HomeMy WebLinkAbout19990611_1.docxMINUTES OF DECISION MEETING June 11, 1999 - 11:00 a.m. In attendance were Commissioners Dennis Hansen, Marsha H. Smith and Paul Kjellander and staff members Don Howell, Wayne Hart, Stephanie Miller, Bill Eastlake, Bev Barker, David Scott, Ron Law, Randy Lobb, Doug Cooley, Bob Smith, George Fink, Birdelle Brown, Carolee Hall and Myrna Walters.   Also in attendance was Jim Wozniak of U S West. Commissioner Hansen called the meeting to order. First to be considered was the Consent Agenda - Items 1 through 4.   Commissioner Hansen asked for questions or discussion on any of the items. Commissioner Smith had a question on No. 4 - Bob Smith’s June 9, 1999 Decision Memorandum re: Bitterroot Water Company Rate Case (BIT-W-99-1). She asked if it was staff’s proposal to give the customers staff’s recommendation? Bob smith replied he thought other things could be put in the notice. Said rate design was not his area, but rather George Fink. Commissioner Smith said she just wanted to be clear that Option B in the decision memorandum would be put out for comment to the customers. She then made a motion to approve the items on the consent agenda. Vote taken: Motion carried unanimously. MATTERS IN PROGRESS 5. Cheri C. Copsey’s June 4, 1999 Decision Memorandum re: The Matter of the Petition from Weiser and Payette Residents Requesting Extended Area Service (EAS) Between These Communities. Case No. USW-S-96-6/USW-T-96-6. Wayne Hart reviewed Cheri’s Decision Memorandum. He indicated the formula was modified slightly in this case because Farmers has implemented equal access. Staff used a slightly lower dial-around formula. The U S West compensation would be lower. Net result was it was an increase of 7 cents per line per month. Staff is looking to the Commission for a decision on the petition. Commissioner Hansen asked: it seemed to him that 7 cents was a lot of money for just bringing that small area into EAS, comparing others. It seems like we have brought in large areas and then to see you are looking at 7 cents for Farmers; we are talking 7 cents for every U S West customer in the state. Asked Wayne  if he was sure the formula used in the past and accepted by the Commission is correct? Wayne responded - except for the change in dial-around. The volume of calling for this small area is surprising. Staff did not expect it to be that high as well. Calling data from both companies indicated the volume was high. Commissioner Smith asked what U S West’s original request was? Wayne said it was 7.1 something. Not much of a change. Commissioner Kjellander asked Wayne about the calling data from both companies? Wayne said a call from Farmers into U S West is higher than the reverse. Staff only has one month’s data from Farmers. Commissioner Kjellander asked how many months staff had from U S West? Wayne said 3 months. Commissioner Hansen asked if there was further discussion? Commissioner Kjellander made a motion to approve staff recommendation. Vote taken: motion carried. Commissioner Hansen announced that No. 6 under Fully Submitted Matters - Case Nos. GNR-T-94-5 and ATT-T-99-1 (Dialing Parity Cases) would be deliberated in private sessions and decisions will be forthcoming. Decision Meeting was then adjourned. Dated at Boise, Idaho, this 22nd day of June, 1999. Myrna J. Walters Commission Secretary