HomeMy WebLinkAbout19991214.min.docMINUTES OF DECISION MEETING December 14, 1999 - 1:30 p.m. In attendance were Commissioners Dennis Hansen, Marsha H. Smith and Paul Kjellander. First item of business was consideration of the minutes of the November 14, 1999 Decision Meeting. The Minutes had circulated to the Commissioners for review and corrections had been made. Commissioner Hansen moved approval of the minutes; vote taken; motion carried. Next considered were Items 2 - 16 on the CONSENT AGENDA. Commissioner Hansen asked if there were questions or comments on any of the matters? Hearing none, he made a motion to approve staff recommendation on all items. Vote taken on motion; motion carried. MATTERS IN PROGRESS Wayne Hart's December 9, 1999 Decision Memorandum re: Petition from Potlatch Customers for EAS to Lewiston. Wayne Hart reviewed the matter. Said this involves two other companies and two states. Petitioners have met the legal requirements to bring this before the Commission. There isn't a lot of data. Staff does recommend opening a case to consider it. Because of the complexity of the case and because there is a pending sale that affects this case, staff thinks it should be deferred until the sale case is closed. Citizens will be the company that will have to deal with this. Also recommend that the Clarkston route be deferred until any decision is made on the Idaho route. Commissioner Smith asked when the petition was received? Wayne replied - November 15. Commissioner Smith suggested contacting the Washington Commission and include Clarkston from the very beginning instead of dealing with it later. What would be the advantage of doing it later? Wayne said his thoughts were if the Commission denies the Lewiston portion it may not be feasible to consider Clarkston. But did think requesting data upfront did make sense. Commissioner Smith suggested the Idaho staff contacting the Washington staff. Wayne agreed - to find out what their process is, etc. Commissioner Smith then made a motion that the Commission approve staff recommendation, with the understanding that staff will contact the Washington Commission and let them know what is going on and perhaps make it a joint data request and whatever we can do to let people know we are working on it and that we are waiting for the sale case outcome, should be done. Vote taken on the motion; carried unanimously. Rick Sterling's December 10, 1999 Decision Memorandum re: Tariff Advice No. 99-2, Merger Credit from Scottishpower. Rick Sterling reviewed the matter. Company is proposing 1.6 million per year refund, for the next 4 years. It is a 1.7% reduction for the first year. The tariffs filed in Advice 99-2 provide for adjustments. To provide assurances of the amount to be refunded, the Company has requested January 10 as the effective date. Rick reviewed staff recommendation. Company representatives were present to take questions. Commissioner Kjellander said his question was about the proposed company press release. His concern is with the distribution of the press release. Asked how widely it was going to be distributed? Company representative responded that the plan would be that the press release would be sent to newspapers, tv and radio in the Idaho service area. Most of the media prefer faxes and it would have local company person's name on it. Company wants to see wide distribution. Commissioner Kjellander thanked Rick Sterling for his work on this. Originally he was in favor of the bill stuffer but since the company is willing to put out a press release, would move to accept the proposed Schedule 99 with an effective date of January 10, 2000 and then would encourage the company to prepare for wide distribution, a press release outlining the details of the merger credit. Commissioner Smith spoke in favor of the motion. Said it is more understandable to explain to the customers why the January 10 effective date if they were told that the credit will continue for 4 years, or until 6.4 million dollars has been credited back to them. Vote taken on the motion: carried unanimously. With that the agenda was concluded and the meeting was adjourned. Dated at Boise, Idaho, this 27th day of December, 1999. Myrna J. Walters, Commission Secretary .