll free call over the publicswitched network. Charges for Route Advance are included in Section ISSUED:January 24. 1994 EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 1st Revised Sheet Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 8 -1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 69 a a Wedgewood Road Maple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho --~_. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) VNS Optional Features (T) (T) VNS Services (Continued) 1.B Forced Route Advance An Off -Net location can be assigned a digit On-net number with Forced RouteAdvance. The 7-digit number will be converted to the la-digit Off-net number of the Forced Route Advance location and the call can be completedvia the public switched network. Charges for Forced Route Advance areincluded in Section 4.3. B. 1.C Switched Data Services Switched Data Services (VNS 56) is (T) available between two dedicated access locations on the Carrier s VNS network. (T)This service supports digital data communications between these locationsat 56 or 64 Kbps. Charges for the service is the same as an On-net to On- net VNS call. Access arrangement is (T) via LEC provided T-1 access or 56 Kbps digi tal local loop service. ISSUED:January 24. 1994 EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 1st Revised Sheet Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office 01 the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 8 -1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 69 a a Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho . J 3 .DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) Card Services (T) Optima Card Service wi thin the State ofgained by dialing called number , and a minute rates apply described in Section apply to Optima Card is available from all locations (T)Idaho. Access to the service is " 1- 8 a 0- 877 - 8 a a a " plus " a ,the Card number. Appropriate VNS per (T) plus a per call surcharge5. VNS volume discounts do not (T)usage. (T) Directory Assistance The Carrier provides the service of connecting its subscribers to Directory Assistance for a charge, asdescribed in Section 4.2. Subscribers will be subj ectto the regulations governing Directory Assistance pertaining to the number of Directory Assistance listings requested per call as allowed in the State of Idaho by the Public Services Commission. A credit allowance for Directory Assistance will be provided upon request if the subscriber experiencespoor transmission quality, is cut-off receives an incorrect telephone number , or misdials the intended DA number. In addition subscribers will be eligible for a complimentary allowance of two (2) free calls per month. ISSUED:January 24. 1994 EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 1st Revised Sheet Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG FEB 8 ~ 1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 69 a a Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, idaho DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) Operator Service Operator Services are available from all locations within the State of Idaho for a charge as described inSection 4.3. The specific services are: 10. Collect Station- to- station Collect Person-to-person Person- to-person Station- to- station LEC* calling card, Person-to-Person LEC* calling card, Station- to-Station Directory Assistance call completion Third Party Billing, Person- to- PersonThird Party Billing, Station- to- Station Operator-dialed Surcharge** Charges for Operator Services are charged on a per- (T) minute basis under the appropriate usage rate customer has subscribed to. A per call surcharge is also charged. Surcharge depends on the type of Operator Service provided. (T) * The Underlying Carrier accepts only cards which itcan identify as valid. Usage and Call Placement Charge for LEC Calling Card calls appear on the LECbill. Volume discounts do not apply. ISSUED:January 24. 1994 EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 1st Revised Sheet Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING FEB 8 -1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 69 a a Wedgewood Road Maple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho "--'- u_.. . '-.. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (Continued) Operator Service (Continued) **This surcharge applies in addition to all Station-to- Station and Person- to- Person Operator Service charges when the Customer has the ability to dial allthe digits necessary for call completion but dials (D) "0", "00-or 10333 "0" to reach the Carrier operator to have the operator complete the call. The surcharge will be applied to all Operator Servicecalls completed by an operator except for 1) callswhich cannot be completed by the Customer due equipment failure or trouble on the Underlying Carriernetwork; 2) when an Underlying Carrier Card is being used , or 3) when a LEC Calling Card is used. (T) ISSUED:January 24. 1994 EFFECTIVE:February 8. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President Original Sheet 54 Idaho Tariff PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 1992 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 6900 Wedgwood Road Maple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho RATES Promotional Offerinqs The Carrier may from time to time engage in specialpromotional service offerings of limited duration, designed to attract new customers or to increase existing customer I s awareness of a particular tariff offering. These promotions will be approved by the Idaho Public utilities Commission with specific starting and endingdates, and under no circumstances run longer than 90 days in any 12-month period. Directory Assistance Subscribers will be billed at $.60 per call. A credit allowance for Directory Assistance will be provided upon request if subscriber experiences poor transmission quality, is cut off , receives an incorrecttelephone number, or misdials the intended Directory Assistance number. In addition, subscribers will be eligible for a complimentary allowance of two (2) free calls per month. ISSUED:MARCH 3. 1992 EFFECTIVE:MARCH 13. 1992 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE: President 2nd Revised Sheet Cancels 1st Revised Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 9 -1994NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 6900 Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho RATES (Continued) Operator Services Per minute usage rates are the appropriate usage ratecustomer has subscribed to plus a one-time callplacement charge for each operator assisted call placed in the State of Idaho. 10. Call placement charges are as follows:OptimaTM (T) Collect Station- to- station Collect Person- to-person Person- to-personStation- to- station LEC calling card , Person-to-person LEC calling card, Station- to- station Directory Assistance call completion Third Party Billing, Person- to- PersonThird Party Billing, Station- to- StationOperator-dialed surcharge $1. 88 $3. $3. $1. 88 $3. $ . $1. 88 $3. $1. 88 $1. 00 All operator services except Optima Card calls will be (T)billed by the LEC'on behalf of the Carrier'Underlying Carrier (s) Per-Minute Rates Initial Minute Addi tional Minute Night/Night/ Mileage Day Evening Weekend Day Evening Weekend 2300 2000 1600 2200 1900 1600 11- 22 2700 2200 1600 2300 2000 1600 23 - 55 3500 2900 2300 3000 2400 1900 56 -124 4100 3300 2700 3600 2800 2300 125 - 292 4400 3700 3000 3900 3200 2700 293+4700 4000 3200 4200 3500 3000 ISSUED:September 29. 1994EFFECTIVE: October 9. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 2nd Revised Sheet Cancels 1st Revised Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 9 -1994NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 69 a 0 Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho RATES (Continued) Qptima VNS Servi (T) Per Minute Rates VNS rates are per minute rates for calls originating and terminating within the Stateof Idaho, with fractional calls rounded upto the next one-tenth minute. Chargesassociated with Off -net to Off -net callingare comprised of usage charges plus a surcharge, if applicable. Per Minute Rates Rates are for calls originating terminating within the State of Idaho.and Call type Day Evening Night/Weekend ------------------------------------------ On - net On - net 0730 0510 0510 On-net Off -net 1510 1280 128 aOff -net On - net 1550 13 a a 1300Off -net Off -net 2310 2060 2060 VNS Routing Features The Route Advance and Forced Route Advance charges specified below are in addition to the appropriate VNS rate for the call , whichever isapplicable. Route Advance: minute $ . a 6 per Forced Route Advance: minute $ . a 6 per ISSUED: September 29. 1994 EFFECTIVE: October 9. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 2nd Revised Sheet -22 Cancels 1st Revised Sheet -22 Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 9 -1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 6900 Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho RATES (Continued) Qptima VNS Servi cesTJ/I (Continued)(T) Volume Discounts: Total Monthly Usage Dedicated Access (Domestic) Swi tched Accessand International $ 10,000 - 14 999. $ 15,000 - 19,999. $ 20,000 - 24 999. $ 25,000 - 29,999. $ 30 000 - and Over 00% 00% 00% 10.00% 12.00% 00% 00% 00% 00% 00% NOTE Monthly usage billings is the net amount of usage-based billings, excluding recurring charges, surcharges, installation and taxes. All monthly usage billings for all of customer'Norstan Optima VNfrK Services are (T) combined together to determine total monthly usage billing. Discounts at the achieved usage level apply to all of the eligible usage during the month. Card Service VNS Off -net to On-net and Off -net to Off -net usagerates, whichever is applicable, set forth in Section1 will apply for each call plus the followingsurcharge: Charge per call:$ 0.50 (I)Op tima Carer ( T ) ISSUED:September 29. 1994 EFFECTIVE:October 9. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 2nd Revised Sheet Cancels 1st Revised Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 9 -1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 6900 Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho --, RATES (Continued) Card Service (Continued) NOTE: If an operator assisted call is placed using Optima Card"'"the applicable Operator Service Call (T)Placement Charge will apply in lieu of the OptimaCarcrcharge. (T) Inbound Service Per-minute rates for calls terminating in Underlying Carrier service location through dedicated facilities and originating anywhere within the State of Idaho. Optima 800 p~us (T) Each fractional call is rounded up to the nextone-tenth minute. All calls are subject to a 30- second minimum average time requirement (MATR) per service group. Day Evening Night/ Weekend ----------------------- 169 a 1390 1190 C~assic 800 P~US (T) Billing increments are one (1) second with second minimum average time requirement (MATR) per service group. Day Evening Night/ Weekend ----------------------- 1883 1557 1328 ISSUED:September 29. 1994 EFFECTIVE:October 9. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 1st Revised Sheet 58. Cancels Original Sheet 58. Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 9 -1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 6900 Wedgewood Road Maple Grove , MN 55369 Boise, Idaho RATES (Continued) Inbound Service (Continued) Per-minute rates for calls terminating in underlying carriers service location through switched facilities and originating anywhere within the State of Idaho. Optima. BOO C!)(T) Each fractional call is rounded up to the nextone-tenth minute. All calls are subject to a 30- second minimum average time requirement (MATR) per service group. Day Evening Night/ Weekend ----------------------- 2250 2250 2250 Classic BOO~(T) Billing increments are one (1) second with second minimum average time requirement (MATR) per service group. Day Evening Night/ Weekend ----------------------- 3000 3000 3000 ISSUED:September 29. 1994 EFFECTIVE:October 9. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 1st Revised Sheet 58. Cancels Original Sheet 58. Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 9 -1994NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 6900 Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho RATES (Continued) Outbound Services Per-minute usage rates for calls originating in anyunderlying carrier'service location via dedicated access and terminating in any location with the State of Idaho. Optima PluEfM (T) Each fractional call is rounded up to the next one - tenth minute. Day Evening Night/ Weekend ----------------------- 1350 1350 1350 Classic Plus'DII (T) Billing increments are 6 seconds with 18 second minimum.Night/ Day Evening Weekend ----------------------- 292 Miles 1450 1090 1090 293 -Miles 1570 1180 1180 ISSUED:September 29. 1994 EFFECTIVE:October 9. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 1st Revised Sheet 58. Cancels Original Sheet 58. Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public UtHities Commissioo: Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 9 -1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 6900 Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho RATES (Continued) Outbound Services (Continued) Per-minute rates for calls originating in underlying carriers service location via switchedaccess and terminating in any location within the State of Idaho. Optima One (T) Each fractional call is round up to the next one- tenth minute. Day Evening Night/ Weekend ----------------------- 2390 2390 2390 Classic One (T) Billing increments are 6 seconds with 18 second minimum . Day Evening Night/ Weekend ----------------------- 3060 2750 2750 ISSUED:September 29. 1994 EFFECTIVE:October 9. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President 1st Revised Sheet -22 Cancels Original Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Offiu, of the Secretary - '-.., 'ciYfi:FOR FILING. l.. \,... t:. r ,,- OCT 9 -1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 6900 Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho RATES (Continued) Optima Vo~ume DiscountEfM (T) Optima Volume Discount Schedule (Does not apply to VNS) TOTAL MONTHLY USAGE BILLING DISCOUNT $0. 000. 000. $5,000. $10,000. $15,000. $30,000. to $999.to $1 999.to $4 999.to $9,999. to $14 999. to $29,999. and Over 00% 1. 00% 00% 00% 00% 00% 00% NOTE Monthly usage billings is the net amount ofusage-based billings, excluding recurring charges, surcharges, installation and taxes. All monthly usage billings for all of customer's Norstan Optima products are combined (T) together to determine total monthly usage billing (except VNS and Private Line) . Discounts at the achieved usage level apply to all of the eligible usage during the month. ISSUED:September 29. 1994 EFFECTIVE:October 9. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President FCC Tariff 2nd Revised Sheet Cancels 1st Revised Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 9 -1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC 6900 Wedgewood Road Maple Grove , MN 55369 Boise, Idaho ATTACHMENT A RATES AND CHARGES Monthly Recurring Charges Optima 800 (8) (Canadian origination only) (T) $18.per service group $00.per service group (T) $50.per service group $00.00 per service group Service Chrge (Canadian origination only) Optima 800 Plus ~ * Service Charge Access Line Charge (T-1 Access) A $36.25 Special Access Charge is applicable to each access line provided by a Local Exchange Company. The Surcharge will not apply to those subscribers who furnish the carrier with aq Exemption Notification. The Optima 800 Plus product is designed for use over 1 access facilities. Analog access facilities may be used only when they are used to supplement existing1 access circuits. ISSUED: September 29. 1994 EFFECTIVE: October 9. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President FCC Tariff 2nd Revised Sheet Cancels 1st Revised Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 9 -1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC 69 a a Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho Monthly Recurring Charges (Continued) Minimum Averaqe Time Requirement Minimum Average Time Requirement (MATR) of thirty (30) seconds is in place for all domesticand Canadian800 Service products: Optima 800 Plus and Optima (T) 80000 This MATR requires that each call in a given (T) service group for each invoice must average 30 seconds in length. If the calls fail to average the required product MATR the following calculation will take place and surcharge will apply: For Optima 800 (T) Total calls x .5 minutes - Required Minutes Required Minutes Requirement Actual Minutes Minutes Under Minutes Under Requirement x $.20 - MATR Surcharge For Optima 800 Plus (T) Total calls x .5 minutes - Required Minutes Required MinutesRequirement Actual Minutes Minutes Under Minutes Under Requirement x $.045 - MATR Surcharge If a customer subscribes to Optima 800 Plus and doesnot meet the 30 second MATR, these additional requirements will be imposed A customer's equipment must answer calls on the first ring. ISSUED: September 29. 1994 EFFECTIVE: October 9. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President FCC Tariff 2nd Revised Sheet Cancels 1st Revised Sheet Idaho Tarrif PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 9 -1994 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC 69 a 0 Wedgewood RoadMaple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho Monthly Recurring Charges (Continued) Minimum Average Time Requirement (Continued) For Optima 800 Plus (Continued) A busy call allowance will be in effect. All calls resulting in busies exceeding 10% of allcalls (completed and busies) will be billed at $ . 02 per call. Installation Charqes (Non-Recurring) - Per Circuit Optima 80 O(ID $50. $50.Optima 800 Plus ISSUED: September 29. 1994 EFFECTIVE: October 9. 1994 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE:President (T) (T) (T) Tariff F.C. No. Original Sheet A-I Idaho Tariff PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office ot the SecretaryACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 1992 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 6900 Wedgwood Road Maple Grove, MN 55369 Boise, Idaho ATTACHMENT A RATES AND CHARGES Monthl y Recurring Charges FONLINE 800 Service Charge (Canadian originationonly) $15.00 per service group $00.00 per service group ULTRA 800 * Service Charge (Canadian originationonly) $50.00 per service group $00.00 per service group Access Line Charqe (T-1 Access) A $ 3 6. 25 Special Access Charge is appl icable to each access line provided by a Local Exchange Company. The Surcharge will not apply to those subscribers who furnish the carrier with an Exemption Notification. The ULTRA 800 product is designed for use over T-1 accessfacilities. Analog access facilities may be used only when they are used to supplement existing T-1 accesscircuits. ISSUED:MARCH 3. 1992 EFFECTIVE:MARCH 13. 1992 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE: President Tariff F.C. No. Original Sheet A-2 Idaho Tariff PUC No. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 3 1992 NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 6900 Wedgwood Road Maple Grove , MN 55369 Boise, Idaho Monthl v Recurrinq Charqes (Continued) Minimum Averaqe Time Requirement A Minimum Average Time Requirement (MATR) of thirty (30) seconds is in place for all domesticand Canadian 800 Service products: ULTRA 800 and FONLINE 800. This MATR requires that each call in a given service group for each invoice must averaqe 30 seconds in length. If the calls fail to average the required product MATR, the following calculation will take place and surcharge will apply: For FONLINE 800 Total calls x .5 minutes - Required Minutes Required Minutes Requirement Actual Minutes Minutes Under Minutes Under Requirement x $. 20 - MATR Surcharge For ULTRA 800 Total calls x .5 minutes - Required Minutes Required Minutes Requirement Actual Minutes Minutes Under Minutes Under Requirement x $.045 - MATR Surcharge If a customer subscribes to ULTRA 800 and does not meet the 30 second MATR , these additional requirements will be imposed: A customer's equipment must answer calls on the first ring. ISSUED:MARCH 3. 1992 EFFECTIVE:MARCH 13. 1992 ISSUED BY: BY: NORSTAN NETWORK SERVICES, INC. ERVIN F. KAMM, JR. TITLE: President