HomeMy WebLinkAboutAtlanta Power.pdfIDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMM1SSl0N APPROVED EFFECTIVE Tanff No, 6 Page 1 of 5 JAN5-'oQ JAN i -'0'\I.P.U.C. No. Canceling Tariff NO.5 Name of Utility Atlanta Power Co. Inc. ~lO~ SECRETARY (Approval Stamp) SCHEDULE 1 RESIDENTIAL (permanent) Eligibilty: Any customer intending to remain connected year around using electrical power for genera! domestic use. In the event of a disconnection, either voluntary or involuntary, reconnection charges as described in Schedule 4 will be assessed. If disconnected for a period of more than thirty (30) days, the customer wil be automatically placed on Schedule 3 rates upon reconnection of service. Monthly Charges: $92.791 Month Basic Charge includes the first 500 Kwh of energy use. 5.7 Cents I Kwh for all metered energy use in excess of 500 Kwh per month. Payment: The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due fifteen (15) days from the date on which rendered. Per Commission Order NO.30704 Issued December 29, 2008 Effective Januarv 1, 2009 By Israel Ray ~ry Title President Tariff NO.6 Page 2 of5 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION APPROVED EFFECTIVE I.P,U.C. No.JAN 5 -loll JAN i _10'1 Canceling Tariff NO.5 Name of Utilty Atlanta Power Co. Inc. ~JÐ~ SECRETRY (Approval Stamp) SCHEDULE 2 COMMERCIAL (permanent) Eligibilty: Any customer intending to remain connected year around using electrical power for business or commercial use. In the event of a disconnection. ei1her voluntary or involuntary, reconnection charges as described in Schedule 4 wil be assessed. If disconnected for a period of more than thirty (30) days, the customer wil be automatically placed on Schedule 3 rates upon reconnection of service. Monthly Charge: $164.95/ Month Basic Charge incrudes the first 500 Kwh of energy use. 20.6 Cents I KWh for all metered energy use in excess of 500 Kwh per month. Payment: The monthly bil rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due fifteen (15) days from the date on which rendered. Per Commission Order NO.30704 Issued December 29,2008 Effective Januarv 1, 2009 By Israel Ray dl)~ÎT Title President TanffNo. 6 Page 3 of5 IOAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMlSSION APPROVED EFFECTIVE I.P.U.C. No. JAN 5 _'09 JAN i _'09 Canceling Tariff No.5 Name of Utilty Atlanta Power Co. Inc. ~lb~ SECRETARY (Approval Stamp) SCHEDULE 3 SEASONAL (WEKEND OR PART-TIME USE) Eligibilf;: Any customer may select Schedule NO.3 and will be assessed reconnection fees as describe on Schedule 4. No monthly minimum fee will be charged during penods of disconnection. Any residential or commercial customer is eligible for this rate. Customers who are disconnected on a seasonal or intermittent basis, either voluntarily or involuntarily, for a period of more than thirt (30) days will be required to take servce under Schedule 3 upon reconnection of service*. Monthly Charge: $40.09/month customer charge for residential customers. $74.46/month customer charge for commercial customers. Plus, 24.1 cents! Kwh for all energy use. Payment: The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past- due fifeen (15) days from the date on which rendered. * After remaining connected for a period of twelve (12) consecutive months, a Schedule 3 customer may be considered a year around, permanent customer and may elect to receive service under Schedule 1 or 2. Per Commission Order No. 30704 Issued December 29,2008 Effective Januarv 1.2009 By Israel Ray ~Jó?~Title President Tariff No.6 Page 4 of5 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION APPROVED EFFECTIVE I.P.U.c. No. JAN 5 -'09 JAN 1-'09 Cancelina Tariff NO.5 Name of Utility Atlanta Power Co. Inc. ~lO~ SECRETARY (Approval Stamp) SCHEDULE 4Other Miscellaneous ChargesTemporary Service Connection Any additional Temporary connections to customers meter as defined in the Company's General Rule 128 wil be biled $10 per month for each connection. Charges for Connection and Reconnection of Services.Customers disconnected for a penod of 30 days or less $35Residential customer disconnected for a period of more than 30 days $370 Commercial customers disconnectd for a period of more than 30 days $660New customer connection charge $35 * All reconnection charges are assesed at the time of request for reconnection of service. Returned Check Charge: A returned check charge of $20.00 will be asssed to customers account for any check returned by the bank for insuffcient funds, closed account or other reason. Late Fees: A late payment charge of 1 % per month wil be levied against a delinquent account except accounts of agencies and taxing distrcts of the Siate of Idaho as described below. All payments received by the biling date wil apply to the customers account prior to calculating the late payment charge. Payments wil satisfy the oldest portion of the biling first and the current portion of the billng last. Late Payment Charges wil continue to accrue against unpaid disputed bill amounts. If the dispute is resolved in the favor of the customer, all disputed charges plus any associated Late Payment Charges will be removed from the customers account If the dispute is resolved in favor of the Company, all disputed charges plus any associated Late Payment Charges wil become due and payable. Late Payment Fees for agencies and taxing distñcts of the State of Idaho, Under the authority of Jdaho Code §67-2302, an agency or taxing district of the State of Idaho has 60 days from the date that a bil is received to pay that bil. If a state agency or taxing district does not pay the bill within the 60 day period, all of the provisions of Idaho Code §67-2302 wil apply and the Late Payment Charge will be levied against the account. Any state agency or taxing district that claims that it falls within the provisions of Idaho Code §67-2302 must notify Atlanta Power Company in writing of such claim. Meter Testing Fee: Meter Testing Charge for customer-requested tests $25 Per Commission Order No. 30704 Issued December 29, 2008 Effective January 1, 2009 By Israel Ray ~~Title President Tariff NO.6 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION APPROVED EFFECTIVEPage 5 of5 I.P.U.C. No.JAN 5 ~tPI ~ia~ SECRETARY JAN i ':09 Canceling Tariff NO.5 Name of Utility Atlanta Power Co. Inc. (Approval Stamp) SCHEDULE 5 Temporary Surcharge All customer billngs" will be increased by a surcharge of 28.9% Commencing February 1, 2009. "Excluding Schedule NO.4 "Other Miscellaneous Charges", The Surcharge wil be adjusted either downward or upward at any time the Company's general rate schedules are changed with the approval of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. The surcharge will remain in effect for a period of approximately six and 1/2 years (77 months) or until a total of $169,285 is collected by the surcharge. The Company will keep track of all revenues colleced from the surcharge and wil inform the Idaho Public Utilties Commission when the total amount has been collected and immediately request cancellation of the surcharge. Per Commission Order No. 30704 Issued December 29, 2008 Effective Januarv 1. 2009 By Israel Ray d~~Title President 'S" IIC) IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JAN 23 'JAN 24 ' ATLANTA POWER COMPANY ~n~ )2 SECRETARY ORIGINAL SHEET NO. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION TARIFF NO. GENERAL RULES. REGULATIONS AND RATES APPLICABLE TO ELECTRIC SERVICE IN THE TERRITORY SERVED FROM THE COMPANY I S INTERCONNECTED SYSTEM IN IDAHO Filed - Sept. 8. 1987 Issued Lynn Stevenson. President Box 357. Fairfield. ID 83327Effective - IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JAN 23 'JAN 24 ' ATLANTA POWER COMPANY C. TARIFF NO.ORIGINAL SHEET NO. ~n~ j2. ~SECRETARV GENERAL RULES REGULATIONS AND RATES These Rules. Regulations and Rates are a part of the Tariff of Atlanta Power Company and apply to the Company and every Customer to whom service is supplied: provided. that in case of conflict between these Rules. Regulations and Rates and the provisions of any schedule of this Tariff. the provisions of such schedule shall govern as to service supplied thereunder. DEF INITIONS 1. Company . when used in this Tariff or in the Electric Service Agreement. refers to Atlanta Power Company. 2. Customer . when used in this Tariff or in the Electric Service Agreement. is the indi vidua 1. partnership. association. organization. public or private corporation. government or governmental agency receiving or contracting for electric service. 3. Month . (unless calendar month is stated) is the approximate thirty-day pe~iod intervening between bi 11 ingperiods. 4. Bi 11 inq Period.A regular bi II ing period shall be assumed to have thirty (30) days. 5. Electric Service.Electric service is the availability of power and energy in the form and at the voltage specified in the service application or agreement. irrespective of whether electric energy is actually utilized. Electric Load: A. Connected Load is the combined input rating of the Customer I s motors and other energy consuming devices. B. Demand is the average KW or HP suppl ied to the Customer during the IS-minute period of maximum use during the meter reading period. as shown by the Company I s meter. or determined in accordance with the demand clause in the rate schedule under which service is supplied. In no event. however. shall the maximum demand for the meter reading period be less than the demand determined as spe ified in the schedule. IDAHOFiled -Sept. 8. 1987 ued by Atlanta Power Company Ly n Stevenson. President Box 357. Fairfield. ID 83327 Effective - IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE ATLANTA POWER COMPANY JAN 23 'JAN 2 4 ' C. TARIFF NO.ORIGINAL SHEET NO. 3~z.ne;L J2. ~SECRETARY GENERAL RULES REGULATIONS AND RATES (Cont inued) DEFINITIONS (Continued) C. Power Factor is the percentage obtained by dividing the maximum demand recorded in kilowatts by the corresponding kilovolt-ampere demand established by the Customer. Point of Delivery: A. The point where the Customer' s wires are joined to those of the company shall be the Point of Delivery unless otherwise specified in the service application or agreement. Where separate Points of Delivery exist for supplying service to a single Customer. or separate meters are maintained for measurement of service to a single Customer. the meter readings shall not be combined for purposes of measurement or application of the rate schedule. B. Service delivered at low voltage (600 volts or under) will be supplied from the Company's distribution system to the outside wall of the Customer I s building. The Customer's facilities shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the requirements of the National Electrical Code. SERVICE AND LIMITATIONS 8. Rates and Tariff.Service suppl ied by the Company will be in accordance with Tariff or contract rates on file with the state regulatory authority having jurisdiction. and as in effect at the time service is supplied. All service rates and contracts are subject to the continuing jurisdiction and regulation of such authority. as provided by law. In the event any taxing body shall impose any franchise. occupation. sales. license. excise or other tax or charges based upon meters or Customers. or upon electricity sold or the receipts or income therefrom. the prorata amount thereof will be added to and as a part of the effective rate and separately itemized and billed to all Customers in the area or locality in which such tax or charge applies. IDAHOFi led -Sept. 8. 1987 s6:; Iss d by Atlanta Power CompanyLynn Stevenson. President Box 357. Fairfield. ID 83327 Effective - IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE ATLANTA POWER COMPANY JAN 23 'JAN 24 ' C. TARIFF NO.ORIGINAL SHEET NO. 4 n~ J2 ~SECRETARY GENERAL RULES REGULATIONS AND RATES (Cont inued) SERVICE AND LIMITATIONS (Continued) 9. Suppl vinq of Service.Service wi II be suppl ied under a given rate schedule only to such Points of De I i very are adjacent to facilities of the Company. adequate and sui table as to capacity and voltage for the service desired and under the rate schedule applicable thereto. The company shall not be obligated to construct extensions or install additional service facilities except in accordance with its line extension policy. In all other cases. special agreements between the Customer and the Company may be required. 10. Service Application or Aqreement.Each Customer shall sign a service application or agreement which (unless in the case of seasonal or temporary service it is otherwise specified) shall be for a term of one (1) year or such longer term as shall be specified therein. Applications for temporary. seasonal. or short-term service for periods of not less that one (1) month are accepted when the Company has available capacity for the service required. and the Customer pays the Company in advance the estimated net cost of installing and removing thefaci I i ties required to supply service. The Agreement shall expire after the initial term unless otherwise provided in the Agreement. 11. Choice of Schedules.The Company I s schedules are designed to provide monthly rates for service supplied to theCustomer. The Customer may elect to take service under any of the applicable schedules. and the Company will endeavor to assist in the selection of the appropriated rate schedule mostfavorable to the Customer. Changing of schedules is not permitted. except when another schedule applicable to Customer I s service is deemed more favorable to the Customer or the nature of the Customer I s usage changes. i. e.. from residential to commercial or seasonal to permanent. Whenever it is determined that a Customer was billed under an inappropriate rate schedule. the Customer shall be rebilled under the appropriated rate schedule. except that the Company selected the schedule on the basis of available information and acted in good faith. the Company shall not be required to rebill or adjust billings. The rebilling period shall be that provided by IC Sect . 0 61-642 (three years). IDAHOFi led -Sept. 8. 1987 '" d by Atlanta Power CompanyLynn Stevenson. President Box 357. Fairfield. ID 83327 Effecti ve - Tariff No.First Revised Sheet No.IDAHO PUBLIC UTJUTJES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EfFECTIVE I.P.C. No.JAN5- ' JAN 1 - ' Canceling Original Sheet No. Name of tility Atlanta Power Co. Inc. ~.n.SECRETARY (Approval Stamp) GENERAL RULES REGULATIONS AND RATES (Continued) SERVICE AND LIMITATIONS Continued12. Limitation of Use: A. A Customer shall not resell electricity received from the Companyto any person except where the building, shopping center, apartment house, mobile home court,or other multi-family dwelling where the use has been sub metered and the use is billed to tenants at the same rates that the Company would charge for service. B. A Customer who extends his or her wiring to or othelWise allowsconnection of another building, property, or place of use for a period of no more than 30 days annually, shall be charged a temporary connection fee in accordance with Schedule No. for each additional unit served through the customers meter. For example, the temporary or seasonalhook-up of a camper or mobile home to another residential or commercial metered service would allow the Company to charge the metered customer the additional temporary connection fee in addition to any other applicable fees or charges. Such connections for a period in excess of 30 daysannually will be biUed according to the applicable residential or commercial tariff rate. 13. Ri hts of Wa . The Customer shall, without cost to the Company,provide the Company a right of way for the Company s lines an apparatus across and upon theproperty owned or controlled by the customer, necessary or incidental to the supplying ofservice to such customer, and shall permit access thereto by the Company s employeesat all reasonable hours. 14. Meter Installations. The Company at its own expense, will install andmaintain meters to measure power and energy supplied to the customer. Customerprovisions for meter installations shat! be made in conformance with Company specifications, the National Electric Code, or applicable state or municipal requirements. Per Commission Order No. 30704 Issued December 29 , 2008 By Israel Ray Janua 2009 Title President Tariff No. 1 First Revised Sheet No.6 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMlSSION APPROVED EFFECTIVE I.P.U.C. No. JAN 5 -'09 JAN 1-'09 Canceling Original Sheet NO.6 'Name oTOty Atlanta Power Co. fnc. ~ t!.~ SECRETARY (Approval Stamp) GENERAL RULES REGULATIONS AND RATES (Continued) SERVICE AND LIMITATIONS (Continued) 15. Measurement of Energv. Except as otherwise specifically provided, and as soon as practicable, all energy delivered by the Company shall be paid for according to measurement by meters located at or near the point where the energy is to be delivered to the customer. Company wil test and inspect its meters from time to time and maintain their accuracy or registration in accordance with generally accepted practces and the rules and regulations established by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. The Company will make speial meter tests when requested by the customer. The cost of a special test (as specified in Schedule 4) shall be paid to the Company by the customer at the time of the request, but shall be refunded to the customer if the average registration error of the meter is found to be more than 2%, If the average error for any meter test is more than 2%, corrected biflings shall be prepared. The corrected billngs shall not exceed six months if the time when the malfunction or error bean is unknown. If the time when the malfunction or error began is known, the corrected billngs shall be from that time, but shaU not exceed the period provided by IC Section 61-342 (three years). If the customer has been under billed, the period for rebillng is limited to six (6) months unless a reasonable person should have known of the inappropriate billng, In which case, the billng penod may be extended to a period not to exceed three (3) years. If the customer has been under biled, the Company shall offer and enter into reasonable payment arrangements with 1he customer. If the customer has been overbiled, the utility must promptly refund any amountsoverpaid unless the customer consents to a credit against future bils. If the Company is unable to read a customets meter because of reasons beyond the Company's control, such as weather conditions or inability to obtain access to the customer's premises, the Company may es1rmate the meter reading for the month on the basis of the cus10mets previous use, season of the year and use by similar customers of the same class in that service area. Bils rendered on estimated readings shall be so designated on the bil. The amount of such estimated bill will be subsequently adjusted, as necessary, when the next actual reading is obtained. Per Commission Order No. 30704 Issued December 291 2008 Effective Januarv 1. 2009 By Israel Ray ofYì~ l4¿;Title President IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE ATLANTA POWER COMPANY JAN 23 'JAN 2 4 ' C. TARIFF NO.ORIGINAL SHEET NO. 7 ~s.-~)2 ~SECRETARY GENERAL RULES REGULATIONS AND RATES (Cont inued) SERVICE AND LIMITATIONS (Continued) Should the Company be unable to read a Customer I s meter for two consecutive months. the Company shall diligently attempt to contact the Customer by telephone and/or letter. apprising him of the necessity of a meter reading and make arrangements to read the meter or request the Customer to record and return the meter reading on a card provided by the Company. If such arrangements cannot be made or if the Customer fails to return the meter reading card. the Company may estimate the meterreading. 16. Failure to Reqister If the Company I s meters shall fail to register at any time. the service delivered and energy consumed during such period of failure will be determined by the Company on the basis of the best available data. If any appliance or wiring connection. or any other device. shall be found on Customer I s premises which prevents the meters from accurately recording the total amount of energy used on the premises. the Company may at once remove any such wiring connection or appliance. or device at the Customers I s expense. The Company shall estimate the amount of energy consumed and not registered as accurately as possible. and the Customer shall pay for any such energy wi thin five (5) days after being bi lIed. in accordance with such estimate. l7. Transformer Losses When delivery of service ison the primary s ide of Customer I s transformers. the Company may install its meters on the secondary side of the transformers. and. unless otherwise provided in the rate schedule. in determining the monthly consumption of power and energy. transformer losses and other losses occurring between the Point of Delivery and the meters will be computed and added to the read ing of such meters. l8. Meter Readinq Meters will be read to the last KWH registered. normally at monthly intervals of approximatelythirty (30) days. In no case shall the meter reading interval exceed forty-five (45) days. 5~~ IDAHOFiled -Sept. 8. 1987 I s ed by Atlanta Power CompanyLynn Stevenson. President Box 357. Fairfield. ID 83327 Effective - IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE ATLANTA POWER COMPANY JAN 23 'JAN 24 ' I . P . U . C. TAR I FF NO.ORIGINAL SHEET NO. 8 .na.. J2 ~SECRETAR'f GENERAL RULES REGULATIONS AND RATES (Cont inued) SERVICE AND LIMITATIONS (Cont inued) 19. Fractional Periods On opening or closing an account for service. the bill shall be prorated on the basis of actual meter readings to the thirtieth of the month. except that the proration of the applicable minimum charge specified in the appropriate rate schedule shall be no less than $1.00. When closing an account. service will not be disconnected if a Continuous Service Agreement has been obtained from another party to accept responsibility for service to the account following the closing. or if in the Company I s reasonable opinion. damage to persons or property could result. Upon opening of an account. a service charge wi 11 be made to a customer requesting service at a premise in accordance withRule No. 21. 20. Due Date. Deposit and Termination Practices.The Company I s practices relating to Due Dates. Deposits. and Terminat ion of Service. are governed by the Rules and Regulations Governing Customer Relations of Gas. Electric and Water Public Utilities under the Jurisdiction of the Idaho Public Utilities commission. IDAPA 31.C. These IPUC Rules shall. by this reference. be included as a part of the Rules.Regulations and Rates. 21. Connection Charges. Where service is established or re-established under any of these Rules. Regulations and Rates. a Customer will be required to pay a charge as provided for in Schedule Customers receiving residential service at summer homes or cottages. farms. ranches. or other s imi lar recurring seasonal establishments. may at their option and upon giving at leastforty-eight (48) hours I not ice to the Company. have such service connected and disconnected at the beginning and end of a period of seasonal use. Monthly minimums wi 11 cont inue to be bi lIed throughout the year unless a written disconnection order is received by the Company. IDAHOFi led -Sept. 8. 1987 ~~L- Iss d by Atlanta Power CompanyLynn Stevenson. President Box 357. Fairfield. ID 83327 Effective - ICAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIO"APpROVED EFFECTIVE ATLANTA POWER COMPANY JAN 23 'JAN 2 4 ' C. TARIFF NO. 1 ORIGINAL SHEET NO. 9 jl: ~~4-"""SECRETAR~ GENERAL RULES REGULATIONS AND RATES Continued) MI SCELLANEOUS 22. Continuity of Electric Service. Curtailment and Interruption of Service.Electric Service is inherently subject to occasional interruption. suspension. curtailment. and fluctuation. The Company shall have no liability to its Customers or any other persons for any interruption. suspension. curtailment. or fluctuation in service or for any loss or damage caused thereby if such interruption. suspension. curtailment. or fluctuation results from any of the following: A. Causes beyond the Company I s reasonable control including. but not limited to. snow. ice. extreme cold. fire. flood. drought. winds. acts of the elements. court orders. insurrections or riots. generation failures. lack of sufficient generating capacity. breakdowns of or damage to facilities of Company or of third parties. acts of God or public enemy. strikes or other labor disputes. civil. military or governmental authority. electrical disturbances originating on or transmitted through electrical systems with which the Company I s system is interconnected and acts or omissions of third parties: B. Repair. maintenance. improvement. renewal or replacement work on the Company I s electrical system. which work in the sole judgment of the Company is necessary or prudent: to the extent practicable work shall be done at such time as will minimize inconvenience to the Customer and. whenever practicable. the Customer shall be given reasonable notice of such work: C. Act ions taken by the Company. which in its sole judgment are necessary or prudent to protect the performance. integrity. reliability of stability of the Company' electrical system or any electrical system with which it is interconnected: these actions may occur automatically ormanually. The provisions of this Rule do not affect any personsrights in tort. IDAHOFiled -Sept. 8. 1987 Iss d by Atlanta Power Company Lynn Stevenson. President Box 357. Fairfield. ID 83327 Effective - IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIOAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JAN 23 'JAN 2 4 ' ATLANTA POWER COMPANY I . P . U . C . TAR I FF NO.ORIGINAL SHEET NO. lO ~n.A. J2 ~---(~v-""-SECRETAf1 GENERAL RULES REGULATIONS AND RATES (Continued) MISCELLANEOUS (Continued) 23. Temporary Suspension of Demand.When the Customer is obliged to temporarily suspend operation due to strikes, action of any governmental authority, acts of God or the public enemy, the Customer may procure a proration of the monthly bill based upon the period of such suspension by giving immediate written notice to the Company, but in no event shall such bill be prorated or reduced to an amount less than the minimum monthly bill as provided in the rate schedule: provided, that no such suspension shall affect the Customer I s obligation under any term minimum guarantee based upon special investment of the Company to serve the Customer. 24. Interference with Service.The Company reserves the right to refuse to supply loads of a character that may seriously impair service to any other Customers, or may disconnect existing service if it is seriously impairing serviceto any other Customers. In the case of pump, hoist or elevator motors, welders, furnaces, compressors, and other installations of like character where the use of electricity is intermittent or subject to violent fluctuations, the Company may require the Customer to provide, at his own expense, equipment to reasonably limit such fluctuations. 25. Protection of Electrical Equipment.(A) The Company reserves the right to refuse single phase service to motors larger than 3 horsepower: (B) The Customer is solely responsible for the selection, installation, and maintenance of all electrical equipment and wiring (other than the Company I meters and apparatus) on the load side of the Point ofDelivery. All motor installations should include effectiveprotection apparatus or have inherent construction wi thin the motor to accomplish equivalent protection as follows: A. Overload and overcurrent protection for each motor by sui table thermal relays, fuses, or circuit interrupting devices automatically controlled to disconnect the motor from the line to protect it from damage caused by overheating. Installation of protection in each conductor connected tothree-phase motors is required. IDAHOFi led -Sept. 8, 1987 c:;--6z~~Iss d by Atlanta Power CompanyLynn Stevenson, President Box 357, Fairfield, ID 83327 Effective - ATLANTA POWER COMPANY IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSICAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JAN 23 'JAN 2 4 ' ORIGINAL SHEET NO. 11 n.a. J2 ~SECRETAF GENERAL RULES REGULATIONS AND RATES (Cont inued) I . P . U . C . TAR I FF NO. MISCELLANEOUS (Continued) B. Open phase protection on all polyphase installations to disconnected motors from the line in the event of opening of one phase. C. All polyphase motors for the operation of passenger and freight elevators. cranes. hoists. dragl ines. and simi lar equipment shall be provided with reverse phase relays or equivalent devices. for protection in case of phase reversal. D. Motors that cannot safely be subjected to full voltage at starting should be provided with a device to insure that. on failure of voltage. such motors will be disconnected from the line. It is also required that such device be provided with a suitable time delay relay. The following table is given as a guide to the maximum allowable starting current that can be drawn from the Company Ilines. If the current of the motor exceeds the value given in the table. a starter must be used or other means employed to limi t the current value to the value specified. In no case sha 11 a motor either single phase or polyphase of more than three (3) horsepower be connected to the Company I S lines without consulting and obta ining the approval of the Company. Rated Size Single Phase Motors240 Volt Allowable Locked Rotor Currents Polyphase Motors240 Volt 480 2.400 Volt 3-phase 3-phase 7 1/2 HP 110 amp10 HP l47 amp 15 HP 20 HP 25 HP 30 HP 40 HP 50 HP 60 HP 75 HP 100 HP and over 141 amp 197 amp 250 amp 304 amp 360 amp 380 amp 400 amp 480 amp 600 amp Consul t 70 amp 125 152 amp 180 amp 190 amp 200 amp 240 amp 300 amp mpany 40 amp 48 amp 60 amp ~~~ Issu Q by Atlanta Power Company Lynn Stevenson , President Box 357. Fairfleld. ID 83327 IDAHOFiled -Sept. 8. 1987 Effective - IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMrSSrOIAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JAR 23 'JAN 2 4 ' ATLANTA POWER COMPANY C. TARIFF NO.ORIGINAL SHEET NO. 12 ~~ ,;. fJ'-SECRETAR' GENERAL RULES REGULATIONS AND RATES (Cont inued) MISCELLANEOUS (Continued) 26.Master Meterinq Standards. A. The effective date for the standards set forth below is July 1. 1980. B. The definition used in these standards not previously defined under definitions in the Rules and Regulations are as follows: Mobile Home Park (Court)means any real property which is rented or held out for rent to others for the placement of two (2) or more mobile homes for the primary purpose of production of income. Tenant means any person who intends to rent for a period of not less than one (1) month. Transient tenant means any person who intends to rent for a period of less than one (l) month. Submeter means a meter beyond Atlanta Power Company I s metering point (master meter) that is used to individually meter a tenant I s electrical consumption. C. Mobi Ie Home Parks tenant space connected for service after the effective date of these Rules must be ind i vidua lly metered by the Company. D. Multi-Occupant Residential Buildinqs requesting new service after the effective date of these Rules and Regulations shall have each unit individually metered by the Company. IDAHOFi led -Sept. 8. 1987 ~~~ Issu d by Atlanta Power Company Lynn Stevenson. President Box 357. Fairfield. ID 83327 Effective - IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JAN 23 'JAN 24 ' ATLANTA POWER COMPANY I . P . U . C. TAR I FF NO. ~~ J2 ~~~ SECRETARYORIGINAL SHEET NO. GENERAL RULES REGULATIONS AND RATES (Cont inued) MISCELLANEOUS (Continued)E. Commercial Buildings and Shopping Centers requesting new service after the effective date of these Rules and Regulations shall individually meter each unit if they contain electric space heating. water heating and air conditioning (if there is air conditioning). none of which are centrally controlled. and of which the tenants individually control consumption of electricity. Commercial bui ldings or shopping centers with centrally controlled electric space heating. water heating and air conditioning (if there is air conditioning). with tenants whose connected load is 25 KW of greater must individually meter those tenants. Hotels or motels that meet the individual metering requirement and primarily serve transient tenants are exempt from individually meteringeach unit except where over 25 percent of the buildings I units are occupied by tenants. in which case those units occupied by tenants must be individually metered. IDAHOFiled -Sept. 8. 1987 Issu by Atlanta Power Company Lynn Stevenson. President Box 357. Fairfield. ID 83327 Effective - II. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE ATLANTA POWER CO. DEC 2 2 '86 DEC 2 8 ' J2 SECRETAIW Line Extension Policy The Company will extend its lines to provide electrical service to Customers from the nearest feasible point as may be necessary to supply the Customers' needs at the option of the Company according to the following conditions: The request be made to the Company in writing. A deposit be made of eighty-five per cent (85%) of theestimated costs. The Company will begin construction of the extension withinthirty (30) days of the receipt of the request and the depos it. The Customer must agree to pay the actual costs of the extension plus a ten per cent (10%) service charge. The actual costs will include. but not be limited to. costs of conductors. poles. cross arms. insulators. labor. machinery hire. misce llaneous hardware and right-of-way. Meters. services and transformers will be provided at no charge to the cus tomer. The Company will provide the Customer with an itemized estimate of cost upon a request for service. The estimate will include a detailed ac~ount of the physical components necessary. but will only give the normal cost of variables such as labor and machinery hire as these costs will depend upon the d if f icul ty of the particular job. At the conclusion of the extension and after service has been commenced. the Customer will be given a full accounting of the actual costs plus the ten per cent (10%) service fee and will be billed for any remaining balance. Multiple Customer Extensions Where more than one Customer is to be served from a new extension. the construction costs will be divided among the Customers on the basis of the Company's estimate of the proportion of the cost of each Customer' s connection. III. Industrial and Large Commercial Customers A. Special service contracts will be required prior toconstruct ion of fac i 1 it ies for industr ial or large commercial customers. Such customers may be required to pay for transformers and/or special equipment provided at the customer I s request. ATLANTA POWER CO. r:;, -- C. Lee Barron;etary