HomeMy WebLinkAboutMCI Communications Services Inc Price List No 1.pdfMCI Communications Services, Inc. ldaho Price List No. 1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 3rd Revised Title Page Cancels 2nd Revised Title Page This tariff contains the rules, regulations, descriptions and rates applicable to the furnishing of TIC interexchange telecommunications services offered by MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a I Verizon Business Services (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") within the State of ldaho to I residential and small business (i.e., mass market) customers. Interexchange telecommunications I services offered to large business and enterprise customers are not contained in this tariff, but I instead can be found in Company Price List No. 2. TIC ldaho Public Utilities CommiesiM Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 j Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 911 I08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1 100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/bla Verizon Business Services 304th Revised Page 1 Cancels 303rd Revised Page 1 CHECK SHEET The title page and pages 1-269 inclusive of this tariff are effectiveas of the date shown. PAGE REVISION PAGE REVISION TITLE 3 40 ORIGINAL 1 304*41 ORIGINAL 2 120 42 ORIGINAL 3 119 43 ORIGINAL 4 160 44 1 4.1 91*45 2 5 26 46 3 5.1 22 47 5 5.2 6*48 6 6 2 49 16 7 ORIGINAL 49.1 8 8 ORIGINAL 50 8 9 2 51 2 9.1 4 52 1 10 1 53 ORIGINAL 11 2 54 ORIGINAL 12 1 55 ORIGINAL 13 ORIGINAL 56 ORIGINAL 14 ORIGINAL 57 ORIGINAL 15 ORIGINAL 58 ORIGINAL 16 1 59 1 17 1 60 1 18 2 61 1 19 5 62 1 20 1 63 1 20.1 ORIGINAL 64 1 21 ORIGINAL 65 2 22 1 66 ORIGINAL 23 1 67 ORIGINAL 24 ORIGINAL 8 ORIGINAL 25 3 69 1 26 ORIGINAL 70 2 27 ORIGINAL 71 4 28 ORIGINAL 72 3 29 ORIGINAL 73 2 30 ORIGINAL 74 2 31 1 75 3 32 1 76 2 33 ORIGINAL 76.1 1 34 1 77 3 35 1 78 3 36 ORIGINAL 79 2 37 ORIGINAL 80 3 38 2 39 1 *New or Revised Page. Issued Date: 10/20/17 Effective:11/1/17 Edwin Reese Idaho Public Utllities CommissionTariffAdministratorOfñee of the Secretary 1300 |Street NW.,Suite 400w ACCEPTED FOR FILINGWashington,DC 20005 NOV 1 -2017 Bolse,Idaho MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 120th Revised Page 2 Cancels 119th Revised Page 2 CHECK SHEET (Cont.) PAGE REVISION PAGE REVISION 81 2 114 2 82 2 115 ORIGINAL 83 2 116 ORIGINAL 84 3 117 ORIGINAL 85 2 118 ORIGINAL 85.1 2 119 ORIGINAL 85.2 2 120 12 * 85.3 2 121 9 * 86 2 122 5 87 2 123 1 88 2 124 1 89 3 125 ORIGINAL 90 2 126 ORIGINAL 91 ORIGINAL 127 ORIGINAL 92 ORIGINAL 128 ORIGINAL 93 18 129 ORIGINAL 94 5 130 5 95 5 131 2 96 7 132 2 97 8 133 5 97.1 3 134 3 98 6 135 1 98,1 8 *136 1 99 13 *137 1 99.1 6 *138 1 100 18 *139 1 100.1 5 *140 1 100.2 11 *141 1 100.3 1 142 1 100.4 1 143 1 100.5 5 *144 1 100.6 10 *145 2 100.6.A 2 *146 ORIGINAL 100.6.1 5 *147 ORIGINAL 100.6.2 4 148 ORIGINAL 100.7 3 149 ORIGINAL 101 24 150 ORIGINAL 102 9 *151 4 103 7 *152 7 104 11 *153 2 105 4 154 3 106 ORIGINAL 155 2 107 ORIGINAL 156 2 108 ORIGINAL 157 ORIGINAL 109 5 *158 ORIGINAL 110 19 *159 ORIGINAL 110.1 3 *160 3 111 3 161 3 112 3 162 2 113 15 163 1 Idaho Public Ubhties CommissIon Offlee of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR flUNG J 2 3 2015 New or Revised Page Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 120th Revised Page 3 Cancels 119th Revised Page 3 CHECK SHEET (Cont.) PAGE REVISION PAGE REVISION 164 2 207 2 165 3 208 2 166 2 209 2 167 1 210 4 168 ORIGINAL 211 4 169 ORIGINAL 212 15 170 ORIGINAL 212.1 3 171 ORIGINAL 213 4 172 ORIGINAL 214 5 173 11 215 2 174 2 216 2 175 4 217 3 176 13 218 3 177 2 219 8 178 2 220 8 179 ORIGINAL 221 13 180 4 222 8 223 4 224 8 181 3 225 2 182 4 226 3 183 7 227 2 184 8 228 2 185 3 229 2 186 3 230 3 187 3 231 5 188 3 232 15 189 3 232.1 1 190 3 232.2 4 191 3 232.3 4 192 3 232.4 4 193 3 232.5 5 193.1 1 232.6 5 194 3 232.7 4 195 3 232.8 3 196 3 232.9 1 197 3 232.10 ORIGINAL 197.1 1 232.11 ORIGINAL 197.2 3 232.12 4 198 36 *232.13 11 199 15 *232.14 9 200 2 *232.15 6 201 ORIGINAL 232.15.1 3 202 ORIGINAL 203 ORIGINAL 204 13 205 5 206 6 Haio Pu’c Ctr’ssion 0f9r cf :3 *New or Revised Page ACC.”Z Bcise,dehc Issued Date:7/22/16 Effective:8/08/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW.,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 dlbla Verizon Business Services 160th Revised Page 4 Cancels 159th Revised Page 4 CHECK SHEET (Cont.) PAGE REVISION PAGE REVISION 12 *232.37 7 * 232.16.5 16 *232.37.1 2 10 *232.38 11 * 232.16.6 11 *232.38.1 1 232.16.7 2 *232.39 7 * 232.16.8 10 *232.39.1 5 232.16.9 9 *232.40 5 * 232.16.10 8 *232.41 5 * 232.16.11 7 *232.42 3 * 232.16.12 3 *232.43 2 * 232.16.13 4 *232.44 4 * 232,16.14 4 *232.45 7 * 232.16.15 2 *232.46 6 232.16.16 3 *232.47 8 * 232.16.17 2 *232.48 6 * 232.16.18 4 *232.49 6 * 232.16.19 4 *232.50 6 * 232.17 12 232.51 6 * 232.17.1 3 232.52 3 * 232.18 1 232.53 4 * 23219 12 *23254 4 * 232191 2 *23255 5 * 23220 6 *23256 6 * 23221 6 *23257 10 * 23222 12 *23258 5 * 232.23 5 *232.59 5 * 232.24 3 232.60 6 * 232.25 2 232.61 6 * 232.26 13 232.62 4 * 232.27 2 232.63 4 * 232.28 2 232.64 5 * 232.29 2 232.65 6 * 232.30 2 232.66 3 * 232.31 2 232.67 4 * 232.32 2 232.68 5 * 232.32.1 10 232.69 4 * 232.32.2 2 232.70 4 * 23233 7 *23271 5 * 232331 7 *23272 4 * 232.34 15 *232.73 4 * 232.35 13 * 232.36 8 * 232.36.1 1 * idaho Pb1C UtitiS COffiThs5IW’ I ot the SecretarY ACCEPTED FOR flUNG *New or Revised Page Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/bla Verizon Business Services 91st Revised Page 4.1 Cancels 90th Revised Page 4.1 CHECK SHEET (Cont.) PAGE REVISION PAGE REVISION PAGE REVISION 233.30 3 233.63 3 249 ORIGINAL 233.33 3 233.64 Original 250 ORIGINAL 233.34 3 233.65 Original 251 ORIGINAL 233.35 3 233.66 Original 251.1 4 233.36 3 234 2*251.2 2 233.36.1 3 235 2*251.3 1 233.36.2 3 236 2*251.4 1 233.36.3 3 237 2*252 6 233.38 5 238 2*252.1 4 233.39 ORIGINAL 239 2*252.2 Original 233.50 4 239.1 Original*253 1 233.51 3 239.2 Original*254 1 233.52 4 239.3 Original*255 1 233.53 3 239.4 Original*256 1 233.54 3 239.5 Original*257 1 233.54.1 1 239.6 Original*258 1 233.55 3 239.7 Original*259 ORIGINAL 233.56 5 239.8 Original*260 ORIGINAL 233.56.1 1 239.9 Original*261 ORIGINAL 233.56.2 1 239.10 Original*262 ORIGINAL 233.56.3 1 239.11 Original*263 ORIGINAL 233.56.4 1 239.12 Original*264 ORIGINAL 233.56.5 1 240 1 265 ORIGINAL 233.57 3 241 1 266 ORIGINAL 233.58 3 242 2 267 ORIGINAL 233.58.1 1 244 1 268 ORIGINAL 233.58.2 1 245 1 269 ORIGINAL 233.59 3 246 1 233.60 2 247 ORIGINAL 233.62 2 248 ORIGINAL *New or Revised Page Issued Date:10/20/17 Effective:11/1/17 Edwin Reese Idaho Pubilc U*it 'N nission Tariff Administrator Offico of : a kretoy 1300 I Street NW.,Suite 400w ACCEPTED FOR FILINGWashington,DC 20005 NOV 1 -2017 80156,Idaho MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 26th Revised Page 5 Cancels 25th Revised Page 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE SECTION Applicability Explanation of Symbols Definition of Terms Rules and Regulations General Description of Intrastate Telecommunications Services Reserved for Future Use Metered Use Service General Description Option A - Dial OnelDirect Dial Option B - Credit Card Option C - MCI Flat Rate Option D - Reserved for Future Use Option E - Reserved for Future Use Option F - Reserved for Future Use Option H - Prism Plus Option I - Reserved for Future Use Option J - Operator Assisted Calling Option K - Payphone, Institutional & LEC Calling Card Service Option L - Reserved for Future Use Option M - MCI Preferred Option N - Reserved for Future Use Option 0 - Reserved for Future Use Option P - Reserved for Future Use Option Q - Commercial Dial 1 Option R - MCI Phonecash Option S - Reserved for Future Use Option T - MCI Prepaid Option U - Reserved for Future Use Option V - 500 Personal Number Service Option W - Reserved for Future Use Option X - MCI Flat Rate Plus Option Y - Advanced Option I for Small Business Option Z - Reserved for Future Use Option AA - Advanced Option II for Small Business Option AB - homeMCl One Option AC - Reserved for Future Use Option AD - MCI One Savings Option AE - MCI One Extra Option AF - MCl One Advantage Option AG - Reserved for Future Use Option AH - MCI Everyday Classic Option Al - MCI Everyday Plus Option AJ - MCI AnyTime Option AK - MCI Everyday Savings Option AL - Basic Calling Plan XX Option AM - Basic Calling Plan W Option AN - Basic Calling Plan ZZ TID TID TID TID TID TID TID TID TID TID TID TID TID Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown Idaho Public Utilities fiommiosian Tariff Manager Office of the SecreCaij 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 110wCEPTED FOR FfLiNG Chicago, IL 60601 1.'. SEP l - 2008 Rnii. Idnho MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 22nd Revised Page 5.1 Cancels 21 st Revised Page 5.1 Metered Use Service (Cont.) O~tion A 0 - 220 Direct Plan TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT.1 option AP - 321 Direct Plan Option AQ - T I LD Plan Option AR - T1 LD 7c Plan Option AS - MCI Simple International Plan Option AT - Basic Calling Plan A Option AU - Basic Calling Plan B Option AV - Block of Time Plan 4 Option AW - Block of Time Plan 5 Option AX - Block of Time Plan 6 Option AY - Block of Time Plan 7 Option AZ - NetRate Plan Option BA - Basic Calling Plan C Option BB - Basic Calling Plan D Option BC - Basic Calling Plan E Option BD - Basic Calling Plan F Option BE - Basic Calling Plan G Option BF - Basic Calling Plan H Option BG - Basic Calling Plan I Option BH - Basic Calling Plan J Option BI - Basic Calling Plan K Option BJ - Basic Calling Plan L Option BK - Basic Calling Plan M Option BL - Basic Calling Plan N Option BM - Basic Calling Plan 0 Option BN - Basic Calling Plan P Option BO - Basic Calling Plan Q Option BP - Basic Calling Plan R Option BQ - Basic Calling Plan S Option BR - Basic Calling Plan T Option BS - Basic Calling Plan U Option BT - Basic Calling Plan V Option BU - Basic Calling Plan W Option BV - Basic Calling Plan X Option BW - Basic Calling Plan Y Option BX - lntegrated RLA Service Option BY - lntegrated RLC Service Option BZ - lntegrated RLE Service Option CA - lntegrated RLG Service Option CB - Small Business Long Distance Plan A Option CC - Small Business Long Distance Plan B Option CD - Small Business Long Distance Plan C Option CE - Block of Time Plan 8 Option CF - lntegrated Plan RLH Option CG - Reserved for Future Use Option CH - Reserved for Future Use Option CI - Reserved for Future Use Option CJ - Basic Calling Plan Z Option CK - Reserved for Future Use Option CL - Residential Affinity Block-of-Time Plan 1 Option CM - Business 82 lntegrated Service Option CO - Business 82 Toll Free Service PAGE 232.40 ldrhs Public Utilities Cornmission Office of the Secretary SECTION ACCEPTED FOR FILING C-3.45 ; Boise, Idaho C-3.46 C-3.47 : CERTAIN MATERIAL PREVIOUSLY LOCATED ON THIS PAGE WAS MOVED TO PAGE 5.2. z NIZ NIZ NIZ NIZ NIZ NIZ NIZ NIZ NIZ NIZ NIZ NIZ NIZ Issued Date: 10122107 Effective: 1 111 107 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/bla Verizon Business Services 5th Revised Page 5.2 Cancels 4th Revised Page 5.2 TABLE OF CONTENTS(Cont.) PAGE SECTION Metered Use Service (Cont.) Option CP -Reservedfor Future Use 233.16 C-3.74 Option CQ -Basic Calling Plan AAA 233.20 C-3.75 Option CR -Reservedfor Future Use 233.21 C-3.76 Option CS -Reservedfor Future Use 233.21 C-3.77 Option CT -Basic Calling Plan AA 233.22 C-3.78 Option CU -Basic Calling Plan BB 233.23 C-3.79 Option CV -Basic Calling Plan CC 233.24 C-3.80 Option CW -Basic Calling Plan DD 233.26 C-3.82 Option CX -Basic Calling Plan EE 233.27 C-3.83 Option CY -Basic Calling Plan FF 233.28 C-3.84 Option CZ -Employee BenefitPlan Il 233.29 C-3.85 Option DA -Instate Access RecoveryFee 233.30 C-3.86 Option DB -Basic Calling Plan GG 233.31 C-3.87 Option DC -Basic Calling Plan HH 233.32 C-3.88 Option DG -Reservedfor Future Use 233.33 C-3.89 Option DH -Integrated Plan RLI 233.37 C-3.90 Option DI -Small Business Long Distance Plan D 233.40 C-3.91 Option DJ -Integrated Plan RLK 233.41 C-3.92 Option DK -Integrated Plan RLL 233.44 C-3.93 Option DL -Basic Calling Plan Il 233.47 C-3.94 Option DM -Integrated Plan RLJ 233.48 C-3.95 Option DN -Reservedfor Future Use 233.51 C-3.96 Option DO -Reservedfor Future Use 233.56 C-3.97 Option DP -Verizon Prepaid Phone Cards 233.57 C-3.98 Option DQ -TUSATalkSmarterBlock-of-Time 500 233.59 C-3.99 Option DR -TUSA TalkSmarter500 233.61 C-3.100 Option DS -10-10-321 233.62 C-3.101 Option DT -10-10-220 233.63 C-3.102 Option DU -10-10-987Calling 233.63 C-3.103 Option DV -MinutePass Phone Cards 233.64-233.66 C-3.104 Company Services Formerly Offered by TTI National,Inc.234-239.12 C-4 T/N Reserved for Future Use 240 C-5 Service Availability Tables 241-246 C-6 Termination of Residential Service 247-251 C-7 Calling Plans 251.1-251.4 C-8 Reserved for Future Use 251.5-258 D Acronyms 264 E Issued Date:10/20/17 Effective:11/1/17 Edwin Reese idaho Public Utilities CommissionTariffAdministratorOfineoftheSecreta1300|Street NW.,Suite 400w ACCEPTED FOR F UNGWashington,DC 20005 NOV I -209 Attien Isinha MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 6 Cancels 1 st Revised Page 6 APPLICABILITY This tariff applies to Intrastate Telecommunications Services furnished by MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services between and among points within the State of T Idaho. Effective August 1, 2001, pursuant to the direction of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), MCI is canceling its federal tariffs for services with certain exceptions, including those T pertaining to exchange access, casual calling, and basic long distance service during a 45-day period for customers who sign up for WorldCom service with a Local Exchange Carrier (LEC). International services for Residential and Small Business customers will also remain tariffed through January 27, 2002. D/T I DIT Also, beginning August 1, service descriptions, definitions, terms and conditions, and pricing for state-to-state Residential and Small Business services no longer federally tariffed may be found i) at http://www.mci.com/service for Residential services and http://www.mci.com/sb/service~agreement for Small Business services, or ii) by calling 1-800-444-3333. ldaho Public Utilities Commissien Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 -- 2008 Boise, ldaho --" - - *.-A Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1 100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 7 EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS (C) - Changed regulation (Dl - Discontinued rates or regulation (I - Increase in rate (MI - Moved material (N) - New rate or regulation (R) - Reduction rate (TI - Change in text only: no change in ratelregulation (S) - Reissued matter (Z) - Correction Idaho Public Utilities ~0ITImi~~ion Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 8 SECTION A - DEFINITION OF TERMS For the purposes of this tariff, the following definitions shall apply. Access Coordination Provides for the design, ordering, installation coordination, pre-service testing, service turn-up and maintenance on an MCI- or customer-provided local access channel. Access coordination does not apply to AT&T CCSAiEPSCS switch connections. Access Line A dedicated arrangement which connects a customer location to an MCI terminal location or an MCI switching center. Accountina Code A code consisting of 2 or more digits which is available to subscribers of Dial " 1 ", MCI WATS and Option B of MCl's CCSA Service which enables them to identify individual users and thereby allocate the cost of their long distance service. Accountina Code (VNET Service1 Customer-defined, non-verified codes which can be used to identify a project or an account for allocating the cost of the long distance call. From a dedicated access line, an Accounting Code can consist of up to seven digits but when used with an ID code (as defined herein), the total number of digits cannot exceed seven. From a VNET Dial "1" telephone number, an Accounting Code will consist of two digits and cannot be dialed in conjunction with an ID code. Administrative Chanae The modification of an existing circuit, dedicated access line or port, at the request of the customer, that involves changes to authorization codes, speed numbers, route guide, consolidation of billing within Dedicated Leased Line Service, verification of testing performed by parties other than MCI, or any other administrative change not covered by a Billing Record Change. (See below for definition.) ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 2ND REVISED PAGE 9 CANCELS 1" REVISED PAGE 9 SECTION A - DEFINITION OF TERMS (CONT.1 A ~ ~ l i c a t i o n for Service A standard MCI order form which includes all pertinent billing, technical and other descriptive information which will enable MCI to provide a communication service as required. Attenuation Distortion The difference between the amount of power lost at certain frequencies compared to the power lost at a frequency of 1004 Hz. Used in connection with C-type conditioning. Authorization Code One or more codes (consisting of 5 or more digits) which are available to Metered Use Service customers to enable them to identify individual users or groups of users, and, thereby, allocate the costs of their long distance service. Authorized User A person, firm, corporation, or other entity that either is authorized to receive or send communications or is placed in a position by the customer to send or receive communications. Bandwidth The total frequency band, in hertz, allocated for a channel. Billincl Record Chancle A change in customer billing address. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILINC O C T 2 5 1999 Boise, ldano CERTAIN MATERIAL FORMERLY FOUND ON THIS PAGE CAN NOW BE FOUND ON PAGE 9.1. ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 4TH REVISED PAGE 9.1 CANCELS 3RD REVISED PAGE 9.1 SECTION A - DEFINITION OF TERMS (CONT.1 Callina Circle For customers subscribing to the Friends & Family Program, a Calling Circle includes U.S. telephone numbers of Subscribers and Members, which are presubscribed to MCI. Subscribers and Members must also be customers of Metered Use Service Option A (Dial OnelDirect Dial) As used in conjunction with the Friends of the Firm Program, a Calling Circle is defined as follows: In connection with Metered Use Service Option H (Prism Plus), a Calling Circle is a group of up to twenty (20) U.S. telephone numbers, which numbers are presubscribed to MCI, one telephone number in an international location served by MCI, plus the Subscriber's own telephone number or numbers. Telephone numbers which are not capable of being presubscribed to an interexchange carrier and telephone numbers which are associated with MCI 800 Service, or MCI 900 Service, payphone numbers, institutional telephone numbers and numbers associated with MCI services other than switched services will not be eligible for inclusion in Calling Circles. The domestic telephone numbers included in a Calling Circles may be changed by the Subscriber from time to time. The international telephone number may be changed not more than once during the Subscriber's monthly billing cycle. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlLlNG OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 lST REVISED PAGE 10 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE 10 SECTION A - DEFINITION OF TERMS (CONT.1 Called Station The station called, or the terminating point of a call. Callins Station The station from which the call is originated. Cancellation of Order A customer initiated request to discontinue processing a service order, either in part or in its entirety, prior to its completion. Cancellation charges will be assessed for each circuit-end or dedicated access line cancelled from an order prior to its completion by MCI, under the following circumstances: (1) if the local Telco has confirmed in writing to MCI that the circuit-end or dedicated access line will be installed; or (2) if MCI has already submitted facilities orders to an interconnecting telephone company. (This differs from a Disconnection, see page 13.) Casual Caller N Denotes any person who uses MCI WorldCom service from an equal access end office who does not have a current account with the Company for services offered under this tariff. Casual Caller is further defined as: (i) any person who has not established an account with the Company who places calls over the Company's network from an equal access area; (ii) any presubscribed customer located in an equal access area who has either voluntarily terminated his MCI WorldCom account or has had his MCI WorldCom account terminated in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in Sections B-5 and B-I 1; or (iii) new or allocated customers whose accounts are not yet established in the Company's billing system. N Central Office Connection (COC) Connects the Inter-Office Channel (as defined herein) of a Dedicated Leased circuit or connects the access port of a switched channel to the Local Access Channel (as defined herein). Charges for Central Office Connection do not apply to AT&T CCSAIEPSCS switch connections. Channel or Circuit A communications path between two or more points, having a bandwidth or transmission speed selected by a customer. Channel Bank (M24 or M441 A device that converts analog voice frequency channels into digital formats and multiplexes these channels and/or data channels into a 1.544 mbps digital signal. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 6 2001 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: May 7, 2001 EFFECTIVE: May 16, 2001 Erik Sanchez Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, gth Floor San Francisco, CA 941 05 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 2ND REVISED PAGE 11 CANCELS 1 ST REVISED PAGE 1 1 SECTION A - DEFINITION OF TERMS (CONT.1 Channel O ~ t i o n s Features which can be added to a local access channel to change and/or augment its transmission characteristics. Typical channel options are signaling and data conditioning. Channel Termination The point at which MCl's channel originates, terminates, or drops for the insertion or removal of a customer's signal. Collect Call A billing arrangement which bills the charge for a long distance call to the called station's telephone number. The person agreeing to accept the call, whether they are an MCI customer or not, is responsible for all charges related to the call. Regardless of whether the person is an MCI customer or not, he or she is subject to the provisions of this tariff which are applicable to the call accepted. Commercial Service A switched network service which provides for dial station origination for which the subscriber pays a rate that is described as a business or commercial rate in the applicable local exchange service tariff for switched services. Common Control Switchincl Arranaement (CCSA1 An arrangement for switched service networks in which common control MCI switching machines are used to switch network trunks. The switching machines may be shared with other users. C o m ~ a n v MCI WorldCom Communications, Inc. Concurrincl Carrier A telecommunications carrier who agrees to abide by MCl's rules and regulations. Connectincl Carrier A telecommunications carrier that supplies MCI with facilities to originate or terminate MCl's services and with whom MCl's facilities are directly connected. Cor~orate Enter~rise When used in connection with Metered Use Service Options L (MCI Vision) and S (MCI HotelDirect), a Corporate Enterprise comprises all the MCI Vision accounts established for one MCI Vision customer or all the MCI HotelDirect accounts established for one MCI HotelDirect customer. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING O C T 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 12 SECTION A - DEFINITION OF TERMS (CONT.1 Customer The person, firm, corporation or other entity which orders service -- either for its own use, as a resale carrier, or as a non-profit manager of a sharing group -- and which is responsible for the payment of charges and for compliance with MCI tariff regulations. The term "customer" also includes a person, firm, corporation or other entity that (1) has not presubscribed to MCI service, but accesses MCI Dial "1 " by dialing the access number 10222, or any other MCI carrier identification code, or (2) remains presubscribed to MCI service after its account is removed from MCl's billing system, subsequently continues to use MCl's network, and is billed by a local exchange service company in compliance with MCI tariff regulations. For billing purposes, a customer is considered to be an account. In the Metered Use Services, if a person, firm, corporation or other entity orders the service in more than one MCI originating city, or requests the assignment of more than one account number in a particular city, each such account is a separate customer for billing purposes. Customer-Provided Terminal Eauipment Terminal equipment, as defined herein, provided by a customer. DSU (Data Service Unit1 A device that connects a customer's data terminal equipment to the Cwire Local Access Channel of the Digital Data Service. Dedicated Access/Termination Dedicated Leased Line facilities used between the customer's premises or serving central office and the MCI terminal for origination or termination of calls. Direct Termination Overflow An option which allows a VNET Customer to direct that calls to a specific Dedicated Termination line group shall be routed over MCl's shared network if all Dedicated Termination lines in the group are busy. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 6 2001 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: May 7, 2001 EFFECTIVE: May 16, 2001 Erik Sanchez Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, gth Floor San Francisco, CA 941 05 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 13 SECTION A - DEFINITION OF TERMS (CONT.1 Disconnection The disconnection of a circuit, dedicated access line or port connection being used for existing service. (This differs from a Cancellation; see page 10). Envelo~e Delav Distortion Denotes a measure of the linearity of the phase versus frequency of a channel. It is the maximum variation over a band of frequencies of the envelope delay, which is the derivative of the phase with respect to frequency. Used in connection with C-type conditioning. Exem~tion Certificate A written notification provided by the customer certifying that his or her dedicated facility should be exempted from the monthly Special Access Surcharge because (a) the facility terminates in a device not capable of interconnecting MCl's service with the local exchange network or (b) the facility is associated with a Switched Access Service that is subject to Carrier Common Line Charges. A service order initiated at the request of the customer, plus the accompanying installation or change to related circuits, that is processed in a time period shorter than the MCI standard service interval. Four-Wire Circuit A circuit using t w o one-way transmission paths, which include t w o carrier paths and two wire-pairs. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEFSYED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 1 4 SECTION A - DEFINITION OF TERMS (CONT.) ID Code (VNET Service) A customer defined, verified code used to identify the user making a VNET call. From a dedicated access line, an ID code can consist of up to seven digits, but when used with a non-verified Accounting Code (as defined herein), the total number of digits cannot exceed seven. From a VNET Dial "1" telephone number, an ID Code will consist of 2 digits and cannot be dialed in conjunction with an Accounting Code. Installation The connection of a circuit, dedicated access line or port for new or additional service. lntermodulation Distortion A measure of the non-linearity of a channel used in connection with D-type conditioning. Inter-Office Channel (IOCl The long-haul portion of a dedicated circuit that connects t w o or more points of presence (as defined herein) in distant cities. Inter-Office Conditioning Special adjustments made to the long-haul portion of a dedicated circuit (required for data circuits only) to assure specific performance levels required for high-speed data transmission. Inter-Office Siclnalinq Signaling (as defined herein) which applies to dedicated circuits carrying voice traffic only Inter-Office Signaling does not apply to AT&T CCSAIEPSCS inter-machine trunks. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILINC O C T 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 15 SECTION A - DEFINITION OF TERMS ICONT.1 lnterswitch Trunk A circuit which connects t w o CCSA switching centers. lnvoice - The term "Invoice" as used in connection with MCI 800 denotes all service groups (locations) and MCI 800 numbers associated with a single Corporate ID. The term "Invoice" as used in connection with Prism I denotes an account. Joint Users A person, firm or corporation designated by the customer as a user of communication facilities furnished to the customer by MCI, and to whom a portion of the charge for such facilities is billed under a joint user arrangement. LATA - (Local Access and Trans~ort Areal A geographical area established as required by the Modified ~ i n a l Judgement in the government's antitrust suit against the Bell System for the provision and administration of communications services. Local Access Channel The dedicated line that connects the customer's premises to MCl's point of presence (as defined herein). Local Access Channels do not apply to AT&T CCSAIEPSCS switch connections. Local Callinq Area Denotes a geographical area in which a Local Exchange Company end user may complete a call without incurring long distance charges. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 19g9 Boise. Idaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services Idaho Price List No. 1 I st Revised Page 16 Cancels Original Page 16 SECTION A - DEFINITION OF TERMS (CONT.1 Idaho Public Utilities Commissien Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 11 00 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 1st Revised Page 17 Cancels Original Page 17 SECTION A - DEFINITION OF TERMS (CONT.) ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING . . S E P 1 - 2 0 0 8 Boise, ldaho Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 18 Cancels 1 st Revised Page 18 SECTION A - DEFINITION OF TERMS (CONT.) Local Exchanoe Companv (LEC) A company which furnishes exchange telephone service. MCI - MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services and/or one or more Concurring Carriers. ldaho Public Utilities Commisisn Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 -- zoo6 Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 5TH REVISED PAGE 19 CANCELS 4TH REVISED PAGE 19 SECTION A - DEFINITION OF TERMS (CONT.1 MCI Metro~olitan Area Terminal Citv Location (called Terminal Location1 Locations where MCI maintains a terminal facility for purposes of providing Intrastate Telecommunications Service. MCI Recoanized National Holidavs The applicable MCI Recognized National Holidays are pursuant to MCl's FCC Tariff No. 1. MCI Terminal A long distance transmission facility that interconnects with the local transmission facility. Member As used in conjunction with the Friends 81 Family or Friends of the Firm Programs, a Member is an MCI customer whose telephone number is included in a Calling Circle. An MCI customer may be a Member of an unlimited number of Calling Circles. Multiline Terminatinq Device Denotes switching equipment, key telephone type systems or other similar customer premise terminating equipment which is capable of terminating more than one access line. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2.5 1999 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 1 ST REVISED PAGE 20 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE 20 SECTION A - DEFINITION OF TERMS (CONT.) NCTE (Network Channel Terminating Eaui~mentl A device that connects a customer's data terminal equipment to the Local Access Channel of Terrestrial Digital Service (including T-I Digital Access). Network Trunks Access lines, interswitch trunks, and circuits connecting services and facilities of MCI or other carriers to MCI CCSA switching centers. Off-Network Access Line A local exchange, foreign exchange, or WATS line connecting both incoming and outgoing traffic from an MCI switched service network to the Direct Distance Dialing (DDD) network. One-Wav Transmission The capability of transmission in only one direction. O~erator Dialed Applies a surcharge to Operator Station, Person-to-Person, Station Collect, Person Collect, and Third Party rated calls when the customer has the capability of dialing all the digits necessary to complete a call, but elects to dial only the appropriate operator code ("On, "OO", or "10222+0") and requests the operator to dial the call station. Handicapped customers who are unable to dial the call because of hislher handicap may request credit for the surcharge from the operator when the call is made. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho CERTAIN MATERIAL FORMERLY FOUND ON THIS PAGE CAN NOW BE FOUND ON PAGE 20.1. ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 20.1 SECTION A - DEFINITION OF TERMS (CONT.) Other Common Carrier A person, firm, corporation or entity which subscribes to MCl's communication services and facilities and resells these communication services and facilities to the public for profit. Unless otherwise indicated, the term "other common carrier" when used herein also means "customer" and includes entities which are brokers of the service (act as intermediaries for the purposes of reselling), those entities which are processors of the service (enhance the value of the service through substantial incurred costs), and those entities which are underlying carriers (own transmission facilities). Partici~atina Carrier A telecommunications carrier with whom MCI has arrangements for providing independent or joint service. ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS PREVIOUSLY LOCATED ON PAGE 20. ldaho Public Utilities Cornmissio~ Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlLlN Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 21 SECTION A - DEFINITION OF TERMS (CONT.1 Person to Person A service for which the person originating the call specifies to the Company operator a particular person, mobile station, department, extension, or office to be reached. If the called party is unavailable and the calling party requests or agrees to speak to a party other than the party initially specified, the call is still billed a Person-to-Person call. Phvsical Chanae The modification of an existing circuit, dedicated access line or port, at the request of the customer, requiring some physical change or retermination. MCl's physical presence in a LATA (as defined herein). Locations where MCI maintains a terminal facility for purposes of providing Customized Business Communications Service. Premises The space designated by a customer at its place or places of business for termination of MCI service, whether for its own communications needs or for the use of its resale customers. In the case of the non-profit sharing group, this term includes space at each sharer's place or places of business, as well as space at the customer's place of business. Pre-Programmed Automatic Sianalina (PPAS1 A signaling arrangement by which a customer may automatically signal a pre-determined ten-digit telephone number without the requirement of any dialed digits. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 1 ST REVISED PAGE 22 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE 22 SECTION A - DEFINITION OF TERMS (CONT.1 Qualified Commercial Affinitv Grow (A) A trade association, representing business entities or individuals within an industry, professional, or business classification, or a commercial organization with affiliated franchisees, independent agents, independent distributors, or other multiple commercial representatives, or a buying group not organized for the purpose of qualifying for the discounts provided for herein, which meets the following criteria within twelve (1 2) months of undertaking to qualify and thereafter maintains them, and enters into an agreement with MCI for the marketing of MCl's services. The group's members who have subscribed to MCl's service through the group must have aggregate billings, net of taxes, promotional credits, and surcharges, of at least $20,000 per month attributable to Options A (Dial OneIDirect Dial), B (Credit Card), D (MCI 800 - Switched WATS and Business Line Termination only), E (Prism I), H (Prism Plus), L (MCI Vision), and/or Q (Commercial Dial I), and have average usage per member of at least $35.00 per month attributable to these options. Unless otherwise specified in this tariff or in the agreement, customer's usage of MCI service under this plan cannot be used to qualify for any other benefits under this tariff or under other arrangements between MCI and third parties who undertake to market MCl's services. (B) A trade association, representing business entities or individuals within an industry, professional, or business classification, or a commercial organization with affiliated franchisees, independent agents, independent distributors, or other multiple commercial representatives, a buying group not organized for the purpose of qualifying for the discounts provided for herein, or a group consisting of business entities or individuals engaged in business in common (e.g., an entity providing a reservation system and its users, an entity and its independent dealerships, a service entity and the businesses to which it provides service under contract, an entity and its major suppliers, etc.) which agrees to meet the following set of criteria within twelve (1 2) months of undertaking to qualify and thereafter maintain them, and enters into an agreement with MCI for the marketing of MCl's services. The group's members who have subscribed to ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 IST REVISED PAGE 23 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE 23 SECTION A - DEFINITION OF TERMS (CONT.) Qualified Commercial Affinitv Grour, (CONT.1 (Bl MCl's service through the group must have aggregate billings, net of taxes, promotional credits, and surcharges, of at least $20,000 per month attributable to Options A, B, D, E, H, L, and/or 0, and have average usage per member of at least $75.00 per month attributable to these options. Unless otherwise specified in this tariff or in the agreement, customer's usage of MCI service under this plan cannot be used to qualify for any other benefits under this tariff or under other arrangements between MCI and third parties who undertake to market MCl's services. In either case, if a group fails to achieve the prescribed minimums within twelve (12) months of undertaking to qualify or, having qualified, fails for t w o (2) consecutive months to maintain these minimums, it will cease to be a "qualified commercial affinity group", and its members who have subscribed to MCl's service under Section C-3 will thereupon become subject to the terms applicable to all other customers of MCl's Options A, B, D, E, H, L, and/or Q. Charges for additional Authorization Codes and Accounting Codes will be waived for all Qualified Commercial Affinity Group customers. Customers who subscribe to Dial "1" through Qualified Commercial Affinity Group may not sign up for any of the Premier Calling Plans set forth in Section C-3.02111 and C-3.02112. Rate Center A specific geographical location used for determining mileage measurements. Redundancv The offering of alternate Intrastate Telecommunication Services which may be provided using one or more different routings, circuits, and/or additional equipment. Residential Service A switched network service which provides for dial station originations for which the subscriber pays a rate that is described as a residential, non-commercial, or non-business rate in the applicable local exchange service tariff for switched service. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 24 SECTION A - DEFINITION OF TERMS (CONT.) Restoration The re-establishing of service by rerouting, substitution of component parts, or otherwise, as determined by the carrier(s) involved. Route Diversitv Two channels which are furnished partially or entirely over t w o physically separate routes. Service G r o u ~ - The term "Service Group" as used in connection with MCI WATS denotes one or more MCI WATS dedicated access lines terminated in the same multiline terminating device at the same customer premises. The term "Service Group" as used in connection with MCI 800 Service denotes a group of access lines represented by a lead Automatic Number Identification (ANI), a switchltrunk identifying number, or a single telephone number. Shared Termination Utilization of the local exchange network facilities for termination of VNET calls. Shared Trans~ort Utilization of MCl's switched network for the long-haul portion of VNET calls. Line status communications between MCI terminals and/or local exchange carrier central offices, required for voice grade dedicated circuits only. Signaling does not apply to AT&T CCSAIEPSCS switch connections. Signal to Noise Rates The ratio of dB of a tone signal to the corresponding noise. Used in connection with D-type conditioning. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, Idaho . - ,A. - ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 3RD REVISED PAGE 25 CANCELS 2ND REVISED PAGE 25 SECTION A - DEFINITION OF TERMS (CONT.) Seecial Promotional Offerinq Special discounts or modifications of its regular service offerings which MCI may, from time to time, offer to its customers for a particular service. Such offerings may be limited to certain dates, times and locations. Soeed Number A signaling arrangement by which a Metered Use Service customer may elect to dial a pre-programmed four-digit number in place of a designated ten-digit number. Subscriber As used in conjunction with the Friends of the Firm Program, a Subscriber is an MCI customer who undertakes to establish a Calling Circle by giving MCI a list of proposed Members and their telephone numbers (ANIS). As used in conjunction with the Friends & Family Program, a subscriber is an MCI customer who undertakes to establish a Calling Circle by enrolling in a Friends & family Program. An MCI Customer cannot be a Subscriber for more than one Calling Circle. As used in conjunction with other MCI services, a Subscriber is an MCI customer who has ordered the MCI service. Terminal Eauiement Devices, apparatus and their associated wiring, such as teleprinters, telephone handsets and data sets. Third Partv Billinq An optional billing procedure which permits the charges for a long distance call to be billed to a number that is different from the number of the calling station or the number of the called station. The person agreeing to accept the call, whether they are an MCI customer or not, is responsible for all charges related to the call. Regardless of whether the person is an MCI customer or not, he or she is subject to the provisions of this tariff which are applicable to the call accepted. Transmission Soeed Data Transmission speed or rate, in bits per second (bps). Two-Wav Transmission The capability of transmission in either direction or in both directions at once. Two-Wire Circuit A circuit using t w o one-way carrier transmission paths, plus one wire-pair. Irlnho Public Utilities Commission .--..- Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 b s e , ldaho 1 _- ..__- ,.. . -. I.-' ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 26 SECTION A - DEFINITION OF TERMS (CONT.1 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK tdaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 27 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, \daho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 28 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING O C T 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 29 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 30 SECTION B - RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE -01 lntrastate Telecommunications Service is the furnishing of MCI services for communications between specified locations under the terms contained herein. Channels will be those of MCI alone, or MCl's in conjunction with those of other participating, concurring or connecting carriers. .02 lntrastate Telecommunications Service consists of the furnishing, for the use of customers, of channels for the direct transmission and reception of communications between the MCI Metropolitan Area Terminal City Locations or MCI terminals and all service offerings contained herein which anticipate the provision of such channels as part of the offering are included in this category. Such service has the capability of being extended beyond the respective MCI terminal locations. .03 MCI, when acting at the customer's request and as his authorized agent, will make reasonable efforts to arrange for service requirements which may include terminal equipment and circuit conditioning. .04 The MCI network is designed to insure that no more than five percent of all calls are blocked during the busy hour of the average business day. The network circuits are designed and engineered to provide high quality transmission of the human voice with a minimum level of impairment such as noise and echo. However, overall quality may vary somewhat due to the variability in quality of the connections provided by the local telephone companies, which is beyond MCl's control. 2. LIMITATIONS .01 Service is offered subject to the availability of facilities and the provisions contained herein. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 i Boise, Idaho j ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 IST REVISED PAGE 31 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE 31 SECTION B - RULES AND REGULATIONS 2. LIMITATIONS (CONT.1 .02 Service may be disconnected, upon written notice, when necessitated by conditions beyond MCl's control. These conditions include, but are not limited to, a customer's call volume or calling pattern that results or may result in network blockages or other service degradation which adversely affect service to the calling party, customer, or other customers of MCI. MCI also reserves the right to discontinue furnishing service, upon written notice, when the customer is using the service in violation of the provisions contained herein, or in violation of the law. .03 Call Blocking: Without notice, the Company may block calls to or from certain countries, country (T) codes, cities, city codes, NXX exchanges, individual telephone stations, groups or ranges of individual telephone stations or calls that use certain authorization codes, whenever the Company deems it necessary to take such action to prevent: (a) the unlawful use of service; (b) fraud; (c) the use of service in violation of the requirements of this Tariff; or (d) Company network blockage or the degradation of service furnished to the Customer or to other customers; or when actions taken by foreign governments or foreign telecommunications agencies, or responsive actions taken by the U. S. Government or any instrumentality thereof, render it impossible or impracticable to provide service. The Company will unblock as soon as it determines it can do so without undue risk, and it will, upon request by an affected Customer, assign new authorization codes to replace any that were deactivated. Whenever call blocking occurs on lines presubscribed to the Company, Customers or former Customers will be unable to make calls via any of the Company's ClCs or those of its affiliates. At the request of a private payphone owner, the Company will arrange to block direct dial (i.e., completed without the assistance of an operator) calls made from a payphone to Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands and to all international locations, except Canada. The Company may refuse to accept calling or credit card, collect calling and/or third number calls which it determines are or may be fraudulent, or it may limit the use of these billing options to or from certain countries or areas, including all or part of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. (TI .04 Toll access will not be provided to local 976 numbers because the proprietors of the services offered through such numbers have not provided MCI with a schedule of their charges. .05 MCI reserves the right to discontinue the use of any code provided to a customer of its Metered Use Services, e.g. Dial "1" or Credit Card or VNET, and to substitute another code for such customer's use. Nothing herein, or in any other provision of this tariff, or in any marketing materials issued by the company shall give any person any ownership, interest, or proprietary right in any given MCI code. .06 A customer shall not use any service mark or trade mark of MCI or refer to MCI in connection with any product, equipment, promotion or publication of the customer without the approval of MCI. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 6 ,- 2002 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: May 2, 2002 EFFECTIVE: May N, 2002 Erik Sanchez lp Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, gth Floor San Francisco, CA 941 0528 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 1 ST REVISED PAGE 32 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE 32 SECTION B - RULES AND REGULATIONS 2. LIMITATIONS (CONT.1 .07 In order to control fraud, MCI may refuse to accept LEC Calling Cards which it determines to be invalid. All coin paid calls initiated via MCI Payphone Service will be routed to AT&T. All 91 1 emergency calls initiated via MCI Payphone, or Institutional Phone Service will be completed by the local exchange company. .08 Calls may not be placed using a Local Exchange Company's calling card whenever there is no obligation on the part of the Local Exchange Company issuing the calling card to invoice such calls on MCl's behalf, and calls may not be placed or received using 10XXX dialing or collect third party calling conventions, e.g., 1-800-COLLECT, whenever there is no obligation on the part of the serving Local Exchange Carrier to invoice such calls on MCl's behalf or whenever that Carrier fails to provide billing name and address (BNA) information to MCI in connection with such calls. 3. TERMS AND CONDITIONS -01 Service is provided and billed on the basis of a minimum period of at least one month. Service begins on the date that billing becomes effective and continues to be provided until cancelled by the customer in writing on not less than 3 0 day's notice. 3 0 days notice is calculated as 3 0 days from the date of the post mark on the customers letter giving notice of cancellation. If this results in a customer being billed for part of a month, the bill shall be prorated for the number of the days in the month that are part of the 3 0 day notice requirements compared to the total number of days in that calendar month. This pertains to services that have monthly minimum charges, which are Dedicated Leased Lines, MCI WATS and group billing. .02 Service is offered on a monthly basis, 2 4 hours per day. It is also offered on a Metered Use basis. -03 For the purpose of computing charges, a month is considered to have 3 0 days. .04 The name(s) of the customer(s) desiring to use the service must be stipulated in the application for service. .05 Customers will only be charged once, on either an interstate or intrastate basis, for any nonrecurring or optional features. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Bo~se, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 33 SECTION B - RULES AND REGULATIONS 3. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (CONT.1 .06 The customer agrees to operate MCI-provided equipment in accordance with instructions of MCI or MCl's agent. Failure to do so will void MCl's liability for interruption of service and may make the customer responsible for damage to equipment pursuant to Section B-3.07 below. .07 The customer agrees to return to MCI all MCI-provided equipment delivered to the customer within five (5) days of termination of the service in connection with which the equipment was used. Said equipment shall be in the same condition as when delivered to the customer, normal wear and tear only are excepted. The customer shall reimburse MCI, upon demand, for any costs incurred by MCI due to the customer's failure t o comply with this provision. 4. LIABILITY .O1 Except for granting credit allowances for interruptions of service as provided in Section B-14, MCI shall not be liable for any failure of performance due to causes beyond its control, including, but not limited to, acts of God, fires, floods or other catastrophes, national emergencies, insurrections, riots or wars; strikes, lockouts, work stoppages or other labor difficulties; and any law, order, regulation or other action of any governing authority or agency thereof. .02 MCl's liability for willful misconduct, if established as a result of judicial or administrative proceedings, is not limited by this tariff. With respect to any other claim or suit, by a customer or by any others, for damages associated with the ordering (including the reservation of any specific number for use with a service), installation (including delays thereof), ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver. CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 1 ST REIVSED PAGE 3 4 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE 3 4 SECTION B - RULES AND REGULATIONS 4. LIABILITY (CONT.1 .02 Cont.1 provision, termination, maintenance, repair, interruption, or restoration of any service or facilities offered under this tariff and subject to the provisions of B-4.03 to .07 following, MCl's liability, if any, shall be limited as follows: .021 With respect to any Dedicated Leased Line Service offered by MCI (Analog Voice Grade Service, Analog Data Service, Alternate VoiceIData Service, Digital Data Service, Terrestrial Digital Service - 1.51, MCl's liability shall not exceed an amount equivalent to the credit for interruption of service provided for in MCl's Dedicated Leased Line Service Offering. With respect to other services offered by MCI which have the characteristics of a private line service (Multiple Access Data Collection Service, Wideband Service, Program Channel Service, Extension Point Service) MCl's liability shall not exceed an amount equal to the proportionate monthly recurring charge or charges for the service for the period during which the service was affected. .022 With respect to any service provided by MCI which involves dedicated access, shared interexchange transmission, and shared termination (VNET Service, Prism I or Prism II) MCl's liability shall not exceed an amount equal to the proportionate monthly recurring charges -- including any service charges, monthly minimum charges, basic feature package charges, monthly charges for optional feature, charges for dedicated access facilities and any other monthly charges -- for the period during which the service was affected, or, if only a transmission using the shared interexchange facilities is interrupted, an amount equal to the charge applicable to a I-minute call to the called station at the time the affected call was made. If there is a higher initial minute charge for the service, that higher per minute rate shall apply. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 1 ST REVISED PAGE 35 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE 35 SECTION B - RULES AND REGULATIONS 4. LIABILITY (CONT.1 .023 With respect to any service provided by MCI which involves shared access, shared interexchange transmission, and dedicated or shared termination, with per minute usage charges, for MCI 800 Service, MCl's liability shall not exceed an amount equal to the proportionate monthly recurring charges -- including any monthly fee for any option associated with the service, charges for dedicated termination facilities, and any other monthly charges -- for the period during which the service was affected, or, if only a transmission using the shared interexchange facilities is interrupted, an amount equal to the charge applicable to a 1 minute call to the customer's station at the time and over the range, of the affected call, taking account of the form of service and type of termination the customer had selected. Where MCI 800 Service is not made available on the date committed to the customer, or cannot otherwise be made available after MCl's acceptance of the customer's order, or is provided with a number or numbers other than the one(s) committed by MCI to the customer or the number or numbers are included in 800 Service Directory Assistance or are included in an incorrect form, and any such failure or failures is due solely to the negligence of MCI, in such case MCl's liability, if any, will be limited to the lesser of (a) the actual monetary damages incurred and proved by the customer as the direct result of such failure or failures, or (b) the sum of $1,000.00. MCI shall not be liable at all for the use, misuse, or abuse of a customer's 800 service by third parties, including, without limitation, the customer's employees or members of the public who dial the customer's 800 number by mistake. Compensation for any injury the customer may suffer due to the fault of others than MCI must be sought from such other parties. .024 With respect to any service provided by MCI which involves dedicated access shared interexchange transmission, and shared termination, with hourly usage rates, for University Wats, MCl's liability shall not exceed an amount equal to the monthly recurring charges for dedicated access and any other monthly charges for the affected service including access thereto. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 36 SECTION B - RULES AND REGULATIONS 4. LIABILITY (CONT.1 ,025 With respect to any service provided by MCI which involves shared access, shared interexchange transmission, and shared termination, with per minute usage charges, for Dial "1 ", Credit Card, or Prism Plus MCl's liability shall not exceed an amount equal to the charge applicable to a 1 minute call to the called station at the time the affected call was made. If there is a higher initial minute rate for the service, then that higher per minute rate shall apply. .026 With respect to any service provided by MCI which involves a switching service interconnecting network trunks (CCSA Service), MCl's liability shall not exceed an amount equal to the proportionate monthly recurring charges -- including basic charges, charges for options, and any other monthly charges -- for the period during which the service was affected. .027 With respect to any service provided by MCI which involves dedicated facsimile machines whether provided by MCI, the customer, or any party addressed, and shared interexchange transmission (Facsimile Service), MCl's liability shall not exceed an amount equal to the proportionate monthly recurring charge for the service for the period during which the service was affected. If only a transmission using the shared interexchange facilities is interrupted, then an amount equal to the charge applicable to the transmission of one page of material at the time the transmission was affected and using the class of service chosen by the customer and the terminal types involved in the transmission. The liability provided for above, shall, in each case, be in addition to any amounts that may otherwise be due the customer as a credit allowance for the interruption of service. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 5999 ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 37 SECTION B - RULES AND REGULATIONS 4. LIABILITY (CONT.1 -03 MCI shall be indemnified, defended, and held harmless by the customer or by others authorized to use MCI service against all claims of loss or damage arising from the use of service furnished provided herein, including: ,031 claims for libel, slander, invasion of privacy, or infringement of copyright arising out of the material, data, information, or other content transmitted via MCI service; .032 patent infringement claims arising from combining or connecting MCI service with apparatus and systems furnished by the customer or others; and .033 all other claims arising out of any act or omission of the customer or others, including those relating to Section B-4.07 following, in connection with any service provided by MCI. .04 MCI shall not be liable for any act or omission of any other company or companies furnishing a portion of the service, or for the damages associated with service, channels, or equipment which it does not furnish, or for damages which result from the operation of customer-provided systems, equipment, facilities or services which are interconnected with MCI services. .05 MCI does not guarantee or make any warranty with respect to service installations at locations at which there is present an atmosphere that is explosive, prone t o fire, dangerous or otherwise unsuitable for such installations. The customer and user shall indemnify and hold harmless from any and all loss, claims, demands, suits or other action, or any liability whatsoever, whether suffered, made, Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DCT 2 5 1999 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 2ND REVISED PAGE 38 IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 CANCELS 1 ST REVISED PAGE 38 SECTION B - RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT.1 4. LIABILITY (CONT.1 instituted or asserted by the customer or by any other party, for any personal injury to, or death of, any person or persons, and for any loss, damage, or destruction of any property, whether owned by the customer or others, caused or claimed to have been caused, directly or indirectly, by the installation, operation, failure to operate, maintenance, removal, presence, condition, location or use of service furnished by MCI at such locations. .06 MCI is not liable for any defacement of, or damage to, the premises of a customer resulting from the furnishing of service, or the attachment to service by MCI of instruments, apparatus and associated wiring on such customer's premises or from the installation or removal thereof, when such defacement or damage is not the result of MCI negligence. No agents or employees of other participating carriers shall be deemed to be agents or employees of MCI. .07 MCI shall not be liable for the customer's failure to fulfill its obligation to take all necessary steps, including, without limitation, obtaining, installing, and maintaining all necessary equipment, materials, and supplies, for interconnecting the terminal equipment or communications system of the customer, or any third party acting as its agent, to the MCI network. The customer shall secure all licenses, permits, rights-of-way, and other arrangements necessary for such interconnections. In addition, the customer shall ensure that its equipment and/or system or that of its agent is properly interfaced with MCI service, that the signals emitted into MCl's network are of the proper mode, bandwidth, power, data speed, and signal level for the intended use of the customer and in compliance with the criteria set forth in Section 8-1 3 following, and that the signals do not damage MCI equipment, injure its personnel, or degrade service to other customers. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 1 ST REVISED PAGE 39 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE 39 SECTION B - RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT.1 4. LIABILITY (CONT.1 If the Federal Communications Commission or some other appropriate certifying body certifies terminal equipment as being technically acceptable for direct electrical connection with its channels without the use of protective interface devices, MCI will permit such equipment to be connected with its channels without the use of protective interface equipment. If the customer or its agent fails to maintain and operate its equipment and/or system or that of its agent properly, with resulting imminent harm to MCI equipment, personnel, or the quality of service to other customers, MCI may, upon written notice, require the use of protective equipment at the customer's expense. If this fails to produce satisfactory quality and safety, MCI may, upon written notice, terminate the customer's service without liability. .08 With respect to Metered Use Service Option R (MCI Prepaid Calling Card Service), MCI makes no warranty, guarantee, or representation, either express or implied, regarding the merchantability, accuracy, reliability, condition, or fitness of the information provided in connection with the use of the card. 5. CANCELLATION OF SERVICE BY A CUSTOMER .O1 If a customer cancels an order for service before the service begins, before completion of the minimum period, or before completion of some other period mutually agreed upon by the customer and MCI, a charge will be levied upon the customer for the nonrecoverable portions of expenditures or liabilities incurred expressly on behalf of the customer by MCI and not fully reimbursed by installation and monthly charges. If, based on an order by a customer, any construction has either begun or been completed, but no services provided, the nonrecoverable cost of such construction shall be borne by the customer. -02 Except as otherwise provided, if an order for installation is delayed more than 3 0 days beyond the due date, and such delay is not requested or caused by the customer, the customer may cancel the order without incurring cancellation charges. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, Idaho CERTAIN MATERIAL PREVIOUSLY LOCATED ON THIS PAGE CAN NOW BE FOUND ON PAGE 38. ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 40 SECTION B - RULES AND REGULATIONS 6. USE OF SERVICE -01 The services offered herein may not be used for the unauthorized provision of Message Telecommunications Service or Wide Area Telecommunications Service equivalents. Service furnished by MCI may be used for one or more of the following: -01 1 for the transmission of communications by the customer. .012 for the transmission of communications to or from an authorized user or joint user. .013 for the transmission of communications to or from a customer of another common carrier, which has subscribed to MCl's communications services for purposes of resale. .02 Service furnished by MCI may be arranged for joint use or authorized use. The joint user or authorized user shall be permitted to use such service in the same manner as the customer, but subject to the following: .021 One joint user or authorized user must be designated as the customer. The designated customer does not necessarily have to have communications requirements of his own. The customer must specifically name all joint users or authorized users in the Application for Service. Orders which involve the start, rearrangement, or discontinuance of joint use or authorized use service will be accepted by MCI only from that customer and will be subject to all regulations contained herein. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 41 SECTION B - RULES AND REGULATIONS 6. USE OF SERVICE (CONT.) .022 All charges for the service will be computed as if the service were to be billed to one customer. The joint user or authorized user which has been designated as the customer will be billed for all components of the service and will be responsible for all payments to the company. In the event that the designated customer fails to pay the Company each joint user or authorized user shall be liable to the Company for all charges incurred as a result of its use of MCl's service. Each joint or authorized user must submit to the designated customer a letter accepting contingent liability for its portion of all charges billed by the company to the designated customer. This letter must also specify that the joint or authorized user understands that the Company will receive a copy of the guaranty from the designated customer. Unless Supportive Services are provided, the customer shall be responsible for allocating charges to each joint user or authorized user. .03 Metered Use Service Dial "1 ", including the PRIME Calling Option or MCI Credit Card furnished by MCI may, at a customer's option, be arranged for use under Corporate Account Billing. A customer, at its option, may qualify for Corporate Account Billing if it: (1) agrees to place a single unified order for service for multiple business locations that the customer owns, franchises, manages, or directs; (2) agrees to generate at least $2,500.00 per month in combined usage of Metered Use Service Dial 1 including Prime MCI Card and/or Prism Plus by its sub-accounts 11; and ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING O C T 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho 11 A grace period, consisting of the initial (partial) month and the next three full billing months, will be - extended to new customers. During this period, the monthly minimum usage charge will not be billed. ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 4 2 SECTION B - RULES AND REGULATIONS 6. USE OF SERVICE (CONT.1 (3) agrees to be responsible for the usage of all sub-accounts as provided in Section B-6.031 below. A customer electing this option and its sub-accounts will be given a volume discount as specified under each service offering. Charges for additional Authorization Codes, Speed Numbers, and Accounting Codes will be waived for all Corporate Account Billing customers. Customers who elect this billing option are subject to the following: .031 The customer electing this option shall be designated as the Sponsor, and as such must accept financial responsibility for all sub-accounts included under the Corporate Account Billing arrangement. Should the total monthly usage charges for all sub-accounts fail to equal $2,500.00 in any month, the Sponsor is responsible for payment of the difference.11 ,032 The Sponsor must specifically name all sub-accounts in the application for Corporate Account Billing. Further, orders which involve the start or discontinuance of service will be accepted by MCI only from the Sponsor and will be subject to all regulations contained herein. ,033 Each sub-account will be deemed a customer of MCI, will be billed separately for its MCI service, and will be responsible for payments to MCI. In the event that a sub-account fails to pay MCI, the Sponsor shall be liable to MCI for all charges incurred as a result of such sub-account's use of MCl's service. Prior to initiation of service under Corporate Account Billing, the Sponsor must submit to MCI a letter accepting the terms and conditions set forth herein. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho 11 A grace period, consisting of the initial (partial) month and the next three full billing months, will be - extended to new customers. During this period, the monthly minimum usage charge will not be billed ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 43 SECTION B - RULES AND REGULATIONS 6. USE OF SERVICE (CONT.1 .034 A customer, at their option, may obtain Corporate Account Service (CAS) PLUS if it agrees to: (1) place a single unified order for service for multiple business locations that the customer owns, franchises, manages or directs; (2) subscribe to services furnished under the appropriate state tariff or tariff as well as the terms and conditions set forth in this tariff for one year; (3) pay a monthly fee of $1,500.00 for this service; and (4) be bound by the other terms and conditions set forth in B-6.03 contained herein. For the first three full months of service the monthly fee will not be billed for new customers. Thereafter, if a customer withdraws from this option, other than to convert to MCI VNET service, the customer will be financially responsible for payment of the $1,500.00 monthly fee times the number of full months remaining in the initial one-year Corporate Account Service PLUS commitment. The term will be automatically renewed on a yearly basis, unless cancelled by the customer, in writing, on not less than 3 0 day's notice from the date of postmark on the letter cancelling service. A customer electing this variation of the Corporate Account Billing Arrangement will be given discounts and reduced monthly recurring charges as provided in this tariff for itself and its sub-accounts for Dial "1" including Prime Credit Card and Prism Plus Services. Charges for additional Authorization Codes, Speed Numbers, and Accounting Codes for Dial " 1 ", MCI Card, and Prism Plus will be waived for all Corporate Account Service PLUS customers. Subscribers of this service shall not be entitled to any other discount or promotion offered by the Company on charges arising from services furnished pursuant to this option. Customers who elect this option are also subject to the following: Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 19% Boise, Idaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 1 st Revised Page 44 Cancels Original Page 44 SECTION B - RULES AND REGULATIONS 6. USE OF SERVICE (CONT.) .0341 The customer electing this option shall be designated as the Sponsor, and as such must accept financial responsibility for the $1,500.00 CAS Plus monthly fee. If service under this option is cancelled at any time after three full billing months, the Sponsor will be responsible for paying the Company the remaining balance for the remainder of the one year service term as described in B-6.034. The term will be automatically renewed on a yearly basis, unless cancelled by the customer, in writing, on not less than 30 days' notice from the date of the postmark on the letter cancelling service. ,0342 Each sub-account will be deemed to be a customer of MCI, will be billed separately for its MCI service and will be responsible for payments to MCI. In the event that a sub-account fails to pay MCI the Sponsor shall be liable to MCI for all charges incurred as a result of such sub-account's use of MCl's service. Prior to initiation of service under Corporate Account Service PLUS, the Sponsor must sign a Letter of Understanding accepting the terms and conditions set forth herein. .0343 Corporate Account Service PLUS customers may also enroll in Corporate Account Service PLUS Option B (VIP), as described below. ldaho Public Utilities Comrnissien Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, Idaho .' Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 45 Cancels I st Revised Page 45 SECTION B - RULES AND REGULATIONS 6. USE OF SERVICE (CONT.1 ,035 ldaho Public Utilities Commission gffice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP l - 2008 Boise, ldaho . ".) Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. dlbla Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 3rd Revised Page 46 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 46 SECTION B - RULES AND REGULATIONS 6. USE OF SERVICE (CONT.) .035 ldaho Public Utilities Cornrnissien .:')ffice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 ; 2008 Bake, ldaho -....... , . .. ' - * I Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 11 00 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 5th Revised Page 47 Cancels 4th Revised Page 47 SECTION B - RULES AND REGULATIONS 6. USE OF SERVICE (CONT.1 ,035 .04 Directory Assistance is available to customers of MCl's Metered Use Service Options as follows: Domestic Directory Assistance is available for all services except Options D and P. An undiscountable charge will be applied to each call for information as to any telephone number in the United States. Up to one request may be made on each call to Directory Assistance. The Directory Assistance charge applies to each call regardless of whether the Directory Assistance Bureau is able to furnish the requested telephone number. In addition to the Directory Assistance charge, the following surcharges also apply: surcharges associated with Option B (Credit Card) and Option H (Prism Plus) calling card calls; D and for Directory Assistance calls placed with the assistance of an operator, the surcharges applicable to operator assisted calls will ldaho Public Utilities Commisien -. 9ffice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Boise, ldaho Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager . 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 6TH REVISED PAGE 48 CANCELS 5TH REVISED PAGE 48 SECTION B - RULES AND REGULATIONS 6. USE OF SERVICE (CONT.1 apply. The Operator Dialed Surcharge will not apply to Directory Assistance calls made using an MCI Calling Card. Directory Assistance calls will not count toward, nor be calculated as part of, the Volume Discounts offered under Metered Use Service Options. A credit allowance will be given, or the charge that would otherwise apply will be waived, when (1) the customer experiences poor transmission or is cut-off during the call to Directory Assistance, (2) the customer is given an incorrect telephone number by the Directory Assistance operator, or (3) the customer has inadvertently misdialed and has reached Directory Assistance for the wrong area code. To obtain such a creditlwaiver, the customer must promptly notify his or her Customer Service Representative. (D) .041 Directorv Assistance Call Com~letion Customers of Option A (DialOneIDirectDial), Option B (Credit Card), Option AB (homeMCI One), Option AD (MCI One Savings), Option AE (MCI One Extra), Option AF (MCI One Advantage), Option AH (MCI Everyday Classic), Option Al (MCI Everyday Plus), Option AJ (MCI AnyTime) and Option AK (MCI Everyday Savings) may request that the Directory Assistance operator complete the calls made within the state for one of the numbers provided pursuant to Section 6-6.04 above. The customer will be charged an additional undiscountable surcharge of $0.35 per completed call. The customer will be charged the per-minute rate for switched origination direct dial usage for the MCI service to which the customer is pre-subscribed for completed calls. Call completion is not available to callers who are not pre-subscribed to any MCI service, or for calls to toll free, 500, 700, 900 and 976 numbers. .05 Service furnished by MCI may be arranged for use by other common carriers for the purposes of resale subject to the following: fkh0 Public Utilities Commission Off1~8 of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING hi%, ldaho Issued Date: September 22,2004 EFFECTIVE: October 1, 2004 Erik Sanchez Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, gth Floor San Francisco, CA 941 0528 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. I 16TH REVISED PAGE 49 CANCELS ISTH REVISED PAGE 49 S~ 6. USE OF SERVICE (CONT.) .ual nrner common carrlers WIII oe responslale ror cnarges, costs, erc. lncurrea oy MGI wlrn respect to Supportive Services as referenced in this tariff. .052 Other Common Carriers will be responsible for all interaction and interface with their own subscribers or customers. .06 Service furnished by MCI shall not be used: .061 For any unlawful purpose. .062 For any purpose for which any payment or other compensation is received by the customer, except when the customer is an entity which holds itself out as being a communications common carrier or resale common carrier or entity which resells MCI service as part of an enhanced communications service or an electronic information service. This provision does not prohibit an agreement between the customer, authorized user or joint user to share the cost of the service as long as this arrangement generates no profit for anyone participating in a joint use or authorized use arrangement. Certain material previously on this page can now be found on Page 49.1. ldaho Public "?iiitics Commission Offlctl o i the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Boise, ldaho ISSUED: June 18, 2001 EFFECTIVE: June 27, 2001 Erik Sanchez Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, gth Floor C-r. CV---:---- CA CiA1 CIE MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services Idaho Price List No. 1 8th Revised Page 49.1 Cancels 7th Revised Page 49.1 SECTION B - RULES AND REGULATIONS 6. USE OF SERVICE (CONT.1 .07 Pavphone Use Charae: An undiscountable $0.55 per call charge is applicable to calls that originate from any payphone within the state used to access MCI services as follows. This charge, which is in addition to standard tariffed usage charges and any applicable surcharges associated with MCI service, applies for the use of the instrument used to access MCI service and is unrelated to the MCI service accessed from the payphone. Customers of Metered Use Services will be charged the payphone use charge for each call which is placed from payphones within the state. The payphone use charge does not apply to calls placed from payphones phones at which the customer pays for service by inserting coins during the progress of the call; calls using Telecommunications Relay Service; calls originated by customers with qualified hearing or speech impairments who are certified. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Boise, Idaho - * Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services Idaho Price List No. 1 8th Revised Page 50 Cancels 7th Revised Page 50 SECTION B - RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT.1 7. PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS .O1 The customer is responsible for payment of all charges for services furnished to the customer or its joint or authorized users. Non-recurring charges are payable when the service(s) for which they are specified have been performed. If an entity other than MCI, e.g., another carrier or supplier, imposes charges on MCI, in addition to its own internal costs, in connection with a service for which an MCI non-recurring charge is specified, those charges will be passed on to the customer. Recurring charges which are fixed in amount and not dependent on usage are billed in advance. Usage charges are billed after each usage cycle. .03 MCl's bills are payable upon receipt. If MCI becomes concerned at any time about the ability of a customer to pay its bills, MCI may require that customer to pay its bills within a specified number of days and to make such payments in cash or the equivalent of cash. MCI may invoice low usage customers every other month unless a customer invoiced in such a manner requests monthly billing. If MCI permits a commercial (T) customer to delay payment beyond 35 days after the regular billing cycle, interest will accrue upon the unpaid amount at the rate of one-and-one-half percent (1.5%) per month, unless such rate is prescribed by law, in which event interest will accrue at the highest rate allowed by law. The late payment charge will not be applied to any disputed portion of the unpaid balance unless the dispute is resolved against the customer. For residential service and Small Business customers, a late payment charge of 1.5 % may be assessed on payments not received within 30 days from the invoice date, where capabilities exist. The late payment charge will be applied to the entire unpaid balance of the customer's monthly invoice including taxes. The late payment charge will not be applied to any disputed portion of the unpaid balance unless the dispute is resolved against the customer. The late payment charge of 1.5 % is not applicable to subsequent rebilling of any amount to which a late payment charge has already been applied. Late charges are to be applied without discrimination. .04 Applicants for service or existing customers whose financial condition is not acceptable to MCI, or is not a matter of general knowledge, may be required at any time to provide MCI a security deposit, in cash or equivalent of cash, up to an amount equal to the applicable installation charges, if any, and/or up to two months' actual or estimated usage charges for the service to be provided. Such applicants or customers may also be required, at any time, whether before or after the commencement of service, to provide such other assurances of, or security for, the payment of 3ffice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, Idaho Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business ldaho Price List No. 1 2" Revised Page 51 Cancels Is' Revised Page 51 Section B - Rules and Renulations (Cont.) 7. Payment Arran~ements (Cont.) MCl's charges for its services as MCI may deem necessary, including, without limitation, advance payments for service, third party guarantees of payment, pledges or other grants of security interests in the customers' assets, and similar arrangements.-' The required deposit or other security may be increased or decreased by MCI as seems appropriate in the light of changing conditions. In addition, MCI shall be entitled to require such payments in cash or the equivalent of cash. In case of a cash deposit, simple interest at the rate of five percent (5%) per annum for the calendar year of 2007 will be paid for the (I) period during which the deposit is held by MCI, unless a different rate has been established by the appropriate legal authority in the jurisdiction in which the MCI service is provided. At MCl's option, such deposit may be refunded to the customer's account at any time. .05 The charges set forth herein for channel terminations contemplate installations made in normal locations and under normal working conditions. Any installations to be made under other circumstances are subject to additional charges. .06 If a customer does not give MCI written notice of dispute with respect to MCl's charges within 2 years from the date of the invoice, such invoice shall be deemed to be correct and binding upon the customer. .07 In the event the Company incurs fees or expenses, including attorney's fees, in collecting any charges owed the Company, the customer will be liable to the Company for the payment of all such fees and expenses reasonably incurred. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Ofiice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JAN 1 3 2007 Boise, ldaho 11 When billing and collection for MCl's Options A (Dial OnelDirect Dial) and B (Credit Card), is performed on - MCl's behalf by a local exchange carrier, the security deposit requirements set forth in the local tariff of the local exchange carrier will apply to the customer's MCI service, in lieu of the provisions contained herein. Issued Date: 1/4/07 Effective: 1 / I 3107 Erik Sanchez Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, gth Floor San Francisco, CA 941 05 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 1 ST REVISED PAGE 52 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE 52 SECTION B - RULES AND REGULATIONS (CONT.1 7. PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS (CONT.1 .08 If a customer whose account has been closed has a credit balance showing, MCI will transfer the credit to another account of the customer, if there is one, or will mail a check for the balance to the customer if it believes it has a valid address. If MCI is not certain it has a valid address, it will include a notice with the final invoice, which will be mailed to the customer's last known address, asking the customer to verify the address so that it can make a refund or it will contact the customer at that address and request verification. Such verification can be made by calling a designated telephone number or by writing to a specified address. Upon receiving verification, a check for the balance will be mailed. If the final invoice or the notification letter is returned by the post office as undeliverable, or if no response is received within thirty days of mailing, MCI will begin applying a closed account maintenance charge of $2.50 per month in the second monthly billing period following the month in which the account was closed, and will continue to apply that charge until the customer requests a refund or the balance is exhausted. .09 In the event payment is made by check and the customer's check is not honored by the institution on which it was drawn, MCI will impose, and the customer will be required to pay, a $10 fee, in addition to other remedies available to MCI under the Tariff. 8. CHANGE IN SERVICE ARRANGEMENT When a change in service arrangement involves the continued use by the customer of channels furnished by MCI, installation charges do not apply to the channels continued in use. The minimum service period for the channels continued in use is determined from the date of the initial acceptance thereof. 9. RESTORATION OF SERVICE The use and restoration of service in emergencies shall be in accordance with Part 64, Sub-part D, Appendix A of the Federal Communications Commission's Rules and Regulations, which specifies the priority system for such activities. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 53 SECTION B - RULES AND REGULATIONS 10. INSPECTION MCI may, upon reasonable notice, make such tests and inspections as may be necessary to determine that the requirements contained herein are being complied with in the installation, operation or maintenance of the customer or MCI equipment. Without incurring any penalty, MCI may interrupt the service at any time because of departure from any of these requirements. 1 1 . CANCELLATION FOR CAUSE BY MCI .O1 MCI may discontinue the furnishing of service(s) to a customer, without incurring any liability: ,011 Immediately and without notice if MCI deems that such action is necessary to prevent or to protect against fraud or to otherwise protect its personnel, agents, facilities or services, MCI may discontinue service pursuant to this sub-section B-1 1 .O1 1 if: .O1 1 1 the customer refuses to furnish information to MCI regarding the customer's credit-worthiness, its past or current use of common carrier communications services or its planned use of service(s1; .O1 12 the customer provides false information to MCI regarding the customer's identity, address, credit-worthiness, past or current use of common carrier communications services, or its planned use of MCI service(s); .0113 the customer states that it will not comply with a request of MCI for security for the payment for service(s) in accordance with Section B-7.04; -01 14 The customer has been given written notice by MCI of any past due amount, which remains unpaid in whole or in part, for any of MCl's other common carrier communications services to which the customer either subscribes or had subscribed or used; or ldaho Public Utilities Cammission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR Fll..lNG OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 54 SECTION B - RULES AND REGULATIONS 11. CANCELLATION FOR CAUSE BY MCI (CONT.1 -01 15 The customer either (1) accesses MCI service by dialing 10222, or any other MCI carrier identification code, or (2) having presubscribed to MCl's Dial "1" Long Distance Service (Option A), has had its account(s) cancelled and has been removed from MCl's billing system and is being billed for its subsequent use of MCl's service(s) or (3) indicates to MCI or its billing entity that it will not pay for MCI service(s1 used by it; or .0116 A subscriber to Metered Use Service Option A (Dial " 1 ") who accesses the service by use of an authorization code has not used the service, with the exception of calls to Directory Assistance, for 90 days. In such case, MCI will deactivate his or her code to reduce the danger of abusive use. If he or she wishes to renew usage of the service, e.g. upon returning to a vacation home, MCI will promptly supply a new code. This provision does not apply to customers of MCI Dial "1" Long Distance Service in central offices where equal exchange access is available; or .0117 The customer uses service to transmit a message, locate a person or otherwise give or obtain information without payment for the service; or .0118 The customer uses, or attempts to use, service with the intent to avoid payment, either in whole or in part, other charges for the service stated in this tariff .01181 Using or attempting to use the service by rearranging, tampering with, or making connections to MCl's service not authorized by this tariff; or .01182 Using tricks, schemes, false or invalid numbers, false credit devices, electronic devices; or Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FQR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise. Idaho , ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 55 SECTION B - RULES AND REGULATIONS 11. CANCELLATION FOR CAUSE BY MCI (CONT.1 -01 183 Any other fraudulent means or devices; .012 Immediately upon written notice to the customer of any sum thirty days (30) past due; or .013 Immediately upon written notice to the customer, after failure of the customer to comply with a request by MCI for security for the payment of service in accordance with Section B-7.04; or ,014 Thirty 130) days after sending the customer written notice of noncompliance with any other provision of this tariff if the noncompliance is not corrected within thirty (30) day period. The discontinuance of service(s1 by MCI pursuant to this Section does not relieve the customer of any obligation to pay MCI for charges due and owing for service(s) furnished up to the time of discontinuance. 12. TESTING AND ADJUSTING Upon reasonable notice, the channels provided by MCI shall be made available to MCI for such tests and adjustments as may be necessary to maintain them in satisfactory condition; no interruption allowance will be granted for the time during which such tests and adjustments are made. 13. TERMINAL EQUIPMENT .O1 Terminal equipment, such as teleprinters, handsets or data sets at the premises of the customer and connecting local channels between such premises and the MCI terminals, shall be furnished by and maintained at the expense of the customer, except as otherwise provided. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING O C T 2 5 1999 I Boise, Idaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver. CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 56 SECTION B - RULES AND REGULATIONS 13. TERMINAL EQUIPMENT (CONT.1 .02 The characteristics of equipment at either end of the channel shall be such that its connection to the channel complies with the minimum protection criteria set forth below, and does not interfere with services furnished to other customers. Additional protective equipment, where required, shall be at the customer's expense. .03 When services using Bell voice grade facilities are terminated in customer-provided terminal equipment, channel derivation devices, or communications systems, the customer shall comply with the minimum protective criteria set forth below: ,031 When the facilities furnished under this tariff are used in common with Bell System services, it is necessary in order to prevent excessive noise and crosstalk that the power of the signal applied to Bell lines be limited. A single valued limit for all applications cannot be specified. Therefore, the power of the signal in the band above 300 Hertz which may be applied by the customer-provided equipment at the point of termination will be specified by MCI for each application, to be consistent with the signal power allowed on the telecommunications network. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 57 SECTION B - RULES AND REGULATIONS 13. TERMINAL EQUIPMENT (CONT.1 .032 To protect the telecommunications services from interference at frequencies which are about the band of service provided, MCI will specify the acceptable signal power in the following bands to be applied by the customer-provided equipment or communications system at the point of termination to insure that the input to Bell facilities does not exceed the limits indicated: - the power in the band from 3,995 Hertz to 4,005 Hertz shall be at least 18 dB below the power of the signal as specified in Section 13.031 preceding. - the power in the band from 4,000 Hertz to 10,000 Hertz shall not exceed 16 dB below one milliwatt. - the power in the band from 10,000 Hertz to 25,000 Hertz shall not exceed 24 dB below one milliwatt. - the power in the band from 25,000 Hertz to 40,000 Hertz shall not exceed 36 dB below one milliwatt. - the power in the band above 40,000 Hertz shall not exceed 50 dB below one milliwatt. .033 Where there is connection via customer-provided terminal equipment or communications system to a Message Telecommunications Service or a WATS service to prevent the interruption or disconnection of all call, or interference with network control signaling, it is necessary that the signal applied by the customer-provided equipment to the interface at no time has energy solely in the 2450 to 2750 Hertz band. If signal power is in the 2450 to 2750 Hertz band, it must not exceed the power present at the same time in the 800 to 2450 Hertz band. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, Idaho --. .A ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 58 SECTION B - RULES AND REGULATIONS 13. TERMINAL EQUIPMENT (CONT.) ,034 Where such customer-provided equipment or communications system applies signals having components in the frequency spectrum below 300 Hertz, excluding ringing signals, the currents and voltages (including all harmonics and spurious signals) at the interface shall not exceed the limits indicated in B-13.0341 through B-13.0344 following: .0341 The maximum rms (root-mean-square) value, including dc and ac components, of the current per conductor will not exceed 0.35 ampere. .0342 The magnitude of the peak of the conductor or ground voltage shall not exceed 70 volts. .0343 The conductor voltage shall be such that the conductor to ground voltage limit in B-13.0342 preceding is not exceeded. If the signal source is not grounded, the voltage limit in B-13.0342 preceding applies to the conductor to conductor voltage. .0344 The total weighted rms voltage within the band from 50 Hertz to 300 Hertz shall not exceed 100 volts. The total weighted rms voltage is the square root of the sum of the products times the square of the rms voltage of the individual frequency components. The weighting factors are as indicated: for freauencies between weiahtina factor 50 Hertz and 100 Hertz f2/1 o4 100 Hertz and 300 Hertz f3.311 06.6 where f is the numerical value of the frequency, in Hertz, of the frequency component being weighted. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 I ! Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 I st Revised Page 59 Cancels Original Page 59 SECTION B - RULES AND REGULATIONS 13. TERMINAL EQUIPMENT (CONT.) .04 The customer is responsible for all costs, which may include the expenses of customer personnel, electrical power, etc. at his premises in the provision of the service described herein. 14. ALLOWANCE FOR INTERRUPTIONS Except as provided for in Sections B-6.04 and C-2 in this tariff which pertain to Directory Assistance and Dedicated Leased Line Services, respectively, and except as provided in Section B-14.024 below, the following credit allowances for interruptions of MCI services will be made: .O1 For all of MCl's services for which charges are specified on the basis of per minute of use, or on usage of a fraction of a minute, and in which there may be interruption of an individual call, due to a condition in MCl's shared interexchange facilities or in shared access or termination facilities provided by other carriers, which can be remedied by redialing the call (Dial "I", D Credit Card, Prism Plus, Payphone, Institutional Phone, and LEC Calling Card Services): D .011 A credit allowance will be made for that portion of a call which is interrupted due to poor transmission (e.g. noisy circuit), one-way transmission (one party is unable to hear the other), or involuntary disconnection caused by deficiencies in MCl's service. A customer may also be granted credit for reaching a wrong number. To receive a credit, the customer must notify their Customer Service Representative and furnish information, including the called number, the service subscribed to, the difficulty experienced, and the approximate time the call was placed. Credit allowances will not be made for (I) interruptions not reported to MCI, or (2) interruptions that are due to the failure of power, equipment, systems, or services not provided by MCI. If the customer elects to use another means of communications after one of the above interruptions, or during a period when they are unable to place a call over MCI, the customer must pay the charges for the alternative service used. ldaho Public Utilities Commissien 9ffice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, Idaho Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 1 ST REVISED PAGE 60 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE 60 SECTION B - RULES AND REGULATIONS 14. ALLOWANCE FOR INTERRUPTIONS (C0NT.L .012 Where a call has been disconnected, the customer will be given a credit allowance equivalent to the charge for the initial minute of the call made to reestablish communications with the other party. Where a call has been interrupted by poor transmission or one-way transmission, the customer will be given a credit allowance up to an amount equivalent to the charge to the charge for the initial minute of the call to the wrong number if they report the situation promptly to a Customer Service Representative. .02 For all of MCl's services which involve dedicated access, dedicated interexchange transmission and/or dedicated termination, for which monthly recurring charges are applied and which may be interrupted for as much as several days, except as provided in 8-14.024 below, the customer will be given a credit allowance for an interruption of t w o consecutive hours or more, as follows: .021 When service is interrupted for a period of less than two hours, no credit allowance will be given. ,022 When the service's dedicated interexchange line or lines and/or the access or termination line or lines associated with the service are interrupted for a period of two to twenty-four hours, a credit allowance in an amount equal to one thirtieth of the monthly recurring charge or charges will be given. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 ! Boise, ldaho I L ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 61 SECTION B - RULES AND REGULATIONS 14. ALLOWANCE FOR INTERRUPTIONS (CONT.) .023 When the service's dedicated interexchange line or lines and/or the access or termination line or lines associated with the service are interrupted for a period of more than twenty-four hours, a credit allowance in an amount equal to one-thirteenth of the monthly recurring charge or charges will be given for each twenty-four hour period or fraction thereof. .024 No credit allowances will be made for: ,0241 lnterruptions caused by the negligence of the customer or others authorized by the customer to use the customer's service. ,0242 lnterruptions due to the failure of power, equipment, systems, or services not provided by MCI. .0243 lnterruptions during any period during which MCI or its agents are not afforded access to the premises where access lines associated with the customer's services are terminated. .0244 lnterruptions during any period when the customer or user has released the service to MCI for maintenance or rearrangement purposes, or for the implementation of a customer order. .0245 lnterruptions during periods when the customer elects not to release the service for testing or repair and continues to use it on an impaired basis. .0246 Non-completion of calls due to network busy conditions. .0247 lnterruptions caused by the failure of other services provided by MCI which are connected to MCI Wats, Hotel Wats, or University Wats. .0248 lnterruptions not reported to MCI. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING ISSUED: October 1 5, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 62 SECTION B - RULES AND REGULATIONS 14. ALLOWANCE FOR INTERRUPTIONS (C0NT.I .025 An interruption period begins when the customer reports to MCI that the service has been interrupted and releases it for testing and repair. An interruption period ends when the service is operative again. If the customer reports the service to be inoperative but declines to release it for testing and repair, the service is deemed to be impaired but not interrupted. .026 If the customer elects to use another means of communication during the period of interruption, the customer must pay the charges for the alternative service used. ,027 The provisions of B-14.021 to .026 above will also apply to credit allowances for interruption of MCl's CCSA Service and Facsimile Service. In addition, if a facsimile transmission is interrupted due to deficiencies in MCl's interexchange facilities, a credit allowance will be given in an amount equal to the charge applicable to the transmission of one page of material at the time the transmission was affected, using the class of service chosen by the customer and the terminal types involved in the transmission. .03 MCI will at the customer's request and expense, attempt to make arrangements for redundancy on the customer's service. .04 As used in Section B-14 herein, the term "service" means the circuits or equipment provided by MCI, and/or a participating carrier. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTER FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 I st Revised Page 63 Cancels Original Page 63 15. INTERCONNECTION WITH OTHER CARRIERS .O1 Service furnished by MCI may be connected with services or facilities of another participating carrier. Such interconnection may be made at an MCI Terminal or entrance site, at a terminal of another participating carrier, or at the premises of a customer, joint user, or authorized user. Service furnished by MCI is not part of a joint undertaking with such other carriers. .02 Any special interface equipment or facilities necessary to achieve compatibility between the facilities of MCI and other participating carriers shall be provided at the customer's expense. Upon customer request and acting as his authorized agent, MCI will attempt to make the necessary arrangements for such interconnection. .03 Service furnished by MCI may be connected with the facilities or services of other participating carriers under the terms and conditions of the other participating carriers' tariffs applicable to such connections. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, Idaho Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 1 st Revised Page 64 Cancels Original Page 64 SECTION B - RULES AND REGULATIONS 17. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE Drr I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Drr ldaho Public Utilities Cornmi* Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, Idaha ..' Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 911 I08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. I 2nd Revised Page 65 Cancels I st Revised Page 65 SECTION B - RULES AND REGULATIONS 18. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE 19. TAX ADJUSTMENTS When any municipality, other political subdivision, or other local governmental entity imposes upon and collects from MCI a gross receipts tax, sales tax, occupation tax, license tax, permit fee, or franchise fee, such taxes and fees shall, in so far as practicable, be billed prorated to the MCI customers receiving service within the territorial limits of such municipality, other political subdivision, or other local government entity. 20. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE D/T I I I I I I ldaho Public Utilities Commissign Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, ldaho Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 66 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 67 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 68 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Boise, Idaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 IST REVISED PAGE 69 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE 69 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF INTRASTATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES .O1 Intrastate Telecommunications Service is offered to subscribers on a full-time monthly basis, or on a Metered Use Basis. .02 All services shall remain in effect for a minimum of thirty (30) days. .03 A customer may provide his own dedicated facilities to access MCl's terminal where such dedicated facilities are required. .04 MCI offers its services subject to the availability of the necessary facilities and/or equipment. MCI reserves the right to refuse to provide service to or from any location where the necessary facilities and/or equipment are not available (see Section B-2). Z ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office cf the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services Idaho Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 70 Cancels 1st Revised Page 70 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 2. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE Idaho Public Utilities Commissbn Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 1 Boise, Idaho i ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 4th Revised Page 71 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 71 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 2. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (CONT.) ldaho Public Utilities Commissisn Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2006 ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. Boise, Idaho Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 9/1/08 A"' Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 3rd Revised Page 72 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 72 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 2. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (CONT.) ldaho Public Utilities Commissian Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING , . SEP 1 - 2006 ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 73 Cancels 1 st Revised Page 73 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 2. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (CONT.1 DIT ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 -- 2008 ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1 100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. ldaho Price List No. 1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 2nd Revised Page 74 Cancels 1st Revised Page 74 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 2. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (CONT.) DIT ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 -- 2008 ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. :,3 Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 3rd Revised Page 75 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 75 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 2. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (CONT.) ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. a. ldaho Public Utilities Commission : Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 4 1 I Boise, ldahe i Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 76 Cancels 1 st Revised Page 76 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 2. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (CONT.) D/T Idaho Public Utilities Commissien Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 911 I08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 I st Revised Page 76.1 Cancels Original Page 76.1 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 2. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (CONT.1 ldaho Public Utilities Commissien Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, ldaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. . -8 Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 911 I08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 3rd Revised Page 77 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 77 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 2. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (CONT.) ldaho Public Utilities Commissicm Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, ldaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. . Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. ldaho Price List No. 1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 3rd Revised Page 78 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 78 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 2. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (CONT.) D/T ldaho Public Utilities Commissisn Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 1 Boise, Idaho ; Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager . 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 79 Cancels 1st Revised Page 79 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 2. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (CONT.) ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Boise. ldaho Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1 100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 3rd Revised Page 80 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 80 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 2. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (CONT.~ Drr ldaho Public Utilities Cornrnisien Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, ldaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. w ' Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1 100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. ldaho Price List No. 1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 2nd Revised Page 81 Cancels 1st Revised Page 81 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 2. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (CONT.) Dm ldaho Public Utilities Commissiwr Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, ldaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. - Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager . 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 82 Cancels 1st Revised Page 82 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 2. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (CONT.1 ldaho Public Utilities Commission -- Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. -",- 2.3 issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1 100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 83 Cancels 1st Revised Page 83 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 2. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (CONT.) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 ldaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. --at Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 3rd Revised Page 84 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 84 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 2. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (CONT.1 ldaho Public Utilities Commisbn Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise. Idaha ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. _,I Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 911 I08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager . 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 85 Cancels 1st Revised Page 85 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 2. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (CONT.) D/T ldaho Public Utilities Commissian Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, ldaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. --.-. .. :. "2 Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 85.1 Cancels 1 st Revised Page 85. I SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 2. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (CONT.1 ldaho Public Utilities Commissien Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Boise, lo ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. .*I Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown . Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 11 00 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 85.2 Cancels I st Revised Page 85.2 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 2. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (CONT.) DIT ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 3. - 2008 ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. -*"I Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 85.3 Cancels 1 st Revised Page 85.3 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 2. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE ICONT.1 D/T ldaho Public Utilities Cammissita Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 I a Boise, Idaho I -- 3 - . ..x ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, lnc. Idaho Price List No. 1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 2nd Revised Page 86 Cancels 1st Revised Page 86 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 2. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (CONT.) DIT ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 *) ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services Idaho Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 87 Cancels 1 st Revised Page 87 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 2. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (CONT.) Idaho Public Utilities Commissisn Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR SEP 1. - 2008 Boise, who ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services Idaho Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 88 Cancels 1 st Revised Page 88 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES ICONT.) 2. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (CONT.) Idaho Public Utilities ~0mmisSien Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Bod, ldaho . - ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 3rd Revised Page 89 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 89 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 2. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (CONT.1 D/T ldaho Public Utilities Commissial Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, Idaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager . 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 90 Cancels 1st Revised Page 90 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 2. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (CONT.1 ldaho Public Utilities Commissicn Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, Idaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. I' Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effective: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite I100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 91 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 92 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCl Communications Services, Inc. dlbla Verizon Business Services SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE ' Idaho Price List No. 1 18th Revised Page 93 Cancels 17th Revised Page 93 .O1 General D e ~ ~ r i ~ t i ~ n Metered Use Service offers the use of intrastate commu,nications facilities shared among multiple users, and IS provided on the basrs of the following servlce opt~ons as descr~bed below. Depending Drr on the optionts) chosen, the customer may select the manner in which calls are originated and terminated, may obtain one-way or two-way service, may enjoy point-to-point or multipoint service, or may originate calls in multiple cities. Certain Metered Use Service Offerings involve, at the customer's option, a monthly subscription fee, a recurrin monthly minimum char e for intrastate facility usage, or a one time initration of service char e. /?t additional cost. certain%etered Use Service options offer a customer the ability to: (1) identfy the users and allocate the cost of his long distance service through the use of accounting codes, and (2) receive his or her call records on magnetic tape. Under each of the above service options, the individual customer's total monthly charges for use of the intrastate communications facilities are based upon the total time the customer (account) utilizes such facilities. In that regard, individual intrastate fac~lities usa e charges, as well as other specific charges, 9 discounts andlor features are ap licable to each individua service option. Unless otherwise noted, when a Metered Use Service caris establirhed in one time-of-day rate ap lication period and ends in 1 R another, the rate in.effect in each rate.application.period ap Ires to the po ion of the qall occurring with In that rate a plicatron period. A specrfic descrrption of eac of the Metered Use Serv~ce opt~ons and its recurring angnon-recurring charges, features. applicable discounts and service availability is contained in Section C-3 following. Option A, B, and Q customers may enroll in the Friends & Family or Friends of the Firm Programs and become eligible for discounts in those pro rams in addition to. discounts established elsewhere in this section. These customers are subject to t !I e rates and provrsrons stated below for the Program. 1 Effective August 10, 2012, for all residential customers of Metered Use Service, all Calling Card service and Toll Free 1800 service will no longer be available to new customers. Tssued Date: 0 /131112 tffectwe: 0811 0112 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 1 Street NW, Suite 400w Washington, DC 20005 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Buslness Services IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 5th REVISED PAGE 94 CANCELS 4th REVISED PAGE 94 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .02 Option A (Dial OneIDirect ~ial)'.' Monthly Minimum Usaqe - Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum (N)(I) usage charge, as specified in I I http://consumer.mci.com/mci~service~agreement/res~domestic~services.jsp except that I I customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata I I service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. I I (N)(I) Boise, idaho 1 Beginning March 1, 1995,. Option A is available only to Residential Service customers and customers who access service by dlallng an MCI Carrler ldentlflcatlon Code (CIC). 2 Customers who elect the Corporate Account Service and Corporate Account Service PLUS are subject 3 to the provisions of Section B-6.03 preceding. Effective August 10, 2012, all residential Calling Card service and Toll Free / 800 service will no longer be available to new customers of this service. Issued Date: 0711 811 3 Effective: 08/01 11 3 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 1 Street NW, Suite 400w Washington, DC 20005 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 5TH REVISED PAGE 95 CANCELS 4TH REVISED PAGE 95 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 -02 O ~ t i o n A (Dial OneIDirect Dial) (Cont.1 ,021 Monthlv Recurrina Charaes .0211 Intrastate Facilities Usaae Charges The following per minute rates will apply to all Option A calls. In addition, Volume Discounts, as described in Section C-3.02112 and C-3.02113 will be available.' lnterlata Peak $0.40(1) Off - Peak $0.30(R) lntralata Peak $0.25 Off - Peak $0.1 8 ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho 1 Option A calls that are completed by accessing a Card Reading Public Telephone with a major Credit Card or Travel and Expense Card will be assessed a $0.50 access charge in addition to the appropriate Option A per minute base rates. The Volume Discounts, set forth in Sections C-3.02112 and C- 3.021 13, and the provisions of Section C-3.03 will not apply to such calls. ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 7TH REVISED PAGE 96 CANCELS 6TH REVISED PAGE 96 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 .02 O ~ t i o n A (Dial OneIDirect Dial) (Cont.1 .021 Monthlv Recurrina Charaes (Cont.1 .0211 Intrastate Facilities Usaae Charaes (Cont.1 .02111 Time of Dav Discount Periods (C) Dial OneIDirect Dial service offers Peak and Off - Peak rates specified in Section C-3.0211 for calls placed within the time periods as set forth below. Peak Monday - Friday 7am - 6:59pm Off - Peak Monday - Friday 7pm - 659am SaturdayISunday 12am - 11:59 A discount of 1 0 percent on Business Day usage will be given to those Option A customers who take their service under the Corporate Account Service and Corporate Account Service PLUS referred to in Sections C-3.02 and B-6.03 above. This is in lieu of any other volume discounts provided for elsewhere in this Price List. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Buise, Idaho ALL MATERIAL PREVIOUSLY LOCATED ON THlS PAGE CAN NOW BE FOUND ON PAGE 98.1. ALL MATERIAL FOUND ON THlS PAGE WAS PREVIOUSLY LOCATED ON PAGES 99 AND 100. ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 8TH REVISED PAGE 97 CANCELS 7TH REVISED PAGE 97 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 -02 O ~ t i o n A (Dial OneIDirect Dial) (Cont.1 .021 Monthlv Recurrina Charaes (Cont.1 .0211 Usaae Charaes (Cont.1 (TI .02113 Discounts, as set forth below, will be given to those Option A customers who have subscribed to the service under the Commercial Affinity Group (as defined in Section A herein). This is in lieu of any other volume discounts provided for elsewhere in this Price List. Total Monthly Usage Per Commercial Affinity Business Grouo ,. Dav Evening NiahtIWkend $0 - and over 10% 4 % 3% Text Teleohone Discount' Discounted rates are available to qualified hearing or speech impaired persons who have been certified, in writing, by licensed physician, audiologist, speech pathologist, or appropriates State or Federal agency, as having a hearing or speech impairment which precludes oral communications and who have and use a text telephone for visual communications. The adjustment will be applied to the appropriate rate schedules for direct-dialed Option A (Dial OneIDirect Dial) calls only specified in Sections C-3.021 1 as follows: Spending Automatic MCI-MCI Level Discount Discount $0 - $9.49 15% 15% $9.50 - $24.49 25% 35% $24.50 + 40 % 50% Certain material previously located on this page can now be found on page 97.1. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho After October 1, 1996, this service will no longer be available to new customers. ISSUED: October 1 5, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 3RD REVISED PAGE 97.1 CANCELS 2ND REVISED PAGE 97.1 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 .02 O ~ t i o n A (Dial OneIDirect Dial) (Cont.1 .021 Monthlv Recurrina Charaes (Cont.1 .0211 Usaae Charaes (Cont.1 .02114 Text Tele~hone Discount (Cont.) The written certification of the speech or hearing impairment must be presented to an MCI Customer Service Center or, if MCI so chooses, proof of certification as defined above, may remain on file with the customer's Local Exchange Carrier. Upon request, MCI Customer Service will furnish applicants with a certification form. This rate adjustment will be provided for use only by the speech or hearing impaired customers and applies only for calls that are originated from and billed to the telephone number of the certified speech or hearing impaired person. Only one telephone number per residence is authorized for this discount. Operator assisted calls are eligible for this discount. ,021 15 Directorv Assistance An undiscountable charge of $1.99 per call will be applied to (1) each Directory Assistance call, subject to the provisions of Section B-6.04 above. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV I - 2000 Roise, ldaho ISSUED: October 19, 2000 EFFECTIVE: November 1, 2000 Erik Sanchez Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, gth Floor San Francisco, CA 941 05 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 6TH REVISED PAGE 98 CANCELS 5TH REVISED PAGE 98 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 .02 O ~ t i o n A (Dial OneIDirect Dial) (Cont.1 ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 .021 Monthlv Recurrina Charaes (Cont.1 Boise, ldaho .02116 MCI Distinct I (T) Discounted rates are available to qualified hearing or speech impaired personw who have been certified, i r i writing, by a licensed phys~cian, audiologist, speech pathologist, or appropriate State of Federal agency, as having a hearing or speech impairment which precludes oral communications and who have and use a text telephone for visual communications. The adjustment will be applied to the appropriate rate schedule for Direct Dial Option A (Dial OneIDirect Dial) calls as specified in Section C-3.021 1, and Operator Assisted Option A calls as specified in Section C-3.1 1. Calls placed during all rate periods will be discounted 35%. The written certification of the speech or hearing impairment must be presented to an MCI Customer Service Center or, if MCI so chooses, proof of certification as defined above, may remain on file with the customer's Local Exchange Carrier. Upon request, MCI Customer Service will furnish applicants with a certification form. This rate adjustment will be provided for use only by the speech or hearing impaired customers and applies only for calls that are originated from and billed to the telephone number of the certified speech or hearing impaired person. Only one telephone number per residence is authorized for this discount. Operator assisted calls are eligible for this discount. .0212 O~tional Features .02121 Authorization Codes (5 or 9-Diaitl' I st Five Codes No Charge Additional Codes (Limited to 50 total codes/customer/account or sub-account) S51Code .02122 Call Records on Maclnetic T a ~ e 100lAccount .02123 Accountina Codes (3-Diait12 S 51Account From 1 to 999 codes per account. Available to touch-tone customers only. Charges for accounting codes will not be pro-rated. .022 Non-Recurrinq Charqes .0221 Set-UD Charaes: Call Records on Magnetic Tape Existing customers who have multiple authorized codes consisting of at least 6 digits can obtain additional codes under this section. Authorization Codes of 6 or more digita are not available to new Dial "1 " customers nor are they available to existing customers who have 5-digit authorization codes. Existing customers sho have accounting codes consisting of at least 3 digits can obtain additional codes under this section. ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1d/b/a Verizon Business Services 8TH REVISED PAGE 98.1 CANCELS 7TH REVISED PAGE 98.1 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3.METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .O2Option A (Dial One/Direct Dial)(Cont.) .023 Premier Calling Plans .0231 PrimeTime Option PrimeTime is a discounted variation of Dial “1”which offers one hour of interstate andintrastatecalling.Customers must select the PrimeTime Option described in MCI’s FCC TariffNo.1,in which case they may include their intrastate calls for an additional charge of $2.25permonthinadditiontotheinterstatechargewhichwillvary.Customers may place callsbetween5pmand8amMondaythroughFriday,all day Saturday,Sunday until 5pm and after11pmuntil8amMonday.Additional minutes of evening and night/weekend calling duringthesetimeperiodsareavailableat$15 per minute.All calls made outside the specified timeperiodswillbegivenadiscountof10%(in lieu of any other volume discounts containedherein)off that portion of the monthly usage charges included at the rates listed in Section3.0211 preceding if a customer chooses this option,the monthly charges will apply regardless of the volume of calls made under thisplan during any month.The monthly charge for thisoptionisnoteligibleforthe Friends &Family discount. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreementlres_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. .0232 Advanced Option I This plan is an add-on to the Advanced Option I Plan offered in MC l’s FCC Tariff No.1.A variation of Option A (Dial One/Direct Dial),for a monthly fee listed in MCI’s FCC Tariff No.1, Advanced Option I offers thirty minutes of direct-dialed calling,based on combined intrastate and interstate usage,provided the customer has selected the Advanced Option I.A per minute rate of $0.15 will apply after the initial thirty minutes of calling has been used.(D) This plan may not be combined with any other Premier Calling Plan or with the Friends &Family Program.No discounts or the Lowest Rate (D) Guarantee’will apply to intrastate usage and/or surcharge in this option. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domesticservices.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. idaho pubhc md;ties crnSOn f creta ACCE ik FftJNG JAN 2 3 2015 oi3e.iaho 1This calling plan will only be available to those customers who enroll prior to March 1,1995. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16EdwinReese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1d/b/a Verizon Business Services 13th REVISED PAGE 99 CANCELS 12th REVISED PAGE 99 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3.METERED USE SERVICE ,O2Option A (Dial One/Direct Dial)(Cont.) .023 Premier Calling Plans (Cont.) Monthly Minimum Usage (Applicable to MCI EasyRate Option,MCI Sure Savings Option,Sure-Save Sense and Sure Save Reach)-Customers subscribed to these plans must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreementlres_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to these plans and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. .0233 MCI EasyRate Option1 The service as offered in this tariff is an add-on to the interstate EasyRate Service provided inMCI’s F.C.C.Tariff No.1.As a variation of Option A (Dial One/Direct Dial only),MCIEasyRateoffersinstatecallingforanadditionalmonthlychargeof$1 .50.Customers mayplacecalls24hoursaday,seven days a week.Calls placed between 8 am and 5 pm,MondaythroughFriday,will be priced at $0.27 per minute.Calls placed during any other time periodwillbepriced at $0.16 per minute.All calls will be rounded to the next higher full minute. .0234 MCI Sure Savings Option2 As a variation of Option A (Dial One/Direct Dial only),MCI Sure Savings Option offers instatecalling.Customers may place calls 24 hours a day,seven days a week.Calls placed between 8 am and 5 pm,Monday through Friday,will be priced at $0.27 per minute.Calls placedduringanyothertimeperiodwillbepricedat$0.17 per minute.All calls will be rounded to the next higher full minute. .0235 Sure-Save Sense3 As a variation of Option A (Dial One/Direct Dial only),Sure-Save Sense offers instate calling. A per-minute rate of $0.31 will apply between the hours of 7am and 7pm Monday through Friday,and a per-minute rate of $0.25 will apply at all other times.() Sure-Save Sense customers may not be enrolled in any (b) other domestic Premier Calling Plan at the same time. .0236 Sure Save Reach4 A variation of Option A (Dial One/Direct Dial),Sure-Save Reach offers customers discounts as described in MCI’s FCC Tariff No.1,on Dial 1,Operator Services,(D) Directory Assistance,and 500 Personal Number Service usage charges,including monthly fees and surcharges. daho Pubhc UtiteS Co.mmSSOfl Offe of the eorearY FOR FUN This calling plan will only be available to those customers who enroll prior to March 1,1995. 3This calling plan will only be available to those customers who enroll prior to August 1,1995. 4This calling plan will only be available to those customers who enroll prior to January 24,1997. This calling plan will only be available to those customers who enroll prior to January 24,1997. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1d/b/a Verizon Business Services 6th REVISED PAGE 99.1 CANCELS 5th REVISED PAGE 99.1 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3.METERED USE SERVICE .02Option A (Dial One/Direct Dial) .023 Premier Calling Plans .0237 Weekend Savings Plan:A variation of Option A (Dial One/Direct Dial)only,Weekend Savings Plan offers calling between locations in the state.Customers may place calls between 12amSaturdaythrough11:59pm Sunday for a per minute usage rate of $0.95 All calls made duringanyothertimeperiodwillbepricedattherateslistedinSectionC-3.021 1.(D) All calls will be rounded to the next higher full minute.This plan may not be combined with any other Premier Calling Plan or with the Friends &Family Program.No discounts will apply to intrastate usage and/or surcharge in this option. .0238 Asia Plan:A variation of Option A (Execunet),Asia Plan offers calling between locations in the U.S.Mainland and Hawaii for a monthly subscriptions charge of $3.00. For domestic Option A direct dial calls,Asia Plan customers will be charged the per-minute usage rates set forth in Section C-3.312 for domestic Dial Al”usage.The rate periods set forth in Section C-3.312 will apply for domestic direct dial calls. A $5.00 per-account per-month minimum charge will apply if a customer=s total usage charges under Asia Plan are less than $5.00 per account in any one month.This amount will be applied against Asia Plan usage in the month it is charged. (D) All execunet usage by customers who subscribe to Asia Plan will be calculated on a () 60-second minimum initial period with additional 60-second increments. Existing customers who enroll in Asia Plan during their monthly billing period will receive the benefits of Asia Plan beginning on the Asia Plan effective date.Customers who convert to another MCI calling plan will not receive the benefits of Asia Plan beginning on their new plan effective date. ldah p.m!c .J:ts CommSSiO;1 ..rcta ACCEPTED FOR FLiNG 1)9JAN Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1diblaVerizonBusinessServices18thREVISEDPAGE100CANCELS17thREVISEDPAGE100 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3,METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .02 Option A (Dial One/Direct Dial)(Cont.) .023 Premier Calling Plans (Cont.) .0239 Basic Calling Plan Option 1 A variation of Option A (Dial One/Direct Dial only),Basic Calling Plan offers calling within thestate.Customers may designate two ANIs for this option.Customers may place calls 24 hours a day,seven days a week.Calls will be priced at $0.15 per minute.No discounts will apply.This plan may not be combined with any other Premier Calling Plan or with the Friends &Family Program.(D) ) Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimumusagecharge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreementlres_domestic_services.jsp;except thatcustomerswhoaresubscribedtothisplanandwhohaveselectedtheCompanyforintralataserviceonlywillbechargedamonthlyminimumchargeof$5.00. .02391 MCI Family Assist A variation of Option A (Dial One/Direct Dial),the MCI Family Assist plan offerscallingwithinthestate.Customers may place Option A (Dial One/Direct Dial)calls 24hoursaday,seven days a week.Customers will be charged $09 per minute for thefirst30minutesofinterLATAusepermonthand$09 per minute for the first 30minutesofintraLATAusepermonth.Customers will be charged $15 per minute forOptionA(Dial One/Direct Dial)interLATA usage in excess of 30 minutes.Customerswillbecharged$12 per minute for intraLATA usage in excess of 30 minutes.Nodiscountswillapplytousageprovidedunderthisplan.This plan may not becombinedwithanyotherdomesticorinternationalcallingplanorwithanyother MCIserviceexceptassetforthinthistariff.(D) All plan calls are subject to an initial 1-minute ()duration with additional 1-minute increments.The plan rates apply only to calls thatoriginatefromandarebilledtotheANIofthecustomer,and plan benefits are availableonlytooneANIpercustomerandtooneANIperresidence.All operator service anddirectoryassistancechargeswilldefaulttostandardOptionA(Dial One/Direct Dial)charges. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthlyminimumusagecharge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res domestic services.jsp;exceptthatcustomerswhoare subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Companyforintralataserviceonlywillbechargedamonthlyminimumchargeof$5.00. tdaho PubItC J1.€S CQfl1IThSSIO AccEPTh0F0 NG JAN 2 3 2016 Boise. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1diblaVerizonBusinessServices5thREVISEDPAGE100.1 CANCELS 4th REVISED PAGE 100.1 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .O2Option A (Dial One/Direct Dial)(Cont.) .023 Premier Calling Plans (Cont.) .0239 Basic Calling Plan Option (Cont.) .02391 MCI Family Assist (Cont.) Only qualified residential service customers may subscribe to MCI Family Assist.To subscribe,a customer must call a Company-provided designated toll- free telephone number.At the time of the initial enrollment in the plan,the customer must satisfy either of the following eligibility criteria.The customer must represent to MCI that he or she (or his/her spouse)is: (i)subscribed to a low income program (e.g.Lifeline,Link-up,etc.)offered by the local exchange company furnishing exchange service to the customer;or, (ii)certified by an appropriate state or federal agency as eligible for at least oneofthefollowingprogramsinthosestateswherealowincomeprogramisnotoffered: Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDCj: Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF); Food Stamps; Home Relief; Medicaid;and, Supplemental Security Income (SSI). To remain eligible to receive service under this plan after initial enrollment, the customer must continue to satisfy the eligibility criteria.The company may require that a customer certify in writing his or her satisfaction of the eligibility criteria. .02310 Basic Calling Plan Option 2 A variation of Option A (Dial One/Direct Dial),Basic Calling Plan Option 2 offers customers in-state calling.Customers enrolled in this plan may place Dial “1”calls at the per minute usage rates stated in section C-3.3121,(D) Customers who enroll in this option must select MCI for their intraLATA PlC.(D) Customers must enroll in this plan via a company-designated Internet address.Upon enrollment in this plan,each customer must designate to the Company a valid commercial credit card through which the customer will be automatically billed for usage under this plan.Customers may review billing details via MCI’s on-line customer service using the Internet. (D) !cio Pub!c dtWties Commssion Offe of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FIL]G JAN232016 B&se,IG3!IG (D) Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1dlb/a Verizon Business Services 11th REVISED PAGE 100.2 CANCELS 10th REVISED PAGE 100.2 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .O2Option A (Dial One/Direct Dial)(Cont.) .023 Premier Calling Plans (Cont.) .02311 Retail Affinity Program Plan II The Retail Affinity Program Plan II is available to new customers of Option A (Dial One/Direct Dial)who are new subscribers of a participation retail affinity program.Customers enrolled in this plan will receive the following benefits:for intrastate Option A usaae,interLATA per minute rates will be $0.15 and intraLATA per minute rates will be$o.Th.(D Customers will be charged a $3.00 (D monthly recurring charge. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res domestic services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company forintralataserviceonlywillbechargedamonthlyminimumchargeof$5.00. (D) .02312 Commercial Credit Card Affinity Program Plan II The Commercial Credit Card Program Plan II is available to new customers of Option A (Dial One/Direct Dial)who are new subscribers to a designated commercial credit card and who participate in an affinity program associated with that commercial credit card. Customers enrolled in this plan will receive the following benefits:for intrastate Option A usage,interLATA and intraLATA rates are subject to the rates and conditions in Section C.3.33.(D Customers will be charged $3.00 (D monthly recurring charge. ldho Pubhr Utiht.ies Cmo f e:;!TY ACCEPTED FOR FUNG ‘AN 9 2016 ose,ahQ Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 IST REVISED PAGE 100.3 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE 100.3 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) -02 O ~ t i o n A (Dial OneIDirect Dial) (Cont.1 .023 Premier Callincl Plans (Cont.) ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV '1 - 1999 Boise, ldaho Certain material previously located on this page can now be found on page 232.33.1 and 232.34. /F ISSUED: October 21, 1999 EFFECTIVE: November 1, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 IST REVISED PAGE 100.4 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE 100.4 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 .02 Option A (Dial OneiDirect Dial) (Cont.) .023 Premier call in^ Plans (Cont.) ldaho Public Utilities Commission OTfice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 1 - 1999 Boise, ldaho Certain material previously located on this page can now be found on page 232.34. ISSUED: October 21, 1999 EFFECTIVE: November 1, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1diblaVerizonBusinessServices5thREVISEDPAGE100.5CANCELS4th REVISED PAGE 100.5 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) ,O2Option A (Dial One/Direct Dial)(Cont.) .023 Premier Calling Plans (Cont.) .02313 Retail Affinity Program Plan ill Available to existing customers of Metered Use Service Option A (Dial One/Direct Dial)who are members of a participating retail affinity program. Customers enrolled in this plan will receive the following benefits: For Domestic Option A Dial 1 usage,customers will be charged the following:InterLATA $0.25 per minute Peak (7am -6:59pm,Monday -Friday),and $0.15 per minute Off-Peak (7pm -6:59am,Monday -Friday,all day Saturday and Sunday).IntraLATA $0.25 per minute Peak;and $0.12 per minute Off Peak.(D) Customers will be charged a $3monthlyrecurringcharge.(D) (D) (D) Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthlyminimumusagecharge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic_services.jsp;except thatcustomerswhoaresubscribedtothisplanandwhohaveselectedtheCompanyforintralataserviceonlywillbechargedamonthlyminimumchargeof$5.00. (D) .02314 Commercial Credit Card Affinity Program Plan 1’ Available to existing customers of Metered Use Service Option A (Dial One/Direct Dial)who are subscribers to a designated Commercial credit card and who participate in aaffinityprogramassociatedwiththatCommercialcreditcard. Customers enrolled in this plan will receive the following benefits:For Domestic Option ADial1usage,customers will be charged the following:InterLATA $0.25 per minute Peak(7am -6:59pm,Monday -Friday),and $0.15 per minute Off-Peak (7pm -6:59am,Monday -Friday,all day Saturday and Sunday).IntraLATA $0.25 per minute Peak and$0.12 per minute Off Peak.(D) Customers will be charged a $3 monthlyrecurringcharge. 1This plan was previously offered as a promotion within the state.Effective November 1,1999,this plan will no longer beavailabletonewsubscribers. ittie$TJSSiOfl Issued Date:01/13/16 of the ScrEffecve.01/23/16EdwinReeseACCEPTEDFORHL1PI Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1d/b/a Verizon Business Services 10th REVISED PAGE 100.6 CANCELS 9th REVISED PAGE 100.6 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .02 Option A (Dial One/Direct Dial)(Cont.) .023 Premier Calling Plans (Cont.) .02315 Affinity Program Plan III Affinity Program Plan III is available to new customers of Option A (Dial One/Direct Dial)who are new subscribers of a participating Affinity program.Customers enrolled in thisplanwillreceivethefollowingbenefits:for intrastate Option A usage,interLATA perminutesrateswillbe$0.15 and intraLATA per minute rates will be $0.15.(D) Customers will be charged $4.00 monthly recurringcharge. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthlyminimumusagecharge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic_services.jsp;except thatcustomerswhoaresubscribedtothisplanandwhohaveselectedthe Company forintralataserviceonlywillbechargedamonthlyminimumchargeof$5.00. (D) I lthha Pubhc Utilities Cornriissiofl Offlee of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR RUNG JAN 2 3 2016 Boise,idaho Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16EdwinReese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1d/b/a Verizon Business Services 2nd Revised Page 100.6.A Cancels 1st Revised Page 100.6.A SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .02 Option A (Dial One/Direct Dial)(Cont.) .023 Premier Calling Plans (Cont.) .02316 Affinity Program Plan lV1’ Affinity Program Plan IV is available to new customers of Option A (Dial One/Direct Dial)who are new subscribers of a participating Affinity program.Customers are subject to thetermsandconditionsofBasicCallingplanOption19assetforthintheMCICommunicationsServices,Inc.Tariff F.C.C No.1.Customers will be charged a $1 .95monthlyrecurringcharge. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthlyminimumusagecharge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service agreementlres domestic services.jsp;except thatcustomerswhoaresubscribedtothis plan and who have selected the Company forintralataserviceonlywillbechargedamonthlyminimumchargeof$5.00. Dial-i:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged the following rates for all intrastatecalls.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day,7 days a week. InterLATA:$0.14IntraLATA:$0.14 (D) Uites criT:SSGfl 1 the Seoetary ACCEPTED FOR FILING 1Effective October 4,2001,this plan will no longer be available to new subscribers. Boise,taho Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1dlblaVerizonBusinessServices5thREVISEDPAGE100.6.1CANCELS4thREVISEDPAGE100.6.1 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .02 Option A (Dial One/Direct Dial)(Cont.) .023 Premier Calling Plans (Cont.) .02317 Affinity Program Plan V1 Affinity Program Plan V is available to new customers of Option A (Dial One/Direct Dial)who are new subscribers of a participating Affinity program.Customers are subject to thetermsandconditionsofMCICommunicationsServices,Inc.Tariff F.C.C.No.1.AffinityProgramPlanVisanoutboundandinboundserviceavailabletoresidentialcustomers.Affinity Program Plan V includes a flat rate structure for Dial 1.No term plan (D)options will apply to this service.Customers are subject to the terms and conditions ofcompanionservicesassetforthinMCICommunicationsServices,Inc.Tariff F.C.C.No.1.All intrastate Dial-i calls will have 60 second or one (D)minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction isroundeddowntothenearestwholecent.No monthly recurring charge will apply.Nomonthlyrecurringchargewillapply. Access Methods and Charges: Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthlyminimumusagecharge,as specified inhttp://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res domestic services.jsp;except thatcustomerswhoaresubscribedtothisplanandwhohaveselectedthe Company forintralataserviceonlywillbechargedamonthlyminimumchargeof$5.00. Dial One Access:Affinity Program Plan V can be used for Dial One access.AffinityProgramPlanVcustomerswillbechargedthefollowingratesforallintrastatecalls.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. per minute charge: InterLATA /IntraLATA $0.14 (D) ldh jhhc Uthtes (mcn UT1T ( ) ACCEPTED FOR FiLiNG 1Effective Mach 4,2002,this features will no longer be available to new subscribers. Tüed Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services, Inc. Idaho Price List No, 1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 4th Revised Page 100.6.2 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 100.6.2 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) ,020ption A (Dial OneIDirect Dial) (Cont.1 .023 Premier Callinq Plans (Cont.) ,02317 Affinity Proqram Plan V' .02317.1 Affjnitv Proqram Plan V Savings Plan I' lnlty ro ram an avlngs an I: A variation of Option (Affinity Pro ram ;:an MPA#inity pjo &?Plan V2avings Plan I offers reduced in-state Wal-1 9 rates as well as enab ing in-state Dial-I calls to apply to a Block of Time offer for an additional monthly recurrlng charge. Monthly Minimum Usaae - Customers subscribed to this plan must pay ,a (N)(I) monthly minimum usage charge, as s ,ecif~ed ~n I I http://consumer.mci.com/mci service-agreementlres-domes f IC services.js p; exce t that customers wFio are subscribed to thls plan an7 who have I I selectefthe Compan for intralata service only will be charged a monthly I I minimum charge of $!?00. (N)(I) Customers enrolled in this plan will have their intraLATA and interLATA Dial-I calls apply to their Block of Time threshold, as offered at the interstate level. In addition, customers ma place intraLATA Dial-I calls at the rate of $0.12 per minute, and interLATA dial-I calls at the rate of $0.12 per minute for IntraLATA and interLATA Dial-I calls outside the customer's Block of Time. Customers enrolled in this plan who have selected the Com an for local toll service only will be charged a monthly recurrlng charge of $g,0l Boise, Idaho ". i Issued Date 0711 811 3 Effectlve 08/01/13 Edwln Reese Tarlff Admlnlstrator 1300 1 Street NW, Sulte 400w Washington, DC 20005 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 3RD REVISED PAGE 100.7 CANCELS 2ND REVISED PAGE 100.7 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.1 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 .02 O~tion A (Dial OneIDirect Dial) (Cont.1 .023 Premier Callina Plans (Cont.) .02317 Basic Savinas Plan I:' A variation of Option A, Execunet, Basic Savings Plan I offers reduced in-state Dial 1 rates for an additional monthly recurring charge to customers enrolled in Basic Calling Plan Option 14 as described in MCI WorldCom Communications F.C.C. No. 1. Customers enrolled in this plan may place intraLATA Dial-I calls at the rate of $0.12 per minute, and interLATA Dial-1 calls at the rate of $0.1 2 per minute. Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $4.00 monthly recurring (1) charge. .02317 Basic Savinas Plan II: A variation of Option A, Basic Savings Plan II offers reduced in-state Dial-I rates for an additional monthly recurring charge to customers enrolled in Basic Calling Plan Option 14 as described in MCI WorldCom Communications F.C.C. No. 1. Customers enrolled in this plan may place intraLATA Dial-I calls at the rate of $0.12 per minute, and interLATA Dial-I calls at the rate of $0.12 per minute. Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $4.00 monthly recurring charge. (1) Effective May 1, 2001, this calling option will be no longer available to new subscribers. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING .>. ' JAN 2-2003 Boise, Idaho Issued Date: December 24, 2002 EFFECTIVE: January 2, 2003 Erik Sanchez Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, gth Floor San Francisco, CA 941 0528 MCI Com,munications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verlzon Bus~ness Services IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 24th REVISED PAGE 101 CANCELS 23rd REVISED PAGE 101 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) 024 Friends & Fam~ly Proaram Boise, Idaho A variation of Option A (Dial OneIDirect Dial), the Friends & Famil Program permits a customer or Subscriber to form a Calling Circle as defined in Section A of t8is Puce Llst Once a Circle is established, the calls defined below qualify for the Friends & Family discounts. Monthly recurring charges are not eligible for discounts under this Program. The following types of calls qualify for discounts under the Friends & Family Program: -direct-dialed calls, includin the long distance popion of MCI presubscribed cellular usa e, from the Subscriber to a Member o? hls or her Calling Clrcle. Customers enrolled in the ~r1en8s & Family rogram will receive the discounts in Section ,C-3:233 when they place a call to a Friends & family go0 Number, in lieu of all other Friends & Fam~ly d~scounts. Subscribers must elect only one of the following Friends & Family Program discount options: .0241 0 tion A: h s c r i b e r s who elect Option A (Friends 8 Family Original), ,the following discounts (Friends & Family Discount will be applied against all gross qual~f~ed domestic call usage charges and surcharges. b or Subscribers enrolled in a domestic Premier Calling Plan, if s ec~fic plan rates apply, the Friends & Family Discount will be applied to the call usa e k' I? c arges and surcharges determined by these plan rates. If plan discounts are applied, t e Friends & Family Discount will ,be applied against the call usage charges and surcharges prior to the application of any plan d~scount. Mpgthly Minimum Usaqe - Customers subscribed to this plan must, a a monthly (N)(I) mlnlmum usage charge, as spec1 PC? le In 1 1 http://consumer.mci.com/mci~service~agreement/res domestic~services.js ; except I I intralata service only will be charged a monthly mlnlmum charge of $5.00. E that customers who are subscribed to thls plan and,wTo have selected the ompany for (N)!I) Discount For Discount for C?lls Monthp Calls to Calling to Non-Calling Y*4.49 Circle Members Circle Members /o $24.50 + I;; 0% Certain material previously located on page 100.2 can now be found on this page. Certain material previously located on this page can now be found on page 102. 1 Applies to Directory Assistance calls. 2 Total of Metered Use Service Option A (Dial OneIDirect Dial) and Option B (Credit Card) Issued Date: 0711 811 3 Effective: 08/01/13 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 1 Street NW, Suite 400w Washington, DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 9th REVISED PAGE 102 CANCELS 8th REVISED PAGE 102 ub’L’tps p4S1Q11 Secretay SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES ACCE1 )FiLiNG 3.METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .02 Option A (Dial One/Direct Dial)(Cont.) .024 Friends &Family Program (Cont.) .0242 Option B: For Subscribers who elect Option B,the following discounts will be applied against all gross qualified domestic call usage charges and surcharges.To be eligible for Option B,the Subscriber may not be enrolled in a domestic Premier Calling Plan. (The Subscriber may, however,be enrolled in an international Premier Calling Plan.)A Subscriber may not be enrolled concurrently in Friends &Family Option B and either the Best Friends Promotion or the Friends &Family II Promotion. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci .com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Discount For Discount for Calls Monthl Calls to Calling to Non-Calling Usage Circle Members1 Circle Members $0 -$9.99 0%0% $9.50 -$24.99 0%0% $24.50 -$49.99 5%0% $49.50÷ 5%0% In addition to the discounts,Subscribers who elect Option B will receive the following benefit: (D) (I) .0243 Option C2: For Subscribers who elect Option C,the following discounts will be applied against all gross qualified call usage and surcharges.To be eligible for Option C,the Subscriber may not be enrolled in an Optional Calling Plan,Best Friends Promoon or the Domestic Calling Promotion A.Subscribers who have total monthly usage equal to or greater than $9.50,but less than $2,500 will be eligible to receive the following: Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumermci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domesticservices.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. *A monthly invoice credit (not to exceed $10.80)equal to the Subscriber’s Dial “1”usage to Calling Circle Members in that month; *A 50%discount on Subscriber’s Dial “1”usage to Calling Circle Members which exceeds $10.80 in that month;and *A 50%discount on all other qualified usage (excluding Dial One/Direct Dial)usage to Calling Circle Members in that month. In addition to these discounts,Subscribers who elect Option C will receive the following benefits: (D) (Es) 1Does not apply to calling Circle Members whose Primary lnterexchange Carrier (PlC)is not MCI.For Calling Circle Members whose PlC is not MCI,non-Calling Circle Member discounts apply. 2This calling plan will only be available to those customers who enroll prior to January 24,1997. 3Total Metered use Service Option A(Dial Al”)and Option B (Credit Card). Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1diblaVerizonBusinessServices7thREVISEDPAGE103 CANCELS 6th REVISED PAGE 103 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3.METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .02 Option A (Dial One/Direct Dial)(Cont.) .025 Friends of the Firm Program The fofl9wing types of calls qualify for discounts under the Friends of the Firm Program (See Section C- -direct-dialed calls from the Subscriber to a Member of his or her Calling Circle;operator-assistedcallsfromtheSubscribertoaMemberwhicharebilledtotheSubscriber’s account;collect callsplacedtotheSubscriberbyaMember;third-party calls made to a Member and billed to theSubscriber’s account;direct-dialed calls placed to a Member by someone using a 7-digit accesscodeand the Subscriber’s 5-digit authorization code;and calls placed to a Subscriber’s Private 800number. Customers who subscribe to Dial One/Direct Dial service through a Corporate Account Service(CAS)or a Corporate Account Service Plus (CAS Plus)billing arrangement or through a CommercialAffinityProgramPlus(CAP Plus)are not eligible for this program. .026 [Reserved For Future Usel (D) (1) Idaho Puhitc Utllits Camnsion Offee of the Secrerv ACCEPTED FOR FLNG 2 2015 bise,ithiho 1A Friends of the Firm Subscriber who subscribes to Credit Card in conjunction with his or her Dial One/DirectDialaccountwillalsohavethe Friends of the Firm discount applied to his or her Credit Card qualifying calls.Qualifying calls are those placed to a Member of the Subscriber’s Calling Circle and billed to the Subscriber’sCreditCardaccount. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1d/b/a Verizon Business Services 11th REVISED PAGE 104 CANCELS 10th REVISED PAGE 104 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3.METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .02 Option A (Dial One/Direct Dial)(Cont.) (D) () .027 Service Availability Dial ‘1”Service is available from Metropolitan areas set forth in Section C-6 (Table II)of thisPriceList. .028 Casual Caller Dial-i:An instate InterLATA and IntraLATA per minute rate,as listed below,withnosurchargeisà5j51icabIetocallsplacedbyCasualCallerswhoaccessCompanyservicebydirectdialaccessorbydialing1010222,1010555 or any other Company Carrier identificationCode. Intrastate: $3.07 1st minute, $1.27 each additional minute Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 4TH REVISED PAGE 105 IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 CANCELS 3RD REVISED PAGE 105 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE ALL MATERIAL PREVIOUSLY FOUND ON THIS PAGE CAN NOW BE FOUND ON PAGE 232.12 -02 O ~ t i o n A (Dial OneIDirect Dial) (Cont.1 ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 106 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. ldaho Public Utilities Commission O f ice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 107 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office o i the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 108 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1d/b/a Verizon Business Services 5th REVISED PAGE 109 CANCELS 4th REVISED PAGE 109 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE .03[Reserved For Future Use.1 (D) ( ) :t:t5S COmrfl;SStOn he Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING (.‘•4OLUI Boise,1aha Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1diblaVerizonBusinessServices19thREVISEDPAGE110 CANCELS 18th REVISED PAGE 110 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) (D)03 [Reserved For Future Use.} ) Pubhc Uti1’ties Co.mmssIOfl Offire of the Secretary ACCEFTED FOR FWING o 9rI ‘) Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1d/bla Verizon Business Services 3rd Revised Page 110.1 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 110.1 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .03 Option B (Credit Card)(Cont.) .031 Monthly Recurring Charges (Cont.) .0311 Intercity Facilities Usage Charges (Cont.) .03111 Per Minute Base Rate: .031113 FReserved For Future Usel (D) .031114 Jj served For Future Use.1 kiaho Pibhc Utktes Cnrsicn ArfTrrrr3 rJr Boise Uao Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 3RD REVISED PAGE 11 1 CANCELS 2ND REVISED PAGE 11 1 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES Idaho Public Utilities commission - - - Office of the Secretary --- FOR F~LING .03 O ~ t i o n B (Credit Card) (Cont.1 ,031 Monthlv Recurrina Charges 1Cont.l ! i' Boise, Idaho .0311 lntercitv Facilities Usaae Charaes (Cont.1 I . . .03112 Time of Dav Discount Period Credit Card Service offers an Evening Discount as well as a Night and Weekend Discount at the rates specified in Section C-3.03111 above for calls placed within the time periods as set forth in the figure below. .03113 Text Tele~hone Discount1 Discounted rates identified in MCls FCC Tariff No. 1, are available to qualified hearing or speech impaired persons who have been certified, in writing, by a licensed physician, audiologist, speech pathologist, or appropriate State or Federal agency, as having a hearing or speech impairment which precludes oral communications and who have and use a text telephone for visual communications. The adjustment will be applied to the appropriate rate schedules for all Option B (Credit Card) calls. 8:00 AM to 4:59 PM 5:00 PM to 10:59 PM 11 :00 PM to 7:59 AM .03114 MCI Distinct Discounted rates are available to qualified hearing or speech impaired persons who have been certified, in writing, by a licensed physician, audiologist, speech pathologist, or appropriate State or Federal agency, as having a hearing or speech impairment which precludes oral communications and who have and use a text telephone for visual communication. The adjustment will be applied to the appropriate rate schedules for all Option B (Credit Card) calls, and will be discounted 35% during all rate periods. The written certification of the speech or hearing impairment must be presented to an MCI Customer Service Center or, if MCI so chooses, proof of certification, as defined above, may remain on file with the customer's Local Exchange Carrier. Upon request, MCI Customer Service will furnish applicants with a certification form. This rate adjustment will be provided for use only by the speech or hearing impaired customer and applies to all Option B (Credit Card) calls. Only one Credit Card account per customer is authorized for this discount. Operator assisted calls are also eligible for this discount. After October 1, 1996, this service will no longer be available to new customers. MON ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 TUES ................................................................................................... //1/1///////////1//////// ////llllllll/l/l/l/il/ll///lllllli///ill/////////////////////BUSlNESS DAY RATEIIIIIIII/II//I/I/l/I/lllll// 11111////////////1111111111//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1111/1////////////////// EVENING RATE WED * * * * * * * * * * X t * * * * * t * * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * " * " ~ * * * * * * * * * * * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + + * + * * * + * * * * * * * * * * + * * NIGHT &WEEKEND RATE**X**********I.**************.***********+*******.* * t * t t * t * + t + t * * t * t * t ~ ~ ~ * * * ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~ t t t t t t t t t x x x ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * * * ~ ~ + * * ~ ~ ~ ~ * + ~ * * * * ~ ~ * * * * * * * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '*"*'"*****"**"**** "**** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *""*"'"""""""*" * * * * THURS *****+be *.a*+.+ * * * * * EVE-NING FRI SAT SUN MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 3RD REVISED PAGE 1 12 CANCELS 2ND REVISED PAGE 1 12 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 -03 O ~ t i o n B (Credit Card) (Cont.1 .031 Monthlv Recurrina Charaes (Cont.1 .0311 lntercitv Facilities Usaae Charaes (Cont.1 .03113 Volume Discounts: * * Customers who request Credit Card service as an enhancement to their Dial "1" service (including those taking service under the Corporate Account Service, the Commercial Affinity Program (CAP) or Commercial Affinity Program Plus (CAP Plus)) can combine their Credit Card usage with their Dial "1" usage to qualify for discounts under Sections C-3.02131 and C-3.02132. Customers taking service under the Corporate Account Service or the Commercial Affinity Program (CAP) will receive discounts of 22 percent on all domestic usage. Customers taking service under the Corporate Accounts Service PLUS or the Commercial Affinity Program Plus (CAP Plus) will receive discounts of 26 percent on all domestic usage. These discounts do not apply to surcharges. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 I ! Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 1 5TH REVISED PAGE 1 13 CANCELS 1 4TH REVISED PAGE 1 13 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONTJ 3. METERED USE SERVICE ICONT.1 .03 Option B (Credit Card) (Cont.1 .031 Monthlv Recurrina Charaes (Cont.1 .0311 Usaae Charaes (Cont.1 .03114 Access Surcharae~ The following per call undiscounted surcharges will apply to all Credit Card calls: 8 .89 .0312 Directorv Assistance An undiscounted charge of $1.99 per call will be applied to each Directory (I) Assistance call, subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04 above. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary . ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 1 - 2000 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 19, 2000 EFFECTIVE: November 1, 2000 Erik Sanchez Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, gth Floor San Francisco, CA 941 05 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 2ND REVISED PAGE 1 14 CANCELS 1 REVISED PAGE 1 14 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE .03 O ~ t i o n B (Credit Card) (Cont.1 .033 O~tional Features .0331 Authorization Codes (1 4 Diqitl Limited to 9,999 total codes/account No Charge ,0332 Call Records on Maanetic TaDe $100/Account .034 Non-Recurrina Charaes .0341 Set-UD Charaes: Call Records on Magnetic Tape $5OO/Account .035 Service Availability Credit Card Service is available in the metropolitan areas set forth in Section C-6 (Table Ill). .036 MCI Around Town Idaho Public Utilities Commission - Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 11 5 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ISSUED: OCTOBER 22, 1990 ORIGINAL PAGE 11 6 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 11 7 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 I Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 11 8 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. Idaho Public Utilities commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 : Boise, Idaho fi ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth T a r i f f Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 1 19 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT -2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1d/bla Verizon Business Services 12th Revised Page 120Cancels11thRevisedPage120 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE 3.04 Option C MCI Flat Rate 1 Option C MCI Flat Rate is an outbound and inbound,multipoint service for single or multiple locationcustomers.Customers may access the MCI network using Dial 1 or (D)inbound service using 800 termination.Upon enrollment,customer must designate a term plan option,with either a month-to-month,one-year,or two-year commitment.No discounts will apply to thisservice.Outbound Option C calls may originate and terminate anywhere within the State of Idaho.Outbound calls are dialed without assistance of an MCI operator (D and do not include calls as specified in Section C-3.1 1 and Section C-(D3.12.Inbound Option C calls are made through a desi9nated 800 number,and the Option C customerisbilledratherthanthecallori9inator.All calls are subject to a 60 second minimum initial period andarethenroundedtothenexthigher60secondincrement.If the computed charge includes a fractionofacent,the fraction is rounded to the nearest whole cent. MCI Flat Rate intrastate service is an add-on to MCI’s interstate MCI Flat Rate service and all termsandconditions,features,functions,discounts,installation,monthly,and any other charges exceptintrastateusagewillapplypursuanttoMCl’s FCC Tariff No.1. Monthly Recurring Charges Account Fee:$20.00 per account if total Option C usage charges (excluding non-recurring andmonthlyfees)are less than $20/account/month.The $20.00 charge is applied against themonthsusagecharges. 3.041 Access Methods and Charges 3.0411 Dial “1”Access Dial ‘1”access,as described in Section C-3.02,can be used for Option C alone or inconjunctionwithcallingcardaccessand/or 800 access.The customer can presubscribeuptofiftylocationsforeachOptionCaccount.There is no limit to thenumberoforiginatingtelephonenumbersat a customer location. Option C customers will be charged the per minute rate listed below during all timeperiods: Per Minute Rate:$0.30 Idaho Pubhc Uthti€s Co.mnisStOfl Offe of the Secretary ACCEPTL5 FOR FlUNG JAN 2 3 21i16 icaho 1 Beginning July 1,1996,this option is no longer available to new customers Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16EdwinReese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400wWashington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1d/b/a Verizon Business Services 9 REVISED PAGE 121 CANCELS 8 REVISED PAGE 121 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE 3.04 Option C (MCI Flat Rate)(Cont.) 3.041 Access Methods and Charges (Cont.) 3.0412 [Reserved For Future Use.1 (D) 3.0413 MCI Flat Rate 800 MCI Flat Rate 800 can be used as part of Option C service alone and/or in conjunction with Dial “1”access or calling card access.This type of access is accomplished by800terminationinwhichMCIprovidesaunique 800 number with Business Line Termination to the Option C customer so that the customer can receive incoming calls.The Option C customer is billed for the calls rather than the call originators.A customer may order multiple 800 numbers which can terminate to the same or different telephone numbers.Option C customers are subject to the rules and regulations governing MCI 800 Service as set forth in MCI s FCC Tariff No.1. Option C customers will be charged the per minute rate listed below during all times periods: Per Minute Rate:$0.30 Idaho Pubhc UtiHtieS CommSSiOfl nf the Secretary ACCEFfbD1:FiLING Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 5TH REVISED PAGE 122 CANCELS 4TH REVISED PAGE 122 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES METERED USE SERVICE .04 O ~ t i o n C (MCI Flat Rate) (Cont.1 .041 Access Methods and Charaes (Cont.1 .0414 MCI Private 800 MCI Private 800 provides a number to receive calls from any point within the state. The customer may have multiple MCI Private 800 numbers per account. MCI will provide a 4-digit security code with which the customer can receive incoming calls. The customer will be charged the rates and charges as described in MCl's FCC Tariff No. 1 for each call. .042 Directorv Assistance An undiscountable charge of $1.99 per call will be applied to each Directory Assistance (11 call, subject to the provisions set forth in MCl's FCC Tariff No. 1. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV 1 - 2000 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 19, 2000 EFFECTIVE: November 1, 2000 Erik Sanchez Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, gth Floor San Francisco, CA 941 05 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 1 ST REVISED PAGE 123 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE 123 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 1 ST REVISED PAGE 124 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE 124 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 125 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. Idaho Public lltilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Boise, Idaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 126 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 I Boise, Idaho ; ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 127 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. fdaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 I999 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 128 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 129 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 5th Revised Page 130 Cancels 4th Revised Page 130 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 .05 Option D (Reserved for Future Use) Drr ldaho Public Utilities Cornrnissian Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, ldab ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. Issued Uate: 8122108 tttectlve: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services Idaho Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 131 Cancels I st Revised Page 131 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 3. METERED USE SERVICE ICONT.) .05 O~tion D (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) Idaho Public Utilities COmmi~~ien Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, Idaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. . 1 - - . *- Issued Date: 8/22/08 tttectlve: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown ' Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1 100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. dlbla Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 132 Cancels 1 st Revised Page 132 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .05 Option D (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. . J lssued Date: 8/22/08 tttectlve: 9/1m Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 5th Revised Page 133 Cancels 4th Revised Page 133 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .05 O~tion D (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.1 ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. ldaho Public Utilities Commissien Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLlNG SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, ldaho Issued Date: 8/22/08 tttectlve: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services Idaho Price List No. 1 3rd Revised Page 134 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 134 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .05 O~tion D (Reserved for Future Use) ICont.) Idaho,Public Utilities Cbmmisska Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 ; 2008 I .- ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. Issued Date: 8/22/08 tttectlve: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 I st Revised Page 135 Cancels Original Page 135 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .05 Option D (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.1 DIT ldaho Public Utilities Commissien Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, ldaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. lssued Uate: 8/22/08 tttectlve: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 1 st Revised Page 136 Cancels Original Page 136 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .05 Option D (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ldaho Public Utilities Commissi~ Office of the Secrebry ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Bolao, Maho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. ksued ~ a e Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Mich~gan Avenue Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. dlbla Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 I st Revised Page 137 Cancels Original Page 137 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .05 O~tion D (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.1 ldaho Public Utilities Commissirn Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 i I?&, ldaho I ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. lssued Date: 8/22/08 tttectwe: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1 100 Chicago, lL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 I st Revised Page 138 Cancels Original Page 138 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .05 Option D (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.1 ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, Idaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. Issued Date: 8 / 2 2 / 0 8 tttectlve: 911 1158 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 I st Revised Page 139 Cancels Original Page 139 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 .05 O~tion D (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.1 DIT ldaho Public Utilities Cornmihian Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 I st Revised Page 140 Cancels Original Page 140 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .05 Option D (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ldaho Public Utilities Commissil Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, ldaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. , Issued Date: 8/22/08 tltective: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1 100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, lnc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services Idaho Price List No. 1 1st Revised Page 141 Cancels Original Page 141 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES ICONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .05 Option D (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) Idaho Public Utilities Commissicm Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING I SEP 1 - 2008 1 1 Boise, ldak i ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. 1 - . . . . . . - - ----' lssued ate: 8/22/08 tttective: 911 /d8 Shannon L. Brown. Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1 100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 1 st Revised Page 142 Cancels Original Page 142 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .05 Option D (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.1 Drr ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 .- 2008 Boise, ldaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. ."j Issued Date: 8122108 tttectlve: 9 m Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Mich.igan Avenue, Suite 1100 Ch~cago, IL 60601. MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 1st Revised Page 143 Cancels Original Page 143 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .05 O~tion D (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ldaho Public Utilities Commissien Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 1 Boise, Idaho ! - - - - > , : ---- *--.. - ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. Issued Date: 8 1 1 trtect~ve: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager - 205 N. Mich.igan Avenue Suite 1100 Ch~cago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. dlbla Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 I st Revised Page 144 Cancels Original Page 144 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .05 Option D (Resewed for Future Use) (Cont.) ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. ldaho Public Utilities hmmissirn Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, Idaho 1 Issued Date: 8122108 tttectwe: 911108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1 100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 145 Cancels 1 st Revised Page 145 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .05 Option D (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ldaho Public Utilities Commissh Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, ldaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. . t ." w Issued Uate: 8/22/08 trtectwe: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 146 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise. Idaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 147 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 148 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 149 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 150 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING O C l 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI Communications Services, Inc. dlbla Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 4th Revised Page 151 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 151 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .06 Option E (Reserved for Future Use) idaho Public Utilities Comrnissien Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 ? \ Boise, ldaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. .-. . .-... "--..-..A- Z--J Issued Date: 8/22/08 tttectlve: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 7th Revised Page 152 Cancels 6th Revised Page 152 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .06 Option E (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ldaho Public Utilities Commissien - Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 1 Boise, Idaho I i ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. --. dm.-) Issued Date: 8/22/08 tttectlve: 911 168 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1 100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 153 Cancels I st Revised Page 153 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 .06 O~tion E (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.1 ldaho Public Utilities Commissian Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 i Boise, Idaho i Issued Date: 8/22/08 tffectlve: 9/1/08' Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1 100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 3rd Revised Page 154 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 154 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .06 Option E (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ldaho Public Utilities Commiwisn Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 '4 i Boise, Idaho , , MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 155 Cancels I st Revised Page 1 55 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .06 Option E (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 -- 2008 Boise, ldaho 1 Issued Date: 8/ZaUg tttectlve: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1 100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 156 Cancels 1 st Revised Page 156 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .06 Option E (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ldaho Public Utilities Comrnissisn Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 j Boise, Idaho , 8 ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. . .- :. ..-I Issued Date: 8/22/08 trtect~ve: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 157 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. ldaho Publi 'C Utilities Commission , ., 1e Secretarv office or n ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise. ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 158 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 159 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 3rd Revised Page 160 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 160 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .07 Option F (Reserved for Future Use) ldaho Public Utilities Commissisn Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, Idaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 3RD REVISED PAGE 161 IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 CANCELS 2ND REVISED PAGE 161 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT .2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 2ND REVISED PAGE 162 CANCELS IST REVISED PAGE 162 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 1 REVISED PAGE 163 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE 163 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING W e , ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 2ND REVISED PAGE 164 CANCELS IST REVISED PAGE 164 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 3RD REVISED PAGE 165 CANCELS 2ND REVISED PAGE 165 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 (Dl ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlelNG Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 2ND REVISED PAGE 166 CANCELS lST REVISED PAGE 166 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 1 ST REVISED PAGE 167 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE 167\ SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 (Dl ldaho Public Utilities Commissinn OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 168 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: October 1 5, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 169 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Boise, Idaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 170 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 171 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlLiNG OCT 2 5 1998 I Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 172 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. tdaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES,INC.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1diblaVerizonBusinessServices11thREVISEDPAGE173 CANCELS 10th REVISED PAGE 173 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) 3.09 Option H (Prism Plus) Option H is a one-way,multipoint service allowing the customer to originate calls via customer-provided local business telephone lines,and allowing the termination of calls via a combination of MCI-provided intrastate facilities and local business telephone lines.All Prism Plus calls are subject to a 60secondminimuminitialperiodandarethenroundedtothenexthigher60secondincrement.Acustomerwhosubscribestothisservicebutdoesnotpayforusagewhenbilled(as prescribed underSectionB-7.02),will be terminated as a Prism Plus customer.If the party then continues to access theMCInetwork,it will be billed for its usage at the rates specified in Section C-3.02 and will be treated inallrespectsasacustomerofthatservice(Dial 1). 3.091 Monthly Recurring Charges 3.0911 Account Charge:This charge is pursuant to MCI’s FCC Tariff No.1. 3.0912 Per Minute Usage Charges 3.0912.1 InterLATA and IntraLATA dial-i service: BUSINESS DAY EVENING NIGHT &WEEKEND $0.43 $0.32 $0.22 (D) () Idaho Pubhc IJtUUes COnrIdSSOn flffIc of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING ose,idaho Issued Date:01/i 3/16 Effective:01/23/1 6EdwinReese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 2ND REVISED PAGE 174 CANCELS 1 ST REVISED PAGE 174 - -- SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .09 O ~ t i o n H (Prism Plus) (Cont.1 .091 Monthlv Recurrincl Charses (Cont.1 .0913 Time of Dav Discount Periods Prism Plus offers an Evening Discount as well as a Night and Weekend Discount. These discounts are reflected in the rates specified in Section C-3.0912 for calls placed within the time periods as set forth in the figure below. 8:OO A M 1 ..................... 1 * * * * ' * * * I to I //BUSINESS DAY RATE// I - * * * * * * 4: 59 PM 1 1//1111/1//1//1//1/// 1 " " " " " " * * 5:00 PM I to I EVENING RATE 10:59 PM I I ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1995 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 4TH REVISED PAGE 175 CANCELS 3RD REVISED PAGE 175 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 .09 O ~ t i o n H (Prism Plus) (Cont.1 .091 Monthlv Recurrina Charaes (Cont.1 .09 14 Volume Discounts1": Volume Discounts, as set forth below, are available to those Prism Plus customers who have established accounts with MCI and whose total monthly charge for usage (not including the monthly account charge) equals or exceeds $25.00. The discounts shown apply on an incremental basis and only for amounts in excess of the usage threshold. Total Monthlv Usaae Discount $ 0 - $ 24.99 0 % $ 25.00 - $ 199.99 O%(I) $ 200.00 - $3,000.00 5%(1) $3,000.01 + 0 % .0915 Discounts, as set forth below, will be given to those Prism Plus customers who have subscribed to the service under the Qualified Commercial Affinity Group Billing Arrangement (A). This is in lieu of any other volume discounts provided for elsewhere in this tariff for Option H calls. The discounts shown apply on an incremental basis and only for amounts in excess of the usage threshold. Total Monthlv Usaue Discount $ 0 - $ 149.99 5% $ 150.00 - $1,999.99 17% $2000.00 + 20% 11 For Corporate Account Service PLUS and Qualified Commercial Affinity Group Billing Arrangement (B) - customers, a 22 percent volume discount will be applied to all Prism Plus usage. For Corporate Account Service customers, in addition to the discounts in Section C-3.0914 a 3 percent volume discount will be applied to all domestic usage between $0 and $24.99. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, Idaho . . ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES,INC.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1d/b/a Verizon Business Services 13th REVISED PAGE 176 CANCELS 12th REVISED PAGE 176 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .09 Option H (Prism Plus)(Cont.) .091 Monthly Recurring Charges (Cont.) .0916 Prism Plus Calling Card Features -Available to all Option H Customers via 950.(D) .091 61 Usage Charges: .091611 950 Access:The per minute rates for 950 access are set forth in SectionC-3.0912 above. (D) .091 7 Directory Assistance An undiscounted charge of $1.99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to theprovisionssetforthinSectionB-6.04 herein. dah Pubhe Utilities CemmSSiOfl of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1diblaVerizonBusinessServices2ndRevisedPage176.1 CANCELS 1st Revised Page 176.1 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .09 Option H (Prism Plus)(Cont.) .091 Monthly Recurring Charges (Cont.) .0918 Friends of the Firm .09181 A variation of Option H (Prism Plus),the Friends of the Firm Program permits a customer or Subscriber to form a Calling Circle as defined in Section A of this tariff.Once a Calling Circle is established,the following calls qualify for the Friends of the Firm discounts: -direct-dialed calls from the Subscriber to a Member of his or herCallingCircle; -operator-assisted calls from the Subscriber to a Member whicharebilledtotheSubscriber’s account; -collect calls placed to the Subscriber by a Member; -third-party calls made by a Member and billed to the Subscriber’s account; (D) (Lb) .09182 A discount of 20 percent will be applied against all gross qualifiedintrastatecallusageandsurcharges.Directory Assistance charges and any monthly recurring charges are not discounted under this program. daho Pubc:L!tiiSes Comrnss.ion flirr of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG JAN 9 2513 Eoise kieho ‘A Friends of the Firm Subscriber who subscribes to Credit Card in conjunction with his or her Prism PlusaccountwillalsohavetheFriendsoftheFirmdiscountappliedtohisorherCreditCardqualifyingcalls.Qualifying calls are those placed to a Member of the Subscriber’s Calling Circle and billed to the Subscriber’sCreditCardaccount. (D (D Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 2ND REVISED PAGE 176.2 CANCELS 1 ST REVISED PAGE 176.2 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 3. METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.1 .09 O ~ t i o n H (Prism Plus) (Cont.1 ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 2ND REVISED PAGE 177 CANCELS 1 ST REVISED PAGE 177 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 .09 Ootion H (Prism Plus) (Cont.1 .091 Monthlv Recurrina Charaes (Cont.) .0919 O~tional Features .09191 Accountina Codes (3-Diait) $0 From 1 to 999 codes per customer originating location. Charges for accounting codes will not be prorated. .09 1 9 2 Call Records on Maanetic T a ~ e $100/Account ,092 Non-Recurrina Charaes .0921 Order Processina Charae: $1 0 .0922 Set-Uo Charaes: Call Records on Magnetic Tape $5OO/Account .093 S~ecial Features - The following features are available to institutional customers (e.g., hotels, hospitals, universities). Customers electing either or both of these features will be assessed the following charges: Monthlv Charae Installation $25.00 $0.00 .0931 S~ecial Closina Messaae: MCI will provide a closing message designed specifically for the institutional customer which will replace the standard closing message. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 2nd Revised Page 178 Cancels 1st Revised Page 178 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .09 Option H (Prism Plus) .093 Special Features (Cont.) .0932 Special Dialing Instructions:MCI Operators will provide callers with customer- specified dialing instructions (i.e.,how to reach the local operator,how to place an 800 call). .094 Service Availability Prism Plus is available from all exchanges which have been converted to equal access in the cities listed in Table Il of this tariff. D D kiaho ACCEPTED FOP.FL1NG B&se,dahO Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 179 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 4th Revised Page 180 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 180 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .I0 Option I (Reserved for Future Usel ldaho Public Utilities Cornmissien Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Boise, Idaho , ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. .- - . *..w-b Issued Date: 8/22/08 tttective: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 3rd Revised Page 181 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 181 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .I0 Option I (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ldaho Pubtic Utilities Commissisn Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Boise, ldaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. _ Issued ate: 8/22/08 tttective: 91111JB Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1 100 Ch~cago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 4th Revised Page 182 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 182 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .I0 Option I (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 -- 2008 Boise, Idaho , ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. ' .-J Issued Date: 8122108 tttectwe: 911 108' Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1 100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 7th Revised Page 183 Cancels 6th Revised Page 183 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .I0 O~tion I (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Issued Date: 8/22/08 tttectlve: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. I 8th Revised Page 184 Cancels 7th Revised Page 184 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 .I0 O~tion I (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) I ldaho Public Utiljties Commissiaa Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING 1 S E P 1 - 2 0 0 8 j Boise, ldab 4 i ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. Issued Date: 8/22/08 tttectlve: 9/1/0g Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 3rd Revised Page 185 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 185 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .I0 Option I (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ldaho Public Utilities Commissian Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 , Boa ldaho -- .. .. 2..-j ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. Issued Date: 8/22/08 tttectlve: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1 100 Ch~cago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 3rd Revised Page 186 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 186 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE ICONT.) .I0 O~tion I (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP I - 2008 Boise, Idaho 1 -- - -. . -. . - :.-J ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. lssued Date: 8/22/08 tttectlve: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 11 00 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 3rd Revised Page 187 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 187 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES ICONT.1 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 .10 Oetion I (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.1 ldaho Public Utilities Cornrnissisn Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 > Boise, Idaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. , L " J Issued Date: 8/22/08 tttect~ve: 911108' Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1 100 Chicago, lL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 3rd Revised Page 188 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 188 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .I0 Option I (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Boise, Idaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. . - # Issued Date: 8122108 tttectwe: 911m Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1 100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. dlbla Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 3rd Revised Page 189 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 189 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .I0 O~tion I (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ldaho Public Utilities Cornmisskn Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, ldaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. . -1 Issued Date: 8/22/08 tlfectwe: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Mich~gan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. ldaho Price List No. 1 dlbla Verizon Business Services 3rd Revised Page 190 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 190 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) . 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 .I0 O~tion I (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) D/T ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 4 ? Boise, Idaho I i $ ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. '" .-J Issued ~ a t e : 8 / 2 2 / 0 8 t l v e : 9/1/0g Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 3rd Revised Page 191 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 191 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .I0 Option I (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) .-. I ldaho Public Utilities Camrnissioa . Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, ldaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. -.> Issued Date: 8/22/08 tifectlve: 911 /d8 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Mich.igan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chcago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. dlbla Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 3rd Revised Page 192 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 192 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 .I0 O~tion I (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING .. 'I \. +. . . SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, ldaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. Issued Date: 8/22/08 trtectwe: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. ldaho Price List No. 1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 3rd Revised Page 193 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 193 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .I0 Option I (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ldaho Public Utilities Comrnissien Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 i Boise, ldab 1 ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. . . , '---+ Issued Date: 8/22/08 ttfectlve: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1 100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 I st Revised Page 193.1 Cancels Original Page 193.1 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .I0 Option I (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Boise, Idaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. -.-j Issued Uate: 8/22/08 tttectwe: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Mich.igan Avenue Suite 1 100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. ldaho Price List No. I d/b/a Verizon Business Services 3rd Revised Page 194 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 194 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .I0 Option I (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FtLlNG SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, ldaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. . -- I MCI Communications Services, Inc. dlbla Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 3rd Revised Page 195 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 195 - - - SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 .I0 O~tion I (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.1 ldaho Public Utilities Commissien Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise. ldaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. "J Issued Date: 8/22/08 ttfectlve: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown - Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1 100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 3rd Revised Page 196 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 196 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 .I0 Option I (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.1 ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 -- 2008 Boise, ldaho Issued Date: 8/22/08 tltectwe: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 3rd Revised Page 197 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 197 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .I0 O~tion I (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ldaho Public Utilities Commissitn Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, ldaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. Issued Date: 8/22/08 Effectwe: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite I 100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 1 st Revised Page 197.1 Cancels Original Page 197.1 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .I0 Option I (Reserved for Future Usel (Cont.) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, Idaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. . . -1 Issued Date: 8/22/08 tttectwe: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1 100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 3rd Revised Page 197.2 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 197.2 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 .I0 Option I (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.1 ldaho Public Utilities Commissien Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, ldaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. -- 1 Issued Date: 8/22/08 tttective: 911 16g Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1 100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dlb/a Verizon Business Services 36th Revised Page 198 Cancels 35th Revised Page 198 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3.METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .11 Option J (Operator Assisted Calling)2,3 (N) Operator Assisted Calling is available for customers of MCI’s Options A (Dial One/Direct Dial), H (Prism Plus),I (MCI VNET)L (MCI Vision)Q (Commercial Dial 1 Service),Option Y (Advanced Option I for Small business).Option Z (networkMCl Onej,Option AA (Advanced Option II for Small Business),Option AB (homeMCl One),Option AD (MCI One Savings), Option AF CMCI One Advantage),Option AG (MCI Communications Services,Inc.On-Net Services)Option AH (MCI Everyday Classic),Option Al (MCI Everyday Plus),Option AJ (MCI Anytime),Option AK (MCI E’eryday Savings),Option AL (Basic Calling Plan XX), Option AM (Basic Calling Plan YY),Option AN fBasic Calling Plan ZZJ,Option AO (220 Direct Plan),Option AP (321 Direct Plan),Option AQ (TILD Plan),Option AR (T1LD 7c Plan), Option AS (MCI Simple Int’l Plan),Option AT (Basic Calling Plan A),Option AU (Basic calling Plan B),Qption AV(Block of Time Plan 4),Option AW (Block of Time Plan 5),Option AX (Block of Time Plan 6),Option AY (Block of Time Plan 7)Option AZ CNetRate Plan),Option BA (Basic calling Plan C)Option BB (Basic calling Plan b),Option BC (Basic calling Plan E), Option BD (Basic calling iDlan F),Qption BE (Basic calling Plan G),Option BF (Basic calling Plan H)Option BG (Basic Calling Plan I),Option BH (Basic Calling Plan J),Option BI (Basic Calling IDlan K),Option BJ (Basic Calling Plan L),Option BK (Basic Calling Plan M),Option BL (Basic Calling Plan N)1 Option BM (Basic Calling Plan 0),Option BN (Basic Calling Plan F), Option BO (Basic Calling Plan Q)and Option BP thru Option BW(Basic Calling Plan R,S,T,U,V,WX and Y);services at the per minute usage charges specified for each service in Sections ó-3.12 for Option A,I,L,Y,Z AA,AB,AD,AF,AG,AH,Al,AJ AK,AL AM, AN, AO,AP,AQ,AR,AS,AT,AU,AV,AW A),AY,AZ,BB,BC,BD BE,BF,Ba,BH,B,BJ ,BK, BL,BM,BN ,BO thru BW;C-3.18 for option Q;and C-3.09 for Option H,plus the undiscountable service charge listed below.This charge is in addition to the initial minute and additional minute charges applicable to a call.When a call is subject to more than one service charge,only the highest service charge applies.These surcharges are subject to Friends & Famfly discounts when imposed on calls which are eligible for that program. Service Charge Per Call Person-to-Person1 1 $6.05 Person-to-Person Collect $6.05 Station-to-Station $5.49 Station-to-tation Collect $5.49 Third Party $5.49 Operator Dialed $1.10 Idaho Public UtiPties Commsion Office of te Scrtry ACCETED &s Idano For calls made from private residential or business phones by Casual Callers,excluding the customers specified in Section C-3.01 1,which are completed with the assistance of an MCI Communications 2 Services,Inc.operator;an additional surcharge of $2.50 will apply. Effective November 1,2011,Commercial credit card billing for operator assisted calls will no longer be available where payment is made via an automated or live operator. Effective on or after August 8,2016,MCI Communications Services,Inc.will no longer offer Person-(N) to-Person,3rd Number Billing,or Collect Call operator services throughout the United States to customers that MCI serves as an interexchange carrier or facility-based local carrier.(N) Issued Date:7/22/16 Effective:8/08/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW.,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.I dlbla Verizon Business Services 16th Revised Page 199 Cancels 15th Revised Page 199 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .11 Option J (Operator Assisted Calling)2 (N) .111 1-800-COLLECT1:(C) Calls which are placed by dialing an MCI-provided access number (1-800-COLLECT),which permits the caller to place a collect,third party billed,credit card,local exchange carrier or MCI Preferred card call with the assistance of an operator,live or autom9ted in a voice response unit,will be charged the per minute rate and surcharge listed below. PER MINUTE USAGE RATES I nterLATA Day Evening Night/Weekend Mileage Band i’1 Addi 1 0-10 0.5800 0.5800 0.5000 0.5000 0.4000 0.4000 11-16 0.7500 0.6500 0.6000 0.5500 0.4500 0.4500 17-22 0.7500 0.6500 0.6000 0.5500 0.4500 0.4500 23-30 0.9800 0.8600 0.8000 0.6800 0.6500 0.5300 31-40 0.9800 0.8600 0.8000 0.6800 0.6500 0.5300 41-55 0.9800 0.8600 0.8000 0.6800 0.6500 0.5300 56-70 0.7700 1.0300 0.9300 0.7800 0.7500 0.6500 71-124 0.7700 1.0300 0.9300 0.7800 0.7500 0.6500 125-196 0.8200 0.7400 1.0600 0.9300 0.8300 0.7800 197-292 0.8200 0.7400 1.0600 0.9300 0.8300 0.7800 293+0.8700 0.7900 0.7400 1.0100 0.9100 0.8300 SURCHARGE Station to Station $3.33 Person to Person $5.21 3rd Party $5.21 IntraLATA Day Evening Niciht1Neekend Mileage Band 1 Addi 0-10 0.5800 0.5800 0.5000 0.5000 0.4000 0.4000 11-16 0.7500 0.6500 0.6000 0.5500 0.4500 0.4500 17-22 0.7500 0.6500 0.6000 0.5500 0.4500 0.4500 23-30 0.9800 0.8600 0.8000 0.6800 0.6500 0.5300 31-40 0.9800 0.8600 0.8000 0.6800 0.6500 0.5300 41-55 0.9800 0.8600 0.8000 0.6800 0.6500 0.5300 56-70 1.1100 1.0300 0.9300 0.7800 0.7500 0.6500 71-124 1.1100 1.0300 0.9300 0.7800 0.7500 0.6500 125-196 1.1100 1.1100 1.0600 0.9300 0.8300 0.7800 197-292 1.1100 1.1100 1.0600 0.9300 0.8300 0.7800 293+1.1100 1.1100 1.1100 1.0100 0.9100 0.8300 SURCHARGE idaho Public UtIties Cnmmsson Station to Station $3 33 CfIrD$ Person to Person $5.21 AC(P :-. 3rd Party $5.21 Dis,)dc Calls subject to the availability of the 1-800-COLLECT access number to complete calls on the (C) Company’s network.2 Effective on or after August 8,2016,MCI Communications Services,Inc.will no longer offer Person-to-(N) Person,3rd Number Billing,or Collect Call operator services throughout the United States to customers that MCI serves as an interexchange carrier or facility-based local carrier.(N) Issued Date:7/22/16 Effective:8/08/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW.,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.I dibla Verizon Business Services 2nd Revised Page 200 Cancels 1st Revised Page 200 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .11 Option J (Operator Assisted Calling)1 (N) .112 0+Guardian Service The Company’s 0+Guardian Service provides an end user with intrastate calling capability from specific tiealthcare service provider locations for healthcare service providers that have signed an exclusive agreement with MCI for the provision of operator service calling classifications as described in Section 3.34.0+Guardian Service allows for calls that are placed with the assistance of a live or automated operator from healthcare service provider client telephones presubscribed to the Company. Per-Minute Rates:The operator services per-minute rates in as specified in Sections C-3.12 shall apply to 0+Guardian Service. Per-Call Surcharges:In lieu of the operator service surcharges described in Section 3.11 a surcharge of $3.00 shall apply for all intrastate 0+Guardian operator service calls in addition to the per-minute rates described above. Idaho Pubhc Utiities Commission 0ffi’of te $actry ACCEPTED . f-.’C LLD Boise,lcaho Effective on or after August 8,2016,MCI Communications Services,Inc.will no longer offer Person-(N) to-Person,3rd NumberBilling,or Collect Call operator services throughout the United States to customers that MCI serves as an interexchange carrier or facility-based local carrier.(N) Issued Date:7/22/16 Effective:8/08/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW.,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 201 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 CI TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 202 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 203 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI Communications Services, Inc. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 13th REVISED PAGE 204 CANCELS 12th REVISED PAGE 204 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .I2 OPTION K (PAYPHONE, INSTITUTIONAL & LEC CALLING CARD) The following rates apply to calls made with the assistance of an operator from MCI presubscribed public, semi-public, or rivate pay hones, and from MCI resubscribed P i! l Y institutional hones, or with a Local xchange ompany calling card. hese rates also appl to calls made rom phones ,not presubscribed to MCIvia an MCI carrier access code )e., 1010232, from non-MCI presubscrlbed (T) phones. In addltlon, Servlce Charg,es apply, as ~ndlcated. No volume discounts are applicable to calls made under this service nor IS the usa e or surcharge revenue included in the calculation of any discount ellgibilit . The surcharges ~sted below are Y ? subject to Friends & Family discounts when imposed on cal s whjch are eli ible for that program. If the computed charge Includes a fractlon of a cent, the fract~on IS rounde down to the next whole cent. B PER MINUTE RATES Ban T O 1-22 23-55 56-1 24 125-292 Business Dav Service Charge Per Call: LEC Callin Card s Person-to- erson Person-to-Person Coin Person-to-Person Collect Station-to-Station Station-to-Station Collect Operator Station Coin Third Part Operator 6ialed Add'l Evening I st Add'l Nig ht/w I st J&&o p ~ b i i t 9til;':ie~ ccmml~~im Office of [he Pa:r&ry ACCEPTED FOR FILING Boise, Idaho Issued Date: 0311 611 2 Effective: 0410 1 11 2 Edwin Reese Tariff Admlnlstrator 1300 1 Street NW, Sulte 400w Washington, DC 20005 MCI Communications Services, Inc. dlbla Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 5th Revised Page 205 Cancels 4th Revised Page 205 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .I21 Coin Sent Paid Calls which are placed from public and semi-public payphones for which the customer pays by inserting coins into the payphone as payment for the calls on a real-time basis. Rate Band 1-1 0 11-22 23-55 56- 1 24 125-292 293-430 Day 1st 3 min. .7000 .7500 1 .oooo .I500 1.2500 1.3500 Evening &MJ 1st 3 min. ,7000 .6000 .7500 .6500 1.0000 .8000 1.1500 ,9000 1.2500 1.0500 1.3500 1.1500 ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 1 - 2007 Boise. ldaho Issued Date: 7120107 - .... . Effective: 8/1/07 ' Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 6th Revised Page 206 Cancels 5th Revised Page 206 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) ldaho Public Utilities Commission ; Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Boise, ldaho Issued Date: 7120107 Effective: 811 107 ; Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. dlbla Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 207 Cancels 1 st Revised Page 207 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) U ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 1 - 2007 Boise, ldaho 1 Issued Date: 7120107 Effective: 8il107 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 208 Cancels 1 st Revised Page 208 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 .I22 ldaho Public Utilities Cornmi- Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 1 - 2007 Boise, ldaho I Issued Date: 7/20/07 Effective: 8/1/07:.. . 7 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 2nd Revised Page 209 Cancels 1st Revised Page 209 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) ,122 D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D ldaho Public Utilitias Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 1 - 2007 Boise, ldaho Issued Date: 7120107 Effective: 8/1/07 r Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services Idaho Price List No. 1 4th Revised Page 21 0 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 21 0 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .13 Option L (Reserved for Future Use) ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. Iephn Public Utilities Commissien Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING 1 tttectlve: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Mich~gan Avenue Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. dlbla Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 4th Revised Page 21 1 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 21 1 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .I3 Option L (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.1 ldaho Public Utilities Commissien Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. ".' ~ttectlve: YII IU Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Mich.igan Avenue Suite 11 00 Ch~cago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 15th Revised Page 212 Cancels 14th Revised Page 21 2 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .I 3 O~tion L (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. ldaho Public Utilities CommissicR Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 2 ! Boise, ldaho 9 t dale. OlLLlVO Shannon-L. Brown Tariff Manager . 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 11 00 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. ldaho Price List No. 1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 3rd Revised Page 21 2.1 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 212.1 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRlPTlONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .I3 O~tion L (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.1 DIT ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 I I Boise, Idaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. -*. 1 Issued Date: 8/22/08 tttectwe: 911 log Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 11 00 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 4th Revised Page 21 3 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 21 3 - SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .I3 Option L (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) Idaho Public Utilities Commissisn Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 I Boise, Idaha ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. -- I Issued Date: 8/22/08 tttectlve: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Mich.igan Avenue Suite 11 00 Ch~cago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services Idaho Price List No. 1 5th Revised Page 214 Cancels 4th Revised Page 214 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 .I3 O~tion L (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) 1ilah.n P~lblic Utilities Commissiea . -- Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING ' I SEP 1 - 2008 I ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. lssued Date: 8/22/08 tttectlve: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 21 5 Cancels I st Revised Page 21 5 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .I3 Option L (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ldaho Public Utilities CotntniSSi~n Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. J - lssued Uate: 8/22/08 tffectlve: 9/1/0g Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 216 Cancels I st Revised Page 21 6 - - SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 .I3 Option L (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ldaho Public Utilities Commissim Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, ldaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. .- Issued Date: 8/22/08 tlfect~ve: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 3rd Revised Page 21 7 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 21 7 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .I 3 Option L (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.1 ldaho Public Utilities C0mmi3& Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING 1 SEP1-2008 4 8 Boise, Idaho i ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. 1 -.. 3 Issued Date: 8/22/08 ttfectlve: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Mich.igan Avenue Suite 1 100 Chlcago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. dlbla Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 3rd Revised Page 21 8 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 218 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .I3 Option L (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) D/T ldaho Public Utilities Commissian Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Boise, ldaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. -. J Issued Date: 8 1 2 m tttectlve: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1d/b/a Verizon Business Services 8th Revised Page 219 Cancels 7th Revised Page 219 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .14 Option M (MCI Preferred) Option M is a one-way,outbound,multipoint service for single or multi-location customers usingDial“1”origination.In connection with Option M,using Dial “1”access Service (D)Type 1 only,as described below,the customer can obtain an inbound 800 termination option.Multiple outbound calling locations will be billed via a single invoice.If applicable,upon enrollment,the customer must designate each originating Dial “1”telephone number as either Service Type 1 orServiceType2,as described below.Outbound calls are dialed without the assistance of an MCI Operator,except for calling card calls originating from a rotary phone,and do not include calls asspecifiedinSectionC-3.11.Inbound Option M calls are made through a designated 800 number, and the Option M customer is billed rather than the call originator.All Option M calls are subject to a60secondminimuminitialperiodandarethenroundedtothenexthigher60secondincrement. When an Option M call is established in one rate period and ends in another,the rate in effect in each rate period applies to the portion of the call occurring during that rate period. .141 Monthly Recurring Charges Account Fee:$20.00 per account if total Option M usage charges (excluding non-recurring and monthly fees)are less than $20/account/month.The $20.00 charge is applied against the month’s usage charges. p jas Comm SSfl oe a a ACCTED FOR FL1NG JAN ‘LuI Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1d/b/a Verizon Business Services 8th REVISED PAGE 220 CANCELS 7th REVISED PAGE 220 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .14 Option M (MCI Preferred)(Cont.) .142 Access Methods .1421 Dial “1”Access:Dial “1”access can be used for Option M alone or in conjunction withcallingcardaccessand/or 800 access. .1422 [Reserved For Future Use.](D) ) .1423 MCI Preferred 800:MCI Preferred 800 can be used as part of Option M service alone and/or in conjunction with Dial ‘1”access or calling card access.This type of access is accomplished by 800 termination in which MCI provides a unique 800 number withBusinessLineTerminationtotheOptionMcustomersothatthecustomercanreceiveincomingcalls.The Option M customer is billed for the calls rather than the calls’originator.A customer may order multiple 800 numbers which can terminate to thesameordifferenttelephonenumbers.Option M MCI Preferred 800 customers aresubjecttotherulesandregulationsgoverningMCI800Serviceasdescribedinhttp://www.mci.com/service/and IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1. .1424 MCI Preferred Private 800:For each Private 800 number,MCI will provide an 800numberanda4-di9it security code with which the customer can receive incomingdomesticcalls.Pnvate 800 customers are subject to the rules and regulations asdescribedinhttp://www.mci.com/service/. A s..),, Issued Date:01/13/16 ‘Effedti”ie:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 13th Revised Page 221 Cancels 12th Revised Page 221 SECTION C SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.14 Option M (MCI Preferred)(Cont.) 3.143 Usage Charges:1 3.1431 Dial ‘1’Usage Charges (Service Type 1): Business Day Evening Night/Weekend $0.33 $0.33 $0.33 3.1432 Dial “1”Usage Charges (Service Type 2): Business Day Evening Njht/Weekend $0.35 $0.24 $0.24 3.1433 [Reserved For Future Use.](D) _________ (i) 3.1434 Preferred 800 Usage Charges IntraLATAJInterLATA: Business Day Evening Night/Weekend $0.36 $0.34 $0.24 3.1435 Preferred Private 800 Usage Charge:Per Minute Rate:$.3000 3.1436 Service Fees for Option M -800 Access: Non-Recurring Monthly Preferred Private 800 Per Private 800 PIN $10 $0 Preferred 800 Per unique 800 number via Business Line Access $10 $10 Idaho PI3;1C UtWfies Commission Otffice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING Boise,Idaho 1Customers participating in MCI’s Interstate Preferred Regional Program will receive a 5%discount off of Intrastate Service Types 1 and 2 tariffed rates. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 8TH REVISED PAGE 222 CANCELS 7TH REVISED PAGE 222 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 .I4 O ~ t i o n M (MCI Preferred) (Cont.1 144 Discounts .I441 Time of Dav Discounts: Option M offers an Evening Discount as well as a (TI NightIWeekend Discount. These discounts are reflected in the usage rates specified in Section C-3.143 for calls placed within the time periods as set forth in the figure below. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING 8:00 AM to 4:59 PM 5:00 PM to 1 0:59 PM 1 1 :00 PM to 7:59 AM OCT 2 5 1999 Baise, Idaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MON TUES EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 WED iliiii/lilllliliil~~/iiliiiilllill//iiii/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///11/1/11/1////////lll/l ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////BUSlNESS DAY RATE//////////////////////////// i~lll//lllll//l////////////111111111/1/1/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 111111/11//1111///////// EVENING RATE THURS FRI * * * . * * * * * * . * * . * * * * l ~ ~ ~ ~ * * * * * * l i * l i l i * l i l i * * * * . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ * * * * * ~ * * * * * * * * * ~ **l*.l*l******.t***l*.I * * * * * * * * * * * t * t ~ ~ t * * l ~ ~ A ~ ~ X ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I ~ X * * X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NIGHT & WEEKEND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * I * * * * * * * * * * * * * . * * * * f t ** * * * * " * ' * " * * * ' * * * * * .................... * * * I + * ** ' - " " " **** SAT **!+**** * * * * + * * * * * * * SUN EVENING MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 4TH REVISED PAGE 223 CANCELS 3RD REVISED PAGE 223 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE . I 4 O ~ t i o n M (MCI Preferred) (Cont.1 ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING f Boise, ldaho -------* '"".'.a ..,.*- *, ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI Communications Services,Inc.8th REVISED PAGE 224 IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 CANCELS 7th REVISED PAGE 224 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3.METERED USE SERVICE .l4Option M (MCI Preferred)(Cont.) .145 Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge of $1.99 per call will be applied to each Directory Assistance call. (D) .146 Optional Features .1461 Accountinq Codes:This feature is available with Dial “1”Access,including both Service Type 1 and Service Type 2 Access.Either verified or non-verified accounting (D) codes are available. Pb1c Uhhties Cornnaission Qff5 of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR F!L.ING 1Available only to customers who access service via an MCI-provided 800 number other than (800)950-1022. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 2ND REVISED PAGE 225 CANCELS 1 ST REVISED PAGE 225 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 . I 4 O ~ t i o n M (MCI Preferred) (Cont.1 1 46 O~tional Features (Cont.1 .I461 1 Verified accounting codes of 2, 3, or 4 digits. MCI will provide positive verification that the code is valid according to a pre-assigned list of codes. If the code is invalid, the call will be blocked. Non-Recurrinq $ 15 Monthly $ 15 1461 2 Non-verified accounting codes of 2, 3, or 4 digits. MCI will not provide positive verification that the code is valid. Non-Recurrinq $ 0 Monthlv $ 0 1 4 7 Service Availabilitv Option M is available from Metropolitan areas set forth in Section C-6 (Table VII of this tariff. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 3RD REVISED PAGE 226 CANCELS 2ND REVISED PAGE 226 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE .I 5 i I ldaho Public Utilities CommisSion I Office of the Secretary I ACCEPTED FOR FILING D Boise. ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 2ND REVISED PAGE 227 CANCELS 1 ST REVISED PAGE 227 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE I ldaho Public Utilities Commission I Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING D OCT 2 5 1999 Boise. ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 2ND REVISED PAGE 228 CANCELS 1ST REVISED PAGE 228 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE ldaho Public Utilities Commission i Office of the Secretary D ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 1 5, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 2ND REVISED PAGE 229 CANCELS 1 ST REVISED PAGE 229 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 i I ldaho Public Utilities Commission I Office of the Secretary I ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI Communications Services, Inc. ldaho Price List No. 1 dlbla Verizon Business Services 3rd Revised Page 230 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 230 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .I6 Option 0 (Reserved for Future Use) ldaho Public Utilities bTnmi9Sh Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Boise, Idaha ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. Issued ate: 8/22/08 tlfectlve: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services Idaho Price List No. 1 5th Revised Page 231 Cancels 4th Revised Page 231 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 .I7 Option P (Reserved for Future Use) Idaho Public Utilities C~I'nmisSitlIl Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Boise, Idah I ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. * - .d Issued Date: 8/22/08 tttectwe: 911 108' Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite I 100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES,INC.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1diblaVerizonBusinessServices15thREVISED PAGE 232 CANCELS 14th REVISED PAGE 232 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) 3.18 Option Q çCommercial Dial 1 Service) Option Q is a one-way,dial in -dial out multipoint service allowing Commercial Service customers tooriginateandterminatecallsviaMCI-provided local business telephone lines or other exchange access facilities.Subscribers to Option Q may originate calls only in the city or cities in which theymaintainanactiveaccount.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded to the nearest whole cent.All terms and conditions,nonrecurring fees,monthly fees,anddiscountswillapplypursuantinwhichmaybe found at http://www.mci.com/service/. 3.181 Per Minute Usage Charges: The following per minute rates will apply to all Option Q calls. IntraLATA:$0.54 InterLATA $0.55 Monthly Minimum Charge of $10.00 per account if total Option AR usage charges are less than $10.00 per account per month.The $10.00 charge is applied against the month’s usagecharges. (D) () 3.182 Directory Assistance An undiscountable charge of $1 .99 per call will be applied to each Directory Assistance call inaccordancewithandsubjecttotheprovisionssetforthinSectionB-6.04 of this tariff. Idaho Pubhc Utilities Co.mrnssiofl Oitiee of the Secretary ACCEPTE.D FOR OLING Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16EdwinReese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 1 ST REVISED PAGE 232.1 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE 232.1 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 . I 8 O ~ t i o n Q (Commercial Dial 1 Service) (Cont.1 Option Q offers an Evening Discount as well as a Night and Weekend Discount at the rates specified in Section C-3.181, for calls placed within the time periods as set forth in the figure below. 1 8 4 Friends of the Firm Proaram 8:00 AM to 4:59 PM 5:00 PM to 10:59 PM 1 1 :00 PM to 7:59 AM Customers can qualify for discounts under the Friends of the Firm Program as described in Section C-3.0918. .I 85 Service Availabiltv MON Option Q is available from the cities set forth in Section C-6 (Table Ill, to all other cities within the State of Idaho. Idaho Public Utilities Commission - .- TUES ~ -.. Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING ////1//111/~~~1/~/1/////////////////////////////////////////BUSlNESS DAY RATE///I/I/IIIIIIII///I///////// //////1//1/11/////////////ll/I/I///lll///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EVENING RATE Boise, ldaho WED ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 * * I f f * N I G H T & W E E K E N D f " * * * * * * * * ' * I * * * * * I * I * * X * * I X t * * * * * * * * * * + * * R A T E " * " ' * * ' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * + + * * * * + * * * * + * * * + * * * + * + * + * I * * * * * * * * l * * * * * l * * i ~ ~ ~ ~ * * ~ I I t * I I * * I I I I I I ~ . ~ * * . ~ * ~ * * ~ * ~ * ~ * * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ ~ * * ~ ***.+***+* 8"" ***+***********.*** * * * * THURS +*.**** *+,**+,** ***** EVENING FRI SAT SUN MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 3RD REVISED PAGE 232.2 CANCELS 2ND REVISED PAGE 232.2 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 Option R is a prepaid calling card service that allows customers to originate outbound direct dial calls via MCI-provided 800 numbers. MCI PhoneCash Service customers may originate and terminated calls in the State of Idaho. All Option R calls are rounded to the next higher full minute. .I91 Unit Value: MCI Phonecash Service cards may be obtained from MCI or from agents of MCI in various unit or dollar denominations with a per-unit value of $0.60, inclusive of all taxes. One unit equals one minute (or fraction thereof) of calling. 1 9 2 Directorv Assistance: Directory Assistance is available at one unit per Directory Assistance call. ,193 Other Conditions of Service: 1) Calls to 700, 800, 900 and 950 numbers will not be completed using the MCI PhoneCash Service card. 2 Calls may only be charged against a MCI Phonecash Service card that has a sufficient available balance. 3) MCI Phonecash Service card balances will be reduced and depleted based upon customer usage. Customers will be given notice one minute before available card balance is depleted, based on the terminating location of the call. When the balance of available time is depleted, the call will be terminated. 4) MCI Phonecash Service cards are non-refundable and will expire on the date specified on the card or the carrier or package in which the card is included. 5 MCI will provide a credit equal to one minute of applicable service for MCI PhoneCash Service calls that are interrupted or are subject to inadequate transmission. Credits will not be issued when an interruption or service deficiency is: i) not reported to MCI; or ii) due to failure of power, equipment or systems not provided by MCI. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 4th Revised Page 232.3 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 232.3 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .20 Option S (Reserved for Future Use) ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Boise, Idaha ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. , lssued Date: 8- tttectlve: 911 /d8 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1 100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 3RD REVISED PAGE 232.4 CANCELS 2ND REVISED PAGE 232.4 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE .21 Option T (MCI Prepaid) Option T is a prepaid calling card service that allows customers to acquire cards that are used to originate outbound direct dial calls via MCI-provided 800 numbers. Cards may be acquired by customers for their own internal or promotional use. All Option T calls are rounded to the next higher full minute."' .21 1 Unit Value: MCI Prepaid cards may be obtained from MCI or from agents of MCI in various unit or dollar denominations (not to exceed 120 units per card) with a per-unit cost of $0.45. One unit equals one minute (or fraction thereof) of calling. .212 Directorv Assistance: An undiscountable charge of four (4) units per call will apply for each call requesting Directory Assistance for numbers within the state, subject to the provisions of Section 8-6.04. .213 Features -21 31 O~erator Assistance and Customer Service: Operator assistance for call dialing only is available at an undiscounted rate of $0.01 per unit. Customer service is available at an undiscounted rate of $0.01 per unit. Both rates are regardless of the destination of the call. 111 The date of activation of the MCI PrePald card determines the cost per unit of an MCI Prepaid card. The date a call is made determines the number of unlts per mlnute required for a call. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 4TH REVISED PAGE 232.5 CANCELS 3RD REVISED PAGE 232.5 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE .21 O ~ t i o n T (MCI PrePaid) (Cont.1 .213 Features (Cont.) 2132 Recharainq: Additional units may be added to unexpired cards by charging them to a commercial card accepted by the Company. Such transactions are available only through MCI-provided telephone numbers. Such additional units will be charged at the prevailing per unit rate on the date of recharging. There is no additional charge to the end user. A minimum of 30 units must be added to the card per each recharge. There is not an additional charge to the end user. .2133 Card Customizinq: The physical appearance of cards may be designed by mutual agreement of MCI and the customer or the customer may order preprinted cards from MCI. Card customizing charges are determined on an individual case basis. .214 Other Charaes .2141 Cancellation Fee: A $500 cancellation fee applies if the customer cancels the order for cards prior to delivery. .2142 Card Deliverv and Printinq: Card delivery and printing charges are determined on an individual case basis and are not included in the price per unit. .215 Other Conditions of Service A) Only the entity in whose name the original qualifying purchase was made shall be deemed to be the customer. Related entities, such as affiliates and subsidiaries, spouses and relatives, shall not be treated as the customer. B) Calls to 700, 800, 900 and 950 numbers will not be completed using the MCI PrePaid card. C) Calls may only be charged against a MCI PrePaid card that has a sufficient available balance. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho j ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 4TH REVISED PAGE 232.6 CANCELS 3RD REVISED PAGE 232.6 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE .21 O ~ t i o n T (MCI PrePaid) (Cont.1 .215 Other Conditions of Service (Cont.1 D) MCI PrePaid card balances will be reduced and depleted based upon usage. Card users will be given notice one minute before available card balance is depleted. When the balance of available time is depleted, the call will be terminated. El Activated MCI PrePaid cards are non-refundable and will expire on the date specified on the card or the carrier or package in which the card is included. Notwithstanding the above, MCI will offer reimbursement of 100 percent of unit cost per card for unactivated batches of 25 cards each, for up to 90 days after the customer's first batch in each shipment is activated. This reimbursement is, however, limited to 30 percent of the customer's card order. The customer must submit a written request for refund within the 90 day period after activation to both its MCI Account Team, and the MCI PrePaid Product Manager located at MCI Center, 3 Ravinia Drive, Atlanta, Georgia 30346. In order for the customer to receive a refund for its unactivated cards, the customer must first return the unactivated cards to MCI. Refunds will be made in the form of either a credit to the customer's account or a check payable to the customer for customized cards only. The refund will not cover any costs related to card printing and distribution. F) MCI will provide a credit equal to one minute of applicable service for MCI PrePaid card calls that are interrupted or are subject to inadequate transmission. Credits will not be issued when an interruption or service deficiency is: i) not reported to MCI; or ii) due to failure of power, equipment or systems not provided by MCI. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. I 4th Revised Page 232.7 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 232.7 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .22 Option U (Reserved for Future Use) ldaho Public Utilities Commissien Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. Boise, Mahe Issued Uate: 8/22/08 tttect~ve: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown. Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 3rd Revised Page 232.8 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 232.8 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .22 O~tion U (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.1 ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, Idaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. Issued Date: 8/22/08 ttfective: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 IST REVISED PAGE 232.9 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE 232.9 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE .23 O ~ t i o n V (500 Personal Number Service)' (TI 500 Personal Number Service is an inbound voice-grade telecommunications service that permits calling from stations in diverse geographical service areas within the United States to a station at one location, or to a set of stations of up to three stations at more than one location in the United States, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and/or international locations, based upon pre-established priorities. For any 500 Personal Number Service call, there are two customers: the "Subscriber" (i.e., the party at whose designated location(s) the 500 Personal Number Service call terminates) and the "Calling Party" (i.e., the party who places the call). Each party is fully and equally subject to all applicable provisions in this tariff which pertain to customers. The Calling Party has three billing options available for this service: Calling Party AN1 billing, local exchange carrier calling card, and commercial credit card. The following types of calls are not permitted using this service: collect; third party billed; and person-to-person. All 500 Personal Number Service calls are subject to a 60-second minimum duration, with 60- second additional increments. If the computed charge for any call includes a fraction of a cent, the fraction is rounded to the nearest whole cent. Neither the Subscriber nor the Calling Party is required to designate MCI as his or her Primary Interexchange Carrier (PIC). Each 500 Personal Number Service call will include a recorded or live operator announcement to the Calling Party indicating that MCI is the provider of the service. Users of 500 Personal Number Service may have access to non-tariffed enhancements (e.g., information services) provided by MCI. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, Idaho ' Effective June 1, 1999, this service will no longer be available to new subscribers. (N) ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 232.10 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE .23 O ~ t i o n V (500 Personal Number Service) (Cont.1 .231 Basic Service Packaae The Basic Service Package, which all 500 Personal Number Service Subscribers receive, includes the following: Friends & Familv 500 Number: Each Subscriber is assigned a 500 number. Passcode: Each 500 Personal Number Service number is assigned a 6-digit passcode which can be used by the Subscriber to manage service features. M u l t i ~ l e Numbers[']: Permits Subscribers to pre-establish in priority up to three telephone numbers in the United States, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and/or international locations for the completion of calls placed by Calling Parties to the Subscriber. Numbers will successively be attempted if a busy-signal or answering machine is detected or if the call does not complete after four rings. Final Messaae[ll: If calls are not completed at any of the three alternate numbers, the call will be sent to a Final Message. The Subscriber may choose among various options for the final message, including a closing message which informs the caller that the Subscriber is not available. Alternate Number'": A Subscriber may temporarily override the pre-established priority sequence by designating an alternate number without having to change any of his or her Multiple Numbers. If there is no answer at the alternate number, the call will be forwarded to the Final Message. This feature can be activated and deactivated by the Subscriber. Ill For these features. calls may not be forwarded to: service numbers (e.g., numbers beginning with 500, 700. 800, or 9001; 91 1; numbers wlth a 555 prefix; or pay-per-call numbers 1e.g.. numbers wlth a 976 prefix). ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 232.1 1 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE .23 O ~ t i o n V (500 Personal Number Service) (Cont.1 ,231 Basic Service Packacle (Cont.1 Call Screening: Call Screening allows a Subscriber to screen calls by prompting the Calling Party to state his or her name, and allowing the Subscriber to accept or redirect the call. This feature can be activated and deactivated by the Subscriber. The Subscriber will be charged $1 .OO per month per 500 Personal Number Service number for the Basic Service Package.[" The Calling Party is not subject to any monthly recurring charges but will be obligated to pay usage charges associated with calls he or she places. .232 Usacle Charcles The Calling Party will be charged the following per-minute usage charges: Peak Off-Peak $ .245 $ .I45 Peak rates apply 8:00 a.m. - 4:59 p.m. Off-Peak rates apply at all other times. Standard Holiday discounts do not apply to these calls. ,233 Discounts A 25 percent discount applies to all domestic 500 Personal Number Service calls placed at and billed to an AN1 for which MCI is the designated PIC. .234 Service Availabilitv 500 Personal Number Service calls may be placed from telephones within the United States served by Local Exchange Carriers which provide 500 access service. [21 Thls charge will be wa~ved through December 31, 1995. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 4th Revised Page 232.12 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 232.12 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .24 Option W (Reserved for Future Use) -7 Idaho Public Utilities CommisSbR , Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. > Tssued Date: 8122108 tlfective: 911 /CrS Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Mich~gan Avenue Suite 1 100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/bla Verizon Business Services 11th Revised Page 232.13 Cancels 10th Revised Page 232.13 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.25 Option X (MCI Flat Rate Plus) Option X (MCI Flat Rate Plus)is an outbound and inbound multipoint service for single or multiple location customers.Customers may access the MCI network using Dial “1,,(D) origination and/or inbound service using Toll Free origination.Customers are subject to the terms and conditions as set forth in http://www.mci.com/service/and upon enrollment,must designate a term plan option,with either a month-to-month,one-year or two-year commitment. Discounts will apply to this service.Outbound Option X calls may originate or terminate within the state.Outbound calls are dialed without assistance of an MCI operator and do not include calls as specified in Section 3.12.Inbound Option X calls are made through a designated Toll Free number,and the Option X customer is billed rather than the call originator.All calls are subject to a 60 second minimum initial period and are then rounded to the next higher 60 second increment.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded to the nearest whole cent. Intrastate Option X is an add-on to MCI’s Interstate offering of MCI Flat Rate Plus.All terms and conditions,term plans,optional features,fees,discounts,Directory assistance charges and surcharges will apply as set forth in http://www.mci.com/service/. 3.25.1 Access Methods Option X can be used for Dial “1”access or Toll Free Access (D)alone or in conjunction with one another.The customer can pre-subscribe up to fifty Dial “1” locations for each Option X account.There is no limit to the number of originating telephone numbers at a customers location (D) Toll-Free access is available by ()toll free termination to the Option X customer so that the customer can receive incoming calls.A customer may order multiple toll free numbers which can terminate to the same of different telephone numbers.Option X Toll Free customers are subject to rules and regulations governing MCI 800 Service as set forth in which may be found at http://www.mci.com/service/. 3.25.2 Per Minute Usage Rates Access Method Rate Dial ‘1” Toll Free $0.30 (D (D 3.25.3 Toll Free Service:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $10.00 monthly fee for Toll Free Service. .33.25.4 Monthly Recurring Charges Account Fee:$20.00 per account if total Option X usage charges (excluding non-recurring and monthly fees)are less than $20/account/month.The $20.00 charge is applied against the month’s usage charges. daho Pubhc tJtIiIths Ccmrnissi•or, Offke of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOP FILING Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 9th Revised Page 232.14 Cancels 8th Revised Page 232.14 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.26 Option Y (Advanced Option I for Small Business) Advanced Option I for Small Business is an outbound and inbound,multipoint service for single or multiple location customers.Customers may access the MCI network using Dial “1”DinboundserviceusingTollFreeorigination.Customers are subject to the terms Dandconditionsassetforthinhttp://www.mci.com/service/and upon enrollment,must designate a term plan option,with either a month-to-month,one year or two-year commitment.No discounts willapplytothisservice.Outbound Option Y calls may originate and terminate within the state.Outbound calls are dialed without assistance of an MCI operator (D and do not include calls as (D specified in Section C-3.1 1.Inbound Option Y calls are made through a designated Toll Free number,and the Option Y customer is billed rather than the call originator.All Option Y calls are subject to a 60 second minimum initial period and are then rounded to the next higher 60 second increment.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded to the nearest whole cent. Intrastate Option Y is an add-on to MCI’s Interstate offering of Advanced Option I for Small Business. All terms and conditions,term plans,optional features,fees,discounts,Directory Assistance charges and surcharges will apply as set forth in http://www.mci.com/service!. 3.26.1 Access Methods Option Y can be used for Dial “1”access or Toll Free Access alone (D)or in conjunction with each other.The customer can pre-subscribe up to fifty Dial “1”locations for each Option Y account.There is no limit to the number of originating telephone numbers at a customers location.(D) Toll Free access is available by toll free (L)termination in which MCI provides a unique toll free number with Business Line Termination to the Option Y customers so that the customer can receive incoming calls.A customer mayordermultipletollfreenumberswhichcanterminatetothesameordifferenttelephone numbers.Option Y Toll Free customers are subject to the rules and regulations governing MCI 800 Service as set forth in http://www.mci.com/service!. 3.26.2 Per Minute Usage Rates Access Method Rate Dial Al”$8 (D) Toll Free $0.28 (D) 3.26.3 Toll Free Service:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $10.00 monthly fee for Toll Free Service. Idaho Puc Utdities GmSiOc1 Qffo of tho Secretary ACCE1ED FOR FILING Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:l!23/16EdwinReese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services Idaho Price List No. 1 6th Revised Page 232.15 Cancels 5th Revised Page 232.15 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .27 Option Z (Reserved for Future Use) ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. '-q Idsfn! Public Utilities Commissica Office of the Secretary , ACCEPTED FOR FILING I Issued Date: 8/22/08 tttectlve: 911 I@? Shannon L. Brown ' Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1 100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 3rd Revised Page 232.15.1 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 232.15.1 - - SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 .27 Option Z (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ldaho Public Utilities Commisskn Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Boise, ldaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. ; . ,J Issued Date: 8/22/08 ttfect~ve: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 11 00 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 18th Revised Page 232.16 Cancels 17th Revised Page 232.16 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE 3.28 Option AA (Advanced Option II for Small Business) Advanced Option II for Small Business is an outbound and inbound,multipoint service for single or multiple location customers.Customers may access the MCI network using Dial “1”(D)or inbound service using Toll Free origination.No term plan options will apply to this service.Outbound calls are dialed without assistance of an MCI operator and do not include calls as specified in Section C-3.1 1.Inbound Option AA calls are made through a designated Toll Free number,and the Option AA customer is billed rather than the call originators.Calls are subject to a 60 second minimum initial period and are then rounded to the next higher 60 second increment,except for operator assisted calls which are calculated on a 60-second minimum duration basis with additional 60-second increments Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan V,Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan VIII,Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan IX,Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan X and Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XI calls are subject to a full minute rounding after the initial first minute for all in-state Dial-i,Toll Free,Fax and P800 calls.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded to the nearest whole cent. Customers subscribed to this service must pay a monthly recurring charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement//sb_index.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for local toll service only will be charged a monthly recurring charge as described in this Service or in any plan within this Service to which the customer is subscribed. (D)Monthly Account Fees Minimum Charge:$20.00 per account if total Option AC usage charges are less than $20.00 per account per month.The $20.00 charge is applied against the month’s usage charges. 3.28 1 Access Methods and Charges (Dial 1 Access) Option AA can be used for Dial ‘1’access and may be used in conjunction with calling card access and/or Toll Free access.The customer can pre-subscribe up to fifty locations for each Option AA account. There is no limit to the number of originating telephone numbers at a customer location. Option AA will be charged $0.24 per minute will apply for Option AA Dial ‘.1”calls within the state. 3.282 [Reserved For Future Use.](D) (1) Pi uttIes cmm:ssn the Secret3ry AO1ED FOR ALING Boise,Idaho Issued Date:01/13/16 .Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 9th Revised Page 232.16.1 Cancels 8th Revised Page 232.16.1 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) 3.28 Option AA (Advanced Option II for Small Business)(Cont.) 3.283 Option AA Toll Free Advanced Option II for Small Business Toll Free can be used as part of Option AA service along and/or in conjunction with Dial “1”access.This type of access is (D)accomplished by toll free termination in which MCI provides a unique toll free number with Business Line Termination to the Option AA customer so that the customer can receive incoming calls.The Option AA customer is charged for the calls rather than the call originators.A customer may order multiple toll free numbers which can terminate to the same or different telephone numbers.Option AA Toll Free customers are subject to rules and regulations governing MCI 800 Service as set forth in MCI Tariff F.C.C.No.1. Option AA will be charged $0.24 per minute will apply for Option AA Toll Free calls within the state. The following non-recurring and monthly service fees apply for each toll free number receivingOptionAAserviceusingBusinessLineAccess: Non-Recurring Monthly $10.00 $10.00 3.284 MCI One Number MCI One Number provides a toll free number to receive calls from any point within the state.The customer may have multiple MCI One Number per account.MCI will provide a 4-digit securitycodewithwhichthecustomercan receive incoming domestic calls.The customer will be charged $30 per minute for each call. 3.2841 Features: MCI One Number Forward This feature allows an Option AA customer who is using an MCI One Number with a4-digit personal identification number (PIN)and a 6-digit Rerouting Code to change temporarily the telephone number to which calls to that toll free 800 number terminate. The customer may request a change in termination to any telephone available within the state. 3.285 3.286 Operator Assistance These charges apply to all Option AA customers without regard to the type of access.OperatorServicesisprovidedaccordingtotheprovisionsandratesdescribedinSectionC-3.12. !dahg Pib!c Ut.t;e Comrissio Sc’r’tay AEPTD FOR FlUNG Boise,aho Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16EdwinReese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 10th Revised Page 232.16.2 Cancels 9th Revised Page 232.16.2 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.28 Option AA (Advanced Option II for Small Business)(Cont.) 3.287 Guarantee Plan1 Minimum Charge:$20.00 per account if total Option AA usage charges are less than $20.00 per account per month.The $20.00 charge is applied against the months usage charges. 3.2871 Rate Guarantee This plan guarantees that existing customers will receive the following rates until December31,1999. 3.28711 Usage Option AA will be charged $0.24 per minute will apply for Option AA Dial “1 calls within the state.Toll Free 800 calls Default to Dial 1 service. Customers will be charged $1.09 per minute for usage of Option AA calls that originate and terminate within the state. (D (D 3.28712 ToIl Free Service:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $10.00 monthly fee for Toll Free Service. 3.2872 Rebate Guarantee Option AA customers will accrue 20 percent of their total intrastate Option AA qualified usage during a continuous 12 month period of service.Qualified usage is defined as Option AA usage (after application of credits,promotional discounts,and taxes)for calls placed using domestic Dial “1”or Option AA Toll Free access.(D) In order to qualify for the benefits of this plan,customers must remain presubscribed to Option AA service throughout each 12 -month period.All of a customer’s qualified usage must be invoiced to the same customer account.Customers who terminate MCI Communications Services,Inc.service will forfeit all benefits of this plan. Customer’s MCI Communications Services,Inc.account must be in good standing. Customer will not receive benefit until his/her account is brought to good standing. The customer will receive the credit in the form of a check in the month following each completed 12-month period. This rebate will apply only if the customer is not enrolled in a similar plan as described in http://www.mci.com/service/. !Jtes CorniisSOfl r Secretary ACCEcTEflJ FOR FILING 23 2016 1As of November 15,1997,the Guarantee Plan is no longer available to new customers.rse.ici.aho Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 dlb/a Verizon Business Services 18th Revised Page 23216.3 Cancels 17th Revised Page 232.16.3 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.28 Option AA (Advanced Option II for Small Business)(Cont.) 3.288 FReserved For Future Usel (D) 3.2883 Dial-i Access:For IntraLATA calls,customers spending less than $25.00 will be charged a rate of $0.24 per minute.Customers spending $25.00 or more will be charged a rate of $0.24 per minute. 3.2884 ToIl Free Service:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $10.00 monthly fee for Toll Free Service. 3.289 Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan1 A variation of Option AA (Advanced Option II for SB),Basic Calling Plan Option 1 offers customers in-state calling.Calls are subject to a 60 second minimum initial period and are then rounded to the next higher 60 second increment. Customers enrolled in this plan will be assessed the following rates for Dial “1”and Toll Free calls and Facsimile usage at the per minute rate of $0.24 for interLATAlintraLATA calls.The customer’s domestic Option AA calling card usage which terminates to the customer’s billed ANI will be charged $1 .09 per minute.Savings Plan customers will be charged a $1 .29 per call surcharge for call terminate to customers billed ANI. Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $6.95 monthly recurring charge. Toll Free Service:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $10.00 monthly fee for Toll Free Service. Idaho Pubic Utilities Co.mmssion Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING 1Effective September 1,2000,this plan will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 16th Revised Page 232.16.4 Cancels 15th Revised Page 232.16.4 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.28 Option AA (Advanced Option II for Small Business)(Cont.) 3.2810 Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan 111 A variation of Option AA (Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan),Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan II offers customers In-state calling.Calls are subject to a 60 second minimum initial period and are then rounded to the next higher 60 second increment.Customers enrolled in this plan may place interLATA and intraLATA Dial “1”,T800 and facsimile calls at the following per minute rates: InterLATA IntraLATA Per-Minute Per-Minute Monthly Usage Usage Charge Usage Charge $0.00-$1,500.00 $0.24 $0.24 $1,500.00-i-$0.24 $0.24 (D) )Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $8.95 monthly recurring charge. Toll Free Service:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $10.00 monthly fee for Toll Free Service. ldaho Pubhc Uthities Co.mrnssion flffoe of the Sicretary ACCEPTED FOR H LI NC 1Effective July 1,2000,this plan will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 dlbla Verizon Business Services 12th Revised Page Cancels 11th Revised Page SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.28 Option AA (Advanced Option II for Small Business)(Cont.) 3.2811 Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan III’ A variation of Option AA (Advanced Option II for Small Business),Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan III offers customers In-state calling.Calls are subject to a 60 second minimum initial period and are then rounded to the next higher 60 second increment. No additional monthly fee shall apply to this plan.Customers enrolled in this plan may place Dial “1”,T800 and facsimile calls at the following per minute rates: InterLATA IntraLATA Per-Minute Per-Minute Monthly Usage Usage Charge Usage Charge $0.00-$1,500.00 $0.24 $0.24 $1 500.00+$0.24 $0.24 Minimum Usage Charge:$25.00 per account if total Option AC usage charges,surcharges and monthly recurring charges,excluding the T800 monthly fee,are less than $25.00 per account per month.The $25.00 charge is applied against the month’s usage charges. (D) ) Toll Free Service:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $10.00 monthI fee for Toll Free Service. idaho Pubhc iitiHties Cornmsson Ofte of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.I dibla Verizon Business Services 16th Revised Page 232.16.5 Cancels 15th Revised Page 232.16.5 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.28 Option AA (Advanced Option II for Small Business)(Cont.) 3 .2812 Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan IV1 A variation of Option AA (Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan),Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan IV offers customers In-state calling.All calls are subject to a 60 second minimum initial period and are then rounded to the next higher 60 second increment.Customers enrolled in this plan may place interLATA and intraLATA Dial “1”,T800 and facsimile calls at the following per minute rates: InterLATA IntraLATA Per-Minute Per-Minute Monthly Usage Usage Charge Usage Charge $0.00-Si 500.00 $0.21 $0.21 $1,500.00+$0.21 $0.21 (D) )Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $11.95 monthly recurring charge. Toll Free Service:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $10.00 monthly fee for Toll Free Service. Weho PubIc.5555cc ComrT5ssioi f55ce of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR HLING 1Effective May 1,2001,this calling Option will be no longer available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 dlb/a Verizon Business Services 10th Revised Page Cancels 9th Revised Page SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.28 Option AA (Advanced Option II for Small Business)(Cont.) 3.2813 Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan V1 A variation of Option AA (Advanced Option II for Small Business),Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan V offers customers In-state calling.No additional monthly fee shall apply to this plan.Customers enrolled in this plan may place Dial “1”,T800 and facsimile calls at the following per minute rates: InterLATA IntraLATA Per-Minute Per-Minute Monthly Usage Usage Charge Usage Charge $0.00-$1,500.00 $0.17 $0.17 $1,500.00+$0.17 $0.17 (D) ) Minimum Charge:$20.00 per account if total Option AA usage charges are less than $20.00 per account per month.The $20.00 charge is applied against the month’s usage charges. Toll Free Service:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $10.00 monthly fee for Toll Free Service. Idaho P5hC UtilItieS CcmmsSiofl lifidee of the Secretary ACCEPTI:D FOR FILING 1Effective August 1,2003,this Plan will no longer available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/b!a Verizon Business Services 11th Revised Page 23216.6 Cancels 10th Revised Page 232.16.6 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.28 Option AA (Advanced Option II for Small Business)(Cont.) 3.2814 Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan VI 1 A variation of Option AA (Advanced Option II for Small Business)Savings Plan VI offers customers in-state calling.All calls are subject to a 60 second minimum initial period and are then rounded to the next higher 60 second increment.Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $4.95 monthly recurring charge.Customers enrolled in this plan may place Dial ‘1” and Toll Free and Facsimile calls at the following per-minute rates: Monthly Usage Per-Minute Usage Charge IntraLATAIInterLATA $0.00-si ,500.00 $0.20 $1,50i.00+$0.20 (D) ) Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $8.95 monthly recurring charge. Toll Free Service:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $10.00 monthly fee for Toll Free Service. Idaho Pobhc LJtHttrs comrn:ssion. Cffc rf the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Bode,Idaho 1Effective May 1 2001,this calling Option will be no longer available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 2nd Revised Page 232.16.7 Cancels 1st Revised Page 23216.7 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE 3.28 Option AA (Advanced Option II for Small Business)(Con’t) 3.2815 Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan V111 A variation of Option AA (Advanced Option II for Small Business)Advanced Option II for Small Business Plan VII is available to new customers who were existing commercial customers of Touch-i Long Distance,Inc.,and were pre subscribed to any commercial calling plan and subscribed to Personal 800 offered by Touch-i Long Distance,Inc as of 12/15/00. 3.2815.1 Access Methods and Charges Dial-I:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged the following rates for all intrastate calls.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day,7 days a week. InterLATA:$0.1 200 IntraLATA:$0.1 200 (D) (tb) Monthly Recurring Charges:No monthly fee is applicable. Personal 800 Access:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a per minute rate of $0.17 for Personal 800 service.No per-call surcharge is applicable. Toll Free Service:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a per minute rate of $0.09 for Toll Free service.No per-call surcharge or monthly fee is applicable. Directory Assistance:An un-discounted charge per call will be applied to each Directory Assistance call subject to the rate and provisions set forth in Section B- 6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section C-3.l 1 apply to Advanced Option II for Small Business Plan VII customers without regard to the type of access. kiaho Pubhc Utilities Cornmssiofl Offise of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING 1Effective August 24,2001,this plan will be no longer available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16EdwinReese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 dlbla Verizon Business Services 10th Revised Page 232.16.8 Cancels 9th Revised Page 232.16.8 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.28 Option AA (Advanced Option II for Small Business)(Cont.) 3.2816 Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan VIII1 A variation of Option AA,Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan VIII offers customers in-state calling.Customers enrolled in this plan may place Dial “1 ,“Toll Free and Facsimile calls at the following per-minute rates: Per-Minute Usage Charge IntraLATA:$0.19 InterLATA:$0.19 (D) Toll Free Service:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $10.00 monthly fee for Toll Free Service. Minimum Usage Charge:$30.00 per account if total Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan VIII usage charges,surcharges and monthly recurring charges,excluding the T800 monthly fee,are less than $30.00 per account per month.The $30.00 charge is applied against the month’s usage charges. In lieu of the Advanced Option II for Small Business monthly minimum charge set forth in Section C-3.28,a monthly minimum charge of $30.00 will apply for customers who subscribe to Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan VIII. Idaho Pubhc UUIitieS CommSSiofl th Scretary ACCEPThDFO<FILING 1Effective October 1,2002,this service Plan will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 dlbla Verizon Business Services 9th Revised Page 232.16.9 Cancels 8th Revised Page 232.16.9 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.28 Option AA (Advanced Option II for Small Business)(Cont.) 3.28161 Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan IX1 A variation of Option AA,Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan IX offers customers in-state calling.Customers enrolled in this plan may place Dial “1”,Toll Free, and Facsimile calls at the following per-minute rates: Per-Minute Usage Charge IntraLATA:$0.17 InterLATA:$0.17 (D) ) Monthly Account Fees: Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $5.00 monthly recurring charge. Minimum Usage Charge:$25.00 per account if total Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan IX usage charges, surcharges and monthly recurring charges, excluding the T800 monthly fee,are less than $25.00 per account per month.The $25.00 charge is applied against the month’s usage charges. In lieu of the Advanced Option II for Small Business monthly minimum charge set forth in Section C-3.28,a monthly minimum charge of $25.00 will apply for customers who subscribe to Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan IX. Toll Free Service:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $10.00 monthly fee for Toll Free Service. Idaho Pubhc UtSities Cemmission flffi:of the Secretary ACCE’1]Ei)FOR F!LING ‘Effective October 1,2002,this service Plan will no longer be available to new subscribers Issued tate:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 dlbla Verizon Business Services 8th Revised Page 2321610 Cancels 7th Revised Page 232.16.10 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.28 Option AA (Advanced Option II for Small Business)(Cont.) 3.2817 Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan X1 A variation of Option AA,Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan X offers customers in-state calling.Customers enrolled in this plan may place Dial “1,Toll Free, (D) and facsimile calls at the following per-minute rates: Per-minute Usage Charge IntraLATA:$0.09 InterLATA:$0.09 (D) Toll Free Service:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $10.00 monthly fee for Toll Free Service. Minimum Usage Charge:$35.00 per account if total Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan X usage charges,surcharges and monthly recurring charges, excluding the T800 monthly fee,are less than $35.00 per account per month.The $35.00 charge is applied against the month’s usage charges. In lieu of the Advanced Option Il for Small Business monthly minimum charge set forth in Section C-3.28,a monthly minimum charge of $35.00 will apply for customers who subscribe to Advance Option II for Small Business Savings Plan X. Idaho PubUc UtilitieS CommSSiofl Otfise of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING 1Effective August 1,2003,this Plan will no longer available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 7th Revised Page 232.16.11 Cancels 6th Revised Page 232,16.11 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.28 Option AA (Advanced Option II for Small Business)(Cont.) 3.2818 Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XI1 A variation of Option AA,Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XI offers customers in-state calling.Customers enrolled in this plan may place Dial “1”,ToIl Free, and facsimile calls at the following per-minute rates: Per-minute Usage Charge IntraLATA:$0.15 InterLATA:$0.15 (D) Toll Free Service:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $10.00 monthly fee for Toll Free Service. Minimum Usage Charge:$20.00 per account if total Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XI usage charges,surcharges and monthly recurring charges,excluding the T800 monthly fee,are less than $20.00 per account per month.The $20.00 charge is applied against the month’s usage charges. In lieu of the Advanced Option II for Small Business monthly minimum charge set forth in Section C-3.28,a monthly minimum charge of $20.00 will apply for customers who subscribe to Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XI. Idaho Pubhc UtiteS CornmssiOfl f)ffj of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 1,2003,this Plan will no longer available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 3rd Revised Page 2321612 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 232.16.12 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.28 Option AA (Advanced Option II for Small Business)(Cont.) 3.2819 Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XII1 A variation of Option AA,Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XII offers customers in-state calling.Customers enrolled in this plan may place Dial “1”,Toll Free, (D and facsimile calls at the following per-minute rates: Per-minute Usage Charge:IntraLATA!InterLATA:$0.05 Beginning December 1,2003, new customers of Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XII will receive the following Dial-i,Toll Free, and Facsimile rates:i,D -$0.05 per minute for combined interstate and intrastate monthly usage equaling $0.00 -$3000.00 -$0.10 per minute for combined interstate and intrastate monthly usage equaling $3000.Oior more (D) ) Toll Free Service:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $10.00 monthly fee for Toll Free Service. Minimum Usage Charge:$45.00 per account if total Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XII usage charges,surcharges and monthly recurring charges, excluding the T800 monthly fee,are less than $45.00 per account per month.The $45.00 charge is applied against the month’s usage charges. In lieu of the Advanced Option II for Small Business monthly minimum charge set forth in Section C-3.28,a monthly minimum charge of $45.00 will apply for customers who subscribe to Advance Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XII. MCI One Number:MCI One Number is available under this Savings Plan.MCI One Number provides a toll free number to receive calls from any point within the state.The customer may have multiple MCI One Numbers per account.MCI will provide a 4-digit security code with which the customer can receive incoming domestic calls.The customer will be charged $0.30 per minute for this Savings Plan.All other terms and conditions of MCI One Number under Advanced Option II for Small Business shall apply. iio Pubc Utilities Comrrssion ()ffj of the Secretary ACCEPTIED FETI.FILING 1Effective November 1,2005,this plan will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 dlbla Verizon Business Services 4th Revised Page 232.16.13 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 232.16.13 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.28 Option AA (Advanced Option II for Small Business)(Cont.) 3.2820 Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XIII1 A variation of Option AA,Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XIII offers customers in-state calling.Customers enrolled in this plan may place Dial “1”,Toll Free, D and facsimile calls at the following per-minute rates: Per-minute Usage Charge: IntraLATA I InterLATA:$0.12 (D) () Toll Free Service:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $10.00 monthly fee for Toll Free Service. Minimum Usage Charge:$30.00 per account if total Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XIII usage charges,surcharges and monthly recurring charges,excluding the T800 monthly fee,are less than $30.00 per account per month.The $30.00 charge is applied against the month’s usage charges. In lieu of the Advanced Option II for Small Business monthly minimum charge set forth in Section C-3.28,a monthly minimum charge of $30.00 will apply for customers who subscribe to Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XIII. MCI One Number:MCI One Number is available under this Savings Plan.MCI One Number provides a toll free number to receive calls from any point within the state.The customer may have multiple MCI One Numbers per account.MCI will provide a 4-digit security code with which the customer can receive incoming domestic calls.The customer will be charged $0.30 per minute for this Savings Plan.All other terms and conditions of MCI One Number under Advanced Option II for Small Business shall apply. Idaho Public Utilities Comm4ssion Office of the Socretary ACCEPTED FOR HUNG 1Effective December 1,2005,this plan will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/bla Verizon Business Services 4th Revised Page 2321614 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 232.16.14 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.28 Option AA (Advanced Option II for Small Business)(Cont.) 3.2821 Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XIV1 A variation of Option AA,Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XIV offers customers in-state calling.Customers enrolled in this plan may place Dial “1”,Toll Free, and facsimile calls at the following per-minute rates: Per-minute Usage Charge: IntraLATA:$0.14 InterLATA:$0.14 (D) ) Toll Free Service:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $10.00 monthly fee for Toll Free Service. Minimum Usage Charge:$25.00 per account if total Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XIV usage charges,surcharges and monthly recurring charges,excluding the T800 monthly fee,are less than $25.00 per account per month.The $25.00 charge is applied against the month’s usage charges. In lieu of the Advanced Option II for Small Business monthly minimum charge set forth in Section C-3.28,a monthly minimum charge of $25.00 will apply for customers who subscribe to Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan IV. MCI One Number:MCI One Number is available under this Savings Plan.MCI One Number provides a toll free number to receive calls from any point within the state.The customer may have multiple MCI One Numbers per account.MCI will provide a 4-digit security code with which the customer can receive incoming domestic calls.The customer will be charged $0.30 per minute for this Savings Plan.All other terms and conditions of MCI One Number under Advanced Option II for Small Business shall apply. ldaho Pubhe Utibties Commission Offlee of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING 1Effective December 1,2005,this plan will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 2nd Revised Page 23216.15 Cancels 1st Revised Page 23216.15 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.28 Option AA (Advanced Option II for Small Business)(Cont.) 3.2822 Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XV’ A variation of Option AA,Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XV offers customers in-state calling.Customers enrolled in this plan may place Dial “1”,Toll Free, and facsimile calls at the following per-minute rates. Customers will receive this per-minute rate for ntrastate dial-i service for a minimum of twelve (12)months after installation of service. Per-minute Usage Charge: IntraLATA:$0.1 I InterLATA:$0.11 (D (D Toll Free Service:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $10.00 monthly fee for Toll Free Service. Minimum Usage Charge:$20.00 per account if total Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XV usage charges,surcharges and monthly recurring charges,excluding the T800 monthly fee,are less than $20.00 per account per month.The $20.00 charge is applied against the month’s usage charges. In lieu of the Advanced Option II for Small Business monthly minimum charge set forth in Section C-3.28,a monthly minimum charge of $20.00 will apply for customers who subscribe to Advance Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XV. Usage Cap:A State-to-State per-minute rate of $0.04 on Dial “1”and Toll Free. This rate applies to Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XV interstate calls up to $3,000 per month.All interstate calls beyond $3,000 will price at $0.10 per minute. MCI One Number:MCI One Number is available under this Savings Plan.MCI One Number provides a toll free number to receive calls from any point within the state.The customer may have multiple MCI One Numbers per account.MCI will provide a 4-digit security code with which the customer can receive incoming domestic calls.The customer will be charged $0.30 per minute for this Savings Plan.All other terms and conditions of MCI One Number under Advanced Option II for Small Business shall apply. Follow-Me Routing:This feature allows a Personal 800 customer to change the telephone number to which calls to his or her Personal 800 number will be terminated.To make a Follow-Me change,a customer may use his or her Personal 800 number and the 6-digit Rerouting Code.There is no limit on the number of changes a customer may make. A per-minute rate of $0.30 will apply to all Personal 800 calls under this plan. ldahoPubho U:Hties CmssIo ‘Effective December 1,2005,this plan will no longer be available to new subscribers. 2This rate guarantee provision will not apply to customers enrolling in this service after December 1,2005. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 dlbla Verizon Business Services 3rd Revised Page 232.16.16 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 232,16.16 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) 3.28 Option AA (Advanced Option II for Small Business)(Cont.) 3.2823 Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XVI A variation of Option AA,Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XVI offers customers in-state calling.Customers enrolled in this plan may place Dial “1 “,Toll Free, and facsimile calls at the (D) per-minute rates described in this section. Per-minute usage charges: Intrastate (lnterLATA and intraLATA):$0.05 (D) () Monthly Recurring Charge:No monthly recurring charge will apply. MCI One Number:MCI One Number provides a toll free number to receive calls from any point within the state.The customer may have multiple MCI One Numbers per account. The Company will provide a 4-digit security code with which the customer can receive incoming domestic calls.The customer will be charged $0300 per minute for each call. MCI One Number Forward:This feature allows an Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XVI customer who is using an MCI One Number with a 4-digit personal identification number (PIN)and a 6-digit Rerouting Code to change temporarily the telephone number to which calls to that toll free 800 number terminate.The customer may request a change in termination to any telephone available within the state. Minimum Usage Charge:In lieu of the Advanced Option II for Small Business monthly minimum charge set forth in Section C-3.28,a monthly minimum charge of $35.00 per account will apply for customers of Advanced Option II for Small Business XVI if customer’s total Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XVI usage charges,surcharges and monthly recurring charges,excluding the T800 monthly fee,are less than $35.00 per account per month.The $35.00 charge is applied against the month’s usage charges. Usage cap:A per-minute rate of $0.05 on Dial “1”and Toll Free, will apply for combined interstate and intrastate monthly usage equaling $0.00 -$3,000.00.A $0.10 per minute usage rate will apply for combined interstate and intrastate monthly usage equating $3000.01 or more. Toll Free Service:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $10.00 monthly fee for Toll Free Service. Idaho Public Utilities cc..m:ssion AEi NG Boise,Idaho Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 dlbla Verizon Business Services 2nd Revised Page 232.16.17 Cancels 1st Revised Page 232.16.17 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.28 Option AA (Advanced Option II for Small Business)(Cont.) 3.2824 Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XVII A variation of AA,Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XVII offers customers in-state calling.Customers enrolling in this Offering and in MCI Business Value Select as described on http://www.mci.com/service will receive the interstate and international rates as described in that service. Per-minute usage charge:The customer’s intrastate Dial-I and toll free (T800)service will be charged the following rate per minute: Intrastate Per-minute Usage Charge IntraLATA:$0.1 1 InterLATA:$0.11 (D) ) Toll Free Service:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $10.00 monthly fee for Toll Free Service. MCI One Number:MCI One Number provides a toll free number to receive calls from any point within the state.The customer may have multiple MCI One Numbers per account. The Company will provide a 4-digit security code with which the customer can receive incoming domestic calls.The customer will be charged $0300 per minute for each call. MCI One Number Forward:This feature allows an Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XVII customer who is using an MCI One Number with a 4-digit personal identification number (PIN)and a 6-digit Rerouting Code to change temporarily the telephone number to which calls to that toll free 800 number terminate. The customer may request a change in termination to any telephone available within the state. Minimum Usage Charge:In lieu of the Advanced Option II for Small Business monthly minimum charge set forth in Section C-3.28, a monthly minimum charge of $20.00 per account will apply for customers of Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XVII if customer’s total Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XVII usage charges,surcharges and monthly recurring charges,excluding the T800 monthly fee,are less than $20.00 per account per month.The $20.00 charge is applied against the month’s usage charges. idaho Pubhc h!tiites Co.mehssion Offl.ee of the Secretary ?Acutr1ri Ls ri Boise,Idaho Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 4th Revised Page 232.16.18 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 232.16.18 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) 3.28 Option AA (Advanced Option II for Small Business)(Cont.) 3.2825 Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XVIII A variation of Option AA,Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XVIII offers customers in-state calling.Customers enrolling in this Offering and in MCI Business Value Standard as described on http://www.mci.com/service will receive the interstate and international rates as described in that service. Per-minute usage charge: The customer’s intrastate Dial-i and toll free (T800)service will be charged the following rate per minute: Intrastate Per-minute Usage Charge: IntraLATA:$0.11 InterLATA:$0.11 (D) ) Monthly Recurring Charge:No monthly recurring charge will apply. MCI One Number:MCI One Number provides a toll free number to receive calls from any point within the state.The customer may have multiple MCI One Numbers per account.The Company will provide a 4-digit security code with which the customer can receive incoming domestic calls.The customer will be charged $0.300 per minute for each call. MCI One Number Forward:This feature allows an Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XVIII customer who is using an MCI One Number with a 4-digit personal identification number (PIN)and a 6-digit Rerouting Code to change temporarily the telephone number to which calls to that toll free 800 number terminate.The customer may request a change in termination to any telephone available within the state. Minimum Usage Charge:In lieu of the Advanced Option II for Small Business monthly minimum charge set forth in Section C-3.28,a monthly minimum charge of $20.00 per account will apply for customers of Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XVIII if customer’s total Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XVIII usage charges, surcharges and monthly recurring charges,excluding the T800 monthly fee,are less than $20.00 per account per month.The $20.00 charge is applied against the month’s usage charges. Toll Free Service:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $10.00 monthly fee for Toll Free Service. idaho Puhhc iitiHties Cornms&.ofl iNG flO Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 dlb/a Verizon Business Services 4th Revised Page 232.16.19 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 232.16.19 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) 3.28 Option AA (Advanced Option II for Small Business’)(Cont.) 3.2826 Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XIX A variation of Option AA,Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XIX offers customers in-state calling.Customers enrolling in this Offering and in MCI Business Value Basic as described on http://www.mci.com/service will receive the interstate and international rates as described in that service. Per-minute usage charge: The customer’s intrastate Dial-i and toll free (T800)service will be charged the following rate per minute: Intrastate Per-minute Usage Charge IntraLATA:$0.13 InterLATA:$0.13 (D) Monthly Recurring Charge:No monthly recurring charge will apply. MCI One Number:MCI One Number provides a toll free number to receive calls from any point within the state.The customer may have multiple MCI One Numbers per account.The Company will provide a 4-digit security code with which the customer can receive incoming domestic calls.The customer will be charged $0300 per minute for each call. MCI One Number Forward:This feature allows an Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XIX customer who is using an MCI One Number with a 4-digit personal identification number (PIN)and a 6-digit Rerouting Code to change temporarily the telephone number to which calls to that toll free 800 number terminate.The customer may request a change in termination to any telephone available within the state. Minimum Usage Charge:In lieu of the Advanced Option II for Small Business monthly minimum charge set forth in Section C-3.28, a monthly minimum charge of $20.00 per account will apply for customers of Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XIX if customer’s total Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XIX usage charges, surcharges and monthly recurring charges,excluding the T800 monthly fee,are less than $20.00 per account per month.The $20.00 charge is applied against the month’s usage charges. Toll Free Service:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $10.00 monthly fee for Toll Free Service. Idaho Pubde IduilPes Co.mflSS an the rjetary ACCE EPOR Fl LING Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.13th REVISED PAGE 232.17 IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 CANCELS 12th REVISED PAGE 232.17 SECTION C *SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .29 Option AB (homeMCl One)1:is an outbound and inbound service available to Residential customers. Customers may access the MCI network using Dial “1”or calling card origination and/or inbound service using Toll Free origination.No term plan options will apply to this service.Outbound calls are dialed without assistance of an MCI operator (D and do not include calls as specified in Section C-3.1 1.Inbound Option AB calls are made (DthroughadesignatedTollFreenumber,and the Option AB customer is billed rather than the call originators.Calls are subject to a 60-second minimum initial period with additional 60-second increments,except for Dial “1”calls which are subject to a 60-second minimum duration basis with additional 60-second increments.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent.An undiscounted charge of $1.99 per call will be applied to i,D each Directory Assistance call ,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04.A $5.00 per account per month if the total of Option AB usage charges are less than $5.00 per account per month, the $5.00 charge is applied against Option AB usage in the month it is charged. .291 Access Methods and Charges (Dial 1 Access) Option AB can be used for Dial “1”access and may be used in conjunction with calling card access and/or Toll Free access.Option AB will be charged $0.15 per minute for Option AB Dial “1’interLATA and intraLATA calls within the state. .292 [Reserved For Future Use.](D) .293 [Reserved For Future Use.] Idaho Pubhc Utilities Co.rnnssiOfl of the Secretary ACcEPTED FOR FILING 1 As of March 1,1998,Option AB will not be available to new customers.-; Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 3RD REVISED PAGE 232.17.1 CANCELS 2ND REVISED PAGE 232.1 7.1 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .29 O ~ t i o n AB (homeMCI One ,295 O~erator Assistance These charges apply to all Option AB customers without regard to the type of access. Operator Services is provided according to the provisions and rates described in Section C- 3.1 2. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI Communications Services,Inc.12th REVISED PAGE 232.19 IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 CANCELS 11th REVISED PAGE 232.19 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .31 Option AD (MCI One Savings)1 Option AD (MCI One Savings)is an outbound and inbound service available to Residential customers. Option AD includes peak and off-peak rate structure,card and P800.No term plan options will apply to this service.All Dial-i calls including intrastate (interLATA)and intraLATA,will have 60 second (D) or one minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent. .311 Monthly Account fees:Minimum Charge:$5.00 per account if total Option AD usage charges are less than $5.00 per account per month.The $5.00 charge is applied against the month’s usage charges. .312 Usage Rates Dial 1 Access:Option AD can be used for Dial-i access. .3121 Option AD customers will be charged the following for all intrastate (interLATA)calls: Peak:$0.25 per minute (7am -6:59pm,Monday through Friday) Off-Peak:$0.15 per minute (7pm -6:59am,Monday through Friday,all day Saturday and Sun.) .31211 Option AD customers will be charged the following for all intraLATA calls: Peak:$0.25 per minute 7am -6:59pm,Monday through Friday) Off-Peak:$0.12 per minute 7pm -6:59am,Monday through Friday,all day Saturday and Sunday) .3122 [Reserved For Future Use.1 (D) ) For customers who subscribe to the Asia Plan as described in Section C -3.0238,the usage charges in section C-3.312 will apply to all intrastate calls made under that plan. 2 Beginning April 17,2000,new customers will be charged $0.17 peak/off-peak,$0.05 sundays for intrastate card calls which terminate to the customer=s billed ANI.No per call surcharge will apply. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 2nd Revised Page 232.19.1 CANCELS 1St Revised Page 232.19.1 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .31 Option AD (MCI One Savings)(Cont.) .312 Usage Rates (Cont.) (D) _ .313 Directory Assistance An undiscountable charge per call,as described in Section C-3.29 of this price list,will be applied to each call requesting Directory Assistance for numbers in the U.S.,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04 herein. .314 Operator Assistance These charges apply to all Option AD customers without regard to the type of access.Operator Services is provided according to the provisions and rates described in Section C-3.1 1. Utites ornmsio te ecretay ACCEPTED FOR LNG 00‘JM LUi Base,idaho Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 6th REVISED PAGE 232.20 CANCELS 5th REVISED PAGE 232.20 SECTION C SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .32Option AE (MCI One Extra)1 Option AE (MCI One Extra)is an outbound and inbound service available to Residential customers. Customers may access the MCI network using Dial 1 or inbound service using Toll Free (D) origination.No term plan options will apply to this service..Outbound calls are dialed without assistance of an operator.Inbound Option AE calls are (D) made through a designated Toll Free number,and the Option AE customer is billed rather than the call originators.Calls are subject to 60 rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent. .321 Monthly Account Fees Beginning January 1,2001,for customers under this plan who also subscribe to International Savings Plan 7 or International Savings Plan 8 as described in MCI Communications Services,Inc. F.C.C.Tariff No.1.D D .322 Access Methods and Charges Dial 1 Access:Option AE can be used for Dial 1 Access and may be used in conjunction with calling card access and/or Toll Free Access. Option AE customers will be charged $0.15 per minute for interLATA Dial 1 calls and $0.15 per minute for intraLATA Dial 1 calls within the state. (D) () lUsts Pebts Utilities Comrn4ssion the Secretsrv 3 21J6 1Effective November 1,1999,this service will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 6th REVISED PAGE 232.21 CANCELS 5th REVISED PAGE 232.21 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .32Option AE (MCI One Extra)(Cont) .323 [Reserved For Future Use.1 (D) .324 Directory Assistance Undiscountable per call charge will be applied to each Directory Assistance call pursuant to the provisions of Section C.3.29. .325 Operator Assistance The charges found in section 3.11 herein apply to all Option AE customers without regard to the type access. n yr f ‘rJ(’ Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dlbla Verizon Business Services 12th REVISED PAGE 23222 CANCELS 11th REVISED PAGE 232.22 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .33Option AF (MCI One Advantage)1 Option AF is an outbound and inbound service available to residential customers.MCI One Advantage includes a flat rate structure for Dial 1 No term plan options will apply to this service.All (D intrastate dial one calls will have 60 second or one minute rounding.If the computed charge (D includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent. .331 Monthly Account Fees: Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly recurring charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic_services.jsp:except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for local toll service only will be charged a monthly recurring charge of $5.95. .332 Access Methods and Charges Dial One Access:MCI One Advantage can be used for Dial One access.MCI One Advantage customers will be charged the following rates for all intrastate calls.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. .3321 InterLATA:$0.15 .3322 lntraLATA:$0.15 (D) (L) crcts 1Effective December 1,1999,this service will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 5th REVISED PAGE 232.23 CANCELS 4th REVISED PAGE 232.23 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont,) .33Option AF (MCI One AdvantaQe)(Cont.) .332 Access Methods and CharQes (Cont.) (D) _ I .333 Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge of $1 .99 per call will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. .334 Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11,herein,apply to all MCI One Advantage customers without regard to the type of access. Idaho Pub Uthities Comrrrission Off ss of the Secrefar ACCEPTED FOR FLiNG Boise,IdahO Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services, Inc. dlbla Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 3rd Revised Page 232.24 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 232.24 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .34 Option AG (Reserved for Future Use) ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. ldaho Public Utilities Commissien Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Boise, ldaho I ' Issued Date: 8122108 ttfectlve: 9/~lO8 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, lnc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 232.25 Cancels 1st Revised Page 232.25 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 .34 Option AG (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ldaho Public Utilities Commissien Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. ...a- -. . -_.L_.__ Issued Date: 8/22/08 tttectlve: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite I100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. dlbla Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 13th Revised Page 232.26 Cancels 12th Revised Page 232.26 I SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 .34 Option AG (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.1 DIT ldaho Public Utilities Commissisn Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, ldaho 7 ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. , -..,I lssued Date: 8/22/08 ttfectlve: 911168 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services Idaho Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 232.27 Cancels 1st Revised Page 232.27 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .34 Option AG (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) Boise, Idaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. *,I Issued Date: 8/22/08 ttfect~ve: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown ' Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. dlbla Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 232.28 Cancels 1st Revised Page 232.28 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .34 O~tion AG (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. ldaho Public Utilities Cornmisign Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, ldaho . . I Issued Date: 8/22/08 ttfectlve: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1 100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 2nd Revised Page 232.29 Cancels I st Revised Page 232.29 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .34 Option AG (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ldaho Public Utilities Commissisn Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Boise, ldaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. 5 Issued Date: 8/22/08 tttectlve: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 232.30 Cancels 1st Revised Page 232.30 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .34 Option AG (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ldaho Public Utilities Commissian Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, ldaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. 1 , .-,-.) Issued Date: 8122108 tttectlve: 911 1dB Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 232.31 Cancels 1st Revised Page 232.31 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .34 O~tion AG (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ldaho Public Utilities Commissisn Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP l - zoo8 Boise, ldaho I ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. . : . .- 4 Issued Date: 8/22/08 tttectlve: 91110g Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite I100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 232.32 Cancels I st Revised Page 232.32 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 .34 Option AG (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, ldaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. - d' Issued Date: 8122108 ttrect~ve: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 1 0th Revised Page 232.32.1 Cancels 9th Revised Page 232.32.1 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES ICONT.1 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 .34 Ootion AG (Reserved for Future Use) ICont.1 DIT ldaho Public Utilities Cornrnissisn Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP l - 2008 Boise, ldaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. Issued Date: 8/22/08 ttfectwe: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 232.32.2 Cancels 1st Revised Page 232.32.2 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .34 Ootion AG (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, ldaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. . . Issued Date: 8/22/08 tttective: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60801. MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 7th REVISED PAGE 232.33 CANCELS 6th REVISED PAGE 232.33 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .035 Option AH (MCI Everyday Classic)1 MCI Everyday Classic is an outbound and inbound service available to Residential customers.MCI Everyday Classic includes peak and off-peak rate structure..No term plan options will (D apply to this service.All Dial-i calls including intrastate (interLATA)and intraLATA will (D have 60 second or one minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent.Minimum Charge:$5.00 per account if total MCI Everyday Classic usage charges are less than $5.00 per account per month.The $5.00 charge is applied against the month’s usage charges.A monthly recurring charge of $2.95 will apply. .0351 Usage Rates Dial 1 Access: InterLATA Peak $0.25 per minute (7am -6:59pm,Monday through Friday) Off-Peak $0.15 per minute (7pm -6:59am,Mon.through Fri.,all day Sat.and Sun.) I ntraLATA Peak $0.25 per minute (7am -6:59pm,Monday through Friday) Off-Peak $0.12 per minute (7pm -6:59am,Mon.through Fri.,all day Sat.and Sun.) (D) ) Idaho Pubic Utiiitks Co.medssion Ofdee of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING 1Effective April 17,2000,this service will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 7th REVISED PAGE 232.33.1 CANCELS 6th REVISED PACE 232.33.1 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .035 Option AH (MCI Everyday Classic)(Cont.) .0352 [Reserved For Future Use.](D) .0353 Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge of $1.99 per call will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. .0354 Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11,herein,apply to all MCI Everyday Classic customers without regard to the type of access. ,., HLI NG LU Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 15th REVISED PAGE 232.34 CANCELS 14th REVISED PAGE 232.34 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .036 Option Al (MCI Everyday Plus)1 MCI Everyday Plus is an outbound and inbound service available to residential customers.MCI Everyday Plus includes a peak and off-peak rate structure,No term plan options will apply to this service.All intrastate dial one calls will have 60 second or one minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mciservice agreement/res domestic services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and wlio have selecte’d the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly recurring charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for local toll service only will be charged a monthly recurring charge of $6.95. .0361 Usage Rates InterLATA:$0.15 IntraLATA:$0.15 (D) .0363 Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge of $1.99 per call will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. .0364 Orerator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11,herein,apply to all MCI Everyday Plus customers without regard to the type of access. Idaho Pohhc IJtWtIes Cci.mmsslon Othoeot the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 13th REVISED PAGE 23235 CANCELS 12th REVISED PAGE 232.35 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (ConiJ .37 Option AJ (MCI AnyTime)1 Option AJ is an outbound and inbound service available to residential customers.MCI AnyTime includes a flat rate structure for Dial 1.No term plan options will apply to this plan.All intrastate dial (D one calls will have 60 second or one minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent. Monthly Minimum Usage Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge, as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service agreementlres_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who Fiave selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. .371 Monthly Account Fees: Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly recurring charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_serviceagreementJres_domestic_services.jsp:except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for local toll service only will be charged a monthly recurring charge of $10.95. .372 Access Methods and Charges Dial One Access:MCI AnyTime can be used for Dial One access.MCI AnyTime customers will be charged the following rates for all intrastate calls.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. .3721 InterLATA:$0.15 .3722 IntraLATA:$0.15 (D) .373 [Reserved For Future Use.1 ) .374 Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge of $1.99 per call will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section 8-6.04. .375 Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11,herein, apply to all MCI AnyTime customers without regard to the type of access. IaL’o Pub1c lit litis Commfssiofl Offjoe of the Secretary ACCEFTED FOR RUNG (D (D Issued Date:01/13/16 Boise,lclohffective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES,INC.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dlbla Verizon Business Services 8th REVISED PAGE 232.36 CANCELS 7th REVISED PAGE 232.36 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .038 Option AK (MCI Everyday Savings)1 Option AK (MCI Everyday Savings)is an outbound and inbound service available to Residential customers.Option AK includes peak and off-peak rate structure.No term plan options (D will apply to this service.All Dial-i calls including intrastate (interLATA)and intraLATA will have 60 second or minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent. Customers enrolled in this plan who have selected the Company for local toll service only will be charged a monthly recurring charge of $2.95. .0381 Usage Rates Dial 1 Access: InterLATA Peak $0.25 per minute (7am -6:59pm,Monday through Friday) Off-Peak $0.15 per minute (7pm -6:59am,Monday through Friday,all day Saturday and Sunday) IntraLATA Peak $0.25 per minute (7am -6:59pm,Monday through Friday) Off-Peak $0.12 per minute (7pm -6:59am,Monday through Friday,all day Saturday and Sunday) (D) () Idaho Pubhc 1JtHties Commssiar D-c etary ACDETIELFcRFL.ING 1Beginning November 17,2000,this service will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dlb/a Verizon Business Services 1st Revised Page 232.36.1 Cancels Original Page 232.36.1 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3,METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .038 Option AK (MCI Everyday Savings)(Cont.) .0382 [Reserved For Future UJ (D) ) .0383 Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge of $1.99 per call will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. .0384 Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11,herein,apply to all MCI Everyday Savings customers without regard to the type of access. Idaho Pubhc iJtdifies Co.mndssion ACCEPIEE:DFOR FILING Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 7th REVISED PAGE 23237 CANCELS 6th REVISED PAGE 232.37 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) ,39Option AL (Basic Calling Plan XX) Basic Calling Plan XX is an outbound and inbound service available to residential customers.Basic Calling Plan XX includes a flat rate structure for Dial 1 No term plan options will apply to this (D service.All intrastate Dial 1 calls will have 60 second or one minute rounding.If the (D computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent. .391 Monthly Account Fees:No monthly recurring charge will apply. .392 Minimum Usage Charge:A $5.00 per account if total Basic Calling Plan XX usage charges are less than $5.00 per account per month.The charge is applied against the month’s usage charges. .393 Access Methods and Charges: .3931 Dial One Access:Basic Calling Plan XX can be used for Dial One access.Basic Calling Plan XX customers will be charged the following rates for all intrastate calls.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. InterLATA $0.14 IntraLATA $0.14 (D) .394 Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $1.99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. .395 Ooerator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11 herein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan XX customers without regard to the type of access. Idaho Pubhc titdWes Co.mmssiorI Ofhoe ot toe tecreary ?CCEF°TEDFORFLING (D (D Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 2ND REVISED PAGE 232.37.1 IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 CANCELS 1" REVISED PAGE 232.37.1 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.1 3. METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.1 .39 Option AL (Basic Callina Plan XX) (Cont.) .396 Basic Callinq Plan XX Savinqs Plan I' Basic Calling Plan XX Savings Plan I: A variation of Option AL (Basic Calling Plan XX), Basic Calling Plan XX Savings Plan I offers reduced in-state dial-I rates for an additional monthly recurring charge. Customers enrolled in this plan may place intraLATA Dial-I calls at a rate of $0.12 per minute, and interLATA Dial-I calls at a rate of $0.1 2 per minute. Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $4.00 monthly recurring charge. This charge will be in addition (11 to the monthly recurring charge for Basic Calling Plan XX. .397 Basic Callinq Plan XX Savinqs Plan II A variation of Option AL (Basic Calling Plan XX), Basic Calling Plan XX Savings Plan II offers reduced in-state Dial-I rates for an additional monthly recurring charge. Customers enrolled in this plan may place intraLATA Dial-I calls at the rate of $0.12 per minute, and interLATA Dial-I calls at the rate of $0.12 per minute. Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $4.00 monthly recurring charge. This charge (1) will be in addition to the monthly recurring charge for Basic Calling Plan XX." Idaho Public Utilities Comrnininn . --.-.. Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JAN 2'- 2003 Boise, ldaho Certain material from PAGE 232.37.1 can now be found on this page. 'Effective May 1, 2001, this service will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date: December 24, 2002 EFFECTIVE: January 2, 2003 Erik Sanchez Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, gth Floor San Francisco, CA 941 0528 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 11th REVISED PAGE 23238 CANCELS 10th REVISED PAGE 232.38 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (ConL) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .400ption AM (Basic Calling Plan YY)1 Basic Calling Plan YY is an outbound and inbound service available to residential customers.Basic Calling Plan YY includes a flat rate structure for Dial 1 No term plan options will apply (D to this service.All intrastate Dial 1 calls will have 60 second or one minute (D rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service agreement/res domestic_services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. .401 Monthly Account Fees:Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly recurring charge, as specified in http://consumer.mci.com!mciserviceagreementlres_domestic_services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for local toll service only will be charged a monthly recurring charge of $4.95. .402 Access Methods and Charges: .4021 Dial One Access:Basic Calling Plan YY can be used for Dial One access.Basic Calling Plan YY customers will be charged the following rates for all intrastate calls.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. InterLATA $0.14 I IntraLATA $0.14 (D) daho PoSSe IitWties Co.mrrssion Othee of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR HUNG 1Effective May 1,2001,Basic Calling Plan VY including all plans under this option will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services, Inc. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 1st Revised Page 232.38.1 Cancels Original Page 232.38.1 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) ,400ption AM (Basic Callinq Plan YY (Cont.) ,403 Directorv Assistance: An undiscounted charge per call of $1.99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call, subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. ,404 Operator Assistance: The charges found in Section 3.1 1, herein, apply to all Basic Calling Plan YY customers without regard to the type of access. ,405 Basic Calling Plan YY Savinqs Plan I:* Basic Calling Plan YY Savings Plan I: A variation of Option AM (Basic Callin Plan YY), Basic Calling Plan YY Savings Plan I offers reduced in-state dial-, rates for an ad8tiona1 monthly recurring charge. Customers enrolled in this plan may place intraLATA Dial-I calls at a rate of $0.12 per minute, and interLATA Dial-I calls at a rate of $0.12 per minute. Monthly Minimum Usaqe - Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge, as specified in (N)(I) http://consumer.mc~.com/mc~~service_agreementlres~domesticservices.jsp except that I 1 customers who are subscr~bed to this plan and who have selected the Company for ~ntralata I 1 service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. (N)(I) Customers enrolled in this plan who have selected the Company for local toll service only will be charged a monthly recurring charge of $4.00. 1 Effectlve May 1, 2001, Baslc Calling Plan YY lncludlng all plans under thls optlon will no longer be available to new subscribers Issued Date: 0711 811 3 Effective: 08/01 11 3 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 1 Street NW, Suite 400w Washington, DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 7th REVISED PAGE 23239 CANCELS 6th REVISED PAGE 23239 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .41 Option AN (Basic Calling Plan ZZ)1 Option AN is an outbound and inbound service available to residential customers.Basic Calling Plan ZZ includes a flat rate structure for Dial 1.No term plan options will apply to this service.All intrastate Dial 1 calls will have 60 second or one minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge, as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service agreementlres_domesticservices.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who Fave selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. .411 Monthly Account Fees: Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly recurring charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreementlres_domestic services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Cbmpany for local toll service only will be charged a monthly recurring charge of $3.95. .412 Access Methods and Charges: .4121 Dial One Access:Basic Calling Plan ZZ can be used for Dial One access.Basic Calling Plan ZZ customers will be charged the following rates for all intrastate calls.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. InterLATA I IntraLATA:$0.14 (D) ) .413 Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $1.99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. .414 Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11,herein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan ZZ customers without regard to the type of access. Idaho Pubdt Utilities Co.rnrD’SSiOfl Offloe of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR F IUNG ‘Effective March 4,2002,this feature will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services, Inc. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 5th REVISED PAGE 232.39.1 CANCELS 4th REVISED PAGE 232.39.1 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 41 Option AN (Basic Callinq Plan ZZ) (Cont.) 415 Basic Callinq Plan ZZ Savinqs Plan I' A variation of Option AN (Basic Calling Plan ZZ), Customers enrolled in this Ian may place P intraLATA Dial-I calls at a rate of $0.12 per minute, and interLATA Dial-I ca Is at a rate of $0.12 per minute. Monthly Minimum Usage - Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge, as specified In (N)(I) http://consumer.mc~.com/mci~service~agreement/res~domesticservices.jsp; except that / I customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata / / service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. (N)(I) Customers enrolled in this plan who have selected the Company for local toll service only will be charged a monthly recurring charge of $4.00. 416. Basic Callinq Plan ZZ Savinqs Plan 1 1 A variation of Option AN (Basic Calling Plan ZZ), Customers enrolled in this plan may place intraLATA Dial-I calls at the rate of $0.12 per minute, and interLATA Dial-I calls at the rate of $0.12 per minute. Monthly Minimum Usage - Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge, as specified In (NN) http://consumer.mc~.com/mci~service~agreement/res~domestic~services.jsp; except that I I customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata I I service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. (N)(l) Customers enrolled in this plan who have selected the Company for local toll service only will be charged a monthly recurring charge of $4.00. 1 Effective May 1, 2001 this calling feature will be no longer available to new subscribers. 2~ffective March 4, 2002, this feature will no longer be available to new subscribers Issued Date: 0711 811 3 Effective: 08/01 11 3 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 1 Street NW, Suite 400w Washington, DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 5th REVISED PAGE 232.40 CANCELS 4th REVISED PAGE 232.40 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .42 Option AO (220 Direct Plan)1 Customers of Metered Use Service Option AO (220 Direct Plan)who have made a minimum of 1 call under the 1010220 service as set forth in Telecom*USA Idaho Tariff No.1 during the period beginning April 1,1999,and ending August 15,2000,will be eligible to enroll in this plan. .421 Monthly Minimum Charge:$5.00 per account if total Option AO usage charges are less than $5.00 per account per month.The $5.00 charge is applied against the month’s usage charges. .422 Access Methods and Charges: .4221 Dial-i:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a per minute rate of $0.07 for the first minute or a portion thereof,$0.99 per call for calls exceeding 1 minute up to twenty minutes, and a per minute rate of $0.07 for each minute of usage after twenty minutes. (D) .423 Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call will be applied to each Directory Assistance call subject to the rate and provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. .424 Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11,herein,apply to all 220 Direct Plan customers without regard to the type of access. h0 Phh Utiltes to.mmssImi ary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING 1Effective February 18,2001,this feature is no longer available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dlbla Verizon Business Services 5th REVISED PAGE 232.41 CANCELS 4th REVISED PAGE 232.41 SECTION C SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .43Option AP (321 Direct Plan)1 Customers of Metered Use Service Option AP (321 Direct Plan)who have made a minimum of 1 call under the 1010321 service as set forth in Telecom*USA Idaho Tariff No.1 during the period beginning March 1,1999,and ending August 15,2000,will be eligible to enroll in this plan. .431 Monthly Minimum Charge:$5.00 per account if total Option AP usage charges are less than $5.00 per account per month.The $5.00 charge is applied against the month’s usage charges. .432 Access Methods and Charges: .4321 Dial-i:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a rate of $0.16 per minute for all interLATA Dial-i calls and $0.12 per minute for all intraLATA Dial-i calls,24 hours a day,7 days a week. (D) .433 Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call will be applied to each Directory Assistance call subject to the rate and provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. .434 Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11,herein,apply to all 321 Direct Plan customers without regard to the type of access. idaho F’ubhc U.tihtes ComrnsSiOfl Offi.e at the S&retary ACCEFTED FOR FILING 1Effective February 18,2001,this feature is no longer available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 3rd REVISED PAGE 232.42 CANCELS 2nd REVISED PAGE 232.42 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .44 Option AQ (Ti LD Plan)1 Option AQ is available to new customers of MCI long distance service who were existing customers of Touch-i Long Distance,Inc.,and were pre-subscribed to any residential calling plan with the exception of First Touch Select service offered by Touch-i Long Distance,Inc.as of December 15,2000. .44.i Access Methods and Charges .44.1 .1 Dial-i:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged the following rates: InterLATA:Peak $0.25 Off-Peak $0.15 IntraLATA:Peak $0.25 Off-Peak $0.12 Peak calls are calls that are made between 7am -6:59pm Monday through Friday.Off- Peak calls are calls that are made between 7pm -6:59am Monday through Friday,all day Saturday and Sunday. .44.i .2 [Reserved For Future Use.](D (D .44.i .3 Monthly Recurring Charges:No monthly fee is applicable. .44.1 .4 [Reserved For Future Use.1 (D) .44.2 Directory Assistance:An un-discounted charge per call will be applied to each Directory Assistance call subject to the rate and provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. .44.3 Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11 apply to all T1LD Plan customers without regard to the type of access. )LU. 1Effective August 24,2001,this plan will be no longer available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dfb/a Verizon Business Services 2nd Revised Page 232.43 Cancels 1st Revised Page 232.43 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .45Option AR (T1LD 7c Plan)1 Ti LD 7c is available to new customers of MCI long distance service who were existing residential customers of Touch-i Long Distance,Inc.,and were pre subscribed to First Touch Select service offered by Touch-I Long Distance,Inc as of December 15,2000. .45.1 Access Methods and Charges .45.1 .1 Dial-i:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged the following rates for all intrastate calls.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day,7 days a week. InterLATA:$01400 IntraLATA:$0.1 400 .45.1 .2 [Reserved For Future Use.1 .45.1.3 Monthly Recurring Charges:A monthly recurring charge of $3.95 will apply. .45.1 .4 [Reserved For Future Use.1 .45.2 Directory Assistance:An un-discounted charge per call will be applied to each Directory Assistance call subject to the rate and provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. .45.3 Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11 apply to all Ti LD 7c Plan customers without regard to the type of access. Waho Pubhc ‘Jt;es Comrrsson Olficre of 1.he Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG 1Effective August 24,2001,this plan will be no longer available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 4th REVISED PAGE 232.44 CANCELS 3rdd REVISED PAGE 232.44 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .46Option AS (MCI Simple International Plan)1 MCI Simple International Plan is an outbound and inbound service available to residential customers.MCI Simple International Plan includes a flat rate structure for Dial -1.No term plan options will D apply to this service.All intrastate Dial-i calls will have 60 second or one minute D rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent. Dial-i Access:Customers enrolled in this plan may place intraLATA Dial-i calls at the rate of $0.12 per minute,and interLATA Dial-i calls at the rate of $0.12 per minute.Customers will also be charged a $0.49 per call connection fee. Monthly Recurring Charges:No monthly fee is applicable. (D) ( ) Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge, as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service agreementlres_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Directory Assistance:An un-discounted charge of $1 .99 per call will be applied to each Directory Assistance call subject to the rate and provisions set forth in Section B-6.04.Customers will also be charged the $0.49 per call connection fee. Operator Assistance:These charges apply to all MCI Simple International Plan customers without regard to the type of access.Operator Services is provided according to the provisions and rates described in Section 3.11.Customers will not be charged the $0.49 per-call connection fee for this service. 7fl11’0 1Effective June 29,2005,this plan will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 7th REVISED PAGE 232.45 CANCELS 6th REVISED PAGE 232.45 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .47Option AT (Basic Calling Plan A)1 Basic Calling Plan A is an outbound and inbound service available to residential customers.Basic Calling Plan A includes a flat rate structure for Dial 1.No term plan options will apply to this service.(D) Customers are subject to the terms and conditions of Basic Calling Plan Option 22 as set forth in MCI WorldCom Communications,Inc,Tariff FCC No.1.All intrastate Dial-i calls will (D) have 60 second or one minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent.A monthly charge will apply to this service. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge, as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service agreementJres_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who fave selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Monthly Account Fees:Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly recurring charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service agreement/res domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selecteJ the Company for local toll service only will be charged a monthly recurring charge of $4.95. Access Methods and Charges: a)Dial One Access:Basic Calling Plan A can be used for Dial One access.Basic Calling Plan A customers will be charged the following rates for all intrastate calls.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. InterLATA &IntraLATA per minute charge:$0.14 (D) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge of $1.99 per call will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11,herein, apply to all MCI Everyday Plus customers without regard to the type of access. ,.— <1 L 1Effective November 1,2001 this service will be no longer available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services, Inc. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 dlbla Verizon Business Services 6th REVISED PAGE 232.46 CANCELS 5th REVISED PAGE 232.46 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) ,470ption AT (Basic Calling Plan A) (Cont.1 Basic Calling Plan A Savinqs Plan 1': A variation of Option AT Basic Calling Plan A Savings Plan I Customers enrolled in this plan ma place intraLATA Dial-1 calls at the rate of $0.12 per minute, and Y interLATA Dial-1 calls at the rate o $0.12 per minute. Monthly Minimum Usaae - Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge, as specified in h~tp:llconsumer.mci.comlmc~servlce agreementlres domestic~services.jsp; (N)(I) except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and wlo have selectel the Company for I / intralata service only will be charqed a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. I I - Customers enrolled in this plan who have selected the Company for local toll service only will be (N)(I) charged a monthly recurring charge of $4.00. Basic Callina Plan A Savinas Plan 1 1 2 A variation of Option AT(Basic Calling Plan A), Customers enrolled in this plan may place intraLATA Dial- 1 calls at the rate of $0.12 per minute, and interLATA Dial-1 calls at the rate of $0.12 per minute. Monthl Minimum Usa e - Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage chargeyas specified inqh~tp:llconsumer,mc~comimci~selvice agreementlres domestic~serv~cesjsp; (N)(l) except that customers who are subscribed to thls plan and wlo have selectel the Company for I I intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. I I (N)(I) Customers enrolled in this plan who have selected the Company for local toll service only will be charged a monthly recurring charge of $4.00. Idaho Public Utilities Comission Oific~ of rhp S ~ c r j i a r y ACPFpIED u-. FQF; FitBfjjG Boise, Idaho ' Effective May 1, 2001, this calling plan is no longer available to new subscribers. Effectlve November 1, 2001 thls servlce w~ll be no longer available to new subscribers Issued Date: 0711 811 3 Effective: 0810111 3 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 1 Street NW, Suite 400w Washington, DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 8th REVISED PAGE 232.47 CANCELS 7th REVISED PAGE 232.47 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .48Option AU (Basic Calling Plan B)1 Option AU is an outbound and inbound service available to residential customers.Basic Calling Plan B includes a flat rate structure for Dial 1.No term plan options will apply to this service.Customers (D) are subject to the terms and conditions of companion services as set forth in MCI F.C.C.Tariff No.1.All intrastate Dial-i calls will have 60 second or one minute rounding.If the (D) computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent.A monthly charge will apply to this service. Monthly Account Fees:No monthly recurring charge will apply. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge, as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service agreementlres_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who FTave selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Access Methods and Charges: Dial One Access:Basic Calling Plan B can be used for Dial One access.Basic Calling Plan B customers will be charged the following rates for all intrastate calls.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. InterLATA $0.14 /IntraLATA $0.14 (D) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge of $1.99 per call will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11 herein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan B customers without regard to the type of access. Basic Calling Plan B Savings Plan I:1 A variation of Option AU (Basic Calling Plan B),Basic Calling Plan B Savings Plan I offers reduced in-state dial-i rates for an additional monthly recurring charge. Customers enrolled in this plan may place intraLATA Dial-i calls at the rate of $0.12 per minute,and interLATA Dial-i calls at the rate of $0.12 per minute. Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly recurring charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreementlres_domestic_services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for local toll service only will be charged a monthly recurring charge of $5.00. 1Effective March 4,2002,this feature will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date 01/13/16 Effective 01/23/16 Edwin Reese Th Tariff Administrator - 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES,INC.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 6th REVISED PAGE 232.48 CANCELS 5th REVISED PAGE 232.48 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .49Option AV (Block of Time Plan 4)1 Block of Time Plan 4 is an outbound service available to new and existing residential customers.For customers who enroll in or disconnect from this plan in the middle of an invoice period,the monthly recurring charge will be pro-rated for that portion of the month in which customer remained subscribed to this plan.The monthly charge will apply regardless of the volume of calls made under this plan during any month.No other monthly fees will apply.All intrastate Dial calls will have 60 second (D) or one minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent. Monthly Minimum Usa -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge, as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service agreementlres_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Access Methods and Charges: Dial One Access:Block of Time Plan 4 can be used for Dial One access.Customers will be charged the following rates for all intrastate calls.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Block of Time Plan 4 offers 250 minutes of interstate and intrastate Dial “1”calling for a monthly charge. Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly recurring charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic_servicesjsp’ except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for local toll service only will be charged a monthly recurring charge of $19.99. Additional minutes of Dial-i calling will be priced at $0.07 per-minute. (D) ( ) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call will be applied to each Directory Assistance call, subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11 herein,apply to all Block of Time 4 Plan customers without regard to the type of access. ldanüPubj Utiiitj O.rnnssjoii rary I I:L)Ffl FILING 3 201.5 1Effective October 20,2005,this plan will no longer available to new customers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES,INC.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 6th REVISED PAGE 232.49 CANCELS 5th REVISED PAGE 232.49 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .S0Option AW (Block of Time Plan 5)1 Block of Time Plan 5 is an outbound service available to new and existing residential customers.For customers who enroll in or disconnect from this plan in the middle of an invoice period,the monthly recurring charge will be pro-rated for that portion of the month in which customer remained subscribed to this plan.The monthly charge will apply regardless of the volume of calls made under this plan during any month.No other monthly fees will apply,All intrastate Dial calls will have 60 (D) second or one minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge, as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mciservice agreementlres_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Access Methods and Charges: Dial One Access:Block of Time Plan 5 can be used for Dial One access.Customers will be charged the following rates for all intrastate calls.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Block of Time Plan 5 offers 500 minutes of interstate and intrastate Dial “1”calling for a monthly charge. Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly recurring charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic_services.jsp except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for local toll service only will be charged a monthly recurring charge of $29.99. Additional minutes of Dial-i calling will be priced at $0.06 per-minute. (D) ) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call will be applied to each Directory Assistance call, subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11 herein,apply to all Block of Time 5 Plan customers without regard to the type of access.Idaho Pubhc Utilities Commission OTf!ee of the eoretary ACCEF’1IE)FORFiLNG 1Effective October 20,2005,this plan will no longer available to new customers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES,INC.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.I dibla Verizon Business Services 6th REVISED PAGE 232.50 CANCELS 5th REVISED PAGE 232.50 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .51 Option AX (Block of Time Plan 6)’ Block of Time Plan 6 is an outbound service available to new and existing residential customers.For customers who enroll in or disconnect from this plan in the middle of an invoice period,the monthly recurring charge will be pro-rated for that portion of the month in which customer remained subscribed to this plan.The monthly charge will apply regardless of the volume of calls made under this plan during any month.No other monthly fees will apply.All intrastate Dial calls will have 60 second (D) or one minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge, as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service agreementlres_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Access Methods and Charges: Dial One Access:Block of Time Plan 6 can be used for Dial One access.Customers will be charged the following rates for all intrastate calls.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Block of Time Plan 6 offers 700 minutes of interstate and intrastate Dial “1”calling for a monthly charge. Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly recurring charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mciservice_agreementJres_domestic_services.jsp except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for local toll service only will be charged a monthly recurring charge of $39.99. Additional minutes of Dial-i calling will be priced at $0.06 per-minute. (D) () Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call will be applied to each Directory Assistance call, subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11 herein,apply to all Block of Tin6.PIan customers without regard to the type of access 1Effective October 20,2005,this plan will no longer available to new customers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese . Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES,INC.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dlbla Verizon Business Services 6th REVISED PAGE 232.51 CANCELS 5th REVISED PAGE 232.51 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .52 Option AY (Block of Time Plan 7)1 Block of Time Plan 7 is an outbound service available to new and existing residential customers.For customers who enroll in or disconnect from this plan in the middle of an invoice period,the monthly recurring charge will be pro-rated for that portion of the month in which customer remained subscribed to this plan.The monthly charge will apply regardless of the volume of calls made under this plan during any month.No other monthly fees will apply.All intrastate Dial calls will have 60 second or one (D) minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge, as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service agreementlres_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Access Methods and Charges: Dial One Access:Block of Time Plan 7 can be used for Dial One access.Customers will be charged the following rates for all intrastate calls.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Block of Time Plan 7 offers 1000 minutes of interstate and intrastate Dial “1 calling for a monthly charge. Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly recurring charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic_services.jsp except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for local toll service only will be charged a monthly recurring charge of $$49.99. Additional minutes of Dial-i calling will be priced at $0.05 per-minute. (D) () Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call will be applied to each Directory Assistance call, subject to the provisions set forth in Section 8-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11 herein,apply to all Block of Time 7 Plan customers without regard to the type of access. dho Pubhc Utiitie Cornrnssion ACCEPTED FOR FIEJNt 1Effective October 20,2005,this plan will no longer available to new customers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 3rd REVISED PAGE 232.52 CANCELS 2nd REVISED PAGE 232.52 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .53Option AZ (NetRate Plan) NetRate Plan is an outbound service available to new and existing residential customers.All intrastate Dial calls will have 60 second or one minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a (D) fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent. Monthly Minimum Charge:$5.00 per account if total NetRate Plan usage charges are less than $5.00 per account per month.The $5.00 charge is applied against the month’s usage charges. Access Methods and Charges: Dial-i Access:Customers enrolled in this plan may place intraLATA Dial-i calls at the rate of $0.14 per minute,and interLATA Dial-i calls at the rate of $0.14 per minute. (D) ) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call will be applied to each Directory Assistance call, subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11 herein,apply to all NetRate Plan customers without regard to the type of access. ,4hn S - (D Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services.Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 4th REVISED PAGE 232.53 CANCELS 3rd REVISED PAGE 232.53 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .54Option BA (Basic Calling Plan C)1 Basic Calling Plan C is an outbound and inbound service available to residential customers.Basic Calling Plan C includes a flat rate structure for Dial 1.No term plan options will apply to this D service.All intrastate Dial-i calls will have 60 second or one minute rounding.If the D computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent.A monthly charge will apply to this service. Monthly Minimum Usq -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service agreementlres domestic_servicesjsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and w1o have selecte the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Monthly Account Fees:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $3.95 monthly recurring charge. Access Methods and Charges: a)Dial One Access:Basic Calling Plan C can be used for Dial One access.Basic Calling Plan C customers will be charged the following rates for all intrastate calls.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. InterLATA:$0.07!IntraLATA:$0.07 (D) d)Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $1.99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. e)Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11 herein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan C customers without regard to the type of access. PuDC JVtS Co.mrTSSiOrI ACCEPHD FOR FLNG 1Effective July 1,2002,this service will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01!13!i6 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dlb/a Verizon Business Services 4th REVISED PAGE 232.54 CANCELS 3rd REVISED PAGE 232.54 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .55Option B8 (Basic Calling Plan D)1 Basic Calling Plan D is an outbound and inbound service available to residential customers.Basic Calling Plan D includes a flat rate structure for Dial 1 No term plan options will apply to this service.All (D intrastate Dial-i calls will have 60 second or one minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge, as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service agreement/res_domestic_services .jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Monthly Account Fees:No monthly minimum charge will apply to this service. Access Methods and Charges: a)Dial One Access:Basic Calling Plan D can be used for Dial One access.Basic Calling Plan D customers will be charged the following rates for all intrastate calls.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. InterLATA:$0.07 IntraLATA:$0.07 InterLATA &IntraLATA Dial-i Per-Call surcharge:$0.35 b)[Reserved For Future Use.1 (D) C)[Reserved For Future UJ ) d)Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $1 .99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. e)Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11 herein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan D customers without regard to the type of access. fltes ComrrSSiOfl Qffke the Secretary FOR FILtNG 1Effective July i,2002,this service will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 5th REVISED PAGE 232.55 CANCELS 4th REVISED PAGE 232.55 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3,METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) ,S6Option BC (Basic Calling Plan E)1 Option BC is an outbound and inbound service available to residential customers.Basic Calling Plan E includes a block of time structure with a flat rate structure for Dial I calls made outside the block-of-time allotment.No term plan options will apply to this (D service.All intrastate Dial-i calls will have 60 second or one minute rounding.If the (D computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent.A monthly charge will apply to this service. For purposes of this plan,the following time of day rate periods apply:The Day rate period applies from 7:00 am to 6:59 pm Monday through Friday;and the Evening/Weekend rate period applies from 7:00 pm to 6:59 am Monday through Thursdays,and 7:00 pm Friday to 6:59 am Monday. Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly recurring charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic,services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for local toll service only will be charged a monthly recurring charge of $10.95. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service agreement/res domestic_services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and w’ho have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Access Methods and Charges: Dial One Access:Basic Calling Plan E can be used for Dial One access.Customers will receive an allotment of up to 200 minutes per monthly period that may be used for interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)Dial-i usage made during the Day time period.Basic Calling Plan E customers will be charged the following rates for each minute of usage i)over the allotment or ii)made during the Evening or Weekend time periods.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. InterLATA:$0.07 /lntraLATA:$0.07 (D) the Sectetary ACCEceL LING ) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $1 .99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11 herein,apply to all customers without regard to the type of access. Effective July 1,2002,this service will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/i3/i6 Effective:Oi/23/i6 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 6th REVISED PAGE 232.56 CANCELS 5th REVISED PAGE 232.56 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .57Option BD (Basic Calling Plan F)1 Basic Calling Plan F is an outbound and inbound service available to residential customers.Basic Calling Plan F includes a block of time structure with a flat rate structure for Dial 1 calls made outside the block-of- time allotment.No term plan options will apply to this service.All intrastate Dial-i calls will have 60 second or one minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent.A monthly charge will apply to this service. For purposes of this plan,the following time of day rate periods apply:The Day rate period applies from 7:00 am to 6:59 pm Monday through Friday;and the Evening/Weekend rate period applies from 7:00 pm to 6:59 am Monday through Thursdays,and 7:00 pm Friday to 6:59 am Monday. Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly recurring charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreementlres_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for local toll service only will be charged a monthly recurring charge of $10.95. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge, as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service agreement/res_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Access Methods and Charges:Dial One Access:Basic Calling Plan F can be used for Dial One access. Customers will receive an allotment of up to 200 minutes per monthly period that may be used for interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)Dial-i usage during the Evening/Weekend time period. Basic Calling Plan F customers will be charged the following rates for each minute of usage over the allotment or ii)made during the Day time period.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. InterLATA:$0.07 I IntraLATA:$0.07 (D) ) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $1.99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section 8-6.04. OQerator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.iiherein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan F customers without regard to the type of access. 1Effective July 1,2002,this service will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 10th REVISED PAGE 232.57 CANCELS 9th REVISED PAGE 232.57 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .58Option BE (Basic Calling Plan G)1 Option BE is an outbound and inbound service available to residential customers who enroll in a participating affinity program.Basic Calling Plan G includes a block of time structure with a flat rate structure for Dial 1 calls made outside the block-of-time allotment.çD No term plan options will apply to this service.All intrastate Dial-i calls will have 60 second or one minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent.A monthly charge will apply to this service. For purposes of this plan,the following time of day rate periods apply:The Day rate period applies from 7:00 am to 6:59 pm Monday through Friday;and the Evening/Weekend rate period applies from 7:00 pm to 6:59 am Monday through Thursdays,and 7:00 pm Friday to 6:59 am Monday. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service agreement/res domestic_services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selecteh the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly recurring charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for local toll service only will be charged a monthly recurring charge of $10.95. Access Methods and Charges: Dial One Access:Basic Calling Plan G can be used for Dial One access.Customers will receive an allotment of up to 300 minutes per monthly period that may be used for interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)Dial-i usage made during the Day time period.Basic Calling Plan G customers will be charged the following rates for each minute of usage i)over the allotment or ii)made during the Evening or Weekend time periods.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. InterLATA:$0.07 /IntraLATA:$0.07 (D) 2 ACCET: ) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $1.99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11 herein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan G customers without regard to the type of access. 1Effective July 1,2002,this service will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 5th REVISED PAGE 23258 CANCELS 4th REVISED PAGE 232.58 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont. 3,METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .59 Option BE (Basic Calling Plan±fl1 Option BF is an outbound and inbound service available to residential customers who enroll in a participating affinity program.Basic Calling Plan H includes a block of time structure with a flat rate structure for Dial 1 calls made outside the block-of-time allotment.D No term plan options will apply to this service,All intrastate Dial-i calls will D have 60 second or one minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent.A monthly charge will apply to this service. For purposes of this plan,the following time of day rate periods apply:The Day rate period applies from 7:00 am to 6:59 pm Monday through Friday;and the Evening/Weekend rate period applies from 7:00 pm to 6:59 am Monday through Thursdays,and 7:00 pm Friday to 6:59 am Monday. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge, as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service agreement/res_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who Fiave selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Monthly Account Fees: Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly recurring charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service agreement/res domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and wFio have selected the Company for local toll service only will be charged a monthly recurring charge of $10.95. Access Methods and Charges: Dial One Access:Basic Calling Plan H can be used for Dial One access.Customers will receive an allotment of up to 300 minutes per monthly period that may be used for interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)Dial-i usage during the Evening/Weekend time period.Basic Calling Plan H customers will be charged the following rates for each minute of usage over the allotment or ii)made during the Day time period.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. lnterLATA:$0.07 /lntraLATA:$0.07 (D) daho Ptibhc CornmssiOfl ACCEF1EDFO riLiNG Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $1.99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11 herein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan H customers without regard to the type of access. 1Effective July 1,2002,this service will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 .Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 d!b/a Verizon Business Services 5th REVISED PAGE 232.59 CANCELS 4th REVISED PAGE 232.59 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .59.1 Option BG (Basic Calling Plan I):1 Basic Calling Plan I is an outbound and inbound service designed primarily for residential customers. Basic Calling Plan I includes a block of time structure with a flat rate structure for Dial 1 calls made outside the block-of-time allotment. No term plan options will apply to this service.All intrastate Dial-i calls D will have 60 second or one minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent.A monthly charge will apply to this service. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service agreement/res domestic_services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selecte the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Monthly Account Fees:Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly recurring charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_serviceagreementlres_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for local toll service only will be charged a monthly recurring charge of $12.95. Access Methods and Charges: Dial-i Access:Basic Calling Plan I can be used for Dial-i access.Customers will receive an allotment of up to 200 minutes per monthly period that may be used for interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial-i usage.Basic Calling Plan I customers will be charged the following rates for each minute of usage over the allotment.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Dial-i per minute charge:IntraLATA I InterLATA $0.07 (D) ithh PLbIc J Illes Comrrssion AFCNG Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $1.99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.i i herein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan I customers without regard to the type of access. 1Effective July 1 2002,this service will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:Oi/i3/i6 Effective:0i1231i6 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dfb/a Verizon Business Services 6th REVISED PAGE 232.60 CANCELS 5th REVISED PAGE 232.60 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .59.2 Option BH (Basic Calling Plan J)’ Option BH is an outbound and inbound service designed primarily for residential customers.Basic Calling Plan J includes a block of time structure with a flat rate structure for interstate Dial 1 calls made outside the block-of-time allotment,and a flat rate structure for intrastate Dial 1 (D) service.No term plan options will apply to this service.All intrastate Dial-i calls j will have 60 second or one minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a (D) cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent.A monthly charge will apply to this service. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http :/fconsumer.mci.com/mci service agreement/res domestic_services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and w1o have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Monthly Account Fees:Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly recurring charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service agreementlres_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and whb have selected the Company for local toll service only will be charged a monthly recurring charge of $10.95. Access Methods and Charges: Dial-i Access:Basic Calling Plan J can be used for Dial-i access.Customers will receive an allotment of up to 200 minutes per monthly period that may be used for interstate dial-i usage. Customers will be charged the following rates for intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial-i usage. Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Dial-i per minute charge:IntraLATA /InterLATA $0.18 (D) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $1 .99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11 herein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan J customers without regard to the type of access. 1Effective July 1,2002,this service will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:Oi/i3/i6 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 6th REVISED PAGE 232.61 CANCELS 5th REVISED PAGE 232.61 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .59.3 Option BI (Basic Calling Plan K)1 Option BI is an outbound and inbound service designed primarily for residential customers.Basic Calling Plan K includes a flat rate structure for Dial 1 service.No term plan options will apply to this service.All intrastate Dial-i calls will have 60 second kD or one minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent.A monthly charge will apply to this service. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service agreementlres domestic_services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Monthly Account Fees:Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly recurring charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res.domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for local toll service only will be charged a monthly recurring charge of $3.95. Access Methods and Charges: Dial-i Access:Basic Calling Plan K can be used for Dial-i access.Customers will receive the following rates for all intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial-i usage.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Dial-i per minute charge:InterLATA /IntraLATA $0.18 (D) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $1.99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.iiherein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan K customers without regard to the type of access. cc: 1Effective July 1,2002,this service will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 4th REVISED PAGE 232.62 CANCELS 3rd REVISED PAGE 232.62 SECTION C SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .59,4 Option BJ (Basic Calling Plan U1 Option BJ is an outbound and inbound service designed primarily for residential customers.Basic Calling Plan L includes a flat rate structure for Dial 1 service.No term plan (D options will apply to this service.All intrastate Dial-i calls will have 60 second or one (D minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent.A monthly charge will apply to this service. Monthly Minimum Usaqe -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service agreement/res domestic_services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selecte’d the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Monthly Account Fees:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $5.95 monthly recurring charge. Access Methods and Charges:Dial-i Access:Basic Calling Plan L can be used for Dial-i access. Customers will receive the following rates for all intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial-i usage. Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Dial-i per minute charge: $0.07 IntraLATA $0.07 InterLATA (D) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $1.99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section 8-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11 herein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan L customers without regard to the type of access. Idaho Pubde U..tdWos Comm’ssIofl NG Effective February 1,2003,this calling plan will be no longer available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 4th REVISED PAGE 232.63 CANCELS 3rd REVISED PAGE 232.63 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .59,5 Option BK (Basic Calling Plan M)1 Option BK is an outbound and inbound service designed primarily for residential customers.Basic Calling Plan M includes a flat rate structure for Dial 1 service.No term plan options (D will apply to this service.All intrastate Dial-i calls will have 60 second or one minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent. For purposes of this plan,the following time of day rate periods apply:The Day rate period applies from 7:00 am to 6:59 pm Monday through Sunday;and the Evening rate period applies from 7:00 pm to 6:59 am Monday through Sunday. Minimum Usage Charge:$5.00 per account if total Basic Calling Plan M usage charges are less than $5.00 per account per month.The $5.00 charge is applied against the month’s usage charges. Access Methods and Charges: Dial-i Access:Basic Calling Plan M can be used for Dial-i access.Customers will receive the following rates for all intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial-i usage.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Dial-i per-minute rates:Day:$0.25 /Evening:$0.10 (D) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $i .99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.1 1 herein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan M customers without regard to the type of access. Waho hobhc LJfiIites Comm’ssot I”, ,r.rr”r %)ICLJI ‘Effective February 1,2003,this calling plan will be no longer available to new subscribers. Issued Date:Oi/i3/i6 Effective:0i/23/i6 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 5th REVISED PAGE 232.64 CANCELS 4th REVISED PAGE 232.64 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont,) .59.6 Option BL (Basic Calling Plan M1 Option BL is an outbound and inbound service designed primarily for residential customers.Customers must be enrolled in a participating affinity program to be eligible for this service.Basic Calling Plan N includes a block of time structure with a flat rate structure for Dial 1 calls made outside the block-of- time allotment.No term plan options will apply to this service.All intrastate Dial-i calls will have 60 second or one minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent.A monthly charge will apply to this service. Monthly Minimum Usaqe -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service agreement/res domestic_services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Monthly Account Fees:Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly recurring charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci .com/mci_service_agreementlres_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for local toll service only will be charged a monthly recurring charge of $12.95. Access Methods and Charges: Dial-i Access:Basic Calling Plan N can be used for Dial-i access.Customers will receive an allotment of up to 300 minutes per monthly period that may be used for interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial-i usage.Basic Calling Plan N customers will be charged the following rates for each minute of usage over the allotment.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Dial-i per minute charge:IntraLATA /InterLATA $0.07 (D) !daho Boise.idaho ) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $1 .99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.liherein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan N customers without regard to the type of access. 1Effective February 1,2003,this calling plan will be no longer available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator i300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 6th REVISED PAGE 232.65 CANCELS 5th REVISED PAGE 232.65 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .59.7 Option BM:Basic Calling Plan 1 Option BM is an outbound and inbound service designed primarily for residential customers. Customers must be enrolled in a participating affinity program to be eligible for this service.Basic Calling Plan 0 includes a block of time structure with a flat rate structure for interstate Dial 1 calls made outside the block-of-time allotment.(D) No term plan options will apply to this service.All intrastate Dial-i calls will have 60 second or one minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a (u) cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent.A monthly charge will apply to this service. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service agreement/res domestic_services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Monthly Account Fees:Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly recurring charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic_services .jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for local toll service only will be charged a monthly recurring charge of $10.95. Access Methods and Charges: Dial-i Access:Basic Calling Plan 0 can be used for Dial-i access.Customers will receive an allotment of up to 300 minutes per monthly period that may be used for interstate dial-i usage. Customers will be charged the following rates for intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial-i usage. Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Dial-i per minute charge:IntraLATA!InterLATA:$0.18 (D) ACCEPTDF Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $i .99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11 herein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan 0 customers without regard to the type of access. 1Effective February 1,2003,this calling plan will be no longer available to new subscribers. Issued Date:Oi/13/16 Effective:Oi/231i6 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 3rd REVISED PAGE 232.66 CANCELS 2nd REVISED PAGE 232.66 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .59.8 Option BN (Basic Calling Plan P):1 Basic Calling Plan P is an outbound and inbound service designed primarily for residential customers. To be eligible for this plan,customers must either i)contact a Company customer service representative or be contacted by a Company customer service representative,or ii)subscribe to local exchange service provided by MClmetro Access Transmission Services.Basic Calling Plan P includes a flat rate structure for Dial 1 service.No term plan options will apply to this D service.All intrastate Dial-i calls will have 60 second or one minute rounding.If D the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent. Minimum Usage Charge:$5.00 per account if total Basic Calling Plan P usage charges are less than $5.00 per account per month.The $5.00 charge is applied against the month’s usage charges. Access Methods and Charges: Dial-i Access:Basic Calling Plan P can be used for Dial-i access.Customers will receive the following rates for all intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial-i usage.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Dial-i per minute charge: $0.i4 lntraLATA $0.i4 lnterLATA (D) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $i .99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.i 1 herein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan P customers without regard to the type of access. Effective August 10,2012,all residential Calling Card service and Toll Free I 800 service will no longer be available to new customers of this service. Issued Date:OiIi3Ii6 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator i300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dlb/a Verizon Business Services 4th REVISED PAGE 232.67 CANCELS 3rd REVISED PAGE 232.67 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 59.9 Option BO (Basic Calling Plan Q) Option BO is an outbound and inbound service designed primarily for residential customers.Basic Calling Plan Q includes a block of time structure with a flat rate structure for Dial 1 calls made outside the block-of-time allotment.No (D term plan options will apply to this service.All intrastate Dial-i calls will have 60 (D second or one minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent.A monthly charge will apply to this service. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service agreement/res domestic_services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Monthly Account Fees:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $1 9.95 monthly recurring charge. Access Methods and Charges: Dial-i Access:Basic Calling Plan Q can be used for Dial-i access.Customers will receive an allotment of up to 400 minutes per monthly period that may be used for interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial-i usage.All domestic calls,interstate and instate,beyond 400 minutes are $0.07 a minute.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. (D) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $1 .99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.ilherein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan P customers without regard to the type of access. daho Puoc ACCEPTED FOR OJJNG Bose iaho Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 d/bfa Verizon Business Services 5th Revised Page 232.68 Cancels 4th Revised Page 232.68 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .59.10 Option BP (Basic Calling Plan R 1 Option BP is an outbound and inbound service designed for residential customers.Basic Calling Plan R includes a flat rate structure for Dial 1 service.No term plan options will apply (D to this service.All intrastate Dial-i calls will have 60 second or one minute (D rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent.A monthly charge will apply to this service. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci service_agreement/res_domestic services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this pTan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Monthly Account Fees:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $2.95 monthly recurring charge. Access Methods and Charges: Dial-i Access:Basic Calling Plan R can be used for Dial-i access.Customers will receive the following rates for all intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial-i usage.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. InterLATA &IntraLATA Dial-i per minute charge:$0.i8 (D) ) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $1.99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.iiherein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan R customers without regard to the type of access. Idaho Pubic UtWtk•.•s Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR RUNG Effective September i 5,2014,and notwithstanding the availability of any calling card service as set forth in this tariff,former customers of Telecom*USA who subscribe to this service and who are migrated byTelecom*USA to this service between August 15,20i 4,and October 31,2014,and who:i)have a calling card as part of their Telecom*USA service, and ii)have used their Telecom*USA calling card within the last 24 months,will be able to continue using their calling card (or will be issued an MCI calling card as a replacement)after being subscribed to this service.The rates and surcharges for calling card service as described in MCI Communications Services,Inc.D/B/A Verizon Business Services Tariff.No.1—Basic Calling Plan R will apply. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 4th Revised Page 232.69 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 232.69 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 59.11 Option BQ (Basic Calling Plan S)1 Option BQ is an outbound and inbound service designed for residential customers.Basic Calling Plan S includes a flat rate structure for Dial 1 service.No term plan options will apply to this service.All intrastate Dial-i calls will have 60 second or one minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent.A monthly charge will apply to this service. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci service_agreement/res_domestic servicesjsp: except that customers who are subscribed to this pTan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Monthly Account Fees:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $5.95 monthly recurring charge. Access Methods and Charges: Dial-i Access:Basic Calling Plan S can be used for Dial-i access.Customers will receive the following rates for all intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial-i usage.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Intrastate (lnterLATA &IntraLATA) Dial-i per minute charge:InterLATAIlntraLATA:$0.06 (D) _ I Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $1 .99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11 herein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan S customers without regard to the type of access. Cornr;sSiOfl Offbe of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG JAN 2 3 2016 noise,lcaha (D (D Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 4th REVISED PAGE 232.70 CANCELS 3rd REVISED PAGE 232.70 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .59,i2Option BR (Basic Calling Plan T)1 Option BR is an outbound and inbound service designed for residential customers.Basic Calling Plan T includes a block of time structure with a flat rate structure for Dial 1 calls made outside the block-of- time allotment.No term plan options will apply to this (D service.All intrastate Dial-i calls will have 60 second or one minute rounding.If the çD computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent. A monthly charge will apply to this service. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci service_agreement/res_domestic services isp; except that customers who are subscribed to this pTan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly recurring charge,as specified in http:J/consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreementlres_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for local toll service only will be charged a monthly recurring charge of $12.95. Access Methods and Charges: Dial-i Access:Basic Calling Plan T can be used for Dial-i access.Customers will receive an allotment of up to 200 minutes per monthly period that may be used for interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial-i usage.Basic Calling Plan T customers will be charged the following rates for each minute of usage over the allotment.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Interstate &intrastate (InterLATA &IntraLATA) Dial-i per minute charge:(INTERSTATE.InterLATA,and IntraLATA)$0.05 (D) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $1 .99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.iiherein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan T customers without regard to the type of access. !d&I 1Effective May 27,2005,this plan will no longer be available to new subscribers. iiiued Date:01/13/16 Effective:Oi/23/i6 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 d!b/a Verizon Business Services 5th REVISED PAGE 232.71 CANCELS 4th REVISED PAGE 232.71 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .59,i3Option BS (Basic Calling Plan U)’ Option BS is an outbound and inbound service designed for residential customers.Basic Calling Plan U includes a block of time structure with a flat rate structure for interstate Dial 1 calls made outside the block-of-time allotment.(D No term plan options will apply to this service.All intrastate Dial-i calls will (D have 60 second or one minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent.A monthly charge will apply to this service. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci service_agreement/res_domestic services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this pTan and who have selected the tompany for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly recurring charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreementlres_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for local toll service only will be charged a monthly recurring charge of $9.95. Access Methods and Charges: Dial-i Access:Basic Calling Plan U can be used for Dial-i access.Customers will receive an allotment of up to 200 minutes per monthly period that may be used for interstate dial-i usage. Customers will be charged the following rates for intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial-i usage. Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Dial-i per minute chag InterLATA $0.16 /IntraLATA $0.18 (D) () Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $1 .99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11 herein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan U customers without regard to the type of access. Pub1.c LftUes Co.mr;son ACCEPTED FOR :H.NG 1 Effective May 27,2005,this plan will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 4th Revised Page 232.72 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 232.72 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .59.i4Option BT (Basic Calling Plan V)1 Option BT is an outbound and inbound service designed for residential customers.Basic Calling Plan V includes a rate structure for Dial 1 service.No term plan options will apply to (D) this service.All intrastate Dial-i calls will have 60 second or one minute rounding. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent. For purposes of this plan,the following time of day rate periods apply:The weekday rate period applies from 12:00 am Monday through 11:59 pm Friday;and the weekend rate period applies from 12:00 am Saturday through 11:59 pm Sunday. Monthly Minimum Usaqe -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service agreement/res domestic_services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and w1o have selecte the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Access Methods and Charges: Dial-i Access:Basic Calling Plan V can be used for Dial-i access.Customers will receive the following rates for all intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial-i usage.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial-i per-minute rates: Weekday:$0.17 Weekend:$0.06 (D) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $1.99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.liherein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan V customers without regard to the type of access. he ebhc liti hJes Commission fcf the Secretary Acc C;FL’NG D D Issued Date:01/13/16 .Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator i 300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES,INC.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 4th REVISED PAGE 232.73 CANCELS 3rd REVISED PAGE 232.73 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .59.15 Option BU (Basic Calling Plan W)1 Option BU is an outbound and inbound service designed for residential customers.Customers must be enrolled in a participating affinity program to be eligible for this service.Basic Calling Plan W includes a block of time structure with a flat rate structure for Dial I calls made outside the block-of-time allotment.No term plan options will apply to this service.All intrastate Dial-i calls will have 60 second or one minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent.A monthly charge will apply to this service. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service agreement/res domestic_services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Monthly Account Fees:Customers enrolled in this plan who have selected the Company for local toll service only will be charged a monthly recurring charge of $12.95. Access Methods and Charges: Dial-i Access:Basic Calling Plan W can be used for Dial-i access.Customers will receive an allotment of up to 300 minutes per monthly period that may be used for interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial-i usage.Basic Calling Plan W customers will be charged the following rates for each minute of usage over the allotment.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Dial-i per minute charge:Interstate,InterLATA and IntraLATA $0.05 (D) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $1 .99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.il herein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan W customers without regard to the type of access. j;h PubIC U.tes Comm1SIOfl AC FJNG 1Effective February 14,2004,this service will no longer available to new customers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES,INC.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 5th REVISED PAGE 232.74 CANCELS 4th REVISED PAGE 232.74 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .59,l6Option BV (Basic Calling Plan X’i1 Option BV is an outbound and inbound service designed for residential customers.Customers must be enrolled in a participating affinity program to be eligible for this service.Basic Calling Plan X includes a block of time structure with a flat rate structure for interstate Dial 1 calls made outside the block-of- time allotment,and a flat rate structure for intrastate Dial 1 service.No term plan options will apply to this service.All intrastate Dial-i calls will have 60 second or one minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent.A monthly charge will apply to this service. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mciservice agreement/res domestic_services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Monthly Account Fees:Customers enrolled in this plan who have selected the Company for local toll service only will be charged a monthly recurring charge of $9.95. Access Methods and Charges: Dial-i Access:Basic Calling Plan X can be used for Dial-i access.Customers will receive an allotment of up to 300 minutes per monthly period that may be used for interstate dial-i usage.Basic Calling Plan X customers will be charged the following rates for intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA) dial-i usage.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Dial-i per minute charge:lnterLATA:$0.i8 lntraLATA:$0.18 (D) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $i .99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.i 1 herein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan X customers without regard to the type of access. UtitS CQrISSOn Ufle o ACOEP1ED FOR FlUNG 3 2016 1Effective February 14,2004,this service will no longer available to new customers. Issued Date:Oi/i3/i6 .Effective:Oi/23/i6 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator i300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 d!b/a Verizon Business Services 5th REVISED PAGE 232.75 CANCELS 4th REVISED PAGE 232.75 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .59.1 7Qption BW (Basic Calling Plan Y)1 Option BW is an outbound and inbound service designed for residential customers.Basic Calling Plan Y includes a rate structure for Dial 1 ervice.No term plan options will apply (D to this service.All intrastate Dial-i calls will have 60 second or one minute rounding.If (D the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent. For purposes of this plan,the following time of day rate periods apply:The Day rate period applies from 7:00 am to 6:59 pm Monday through Sunday;and the Evening rate period applies from 7:00 pm to 6:59 am Monday through Sunday. Monthly Minimum Usaqe -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mciservice agreement/res domestic_services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have seIecte the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Monthly Account Fees:Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly recurring charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mciserviceagreementfres_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for local toll service only will be charged a monthly recurring charge of $19.95. Access Methods and Charges: Dial-i Access:Basic Calling Plan Y can be used for Dial-i access.Customers will receive the following rates for interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial-i usage.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. By subscribing to this service,Customers understand that use of this service is restricted in the following manner:Customers may be assessed a $50 monthly recurring data usage charge or disconnected if it is determined that usage is not consistent with residential voice applications. Additionally,customers may have no more than three (3)lines per account. Interstate &Intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial-i per-minute rates: Day:$0.05 Evening:0.00 (D) dahoP omrnssioa ?CCERTEE)10R flUNG ) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $1 .99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.iiherein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan Y customers without regard to the type of access. 1 Effective May 27,2005,this plan will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dlbla Verizon Business Services 2nd Revised Page 232.76 Cancels 1st Revised Page 232.76 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .59.18 Option BX (Integrated RLA Service)1 Customers who subscribe to this voice service must 1)select and designate MClmetro as its Local Exchange Carrier (LEC)and MCI WorldCom/MCI Telecommunications as both its Interexchange Carrier (IXC)for interstate and intrastate calling and as its intraLATA toll provider for intraLATA toll calling and 2)concurrent with enrollment in this plan,customers must also enroll in the companion residential service offered in http://www.mci.com/service and must subscribe to companion local service as offered in MClmetro Access Transmission Services,LLC.Idaho Tariff No.1.Customers who subscribe to this service may not subscribe to Integrated RLE or RLG service on another line on their account. A monthly recurring charge will apply to this service.This charge is identical to and shall not be in addition to any monthly recurring charge applicable to companion Federal Service or to companion State Service.The following are not included in the monthly recurring charge:non-recurring charges, operator assistance,directory assistance,directory listing options,interstate line charge,data/internet surcharge,blocking options,taxes,surcharges,per use charges and custom calling features not included in the companion local service. Customers will receive unlimited interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial “1”usage. No term plan options will apply to this service.Customers are subject to the terms and conditions as outlined in http://www.mci.com/service and in MClmetro Access Transmission Services,LLC.Idaho Tariff No.1.All intrastate Dial 1 calls will have a 60 second or one minute rounding.If the (D) computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent. (D) () Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge of $0.95 per call will be applied to each Directory Assistance call. Directory Assistance Call Completion:Customers may request the Directory Assistance operator to complete a call to the last number requested on that particular Directory Assistance call.The customer will be charged a usage rate in accordance with the service to which the customer is presubscribed for completed calls.An undiscounted charge of $0.00 will apply. The Company reserves the right to discontinue offering the service and grandfather existing customers in the event that 1)facilities are not available to the Company to adequately provide the service,and 2) such lack of facilities is the result of the failure of any carrier (from whom the Company is securing facilities to provide the service)to provide adequate service to the Company. Idaho Pubc UtIties Camrrssion th 1Effective June 29,2005,this plan will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 9th Revised Page 232.77 Cancels 8th Revised Page 232.77 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .59.l8Option BX (Integrated RLA Service)(Cont.) For the purposes of this plan,the following definitions apply:new customers are customers,who,at the time of subscription to this plan,are not receiving service under MCI Communications Services,Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services,Idaho Price List No.1,MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services,Idaho Tariff No.1,and http://www.mci.com/service;and existing customers are customers,who,at the time of subscription to this plan,are receiving service under MCI Communications Services,Inc.d/b/a Verizon Business Services,Idaho Price List No.1, MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services,Idaho Tariff No.1,and http://www.verizonbusiness.com/service. This service is for use by residential customers.The Company reserves the right to adjust a customer’s service upon appropriate customer notification.If it is determined that non-voice usage applications (including,but not limited to,dial-up internet service or facsimile service)exceed reasonable limits,the Company may use its discretion either to disconnect the customer’s residential service upon appropriate customer notification or to charge a $50 monthly recurring data/internet usage charge in addition to all charges set forth in customer’s residential service. Monthly Recurring Charge Zone 1,Zone 2,and Zone 3:$68.99 Termination:The termination provisions set forth in Section 3.1 .1 herein will apply to customers of this service who continue to maintain a Company account and who do not elect to subscribe to other service offerings under this tariff. Integrated RLA Affinity Savings Plan:1 The Integrated RLA Affinity Savings Plan is available to new and existing customers of Integrated RLA Service who are also members of a qualified commercial affinity group or employees of a participating affinity of the Company.Customers enrolled in this plan will receive the following benefits:A $5.00 discount off the monthly recurring charge for Integrated RLA Service in each month they remain subscribed to Integrated RLA Service.By subscribing to this service customers understand all other rates,terms and conditions applicable to Integrated RLA Service shall apply. .59.l9Option BY (Integrated RLC Service) Customers who subscribe to this voice service must 1)select and designate MClmetro as its Local Exchange Carrier (LEC)and MCI as both its Interexchange Carrier (IXC)for interstate and intrastate calling and as its intraLATA toll provider for intraLATA toll calling and 2)concurrent with enrollment in this plan,customers must also enroll in the companion residential service offered in http://www.verizonbusiness.com/service and must subscribe to companion local service as offered in MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services,Idaho Tariff No.1. A monthly recurring charge will apply to this service.This charge is identical to and shall not be in addition to any monthly recurring charge applicable to companion Federal Service or to companion State Service.The following are not included in the monthly recurring charge:non-recurring charges, operator assistance,directory assistance,directory listing options,interstate line charge,data/internet surcharge,blocking options,taxes,surcharges,per use charges and custom calling features not included in the companion local service. - Effective January 25,2004 this savings plan will no longer available to new subscribers. (D (D Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 1st Revised Page 232.78 Cancels Original Page 232.78 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont,) .59.19 Option BY Integrated RLC Service (Cont.) For the purposes of this plan,the following definitions apply:new customers are customers,who,at the time of subscription to this plan,are not receiving service under MCI Communications Services, Inc.Idaho Price List No.1/MClmetro Access Transmission Services,LLC.Idaho Tariff No.1.and http://www.mci.com/service;and existing customers are customers,who,at the time of subscription to this plan,are receiving service under MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No. 1/MClmetro Access Transmission Services,LLC.Idaho Tariff No.1 and http://www.mci.com/service. New customers will receive Basic Calling Plan P service as described in MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.llMClmetro Access Transmission Services,LLC.Idaho Tariff No.1. Customer will also receive the comparable interstate service described in http://www.mci.com/servic for the above where applicable.All terms and conditions of any of these services selected by the customer,including applicable monthly recurring charges,will apply and will be in addition to Integrated RLC Service as described herein.Existing customers will continue to receive the long distance service to which they were subscribed at the time of subscription to this plan.Qualified customers who are unable to use a telephone directory because of physical disabilities will receive a per-minute rate of $0.05 for interLATA and intraLATA dial@1 @ calls only. No term plan options will apply to this service.Customers are subject to the terms and conditions as outlined in http://www.mci.com/service and in MClmetro Access Transmission Services,LLC.Idaho Tariff No.1.All intrastate Dial 1 calls will have a 60 second or one minute rounding.If (D) the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent. (D) () dah Pubhc UtIllti.es Co.mrnsSiofl ‘: Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 7th Revised Page 232.79 Cancels 6th Revised Page 232.79 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .59.19 Option BY (Integrated RLC Service) (Cont.) Directory Assistance: An undiscounted charge of $0.95 per call will be applied to each Directory Assistance call. Directory Assistance Call Completion: Customers may request the Directory Assistance operator to complete a call to the last number requested on that particular Directory Assistance call. The customer will be charged a usage rate in accordance with the service to which the customer is presubscribed for completed calls. An undiscounted charge of $0.00 will apply. The Company reserves the right to discontinue offering the service and grandfather existing customers in the event that 1) facilities are not available to the Company to adequately provide the service, and 2) such lack of facilities is the result of the failure of any carrier (from whom the Company is securing facilities to provide the service) to provide adequate service to the Company. This service is for use by residential customers. The Company reserves the right to adjust a customer=s service upon appropriate customer notification. If it is determined that non-voice usage applications (including, but not limited to, dial-up internet service or facsimile service) exceed reasonable limits, the Company may use its discretion either to disconnect the customer=s residential service upon appropriate customer notification or to charge a $50 monthly recurring data/internet usage charge in addition to all charges set forth in customer=s residential service. Monthly Recurring Charge Zone 1 $48.99 (I) Zone 2 and Zone 3 1/: $48.99 (I) Termination: The termination provisions set forth in Section3.1.2 herein will apply to customers of this service who continue to maintain a Company account and who do not elect to subscribe to other service offerings under this tariff: ____________________ 1Effective April 1, 2006, this service is no longer available to new subscribers. Issued Date: 06/22/11 Effective: 07/01/11 Griselda Antu Tariff Administrator-E02F69 600 Hidden Ridge Irving, TX 75038 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 1, 2011 Boise, Idaho MCI Communications Services, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 1st Revised Page 232.80 Cancels Original Page 232.80 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .59.19 Option BY (Integrated RLC Service) (Cont.) .59.19.1 Integrated RLC-1 Service1 N Integrated Calling Plan RLC-1 Service is available to Customers who enroll in Integrated RLA, RLC, RLE, or RLG service on their primary line as described in this tariff who have two or more lines on their account. Customers who subscribe to this service must 1) select and designate MCImetro Access Transmission Services, Inc., as its Local Exchange Carrier (LEC) and MCI WorldCom/MCI Telecommunications as both its Interexchange Carrier (IXC) for interstate and intrastate calling and as its intraLATA toll provider for intraLATA toll calling, 2) subscribe to Integrated RLA, RLC, RLE, or RLG service as described in this tariff, and 3) concurrent with enrollment in this plan, customers must also enroll in the companion residential service offered in http://www.mci.com/service and in the companion local exchange service described in MCImetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. Idaho Tariff No. 1. A monthly recurring charge will apply to this service. This charge is identical to and shall not be in addition to any monthly recurring charge applicable to companion Federal Service or to companion State Service. The following are not included in the monthly recurring charge: non-recurring charges, operator assistance, directory assistance, directory listing options, interstate line charge, data surcharge, blocking options, taxes, surcharges, per use charges and custom calling features not included in the companion local service. For the purposes of this plan, the following definitions apply: new customers are customers, who, at the time of subscription to this plan, are not receiving service under MCI Communications Services, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 1/MCImetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. Idaho Tariff No. 1 and http://www.mci.com/service; and existing customers are customers, who, at the time of subscription to this plan, are receiving service under and http://www.mci.com/service. 1 Effective June 1, 2011 this plan will no longer be available to new customers. N Issued Date: 05/30/11 Effective: 06/01/11 Griselda Antu Tariff Administrator-E02F69 600 Hidden Ridge Irving, TX 75038 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 1, 2011 Boise, Idaho MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 dlbla Verizon Business Services 2nd Revised Page 232.81 Cancels 1st Revised Page 232.81 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .59.19 Option BY (Integrated RLC Service)(Cont.) .59.19.1 Integrated RLC-1 Service1 (Cont.) New customers will receive Basic Calling Plan P service as described in this tariff.Customer will also receive the comparable interstate service described in http://www.mci.com/service for the above where applicable.All terms and conditions of any of these services selected by the customer,including applicable monthly recurring charges,will apply and will be in addition to Integrated RLC-1 Service as described herein.Existing customers will continue to receive the long distance service to which they were subscribed at the time of subscription to this plan. No term plan options will apply to this service.Customers are subject to the terms and conditions as outlined in http://www.mci.com/service and in MClmetro Access Transmission Services,LLC.Idaho Tariff No.1.All intrastate Dial 1 calls will have a 60 (D) second or one minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent. (D) (L) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge of $0.95 per call will be applied to each Directory Assistance call. Directory Assistance Call Completion:Customers may request the Directory Assistance operator to complete a call to the last number requested on that particular Directory Assistance call.The customer will be charged a usage rate in accordance with the service to which the customer is pre-subscribed for completed calls.An undiscounted charge of $0.00 will apply. Id&io PubI.:tJti.ties Cornmisson 1 Effective June 1,2011 this plan will no longer be available to new customers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services, Inc. Idaho Price List No.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 4th Revised Page 232.82 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 232.82 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .59.19 Option BY (Integrated RLC Service) (Cont.) .59.19.1 Integrated RLC-1 Service2 (Cont.) The Company reserves the right to discontinue offering the service and grandfather existing customers in the event that 1) facilities are not available to the Company to adequately provide the service, and 2) such lack of facilities is the result of the failure of any carrier (from whom the Company is securing facilities to provide the service) to provide adequate service to the Company. The Company reserves the right to disconnect customer's residential service or to convert any plan associated with such service to a business plan upon appropriate customer notification it if is determined that usage is not consistent with normal residential applications. This service is for use by residential customers. The Company reserves the right to adjust a customer’s service upon appropriate customer notification. If it is determined that non-voice usage applications (including, but not limited to, dial-up internet service or facsimile service) exceed reasonable limits, the Company may use its discretion either to disconnect the customer’s residential service upon appropriate customer notification or to charge a $50 monthly recurring data/internet usage charge in addition to all charges set forth in customer’s residential service. Monthly Recurring Charge: Zone 1, Zone 2,and Zone 3 1: $33.99 (I) Termination: The termination provisions set forth in Section 3.1.3 herein will apply to customers of this service who continue to maintain a Company account and who do not elect to subscribe to other service offerings under this tariff: _________________________ 1Effective April 1, 2006, this service is no longer available to new subscribers. 2Effective June 1, 2011 this plan will no longer be available to new customers. Issued Date: 06/22/11 Effective: 07/01/11 Griselda Antu Tariff Administrator-E02F69 600 Hidden Ridge Irving, TX 75038 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 1, 2011 Boise, Idaho MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dlb/a Verizon Business Services 3rd REVISED PAGE 232.83 CANCELS 2nd REVISED PAGE 232.83 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .59.20 Option BZ (Intecirated Plan RLE)1 Customers who subscribe to this voice service must 1)select and designate MClmetro as its Local Exchange Carrier (LEC)and MCI WorldCom/MCI Telecommunications as both its Interexchange Carrier (IXC)for interstate and intrastate calling and as its intraLATA toll provider for intraLATA toll calling and 2)concurrent with enrollment in this plan,customers must also enroll in the companion residential service offered in http://www.verizonbusiness.com/service and must subscribe to companion local service as offered in MClmetro Access Transmission Services,LLC.Idaho Tariff No. 1.Customers who subscribe to this service may not subscribe to Integrated RLA,RLC,RLD-1 or RLG service as described in this tariff on another line on their account. A monthly recurring charge will apply to this service.This charge is identical to and shall not be in addition to any monthly recurring charge applicable to companion interstate service or to companion intrastate Service.The following are not included in the monthly recurring charge:non-recurring charges,operator assistance,directory assistance,directory listing options,interstate line charge,data usage charge,blocking options,taxes,surcharges,per use charges and custom calling features not included in the companion local service. Customers will be charged a per-minute rate of $0.07 for interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial@1 @ usage.Qualified customers who are unable to use a telephone directory because of physical disabilities will receive a per-minute rate of $0.05 for interLATA and intraLATA dial@1 @ calls only. No term plan options will apply to this service.Customers are subject to the terms and conditions as outlined in http://www.verizonbusiness.com/service and in MClmetro Access Transmission Services DLLC,Idaho Tariff No.1.All intrastate Dial 1 calls will have a 60 second or one minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent. (D) (l) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge of $0.95 per call will be applied to each Directory Assistance call. d.ho Pubc.ULWties Comnission ()ffc the hecreiary ACCEPT1ED me •iLNG :3 2016 1 Effective August 1,2003,this service will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 8th Revised Page 232.84 Cancels 7th Revised Page 232.84 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .59.20 Option BZ (Integrated Plan RLE) Directory Assistance Call Completion: Customers may request the Directory Assistance operator to complete a call to the last number requested on that particular Directory Assistance call. The customer will be charged a usage rate in accordance with the service to which the customer is presubscribed for completed calls. An undiscounted charge of $0.00 will apply. The Company reserves the right to discontinue offering the service and grandfather existing customers on one day’s notice to the Commission, in the event that 1) facilities are not available to the Company to adequately provide the service, and 2) such lack of facilities is the result of the failure of any carrier (from whom the Company is securing facilities to provide the service) to provide adequate service to the Company. This service is for use by residential customers. The Company reserves the right to adjust a customer’s service upon appropriate customer notification. If it is determined that usage is not consistent with residential voice applications, customers service may be assessed a $50 monthly recurring data usage charge or disconnected. Monthly Recurring Charge: Zone 1, Zone 2 and Zone 3: $55.99 (I) Termination: The termination provisions set forth in Section 3.1.2 herein will apply to customers of this service who continue to maintain a Company account and who do not elect to subscribe to other service offerings under this tariff: Issued Date: 06/22/11 Effective: 07/01/11 Griselda Antu Tariff Administrator-E02F69 600 Hidden Ridge Irving, TX 75038 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 1, 2011 Boise, Idaho MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 dlb/a Verizon Business Services 2nd Revised Page 232.85 Cancels 1st Revised Page 232.85 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .59.21 Option CA (Integrated Plan RLG)1 Customers who subscribe to this voice service must 1)select and designate MClmetro as its Local Exchange Carrier (LEC)and MCI as both its Interexchange Carrier (IXC)for interstate and intrastate calling and as its intraLATA toll provider for intraLATA toll calling and 2) concurrent with enrollment in this plan,customers must also enroll in the companion residential service offered in http://www.mci.com/service and must subscribe to companion local service as offered in MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services,Idaho Tariff No.1. A monthly recurring charge will apply to this service.This charge is identical to and shall not be in addition to any monthly recurring charge applicable to companion interstate service or to companion intrastate Service.The following are not included in the monthly recurring charge: non-recurring charges,operator assistance,directory assistance,directory listing options, interstate line charge,data usage charge,blocking options,taxes,surcharges,per use charges and custom calling features not included in the companion local service. New customers will receive Basic Calling Plan P service as described in this tariff.Customer will also receive the comparable interstate service described in http://www.mci.com/service for the above where applicable.All terms and conditions of any of these services selected by the customer,including applicable monthly recurring charges,will apply and will be in addition to Integrated RLG Service as described herein.Existing customers will continue to receive the long distance service to which they were subscribed at the time of subscription to this plan. No term plan options will apply to this service.Customers are subject to the terms and conditions as outlined in http://www.mci.com/service and in MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services,Idaho Tariff No.1.All intrastate Dial 1 calls will have a 60 second or one minute rounding.If the computed charge (D) includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent. (D) (f) •HhSi U•r••S Season Secretary ACCEFrED FOR FLING 1Effective June 29,2005,this plan will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 7th Revised Page 232.86 Cancels 6th Revised Page 232.86 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) .59.21 Option CA (Integrated Plan RLG) (Cont.) Directory Assistance: An undiscounted charge of $0.95 per call will be applied to each Directory Assistance call. Directory Assistance Call Completion: Customers may request the Directory Assistance operator to complete a call to the last number requested on that particular Directory Assistance call. The customer will be charged a usage rate in accordance with the service to which the customer is presubscribed for completed calls. An undiscounted charge of $0.00 will apply. The Company reserves the right to discontinue offering the service and grandfather existing customers on one day=s notice to the Commission, in the event that 1) facilities are not available to the Company to adequately provide the service, and 2) such lack of facilities is the result of the failure of any carrier (from whom the Company is securing facilities to provide the service) to provide adequate service to the Company. This service is for use by residential customers. The Company reserves the right to adjust a customer=s service upon appropriate customer notification. If it is determined that usage is not consistent with residential voice applications, customers service may be assessed a $50 monthly recurring data usage charge or disconnected. Monthly Recurring Charge: Zone 1, Zone 2 and Zone 3: $49.99 (I) Termination: The termination provisions set forth in Section 3.1.2 herein will apply to customers of this service who continue to maintain a Company account and who do not elect to subscribe to other service offerings under this tariff: Issued Date: 06/22/11 Effective: 07/01/11 Griselda Antu Tariff Administrator-E02F69 600 Hidden Ridge Irving, TX 75038 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 1, 2011 Boise, Idaho MCI Communications Services, Inc. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 1 ST REVISED PAGE 232.87 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE 232.87 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) Materials previously located on this page has been moved to Page 247 ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING N O V 1 - 2005 .I i Boise, ldaho Issued Date: 10/21/05 " --, Effective: 11/1/05 Erik Sanchez Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, gth Floor San Francisco, CA 941 0528 MCI Communications Services, Inc. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 lST REVISED PAGE 232.88 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE 232.88 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) Materials previously located on this page has been moved to Page 248. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING N O V 1 - 2005 i Boise, ldaho Issued Date: 10121105 Erik Sanchez Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9Ih Floor San Francisco, CA 941 0528 Effective: 1 1 11 105 MCI Communications Services, Inc. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 1 ST REVISED PAGE 232.89 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE 232.89 - - - SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) Materials previously located on this page has been moved to Page 249. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED F8W FillNG . . .. 5.'. . . , NOVI-2005 Boise, ldaho ! L : I -'.-.--.-..--. -.. ..-...--..---. . . . .- $1. .-..-a Issued Date: 10121105 Erik Sanchez Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, gth Floor San Francisco, CA 941 0528 Effective: 1 111 I05 MCI Communications Services, Inc. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 1 ST REVISED PAGE 232.90 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE 232.90 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) Materials previously located on this page has been moved to Page 250. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING [VOV 1 - 2005 j 1 Boise, ldaho f 1 . . .. . _ . _ ._ .: -.,-.- 1 Issued Date: 10/21/05 Effective: 1 1 11 105 Erik Sanchez Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, gth Floor San Francisco, CA 941 0528 MCI Communications Services, Inc. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 lST REVISED PAGE 232.91 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE 232.91 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) Materials previously located on this page has been moved to Page 251. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING I Boise, Idaho 1 1 .. .- .--. ... 2-,, i Effective: 1 111 105 Issued Date: 10121 105 Erik Sanchez Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, gth Floor San Francisco, CA 9410528 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 4th REVISED PAGE 232.92 CANCELS 3rd REVISED PAGE 232.92 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3,METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.60 Option CB (Small Business Long Distance Plan A)1 Small Business Long Distance Plan A is an outbound and inbound multipoint service for single location customers.Customers must contact a Company representative to enroll in this service;this service is only available to customers previously enrolled in Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan X. Customers may access the MCI network using Dial “1”origination.(D No term plan options will apply to this service.Calls are subject to a 30-second (D minimum initial period and are then rounded to the next higher 6-second increment,except for operator assisted calls which are calculated on a 60-second minimum duration basis with additional 60-second increments.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent. Monthly Minimum Charge:In each monthly period in which Small Business Long Distance Plan A customer’s total usage charges are less than $20.00 per account a minimum charge of $20.00 per account will be applied against the customer’s Small Business Long Distance Plan A usage for that month. Access Methods and Charges: Dial “1”Access:Customers enrolled in this plan may place Dial “1”calls at the following per-minute rates: InterLATA and intraLATA:$0.06 (D) ‘“ ACCEPTED FOE:HUNG Effective March 1,2015,this service will no longer be available to new subscribers. iued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 20th REVISED PAGE 233 CANCELS 19th REVISED PAGE 233 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.61 Option CC (Small Business Long Distance Plan B)’ Small Business Long Distance Plan B is an outbound and inbound multipoint service for single location customers.This service is only available to i)customers previously enrolled in small business local integrated service as set forth in www.mci.com who disconnect their local service,and ii)former customers of Telecom*USA who subscribe to this service and who are migrated by Telecom*USA to this service between August 15,2014,and October 31,2014. Customers may access the MCI network using Dial “1”origination. No term plan options will apply to this service.Calls are subject to a 30-second (P minimum initial period and are then rounded to the next higher 6-second increment,except for operator assisted calls which are calculated on a 60-second minimum duration basis with additional 60-second increments. If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded to the nearest whole cent. Monthly Minimum Charge:In each monthly period in which Small Business Long Distance Plan B customer’s total usage charges are less than $10.00 per account a minimum charge of $10.00 per account will be applied against the customer’s Small Business Long Distance Plan B usage for that month. Access Methods and Charges: Dial “1”Access:Customers enrolled in this plan may place Dial “1”calls at the following per-minute rates: IntraLATA:$0.11 InterLATA:$0.11 (D) ACc:E.:.FlUNG Effective September 15,2014,and notwithstanding the availability of any calling card service as set forth in this tariff,former customers of Telecom*USA who subscribe to this service and who are migrated by Telecom*USA to this service between August 15,2014,and October 31,2014,and who:i)have a calling card as part of their Telecom*USA service,and ii)have used their Telecom*USA calling card within the last 24 months,will be able to continue using their calling card (or will be issued an MCI calling card as a replacement)after being subscribed to this service.The rates and surcharges for calling card service as described in MCI Communications Services,Inc.D/B/A Verizon Business Services Tariff.No. 1—Small Business Long Distance Plan B will apply. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 19th REVISED PAGE 233.1 CANCELS 18th REVISED PAGE 233.1 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.62 Option CD (Small Business Long Distance Plan C)’ Small Business Long Distance Plan C is an outbound and inbound multipoint service for single location customers.Customers must contact a Company representative to enroll in this service. Customers may access the MCI network using Dial “1”origination.(D No term plan options will apply to this service.Calls are subject to a 30-second (D minimum initial period and are then rounded to the next higher 6-second increment,except for operator assisted calls which are calculated on a 60-second minimum duration basis with additional 60-second increments.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded to the nearest whole cent. Monthly Minimum Charge:In each monthly period in which Small Business Long Distance Plan C customer’s total usage charges are less than $5.00 per account a minimum charge of $5.00 per account will be applied against the customer’s Small Business Long Distance Plan C usage for that month. Access Methods and Charges: Dial “1”Access:Customers enrolled in this plan may place Dial “1”calls at the following per-minute rates: IntraLATA:$0.13 InterLATA:$0.13 (D) (1) Idaho Ut: AOCEPEc. Effective March 1,2015,this service will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES,INC.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dfb/a Verizon Business Services 17th REVISED PAGE 233.2 CANCELS 16th REVISED PAGE 233.2 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.63 Option CE (Block of Time Plan 8)1 Block of Time Plan 8 is an outbound and inbound service available to residential customers. Block of Time Plan 8 offers 200 minutes of interstate and intrastate Dial “1”calling for a monthly charge.Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly recurring charge,as specified in http:/!consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic_services.jsp except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for local toll service only will be charged a monthly recurring charge of $12.95. All intrastate Dial-I calls will have 60 second or one minute rounding.If the computed (D) charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent. Customers may place Dial-i calls 24 hours per day,seven days a week.Additional minutes of Dial-i calling will be priced at $0.05 per-minute.If the customer chooses this option,the monthly charge will apply regardless of the volume of calls made under this plan during any month.No other monthly fees will apply. Monthly Minimum Usaqe -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service agreement/res domestic_services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selectehi the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. (D) ) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $1 .99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B -6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11 herein,apply to all Block of Time Plan 8 customers without regard to the type of access. kiaho Pubhc Jthife Comrpssion Office of the Scetarv ACCEPTED FOR OLING 8ose.kao 1Effective October 20,2005,this plan will no longer available to new customers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 15th REVISED PAGE 233.3 CANCELS 14th REVISED PAGE 233.3 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.64 Option CF (Integrated Plan RLH)1 Customers who subscribe to this voice service must 1)select and designate MClmetro as its Local Exchange Carrier (LEC)and MCI WorldCom/MCI Telecommunications as both its Interexchange Carrier (IXC)for interstate and intrastate calling and as its intraLATA toll provider for intraLATA toll calling and 2)concurrent with enrollment in this plan,customers must also enroll in the companion residential service offered in http://www.mci.com/service and must subscribe to companion local service as offered in MClmetro Access Transmission Services,LLC.Idaho Tariff No.1.Customers who subscribe to this service may only subscribe to Integrated Plan RLD-3 or RLH service as described in this tariff on another line on their account. A monthly recurring charge will apply to this service.This charge is identical to and shall not be in addition to any monthly recurring charge applicable to companion interstate service or to companion intrastate Service.The following are not included in the monthly recurring charge:non-recurring charges,operator assistance,directory assistance,directory listing options,interstate line charge,data usage charge,blocking options,taxes,surcharges,per use charges and custom calling features not included in the companion local service. Dial-i Access:Integrated Plan RLH can be used for Dial-i access.Customers will receive an allotment of up to 200 minutes per monthly period that may be used for interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial-i usage.Integrated Plan RLH customers will be charged the following rates for each minute of usage over the allotment.Customers will be charged a per-minute rate of $0.05 for each minute of interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial “1”usage over the allotment. No term plan options will apply to this service.Customers are subject to the terms and conditions as outlined in http://www.mci.com/service and in MClmetro Access Transmission Services,LLC.Idaho Tariff No.i.All intrastate Dial i calls will have a 60 second or one minute rounding.If (D) the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent. (D) (E) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge of $0.95 per call will be applied to each Directory Assistance call. Directory Assistance Call Completion:Customers may request the Directory Assistance operator to complete a call to the last number requested on that particular Directory Assistance call.The customer will be charged a usage rate in accordance with the service to which the customer is presubscribed for completed calls.An undiscounted charge of $0.00 will apply. i r’-r IL 1Effective June 29,2005,this plan will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 17th Revised Page 233.4 Cancels 16th Revised Page 233.4 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.64 Option CF (Intearated Plan RLH) (Cont.) The Company reserves the right to discontinue offering the service and grandfather existing customers on one day's notice to the Commission, in the event that 1) facilities are not available to the Company to adequately provide the service, and 2) such lack of facilities is the result of the failure of any carrier (from whom the Company is securing facilities to provide the service) to provide adequate service to the Company. This service is for use by residential customers. The Company reserves the ri ht to adjust a f Customer's service upon appropriate customer notification. If it is determined t at usage is not consistent with residential voice applications, customers service may be assessed a $50 monthly recurring data usage charge or disconnected. Monthly Recuning Charge: Zone 1, Zone 2, and Zone 3: $58.99 Termination: The termination provisions set forth in Section 3.1.2 herein will apply to customers of this service who continue to maintain a Company account and who do not elect to subscribe to other service offerings under this tariff: Idaho public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlLlNG M A R 1 - 2011 Boise, Idaho Issued Date: 0211 811 1 tffective: 03/01/11' Griselda Antu Tariff Administrator 600 Hidden Ridge, E02F69 Irving, TX 75038 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 16th Revised Page 233.5 Cancels 15th Revised Page 233.5 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE 3.65 Option CG (Reserved for Future Use) DIM ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 -- 2007 Boise, ldaho THE MATERIAL PREVIOUSLY LOCATED ON THIS SHEET WAS MOVED TO SHEET 232.16.12. Issued Date: 8/22/07 Effective: 911107 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 18th Revised Page 233.6 Cancels 17th Revised Page 233.6 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE 3.66 O~tion CH (Reserved for Future Use) ldaho Public Utilities C O ~ ~ ~ S S ~ O R ; Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2007 I THE MATERIAL PREVIOUSLY LOCATED ON THIS SHEET WAS MOVED TO SHEET 232.16.13. Issued Date: 8/22/07 Effective: 911 107 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 16th Revised Page 233.7 Cancels 15th Revised Page 233.7 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE 3.67 Option CI (Reserved for Future Use) Idaho Public Utilities ConInIi9sion Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2007 Boise, Idaho THE MATERIAL PREVIOUSLY LOCATED ON THIS SHEET WAS MOVED TO SHEET 232.16.14. Issued Date: 8/22/07 Effective: 9/1/07 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 9th REVISED PAGE 233.8 CANCELS 8th REVISED PAGE 233.8 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.68 Option CJ (Basic Calling Plan Z)1 Basic Calling Plan Z is an outbound and inbound service available to residential customers.Basic Calling Plan Z offers 300 minutes of interstate and intrastate Dial “1”calling for a monthly charge of $10.00.All intrastate Dial-i calls will have 60 second or one minute rounding.If the (D) computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent.Customers may place Dial-i calls 24 hours per day,seven days a week.Additional minutes of Dial-i calling will be priced at $0.05 per-minute.If the customer chooses this option,the monthly charge will apply regardless of the volume of calls made under this plan during any month.No other monthly fees will apply. Monthly Minimum Usaqe -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service agreement/res domestic_services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Monthly Account Fees:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $10 monthly recurring charge. Access Methods and Charges: Dial-i Access:Basic Calling Plan Z can be used for Dial-i access.Customers will receive an allotment of up to 300 minutes per monthly period that may be used for interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial-i usage.Basic Calling Plan Z customers will be charged the following rates for each minute of usage over the allotment.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Dial-i per minute charge:InterLATA:$0.05 I IntraLATA:$0.05 (D) I JitCS J!iSSftm (D (D Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services, Inc. 7TH REVISED PAGE 233.9 IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 CANCELS 6TH REVISED PAGE 233.9 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE 3.68 lO~tion CJ) Basic Callina Plan Z (cont.) Directorv Assistance: An undiscounted charge per call of $1.99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call, subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. Operator Assitance: The charges found in Section 3.1 1 herein, apply to all Basic Calling Plan Z customers without regard to the type of access. ldaho Public lltilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING . ' , , . . N O V 1 - 2fii3j . -. Boise, ldaho , Issued Date: 10121 I05 Effective: 1 1 I1 105 Erik Sanchez Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, gth Floor San Francisco, CA 941 0528 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 I I th Revised Page 233.10 Cancels 10th Revised Page 233.10 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE 3.69 Option CK R'ESERVED FOR FUTURE USE ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAY 1 -0 2007 Boise, Idaho i 1' .. . .:-. . -4 Issued Date: 4120107 Effective: 511 107 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 1 1 TH REVISED PAGE 233.1 1 CANCELS 1 OTH REVISED PAGE 233.1 1 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 3. METERED USE SERVICE 3.70 (Oution CL) Residential Affinity Block-of-Time Plan 1: " Customers of Option A (Execunet) service who are also members of a participating Non-Qualified Residential Affinity Group subscribing to this plan may be eligible for benefits as described in one (but not both) of the following benefit Levels. Eligibility for a particular Level is dependent upon a customer's membership level or status within the participating Non-Qualified Residential Affinity Group in accordance with the terms of membership of that participating Non-Qualified Residential Affinity Group: Level 1 : Customers will receive an allotment of up to 300 minutes per monthly period that may be used for interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA) dial-I usage. Customers will be charged $0.05 per each minute of usage over the allotment. Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $9.50 monthly recurring charge for Level 1 benefits. Customers who no longer qualify for Level 1 benefits will be moved to Level 2 as described in this plan. Level 2: Customers will receive an allotment of up to 300 minutes per monthly period that may be used for interstate and intrastate (interLATAand intraLATA) dial-I usage. Customers will be charged $0.05 per each minute of usage over the allotment. Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $1 1.95 monthly recurring charge for Level 2 benefits. Customers who no longer qualify for Level 2 benefits will be moved to Level 1 as described in this plan. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP l - 2006 Beise, ldaho Effective September 1, 2006, this plan will be no longer offered to new subscribers. (N) -- Issued Date: 8/21/06 Effective: 911 106 Erik Sanchez Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9'h Floor San Francisco, CA 9410528 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 6th Revised Page 233.12 Cancels 5th Revised Page 233.12 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.71 Option CM (Business B2 Integrated Service) Business B2 Integrated Service is an outbound and inbound multipoint service for single location customers.Customers may access the MCI network using Dial “1”origination.No term (D) plan options will apply to this service.Customers who subscribe to this service must 1)select and designate MClmetro as its Local Exchange Carrier (LEC)and MCI as both its Interexchange Carrier (IXC)for interstate and intrastate calling and as its intraLATA toll provider for intraLATA toll calling and 2)concurrent with enrollment in this plan,customers must also enroll in the companion local exchange service offered in MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services,Idaho Tariff No.1 and the companion service offered in http://www.mci.com/service.Calls are subject to a 30-second minimum initial period and are then rounded to the next higher 6-second increment,except for operator assisted calls which are calculated on a 60-second minimum duration basis with additional 60-second increments.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded to the nearest whole cent. A monthly recurring charge will apply to this service.This charge is identical to and shall not be in addition to any monthly recurring charge applicable to companion Federal Service or to companion Local Service.Customers may select one offering as described below.Additionally,customers will be charged the long distance rates as specified in the companion long distance service as set forth in http://www.mci.com/service and local exchange rates as described in MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services,Idaho Tariff No.1. The Company reserves the right to discontinue offering the service and grandfather existing customers, in the event that 1)facilities are not available to the Company to adequately provide the service,and 2) such lack of facilities is the result of the failure of any carrier (from whom the Company is securing facilities to provide the service)to provide adequate service to the Company. This service is only available for up to fifteen (15)lines per account.By subscribing to this service, Customer understands that use of this service is restricted in the following manner:(i)at any given time, Customer may only place as many concurrent calls as it has purchased individual lines;(ii)Customer may not utilize auto-dialers or any similar type of device in connection with the service;(iii)customer may not utilize the service in any call center environment or in connection with any similar such application,iv)Customer may not resell the services in any manner,including but not limited to as a wholesaler or aggregator,and v)Customer may not utilize the service for excessive non-voice applications (including but not limited to dial-up internet service or facsimile service).Customer expressly acknowledges that any violation of the foregoing restrictions on its use of the service will result in an additional line charge (equal to the monthly recurring charge of the Offering on customer’s primary line which customer has selected under this service)per line per month and/or the immediate termination of the service by the Company at the Company’s discretion,upon appropriate customer notification. Business B2 Multiline Service:Business B2 Multiline Service is available to Small Business customers who enroll in one of the Offerings under Business B2 Integrated Service as described in this tariff and who have up to fourteen (14)additional lines on their account,in addition to customer’s primary line.Customers who subscribe to Business B2 Multiline service must 1)select and designate MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services as its Local Exchange Carrier (LEC)and MCI Communications Services,Inc.d/b/a Verizon Business Services as both its lnterexchange Carrier (IXC)for interstate and intrastate calling and as its intraLATA toll provider for intraLATA toll calling and 2)concurrent with enrollment in this plan,customers must also enroll in the companion service offered in http://www.verizonbusiness.com/service and must subscribe to Business B2 Service as offered in MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services,Idaho Tariff No.1. AccEpTFErJ.Fo.:FILi NG Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 6th Revised Page 233.12.1 Cancels 5th Revised Page 233.12.1 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.71 Option CM (Business B2 Integrated Service) (Cont.) A monthly recurring charge per additional line will apply to Business B2 Multiline Service. Customers of Offering A may elect to receive the interstate and intrastate dial “1” rates for either Offering A or Offering B for each additional line on their account. Customers of all other Offerings under Business B2 Integrated Service will receive the interstate and intrastate dial “1” rates as set forth in the Offering for Business B2 Integrated Service, to which they have subscribed on their primary line, on each additional line on their account. Customers will also receive local exchange service as described in Business B2 Multiline Service as described in MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services, Idaho Tariff No. 1, and http://www.verizonbusiness.com/service Monthly Recurring Charges Primary Line (Zone 1, Zone 2 and Zone 3)1 Per Additional Line (Zone 1, Zone 2 and Zone 3)1 Offering A: $85.99 (I) Offering A: $70.99 (I) Offering B: $57.99 (I) Offering B: $50.99 (I) Block-of-Time Offering 1 Primary Line: Per Additional Line: Zone 1: $65.99 (I) Zone 1: $58.99 (I) Zone 2: $69.99 (I) Zone 2: $58.99 (I) Zone 3:1 $65.99 (I) Zone 3:1 $58.99 (I) Access Methods and Charges Dial One: Customers may elect one of the Offerings available under this service: Offering A: For a monthly recurring charge as specified in this tariff, Customers will receive unlimited interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA) dial "1" usage. Customers will also receive local exchange service as described in Offering A of Business B2 Service as described in MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services, Idaho Tariff No. 1, and interstate service as described in http://www.mci.com/service/. Offering B: For a monthly recurring charge as specified in this tariff, Customers will be charged $0.06 per minute for interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA) dial "1" usage. Customers will also receive local exchange service as described in Offering B of Business B2 Service as described in MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services, Idaho Tariff No. 1, and interstate service as described in http://www.mci.com/service/. Block-of-Time Offering 1: For a monthly recurring charge as specified in this tariff, Customers will receive an allotment of up to 200 minutes per monthly period that may be used for interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA) dial-1 usage. Customers will be charged a per-minute rate of $0.04 for each minute of interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA) dial “1” usage over the allotment. Customers will also receive local exchange service as described in Block-of-Time Offering 1 of Business B2 Service as described in MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services, Idaho Tariff No. 1, and interstate service as described in http://www.mci.com/service/. 1Effective April 1, 2006, this service is no longer available to new subscribers. Issued Date: 05/30/11 Effective: 06/01/11 Griselda Antu Tariff Administrator-E02F69 600 Hidden Ridge Irving, TX 75038 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 1, 2011 Boise, Idaho MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 dlbla Verizon Business Services 12th Revised Page 233.13 Cancels 11th Revised Page 233.13 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3,METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.71 Option CM (Business B2 Integrated Service)(Cont’d) Access Methods and Charges (Cont’d) (D) () Directory Assistance:An undiscountable per-call charge as described in Section 8-6.04 will apply to all Business B2 Integrated Service interstate and intrastate directory assistance calls. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section C-3.llapply to Business B2 Integrated Service customers without regard to the type of access. Termination: 1)For customers of Offerings A or B of Business B2 Integrated Service,who were not previously enrolled in Small Business Long Distance Plan A,Small Business Long Distance Plan B,Small Business Long Distance Plan C,Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XII,Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XIII,or Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XIV service,and who disconnect from local exchange service under this tariff:Business B2 Integrated Service under this tariff and http://www.mci.com/service/,as well as Business B2 Service under MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC dlbla Verizon Access Transmission Services, Idaho Tariff No.1,will terminate.Customers will then be automatically re-subscribed to Small Business Long Distance Plan B service under this tariff and its companion small business service under http://www.mci.com/service. 2)For customers of Business B2 Service,who were previously enrolled in Small Business Long Distance Plan A,Small Business Long Distance Plan B,Small Business Long Distance Plan C, Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XII,Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XIII,or Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XIV service,and who disconnect from local exchange service under this tariff:Business B2 Integrated Service under this tariff and http://www.mci.com/service/,as well as Business B2 Service under MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/bla Verizon Access Transmission Services,Idaho Tariff No.1,will terminate.Customers will then be automatically re-subscribed to the intrastate service under this tariff and its companion small business service under http://www.mci.com/service to which they were subscribed at the time of enrollment in Business B2 Service. kiaho Pubhc 1Jt.t Comrnission 4 ,“r’r”r”r’tLLc IcLIrJ Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 6th Revised Page 233.14 Cancels 5th Revised Page 233.14 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRlPTlONS AND RATES (&mt')ublic Utilities brnnisrion Office of the Secretary 3. METERED USE SERVICE (C0nt.l ACCEPTED FOR FILING 3.71 Option CM (Business B2 lnteqrated Service) (Cont'd) Termination (Cont'd) Boim. ldaho 3) For customers of Offerings A or B of Business 92 Service who were not previously enrolled in Small Business Long Distance Plan A, Small Business Long Distance Plan 9, Small Business Long Distance Plan C, Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XII, Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XIII, or Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XIV service, and who disconnect either I) from interstate service under http://ww.mci.com/service/ and from interLATA service under this tariff or II) from intraLATA service only under this tariff: Business 92 lntegrated Service under this tariff and http://www.mci.com/service, as well as Business 82 Service under MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services, ldaho Tariff No. 1, will terminate. Customers terminating from both interstate and interLATA service will then be automatically re-subscribed to Business Service B under MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services, ldaho Tariff No. 1 for local exchange service and T to Small Business Long Distance Plan B service under this tariff for intraLATA service. Customers terminating from intraLATA service will be automatically re-subscribed to Business Service B under MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services, ldaho T Tariff No. 1 for local exchange service and to Small Business Long Distance Plan B service under T this tariff for interLATA service and its companion interstate service under http://www.mci.com/service/. 4) For customers of Offerings A or B of Business 92 Service who were previously enrolled in Small Business Long Distance Plan A, Small Business Long Distance Plan B, Small Business Long Distance Plan C, Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XII, Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XIII, or Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plan XIV service, and who disconnect either I) from interstate service under http://www.mci.comlservice/ and from interLATA service under this tariff or II) from intraLATA service only under this tariff: Business 92 lntegrated Service under this tariff and http://www.mci.com/service/, as well as Business 92 Service under MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services, ldaho T Tariff No. 1, will terminate. Customers terminating from both interstate and interLATA service will their be automatically re-subscribed I) to Business Service B under MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services, ldaho Tariff No. 1, for local exchange T service; and II) to the intrastate service under this tariff to which they were subscribed at the time of enrollment in Business B2 Service, for intraLATA service. Customers terminating from intraLATA service will be automatically re-subscribed to Business Service B under MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services, ldaho Tariff No. 1 for local T exchange service and to the intrastate service under this tariff and its companion small business service under http://www.mci.com/service to which they were subscribed at the time of enrollment in Business 92 Service. 5) For customers of Offerings A or B of Business 92 Service who disconnect both from interstate service under http://www.mci.comlservice/ and from intrastate service under this tariff: Business B2 lntegrated Service under this tariff and http://www.mci.com/service/, as well as Business 82 Service under MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services, ldaho T Tariff No. 1, will terminate. Customers will then be automatically re-subscribed to Business Service B under MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services, T ldaho Tariff No. 1. CERTAIN MATERIAL ON THlS PAGE WAS PREVIOUSLY LOCATED ON PAGE NO. 233.15. CERTAIN MATERIAL PREVIOUSLY LOCATED ON THlS PAGE WAS MOVED TO PAGE NO. 233.13. Issued Date: 7120/07 Effective: 8/1/07 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 9th Revised Page 233.15 Cancels 8th Revised Page 233.15 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.71 Option CM (Business B2 lnteqrated Service) (Cont'd) ZlDrr Termination (Cont'd) 6) For all customers of Business B2 Service who disconnect their primary line either from interstate service under http://www.mci.comlservicel, intrastate service under this tariff, or Business B2 Service under this tariff, and customer's additional line or lines remain on the account: The Company will reclassify one of the additional lines as Customer's new primary line with Business 82 Service. 7) The termination scenarios above as applied to customers of Offering A of Business 82 lntegrated Service shall also apply to customers of Block-of-Time Offering 1 of Business B2 lntegrated Service, except that the following shall apply for customers of Block-of-Time Offering 1 who disconnect from local exchange service as described in this tariff: Business 82 Service under MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services, ldaho Tariff No. 1, as well T as Business B2 Integrated Service under this tariff and http://www.mci.comlservicel, will terminate. Customers will then be automatically re-subscribed to Small Business Long Distance Service D under this tariff for long distance service. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING . . AUG 1 - 2007 Boise, ldaho CERTAIN MATERIAL PREVIOUSLY LOCATED ON THIS PAGE WAS MOVED TO PAGE NO. 233.14. Issued Date: 7120107 Effective: 811 107 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 5th REVISED PAGE 233.15.1 CANCELS 4th REVISED PAGE 233.15.1 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.73 Option CO (BUSINESS B2 TOLL FREE SERVICE) Business B2 Toll Free Service is an inbound multipoint service for single location customers who are enrolled in Business B2 Integrated Service as described in this tariff.(D This service provides toll free termination in which the Company provides a unique (D toll free number with business line termination to the customer so that the customer can receive incoming calls.The customer is charged for the calls rather than the call originators.A customer may order multiple toll free numbers which can terminate to the same or different telephone numbers. Calls are subject to a 30-second minimum initial period and are then rounded to the next higher 6- second increment.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded to the nearest whole cent. 3.73.1 Business B2 Toll-Free Service Option 1: Customers who subscribe to Offering A or Offering B of Business B2 Integrated Service are eligible to enroll in Business B2 Toll-Free Service Option 1.Customer will be charged a per-minute rate of $0.06 for toll free calls.Customers who disconnect from Business B2 Integrated Service as provided in this tariff and from companion local service under Business B2 Service in MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC,Idaho Tariff No.1 may continue to use toll free service as described in this Option.A monthly recurring charge of $10.00 will apply to this service. Customers of MCI Business Services I Local Line Solution or MCI Business Services I Local and Long Distance Line Solution as described in MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC,IDAHO TARIFF NO.1,Section and MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 are also eligible for this service. (D) () p p ACCEPTED FOR FlU NC Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services, Inc. ldaho Price List No. 1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 7th Revised Page 233.16 Cancels 6th Revised Page 233.16 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 3. METERED USE SERVICE ICONT.) .74 O~tion CP (Reserved for Future Use) DIT ldaho Public Utilities Commissien Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, ldaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. Issued Date: 8/22/08 tlfectlve: 911iOg Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 7th Revised Page 233.17 Cancels 6th Revised Page 233.17 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .74 Option CP (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ldaho Public Utilities Commissien Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, ldaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. Issued Uate: 8/22/08 tttectwe: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1 100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 6th Revised Page 233.18 Cancels 5th Revised Page 233.18 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE ICONT.) .74 O~tion CP (Reserved for Future Use) ICont.) ldaho Public Utilities Commissien Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 j Bob, ldaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. : . " J Issued Date: 8/22/08 tttectlve: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1 100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 5th Revised Page 233.19 Cancels 4th Revised Page 233.19 - SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 . 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .74 O~tion CP (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) Idaho Public Utilities Commissian Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 i 1 m, Idaho ! , 1 ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. I , . ., -,.. - : - - - j I w e 8 / 2 2 / 0 8 E f f e c t i v e : 8 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Mich~gan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 7th REVISED PAGE 233.20 CANCELS 6th REVISED PAGE 233.20 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.75 Option CQ (Basic Calling Plan AAA)1 Basic Calling Plan AAA provides outbound and inbound service available to new residential customers of Company service i)who are not presently subscribed to long distance service provided by the Company or its subsidiaries,but who were previously subscribed to Company service (“previous Company service),ii)who disconnected from their previous Company service in order to subscribe to service offered by another long distance carrier,and iii)who have not resubscribed to any Company service between the time of disconnection of their previous Company service and the time of enrollment in this service. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http ://consumer.mci .com/mci_service agreement/res domestic_services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and wTlo have selecte the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Monthly Recurring Charge:Customers enrolled in this service will be charged a $27.95 monthly recurring charge. Access Methods and Charges: Dial-i:Customers enrolling in this service will receive unlimited Dial-i interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)access. By subscribing to this service,Customers understand that use of this service is restricted in the following manner:Customers may be assessed a $50 monthly recurring data usage charge or disconnected if it is determined that usage is not consistent with residential voice applications. Additionally,customers may have no more than three (3)lines per account. (D) 1Effective February 14,2004,this service will no longer be available to new customers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 1st Revised Page 232.20,A Cancels Original Page 233.20.A SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.75 Option CQ (Basic Calling Plan AAA)(D) () Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $1 .99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11 herein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan AAA customers without regard to the type of access. New customers subscribing to Basic Calling Plan AAA will receive a $8 credit off the Basic Calling Plan AAA monthly recurring charge:this credit will be applied against customers first six full invoices after enrollment in this service. Customers disconnecting from this service will be assessed the full amount of the monthly recurring charge for their final full or partial month of service.For customers eligible for the credit described in the preceding paragraph,the credit will apply against the monthly recurring charge for the final month provided the customer disconnects within six months of enrollment. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services, Inc. ldaho Price List No. 1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 8th Revised Page 233.21 Cancels 7th Revised Page 233.21 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.76 Option CR (Reserved for Future Use) 3.77 Option CS (Reserved for Future Use) ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2007 Boise, ldaho THE MATERIAL PREVIOUSLY LOCATED ON THIS PAGE WAS MOVED TO PAGES 232.16.15 AND 232.77. Issued Date: 8/22/07 Effective: 911 107 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 11 00 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 3rd Revised Page 233.21.1 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 233.21.1 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3,77 Option CS (Basic Calling Plan BBB) Basic Calling Plan BBB is an outbound and inbound service designed for residential customers.No term plan options will apply to this service.All intrastate Dial-i calls will (D) have 60 second or one minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent.A monthly charge will apply to this service. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic_services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Monthly Account Fees:Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly recurring charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci service agreement/res domestic services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intraLATA service only will be charged a monthly recurring charge of $27.95. Access Methods and Charges: A)Dial-iAccess: Customers enrolling in this service will receive unlimited Dial-i interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)access. (D) ) Customers disconnecting from this service will be assessed the full amount of the monthly recurring charge for their final full or partial month of service. B)Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call will e applied to each Directory Assistance (T) call,subject to the rate and provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. C)Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section C-3.024,herein,apply to all Basic Calling (T) Plan BBB customers without regard to the type of access. Idaho Public.Utilitbs Commscion Pt ACCEPTED Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 8th REVISED PAGE 233.22 CANCELS 7th REVISED PAGE 233.22 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.78 Option CT (Basic CaIIini Plan AA) Basic Calling Plan AA is an outbound and inbound service available to new residential customers of Company service.A monthly charge will apply to this service. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http ://consumer.mci .com/mci_service agreement/res domestic_services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Monthly Account Fees:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $24.99 monthly recurring charge. Access Methods and Charges: Dial-i:Customers enrolling in this service will receive unlimited dial-i interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)access. (D) ) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $1.99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.03. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 2.07 herein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan AA customers without regard to the type of access. Customers disconnecting from this service will be assessed the full amount of the monthly recurring charge for their final full or partial month of service. By subscribing to this service,Customers understand that use of this service is restricted in the following manner:Customers may be assessed a $50 monthly recurring data usage charge or disconnected if it is determined that usage is not consistent with residential voice applications. Additionally,customers may have no more than three (3)lines per account. dao C ACCEP- (D (D Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES,INC.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 4th REVISED PAGE 233.23 CANCELS 3rd REVISED PAGE 233.23 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.79 Option CU (Basic Calling Plan BB) Basic Calling Plan BB is an outbound and inbound service designed for residential customers.Basic Calling Plan BB includes a block of time structure with a flat rate structure for Dial I calls made outside the block-of-time allotment.(D No term plan options will apply to this service.All intrastate Dial-i calls will have 60 (D second or one minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent.A monthly charge will apply to this service. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service agreement/res domestic_services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and Who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Monthly Account Charge:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $9.99 monthly recurring charge. Access Methods and Charges: Dial-i Access:Basic Calling Plan BB can be used for Dial-i access.Customers will receive an allotment of up to 200 minutes per monthly period that may be used for interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial-i usage.Basic Calling Plan BB customers will be charged the following rates for each minute of usage over the allotment.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Interstate &Intrastate (InterLATA and IntraLATA)dial-i per minute charge:$0.05 (D) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $1.99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11 herein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan T customers without regard to the type of access. ACCEPTED FOE IE1LNG (D (D Issued Date:Oi/i3/i6 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES,INC.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 5th Revised Page 233.24 Cancels 4th Revised Page 233.24 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.80 Option CV (Basic Calling Plan CC)1 Basic Calling Plan CC is an outbound and inbound service designed for residential customers.Basic Calling Plan CC includes a flat rate structure for Dial 1 service.No term plan (D options will apply to this service.All intrastate Dial-i calls will have 60 second or (D one minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent.Customers must subscribe to an international calling plan as shown below in order to receive this service. Customers may elect to enroll in one of the following Offerings as shown below.A monthly recurring charge will apply to each Offering. Offerings:Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to these offerings must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci .com/mci_service_agreementlresdomesticservices.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to these offerings and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Offering A:Customers enrolling in this Offering and in International Savings Select as described on http://www.mci.com/service will receive the interstate and international rates as described in that service.A monthly recurring charge of $4.00 will apply to this Offering.The following Dial-i rates shall apply: Intrastate Dial-i rates: InterLATA:$0.18 lntraLATA:$0.18 Offering B:Customers enrolling in this Offering and in International Savings Plus as described on http://www.mci.com/service will receive the interstate and international rates as described in that service.A monthly recurring charge of $5.95 will apply to this Offering.The following Dial-i rates shall apply: Intrastate Dial-i rates: InterLATA:$0.18 IntraLATA:$0.18 Offering C:Customers enrolling in this Offering and in International Savings Premium as described on http://www.mci.com/service will receive the interstate and international rates as described in that service.A monthly recurring charge of $7.95 will apply to this Offering. The following Dial-i rates shall apply: Intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA):$0.06 per minute Idaho.ies A FLNG c (L.UR) (D (D Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES,INC.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 2nd Revised Page 233.25 Cancels 1st Revised Page 233.25 SECTION C SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.81 Option CV (Basic Callinc Plan CC)(Cont.) (D) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $1 .99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04, Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11 herein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan CC customers without regard to the type of access. -c Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES,INC.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.I dibla Verizon Business Services 5th REVISED PAGE 233.26 CANCELS 4th REVISED PAGE 233.26 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.82 Option CW (Basic Calling Plan DD) Option CW is an outbound and inbound service designed for residential customers.Basic Calling Plan DD includes a block-of-time structure for Dial 1 (D) service.No term plan options will apply to this service.All intrastate Dial-i calls calls will have 60 second or one minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of (D) a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent.Customers must subscribe to an international calling plan as shown below in order to receive this service.Customers may elect to enroll in one of the following Offerings as shown below.A monthly recurring charge will apply to each Offering. Offerings:Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to these offerings must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mciserviceagreementlres_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to these offerings and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Offering A :Customers enrolling in this Offering and in MCI Americas 100 Plus as described on http://www.mci.com/service will receive the interstate and international rates as described in that service.A monthly recurring charge of $13.95 will apply to this Offering. Customers will receive an allotment of up to 30 minutes per monthly period that may be used for interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial-i usage.Customers will be charged a per- minute rate of $0.10 for each minute of interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial@i@ usage over the allotment. Offering B :Customers enrolling in this Offering and in MCI Americas 100 as described on http://www.mci.com/service will receive the interstate and international rates as described in that service.A monthly recurring charge of $19.95 will apply to this Offering.The following Dial-i rates shall apply: Customers will receive an allotment of up to 30 minutes per monthly period that may be used for interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial-i usage.Customers will be charged a per- minute rate of $0.10 for each minute of interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial”i” usage over the allotment. (D) ) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $1 .99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11 herein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan DD customers without regard to the type of access.- A NG (D (D Effective March 1,2015,this service will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES,INC.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 4th REVISED PAGE 233.27 CANCELS 3rd REVISED PAGE 233.27 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.83 Option CX (Basic Calling Plan EE)1 Option CX is an outbound and inbound service designed for residential customers.Basic Calling Plan EE includes a flat rate structure for Dial 1 service.No term plan options will (D apply to this service.All intrastate Dial-I calls will have 60 second or one minute (D rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent.Customers must subscribe to an international calling plan as shown below in order to receive this service. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service agreement/res domestic_services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Customers enrolling in this service and in MCI Worldwide Premier as described on http://www.mci.com/service will receive the interstate and international rates as described in that service.A monthly recurring charge of $5.95 will apply to this Offering. Customers will be charged a per-minute rate of $0.10 for each minute of interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial@1 @ usage. (D) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $1 .99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section 8-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.llherein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan EE customers without regard to the type of access. !:iho PibI JtWt1es Cimsson he Secretary FILING DLJJ)t) Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:0I/23/l Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES,INC.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 5th REVISED PAGE 233.28 CANCELS 4th REVISED PAGE 233.28 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.84 Option CY (Basic Calling Plan FE)1 Option CY is an outbound and inbound service designed for residential customers.Basic Calling Plan FE includes a block-of-time structure for Dial 1 (D) service.No term plan options will apply to this service.All intrastate Dial-i calls will have 60 second or one minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a (u) cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent.Customers must subscribe to an international calling plan as shown below in order to receive this service. Customers may elect to enroll in one of the following Offerings as shown below.A monthly recurring charge will apply to each Offering. Offerings:Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to these offerings must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci .com/mci_service_agreementlresdomestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to these offerings and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Offering A:Customers enrolling in this Offering and in MCI Simply International 200 as described on http://global.mci.com/publications/will receive the interstate and international rates as described in that service.A monthly recurring charge of $13.99 will apply to this Offering. Customers will receive an allotment of up to 200 minutes per monthly period that may be used for interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial-i usage.Customers will be charged a per- minute rate of $0.05 for each minute of interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial@i @ usage over the allotment. Offering B:Customers enrolling in this Offering and in MCI Simply International Plus as described on http://global.mci.com/publications/will receive the interstate and international rates as described in that service.A monthly recurring charge of $9.95 will apply to this Offering.The following Dial-i rates shall apply: Customers will be charged a per-minute rate of $0.06 for each minute of interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial i @ usage. Offering C:Customers enrolling in this Offering and in MCI Select International as described on http://global.mci.com/publications/will receive the interstate and international rates as described in that service.A monthly recurring charge of $4.00 will apply to this Offering.The following Dial-i rates shall apply: Customers will be charged a per-minute rate of $0.17 for each minute of interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial “1”usage Monday through Friday,and a per-minute rate of $0.06 for each minute of interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial ‘1”usage Saturday and Sunday. AC:CEPTE) 1Effective June 29,2005,this plan will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:Oi/i3/i6 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 dlbla Verizon Business Services 4th Revised Page 233.29 Cancels 3r d Revised Page 233.29 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.84 Option CY (Basic Calling Plan FE)1 (Cont.) (D) ) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $1 .99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11 herein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan FE customers without regard to the type of access. 3.85 Option CZ (Employee Benefit Plan 11)2 The Employee Benefit Plan Ills available to new and existing customers who are also members of a qualified commercial affinity group or employees of a participating affinity of the Company. Customers enrolled in this plan will receive the following benefits: A 10%discount off the monthly recurring charge for Integrated RLA Service in each month they remain subscribed to Integrated RLA Service.By subscribing to this service customers understand all other rates,terms and conditions applicable to Integrated RLA Service shall apply. A 5%discount off the monthly recurring charge for Integrated RLH Service in each month they remain subscribed to Integrated RLH Service.By subscribing to this service customers understand all other rates,terms and conditions applicable to Integrated RLH Service shall apply. A 10%discount against customer’s Basic Calling Plan R,Basic Calling Plan 5,Basic Calling Plan T, Basic Calling Plan U,Basic Calling Plan V,Basic Calling Plan W,Basic Calling Plan X or Basic Calling Plan Y total invoiced charges.By subscribing to this service customers understand all other rates,terms and conditions applicable to Basic Calling Plan R,Basic Calling Plan 5,Basic Calling Plan T,Basic Calling Plan U,Basic Calling Plan V,Basic Calling Plan W,Basic Calling Plan X or Basic Calling Plan Y shall apply. Corn rnsor ACCEPTED FOR FILING Boise,idaho 1Beginning June 1,2005,Option CY (Basic Calling Plan FF)will no longer be available to new subscribers. 2Beginning November 1,2007,Option CZ (Employee Benefit Plan II)will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES,INC.3rd REVISED PAGE 233.30 IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 CANCELS 2nd REVISED PAGE 233.30 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.86 Option DA (Instate Access Recovery Fee) A monthly service charge that is applied to Customers subscribed to the Company for long distance services associated with a residential telephone line or billed to a residential account.This chargereflectscostsincurredbytheCompanyinprovidingin-state long distance service over Customers local exchange providers network.Customers will be exempt from this charge during any monthly period when company spending is less than $1.00. Monthly recurring charge:$0.25 (R) idaho Pubhc Utjities Commission the Secretary ACCEPTE Fc FILING Issued Date:03/19/14 Effective:04/01/14EdwinReese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES,INC.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 5th Revised Page 233.31 Cancels 4th Revised Page 233.31 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3,METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.87 Option DB (Basic Calling Plan GG)1 Option DB is an outbound and inbound service designed for residential customers.Basic Calling Plan GG offers a “Dial-i”Interstate,Intrastate and Local toIl per-minute rate for a monthly recurring charge. Customers subscribing to this plan must enroll online using the website http://www.mci.com/service in order to receive this service. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service agreementlres domestic_services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and w’ho have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Monthly Recurring Charge:A monthly recurring charge of $6.99 will apply to this service,except that customers who elect to be billed using a valid credit card number (issued by a credit-card-issuing entity through which the Company accepts payment of charges for this service)will be charged a monthly recurring charge of $5.99. Access Methods and Charges: Dial-i Access:Basic Calling Plan GG can be used for Dial-i access.Basic Calling plan GG customers will be charged the following rates per minute.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Intrastate Per-minute rate:$0.18 IntraLATA Per minute rate:$0.18 (D) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $1.99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11 herein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan GG customers without regard to the type of access. Termination Charge:A termination charge of $24.99 will apply if customer cancels service within twelve (12)months of enrollment in this service.The (12)month period begins on activation of service by Company after customer enrolls in this plan.Customers who terminate their Basic Calling Plan GG service and subscribe to another company service will not be billed the termination charge of $24.99. After expiration of the (12)month term period the termination charge will not apply. uomrnssion ‘flYrr ‘D cn tMLUJF (D Bsc.lcaho Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 6th REVISED PAGE 233.32 CANCELS 5th REVISED PAGE 233.32 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.88 Option DC (Basic Calling Plan HH) Option DC is an outbound and inbound service designed for residential customers.Basic Calling Plan HH includes Dial 1 service.No term plan options will apply to this service.All intrastate Dial-i calls will have 60 second or one minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent. Customers may elect to enroll in one of the following Offerings as shown below.A monthly recurring charge will apply to each Offering. Offerings:Monthly Minimum Usag -Customers subscribed to these offerings must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to these offerings and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Offering A : A monthly recurring charge of $1 5.99 will apply to this Offering. Customers will receive unlimited interstate usage as described at http://consumer.mci.com/mciservice_agreementlres_index.jsp.Customers will also receive an allotment of 60 minutes per monthly period that may be used for intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA) dial-i usage.Customers will be charged a per-minute rate of $0.14 for each minute of intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial-i usage over the allotment. Offering B:1 Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly recurring charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_serviceagreement!res_domestic_services.jsp,for which they shall receive unlimited interstate usage;customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for local toll service only will be charged a monthly recurring charge of $25.99. (D) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $1.99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11 herein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan HH customers without regard to the type of access. .:S Gommission Office at the Secretary DT.D FOR RLING Effective August 1,2006,this offering will no longer available to new subscribers.D Effective March 1,2015,this service will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services, inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 3rd Revised Page 233.33 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 233.33 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.] 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .89 Option DG (Reserved for Future Use] ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. ldaho Public Utilities Cornrnissi~ Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 -- 2008 Boise, Idaho Issued Date: 8122108 tttectlve: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 11 00 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. I 3rd Revised Page 233.34 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 233.34 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .89 Option DG (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ldaho Public Utilities Cornrnissisn Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, ldaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. a - > Issued Date: 8/22/08 tttectlve: 91110g Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 3rd Revised Page 233.35 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 233.35 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .89 O~tion DG (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 i Boise. ldaho .- Issued Date: 8/22/08 tttectlve: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown. Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 3rd Revised Page 233.36 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 233.36 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .89 Option DG (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.1 ldaho Public Utilities Commissicn Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. lssued Uate: 8/22/08 tttectwe: 911 /dB Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1 100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. I 3rd Revised Page 233.36.1 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 233.36.1 -- SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .89 O~tion DG (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.1 ldaho Public Utilities Commissim , Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING ' SEP 1 - 2008 I i Boise, Idaho ? f 8 ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. . .-_,j Issued Uate: 8/22/08 tlfective: 9/1/68 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1 100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 3rd Revised Page 233.36.2 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 233.36.2 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .89 Option DG (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ldaho Public Utilities Commissien Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise. ldaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. I Issued Date: 8/22/08 tttectlve: 9 l m Shannon L. Brown' Tariff Manager 205 N. Mich~gan Avenue Suite 1 100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. ldaho Price List No. 1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 3rd Revised Page 233.36.3 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 233.36.3 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 .89 Option DG (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.1 ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, Idaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. A -* lssued ate: 8/22/08 ttrectlve: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 4th Revised Page 233.37 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 233.37 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3,METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.90 Option DH (Integrated Plan RLI)1,2 Customers who subscribe to this voice service must 1)select and designate MClmetro as its Local Exchange Carrier (LEC)and MCI WorldCom/MCI Telecommunications as both its Interexchange Carrier (IXC)for interstate and intrastate calling and as its intraLATA toll provider for intraLATA toll calling and 2)concurrent with enrollment in this plan,customers must also enroll in the companion residential service offered in http://www.mci.com/service and must subscribe to companion local service as offered in MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES,LLC,IDAHO TARIFF NO.1. Customers who subscribe to this service may not subscribe to Integrated RLA,RLC,RLD-1,RLG,or RLH service as described in this tariff on another line on their account. A monthly recurring charge will apply to this service.This charge is identical to and shall not be in addition to any monthly recurring charge applicable to companion interstate service or to companion intrastate Service.The following are not included in the monthly recurring charge:non-recurring charges,operator assistance,directory assistance,directory listing options,interstate line charge,data usage charge,blocking options,taxes,surcharges,per use charges and custom calling features not included in the companion local service. Dial-i Access:Integrated Plan RLI can be used for Dial-i access.Customers will receive an allotment of up to 500 minutes per monthly period that may be used for interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial-i usage.Integrated Plan RLI customers will be charged the following rates for each minute of usage over the allotment.Customers will be charged a per-minute rate of $0.05 for each minute of interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial “1”usage over the allotment. No term plan options will apply to this service.Customers are subject to the terms and conditions as outlined in http://www.mci.com/service and in MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES,LLC IDAHO TARIFF NO.1.All intrastate Dial 1 calls will have a 60 second or one minute (D) rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent. (D) () Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge of $0.95 per call will be applied to each Directory Assistance call. Directory Assistance Call Completion:Customers may request the Directory Assistance operator to complete a call to the last number requested on that particular Directory Assistance call.The customer will be charged a usage rate in accordance with the service to which the customer is presubscribed for completed calls.An undiscounted charge of $0.00 will apply. C tC’‘iIThSSOfl c tar, CC PFILG (DBoise,Idaho 2 Effective March 1,2015,this service will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1d/b/a Verizon Business Services 5th Revised Page 233.38 Cancels 4th Revised Page 23338 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.90 Option DH (Integrated Plan RLI)(Cont.)The Company reserves the right to discontinue offering the service and grandfather existing customersononeday’s notice to the Commission,in the event that 1)facilities are not available to the Company to adequately provide the service,and 2)such lack of facilities is the result of the failure of any carrier(from whom the Company is securing facilities to provide the service)to provide adequate service to the Company. This service is for use by residential customers.The Company reserves the right to adjust aCustomer’s service upon appropriate customer notification.If it is determined that usage is not consistent with residential voice applications,customers service may be assessed a $50 monthly recurring data usage charge or disconnected. Monthly Recurring Charge: Zone 1,Zone2andZone31:$61.99 (I) Termination: The following termination provisions apply to customers of this service who continue to maintain a Company account and who do not elect to subscribe to other service offerings under this tariff: For existin9 customers who disconnect from either a)residential service under MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services,Idaho Tariff No.1 only,b)residential service under MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services,Idaho Tariff No.1 and intraLATA service under this tariff,or c)residential service under MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services,Idaho Tariff No.1 and interstate service under http://www.verizonbusiness.cornlservice: The companion residential long distance service under http://www.verizonbusiness.com/service,and intraLATA and/or interLATA service under this tariff,as well as residential service under MClmetroAccessTransmissionServicesLLCd/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services,Idaho Tariff No.1 will terminate.Customers will then be automatically re-subscribed to the service offering under thistarifffor intraLATA service (if customer retains intraLATA service)and/or the service offering under http://www.verizonbusiness.com/service for interstate service (if customer retains interstate service) to which customer was subscribed at the time of subscription to this plan. For existing customers who disconnect from either a)interstate service under http://www.verizonbusiness.com/service and from intraLATA service under this tariff,b)intraLATA service under this tariff only,or c)from interstate service under http://www.verizonbusiness.com/service:The companion residential service offering underhttp://www.verizonbusiness.com/service and under this tariff,as well as residential service under MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/aVerizonAccessTransmissionServices,Idaho Tariff No.1,will terminate.Customers will then be automatically re-subscribed to Residential RLD-4 Service under MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services,Idaho Tariff No.1 for local exchange service and to the service offering under this tariff for intraLATA service (if customer retains intraLATA service)and/or the service offering under http://www.verizonbusiness.com/service for interstate service (if customer retains interstate service)to which customer was subscribed at thetimeofsubscriptiontothisplan. IF,, 1Effective April 1,2006,this service is no longer available to new subscribers. Issued Date:03/18/15 Effective:04/01/15 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. I ST REVISED PAGE 233.39 IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE 233.39 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.90 foption DH) lnteqrated Plan RLI (Cont.) Termination: (Cont.) For new customers who disconnect from either a) residential service under MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES, LLC IDAHO TARIFF NO. 1 only, b) residential service under MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES, LLC IDAHO TARIFF NO. 1 and intraLATA service under this tariff, or c) residential service under MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES, LLC IDAHO TARIFF NO. 1 and interstate service under http://www.mci.com/service/: The companion residential long distance service under httu://www.mci.com/service/ , and intraLATA and/or interLATA service under this tariff, as well as residential service under MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES, LLC IDAHO TARIFF NO. 1 will terminate. Customers will then be automatically re-subscribed to Basic Calling Plan P under this tariff for intraLATA service (if customer retains intraLATA service) and/or its companion interstate service offering under htt~://www.mci.com/service/ for interstate service (if customer retains interstate service). For new customers who disconnect from either a) interstate service under http://www.mci.com/service/ and from intraLATA service under this tariff, b) intraLATA service under this tariff only, or c) from interstate service under Http://www.mci.com/service/: The companion residential service offering under httu://www.mci.com/service/ and under this tariff , as well as residential service under MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES, LLC IDAHO TARIFF NO. 1 will terminate. Customers will then be automatically re-subscribed to Residential RLD-4 Service under MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES, LLC IDAHO TARIFF NO. 1 for local exchange service and to Basic Calling Plan P under this tariff for intraLATA service (if customer retains intraLATA service) and/or its companion interstate service offering under http://www.mci.com/service/ for interstate service (if customer retains interstate service). Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR Fl LING N OV B -- 2005 1 Boise, Idaho j 1 Issued Date: 10/21/05 Erik Sanchez Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 91h Floor San Francisco, CA 941 0528 Effective: 1 111 105 MCI COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES,INC.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.I dibla Verizon Business Services 5th REVISED PAGE 233.26 CANCELS 4th REVISED PAGE 233.26 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.82 Option CW (Basic Calling Plan DD) Option CW is an outbound and inbound service designed for residential customers.Basic Calling Plan DD includes a block-of-time structure for Dial 1 (D) service.No term plan options will apply to this service.All intrastate Dial-i calls calls will have 60 second or one minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of (D) a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent.Customers must subscribe to an international calling plan as shown below in order to receive this service.Customers may elect to enroll in one of the following Offerings as shown below.A monthly recurring charge will apply to each Offering. Offerings:Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to these offerings must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mciserviceagreementlres_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to these offerings and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Offering A :Customers enrolling in this Offering and in MCI Americas 100 Plus as described on http://www.mci.com/service will receive the interstate and international rates as described in that service.A monthly recurring charge of $13.95 will apply to this Offering. Customers will receive an allotment of up to 30 minutes per monthly period that may be used for interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial-i usage.Customers will be charged a per- minute rate of $0.10 for each minute of interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial@i@ usage over the allotment. Offering B :Customers enrolling in this Offering and in MCI Americas 100 as described on http://www.mci.com/service will receive the interstate and international rates as described in that service.A monthly recurring charge of $19.95 will apply to this Offering.The following Dial-i rates shall apply: Customers will receive an allotment of up to 30 minutes per monthly period that may be used for interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial-i usage.Customers will be charged a per- minute rate of $0.10 for each minute of interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial”i” usage over the allotment. (D) ) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $1 .99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11 herein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan DD customers without regard to the type of access.- A NG (D (D Effective March 1,2015,this service will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES,INC.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 4th REVISED PAGE 233.27 CANCELS 3rd REVISED PAGE 233.27 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.83 Option CX (Basic Calling Plan EE)1 Option CX is an outbound and inbound service designed for residential customers.Basic Calling Plan EE includes a flat rate structure for Dial 1 service.No term plan options will (D apply to this service.All intrastate Dial-I calls will have 60 second or one minute (D rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent.Customers must subscribe to an international calling plan as shown below in order to receive this service. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service agreement/res domestic_services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Customers enrolling in this service and in MCI Worldwide Premier as described on http://www.mci.com/service will receive the interstate and international rates as described in that service.A monthly recurring charge of $5.95 will apply to this Offering. Customers will be charged a per-minute rate of $0.10 for each minute of interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial@1 @ usage. (D) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $1 .99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section 8-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.llherein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan EE customers without regard to the type of access. !:iho PibI JtWt1es Cimsson he Secretary FILING DLJJ)t) Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:0I/23/l Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 6th Revised Page 233.42 Cancels 5th Revised Page 233.42 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.92 Otion DJ (Integrated Plan RLK)(Cont.) This service is for use by residential customers.The Company reserves the right to adjust a customer’s service upon appropriate customer notification.If it is determined that usage is not consistent with residential voice applications,customers service may be assessed a $50 monthly recurring data usage charge or disconnected. Monthly Recurring Charge: Zone 1,Zone2and Zone 31:$59.99 (I) Termination:The following termination provisions apply to customers of this service who continue to maintain a Company account and who do not elect to subscribe to other service offerings under this tariff: 1.For existin9 customers who disconnect from either a)residential service under MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services,Idaho tariff No.1 only, b)residential service under MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services,Idaho tariff No.1,and intraLATA service under this tariff,or c)residential service under MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services,Idaho tariff No.1,and interstate service under http://www.mci.com/service/:The companion residential long distance service under http://www.verizonbusiness.com/service,and intraLATA and/or interLATA service under this tariff,as well as residential service under MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services,Idaho tariff No. 1,will terminate.Customers will then be automatically re-subscribed to the service offering under this tariff for intraLATA service (if customer retains intraLATA service)and/or the service offering under http://www.verizonbusiness.com/service for interstate service (if customer retains interstate service)to which customer was subscribed at the time of subscription to this plan. 2.For existing customers who disconnect from either a)interstate service under http://www.mci.com/service/ and from intraLATA service under this tariff,b)intraLATA service under this tariff only,or c)from interstate service under http://www.verizonbusiness.com/service:The companion residential service offering under http://www.verizonbusiness.com/service and under this tariff,as well as residential service under MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services,Idaho tariff No.1,will terminate.Customers will then be automatically re-subscribed to Residential RLD-4 Service under MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services,Idaho tariff No.1 for local exchange service and to the service offering under this tariff for intraLATA service (if customer retains intraLATA service)and/or the service offering under http://www.verizonbusiness.com/service for interstate service (if customer retains interstate service)to which customer was subscribed at the time of subscription to this plan. ida.hopubU.c •!Jtic ACCEpTE April 1,2006,this service is no longer available to new subscribers. Issued Date:03/18/15 Effective:04/01/15 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 3rd Revised Page 233.43 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 233.43 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3,METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.92 Option DJ (Integrated Plan RLK)(Cont.) Termination (Cont.): 3.For new customers who disconnect from either a)residential service under MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC,IDAHO TARIFF NO.1,only,b)residential service under MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC,IDAHO TARIFF NO.1,and intraLATA service under this tariff,or c)residential service under MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC,IDAHO TARIFF NO.1,and interstate service under http://www.mci.com/service/: The companion residential long distance service under http://www.mci.com/service/,and intraLATA and/or interLATA service under this tariff,as well as residential service under MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC,IDAHO TARIFF NO.1,will terminate.Customers will then be automatically re-subscribed to Basic Calling Plan II under this tariff for intraLATA service (if customer retains intraLATA service)and/or its companion interstate service offering under http://www.mci.com/service/for interstate service (if customer retains interstate service). 4.For new customers who disconnect from either a)interstate service under http://www.mci.com/service/and from intraLATA service under this tariff,b)intraLATA service under this tariff only,or c)from interstate service under Http://www.mci.com/service/:The companion residential service offering under http://www.mci.com/service/and under this tariff,as well as residential service under MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC,IDAHO TARIFF NO.1,will terminate.Customers will then be automatically re-subscribed to Residential RLD-4 Service under MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC,IDAHO TARIFF NO.1,for local exchange service and to Basic Calling Plan II under this tariff for intraLATA service (if customer retains intraLATA service)and/or its companion interstate service offering under http://www.mci.com/service/for interstate service (if customer retains interstate service). 3.93 Option DK (Integrated Plan RLL) Customers who subscribe to this voice service must 1)select and designate MClmetro as its Local Exchange Carrier (LEC)and MCI as both its lnterexchange Carrier (IXC)for interstate and intrastate calling and as its intraLATA toll provider for intraLATA toll calling and 2)concurrent with enrollment in this plan,customers must also enroll in the companion residential service offered in http://www.mci.com/service and must subscribe to companion local service as offered in MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC,IDAHO TARIFF NO.1.Customers who subscribe to this service may not subscribe to Integrated RLA,RLC,RLD-1,RLG,RLH,RLI,RU,or RLK service as described in this tariff on another line on their account. A monthly recurring charge will apply to this service.This charge is identical to and shall not be in addition to any monthly recurring charge applicable to companion interstate service or to companion intrastate Service.The following are not included in the monthly recurring charge:non-recurring charges,operator assistance,directory assistance,directory listing options,interstate line charge,data usage charge,blocking options,taxes,surcharges,per use charges and custom calling features not included in the companion local service. AC IL RD•ILL NG Bose.dhO (D (D Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 dlb/a Verizon Business Services 6th Revised Page 233.44 Cancels 5 th Revised Page 233.44 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.93 Option DK (Integrated Plan RLL)(Cont.) Dial-i Access:New customers of Company service will receive Basic Calling Plan II service as described in this tariff.Customer will also receive the comparable interstate service described in http://www.verizonbusiness.com/service for the above where applicable.All terms and conditions of any of these services selected by the customer,including applicable monthly recurring charges, will apply and will be in addition to Integrated RLL Service as described herein.Existing customers of Company service will continue to receive the long distance service to which they were subscribed at the time of subscription to this plan. No term plan options will apply to this service.Customers are subject to the terms and conditions as outlined in http://www.verizonbusiness.com/service and in MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services,Idaho Tariff No.1.All intrastate Dial 1 (D will have a 60 second or one minute rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction (D of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent. (D) () Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge of $0.95 per call will be applied to each Directory Assistance call. Directory Assistance Call Completion:Customers may request the Directory Assistance operator to complete a call to the last number requested on that particular Directory Assistance call.The customer will be charged a usage rate in accordance with the service to which the customer is presubscribed for completed calls.An undiscounted charge of $0.00 will apply. (D) ) The Company reserves the right to discontinue offering the service and grandfather existing customers on one day’s notice to the Commission,in the event that 1)facilities are not available to the Company to adequately provide the service,and 2)such lack of facilities is the result of the failure of any carrier (from whom the Company is securing facilities to provide the service)to provide adequate service to the Corn pany. This service is for use by residential customers.The Company reserves the right to adjust a customer’s service upon appropriate customer notification.If it is determined that usage is not consistent with residential voice applications,customers service may be assessed a $50 monthly recurring data usage charge or disconnected. Monthly Recurring Charge ,.- Zone 1,Zone2andZone3:1 $44.99 ;Ct±u HJR FLNG Bose,idaO 1Effective April 1,2006,this service is no longer available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 1 ST REVISED PAGE 233.45 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE 233.45 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.93 /Option DK) lntearated Plan RLL (Cont.) Termination: The following termination provisions apply to customers of this service who continue to maintain a Company account and who do not elect to subscribe to other service offerings under this tariff: 1. For existing customers who disconnect from either a) residential service under MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES, LLC IDAHO TARIFF NO. 1. only, b) residential service under MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES, LLC IDAHO TARIFF NO. 1. and intraLATA service under this tariff, or c) residential service under MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES, LLC IDAHO TARIFF NO. 1. and interstate service under http://www.mci.com/service/: The companion residential long distance service under htta://www.mci.com/service/ , and intraLATA and/or interLATA service under this tariff, as well as residential service under MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES, LLC IDAHO TARIFF NO. 1 ., will terminate. Customers will then be automatically re-subscribed to the service offering under this tariff for intraLATA service (if customer retains intraLATA service) and/or the service offering under http://www.mci.com/service/ for interstate service (if customer retains interstate service) to which customer was subscribed at the time of subscription to this plan. 2. For existing customers who disconnect from either a) interstate service under http://www.mci.com/service/ and from intraLATA service under this tariff, b) intraLATA service under this tariff only, or c) from interstate service under Http://www.mci.com/service/: The companion residential service offering under http://www.mci.cdm/service/ and under this tariff , as well as residential service under ~ ~ l m e t r o ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES, LLC IDAHO TARIFF NO. 1. will terminate. Customers will then be automatically re-subscribed to Residential RLD-4 Service under MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES, LLC IDAHO TARIFF NO. 1 for local exchange service and to the service offering under this tariff for intraLATA service (if customer retains intraLATA service) and/or the service offering under htt~://www.mci.com/service/ for interstate service (if customer retains interstate service) to which customer was subscribed at the time of subscription to this plan. For new customers who disconnect from either a) residential service under MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES, LLC IDAHO TARIFF NO. 1 only, b) residential service under MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES, LLC IDAHO TARIFF NO. 1 and intraLATA service under this tariff, or c) residential service under MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES, LLC IDAHO TARIFF NO. 1 and interstate service under http://www.mci.com/service/: The companion residential long distance service under http://www.mci.com/service/ , and intraLATA and/or interLATA service under this tariff, as well as residential service under MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES, LLC IDAHO TARIFF NO. 1 , will terminate. Customers will then be automatically re-subscribed to Basic Calling Plan II under this tariff for intraLATA service (if customer retains intraLATA service) and/or its companion interstate service offering under http://www.mci.com/service/ for interstate service (if customer retains interstate service). ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NBV B - 2005 Boise, ldaho Issued Date: 10/21/05 Erik Sanchez Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, gth Floor San Francisco, CA 941 0528 Effective: 1 1/1/05 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 1 ST REVISED PAGE 233.46 IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE 233.46 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.93 loption DK) lnteqrated Plan RLL (Cont.) Termination: 4. For new customers who disconnect from either a) interstate service under http://www.mci.com/service/ and from intraLATA service under this tariff, b) intraLATA service under this tariff only, or c) from interstate service under Http://www.mci.com/service/: The companion residential service offering under htt~://www.mci.com/service/ and under this tariff , as well as residential service under MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES, LLC IDAHO TARIFF NO. 1, will terminate. Customers will then be automatically re-subscribed to Residential RLD-4 Service under MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES, LLC IDAHO TARIFF NO. 1 for local exchange service and to Basic Calling Plan II under this tariff for intraLATA service (if customer retains intraLATA service) and/or its companion interstate service offering under http://www.mci.com/service/ for interstate service (if customer retains interstate service). Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV l -- 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued Date: 10/21/05 Effective: 1 111 105 Erik Sanchez Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, gth Floor San Francisco, CA 941 0528 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 dlb/a Verizon Business Services 4th Revised Page 233.47 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 233.47 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.94 Option DL (Basic Calling Plan 11)1 Basic Calling Plan II is an outbound and inbound service designed primarily for residential customers. To be eligible for this plan,customers must either i)contact a Company customer service representative or be contacted by a Company customer service representative,or ii)subscribe to local exchange service provided by MClmetro Access Transmission Services.Basic Calling Plan II includes a flat rate structure for Dial 1,calling card and Personal 800 service.No term plan options will apply to this service.All intrastate Dial-i calls will have 60 second or one minute (D) rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent. Monthly Minimum Usage -Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service agreement/res domestic services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and wTio have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Access Methods and Charges: Dial-i Access:Customers subscribing to this plan will be charged a per-minute rate of $0.07 for all interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial-i usage. Calling Card:Basic Calling Plan II Calling Card access is available for origination from touch tone or rotary phones by dialing an MCI provided 800 number.Basic Calling Plan II customers will be charged a per minute rate of $0.55 and a $0.89 per call surcharge for all interLATA and intraLATA calling card calls. MCI Personal 800 Number:This service provides a toll free telephone number and a 4-digit security code to which calls may be received from any location within the state.The account will be billed for these in-state long distance and local toll calls at the per-minute rate set forth below.A 6-digit Rerouting Code will also be provided,which will allow the customer to use the Follow Me”Routing feature. A personal 800 customer shares access to a toll free number with other customers.The customer may not retain the toll free number to any right therein if the Personal 800 service is discontinued. There is a limit of ten Personal 800 numbers per customer telephone number.The standard Holiday discounts do not apply to these calls. Follow-Me Routing:This feature allows a Personal 800 customer to change the telephone number to which calls to his or her Personal 800 number will be terminated.To make a Follow-Me change,a customer may use his or her Personal 800 number and the 6-digit Rerouting Code.There is no limit on the number of changes a customer may make. The following per-minute rate will apply to all Personal 800 calls:$0.45 Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge per call of $1.99 will be applied to each Directory Assistance call,subject to the provisions set forth in Section B-6.04. Operator Assistance:The charges found in Section 3.11 herein,apply to all Basic Calling Plan II customers without regard to the type of access. Idaho Pobhc Utilities Comnssion of the Secretary FOR RUNG JAFi 2 3 2016 Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 3rd Revised Page 233.48 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 233.48 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.95 Option DM (Integrated Plan RU)1 Customers who subscribe to this voice service must 1)select and designate MClmetro as its Local Exchange Carrier (LEC)and MCI WorldCom/MCI Telecommunications as both its Interexchange Carrier (IXC)for interstate and intrastate calling and as its intraLATA toll provider for intraLATA toll calling and 2)concurrent with enrollment in this plan,customers must also enroll in the companion residential service offered in http://www.mci.com/service and must subscribe to companion local service as offered in MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC,IDAHO TARIFF NO.1, Customers who subscribe to this service may not subscribe to Integrated RLA,RLD-i,RLG,or RLH service as described in this tariff on another line on their account. A monthly recurring charge will apply to this service.This charge is identical to and shall not be in addition to any monthly recurring charge applicable to companion interstate service or to companion intrastate Service.The following are not included in the monthly recurring charge:non-recurring charges,operator assistance,directory assistance,directory listing options,interstate line charge,data usage charge,blocking options,taxes,surcharges,per use charges and custom calling features not included in the companion local service. Dial-i Access:Integrated Plan RU can be used for Dial-i access.Customers will receive unlimited interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial “1”usage. No term plan options will apply to this service.Customers are subject to the terms and conditions as outlined in http://www.mci.com/service and in MClmetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC, IDAHO TARIFF NO.1.All intrastate Dial 1 calls will have a 60 second or one minute (D) rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent. (D) (i) Directory Assistance:An undiscounted charge of $0.95 per call will be applied to each Directory Assistance call.Customers will also receive an allotment of three (3)jDirectory Assistance calls at no additional charge per monthly period (this allotment is identical to and shall not be in addition to any Directory Assistance allotment applicable to companion interstate or local exchange service; customers may not carry over any unused Directory Assistance calls from one monthly period to the next). Directory Assistance Call Completion:Customers may request the Directory Assistance operator to complete a call to the last number requested on that particular Directory Assistance call.The customer will be charged a usage rate in accordance with the service to which the customer is presubscribed for completed calls.An undiscounted charge of $0.00 will apply. Hiji.o P’.!i.c UtIs CGmmssion —.-‘ JAN 2 3 2016 (D Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/b!a Verizon Business Services 4th Revised Page 233.49 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 233.49 SECTION C SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 395 (D) The Company reserves the right to discontinue offering the service and grandfather existing customers on one day’s notice to the Commission,in the event that 1)facilities are not available to the Company to adequately provide the service,and 2)such lack of facilities is the result of the failure of any carrier (from whom the Company is securing facilities to provide the service)to provide adequate service to the Company. This service is for use by residential customers.The Company reserves the right to adjust a Customer’s service upon appropriate customer notification.If it is determined that usage is not consistent with residential voice applications,customers service may be assessed a $50 monthly recurring data usage charge or disconnected. Monthly Recurring Charge:Zone 1,Zone 2 and Zone 3:1 $61.99 Termination:The following termination provisions apply to customers of this service who continue to maintain a Company account and who do not elect to subscribe to other service offerings under this tariff: 1.For existing customers who disconnect from either a)residential service under MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services,Idaho Tariff No.1 only, b)residential service under MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services,Idaho Tariff No.1 and intraLATA service under this tariff,or c)residential service under MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services,Idaho Tariff No.1 and interstate service under http://www.verizonbusiness.com/service: The companion residential long distance service under http://www.verizonbusiness.com/service, and intraLATA and/or interLATA service under this tariff,as well as residential service under MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services, Idaho Tariff No.1,will terminate.Customers will then be automatically re-subscribed to the service offering under this tariff for intraLATA service (if customer retains intraLATA service) and/or the service offering under http://www.verizonbusiness.com/service for interstate service (if customer retains interstate service)to which customer was subscribed at the time of subscription to this plan. 01 100 1eCre1ry ACCEPTED FOF:DLING 1Effective April 1,2006,this service is no longer available to new subscribers. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services Cancels ldaho Price List No. 1 Revised Page 233.50 Revised Page 233.50 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (Cont. 3.95 Option DM (Inteqrated Pla2RLJ) (Cont.) Termination: (cont.) 2. For existing customers who disconnect from either a) interstate service under http://www.mci.com/service/ and from intraLATA service under this tariff, b) intraLATA service under this tariff only, or c) from interstate service under http://www.mci.com/service/: The companion residential service offerin under http://www.mci.com/service and under this tariff, n4 as well as residential service under Clmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verlzon Access Transmission Services, ldaho Tariff No. 1 will terminate. Customers will then be automaticall re-subscribed to Residential RLD-4 Service under MClmetro Access Transmission Services LL 8 d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services, Idaho Tariff No. 1 for local exchange service and to the service offering under this tariff for intraLATA service (if customer retains intraLATA service) and/or the service offerin under http://www.mci.com/service/ for interstate service (if customer retains interstate servic8 to which customer was subscribed at the time of subscription to this plan. 3. For new customers who disconnect from either a) residential service under MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services, ldaho Tariff No. 1 only, b) residential service under MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services, ldaho Tariff No. 1 and intraLATA service under this tariff, or c) residential service under MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services, Idaho Tariff No. 1 and interstate service under http://www.mci.com/service/: The companion residential long distance service under http://www.mci.com/service/, and intraLATA and/or interLATA service under this tariff, as well as residential service under MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services, ldaho Tariff No. 1 will terminate. Customers will then be automatically re-subscribed to Basic Calling Plan II under this tariff for intraLATA service if customer retains intraLATA service) and/or its companion interstate service offering under http: I /www.mci.com/service/ for interstate service (if customer retains interstate service). 4. For new customers who disconnect from either a) interstate service under http://www.mci.com/service/ and from intraLATA service under this tariff, b) intraLATA service under this tariff only, or c) from interstate service under http://www.mci.comlservice/: The companion residential service offering under http://www.mci.com/service/ and under this tariff, as well as residential service under MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services, ldaho Tariff No. 1, will terminate. Customers will then be automatically re- subscribed to Residential RLD-4 Service under MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services, ldaho Tariff No. 1, for local exchange service and to Basic Calling Plan II under this tariff for intraLATA service (if customer retains intraLATA service) and/or its companion interstate service offering under http://www.mci.com/service/ for interstate service (if customer retains interstate service). RLJ Savinqs Plan ' The Company will offer the following plan to new customers of lntegrated Plan RLJ. Customers enrolled in this plan will receive the following benefits: A $10.00 discount off the monthly recurring charge for lntegrated Plan RLJ for each month the remain subscribed to lntegrated Plan RLJ. Y New customers of lntegrated Plan RLJ will receive the bene it of this plan for 12 months after enrollment in this plan. By subscr~bing to this service customers understand all other rates, terms and conditions applicable to lntegrated Plan RLJ shall apply. RLJ Savinqs Plan 11 The Company will offer the following plan to new customers of MCI Communications Services, Inc d/b/a (T) Verizon Business Services lntegrated Calling Plan RLJ Service. Customers enrolled in this plan will receive the following benefits: An $1 1 .OO discount off the monthly recurring charge for MCI Communications Services, Inc d/b/a Verizon Business Services lntegrated Calling Plan RLJ Service for each month they remain subscribed to MCI Communications Services, Inc d/b/a Verizon Business Services lntegrated Calling Plan RLJ Service. New customers of RLJ service will receive the benefit of this plan for 12 months after enrollment in this plan. By subscribing to this service customers understand all other rates, terms and conditions applicable to MCI Communications Services, Inc d/b/a Verizon Business Services lntegrated Calling Plan RLJ Service shall apply. 1 Effective December 20, 2009, This Savings Plan will no longer be available to new customers. 2 Effective June 1, 2010, This Savings Plan will no longer be a v a i l ~ & ~ ~ U ~ ~ C ~ f i ~ ~ , t ~ ~ ~ ~ i S S i O n lssued Date: 5/21/10 n r r . Edwin Reese A C C ~ ~ ~ F ~ L I V ~ ~ I ~ ~ : 61111 o' Tariff Administrator 1300 1 St reet NW, Suite 400w inntnn nc 7nnn5 JUN 1 - 2010 -. Wash,, ,, - - -vvvv Boise, ldaho MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 3rd Revised Page 233.51 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 233.51 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) 3.95 Option DM (Integrated Plan RLJ) (Cont.) RLJ Savinqs Plan Ill The Company will offer the following plan to new customers of lntegrated Calling Plan RLJ Service. Customers enrolled in this plan will receive the following benefits: A $12.00 discount off the monthly recurring charge for lntegrated Calling Plan RLJ Service for each month they remain subscribed to lntegrated Calling Plan RLJ Service. New customers of RLJ service will receive the benefit of this plan for 12 months after enrollment in this plan. By subscribing to this service customers understand all other rates, terms and conditions applicable to lntegrated Calling Plan RLJ Service shall apply. uate: s ~ z i ~ i u ldaho Pr~biic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN I - 2010 Boise, ldaho . * - Issued 10 trremve: 01 I I Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 1 Street NW, Suite 400w Washington, DC 20005 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services Idaho Price List No. 1 4th Revised Page 233.52 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 233.52 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .96 Option DN (Residential $3.50 EasvPav Plan) N The Company will offer the following plan to i) existing customers of Company residential service who elect to have their invoiced charges billed directly to a valid commercial credit card, a valid debit card issued by a third party, or an active commercial bank account, and who enroll in this plan after contactin! a Company service representative and being offered this plan, and ii) new customers of Company residential service who elect to have their invoiced charges billed directly to a valid commercial credit card, valid debit card issued by a third party, or an active commercial bank account, and who enroll in th plan either after being contacted by a Company service representative and being offered this plan, or by contacting a Company service representative and being offered this plan. Customers enrolling in this pla will receive a one-time credit, not to exceed $3.50, against their Company invoiced charges for residentii service. I MAY I ---, 20% 1 Issued Uate: 04/20/11 ttfect~ve: 05/01/11 _,# Griselda Antu Tariff Administrator-E02F69 600 Hidden Ridge Irving, TX 75038 MCI Communications Services, inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 3rd Revised Page 233.53 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 233.53 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .96 O~tion DN (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) 1 ldaho Public Utilities Commission r Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. -- lssued Date: 8/22/08 tttectlve: 911 /0g Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 3rd Revised Page 233.54 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 233.54 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .96 Option DN (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ldaho Public Utilities Commissisn Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP l - 2008 Boise. ldaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. Issued Uate: 8/22/08 tifectlve: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1 100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 1st Revised Page 233.54.1 Cancels Original Page 233.54.1 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .96 Option DN (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ldaho Public Utilities Commissisn Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, ldaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. i Issued Date: 8/22/08 tttectlve: 911 log Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. dlbla Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 3rd Revised Page 233.55 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 233.55 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 .96 O~tion DN (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) 7 ldaho Public Utilities Commissisn Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. Issued Uate: 8/22/08 ttrectlve: 911 I 0 8 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 6th Revised Page 233.56 Cancels 5th Revised Page 233.56 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .97 Option DO (Minutes Card Savings Plan)1 Existing subscribers to Execunet/Direct Dial/Dial One service are eligible for the following:For a nonrecurring charge of $10.00 customers subscribing to this plan will receive an MCI Prepaid calling D card (‘Prepaid Card)with an initial dollar denomination of $10.Domestic Usage (interstate and intrastate)will be decremented at a rate of $0.10 per minute.Calls accessed via directory assistance will be subject to standard tariffed surcharges for those services as set forth in this tariff.Customers subscribing to this plan are limited to one Prepaid Card per customer account.‘H(0) The value of Prepaid Cards is valid until the later of i)18 months after the date of activation of customers Prepaid Card,or ii)18 months after customer recharges the Prepaid Card.An undiscountable $0.26 per call charge is applicable to calls that originate from a payphone used to access service as provided for in this plan.Calls accessed via directory assistance will be subject to standard rates and charges for that service as set forth in this tariff. (D) () ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG 2 3 2016 New cards will not be available on or after April 17,2012,and recharge requests on existing cards will not N be processed after that date.N Issued Date:04/06/12 Effective:04/17/12 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services, lnc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 1st Revised Page 233.56.1 Cancels Original Page 233.56.1 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.2 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .97 Ootion DO (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.1 ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. .- --? ldaho Public Utilities Commissh i Office of the Secretary I ACCEPTED FOR FILING 1 SEP 1 - 2008 i 4 .... I Issued Date: 8/22/08 ttfect~ve: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Mich.igan Avenue Suite 1 100 Ch~cago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 1 st Revised Page 233.56.2 Cancels Original Page 233.56.2 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 .97 Option DO (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) Drr ldaho Public Utilities Commissien Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 I 3 Boise, Idab \ I i ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. -- .- ;a -- j Issued Date: 8/ZZT(T8 tttectlve: 91110g Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 11 00 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 I st Revised Page 233.56.3 Cancels Original Page 233.56.3 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 .97 O~tion DO (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) ldaho Public Utiiities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 4 Boise, idah0 ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. < - -J lssued Date: 8/22/08 ttfectrve: 911m Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1 100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 1st Revised Page 233.56.4 Cancels Original Page 233.56.4 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.1 .97 Ootion DO (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.1 ldaho Public Utilities Cammissial . Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 2 i wi, Idaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. 1 I -,- Issued Date: 8/22/08 tttectrve: 9lllDB Shannon L. Brown ' Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 1st Revised Page 233.56.5 Cancels Original Page 233.56.5 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (CONT.) .97 Option DO (Reserved for Future Use) (Cont.) Idlho Public Utilities Commissisa , Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING I Boise, Idaho I 1 ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. 1 .!- .J Issued Date: 8- tttective: 911 hX! Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 3rd Revised Page 23357 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 233.57 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3,METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.98 Option DP (Verizon Prepaid Phone Cards)1 T Verizon Prepaid Phone Cards represent a prepaid calling card service that allows consumers to acquire and use cards to originate outbound direct dial calls via Company-provided 800 numbers.Verizon Prepaid Phone Cards can be used for both interstate and intrastate (intraLATA and interLATA)calls and are classified as either MCI Branded Phone Cards,or Verizon Branded Phone Cards,or cards co branded with a third party (typically a distributor)(hereinafter “Verizon Branded Phone Cards”)where the calling service is provided by MCI Communications Services,Inc.(MCI”). There are two methods of providing Verizon Prepaid Phone Card services to consumers,as follows: -Physical format which includes a preprinted phone number and a Personal Identification Number, hereinafter referred to as a “PIN”,delivered on a plastic card typically measuring 3-1/2”x 2-1/4”;or, -Virtual format,which is delivered as a PIN printed on a cash register receipt when purchased at a retail location,or delivered as a PIN when purchased via the World Wide Web. Consumers can purchase Verizon Prepaid Phone Cards as follows: -Verizon Branded Phone Cards directly from distributors. -Verizon Branded Phone Cards via the World Wide Web or via a toll-free telephone number. When sold through a distributor,prices for Verizon Branded Phone Cards and recharge minutes are established by the distributor.When sold by the Company,prices for Verizon Branded Phone Cards recharge minutes are established by the Company. This tariff provides terms and conditions applicable to in-state calls made using Verizon Prepaid Phone Cards.The terms and conditions set forth herein for such calls made with Verizon Prepaid Phone Cards supplements the terms and conditions applicable to the sale and use of such cards as set forth in the Consumer Service Agreement located at http://prepaid.Verizon.com/ecommerce/service_agreement.jsp. 1.Card Values Verizon Prepaid Phone Cards are available under two options,the Minute/Unit based cards and the Dollar based cards,as follows: .01 Minute/Unit based cards display the initial number of minutes/units available for interstate calls to the card user at the time of card purchase.Minute/Unit based cards deduct the applicable charge for a call or other service in minutes/units. .02 Dollar based cards display the initial dollar value of the card and a per minute rate for interstate calls,or the initial number of minutes available for interstate calls at the time of purchase.Dollar based cards deduct the applicable charge for a call or other service in dollars and cents. Ar New cards will not be available on or after April 17,2012,and recharge requests on existing cards will not N be processed after that date.N Issued Date:04/06/12 Effective:04/17/12 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 3rd Revised Page 233.58 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 233.58 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3. METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.1 3.98 Option DP (Verizon Prepaid Phone Cards)' (Cont.) T 2. Features Operator Assistance and Customer Service: Operator Assistance for call dialing is available as specified on some cards, at no charge to the consumer. Customer service is available on all cards at no charge to the consumer. Directory Assistance: Domestic Directory Assistance is available through the Verizon Prepaid Phone Card. Directory Assistance requests will have a maximum char e of not greater than 28 interstate minuteslunits for Minutelunit based cards or $1.50 for Dollar % ased cards per call. Consumers may request up to two listings per call. The Directory Assistance charge will be announced to the caller prior to connect~ng the call. Enhanced Directorv Service: Golden Retriever, an Enhanced Directory Service, is available through Verizon Prepaid Phone Cards and provides consumers with instant access to information including weather, reverse phone number look-up, phone number look-up and category search. Consumers may request up to three pieces of information per call to Enhanced Directory Service. Each such call is charged at a flat rate and is not subject to a per minute rate. The maximum charge for Golden Retriever is $1.50 per call on dollar based cards and 30 interstate minuteslunits on MinutelUnit based cards. 3. Rates and Charaes: Verizon Prepaid Phone Cards are provided in various minutelunit and dollar based denominations by MCI or through its distributors with a stated interstate per minutelunit value not to exceed $0.35 One unit equals one minute (or fraction thereof) of interstate calling. For completed in-state calls using a Verizon Prepaid Phone Card, the value of a Verizon Prepaid Phone Card may be decremented up to 8 times the interstate minutelunit value described above. The value of each in-state m~nutelunit equals 8 times the current interstate minutelunit value as described in this service. Other charges or surcharges may apply to card use. Partial minutes used are billed as full minutes. Certain Verizon Branded Dollar based phone cards have a maximum per minute interstate rate of $0.35 plus a surcharge assessed for each completed call. Those cards and their associated surcharge are listed below: Card Name Verizon New Penny Pincher: Wholesale Domestlc Surcharge C: w $0.50 Domestic Surcharge A: $0 79 3.9 cent Express' $0.49 OCP #8 New Televla: $0 65 $0 75 rdaho hbni-, tt*ii": g;~i-lmissipa Vending Express' {2ffi,-.~ ~f tp- ;c,-ti-~d"v fipo"-""-f: *u:dci*; ,- $- Ff+"Td " ' " * * > P-iz__lhJG 1 New cards will not be available on or after April 17, 2012, and recharge requests on existing cards will not N be processed after that date. N Issued Date: 0411 611 2 tffectlve: 0412611 2 Edwin Reese Tariff Admlnlstrator 1300 1 Street NW Suite 400w Washington, CJC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 1st Revised Page 233.58.1 Cancels Original Page 233.58.1 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.98 Option DP (Verizon Prepaid Phone Cards)1 (Cont.)T 4.Recharging Verizon Prepaid Phone Cards are rechargeable,meaning that additional value may be added to a card,subject to a maximum allowed value per card,unless the card has expired or as otherwise expressly stated on the card,card packaging,or in the Service Agreement.Such additional minutes/units will be charged at the prevailing per minute/unit rate as of the date of recharging.A minimum of ten dollars ($1 0.00)and up to a specified maximum amount may be added to the card per each recharge. In addition to the foregoing,rechargeable cards are also subject to the following terms and conditions: .01 Upon recharge,a recharge fee of up to a maximum of fifteen percent (15%)of the recharge value may be assessed. .02 Recharge may be accomplished in any of the following manners: .021 By direct payment at selected distributors’locations. .022 By credit or debit card using the toll free access number printed on the card and following the audio prompts. .023 By registering the card for “auto-recharge,”an expedited recharge process that alerts the consumer when their calling card balance falls below a certain level and offers the option of an automatic recharge in the same dollar amount of the customer’s previous recharge. Recharge methods and availability may be based on distributor’s preference.Recharge minutes/units or dollars of service purchased via the toll free access number or through auto- recharge must be paid for with a verified valid credit or debit card. 5.Exclusions Verizon Prepaid Phone Cards cannot be used for calls to 700-,900-,or 976 services or for certain operator assisted,third party billed or collect calls.Any unused balance on a Verizon Prepaid Phone Card cannot be transferred to or combined with one or more other Verizon Prepaid Phone Cards. 6.Availability of Service There are no time of day or day of year restrictions for use of Verizon Prepaid Phone Cards. k1 Commssior, FILING New cards will not be available on or after April 17,2012,and recharge requests on existing cards will not N be processed after that date.N Jsued Date:04/06/12 Effective:04/17/12 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 1st Revised Page 233.58.2 Cancels Original Page 233.58.2 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.1 3. METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.98 Option DP (Verizon Prepaid Phone cards)' (Cont.) 7. Reaulations Use of Verizon Prepaid Phone Cards is available by calling the Company toll free number printed on the card. A completed call may only be char ed to a Verizon Prepaid Phone Card that has a balance sufficient to cover the charges assessed for 7 he call. The Verizon Prepaid Phone Card balance will be reduced by the appropriate minuteslunits or dollars charged for the completed call. After the number of the called party is dialed, but before the call is completed, the available balance of talk time based upon the telephone number of the called party will be announced to the caller. A Verizon Prepaid Phone Card call will be interrupted with an announcement when the available balance on the card drops to one minutelunit, based on the originatinglterminating phone numbers of the call. Once the balance on the card is insufficient to continue, the call will termmate. Credit allowances for interruptions: MCI will credit one minutelunit on a consumer's Verizon Prepaid Phone Card in the event of poor call transmission or call cut off caused by MCI. To receive a credit, the consumer must promptly notif MCI Customer Service of the service problem by calling the Customer Service number printe J on the card. Credit will not be iven when interruptions are caused B f! b the failure of s stems not provided by MCI, by the failure of ot er MCI services connected to the Vy erizon Prepaid hone Card, for wrong telephone numbers or other causes outside the control of MCI. Activated Verizon Prepaid Phone Cards are non-refundable. Once activated, and subject to applicable terms and condition, a Verizon Prepaid Phone Card may be used to originate direct d~aled calls until the available card balance is depleted or the card expires, whichever first occurs. Card expiration dates will be specified on the card or the card packaging. 8. Other Conditions of Service: .O1 The U.S. Public Pa phone Surcharge applies when a Verizon Prepaid Phone Card is used to place a call from a 1 .S. public or semi-public payphone. .02 State Universal Service Char e: The Company may, at its option, apply the State Universal Service Charge at point of sa f e. 1 New cards will not be available on or after April 17, 2012, and recharge requests on existing cards will not N be processed after that date. N Issued Date: 0411 611 2 Effective: 0412611 2 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator %d&6 P~blic ki'M;tles COQWISS~M 1300 1 Street NW, Suite 400w atpc~ OI:I~~ ;2~~c"-i c: :b2 $-F+ ~ ~ ~ ~ - 9 ~ ~ -;, - * e Washington, DC 20005 &-$-u ,-;6, :-ak%P4G kPR 2 6 22082 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 2nd Revised Page 233.59 Cancels 1st Revised Page 233.59 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cant.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.99 (Option DQ)TUSA TalkSmarter Block-of-Time 5001 TUSA TalkSmarter 500 is an outbound and inbound service designed primarily for residential customers.TUSA TalkSmarter 500 includes a block of time structure with a flat rate structure for Dial 1 calls made outside the block-of-time allotment (D) No term plan options will apply to this service.All intrastate Dial-i calls will have a 60 second rounding.If the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent,the fraction is rounded down to the nearest whole cent.A monthly charge will apply to this service. Monthly Account Fees:Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly recurring charge, as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci service agreement/res domestic services previous plans.jsp, except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for local toll service only will be charged a monthly recurring charge of $15.00. Access Methods and Charges: a)Dial-i Access:TUSA TalkSmarter Block-of-Time 500 can be used for Dial-i access. Customers will receive an allotment of up to 500 minutes per monthly period that may be used for interstate and intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial-i usage.TUSA TalkSmarter Block-of-Time 500 customers will be charged the following rates for each minute of usage over the allotment.Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Intrastate (InterLATA &IntraLATA)per minute charge:$0.03 b)[Reserved For Future Use.](D) c)[Reserved For Future Use.1 () d)Directory Assistance/Directory Assistance Call Completion: A customer may obtain Directory Assistance in determining telephone numbers by calling the Directory Assistance operator.One request may be made on each directory assistance call.The Directory Assistance charge applies to each call regardless of whether or not the Directory Assistance operator is able to furnish the requested telephone number.Customers may request the Directory Assistance operator to complete a call to the last number requested on that particular Directory Assistance call. The customer will be charge a usage rate in accordance with the Company Local Exchange Service to which the customer is presubscribed for completed calls. Directory Assistance $1.99 Directory Assistance Call Completion Per Call Charge:$0.35 Effective June i,2008,TUSA TalkSmarter Block-of-Time 500 is no longer available to new customers and existing customers of this service are no longer able to move,add to,or make changes to their service. Issued Date Oi/i3/i6 e ffective 01/23/i6 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator ACO —1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 dlbla Verizon Business Services 3rd Revised Page 233.60 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 233.60 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.99 (Option DQ)TUSA TalkSmarter Block-of-Time 5001 (Cont’d) e)Operator Assistance 2.Operator Services are outbound services allowing the customers (N) to originate calls via local exchange carrier facilities,or by using a Company or Local Exchange Carrier calling card.All Operator Services calls are subjected to a one minute initial increment with additional one minute increments.When a call is subject to more than one service charge,only the highest service charge applies. Per Minute Rates Mileage Business Day Evening Night/weekend Band 1st add’l 1st add’l 1st add’l 0-10 $0.23 $0.23 $0.20 $0.20 $0.16 $0.16 11-22 $0.30 $0.26 $0.24 $0.22 $0.18 $0.18 23-55 $0.39 $0.34 $0.32 $0.27 $0.26 $0.21 56-124 $0.46 $0.41 $0.37 $0.31 $0.30 $0.26 125-292 $0.49 $0.44 $0.42 $0.37 $0.33 $0.31 293+$0.52 $0.47 $0.44 $0.40 $0.36 $0.33 Surcharge -The following surcharges apply with a one time per-call placement charge added to the initial minute of each MCI Operator Service call. Per Call Surcharge 3rd Party:$2.25 1st Party Station-to-Station:$2.25 1st Party Person-to-Person:$3.90 Station-to-Station Collect:$2.25 Person-to-Person Collect:$3.90 LEC/Commercial Calling Card:$0.80 Operator Dialed:$1.00 Idaho Pubhc iJiities Commission 0ffc c te S’cr€ry 4f’m 8is, Effective June 1,2008,TUSA TalkSmarter Block-of-Time 500 is no longer available to new customers and existing customers of this service are no longer able to move,add to,or make changes to their service.2 Effective on or after August 8,2016,MCI Communications Services,Inc.will no longer offer Person-to- Person,3rd Number Billing,or Collect Call operator services throughout the United States to customers that MCI serves as an interexchange carrier or facility-based local carrier. Issued Date:7/22/16 Effective:8/08/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW.,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 3rd Revised Page 233.61 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 233.61 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.100 (Option DR)TUSATalkSmarter USA1 TUSA TalkSmarter USA is an outbound and inbound service designed primarily for residential customers.TUSA TalkSmarter USA includes a flat rate structure for Dial 1 (D) service.No term plan options will apply to this service.All intrastate Dial-i calls will have 60 second rounding for the first minute and 6 second for each additional minute.() A monthly charge will apply to this service.Monthly Account () Fees:Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged a $4.95 monthly recurring charge. Access Methods and Charges: a)Dial-i Access:TUSA TalkSmarter USA can be used for Dial-i access.Customers will be charged the following rates for intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)dial-i usage. Customers may place these calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Intrastate (InterLATA &IntraLATA) per minute charge:$0.05 b)[Reserved For Future Use.](D) c)[Reserved For Future Use.] d)Directory Assistance/Directory Assistance Call Completion:A customer may obtain Directory Assistance in determining telephone numbers by calling the Directory Assistance operator.One request may be made on each directory assistance call.The Directory Assistance charge applies to each call regardless of whether or not the Directory Assistance operator is able to furnish the requested telephone number. Customers may request the Directory Assistance operator to complete a call to the last number requested on that particular Directory Assistance call.The customer will be charge a usage rate in accordance with the Company Local Exchange Service to which the customer is presubscribed for completed calls. Directory Assistance $1 .99 Directory Assistance Call Completion Per Call Charge:$0.35 1Effective June 1,2008,TUSA TalkSmarter USA is no longer available to new customers and existing customers of this service are no longer able to move,add to,or make changes to their service. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/bla Verizon Business Services 2nd Revised Page 233.62 Cancels 1st Revised Page 233.62 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.101 (Option DS)10-10-321 (N) MCI will offer the following plan to customers who access (MCI)service by dialing the access I number 10-10-321.Calls will be rounded to up to the next full minute.When application of the usage rates results in a fraction of a cent,the call will be rounded down to the nearest whole cent.Calls beginning in one rate period and ending in another rate period will be billed the rate in effect for each period in which the call applies.Customers will receive the following rates for interlata and intralata calls.This product was previously provided by Teleconnect Long Distance Services and Systems Company. Interlata I Day Evening Night/Weekend I Initial Add’l Initial Add’l Initial Add’l I 0-10 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 I 11-22 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 I 23-55 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 I56-124 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 125-292 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 293+$0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 Intralata I Day Evening Night/Weekend I Initial Add Initial Add’I Inftial Addi I 0-10 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 I 11-22 $03000 $03000 $03000 $0.3000 $03000 $03000 I23-55 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 56-124 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 125-292 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 293+$0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 $0.3000 (N) ACCD ORHLfNG 15 2014 Base.Idaho Issued Date:10/30/14 Effective:11/15/14 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 3rd Revised Page 233.63 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 233.63 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE (Cont.) 3.102 (Option DT)10-10-220 (N) The Company will offer the following plan for customers who access company service by dialing the Company designated Carrier Identification Code (CIC),10-10-220.The customer will be charged $1.50 for the first 10 minutes (or any portion thereof)of usage per call and $25 per minute for each minute of usage thereafter.This product was previously provided by Teleconnect Long Distance Services and Systems Company. 3.103 (Option DU)10-10-987 Calling I 10-10-987 Calling:is an outbound service that allows customers to originate intrastate I (interLATA and intraLATA)calls via local exchange carrier access facilities.This product was I previously provided by Teleconnect Long Distance Services and Systems Company.I Rates:Customers who access MCI services by dialing Company carrier identification code I (CIC)10-10-987 will be charged i)a per-call surcharge of $0.83 and ii)$0.06 per minute for each minute of intrastate (interLATA and intraLATA)usage,excluding calls to Operator I Services and Directory Assistance.I (N) ACc1E:TEDFc NG B&se,daha Issued Date:10/30/14 Effective:11/15/14 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc Idaho Price List No.1 dibla Verizon Business Services Qriginal Page 233 64 A’C-SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE 3.104 Option DVMinutePass Phone Cards12 (N) MinutePass Phone Cards is a prepaid calling card service that allows consumers to use cards I to originate outbound direct dial calls via MCI provided 800 numbers.MinutePass Phone Cards can be used for both interstate and intrastate (intraLATA and interLATA)calls and are classified as MinutePass Branded Phone Cards where the calling service is provided by MCI (hereinafter “MinutePass Branded Phone Cards”).This product was previously provided by Teleconnect Long Distance Services and Systems Company as Telecom*USA Phone Cards. There are two methods of providing MinutePass Branded Phone Card services to consumers as follows: -Physical format which includes a preprinted phone number and a Personal Identification Number,hereinafter referred to as a “PIN”,delivered on a plastic card typically measuring 3-1/2”x 2-1/4’;or, -Virtual format,which is delivered as a PIN when purchased via the World Wide Web.I Prices for MinutePass Branded Phone Cards are established by MCI.I This tariff provides terms and conditions applicable to in-state calls made using MinutePass I Branded Phone Cards.The terms and conditions set forth herein for such calls made with I MinutePass Branded Phone Cards supplements the terms and conditions applicable to the sale and use of such cards as set forth in the Service Agreement located at http://www.minutepass.com/ServiceAgreement.asp.I 1.Card Values IMinutePassBrandedPhoneCardareavailableasDollarbasedcards,and display the initial dollar value of the card and a per minute rate for interstate calls.I 2.Features Operator Assistance and Customer Service:Operator Assistance for call dialing is I available at no charge to the consumer.Customer service is available on all cards at I no charge to the consumer. Directory Assistance:Domestic Directory Assistance is available through the I MinutePass Branded Phone Card.Directory Assistance requests will have a maximum I charge of not greater than $1.50 per call.Consumers may request up to two listings I per call.The Directory Assistance charge will be announced to the caller prior to I connecting the call. Enhanced Directory Service:Golden Retriever,an Enhanced Directory Service,is available through MinutePass Branded Phone Cards and provides consumers with instant access to information including weather,reverse phone number look-up,phone number look-up and category search.Consumers may request up to three pieces of information per call to Enhanced Directory Service.Each such call is charged at a flat rate and is not subject to a per minute rate.The maximum charge for Golden Retriever is $1.50 per call. Effective 5/1/11,this service is no longer available to new customers. 2 New cards are not available on or after April 17,2012,and recharge requests on existing cards will not be processed after that date.(N) Issued Date:10/30/14 Effective:11/15/14 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services Original Page 233.65 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 3.METERED USE SERVICE 3.104 Option DV(MinutePass Phone Cards)1 2 (Cont) 3.Rates and Charges I MinutePass Branded Prepaid Phone Cards are provided in various dollar based I denominations by MCI with a stated interstate per minute value not to exceed $0.35. For completed in-state calls using a MinutePass Branded Phone Card,the value of a I MinutePass Branded Phone Card may be decremented up to 8 times the interstate minute described above.The value of each in-state minute equals 8 times the current I interstate minute value as described in this service.Other charges or surcharges may I apply to card use.Partial minutes used are billed as full minutes.I 4.Exclusions I MinutePass Branded Phone Cards cannot be used for calls to 700-,900-,or 976 services or for certain operator assisted,third party billed or collect calls.Any unused balance on a MinutePass Branded Phone Card cannot be transferred to or combined with one or more other MinutePass Branded Phone Cards.I 5.Availability of Service I There are no time of day or day of year restrictions for use of MinutePass Branded I Phone Cards.I Idaho Pubhc Utilities Co.mmis•afl Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG I Effective 5/1/11,this service is no longer available to new customers. 2 New cards are not available on or after April 17,2012,and recharge requests on existing cards will not i be processed after that date.I (N) Issued Date:10/30/14 Effective:11/15/14 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 dibla Verizon Business Services Original Page 233.66 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) I srrnsso, 3.METERED USE SERVICE 3.104 Option DV(MinutePass Phone Cards)1’2 (Cont)LG (N) 7.Regulations Use of MinutePass Branded Phone Cards is available by calling the MinutePass toll free number printed on the card.I A completed call may only be charged to a MinutePass Branded Phone Card that has a balance sufficient to cover the charges assessed for the call.The MinutePass I Branded Phone Card balance will be reduced by the appropriate minutes or dollars charged for the completed call.I After the number of the called party is dialed,but before the call is completed,the available balance of talk time based upon the telephone number of the called party will be announced to the caller.A MinutePass Branded Phone Card call will be interrupted with an announcement when the available balance on the card drops to one minute, based on the originating/terminating phone numbers of the call.Once the balance on the card is insufficient to continue,the call will terminate. Cedit allowances for interruptions:MinutePass Branded Phone Cards will credit one I minute on a consumer’s MinutePass Branded Phone Card in the event of poor call I transmission or call cut off caused by MCI .To receive a credit,the consumer must I promptly notify MinutePass Customer Service of the service problem by calling the Customer Service number printed on the card.Credit will not be given when I interruptions are caused by the failure of systems not provided by MCI,by the failure I of other MCI services connected to the MinutePass Branded Phone Card,for wrong I telephone numbers or other causes outside the control of MCI. Activated MinutePass Branded Phone Cards are non-refundable.Once activated,and subject to applicable terms and condition,a MinutePass Branded Phone Card may be used to originate direct dialed calls until the available card balance is depleted or the card expires,whichever first occurs.Card expiration dates will be specified on the card or the card packaging. 8.Other Conditions of Service .01 The U.S.Public Payphone Surcharge applies when a MinutePass Branded I Phone Card is used to place a call from a U.S.public or semi-public I payphone.I .02 State Universal Service Charge:MCI may,at its option,apply the State I Universal Service Charge at time of sale.I Effective 5/1/11,this service will no longer available to new customers. 2 New cards will not be available on or after April 17,2012,and recharge requests on existing cards will not be processed after that date.(N) Issued Date:10/30/14 Effective:11/15/14 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/bla Verizon Business Services 1st Revised Page 234 Cancels Original Page 234 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONSAND RATES (CONT.) 4.COMPANY SERVICES FORMERLY OFFERED BY TTI NATIONAL,INC.T/N Long distance service underthis tariff formerly offeredby TTI National,Inc.(TTI)is no longer offeredto new customers as of June 1,2006.Customers subscribed to long distance service formerlyofferedby TTI as of October 13,2006,are not able to move,add to, or make changes to their service. 4.1 Availability of ServiceCarrieroffersresoldinterexchange telecommunications service to any person or company within its service area who desires to be a Customer,subject to the terms and conditions of this tariff. Service is availabletwenty-four(24) hours per day,seven (7)days per week. 4.2 Timinq of Calls 4.2.1 Usage sensitive charges are based on the actual usage of Carrier's network.Such charges are measured in ConversationMinutes.Except where noted,conversationminutes,reflecting usage sensitive charges resulting from use of Service,are billed in increments of six (6)seconds. Following the initial period (minimum billing period),as defined in Section 4.2,all charges are rounded to the next higher six (6)second increment for billing purposes. 4.2.2 Chargeabletime for Customer shall begin when the called party answers,as determined by hardware answer supervision,providedthat such capabilities are availablefrom the local telephonecompany.If hardwareanswer supervision is not available,then Carrierwill employ software answer supervision,and up to sixty (60)seconds of ringing will be allowed before billing.Chargeabletime for a call shall end upon disconnection by either party. 4.2.3 The initial period (minimum call duration)for billing purposes varies by service.Unless otherwise noted,the initial period for all services is six (6)seconds. 4.2.4 Unless otherwise specified in this tariff,usage for billing purposes is measured and rounded to the next highersix (6)second increment afterthe initial period. 4.2.5 No charges apply for incomplete calls.If Customer believesit has been incorrectly billed for an incomplete call,Carrier shall, upon notification,investigate the circumstances ofthe call and issue a credit when appropriate. 4.3 Service Offeringsand Rates and Charges 4.3.1 Dial Access Business Service Dial Access Business Service is a time-of-dayoutbound long distance service offeredto business Customers.Dial Access Business Service Customers utilize feature group D access. Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intraLATA service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Usage Sensitive Charges ($Per Increment of Seconds): Day Day Non-Day Non-Day First 6 Add'l 6 First 6 Add'l 6 0.0891 0.0297 0.0714 0.0238 ALL MATERIALON THIS PAGE IS NEW. Issued Date:10/20/17 Effective:11/1/17 Edwin Reese Idaho Pubile Ut!!itles CoramissionTariffAdministratorOfficeoftheSecretary1300IStreet NW.,Suite 400w ACCEPTED FOR FILINGWashington,DC 20005 NOV I -209 Bolse.Idaho MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/bla Verizon Business Services 1st Revised Page 235 Cancels Original Page 235 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONSAND RATES (CONT.) 4.COMPANY SERVICES FORMERLY OFFERED BY TTI NATIONAL,INC.(CONT.)T/N 4.3 Service Offeringsand Rates and Charges (Cont.) 4.3.2 Dial Access Business ServicePlus Dial Access Business ServicePlus is an outbound long distance service offeredto business Customers. Dial Access Business Service Customers utilize Feature Group D access. Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic_services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who haveselected the Company for intraLATA service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 Second Increments): Rate Per Minute (All Rate Periods)$0.4377 4.3.3 Dial Access Business Service CarrierSpecific Dial Access Business Service CarrierSpecific is an outbound long distance service using a specified underlying carrier. Dial Access Business Service CarrierSpecific -WilTel Service A Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intraLATA service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 Second Increments): Rate Per Minute Peak:$0.4081 Off Peak: $0.4081 Dial Access Business Service CarrierSpecific -WilTel Service B Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intraLATA service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 Second Increments): Rate Per Minute Peak:$0.3505 Off Peak:$0.3505 Dial Access Business Service CarrierSpecific -WilTel Service C Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intraLATA service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 Second Increments): Rate Per Minute Peak:$0.4252 Off Peak:$0.4252 ALL MATERIALON THIS PAGE IS NEW. Issued Date:10/20/17 Idaho Public Utlilias ÑѾn11/1/17 Edwin Reese Offica of the Secreta 1300 farLAdNmmisatoer400w ACCEPTED FOR F LING Washington,DC 20005 NOV 1 -2017 Bolse,Idaho MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/bla Verizon Business Services 1st Revised Page 236 Cancels Original Page 236 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONSAND RATES (CONT.) 4.COMPANY SERVICES FORMERLY OFFERED BY TTI NATIONAL,INC.(CONT.)TIN 4.3 Service Offeringsand Rates and Charges (Cont.) 4.3.3 Dial Access Business Service Carrier Specific (Cont.) Dial Access Business Service CarrierSpecific -IXCService A Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intraLATA service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 Second increments): Rate Per Minute (all rate periods)$0.3079 Dial Access Business Service CarrierSpecific -IXCService B Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 Second Increments): Rate Per Minute (all rate periods)$0.2645 Dial Access Business Service CarrierSpecific -IXC Service C Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 Second increments): Rate Per Minute (all rate periods)$0.3208 4.3.4 Dedicated Access Business Service Dedicated Access Business Service is an outboundlong distance serviceofferedto business Customers. Dedicated Access Business Customers utilize dedicated Access Lines. Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intraLATA service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 Second Increments); Rate Per Minute (All Rate Periods)$0.1410 ALL MATERIALON THIS PAGE IS NEW. Issued Date:10/20/17 AIMio PUnho Unma '§¾:11/1/17 Edwin Reese NON/*TN TariffAdministrator ACCEPTEE FC .FL 90 1300 |Street NW.,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 NOV 1 -209 Bolse,Idaho MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/bla Verizon Business Services 1st Revised Page 237 Cancels Original Page 237 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONSAND RATES (CONT.) 4.COMPANY SERVICES FORMERLY OFFERED BY TTI NATIONAL,INC.(CONT.)T/N 4.3 Service Offeringsand Rates and Charges (Cont.) 4.3.5 Dedicated Access Business Service CarrierSpecific Dedicated Access Business Service is an outbound long distance serviceprovidedthrough a specific carrierthat is offeredto business Customers.Dedicated Access Business Service Customers utilize dedicated Access Lines.Dedicated Access Business Service Carrier Specific is an outboundlong distance service using a specified underlying carrier. Dedicated Access Business Service CarrierSpecific -WilTel Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http:llconsumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intraLATA service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 Second Increments): Rates Per Minute Peak:$0.1976 Off Peak:$0.1780 4.3.6 Dial Access 800 Service Dial Access 800 Service is an inbound long distance serviceofferedto business Customers. Dial Access 800 Service calls are terminated over the Customer's local telephonelines. Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intraLATA service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 Second Increments): Rate Per Minute (All Rate Periods)$0.3025 Non-UsageSensitive Charges: Per 800 Number Per Month $2.00 4.3.7 Dial Access 800 Service CarrierSpecific Dial Access 800 Service is an inbound long distance service offeredto business Customers. Dial Access 800 Servicecalls are terminated over the Customer's local telephonelines.Dial Access 800 ServiceCarrier Specific is a long distance service using a specified underlying carrier. Dial Access 800 Business Service CarrierSpecific -IXC ServiceA Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intralata service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 Second increments): Rate Per Minute (all rate periods)$0.3194 Per 800 NumberPer Month $2.00 ALL MATERIALON THIS PAGE IS NEW. Issued Date:10/20/17 Effective:11/1/17 Edwin Reese Idaho Po lic UtüiNT Con:missionTariffAdministratorOkofthecoreta 1300 |Street NW.,Suite 400w ACCEPTED F UNGWashington,DC 20005 NOV I -209 Bolse,idaho MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/bla Verizon Business Services ist Revised Page 238 Cancels Original Page 238 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONSAND RATES (CONT.) 4.COMPANY SERVICES FORMERLY OFFERED BY TTI NATIONAL,INC.(CONT.)T/N 4.3 Service Offeringsand Rates and Charges (Cont.) 4.3.7 Dial Access 800 ServiceCarrierSpecific (Cont.) Dial Access 800 Business Service CarrierSpecific -IXC ServiceB Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intraLATA service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 Second Increments): Rate Per Minute (all rate periods)$0.2810 Per 800 NumberPer Month $2.00 Dial Access 800 Business Service CarrierSpecific -WilTel A Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intraLATA service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 Second Increments): Rate Per Minute Peak:$0.4081 Off Peak: $0.4081 Per 800 NumberPer Month $2.00 Dial Access 800 Business Service CarrierSpecific -WilTel B Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intraLATA service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 Second Increments): Rate Per Minute Peak:$0.3505 Off Peak:0.3505 Per 800 NumberPer Month $2.00 Dial Access 800 Business Service CarrierSpecific -WilTel C Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intraLATA service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 Second Increments): Rate Per Minute Peak:$0.4252 Off Peak:$0.4252 Per 800 NumberPer Month $2.00 ALL MATERIALON THIS PAGE IS NEW. Issued Date:10/20/17 Effective:11/1/17 Edwin ReeseTariffAdministrator Idaho Public Utilities Commission 1300 I Street NW.,Suite 400w Office of the Secretary Washington,DC 20005 ACCEPTED FOR LING NOV 1 -209 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/bla Verizon Business Services 1st Revised Page 239 Cancels Original Page 239 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONSAND RATES (CONT.) 4.COMPANY SERVICES FORMERLY OFFERED BY TTI NATIONAL,INC.(CONT.)T/N 4.3 Service Offeringsand Rates and Charges (Cont.) 4.3.8 Dedicated Access 800 Service Dedicated Access 800 Service is an inbound long distance service offeredto business Customers.Dedicated Access 800 Service calls are terminated over dedicated Access lines. Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge, as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic_services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who haveselected the Company for intraLATA service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 Second Increments): Rate Per Minute (All Rate Periods)$0.1410Non-UsageSensitive Charges: Per 800 NumberPer Month $2.00 4.3.9 Dedicated Access 800 Service Carrier Specific Dedicated Access 800 Service is an inbound long distance service offeredto business Customers.Dedicated Access 800 Service calls are terminated over dedicated Access Lines. Dial Access Business Service CarrierSpecific is a long distance service using a specified underlying carrier. Dedicated Access 800 CarrierSpecific Service -WilTel Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intraLATA service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 Second Increments): Rate Per Minute Peak:$0.1976 Off Peak:$0.1780 Per 800 NumberPer Month $2.00 ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE IS NEW. Issued Date:10/20/17 cliyg:11/1/17 Edwin Reese E3 9 Utilitia3 Commisslon TariffAdministrator Oi ,2 of the Secretary 1300 I Street NW.,Suite 400w ACCEPTED FOR FILINGWashington,DC 20005 NOV I -209 Bolse,Idaho MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/bla Verizon Business Services Original Page 239.1 SECTION C -SERVlCE DESCRIPTIONSAND RATES (CONT.) 4.COMPANY SERVICES FORMERLY OFFERED BY TTI NATIONAL,INC.(CONT.) 4.3 Service Offeringsand Rates and Charges (Cont.) 4.3.10 Combined Business Callinq Plan Service Combined Business Calling Plan Service is an outbound,inbound (800)and travel card service.The Combined Business Calling Plan contains two options:Option A is geared towards residential and small business customers and Option B is geared towards medium- sized business customers. ConversationMinutes for Combined Business Calling Plan Switched Access Service are billed in eighteen (18)second initial increments and are rounded to the next higher six (6)second increment thereafter.ConversationMinutes for Combined business calling Plan Dedicated Access Services are billed in six (6)second initial increments and are rounded to the next higher six (6)second increment thereafter(except dedicated inbound (800)product calls are billed in thirty (30)second initial increments).Combined Business Calling Plan TravelCard Service is billed at an initial sixty (60)second increment and rounded to the next higher six (6) second increment thereafter. Options:Customers subscribed to these options must pay a monthly minimum usage charge, as specified in http:llconsumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic_services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to these options and who have selected the Companyfor intraLATAservice only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Option A -Base Rates Switched Dedicated Outbound $0.2028 $0.1141 Inbound (800)$0.2028 $0.1141 Option B -Base Rates Switched Dedicated Outbound $0.2231 $0.1256 Inbound (800)$0.2231 $0.1256 4.3.11 Business Benefit Service' Business Benefit Service offers a unified service for single or multi-location Customers using switched and toll-free (in WATS)termination.The Business Benefit package includes the availability of outboundand inbound (toll-free). Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intraLATA service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Rate Per Minute Switched Outbound and Inbound $0.3380IntraLATA$0.3380 ALL MATERIALON THIS PAGE IS NEW. 1Effective March 22,2001 this feature is no longer availableto new subscribers. Issued Date:10/20/17 Effective:11/1/17 Edwin Reese Idaho Public Utilities Coramiss!cn Tariff Administrator Office of the Secreta 1300 |Street NW.,Suite 400w ACCEPTED FOR FÌLINGWashington,DC 20005 NOV 1 -209 Bolse,Idaho MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/bla Verizon Business Services Original Page 239.2 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONSAND RATES (CONT.) 4.COMPANY SERVICES FORMERLY OFFERED BY TTI NATIONAL,INC.(CONT.) 4.3 Service Offeringsand Rates and Charges (Cont.) 4.3.11 Business Benefit Service(Cont.) Business Benefit Term PlanTheBusinessBenefitTerm Plan is a term plan,in lieu of all other tariffedterm plans. This plan is only availableto customers subscribing to Business Benefit Service. Customers who subscribe to service via the Business Benefit Term Plan are subject to the followingconditions: Definition ofTerms For purposes of the Business Benefit Term Plan,the following definitions apply. Qualifying Volume is the customer's total usage of the following,after the application of promotional and other discounts:domestic and international inbound;outbound; Card.Charges for the following are not included as Qualifying Volume and are not calculated in satisfaction of the Business Benefit Term Plan volumecommitment: Directory Assistance usage and surcharges:recurring and non-recurringcharges; OperatorAssisted usage and surcharges;monthly recurringand non-recurring charges;and taxes. TermCommitment and Renewal Options:A customer must commit to service for a term of eithermonth-to-month,one or two years.The term of service will commence with the provisioningof service followingthe execution of the Business Benefit Term Plan agreement.A plan will automatically renew for an equivalentterm and volume commitment upon expiration of its term,unless the customer provides written notification to cancel the Business Benefit Term Plan,which must be received by no more than 30 days afterexpiration of the existing term.If the customer cancels the existing term plan within 30 days afterexpiration of the existing term,the customer will receivethe discounts for which the customer qualifies during the 30-day period followingthe expiration of the existing term of service. Volume Commitment:A customer must meet a monthly minimum usage requirementof $25.00 excluding taxes,fees,monthly recurring and non-recurring usage charges. Underutilization Charges:Beginning in the month followingexecution of the Business Benefit Term Plan,if at the end of any monthly period of the term of service,a customer fails to satisfy its monthly volumecommitment,the customer must pay the differencebetween the customer's actual Qualifying Volume usage in that monthly period and the customer's monthly volumecommitment. Cancellation or Discontinuance With Liability:Discontinuance of all servicesfurnishedundertheBusinessBenefitTermPlanpriortotheexpirationofthe committed term of service constitutes discontinuance of the plan and the customer will be billed and required to pay an early termination charge as follows:Customers subscribing underan annual volume commitment will be requiredto pay a charge in an amount equal to (i)the Under-utilization Charge for the monthly period of termination and,(ii)the customer's monthly volume commitment for each month remaining in the annual period of termination. ALL MATERIALON THIS PAGE IS NEW. Issued Date:10/20/17 Edwin Reese Idaho PÑce 1010 salon 1300 AdNminisatoer400w ACCÈËL F LING Washington,DC 20005 NOV I -2017 Bolse,Idaho MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/bla Verizon Business Services Original Page 239.3 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONSAND RATES (CONT.) 4.COMPANY SERVICES FORMERLY OFFERED BY TTI NATIONAL,INC.(CONT.) 4.3 Service Offeringsand Rates and Charges (Cont.) 4.3.11 Business Benefit Service(Cont.) Business Benefit Term Plan (Cont.) Customers will receivethe following per minute rates based upon term commitment: Month-to-Month $0.2704 1 and 2 Year $0.2620 Business Benefit Month to Month Only Term PlanTheBusinessBenefitMonthtoMonthOnlyTerm Plan is a term plan,in lieu of all other tariffedterm plans.This plan is only availableto customer subscribing to Business Benefit Service who can demonstrate to the Company's reasonable satisfaction that 100 percent of the customer's usage which is calculated in satisfaction of the customer's monthly volumecommitment under this Term Plan is usage carried by an interexchange telecommunications carrierother than TTI National prior to the customer's enrollment in this Term Plan.Customers who subscribe to service via the Business Benefit Term Plan are subject to the following conditions: Definition of Terms:For purposes of the Business Benefit Month to Month Only Term Plan,the following definitions apply. Qualifying Volume is the customer's total usage of the following,after the application of promotional and other discounts:domestic and international inbound;outbound; Card.Charges for the following are not included as Qualifying Volume and are not calculated in satisfaction of the Business Benefit Month to Month Only Term Plan volumecommitment:Directory Assistance usage and surcharges:recurring and non-recurringcharges;OperatorAssisted usage and surcharges;monthly recurring and non-recurringcharges;and taxes. Term Commitment and Renewal Options:A customer must commit to service for a term of either month-to-month,one or two years.The term of service will commence with the provisioningof service followingthe execution of the Business Benefit Month to Month Only Term Plan agreement.A plan will automatically renew for an equivalentterm and volumecommitment upon expiration of its term,unless the customer provideswritten notification to cancel the Business Benefit Month to Month Only Term Plan,which must be receivedby no more than 30 days after expiration of the existing term.If the customer cancels the existing term plan within 30 days after expiration of the existing term,the customer will receivethe discounts forwhich the customer qualifies during the 30-day period followingthe expiration of the existing term of service. Volume Commitment:A customer must meet a monthly minimum usage requirementof $25.00 excluding taxes,fees,monthly recurringand non-recurring usage charges. ALL MATERIALON THIS PAGE IS NEW. Issued Date:10/20/17 Edwin Reese Idaho Ë.$cc 1sŠËr don TariffAdministrator Office of thmiscretari 1300 I Street NW.,Suite 400w ACCEPTED FOR FILING Washington,DC 20005 NOV 1 -2017 Bolse,Idaho MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/bla Verizon Business Services Original Page 239.4 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONSAND RATES (CONT.) 4.COMPANY SERVICES FORMERLY OFFERED BY TTI NATIONAL,INC.(CONT.) 4.3 Service Offeringsand Rates and Charges (Cont.) 4.3.11 Business Benefit Service(Cont.) Business Benefit Month to Month Only Term Plan Underutilization Charges:The followingcharges will apply.Beginning in the month followingexecution of the Business Benefit Month to Month Only Term Plan,if at the end of any monthly period of the term of service,a customer fails to satisfy its monthly volume commitment,the customer must pay the differencebetween the customer's actual Qualifying Volume usage in that monthly period and the customer's monthly volumecommitment. Cancellation or Discontinuance With Liability:Discontinuance of all services furnishedunderthe Business Benefit Month to Month Only Term Plan prior to the expiration of the committed term of serviceconstitutes discontinuance of the plan and the customer will be billed and required to pay an early termination charge as follows: Customers subscribing under an annual volumecommitment will be required to pay a charge in an amount equal to (i)the Under-utilization Charge for the monthly period of termination and,(ii)the customer's monthly volumecommitment for each month remaining in the annual period of termination. Rates:Customers will receive the following per minute rates based upon term commitment: Month-to-Month:$0.2080 4.3.12 Dedicated Access Lines Dedicated Access Lines may be required to connect Customer locations to the POP of an underlying carrier.Such dedicated Access Lines,when required,shall be the sole responsibility of Customer.Notwithstanding such responsibility,Carriershall,upon Customer's request,order such dedicated Access Lines from the underlying carrier on behalfof Customer, and shall pass-through to Customer without mark-up all related recurring and non-recurring charges. 4.3.13 Wholesale Affinity Program Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intraLATA service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. The Wholesale Affinity Program is a benefit package which allows individual users who are members of participating business entities to take advantageof the per minute usage rates below.Calls will be billed in six-second increments and rounded to the next higher six-second increment with an eighteen-second per call minimum.All fractional per call charges will be rounded to the nearest whole cent. Outbound and Inbound Switched Voice Service:$0.2028 ALL MATERIALON THIS PAGE IS NEW. Issued Date:10/20/17 Edwin Reese Idaho PUNic in I 110n TariffAdministrator Mce sí a Secretary 1300 |Street NW.,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 NOV 1 -209 Bolse,Idaho MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/bla Verizon Business Services Original Page 239.5 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONSAND RATES (CONT.) 4.COMPANY SERVICES FORMERLY OFFERED BY TTI NATIONAL,INC.(CONT.) 4.3 Service Offeringsand Rates and Charges (Cont.) 4.3.14 Agency ProgramNo.1 Agency Program No.1 offers 1+,dedicated outbound,inbound,and calling card service during all time of day rate periods.Customers may enroll in any one of the following program options: (1)one-yearterm plan for switched access service;(2)one-yearterm plan for dedicated access service;or (3)month-to-month plan for switched access service only. 1+,Dedicated Outbound and Inbound Service:Customers will be charged the following per minute rates for 1+,dedicated outbound,and inbound intraLATAlintrastate calls. Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who haveselected the Company for intraLATA service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Switched Inbound/Outbound InterLATA IntraLATA Month-to-Month:$.2704 $.2704 1-Year:$.2535 $.2535 DedicatedInbound/Outbound 1-Year:$.1453 Term Plans :Term plan customers are subject to the monthly minimums as follows: Switched access:$25 Dedicated access:$1000 Term plan customers are also subject to the following provisions: Underutilization:For each monthly period of a customer's term of service in which a customer's Agency Program No.1 usage charges (including intrastate usage,but not including any other applicable charges imposed by the Company or a third party)fails to equal or exceed the applicable monthly minimum,the customer will be billed and requiredto pay an amount equal to the differencebetween the customer's actual usage and the applicable monthly minimum. Terminationwith Liability:If a customer terminates service prior to the expiration of the customer's term of serviceunder this plan,the customer will be billed and required to pay an amount equal to the applicable monthly minimum for each monthly remaining in the customer's term of service at the time of actual termination.These charges will apply in addition to all incurred usage charges. Billinq Increments:1+,dedicated outbound,and inbound calls will be subject to an 18-second minimum duration.Calls that are more than 18 seconds will be billed in 6-second increments.If the computed charge for a call includes a fraction of a cent,the charge will be rounded to the nearest whole cent. Rates:1+,Dedicated Outbound and Inbound Service:Customers will be charged the following per minute rates for 1+,dedicated outbound,and inbound intraLATAlintrastate calls. Switched Inbound/Outbound Dedicated Inbound/Outbound Month-to-Month:$0.2080 Month-to-Month:$0.1118 1-Year:$0.1950 1-Year:$0.1118 ALL MATERIALON THIS PAGE IS NEW. Issued Date:10/20/17 ff tive:11/1/17 Edwin Reese M Jo Utilities Commissl08 TariffAdministrator Ofäce of the Secreta 1300 I Street NW.,Suite 400w ACCEPTE FeF UNGWashington,DC 20005 NOV 1 -209 Bolse,Idaho MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/bla Verizon Business Services Original Page 239.6 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONSAND RATES (CONT.) 4.COMPANY SERVICES FORMERLY OFFERED BY TTI NATIONAL,INC.(CONT.) 4.3 Service Offeringsand Rates and Charges (Cont.) 4.3.15 New Business Benefit Service New Business Benefit Service offers a unified outbound and inbound service for single or multi- location Customers using switched and/or dedicated access.The New Business Benefit package includes the availability of outbound and inbound (toll free)services. New Business Benefit Switched Outbound Service,Dedicated Outbound Service,Switched Inbound Service,and Dedicated Inbound Services are billed in an eighteen (1 8)second initial increment and is rounded to the next higher six (6)second increment,Switched Inbound Serviceis billed in an eighteen (1 8)second initial increments and is roundedto the next higher six (6)second increment.All fractional per call charges will be rounded to the nearest whole cent. Rates and Charges:Customers will be charged the following per minute usage charges for New Business Benefit Service Switched/Dedicated Outbound and Inbound Service. Options:Customers subscribed to these options must pay a monthly minimum usage charge, as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci service_agreement/res_domestic_services.jsp; except that customers who are subscribed to these options and who haveselected the Companyfor intraLATAservice only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Option 1:Availableto all customers of New Business Benefit Servicesubscribing via Switched Access on a month-to-month basis. InterLATA:$.2620 IntraLATA:$.2620 Option 2:Availableto eligible members of a qualified services affinity group subscribing via Switched Access on a month-to-month basis. InterLATAllntraLATA:$.1859 Option 3:Availableto eligible members of a qualified Direct Sales Affinity Member Group subscribing via Switched Access on a month-to-month basis. InterLATA:$.2620 IntraLATA:$.2620 Option 3a:Availableto eligible members of a qualified Direct Sales Affinity MemberGroup on a month-to-month basis.Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged an additional $3.00 monthly recurring charge. IntraLATA/InterLATA:$0.1859 Option 4:Availableto all customers of New Business Benefit Service subscribing via Dedicated Access who commit to a 1 or 2 year term and a monthly volumeusage commitment of $1,000. InterLATAllntraLATA:$.1453 Option 5:Availableto new and existing residential and business customers of New Business Benefit Service subscribing via Switched Access on a month to month basis that agree to meet a $25.00 minimum monthly usage agreement. InterLATA/IntraLATA:$.0828 ALL MATERIALON THIS PAGE IS NEW. Issued Date:10/20/17 Edwin Reese Idaho P S o$m7Ission TariffAdministrator Office of te Secretary 1300 I Street NW.,Suite 400w ACCEPTED F FILING Washington,DC 20005 NOV 1 -2017 Bolse,Idaho MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/bla Verizon Business Services Original Page 239.7 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONSAND RATES (CONT.) 4.COMPANY SERVICES FORMERLY OFFERED BY TTI NATIONAL,INC.(CONT.) 4.3 Service Offeringsand Rates and Charges (Cont.) 4.3.15 New Business Benefit Service(Cont.) Term Plans: Term/VolumeCommitment:Customers who access New Business Benefit Service via dedicated access (Option 4)must subscribe to the Service under a term plan,which equals or exceeds 1 year.The qualifying volumeusage of a customer who accesses New Business Benefit via Dedicated access must equal or exceed $1,000 in each monthly period of the Term of service.Qualifying volumeusage only includes Dedicated Inbound/Outboundservice. Under-UtilizationCharge:If at the end of any monthly period of the term of Service,a customer fails to satisfy its monthly volume usage commitment,the Customer must pay the difference between the customers actual volumeusage in the monthly period and the customer's monthly qualifying volumeusage commitment of $1,000.(Applies to Option 4 only.) Cancellation or Discontinuance With Liability:Discontinuance of all services furnished under the New Business Benefit Term Plan prior to the expiration of the committed term of service constitutes discontinuance of the plan and the customer will be billed and required to pay an early termination charge as follows: Customers subscribing under an annual volume commitment will be required to pay a charge in an amountequal to i)the Underutilization Charge for the monthly period of termination,and ii) the customer's monthly volumecommitment for each month remaining in the annual period of termination. New Business Benefit Service Option 3A Savings Plan New Business Benefit Service Option 3a Savings Plan I offers reduced in-state Dial- 1 rates for an additional monthly recurring charge. Customers enrolled in this plan may place intraLATAand interLATA Dial-1 calls at a rate of $0.1430 per minute. Customers enrolled in this plan will be charged an additional $3.00 monthly Recurring charge. ALL MATERIALON THIS PAGE IS NEW. Issued Date:10/20/17 Effective 1 Edwin Reese 1300 tr AdNmis atoer400w ACC OR FL Washington,DC 20005 NOV 1 -209 Bolse,Idaho MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/bla Verizon Business Services Original Page 239.8 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONSAND RATES (CONT.) 4.COMPANY SERVICES FORMERLY OFFERED BY TTI NATIONAL,INC.(CONT.) 4.3 Service Offeringsand Rates and Charges (Cont.) 4.3.16 Business Success Service Provides outboundand toll free switched and dedicated service to single or multi-location Customers. Service Availability: a)Service Types: Business Success Service Switched Outbound and Inbound,which is outbound and toll free servicewhich originates and terminates ,respectively via switched access; Business Success Service Dedicated Outbound and Inbound,which is outbound and toll free service which originates and terminates ,respectively via dedicated access; b)Service Option Availability: Business Success ServiceSwitched Outbound and Inbound Service,is available on a month-to-month basis. Business Success ServiceDedicated Outbound and Inbound Serviceis available under a 1 or 2 year term of service under a Business Success Service Dedicated Service Term Plan.Customers who subscribed to service via this term plan are subject to the following conditions: Definition of Terms: For purposes of the Business Success Service Term Plan,the followingdefinition applies: Qualifying Volume is the customer's total domestic and international Business Success Service Dedicated Outbound Service usage after the application of promotional and other discounts.The followingare not included as Qualifying Volume:Directory Assistance charges;monthly recurring and non-recurringcharges;and taxes. Term Commitment and Renewal Options: A Customermust commit to service for a term of 1 or 2 years.The term of service will commence with the provisioning of service followingthe execution of the Business Success Service Dedicated Service Term Plan by a customer and the Company.A plan will automatically renew for an equivalentterm and volumecommitment upon expiration of its term,unless the customer provides written notification to cancel the Business Success Service Dedicated Service Term Plan,which must be receivedby the Company no more than 30 days after expiration of the existing term.If the customer cancels the existing term plan within 30 days after expiration of the existing term,the customer will receive the discounts for which the customer qualifies during the 30-day period following the expiration of the existing term of service. Volume Commitment: A customer's Qualifying Volume usage must equal or exceed $3,000.00 in each monthly period of the term of service.Beginning with the fourth month after customer enrolls in this service. Underutilization Charge: If during any monthly period of the term of service,a customer fails to satisfy its monthly volume commitment,the customer must pay the differencebetween the customer's actual Qualifying Volume usage in that monthly period and the customer's monthly volume commitment. ALL MATERIALON THIS PAGE IS NEW. Issued Date:10/20/17 Effective:11/1/17 Edwin Reese Idaho Pubile Utilities CommissionTariffAdministratorDificeoftheSecreta 1300 |Street NW.,Suite 400w ACCEPTED FOR F LI GWashington,DC 20005 NOV I -209 Boise,Idaho MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/bla Verizon Business Services Original Page 239.9 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONSAND RATES (CONT.) 4.COMPANY SERVICES FORMERLY OFFERED BY TTI NATIONAL,INC.(CONT.) 4.3 Service Offeringsand Rates and Charges (Cont.) 4.3.16 Business Success Service(Cont.): b)Service Option Availability(Cont.): Cancellation or Discontinuance with Liability: Discontinuance of all services furnished underthe Business Success Dedicated Service Term Plan prior to the expiration of the committed term of service constitutes discontinuance of the plan.Customers subscribing to the Business Success Service Dedicated Term Plan who discontinue the plan will be required to pay a charge in an amount equal to i)the Underutilization Charge for the monthly period of the termination and ii)the customer's monthly volumecommitment for each month remaining in the annual period in which termination occurs. Monthly Minimum Charge: Business Success Service Switched Outbound and inbound Service:A $25.00 per-account per-month minimum charge will apply if a customer's usage charges under this plan are less than $25.00 per account per month.This per-account chargewill be applied against the customer's Business Success Service usage in the month it is charged. Business Success Service Dedicated Outbound and Inbound Service For switched outbound and toll free service:No minimum charge will apply to this service. Monthly Minimum Charges Business Success Service Switched Outbound and Inbound Service:A $25.00 per-account per-month minimum charge will apply if a customer's usage charges under this plan are less than $25.00 per account per month.This per-account charge will be applied against the customer's Business Success Service usage in the month it is charged. Business Success Service Dedicated Outbound and InboundService for Switched Outbound and Toll Free Service:No minimum charge will apply to this service. Rates and Charges Usage Sensitive Charges: Business Success Service Switched and Dedicated Outbound and Inbound Service: Dial-1 and Toll Free Service: Measured in 18-second initial and 6-second additional increments. Switched:$0.2183 Dedicated:$0.0788 ALL MATERIALON THIS PAGE IS NEW. Issued Date:10/20/17 Idaho PublIRA ROSË\InEdwinReeseOCWoftheSoretoTariffAdministratorACCEPTEDFORFËLING1300IStreetNW.,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 NOV 1 -2017 Bolse,Idaho MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/bla Verizon Business Services Original Page 239.10 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONSAND RATES (CONT.) 4.COMPANY SERVICES FORMERLY OFFERED BY TTI NATIONAL,INC.(CONT.) 4.3 Service Offeringsand Rates and Charges (Cont.) 4.3.17 AdvancedCall ServiceAdvancedCallServiceis a Switched Outbound Dial 1,and Switched Inbound Toll Free 800 service availableto customers with single or multiple locations on a month-to month basis.No monthly minimum and no monthly recurring charges will apply to this service.Usage sensitive charges will apply 24 hours a day,7 days a week.All Dial 1 and Toll Free calls are measured in 60 second initial increments and 60 second additional increments. Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who haveselected the Company for intrLATA service only will be chargeda monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Usage Sensitive Charges: Outbound (Dial 1):$0.139 Billing Period:60 seconds,initial 60 seconds,additional Inbound (Toll Free 800):$0.139 Directory Assistance:$0.85/per call 4.3.18 Affinity Programs Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intraLATA service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. The Company offers discounts ranging from 1%to 25%off its Combined Calling Plan Service or reduced per unit rates to members of entities which agree to sponsor or otherwise promote the Company and its serviceofferings.The actual discount level(s)or rate(s)per unit will vary dependingon total numberof members and/or total combined membership billings. Affinity Programs Option A Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intraLATA service only will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Underthis plan members of Affinity Program Option A are Customers who subscribe to servicethrough a Sponsor,which is not a Customerunderthis Option. Rates:Switched outbound and switched inbound call charges are subject to an 18-second minimum initial period and additional 6-second increments.If the computed charges for a call include a fraction of a cent,the fraction will be rounded to the nearest whole cent. The following per-minute usage charges will apply: Switched Outbound $0.2028 Switched Inbound $0.2028 ALL MATERIALON THIS PAGE IS NEW. Issued Date:10/20/17 Idaho P':'icMRAWObd áEdwinReeseOf:eo I SecretalyTariffAdministratorACCEPTE3ORFILING1300IStreetNW.,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 NOV 1 -209 Bolse,Idaho MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/bla Verizon Business Services Original Page 239.11 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONSAND RATES (CONT.) 4.COMPANY SERVICES FORMERLY OFFERED BY TTI NATIONAL,INC.(CONT.) 4.3 Service Offeringsand Rates and Charges (Cont.) 4.3.19 TTIllCG Service Plan II TTlllCG Service Plan II offersservice for outbound and inbound (toll free)service for single or multi-location Customers formerlysubscribed to service providedby ICG Inc.prior to October 1, 2000.A Payphone Use Chargeand Directory Assistance per-call charge will apply to this service in lieu of standard Catalog Scheduled charges in this Catalog Schedule for those services. Customers subscribed to this plan must pay a monthly minimum usage charge,as specified in http://consumer.mci.com/mci_service_agreement/res_domestic_services.jsp;except that customers who are subscribed to this plan and who have selected the Company for intraLATA serviceonly will be charged a monthly minimum charge of $5.00. Usage Sensitive Charges (Measured in 6 second increments): Dial-1 Rate Per Minute: (Measuredin 6-second initial and 6-second additional increments) IntraLATAand InterLATADial-1:$0.2535 Rate Per Minute (All rate periods):$0.7500 Per Call Charge:$0.00 Payphone Use Charge:$0.30 Directory Assistance:$0.50 4.3.20 TTI Service Default Product This product applies to existing customers of TTI service who cancel their TTI account or service,but who neverthelesscontinue to complete calls over the Company's network by dialing 1+or 1010555 beforethe phone number.Customers who had subscribed to service underthis Tariff Schedule]and canceled their account will be charged a per-minute rate of $1.27 for such calls beginning on the date the Company first receivedthe service cancellation request.No per-call surcharge shall apply.For Directory Assistance calls,a per-call charge of $1.99 will apply. ALL MATERIALON THIS PAGE IS NEW. Issued Date:10/20/17 Illabo PUMlcUt!NT Ogggg 11/1/17 1300 eN ,u ter400w ACCÑ$ÈŸUNG Washington,DC 20005 NOV 1 -209 Bolse,Idaho MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/bla Verizon Business Services Original Page 239.12 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONSAND RATES (CONT.) 4.COMPANY SERVICES FORMERLY OFFERED BY TTI NATIONAL,INC.(CONT.) 4.4 Other Service Charges 4.4.1 Account Codes Monthly Chargefor Non-VerifiedAccount Codes:None Monthly Charge for VerifiedAccount Codes:$10.00 4.4.2 Re-establishmentof Service Non-RecurringCharge for Re-establishment of Service:$20.00 4.4.3 Returned Check Returned Check Charge (Per Check):$20.00 4.4.4 Directory Assistance:A customer may obtain Directory Assistance in determining telephone numbers by calling the Directory Assistance operator.One numbermay be requested per each directory assistance call.The Directory Assistance charge applies to each call,regardless of whetheror not the Directory Assistance operatoris able to furnish the requested telephone number. Charge Per Directory Assistance Call:$1.99 Business Benefit Service'$1.10 ALL MATERIALON THIS PAGE IS NEW. 'Effective March 22,2001 this feature is no longer availableto new subscribers. Issued Date:10/20/17 Ideo í Effective 1/1/17 Edwin Reese 1300 eN ,s atoer400w Washington,DC 20005 NOV 1 -2017 Bolse,Idaho MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 1st Revised Page 240 Cancels Original Page 240 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.), 5. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE DTT ldaho Public Utilities Commissisn Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 t i f ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. Boise, Idaho ! i - - - . ,..*&) Issued Date: 8/22/08 tttectwe: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown - Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1 100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services I st Revised Page 241 Cancels Original Page 241 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 6. SERVICE AVAILABILITY TABLES TABLE I Reserved for Future Use Idaho Public Utilities CommiSSifIII Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 .- 2008 i I Boise, Idah ? 1 1 f " .* :-.-.' Issued Date: 8/22/08 kttectlve: 9llT08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Mich~gan Avenue Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 2nd Revised Page 242 Cancels 1 st Revised Page 242 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 6. SERVICE AVAILABILITY TABLES (CONT.1 TABLE ll OPTIONS A (DIAL ONEIDIRECT DIAL), H PRISM PLUS), AND \COMMERCIAL DIAL I ) SERVICE AvAlwBlLlw Options A,. H, and Q are available for call origination in the following cities, and their Local Calling Areas, D to all locat~ons withln the State of Idaho. Boise Coeur d'Alene Downey Ketchum Kuna Lava Hot Springs McCammon Melba Middleton Pocatello Priest Lake Soda Springs Twin Falls ldaho Public Utilities Cornrnissien Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 2008 ; i Boise, ldaho Issued Date: 8122108 tnectwe: 911108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager - 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services,Inc.IDAHO PRICE LIST NO.1 dibla Verizon Business Services 2nd Revised Page 243 Cancels 1st Revised Page 243 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 6.SERVICE AVAILABILITY TABLES (Cont.) TABLE III [Reserved For Future Use.1 (D) daho Pub1c UtIIties C:o.mrrsson of the Secretary ACCEPTED fl P FILl NG. Issued Date:01/13/16 Effective:01/23/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services Idaho Price List No. 1 I st Revised Page 244 Cancels Original Page 244 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 6. SERVICE AVAILABILITY TABLES (CONT.) TABLE IV Reserved for Future Use Ifieh? Public Utilities Commission tjllice of the Secretary A ~ E ~ ~ T E D FOR FILING i - -.. Issued Date: 8/22/08 tlfectlve: 911 106 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 244 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.1 6. SERVICE AVAILABILITY TABLES (Cont.1 TABLE IV OPTION C (MCI WATS) Part A: Option C, Option E, Option F are available for call origination in the following terminal locations within the State of Idaho. Boise Coeur dlAlene Pocatello Priest Lake Part B: Option C, Option E, Option F are available for call termination in the following terminal locations within the State of Idaho. Boise Coeur d'Alene Pocatello Priest Lake Twin Falls Part C: SERVICE AREAS - MCI WATS Service Areas provide for calling within distinct geographical areas. There are five service areas for each originating state. Service to a higher numbered service area includes service to all lower numbered service areas. SERVICE AREAS ORIGINATING STATE - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 5 - 5 MT CA-S CO MN MO NE MS TX M A WI CA-N I A K S KY LA MI ME MD SC ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise. ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 I st Revised Page 245 Cancels Original Page 245 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES ICONT.) 6. SERVICE AVAILABILITY TABLES (CONT.) TABLE V Reserved for Future Use ldaho Public Utilities Commissiso Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 -0 2008 1 Boise, ldaho ! 6 ' r . - Issued Date: 8/22/08 ttfectwe: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown - Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1 100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, IC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 1 ST REVISED PAGE 246 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE 246 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.1 6. SERVICE AVAILABILITY TABLES (CONT.1 TABLE VI OPTION M (MCI Preferred1 Option M is available for call origination in the N following cities, and their Local Calling Areas, to all locations within the State of Idaho. Boise N Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI Communications Services, Inc. 1 ST REVISED PAGE 247 IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE 247 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) Termination of Residential Service: The following provisions will apply to customers who continue to maintain a Company account and who do not elect to subscribe to other service offerings under this tariff: For purposes of this section, the following definitions apply: new customers are customers, who, at the time of subscription to this plan, are not receiving service under MCI WorldCom Communications, Inc. ldaho Price List No. 1IMClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1 and http://www.mci.com/service; and existing customers are customers, who, at the time of subscription to this plan, are receiving service under MCI WorldCom Communications, Inc. ldaho Price List No. l/MClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1 and http://www.mci.com/service. 7.1. For customers subscribing to Integrated RLA Service, the following termination provisions apply: 1) For existing customers who disconnect from either a) residential service under l/MClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1 only, b) residential service under l/MClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1 and intraLATA service under this tariff, or c) residential service under l/MClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1 and interstate service under http://www.mci.com/service/: The companion residential long distance service under http://www.mci.com/service/ , and intraLATA and/or interLATA service under this tariff, as well as residential service under l/MClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1, will terminate. Customers will then be automatically re-subscribed to the service offering under this tariff for intraLATA service (if customer retains intraLATA service) and/or the service offering under http://www.mci.com/service/ for interstate service (if customer retains interstate service) to which customer was subscribed at the time of subscription to this plan. All materials on this page were previously located on page 232.87. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING N O V 11 - 2005 Boise, ldaho Issued Date: 10/21/05 Effective: 11/1/05 Erik Sanchez Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9Ih Floor San Francisco, CA 941 0528 MCI Communications Services, Inc. 1 ST REVISED PAGE 248 IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE 248 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 7. Termination of Residential Service: 2) For existing customers who disconnect from either a) interstate service under http://www.mci.com/service/ and from intraLATA service under this tariff, b) intraLATA service under this tariff only, or c) from interstate service under Http://www.mci.com/service/: The companion residential service offering under htt~://www.mci.com/service/ and under this tariff , as well as residential service under l/MClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1, will terminate. Customers will then be automatically re-subscribed to Residential RLD-1 Service under l/MClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1 for local exchange service and to the service offering under this tariff for intraLATA service (if customer retains intraLATA service) and/or the service offering under htt~://www.mci.com/service/ for interstate service (if customer retains interstate service) to which customer was subscribed at the time of subscription to this plan. 3) For new customers who disconnect from either a) residential service under 11MClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1 only, b) residential service under l/MClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1 and intraLATA service under this tariff, or c) residential service under l/MClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1 and interstate service under http://www.mci.com/service/: The companion residential long distance service under htt~://www.mci.com/service/ , and intraLATA and/or interLATA service under this tariff, as well as residential service under l/MClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1, will terminate. Customers will then be automatically re-subscribed to Basic Calling Plan P under this tariff for intraLATA service (if customer retains intraLATA service) and/or its companion interstate service offering under htt~://www.mci.com/service/ for interstate service (if customer retains interstate service). 4) For new customers who disconnect from either a) interstate service under http://www.mci.com/service/ and from intraLATA service under this tariff, b) intraLATA service under this tariff only, or c) from interstate service under Http://www.mci.com/service/: The companion residential service offering under htt~://www.mci.com/service/ and under this tariff , as well as residential service under 11MClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1, will terminate. Customers will then be automatically re-subscribed to Residential RLD-1 Service under l/MClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1 for local exchange service and to Basic Calling Plan P under this tariff for intraLATA service (if customer retains intraLATA service) and/or its companion interstate service offering under htt~://www.mci.com/service/ for interstate service (if customer retains interstate service). All materials on this page were previously located on page 232.88. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING N O V 1 - 2005 Boise, ldaho Issued Date: 10/21/05 Erik Sanchez Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, gth Floor San Francisco, CA 941 0528 Effective: 1 111 105 MCI Communications Services, Inc. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 lST REVISED PAGE 249 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE 249 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 7. Termination of Residential Service: 7.2 For customers subscribing to lntegrated RLC, RLE , lntegrated RLG or lntegrated RLH Service, the following termination provisions apply: 1) For existing customers who disconnect from either a) residential service under 11MClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1 only, b) residential service under l/MClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1 and intraLATA service under this tariff, or c) residential service under l/MClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1 and interstate service under http://www.mci.com/service/: The companion residential long distance service under htt~://www.mci.com/service/ , and intraLATA and/or interLATA service under this tariff, as well as residential service under 1IMClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1, will terminate. Customers will then be automatically re-subscribed to the service offering under this tariff for intraLATA service (if customer retains intraLATA service) and/or the service offering under htt~://www.mci.com/service/ for interstate service (if customer retains interstate service) to which customer was subscribed at the time of subscription to this plan. 2) For existing customers who disconnect from either a) interstate service under http://www.mci.com/service/ and from intraLATA service under this tariff, b) intraLATA service under this tariff only, or c) from interstate service under Http://www.mci.com/service/: The companion residential service offering under htt~://www.mci.com/service/ and under this tariff , as well as residential service under l/MClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1, will terminate. Customers will then be automatically re-subscribed to Residential RLD-3 Service under 1/MClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1 for local exchange service and to the service offering under this tariff for intraLATA service (if customer retains intraLATA service) and/or the service offering under htt~://www.mci.com/service/ for interstate service (if customer retains interstate service) to which customer was subscribed at the time of subscription to this plan. 3) For new customers who disconnect from either a) residential service under l/MClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1 only, b) residential service under l/MClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1 and intraLATA service under this tariff, or c) residential service under 11MClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1 and interstate service under http://www.mci.com/service/: The companion residential long distance service under htt~://www.mci.com/service/ , and intraLATA and/or interLATA service under this tariff, as well as residential service under l/MClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1, will terminate. Customers will then be automatically re-subscribed to Basic Calling Plan P under this tariff for intraLATA service (if customer retains intraLATA service) and/or its companion interstate service offering under htt~://www.mci.com/service/ for interstate service (if customer retains interstate service). ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary All materials on this page were previously located on Page 232.89. ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV B - 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued Date: 10121 105 Erik Sanchez Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, 9'h Floor San Francisco, CA 941 0528 Effective: 1 111 105 MCI Communications Services, Inc. lST REVISED PAGE 250 IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE 250 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 7. Termination of Residential Service: 7.2 (Cont.) 4) For new customers who disconnect from either a) interstate service under http://www.mci.com/servicel and from intraLATA service under this tariff, b) intraLATA service under this tariff only, or c) from interstate service under Http://www.mci.com/service/: The companion residential service offering under htt~://www.mci.com/service/ and under this tariff , as well as residential service under 11MClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1, will terminate. Customers will then be automatically re-subscribed to Residential RLD-3 Service under l/MClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1 for local exchange service and to Basic Calling Plan P under this tariff for intraLATA service (if customer retains intralATA service) and/or its companion interstate service offering under htt~://www.mci.com/service/ for interstate service (if customer retains interstate service). 7.3 For Integrated RLC-1 customers with local residential service on their primary line as described in 1/MClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1 who have two or more lines on their account, the following termination provisions apply: 1) For customers who disconnect from residential service under 11MClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1 : The companion residential service offering under this tariff and http://www.mci.com/service/, as well as residential service under 1IMClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1, will terminate. Customers will then be automatically re-subscribed to Basic Calling Plan P under this tariff and its companion residential service under htt~://www.mci.com/service. 2) For customers who disconnect either from I) interstate service under http://www.mci.com/service/ and interLATA service under this tariff or ii) intraLATA service under this tariff: The companion residential service offering under http://www.mci.com/service/ and under this tariff, as well as residential service under 1/MClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1, will terminate. Customers will then be automatically re-subscribed to Basic Calling Plan P under this tariff (if customer has disconnected from interstate service) or its companion residential service under htt~://www.mci.com/service (if customer has disconnected from intrastate service). Customer will also be automatically re-subscribed to Residential RLD service under l/MClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Ofiice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NOV B - 2005 Boise, Idaho All materials on this page were previously located on page 232.90. Issued Date: 10/21/05 Erik Sanchez Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, gth Floor San Francisco, CA 941 0528 Effective: 1 111 105 MCI Communications Services, Inc. lST REVISED PAGE 251 IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 CANCELS ORIGINAL PAGE 251 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (CONT.) 7. Termination of Residential Service: 7.3 (Cont.) 3) For customers who disconnect both from interstate service under htt~://www.mci.com/service/ and from intrastate (interlATA and intraLATA) service under this tariff: The companion residential service offering under htt~:/lwww.mci.comlservice and under this tariff, as well as residential service under 11MClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1, will terminate. Customers will then be automatically re- subscribed to Residential RLD Service under 11MClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1. 4) For customers who disconnect their primary line either from interstate service under htt~://www.mci.com/service/, intrastate service under this tariff, or residential service under 1lMClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1, and customer's additional line or lines remain on the account: The companion residential service offering under htt~://www.mci.com/service/ and under this tariff, and residential service under 11MClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1, will terminate. Customer's additional line or lines will then be automatically re-subscribed to Basic Calling Plan P under this tariff (if customer has disconnected from interstate service) or its companion residential service under htt~://www.mci.com/service (if customer has disconnected from intrastate service), and the additional line or lines will also be automatically re-subscribed to Residential RLD service under 11MClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC. ldaho Tariff No. 1. All materials on this page were previously located on page 232.91. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING NQV 1 - 2005 Boise, Idaho Issued Date: 10121105 Effective: 1 1 11 I05 Erik Sanchez Tariff Specialist 201 Spear Street, gth Floor San Francisco, CA 941 0528 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services Idaho Price List No. 1 4th Revised Page 251.1 Cancels 3rd Revised Page 251.1 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES 1Cont.l 8. CALLING PLANS~ Plans filed under this section are available to qualifying customers who subscribe to intrastate service under (T) this tariff. 8.1 New Residential Free Month Plan The Company will offer the following plan to eligible customers at its discretion and subject to billing availability. New customers of Residential RLI, RLJ, and RLK Services who contact a Compan representative will A be mailed a certificate in the amount of the monthly service charge for Residential LI, RLJ, and RLK Services. Upon receipt of the certificate, Customers must mail the certificate to the Com any. Certificates are valid until the date printed on the certificate. 1 Customer will receive the credit on their next available invoice after Company receives t e certificate. 8.2 Anniversary Lifetime plan3 The Company will offer the following plan. Existing customers of Company residential long distance service as described in MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Serv~ces; i) who newly subscribe to Residential RLI, RLJ, and RLK Services, ii) who either are contacted by a Company service representative or iii) who contact a company service representative are eligible to recelve a certificate providin a discount of 100% against customer's monthly recurring charge for Residential RLI, RLJ, and RL 2 Service, to be applied to customer's first and thirteenth full invo~ce, and every twelfth full invoice thereafter for as lona as customer remains subscribed to Residential RLI, RLJ, and .- RLK Service. To participate in this plan, Customers will be mailed a certificate offerin a 100% discount off of their monthly recurring char e for Residential RLI, RLJ, and RLK Services. receipt of the certificate, il Customers must mail t e certificate to the Company and will receive the 100% off their monthly recurrin charge after Compan receives the certificate. Certif5ates ar~valid until the date printed on the cert~ 9 ~cate. Certificates will i e mailed prior to customer's 1 and 13 month of service, and every twelfth full invoice thereafter for as long as customer remains subscribed to Residential RLI, RLJ, and RLK Services. 8.3 RLL Certificate Plan z3 kxisting customers of Kesidential RLL Service who enroll in this plan by signing up online at the Company's webslte address at http:/fw.verizonbusiness.com are eligible to receive a certificate providing a 50% discount off the first and thirteenth full invoice, and every twelfth full invoice thereafter for as long as customer remains subscribed to Integrated RLL Service. To participate in this Ian, Customers will be mailed a certificate offering 50% off of their monthly recurrin charge for esidential RLL Service. Upon recer t of the certificate, Customers must mail the 4 X P certifica e to the Company and will receive the 50% off o their monthly recurring charge after Com any receives the certificate. Certificates g e valid gntil the date printed on the certificate. Certi f i~ates will be mailed prior to customer's 1 and 13 month of service, and every twelfth full invoice thereafter for as long as customer remains subscribed to Residential RLL Service. 8.4 f20 Cred; P i n ' he Com an will offer the following plan to existing customers of Residential RLE, RLH, RLI, RLK, RLL and L Service who contact a Com an service representative and request cancellation of their P d service. Customers will receive a credit o $2 on their first invoice after enrollment in this plan. This plan is not combinable with any other offering. 8.5 $25 $redit Plan ' The ompany will offer the following plan to existin customers of Residential RLA and RLJ Services who contact a Company service representative an c? request cancellation of their service. Customers will receive a credit of $25 on their first invoice after enrollment in this plan. This plan is not combinable with any other offering. 1 2 Effective A ril 1, 2010, this 3 Effective ay 2, 2010, this 4 Id' Effective November 27, 2010, this Plan (N) Effective August 10, 2012, all Toll Free / 800 service will no longer (N) be available to new customers of this service. Issued Date: 0/131112 l d a ~ c *:II: ; 6- cc,HM ve: 08110/12' Edwin Reese C F - .:c= ;a*y Tariff Administrator ~ c c ~ p c~ -;5: ~ i k i ~ ~ 1300 1 Street NW, Suite 400w Washington, DC 20005 AiBG I 0 2012 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services Jdaho, Price List No. 1 2" Rev~sed Page 251.2 Cancels 1'' Revised Page 251.2 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 8. CALLING PLANS (Cont.) 8.6 $20 Credit Plan for 3 lnvoices The Compan will offer the following Ian to existing customers of Residential RLH, RLI, RLK, RLL, RLG and RL z Services ("Service") w R o i) have been subscribed to their Service for a minimum of three (N) (3) months, and ii) contact a Company service representative and request cancellation of their Service. Customers will receive a credit of $20 on each of their first three invoices after enrollment in this plan. 8.7 $25 Credit Plan for 3 Invoices The Compan will offer the following plan to existing customers of Residential RLA and RLJ Services ("Service") w ?l o i) have been subscribed to their service for a minimum of three (3) months, and ii) contact a Company service representative and request cancellation of their Service. Customers will receive a credit of $25 on each of their first three invoices after enrollment in this plan. 8.8 Certificate Plan The Company will offer the followin plan to existing customers of Company residential service who I) are subscribed to Residential RLA, ?? LI, and RLH Services ("Service"), ~ i ) have been subscribed to their Service for a minimum of three (3 months, and iii) request cancellation of their Service, are eligible to receive a certificate offering 1004 off the service's monthly recurring charge for the first, seventh. and thirteenth full invoices for Residential RLA Service as described below. To participate in this Ian, Customers will be mailed a certificate offering 100% off the service's monthly recurring charge for # esidential RLA, RLI, and RLH Services. Upon receipt of the certificate, Customers must mail the certificate to the Company and will receive the 100% off of their monthly recurring charge after Company receives the certificate. Certificates are valid until the date printed on the certificate. 8.9 Small Business Saves Credit Plan The Company will offer existing customers of Business B2 Service who have completed a mjnimum of 3 months of service, and who contact a Company representative to request cancellation of the~r Busmess B2 Service, a credit on their first five invoices after enrollment in this plan. The credit amount is dependent on the Business B2 Service Offering to which customer subscribes as follows: Offering A: $1 5 Offering B and Block of Time Offering 1 : $1 0 Any unused credit amount will carry over to the next invoice. 8.10 Small Business Credit plan' The Com any will offer the following plan to existing customers of Business B2 Service enrolled in Offering 1 B, or Block of Time Offering 1 who have completed 3 months of service. and who contact a Company service representative to request cancellation of their service will receive a credit on their first full invoice after enrollment in Business B2 Service. The credit amount is dependent on the number of lines per account as follows: $50 2 - 4 lines $1 00 5 - 9 lines $250 10+ lines Any unused credit amount will carry over to the next invoice ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of Ihe Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 1 - 2010 Boise, ldaho 1 Effective March 6, 2009, this Plan will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date: 311 811 0 Effective: 4/1/10 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 1 Street NW., Suite 400w Washington, DC 20005 MCI Communications Services, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services 1 st Revised Page 251.3 Cancels Original Page 251.3 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 8. CALLING PLANS (Cont.) 8.1 1 Small Business $10 Credit Plan for 3 lnvoices The Company will offer the following plan to existing customers of Advanced Option II for Small Business Savings Plans XVI and XVll Services ("Service") who i) have been subscribed to their Service for a minimum of three (3) months, and ii) contact a Company service representative and request cancellation of their Service. Customers will receive a credit of $1 0 on each of their first three invoices after enrollment in this plan. This plan is not combinable with any other offering. 8.12 Small Business $5 Credit Plan for 3 lnvoices The Company will offer the following plan to existing customers of Advanced Option II for Small Business Savinas Plan XVlll Service I"ServiceM) who i) have been subscribed to their Service for a minimum of thrge (3) months, and ii) contact a compa'ny service representative and request cancellation of their Service. Customers will receive a credit of $5 on each of their first three invoices after enrollment in this plan. This plan is not combinable with any other offering. 8.13 Small Business Term Plan 3' The Company will offer the following plan. New customers of Business B2 Service who enroll in Offering A, B, or Block of Time Offering 1, and who are contacted by or who contact a Company representative and who commit to a term commitment to receive the Business 82 Service for a term of twelve (12) months will receive a discount of 5 percent off the total invoiced charges (excluding taxes and surcharges), including any Business B2 Toll Free Service Option 1 usage charges, for the Offering they have selected. The 12-month period begins with the first full billing month of Customer's Business B2 Service. Customers who terminate their Business B2 Service prior to the expiration of the term period will be billed a termination charge of $80. If customer is subscribing to DSL service offered by the Company in conjunction with their Business B2 Service, additional penalties may apply in accordance with those assessed pursuant to customer's DSL service. 8.14 Small Business Term Plan 4' The Company will offer the following plan. New customers of Business 82 Service who enroll in Offering A, B, or Block of Time Offering 1, who are contacted by or who contact a Company representative and who commit to a term commitment to receive the Business B2 Service for a term of twenty-four (24) . . months will receive a discount of 10 percent off the total invoiced charges (excluding taxes and surcharges), including any Business B2 Toll Free Service Option 1 usage charges, for the Offering they have selected. The 24-month period begins with the first full billing month of Customer's Business B2 Service. Customers who terminate their Business 82 Service prior to the expiration of the term period will be billed a termination charge of $200. If customer is subscribing to DSL service offered by the Company in conjunction with their Business B2 Service, additional penalties may apply in accordance with those assessed pursuant to customer's DSL service. 8.15 Small Business Term Plan 5' The Company will offer the following plan to new customers of Business 82 Service who enroll in Offering A or B, and who contact a Company representative, and who commit to a term commitment Business B2 Service for a term of thirty-six (36) months will receive a discount of 15 percent off the total invoiced charges (excluding taxes and surcharges), including any Business B2 Toll Free Service Option 1 usage charges, for the Offering they have selected. The 36-month period begins with the first full billing month of Customer's Business B2 Service. Customers who terminate their Business B2 Service prior to the expiration of the term period will be billed a termination charge of $450. If customer is subscribing to DSL service offered by the Company in conjunction with their Business B2 Service, additional penalties may apply in accordance with those assessed pursuant to customer's DSL service. 'Effective June 1, 2008, this plan will no longer be available to new customers ldaho Public Utilities Commission Uttice of the Secretary Effective: 6/1/08 Issued Date: 5/22/08 Shannon L. Brown. ACCEPTED FOR FILING Tariff Manaaer 205 N. Michigan ~ven;e, Suite I 100 JU N 1 - 2008 Chicago, IL 60601 Boise, ldaho I ."... 1 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 1 st Revised Page 251.4 Cancels Original Page 251.4 SECTION C - SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 8. CALLING PLANS (Cont.) 8.16 Business B2 Free Month Plan The Company will offer the following plan. New customers of Business 82 Service who enroll in Offering A, B, or Block of Time Offering 1, and who are contacted by or who contact a Company representative will receive a waiver of the monthlv service charae for Business B2 Service on their first invoice after enrollment in this plan as describeh below. - To enroll in this plan, Customers will be mailed a certificate offering a credit in the amount of the monthly service charge for Business B2 Service. Upon receipt of the certificate, Customers must mail the certificate to the Company and will receive the credit on their next available invoice after Company receives the certificate. Certificates are valid until the date printed on the certificate. 8.17 Business B2 $75 Certificate Plan The Com~anv will offer the followina Plan to eliaible customers at its discretion and subiect to billing availabiliti. New customers of L O C ~ '~xchange~ervice as described in Business 82 integrated Service Offering A who i) contact a Company service representative or who are contacted by a Company service representative and ii) were subscribed to a service requiring a term commitment with their local exchange service carrier at the time of subscription to Company service and enrollment in this plan are eligible to receive a $75 certificate off their monthly recurring charge for Business B2 Service on their first invoice after enrollment in this plan as described below. To enroll in this plan, Customers will be mailed a certificate offering a $75 certificate off of their monthly recurring charge for Business B2. Upon receipt of the certificate, Customers must mail the certificate to the Company and will receive the $75 certificate off of their monthly recurring charge after Company receives the certificate. Certificates are valid until the date printed on the certificate. 8.18 Business B2 $55 Certificate Plan The Company will offer the following plan to eligible customers at its discretion and subject to billing availability. New customers of Local Exchange Service enrolling Block of Time Offering 1 and Business B2 Service who i) contact a Company service representative or who are contacted by a Company service representative and ii) were subscribed to a service requiring a term commitment with their local exchange service carrier at the time of subscription to Company service and enrollment in this plan are eligible to receive a $55 certificate off their monthly recurring charge for Service on their first invoice after enrollment in this plan as described below. To enroll in this plan, Customers will be mailed a certificate offering a $55 certificate off of their monthly recurring charge for Business B2. Upon receipt of the certificate, Customers must mail the certificate to the Company and will receive the $55 certificate off of their monthly recurring charge after Company receives the certificate. Certificates are valid until the date printed on the certificate. 8.19 Business B2 $45 Certificate Plan The Com~anv will offer the followina plan to eliaible customers at its discretion and subiect to billinq availabiliti. New customers of ~ocgl ~ x c h a n ~ g ~ e r v i c e enrolling in Business B2 ~ervide Offering B and Business B2 Service who i) contact a Company service representative or who are contacted by a Company service representative and ii) were subscribed to a service requiring a term commitment with their local exchange service carrier at the time of subscription to Company service and enrollment in this plan, are eligible to receive a $45 certificate off their monthly recurring charge for Service on their first invoice after enrollment in this plan as described below. To enroll in this plan, Customers will be mailed a certificate offering a $45 certificate off of their monthly recurring charge for Business B2. Upon receipt of the certificate, Customers must mail the certificate to the Company and will receive the $45 certificate off of their monthly recurring charge after Company receives the certificate. Certificates are valid until the date printed on the certificate. 8.20 Small Business 10% Discount for 3 Invoices N The Company will offer the following plan. New customers of Business B2 Service who enroll in I Offering A. B, or Block of Time Offering 1, will receive a discount of 10% on each of their first three I invoices after enrollment in this plan. ?his plan is not combinable with any other offering. N ldaho Public Utilities Commiaien Office of the Secretary Issued Date: 5/22/08 AWkP I El) FOR FILIMective: 6/1/08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 JUN 1 - 2008 Chicago, IL 60601 Boise, Idaho MCI Communications Services, Inc. Idaho Price List No. 1 d/b/a Verizon Business Services Z I st Revised Page 251.5 Z Cancels Original Page 251.5 SECTION D - RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE D/i Idnk Public Utilities Commissiea Gffice of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, Idaho f ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. -- . "- Issued Date: 8/22108 tttectlve: 911 1E18 .J Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 dfb/a Verizon Business Services 6th Revised Page 252 Cancels 5th Revised Page 252 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 8.CALLING PLANS (Cont.) 8.21 New Residential Two Month Free Plan The Company will offer the following plan to eligible customers at its discretion and subject to billing availability. New customers of Integrated Plan RLI who contact a Company representative will be mailed a certificate in the amount of the monthly service charge for Inte9rated Plan RLI to be applied to the customer’s first and sixth full invoice.Upon receipt of the certificate,Customers must mail the certificate to the Company.Customer will receive the credit on their next available invoice after Company receives the certificate. Certificates are valid until the date printed on the certificate, 8.22 $10 Credit Plan for 3 Invoices The Company will offer the following plan to new customers of Anytime,Everyday, Everyday Classic,(N)Everyday Savings,MCI One Advantage,MCI One Extra,homeMCl One,Friends &Family Option A, Friends &Family Option B,Friends &Family Option C,Basic Calling Plan Option 2,NetRate,MCI One Savings,Basic Calling Plan A,Basic Calling Plan AA,Basic Calling Plan A Savings Plan I,Basic Calling Plan B.Basic Calling Plan BB,Basic Calling Plan B Savings Plan I,Basic Calling Plan C,Basic Calling Plan E,Basic Calling Plan F,Basic Calling Plan G,Basic Calling Plan H,Basic Calling Plan HH Offering A,Basic Calling Plan HH Offering B,Basic Calling Plan I,Basic Calling Plan J,Basic Calling Plan N,Basic Calling Plan 0,Basic Calling Plan Q,Basic Calling Plan R,Basic Calling Plan S,Basic Calling Plan T,Basic Calling Plan U,Basic Calling Plan V,Basic Calling Plan W,Basic Calling Plan X, Basic Calling Plan Y,Basic Calling Plan Z,Basic Calling Plan XX,YY,Basic Calling Plan ZZ Savings Plan I,Basic Savings Plan I,Retail Affinity Program Plan V and Retail Affinity Program Plan V Savings Plan I,Basic Calling Plan YY Savings Plan I,Block of Time Plan 4,5,6,7,8 Service (“Service”)who contact a Company service representative and request cancellation of their Service.Customers will receive a $10 credit on each of their first,third,and sixth full invoices after enrollment in this plan.This plan is not combinable with any other promotional offering. 8.23 $10 Credit Plan for 6 Full Invoices The Company will offer the following plan to existing customers of Integrated Plan RU,RLA RLI,RLK, RLL,RLC,RLH,RLG and RLB Plan who contact a Company representative and request cancellation of their Service.Customers will receive a $10 credit on each of their six full invoices after enrollment in this plan.This plan is not combinable with any other promotional offering. 8.24 Residential $5 Credit Plan for 3 Invoices The Company will offer the following plan to new customers of Anytime,Everyday,Everyday Classic,(N) Everyday Savings,MCI One Advantage,MCI One Extra,homeMCl One,Friends &Family Option A, Friends &Family Option B,Friends &Family Option C,Basic Calling Plan Option 2,NetRate,MCI One Savings,Basic Calling Plan A,Basic Calling Plan AA,Basic Calling Plan A Savings Plan I,Basic Calling Plan B,Basic Calling Plan BB,Basic Calling Plan B Savings Plan I,Basic Calling Plan C,Basic Calling Plan E,Basic Calling Plan F,Basic Calling Plan G,Basic Calling Plan H,Basic Calling Plan HH Offering A,Basic Calling Plan HH Offering B,Basic Calling Plan I,Basic Calling Plan J,Basic Calling Plan N, Basic Calling Plan 0,Basic Calling Plan Q,Basic Calling Plan R,Basic Calling Plan 5,Basic Calling Plan T,Basic Calling Plan U,Basic Calling Plan V,Basic Calling Plan W,Basic Calling Plan X,Basic Calling Plan Y,Basic Calling Plan Z,Basic Calling Plan XX,YY,Basic Calling Plan ZZ Savings Plan I, Basic Savings Plan I,Retail Affinity Program Plan V and Retail Affinity Program Plan V Savings Plan I, Basic Calling Plan YY Savings Plan I,Block of Time Plan 4,5,6,7,8 Service (“Service”)who i)have been subscribed to their Service for a minimum of three (3)months,and ii)contact a Company service representative and request cancellation of their Service.Customers will receive a credit of $5 on each of their first three invoices after enrollment in this plan.This plan is not combinable with any other promotional offering. Idaho Pubhc Ubhtes Comimss.on Offir c e ACCEPTED r:r: Issued Date:2/04/16 Effective:2/15/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW.,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d/bla Verizon Business Services 3rd Revised Page 252.1 Cancels 2nd Revised Page 252.1 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 8.CALLING PLANS (Cont.) 8.25 $20 Credit Plan for 3 Invoices II The Company will offer the following plan to existing customers of Integrated RLB,RLH,RLI,RLK, RLL,RLG and RLC Services (Service’)who i)have been subscribed to their Service for a minimum of three (3)months, and ii)contact a Company service representative and request cancellation of their Service.Customers will receive a credit of $20 on their 1st,3rd and 6th invoices after enrollment in this plan. 8.26 $25 Credit Plan for 3 invoices II The Company will offer the following plan to existing customers of Integrated RLA and RU Services (“Service’)who i)have been subscribed to their service for a minimum of three (3)months,and U)contact a Company service representative and request cancellation of their Service.Customers will receive a credit of $25 on each of their 1st 3rd and &invoices after enrollment in this plan. 8.27 Residential 50%Discount for 2 Invoices New customers of Integrated Calling Plan RLB service who contact a Company representative will (N)(T) be mailed a certificate in the amount of 50%of the monthly service charge for Residential Integrated Calling Plan RLB Service in each of their first two full months of service,(N)(T) Upon receipt of the certificate,Customers must mail the certificate to the Company and will receive the 50%off their monthly recurring charge after Company receives the certificate. Certificates are valid until the date printed on the certificate.Certificates will be mailed prior to customer’s 1st and 2 month of service.Customer will receive the credit on their next full invoice after Company receives the certificate.Certificates are valid until the date printed on the certificate. Effective January 16,2012,in lieu of receiving discounts under this offering by mailing in a certificate as described above,new customers of Residential RLB service who contact a Company (N)(T) representative will receive a credit in the amount of 50%of the monthly service charge for Residential RLB Service in each of their first two full months of service.Customer will receive the credit on their first and second full invoices after enrollment. 8.28 [Reserved For Future Use.1 (D) (D) 8.29 Business B2 50%Discount Plan The Company will offer the following plan.New customers of Business B2 Service who enroll in any Offering described thereunder,and who are contacted by or who contact a Company representative will receive a discount of 50%against the monthly service charge for Business B2 Service on each of their first two full invoices after enrollment in this plan as described below. To enroll in this plan,Customers will be mailed a certificate offering a credit in the amount of the 50% discount against the monthly service charge for their Business B2 Service.Upon receipt of the certificate,Customers must mail the certificate to the Company and will receive the 50%off their monthly recurring charge after Company receives the certificate.Certificates are valid until the date printed on the certificate.Certificates will be mailed prior to customer’s 1st and 2nd month of service. Customer will receive the credit on their next full invoice after Company receives the certificate. Certificates are valid until the date printed on the certificate. Idaho Puhhc 1Jtites Co.mnhsson Issued Date 01/06/12 ,1TL Effçtive 01/16/12 Edwin Reese ACCh’“Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services,Inc.Idaho Price List No.1 d!b/a Verizon Business Services Original Page 252.2 SECTION C -SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND RATES (Cont.) 8.CALLING PLANS (Cont.) 8.30 Basic Calling Plan BB $2.00 Credit for 3 Invoices Plan (N) The Company will offer the following plan to new customers of Basic Calling Plan BB who are contacted by a Company service representative.Customers enrolled in this plan will receive a credit not to exceed $2.00 against customer’s monthly recurring charge for Basic Calling BB service in each of the first three full invoices after enrollment. 8.31 Business B2 15%Discount Plan The Company will offer the following plan.New customers of Business B2 Service who enroll in any Offering described thereunder,and who are contacted by or who contact a Company representative will receive a credit of 15%against the monthly service charge for Business B2 Service on each of their first two full invoices after enrollment in this plan. 8.32 RLI $12 Discount for 12 Invoices New customers of RLI service who contact a Company representative will receive a credit,not to exceed $12.00,against the monthly service charge for Integrated Calling Plan RLI service in each of their first twelve (12)full months of service.(N) idaho Puhhc UtHitie Comrr4ssjon Of jfr:::r :f’ ‘Effective March 6,2009,this Plan will no longer be available to new subscribers. Issued Date:2/04/16 Effective:2/15/16 Edwin Reese Tariff Administrator 1300 I Street NW.,Suite 400w Washington,DC 20005 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 1st Revised Page 253 Cancels Original Page 253 - - - - - SECTION D - RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (CONT.1 ldaho Public Utilities Commissiln Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 { Boise, ldaho 1 ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. 1 Issued ate: 8 m 8 tttectlve: 911 109 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services Idaho Price List No. 1 I st Revised Page 254 Cancels Original Page 254 SECTION D - RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (CONT.) D/T ? Iddv Public Utilities Commi*n Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING 1 i SEP 1 - 2008 i ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. issued Date: 8/22/08 tttectlve: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1 100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services Idaho Price List No. 1 1 st Revised Page 255 Cancels Original Page 255 SECTION D - RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE ICONT.1 D/T SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, ldaha ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. I IssueaBate:8/22/083 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60601 MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services Idaho Price List No. 1 1 st Revised Page 256 Cancels Original Page 256 SECTION D - RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (CONT.1 DIT tdaho Public Utilities Commissh \ Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. I Issued Uate: 8/22/08 tttectlve: 911 ldg Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Mich.igan Avenue, Suite 1100 Chlcago, IL 60601. MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ldaho Price List No. 1 1 st Revised Page 257 Cancels Original Page 257 SECTION D - RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (CONT.1 D/T ldaho Public Utilities Commissien Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 Boise, Idaho ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. , ,d Issued Date: 8/22/08 tlfectlve: 911 108 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1 100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI Communications Services, Inc. dlbla Verizon Business Services Idaho Price List No. 1 1 st Revised Page 258 Cancels Original Page 258 SECTION D - RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (CONT.1 DR- Idaho Public Utilities CommiSb@ Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 - 2008 ALL MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE WAS DELETED. I - - --' Issued Date: 8/22/08 tttectlve: 9/1/08 Shannon L. Brown Tariff Manager 205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60801 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 259 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 260 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 261 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 262 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 1 7TH Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 263 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 264 SECTION E - ACRONYMS AT&T - BPS - CCSA - DDD - EAS - FCC - H LATA - RMS - SA - v WATS - American Telephone and Telegraph Company Bits per Second Common Control Switching Arrangement Direct Distance Dialing Extended Area Service Federal Communications Commission Horizontal Coordinate Local Access and Transport Area Root-Mean-Square Service Area Vertical Coordinate Wide Area Telecommunications Service ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 265 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 266 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 ISSUED: October 1 5, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 267 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 268 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, ldaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202 MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. IDAHO PRICE LIST NO. 1 ORIGINAL PAGE 269 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Idaho Public Utilities Cotnmi~~iCifl - - Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1999 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: October 15, 1999 EFFECTIVE: October 25, 1999 Randee Klindworth Tariff Specialist 707 17'" Street, Suite 3600 Denver, CO 80202