HomeMy WebLinkAboutUPLRULES.pdfIDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Feb. 4, 2005 April 1, 2005 Per O.N. 29698 Jean D. Jewell Secretary u hi n IJYM I.P.C. No. 28 Third Revised Sheet No. tR.t Canceling Second Revised Sheet No. tR. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATION NO. STATE OF IDAHO General Provisions The Company undertakes to furnish electric service subject to the Rules of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission as supplemented by these regulations. These regulations are designed to govern the supplying and receiving of electric service consistent with good operating practices and the Electric Service Schedules of the Company. In accepting electric service from the Company, each Customer agrees to comply with and be bound by said regulations and the applicable electric service schedules. These regulations supersede all previous regulations which may have been effective. They may be revised, when occasion requires upon approval of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. The Company may collect a charge for work performed outside of normal office hours at the customer s request or work done by the Company that falls outside the scope of normal construction maintenance, collection, or customer service duties. Examples of such work include responding to a request to disconnect service outside of normal working hours so that the customer may trim trees or perform electrical work lifting lines to accommodate house moves installing devices to accommodate off-site meter reading when there are access issues with the Customer, or locating Customer-owned underground facilities. Unless otherwise stated in these Regulations or Schedule 300, the Company will recover from the Customer the actual cost of perfOlming the work. The regulations regulating electric service prescribed by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission are hereby adopted and by this reference made a part of these regulations and this Tariff. Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 02- ISSUED: July 30, 2002 EFFECTIVE: August 29, 2002 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective August 15, 2002 August 29, 2002 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Fourth Revised Sheet No. 2R.1 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling Third Revised Sheet No. 2R.1 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATION NO. 2 STATE OF IDAHO _____________ General Definitions _____________ The following terms when used in this Tariff and in the application or agreement for electric service shall have the meanings given below unless clearly indicated otherwise: Advance Payment: As referred to in Regulation 9, a payment made prior to receiving service that will be credited to the customer's account. Applicant: A person or agency requesting the Company to supply electric service. Billing Period or Billing Month: An interval of approximately thirty days between successive meter reading dates. Commission: Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Company: PacifiCorp dba Utah Power & Light Company. Company's Operating Convenience: The use, under certain circumstances, of facilities or practices not ordinarily employed which contribute to the overall efficiency of Company's operations. Contract Administration Allowance: An allowance provided for customers who waive their right to refunds on a line extension advance. Customer: An individual, partnership, corporation, organization, governmental agency, municipality or other entity contracting with the Company for electric service. Date of Issuance: The date the Company mails, transmits or delivers a bill to the Customer. (Continued) Fourth Revised Sheet No. 2R.2 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling Third Revised Sheet No. 2R.2 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 Demand: The rate in kilowatts at which electric energy is delivered by the Company to Customer at a given instant or averaged over any designated period of time. Deposit: Any payment held as security for future payment or performance. Duplicate Service Facilities: Two services, one duplicating part of, or all of the capacity of the other. Emergency Service: Service used only in emergency situations or to test emergency equipment. Energy: Electric energy measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh). Highly Fluctuating Loads: Loads having high demands of short duration or having an abnormal effect on voltage requiring that the Company provide additional or excess investment in transformers, service or other facilities. Kilovar (kvar): A unit of reactive power equal to 1,000 reactive volt-amperes. Kilovar-hour (kvarh): The amount of reactive energy delivered in one hour at a constant rate of one kilovar. Kilowatt (kW): A unit of real power equal to 1,000 watts. Kilowatt-hour (kWh): The amount of real energy delivered in one hour at a constant rate of one kilowatt. Paralleling: Connection by a Customer of any source of electric power directly or indirectly to the Company's system. Point of Delivery: The point, unless otherwise specified by the Company, at which the Company's service wires are connected with wires or apparatus of the Customer. Power: Electric power measured in kilowatts (kW). Power Factor: The percentage determined by dividing the Customer's average power use in kilowatts by the average kilovolt-ampere power load imposed upon the Company by the Customer times 100. (Continued) Fourth Revised Sheet No. 2R.3 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling Third Revised Sheet No. 2R.3 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 Premises: All of the real property and apparatus employed in a single enterprise on an integral parcel of land undivided by a dedicated street, highway or other public thoroughfare, or railway. Reconnection of Service: The reestablishment of electric service to the same Customer at the same location. Remote Service: Service to distant or isolated locations which, in the Company's opinion, will not have sufficient annual Schedule Billings to cover the Company's annual incurred costs. A distant location is any location, or group of locations, more than one-half mile from the Company's existing distribution facilitates. An isolated location is one where additional development is unlikely due to geographical constraints, and may be less than one-half mile from existing distribution facilities. Residential Service: Service furnished to Customers for (1) domestic purposes in single-family dwelling units; (2) apartments where each dwelling unit is separately metered and billed; and (3) combined family dwelling units and rooming houses where not more than four rooms are used for sleeping or living quarters by persons not members of the Customer's family. Dwellings where tenancy is typically less than 30 days in length, such as hotels, motels, camps, lodges and clubs, do not qualify for Residential Service. Schedule Billing: The total of charges for service, including minimums, computed in accordance with the Company's applicable electric service schedule. Seasonal Service: Service for annually recurring periods of use where service is discontinued or curtailed during part of the year. Service: As used herein, usually refers to the availability of electric power and energy at the point of delivery for use by the Customer irrespective of whether power or energy is actually utilized. The word "Service" may also be used to refer to the wires between the Company's supply and the Customer's entrance conductors. Single Phasing: A three-phase motor continuing to operate as a single-phase motor when one of the three supply lines serving the motor is interrupted resulting in higher than normal current which may damage the motor. Standby or Back-up Service: Service supplied by the Company to the Customer, during an outage of Customer's generation, to replace power and energy ordinarily generated by Customer. (Continued) Second Revised Sheet No. 2R.4 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling First Revised Sheet No. 2R.4 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 Temporary Service: Service requested for a limited period of time or of questionable duration such as, but not limited to, service for construction power, seasonal sales lots, carnivals, rock crushers or paving plants. Temporary service does not include emergency, breakdown or standby service. Termination of Service: The disconnection of electric service to a given Customer at a given location. Tract or Subdivision: An area for dwelling which may be identified by filed subdivision plats or as an area in which a group of dwellings may be constructed about the same time, either by a single builder or by several builders working on a coordinated basis. Transfer of Service: The providing of electric service to the same Customer at a different location or to a different Customer at the same location, as the facts of the situation may require. Unimproved Subdivision: A platted subdivision where the electrical distribution system was not installed by the developer. Year: The period between the date of commencement of service under the application for electric service, electric service agreement or contract and the same date of the following calendar year. Fourth Revised Sheet No. 3R.1 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling Third Revised Sheet No. 3R.1 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 02-04 ISSUED: May 15, 2002 EFFECTIVE: June 15, 2002 ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATION NO. 3 STATE OF IDAHO ______________ Electric Service Agreements ______________ 1.APPLICATION FOR SERVICE Each Applicant for electric service may be required to sign the Company's standard application for electric service or a contract before service is supplied by the Company. For electric service in large quantity or under special conditions, the Company may require a suitable written agreement or contract. No such agreement, contract or any modification thereof shall be binding upon the Company until executed by its duly authorized representative. Executed agreements and contracts shall be to the benefit of and be binding upon the heirs, administrators, executors, successors in interest and assigns of the Customer and Company. In any case where two or more parties join in one application for electric service, such parties shall be jointly and severally liable. Only one bill shall be rendered for electric service unless specifically contracted otherwise. When a change of customer occurs, notice of such change must be given to Company prior to the date of such change. The outgoing Customer will be held responsible for all service supplied at the location until such notice has been received by Company. An Applicant's service may be connected after normal office hours as described in Schedule 300, provided the conditions shown under Rule 25 2. (c ) are met and the Applicant pays the charge as specified in Schedule 300. 2.IMPLIED SERVICE AGREEMENT In the absence of a signed application, agreement or contract, the delivery of electric service by the Company and the acceptance thereof by the Customer shall be deemed to constitute an agreement or contract between the Customer and the Company. (Continued) D & N N IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective June 6, 2002 June 15, 2002 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Third Revised Sheet No. 3R.2 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling Second Revised Sheet No. 3R.2 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 3. ELECTRIC SERVICE AGREEMENT, ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE AND ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS These regulations and the applicable electric service schedule are hereby made a part of each electric service agreement or contract, express or implied. In case of a conflict between any of the provisions of the agreement or contract and an electric service schedule or these regulations, the provisions of the electric service schedule will take precedence followed by the provisions of these regulations. 4. SELECTION AND CHANGES OF ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE Where optional electric service schedules are available, the Company, upon request will assist the Customer in the selection of the electric service schedule most favorable to him. The recommendation to the Customer will be based on his statement of the class of service required, the amount and manner of use and other pertinent information. The Company shall not be required to adjust billings when it has acted in good faith based upon available information or when the customer was given written notice of options under the tariff schedules and did not make a timely election to exercise his\her\its options. A Customer being billed under one of two or more optional electric service schedules applicable to his class of service may elect to be billed on any other applicable electric service schedule by notifying the Company in writing. The Company will bill the Customer under such elected Schedule from and after the date of the next meter reading. However, a Customer having made such a change of electric service schedule may not make another such change within the next 12 months. 5. RENEWAL AND TERMINATION OF SERVICE AGREEMENT At the expiration of the term stated in the electric service agreement or contract, or any renewal thereof, or any extended term thereof, the agreement or contract shall continue to remain valid unless either the Company or the Customer provides 30 days notice in writing of its desire to terminate such agreement, unless otherwise provided for in the agreement or contract. 6. DEFAULT BY CUSTOMER For any default or breach by Customer of a service agreement or contract, including failure to pay bills promptly, Company in addition to all other legal remedies, may terminate the service agreement or contract and/or suspend the supply of service in accordance with Regulation 10. (Continued) First Revised Sheet No. 3R.3 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling Original Sheet No. 3R.3 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 7. CONTINUING SERVICE Except as specifically provided otherwise, the rates of this tariff are based on continuing service at each service location. Disconnect and reconnect transactions shall not operate to relieve a customer from minimum monthly charges except as may be provided in seasonal service agreements between the customer and the Company. 8. AVAILABILITY OF FACILITIES Company shall not be required to maintain facilities in place or to continue the availability of facilities installed for the Customer's service when: (a) facilities are not being utilized to provide service in accordance with an application for service; or (b) no contract providing for continuing availability at a stated capacity is in effect. Such facilities that have not been used during the last 12 months may be subject to removal. Decision to remove said facilities shall be at Company's sole discretion, but only after providing written notice to the last customer of record and owner of the property served, giving them a reasonable opportunity to respond. The decision for such removal shall be based on but not limited to (1) revenue potential of facilities, (2) safety hazards, (3) availability of workforce and (4) length of time facilities are expected to remain idle. Second Revised Sheet No. 4R.1 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling First Revised Sheet No. 4R.1 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATION NO. 4 STATE OF IDAHO ______________ Supply and Use of Service ______________ 1. SUPPLY OF SERVICE Unless otherwise specifically provided in the electric service schedule or contract, Company's rates are based upon the furnishing of electric service to the Customer's premises at a single point of delivery and at a single voltage and phase classification. (a) Individual Customer Each separately operated business activity and each separate building will be considered an individual Customer for billing purposes. If several buildings are occupied and used by one Customer in the operation of a single and integrated business enterprise, Company will furnish electric service for the entire group of buildings through one service connection at one point of delivery. All such buildings shall be on the same premises. Should the Customer require delivery from Company through more than one transformer installation, or require service from Company at more than one voltage or phase, each service connection of each voltage and phase will be separately metered and billed. (b) Reactive Power All electric service schedules in this tariff are based upon the Customer minimizing his reactive power load. (1)The reactive kilovolt-ampere demands may be determined either by permanently installed instruments or by test. When determined by test, the resulting reactive demand will remain in effect until a new test is made. (2)When reactive power correction equipment is installed by the Customer, such equipment must be connected and switched in a manner acceptable to Company. (Continued) Third Revised Sheet No. 4R.2 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling Second Revised Sheet No. 4R.2 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 1. SUPPLY OF SERVICE (continued) (c) Unmetered Service Service to fixed loads, with fixed periods of operation, such as street lights, traffic lights and other similar installations may, for the convenience and mutual benefit of the Customer and Company, be unmetered. The average monthly use (one-twelfth of the annual use determined by test or estimated from equipment ratings) shall be billed monthly in accordance with the applicable schedule. 2. CUSTOMER'S USE OF SERVICE Electric service will be supplied only to those for whom the Company is the sole source of electric power and energy unless otherwise provided under an appropriate agreement. Services shall be used by Customer only for the purposes specified in the service agreement and applicable electric service schedule or schedules. The Customer shall not extend his electric facilities for service to other customers or premises. 3. CONTINUITY OF ELECTRIC SERVICE AND INTERRUPTION (FORCE MAJEURE) Unless otherwise specified in a service agreement, electric service is intended to be continuously available. It is inherent, however, that there will at times be some degree of failure, interruption, suspension, curtailment or fluctuations. Company does not guarantee constant or uninterrupted delivery of Electric Service and shall have no liability to its Customers or any other persons for any interruption, suspension, curtailment or fluctuation in Electric Service or for any loss or damage caused thereby if such interruption, suspension, curtailment or fluctuation results from the following: (a)Causes beyond Company's reasonable control including, but not limited to, accident or casualty, fire, flood, drought, wind, action of the elements, court orders, litigation, breakdown of or damage to facilities of Company or of third parties, acts of God, strikes or other labor disputes, civil, military or governmental authority, electrical disturbances originating on or transmitted through electrical systems with which Company's system is interconnected and acts or omissions of third parties. (Continued) First Revised Sheet No. 4R.3 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling Original Sheet No. 4R.3 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 3. CONTINUITY OF ELECTRIC SERVICE AND INTERRUPTION (FORCE MAJEURE) (continued) (b)Repair, maintenance, improvement, renewal or replacement of facilities, or any discontinuance of service which, in Company's judgment, is necessary to permit repairs or changes to be made in Company's generating, transmission or distribution facilities or to eliminate the possibility of damage to Company's property or to the persons or property of others. To the extent practicable, such work, repairs or changes shall be done in a manner which will minimize inconvenience to the Customer and, whenever practicable, the Customer shall be given reasonable notice of such work, repairs or changes. (c)Automatic or manual actions taken by Company, which in its sole judgment are necessary or prudent to protect the performance, integrity, reliability or stability of Company's electrical system or any electrical system with which it is interconnected. Such actions shall include, but shall not be limited to, the operation of automatic or manual protection equipment installed in Company's electrical system, including, without limitation, such equipment as automatic relays, generator controls, circuit breakers and switches. Second Revised Sheet No. 5R.1 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling First Revised Sheet No. 5R.1 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATION NO. 5 STATE OF IDAHO __________ Customer's Installation __________ 1. SERVICE ENTRANCES AND CONNECTIONS (a) Attachment To Company Facilities The Company will supply the exterior connection (service connection) between the Company's facilities and the point of delivery. The Customer shall provide a stationary and structurally sound support for the interconnection of the Company's and Customer's facilities. If more than one point of delivery is required to furnish electric power and energy to a Customer, then either (1) each service connection shall be separately metered and billed, or (2) the Company may establish the point of delivery on its transformer platform or other structure and install one set of metering equipment. Installation and maintenance of all facilities beyond the point of delivery, except for metering equipment, shall be at the expense and responsibility of the Customer, except under conditions specified by the Company in writing. (b) Metering Equipment All meter bases for meters required for measuring electric service (including Kvar when specified by the Company) shall be provided and installed by the Customer at a location acceptable to the Company and shall conform to the Company's specifications. The Customer's wiring, meter bases and service entrance facilities must be installed and maintained by the Customer in accordance with applicable municipal or state requirements and to standards required by the National Electrical Safety Code and National Electrical Code. (Continued) Third Revised Sheet No. 5R.2 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling Second Revised Sheet No. 5R.2 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 1. SERVICE ENTRANCES AND CONNECTIONS (continued) (c) Clearances Whenever the initial clearances of serving facilities over Customer's premises, required by applicable laws, ordinances, rules, or regulations of public authorities, become inadequate due to changes made by the Customer, the Customer shall be responsible for correction of the deficiency. 2. CUSTOMER'S LOAD AND OPERATION (a) Protection of Customer's Equipment The Customer shall furnish, install, inspect and keep in good and safe condition all electrical wires and lines on Customer's premises. The Customer shall provide devices to protect his equipment from high and low voltage, from overload, single phasing or other abnormal conditions. (b) Protection of Company's Equipment and other Customers The Customer shall provide control equipment to eliminate excessive starting current or undesirable voltage fluctuations on the Company's circuits. If the Customer makes additions or changes in his electrical facilities, either in size or character, the Customer shall give the Company prior written notice of this fact. Any such additions or changes in load shall not be detrimental to service to other Customers. (c) Customer's Generation Customer shall sign a written agreement with the Company prior to connecting to and using another source of power in conjunction with receiving service from Company. The Customer shall supply all equipment, including but not limited to, transfer switches, disconnects, overload protection, and any other protective devices necessary to safely connect to and operate from another power source. Emergency generators must be equipped and operated to prevent connection with Company's system. The Customer shall be liable for any damage or injury resulting from using another power source. (d) Maintenance of Customer's Facilities Installation and maintenance of all facilities beyond the point of delivery, except Company owned metering equipment, shall be at the expense and responsibility of the Customer except under conditions specified by the Company in writing. (Continued) Third Revised Sheet No. 5R.3 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling Second Revised Sheet No. 5R.3 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 2. CUSTOMER'S LOAD AND OPERATION (continued) (e) Highly Fluctuating Loads If a Customer uses welding machines, X-ray apparatus, elevators or other equipment with highly fluctuating load characteristics, or having an abnormal effect on voltage, and whose operation requires the Company to install transformer capacity or other equipment in order to protect the quality of service to other Customers or to provide for short period use of power by such equipment, the Company will provide service as described in Regulation 12. The Company reserves the right to refuse to supply service to loads of a character which may seriously impair service to any Customer and shall have the right to discontinue service to the Customer who shall continue to use appliances or apparatus detrimental to the service to any customer after being notified thereof in writing by the Company. 3. REFUSAL OF SERVICE Company may disconnect service or refuse to connect or supply service: (a)when the Customer's wiring or facilities are in Company's judgment unsafe or hazardous to the Customer or others or found to be in violation of applicable laws, ordinances, rules or regulations. (b)where such connection or service will adversely affect or impair the service to its other Customers. (c)where the Applicant or Customer has not complied with federal, state, municipal or Company regulations. (d)until the Customer is advised by proper authority that the wiring and utilization equipment to be served have been inspected and passed by the controlling public inspection authority, where inspection is required by local ordinance or other authorized procedures. Any affidavits or certificates of inspection required by law must be furnished before service is connected. 4. COMPANY LIABILITY The Company's liability shall cease at the point of delivery. The use of electric service beyond said point is at the risk and responsibility of the Customer. (Continued) I.P.U.C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 5R.4 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 5. COMPANY'S RESPONSIBILITY Nothing in these Electric Service Regulations shall be construed as placing upon the Company any responsibility for the condition or maintenance of the Customer's wiring, current consuming devices or other equipment, and the Company shall not be held liable for any loss or damage resulting from defects in the Customer's installation and shall not be held liable for damage to persons or property arising from the use of the service on the premises of the Customer. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective June 8, 2005 June 11, 2005 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Second Revised Sheet No. 7R.1 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling First Revised Sheet No. 7R.1 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATION NO. 7 STATE OF IDAHO __________ Metering __________ 1. INSTALLATION All meter locations and provisions for connecting metering equipment are subject to approval by the Company. Meter locations shall be consistent with good engineering and safety practices and shall comply with appropriate codes and standards. The Company will furnish and maintain all meters and other metering equipment. The Customer will furnish and maintain the meter base and other accessories required by the Company, necessary for measuring the electric power and energy used by the Customer. Separate premises, even though owned by the same Customer, will not be supplied through the same meter. Service to new multi-unit residential complexes where residency is permanent in nature shall be provided only if it is possible to directly meter and bill the occupant of each dwelling unit. Multiple residential meters will not be required for those multi-family structures presently receiving residential service through a single meter for so long as service to that structure is not increased or altered. Demand meters may be installed on any account when the nature of the Customer's equipment and operation indicates that a demand meter may be required for correct application of the electric service schedule. 2. FAILURE TO REGISTER If any meter fails to register correctly the amount of electric power or energy used by the Customer, the amount of such use will be estimated by the Company from the best available information. If the Company finds that the meter has been tampered with, the Customer shall pay for such estimated usage together with the expense of restoring the Company's equipment to its normal operating condition. (Continued) Second Revised Sheet No. 7R.2 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling First Revised Sheet No. 7R.2 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 3. METER TEST AND ADJUSTMENTS Company will test and inspect its meters from time to time and maintain their accuracy of registration in accordance with generally accepted practices and the rules and standards established by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Company will, without charge, make a test of the accuracy of registration of a meter upon the request of a Customer, provided that the Customer does not request such a test more frequently than once in twelve (12) months. If more than one requested test is made in twelve (12) months, the Customer will pay in advance a charge as specified in Schedule 300. If results of the test show that the meter is in error 2% or more, the Company will reimburse such advance. The Company will make a refund where the meter is fast and the Customer shall pay the difference where the meter is slow. If the time when the malfunction or error began cannot be reasonably determined to have occurred within a specific billing period, the corrected billings shall not exceed the most recent six months before the discovery of the malfunction or error. If the time when the malfunction or error began can be reasonably determined, the corrected billings shall go back to that time, but not to exceed three years. 4. MASTER-METERING The Company's retail rates are intended for application to individual customers or units of service and, except as specifically excepted hereinafter, master metering is prohibited. However, master- metered mobile home parks, multi-occupant residential buildings, commercial buildings and shopping centers connected prior to July 1, 1980 may continue to receive master-metered service. (a) Mobile Home Parks Mobile home parks whose spaces for tenants (excluding transients) have been fully sub- metered by the park owners need not be individually metered by the Company. Mobile home park tenants must be charged the same rate for electric service as if they were directly metered and billed by the Company. Testing of submeters shall be the park operator's expense. Mobile home parks that are partially sub-metered must individually meter all spaces to be used by non-transient tenants. At the option of the park operator, the operator may extend an existing sub-metering system to those spaces not metered by the operator or may request the Company to meter the unmetered spaces for non-transient tenants at the Company's expense. The Company shall pay the park operator a monthly fee, specified in Schedule 300, for each sub-metered space occupied during the month. (Continued) First Revised Sheet No. 7R.3 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling Original Sheet No. 7R.3 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 4. MASTER-METERING (continued) (b) Multi-Occupant Residential Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Shopping Centers Multi-occupant residential buildings, commercial buildings and shopping centers may be master-metered if the electric space heating, water heating and air conditioning for the units for non-transient tenants are centrally controlled and the individual tenants cannot control the electric usage. Tenants of master metered commercial buildings and shopping centers whose business is unusually energy intensive must be individually metered. An unusually energy intensive business is one whose connected load other than space heating, water heating and air- conditioning is 20 watts or more per square foot of occupied floor space. A master-metered general service Customer such as a mall, may utilize a reasonable allocation procedure to determine a tenant's usage for the purpose of reimbursing the master-metered Customer. Such a procedure shall constitute an allocation and not a resale. The Customer shall indemnify Company for any and all liabilities, actions or claims for injury, loss or damage to persons or property arising from the allocation of service by the Customer. Second Revised Sheet No. 8R.1 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling First Revised Sheet No. 8R.1 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATION NO. 8 STATE OF IDAHO __________ Billings __________ 1. BILLING Except where specifically stated, all electric service schedules contained herein set forth the rate for one (1) billing month. However, local conditions, initial billings, final billings, prorated billings and seasonal readings may cause billings on irregular intervals, in which case the electric service schedule will be appropriately adjusted for billing purposes. Except as specifically provided otherwise, the rates of this tariff are based on continuing service at each service location for a term specified in the tariff and the bill for electric service shall be calculated separately for each meter. 2. BILLING DEMAND All demands used for billing purposes will be determined to the nearest whole kW, kva or kvar. Demands will be determined by permanently installed instruments, by test or motor nameplate. When determined by test or nameplate, the resulting demand will remain in effect until a new determination is made. 3. ESTIMATED BILLING When it is impractical to read meters at regular monthly intervals, the Company may, at its option, read such meters at irregular intervals but not less frequently than once every twelve (12) months. Under such conditions, bills for electric service will be rendered for either the Minimum Monthly Charge set forth in the schedule or for amounts based on the Company's estimate of the Customer's use during the month. When an actual meter reading is obtained, the Company may adjust each estimated billing which has occurred since the last Company meter reading was obtained. 4. PAYMENT OF BILLS All bills are payable at any office pay station or collection center authorized by Company, not later than the due date shown on the bill. (Continued) Second Revised Sheet No. 8R.2 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling First Revised Sheet No. 8R.2 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 5. LATE PAYMENT CHARGE A late payment charge may be levied against any account that is not paid in full each month. However, State agencies and taxing districts will not be required to pay interest on bills paid within sixty (60) calendar days of receipt of the bill. This charge will be computed at a percentage specified in Schedule 300 of the unpaid delinquent balance brought forward on the subsequent months bill. All payments received prior to the subsequent month's billing date, will apply to the Customer's account prior to calculating the Late Payment Charge. Those payments applied shall satisfy the oldest portion of the billing first and the current portion of the billing last. 6. ADJUSTMENT FOR BILLING ERROR Corrected billings may be made to adjust for billing errors including but not limited to errors caused by inaccurate metering. If the time when the malfunction or error began cannot be reasonably determined to have occurred within a specific billing period, the corrected billings shall not exceed the most recent six months before the discovery of the malfunction or error. If the time when the malfunction or error began can be reasonably determined, the corrected billings shall go back to that time, but not to exceed three years. 7. RETURNED CHECK CHARGE A charge as specified in Schedule 300 may be made and collected by Company for each check returned by a bank to the Company. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective June 6, 2003 June 13, 2003 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective July 28, 2004 August 13, 2004 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective July 28, 2004 August 13, 2004 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Second Revised Sheet No. 9R.4 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling First Revised Sheet No. 9R.4 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 01-08 ISSUED: May 24, 2001 EFFECTIVE: June 25, 2001 7. TRANSFER OF DEPOSIT A Deposit, less any outstanding balance, shall be transferable and applicable for service to the same customer at a new location within the Company's service area. Deposits shall not be transferred from one customer to another customer or between classes of service. 8. RECEIPT FOR DEPOSIT When payment of a deposit is made, a receipt shall be furnished to each applicant or customer for the amount deposited. 9. ADVANCE PAYMENTS An advance payment may be required from seasonal industrial, commercial and irrigation customers as a condition of service. The amount of advance required from seasonal customers may be the total estimated charges for a 12-month period. Customer advances shall be credited to the customer's account and if, at the end of the season, a credit balance remains, such balance will be refunded to the customer. 10. LARGER OR NEW DEPOSITS AND ADVANCES Nothing in this regulation shall prevent the Company from requiring a deposit or advance or a larger deposit or advance from existing customers in conformity with the standards set forth in this regulation. Should a larger or new deposit or advance be required, the reason therefor shall be specified in writing to the customer. (C) (C) (C) (C) IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective June 13, 01 June 25, 01 Jean D. Jewell, Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective July 28, 2004 August 13, 2004 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective July 28, 2004 August 13, 2004 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Second Revised Sheet No. 10R.3 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling First Revised Sheet No. 10R.3 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 2. NOTICE BEFORE TERMINATION OF SERVICE (continued) (5)that a residential medical certificate, as described in 6(a) notifying the Company of a serious illness or medical emergency in the household may delay termination. (e)No industrial or large commercial Customer shall have its service terminated unless the Commission is given written notice seven (7) days before the termination. The Commission may stay termination of service upon its finding that the public interest requires service to be maintained to the Customer. 3. DENIAL OR TERMINATION OF SERVICE WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE The Company may deny or terminate service without prior notice to the Customer or applicant and without the Customer's or applicant's permission for one or more of the following reasons: (a)If a condition immediately dangerous or hazardous to life, physical safety, or property exists, or if necessary to prevent a violation of federal, state or local safety or health codes; (b)If ordered by any court, the Commission, or any other duly authorized public authority; (c)If such service is obtained, diverted or used without the authorization or knowledge of the Company, or (d)If the Company has tried diligently to meet the notice requirements but has been unsuccessful in its attempts to contact the Customer. 4. WINTER PAYMENT PLAN (a)Except as provided in 3. above, the Company will not terminate service or threaten to terminate service during the months of December through February to any residential Customer whose household includes children, elderly or infirm persons. For purposes of this regulation, "children" are defined as persons 18 years of age or younger, "elderly" are defined as persons 62 years of age or older, and "infirm" are defined as persons whose physical health or safety would be seriously impaired by termination of utility service. Such Customers shall be offered the opportunity to establish a Winter Payment Plan. However, no Customer may be required to establish such a plan. (Continued) Second Revised Sheet No. 10R.4 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling First Revised Sheet No. 10R.4 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 4. WINTER PAYMENT PLAN (continued) (b)Except as provided in 3. above, the Company will not terminate service during the months of November through March to any Customer who establishes a Winter Payment Plan before November 1. A Customer may establish a Winter Payment Plan after November 1, but the extended protection from termination of service offered under such a plan will not begin until the date the plan is established. Failure of a participating Customer to make payments as required will result in cancellation of the plan and elimination of the extended protection from termination of service offered under the plan. The Customer may use any source of funds to satisfy the payment requirements of the Winter Payment Plan. (c)Monthly payments under a Winter Payment Plan are equal to one-half of the Level Pay Plan (see 8.(f)) amount for that Customer. (d)If a Customer who received the protection of this rule has an outstanding balance owed to the Company, the Customer must either pay this balance or negotiate a new payment arrangement on or after March 1, if the Customer has not established a Winter Payment Plan, or on or after April 1, if the Customer has established a Winter Payment Plan. Failure of a Customer to pay or make payment arrangements on or after these dates may result in termination of service. (e)A Customer who participates in a Winter Payment Plan one year must be allowed to participate in succeeding years if the Customer has honored his or her payment arrangements and the balance owing as of November 1 does not exceed $75 or the Customer's utility bill for the previous 30 days, whichever is greater. However, the Company is not required to connect or reconnect the service of a Customer or Applicant who does not currently have utility service and owes an unpaid, undisputed bill to the Company. (f)Nothing in this rule prevents the Company from terminating service to unoccupied residences or residences where the occupants have failed or refused to apply for utility service. (Continued) IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective July 28, 2004 August 13, 2004 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective July 28, 2004 August 13, 2004 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Second Revised Sheet No. 10R.7 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling First Revised Sheet No. 10R.7 Submitted Under Advice No. 02-03 ISSUED: February 20, 2002 EFFECTIVE: April 1, 2002 8.PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS (continued) (b)In deciding on the reasonableness of a particular agreement, the Company will take into account the Customer's ability to pay, the size of the unpaid balance, the Customer's payment history, and the amount of time and reasons why the debt is outstanding. (c)Payments are to be applied to the oldest balance owed on the Customer's bill, except in the case of a disputed bill. If the Customer disputes a bill, the Customer's payments are to be applied to the oldest undisputed amount. (d)If a Customer fails to make the payment agreed upon by the date that it is due, the Company may, but is not obligated to, enter into a second such agreement. (e)No payment arrangement shall be binding upon a Customer if it requires the Customer to forego any right provided for in these regulations. (f)Payment arrangements may be in the form of a Level Pay Plan that will equalize monthly payments of all arrears, if any, and anticipated future bill amounts over a period of not less than one year. No Customer agreeing to a reasonable payment arrangement is required to choose this plan. (g)The first payment under the arrangement will be due one business day after the arrangement, unless the Company grants an extension. If the initial payment is not made, or if any check not honored by the bank is offered as initial payment, the Company may terminate service upon 24-hour notice to the Customer. (h)If the Company has been unable to contact a Customer concerning termination, but has contacted the Customer's third party and has failed to receive a response from the Customer within seven days after the third party was contacted, the Company may treat the Customer as one who has been contacted and has declined to enter into a reasonable payment arrangement. 9. CHARGES FOR COLLECTION ACTIVITY (a) Reconnection Charge: Whenever service has been discontinued by Company because of any default by the Customer, as provided in these rules, a charge to cover the cost of reconnection as specified in Schedule 300 may be collected by Company before service is restored. Customers who make satisfactory arrangements with Company between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, or between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on holidays and weekends, will have service reconnected the same day. C C IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective March 25, 2002 April 1, 2002 Jean D. Jewell Secretary First Revised Sheet No. 10R.8 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling Original Sheet No. 10R.8 Submitted Under Advice No. 02-03 ISSUED: February 20, 2002 EFFECTIVE: April 1, 2002 9. CHARGES FOR COLLECTION ACTIVITY (continued) (a) Reconnection Charge: (continued) Except for medical emergencies, reconnections required for safety reasons or where customers are disconnected in error, requests for reconnection received by Company during all other hours will be completed on the following day. (b) Tampering/Unauthorized Reconnection Charge: Where damage to Company’s facilities has occurred due to tampering or where reconnection of service has been made by other than Company Personnel a Tampering/Unauthorized Reconnection Charge may be collected as specified in Schedule No. 300. This charge is not a waiver by Company of the rights to recover losses due to tampering. In addition to the above mentioned charge, person receiving service shall be responsible for paying for any damages to the Company’s equipment as a result of tampering. (c) Field Service Collection Charge: The Company may assess the Customer the Field Service Collection Charge shown on Schedule 300 when payment is collected at the service address or when the employee, without receiving payment, does not disconnect at the Customer’s request. The employee accepting payment for a delinquent account at the service address will not dispense change for payment tendered in excess of the amount due or owing. Any excess payment shall be credited to the Customer's account. 10.RESTORATION OF SERVICE The Company will restore service only when the following conditions are met: (a)The cause of the discontinuance has been removed if that cause was for any reason other than for the nonpayment of proper charges when due; (b)The Customer has paid all proper charges which are due, except that Customers, if qualified, may meet this requirement by entering into a payment arrangement. The Company may require the customer to enter into a new Electric Service Agreement requiring a deposit. 11.WAIVER OF RIGHT TO TERMINATE SERVICE The right to discontinue service for any of the reasons specified in the Rules and Regulations Governing Customer Relations may be exercised whenever and as often as such reasons may occur, and neither delay nor omission on the part of the Company to enforce the provisions of these Regulations at any one or more times shall be deemed a waiver of its right to enforce the same at any time, so long as the reason continues. C C N N IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective March 25, 2002 April 1, 2002 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Second Revised Sheet No. 11R.1 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling First Revised Sheet No. 11R.1 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATION NO. 11 STATE OF IDAHO _________ Taxes _________ In the event any Government authority imposes any franchise, occupation, sales, license or excise tax upon the price of or the revenue from electric energy or service sold, the applicable pro rata share of the tax shall be separately itemized and billed to all Customers in the area or locality in which such tax or charge applies. An itemized list of these taxes is found in Schedule 300. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Sept. 28, 2004 August 16, 2004 Per O.N. 29599 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Sept. 28, 2004 August 16, 2004 Per O.N. 29599 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Third Revised Sheet No. 12R.3 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling Second Revised Sheet No. 12R.3 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 1.CONDITIONS AND DEFINITIONS (continued) (h) Facilities Charges -- The Facilities Charges are those costs associated with the ownership, operation and maintenance of facilities built to provide service and are in addition to rate schedule billings. Schedule 300 specifies the Facilities Charges. (i) Permanent Service -- Service to Customers where the Company is assured of continued use for more than five years, unless a contract specifies otherwise. (j) Restrictions -- The Company's Extension of facilities is subject to restrictions imposed during war or other emergencies, by the laws of the United States, the State of Idaho, by executive and administrative proclamations, by orders or regulations of the Commission or by any lawful requirement of a governmental body. (k) Routes, Easements and Rights-of-Way -- The Company will select the route of an Extension in cooperation with the Applicant. The Applicant must pay all costs of complete, unencumbered, rights-of-way, easements, or licenses to use land, and for any preparation or clearing the Company may require. The Applicant may acquire and prepare these in a form acceptable to the Company, or if requested by the Applicant, the Company will do so at the Applicant's expense. (l) Regulation Previously in Effect -- Rule changes do not modify existing Extension contracts. If a Customer advanced funds for an Extension under a regulation or a contract previously in effect, the Company will make refunds for additional Customers as specified in the previous regulation or contract. (m) Service Conductors -- The secondary-voltage conductors extending from the pole line, the underground secondary-voltage main, a secondary-voltage transformer, or a secondary- voltage switch cabinet to the Point of Delivery. (Continued) Third Revised Sheet No. 12R.4 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling Second Revised Sheet No. 12R.4 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 2. RESIDENTIAL EXTENSIONS (a) Standard Residential (1) Extension Allowances The Extension Allowance for standard residential applications includes transformation facilities, meter and Service Conductors. Transformation facilities and Service Conductors may serve more than one customer. Transformation facilities for overhead systems include the transformer, associated fuses, lightning arresters, grounds and supporting racks. The Company, at its discretion, may substitute secondary voltage conductors for transformation facilities. Transformation facilities for underground systems include the transformer and grounds. The Service Conductor allowance includes the conductors, connectors and other equipment necessary to make the service connection. This allowance provides a maximum of 100 linear feet from a pole, connection box or transformer to the Point of Delivery. The Applicant must advance the costs exceeding the Extension Allowance prior to the start of construction. (2) Additional Customers, Advances and Refunds A Customer that pays for a portion of the construction of an Extension may receive refunds if additional Customers connect to the Extension. The Customer is eligible for refunds during the first five (5) years following construction of an Extension. The cost responsibility shall be 100% for the first Customer and shall decrease by 20% for each successive Customer for shared facilities. Payments made to the Company by each successive Applicant shall, in turn, be refunded by the Company to the most recent previous Applicant. (b) Remote and Seasonal Service and Service to Unimproved Subdivisions (1) Extension Allowances Residential customers defined as Remote or Seasonal Service customers or those located in Unimproved Subdivisions, have the same Extension Allowance as Standard Residential Customers. (Continued) Third Revised Sheet No. 12R.5 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling Second Revised Sheet No. 12R.5 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 (b) Remote and Seasonal Service and Service to Unimproved Subdivisions (continued) (2) Contracts The Company will make Extensions for Remote or Seasonal Residential Service or in an Unimproved Subdivision according to a written contract. The contract will require the Applicant to advance the estimated cost of facilities in excess of the Extension Allowance. The Applicant shall also pay a Contract Minimum Billing for as long as service is taken, but in no case less than 5 years. (3) Additional Customers, Advances and Refunds Customers that pay a portion of the construction of an Extension may receive refunds if additional Applicants connect to the Extension. The Customer is eligible for refunds during the first five (5) years following construction of the Extension. The cost responsibility shall be 100% for the first customer and shall decrease by 20% for each successive customer for shared facilities. Payments made to the Company by each successive Applicant shall, in turn, be refunded by the Company to the most recent previous Applicant. Customers in unimproved subdivisions platted prior to January 1, 1997, where electrical service had not been provided to any customer prior to that date, have a refund period of ten (10) years. Additional Applicants must share the Facilities Charges of existing Customers. Additional Applicants also must pay the estimated cost of any facilities exceeding the Extension Allowance. (c) Three Phase Residential Service Where three phase residential service is requested, the Applicant shall pay the difference in cost between single phase and three phase service. (d) Underground Extensions The Company will construct line Extensions underground when requested by the Applicant or if required by local ordinance or conditions. The Applicant must pay for the conversion of any existing overhead facilities to underground, under the terms of Section 6 of this regulation. The Applicant must provide all trenching and backfilling, imported backfill material, conduits, and equipment foundations that the Company requires for the Extension. If the Applicant requests, the Company will provide these items at the Applicant's expense. (Continued) Fourth Revised Sheet No. 12R.6 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling Third Revised Sheet No. 12R.6 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 3. NONRESIDENTIAL EXTENSIONS (a) High Voltage Extension Allowances The Company will determine the amount of the extension allowance on a case by case basis for customers taking service at 44,000 volts or greater. (b) Primary and Secondary Voltage Extension Allowances (1) Less than 1,000 kW The Company will grant Nonresidential Applicants requiring less than 1,000 kW an Extension Allowance of $90 per kW of estimated load. The Applicant must advance the costs exceeding the Extension Allowance prior to the start of construction. The Company may require the Customer to pay a Contract Minimum Billing for five years. (2) 1,000 kW or Greater The Company will grant Nonresidential Applicants requiring 1,000 kW or greater an Extension Allowance of $90 per kW of estimated load. The Applicant must advance the costs exceeding the Extension Allowance. Fifty percent of the advance is due when the contract is executed with the remaining balance due upon completion of the Extension. The Customer must pay a Contract Minimum Billing for as long as service is taken, but in no case less than five years. If service is terminated within the first 10 years, the Customer must pay a termination charge equal to the Extension Allowance less 1/10th of the allowance for each year service was taken. (3) Remote Service The Company will grant Applicants for Remote Nonresidential Service an Extension Allowance of $90 per kW of estimated load. The Applicant must advance the costs exceeding the Extension Allowance prior to the start of construction. The Applicant must also pay a Contract Minimum Billing for as long as service is taken, but in no case less than five years. (Continued) Third Revised Sheet No. 12R.7 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling Second Revised Sheet No. 12R.7 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 3. NONRESIDENTIAL EXTENSIONS (continued) (c) Additional Customers, Advances and Refunds A Customer that pays for a portion of the construction of an Extension may receive refunds if additional Customers connect to the Extension. The Customer is eligible for refunds during the first five (5) years following construction of an Extension for up to four (4) additional Customers. Each of the next four (4) Customers utilizing any segment of the initial Extension must pay the Company, prior to connection, a proportionate share of the cost of the shared facilities. The Company will refund such payments to the preceding Customer(s). Proportionate Share = (A + B) x C Where: A = [Shared footage of line] x [Average cost per foot of the line] B = Cost of the other shared distribution equipment, if applicable C = [New additional connected load]/[Total connected load] Additional Customers also must share the Facilities Charges of the existing Customers. The Company will allocate the Facilities Charges in the same manner used for allocating the original advance. (d) Underground Extensions The Company will construct Line Extensions underground when requested by the Applicant or if required by local ordinance or conditions. The Applicant must pay for the conversion of any existing overhead facilities to underground, under the terms of Section 6 of this regulation. The Applicant must provide all trenching and backfilling, imported backfill material, conduits, and equipment foundations that the Company requires for the Extension. If the Applicant requests, the Company will provide these items at the Applicant's expense. (Continued) Third Revised Sheet No. 12R.8 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling Second Revised Sheet No. 12R.8 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 4. EXTENSIONS TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS (a) General Planned developments, including subdivisions and mobile home parks, are areas where groups of buildings or dwellings may be constructed at or about the same time. The Company will install facilities in developments before there are actual Applicants for service under the terms of a written contract. (b) Contracts and Advances, Non-Residential The Developer must pay a non-refundable advance equal to the Company's estimated installed costs to make primary service available to each lot. The Company may require the Developer to pay for facilities to provide additional service reliability or future development. (c) Contracts and Advances, Residential The Company will provide transformers, meters and services. The Developer must pay a non-refundable advance for all other costs including any secondary runs to the individual lot lines. (d) Refunds A Developer that pays for a portion of the construction of an Extension to reach a development may receive refunds if additional customers connect to the Extension outside the development under the terms of Advances and Refunds for Non-Residential Customers. The Company will refund such payments to the Developer. The Company will make no refunds for facilities installed within a development. (e) Underground Extensions The Company will construct Line Extensions underground when requested by the Developer or required by local ordinances or conditions. The Developer must pay for the conversion of any existing overhead facilities to underground, under the terms of Section 6 of this regulation. The Developer must provide all trenching and backfilling, imported backfill material, conduits, and equipment foundations that the Company requires. If the Developer requests, the Company will provide these items at the Developer's expense. (Continued) IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Sept. 28, 2004 August 16, 2004 Per O.N. 29599 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Second Revised Sheet No. 12R.10 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling First Revised Sheet No. 12R.10 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 5. EXTENSION EXCEPTIONS (continued) (a) Applicant Built Line Extensions (continued) (5) Transfer of Ownership Upon approval of the construction, the Company will assume ownership of the Line Extension. The Applicant must provide the Company unencumbered title to the Line Extension. (6) Rights-of-Way The Applicant must provide to the Company all required rights-of-way, easements and permits in accordance with paragraph 1.(k). (7) Contract Minimum Billing The Company may require the Applicant to pay a Contract Minimum Billing as defined in paragraph 1.(b) in this regulation. (8) Deficiencies in Construction If, within 24 months of the time the Company energized the Line Extension, it determines that the Applicant provided deficient material or workmanship, the Applicant must pay the cost to correct the deficiency. At its discretion, the Company may require that the Applicant provide a faithful performance bond before the Applicant begins construction. (9) Line Extension Value The Company will calculate the value of a Line Extension using its standard estimating methods. The Company will use the Line Extension Value to calculate Contract Minimum Billings, reimbursements, and refunds. (10) Line Extension Allowance After assuming ownership, the Company will calculate the appropriate Extension Allowance. The Company will then reimburse the Applicant for the construction costs covered by the Extension Allowance, less the cost of any Company provided equipment or services, but in no case more than the Line Extension Value. (Continued) IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective March 3, 2003 Dec. 4, 2002 Per. O.N. 29168 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective March 3, 2003 Dec. 4, 2002 Per. O.N. 29168 Jean D. Jewell Secretary I.P.U.C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 12R.13 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 6. RELOCATION OR REPLACEMENT OF FACILITIES (continued) In addition, the Applicant or Customer must advance the following: (1)The estimated installed cost of the new facilities plus the estimated removal expense of the existing facilities, less (2)The estimated salvage value plus accrued depreciation of the facilities to be removed. This Advance is not refundable. The Company is not responsible for allocating costs and responsibilities among multiple Applicants. (b) Local Governments When required by a governmental entity in accordance with Idaho Code 50-2501 to 50- 2523, the Company will replace existing overhead with underground distribution facilities provided the entity pays the Company in accordance with paragraph 6.(a) above, and provided the entity adopts an ordinance creating an underground district requiring: (1)All existing overhead communication and electric distribution facilities be removed; (2)Each property owner to make the changes necessary to receive service from the underground facilities as soon as the Company makes them available; and, (3)Authorizes the Company to discontinue overhead service when it has completed construction of the underground facilities. 7. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION ALLOWANCE Customers may waive their right to receive refunds on a Line Extension advance. Customers who waive this right will receive a Contract Administration Allowance specified in Schedule 300. The customer's choice to receive the Contract Administration Allowance must be made at the time the Extension advance is paid. Third Revised Sheet No. 13R.1 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling Second Revised Sheet No. 13R.1 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATION NO. 13 STATE OF IDAHO ______________ Curtailment Plan for Electric Energy _____________ INTRODUCTION: In Order No. 25259, entered November 24, 1993, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ordered the Company and other suppliers of electric service operating in the State of Idaho to adopt the following provisions relating to electric service curtailment during periods of prolonged energy shortages. The provisions are based on the Regional Curtailment Plan for Electric Energy. The Regional Plan is designed to deal effectively with long-term energy shortage situations and promote curtailment uniformity among the four Pacific Northwest states. Such shortages could result from a number of causes such as a prolonged drought, severe operational constraints or moratoriums that could reduce generation and transmission capability. Initiated by the state's declaration of an energy emergency pursuant to existing statutes and administrative rules, provisions call upon the Company to implement measures to encourage customers to reduce electric energy use. Possibly included among measures are the audit of customer energy usage quantities, and the implementation of penalties for exceeding usage guidelines. SECTION I. PURPOSE AND OVERVIEW OF THE CURTAILMENT PLAN: This plan identifies the process by which the Company would initiate and implement regional load curtailment. Included in the plan are detailed procedures to be followed during a protracted regional electric energy shortage to ensure uniform treatment of all regional customers. The Plan is not intended to be activated for relatively short-term emergencies such as those caused by extremely cold weather or the temporary loss of a major generating plant. The plan would be activated when declared necessary by state authorities. The goal of this plan is to accomplish curtailment while treating customers fairly and equitably, minimizing adverse impacts from curtailment, complying with existing State laws and regulations, and providing for smooth, efficient, and effective curtailment administration. (Continued) Third Revised Sheet No. 13R.2 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling Second Revised Sheet No. 13R.2 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 SECTION II. DEFINITIONS: The following definitions apply to terms used in this Plan. A. Base Billing Period. One of the billing periods comprising the Base Year. Base Billing Period data are weather normalized before being used to calculate the amount of curtailment achieved. B. Base year. Normally, the 12-month period immediately preceding imposition of State-initiated load curtailment. C. Critical Load Customer. A customer that supplies essential services relating to public health, public safety, welfare, or energy production. D. Curtailment. Load reduction, irrespective of the means by which that reduction is achieved. E. Curtailment Target. The maximum amount of energy that a customer may use and still remain in compliance with the State curtailment order. The Curtailment Target is determined individually for each customer based upon energy usage in the Base Billing Period. F. Excess Power Consumption. The lower of the following two values for loads subject to penalty: (1) the difference between a customer's actual (or metered) consumption level during a billing period and the Curtailment Target, or (2) the difference between the customers' weather-normalized energy use during a billing period and the Curtailment Target. G. General Use Customer. Any nonresidential customer who purchased less than 5 average megawatts (48,300 MWh) during the base year. H. Major Use Customer. A customer who purchased over 5 average annual megawatts (48,300 MWh) during the base year. I. Plan. This Curtailment Plan. J. Region. The States of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and those portions of Montana that are west of the Continental Divide and/or within the control area of the Montana Power Company. K. State. The Idaho Public Utilities Commission. (Continued) Third Revised Sheet No. 13R.3 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling Second Revised Sheet No. 13R.3 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 SECTION II. DEFINITIONS: (continued) L. State Contact(s). Individuals who represent the State of Idaho in connection with curtailment issues. M. State-Initiated. Actions taken by the State to implement individual load curtailment plans within its jurisdiction. N. Threshold Consumption Level. The maximum amount of energy that a customer can use during mandatory load curtailment without being subject to penalties under this Plan. O. Utility Contact. Individual representing the Company in connection with curtailment issues. P. Utility Coordinator. The Director of the Northwest Power Pool. Q. Utility Curtailment Reports. Report(s) summarizing curtailment data; such reports are to be submitted monthly to the Public Utility Commission and the Utility Coordinator. R. Weather-Normalization. The procedure used to reflect the impact of weather on utility load levels. Sometimes referred to as "weather-adjustment." SECTION III. CURTAILMENT STAGES: State curtailment directives apply to all retail loads served within the State of Idaho. Under the plan, curtailment is requested or ordered as a percentage of historical, weather-normalized (Base Billing Period) electric energy consumption. The curtailment stages are associated with increasing energy deficits. (Continued) Third Revised Sheet No. 13R.4 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling Second Revised Sheet No. 13R.4 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 SECTION III. CURTAILMENT STAGES: The five curtailment stages are: Stage #Nature Curtailment Percent Type of Curtailment Stage 1 Voluntary No specified % Uniform among all customers Stage 2 Voluntary 5% + Uniform among all customers Stage 3 Voluntary 5 to 15% Uniform among all customers Stage 4 Mandatory 15% Residential Customers 15% + General Use Customers 15% + Major Use Customers Stage 5 Mandatory % associated with Stage 4 additional curtailment Continued customer plus company action including plant closures and possible black outs SECTION IV. INITIATION OF LOAD CURTAILMENT: Load curtailment will be initiated when directed by State authorities. However, nothing precludes the Company from requesting voluntary load reduction at any time. A. Overview. Stage-by-Stage Utility Administrative Obligations. Upon notice from the State to initiate load curtailment, the Company shall immediately begin complying with the directives of this plan. All requirements for lower level stages continue to apply to higher level stages. Through out the curtailment period, the Company will provide customers with as much information as possible. The requirements specified below represent the minimum actions to be taken. (Continued) Third Revised Sheet No. 13R.5 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling Second Revised Sheet No. 13R.5 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 SECTION IV. INITIATION OF LOAD CURTAILMENT: (continued) * Stage 1. The Company will begin (or continued if communication has already begun) providing curtailment information to customers. The Company shall also assist the State, as appropriate, in briefing the media about the shortage. * Stage 2. In Stage 2, the Company will (a) notify customers of the percentage level of State- initiated voluntary curtailment; (b) provide curtailment information to customers; (c) answer customers questions about curtailment; (d) provide curtailment reports to the State and the Utility Coordinator; and (e) provide more detailed information to the media than provided in Stage 1. * Stage 3. In Stage 3, the Company will (a) notify customers of the percentage level of State- ordered mandatory curtailment; (b) calculate weather-normalized Base Billing Period data and Curtailment Targets for all customers who will be audited in the current billing period; (c) provide Curtailment Targets to all customers who request such data for their own accounts; (d) provide audited customers with information about how to apply for exemption and adjustment of Base Year data; (e) process requests for exemption and Base Year data adjustments from those customers selected for audit who would otherwise be subject to penalties; and (f) implement the penalties aspect of the Plan. * Stage 4. In Stage 4, the Company will notify customer of any applicable changes in State- initiated mandatory curtailment. * Stage 5. In Stage 5, the Company will collaborate with the State to develop and implement the most effective methods for securing the required load curtailment and to minimize the economic and human hardships of the last stage of load curtailment. B. Suggested Curtailment Actions. Information will be disseminated to customers regarding actions they can take to reduce their electric energy consumption. The Company will work together with the State to develop this material. The recommendations will be based on the action described in Appendix C ("Curtailment Measurements") of the Regional Plan. (Continued) Second Revised Sheet No.13R.6 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling First Revised Sheet No. 13R.6 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 C. Base Year Data and Curtailment Targets. 1. Identification of the Base Year. The Base Year for a shortage will be established by the State. Base Year and Base Billing data shall be weather-normalized. 2. Estimating Base Billing Period Data for Customers for Whom No Base Billing Period Data Exists. Base Billing Period data must be obtained or developed for any customer who is audited under this Plan. Although residential and General Use Customers without actual Base Billing Period data may be excluded from the random sample of audited customers, Base Billing period data will be estimated for any audited customer for whom actual data does not exist or is found to be inaccurate. 3. Communicating Curtailment Target Information to Customers. During mandatory curtailment, the Company will provide retrospective, current, and forthcoming billing period Curtailment Target information to any customer who requests it. The Company will provide retrospective Curtailment Target information to any audited customer who requests it and any audited customer who will be issued a warning or penalty. At the Company's option, it may provide Curtailment Target information to other customers or customer classes as well. D. Auditing Customers for Compliance with State Orders for Mandatory Load Curtailment. Each billing period, the Company will audit at least one percent of residential users, five percent of General Use Customers, and 100% of Major Use Customers (including those Major Use Customers with estimated Base Billing Period data) plus any customers penalized in the previous billing period. The number of customers exempted or excluded from audit will not affect the sample size. New samples shall be drawn each month. Customers penalized under this Plan shall continue to be audited until their energy use falls below the Threshold Consumption level. Once their energy use falls below that level, they will be audited again only if selected by random sample. At its option, the Company may audit 100% of residential users and General Use Customers. When auditing less than 100% of members in a class, all such customers selected for audit shall be chosen on a random sample basis, except that the following customers are to be excluded: (a) customers granted an exemption under this Plan; and (b) customers with an estimated power bill in the current billing period. The Company may also exclude customers with estimated Base Billing Period data, if the State does not require their inclusion in the pool of customers subject to audit. (Continued) Second Revised Sheet No. 13R.7 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling First Revised Sheet No. 13R.7 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 E. Penalties for Non-compliance. 1. Nature of Penalties. The State will take whatever measures are available and appropriate at the time mandatory curtailment is instituted to ensure that the Company's customers comply with the mandates of the Plan. Measures may include financial penalties or disconnection of service. During any continuous period of curtailment, assessed penalties remain "on the record" for the purposes of administration of subsequent penalties, even if there has been an intervening period of "compliance." Standard disconnect criteria and procedures will be used whenever disconnecting customers in accordance with this Plan. Health, safety, and welfare considerations will be taken into account, and customers will be billed for normal disconnect and reconnect charges (see Schedule No. 300). 2. Calculation of Financial Penalties. Financial penalties will be calculated by multiplying the customer's Excess Power Consumption each billing period by the appropriate penalty. a. Threshold Consumption Level. The Threshold Consumption level assigned to each customer class is identified in the table below. These values may be changed by the State. Type of Customer Threshold Consumption Level Residential customer 10% above Curtailment Target General Use customer 10% above Curtailment Target Major Use customer 2% above Curtailment Target (Continued) Second Revised Sheet No. 13R.8 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling First Revised Sheet No. 13R.8 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 b. Excess Power Consumption Calculation. Penalties will not be assessed if a customer's load (either actual load or weather-normalized load) is equal to, or less than, the Threshold Consumption Level. Excess Power Consumption is the lower of the following two values for each sampled load subject to penalty: (a) (Actual Load) minus (Curtailment Target) or (b) (Weather-Normalized Load) minus (Curtailment Target). c. Assessment of Penalties. (1) Penalties vs. Warnings. Customers will be assessed penalties only if they have Excess Power Consumption and if they are to be penalized based on the penalty assessment procedures described below. Any sampled customer who is not penalized and whose use exceeds the Curtailment Target will receive a warning. (2) Penalty Assessment Procedures. The Company will sample at the mandated minimum percentages for each section as specified in this plan [1%-5%-100%] (or as otherwise specified by the State) and assess penalties on all customers with Excess Power Consumption. At the Company's option, samples may employ higher percentages of customers than the minimums specified above. The Company may choose among the following penalty assessment options: (a) Assess penalties on all sampled customers with Excess Power Consumption; (this methodology must be used for Major Use Customers even if the Company chooses option (b), below, for its other customer sectors); or (Continued) First Revised Sheet No. 13R.9 I.P.U.C. No. 28 Canceling Original Sheet No. 13R.9 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 c. Assessment of Penalties. (continued) (b) Develop a ratio of the minimum percentage sample size to the actual percentage sampled for the residential and/or General Use customer sectors. Multiply the resulting percentages by the total number of violators in each respective customer sector to determine the minimum number of penalties that must be assessed in each sector. Calculate the percentage violation for each individual customer that has been sampled (Excess Power Consumption divided by Curtailment Target) and apply penalties to the "worst offenders" in the overall sample based on their percentage "Excess Power Consumption." Also penalize all customers who were penalized in the previous billing period and who still have the Excess Power Consumption. (3) Treatment of DSIs. Penalties applicable to BPA's direct-service industrial customers may be assessed by the State based on billing data provided by BPA. Such penalties and all information requirements associated with service obtained from BPA will be administered by BPA. d. Billing Customers for Penalties. The Company may describe the penalty on the power bill as "State-mandated" and shall include any State-provided material describing the penalty aspect of the plan as a bill stuffer in the bills of penalized customers. The Company shall note on the bill that failure to pay penalties will result in service disconnection. e. Treatment of Penalties Pending Adjustment/Exemption Determinations. Customers who have applied for adjustments of Base Billing Period data and/or exemption from mandatory curtailment may request a stay of enforcement of the penalty aspect of the Plan pending a final decision regarding its request. Any customer who has been granted such a stay shall be subject to retroactive penalties as applicable if the request is ultimately denied. f. Use of Funds Collected Under the Penalty Provisions of the Plan. Funds collected under State-ordered penalty provision of this Plan shall be set aside in a separate account. The ultimate disposition of these funds will be determined by the State. (Continued) I.P.U.C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 13R.10 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 F. Exemptions and Adjustments 1. Customer Application for Exemption/Adjustment. The Company will inform customers of how to apply for exemption from Plan requirements or adjustments of Base Billing Period data. At its option, the Company may elect to process exemptions and adjustments only for audited customers. Customers seeking an exemption or adjustment shall apply first to the Company. If dissatisfied with the Company's disposition of an application, the customer may apply to the State for exemption or adjustment. At its option, the Company may provide for a credit against curtailment for a customer who has accomplished a reduction in demand for service by installing an alternative energy device, weatherization, or other conservation measures since the base period. If savings from these installed measures exceed current curtailment requirements, the Company may credit the excess against future curtailments. 2. Granting Customer Requests for Exemption from Mandatory Curtailment. No automatic customer exemptions will be granted under mandatory State-initiated load curtailment. The Company will inform exempted customers that exemptions may not protect them from Stage 5 black-outs. a. Critical Load Customers. Critical Load Customers must demonstrate to the Company that they have eliminated all non-essential energy use and are using any reliable, cost-effective back-up energy resources before the Company will exempt them. b. Other Customers. Exemptions for customers not qualifying as Critical Load Customers under this Plan will be evaluated based on whether curtailment would result in unreasonable exposure to health or safety hazards, seriously impair the welfare of the affected customer, cause extreme economic hardship relative to the amount of energy saved, or produce counterproductive results. 3. Utility Record-Keeping Relative to Customer Exemptions. Records regarding exemption determinations will be made available to the State upon request. (Continued) I.P.U.C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 13R.11 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 00-06 ISSUED: July 14, 2000 EFFECTIVE: August 15, 2000 G. Measurement of the Amount of Curtailment Achieved and Determination of Compliance. At all times during State-initiated regional load curtailment, the State and the Utility Coordinator will be provided with consumption and savings data on a monthly basis in the form specified in Appendix D of the Regional Plan. To the extent that circumstances at the time of actual load curtailment dictate the need for additional data or more frequent data submittal, a best effort to comply with the State request will be made. H. Special Arrangements 1. Use of Customer-Owned Generation Facilities. Consistent with the need for safety and system protection, customers having their own generation facilities or access to electricity from non-utility power sources may use energy from those other sources to supplement their curtailed power purchases from the Company. 2. Curtailment Scheduling. During periods of mandatory curtailment, a customer must provide the required amount of curtailment within each billing period. Within that period, and subject to equipment limitations and rules on load fluctuations, customers are free to schedule curtailment so as to minimize the economic cost, hardship, or inconvenience they experience as a result of the mandatory curtailment requirement. SECTION V. APPENDICES AND RELATED CURTAILMENT INFORMATION: The Regional Curtailment Plan for Electric Energy contains additional information, and is available for review in each of the Company's local offices. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Feb. 4, 2005 April 1, 2005 Per O.N. 29698 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Feb. 4, 2005 April 1, 2005 Per O.N. 29698 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Feb. 4, 2005 April 1, 2005 Per O.N. 29698 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Feb. 4, 2005 April 1, 2005 Per O.N. 29698 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Blah IJIlV IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFPECTIVE JUN 2 9 'JUL1- ~/7a. J2 SECRETARY C. No. 28 Original Sheet No. 25R.5 DEFINITIONS: Major Events for purposes of this rule are defined as: ( ) A catastrophic event which can: Exceed the design limits of the electric power system, or Cause extensive damage to the electric power system, or Result in more than 10% of customers in an operating area losing supply.(N) Submitted Under Advice No. 00- ISSUED: May 11 2000 EFFECTIVE: July 1 2000