HomeMy WebLinkAboutANPI Business LLC.pdfTITLE SHEET 2nd REVISED TITLE SHEET [1 13 ANPI Business,LLC ANPI Business,LLC 7460 Warren Parkway Suite 218 Frisco,TX 75034 This tariff contains the regulations and rates applicable to the furnishing of intrastate interLATA and intraLATA resale common carrier communication service by ANPI Business,LLC*(“Carrier”)for calls which originate and terminate within the State of Idaho.This tariff is on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and copies may be inspected,during normal business hours, at the Company’s principal place of business at 7460 Warren Parkway,Suite 218, Frisco,TX 75034. REQUIRED IDAHO NOTICES The included tariff language does not constitute a determination by the Commission that a limitation on liability imposed by the Carrier should be upheld in a court of law.Acceptance for filing by the Commission recognizes that it is a court’s responsibility to adjudicate negligence and consequential damage claims. It is also the court’s responsibility to determine the validity of the exculpatory clause. Carrier will give at least 10 days notice to customers and the Idaho PUC before increasing rates or other changes.The notice to customers will be either individual notices or a public notice in the newspapers in Carrier’s Idaho service areas. *jJ..fl Business,LLC was formerly Zone Telecom,LLC Issued:January 22,2013 Effective:February 1,2013 Issued by:Joseph O’Hara Title:Chief Finincii1 Officer SHEET TH REVISED SHEET 1 NAME OF UTILITY Zone Telecom Inc. CHECK SHEET SHEET NO. Title Sheet Sheet 1 Sheet 1. Sheet 2 Sheet 3 Sheet 4 Sheet 5 Sheet 5. Sheet 6 Sheet 7 Sheet 8 Sheet 8. Sheet 8. Sheet 8. Sheet 9 Sheet 10 Sheet 11 Sheet 12 Sheet 13 Sheet 14 Sheet 15 Sheet 16 Sheet 17 Sheet 18 Sheet 19 Sheet 20 Sheet 21 Sheet 22 Sheet 23 Sheet 24 Sheet 25 Issued May 28, 2004 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUl 7 - 2004 Boise, Idaho REVISION EFFECTIVE D ATE 1 st 1 st 5th 2nd Original 2nd Original Original Original 5th 1 st 1 st 1 st Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original 1 st Original 1 st Original October 15 2001 June 7, 2004 June 7, 2004 June 7, 2004 October 15, 2001 September 11 , 2000 June 7, 2004 June 7, 2004 September 11 , 2000 September 11, 2000 June 7 , 2004 June 7, 2004 June 7 2004 June 7, 2004 September 11 , 2000 September 11, 2000 September 11 , 2000 September 11 , 2000 September 11 , 2000 September 11 , 2000 September 11 , 2000 September 11 , 2000 September 11 , 2000 September 11 , 2000 September 11 , 2000 September 11 , 2000 September 11 , 2000 June 7, 2004 September 11 , 2000 June 7, 2004 September 11 , 2000 Effective June 7, 2004 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary \\\DC-8257911-#1154763v3 SHEET 1.1 1 ST REVISED SHEET 1. NAME OF UTILITY Zone Telecom. Inc. CHECK SHEET SHEET NO. Sheet 26 Sheet 27 Sheet 27. Sheet 28 Sheet 29 Sheet 30 Sheet 31 Sheet 32 Sheet 32. Sheet 32. Sheet 33 Sheet 33. Sheet 34 Sheet 35 Issued May 28, 2004 Id,aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG JUL 7 - 2004 Boise, Idaho REVISION EFFECTIVE D ATE Original Original 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 1 st Original Original 1 st Original 1 st Original September 11 , 2000 June 7, 2004 June 7, 2004 June 7, 2004 June 7, 2004 June 7, 2004 June 7, 2004 June 7, 2004 June 7, 2004 June 7 2004 June 7, 2004 June 7 2004 June 7 , 2004 June 7, 2004 Effective June 7, 2004 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary II\DC - 82579/1 - #1154763 v3 SHEET TH REVISED SHEET 2 NAME OF UTILITY Zone Telecom Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. Section 4. Section 5. Section 6. Section 7. Section 8. Section 9. Section 10. Section 11. Section 12. Section 13. Section 14. Section 15. Section 16. Check Sheet Contact Infonnation Tracking and Numbering Service Are Deposit and Advance Payment Termination of Service Service Offering Virtual Wats Price List Fiber Wats Price List Commercial Affiliation Program Prepaid Telephone Card Service Promotional Offerings Teleconference Service Miscellaneous Charges Prepaid Long Distance Service Zone LD Services Test Marketing Issued May 28, 2004 Idi1ho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 7 - 2004 Boise, Idaho Sheet Number 35 (N) (T) (T) (T) Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary Effective June 7, 2004 II\DC - 82579/1 - #1154763 v3 SHEET 2nd REVISED SHEET 3 NAME OF UTILITY Idaho P~blic .U~!!ities Commission Office Of me Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING OCT 1 5 2001 Zone Telecom, Inc.1. Contact Information .------...- Customer complaint, new service or disconnect requests: Issued October 3 , 2001 1.2 1.3 1.3. 1.4 Jill Papenhausen Zone Telecom, Inc. Woodland Falls Corporate Center 200 Lake Drive East, Suite 200 Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 (856) 414-6892 Bill inquiry: Jill Papenhausen Zone Telecom, Inc. Woodland Falls Corporate Center 200 Lake Drive East, Suite 200 Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 (856) 414-6892 (866) 777-9663 Commission contact - tariff information: Jill Papenhausen Zone Telecom, Inc. Woodland Falls Corporate Center 200 Lake Drive East, Suite 200 Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 (856) 414-6892 Commission contact - complaints: Jill Papenhausen Zone Telecom, Inc. Woodland Falls Corporate Center 200 Lake Drive East, Suite 200 Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 (856) 414-6892 Idaho agent: CT Corporation System 300 North 6th Street Boise, ill 83701 Effective October 15, 2001 Boise, Idaho (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary II\DC - 82579/1 - #1154763 v3 SHEET Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 11 2000 ORIGINAL SHEET 4 NAME OF UTILITY Zone Telecom. Inc.2. Tracking and Numbering Boise, Idaho The following symbols are used for the purposes indicated below: D - Delete or discontinue I - Increase in rate or charge L - Moved to another tariff location M - Moved from another tariff location N - New R - Decrease in rate or charge T - Change in text, but no change in rate or charge or regulation Check Sheets - when a tariff (price sheet) filing is made with the IPUC, an updated Check Sheet accompanies the filing. The Check Sheet lists the sheets contained in the filing with a cross reference to the current revision number. When new pages are added, the check sheet is changed to reflect the revision. 2.2 Sheet Numbering - Sheet numbers appear in the upper left comer of each page. Sheets are numbered sequentially. When a new sheet is added between sheets already in effect, a decimal is added. For example, a new sheet added between sheets 6 and 7 would be 6. 2.2.Sheet revision numbers also appear in the upper left comer of each page. These numbers are used to determine the most current sheet version on file with the IPUc. For example, the 4th revised sheet 6 cancels the 3rd revised sheet 6. Consult the check sheet for the sheet currently in effect. Issued August 31 2000 Effective September 11 , 2000 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary \\\DC - 82579/1 - #1154763 v3 SHEET Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 7 - 2004 ND REVISED SHEET 5 NAME OF UTILITY Zone Telecom Inc.Boise, Idaho Paragraph Number Sequence - There could be several levels of paragraph coding. Each level of coding is subservient to its next higher level. 1.1.1 Service Area Zone Telecom, Inc.s telecommunications services are available to business customers throughout the State of Idaho , except in areas in which the Local Exchange Carrier (LEC) does not have equal access, unless otherwise stated. Deposit and Advance Payment Zone may, in order to safeguard its interests, require Customer to make a cash security deposit, irrevocable letter of credit or other means prior to or any time after the provision of Services to Customer (collectively called Deposit"). The Deposit, to be held by Zone as a guarantee or security for the payment of charges incurred, may be drawn upon by Zone for any and all past due amounts, and may be increased at any time upon Zone request and in its sole discretion. Zone s obligation to provide Services is contingent upon an initial and continuing credit approval by Zone. Additional Deposit amounts may be required after Services commence pending continuing review of issues which include but are not limited to Customer s monthly revenue, payment history, financial condition and as security against disputed amounts. Customers will be provided a receipt for paid deposits and said deposits will accrue interest. Material previously appearing on this Sheet now appears on Sheet 5. Issued May 28, 2004 Effective June 7, 2004 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary \\\DC - 82579/1 - #1154763 v3 (T) (N)(D) (L)I I I I(N) (L) SHEET Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING JUL 7 - 2004ORIGINAL SHEET 5. NAME OF UTILITY Boise, Idaho Zone Telecom Inc. Termination of Service Zone may, without incurring liability, immediately terminate, restrict or suspend Zone Service, in whole or in part, and may deny requests for new or additional Zone Service, without notice to the User if: (A)User makes any false statement to Zone; (B)Zone suspects fraud, abuse or misuse by User, other users or third parties; (C)User violates any regulation of the User Agreement or Zone s filed tariffs or price lists; (D)Zone believes User s use or content, or the use or content of other users may violate the User Agreement or any laws or regulations or interferes in any way with Zone s provision of Zone Service to its customers or its business operations; (E)or User becomes insolvent or IS subject to any proceeding under bankruptcy or similar laws. In all other cases, Zone may, by notice in writing to the User, terminate, restrict or suspend Zone Service, in whole or in part, without incurring liability. Service Offering 6.1 Virtual Wats Service is a telecommunications service utilizing AT&T as the underlying carrier. This service includes such services as outbound switched and dedicated calling, inbound (800 or 888) calling, calling card calling, and directory assistance services. FiberWats Service is a telecommunications service utilizing Sprint as the underlying carrier. This service includes such services as outbound switched and dedicated calling, inbound (800 or 888) calling, calling card calling, and directory assistance services. Material appearing on this Sheet previously appeared on Sheet 5 Issued May 28, 2004 Effective June 7, 2004 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary IIIDC - 82579/1 - #1154763 v3 (M)(T)(D) I (D) I (T) (M) SHEET Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 11 2000ORIGINAL SHEET 6 NAME OF UTILITY Boise, Idaho Zone Telecom. Inc.6.3 Timing of Calls Long distance usage charges are based on the actual usage of Zone Telecom, Inc. network. The Company will determine that a call has been placed through industry standard answer detection methods including hardware answer detection. Chargeable time for a call ends upon disconnection by either party. For billing provided directly by Company, the minimum call duration and initial period is 18 seconds for all intrastate direct dialed calls unless otherwise specified by this tariff. For billing provided directly by Company, the additional period is measured and rounded to the next higher 6 second increment unless otherwise specified by this tariff. 6.3.4 For billing provided by the Local Exchange Carrier of the Customer, the minimum call duration and initial period is 60 seconds (1 minute) and the additional period is measured in 60 second (1 minute) increments. No charges apply for incomplete calls. If a Customer believes he or she has been incorrectly billed for an incomplete call, the Company will, upon notification, investigate the circumstances of the call and issue a credit when appropriate. 6.4 Authorization Codes - At additional cost, and subject to availability, the customer may use authorization codes to identify the users or user groups on an account. The numerical composition of such codes shall be set by the carrier to assure compatibility with carrier accounting and automation systems and to avoid duplication of codes. Issued August 31 2000 Effective September 11 , 2000 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary \I\DC - 82579/1 - #1154763 v3 SHEET Idaho Pub!ir; Utilities Commission Qffite of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 11 2000 ORIGINAL SHEET 7 NAME OF UTILITY Zone Telecom. Inc. Mileage Determination Boise. Idaho Usage charges for all mileage sensitive products are based on the airline distance between rate centers associated with the originating and terminating points of the call. The airline mileage between rate centers is determined by applying the formula below to the vertical and horizontal coordinates associated with the rate centers involved. Zone Telecom, Inc. uses the rate centers and associated vertical and horizontal coordinates that are produced by Bell Communications Research in their NPA-NXX V & H Coordinates Tape and NECA Tariff FCC No. FORMULA: (VI - V2) 2 + (HI - H2) Service Contract - Service is provide to Qualifying Business Customers by the acceptance by Zone Telecom, Inc. of a customer s Letter of Agency agreeing to receive service. Outbound - Communications may originate from any area served by an equal access central office within the State of Idaho. All services are available twenty four hours per day, seven days per week. Inbound Switched Service (800 or 888) - Receives inbound intrastate calls on regular local telephone lines. Inbound Dedicated Service (800 or 888) - Allows inbound intrastate calls to come in on same Dedicated Access Line using 800 or 888 number(s). Issued August 31 , 2000 Effective September 11 , 2000 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary II\DC - 82579/1 - #1154763 v3 SHEET TH REVISED SHEET 8 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiUNG JUL 7 - 2004 NAME OF UTILITY Zone Telecom Inc. 6.15 Issued May 28, 2004 Boise, Idaho Prepaid Telephone Card Services - Zone Telecom, Inc. Prepaid Telephone Card Service provides an outbound voice grade communications service for calls charged to a Zone Telecom, Inc. Prepaid Telephone Card. Customers can use the card to complete Direct Dialed intrastate and interstate calls. Calling Card Service - Customers of Zone Calling Card Service may place calls while away from home or office by dialing a 10 digit code plus a 4 digit PIN number assigned to the customer. Calls are then completed on a direct dialed basis. Usage charges and per call service charges apply. No minimum billing, non-recurring charges or fixed monthly charges apply to this service. IntraLATA Toll Service - IntraLATA Toll Service applies to calls terminating within the LATA of the originating caller. InterLATA Toll Service - InterLATA Toll Service applies to calls terminating beyond the LATA of the originating caller. Prepaid Long Distance Service - Zone prepaid long distance service is an optional 1 +/0 11 + direct dial long distance service wherein customers submit payments in advance. Zone LD service provides switched and dedicated access and include such features as switched outbound "One Plus" long distance telecommunications services, dedicated outbound calling, inbound toll-free switched and dedicated calling, calling card calling and directory assistance services.(D) (D) Effective June 7, 2004 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary \\\DC - 82579/1 - #1154763 v3 SHEET Idaho Public Utilities CommissiOi1 Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING JUL 7 - 2004 ST REVISED SHEET 8. NAME OF UTILITY Boise, Idaho Zone Telecom Inc. Application For Service 16.The Company requires a Customer to complete the Sign-up Form and Application as a condition precedent to the initial establishment of service. Application for service may be made electronically or in writing. 16.2 Company accepts the following methods of payment: credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express); bank debit card, electronic fund transfers, and paper check.(T) 16.Company will confirm credit worthiness as a condition precedent to the provision of Service. Company will preauthorize a credit limit for a residential Customer in the amount of $100, and for a business Customer in the amount of $300. Once the Customer has demonstrated a pattern of full and timely remittance of payment Company, in its full discretion, may elect to raise the user preauthorized credit limit from time to time. 16.4 The name of the Customer(s) desiring to use the Company s service must be stipulated in the Sign-up Form and Application, executed by the Customer and returned to the Company or its agent. 16.Fees are immediately due and payable on the date of the invoice and will be assessed based on the method of payment selected by the Customer in the Sign-up Form. Interruption of service and/or late payment charges may be assessed for any failure to pay within the time set forth in the Sign-up Form in accordance with federal and/or state law. (T) Issued May 28, 2004 Effective June 7, 2004 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary "\DC - 82579/1 - #1154763 v3 SHEET Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 7."": 20041 ST REVISED SHEET 8. NAME OF UTILITY Boise, Idaho Zone Telecom Inc. 17 Payment For Service 17.Monthly invoices will be debited via the billing mechanism selected by Customer in the Sign-up Fonn and in accordance with this Tariff. Interest at the rate of 1 Y2% per month (unless a lower rate is prescribed by law, in which event at the highest rate allowed by law) may be applied in accordance with the Company s standard credit policy to any unpaid amount commencing 15 days after the bill (N) statement date unless otherwise provided herein. (T) 17.2 The Company may bill for Service electronically for those Customers with computer capability. Prior to electronic billing, Customers will be notified and given the option to receive invoices in paper fonn. Customers electing paper billing will be assessed a monthly account fee of $50.00. To view electronic invoices Customers will need one of the following browsers: Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher; Netscape Navigator 3.01 or higher; Netscape Communicator 4.05 or higher; or Customers will need to upgrade its current browser. Reconnection Fee If service has been discontinued for nonpayment or as otherwise provided herein and the Customer wishes it continued, service shall, at the Company discretion, be restored upon payment of a $50.00 reconnection fee when all past due amounts are paid or the event giving rise to the discontinuance (if other than nonpayment) is corrected. Issued May 28, 2004 Effective June 7, 2004 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary \lIDC - 82579/1 - #1154763 v3 SHEET 1 ST REVISED SHEET 8. Idilho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 7,2004NAME OF UTILITY Zone Telecom Inc. 6.20 6.21 Boise, Idaho Customized Service Packages Customized service packages and competitive pricing packages may be furnished at negotiated rates on a case-by-case basis in response to requests by 9ustomers to the Company for proposals or for competitive bids. Service offered under this tariff provision will be provided to Customers pursuant to contract. Unless otherwise specified, the regulations for such arrangements are in addition to the applicable regulations and prices in other sections of the tariff. Specialized rates or charges will be made available to similarly situated Customers on a non-discriminatory basis. All specialized pricing arrangements are subject to Commission review. Invoice Retrieval Charge There will be a charge for researching an account and providing archived invoices to a customer. The charge will be assessed for each request and will be as follows: $ 10.00 charge for e-mailed invoices up to two years old $ 15.00 charge for paper invoices up to two years old $ 30.00 charge for invoices older than two years Invoices retrieval could take up to ten business days. Return Check Fee and Returned Electronic Funds Transfer Fee A fee of $20.00 will be charged for each dishonored check returned and a fee of $15.00 will be charged for each rejected electronic funds transfer. Issued May 28, 2004 Effective June 7, 2004 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary \\\DC - 82579/1 - #1154763 v3 (N) (N) SHEET HdB !Public Utilitie'3 Commission Office -of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 11 2000ORIGINAL SHEET 9 NAME OF UTILITY Boise. Idaho Zone Telecom. Inc. Virtual Wats Price List Virtual Wats service is resold service for which the underlying carrier is AT&T. 1.1 Rates Virtual Wats Service calls are rated using each of the following schedules for the appropriate type of usage: Day, Evening and Night rate periods apply to all usage. The rates apply for all days of the week including holidays. The Day rate period is 8:00 AM to but not including, 5:00 PM Monday through Friday. The Evening rate period is 5:00 PM to, but not including, 11:00 PM Monday through Friday. The Night rate period is 11 :00 PM to, but not including, 8:00 AM Monday through Friday, all day Saturday, and Sunday from 8:00 AM to, but not including 8:00 AM Monday. For New Years Day (January 1); Independence Day (July 4); Labor Day; Thanksgiving Day; Christmas Day (December 25), and Memorial Day the Evening rate applies. Service Fee - A $5.00 Service Fee shall be applied to a Customer s monthly InVOIce. 7.4 Outbound One - Plus Service 7.4.Switched Access - This schedule applies to calls between two on- network stations which use local exchange service access lines or between an on-network station which uses a local exchange service access line and an off-network station in the State of Idaho. Calls are billed in 6 second increments with 18 seconds minimum except for Local Exchange Company billing which will be in 60 second (1 minute) increments (see Section 6.3.4 of this tariffJ. The second (1 minute) rate is ten (10) times the 6 second increments shown below. Issued August 31 2000 Effective September 11 , 2000 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary IIIDC - 8257911- #1154763 v3 SHEET ~tra:tm ?ubli" tltilitie'3 Commission -Gffice gf the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 1 1 2000ORIGINAL SHEET 10 NAME OF UTILITY Boise. Idaho Zone Telecom. Inc. Virtual Wats Price List (continued) 7.4.Switched Access (continued) InterLATA and IntraLATA Rates Initial 18 Seconds or Fraction Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction Rate Mileage Day Eve / Night WeekendDay Eve / Night Weekend $0.0672 $0.0540 $0.0224 $0.0180 * Recurring Monthly Service Charge $5. Issued August 31, 2000 Effective September 11 , 2000 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary \\\DC - 82579/1 - #1154763 v3 SHEET Ih:tStro ip;ulb'fit OOimB'S Commission :Of.hce of tAe Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING Sf? 1 1 2000 ORIGINAL SHEET 11 NAME OF UTILITY 8mse. Idaho Zone Telecom. Inc. Virtual Wats Price List (continued) 7.4.Dedicated Access - This schedule applies to calls between an on-network station which uses a special access line and either and on-network station that uses local exchange service access line or an off-network station in the State ofIdaho. InterLATA and IntraLATA Rates Rate Mileage Initia118 Seconds or Fraction Eve / NightDav VV eekend Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction Eve / NightDay VVeekend $0.0441 $0.0330 $0.0147 $0.0110 * Recurring Monthly Service Charge $20. Calling Card Rates Calls are billed in 6 second increments with 18 seconds minimum, except for Local Exchange Company billing which will be in 60 second (1 minute) increments (see Sheet No., Section 6.3.4 of this tariffj. The 60 second (1 minute) rate is ten (10) times the 6 second increments shown below. Rate Mileage Initial 18 Seconds or Fraction Eve/NightDav VVeekend Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction Eye/NightDay VVeekend $0.0726 $0.0584 $0.0242 $0.0195 * Service Charge Per Call $0. Issued August 31 , 2000 Effective September 11, 2000 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary II\DC - 8257911 - #1154763 v3 SHEET ORIGINAL SHEET 12 NAME OF UTILITY Zone Telecom. Inc. Virtual Wats Price List (continued) Inbound Toll Free (800 or 888) Service Day $18. Day $11.30 Issued August 31 , 2000 Inbound (800 or 888) Switched Usage Rates Rate Per Hour of Usage Evening $18. Monthly recurring service charge - $20. Inbound (800 or 888) Dedicated Usage Rates Rate Per Hour of Usage Evening $9. Monthly recurring service charge - $50. Iltfa'fm !P'1~bnc; Utiliti~ Commission DHrceof the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 11 2000 Boise. Jdaha Night $18. Night $7. Effective September 11, 2000 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary \\\DC - 82579/1 - #1154763 v3 SHEET Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 11 2000ORIGINAL SHEET 13 NAME OF UTILITY Boise, Idaho Zone Telecom. Inc.7. Virtual Wats Price List (continued) Long Distance Directory Assistance ..-.---....................... A long distance Directory Assistance charge applies when the caller accesses the Company s network by dialing 1 + Area Code + 555-1212 to place a request for a telephone number. The charge applies to each inquiry regardless of whether the Directory Assistance Bureau is able to supply a listed number. A credit will be issued for any Directory Assistance charge for which the Customer experiences poor transmission quality, is cut off, receives an incorrect telephone number, or mis-dials. Directory Assistance Charge - Per Inquiry $0. Issued August 31 , 2000 Effective September 11, 2000 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary \\\DC.82579/1 . #1154763 v3 SHEET Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 11 2000ORIGINAL SHEET 14 NAME OF UTILITY Boise, Idaho Zone Telecom. Inc. FiberWats Price List FiberWats service is resold service for which the underlying carrier is Sprint. Rates - FiberWats Service calls are rated using each of the following schedules for the appropriate type of usage: 1.1 Day, Evening and Night rate periods apply to all usage. The rates apply for all days of the week including holidays. The Day rate period is 8:00 AM to, but not including, 5:00 PM Monday through Friday. The Evening rate period is 5:00 PM to, but not including, 11 :00 PM Monday through Friday. The Night rate period is 11 :00 PM to, but not including, 8:00 AM Monday through Friday, all day Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 AM to, but not including 8:00 AM Monday. For New Years Day (January 1), Independence Day (July 4), Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day (December 25), and Memorial Day the Evening rate applies. 8.2 Service Fee - A $5.00 Service Fee shall be applied to a Customer monthly invoice. 8.4 Outbound One - Plus Service 8.4.Switched Access - This schedule applies to calls between two on-network stations which use local exchange service access lines or between an on- network station which uses a local exchange service access line and an off- network station in the State ofldaho. Calls are billed in 6 second increments with 18 seconds minimum, except for Local Exchange Company billing which will be in 60 second minute) increments (see Section 6.3.4 of this tariffj. The 60 second minute) rate is ten (10) times the 6 second increments shown below. Issued August 31 2000 Effective September 11 , 2000 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary II\DC - 82579/1 - #1154763 v3 SHEET ORIGINAL SHEET 15 NAME OF UTILITY Zone Telecom. Inc. FiberWats Price List (continued) 8.4.Switched Access (continued) InterLATA and IntraLAT A Rates Initial 18 Seconds or Fraction Rate Mileage Eve/Night WeekendDay $0.0642 ( I )$0.0642 ( I ) * Recurring Monthly Service Charge Issued August 31 , 2000 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 11 2000 Boise, Idaho Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction Day $0.0214 Eve/Night Weekend $0.0214 $5. Effective September 11 2000 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary II\DC - 82579/1 - #1154763 v3 SHEET '(!a"o Pub\ic Utmt\e~ Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 11 2000ORIGINAL SHEET 16 NAME OF UTILITY Boise, Idaho Zone Telecom. Inc. FiberWats Price List (continued) 8.4.2 Dedicated Access - This schedule applies to calls between an on-network station which uses a special access line and either an on-network station that uses local exchange service access lines or an off-network station in the State ofIdaho. InterLATA and IntraLATA Rates Initial 18 Seconds or Fraction Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction Day Eve/Night Weekend Rate Mileage Day Eve/Night Weekend $0.0372 $0.0372 $0.0124 $0.0124 Issued August 31 2000 Effective September 11 , 2000 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary \\\DC - 82579/1 - #1154763 v3 SHEET Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 11 2000ORIGINAL SHEET 17 NAME OF UTILITY Boise, Idaho Zone Telecom. Inc. FiberWats Price List (continued) Calling Card Rates Calling Card calls placed by Customers that have subscribed to Zone s calling card service will be billed in 60 second (one minute) increments. Calling Card calls placed by Customers that subscribed to the calling card service of Zone predecessor, The Furst Group, on or after October 24, 1997 , will also be billed in 60 second (one minute) increments. Calling Card calls placed by Customers that subscribed to the calling card service of Zone s predecessor, The Furst Group, before October 24, 1997 will be billed in 6 second increments with an 18 second mInImum. Initial 18 Seconds or Fraction Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction Day EyelNight Weekend Rate Mileage Day EyelNight Weekend $0.0777 $0.0777 $0.0259 $0.0259 * Service Charge Per Call $0. Issued August 31, 2000 Effective September 11 , 2000 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary \\\DC - 82579/1 - #1154763 v3 SHEET Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 11 2000 ORIGINAL SHEET 18 NAME OF UTILITY Boise, Idaho Zone Telecom. Inc. FiberWats Price List (continued) Inbound Toll Free (800 or 888) Service Inbound (800 or 888) Switched Usage Rates Rate Per Hour of Usage Day Evening Night $15.48 $15.48 $15.48 $20.Monthly recurring service charge Inbound (800 or 888) Dedicated Usage Rates Rate Per Hour of Usage Day Evening Night $7.$7.$7.26 Monthly recurring service charge $50. Issued August 31 2000 Effective September 11, 2000 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary \\\DC - 82579/1 - #1154763 v3 SHEET Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 11 2000 ORIGINAL SHEET 19 NAME OF UTILITY Zone Telecom. Inc.Boise, Idaho FiberWats Price List (continued) Long Distance Directory Assistance long distance Directory Assistance charge applies when the caller accesses the Company s network by dialing 1 + Area Code + 555-1212 to place a request for a telephone number. The charge applies to each inquiry regardless of whether the Directory Assistance Bureau is able to supply a listed number. A credit will be issued for any Directory Assistance charge for which the Customer experiences poor transmission quality, is cut off receives an incorrect telephone number, of mis-dials. Directory Assistance Charge Per Inquiry $0. Issued August 31 2000 Effective September 11, 2000 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary \\\DC - 82579/1 - #1154763 v3 SHEET Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 11 2000 ORIGINAL SHEET 20 NAME OF UTILITY Boise, Idaho Zone Telecom. Inc. Commercial Affiliation Program General This section contains the regulations applicable to the Commercial Affiliation Program. (see section 9.4 following for applicable rates) 9.2 Availability of Service The following rates apply to residential and small business customers. qualify for this service, Customers must be members of trade associations or commercial organizations. Customers may also qualify if they are individuals within an industry profession or business classification. Service shall be obtained by responding to an advertisement or promotional offering or by calling a toll free number in response to such solicitation. Application of Charges Customers of this calling plan may place as many calls as desired at the specified rates. No minimum monthly usage is required. Issued August 31 2000 Effective September 11 , 2000 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary \\\DC - 82579/1 - #1154763 v3 SHEET Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 11 2000ORIGINAL SHEET 21 NAME OF UTILITY Boise, Idaho Zone Telecom. Inc. Commercial Affiliation Program (continued)9.4 Rates and Charges The following rates apply for all times of day, seven days a week, for all distances. Calls will be billed at 18 second initial increment with 6 second additional increments. Initial 18 Seconds or Fraction Each Additional 6 Seconds or Fraction Rate Mileage Day Eve/Night Weekend Day Eve/Night Weekend $0.0459 $0.0459 $0.0153 $0.0153 Monthly Recurring Fee $2. Issued August 31, 2000 Effective September 11, 2000 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary \\\DC - 82579/1 - #1154763 v3 SHEET Idaho Public Utiiities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 7 - 2004 1 ST REVISED SHEET 22 NAME OF UTILITY Zone Telecom. Inc.8oise. Idaho 10.Zone Prepaid Telephone Card Rates Maximum Rate Per Minute of Usage Day Evening Night $0.$0.$0. 11.Zone Telecom, Inc. Special Promotional Offerings (T)ompany may, om time to time, engage III speCla promotIOns 0 new or existing Service offerings of limited duration designed to attract new Customers or to increase existing Customer awareness of a particular offering. The promotional offerings are subject to the availability of the Services and may be limited to a specific geographical area or to a subset of a specific market group; provided however, all promotional offerings shall be offered in accordance with applicable Commission rules or regulations. (T) Issued May 28, 2004 Effective June 7, 2004 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary \\\DC-82579/1-#1154763v3 SHEET Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING SEP 11 2000ORIGINAL SHEET 23 NAME OF UTILITY Boise, Idaho Zone Telecom. Inc. 12.Zone Telecom, Inc. Teleconference Service 12.Teleconference Service Description Zone Telecom, Inc. Teleconference Service provides communications between two or more stations connected to an audio bridge with the assistance of a teleconference operator. 12.Billing Charges accrued by using teleconference service are billed to the telephone number of the originator of the conference call or billed to another number, if it is acceptable to that party. 12.Timing Of Calls 12.1 Chargeable time of a conference call begins when all participants are connected and ends for each individual station when that station disconnects. 12.2 Chargeable time for ports joining the conference call already in progress begins when they are connected by a teleconference operator. 12.4 Rates And Charges 12.4.1 Charges for teleconference service calls are per minute and per port usage, rounded to the next highest full minute. Issued August 31 2000 Effective September 11, 2000 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary \\\DC - 82579/1 - #1154763 v3 SHEET 1 ST REVISED SHEET 24 NAME OF UTILITY Zone Telecom. Inc. 12.Zone Telecom, Inc. Teleconference Service (continued)12.4 Rates And Charges (continued) Zone Tele-Conferencing & Web Conferencing Pricin Ready - Flex utilizing Direct Dial (Reserved or Reservation- less Price $0.110 Ready - Flex utilizing Toll Free Number (Reserved or Reservation-less Price $0.270 Event - Direct Dial Access (Reservation Required) Price $0.320 Event - Toll Free Access (Reservation Required) $0.340 $0.359 Issued May 28, 2004 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 7 - 2004 Boise. Idaho (D) (N) (D) (N) Effective June 7, 2004 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary \\\DC - 82579/1 - #1154763 v3 SHEET Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission ACe OffIce of the Secretary EPTED FOR FILING SE? 11 2000 ORIGINAL SHEET 25 NAME OF UTILITY Boise. Idaho Zone Telecom. Inc.. 13.Miscellaneous Charges 13.1 Payphone Use Surcharge An undiscountable payphone use surcharge of $.35 shall apply to each coinless call which Zone can identify as being placed from a domestic payphone by or to the customer or its permitted user. This includes, but is not limited to, calls placed with a Zone calling card, pre-paid calling card collect calls and calls placed to 800 numbers. This charge is in addition to standard tariffed usage charges and is for the use of the payphone instrument to access Zone s service. Issued August 31, 2000 Effective September 11, 2000 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary \\\DC - 82579/1 - #1154763 v3 SHEET Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG SEP 112000ORIGINAL SHEET 26 NAME OF UTILITY Boise. Idaho Zone Telecom. Inc. 14.Zone Prepaid Long Distance Service 14.1 Zone Prepaid Long Distance Service Description Zone prepaid long distance service is an optional 1 +/0 11 + direct dial long distance service wherein customers submit payments in advance. The advance payments are placed in the consumer s account and are depleted as long distance charges, applicable surcharges, regulatory assessments, taxes and fees are accrued. If during any month, the total of charges exceed the monthly advance payments, the customer will hear an announcement that there is no credit available, and the customer will not be able to complete 1+/011+ calls until additional advance payments are received. In addition, several minutes in advance of the depletion of the prepayment, the customer will be advised via announcement. If a consumer does not utilize the full amount of the monthly prepayment, the remaining balance will carry over to subsequent months until the balance is depleted. 14.Billing Charges are billed in full minute increments. 14.Rates and Charges: $.25 cents per minute, 24 hours a day, seven days a week Monthly recurring fee:$5.00 monthly fee. Issued August 31, 2000 Effective September 11 , 2000 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary \\\DC - 82579/1 - #1154763 v3 SHEET Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 7 - 2004 TH REVISED SHEET 27 NAME OF UTILITY Boise, idaho Zone Telecom. Inc. 15.Zone LD Services DESCRIPTION Zone LD service for small business offers switched and dedicated access and includes such features as switched outbound "One Plus long distance telecommunications services, dedicated outbound calling, inbound toll-free switched and dedicated calling, calling card calling and directory assistance services. The small business plans are available to Customers whose estimated monthly usage exceeds $499., excluding taxes, fees and surcharges. All "GC" and "Q" small business plans are billed in six second increments, after an initial minimum call duration of six seconds. All "s" small business plans are billed in six second increments, after an initial minimum call duration of eighteen seconds. Zone LD service for residential and small home office users ("Resi/SOHO" offers switched access and includes such features as switched outbound "One Plus" long distance telecommunications services, inbound toll-free switched calling, calling card calling and directory assistance services. The Resi/SOHO plans are available to Customers whose estimated monthly usage falls below $500., excluding taxes, fees and surcharges. All Resi/SOHO plans are billed in sixty second increments, after an initial minimum call duration of sixty seconds unless otherwise noted. Material previously appearing on this Sheet now appears on Sheet 27. Issued May 28, 2004 Effective June 7, 2004 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary \\\DC-82579/1-#1154763v3 (T) I (L) (T) I (L) SHEET Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 7.- 2004 27. ORIGINAL SHEET 27. NAME OF UTILITY Boise. Idaho Zone Telecom. Inc. DESCRIPTION (continued) Zone LD service marketed as Rate Smasher/I, Rate Smasher Premium/I, Rate Smasher/PI and Rate Smasher PremiumlPI for residential and small home office users Resi/SOHO") offers switched access and includes such features as switched outbound One Plus" long distance telecommunications services, inbound toll-free switched calling, calling card calling and directory assistance services. The Resi/SOHO plans are available to Customers whose estimated monthly usage falls below $500., excluding taxes, fees and surcharges. These plans are billed in six second increments, after an initial minimum call duration of six seconds. 1.1.Zone LD - Rate Smasher/S Zone LD - Rate Smasher/S Switched Outbound Service is a switched access service, offering users outbound "One Plus" long distance telecommunications services from points originating and terminating in the State of Idaho. Billing increments depend upon whether the Customer is classified as Resi/SOHO or small business. Per Minute Zone LD - Rate Smasher/S Switched Outbound Service $0.225 Material appearing on this Sheet previously appeared on Sheet 27 Issued May 28, 2004 Effective June 7, 2004 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary \\\DC-82579/1-#1154763v3 (T) (T) (M)(T) I (D) I (T) I (D)(T) I (T) I (T) I (T) (M) SHEET Idilho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 7 - 2004 RD REVISED SHEET 28 NAME OF UTILITY Boise, Idaho Zone Telecom Inc. Zone LD - Rate Smasher/S Dedicated Outbound Service is a dedicated (T) access service, offering users outbound "One Plus" long distance telecommunications services from points originating and terminating in the State of Idaho. Billing increments depend upon whether the Customer is classified as Resi/SOHO or small business. (D)(T) (T) (T) Per Minute Zone LD - Rate Smasher/S Dedicated Outbound Service (T) $0.135 Zone LD - Rate Smasher/S Toll-Free Service offers users inbound, toll- (T) free calling where an 800, 888, 877 or other toll-free prefix number rings into a Customer s premise routed to a specific telephone number or terminated over a dedicated facility. This service enables the caller to contact the Customer toll-free, through the use of an assigned toll-free number. Billing increments depend upon whether the Customer is (T) classified as Resi/SOHO or small business. (T) Switched Rate Dedicated Rate Per Minute Per Minute Zone LD - Rate Smasher/S (T) Toll-Free Service $0.235 $0.140 Issued May 28, 2004 Effective June 7, 2004 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary \\\DC - 82579/1 - #1154763 v3 SHEET Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 7 - 2004 RD REVISED SHEET 29 NAME OF UTILITY !Wise, Idaho Zone Telecom. Inc. Zone LD - Rate Smasher/S Calling Card Service permits the caller to (T) charge a principal pre-subscribed location for a call while the caller is away from the principal location. The Customer may place calls from a touch tone phone by dialing a toll-free number and entering a personal identification code followed by the desired telephone number. Billing (T) increments depend upon whether the Customer is classified as (T)Resi/SOHO or small business. (T) Per Minute Zone LD - Rate Smasher/S Calling Card Service (T) $0.12 (T) (D) Zone LD - Rate Smasher/GC Switched Outbound Service is a switched (T) access service, offering users outbound "One Plus" long distance telecommunications services from points originating and terminating in the State of Idaho. Billing increments depend upon whether the Customer is classified as Resi/SOHO or small business. (D)(T) (T) (T) 1.2.Zone LD - Rate Smasher/GC Per Minute Zone LD - Rate Smasher/GC Switched Outbound Service $0.134 (T) Issued May 28, 2004 Effective June 7, 2004 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary \\\DC - 82579/1 - #1154763 v3 SHEET Id,aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING WL 7 - 2004 RD REVISED SHEET 30 NAME OF UTILITY Boise. Idaho Zone Telecom.. Inc. Zone LD - Rate Smasher/GC Dedicated Outbound Service is a dedicated (T) access service, offering users outbound "One Plus" long distance telecormnunications services from points originating and terminating in the State of Idaho. Billing increments depend upon whether the Customer is classified as Resi/SOHO or small business. (D)(T) (T) (T) Per Minute Zone LD - Rate Smasher/GC Dedicated Outbound Service (T) $0.083 Zone LD - Rate Smasher/GC Toll-Free Service offers users inbound (T) toll-free calling where an 800, 888, 877 or other toll-free prefix number rings into a Customer s premise routed to a specific telephone number or terminated over a dedicated facility. This service enables the caller to contact the Customer toll-free, through the use of an assigned toll-free number. Billing increments depend upon whether the Customer is (T) classified as Resi/SOHO or small business. (T) (T) Switched Rate Dedicated Rate Per Minute Per Minute Zone LD - Rate Smasher/GC (T) Toll-Free Service $0.143 $0.087 Issued May 28, 2004 Effective June 7, 2004 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary \\\DC-82579/1-#1154763v3 SHEET RD REVISED SHEET 31 NAME OF UTILITY Zone Telecom. Inc. Issued May 28, 2004 IdtJho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL '7.2004 Boise, Idaho Zone LD - Rate Smasher/GC Calling Card Service permits the caller to (T) charge a principal pre-subscribed location for a call while the caller is away from the principal location. The Customer may place calls from a touch tone phone by dialing a toll-free number and entering a personal identification code followed by the desired telephone number. Billing (T) increments depend upon whether the Customer is classified as (T)Resi/SOHO or small business. (T) Per Minute Zone LD - Rate Smasher/GC Calling Card Service (T) $0. Effective June 7, 2004 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary \\\DC - 82579/1 - #1154763 v3 SHEET Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING WL 7 - 2004 ST REVISED SHEET 32 NAME OF UTILITY Boise. Idaho Zone Telecom. Inc. Zone LD - RightSaver Switched Outbound Service is a switched access service offering users outbound "One Plus long distance telecommunications services from points originating and terminating in the State of Idaho. Billing increments depend upon whether the Customer is classified as Resi/SOHO or small business. RightSaver is subject to a monthly minimum usage charge of $ 2., to be applied when a customers monthly usage is less than $20.00 before the application of taxes, fees or surcharges. This charge may be waived at the discretion of the company. Per Minute Zone LD - RightSaver Outbound Service $0.135 Material previously appearing on this Sheet now appears on Sheet 32. Issued May 28, 2004 Effective June 7, 2004 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary \\\DC - 82579/1 - #1154763 v3 (D)(T) (T) (T) (L) (L) SHEET 32. ORIGINAL SHEET 32. NAME OF UTILITY Zone Telecom. Inc. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 7 - 2004 Boise, Idaho 1.3.Zone LD - Rate Smasher PremiumlGC Issued May 28, 2004 Zone LD - Rate Smasher PremiumlGC Switched Outbound Service is a switched access service, offering users outbound "One Plus" long distance telecommunications services from points originating and terminating in the State of Idaho. Billing increments depend upon whether the Customer is classified as Resi/SOHO or small business. Per Minute Zone LD - Rate Smasher PremiumlGC Outbound Service $0.135 Zone LD - Rate Smasher PremiumlGC Toll-Free Service offers users inbound, toll-free calling where an 800, 888, 877 or other toll-free prefix number rings into a Customer s premise routed to a specific telephone number or terminated over a dedicated facility. This service enables the caller to contact the Customer toll-free, through the use of an assigned toll-free number. Billing increments depend upon whether the Customer is classified as Resi/SOHO or small business. Per Minute Zone LD - Rate Smasher PremiumlGC Toll-Free Service $0.140 Effective June 7, 2004 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary \\\DC - 8257911 - #1154763 v3 (N) (N) SHEET 32. ORIGINAL SHEET 32. NAME OF UTILITY Zone Telecom. Inc. Idaho Public Utilities Commissiol1 Office of the Secietary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 7 - 2004 Boise, Idaho 1.4.Zone LD - Rate Smasher/Q Zone LD - Rate Smasher/Q Switched Outbound Service is a switched access service, offering users outbound "One Plus" long distance telecommunications services from points originating and tenninating in the State of Idaho. Billing increments depend upon whether the Customer is classified as Resi/SOHO or small business. Per Minute Zone LD - Rate Smasher/Q Switched Outbound Service $0.134 Zone LD - Rate Smasher/Q Toll-Free Service offers users inbound, toll- free calling where an 800 , 888 , 877 or other toll-free prefix number rings into a Customer s premise routed to a specific telephone number. This service enables the caller to contact the Customer toll-free, through the use of an assigned toll-free number. Billing increments depend upon whether the Customer is classified as Resi/SOHO or small business. Per Minute Zone LD - Rate Smasher/Q Toll-Free Service $0.143 Issued May 28, 2004 Material appearing on this Sheet previously appeared on Sheet 32 Effective June 7, 2004 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary \\\DC-82579/1-#1154763v3 "_.----- (M)(T) I (D) I (T) I (D)(T) I (T) I (T) I (T) I (T) I (T) I (T) I (T) I (T) (M) SHEET Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING IUl 7 - 2004 ST REVISED SHEET 33 NAME OF UTILITY "0'" !di!ho Zone Telecom, Inc. Zone LD - Rate Smasher/Q Calling Card Service permits the caller to (T) charge a principal pre-subscribed location for a call while the caller is away from the principal location. The Customer may place calls from a touch tone phone by dialing a toll-free number and entering a personal identification code followed by the desired telephone number. Billing (T) increments depend upon whether the Customer is classified as (T)Resi/SOHO or small business. (T) Per Minute Zone LD - Rate Smasher/Q Calling Card Service (T) $0. Zone LD - RightSaver Switched Outbound Service is a switched access service offering users outbound "One Plus long distance telecommunications services from points originating and terminating in the State of Idaho. Billing increments depend upon whether the Customer is classified as Resi/SOHO or small business. (D)(T) (T) (T) RightSaver is subject to a monthly minimum usage charge of $2., to be applied when a customers monthly usage is less than $20. before the application of taxes, fees or surcharges. This charge may waived at the discretion of the company. Per Minute Zone LD - RightSaver Outbound Service $0.135 Issued May 28, 2004 Effective June 7, 2004 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary \\\DC - 8257911 - #1154763 v3 SHEET 33. ORIGINAL SHEET 33. NAME OF UTILITY Zone Telecom. Inc. Idilho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 7 - 2004 Boise. Idaho 1.5.Zone LD - Rate Smasher Premium/Q Issued May 28, 2004 Zone LD - Rate Smasher Premium/Q Switched Outbound Service is a switched access service, offering users outbound "One Plus" long distance telecommunications services from points originating and terminating in the State of Idaho. Billing increments depend upon whether the Customer is classified as Resi/SOHO or small business. Per Minute Zone LD - Rate Smasher Premium/Q Outbound Service $0.135 Zone LD - Rate Smasher Premium/Q Toll-Free Service offers users inbound, toll-free calling where an 800, 888, 877 or other toll-free prefix number rings into a Customer s premise routed to a specific telephone number or terminated over a dedicated facility. This service enables the caller to contact the Customer toll-free, through the use of an assigned toll-free number. Billing increments depend upon whether the Customer is classified as Resi/SOHO or small business. Per Minute Zone LD - Rate Smasher Premium/Q Toll-Free Service $0.140 Effective June 7, 2004 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary \\\DC - 82579/1 - #1154763 v3 (N) (N) SHEET Idilho Public Utilities Commission Office af the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FiLING JUL 7 - 2004REVISED SHEET 34 NAME OF UTILITY Boise. Idaho Zone Telecom. Inc. INTRASTATE DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE A long distance Directory Assistance charge applies when the caller accesses the Company s network by dialing 1 + Area Code + 555-1212 to place a request for a telephone number. The charge applies to each call regardless of whether the Directory Assistance bureau is able to supply a listed number. A credit will be issued for any Directory Assistance charge for which the customer experiences poor transmission quality, is cut off, receives an incorrect telephone number, or misdials. Per Call Intrastate Directory Assistance Charge $1.45 PAPER BilL CHARGES The Company may bill for Service electronically for those Customers with computer capability. Customers may, however, elect to receive invoices in paper fonn. Customers electing paper billing will be assessed a monthly account fee of $2.95. MINIMUM USAGE CHARGE Zone LD products for small business are subject to a monthly minimum usage charge of (T) $2., to be applied when a customers monthly usage is less than $100.00 before the (1) application of taxes, fees or surcharges. This charge may be waived at the discretion of the company. TOLL-FREE FEE All Zone LD products are subject to a monthly toll-free fee in the amount of $2.00 per month per toll-free number. This charge may be waived at the discretion of the company. Issued May 28, 2004 Effective June 7, 2004 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary \\\DC - 82579/1 - #1154763 v3 SHEET Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING JUL 7- 2004 ORIGINAL SHEET 35 NAME OF UTILITY Boise. Idaho Zone Telecom. Inc. 16.Test Marketing The Company may, from time to time, promote new Customer registrations by offering test marketing to certain eligible customers. The test marketing may be limited to specific geographical areas or to a subset of specific market groups for a limited duration. Test marketing will used to test new products and services prior to wide-scale implementation. Issued May 28, 2004 Effective June 7 , 2004 Issued by Lawton Bloom Title: Vice President and Secretary \\\DC-82579/1-#1154763v3 (N) (N)