HomeMy WebLinkAboutFrontier Communications Northwest Inc Price List No 3.pdfI.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Original Sheet 1 PRICE LIST OF FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. 180 S Clinton Ave. Rochester, NY 14646 Consisting of and Applicable to INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Original Sheet 2 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES TABLE OF CONTENTS Sheet No. Table of Contents............................................................................................................................. 2 Explanation of Symbols.................................................................................................................... 6 Explanation of Abbreviations............................................................................................................ 6 Reference to Other Price Lists.......................................................................................................... 7 SECTION 1. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE ............................................................................. 1 1.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................. 1 1.1.1 APPLICATION............................................................................................................ 1 1.1.2 REGULATIONS.......................................................................................................... 2 A Description.......................................................................................................... 2 B. Priority of Services.............................................................................................. 2 C. Liability ............................................................................................................... 2 D. Use ..................................................................................................................... 4 1. Use of Service ............................................................................................. 4 2. Abuse and Fraudulent Use .......................................................................... 4 3. Unlawful Purposes....................................................................................... 5 E. Obligation of the Customer.................................................................................. 5 F. Termination of Service for Cause........................................................................ 6 G. Advance Payments ............................................................................................. 6 H. Deposits.............................................................................................................. 7 1.1.3 SURCHARGE............................................................................................................. 7 Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 4, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 4, 2011 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Original Sheet 6 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS (C) - To signify changed rate, regulation, or condition (D) - To signify discontinued rate, regulation, or condition (I) - To signify increase (N) - To signify new rate, regulation or condition (R) - To signify reduction (T) - To signify a change in text but no change in rate or regulation EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS AT&TC - American Telephone & Telegraph Communications FCC - Federal Communications Commission I.P.U.C. - Idaho Public Utilities Commission LATA - Local Access and Transport Area MTS - Message Telecommunications Service PBX -Private Branch Exchange V&H - Vertical and Horizontal WATS - Wide Area Telecommunications Service Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Original Sheet 7 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES REFERENCE AND APPLICATION TO OTHER PRICE LISTS Whenever reference is made in this Price List to other price lists/tariffs of Frontier Communications Northwest Inc., the reference and application is to the price lists/tariffs in force as of the effective date of this Price List, and to amendments thereto and successive issues thereof. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 1 Original Sheet 1 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 1. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE 1.1 GENERAL 1.1.1 APPLICATION A. Message Telecommunications Service (MTS) applies to all MTS calls made between two or more rate centers within the same LATA in this state. The rate centers are specific geographic locations from which airline mileage measurements are determined. B. MTS provides telecommunication beyond the local calling area as defined in Price List No. 1. MTS charges cover the service furnished between the calling and called stations. C. MTS is available to and from customers of a Miscellaneous Common Carrier with arrangement for interchange of telephone traffic. This service is furnished through interconnecting equipment and local connecting facilities provided by the Company. D. The rates between the applicable rate center and the rate center of the Miscellaneous Common Carrier are the rates set forth in this Price List for two-point service. The rate center of the Miscellaneous Common Carrier is the rate center of the Company's serving exchange. An additional charge which the Miscellaneous Common Carrier bills to and collects from its customer is applicable to the remainder of the haul as set forth in the Miscellaneous Common Carrier's Tariff. E. The telecommunications network is designed, maintained, and operated to originate and terminate calls between station lines furnished by the Company. However, connections of facilities, equipment, and/or communications systems provided by others may be made to the telecommunication network. The Company is not responsible for the through transmission of signals or quality of transmission on such connections. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 1 Original Sheet 2 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 1. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 1.1 GENERAL (Cont'd) 1.1.2 REGULATIONS A. Description 1. MTS is the furnishing of facilities for telecommunication between station lines in different local service areas of the same LATA in accordance with the regulations and system of charges specified. 2. The Company does not undertake to transmit messages but furnishes the use of its facilities to its customers for communications. 3. Service is furnished subject to the availability of the service components required. The Company will (a) determine which of those components shall be used and (b) make modifications to those components at its option. 4. When a customer changes his IntraLATA Primary Interexchange Carrier selection the terms, conditions and charges found I.P.U.C. Price List No. 2 will apply. B. Priority of Services When a shortage of facilities exists, MTS will be established before other services. However, the duration of MTS calls may be limited due to facility shortage caused by emergency conditions. C. Liability 1. In view of the fact that the customer has exclusive control of his communications over the facilities furnished him by the Company, and of the other uses for which facilities may be furnished him by the Company, and because unavoidability of errors incident to the services and to the use of such facilities of the Company, the services and facilities furnished by the Company are subject to the terms, conditions and limitations specified in 2., 3. and 4. following. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 1 Original Sheet 3 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 1. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 1.1 GENERAL (Cont'd) 1.1.2 REGULATIONS (Cont'd) C. Liability (Cont'd) 2. The liability of the Company for damages arising out of mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays, errors or defects in transmission, or failures or defects in facilities furnished by the Company, occurring in the course of furnishing service or other facilities and not caused by the negligence of the customer, or of the Company in failing to maintain proper standards of maintenance and operation and to exercise reasonable supervision shall in no event exceed an amount equivalent to the proportionate charge to the customer for the period of service during which such mistake, omission, interruption, delay, or error or defect in transmission, or failure or defect in facilities occurs. 3. The customer indemnifies and saves the Company harmless against claims for libel, slander, or infringement of copyright from the material transmitted over its facilities; against claims for infringement of patents arising from combining with, or using in connection with, facilities of the Company, apparatus and systems of the customer; and against all other claims arising out of any act or omission of the customer in connection with facilities provided by the Company. 4. When the facilities of other carriers are used in establishing connections to points not reached by the Company's facilities, the Company is not liable for any act or omission of the other carrier. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 1 Original Sheet 4 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 1. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 1.1 GENERAL (Cont'd) 1.1.2 REGULATIONS (Cont'd) D. Use 1. Use of Service Service is provided for use by the customer and may be used by others, when so authorized by the customer, providing that such use shall be subject to the provisions as stated herein. 2. Abuse and Fraudulent Use The service is furnished subject to the condition that there will be no abuse or fraudulent use of the service. Abuse or fraudulent use of service includes: a. The use of service or facilities of the Company to transmit a message or to locate a person or otherwise to give or obtain information, without payment of the charge applicable for service; b. The obtaining, or attempting to obtain, or assisting another to obtain or to attempt to obtain MTS, by rearranging, tampering with, or making connection with any facilities of the Company, or by any trick, scheme, false representation, or false credit device, or by or through any other fraudulent means or device whatsoever, with intent to avoid the payment, in whole or in part, of the regular charges for such service; Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 1 Original Sheet 5 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 1. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 1.1 GENERAL (Cont'd) 1.1.2 REGULATIONS (Cont'd) D. Use (Cont'd) 2. Abuse and Fraudulent Use (Cont'd) c. The use of service or facilities of the Company for a call or calls, anonymous or otherwise, if in a manner reasonably to be expected to frighten, abuse, torment, or harass another; d. The use of profane or obscene language; e. The use of the service in such a manner as to interfere unreasonably with the use of the service by one or more other customers. 3. Unlawful Purposes The service is furnished subject to the condition that it will not be used for an unlawful purpose. E. Obligation of the Customer 1. The calling party shall establish his identity in the course of any communication as often as may be necessary. 2. The calling party shall be solely responsible for establishing the identity of the person or persons with whom connection is made at the called station or stations. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 1 Original Sheet 6 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 1. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 1.1 GENERAL (Cont'd) 1.1.2 REGULATIONS (Cont'd) E. Obligation of the Customer (Cont'd) 3. Where mobile radiotelephone stations are involved the party in the vehicle placing or receiving a call shall inform the mobile service operator upon request as to the state in which the vehicle is located at the time of placing or receiving the call. F. Termination of Service for Cause Upon nonpayment of any sum due the Company, or upon a violation of any of the conditions governing the furnishing of service, the Company may, by notice in writing to the customer, without incurring any liability, forthwith discontinue the furnishing of said service. G. Advance Payments Applicants for MTS, whose financial responsibility is not a matter of general knowledge or who are not connected in a substantial way with a firm, corporation or other concern of established credit, may be required to make an advance payment of at least one month's estimated charges. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 4, 2011 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 1 Original Sheet 8 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 1. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 1.1 GENERAL (Cont'd) 1.1.3 SURCHARGES (Cont'd) Surcharge Rate/per call B. Public Payphone Usage Surcharge – In addition to any applicable Operator $ 0.25 Handled Service Charge, this fee applies to all completed Local and Intra- LATA long distance calls that are made from a payphone and are not paid in coins. This surcharge does not apply to calls made to emergency numbers (911) or calls made by hearing or disabled persons to a telecommunications relay service (TRS). Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 1 Original Sheet 9 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 1. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 1.2 STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS 1.2.1 TWO-POINT MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE A. Class of Calls There are six classes of intraLATA calls. Charges apply according to the class of call the calling person selects. 1. Direct Dialed Station-to-Station. Applies when the calling person dials the desired telephone number without the assistance of an operator and the call is billed to the calling number. This includes calls forwarded by call forwarding equipment. Direct Dialed Station-to-Station also applies when the operator: a. Records the calling telephone number for areas without automatic recording equipment. b. Reaches the called telephone number because of trouble on the network or because dial completion is not available. c. Records a special identification number issued by the Company for its billing purposes to students who reside at dormitories of colleges or universities equipped for Dormitory Centrex station. d. Places a call for a calling person who is identified as being handicapped and is unable to dial the call because of that handicap. e. Reestablishes a dialed call when there is a service fault that interrupts a call after the called party has been reached. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2011 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 1 Original Sheet 13 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 1. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 1.2 STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) 1.2.1 TWO-POINT MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) C. Collection of Charges (Cont'd) 2. A third telephone number, except for Telephone Company-provided coin telephones. The third number must be an authorized telephone number as determined by the Company. 3. An authorized Company credit card or special billing number. D. Payment Arrangements The customer is responsible for payment of all charges for service furnished, due on receipt of the bill. E. Handicapped Persons Discount A 50 percent rate reduction, on calls originating from a certified deaf and/or speech impaired customer's residential line to any other Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) device in this state within the same LATA, will be extended to individuals who are certified, in writing, by a physician, or an audiologist, or the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, that he or she is disabled to the extent that he or she is unable to communicate via the telephone by voice conversation. The Department of Vocational Rehabilitation must also certify that any deaf and/or speech impaired person requesting this service has and uses TRS equipment, before the rate reduction applies. This rate reduction applies only to a certified residential customer line. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 1 Original Sheet 14 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 1. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 1.2 STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) 1.2.1 TWO-POINT MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) F. Charge Determination 1. The charge of MTS is determined by the: - distance between rate centers - time of day and day of week - duration of call - class of call 2. Direct Dialed Station-to-Station a. Peak Rate Schedule Each Rate Initial Additional Mileage Minute Minute Residence Business Residence Business 0 - 23 1 1 1 1 24 - 30 $0.33 $0.33 $0.33 $0.33 31 - 40 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 41 - 55 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 56 - 70 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 71 & Over 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 1 Applicable Local Calling Plan rates (See Price List No. 1) apply for 0-23 mile zones. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 1 Original Sheet 15 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 1. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 1.2 STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) 1.2.1 TWO-POINT MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) F. Charge Determination (Cont'd) 2. Direct Dialed Station-to-Station (Cont'd) b. Off-Peak Rate Schedule Each Rate Initial Additional Mileage Minute Minute Residence Business Residence Business 0 - 23 1 1 1 1 24 - 30 $0.22 $0.22 $0.22 $0.22 31 - 40 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 41 - 55 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 56 - 70 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 71 & Over 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 1 Applicable Local Calling Plan rates (See Price List No. 1) apply for 0-23 mile zones. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2011 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 1 Original Sheet 18 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 1. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 1.2 STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) 1.2.1 TWO-POINT MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) F. Charge Determination (Cont'd) 4. Operator Handled Person-to-Person a. Peak Rate Schedule Each Rate Initial Additional Mileage Minute Minute 0 - 23 1 1 24 - 30 $0.33 $0.33 31 - 40 0.33 0.33 41 - 55 0.33 0.33 56 - 70 0.33 0.33 71 & Over 0.33 0.33 1 Applicable Local Calling Plan rates (See Price List No. 1) apply for 0-23 mile zones. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 1 Original Sheet 19 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 1. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 1.2 STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) 1.2.1 TWO-POINT MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) F. Charge Determination (Cont'd) 4. Operator Handled Person-to-Person (Cont'd) b. Off-Peak Rate Schedule Each Rate Initial Additional Mileage Minute Minute 0 - 23 1 1 24 - 30 $0.22 $0.22 31 - 40 0.22 0.22 41 - 55 0.22 0.22 56 - 70 0.22 0.22 71 & Over 0.22 0.22 1 Applicable Local Calling Plan rates (See Price List No. 1) apply for 0-23 mile zones. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 1 Original Sheet 20 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 1. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 1.2 STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) 1.2.1 TWO-POINT MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) F. Charge Determination (Cont'd) 5. Operator Handled Station-to-Station a. Peak Rate Schedule Each Rate Initial Additional Mileage Minute Minute 0 - 23 1 1 24 - 30 $0.33 $0.33 31 - 40 0.33 0.33 41 - 55 0.33 0.33 56 - 70 0.33 0.33 71 & Over 0.33 0.33 1 Applicable Local Calling Plan rates (See Price List No. 1) apply for 0-23 mile zones. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 1 Original Sheet 21 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 1. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 1.2 STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) 1.2.1 TWO-POINT MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) F. Charge Determination (Cont'd) 5. Operator Handled Station-to-Station (Cont'd) b. Off-Peak Rate Schedule Each Rate Initial Additional Mileage Minute Minute 0 - 23 1 1 24 - 30 $0.22 $0.22 31 - 40 0.22 0.22 41 - 55 0.22 0.22 56 - 70 0.22 0.22 71 & Over 0.22 0.22 1 Applicable Local Calling Plan rates (See Price List No. 1) apply for 0-23 mile zones. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 1 Original Sheet 22 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 1. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 1.2 STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) 1.2.1 TWO-POINT MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) F. Charge Determination (Cont'd) 6. Coin Telephone Station-to-Station a. Peak Rate Schedule Each Rate Initial Additional Mileage Minute Minute 0 - 23 1 1 24 - 30 $0.32 $0.32 31 - 40 0.32 0.32 41 - 55 0.32 0.32 56 - 70 0.32 0.32 71 & Over 0.32 0.32 b. Corrections Collect Station-to-Station All distances $0.20 $0.20 1 Applicable Public Access Line Rates listed in the Local Calling Plan tables (See Price List No. 1) apply for 0-23 mile zones. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 1 Original Sheet 23 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 1. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 1.2 STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) 1.2.1 TWO-POINT MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) F. Charge Determination (Cont'd) 6. Coin Telephone Station-to-Station (Cont'd) c. Off-Peak Rate Schedule Each Rate Initial Additional Mileage Minute Minute 0 - 23 1 1 24 - 30 $0.21 $0.21 31 - 40 0.21 0.21 41 - 55 0.21 0.21 56 - 70 0.21 0.21 71 & Over 0.21 0.21 d. Corrections Collect Station-to-Station All distances $0.20 $0.20 1 Applicable Local Calling Plan rates (See Price List No. 1) apply for 0-23 mile zones. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 1 Original Sheet 24 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 1. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 1.2 STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) 1.2.1 TWO-POINT MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) F. Charge Determination (Cont'd) 7. Time Periods In cases where a message begins in one discount period and ends in another, the initial period discount is the discount in effect at the time the connection is established. The discount for each additional period is the discount in effect at the beginning of each additional period. a. Peak and Off-Peak rates apply as follows: Time Applicable________ To But Not Rates From Including_ Days Applicable___ Peak 7:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday Off-Peak 7:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. Monday through Friday 12:00 a.m. 11:59 p.m. Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays 1. 1 The Off-Peak rates apply all day (12:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m.) on the following holidays. See 1.2.1.F.7.c. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 1 Original Sheet 25 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 1. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 1.2 STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) 1.2.1 TWO-POINT MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) F. Charge Determination (Cont'd) 7. Time Periods (Cont'd) a. (Reserved for Future Use) b. When a discount results in a fractional charge, the amount will be rounded to the nearest cent. c. The Off-Peak rate applies to the holidays listed below. - New Year's Day January 1 - Independence Day July 4 - Labor Day (First Monday in September) - Thanksgiving Day (Fourth Thursday in November) - Christmas Day December 25 Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 1 Original Sheet 27 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 1. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 1.2 STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) 1.2.1 TWO-POINT MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) G. Determination of Airline Mileages 1. MTS rates between points (cities, towns or localities) within the same LATA are based on the airline distance between rate centers as described in Tariff FCC No. 4. In general, each point is designated as a rate center; certain small towns or localities are assigned adjacent rate centers with which they are closely associated for communication purposes or by community of interest. 2. Airline mileages are determined by using vertical and horizontal grid lines which have been established across the United States. The spacing between adjacent vertical grid lines and between horizontal grid lines represents a distance of one coordinate unit. A four-digit vertical (V) and a four-digit horizontal (H) coordinate are computed for each rate center from its latitude and longitude location on a map. The intersection of the horizontal grid and the vertical grid identifies the V and H coordinates. The distance between any two rate centers is the airline mileage computed between their respective coordinate intersections. The rates applicable to mileage bands are provided in 1.2.1F preceding. 1.2.2 CONFERENCE SERVICE Conference service is the furnishing of connections between three or more network access lines on one connection at the same time. Conference service is not available to mobile radiotelephone stations. Conference service is furnished where facilities permit. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 1 Original Sheet 28 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 1. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 1.2 STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) 1.2.2 CONFERENCE SERVICE (Cont'd) A. Operator-Handled Conference Service 1. This service provides for communications between a calling station and two or more called stations. An operator connects all stations. The operator will attempt to arrange a conference call at a time specified by the customer. The conference call may be arranged so that all stations can communicate or so that one station transmits and all others receive. 2. Person-to-Person service is the only class of service available for operator-handled conferencing. 3. In cases where a message begins in one discount period and ends in another, the initial period discount is the discount in effect at the time connection is established. The discount for the additional period is the discount in effect at the beginning of the additional period. B. Timing of Calls 1. The following regulations apply in addition to the timing regulations previously specified. Chargeable time: - begins when all connections are established. - ends when the connection is terminated at the originating station. - does not include time lost because of defects in the service. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 1 Original Sheet 29 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 1. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 1.2 STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) 1.2.2 CONFERENCE SERVICE (Cont'd) B. Timing of Calls (Cont'd) 2. When the originating customer requests that a station or stations be added to or disconnected from a conference call on which conversation is in progress, it is considered as terminating the call and initiating a new call to the revised group of stations. C. Rates and Charges 1. Rate airline distances for conference service are determined using the V-H system, as specified in 1.2.1 G. 2. Conference service rates are quoted in terms of initial and additional periods, the total charge being the sum of the two. a. Initial Period (1) All initial period rates are for conference connections of one minute or any fraction thereof plus the person-to-person operator charge. (2) Initial period rate is the sum of the initial 1 minute period charges plus the person-to-person operator charge for each conference point from the originating station as determined by the rate tables in 1.2.1 F. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 1 Original Sheet 30 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 1. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 1.2 STANDARD SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) 1.2.2 CONFERENCE SERVICE (Cont'd) C. Rates and Charges (Cont'd) 2. (Cont'd) b. Additional Period (1) All additional period rates are for each additional minute or any fraction thereof that the conference connection continues beyond the initial period. (2) Additional period rate is the sum of the additional minute charges for each conference point from the originating station as determined by the rate tables in 1.2.1 F. 3. For conference service where all the stations are within a local serving area, the initial period and the additional period charges will be based on the first mileage band. 4. The charges for conference service may be reversed if: - the total charges will be billed to one called conference point. - the total charges are accepted by the designated point. 5. If more than ten conference points are connected at one time, the minimum rate will be for a ten minute conference connection. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 4, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 4, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 4, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 4, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 4, 2011 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 1 Original Sheet 36 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 1. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 1.3 OPTIONAL SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) 1.3.2 DISCOUNT PLAN A. Description The Discount Plan allows subscribers the option of placing toll calls to communities within certain mileage bands within the LATA at a discount over the rates for message Telecommunications Service that otherwise apply to such calls. A monthly recurring charge applies to each plan and is paid in addition to the specific discounted toll charges. The Discount Plan provides a discount for all calls within the mileage bands 24-30 and 31-40 miles. B. Conditions 1. The rates for the Discount Plan are in addition to the charges and rates for station service of the class, type and grade furnished. The rates for the plan are determined by V and H mileage between rate centers within the LATA. 2. Unless otherwise stated, The Discount Plan is subject to the regulations and conditions governing Message Telecommunications Service. 3. The Discount Plan calls may be dialed direct or with the assistance of an operator. The discount applies only to the standard MTS Rates and not to the Operator Surcharge. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 1 Original Sheet 37 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 1. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 1.3 OPTIONAL SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) 1.3.2 DISCOUNT PLAN (Cont'd) B. Conditions (Cont'd) 4. The Discount Plan is not available in connection with Semi-Public, Public Access Line, or Foreign Exchange Service. 5. The monthly recurring charge applies to each and every line or trunk that terminates on the customer's premises that is billed under the same main billing number. 6. The minimum contract period for the Discount Plan is one month. 7. The Discount Plan provides discounted call detail. 8. A customer may only subscribe to one intraLATA Discount Calling Plan per main billing number at the same time. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 1 Original Sheet 38 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 1. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 1.3 OPTIONAL SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont'd) 1.3.2 DISCOUNT PLAN (Cont'd) C. Rates and Charges (Cont'd) 1. Monthly Recurring Charge Residence $3.50 Single Line Business 4.00 Multiline Business 8.00 2. Standard MTS rates within mileage bands 24-30 and 31-40 miles discounted 35%. 3. Nonrecurring service charges from the Price List No. 1 apply. Nonrecurring service charges may be waived from time to time at the Company's discretion in conjunction with sales promotions of this service. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 4, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 4, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 4, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 4, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 4, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 4, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 4, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 4, 2011 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 1 2nd Revised Sheet 49 Canceling 1st Revised Sheet 49 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 1. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 1.3 OPTIONAL SERVICE OFFERINGS (Cont’d) 1.3.5 UNLIMITED INTRALATA TOLL USAGE PLAN FOR BUSINESS B. Conditions (Cont’d) Unlimited IntraLATA Toll Usage Plan for Business does not apply to the following calls or services: Operator Assist Station-to-Station Service Operator Assist Person-to-Person Service Operator Assist Credit Card Calls Directory Assistance Service (Local and National) Dial It Service Wide Area Telecommunications and 800 Service Three Way Calling (per activation) *69 (per activation) Unlimited IntraLATA Toll Usage Plan for Business may only be used for voice applications and may not be used for the transmission of data, for internet connections, or for any other non-voice applications. This service may also not be used for autodialing. Frontier Northwest reserves the right to restrict the number of other services and/or equipment furnished or used in connection with any particular class of service in order to prevent any impairment in the quality of service furnished. If the Customer uses this Service for any non-eligible purpose, including, but not limited to, the examples noted above, the Company may suspend, restrict or cancel the Service. Unlimited IntraLATA Toll Usage Plan for Business is available with Month-to-Month or for a 1 Year Term. Term agreements are applied per line and are not required to be co-terminus. At the end of the term period or any subsequent renewal, the agreement will automatically be renewed for successive 1 Year Terms on the same terms and conditions, unless either party provides advance notice that it does not wish to renew the term. Each subsequent renewal will allow for a 60 day grace period for subscriber to remove the plan without penalty. Pricing will remain the same during any automatic renewal unless Frontier has provided 30 days notice of any change. In the event the customer terminates service within the first 60 days, starting on the Order Completion Date, the customer will be liable for the monthly charges for the service previously on and no termination liability will be applied. If the customer terminates service after 60 calendar days and prior to the completion of the term commitment period, the customer shall be liable for an early termination charge of 25% of the monthly recurring charge for the remainder of the term per line. Advice No. 88 Issued: 02/21/18 Effective: 03/04/18 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Senior Vice President of Regulatory Affairs (D) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING March 4, 2018 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 4, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2011 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 1 Original Sheet 52 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 1. MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 1.4 IDAHO STATE GOVERNMENT NETWORK II (Cont'd) C. Method of Billing All applicable intrastate intraLATA direct distance dialed calls placed from NETCOM II service lines will be accumulated and charged on one billing account as follows: (A) Total hours of usage for all lines, and (B) Total charge for all calls in item A preceding billed at the appropriate MTS rate. D. Rates Discount on Toll Charges Total usage of all lines equals or exceeds 800 hours per month 45% Total usage of all lines is less than 800 hours per month None Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 2 Original Sheet 1 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 2. WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE 2.1 OUTWARD WATS AND 800/877/888 SERVICE - GENERAL 2.1.1 DESCRIPTION A. Wide Area Telecommunications Service (WATS), by use of a WATS access line and the public switched network, provides for dial-type communications between a WATS termination and rate centers within the same LATA and same state and in accordance with the regulations and schedules of charges specified in this Price List. B. A WATS access line is a line from the Company central office to the Company-provided network interface on or near the customer's premises and is provided for the purpose of completing WATS calls. Each such line will be arranged at the customer's option for either Outward WATS or 800/877/888 Service but not for both. 1. The Outward WATS customer is furnished a WATS access line arranged for outward calling only. Outward WATS provides for directly dialed calls from a WATS termination by way of the WATS access line and the public switched network to rate centers within the same LATA in the state. 2. The 800/877/888 Service customer is furnished a WATS access line arranged for inward calling only. 800/877/888 Service provides for dial-type calling to a WATS termination by way of the WATS access line and the public switched network from rate centers within the same LATA in the state. C. WATS is furnished only if the necessary service components are available. If unusual costs are involved to make facilities available, the customer may have to pay additional charges. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 2 Original Sheet 2 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 2. WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 2.1 OUTWARD WATS AND 800/877/888 SERVICE - GENERAL (Cont'd) 2.1.1 DESCRIPTION (Cont'd) D. Interstate and InterLATA OUTWATS/800/877/888 Service will be provided by Interexchange Carriers of record. E. IntraLATA only OUTWATS/800/877/888 Services will not be provided by the Company. F. Intrastate OUTWATS/800/877/888 Access Lines will be provided by the Company to originate or terminate Intrastate InterLATA calls with the participation of the Interexchange Carrier. G. Rate Center -- a specified geographical location in an exchange from which mileage measurements for Message Telecommunications Service are made. H. Service Terminating Arrangement -- Company-provided equipment which terminates WATS access lines and facilitates design, isolation, and testing of WATS service. Protective connecting arrangements include the service terminating arrangement. 2.1.2 WATS TERMINATIONS A. The term station as used in connection with WATS: 1. Denotes the network control signaling unit and any other equipment which is arranged for WATS and provided at a customer's premises in accordance with this Price List or, Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 2 Original Sheet 3 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 2. WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 2.1 OUTWARD WATS AND 800/877/888 SERVICE - GENERAL (Cont'd) 2.1.2 WATS TERMINATIONS (Cont'd) A. The term station as used in connection with WATS: (Cont'd) 2. Denotes the point, at a customer's premises, at which customer-provided terminal equipment or communications system is connected to Company facilities furnished for WATS or, 3. Denotes the point of connection of WATS to switching equipment when such switching equipment is located in a Company central office. B. The term main station denotes the first WATS station for use with a WATS access line. The term extension station denotes any other WATS station furnished for use with the same WATS access line with a main station. C. At the option of the customer, a WATS access line may be connected to: 1. A standard telephone or, 2. An attendant's position or switching equipment of: a PBX or centrex system; or a common control switching arrangement or, 3. A key telephone system or, 4. Another common carrier channel utilizing a WATS central office connecting facility. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 4, 2011 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 2 Original Sheet 5 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 2. WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 2.1 OUTWARD WATS AND 800/877/888 SERVICE - GENERAL (Cont'd) 2.1.3 LIMITATIONS OF SERVICE (Cont'd) F. Company Liability 1. In view of the fact that the customer has exclusive control of his communications over the facilities furnished him by the Company, and of the other uses for which facilities may be furnished him by the Company, and because of unavoidableness of errors incident to the services and to the use of such facilities of the Company, the services and facilities furnished by the Company are subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations herein specified. 2. The liability of the Company for damages arising out of mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays, errors or defects in transmission, or failure or defects in facilities furnished by the Company occurring in the course of furnishing service or other facilities and, not caused by the negligence of the customer, or of the Company in failing to maintain proper standards of maintenance and operation and to exercise reasonable supervision shall in no event exceed an amount equivalent to the proportionate charge to the customer for the period of service during which such mistake, omission, interruption, delay, error or defect in transmission, or failure or defect in facilities occurs. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 2 Original Sheet 6 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 2. WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 2.1 OUTWARD WATS AND 800/877/888 SERVICE - GENERAL (Cont'd) 2.1.3 LIMITATIONS OF SERVICE (Cont'd) F. Company Liability (Cont'd) 3. The Company shall be indemnified and saved harmless by the customer or customers against claims for libel, slander, or the infringement of copyright arising directly or indirectly from the material transmitted over the facilities or the use thereof; against claims for infringement of patents arising from combining with, or using in connection with, facilities furnished by the Company, apparatus and systems of the customer; and against all other claims arising out of any act or omission of the customer in connection with the facilities provided by the Company. 4. When the lines of other telephone companies are used in establishing connections to points not reached by the Company's lines, the Company is not liable for any act or omission of the other company or companies. 5. The Company does not guarantee nor make any warranty with respect to equipment provided by it for use in an explosive atmosphere. The customer shall indemnify and hold the Company harmless from any and all loss, claims, demands, suits, or other action, or any liability whatsoever, whether suffered, made, instituted or asserted by customer or by any other party or person, for any personal injury to or death of any person or persons, and for any loss, damage or destruction of any property, whether owned by the customer or others, caused or claimed to have been caused directly or indirectly by the installation, operation, failure to operate, maintenance, removal, presence, condition, location or use of said equipment so provided. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 2 Original Sheet 7 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 2. WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 2.1 OUTWARD WATS AND 800/877/888 SERVICE - GENERAL (Cont'd) 2.1.3 LIMITATIONS OF SERVICE (Cont'd) F. Company Liability (Cont'd) 5. (Cont'd) a. The Company may require each customer to sign an agreement for the furnishing of such equipment as a condition precedent to the furnishing of such equipment. b. The customer shall furnish, install, and maintain sealed conduit with explosion-proof fittings between this equipment and points outside the hazardous area where connection may be made with regular facilities of the Company. The customer may be required to install and maintain this equipment within the hazardous area if, in the opinion of the Company, injury or damage to Company employees or property might result from installation or maintenance by the Company. G. Transmission Quality Satisfactory transmission cannot be assured when the WATS access line is connected to other Company services or to customer-provided equipment or services. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 2 Original Sheet 8 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 2. WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 2.1 OUTWARD WATS AND 800/877/888 SERVICE - GENERAL (Cont'd) 2.1.3 LIMITATIONS OF SERVICE (Cont'd) H. Completion of 800/877/888 Service Messages 800/877/888 Service is furnished upon condition that the customer obtain adequate service to permit the use of this service without interfering with this service or impairing it or without injurious effects upon it or any other service rendered by the Company. The Company, without incurring any liability, may terminate or refuse to furnish 800/877/888 Service to any customer who fails to comply with said conditions, provided that, in case of a termination of service, at least five days have elapsed following written notification to the customer by mail or in person of the Company's intention to terminate the service for such cause. I. Use of Service WATS may be used by the customer or others authorized by the customer. Orders involving installation, rearrangement, billing, or discontinuance of service will be accepted by the Company only from the customer. J. Abuse or Fraudulent Use The service is furnished subject to the condition that there will be no abuse or fraudulent use of the service. Abuse or fraudulent use of service includes: Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 2 Original Sheet 9 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 2. WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 2.1 OUTWARD WATS AND 800/877/888 SERVICE - GENERAL (Cont'd) 2.1.3 LIMITATIONS OF SERVICE (Cont'd) J. Abuse or Fraudulent Use (Cont'd) 1. The placing or acceptance of a WATS call by a WATS customer, his agent, employee or representative, in response to an uncompleted MTS call, which was not completed in order to transmit or receive intelligence without the payment of the applicable message toll charge; 2. The obtaining, or attempting to obtain, or assisting another to obtain or to attempt to obtain, WATS by rearranging, tampering with, or making connection with any facilities of the Company or by any trick, scheme, false representation, or false credit device, or by or through any other fraudulent means or device whatsoever, with intent to avoid the payment, in whole or in part, of the regular rates and/or charges for such service; 3. The use of service of facilities of the Company for a call or calls, anonymous or otherwise, if in a manner reasonably to be expected to frighten, abuse, torment, or harass another; 4. The use of profane or obscene language; 5. The use of the service in such a manner as to interfere unreasonably with the use of the service by one or more other customers. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 2 Original Sheet 10 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 2. WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 2.1 OUTWARD WATS AND 800/877/888 SERVICE - GENERAL (Cont'd) 2.1.4. APPLICATION OF MONTHLY RATES FOR ACCESS LINE AND USAGE A. General WATS usage charges are for payment for the service between the WATS termination and another location. B. Service Group 1. Service group, as used in connection with Outward WATS, denotes one access line or two or more access lines appearing in the same multiline terminating system at the same customer premises. 2. Service group, as used in connection with 800/877/888 Service, denotes the access lines arranged in central office equipment furnished by the Company as part of a given hunting arrangement. (The term hunting arrangement denotes a grouping of 800/877/888 Service access lines at the same customer's premises arranged for the completion of a given call or arranged for overflow to or from another access line or group of access lines.) C. Chargeable Time 1. Chargeable time begins when connection is established between a station associated with the WATS access line and the calling or called station. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 2 Original Sheet 11 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 2. WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 2.1 OUTWARD WATS AND 800/877/888 SERVICE - GENERAL (Cont'd) 2.1.4. APPLICATION OF MONTHLY RATES FOR ACCESS LINE AND USAGE C. Chargeable Time (Cont'd) 2. Chargeable time ends when the calling station "hangs up" thereby releasing the network connection. If the called station "hangs up" but the calling station does not, chargeable time ends when the network connection is released by automatic timing equipment in the telecommunications network. 3. When 800/877/888 Service is directly connected (i.e., not connected through a multiline terminating system) at a customer's premises to a communications system, chargeable time begins when the call terminates in or passes through the first multiline terminating system or terminal equipment on that communications system. It is the customer s responsibility to furnish appropriate answer supervision to the point of connection with the 800/877/888 Service so that the chargeable time may begin. D. Minimum Service Period The minimum service period for WATS is one day. E. Payment of Charges 1. The customer is responsible for pa ment of all char es for service furnished the customer. Charges are payable upon establishment of service. All other charges from time to time in force and effect are payable monthly in advance, except hourly usage charges, which are payable upon rendition of a bill by the Company. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 2 Original Sheet 12 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 2. WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 2.1 OUTWARD WATS AND 800/877/888 SERVICE - GENERAL (Cont'd) 2.1.4 APPLICATION OF MONTHLY RATES FOR ACCESS LINE AND USAGE (Cont'd) E. Payment of Charges (Cont'd) 2. Charges of less than a cent will be rounded to the nearest cent. F. Fractional Periods 1. The charge for a fractional part of a month will be a proportionate part of the monthly rate based on the actual number of days the service is provided. 2. For the purpose of administering this regulation with respect to the determination of the charge for a fractional part of a month, every month is considered to have 30 days. G. Minimum Average Time Requirement (MATR) Usage is subject to an average of one minute per completed call in each rate period for each billing period. This means that if the average duration per call in any rate period during each billing cycle is less than one minute, billing will be based on an average duration of one minute per call. H. Method of Determining Rates 1. Determine the total number of calls for the service group. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 2 Original Sheet 13 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 2. WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 2.1 OUTWARD WATS AND 800/877/888 SERVICE - GENERAL (Cont'd) 2.1.4 APPLICATION OF MONTHLY RATES FOR ACCESS LINE AND USAGE (Cont'd) H. Method of Determining Rates (Cont'd) 2. Determine the equivalent hours used by applying the minimum average time requirement of 60 seconds (1 call 1 minute). 3. Determine the total actual hours used for the service group. 4. Determine the chargeable hours which is the greater of 2. or 3. above, rounded to the nearest tenth (one decimal place). 5. Determine the number of access lines in service during the month. Access lines in service for a fraction of a month are based on the number of days in service divided by 30 days. The result is rounded to the nearest hundredth, two decimal places. 6. Determine the average use per line in the service group by dividing the chargeable hours in (d) above by the number of access lines in 5. above. 7. Determine the usage charge per line by multiplying the hourly rate in the appropriate taper(s) by the number of hours used in each taper and totaling these charges. 8. Determine the total usage charge in the service group by multiplying the usage charge per access line in 7 above by the number of access lines in 5 above. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 2 Original Sheet 14 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 2. WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 2.2 OUTWARD WATS RATES AND CHARGES 2.2.1 OUTWARD WATS ACCESS LINE Monthly Rate - Each $ 44.69 2.2.2 USAGE The hourly rates for outward WATS apply to the average use of each rate period, rounded to the nearest tenth of an hour, for each access line within a service group. Charge Usage Rate Per Access Line, Per Hour - First 3 hours $14.88 - Next 4 hours 12.65 - Next 6 hours 11.16 - Next 8 hours 10.42 - Over 21 hours 9.67 2.2.3 NONRECURRING CHARGES FOR INSTALLATIONS. MOVES AND CHANGES Nonrecurring Charge Installation $ 75.00 Moves, Changes Service Request changes for Multiline services apply from the Price List No. 1 A move to a different premises will be treated as a disconnect and installation of service. The above installation charge will apply. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 2 Original Sheet 15 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 2. WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 2.3 800/877/888 SERVICE RATES AND CHARGES 2.3.1 800/877/888 SERVICE ACCESS LINE 1 Monthly Rate - Each $ 44.69 2.3.2 USAGE The hourly rates for 800/877/888 Services apply to the average use of each rate period rounded to the nearest tenth of an hour, for each access line within a service group. Charge Usage Rate Per AccessLine, Per Hour - First 3 hours $20.00 - Next 4 hours 18.00 - Next 6 hours 17.00 - Next 8 hours 16.00 - Over 21 hours 15.00 1 Not applicable if intraLATA usage is provided as an add on to an Interexchange Carrier's interLATA 800/877/888 Service. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 2 Original Sheet 16 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 2. WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 2.3 800/877/888 SERVICE RATES AND CHARGES (Cont'd) 2.3.3 NONRECURRING CHARGES FOR INSTALLATIONS. MOVES AND CHANGES Nonrecurring Charge Installation $ 75.00 Moves, Changes Service Request changes for Multiline services apply from Price List No. 1 A move to a different premises will be treated as a disconnect and installation of service. The above installation charge will apply. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 2 Original Sheet 17 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 2. WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 2.4 ANCILLARY WATS SERVICE 2.4.1 MONTHLY RATES FOR ACCESS LINE EXTENSIONS A. Access line extensions are provided only within the same LATA in this state. B. The minimum service period for an access line extension is one day. C. When a WATS access line has more than one termination, one is designated as the access line main station. All other terminations of the same access line are designated as access line extensions. D. For each access line extension the appropriate rates and charges for Special Access two-wire Voiceband Facility apply. See Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. I.P.U.C Price List No. 2. 2.4.2 ACCESS LINE TERMINATIONS Access lines may be equipped for Touch Call Service where facilities permit. In such cases, Touch Call rates and charges will not apply on the access lines. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 2 Original Sheet 18 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 2. WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 2.4 ANCILLARY WATS SERVICE (Cont'd) 2.4.3 NONRECURRING CHARGES FOR INSTALLATIONS, MOVES, AND CHANGES Nonrecurring Charge Outward WATS, 800/877/888 Service - Installation $ 75.00 Moves, Changes Service Request changes for Multiline services apply from the Price List No. 1 A move to a different premises will be treated as a disconnect and installation of service. The above installation charge will apply. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho I.P.U.C. PRICE LIST No. 3 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC. Section 2 Original Sheet 19 INTRALATA TOLL SERVICES 2. WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Cont'd) 2.4 ANCILLARY WATS SERVICE (Cont'd) 2.4.4 ALLOWANCE FOR INTERRUPTIONS A. In the event of an interruption to the service, which is not due to the negligence of the customer, an allowance will be made if the interruption continues for more than 24 hours from the time it is reported to or detected by the Company. The allowance will be the prorated portion of the monthly rate. Credit is not applicable to usage. The allowance applied includes all credits to be applied for an interruption. B. Allowances will not be made for: - non-completion of WATS messages due to busy network conditions, or - interruption of service due to Customer-provided equipment or systems, or - interruption of service due to the negligence of the Customer, or - interruption of service during any period in which the Company is not afforded access to the premises at which the WATS access line is terminated, or - interruption of service during any period when the Customer has released the WATS access line to the Company for maintenance purposes, or implementation of a Customer order for a change in service arrangement. C. Long distance message telecommunications service furnished at Customer's request, when his WATS is interrupted, is charged at the long distance message telecommunications rates. Advice No. 3 Issued: 08/05/10 Effective: 08/16/10 Issued by Frontier Communications Northwest Inc. By Kenneth Mason, Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 4, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 4, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 4, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 4, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 4, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 4, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 4, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 4, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 4, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 4, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 4, 2011 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING April 4, 2011 Boise, Idaho