HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210525Exhibit 15.pdf Exhibit 15 May 11, 2020 Letter from Greg Adams May 11, 2020 Via E-Mail Jacob A. McDermott Senior Counsel Rocky Mountain Power 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 jacob.mcdermott@pacificorp.com Kyle Moore Rocky Mountain Power Manager - QF Contracts 825 NE Multnomah St, Suite 600 Portland, Oregon 97232 Kyle.moore@pacificorp.com RE: Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc.’s Proposed Power Purchase Agreement for Chester Diversion Hydroelectric Project Jake and Kyle: I write to follow up on our prior correspondence related to the Chester Diversion Project. Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative (Fall River) has investigated options for moving forward with the power purchase agreement (PPA) negotiations in an amicable way. Kyle Moore’s prior email dated March 13, 2020, communicated that PacifiCorp would not agree to discuss a PPA for the Chester Diversion Project that relied upon completion of interconnection facilities to PacifiCorp’s system due to the fact that PacifiCorp is not currently processing Fall River’s interconnection request. Instead, Kyle suggested that Fall River should consider a “transmission arrangement to deliver the output to a point of delivery on PacifiCorp’s system in Idaho”, which would necessitate a so-called off-system PPA as opposed to the on-system PPA we had proposed to PacifiCorp. While Fall River disagrees with PacifiCorp’s refusal to discuss the on-system PPA, Fall River has further investigated its ability to transmit the power to PacifiCorp’s system without an interconnection from the facility to PacifiCorp’s system, and Fall River has determined that it will amend its PPA request to request that PacifiCorp provide the “off-system” PPA for delivery of the Chester Diversion Project’s power. Fall River is able to deliver the power over Bonneville Power Administration’s (BPA) system to PacifiCorp’s Goshen Substation. Accordingly, the prior PPA request sent on September 12, 2019, is amended in items e) and k) as follows to Exhibit 15 Page 1 Rocky Mountain Power May 11, 2020 Page 2 change the information related to the interconnection facilities and the transmission arrangements to PacifiCorp’s system (with alterations in underline and strikethrough): e) proposed site location and electrical interconnection point: The Chester Diversion Project is located in Fremont County, Idaho, and utilizes Fremont-Madison Irrigation District’s pre-existing Cross Cut Diversion Dam on the Henry’s Fork of the Snake River, immediately downstream of the confluence with the Falls River. The site location is between the towns of St. Anthony and Ashton, Idaho. The geographic coordinates are N 44°01.014' W 111°35.005'. The Chester Diversion Project is already interconnected to Fall River’s electrical distribution system near the facility. As described in the FERC license, the interconnection facilities include a 15-kilovolt primary transmission line that extends about 1.4-miles from the powerhouse along the access road right-of-way to connect to Fall River’s existing substation. Fall River proposes to deliver the electricity from the Chester Diversion Project to the closest feasible point of interconnection on PacifiCorp’s system. The closest PacifiCorp pole to the Chester Diversion Project and Fall River’s existing infrastructure is pole 31 08 041, # 347900, and Fall River therefore proposes to deliver the electricity to that pole as the point of interconnection, if interconnection is feasible at that location. Fall River will work with PacifiCorp Transmission to secure this, or another suitable, point of interconnection. k) status of transmission interconnection arrangements including interconnection queue number: The facility is currently interconnected to Fall River’s system, and Fall River will transmit the output to PacifiCorp’s Goshen Substation via a long-term firm point- to-point transmission service agreement with BPA. BPA refers to this POD as the “Goshen 161 kV – PAC” POD, and “BPAT.PACW” reservation point. Fall River has been in contact with BPA, and BPA has confirmed the output of the Chester Diversion Project can be delivered to PacifiCorp at the Goshen Substation. Fall River has begun the process of securing the point-to-point transmission rights. but Fall River intends to complete an interconnection to deliver the entire net output to Rocky Mountain Power’s system. There is not yet a queue number. Fall River requests a draft PPA for an on system facility interconnecting directly to PacifiCorp’s system. Aside from the off-system delivery terms, we propose that the terms of the PPA be consistent with those we have negotiated for the Felt Project so that the two PPAs are generally consistent. Because the pro forma PPA that you sent to us does not include provisions for an off- system delivery, we request that you please provide a version containing your preferred off- Exhibit 15 Page 2 Rocky Mountain Power May 11, 2020 Page 3 system PPA provisions for discussion. We can make the edits to include the relevant agreed-to provisions under discussion in the Felt Project’s PPA if you would like us to do so. Please contact me with any questions. Sincerely, Gregory M. Adams Attorney for Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. cc: Bryan Case, Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. (e-mail only) Thomas Woodworth, Counsel for PacifiCorp (e-mail only) Exhibit 15 Page 3