HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210525Exhibit 10.pdf Exhibit 10 January 15, 2020 Email from Jacob McDermott From:McDermott, Jacob To:Greg Adams Subject:RE: Fall River Electric Coop. Felt & Chester Diversions Date:Wednesday, January 15, 2020 6:25:02 PM Greg, I may have confused the projects, but a draft PPA was provided for the existing project. PacifiCorp does not provide draft PPAs on new projects until an interconnection study is provided by the requester. Jacob McDermott Senior Attorney PacifiCorp 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, UT 84116 Office: 801-220-2233 Cell: 385-249-0659 From: Greg Adams [mailto:Greg@richardsonadams.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2020 5:42 PM To: McDermott, Jacob <Jacob.McDermott@pacificorp.com> Subject: [INTERNET] RE: Fall River Electric Coop. Felt & Chester Diversions ** REMEMBER SAIL WHEN READING EMAIL ** Sender The sender of this email is Greg@richardsonadams.com using a friendly name ofGreg Adams . Are you expecting the message? Is this different from the message senderdisplayed above? Attachments Does this message contain attachments? No If yes, are you expecting them? Internet Tag Messages from the Internet should have [INTERNET] added to the subject. Links Does this message contain links? YesCheck links before clicking them or removing BLOCKED in the browser. Cybersecurity risk assessment: Low Thanks, Jake. Will we be receiving a draft PPA for the Chester project as well soon? My understanding was that we would discuss that agreement and you had a proposal to leave a contingency in it related to interconnection timing. Greg AdamsRichardson Adams, PLLC 515 N. 27th StreetBoise, Idaho 83702 Exhibit 10 Page 1 Voice: 208.938.2236Facsimile: 208.938.7904 Information contained in this electronic message and in any attachments hereto may contain information that is confidential, protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or attorney work product doctrine. Inadvertent disclosureof the contents of this email or its attachments to unintended recipients is not intended to and does not constitute awaiver of the attorney/client privilege and/or attorney work product doctrine. If you have received this email inerror, please immediately notify the sender of the erroneous receipt and destroy this email and any attachments ofthe same either electronic or printed. Thank you. From: McDermott, Jacob <Jacob.McDermott@pacificorp.com> Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2020 5:35 PM To: Greg Adams <Greg@richardsonadams.com> Subject: RE: Fall River Electric Coop. Felt & Chester Diversions Greg, I believe the draft PPA for the Felt project was sent by Kyle Moore today. That took a bit longer to pull together than the pro forma because there were some internal questions I needed to have answered before sending it out. I am not the company lawyer to discuss interconnection issues with. I would direct you to Karen Kruse and Kris Bremer, as they handle interconnection issues separately through PacifiCorp Transmission. I did notify Karen that you had concerns about the interconnection, and I am sure that she or Kris will be able to provide you with more information on what is needed to get your client onto a new Interconnection Agreement. If you reach out to Kris Bremer, please be sure to include Karen as she is counsel for the company on transmission and interconnection matters. Jacob McDermott Senior Attorney PacifiCorp 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, UT 84116 Office: 801-220-2233 Cell: 385-249-0659 From: Greg Adams [mailto:Greg@richardsonadams.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2020 4:05 PM To: McDermott, Jacob <Jacob.McDermott@pacificorp.com> Subject: [INTERNET] RE: Fall River Electric Coop. Felt & Chester Diversions ** REMEMBER SAIL WHEN READING EMAIL ** Sender The sender of this email is Greg@richardsonadams.com using a friendly name of Greg Adams .Are you expecting the message? Is this different from the message sender Exhibit 10 Page 2 displayed above? Attachments Does this message contain attachments? No If yes, are you expecting them? Internet Tag Messages from the Internet should have [INTERNET] added to the subject. Links Does this message contain links? Yes Check links before clicking them or removing BLOCKED in the browser. Cybersecurity risk assessment: Low Jake, We received the pro forma PPA last week, but we have not yet received response from PacifiCorp on the other requests made in my letters to you dated December 10, 2019, regarding the Felt and Chester QF projects. Please let us know when we can expect a response on the balance of our requests. Greg AdamsRichardson Adams, PLLC515 N. 27th StreetBoise, Idaho 83702Voice: 208.938.2236Facsimile: 208.938.7904 Information contained in this electronic message and in any attachments hereto may contain information that is confidential, protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or attorney work product doctrine. Inadvertent disclosure of the contents of this email or its attachments to unintended recipients is not intended to and does not constitute a waiver of the attorney/client privilege and/or attorney work product doctrine. If you have received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender of the erroneous receipt and destroy this email and any attachments of the same either electronic or printed. Thank you. From: McDermott, Jacob <Jacob.McDermott@pacificorp.com> Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2019 4:26 PM To: Greg Adams <Greg@richardsonadams.com> Subject: Fall River Electric Coop. Felt & Chester Diversions Mr. Adams, I am reaching out to let you know that I received your letters regarding the Felt and Chester diversion hydro facilities today. I recall speaking with you on the telephone on October 14, 2019, and believe I asked that you direct Schedule 38 requests through Kyle Moore. Until receiving your letters today I had not heard back from him on either of these facilities. In any case, I have meetings scheduled on Friday with the appropriate internal folks and PacifiCorp will be in touch with you once we have more facts in hand. Jacob McDermott Senior Attorney PacifiCorp 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, UT 84116 Office: 801-220-2233 Cell: 385-249-0659 Exhibit 10 Page 3