HomeMy WebLinkAboutConsolidated Telecom Inc.pdfConsolidated Telecom,Inc.ID P.S.C.No.1 Original Sheet 1 TITLE SHEET IDAHO iNMATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS TARIFF This tariff contains the descriptions,regulations,and rates applicable to the furnishing of inmate telecommunications services provided by Consolidated Telecom,Inc.with the principal offices at 132 Greenway Drive,Suite 450,Irving,Texas 75038.This tariff applies to services furnished within the state of Iowa.This tariff is on file with the Idaho Public Service Commission and may be inspected during normal business hours at the Company’s principal place ofbusiness. The Company’s telephone and fax numbers are: Telephone (972)679-2722 Fax (972)239-2358 Customer Service Toll Free:(800)583-9683 Issued:Effective:dho Pubiic 1JtiJftes Commsson Orfice of the Secretary By:Jerome Jacobs,Vice President ACCEPTED FOR FILING Consolidated Telecom,Inc.DEC 1 0 2011 1320 Greenway Drive,Suite 450 Irving,Texas 75038 Boise ldho Consolidated Telecom,Inc.ID P.S.C.No.1 Original Sheet 2 CHECK SHEET SHEETS 1 THROUGH 28,iNCLUSIVE OF THIS TARIFF,ARE EFFECTIVE AS OF THE DATES SHOWN AT THE BOTTOM OF THE RESPECTIVE SHEET(S).ORIGINAL AND REVISED SHEETS AS NAMED BELOW COMPRISE OF ALL CHANGES FROM THE ORIGINAL TARIFF AND ARE CURRENTLY IN EFFECT AS OF THE DATE ON THE BOTFOM OF THIS PAGE. Sheet Revision Original 2 Original 3 Original 4 Original 5 Original 6 Original 7 Original 8 Original 9 Original 10 Original 11 Original 12 Original 13 Original 14 Original 15 Original 16 Original 17 Original Issued:Effective:fte of he Seco ACCEPTED FOR FILiNG By:Jerome Jacobs,Vice President Consolidated Telecom,Inc.DEC 1 0 2011 1320 Greenway Drive Suite 450 . 1diio Irving,Texas 75038 Consolidated Telecom,Inc.ID P.S.C.No.1 Original Sheet 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page Check Sheet 2 Table of Contents 3 Explanation of Symbols 4 Section 1 —Definitions 5 Section 2 —Rules and Regulations 9 Section 3 —Description of Services 16 Section 4—Rates and Charges 24 Issued:Effective:of t!e Scetarv ACChPTED FOR RLING By:Jerome Jacobs,Vice President EC I 1 Consolidated Telecom,Inc. 1320 Greenway Drive,Suite 450 Boise.dahQ Irving,Texas 75038 Consolidated Telecom,Inc.ID P.S.C.No.1 Original Sheet 4 EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS Page Numbering —Page numbers appear in the upper right hand corner of the page.Pages are numbered sequentially.From time to time new pages may be added to the tariff.When a new page is added between existing pages a decimal is added to the preceding page number.For example,a new page added between pages 2 and 3 would be numbered 2.1. Explanation of Symbols —When changes are made in any tariff sheet,a revised sheet will be issued cancelling the tariff sheet affected.Changes will be identified on the revised page(s)through the use of the following symbols: C-To signify changed regulation D-To signify discounted rate or regulation I-To signify increased rate N-To signify new rate or regulation R-To signify reduced rates S-To signify reissued matter T-To signify a change in text but no change in rate or regulation M-To signify matter relocated without change Z-To signify a correction T-Change in text or regulation Issued:Effective: ACCEPTED By:Jerome Jacobs,Vice President Consolidated Telecom,Inc.0 EC 1 0 2011 1320 Greenway Drive,Suite 450 Irving,Texas 75038 E33;se,IdahO Consolidated Telecom,Inc.ID P.S.C.No.1 Original Sheet 5 TARIFF FORMAT A.Sheet Numbering -Sheet numbers appear in the upper-right corner of the sheet.Sheets are numbered sequentially.However,new sheets are occasionally added to the tariff. B.Sheet Revision Numbers -Revision numbers also appear in the upper-right corner ofthe sheet. These numbers are used to determine the most current sheet version on file with the Commission. For example,4th Revised Sheet 14 cancels 3rd Revised Sheet 14. C.Paragraph Numbering Sequence -There are various levels of alphanumeric paragraph coding. Each level of coding is subservient to its next higher level of coding. 2. 2.1. 2.1.1. 2.l.l.A. 2.1.1.A.1. 2.1.1.A.1.(a) D.Check Sheets -When a tariff filing is made with the Commission,an updated check sheet accompanies the tariff filing.The Check Sheet lists the sheets contained in the tariff with a cross reference to the current revision number.When new sheets are added,the Check Sheet is changed to reflect the revision.All revisions made in a given filing are designated by an asterisk (*).There will be no other symbols used on this sheet if these are the only changes made to it (i.e.,the format,etc.,remains the same,just revised revision levels on some sheets).The tariff user should refer to the latest Check Sheet to find out if a particular sheet is the most current sheet on file with the Commission. Issued:Effective:Pubhc uti;tes Commissa Offe of the Setary By:Jerome Jacobs,Vice President ACCEPTED FOR FILING Consolidated Telecom,Inc.DEC 1 0 2011 1320 Greenway Drive,Suite 450 frying,Texas 75038 Boise,ida1o Consolidated Telecom,Inc.ID P.S.C.No,1 Original Sheet 6 SECTION 1-DEFINITIONS Inmate Phone Service (IPS)-A class of telecommunications service made available at an institution for use by inmates in making outbound,automated-collect-only or debit system calls.Call placement,recording and billing arrangements are performed without the assistance of a live operator. Inmate -One of a group confined or occupying a single place or resident such as a prison or hospital. Institution —Any type of confinement or correctional facility,such as mental health facilities,prisons,jails,work farms or detention facilities. Access Line —An arrangement from a local exchange telephone company or other common carrier which connects an inmate telephone to a switching center. Automated Call Processing System —Equipment that automates the placement of collect calls,including recordation of billing information. Automated Phone Payment Processing Fee An undiscountable fee charged to a customer by a third party Automated Phone Payment Processor when the customer chooses to make a payment using a credit card, check/debit card or check over the phone for an account with the provider. Billed Party -The individual,firm or entity who accepts a collect call,is billed for the call,and responsible for the payment of the applicable charges. flinLit —A dollar value of accepted collect call charges beyond which is deemed to be an at-risk collection. Billing Clearinghouse/Services Company —Third party company that bills customer on behalf ofprovider or local exchange carrier. fl4Jay —The individual,firm or entity that has the capability to accept or decline a collect call originating from an institution or facility. Client —The Confinement Facility Administration or the government entity with which the Company has contracted to provide service. Collect Call —a Billing arrangement whereby the charge for a call may be billed to the called party,provided the called station accepts responsibility for such calls. Commission The Idaho Public Utilities Commission (APSC). Issued:Effective:shbttesmm00 ..ACCEPTED FOR FLUNG By:Jerome Jacobs,Vice President Consolidated Telecom,Inc.DEC 1 0 2011 1320 Greenway Drive,Suite 450 irving,Texas 75038 Botse,Waho Consolidated Telecom,Inc.ID P.S.C.No.1 Original Sheet 7 SECTION 1 —DEFINITIONS (continued) Common Carrier —A company or entity providing telecommunications services to the public and subject to the jurisdiction of the Idaho Public Service Commission. Customer —The billed party (person,firm,corporation or other entity)that agrees to accept and pay for Inmate Phone Service calls. Completed Calls —Calls that are answered by the called party on the distant end. Debit Calling—A service where the inmate may place calls using funds transferred from the inmates commissary account. Delinquent Date —The last day for payment without unpaid amounts being subject to a late payment charge. Disconnection-The disabling of circuitry preventing outgoing calls. Incomplete Call —Any call where transmission between the calling and called party is not established .Refused, busy signal or calls not answered are considered incomplete. Inmate Telephone —A coinless telephone instrument installed in a confinement facility conforming to rules established by the Idaho Public Service Commission. Interexchange Carrier (IXC)—a company which furnishes interexchange telephone service. Local Call —a call originating and terminating within a single exchange or extended service area. Local Exchange Carrier (“LEC”)—A certified telecommunications company that provides local exchange service to customers in the State ofIdaho. Prepaid Customer Account —A program available from certain providers to those customers whose calls cannot be billed through their Local Telephone Carrier or provided to those customers who accrue a threshold amount of charges.Accounts are established with the provider by the customer and charges for service by the provider are deducted from the customer’s account. Provider —The inmate telephone service company,unless otherwise stated. Issued:Effective:IdahobcUNtsCGmmSSOfl ACCETED FOR RUNG By:Jerome Jacobs,Vice President Consolidated Telecom,Inc.DEC 1 0 2011 1320 Greenway Drive,Suite 450 frying,Texas 75038 —Bose daho Consolidated Telecom,Inc.ID P.S.C.No.1 Original Sheet 8 SECTION 1 —DEFINITIONS (continued) Toll Call —A call originating in one exchange and terminating in another that is not part ofthe exchange and is not a part of any extended area service arrangement. Issued:Effective:Qffce ACCEPTED FOR FILING By:Jerome Jacobs Vice President Consolidated Telecom,Inc.0 EC 1 0 O1 1 1320 Greenway Drive,Suite 450 idaho frying,Texas 75038 Consolidated Telecom,Inc.ID P.S.C.No.1 Original Sheet 9 SECTION 2-RULES AND REGULATIONS 2.1 Undertaking of Inmate Phone Service Provider 2.1.1 The Company’s inmate telephone services are furnished for communications originating in Confinement Facilities within the State of Idaho 2.1.2 The Company shall install,operate and maintain the communications services provided hereunder in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth under this tariff.The service shall benefit the inmates housed in confinement facilities under municipal,county,state and federal jurisdiction and serve to benefit the called party as well as the client. 2.1.3 Subject to limitations and rules established by the administration ofthe facility,the provider will furnish services twenty-four hours per day,seven days a week. 2.2 Limitations 2.2.1 Service is offered subject to the provisions of this tariff 2.2.2 The company reserves the right to discontinue furnishing service,or limit the use of service necessitated by conditions beyond its control or when a Customer,Calling Party,Called Party, Inmate or other person is attempting to steal service or is using service in violation of the law,the rules of the particular Confinement Facility or the provisions of this Tariff The Company may choose to seek prosecution of those using its services in violation ofthe law.Service shall not be used at any time for unlawful purposes. 2.2.3 Title to any equipment provided by Company under these regulations remains with the company. Prior written permission from the Company is required before any assignment or transfer.All regulations,terms and conditions contained in this tariff shall apply to any assignee or transferee. 2,2.4 The Company may refuse,restrict,or interrupt service to customers due to insufficient or fraudulent billing information,invalid telephone numbers,invalid credit card/debit card numbers or falsified identification.Service may be denied to any individual or entity that refuses to accept responsibility for payment. 2.2.5 The Company will provide outbound,automated-collect,prepaid or debit calls to locations within the United States of America and facility approved and/or requested territories and foreign nations. 2.2.6 The Company will expressly prohibit calls that are direct dial,charged to credit cards,charged to calling cards,toll-free,sent-paid or third-party.Calls placed utilizing prepaid calling cards or prepaid debit cards available through the provider are allowed.The confinement facility may obtain debit or prepaid calling cards from the currently contracted Inmate Phone Service provider and are expressly prohibited from obtaining prepaid calling or debit cars from outside vendors or competitive providers ofInmate Phone Service Issued:Effective:Offce of the Scretay ACCEPTED FOR FiLiNG By:Jerome Jacobs,Vice President DEC 1 0 2011 Consolidated Telecom,Inc. 1320 Greenway Drive,Suite 450 B&se ththo Irving,Texas 75038 Consolidated Telecom,Inc.ID P.S.C.No.1 Original Sheet 10 SECTION 2-RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) 2.2.7 Services may be limited at the discretion ofthe administration of the confinement facility.The Company may restrict access or refuse service to any inmate at the request of the facility administration.The company may limit or deny inmate access to certain telephone numbers as specified by the facility administration. 2.2.8 Calls to Company,facility staff members and other numbers as requested will be blocked in the interest of public safety. 2.2.9 Toll-free,Ni 1,1OXXX and all other information calls shall be blocked.At no time,under any circumstances,will calls be completed to a live operator. 2.2.10 Call blocking will be available to the called party,the client or any party,upon notification to the company.The Company will maintain a toll-free number to allow facility administration or any individual to request blocking.The company may provide the facility administration the capability to block on-site. 2.3 Telephone Rules Inmate Telephone Service providers shall adhere to all requirements cited in Idaho Public Service Commission Telephone Rules. 2.4 Limitation of Liability 2.4.1 The Company is not liable for damages to a conlinement facility resulting from the furnishing of service including the installation,modification or removal of equipment and associated wiring, unless the damage is directly caused by the employees of the company or its authorized agents. 2.4.2 The Company shall not be responsible for interruptions of service resulting from the following:1) three-way call attempts 2)call waiting tones 3)call holding attempts 4)call transfer attempts 5) line or equipment interference at called party premises 6)cessations of speech with no hang up.In no event will the Company be liable for consequential damages resulting from the interruptions of service listed above. 2.4.3 The Company,at its own expense,will indemnify the Client and hold it harmless in respect to any and all loss,damage,liability or expense asserted against the Client by a third party on account of any property damage or personal injury caused by any negligence or willful misconduct of Client or its agents or representatives arising out ofperformance by Company of any testing or other activities on the Client’s premises pursuant to this tariff.Company’s obligations under the immediately proceeding sentence shall be subject to the Client’s full performance of this tariff and subject further to the Client’s duty to take reasonable precautions in the location,construction, maintenance and operation of all activities,facilities and equipment for the protection against hazard or injury and to not interfere with the services rendered by the Company. Issued Effective Of&e of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING By:Jerome Jacobs,Vice President o E 1 0 2011 Consolidated Telecom,Inc. 1320 Greenway Drive,Suite 450 Boise Idaho Irving,Texas 75038 Consolidated Telecom,Inc.ID P.S.C.No.1 Original Sheet 11 SECTION 2-RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) 2.4.4 The Company shall be indemnified and held harmless by the Client against:1)Claims for libel, slander,infringement of copyright or patent infringement,unauthorized use ofany trademark, trade name or service mark arising out ofthe material,date information,or other content transmitted over the Company’s system or equipment;and 2)all other claims arising out of any act or omission by the Client in connection with any service provided by the Company. 2.4.5 The Company shall not be liable for and shall be indemnified and held harmless by Client’s, Customers,Called Party’s,Calling Party’s or Inmates against all loss,claims,demands,suits or other action,or any liability whatsoever,whether suffered,made,instituted,or asserted by Customer,Calling Party,Called party,Inmate or any other party or person,or for any destruction of any property,whether owned by a Customer or others,caused by or claimed to have been caused directly or indirectly by the installation,operation and maintenance of service provided by the Company. 2.4.6 The language set forth in this section does not constitute a determination by the Commission that a limitation of liability imposed by the Company should be upheld in a court of law.Acceptance for filing by the Commission recognizes that it is a court’s responsibility to adjudicate negligence and consequential damage claims.It is also the court’s responsibility to determine the validity of the exculpatory clause. 2.5 Payment and Charges for Services a)Service is provided and billed on a monthly basis. b)Payment is due upon receipt.Payment will be considered timely if paid within 20 days after the bill is rendered.The bill shall be considered rendered when deposited in the United States Postal Service with postage prepaid. c)In the event of a dispute concerning a bill,Customer must pay a sum equal to the amount of the undisputed portion ofthe bill and proceed with complaint procedures set forth in this tariff. d)The Customer is responsible for payment of all charges for service furnished to the Customer under this tariff. e)Customer is responsible for payment of any federal,state and local taxes (i.e.gross receipts tax,sales tax,municipal utilities tax)which will be listed as separate line items and which are not included in the quoted rates. f)Customers will be charged a late payment penalty as set forth in this tariff. g)Customers will be charged on all checks returned to Company by the issuing entity. Issued:Effective:kfaho Pubc titI:tes Coms Offc cfArrpri By:Jerome Jacobs,Vice President Consolidated Telecom,Inc.j EC i o 1320 Greenway Drive,Suite 450 Irving,Texas 75038 Boue,daho Consolidated Telecom,Inc.ID P.S.C.No.1 Original Sheet 12 SECTION 2-RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) 2.6 Application of Charges The charges for service are those in effect for the period that service is furnished.If the charges for a period covered by a bill change after the bill has been rendered,the bill will be adjusted to reflect the new changes. 2.7 Customer Complaint Procedure The Company will resolve any disputes brought to its attention as promptly and effectively as possible. Customer Service Representatives can be reached via the following toll-free telephone number:1-800-583- 9683. Any unresolved disputes may be directed to Consumer Services,Idaho Public Service Commission,472 W. Washington Avenue,Boise,ID 83702.Ph.(208)334-0300 In the event of a dispute concerning an invoice,the customer must pay a sum equal to the amount of the disputed portion of the bill and notify the Company of the disputed portion. 2.8 Calculation of Credit Allowance Customers have up to 60 days (commencing 5 days after remittance of the bill)to initiate a dispute over charges or to receive credits.The Company will try its best to resolve any disputes properly brought to its attention. 2.9 Reporting Requirements All Inmate Phone Service providers shall submit to the Commission,upon request but routinely on an annual basis by inmate facility location,a written report of all access lines and the number of telephone instruments used to provide Inmate Phone Service.The reporting period is as of the end ofthe month of May,annually.The report must be received at the Commission prior to the end ofthe succeeding month (June)that follows the reporting period. 2.9.1 Upon request from the Commission,IPS providers must,in a timely manner,and in accordance with the confidentiality agreements between the IPS provider and Commission staff as necessary; submit data requested by the Commission relating to its Idaho IPS operations,including but not limited to,revenue,expenses,and facility/usage data by inmate facility. 2.9.2 Upon request by the inmate facility administration,the IPS provider shall promptly furnish call detail information where the provision of such information is not in violation of federal,state,or local laws,regulations or orders. Issued:Effective:Office of t Scer, ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG By:Jerome Jacobs,Vice President . .i_j 2011 Consolidated Telecom,Inc. 1320 Greenway Drive,Suite 450 Boise.Idaho Irving,Texas 75038 Consolidated Telecom,Inc.ID No.1 Original Sheet 13 SECTION 2-RULES AND REGULATIONS (Continued) 2.10 Inspection and Service Quality 2.10.1 All telephone instruments and the facilities used for transmission of service are subject to periodic inspections to assure compliance with Commission requirements.Findings ofnon-compliance will be brought to the attention of the provider and the facility by letter.If violations are not corrected within thirty (30)days from date of the letter,unless otherwise extended,the provider may be subject to additional Commission action up to and including revocation of the Commission issued Certificate authorizing the provider to offer IPS service in the State ofIdaho.. 2.10.2 The IPS provider shall cooperate with the Commission to investigate complaints regarding transmission service quality,disconnects,and service related disputes from inmate facilities relative to the service provided by the IPS. Issued:Effective:Idaho tic Utilities Commission UcuC of ie Stri rr’o rIiJrrtLl’ By:Jerome Jacobs,Vice President Consolidated Telecom,Inc.DEC 1 0 2011 1320 Greenway Drive,Suite 450 Irving,Texas 75038 Idaho Consolidated Telecom,Inc.ID P.S.C.No.1 Original Sheet 14 SECTION 3-DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES 3.1 Timing of Calls The Customer’s monthly usage charges for Company service are based upon the total number of minutes the customer uses and service options offered the Customer.Chargeable time begins when the connection is established between the calling station and the called station.Chargeable time ends when either party hangs up (disconnects). There are no charges to be incurred or billed for calls that are not completed. 3.1.1 Billingjncrements Usage is billed in the increments set forth in the individual rate sections. 3.1.2 Call Rounding All calls are rounded to the next highest billing increments,with the exception of flat rate charges cited in the individual rate sections.The total charge for a fraction of a cent will be rounded to the next highest whole cent where applicable. 3.1.3 Deposits The Company may require deposits from a prospective Customer,disconnected Customer,or former Customer to be held as a guarantee for the payment of charges,in accordance with the General Rules of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission.Interest on deposits shall be paid annually at a rate of 7%,in accordance with the rules ofthe Commission. Issued:Effective:Ufhce at ecetary ACCEPTED FGf FlUNG By:Jerome Jacobs,Vice President Consolidated Telecom,Inc.DEC 1 0 2011 1320 Greenway Drive,Suite 450 Irving,Texas 75038 Poise.Td3ho Consolidated Telecom,Inc.ID P,S.C.No.1 Original Sheet 15 SECTION 3-DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES (continued) Deposits shall be returned to the customer when service is terminated or when satisfactory credit has been established.Satisfactory credit may be established through prompt payment of all Company bills for a period of one year (two year maximum). Upon termination of service,deposits with accrued interest shall be credited to the final bill and the balance returned to the Customer. 3.1.4 Interconnection Service furnished by the Company may be interconnected with services or facilities of authorized communications common carriers and with private systems,subject to technical limitations. Interconnection with the facilities or services of carrier’s shall be under the applicable terms and conditions of other carrier’s tariffs. Issued:Effective:ldaho Pub’ic Utiiitie COmflhiSStcM Office of the Semetary By:Jerome Jacobs,Vice President ACCcr i r1_. Consolidated Telecom,Inc.oc i o z 1320 Greenway Drive,Suite 450 — frying,Texas 75038 Consolidated Telecom,Inc.ID P.S.C.No.1 Original Sheet 16 SECTION 4-RATES ANI)CHARGES 4.1 All Inmate Phone Providers shall file tariffs with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission which set forth the services provided and all applicable charges,surcharges and fees for those services. 4.1.1 The charges,surcharges and fees charged the Customer for any collect call that originates and terminates in the State of Idaho shall not exceed the currently effective rate caps ordered by the Commission for lunate Phone Services calls. 4.1.2 Every call from Inmate Phone Service instruments will be automated-collect,billed to the called party,or charged to a prepaid or debit account authorized by the inmate facility or other billing or charging methods included in the Provider’s approved tariff. 4.2 llect Calls and Debit Calling The rates charged by the Company for toll calls shall consist of a fixed service charge and a measured charge dependent upon the duration of the call,The rates for local calls shall consist of a fixed service charge and the applicable local call rate. 4.2.1 Computation of Charges The total charge for each toll call consists of two charge elements:a fixed service charge and a measured charge dependent on the duration ofthe call.The measured charge element is specified as a rate per minute which is applied to each minute,with fractional minutes rounded up to the nearest one full minute.Local calls shall consist of a fixed service charge and a fixed usage fee. 4.2.2 hagc1eTes Chargeable times begins when the Called Party accepts the charges by positive acceptance through pressing the appropriate key on a touch-tone phone.In the absence of acceptance,calls will be Issued:Effective:titWties Commission Office of th Secretary By Jerome Jacobs,Vice President ACC HTE[s Y FlUNG Consolidated Telecom,Inc. 1320 Grecnway Drive,Suite 450 U LC .1 0 LOi 1 living Texas 75038 Bone.Idafla Consolidated Telecom,Inc.ID P.S.C.No.1 Original Sheet 17 SECTION 4-RATES AND CHARGES (continued) terminated and no charges incurred.Chargeable time ends when either the Calling Party or Called Party hangs up or when released by the automatic timing equipment in the telephone system. 4.2.3 Local Calls Local collect calls:$.50 per five minutes plus $1.30 Operator Surcharge. 4.2.4.IntraLATA Collect Calls A.Operator Surcharge:$1.85 B.Per minute Charges:$40 per minute 4.2.5 InterLATA Collect Calls A.Operator Surcharge:$1.85 B.Per minute Charges:$.40 per minute Issued:Effective:......... Office of the Secretary By:Jerome Jacobs,Vice President ACCEPTED FOR HLING Consolidated Telecom Inc. 1320 Greenway Drive,Suite 450 DEC 1 0 2011 Irving,Texas 75038