HomeMy WebLinkAboutAT&T Business Services.pdf AT&T CORP. IDAHO BUSINESS SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: OCTOBER 12, 2012 TITLE PAGE EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 1, 2012 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 0 Advice No. 2012-11 Effective November 1, 2012, the AT&T Corp. Idaho Interexchange Carrier, Business Services Tariff hereby supersedes and replaces the AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. Idaho Interexchange Carrier, Business Services Tariff in its entirety. AT&T CORP. STATE OF IDAHO INTEREXCHANGE CARRIER, BUSINESS SERVICES TARIFF Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho AT&T CORP. IDAHO BUSINESS SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: OCTOBER 12, 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 1, 2012 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 0 Advice No. 2012-11 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE Preface 1 Application of Tariff 1 2 General Regulations 1 3 Casual Calling Service 1 4 Initial Subscription Service 1 Price List Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho AT&T CORP. IDAHO BUSINESS SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: OCTOBER 12, 2012 PREFACE EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 1, 2012 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 0 Advice No. 2012-11 PREFACE Revisions to this tariff are coded through the use of symbols. These symbols appear in the right margin of the page. The symbols and their meaning are as follows: EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS C to signify changed regulation D to signify discontinued material I to signify increase in rate M to signify material moved from or to another part of the tariff with no change, unless there is another Tariff change symbol present N to signify new material T to signify a change in text but no change in rate or regulation R To signify rate reduction Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho AT&T CORP. IDAHO BUSINESS SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: OCTOBER 12, 2012 SECTION 1 EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 1, 2012 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 0 Advice No. 2012-11 1. APPLICATION OF TARIFF 1.1 APPLICATION 1.1.1 General This tariff contains the prices, terms and conditions applicable to Casual Calling and Initial Subscription Services provided to business Customers for calling between two or more stations within the state of Idaho. The prices, terms and conditions listed in this tariff are applicable for services provided pursuant to this tariff. When services are not provided pursuant to a filed tariff, the prices, terms and conditions shall be offered pursuant to a Services Agreement contract. The agreements are provided at www.att.com/servicepublications. Price lists can also be found via this link. 1.1.2 Jurisdiction This tariff is on file with, and covers the use of the services subject to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's jurisdiction. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho AT&T CORP. IDAHO BUSINESS SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: OCTOBER 12, 2012 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 1, 2012 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 0 Advice No. 2012-11 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.1 UNDERTAKING OF THE COMPANY 2.1.1 General Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services are furnished for the transmission of voice communications, but may also be used for data, facsimile, signaling, metering, or other similar communications, subject to the transmission capabilities of the service. Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services are available twenty-four hours a day, seven days per week. The Company does not transmit messages. However, Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services may be used for that purpose. 2.1.2 Transmission Medium The Company selects and/or arranges for the channels and/or service components used to provide Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services. Any suitable technology or combination of technologies may be used. The Company may modify or change the channels and/or service components used to furnish Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services at any time subject to the regulations in 2.3. of this tariff. 2.1.3 Provision of Customer Equipment Customer equipment may be used with Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services. The Company does not provide Customer equipment. 2.1.4 Through Transmission of Signals The Company is responsible for the provision of Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services from station to station. It is not responsible for the quality of transmission or signaling on the Customer's side of the interface at a Customer's premises. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho AT&T CORP. IDAHO BUSINESS SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: OCTOBER 12, 2012 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 1, 2012 PAGE 2 RELEASE: 0 Advice No. 2012-11 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.1 UNDERTAKING OF THE COMPANY (continued) 2.1.5 Availability of Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services A. Availability 1. Service will be provided where facilities and billing capability are available. 2. Service is furnished subject to the availability of the service components required. The Company will determine which of those components shall be used and make modifications to those components at its option. "Service components" shall include, but not be limited to, the existence of access and/or billing arrangements on an originating and/or terminating basis. In the absence of access arrangements between the Company and the access provider at a particular Station, a Customer may be unable to place calls from or to the affected Station. B. Restoration of Service 1. The use and restoration of Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services will be in accordance with Part 64, Subpart D, of the Federal Communications Commission's Rules and Regulations. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho AT&T CORP. IDAHO BUSINESS SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: OCTOBER 12, 2012 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 1, 2012 PAGE 3 RELEASE: 0 Advice No. 2012-11 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.2 USE 2.2.1 General Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services may be used for any lawful purpose consistent with the transmission and switching parameters of the telecommunications network. Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services are furnished for use by the Customer, but may be used by others when so authorized by the Customer. 2.2.2 Abuse The abuse of Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services is prohibited. The following activities constitute abuse: A. Using Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services to make calls which might reasonably be expected to frighten, abuse, torment, or harass another, or B. Using Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services in such a way that it interferes unreasonably with the use of other Company service(s). 2.2.3 Fraudulent Use The fraudulent use of, or the intended or attempted fraudulent use of, Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services is prohibited. The following activities constitute fraudulent use: A. Using Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services to transmit a message, locate a person, or otherwise give or obtain information, without payment for the services, B. Using or attempting to use Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services with the intent to avoid the payment, either in whole or in part, of the tariffed charges for the services by: 1. Rearranging, tampering with, or making connections not authorized by this tariff to any service components used to furnish Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services, or 2. Using fraudulent means or devices, tricks, schemes, false or invalid number, false credit devices, or electronic devices. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho AT&T CORP. IDAHO BUSINESS SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: OCTOBER 12, 2012 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 1, 2012 PAGE 4 RELEASE: 0 Advice No. 2012-11 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.3 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COMPANY 2.3.1 Liability A. The Company's liability, if any, for its willful misconduct is not limited by this tariff. With respect to any other claim or suit, by a Customer or by any others, for damages associated with the installation, provision, termination, maintenance, repair or restoration of Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services, and subject to the provisions of B. through G. following, the Company's liability, if any, shall not exceed an amount equal to the initial period charge provided for under this tariff for the Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services call for the period during which the call was affected. B. The Company is not liable for damages associated with service, channels, or equipment which it does not furnish. C. The Company is not liable for damages to a premises resulting from the furnishing of Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services, including the installation and removal of equipment and associated wiring, unless the damage is caused by the Company's negligence. D. The Company shall be indemnified, defended, and held harmless by the Customer and user against all claims, losses, or damages arising from the use of Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services furnished pursuant to this tariff, involving: 1. Claims for libel, slander, invasion of privacy, or infringement of copyright arising from any communication; 2. Claims for patent infringement arising from combining or using Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services furnished by the Company in connection with facilities or equipment furnished by others; and/or 3. All other claims arising out of any act or omission of others relating to Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services provided pursuant to this tariff. E. The Company does not guarantee or make any warranty with respect to Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services when used in an explosive atmosphere. The Company shall be indemnified, defended, and held harmless by the Customer and user against all claims, losses or damages by any person relating to Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services provided pursuant to this tariff when used in an explosive atmosphere. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho AT&T CORP. IDAHO BUSINESS SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: OCTOBER 12, 2012 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 1, 2012 PAGE 5 RELEASE: 0 Advice No. 2012-11 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.3 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COMPANY (continued) 2.3.1 Liability (continued) F. No license under patents (other than the limited license to use) is granted by the Company or shall be implied or arise by estoppels, with respect to any service offered under this tariff. The Company will defend the Customer and user against claims of patent infringement arising solely from the use by the Customer or user of Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services offered under this tariff and will indemnify such Customer or user for any damages awarded based solely on such claims. G. The Company's failure to provide or maintain service under this tariff shall be excused by labor difficulties, governmental orders, civil commotions, acts of God, and other circumstances beyond the Company's reasonable control. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho AT&T CORP. IDAHO BUSINESS SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: OCTOBER 12, 2012 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 1, 2012 PAGE 6 RELEASE: 0 Advice No. 2012-11 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CUSTOMER 2.4.1 General The Customer's general responsibilities are described in this section. When Customer equipment or a Customer-provided communications system is connected to Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services, the Customer assumes additional responsibilities that are described in the "Connections" section of this tariff (see 2.7. of this tariff). A. Payment of Bills and Compliance with Regulations The Customer is responsible for placing any necessary orders and complying with tariff regulations for Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services and for assuring that its users comply with applicable regulations. The Customer is also responsible for the payment of bills for Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services. This includes payment for Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services calls or services originated or received at the Customer's number(s). B. Establishing Identity 1. The calling party is responsible for establishing its identity as often as necessary during the course of a call. 2. The calling party assumes full responsibility for identifying the station, party, or person with whom connection is made at the called number or numbers. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho AT&T CORP. IDAHO BUSINESS SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: OCTOBER 12, 2012 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 1, 2012 PAGE 7 RELEASE: 0 Advice No. 2012-11 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.5 PAYMENTS AND CHARGES 2.5.1 General Applicable prices and charges are contained in the Price List section of this tariff. 2.5.2 Application of Charges The prices and charges that are in effect in this tariff when Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services are furnished are the prices and charges used to determine the Customer's bill. 2.5.3 Payment of Charges Payment for Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services is due upon presentation of the bill. Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services may be denied for nonpayment of a bill, (see Violation of Regulations, 2.9.). 2.5.4 Late Payment Charge Subject to billing and systems availability, when a bill or estimated bill for switched services charges is presented to the Customer, any amounts for which payment has not been received within 30 calendar days of the invoice date will be considered delinquent. The Customer shall be assessed a Late Payment Charge on any delinquent account balance, when that balance exceeds $25.00. The minimum late Payment Charge is $5.00. The period subject to the Late Payment Charge shall commence on the 31st calendar day after the invoice date, and continue from month to month until the delinquent balance is resolved. The Late Payment Charge shall be assessed monthly, based on the delinquent balance maintained on the account at that time. The Late Payment Charge shall be an amount equal to the outstanding delinquent balance multiplied by the applicable interest rate. The interest rate shall be 18% annually, simple interest (1.5% per month, simple interest) unless an applicable law or regulation specifies a lower rate to be charged, and that lower rate shall then apply. The Customer shall not be charged a Late Payment Charge on a delinquent balance, however, if an applicable law or regulation prohibits the imposition of such charges. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho AT&T CORP. IDAHO BUSINESS SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: OCTOBER 12, 2012 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 1, 2012 PAGE 8 RELEASE: 0 Advice No. 2012-11 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.5 PAYMENTS AND CHARGES (continued) 2.5.4 Late Payment Charge (continued) In the event a Customer disputes, in good faith, the validity of any switched services charges appearing on its invoice, as specified in this tariff, the amount of these disputed charges will be excluded from the total delinquent balance while the dispute is pending. If the Company sustains the charges after investigating the dispute, the applicable Late Payment Charge shall be deemed correct and binding on the Customer. If, alternately, the Company credits the charges after investigating the dispute, the Late Payment Charge will not apply. When a local exchange company provides the billing function on behalf of the Company, the local exchange company's local exchange service late payment charge applies. Late payment charges do not apply until after the due date of the bill on which the usage charges first appear. 2.5.5 Reserved for future use Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho AT&T CORP. IDAHO BUSINESS SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: OCTOBER 12, 2012 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 1, 2012 PAGE 9 RELEASE: 0 Advice No. 2012-11 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.5 PAYMENTS AND CHARGES (continued) 2.5.6 Returned Check Charge An administrative charge of $15.00 is applied to customer’s bill for each occasion that a check, bank draft, or electronic funds transfer is returned for the reason of insufficient funds or no account. When a local exchange company provides the billing function on behalf of the Company, the local exchange company’s return check charge applies. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho AT&T CORP. IDAHO BUSINESS SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: OCTOBER 12, 2012 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 1, 2012 PAGE 10 RELEASE: 0 Advice No. 2012-11 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.5 PAYMENTS AND CHARGES (continued) 2.5.7 Instate Connection Fee An Instate Connection Fee of $2.99 will be assessed to customers who subscribe to AT&T Casual Calling / Initial Subscription services. This fee will be charged to all customers who incur at least $0.01 of long distance usage or long distance charges on their monthly bill. Billed charges can be in the form of billed usage or a billed monthly fee. 2.6 USE OF ANOTHER MEANS OF COMMUNICATIONS If the Customer elects to use another means of communication during a period of interruption of Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services, the Customer must pay the charges for the alternative service used. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho AT&T CORP. IDAHO BUSINESS SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: OCTOBER 12, 2012 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 1, 2012 PAGE 11 RELEASE: 0 Advice No. 2012-11 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.7 CONNECTIONS 2.7.1 General When Customer equipment is connected to Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services it must comply with Part 68 of the F.C.C.'s Rules and Regulations, 47 C.F.R. Part 68 (commonly known as the F.C.C.'s Registration Program). When any equipment or system which is not subject to Part 68 of the F.C.C.'s Rules and Regulations is connected, the minimum protection criteria specified in this tariff must be met. The Company is responsible for the quality of transmission from station to station. 2.7.2 Responsibilities of the Customer When Customer equipment or a Customer-provided communications system is connected to Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services, the Customer assumes responsibility for the connection as follows: A. Compatibility with Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services The Customer is responsible for the compatibility of its equipment or system with Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services. This responsibility applies at the initial installation and on a continuing basis as long as the connection is made. B. Interference and Hazard The operating characteristics of the Customer equipment or Customer-provided communications system connected to Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services must not interfere with, or impair, any of the services offered by the Company. In addition, they must not endanger the safety of Company employees or the public, damage or interfere with the proper functioning of Company equipment, or otherwise injure the public in its use of Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services. C. Changes to Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services The Company is not obligated to alter or modify Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services because of additions or changes to Customer equipment or a customer-provided communications system. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho AT&T CORP. IDAHO BUSINESS SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: OCTOBER 12, 2012 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 1, 2012 PAGE 12 RELEASE: 0 Advice No. 2012-11 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.7 CONNECTIONS (continued) 2.7.2 Responsibilities of the Customer (continued) D. Testing and Maintenance If a trouble condition occurs on an assembly, the Customer must determine whether the fault is in (1) the connected Customer equipment or Customer-provided communications system, or (2) Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services. The Company will test and maintain only Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services. 2.7.3 Responsibilities of the Company A. General The Company will furnish and maintain its service components in a manner suitable for Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services. B. Changes in Components, Operations, or Procedures The Company is not responsible to any party if a change in its Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services components, operations, or procedures, which is consistent with the Registration Program, (1) affects any facilities, Customer equipment or customer-provided communications systems provided by others in any way, or (2) requires their modification in order to be used with Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services. However, if such changes can be reasonably expected to materially affect the operating or transmission characteristics of the Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services or render any Customer equipment or Customer-provided communications system incompatible with Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services, the Company will provide adequate notice, in writing, to allow the Customer an opportunity to maintain uninterrupted service. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho AT&T CORP. IDAHO BUSINESS SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: OCTOBER 12, 2012 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 1, 2012 PAGE 13 RELEASE: 0 Advice No. 2012-11 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.7 CONNECTIONS (continued) 2.7.4 Recording of Two-way Telephone Conversations Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services is not represented as adapted to the recording of two-way telephone conversations. However, voice-recording equipment which is directly, acoustically or inductively connected with Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services may be used for the recording of such conversations subject to the following regulations which have been adopted by the F.C.C.: A. Recording Requirements The voice recording equipment must be arranged so that it can be connected or disconnected (or switched on or off) at the will of the Customer. In addition, one of the following conditions must apply: 1. All parties to the telephone conversation must give their prior consent to the recording of the conversation, and the prior consent must be obtained in writing or be part of, and obtained at the start of, the recording, or 2. A distinctive recorder tone, repeated at intervals of approximately fifteen seconds, is required to alert all parties when the recording equipment is in use. The distinctive recording tone can be provided as part of (1) the recording equipment, or (2) registered or grandfathered protective circuitry. A broadcast licensee shall be exempt from the above recording requirements provided at least one of the following requirements is met: - The licensee informs each party to the call of its intent to broadcast the conversation, or - Each party to the call is aware of the licensee's intent to broadcast the call, or - Such awareness of the licensee's intent to broadcast the call may be reasonably imputed to the party. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho AT&T CORP. IDAHO BUSINESS SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: OCTOBER 12, 2012 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 1, 2012 PAGE 14 RELEASE: 0 Advice No. 2012-11 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.7 CONNECTIONS (continued) 2.7.4 Recording of Two-Way Telephone Conversations (continued) B. Exceptions The F.C.C. established the following exceptions to the foregoing requirements: 1. Recordings made of incoming calls to telephone numbers publicized for emergencies involving health or safety of life and property (e.g., emergency situations involving fire, health care, police, public utilities and emergency road service) and outgoing calls made in immediate response to such calls. Included in this exception are: a. Recordings made at the United States Department of Defense Command Centers of emergency communications transmitted over the Department of Defense's private line system when connected to Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services and, b. Recording made by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission of the Department of Energy with respect to the telephone systems located at its Operations Center. 2. Recordings of calls made for patently unlawful purposes, such as bomb threats, kidnap ransom requests and obscene telephone calls. Outgoing calls made in immediate response to such calls are also excepted. Included in this exception are: a. Recordings made by the United States Secret Services of the Department of the Treasury for recording of two-way telephone conversations which concern the safety and security of the person of the President of the United States, members of his immediate family, or the White House and its grounds. b. Recordings of calls made by Federal, State or local law enforcement authorities, or federal intelligence authorities, acting under color of law. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho AT&T CORP. IDAHO BUSINESS SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: OCTOBER 12, 2012 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 1, 2012 PAGE 15 RELEASE: 0 Advice No. 2012-11 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.7 CONNECTIONS (continued) 2.7.5 Minimum Protection Criteria A. General Minimum Protection Criteria have been specified so that Company personnel, equipment, and services will be protected from the harmful effects of signal power overload, hazardous voltages and longitudinal imbalance. Minimum Protection Criteria apply to the direct electrical, acoustic, or inductive connections of Customer equipment, test equipment and Customer-provided communications systems to the network. B. All Connections Customer equipment, test equipment and Customer-provided communications systems which are connected to the network on a direct electrical basis or an acoustic or inductive basis, must comply with the following: 1. To protect other Company services, it is necessary that the signal which is applied at the station meets the following limits: a. Metallic Voltage (1) 4kHz to 270 KHz Center Frequency (f) Max. Voltage in Terminating of 8 KHz Band All 8 KHz Bands Impedance 8 KHz to 12 KHz - (6.4 + 12.6 log f) dBV* 300 ohms 12 KHz to 90 KHz (23 - 40 log f) dBV 135 ohms 90 KHz to 266 KHz - 55 dBV 135 ohms *dBV = 20 log10 voltage in volts (2) The root-mean-square (RMS) value of the metallic voltage components in the frequency range of 270 KHz to 6 MHz shall, averaged over 2 microseconds, not exceed -15 dBV. This limitation applies with a metallic termination having an impedance of 135 ohms. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho AT&T CORP. IDAHO BUSINESS SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: OCTOBER 12, 2012 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 1, 2012 PAGE 16 RELEASE: 0 Advice No. 2012-11 GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.7 CONNECTIONS (continued) 2.7.5 Minimum Protection Criteria (continued) b. Longitudinal Voltage (1) 4 KHz to 270 KHz Longitudinal Center Frequency (f) Max. Voltage in Terminating of 8 KHz Band All 8 KHz Bands Impedance 8 KHz to 12 KHz - (18.4 + 20 log f) dBV* 500 ohms 12 KHz to 42 KHz (3 - 40 log f) dBV 90 ohms 42 KHz to 266 KHz - 62 dBV 90 ohms *dBV = 20 log10 voltage in volts (2) The root-mean-square (RMS) value of the longitudinal voltage components in the frequency range of 270 KHz to 6 MHz shall, averaged over 2 microseconds, not exceed -30 dBV. This limitation applies with a longitudinal termination having an impedance of 90 ohms. C. Signal Power To prevent the interruption or disconnection of a call, it is necessary that the signal power applied at the station be limited. Specifically, the signal at the station shall at no time have energy concentrated solely in the 2450 to 2750 Hz band. If there is signal power at the station in the 2450 to 2750 Hz band, it must not exceed the power present at the same time in the 800 to 2450 Hz band. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho AT&T CORP. IDAHO BUSINESS SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: OCTOBER 12, 2012 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 1, 2012 PAGE 17 RELEASE: 0 Advice No. 2012-11 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.7 CONNECTIONS (continued) 2.7.5 Minimum Protection Criteria (continued) D. Direct Electrical Connections In addition to the regulations in B. preceding, Customer equipment, test equipment and Customer-provided communications systems which are connected to the network on a direct electrical basis must comply with the following: 1. To prevent excessive noise and crosstalk, it is necessary that the power of the signal presented at the AT&T Central Office not exceed 12dB below one milliwatt when measured over any three second interval. To insure that this limit is not exceeded, the power of the signal which may be applied by the Customer equipment, test equipment or Customer-provided communications system to the station will be specified for each Customer location. In no case shall the power exceed one milliwatt. E. Acoustic or Inductive Connections In addition to the regulations in B. preceding, Customer equipment and Customer-provided communications systems which are connected to the network on an acoustic or inductive basis must comply with the following: l. To prevent excessive noise and crosstalk, it is necessary that the power of the signal which is applied by the equipment to the station located on the Customer's or user's premises be limited so that the signal power does not exceed 9dB below one milliwatt when averaged over any three second interval. However, to permit each Customer, independent of distance from the serving office, to supply signal power which at the serving office, approximates 12dB below one milliwatt when averaged over any three-second interval, the Company, at the Customer's request, will specify, for each Customer location, the signal power at the station, which shall in no case exceed one milliwatt. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho AT&T CORP. IDAHO BUSINESS SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: OCTOBER 12, 2012 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 1, 2012 PAGE 18 RELEASE: 0 Advice No. 2012-11 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.8 PRICE DETERMINATION The price for a Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services call is determined by factors such as: - The distance between the rate centers of the originating (calling) station and the terminating (called) station; and, under certain conditions the distance between the V&H coordinates of an AT&T central office and the rate center of a station of the V&H coordinate of an AT&T central office; - The time-of-day and the day-of-week; and - The duration of the call. The specific factors which apply to a given Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services call and their application are listed in the Price List section applicable to that type of call. The regulations pertaining to those factors are as follows. 2.8.1 Time-of-Day and Day-of-Week The price charged for a Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services call may be determined in part by the day-of-week and the time-of-day at the originating (calling) station or at the AT&T central office associated with the originating (calling) station using special access. Different prices may be applicable to a call at different times of the day and on certain days of the week as specified in the appropriate price section for that call. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho AT&T CORP. IDAHO BUSINESS SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: OCTOBER 12, 2012 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 1, 2012 PAGE 19 RELEASE: 0 Advice No. 2012-11 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.8 PRICE DETERMINATION (continued) 2.8.2 Determining the Chargeable Time of a Call The chargeable time for a Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services call is determined by the duration of the call. Chargeable time includes the initial period plus the additional time involved, if any, and is determined as follows: A. On all calls, chargeable time begins when completed connection is established between the calling station and the called station. B. Chargeable time ends when the calling station "hangs up". If the called station "hangs up" but the calling station does not, chargeable time ends when the connection is released either by automatic timing equipment in the telecommunications network or by the Company operator. C. Initial minute rates for all calls are one minute or any fraction thereof. D. All additional minute rates are for each additional minute or any fraction thereof that the connection continues beyond the initial minute. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho AT&T CORP. IDAHO BUSINESS SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: OCTOBER 12, 2012 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 1, 2012 PAGE 20 RELEASE: 0 Advice No. 2012-11 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.8 PRICE DETERMINATION (continued) 2.8.2 Determining the Chargeable Time of a Call (continued) E. When Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services are directly connected to a Customer-provided communications system at a Customer's or user's premises, chargeable time begins when a Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services call terminates in, or passes through, the first Customer equipment on that Customer-provided communications system. It is the Customer's responsibility to furnish appropriate answer supervision to the point of interface with the Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services so that chargeable time may begin. 2.8.3 Determining the Applicable Price In Effect A. When a Casual Calling/Initial Subscription call is established in one price period and ends in another price period, the price in effect at the calling station for each price period applies to the portion of the call occurring within that price period. When a unit of time is split between two price periods, the price applicable to that unit of time is based on the price period in which it began. B. Chargeable time for a price period (e.g., 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.) begins with the first stated hour (e.g., 8:00 A.M.) and continues to, but does not include, the second stated hour (e.g., 5:00 P.M.). C. Prices are quoted in terms of initial and additional period for Day, Evening and Night/Weekend time periods in the Price List. Rate Period Table MON TUES WED THUR FRI SAT SUN 8:00 AM to DAY RATE PERIOD # 5:00 PM 5:00 PM to EVENING RATE PERIOD EVE #11:00 PM 11:00 PM to NIGHT & WEEKEND RATE PERIOD # 8:00 AM # to, but not including Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho AT&T CORP. IDAHO BUSINESS SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: OCTOBER 12, 2012 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 1, 2012 PAGE 21 RELEASE: 0 Advice No. 2012-11 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.8 PRICE DETERMINATION (continued) 2.8.4 Use of Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services For Resale or Shared Use When Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services are resold or shared, the Customer may advise its user that a portion of the Customer's service is provided by this Company. However, the Customer shall not represent that this Company jointly participates in the provision of the Customer's services. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho AT&T CORP. IDAHO BUSINESS SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: OCTOBER 12, 2012 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 1, 2012 PAGE 22 RELEASE: 0 Advice No. 2012-11 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.9 VIOLATION OF REGULATIONS 2.9.1 General The Company may take immediate action to protect its services or interests when certain regulations contained in this tariff are violated. The specific regulations involved and the action(s) which will be taken by this Company are as specified in 2.9.2. and 2.9.3., following. 2.9.2 Interference, Impairment or Improper Use The Company may temporarily restrict service immediately when the Customer violation: - Circumvents the Company's ability to charge for its services as specified in 2.2.3.B. (Fraudulent Use) preceding, or - Results in an immediate harm to the network or other Company services as specified in 2.7.5. (Minimum Protection Criteria). In such cases, the Company will make a reasonable effort to give the Customer prior notice before restricting service. When a violation results in a denial for additional service and/or restriction of service, the denial and/or restriction will be removed when the Customer is in compliance with the regulation and so advises the Company. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho AT&T CORP. IDAHO BUSINESS SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: OCTOBER 12, 2012 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 1, 2012 PAGE 23 RELEASE: 0 Advice No. 2012-11 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.9 VIOLATION OF REGULATIONS (continued) 2.9.3 Nonpayment of Charges The Company may deny and/or restrict Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services for nonpayment of charges due as specified in 2.5.3. (Payment of Charges) preceding. A written notice will be sent to the Customer at least five days in advance of the restriction and/or denial of Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services. Upon payment of charges the restriction and/or denial of Casual Calling/Initial Subscription service will be removed. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho AT&T CORP. IDAHO BUSINESS SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: OCTOBER 12, 2012 SECTION 2 EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 1, 2012 PAGE 24 RELEASE: 0 Advice No. 2012-11 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.10 DEFINITIONS Call - a completed connection established between a calling station and one or more called stations. Called Station - the station (e.g. telephone number) called, or the terminating point of a call. Calling Station - the station (e.g. telephone number) from which a call is originated. Company - AT&T Corp. Customer - the person or legal entity which orders service directly or through an agent. Premises - a building or buildings on continuous property (except railroad rights-of-way, etc.) not separated by a public thoroughfare. Protective Circuitry - discrete electrical circuitry that is within the scope of the Registration Program and is designed to protect Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services from harm. Rate Center - a specified geographical location used for determining mileage measurements. Station - any location from which Casual Calling/Initial Subscription Services calls can be placed and/or received. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING May 1, 2013 Boise, Idaho AT&T CORP. IDAHO BUSINESS SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: OCTOBER 12, 2012 SECTION 3 EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 1, 2012 PAGE 2 RELEASE: 0 Advice No. 2012-11 3. CASUAL CALLING SERVICE 3.2 Non-Subscriber 1010288 Service (continued) AT&T will also credit the charges for Non-Subscriber 1010288 Service reported by Customers during an F.C.C. reportable incident of service outage by another interexchange carrier. To receive either of these credits, Customers must contact AT&T through an 800 number designated for billing inquiries. Applicable Dial station charges will apply for all completed calls for which a credit is received. The credit will be given either in the form of a bill credit, or a long distance Certificate, at AT&T’s discretion. 3.2.1 Availability The application of charges for Non-Subscriber 1010288 Service is subject to billing availability. 3.2.2 Rates and Charges Usage charges and a per-call Service Charge apply to each completed call. Service Charges associated with Non-Subscriber 1010288 Service apply in addition to all other applicable Service Charges and Surcharges. Charges are applicable 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week. Duration of each call is recorded in whole minutes, with partial minutes rounded up to the next whole minute (for example, a 45 second call will be billed as a one-minute call). The rates and charges applicable to Non-Subscriber 1010288 Service are specified in the Price List of this tariff. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho AT&T CORP. IDAHO BUSINESS SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: OCTOBER 12, 2012 SECTION 4 EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 1, 2012 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 0 Advice No. 2012-11 4. INITIAL SUBSCRIPTION 4.1 Description Initial subscription to AT&T for toll or instate long distance services is made through a local service provider and AT&T does not yet have billing, name, address or any other account data to know that this is an AT&T pre-subscribed Customer. Notification from the local provider could take up to 45 days. 4.1.1 Credits AT&T will credit the charges for Non-Subscriber 1010288 Service reported by newly presubscribed AT&T Customers during the period between presubscription and administrative processing of the new Customer. 4.1.2 Availability The application of charges for Initial Subscription is subject to billing availability. 4.1.3 Rates and Charges Usage charges apply to each completed call. Charges are applicable 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week. Duration of each call is recorded in whole minutes, with partial minutes rounded up to the next whole minute (for example, a 45 second call will be billed as a one-minute call). The rates applicable to Initial Subscription are specified in the Price List of this tariff. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho AT&T CORP. IDAHO BUSINESS SERVICES TARIFF ISSUED: OCTOBER 12, 2012 PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE: NOVEMBER 1, 2012 PAGE 1 RELEASE: 0 Advice No. 2012-11 3. CASUAL CALLING SERVICE Non-Subscriber 1010288 Service Dial Station Usage Rates InterLATA and IntraLATA DAY EVENING NIGHT/WEEKEND MILEAGE INITIAL ADDITIONAL INITIAL ADDITIONAL INITIAL ADDITIONAL BAND MINUTE MINUTE MINUTE MINUTE MINUTE MINUTE 0- 10 $1.3900 $1.3900 $1.3440 $1.2960 $1.2000 $1.2000 11- 22 $1.5200 $1.3900 $1.3900 $1.3440 $1.2000 $1.2000 23- 55 $1.9500 $1.7200 $1.6200 $1.4300 $1.3900 $1.2960 56-124 $2.2600 $1.9700 $1.8300 $1.5600 $1.5200 $1.3900 125-292 $2.4900 $2.1600 $2.0800 $1.7700 $1.7200 $1.5200 293-OVER $2.5600 $2.3300 $2.2000 $1.9500 $1.7700 $1.7200 Per Call Non-Subscriber 1010288 Service Charge $3.50 4. INITIAL SUBSCRIPTION Dial Station Usage Rates InterLATA and IntraLATA DAY EVENING NIGHT/WEEKEND MILEAGE INITIAL ADDITIONAL INITIAL ADDITIONAL INITIAL ADDITIONAL BAND MINUTE MINUTE MINUTE MINUTE MINUTE MINUTE 0- 10 $1.3900 $1.3900 $1.3440 $1.2960 $1.2000 $1.2000 11- 22 $1.5200 $1.3900 $1.3900 $1.3440 $1.2000 $1.2000 23- 55 $1.9500 $1.7200 $1.6200 $1.4300 $1.3900 $1.2960 56-124 $2.2600 $1.9700 $1.8300 $1.5600 $1.5200 $1.3900 125-292 $2.4900 $2.1600 $2.0800 $1.7700 $1.7200 $1.5200 293-OVER $2.5600 $2.3300 $2.2000 $1.9500 $1.7700 $1.7200 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 1, 2012 Boise, Idaho