HomeMy WebLinkAboutLeast Cost Routing Inc dba Long Distance Charges Inc.pdfIdaho Public Utilities Commission \ Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 1 5 1995 ITLE PAGE RIGINAL Boise, Idaho (Acceptance Stamp) AME OF UTILITY east Cost Routing, Inc. d/b/a Long Distance Charges, Inc. Least Cost Routing, Inc., d/b/a Long Distance Charges, Inc. 1801 E. Edinger, suite 125Santa Ana, CA 92705 This tariff applies to the MTS services furnished by Leasost Routing, Inc. d/b/a Long Distance Charges , Inc. for calls hich originate and terminate within the state of Idaho. This ariff is on file with the Idaho Public utilities Commission anopies may be inspected , during normal business hours, at th ompany's principal place of business at 1801 E. Edinger , suit 25, Santa Ana, California 92705. ssued:7/28/95 Effective:8/15/95 Issued by. Ti tIe President PAGE 1 ORIGINAL Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 1 5 1995 Boise, Idaho(Acceptance Stamp) -, '" -.,.~ AME OF UTILITY east Cost Routing, Inc. d/b/a Long Distance charges, Inc. CHECK SHEET SHEET NO.REVISION Sheet 1 Sheet 2 Sheet 3 Sheet 4 Sheet 5 Sheet 6 Sheet 7 OriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginal ssued:7/28/95 Issued by Ti tIe President EFFECTIVE DATE 8/15/95 8/15/95 8/15/958/15/958/15/958/15/958/15/95 Effective:8/15/95 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 1 5 1995PAGE 2 ORIGINAL Boise, Idaho(Acceptance stamp) AME OF UTILITY Least Cost Routing, Inc. d/b/a Long Distance Charges, Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS Check Sheet section Contact Information section 2.Tracking and Numbering section 3.service Ares section 4.Deposit Requirements section 5.Termination of Service section service Offering section 7.Price Sheets ssued:7/28/95 Effective:8/15/95 Issued by Title President PAGE 3 ORIGINAL Idaho Public Utilities Commissioll Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 1 5 1995 Boise, Idaho (Acceptance stamp) AME OF UTILITY Least Cost Routing, Inc. d/b/a Long Distance Charges, Inc. Contact Information 1.1 1. 2 1.2. 1. 3 Customer complaints bill inquiry, new service 0 disconnect requests: Least Cost Routing, Inc. d/b/ Long Distance Charges , Inc. 1801 E. Edinger , suite 125Santa Ana, CA 92705 Commission contact - tariff information: Least Cost Routing, Inc. d/b/ Long Distance Charges , Inc. Ned Gershenson 1801 E. Edinger , suite 125 Santa Ana , CA 92705 (714) 560-8100 Commission contact - complaints: Least Cost Routing, Inc. d/b/ ~Long Distance Charges , Inc. Ned Gershenson 1801 E. Edinger , suite 125 Santa Ana , CA 92705 (800) 354-3004 CT CORPORATION SYSTEM 300 N. 6th Street Boise , ID 83701 Idaho agent- Tracking - The following symbols are used for the purposes indicated below: D - Delete or discontinue I - Increase in rate or charge M - Moved from another tariff location N - New R - Decrease in rate or charge T - Change in text , but no change in rate or charge orregulation C - Change in regulation ssued: Issued by Title 7/28/95 Effective:8/15/95 President Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 1 5 1995 RIGINAL Boise Idaho(Accep~ance stamp) AME OF UTILITY east Cost Routing, Inc. d/b/a Long Distance Charges, Inc. Check Sheets. When a tariff (price sheet) filing is mad wi th the IPUC , an updated Check Sheet accompanies thfiling. The Check Sheet lists the sheets contained i the filing with a cross reference to the current revisionumber. When new pages are added , the check sheet i changed to reflect the revision. Paragraph Number Sequence. There could be several level of paragraph coding. Each level of coding is subservien to its next higher level. Numbering. Sheet numbers appear in the upper left corneof each page. Sheets are numbered sequentially. When new sheet is added between sheets already in effect decimal is added. For example , a new sheet added betwee sheets 6 and 7 would be 6. 1. Sheet revision numbers also appear in the upper lefcorner of each page. These numbers are used to determin the most current sheet version on file with the IPUC. For example , the 4th revised sheet 6 cancels the 3r revised sheet 6. Consult the check sheet for the sheecurrently in effect. service Area Company's offering entails the entire State of Idaho. ssued:7/28/95 Issued by Title President Effective:8/15/95 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 1 5 1995 PAGE 5 Boise, Idaho (Acceptance stamp) ,. - ORIGINAL NAME OF UTILITY Least Cost Routing, Inc. d/b/a Long Distance charges, Inc. Deposi t Requirement - NO DEPOSIT REQUIRED Termination of Service Least Cost Routing, Inc. d/b/a Long Distance Charges , Inc. will comply with all sections of the Idaho PUC's rules an regulations in IDAPA 31.41 regarding termination of service if such rules and regulations are applicable to the Company. service Offering Calculation of Distance Usage charges for all mileage sensi ti ve productsare based on the airline distance between ratecenters associated with the originating an terminating points of the call. 1.2 The airline mileage between rate centers is determined by applying the formula below to th vertical and horizontal coordinates associated wit the rate centers involved. Least Cost Routing,Inc. d/b/a Long Distance Charges Inc. use vertical and horizontal coordinates produced b Bell Communications Research in their NPA-NXX V &coordinates tape in Bell's NECA Tariff No. Formula 1 ( Vl - V2 Hl - H2 Issued:7/28/95 Effective:8/15/95 Issued by Title President PAGE 6 ORIGINAL Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 1 5 1995 Boise. Idaho (Acceptance stamp) AME OF UTILITY Least Cost Routing, Inc. d/b/a Long Distance Charges, Inc. Issued: Issued by Ti tle Minimum Call Completion - Customers can expect a call completion rate of not less than 90% during peak periods for Feature Group A (FGA) services. The call completion rate is calculated as the number of calls completed including calls completed to a busy or unanswered line divided by the number of calls attempted. Description of Services Offered 1 + MTS service is offered to business customers on a monthly basis. Service is offered twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. 800 service is offered to business customers on a month basis. Service is offered twenty-four hours a day, seve days a week. Liability of Least Cost Routing, Inc. d/b/a Long Distance Charges , Inc. - The included tariff language does not consti tute determination by the Commission that a limitation of liability imposed by the Company should be upheld in a court of law. Acceptance for filing by the Commission recognizes that it is a court's responsibilit to adjudicate negligence and consequential damage claims. It is also the court's responsibility to determine th validity of the exculpatory clause. The Company willgi ve at least 10 days notice to customers and the Idah PUC before increasing rates or other changes. The notic to customers will be either individual notice or a publi notice in the newspapers in the Company's Idaho servicareas. 7/28/95 Effective:8/15/95 President Idaho Public Utilities Commissioll Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING AUG 1 5 1995 RIGINAL Boise. Idaho (Acceptance stamp) AME OF UTILITY east Cost Routing, Inc. d/b/a Long Distance charges, Inc. Prices for Service MTS ServJ.ce offered at the following rate: Peak $0.2844 per minute Off Peak $0.2673 per minute 800 ServJ.ce is offered at the following rate: Peak $0.2091 per minute Off Peak $0.1928 per minute ssued:7/28/95 Effective:8/15/95 Issued by Title President