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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130204Response to Motion.pdfDONALD L. HOWELL, II DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION P0 BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0312 IDAHO BAR NOS. 3366 FEBLiEII Supreme Court Crurt EnurJ on Ai S by: Attorney for the Respondent on Appeal Idaho Public Utilities Commission IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO GROUSE CREEK WIND PARK, LLC and ) GROUSE CREEK WIND PARK II, LLC, ) ) Petitioners-Appellants, ) ) VS. ) ) IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, ) ) Respondent-Respondent on Appeal, ) ) and ) ) IDAHO POWER COMPANY, ) ) Respondent-Intervenor/Respondent ) on Appeal. ) SUPREME COURT DOCKET NO. 39151-2011 IPUC CASE NOS. IPC-E-10-61 IPC-E-10-62 IDAHO PUC'S RESPONSE TO GROUSE CREEK WIND'S MOTION TO EXPEDITE ORAL ARGUMENT COMES NOW the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Idaho PUC"), Respondent- Respondent on Appeal, and pursuant to Idaho Appellate Rule 32(d), files this response to the "Motion to Expedite" oral argument filed by Petitioners, Grouse Creek Wind Park and Grouse Creek Wind Park II ("Grouse Creek"). While the Idaho PUC does not oppose the request to set oral argument in August 2013,' the Idaho PUC does not agree with Grouse Creek's stated need for expedited review. The Idaho PUC understands that the Motion to Expedite only pertains to the scheduling of oral argument and does not propose changing the standard briefmg schedule set out in I.A.R. 34(c). The court has ordered that Grouse Creek's brief is due March 4, 2013. IDAHO PUC'S RESPONSE TO GROUSE CREEK WIND'S MOTION TO EXPEDITE ORAL ARGUMENT GROUSE CREEK'S MOTION In its Motion, Grouse Creek indicates it will "suffer severe and irreversible economic harm" if it has not started construction on its two wind farms before January 1, 2014. Motion at 14. The subject of this appeal is the Idaho PUC's Orders disapproving the two proposed power purchase agreements for each wind farm. Id. at 11. In its Motion, Grouse Creek asserts that absent expedited oral argument, there would not be sufficient time if it were to prevail for the Commission to address the Court's opinion on remand and "adjust key contract terms and conditions" so that Grouse Creek could then leek financing for "the [two wind farms] and start construction" prior to the scheduled expiration of the federal production tax credits (PTC5) on December 31, 2013. Id. at ¶ 5. In other words, Grouse Creek is not willing to "start construction" until it first obtains and "close[s] construction financing." Affd. at 16. IDAHO PVC STATEMENT While the Idaho PUC does not dispute that "Grouse Creek 'must start construction' before January 1, 2014" to be eligible for federal PTCs under the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (the "fiscal cliff legislation")2, there is and has been no legal impediment to Grouse Creek "starting construction" on its two wind farms prior to January 1, 2014. For example, Grouse Creek could have started construction on its wind farms at any time after it filed its initial Notice of Appeal in this matter on September 7, 2011, or after it filed its Amended Notice of Appeal on October 19, 2012. R. at 536, 885. Moreover, Grouse Creek's Motion does not disclose the amount it calculates to be 5% of the construction costs it suggests is necessary to satisfy the IRS "safe harbor" requirement that construction has begun. For the reasons set forth above, the Idaho PUC is not convinced that an expedited hearing is required in this matter. Nevertheless, the Idaho PUC does not oppose Grouse Creek's Motion to Expedite and set oral argument during the Supreme Court's August 2013 term. 2 H.R. 8, § 407(a)(3) at p. 70-71 (January 1, 2013) (providing for extension and modification of the production tax credit for qualifying facilities "the construction of which begins before January 1, 2014"). Last viewed, ii 2hr8eas/pdtYBILLS- 11 2hr8eas.12df. IDAHO PUC'S RESPONSE TO GROUSE CREEK WIND'S MOTION TO EXPEDITE ORAL ARGUMENT 2 Respectfully submitted this 4" day of February 2013. J444 Donald L. Ho eli, I Deputy Attorney General Attorney for the Idaho Public Utilities Commission 0:Supreme Court:Response Grouse Creek Motion to Expeditedh IDAHO PUC'S RESPONSE TO GROUSE CREEK WIND'S MOTION TO EXPEDITE ORAL ARGUMENT CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 4 " DAY OF FEBRUARY 2013, SERVED THE FOREGOING RESPONSE TO GROUSE CREEK WIND'S MOTION FOR EXPEDITED ORAL ARGUMENT, IN SUPREME COURT DOCKET NO. 39134-2011, IPUC CASE NOS. IPC-E-10-61 AND IPC-E-10-62 BY E-MAILING A COPY THEREOF TO THE FOLLOWING: DONOVAN E. WALKER IDAHO POWER COMPANY P0 BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 E-MAIL: dwalker@idahoj, RONALD L. WILLIAMS WILLIAMS BRADBURY, P.C. 1015 W. HAYS STREET BOISE, ID 83702 E-MAIL: