HomeMy WebLinkAbout19990208_1.docxMINUTES OF DECISION MEETING February 8, 1999 - 1:30 p.m. In attendance were Commissioners Dennis Hansen, Ralph Nelson and Marsha H. Smith and staff members Scott Woodbury, Terri Carlock, George Fink, Randy Lobb, Bev Barker, Rick Sterling, Carolee Hall, Doug Cooley, David Scott and Myrna Walters. Also in attendance was Larry Ripley of Idaho Power Company and Mike McGrath and Eldon Book of Intermountain Gas Company. Commissioner President Dennis Hansen called the meeting to order. Items from the published 2-8-99 agenda were discussed and acted upon as recorded herein. First item of business was approval of minutes from previous meetings - 1. Minutes of February 1, 1999 Decision Meeting. (Minutes have circulated to the Commissioners for their review and corrections have been made). Commissioner Hansen made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected. Vote taken; motion carried unanimously. Next order of business was the CONSENT AGENDA. Commissioner Hansen asked that Item No. 5 - George Fink’s February 5, 1999 Decision Memorandum re: Avista Utilities Tariff Advice No. 99-02; Amendment to Schedule A - Optional Installation of Excess Flow Valve (EFV) be moved to MATTERS IN PROGRESS as Item 6 deals with the same subject. Commissioner Hansen asked if there were questions or concerns on Items 2, 3 or 4? Commissioner Nelson made a motion to approve said items; there was no further discussion; vote was taken; motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Nelson said that on Items 5 and 6, he has talked to staff and his concerns have been answered; so unless someone else has questions, he would move approval of 5 and 6. There were no questions or further discussion; vote was taken; motion carried unanimously. 7. Brad Purdy and Rick Sterling’s February 3, 1999 Decision Memorandum re: Case No. IPC-E-95-18; Order No. 26780--Idaho Power Company’s Pricing of Line Extensions. In Brad Purdy’s absence, Rick Sterling reviewed the decision memorandum.   Question before the Commission is: are the reports filed to date sufficient; if not, how should the Commission proceed? Commissioner Hansen said he thought Idaho Power made some good points but he felt that a lot of the various customers had concerns on whether or not they were being charged a fair rate. Think we need to get back to them  and assure them that if they can’t do the work themselves, that the rates  and charges are reasonable and fair. Feel some workshops might be of value to pursue this end result. Commissioner Smith said she would just echo Commissioner Hansen’s concerns that we need the mechanism to assure ourselves and the customers that they are being charged appropriately for line extensions. The more you can get it down to get it down for them to do it themselves the more confidence they have regarding the best deal but said she was also not willing to impair safety of the system. Think there is a compromise and that workshops would be a good start. Commissioner Nelson spoke to directing Idaho Power to conduct workshops. Thought perhaps staff should call for the workshops but think the idea of workshops itself is a good idea. Commissioner Smith then made a motion that staff and Idaho Power work together to conduct workshops setting out the concerns spoken to here. Vote was taken on the motion; passed unanimously. 8. Terri Carlock’s February 5, 1999 Decision Memorandum re: Direct Communications Rockland’s Application to Borrow $8,994,930 Debt; Case No. ROK-T-99-1. Terri Carlock reviewed the decision memorandum. Commissioner Hansen asked for questions or comments. Said he had one question: this seems like a lot of money for a small telephone company. Terri responded that was why she wanted to seed the documentation. The 5-year period does allow for the build-up of equity. They are at approximately 20% equity now. Commissioner Hansen asked if there were questions or concerns from either or the other two commissioners? Commissioner Nelson said based on staff recommendations, he would move approval of the application with the conditions required as set out by staff. Vote was taken; motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Hansen announced that Item 9  - U S West’s Application to Reduce Access & Toll Rates and Rebalance Other Services - Case No. USW-T-98-20 was a fully submitted matter and would be discussed in private deliberation. Commissioner Hansen commented that he had one regret with the decision meeting today and that was that staff didn’t bring up a controversial matter as they did at his first decision meeting where the vote was one to one and he had to cast the tie-breaking vote and that Ralph didn’t have to do that today.   In closing said this was Commissioner Nelson’s last decision  meeting and the Commissioners hate to see him go; with that adjourned the meeting. Dated at Boise, Idaho, this 10th day of February, 1999. Myrna J. Walters Commission Secretary