HomeMy WebLinkAbout19990112_2.docxMINUTES OF DECISION MEETING January 12, 1999 - 1:30 p.m. In attendance were Commissioners Dennis Hansen, Ralph Nelson and Marsha H. Smith and staff members  Don Howell, Weldon Stutzman, Brad Purdy, Cheri Copsey, Terri Carlock, Birdelle Brown, Carolee Hall, Syd Lansing, Ron Law, Randy Lobb, Tonya Clark and Myrna Walters. Items listed on the published agenda were considered and acted upon as recorded herein. President Hansen called the meeting to order. First item to be considered was the Minutes of the December 30, 1998 Decision Meeting. Minutes had previously circulated to the Commissioners and corrections had been made. Commissioner Hansen made a motion to approve said minutes; vote taken; motion carried unanimously. Next to be considered was the Consent Agenda portion of the Agenda - Items 2 through 12. Weldon Stutzman asked to speak to Item 3 - GTE-T-98-6; GTE-T-98-7 and GTE-T-98-8. AT&T has asked that their application for approval of interconnection agreement with Nextel West Corp. (GTE-T-98-8) have a 14 day comment period rather than the standard 21 days. Staff has no objection. Asked if the Commissioners had any problem with that. Commissioners did not. Commissioner Hansen asked if there were comments or questions on any other items on the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Smith noted that Item 4 needed to have an additional case number included in the title of that item. GTE-T-98-5 was also under consideration. With that addition, she then made a motion to approve the items on the consent agenda with that addition and with the GTE-T-98-8 case having a 14 day comment period rather than the 21 days.   Vote taken on the motion; motion carried unanimously. MATTERS IN PROGRESS were then considered. 13. Cheri Copsey’s January 7, 1998 Decision Memorandum re: Application of Direct Communications Rockland, Inc. and Direct Communications Lakeside Communications, Inc. for an Order Authorizing the Merger of the Applicant Companies. Case No. ROK-T-98-1. Cheri reviewed the decision memo. Staff has reviewed the applications and with a few caveats would recommend approval of the merger. There have been no complaints filed in this matter. Staff recommends approval of the joint application with two conditions: (1) That Rockland submit its tariff to the Commission for approval combining the two companies and that the new tariffed rates not be changed from current rates and maintain revenue neutrality, and (2) That Rockland’s current Idaho USF draw be frozen at current levels pending re-evaluation of Rockland’s revenue requirements for the combined company. Commissioner Hansen asked if there would still be two separate access rates until there is an audit? Cheri responded that the applicants are requesting two different rates. Staff doesn’t have the information to order them to do anything different. Commissioner Nelson asked if staff has talked to the applicants about the conditions recommended by staff? Cheri responded that the manager from Rockland called today and said they had received  staff comments and he made no comment about them. Was glad it was on the agenda for today’s decision meeting. Commissioner Smith asked how long the re-evaluation would take? Cheri responded that staff thought of doing an audit, but maybe just an evaluation is necessary. It may be fairly simple.   Commissioner Smith asked when that would be? Cheri said it couldn’t be until staff has complete 1998 data. It may require a 6-month freeze.   Commissioner Smith said she didn’t recall if we get the report in July or October.   Birdelle Brown responded that it is based on a July report and then changes are made in October. Commissioner Hansen asked if there were other questions? Commissioner Nelson made a motion to approve the merger with staff’s recommendations. Vote was then taken; motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Hansen spoke to item 14 - Scott Woodbury’s January 8, 1999 Decision Memorandum re: Case No. UWI-W-98-5 (United Water Idaho) Certificate Amendment (Spurwing/Foxtail). Said Commissioners feel that this agreement deviates from the Company’s policy and would like additional time to evaluate this agreement. It will be held until the January 19 decision meeting. Decision Meeting was then adjourned. Dated at Boise, Idaho, this 25th day of January, 1999. Myrna J. Walters Commission Secretary