HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100423Stipulated Motion for Extension.pdfs uf...t -lO-O ( 5 ulJ · - E. -(0-0""I ..0 2"'U,c' 8: \ 0 i~ìG RI"I\ .j l-ll ~chael C. Creamer, ISB No, ß~~J F,,'.,;;) ~;):~Pp;~~~'i~~~errfilfS C\0 """ 601 W. Banock Street P.O. Box 2720 Boise, Idao 83701-2720 Telephone: 208-388-1200 Facsimle: 208-388-1300 Email: mcc(ggivenspurley.com mpl~givenspurley.com Merlyn W. Clark, ISB No. 1026 D. John Ashby, ISB No. 7228 HAWLEY TROXELL ENIS & HAWLEY LLP 877 Mai Strt, Suite 1000 P.O. Box 1617 Boise,ID 83701-1617 Telephone: 208.344.6000 Facsimle: 208.954.5210 Email: mclar~wleytxeii.com jashby~awleytoxell.com Attrneys for Petitioner I Appellant Ada County Highway Distrct Attorneys for Petitionerl Appellant The Buiding Contractors Association of Southwestern Idao, Inc. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF TH STATE OF IDAHO IN TH MATTR OF TH APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPAN TO MODIFY ITS RULE H LIN EXTSION TARF RELATED TO NEW SERVICE ATTACHMNT AN DISTRUTON LIN INSTALLATIONS. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMSSION) and IDAHO POWER COMPANY, ) ) ) ) ) BUIDING CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTSTERN IDAHO, Petitioner i Appellant, vs. Respondents On Appeal. STIULATED MOTION FOR EXSION OF TIME FOR FILING BRIFS AN REQUESTED SCHEULE FOR BRIFING Supreme Cour Docket No. 37293-2010 Idaho Public Utilties Commsion No. IPC-E-08-22 (c(ô(P'lSTIPULATED MOTION FOR EXTNSION OF TIM FOR FILING BRIEFS AND REQUESTED SCHEDULE FOR BRIEFING - 1 44805.0001.18796.1 IN TH MATTR OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPAN TO MODIFY ITS RULE H LIN EXTENSION TARFF RELATED TO NEW SERVICE ATTACHMNTS AN DISTRUTION LIN INSTALLATIONS. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) IDAHO PUBLIC UTLITIS COMMSSION,) ) Respondent on Appea, )and )) ) ) Repondentlespondent on Appeal. ~ ) ADA COUNY HIGHWAY DISTRICT, Petitioner/Appellant, vs. IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Supreme Cour Docket No. 37294-2010 Idaho Public Utilities Commssion No. IPC-E-08-22 Petitioner/Appellant Ada County Highway Distrct ("ACHD"), by and thugh its counel of record, Hawley Troxell Ens & Hawley LLP, and Petitioner/Appellant The Building Contractors Association of Southwestrn Idaho, Inc. ("Building Contrrs"), by and though its counel of record, Givens Puley LLP, and pursuat to I.A.R. Rules 34( e) and 46, respectflly move ths Cour for a 21 day extension of time to file Appellants' Briefs so that said Briefs shl be fied no later than May 24, 2010. It is fuer requested that the deadline for Respondents' Briefs be extended to July 9, 2010. In accordance with I.A.R. 34( e), Appellants state the following: 1. Appellants' Briefs curently are due May 3, 2010. 2. No previous extension of time has been grted. 3. No previous request for an extension of time has been denied. STIPULATED MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TI FOR FILING BRIFS AND REQUESTED SCHEDULE FOR BRIFING - 2 44805.0001.1879676.1 4. The reasons or grounds why an extension is necessar are tht counels' schedule, including tral dates and multiple Idao Supreme Cour deadles, have not pertted adequate time to prepar Appellants' Briefs, as stated in the supporting Afdavits filed concurently herewith. 5. Appellants ACHD and Building Contrrs request 21 day extensions, which will mae May 24, 2010 the date on which each Appellant's Brief wil be due. 6. Respondents stipulate to these requests for extensions of tie. However, Counel for Idaho Power, Lisa Nordstm, will be out oftown for tring for approximately thee weeks durg the month of June. For puroses of keeping the same briefig schedule for the two consolidated appeals, and for puroses of allowig all pares adequate tie for briefig, it is respectfy submitted tht the following schedule apply to each Appellant's Brief and each Respondent's Brief: a) Each Appellant's Briefwill be due May 24,2010 b) Each Respondent's Brief will be due July 9,2010 c) Any Reply Briefwi1 be due as per the stadad deadline set fort in I.A.R. 34(c). 7. All pares agr to ths briefig schedule, and al pares represent tht their respective briefs will be fied by the deadlines se fort above. Ths Motion is supported by the Affdavits of Merlyn W. Clark and Michael C. Creamer, filed concurently herewith. STIPULATED MOTION FOR EXTSION OF TIME FOR FILING BRIEFS AND REQUESTED SCHEDULE FOR BRIEFING - 3 44305.0001.1879678.1 DATED nilS /I ;=Of AprL, 2010. HAWLEY TROXELL ENNS & HAWLEY LLP By erlyn . lark, SB No. 1026 D. John Ashby, ISB No. 7228 Attorneys for Petitioner! Appellant Ada County Highway Distrct . 1: DATED THIS 2õ day of April, 2010. GIVENS PURSLEY, LLP B~ Attorneys for Building Contrctors Association Of Southwester Idaho DATED THIS day of April, 2010. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITS COMMISSION By Krstine Sasser STIPULATED M~TION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME FOR FILING BRIEFS AND REQUESTED SCHEDULE FOR BRIEFING - 4 4405.0001.1879676.1 DATED THIS day of April, 2010. HAWLEY TROXELL ENNIS & HAWLEY LLP By Merlyn W. Clark, ISB No. 1026 D. John Ashby, ISB No. 7228 Attorneys for Petitioner/Appellant Ada County Highway District DATED THIS day of April, 2010. GIVENS PURSLEY, LLP By Michael C. Creamer Attorneys for Building Contractors Association Of Southwestern Idaho DATED THlS 20th day of April, 2010. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION tft;, ¿t. ¥iLlKristi: Sasser Deputy Attorney General STIPULATED MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME FOR FILING BRIEFS AND REQUESTED SCHEDULE FOR BRIEFING - 4 44805.0001.1879676.1 ~ DATED TIS ~ day of April, 2010. IDAHO POWER COMPANY BY~~~ isa Nordstro STIULATED MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME FOR FILING BRIEFS AN REQUESTED SCHEDULE FOR BRIEFING - 5 4460.001.1879676.1 CERTIFCATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on ths ~aY~f-APri,-2(Ù()tI:;~~~dt~be se~~d~~~---- copy of the foregoing STIULATED MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME FOR FILING APPELLANT'S BRIF AN REQUESTED SCHEDULE FOR FURTHER BRIEFING by the method indicated below, and addressed to each of the following: Jean D. Jewell / U.S. Mail, Poste Prepaid Commission Secretar Hand Delivered IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIS COMMSSION _ Overnght MailP.O. Box 83720 E-maiBoise, ID 83720-0014 _ Telecopy Krstne Saser IDAHO PUBLIC UTITIS COMMSSION P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0014 Lisa Nordstrom Baron L. Kline IDAHO POWER COMPANY P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idao 83707..0070 Scott Sparks Grgory W. Said IDAHO POWER COMPANY P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707-0070 Michael C. Creaei GIVES PURSLEY, LLP 601 W. Banock St. Boise, ID 83702 Micheal Kur Esq. Kur J. Boehm, Esq. BOEHM, KURTZ & LOWRY 36 E. Seventh Stret, Suite 1510 Cincinti, OH 45202 -t U.S. Mail, Postae Prepaid Hand Delivered _ Overnight Mail _ E-mail: kr.sass~puc.daho. gov _ Telecopy v" U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid Hand Delivered _ Overnght Mai _ E-mail: tootdsttom~dahopowet.com bkle~dahopowet.com_Telecopy: /' U.S. Mail, Postae Prepaid Hand Delivered _ Overngh Mail _ E-mal: ssparks~dahopower.com gsaid(gdahopower.com_Telecopy ~.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid Hand Delivered _ Overnight Mai _ E-mal: mcc~veospurey.com_Telecopy a/.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid Hand Delivered _ Overnght Mail _ E-mal: mk(aKLIàwfimcom kboehm~KLwfu.com _ Telecopy STIPULATED MOTION FOR EXTESION OF TI FOR FILING BRIFS AN REQUESTED SCHEDULE FOR BRIEFING - 6 44805.0001.1879876.1 .. i l Mattew A. Johnson Davis F. VanderVelde WHTEPETERSONGIGRAYROSSMAN NY & NICHOLS, P.A. 5700 E. Franin Road, Suite 200 Nampa, ID 83687 Kevin Higgin ENRGY STRTEGIES, LLC Parkside Towers 215 S. State Street, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 ./ U.S. Mai, Postge Prepaid Hand Delivered .=. ÙvergltMail.. _ E-mail: mjohnon~hitepeterson.com dvanderelde(gtepeteon.com_Telecopy ~.S. Mail, Poste Prepaid Hand Delivered _ Overnght Mail _ E-mail: khs(qenexgytrt.com _ Telecopy ~ b- 'j d~ At ~L~ STIPULATED MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME FOR FILING BRIEFS AN REQUESTED SCHEDULE FOR BRIEFING - 7 44805.001.1879676.1