HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230522Objection to Motion to Dismiss.pdfFrom: Christy Armbruster <armbruca@yahoo.com> Sent: Monday, May 22, 2023 12:25 PM To: Jan Noriyuki <jan.noriyuki@puc.idaho.gov> Subject: Objection to ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER "Motion to Dismiss" CAUTION: This email originated outside the State of Idaho network. Verify links and attachments BEFORE you click or open, even if you recognize and/or trust the sender. Contact your agency service desk with any concerns. To: Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Date: May 22, 2023 From: Christy Armbruster 3807 E 120 N Rigby, ID 83442 RE: Objection to ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER “Motion to Dismiss” Case ID "PAC-E-23- 08" Dear Ma’am, I object to the motion by ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER/PACIFICORP to dismiss my complaint (case ID "PAC-E-23-08") based on failure to state a claim. CLAIM: Extraction of personal and private information without a lawfully issued and/or executed search warrant through the installation of a smart meter, which monitors, logs, stores, transfers, and shares daily personal and private habits and routines of occupants of private homes. This amounts to gross violation of my FOURTH AMENDMENT right to be secure in my house. According to Rocky Mountain Power’s website, https://www.rockymountainpower.net/my-account/energy-usage/meter-upgrade/safe- secure.html, “Advance metering technology cannot track or record individual appliance usage. Instead, it can only record whole-house electrical usage information – the same information collected by your old meter. This means Rocky Mountain Power gets no information on the specifics of how you use energy, only the total usage. For example, if your home used 3 kWh of electricity in a given hour, the new meter would transmit “3 kWh.”” However, my statement, see the two images of Attachment A, includes a breakdown of how the power is used in my home, such as heating, laundry, cooking, and lighting. Secondly, again from their website, “To further guard privacy, customers are assigned a unique, random number that is associated with their usage data. No personal information, such as name, address or account number, is ever transmitted from digital meters.” That random number must have account information attached to the data sent or they could not bill the proper person. I seek relief by Idaho Public Utility Commission in the following ways: 1) Decline ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER/PACIFICORP’s motion to dismiss my case “with prejudice”. 2) Require ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER/PACIFICORP to correct their misleading statements to their customers regarding private information that is being collected and shared through the use of smart meters. 3) Relieve ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER/PACIFICORP and other public utility companies serving Idaho of the unreasonable burden of 100% meter upgrades by allowing customers to opt-out and companies to negotiate alternative metering arrangements. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration in remedying this matter as soon as possible in fulfillment of public trust. In the case of pulsed radio frequencies, as used in electric metering (measuring/trespassing) devices, company profit motives cause a disregard for the health and privacy concerns of a minority of citizens1. We call upon Idaho Public Utility Commission to protect the minority of consumers from "one- size-fits-all" meter upgrades. Sincerely, Christy Armbruster ___________________________________ Christy Armbruster 1https://childrenshealthdefense.org/wp-content/uploads/Brief-and-Addendum-Submitted- 9-14.pdf, accessed 5/20/2023