HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211108Comments.pdfRonald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Hawley Troxell Ennis and Hawley 877 Main St- Suite 1000 P.O. Box 1617 Boise ID, 83701-1617 Telephone: 208-3 44-6633 rwilliams@hawleytroxell. com Attomeys for PIIC IN THE MATTER OF ROCKY MOT'NTAIN POWER'S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AI\D CIIARGES IN IDAIIO AI\D APPROVAL OF PROPOSEI) ELECTRIC SERVICE SCIIEDTTLES AI\[D REGT]LATIONS i.i[CEIVffJ ti?i ri*Y -B Pffi 3: l0 -,t. , !]\l, j,rl lrj l'L:'i iL':": ;i : r. i,O+,i:;1iSSl0N BEFORE TIIE IDAIIO PUBLIC UTILITTES COMMISSION ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CaseNo. PAC-E-21-07 TESTIMOI\IY OF THE PACIFICORP IDAHO INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS IN STIPPORT OF SETTLEMENT SETTLEMENT TESTIMOI\TY OF BRADLEY G. MTILLINS ON BEHALF OF THE PACIFICORP IDAIIO il\DUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS November 812021 05 594.00 l 6. I 424297 5.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1l I2 13 T4 15 16 t7 l8 l9 20 2t 22 23 a. A. a. A. PLEASE STATE YOI]R NAME AI\D OCCUPATION. My name is Bradley G. Mullins. I am a consultant representing utility customers before state public utility commissions in the Northwest and lnterrrountain West. A witness qualification statement, including a list of cases where I have submitted testimony, can be found at Mullins Exhibit No. 401. PLEASE IDENTTFY THE PARTY ON WIIOSE BEIIALF YOU ARE TESTIF"NNG. This testimony is being provided on behalf of the PacifiCorp Idaho Industrial Customers ("PIIC"). PIIC is a trade association whose members consist of large electric customers served by Rocky Mountain Power ("RMP") in Idaho. PIIC's membership includes Itafos Conda, the sole Schedule 401 special contract customer, and other customers receiving service on Schedule 9. WHAT IS TI{E PT'RPOSE OF YOUR TESTIMONY? I provide PIIC's statement support of the Settlement Stipulation entered into by and among all parties to this proceeding on October 25,2021. PLEASE PROVIDE AI\ OVERVIEW OF THE SETTLEMENT STIPULATION. PtrC supports the Sefflement Stipulation and recommends that the Commission find that the Settlement Stipulation is in the public interest. All active parties in this proceeding are signatories to the Settlement Stipulation and no party opposes it. The Settlement Stipulation was the byproduct of parties' detailed review of RMP's frling through an extensive discovery process, followed by many rounds of settlement negotiations that took place over an extended period in September and October of 2021. Importantly, the Settlement Stipulation was a compromise for all parties involved. While PIIC does not Mullins, Di - 1 a. A. a. A. PIIC Testimony in Support of Settlement 05594.001 6. I 424297 5.1 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a. A. necessarily support any of the provisions included in the Settlement Stipulation viewed in isolation, PIIC is willing to accept Settlement Stipulation as a comprehensive whole and finds the Settlement Stipulation to be a reasonable resolution of all issues in this proceeding. PIIC appreciates all of the hard work of the parties, Commission Staffand RMP in reaching this agreement. WHAT REVENUE REQTIIREMENT IS INCLT]DED IN THE SETTLEMENT STIPULATION? The Settlement Stipulation provides for a $8,000,000 or 2.9o/o base revenue increase effective January I , 2022. This contrasts the $ 1 9,03 I ,069, or 7 .0o/o, revenue requirement increase RMP sought in its initial filing. Thus, the settled revenue requirement in the Settlement Stipulation re,presents a 58.0%o reduction to the rate increase that RMP sought in its initial filing. This revenue requirement was a negotiated value and not attributable to any specific revenue requirement adjustment, other than the specific amortization provisions and the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism ("ECAM") parameters identified in the Settlement Stipulation. While PIIC's revenue requirement recommendation supported a substantially lower revenue requirement that the level ultimately agreed, PIIC was willing to accept the value in the Settlement Stipulation in the spirit of compromise and in consideration of other aspects of the settlement which PIIC found to be reasonable. While a "black-box" revenue requirement settlement is not always preferred, by agreeing to this value, we avoid the need undertake potentially contentious litigation before the Commission, which is not only costly to the parties, but adds to the administrative burden of the Commission. Mullins, Di - 2 05 594.00 I 6. I 424297 5.1 r0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 l6 t7 l8 t9 2t 20 22 PIIC Testimony in Support of Settlement a. A. DID THE STIPULATION ESTABLISH A COST OF CAPITAL FOR RMP? No. Parties did not agree on a specific cost of capital when arriving at the negotiated revenue requirement value. Accordingly, parameters such as RMP's retum on equity, cost of debt, and capital structure are not specified. Importantly, however, the agreement should not be interpreted as retaining the cost of capital, and associate parameters, that were established in RMP's 2013 General Rate Case PAC-E-13-04. It is possible that the lack of a specified rate of return will create some ambiguity in future dockets, such as a docket involving a change in corporate income tax rate, although it will be possible to deal with such issues if and when, they arise. WHAT REGULATORY ASSET AMORTIZATIONS WERE IDENTIFIED IN THE STIPULATION? The Settlement Stipulation outlines specific amortization terms for several regulatory accounts, including the Deprecation Study Deferral, the Deer Creek Mine regulatory asset and the Resource Tracking Mechanism ("RTM") deferral. With respect to the deprecation study deferral, the amortization period was lengthened from three to four years relative to RMP's initial filing. ln addition, the Settlement Stipulation specified a three-year amortization period for the Deer Creek Mine amortization, including amortization of future unpaid expenses of $14,347,296 in unpaid royalties and $6,521,059 of future remediation expenses. These amounts were important to specifu to ensure that ratepayers receive credit for the unpaid amounts in future proceedings. Mullins, Di - 3 05594.00 I 6. I 424297 5.t 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 a. At2 13 l4 l5 t6 t7 l8 t9 20 2l PIIC Testimony in Support of Settlement I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a. A. Finally, Parties did not necessarily agree on whether it was appropriate to include an RTM Deferral in revenue requirement in this case. The resolution of the handling of that regulatory account was reserved for RMP's next general rate case. WHAT CHAI\GES DID RMP PROPOSE IN ITS INITIAL FILING TO SCHEDULE 401 AI\D SCHEDI'LE 9? RMP proposed migrating its second-largest customer in Idaho, the Itafos Conda phosphate mining and processing facility, from the Schedule 401 special contract to Schedule 9, General Service - High Voltage. Itafos is a PIIC member, along with several other Schedule 9 customers. Accordingly, PIIC was particularly interested in ensuring that the proposed migration would be neither harmful to Itafos nor existing Schedule 9 customers. DOES PIIC SUPPORT N{IGRATING THE SPECIAL CONTRACT TO SCHEDULE 9? In the context of the overall stipulation, including the rate design for Schedule 9 in Settlement Stipulation paragraph 18, PIIC supports migrating the Schedule 401 special contract to cost of service rates. Under paragraph I 8 of the settlement stipulation rates are designed to hold existing Schedule 9 customers harmless from the migration, assigning the rate class an average 2.9%o rate increase. Further, the Schedule 401 special contract was then migrated to Schedule 9 based on the rates established for existing Schedule 9 customers, providing the Schedule 401 customer with the benefit ofjoining a rate class consisting of a diverse group of customers. Finally, in reviewing the Schedule 401 migration, it was also necessary for PIIC to consider that the Schedule 401 customer will begin paylng the Schedule 9 2.25% energy efficiency surcharge, resulting in an Mullins, Di - 4 l0 il t2 l3 a. t4 A. l5 l6 t7 l8 t9 20 2t 22 23 PIIC Testimony in Support of Settlement 05594.00 l 6. l 424297 5.1 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 a, A. 12 13 L4 15 t6 t7 18 l9 a. A. additional rate increase associated with the Schedule 401 migration not considered in the rate spread calculations performed for this case. HOW LONG HAS THE CONDA PLANT BEEN ON A SPECIAL CONTRACT? The Schedule 401 Conda plant has received service under a special contract at least since at least 1988, when it was acquired by Nu-West Industries. It is likely, however, that the facilityhad been served on a special contract since it started operations ln1967, although few records are available prior to the date that Nu-West Industries took over operations of the mill. Given this long history, the proposal to migrate Itafos Conda to cost of service rates was of particular concern to PIIC. WHAT WERE SOME OF THOSE SCHEDULE 9 COST OF SERVICE CONCERNS AI\D WERE THEY RESOLVED IN THE SETTLEMENT? PIIC had concerns about the quality and accuracy of RMP's cost of service study related to the migration of the Itafos plant offSchedule 401 and onto Schedule 9. Those concerns were raised by PIIC in settlement negotiations, and as discussed above, the rate design agreed to by all parties, as well as the overall revenue requirement increase proposed in the Settlement Stipulation, allowed PIIC to accept the special contract migration and to endorse the Settlement Stipulation in its entirety. DOES THIS CONCLI'DE YOUR SETTLEMENT TESTIMONY? Yes Mullins, Di - 5 05594.00 I 6. I 424297 5.1 10 1l a, A. PIIC Testimony in Support of Settlement Mlu ANALYrleS Energy & Utility Consulting Brad Mullins Principal Consultant Vihiluoto 15 FIN-90440 Kempele, Finland brmul lins@mwanalytics. com www.mwanalytics.com ABOUT MW Analytics is the professional consulting practice of Brad Mullins, a consultant and expert witness that represents utility customers in regulatory proceedings before state utility commissions throughout the Western United States. Brad has sponsored expert wihess testimony in over 80 regulatory proceeding encompassing a variety of subject matters, including revenue requirement, regulatory accounting, rate development, and new resource additions. Brad has also assisted his clients through numerous informal regulatory, legislative and energy policy matters. In addition to providing regulatory services, MW Analytics also provides advisory, energy marketing and other energy consulting services. PRACTICE AREAS MW Analytics has experience representing customer interests in litigated and informal regulatory proceedings, including the following subject areas: . Revenue Requirement . Power Cost Modeling . Tax Provisions and Tax Reform . Capital Additions and Forecasting . Regulatory Accounting . Depreciation Studies . Pole Attachments . Integrated Resource Planning . Avoided Cost Calculations . Utility Plant Retirements EDUCATION AI\[D WORK EXPERIENCE Brad has a Master of Accounting degree from the University of Utah. After obtaining his master's degree, Brad worked at Deloitte Tax in San Jose, California, where he was responsible for preparing corporate tar returns for multinational corporate clients and partnership returns for hedge fund clients. Brad was later promoted to a Tax Senior position in a national tax practice specializing research and development tax credit studies. Following Deloitte, Brad worked at PacifiCorp Energy, as an analyst involved in power cost modeling and forecasting. REGTILATORY APPEARANCES Brad has sponsored expert witness testimony in the following regulatory proceedings: In re Portland General Electric. Request for a General Rate Revision. OT.PUC DocketNo. I.JE394 Alliancc ofWcstcm Enerry Consumers Powcr Cost Modeling In reJoint Application of Nevada Power Companv d/b/a NV Enerery and Sierra Pacific Power Companv d/b/a NV Enerey for approval of their Economic Recoverv Transportation Electrification Plan for the oeriod 2022-2024. PUC Nv. DocketNo.2l-09004 Nevada Resort Association Transportation EIcctsification In re PacifiCorp. dba Pacific Power. 2020 Power Cost Adjustment Mechanism. OT.PUC DocketNo. I.JE392 Alliance ofWestem Energy Consrmrers Power Cost Defcrral Exhibit No.401 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 B. Mullins, PllC Page 1 of6 In re the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Authoritv to Decrease Current Rates bv $14.9 Million to Refund Deferred Net Power Costs Under Tariff Schedule 95 Enerey Cost Adiustment Mechanism and to Decrease Current Rates bv $166 Thousand Under Tariff Schedule 93. REC and SO2 Revenue Adiustment Mechanism. Wy.PSC Docket No. 20000-599-EM-21 Wyoming Industrial Energy Consumers Power Cost Deferral In re Portland General Electric 2021 Annual Update TariffSchedule 125. Or PUC DocketNo. UE 391 Alliance of Westem Energy Consumers Power Cost Modeling In re Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Enersv and Siena Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Enerqy for approval of a reeulatory asset account to recover costs relating to the development and implementation of their Joint Natural Disaster Protection Plan. PUC )W. Docket No. 2l-03004 Wynn Las Vegas, LLC; Smart Energy Alliance SingleJssue Rate Filing In re PacifiCorp d.b.a. Pacific Power. 2022 Transition Adiustment Mechanism. OT.PUC DocketNo. UE 390 Alliance of Westem Energy Consumers Power Cost Modeling In re Avista 2020 General Rate Case. Wa.U.T.C. Docket No. UE-200900 (Cons.) Alliance of Westem Revenue Requirement Energy Consumers In re NV Enerev's Fourth Amendment to Its 20lE Joint Inteerated Resource Plan. PUC Nv. DocketNo 20-07023 Wynn Las Vegas, Transmission Planning LLC; Smart Energy Alliance In Re Cascade Natural Gas Corporation. 2020 General Rate Case. Wa.U.T.C Docket No. UG-200568 Alliance of Westem Revenue Requirement Energy Consumers In re Cascade Natural Gas Corporation. Petition to File Depreciation Study. OT.PUC Docket No. UM 2073 Alliance of Westem Depreciation Rates Energy Consumers In re the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Authoritv to Increase Current Rates Bv $7.4 Million to Recover Defened Net Power Costs Under Tariff Schedule 95 Energy Cost Adiustment Mechanism and to Decrease Current Rates bv $604 Thousand Under Tariff Schedule 93. Rec and So2 Revenue Adiustment Mechanism. Wy.PSC Docket No. 20000-582-EM-20 Wyoming Industrial Energy Consumers Power Cost Deferral In re the Complaint of Willamette Falls Paper Company and West Linn Paper Comoany aeainst Portland General Electric Comoany. OT.PUC Docket No. ulol2t07 Willamette Falls Paper Company Consumer Direct Access, TariffDispute In re The Application of Rock), Mountain Power for Authority to Increase its Retail Electric Service Rates by Approximately $7.1 Million Per Year or l.l Percent. to Revise the Enerey Cost Adjustment Mechanism. and to Discontinue Operations at Cholla Unit 4. Wy.PSC Docket No. 2000-578-ER- 20 Wyoming Industrial Energy Consumers Power Cost Modeling Avista Corporation 2021 General Rate Case. OT.PUC Docket No. UG 389 Alliance ofWestem Energy Consumers Revenue Requirement, Rate Design In re NW Natural Reouest for a General Rate Revision. OT.PUC Docket No. uG 388. Alliance ofWestem Energy Consumers Revenue Requirement, Rate Design In re PacifiCorp. Request to Initiate an Investieation of Multi-Jurisdictional Issues and Approve an Inter-Jurisdictional Cost Allocation Protocol. Or.PUC, uM 1050. Alliance of Westem Energy Consumers Jurisdictional Allocation In re Pueet Sound Enersv 2019 General Rate Case. Wa.UTC Docket No. UE 190529. Alliance of Westem Energy Consumers Revenue Requirement, Coal Retirement Costs Avista Corporation 2020 General Rate Case. Wa.UTC Docket No. UE-190334 (Cons.) Alliance of Westem Energy Consumers Revenue Requirement, Rate Design In re Cascade Natural Gas Comoration Application for Approval of a Safe8 Cost Recovery Mechanism. Or. PUC DocketNo. UIll2026 Alliance of Westem Ratemaking Policy Energy Consumers In re Avista Corporation. Request for a General Rate Revision. OT.PUC Docket No. UG 366. Alliance of Westem Energy Consumers Revenue Requirement, Rate Design In re Portland General Electric. 2020 Annual Update Tariff(Schedule 125). OT.PUC Docket No UE 359. Alliance of Westem Energy Consumers Power Cost Modeling Exhibit No, 401 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 B. Mullins, PllC Page 2 of 6 In re PacifiCorp 2020 Transition Adjustment Mechanism. OT.PUC Docket No. uE 356. Alliance of Westem Energy Consuners Power Cost Modeling In re PacifiCorp 2020 Renewable Adjustment Clause. OT.PUC Docket No. UE 3s2. Alliance of Westem Energy Consumers Single-Issue Rate Filing 2020 Joint Power and Transmission Rate Proceedine. Bonneville Power Administration, Case No. BP-20 Alliance of Westem Enerry Consumers Revenue Requirement, Policy In the Matter of the Application of MSG Las Veeas. LLC for a Proposed Transaction with a Provider of New Electric Resources. PUC Nv. Docket No. l8-r0034 Madison Square Garden Customer Direct Access Puset Sound Eners.v 2018 Expedited Rate Filins. Wa.UTC Dockets UE- I 80899ruG-l 80900 (Cons.). Alliance of Western Energy Consumers Revenue Requirement, Settlement Georeia Pacific G),psum LLC's Application to Purchase Enerw. Capacitv. and/or Ancillary Services from a Provider of New Electric Resources. PUC Nv. Docket No. I 8-09015. Joint Aoplication of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Enerev for aporoval of Smart Energy Alliance Resource Planning their 2018-2038 Triennial Inteerated Resource Plan and 2019-2021 Enersy Suonlv Plan. PUCN Docket No. l8-06003. ln re Cascade Natural Gas Corporation Request for a General Rate Revision. Or.PUC, Docket No. UE 347. In re Portland General Electric Company Request for a General Rate Revision. Alliance of Wcstem Revenue Requirement, Or.pUC Docket No UE 335. Energy Consumers Rate Design Georgia Pacific Customer Direct Access Alliance of Westem Energy Consumers Revenue Requirement, Rate Design In re Northwest Natural Gas Company. dba NW Natural. Requ€st for a General Rate Revision, OT.PUC Docket No. UG 344. Alliance of Westem Energy Consumers Revenue Requirement, Rate Desigrr In re Cascade Natural Gas Comoration Request for a General Rate Revision. wa.UTC, Docket No. UE-170929. Northwest Industrial Gas Users Revenue Requirement, Rate Desiga In the Matter of Hvdro One Limited. Application for Authorization to Exercise Substantial Influence over the Policies and Actions of Avista Comoration. Or.PUC, DocketNo. UM 1897. Alliance of Westem Energy Consumers Merger Application of Rockv Mountain Power for Approval of a Simificant Energy Resource Decision and Voluntary Request for Approval ofResource Decision. ut.PSC Docker No. 17-035-40 Utah Industrial Energy Consumers, & Utah Associated Energy Users Ncw Resource Addition In re PacifiCorp. dba Rochv Mountain Power. for a CPCN and Bindinq Ratemakine Treatment forNew Wind and Transmission Facilities. Id.PUC Case No. PAC-E-I7-07 PacifiCorp Idaho Industrial Customers New Resource Addition In re PacifiCorp. dba Pacific Power. 2016 Power Cost Adjustment Mechanism. or.PUC, Docket No. UE 327 . Alliance of Westem Energy Consumers Power Cost Deferral ln re PacifiCom 2016 Power Cost Adiustment Mechanism. Wa.UTC Docket No. UE-I70717 Boise Whitepaper, Power Cost Deferral LLC In re Avista Corporation 2018 General Rate Case. Wa.UTC Dockets UE- 170485 and UG-170486 (Consolidated). Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities, & Northwest Industrial Gas Users Revenue Requirement, Rate Design Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authoriw to adjust its annual revenue requirement for qeneral rates chareed to all classes of electric customers and for relief properly related thereto. PUCN. Docket No. l7-06003. Smart Energy Alliance Revenue Requirement Exhibit No.401 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 B. Mullins, P!!C Page 3 of 6 In re the Application of Rockv Mountain Power for AuthoriU to Decrease Current Rates bv $15.7 Million to Refund Deferred Net Power Costs Under TariffSchedule 95 Enere.v Cost Adjusfiient Mechanism and to Decrease Current Rates By $528 Thousand Under TariffSchedule 93. REC and SO2 Revenue Adiusfnent Mechanism. Wy. PSC, Docket No. 20000-514-EA-17 (Record No. 14696). Wyoming Indusfrial Energy Consumers Power Cost Deferral In re the 2018 General Rate Case of Pueet Sound Eners.v, Wa.UTC, Docket No. UE-170033 (Cons.). Industial Customers of Northwest Utilities, & Northwest Industrial Gas Users Revenue Requirement, Rate Design In re PacifiCom. dba Pacific Power. 2018 Transition Adjustment Mechanism. Or.PUC, Docket No. W 323. Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities Power Cost Modeling In re Portland General Electric Companv. Request for a General Rate Revision. Or.PUC, DocketNo. UE 319. Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities Revenue Requirement, Rate Design In re Portland General Electric Company. Anplication for Transportation Electrification Proerams. Or.PUC, UM 18l l. Industrial Customers ofNorthwest Utilities Electric Vehicle Charging In re Pacific Power & Lieht Company. Application for Transportation Electrification Proerams. Or.PUC, Docket No. UM 1810. Indusfial Customers ofNorthwest Utilities Single-issue Ratemaking In re the Public Utili8 Commission of Oreeon. Investieation to Examine PacifiCorp. dba Pacific Power's Non-Standard Avoided Cost Pricine. Or.PUC, DocketNo. UM 1802. Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities Quali&ing Facilities In re Pacific Power & Lieht Co.. Revisions to TariffWN U-75. Advice No. 16- 05. to modift the Company's existing tariffs eovernine permanent disconnection and removal nrocedures. Wa.UTC, Docket No. UE-161204. Boise Whilepaper, LLC Customer Direct Access In re Pueet Sound Enersv's Revisions to TariffWN U-60. Addine Schedule 451. Implementine aNew Retail Wheeline Service. Wa.UTC, Docket No. UE- l6tt23. Industrial Customers of Northwest Utililies Customer Direct Access 2018 Joint Power and Transmission Rate Proceedins. Bonneville Power Administration, Case No. BP- I 8. Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities Revenue Requirement, Policy ln re Portland General Electric Companv Apnlication for Approval of Sale of Harborton Restoration Proiect Prorertv. Or.PUC, Docket No. LJP 334 (Cons.). customers of No(hwest Utilities Defenal In re An Investieation of Policies Related to Renewable Dishibuted Electric Generation. Ar.PSC, Matter No. 16-028-U. Arkansas Electric Energy Consumers Net Metering In re Net Meterins and the Implementation of Act 827 of 2015. Ar.PSC, MatterNo. l6-027-R. Arkansas Electric Energy Consumers Net Metering In re the Application of Rockv Mountain Power for Approval of the 2016 Energ.v Balancing Account. Ut.PSC, Docket No. l6-035-01 Utah Associated Energy Users Power Cost Deferral In re Avista Corporation Request for a General Rate Revision. Wa.UTC, Docket No. UE-l 60228 (Cons.). Industrial Customers of Northwest Util ities, & Northwest Industrial Gas Users Revenue Requirement, Rate Design In re the Application of Rockv Mountain Power to Decrease Current Rates by $2.7 Million to Recover Defened Net Power Costs Pursuant to Tariff Schedule 95 and to Increase Rates by $50 Thousand Pursuant to TariffSchedule 93. Wy.PSC, Docket No. 20000-292-EA-l 6. Wyoming Industrial Energy Consumers Power Cost Deferral In re PacifiCom. dba Pacific Power. 2017 Transition Adiustment Mechanism. Or.PUC. DocketNo. UE 307. Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities Power Cost Modeling In re Portland General Electric Company. 2017 Annual Power Cost Update Tariff(Schedule 125). Or.PUC, Docket No. UE 308. Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities Power Cost Modeling In re Pacific Power & Lieht Comoany. General rate increase for electric services. Wa.UTC, Docket No. UE-152253. Boise Whitepaper, LLC Revenue Requirement, Rate Design Exhibit No.401 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 B. Mullins, PIIC Page 4 of6 In The Matter of the Anplication of Rockv Mountain Power for Authoritv of a General Rate Increase in Its Retail Electric Utilitv Service Rates in W),omine of $32.4 Million Per Year or 4.5 Percent. Wy.PSC, Docket No. 20000469-ER- 15. Wyoming Industrial Energy Consumers Power Cost Modeling In re Avista Corporation. General Rate Increase for Electric Services. Wa.UTC, Docket No. UE-l 50204. Indusrial Customers ofNorthw€st Utilities Revenue Requirement, Rate Design In re the Application of Rochv Mountain Power to Decrease Rates by $17.6 Million to Recover Defened Net Power Costs Pursuant to Tariff Schedule 95 to Decrease Rates bv $4.7 Million Pursuant to Tariff Schedule 93. Wy.PSC, Docket No. 20000-472-EA-l 5. Wyoming Industrial Energy Consumers Power Cost Deferral Formal comolaint of The Walla Walla Country Club asainst Pacific Power & Lieht Companv for refusal to provide disconnection under Commission- aoproved terms and fees. as mandated under Companv tariffrules. Wa.UTC, DocketNo. UE-143932. Columbia Rural Electric Association Customer Direct Access / Customer Choice In re PacifiCorp. dba Pacific Power. 2016 Transition Adiustment Mechanism. or.PUC, Docket No. UE 296. Industrial Customers ofNorthwest Utilities Power Cost Modeling In re Portland General Electric Company. Request for a General Rate Revision. Or.PUC, Docket No. IIE 294. Indusaial Customcrs ofNorthwest Utilities Revenue Requirement, Rate Design In re Portland General Electric Companv and PacifiCorp dba Pacific Power. Request for Generic Power Cost Adiustment Mechanism Investieation. Or.PUC, Docket No. UM 1662. Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities Power Cost Deferral In re PacifiCom. dba Pacific Power. Aoplication for Aoproval of Deer Creek Mine Transaction. Or.PUC, Docket No. UM 1712. Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilrties Single-issue Ratemaking In re Public Utilitv Commission of Oreeon. Investieation to Explore Issues Related to a Renewable Generator's Contribution to Capacity. Or.PUC, Docket No. UM 1719. Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities Resource Planning In re Portland General Electric Companv. Apnlication for Deferral Accounting of Excess Pension Costs and Carr.vins Costs on Cash Contributions. Or.PUC, DocketNo. UM 1623. Industrial Customers ofNorthwest Utililies Single-issue Ratemaking 2016 Joint Power and Transmission Rate Proceedins. Bonneville Power Adminishation, Case No. BP-16. Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities Revenue Requirement, Policy In re Pueet Sound Eners.v. Petition to Update Methodoloeies Used to Allocate Electric Cost of Service and for Electric Rate Desien Pumoses. Wa.UTC, Docket No. IJE-141368. Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities Cost ofService In re Pacific Power & Lieht Companv. Request for a General Rate Revision Resultine in an Overall Price Chanee of 8.5 Percent. or $27.2 Million. Wa.UTC, Docket No. UE-I40762. Boise Whitepaper LLC Revenue Requirement, Rate Design In re Puset Sound Enersv. Revises the Power Cost Rate in WN U-60. TariffG. Schedule 95. to reflect a decrease of $9.554.847 in the Companv's overall normalized power supply costs. Wa.UTQ, Docket No. LJE-l4l l4l. Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities Power Cost Modeling In re the Application of Rochv Mountain Power for Authoritv to Increase Its Retail Electric Utility Service Rates in Wyomine Approximately $36.1 Million Per Year or 5.3 Percent. Wy.PSC, Docket No. 20000-446-ER-14. Wyoming Industrial Energy Consumers Power Cost Modeling In re Avista Corporation. General Rate Increase for Electric Services. RE. Tariff WN U-28. Which Proposes an Overall Net Electric Billed Increase of 5.5 PercentEffective January 1.2015. Wa.UTC, DocketNo. UE-140188. Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities Revenue Requirement, Rate Design, Power Costs In re PacifiCom. dba Pacific Power. Apolication for Deferred Accountine and Prudence Determination Associated with the Eners.v Imbalance Market. Or.PUC, DocketNo. LJM 1689. Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities Single-issue Ratemaking In re PacifiCorp. dba Pacific Power. 2015 Transition Adjustment Mechanism. Or.PUC, Docket No. UE 287.of Northwest Utilities Power Cost Modeling Exhibit No.401 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 B. Mullins, PllC Page 5 of 6 In re Portland General Electric Companv. Reouest for a General Rate Revision. Or.PUC, DocketNo. uE 283. lndustsial Cwtomers of Northwcst Utilities Revenuc Requircment RaE Desiglr No. UE In re Portland General Electic Compan 2014 Schedule 145 Boardman Power Plant Ooeratine AdiustnenL Or.PUC, Docket No. UE 281. lndustrial Customers ofNorthwest Utilities Coal Retircment In rc PacifiCoro. dba Pacific Power. TrEsition Adiusmenl Five-Year C.ost of Service OptOut (adopting testimony ofDonald W. Scho€nbeck). Or.PUC, DockctNo. IUE267. IndurtidCfisomers Custo[rcrDircctoJNorthurcstUtilities Accesg Exhibit No.401 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 B. Mullins, PllC Page 6 of 6