HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230914Westside Press Release.pdf Contact: Adam Rush Office: (208) 334-0339 E-mail: adam.rush@puc.idaho.gov NEWS RELEASE: Citing concerns, commission declines participation in initiative to create western-based energy management group. BOISE (Sept. 14, 2023) - The Idaho Public Utilities Commission issued the following response regarding an invitation to participate in the West-Wide Governance Pathway Initiative: Having considered the representations, actions, and current goals of the West-Wide Governance Pathway Initiative, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission unanimously chooses not to participate with the Initiative. The IPUC’s concerns include, among other things, that: (1) the Initiative has been less than transparent concerning its creating and funding; (2) there is no evidence that the Initiative’s goal of independent governance is feasible without changes in California’s legislation; (3) the Initiative’s timeline of seating a board by January 2024 is premature and unrealistic; and (4) at its core, the Initiative presumes economic benefits for western states without justification or specifics. “As always, the IPUC respects other Commission, State and Stakeholders’ decisions concerning participation with the Initiative,” Commission President Eric Anderson said. “However, given the IPUC’s concerns, the inherent flaws in the creation of the Initiative, and the Initiative’s current actions and goals, the IPUC does not see a viable path forward for the Initiative or that participation would result in any specific net economic benefits for Idaho customers.”