HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050727Notice of Temporary and Proposed Rulemaking.pdfIDAP A 31 - PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 31.61.01 - RULES FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF STRAY CURRENT OR VOLTAGE (THE STRAY VOLTAGE RULES) DOCKET NO. 31-6101-0501 NOTICE OF RULEMAKING - TEMPORARY AND PROPOSED RULE EFFECTIVE DATE: The effective date of the temporary rule is September 14 2005. AUTHORITY: In compliance with Sections 67-5221(1) and 67-5226, Idaho Code, notice is hereby given that the Commission has adopted a temporary rule and initiated proposed rulemaking procedures. This action is authorized pursuant to Section 61-803 , Idaho Code. PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULE: Public hearing(s) concerning this proposed rule will be held if requested in writing by twenty-five (25) persons, a political subdivision, or an agency, but not later than September 21 , 2005. The hearing site will be accessible to persons with disabilities. Requests for accommodation must be made not later than five (5) days prior to the hearing, to the agency address below. DESCRIPTIVE SUMMARY: The following is a nontechnical explanation of the substance and purpose of the proposed rulemaking: In March 2005, the Idaho Legislature passed and the Governor signed the Stay Current and Voltage Remediation Act codified at Title 61 , Chapter 8, Idaho Code. "Stray voltage" is a natural phenomenon that can be found at low levels in areas where electricity is grounded. All electrical systems - including a dairy producer s on-farm system and a utility s distribution system - must be grounded to the earth as required by various safety codes to ensure continuous safety and reliability. Inevitably, some current flows through the earth at each point where the electrical system is grounded and a small voltage develops. When a portion of this voltage is measured between two objects that may be simultaneously contacted by a dairy cow, it is frequently called "stray voltage.Stray voltage is not electrocution and is not direct current ground currents, electromagnetic fields (EMFs), or earth currents. These rules standardize the measurement and testing procedures used to measure stray voltage and current. The Commission has temporarily adopted and is proposing six (6) tests to detect and measure stray voltage. The rules also prescribe qualifications for those conducting and analyzing the tests. The rules include forms for investigators to use when gathering voltage and current data at a dairy. Pursuant to Section 61-308, Idaho Code, only tests and measurements made in compliance with these rules shall be admissible before the Commission or in any civil action. TEMPORARY RULE JUSTIFICATION: Pursuant to Section 67-5226(1)(a, b, c), Idaho Code, the Governor approved the Legislature s finding that temporary adoption of this rule is appropriate for the following reasons: Section 61-803 , Idaho Code, requires that the Commission promulgate temporary and proposed rules establishing uniform measurement procedures within six (6) months of the effective date of the Stray Current and Voltage Remediation Act. The Act became effective March 28 , 2005. Pursuant to Section 61-801 , Idaho Code, the Legislature found and the Governor concurred that the "efficient and safe distribution of electricity is critical to the well-being of the citizens and the economy of the state, including the business of agriculture, and that (enactment of the Stray Current and Voltage Remediation Act) is necessary for the protection of the public welfare and benefit." The Act confers benefits on both electric utilities and dairy producers. FEE SUMMARY: There is no fee associated with these rules. FISCAL IMP ACT: There is no adverse fiscal impact on the State General Fund. NEGOTIATED RULEMAKING: Pursuant to IDAPA , negotiated rulemaking was conducted. The Notice of Negotiated Rulemaking was published in the Idaho Administrative Bulletin, May 4 2005 in Volume 05-5 at page 107. Parties participating in the negotiated rulemaking included Idaho Power Company, the Milk Producers of Idaho, the Idaho Dairymen Association, and Commission Staff. ASSISTANCE ON TECHNICAL QUESTIONS, SUBMISSION OF WRITTEN COMMENTS: For assistance on technical questions concerning the temporary and proposed rule, contact Donald L. Howell, II, Deputy Attorney General, at (208) 334-0312. Anyone may submit written comments regarding this proposed rulemaking. All written comments must be directed to the undersigned and must be delivered on or before September 28 2005. DATED at Boise, Idaho this day of July 2005. Je D. Jewell mission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Telephone: (208) 334-0338 Facsimile: (208) 334-3762 E-mail: secretary(fYpuc.idaho.gov Street address for express delivery: 472 W Washington Boise, Idaho 83702-5983 THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION--AGENCY 31 TITLE CHAPTER RULES FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF STRAY CURRENT OR VOLTAGE (THE STRAY VOLTAGE RULES) IDAP A RULES 0 THROUGH 11 -- GENERAL PROVISIONS 000. LEGAL AUTHORITY (Rule 0). These rules are promulgated pursuant to the authority of the Idaho Public Utilities Law, Sections 61-515 and 61-520 , Idaho Code, and the Stray Current and Voltage Remediation Act, Section 61-803, Idaho Code. (9-14-05)T 001. TITLE AND SCOPE (Rule 1). The title of these rules is the Stray Voltage Rules. These rules are applicable to dairy producers public utilities and all persons or entities involved in any way in the measurement or remediationof stray current or voltage within Idaho. (9-14-05)T 002. WRITTEN INTERPRET A TIONS--AGENCY GUIDELINES (Rule 2). The Supervisor of the Commission s Engineering Section is authorized to make and give informal interpretations of these rules. Written interpretations to these rules in the form of explanatory comments accompanying the notice of proposed rulemaking that originally proposed these rules are maintained in the files of the Commission Secretary. The Commission Secretary may be contacted in writing at the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, PO Box 83720, Boise Idaho 83720-0074, or may be reached by telephone at (208) 334-0300. The Commission reserves to itself the authority to issue formal declaratory orders construing these rules.(9-14-05)T 003. ADMINISTRATIVE APPEALS (Rule 3). There are no provisions for administrative appeals within the Commission under these rules. (9-14-05)T 004. INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE - REFERENCE TO SAFETY CODES (Rule 4). 01.Safety Codes. These rules reference two national safety codes.(9-14-05)T a. The National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) is applicable to public utilities and is adopted by the Commission in its Safety and Accident Reporting Rules, IDAPA 31.11.01.(9-14-05)T b. The National Electrical Code (NEC) is applicable to the installation of wires and facilities used to convey electric current and to apparatus to be operated by such electric current. Adoption of the National Electrical Code is found at Section 54-1001 , Idaho Code, and the rules governing the use of the National Electrical Code, IDAPA (9-14-05)T 005. OFFICE - OFFICE HOURS - MAILING, ELECTRONIC AND STREET ADDRESSES (Rule 5). 01. Office Hours. The principal office of the Commission is in Boise, Idaho. This office is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. except Saturday, Sunday and legal holidays. The Commission s telephone number is (208) 334-0300. The hearing or speech impaired may reach the Commission through the Idaho Telecommunications Relay Service by dialing 711.(9-14-05)T 02. Mailing and Street Addresses. The Commission s mailing address is: Idaho Public Utilities Commission, PO Box 83720, Boise, Idaho 83720-0074. The street address for the Commission is: 472 West Washington Street, Boise, Idaho 83702-5983. All documents filed in all proceedings under these rules must be filed with the Commission at one (1) of theseaddresses. (9-14-05)T 03. Electronic Address. homepage is: www.puc.idaho.gov. The Commission electronic address for its Internet (9-14-05)T 006. PUBLIC RECORDS ACT COMPLIANCE (Rule 6). Unless specifically exempted from public disclosure by the Public Records Act, Title 9 , Chapter , Idaho Code, all materials filed with the Commission pursuant to these rules are presumed to be public documents subject to inspection, examination and copying. Whenever a party believes that information contained in pleadings or other documents are trade secrets, confidential or otherwise exempt from public disclosure, the attorney of such party must state in writing that the information is protected by law from public inspection, examination or copying, citing the specific grounds and legal authority for that assertion. The Commission will treat confidential information in compliance with its Rules of Procedure, IDAPA (9-14-05)T 007. LIBERAL CONSTRUCTION (Rule 7). These rules will be liberally construed to secure just, speedy and economical determination of allissues presented to the Commission. (9-14-05)T 008. PRACTICE AND PROCEDURES - FORMS (Rule 8). All proceedings under these rules will be conducted in accordance with the Commission s Rules of Procedure, IDAPA 31.01.01. Forms used for recording voltage or current measurements under these rules appear in the Appendices. Subject to prior approval by the Commission spreadsheets or electronic forms in substantially similar format and containing all relevant data may be used. Calculations may be automated as part of these electronic forms. (9-14-05)T 009. ABBREVIATIONS (Rule 9). Abbreviations or acronyms used in these rules are defined where they appear.(9-14-05)T 010.DEFINITIONS (Rule 10). 01. Adequate Remediation. "Adequate remediation" means corrective action taken by a utility which results in, and is reasonably likely to sustain, a reduction of stray current or voltage attributable to the utility s distribution system to a measured level that is fifty percent (50%) or less of the preventive action level. (9-14-05)T 02. Ampere. "Ampere" is a unit of measure of current. A milliampere is one-one thousandths (1/1 000) of an ampere. (9-14-05)T 03.Commission. "Commission" means the Idaho Public Utilities Commission.(9-14-05)T 04. Cow Contact Points. "Cow contact points" means any two (2) points on electrically conductive materials in a dairy which a dairy cow may (in its normal environment on the dairy) unavoidably and simultaneously contact. Electrically conductive material may include the surface(s) that the cow is standing on as one (1) or both cow contact points. (9-14-05)T 05. Equipotential Plane (EPP). "Equipotential plane" means an area where wire mesh or other conductive elements are imbedded in or placed under concrete, bonded to all metal structures and fixed nonelectrical equipment that may become energized, and connected to the electrical grounding system to prevent a difference in voltage from developing within the plane. (9-14-05)T 06. Preventive Action Level (PAL). "Preventive action level" is stray current or voltage that, when correctly measured, is either: (9-14-05)T a. A steady state, root mean square (rms) alternating current (AC) of two (2) milliamperes (mA) or more through a five hundred (500) ohm resistor (i., shunt resistor) connected between cow contact points, as measured by a true rms meter, or; (9-14-05)T b. Any steady state, rms AC voltage of one (1.0) volt or more across (in parallel with) a five hundred (500) ohm resistor (i.e., shunt resistor) connected between cow contact points, as measured by a true rms meter. (9-14-05)T 07. Primary System. "Primary System is a term that describes the high voltage utility electrical system including the generation, transmission and distribution systems. It also refers to the high voltage side of a distribution transformer. (9-14-05)T 08. Secondary System. "Secondary system" means the low-voltage utility electrical system on the secondary side of a distribution transformer. The dairy s on-farm system begins on the dairy s side of the metering points, except for dairies metered on the high voltage side of the transformer(s). In the case of dairies metered on the high voltage side, the on-farm system begins at the transformer s low-voltage lugs. (9-14-05)T 09. Service Provider. Service provider" means any person, company or other legal entity providing stray voltage or current testing, consulting, measurements, analysis services construction, or hardware. (9-14-05)T 10. Shunt Resistor. Shunt resistor" is a physical resistor or combination of resistors used to simulate a dairy cow during the measurement of cow contact voltage. As used in these rules, a shunt resistor shall be five hundred (500) ohm plus or minus two percent (+/- 2%). (9-14-05)T 11. Source Resistance. Source resistance" means that portion of resistance in the circuit, other than the resistance of the cow, when the cow is completing a circuit between contact points. Body-to-metal contact resistance and hoof-to-earth resistance may represent a portion of the source resistance. (9-14-05)T 12. Steady State. Steady state" is the value of a current or voltage after an amount of time has passed where all transients have decayed to a negligible value. (9-14-05)T 13.Stray Current or Voltage. Stray voltage or current" is:(9-14-05)T a. Any steady state, sixty (60) hertz (Hz) (including harmonics thereof) root mean square (rms) alternating current (AC) less than twenty (20) milliamperes (mA) through a five hundred (500) ohm resistor (i., shunt resistor) connected between cow contact points, as measured by a true rms meter; or (9-14-05)T b. Any steady state, sixty (60) Hz (including harmonics thereof), rms AC voltage of less than ten (10) volts, across (in parallel with) a five hundred (500) ohm resistor (i., shunt resistor) connected between cow contact points, as measured by a true rms meter. (9-14-05)T c. Stray current and voltage is a normal, inherent and unavoidable result of electricity traveling through grounded electrical systems, including a dairy producer s on-farm system and a utility s distribution system. These systems are required by the National Electrical Code (NEC) and the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) to be grounded to the earth to ensure safety andreliability. (9-14-05)T d. Unless the context otherwise requires, the term "stray voltage" shall mean straycurrent or stray voltage. (9-14-05)T 14. Tests, Measurements, Procedures and Analysis. Tests, measurements procedures and analysis" means any or all of the stray voltage testing, measurement, work and work product defined in these rules. (9-14-05)T 15. Transient. Transient" or "transient deviation" means a non-steady state increase or spike in voltage or current. For the purpose of identifying and reporting transients in cow contact voltage (V cc) or current (Icc), a transient occurs when the recorded maximum V cc or Icc in a recording interval exceeds two hundred percent (200%) of the steady state V cc or Icc recorded during the same recording interval. (9-14-05)T 16. Utility. "Utility" means a public electric utility as defined in Section 61-332AIdaho Code. (9-14-05)T 011. PURPOSE OF RULES-CONFORMANCE TO ELECTRICAL CODE (Rule 11). These rules standardize the measurement and testing procedures used to measure stray voltage and current. Standardization of testing will provide a consistent basis for determining the presence and level of stray voltage in a dairy and how to determine the source of that stray voltage or current. These rules do not replace existing safety standards embodied in electrical codes. Any conflict between these rules and the National Electrical Code or the National Electrical Safety Code shall be promptly brought to the attention of the Commission. Under these rules, testing is intended to determine: (9-14-05)T 01. Presence of Stray Voltage. The presence and amount of any stray voltage orcurrent within the dairy. (9-14-05)T 02.Sources of Stray Voltage. The source(s) of any stray voltage or current detected. (9-14-05)T 03. Contributions to Stray Voltage. The percent contribution from the utility side and the dairy side of the dairy service entrance to the total stray voltage or current measured onthe dairy. (9-14-05)T 012. - 020. (RESERVED). RULES 21 THROUGH 30 - APPLICABILITY AND ADMISSIBILITY 021. UTILITY (Rule 21). A utility measuring or testing for stray voltage or current at the request of a dairy producer, as directed by the Commission or on its own initiative, shall conduct such measurements accordance with these rules. (9-14-05)T 022.DAIRY PRODUCER (Rule 22). 01. Serving Notice on the Utility. A dairy producer providing written notice to a utility pursuant to Section 61-804, Idaho Code, shall specify why the dairy producer believes its dairy cows are being affected by electrical energy attributable to the utility. A dairy producer may provide such notice with or without first having conducted tests or measurements of strayvoltage. (9-14-05)T 02. Cooperation. When a written notice is filed with the utility, the dairy is obligated to make any contact point(s), service panels, grounding rods or other electrical equipment at the dairy available to the utility for measuring and testing. The utility shall provide reasonable notice and cooperate with the dairy producer to establish an appropriate time to conduct the tests and measurements. The dairy shall cooperate with the utility so that all tests and measurements necessary to identify the existence and magnitude of stray current or voltage, if any, are completed within fourteen (14) days of the utility s receipt of such notice. (9-14-05)T 023. SERVICE PROVIDERS (Rule 23). Any person performing any stray voltage measurement or test on behalf of a utility or a dairy shall be deemed a service provider and shall follow these rules. (9-14-05)T 024. ADMISSIBILITY (Rule 24). Only tests and measurements made in compliance with these rules shall be admissible before the Commission or in any civil action. (9-14-05)T 025. - 030. (RESERVED). RULES 31 THROUGH 40 - QUALIFICATIONS OF PERSONS PERFORMING AND ANALYZING RESULTS OF STRAY VOLTAGE TESTS 031. PERFORMANCE OF TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS (Rule 31). Measuring and testing for stray voltage under these rules for consideration by the Commission shall be performed by a qualified testing professional. The following persons are presumed to bequalified testing professionals: (9-14-05)T 01. Professional Engineer. A professional engineer, licensed in any state, who has completed no fewer than forty-eight (48) hours of Commission-approved stray voltage training and who has been involved in no fewer than five (5) prior investigations involving the measurement or testing of stray voltage. (9-14-05)T 02. Master Electrician. A master electrician, licensed in any state who has completed no fewer than forty-eight (48) hours of Commission-approved stray voltage training and who has been involved in no fewer than five (5) prior investigations involving the measurement or testing of stray voltage. (9-14-05)T 03. Technician. A technician who, under the supervIsIon of a person presumed qualified under Subsections 031.01 and 031.02 above, has completed no fewer than eight (8) hours of Commission-approved stray voltage training and who has been involved in no fewer than five (5) prior investigations involving the measurement or testing of stray voltage. (9-14-05)T 032. DATA ANALYSIS (Rule 32). Analysis of data under these rules, for consideration by the Commission, shall be performed by a qualified analyst. A professional engineer, licensed in any state, who has completed no fewer than forty-eight (48) hours of stray voltage training and who has been involved in no fewer than five (5) prior investigations involving measurement or testing of stray voltage shall be presumedto be a qualified analyst. (9-14-05)T 033. PERSONS OTHERWISE QUALIFIED (Rule 33). A person who does not satisfy the qualifications in Sections 031 and 032 above , may nonetheless be determined by the Commission to be a qualified testing professional or a qualified analyst if on motion of any party, the Commission finds that person otherwise possesses the knowledge skill, experience , training, or education that qualifies that person to offer expert testimony beforethe Commission. (9-14-05)T 034. - 050. (RESERVED). RULES 51 THROUGH 60 - CALIBRATION OF AND EQUIPMENT USED FOR MEASURING AND RECORDING VOLTAGE, CURRENT AND RESISTANCE 051. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR STRAY VOLTAGE MEASURING AND RECORDING EQUIPMENT (Rule 51). Equipment used for the measurement or testing of stray voltage, current, and resistance shallmeet the following criteria: (9-14-05)T 01. Resolution and Accuracy. The accuracy and resolution of any instrument used to measure or record cow contact voltage or current, shall limit the error to five percent (5%) or lessat one volt (1 V) or two milliampere (2 mA). (9-14-05)T 02. Voltage Measurement. Instruments used to measure cow-contact voltage shall be capable of separating and independently measuring alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) voltages. These instruments shall have a minimum internal impedance of ten thousand (10 000) ohm and shall be capable of measuring the true-rms voltage. (9-14-05)T 03. Current Measurement. A clamp-on ammeter, a digital multi-meter (DMM) with clamp-on device, or an in-line ammeter shall be used to measure current between two (2) points. The meters shall be capable of separating and independently measuring alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) and shall be capable of measuring the true-rms current. Care must be taken to assure that clamp-on ammeters used have the required resolution and accuracy. (9-14-05)T 04. Resistance Measurement. Resistance shall be measured using either a volt ohmmeter (VOM) or a DMM. Resolution shall be to the level of one (1) ohm or less when measuring a resistance of less than one thousand (1 000) ohm. Accuracy shall be within plus or minus five (5) ohm for a five hundred (500) ohm resistance. (9-14-05)T 05. Resistance-to-Earth Measurement. Grounding electrode resistance-to-earth measurements shall be made with a three-point fall-of-potential instrument or a clamp-on resistance-to-earth tester. (9-14-05)T 052.CALIBRATION REQUIREMENTS (Rule 52). 01. Measuring Equipment Calibration. All measuring equipment shall be calibrated according to the manufacturer s recommended calibration schedule, but no less than annually, to meet the manufacturer specifications for the accuracy and resolution of the equipment. Measuring equipment shall not be used after its next "calibration due" date for measurements or tests conducted during a stray voltage investigation. Calibration shall be performed by either: (9-14-05)T a. The manufacturer of the equipment, who shall certify that the equipment meets the manufacturer s specifications for accuracy and resolution; or (9-14-05)T b. A laboratory currently certified as meeting all applicable Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and International Organization for Standards (ISO) standards. (9-14-05)T 02. Calibration Certificates. The service provider performing the tests and measurements shall maintain certificates from the manufacturer or the calibration laboratory demonstrating compliance with calibration requirements. (9-14-05)T 03. Field Check. Before voltage or current measurement or testing is performed, the instrument shall be field-checked by comparing measurements to those of other instruments oragainst a known source. (9-14-05)T 053. REQUIREMENTS FOR MONITORING AND RECORDING DEVICES (Rule 53). Digital recording devices shall be used for the purpose of recording current and voltage for extended periods, such as the forty-eight (48) hour test. The recording devices shall have the same level of resolution and accuracy as the meters being used for the measurements. Monitoring systems, which combine measuring and recording functions in a single instrument shall have the same level of resolution and accuracy as specified in Section 051. Recording devices and monitoring systems shall be capable of recording transient deviations of one-tenth (0.1) second or less in duration from the steady state. Digital recording devices, which have deviation settings, shall permit the deviation setting to be set "low" enough to meet the resolution and accuracy requirements in Subsection 051.01 of these rules. All recording devices shall be able to log the time and date of all data recorded and shall have their internal clockssynchronized. (9-14-05)T 054. REQUIREMENTS FOR LOAD BOXES (Rule 54). The load box shall meet the following criteria:(9-14-05)T 01. Volts. A load box shall be a primarily non-inductive nominal two hundred forty (240) volt, resistance heating type load with a minimum nominal full load of eighteen (18) kilowatts (k W). (9-14-05)T 02. Split-Load. A load box shall be capable of operating at two or more load settings including approximately fifty percent (50%) and one hundred percent (100%) of the load boxrated total load. (9-14-05)T 055. - 070. (RESERVED). RULES 71 THROUGH 80 - TESTING AND MEASUREMENT PROCEDURES 071. STRAY CURRENT OR VOLTAGE TESTS (Rule 71). Subject to Subsection 071.02 of this rule, there are six (6) tests used to detect and measure straycurrent or voltage. (9-14-05)T 01. Order of Stray Voltage Tests. The tests shall be performed in the order listed below. Efforts shall be made to perform the tests under conditions substantially similar to those conditions existing at the time(s) the dairy producer believes stray voltage to be a problem. (9-14-05)T Test 2 - Forty-Eight (48) Hour Test; (9-14-05)T (9-14-05)T Test 1 - Cow Contact Test; Test 4 - Secondary Neutral Voltage Drop Test; (9-14-05)T (9-14-05)T Test 3 - Primary Profile Test; Test 6 - Signature Test. (9-14-05)T (9-14-05)T Test 5 - Load Box Test; and 02. Testing Sequence. Tests 1 and 2 shall be performed first to determine the presence and level of stray voltage. (9-14-05)T a. If the results from Tests 1 and 2 indicate that stray voltage does not exceed the preventive action level (PAL), the utility has no further testing or remediation obligations underthese rules during this test cycle. (9-14-05)T b. If the PAL is exceeded, the utility shall perform the remaining four (4) tests. The utility shall also perform analysis to determine whether the portion of the stray current or voltage attributable to an off-farm source exceeds fifty percent (50%) of the PAL. (9-14-05)T c. If the PAL is exceeded, and the portion of the stray current or voltage attributable to an off-farm source does not exceed fifty percent (500/0) of the PAL, the utility has no further testing or remediation obligations. (9-14-05)T d. If the PAL is exceeded, and the portion of the stray current or voltage attributable to an off-farm source exceeds fifty percent (50%) of the PAL, the utility shall conduct remediation pursuant to Section 091. (9-14-05)T e. For all testing conducted under these rules, the utility shall have a qualified analystprepare a report pursuant to Section 082. (9-14-05)T 072. PREP ARA TION FOR TESTING (Rule 72). The person performing the tests shall perform the following: 01.Remote Reference Grounding Rod. (9-14-05)T (9-14-05)T a. Remote reference grounding rode s) shall be installed and penetrate moist soil to a depth of thirty (30) inches. When practicable, remote reference rods shall be installed at least twenty- five (25) feet away from the nearest underground conductive electrical equipment of any type or at a distance equal to three (3) to four (4) times the buried depth of any metallic structure connected to the service entrance neutral. The reference ground rod shall be located not closer than twenty-five (25) feet from the centerline of a primary electrical conductor right-of-way. A reference rod shall be located not closer than one hundred (100) feet from the edge of atransmission line right-of-way. (9-14-05)T b. All remote reference grounding rods shall be checked for "remoteness" prior to their use for tests or measurements and if found to be insufficiently "remote " a new location for that reference ground rod shall be found and retested for remoteness. Remoteness of the reference ground shall be determined by measuring the voltage from the transformer grounding electrode conductor to the remote reference ground. The resistance-to-earth of the transformer grounding electrode shall be measured. The grounding electrode current shall be measured. Remoteness is considered adequate if the measured voltage (transformer grounding conductor to reference ground, Vp) is within twenty percent (20%) of the voltage calculated by multiplying the grounding electrode current by the grounding electrode resistance-to-earth. (9-14-05)T c. If the transformer grounding electrode is within twenty-five (25) feet of other primary or secondary grounding electrodes, this remoteness test shall be conducted at the first primary system grounding electrode upstream of the transformer that is greater than twenty-five (25) feet from other primary or secondary system grounding electrodes. (9-14-05)T 02. Inspecting the Transformer(s). Prior to testing, the utility transformer shall be inspected, grounding electrode resistance measured, and any repairs necessary for safety be made and recorded. In the case of a customer-owned transformer, qualified personnel shall inspect the installation, measure grounding electrode resistance, and make and record any repairs necessary for safety. Measurements that require contact with utility or customer-owned primary wires or equipment shall be made by the utility or other qualified personnel. (9-14-05)T 03. In-Line Ammeters. If in-line or series ammeters are used, they shall be installed under safe conditions in accordance with the National Electrical Safety Code and the National Electrical Code with the entire dairy system or the specific circuit to be tested de-energized. (9-14-05)T 04.Pre-Test Documentation.(9-14-05)T a. All pre-test calibration requirements from Section 052 shall be completed anddocumented. (9-14-05)T b. A sketch or drawing of the dairy shall be prepared indicating: the location of the buildings; secondary electrical service panels and secondary feeder systems serving cow contact areas; transformer(s) and central distribution point; existing grounding electrodes (if known); the location of all cow contact points to be tested; all remote reference grounding rods; and all primary and secondary neutral test points used in conjunction with the remote referencegrounding rod(s). (9-14-05)T c. A listing of planned test points shall be prepared using the applicable form prior to beginning each test. Each test shall be listed separately and specific reference numbers shall be given to each planned test point. (9-14-05)T 05.Safety.(9-14-05)T a. If the service provider reasonably concludes that a dairy s noncompliance with the National Electrical Code poses a significant and immediate safety hazard which prevents completion of any test or measurement required by these rules, then the service provider obligations to proceed under these rules shall be suspended until the hazard is eliminated. (9-14-05)T b. At the discretion of the service provider conducting the test, livestock shall be removed from any area where electrical equipment or wiring is examined or electrical measurements are taken. Testing may be suspended if the presence of cows or other animals creates a potential hazard to testing personnel. The locations of electric fences and other electrified cow control devices shall be noted and de-energized where practical. (9-14-05)T 073.TEST 1 - COW CONTACT TEST (Rule 73). 01. Purpose. The purpose of this test is to determine the location( s), if any, where stray current or voltage exceeds the preventive action level (PAL) and to identify the location(s) at which the cow contact voltage will be recorded in the forty-eight (48) hour test. (9-14-05)T 02. Selection of Cow Contact Points. The selection of cow contact points to be tested shall include a sufficient number of locations reasonably likely to demonstrate the presence of stray voltage or current, if any. (9-14-05)T 03. Conducting the Test. The voltage across the shunt resistor or current through the shunt resistor shall be measured between cow contact points as shown below in Figure 1. The source resistance shall be calculated during analysis for all cow contact points. (9-14-05)T ..nAt. STALL"..... vO(. fWh'SR SHOWS 80. OR VOt.-TAGI' rJt..OJid eTANONtOH II'" 1'0 noo" Weighted Copper Plate, 16 sa inch minimum Figure 1 , Cow Contact Test.(9-14-05)T a. When using a voltmeter to measure voltage between contact points where one (1) of those points is the floor surface, the equipment shall be arranged as shown in Figures 1 and 2 using a metal plate, which shall make a high quality conductive contact with the ground or floor. If the service provider is unsure of having a high quality conductive contact with the floor or ground, then the procedure described in Paragraph 073.03.c. shall be followed. If necessary, corrosion shall be removed from the point( s) where test lead( s) make contact with metalequipment. (9-14-05)T MUl TIWETER AC 2'0 V 500 ohm Shunt resistor Figure 2. Cow Contact Voltage Measurement (9-14-05)T b. When using an in-line milliammeter or a clamp-around milliammeter to measure current between contact points and one of those points is the floor surface or earth, the equipment shall be arranged as shown in Figure 3 , using a metal plate which shall make high quality conductive contact with the ground or floor. If the service provider is unsure of having a high quality conductive contact with the floor or ground, then the procedures described in Paragraph 073.03.c. shall be followed. If necessary, corrosion shall be removed from the point(s) where test lead(s) make contact with metal equipment. (9-14-05)T Mf LLIAJd.. ETER STEEL PIPE AC20 V , '" 500 0 OOPPE'RPLAft eN 81:1' . ,, CONCltUE n..ooItOlta~TH Figure 3 , Set Up for Measuring Current Cow Contact Point to Ground. (9-14-05)T c. A metal plate used to make an electrical contact with the earth or floor shall be of regular shape (square, rectangular or round), and shall have a surface area equal to or greater than sixteen (16) square inches (4 inches x 4 inches or equivalent). Place a weight not less than twenty (20) pounds on the metal plate. This weight shall be applied evenly across the metal plate and not to the adjacent concrete or earth. Place the metal plate a minimum distance of twelve (12) inches from any metal equipment making contact with the floor or earth. (9-14-05)T i. Where the metal plate is to be placed on a concrete floor, the surface shall be flat. Clean the floor surface with a wire brush to remove debris that may add excess resistance. Use water to clean the floor surface at the point where the metal plate will be placed. Place a paper towel or similar material soaked in saltwater between the metal plate and the concrete floor. (9-14-05)T ii. Where the metal plate is to be placed on the ground or earth surface, the surface shall be flat. Remove any debris and add water to the area, if necessary, to dampen the soil. The surface of the metal plate that will make contact with the earth shall be clean and free of corrosion before use. Remove any corrosion, if necessary. (9-14-05)T 04. Recording the Data. The person conducting this test shall record the location of and measured values at, each test point. At each cow contact location, an open circuit voltage reading (Voc) and a voltage with five hundred (500) ohm nominal shunt resistor placed across the input to the meter (V shunt) shall be taken. These readings shall be taken with ten (10) seconds or less time between each reading. Alternatively, a current measurement (Ishunt) may be taken in place of the voltage reading (V shunt). Data for these test points shall be recorded on the form in Appendix 1. (9-14-05)T 05. Source Resistance Calculation. The source resistance (Rsource) shall be calculated for each cow contact location measured and the value recorded in Appendix 1. The following formulas shall be used to calculate source resistance. (9-14-05)T Rsource =Voc - V shunt X Rshunt V shunt Rsource =Voc - Rshunt Ishunt (9-14-05)T (9-14-05)T 074.TEST 2 - FORTY-EIGHT (48) HOUR TEST (Rule 74). 01. Purpose. The purpose of this test is to determine whether stray current or voltage exceeds the preventive action level (PAL) at selected location( s) over a forty-eight (48) hour period. The test also demonstrates whether the primary or secondary sides of the system have a specific impact on the recorded current or voltage at specific times of day. (9-14-05)T 02. Setup. digitizing data recorder with averaging capability and capable of detecting and recording transient deviations of one-tenth (0.1) second or less in duration shall beused to record the following: (9-14-05)T Voltage from primary neutral at the transformer to remote reference ground, Vp. (9-14-05)T b. Voltage from secondary neutral in the service panel serving the area of the cow contact to remote reference ground, V s. (9-14-05)T c. Voltage drops (Vps) from primary neutral at the location of connection for Vp to secondary neutral at the location of the connection for V s. (9-14-05)T d. Cow contact current through (Icc) or voltage across a five hundred (500) ohm resistor at the high voltage point(s) found in Test Vcc. (9-14-05)T 03. Measurement Interval. The results of the forty-eight (48) hour test may be highly indicative of the presence of stray voltage. A recording interval as high as ten (10) seconds may be used provided that transient deviations of voltage or current of one-tenth (0.1) second or less in duration of voltage or current are recorded to the maximum ability of the instrument. (9-14-05)T 04. Measurement at the Cow Contact Point(s). Measurements to the earth or concrete surface shall be to a metal plate as described in Paragraph 073.03.c. when making measurements to metal objects, corrosion shall be removed to obtain a low resistance connection. (9-14-05)T 05. Recording the Data. All of the data gathered by the recording equipment during the forty-eight (48) hour test including transients shall be downloaded and retained with the records of the investigation. In addition, the steady-state data shall be summarized in the investigation report. The recorded data shall be made available to the dairy producer or utility upon request. The person conducting this test shall record the location of, and measured values , each test point. The identification of the cow contact point shall be recorded on the form in Appendix 2. Transient deviations shall be recorded on the supplemental data form, page 3 of 3 in Appendix 2. A plot of the voltage versus time may be substituted for the recording ofmeasured values in Appendix 2. (9-14-05)T 075.TEST 3 - PRIMARY PROFILE TEST (Rule 75). 01. Purpose. The purpose of this test is to measure or calculate neutral-to-earth voltage (NEV) for a multi-grounded distribution system. (9-14-05)T 02. Conducting the Test. The primary profile test requires concurrent measurement of the ground electrode resistance and current at all primary system ground points within three quarters (3/4) of a mile on either side of all primary service points serving the dairy, or to the end of the line if less than three quarters (3/4) of a mile. Alternatively, the voltage between a remote grounding rod and the primary ground point being tested may be measured. (9-14-05)T a. This test shall be conducted starting at one end of the distribution system and working toward the other end while checking all branch lines encountered within the specified distance. Figure 4 below illustrates the procedure. (9-14-05)T i. Where the dairy is served by a dedicated tap of less than one half (112) mile in length from a distribution line, the neutral-to-earth voltage shall be measured at each primary ground along the tap and along the distribution line to a distance of three quarters (3/4) of a mile in each direction from the point of the tap; or (9-14-05)T ii. Where a dairy is served by a dedicated tap that extends more than one half (1/2) mile from the distribution line, the neutral-to-earth voltage shall be measured at each primary grounding electrode along the tap and along the distribution line to a distance of one half (1/2) mile in each direction from the point of the tap. (9-14-05)T 03. Recording the Data. The person conducting this test shall record the location of and measured values at, each test point. Data and calculation results for these test points shall be recorded on the form in Appendix 3. (9-14-05)T i;ir If . (It r:I' i bdstmce ~,-""""",".",, Dieter plUM:ARY I)ROFD:. .... NOTE: A voltmeter may also be used to determine voltage directly Figure 4. 076. I ' t : *"1111' Ism 25 ft Minimum Reference Ground Rod (9-14-05)T TEST 4 SECONDARY NEUTRAL VOLTAGE DROP TEST (Rule 76). 01. Purpose. This test is used to determine the impact of each secondary service on the neutral-to-earth (NEV) and cow contact voltages on the dairy under controlled conditions. (9-14-05)T 02. Conducting the Test. This test shall be performed for all service entrances. A proxy load of known characteristics (such as a resistive load like a one hundred twenty (120) volt, fifteen hundred (1 500) watt hairdryer) is required for this test. The proxy load must create a known and stable current and subsequent voltage drop for each neutral serving a main panel sub-panel or end-of-service area. All service entrances other than that being tested shall be turned "off' to perform this test. A diagram showing the connections and measurement points for this test is shown in Figure 5. (9-14-05)T ...... tested: UCONI',ARY I'mUT'RALVOJ4.'1j,'\.on DROP TE::ST PelLE '1"01'"D:lSCO~"'EC:r BARN ",,'/#": , _M- " ..--""""'""'-' Dls."YANC!B A," VOLTADROP HAIRt:JR'V'JitRLOl\.D :a.fAIN1n:S(:;0M'~m;;' ... Figure 5, Secondary Neutral Voltage Drop Test Arrangement.(9-14-05)T 03.Data Collection. The following data shall be collected for each secondary neutral (9-14-05)T Gauge and type of neutral wire.(9-14-05)T Length of neutral wire.(9-14-05)T Neutral current, Isn.(9-14-05)T Voltage drop (VDropM) between both ends of the secondary neutral being tested. (9-14-05)T e. Cow contact voltage (V cc) or current (Icc) at the same points used in the forty-eight (48) hour test. (9-14-05)T Primary neutral at the transformer to reference ground voltage, Vp.(9-14-05)T Secondary neutral to reference ground voltage, V s.(9-14-05)T 04. Measurements. The three (3) voltages (Vcc, Vp and Vs) shall be measured with the proxy load "off' and "on.Calculated expected voltage drops (VDropC) (see Appendix 5) shall be compared with measured voltage drops (VDropM). If the measured and calculated voltage drops differ, further investigation shall be undertaken to determine the source of additional voltage drop within the circuit. Neutral current shall be measured and recorded withthe proxy load on (Isn). (9-14-05)T 05. Recording the Data. Any person conducting this test shall record the location of and measured values at, each test point. Data and calculation results for these test points shall be recorded on the form in Appendix 4. (9-14-05)T 077.TEST 5 - THE LOAD BOX TEST (Rule 77). 01. Purpose. This test is used to determine the extent to which the primary system contributes to stray current or voltage at cow contact points. For dairies with three (3) phase balanced primary service, the service provider shall perform Steps One and Two in Paragraph 077.02.b. below. (9-14-05)T 02. Conducting the Load Box Test. This test shall be performed at the same time of day as the time( s) of highest cow contact voltage found in the forty-eight (48) hour test. During this test, voltage and current shall be measured and recorded at the points indicated in Figure 6. (9-14-05)T .(; t.; REMlon U:J n1:.:.'"'8ifC ROD ...\\,*$... Figure 6, Load Box Test LOAD BUX TEST CltN'fILU V A.RD POLl!. DI8COI"'NEC'T BA.R!\r VCft WAl"ERf'11'1:l'b fU)Olt (9-14-05)T a. The load box test requires the recording of eight (8) data points during each of the five (5) test steps. The eight (8) data points that shall be measured or calculated and recorded foreach step are: (9-14-05)T Primary line to neutral voltage, V pri .(9-14-05)T 111.Voltage at load box connection to secondary system, Vlb. (9-14-05)T (9-14-05)T 11.Load Box Current, Ilb. IV. Ilb x VlbCalculate transformer current I p usIng I p = Vpri (9-14-05)T Voltage from primary neutral at the transformer to remote reference ground rod (9-14-05)TVp. vi. Voltage from secondary neutral in the service panel serving the area of the cow contact to remote reference ground rod, V s. (9-14-05)T vii. Voltage from primary neutral at the transformer to secondary neutral at the service panel serving the area of cow contact, V ps. (9-14-05)T viii. Cow contact voltage (Vcc) or current (Icc) at the same point(s) used in the forty-eight (48) hour test. (9-14-05)T b. Except for dairies with three (3) phase balanced primary service, the following five (5) test steps shall each be conducted for at least two (2) minutes: (9-14-05)T i. Step One: The load box shall be de-energized, the dairy shall remain "" and thedata shall be recorded. (9-14-05)T ii. Step Two: The load box shall be de-energized, the dairy shut "off " and the datashall be recorded. (9-14-05)T 111. Step Three: The load box shall be set to half load, the dairy shut "off " and the datashall be recorded. (9-14-05)T iv. Step Four: The load box shall be set to full load, the dairy shut "off " and the datashall be recorded. (9-14-05)T v. Step Five: The load box shall be set to full load, the dairy shall be turned "" andthe data shall be recorded. (9-14-05)T 03. Calculating the K Factor. The K factor is a calculated ratio (VccNs). The K factor should be less than one (1) because V cc (cow contact voltage) should be less than V s (the dairy ground to reference ground voltage). If the K factor is greater than one (1), then there is contribution to Vcc from sources other than Vs. (9-14-05)T 04. Recording the Data. The person conducting this test shall record the location of and measured values at, each test point. Data and calculation results for these test points shall be recorded on the form in Appendix 5. (9-14-05)T 078.TEST 6 SIGNATURE TEST (Rule 78). 01. Purpose. This test is used to determine the contribution to stray current or voltage of individual pieces of equipment operating on the dairy. The test is best performed when there is minimal farm electrical activity. (9-14-05)T 02. Conducting the Signature Test. During this test, individual pieces of major current drawing equipment shall be started and stopped. The effects of starting, operating, and stopping each piece of equipment shall be measured and recorded for a period of operation of at least fifteen (15) seconds. The person conducting the test shall identify and record the equipment being tested and record the specific times that the equipment was started and stopped. A digitizing data recorder with averaging capability shall be used to measure and record the required electrical data. These measurements shall be taken at the same locations at the dairy where measurements were taken for the purpose of the load box test and forty-eight (48) hourtest. (9-14-05)T Voltage from primary neutral at the transformer to remote reference ground rod (9-14-05)TVp. b. Secondary neutral at the service panel serving the area of cow contact to remote reference ground voltage, V s. (9-14-05)T c. Primary neutral voltage drop (Vps) from the location of connection for Vp to secondary neutral voltage at the location of the connection for V s. (9-14-05)T Cow contact voltage (V cc) or current (Icc) at the preselected point.(9-14-05)T 03. Recording the Data. All of the data gathered by the recording equipment during the signature test, including transients shall be downloaded and retained with the records of the investigation. In addition, the steady state data shall be summarized in the investigation report. The recorded data shall be made available to the dairy producer or utility upon request. The location of all test point(s) shall be recorded on the form in Appendix 6. A plot of the voltage versus time may be substituted for the recording of measured values on Appendix 6. (9-14-05)T 079. - 080. (RESERVED). RULES 81 THROUGH 90 - ANALYSIS AND REPORTING THE DATA 081.ANALYZING THE COLLECTED DATA (Rule 81). 01. Cow Contact Points. Examine the data recorded for the forty-eight (48) hour test in Appendix 2 and determine the highest steady state value of cow contact voltage (V cc) or current (Icc). Determine the value of primary neutral to reference voltage (Vp) that was present for the highest cow contact value. Record these values on the data sheet of Appendix 7. These values shall be identified as "test cow contact voltage or current" (V cc 48hr or Icc 48hr) and primary neutral to reference voltage at time of maximum cow contact voltage or current" (Vp48hr). The three (3) data sets created from the values are: (9-14-05)T a. The primary to reference ground voltage and the cow contact voltage or current measured during the load box test (Appendix 5) with the farm power "off' and the load box off' shall be recorded on the data sheet of Appendix 7 as Vp OFF and either V cc OFF orIcc OFF. (9-14-05)T b. The primary to reference ground voltage and the cow contact voltage or current measured with the load box set at one half load shall be recorded on the data sheet of Appendix 7 as Vp HALF LOAD and either V cc HALF LOAD or Icc HALF LOAD. (9-14-05)T c. The primary to reference ground voltage and the cow contact voltage or current measured with the load box at maximum shall be recorded on the data sheet of Appendix 7 as Vp FULL LOAD and either V cc FULL LOAD or Icc FULL LOAD. (9-14-05)T 02. Contributions to Stray Voltage or Current for Single Phase Dairies. The utility contribution to cow contact voltage or current shall be determined using the following formula. Compare the values determined to the preventive action level (PAL). (9-14-05)T Utility contribution to Vp48 - VpHALFcow contact voltage = x (V cc FULL - V cc HALF) + V cc HALF VpFULL - VpHALF (9-14-05)T Utility contribution to Vp48 - VpHALFcow contact current = (Icc FULL - Icc HALF) + Icc HALF VpFULL - VpHALF (9-14-05)T 03. Contributions to Stray VoItage or Current for Three (3) Phase Dairies. The utility contribution to cow contact voltage or current for dairies with three (3) phase balanced load service, shall be determined by directly using the results of the load box test results for Step 1 and Step 2 as specified in Paragraph 077.02.b. (9-14-05)T a. The V cc measured during Step 1 of the load box with the load box "off' and the dairy "" will be the total V cc. (9-14-05)T b. The V cc measured during Step 2 of the load box test with the load box "off' and the dairy "off' is the contribution to Vcc from the utility, Vccutility. (9-14-05)T c. The contribution to V cc by the dairy is the difference between V cc and V ccutility,Vccdairy = Vcc - Vccutility. (9-14-05)T 082. REPORTING (Rule 82). Within a reasonable period of time after completion of any tests required to be performed by the utility under these rules, a qualified analyst shall prepare a written report. The report shall include a summary of the tests performed, a copy of the sketch or drawing of the dairy prepared pursuant to Section 072, all of the data or results obtained from the tests, and an analysis of the data or results obtained from the tests. If remediation was required under these rules, the report shall specify the actions taken or to be taken. The utility shall provide a copy of the writtenreport to the dairy producer. (9-14-05)T 083. - 090. (RESERVED). RULES 91 THROUGH 92 - REMEDIAL ACTIONS AND COMMISSION PROCEEDINGS 091.REMEDIATION (Rule 91). 01. Utility System. If the utility is required to conduct remediation, it shall commence such remediation within five (5) business days. The utility shall diligently pursue to completion remedial procedures which shall reduce, and are reasonably likely to sustain, that portion of the stray current or voltage attributable to the utility s distribution system to a level equal to or less than fifty percent (50%) of the preventive action level (PAL). This may include addressing other off-dairy sources. (9-14-05)T 02. Other Dairies, Farms and Industrial Sites. If a utility s contribution to stray voltage exceeds fifty percent (500/0) of the preventive action level (PAL) and the utility determines that another customer is a significant contributing source of stray voltage, the utility shall notify both the dairy and the other customer in writing. (9-14-05)T 092.COMMISSION PROCEEDINGS (Rule 92). 01. Filing with the Commission. All petitions seeking relief under Section 61-805 Idaho Code, shall be filed with the Commission Secretary pursuant to Section 005 above. Petitions shall conform to the Commission s Rules of Procedure, IDAPA The petitioner shall file an original and five (5) copies of the petition. (9-14-05)T 02. Contents of Petition. The petition shall conform to the Commission s Rules of Procedure, IDAPA The petition shall contain background information, the date the notice was filed with the serving utility, a description of the alleged incident(s) of non- compliance with the Stray Current and Voltage Remediation Act, and the remediation actions (if any) undertaken by either the utility or the dairy. A copy of the utility s entire stray voltage report shall accompany the petition. (9-14-05)T 093. - 999. (RESERVED). APPEND IX TEST 1 - COW CONTACT POINT DATA FORM Dairy Name: Dairy Location: Shunt Resistor: Date: ohm (Rshunt ) Voltage Voltage Current Contact Contact Measured Measured Source Item Point Point wlo Shunt wlShunt Resistance Identifier Description Resistor Resistor Calculated Comments Voc Vshunt Rshunt 10f2 APPEND IX TEST 1 - COW CONTACT POINT DATA FORM INSTRUCTIONS The total information provided by the contact point identification, the contact point description, and the dairy sketch( es) shall be sufficient to allow a third party to accurately repeat the test locating the correct cow contact points for a specific contact voltage. The voltages measured in this test shall be determined using the same instrument(s) for both data points. One reading shall be taken immediately following the other using the same meter. The actual source resistance is calculated from the known shunt resistance and the measured voltage. Record comments as appropriate or necessary. Rsource Voc - V shunt X Rshunt V shunt Rsource Voc - Rshunt Ishunt 2 of2 APPEND IX 2 TEST 2 48-HOUR" TEST REPORT FORM Date: Stop Time: Customer Name: Start Time: Contact Point Identifier Number: Time of Duration Occurrence Voltage Primary Secondary Steady State (Hr, Min)Across Neutral to Neutral to Primary to V cc or Icc of Highest (Current Referenced Reference Secondary Exceeded PAL Steady State Thru) Rshunt Ground Ground Voltage Drop in One Hour Hour V cc or Icc V cc or Icc Vps Period lof4 APPEND IX 2 48-HOUR" TEST REPORT FORM INSTRUCTIONS Record the following data with a long term digitizing data recorder or its equivalent for a minimum of 48 hours as specified in Rule 074: Voltage from primary neutral to remote reference ground, Vp, at transformer. b. Secondary neutral to remote reference ground voltage, V s, at the electrical panel serving the area for the V cc or Icc selected. c. Primary neutral to secondary neutral voltage, V ps, between points of connection for Vp and Vs. d. Steady state cow contact voltage or current at the preselected point(s) with the highest cow contact voltage or current recorded in Test 1 , V cc or Icc. Steady State Data: Steady state data recorded during the 48-hour test shall be presented in tabular format on Form 1 as described below, or it shall be presented graphically. Graphical presentation shall include a time scale for the entire recording period and a clear indication of the steady state readings of Vcc or Icc, Vp, Vs and Vps for the recording intervals. The scale(s) shall be such that steady state cow contact voltages or currents at or above the PAL are easily identifiable. If using tabular format, the analyst shall enter data in the table for each hour of the 48 hours of the test in chronological order. The data recorded in the table shall include: the specific time that the highest steady state value of V cc or Icc was recorded in that hour; all four corresponding data points recorded at that time (Vp, Vs, Vps and Vcc or Icc), and the total time during the hour that the steady state V cc or Icc exceeded the PAL. 2 of4 APPEND IX 2 TEST 2 - REPORT FORM 2 SUPPLEMENT AL DATA FOR FARM OWNER TRANSIENT DEVIATIONS FOUND DURING "48-HOUR" TEST Date: Stop Time: Customer Name: Start Time: Contact Point Identifier Number: No. Transient Deviations Time of Exceeding 1.0 Volts with Highest Total Number Peak Magnitude Greater Peak Vcc Highest VoItage Transient than 1.0 Volts Hour (Icc)Recorded Deviations (2.0 milliamps) Transient deviations occur due to electrical events such as motor starts. The PAL level is 1. volt for steady state voltages but PAL does not apply to transient voltage deviations. 3 of4 APPENDIX 2 "48-HOUR" TEST REPORT FORM 2 INSTRUCTIONS Recording Transient Data: F or the purpose of identifying and reporting transient deviations, a transient deviation occurs when the recorded maximum V cc or Icc in a recording interval exceeds two hundred percent (200%) of the steady state V cc or Icc recording during the same recording interval. Transient data recorded during the 48-hour test shall be presented in tabular format on the 48-hour Test - Transient Deviation Data" form as described below, or it shall be presented graphically. Graphical presentation shall include a time scale for the entire recording period and a clear indication of the maximum Vcc or Icc recorded for the recording intervals. The scale(s) shall be such that V cc transient deviations at or above two (2.0) volts, or Icc transient deviations at or above four (4) milliamps, are easily identifiable. If using a tabular format, the analyst shall enter data in the table for each hour of the 48 hours of the test in chronological order. The data recorded in the table shall include; the specific time during the hour that the transient deviation in V cc or Icc with the largest peak magnitude occurred, the corresponding peak V cc or Icc, the total number of transient deviations recorded in that hour, and the total number of transient deviations recorded in that hour with a peak magnitude of two (2) or more volts for V cc or four (4) or more milliamps for Icc. 4 of4 APPEND IX 3 TEST 3 PRIMARY PROFILE DATA FORM Dairy Name: Dairy Location:Date: Calculated Measured Voltage Voltage Item Current Resistance (primary (primary Pole Location Primary Primary neutral-to-neutral- Ground Ground earth)to-earth) Identification Time Ipg Rpg Vpne Vpne (mA)(Ohm)(V)(V)Notes Note: If Vpne is measured it is not required to measure Ipg and Rpg for determination of the calculated Vpne. In cases where Vpne is calculated the following formula is used: Calculated Vpne = (Ipg x Rpg) 11000 1 of 1 APPEND IX 4 TEST 4 SECONDARY NEUTRAL VOLTAGE DROP TEST Test Performed by:Date: Customer Name: (All other farm loads must be off. Use only one load per circuit.) SITE: A. Site Location Units Circuit Neutral Wire Gauge AWG C. Circuit Neutral AL or CU D. Wire length (in 100's ft.100 ft. E. Oil 00 ft. F. Total Resistance (D times E) G. Measured Neutral Current, Isn H. Calculated Voltage Drop, VDropC (F times G) Measured Voltage Drop, VDropM Percent difference ((H-I)/I) * 100 V P load "off' V s load "off' V cc load "off' Icc load "off" if measured V p load " V s load " V cc load " Icc load " if measured 1 of2 ITEM APPENDIX 4 TEST 4 SECONDARY NEUTRAL VOLTAGE DROP TEST INSTRUCTIONS EXPLANATION Describe load site location, neutral wire gauge, neutral wire length (in 100s of feet), resistance per 100 feet (see table below), measured neutral current measured voltage drop, Vp, Vs and Vcc or Icc for load "off' and load "on. Voltage drop is measured from end-to-end of the secondary neutral being tested and the neutral bus of the building being tested. Electrical power to all buildings shall be turned-off during this test except at the building being tested. Locations ofVp, Vs and Vcc or Icc are the same as measured during the previous tests. Calculate the total circuit resistance. Calculate using Ohm's Law, the expected neutral voltage drop. Calculate the absolute value of the difference and divide by the measured voltage drop. Express this as a percentage. If the two values (measured voltage drop and calculated voltage drop) do not agree, further investigation is warranted to discover the reason for the discrepancy. Resistance Chart (ohm per 100 feet) Multi-conductor Cables at 68 Degrees F. MA TERIAL GAUGE 0.423 257 265 162 166 0.1 02 104 064 066 040 042 025 026 016 021 013 1/0 016 010 2/0 013 008 3/0 010 007 4/0 008 005 2 of2 APPENDIX 5 TEST 5 LOAD BOX TEST Date: Time: Dairy: STEP STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 ARM ON FARM OFF FARM OFF FARM OFF ARM ON Condition Load Box Load Box Load Box Load Box Load Box Off Off Half On Ful1 On Ful1 On Time: Vps Vcc Icc Load Box Current (Ilb):Half Load Full Load Load Box Voltage (Vlb):Half Load Full Load Primary Nominal Voltage Phase to Neutral (Vpri): Transformer Current Due to Load Box (IXFMR ):Half Load Full Load Ip = Ilb x Vlb Vpri Factor for Cow Contact Point K =Vcc , as recorded in Step 4. 10f2 APPEND IX 5 TEST 5 LOAD BOX TEST INSTRUCTIONS Note 1: Testing may be accomplished by a single 18/25 kW load box or a dual element 9/18 or 12.5/25 kW load box. The difference between full load and half load measurements is used in most calculations. Note 2: If the dairy is found in an isolated condition, two load box tests must be performed: an isolated test and a non-isolated test. Note 3: If the dairy is served by a three-phase system, measure and record only the dairy-off load box off column and the dairy-on, load box off column or test only one phase of the three. ITEM EXPLANATION Enter date and customer name. Attach load box to the 240-volt secondary side of transformer. Turn on load box and measure current and voltage and record on data sheet, Appendix 5. Conduct load box test and for each step measure and record V p, V s , V ps and V cc or Icc. Each step shall be maintained for approximately two minutes with the highest reading during that time interval recorded. Step 1 Farm power is "" with load box "off' Step 2 Farm power is "off' with load box "off' Step 3 Farm power is "off' with load box "" at half load Step 4 Farm power is "off' with load box "" at full load Step 5 Farm power is "" with load box "" full load Remove load box and restore normal power to the farm. 2 of2 AP P E N D I X 6 TE S T 6 EQ U I P M E N T S I G N A T U R E T E S T F O R M Da i r y N a m e : Lo c a t i o n : Da t e : De s c r . Lo c a t i o n Lo a d Lo a d Lo a d of L o a d of L o a d kW o r Ph a s e Lo a d O n Lo a d O f f lo r 3 Ti m e Vp s Vc c Ic c Ti m e Vp s Vc c Ic c lo f 2 APPEND IX 6 TEST 6 EQUIPMENT SIGNATURE TEST FORM INSTRUCTIONS Item Instructions Enter the date the test is performed. Enter the name of the dairy. Enter the description of the load for which the signature will be recorded. Provide a complete description of the load. horsepower or kilowatt rating, if known. Provide voltage Note the time of turn-on and the time of turn-off. Equipment should " for a period of not less than 15 seconds. If equipment is found in the "" condition, turn it "off' then turn it back "on.If equipment cannot be manually cycled then record data at the next " " - " off' cycle. Repeat for all major circuits and pieces of equipment (both 120 volt and 240 volt). Some equipment may normally be operated in sequence. Start each piece of equipment at 15-second intervals until all are running, then turn off in reverse order at 15-second intervals. If data is to be provided graphically, only load description and time are required to be provided on Test 6 data sheet. Operation of each piece of equipment shall be indicated on the graphical data sheet(s). 2 of2 APPEND IX 7 PREVENTIVE ACTION LEVEL RESULTS Enter the highest value of cow contact voltage or current that occurred during the 48-hour test from Appendix 2 , and corresponding primary to reference ground voltage. Vp48hr :V cc48hr :Icc 48hr : Enter the value of cow contact voltage or current and corresponding primary to reference ground voltage that was present during the load box test with the farm power off and the load box off. Vp OFF:VccOFF:Icc OFF: Enter the value of cow contact voltage or current and corresponding primary to reference ground voltage that was present during the load box test with the farm power off and the load box set at half load. v P HALF LOAD:v cc HALF LOAD:Icc HALF LOAD: Enter the value of cow contact voltage or current and corresponding primary to reference ground voltage that was present during the load box test with the farm power off and the load box at maXImum. Vp FULL LOAD:v cc FULL LOAD:Icc FULL LOAD: Calculations: Utility Contribution to Cow Contact Voltage =Vp48hr - VpHALF x (V cc FULL - V cc HALF) + V cc HALF VpFULL - VpHALF Utility contribution to cow contact voltage = Utility contribution to cow contact voltage as a percentage of V cc 48hr = Utility contribution to cow contact voltage as a percentage of PAL = 10f2 Utility Contribution to Cow Contact Current =Vp48hr - VpHALF VpFULL - VpHALF (Icc FULL - Icc HALF) + Icc HALF Utility contribution to cow contact current =mA (milliamps) Utility contribution to cow contact current as a percentage of Icc 48hr = Utility contribution to cow contact current as a percentage of the PAL = See Section 071.02 for required actions based on these results. 2 of2