HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoast International Inc.pdfCOAST INTERNATIONAL , INC I D AH P. U . C . NO. OVERLAND PARK , KANSAS ORIGINAL TITLE PAGE TARIFF APPLICABLE TO LONG DISTANCES SERVICES COAST INTERNATIONAL, INC Issued : September 1990 Effective: October 1990Issued by: G. Brian Bridger , President Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary . ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 251990 Boise, Idaho I..' ..-. .n.. 0-. ' ~ "'. '. - Coast International, Inc. 14303 W. 95th Street PageLenexat KS 66215 IDAHO P.C. No. Revised Check page Replaces Original Check Page . CHECK SHEET Pages listed below of this tariff are effective as of the date SO"'l1 at the bottonl of the respective sheet(s). Original and revised pages as named below comprise all changes from the original tariff and are currently in effect as of the date of the bottom of this page. PAGE REVISION Title Page Check Sheet . 20 Original First Revised Original Original Original Original Original Original First Revised First Revised First Revised Original Original Original Original Ori ginal Original Original Original Original Original Second Revised First RevisedOriginal Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUN 1 8 1997 Boise, Idaho Issued: 6/08/97 Issued By: . Bijan Moaveni President Effective: 611 8/97 COAST INTERNATIONAL, INC OVERLAND PARK , KANSAS I D AH 0 P. U . C r H ~ ORIGINAL PAGE 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE Explanation of Symbols 1. Application of Tariff 2. Definitions 3. General Regulations 3 & 1 Use of Service 2 Limitation of Liability 3 Customer obligations 4. Payments and Credi t Regulations 1 Render ing and Payment of Bi 115 2 Cancellation and Discontinuance of Service 3 Depos its and Establ ishment of Credi t 4 Credi t for Interruption of Service 4 Calculation of Outage Credi 4. 7 Mi leage Measurement 5. Service Oescr iptions and Charges 1 S~rvice Offerings 1 - 1 Travel Card 1 - 2 Message Telecommunications 1 - 3 COAST 800 Service 5. 2 - Complementary Services 2 - Promotional Offer ings Special Services Service Issued : September 1990 Effective: October 1990 Issued by: G. Brian Bridger, President ~"._. . Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 251990 Boise, Idaho --- ,. COAST INTERNATIONAL, INC I D AH 0 P. U . C . NO. OVERLAND PARK , KANSAS (C) (D) (I) (M) (N) (R) (S) (T) EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS Changed regulation Discontinued rate or regulat ion Increase in rate Mater ial moved wi thout charge New rate or regulation Reduction in rate Reissued mater ial Change in text only CONCURRING CARRIERS none CONNECTING CARRIERS none OTHER PARTICIPATING CARRIERS none ORIGINAL PAGE 2 Issued : September 1990 Ef fect i ve: October 1990I ssued by: G. Br ian Br idger , Pres ident Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 51990 Boise, Idaho .-,,-.. ,.....- --..----....- -...,.-.. ..._~.. . COAST INTERNATIONAL , INC IDAHO P. U . C. NO. OVERLAND PARK , KANSAS ORIGINAL PAGE 3 1. APPL CATION OF TARIFF 1 This tariff applies to long distance intrastate message telecommunications services provided by Coast International , Inc. (Coast) forcommunications wi thin the state of Idaho. Service is furnished by wire , cable , fiber optics, radio and/or a combination thereof. 2 Coast may undertake to provide Dialer Services to meet a customer s requirements where those requirements cannot be satisfied within this tariff. Issued : September 1990 Effective: October 1990Issued by: G. Brian Bridger , President Idaho Public UtiHties Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILIN OCT 2 51990 Boise, Idaho COAST INTERNATIONAL , INC IDAHO P. U . C.NO. OVERLAND PARK, KANSAS ORIGINAL PAGE 2. DEFINITIONS The following de f ini t ions apply for certa in terms used generally throughout this tar i ff: ACCESS LINE GROUP:An access line or a number of lines from a single customer or authorized user location whichhave the same termination character istics and which arearranged in a hunting sequence. ACCESS LINE:A communications channel which is used for access to the local or long distance network A i tional Minu e: The rate element used to bill for the chargeable time when a call continues beyond the initialminute. Authorized User:A person, firm, corporation , or other legal entity which is authorized by the customer to use the service of the customer. Billing Period:The period of time between customerinvoice, consisting of approximately 30 days. Company:Coast International, Inc. Customer:The customer is the person , firm, corporation or other legal entity which: orders, cancels or amends service; is responsible for the payment of charges; and is responsible for compliance with all Coast tariffregulations. ~oliday:One of the following Federally recognized Hol idays; I ndependence Day, Memor ial Day, Labor Day,Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Years Day. Issued : September 1990 Effective: October 1990I ssued by: G. Br ian Br idger, Pres ident Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 251990 Boise, Idaho L__.. COAST INTERNATIONAL , INC IDAHO P. U . C. NO. OVERLAND PARK , KANSAS ORIGINAL PAGE 5 2. DEFINITIONS (cont'd) nit i aI M i nut e:The rat e el e me n t use d t 0 bill for t first chargeable minute , or fraction thereof , of a call. LATA:The acronym for Local Access and Transport Area denoting a regional telephone service area. Local Access Line or Local Distr ibution Channel:The facility consisting of the necessary equipment and local telephone company lines , required to interconnect the cus tomer s or author i zed user s premises to the Coas network point wi thin the local exchange area. Local Time:The time observed , standard or daylight savings, at the point where the call or iginates. Messaqe:A te Ie phone ca 11. ra tes . Mileage interval used to establishservices. Normal Business Hours:.Is the time between 8: 00 AM and 5:00 PM , Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Issued : September 1990 Effective: October 1990Issued by: G. Brian Bridger , President Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 51990 Boise, Idaho --P . ",--.-........- .. COAST INTERNATIONAL , INC I D AH 0 P. U . C . NO. OVERLAND PARK , KANSAS ORIGINAL PAGE 6 2. DEFINITIONS (con 't) Other Common Carr ier:A governmentally regulated enti offering communications service to the public. Station:Any location from which a call can be originated or rece i ved . Weekday:One of the normal business days of the week Monday through Friday, excluding Holidays and Weekend per i ods. Issued : September 1990 Effective: October 1990 Issued by: G. Brian Bridger , President Idaho P~b'ic Utifities Commission OffIce of the SecretaryACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 251990 Boise, Idaho . ~.- . o' .. .- . ...i '-- COAST INTERNATIONAL , INC IDAHO P. U . C. NO. OVERLAND PARK, KANSAS FIRST REVISED PAGE GENERAL REGULA T IONS 1 Use of Service 1. Customers or authorized user s may not use the services of Coast for any unlawful purpose. 2. Restoration of services provided by or arrangedf or c us tome r s s h a II be i n ace or d an c e wi t h Par t , Subpart D of the most recently published Federal Communications Commission s Rules. 3. Customers may reach Customer Services via thefollowing toll free number: 1-800-776-2627. call 4. The Idaho Public Utilities Commission may reach Coast International, Inc. on 913-338-1212. ' - Issued : September 1990 Effect i ve: December 1991 Issued by: G. Brian Bridger , President Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DECl -1991 lobe. Idaho '"'_="'~'.'~,.,.~,q - COAST INTERNATIONAL, INC OVERLAND PARK , KANSAS IDAHO P. U . C. NO. FI RST REVI SED PAGE 8 3. GENERAL REGULA T IONS (con ' t ) 2 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 1. The I i a b i lit Y 0 f Co a s t for d a ma g e s a r i sin g 0 u t 0 fmistakes, omissions , interruptions , delays , errors or defects occurring in the course of furnishing service shall in no event exceed an amount equivalent to the proportionate charge to the customer for the period of service during which such mistake , omission , interruption, delay, erroror defect in transmIssion occurs. Coast will not be liable for consequential or incidental damages. 2. Coast is not liable for the actions , omissions negl i gence of any ot her company furn i shi ng aport ion of the service. 3. Coast will not be liable for any failure performance hereinunder due to causes beyond its con t r 0 I i n c I ud i n g , but not I i m i t e d to. c i v i Idisorders, fire , flood or other disasters , laborpr ob I ems or r egul at ions or act ions taken by anygover nment agency hav i ng j ur i sd i ct i on over Co as t , or its suppliers. Issued : September 1990 Effective: December 1991 Issued by: G. Brian Bridger , President Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING DECl -1991 Boise. Idaho ~. .. - ." .... COAST INTERNATIONAL , INC IDAHO P. U . C. NO. OVERLAND PARK , KANSAS ORIGINAL PAGE 10 3. GENERAL REGULATIONS Customer ObI igations 1. The customer shall be responsible for ensur ing that customer provided equipment or facilities areproperly interfaced wi th services arranged for byCoast. 2. Customer shall operate his equipment in such a manner that his use of Coast or Coast provided facilities shall not interfere with other customer s use of Coast services. 3. The customer shall be responsible for damages to Coast or its agents facilities caused by thenegl igence or wi 11 ful acts of the customer s or his authorized user s officers, employees , agents or contractors or invi tes. 4. The customer shall be responsible for all loss through theft , fire , flood , and other catastrophes to Coast provided equipment on the customer s or his author ized user s premises. 5. Ac c e s s to t h e c us tome r 's 0 r aut h 0 r i zed use r ' s premises shall be provided , and release of Coastprovided fac lit ies or equ ipment requi red forinstallation, routine maintenance, testing repair of Coast provided facilities or equipment. Coast will notify the customer in advance if such action is required and will attempt to schedule its activities at a mutually convenient time dur i ng norma 1 bus iness hours. When at the spec if ic request of the customer, such work is performed outs ide norma 1 work i ng hours , Spec ia I Service charges may apply. Issued : September 1990 Ef fect i ve: October 1990Issued by: G. Brian Bridger , President Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 251990 Boise. Idaho COAST INTERNATIONAL , INC IDAHO P. U . C. NO. OVERLAND PARK , KANSAS ORIGINAL PAGE 11 3. GENERAL 3. 3 Customer Obligations (con 't) 6. Emergency access to the customer s or author izedusers premises by Coast may be necessary forinspection, repair and/or removal of facilities. Such access shall made ava i lab Ie on anunrestr icted , 24 hour per day, seven day per week bas is. The customer is responsible for ensuring that except for des ignated personne I , no one attempts toadjust, modify, move or otherwise interfere in any way with the continuous operation of Coast equipment located at the customer s or authorizedusers premises. 8. The customer guarantees and assures Coast that his authorized user(s) will satisfy all provision this tariff and abide by its regulations. The customer also assumes all responsibility for his authorized user(s) relative to compliance with the provisions of this tariff. Issued : September 1990 Ef fect i ve: October 1990Issued by: G. Brian Bridger , President Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 51990 Boise, Idaho -.., COAST INTERNATIONAL, INC IDAHO P. U . C. NO. OVERLAND PARK , KANSAS ORIGINAL PAGE 12 4. PAYMENT AND CREDIT REGULATIONS Rendering and Payment of Bills 1. Service Dates: (i) For all usage sensitive charges, billing will begin immediately upon access to the service. (ii) For all services requiring dedicated accessconnections, billing of monthly recurring charges will begin the day following the day Coast has provided for or arranged for the installedfacilities. ( i i i) The minimum service per iod is one month as determined on a case by case bas is. 2. Rendering of Bills: (i) All monthly recurring charges are billed one month in advance. Usage charges are billed monthly for the preceding billing period. (i i) All charges stated anticipate normal installation and maintenance of the channel (s). Insi tuations where unusual installations or customized maintenance of the channel (s) isrequested, additional Special Service charges mayapply. Issued : September 1990 Effective: October 1990Issued by: G. Brian Bridger, President Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 251990 Boise. Idaho COAST INTERNATIONAL , INC I D AH 0 P. U . C. NO. OVERLAND PARK , KANSAS PAYMENT AND CREDIT REGULATIONS (con ORIGINAL PAGE 13 3. P a yme n t 0 f Bill s (i) All charges are due upon rendition of thebi 11. The customer is responsible for payment of all charges for services and equipment provided to the cus to mer or h is author i zed user (s). Th i s includes any use of an authorization or accesscode, by the customer or charges incurred as aresult of any delegation of authority resulting in use of the Coast service (s), and or author izationcodes. ( i i) The Company reserves the right to charge interest at the rate of 1.50% per month (unless a different rate is prescribed by law, in which event at the highest rate allowed by law) upon any unpaid amount commencing 20 days after the date billing for all monthly recurring and nonrecurr ing charges. (iii) The customer is liable for all reasonableexpenses and fees , including attorney s fees, incurred by the Company in connection with thecollection or attempted collection of any unpaidamount owed. Issued : September 1990 Effective: October 1990 I ss ued by: G. Br ian Br idger , Pres ident Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 251990 Boise, Idaho COAST INTERNATIONAL , INC I D AH 0 P. U . C . NO. OVERLAND PARK , KANSAS ORIGINAL PAGE 14 4. PAYMENT AND CREDIT REGULATIONS (con Cancellation of AD~l ication for Service py Supscr 1. Cancellation of Application for Service by Subscr iber. ( i) a customer cance Is his request for service pr ior to the time that any costs have been incurred by Coast, directly related to the furnishing of thatservice, no charge appl ies . (i i) a customer cancels his request for service after Coast has incurred costs directly related to furnishing such service , there will be a charge equal to the costs incurred up to a total of the installation charge and one months recurring charge and minimum usage charge if appl icable (i i i) In the event that customer induced delays prevent the activation of service for more than days beyond he scheduled installation date , Coast mayconsider the delay a cancellation of application forservice. 2. Discontinuance of Service by Coast. (i) Coast, by written notice to customer, may cancel or suspend the provision of service or equipment fornon-payment of any sum due Coast , as a resul t ofactions of a government agency which forces discontinuance of the provision of service equipment, or for violation of any terms conditions of this tariff , or if the customer becomesinsolvent or bankrupt , or makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors without incurring anyliability. Issued : September 1990 Effective: October 1990I ssued by: G. Br ian Br idger, Pres ident Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FI LING OCT 251990 Boise, Idaho _.._.. .,_.~I COAST INTERNATIONAL , INC I D AH 0 P. U . C . NO. OVERLAND PARK, KANSAS ORIGINAL PAGE 15 PAYMENT AND CREDIT REGULATIO (con 't) (ii) Coast by written notice to the customer , may discontinue service to an authorization code if that code has not been used for a per iod of 90 days. I f authorization code has never been used within 90 days of issuance , Coast reserves the right to discontinue it without notice. The customer may notify Coast that service not be disconnected, or that it reconnected, subsequent to such notice or action. ( i i i) Coast reserves the right to suspend discontinue the privileges of an authorization code to protect the Company and the customer, 1 f it believes abuse is occurring and a reasonable effort has been made to contact the legi timate user. A replacement code will be provided to the customer when such action is necessitated. Issued : September 1990 Effective: October 1990I ssued by: G. Br ian Br idger , Pres iden Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiliNG OCT 251990 Boise, Idaho COAST I NTERNATI ONAL I NC IDAHO P. U . C. NO. OVERLAND PARK , KANSAS PAYMENT AND CREDIT REGULATIONS (can 't) ORIGINAL PAGE 16 Deposits and Establishment of Credit. 1. Applicants or customers whose financial condition is not acceptable to Coast , or is not a matter of genera 1 knowledge , may be requ i red to provide guarantee of payment by providing twolegi timate commercial credi t card account numbers to Coast , for its use in the event of non payment by the customer. Coast reserves the right to apply the card to any unpaid balance older than 30 days. 2. A subscr iber whose service has been discontinued for non-payment of bills will be required to pay the unpaid balance due to Coast and may be requ i red to pay a reconnect i on charge if appl icable , and to reestabl ish cred it as prescribed above , before service is restored. 3. An applicant who previously has been a customer of Coast and has had service temporar i ly permanently discontinued for non-payment of bills will be required to pay any unpaid balance dueCoast, before consideration for reestablishment serv ice wi 11 be cons idered I s sue d : S e p t e mb e r 1 9 9 0 E f f e c t i ve: 0 c t 0 be r 1 9 9 0Issued by: G. Brian Bridger , President Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 51990 Boise, Idaho COAST INTERNATIONAL, INC I D AH 0 P. U . C. NO. OVERLAND PARK, KANSAS ORIGINAL PAGE 1 4. PAYMENT AND CREDIT REGULATIONS (con 't) Credit for Interruption of Service 1. Credit allowance for the interruption of service which is not due to the Company s testing, negligence of the customer, ad just ing or to the fa i lure 0 f equipment provided by the customer , are subject to the liability provisions as set forth 3.2 herein. It shall be the obligation of the customer to notify the Company immediately of any interruption in servicefor which a credi t allowance is desired. Before giving such notice, the customer shall ascertain that the trouble is not wi thin his control , or is not in the wiring or equipment, if any, furnished by the customer and connected to the Company s facilities. 2. For purposes of credit computation , every month shall be considered to have 720 hours. 3. No credit shall be allowed for an interruption having continuous duration of less than two hours. 4. The customer shall be credited for an interruption of two hours or more at the rate of 1/720th of the monthly charge for the service affected for each hour or major fraction thereof that the interruptioncont inues: CREDIT FORMULA CREDIT = A/720 X B , where "A" = outage time in hour B" = total monthly charge for affected serviceor facility. Issued : September 1990 Ef fect i ve: October 1990 Issued by: G. Brian Bridger , President Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 5 1990 Boise, Idaho COAST INTERNATIONAL, INC IDAHO P. U . C. NO. OVERLAND PARK, KANSAS 4. PAYMENT AND CREDIT REGULATIONS (con ORIGINAL PAGE 18 Mileage Measurement - Calculation of Distance For determining the airline milage of a call, Coastwill utilize the vertical (V) and horizontal (H) coordinates of the rate centers of the originating and terminating points of the call. The Company uses the rate centers and associated vertical and hor i zonta 1 coord i na te s pr od uced by Be Communicat ions Research in its NPA. NXX V&HCoordinates Tape and Bell's NECA Tariff No. The Formula is as follows: (Vl - V2) \1 (H1 - H2) Issued : September 1990 Effective: October 1990 Issued by: G. Br ian Br idger, President Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiliNG OCT251990 . \ Botse, Idaho COAST INTERNATIONAL , INC IDAHO P. U . C. NO. OVERLAND PARK , KANSAS ORIGINAL PAGE 19 5. SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS AND CHARGES Service OfferinQs 1. Trave~ Card~inQ CardJ Service Descr i pt i on - Call i ng Card Service is provided via a universal toll free 800 access number. A surcharge is levied on a per call basis, for each call made on the Coast system, and which completes to exchange. In addi tion to the surcharge the subscr iber ' s regular usage rates, as descr ibed throughout this tar i ff are levied. There is no charge for the phys ica I card. The cus tomer completes the call by dialing the 800 number then 0+ the dest inat ion igi ts, then enters the fourteen digit authorization code. Serv ice Po ints - Serv ice is ava i lable to cus tomers in equal access and non-equal access areas. Calls can terminate to any point within the state ofIdaho. Charqes - There is a .75 surcharge per completedcall. There is no charge for the card. Usage rates are billed at the Message Telecommunications Service (MTS) rates outlined in 2 below. Usage from Calling Card applies to overall volume discount if customer subscr ibes to MTS. Issued : September 1990 Effective: October 1990I ssued by: G. Br ian Br idger , Pres ident Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 51990 Boise, Idaho Coast International, Inc. 14303 W. 95th Street Check PageLenexa, KS 66215 IDAHO P.C. No. Second Revised Page No. 20 Replaces First Revised Page No. 20 SERVICE DESCRIPTION. RATES AND CHARGES Idaho Public Utinbes Commission Ofih,~ \j~ tha Se;~rf,tarJ' ACCEPTED FOH F~l.ING JUN 1 8 1997 Service Offerings Boise. tdaoo Calling Card Service. Customers are issued one or more calling cards which allow them to place long distance calls from any touch tone phone and have the charges for the call billed to their 1 + account with ClI. Stand Alone Calling Cards may be issued to customers. The rates for Stand Alone Calling Cards are different than those cards issued as part of a 1 + account. (T) Dial One Service. Customers may subscribe to ClI's Dial One Service to make long distance calls from their business and/or residence premises and have the charges billed to their account with ClI. Affinity Groups. The Calling Card Service , Dial One Service and 800/888 Service may be offered through sponsoring "affinity groups" such as university alumni associations. In the event the customer subscribes to either or both of ClI's services through a sponsoring affinity group, the customer may elect to donate part of all of any discount earned from the use of the services to such affinity group. Business 800/888 Service. Business 800/888 inbound service is provided to customers through which calls originate and terminate within Idaho. Personal 800/888 Service. Personal 800/888 + 4 digit PIN inbound service is provided to customers through which calls originate and terminate within Idaho at a flat rate per minute regardless of distance or time of day. Flat Rate Service. All Services may be offered to customers at a flat rate per minute regardless of distance or time of day. Restriction on Portability of 800/888 Numbers. - Subscribers will not be permitted to transfer or port assigned 800/888 numbers to another carrier s service until all undisputed charges for service are paid. Personal 800/888. The Personal 800/888 Service cannot be tranferred to another carrier. Cancellation of a Personal 800/888 Service also cancels the customer s right to that 800/888 number.(T) Issued: 6/08/97 Issued By: Bijan Moaveni President Effective: 6/18/97 Coast International, Inc. 14303 W. 95th Street Check PageLenexa, KS 66215 Rate Schedules IDAHO P.C. No. First Revised Page No. 21 Replaces Original Page No. 21 Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office o9! the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING JUN 1 8 1997 Option One - Mileage sensitive Services. The following rates will apply to all mileage sensitive services for Inter & Intra LATA Intrastate calls.Boise, Idaho Band Miles Dav Evenin First Add' First Add' 1. First Add' $0.260 $0.240 $0.220 $0.210 $0.180 $0.180 $0.300 $0.260 $0.250 $0.220 $0.180 $0.180 $0.390 $0.330 $0.320 $0.270 $0.260 $0.210 124 $0.450 $0.400 $0.360 $0.310 $0.300 $0.260 292 $0.490 $0.430 $0.410 $0.350 $0.330 $0.300 292+$0.510 $0.460 $0.440 $0.380 $0.350 $0.330 (N) (N) Option Two - Flat Rate Services - All of CII Services may be offered based on a flat rate per minute regardless of mileage or time of day as follows: (N) 1 + MTS Business 800/888 Calling Card Personal 800/888 Customer Monthly Volume to $200 $201-$500 500+ $0.189 $0.179 $0.169 $0.189 $0.1 79 $0.169 $0.200 $0.200 $0.200 $0.250 $0.250 $0.250 A monthly service charge of $3.95 is applied to each Personal 800/888 account. A surcharge of$0.65 per call is applied to each calling card call for mileage sensitive and non-sensitive options. Stand Alone Calling Card A Stand Alone Calling Card may be offered to customers at a flat rate of $0. per minute regardless of mileage or time of day. A surcharge of $0.65 per call plus a monthly service fee of $3.95 to each calling card will apply.(N) Issued: 6/08/97 Issued By: Bijan Moaveni President Effective: 6/18/97 COAST INTERNATIONAL, INC I D AH 0 P. U . C , NO. OVERLAND PARK , KANSAS ORIGINAL PAGE 22 Complementary Services 1. Directory Assistance Lon g D i s tan c e D ire c tor y As s i s tan c e i s a va i I a b le t 0 customers of Coast. The charge applies to each call regardless of whether the DA Bureau is able to furnish the requested te Ie phone number. I f a number is provided a charge is incurred. Up to two requests may be made on each Directory Ass istance call. Charges for Directory Assistance will be .60 percall, for interstate, and .55 per call for intrastate Directory Assistance. 2. Promotional Offer inqs Certain promotional offer ings may be provided from time to time via this tariff. These promotionaloffer ings may only apply to certain services, and may be limited to certain dates , times and locations. 3. Special Services Special Service is deemed to be any request for service for which there is no prescr ibed rate in thistariff. Special Service charges will apply when: (a) at the request of a customer Coast obtains facilities or provides technical assistance not normally required to provide service. (b) at the request of the customer , installation maintenance is performed outside of normal business hours , or is extended beyond normal bus iness hours due to circumstances not the fault of Coast. Charges will be equivalent to the actual cost furnishing the service. Issued : September 1990 Effective: October 1990I ssued by: G. Br ian Br idger , Pres ident Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 2 51990 Boise, Idaho