HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210525Exhibit 11.pdf Exhibit 11 February 19, 2020 Letter from Greg Adams ll{ ìt () it il,.{llR }l} tS (} F{ r\ }D..\iVt Ft e,' {, ¡, ( A'TT'ORNIYS A'T ¡,AW Gregory M. Adams I'cl: l0lJ-!).llt-22Jó I;¡x: 1.0.9-1)Jlì-7!)04 grr:g(4ì r i c h a r<lso tr ;rcl l ¡n s. co nt l).(). lhr 7.] l8 Iìoisç, ID [Ì.]707 5l 5 N. 27rh St. []oisr, lD 83702 February 19,2020 Via First Class Mail and Electronic Mail Jacob A. McDermott Senior Counsel Rocky Mountain Power 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 320 salt Lake city, utah 84116 j acob. mcdermott@paci fic orp. com Kyle Moore Rocky Mountain Power Manager - QF Contracts 825 NE Multnomah St, Suite 600 Portland, Oregon 97232 Kyle.moore@pacifi corp. com RE Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc.'s Proposed Power Purchase Agreement for Chester Diversion Hydroelectric Project Dear Mr. McDermott and Mr. Moore: I write on behalf of my client, Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc., ("Fall River") to supply proposed edits to a draft power purchase agreement ("PPA") for sale of the output of the Chester Diversion Hydroelectric project ("Chester facility") to Rocky Mountain Power as a qualifying facility ("QF") under the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's ('.IPUC") implementation of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA"). On September 12,2019, Fall River previously supplied Rocky Mountain Power with all of the information required to obtain a draft PPA completed by Rocky Mountain Power for the Chester facility. However, to date, Rocky Mountain Power has only supplied Fall River with a blank version of Rocky Mountain Power's pro forma PPA for use for this facility, titled "Form of ldaho Small Hydro PPA_I .2.20". Rocky Mountain Power has suggested that it will not agree to discuss the PPA for the Chester facility until after Fall River receives an interconnection study from PacifiCorp Transmission for the facility. As I previously explained in my letter to Mr. McDermott dated December 10,2019, Fall River respectfully disagrees that the negotiation and execution of the requested PPA for the Chester facility may be stalled until an interconnection study is completed. As you know, PacifiCorp Transmission has refused to process the interconnection request for the Chester facility due to PacifiCorp Transmission's own internal delays and processes - not due to any action or inaction by Fall River. Under these Exhibit 11 Page 1 Rocky Mountain Power February 19,2020 Page 2 circumstances, we again request that Rocky Mountain Power agree to enter into the PPA at this time. Along those lines, I have enclosed a draft PPA containing appropriate edits to Rocky Mountain Power's pro forma PPA. Specifically, the draft PPA shows the edits Fall River proposes to the pro forma PPA supplied by Rocky Mountain Power for the Chester Facility (titled "Form of Idaho Small Hydro PPA_I .2.20" and emailed by Kyle Moore to Bryan Case on January 6,2020). Fall River's edits appear in track changes, and the draft PPA also includes extensive comments explaining the reasoning for the proposed edits. We look forward to hearing back from Rocky Mountain Power soon so that the parties can discuss the terms and conditions of the proposed PPA for the Chester facility. Please contact me with any questions or to arange a telephone conference to discuss the proposed PPA. Gregory M. Adams Attomey for Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc cc:Bryan Case, Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. (e-mail only) Exhibit 11 Page 2