HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200518Comments.pdfWILLIAMS BRADB ATTORNEYSATLAW TCEIVED :i; H.l"Y iB AH 9: 29 IU , \.:.Jlul I May 14,2020 Ms. Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P. O. Box 83720 Boise, D 83720-0074 Re: PAC-E-20-02 Dear Ms. Hanian: Please find enclosed for filing the original and seven copies PacifiCorp Idaho lndustial Customers Comments filed today in the above referenced case. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Please feel free to give me a call should you have any questions. Sincerely, H RnVlrll;.*4 Ronald L. Williams Williams Bradbury, P.C. Attorneys for PtrC RLW Enclosures P.O. Box 388 - Boise, ID 83701 Phone: 208-U4-6633 - wvm.williamsbradbury.com Ronald L. Williams,ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. P.O. Box 388 Boise ID, 83701 Telephone : 208-344-6633 ron@williamsbradbury. com Attomeys for PIIC BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN ) Case No. PAC-E-20-02 POWER REQUESTING APPROVAL OF $21.2 MILLION NET POWER COST DEFERRAL ) ) ) ) ) i'ii:t [: lVEn ,,i i'il"i lE fil'tr 9: 29 :.J ' ir:l COMMENTS OF PACIFICORP IDAHO INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS COMES NOW the PacifiCorp Idaho Industrial Customers ("PIIC") regarding the Application of Rocky Mountain Power ("PacifiCorp" or the "Company") to increase rates through the 2020Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism ("ECAM") to recover deferred costs from the deferral period of January l, 2019 through December 3 1 , 2019 ("Deferral Period"). PIIC represents large volume electricity consumers of PacifiCorp in Idaho and appreciates the opportunity to submit comments. In its filing PacifiCorp requests Commission authorization to collect $22,315,565 in deferred Net Power Costs from ratepayers through its Schedule 94, which will result in an ECAM balance of $27,209,505. Relative to current rates, the proposed net ECAM rate increase is $8,615,359 millionor 3.lYo. PIIC's review of PacifiCorp's 2019 ECAM filing was limited in scope and not comprehensive. Given the very short 16 day period of time between the date of Notice of the case (April28, IPUC Order No. 34648) and the date for comments (May 14), PIIC PIIC COMMENTS Case No. PAC-E-20-20, Page 1 was limited in its ability to analyze the filing and perform adequate discovery. PIIC was able to submit one round of discovery and appreciated the Company's short turn-around off PIIC discovery requests. Based on PIIC's review of its discovery, PIIC provides the following comments. COMMENTS A. Repowering Lost Energt In Data Request No. 06 PIIC asked PacifiCorp for its best estimate of the cost of acquiring replacement power associated with each wind plant taken out of service for repowering. The Company's response was o'The requested information is not available. The Company does not track megawatt-hours (MWh) not produced by its wind generation resources." The Company's answer did not speak to whether it could have "estimated" this value, as was the intent of the request. The lost energy from repowering is a key cause of the difference between PacifiCorp's actual net power costs and the ECAM base. Yet, the Company claims it is unable to estimate this value. Nor did the Company mention the cost of lost energy associated with repowering as a recoverable component of the Resource Tracking Mechanism (RTM) in its initial filing in Case No. IPC-E-PAC-E-17-06. PIIC was disappointed by PacifiCorp's response to Data Request No. 6. PacifiCorp is requesting a significant rate increase through the ECAM as a result of its actual net power costs being higher than the ECAM base. However, PacifiCorp suggests that it has not tracked the lost value of energy from repowering, which is a material component of this ECAM cost increase. This implies that PacifiCorp is not concerned with this material cost driver, nor with passing a material rate increase onto customers. PacifiCorp was not able to identiff any place in testimony, or in the economic models used in PAC-E-17-06, where the lost energy associated with repower was discussed. ln response to PIIC Data Request 8, PacifiCorp states that reduced generation was included in the models in the repowering proceeding. Notwithstanding, PIIC has no record of the reduced generation being considered in the repowering proceeding. Since the Stipulation in Case No. PAC-E-17-06 did not address this issue, PIIC COMMENTS Case No. PAC-E-20-20, Page2 PIIC requests the Commission consider whether it is appropriate to include costs of repowering lost energy in the ECAM. B. Repowering Test Enerw In PIIC Data Request 07 PacifiCorp identified $4,906,847 of test energy costs included in the deferral period. This test energy is associated with PacifiCorp's repowering activities and represents energy from a facility that is delivered before it reaches its commercial operation date. Any electricity produced while a facility has been taken out of service for repowering was considered test energy by the Company. Test energy is an additional amount added to net power costs as an expense (or as a contra-revenue), with no associated cost. The expense amount for the test energy is based the market value of the energy less the cost of fuel. For repowering there are no fuel costs, so the test energy expense is just the value of the energy produced while a facility was assumed to be removed from service. Thus, even though PacifiCorp incurred no actual variable cost associated with the production of wind test energy during repowering, PacifiCorp includes the additional test energy costs in actual NPC. In that regard, the value assigned to test energy by the Company is an estimate by the Company of that energy's value. PIIC's understanding is that the ordinary treatment for test energy is that test energy generation is considered an offset to the plant balances ofnew generation. During the start-up period a power plant may dispatch in an inefficient way, so it may be appropriate for the fuel costs and the value of energy during the startup period to be capitalized. This case is different, however. In contrast to the ordinary situation of constructing a new combined cycle power plant, the underlying assets already exist, and the repowering facilities have no fuel costs. PacifiCorp did not undertake the effort of tracking or estimating the value of lost energy during the periods that wind facilities were taken out of service for repowering. PacifiCorp did, however, track and estimate the value of the actual energy produced during the periods that the wind facilities were taken out of service for PIIC COMMENTS Case No. PAC-E-20-20, Page 3 repowering, and then removed that value from actual NPC. Viewed in this context, test energy is an imputed replacement power cost during the repowering period. Customers are already faced with a significant amount of replacement power costs in the periods of time that wind facilities were taken out of service for repowering. Accordingly, it is not reasonable to include additional test energy expense to remove the value of the energy that was actually produced in the same period of time. As PacifiCorp noted in response to Data Request 05, there is not necessarily a clear demarcation for when a facility is in or out of service, so the test energy values are somewhat arbitrary. Further, in PIIC Data Request 02, PacifiCorp noted that it has no record of hourly electric market prices in the deferral period. Absent hourly prices, PacifiCorp would have no way to calculate the value of lost energy associated with repowering, so PIIC also has unresolved concerns over how the test energy amounts were calculated. PIIC recommends removing the repowering test energy from the ECAM. Requiring customers to pay for the cost of lost energy, and the cost of test energy as estimated by PacifiCorp is unreasonable. C. CA Greenhouse Gas Allowonce Purchases and UT Retail Net Metering Expense In its FERC Form 1, page 321.I9, PacifiCorp detailed purchased power expense of $4,420,402 associated with CA Greenhouse Gas Allowance Purchases. On page 327.18, PacifiCorp also details $2,390,583 in purchased power expenses associated with the Utah Retail Solar Customers, the retail net metering program in Utah. PIIC recommends that the cost associated with both of these programs be situs assigned to the respective states and excluded from net power costs. Idaho customers should not have to pay $88.86/MWH to pay for the output from Utah retail net metering customers. The Utah Net Metering Program is more appropriately recovered from Utah customers under the terms of the MSP agreement. Further, the cost of PIIC COMMENTS Case No. PAC-E-20-20, Page 4 purchasing greenhouse gas allowances is a cost of Californians to pay, not Idaho customers. D. Grant Meaningful PrioriY Assignment In the footnotes to Page 300 of PacifiCorp's 2019 FERC Form 1, PacifiCorp detailed $533,333 of revenues for assigned power purchase agreements. PacifiCorp has accounted for these revenues in FERC Account 461.1 Other Electric Revenues but has not included the same revenues in acfual NPC. The revenues are proceeds from PacifiCorp's reassignment of its interest in the Grant Meaningful Priority contract. Sine the cost of the contract would otherwise be included in NPC, it would be unreasonable to exclude the assignment revenues from the ECAM E. Outages PIIC did not conduct discovery of the outages in the deferral period. There was, however, a major Lakeside 2 otttage in the Deferral Period, and PIIC requests that PacifiCorp justiff the prudence of that outage in reply comments. PIIC appreciates the opportunity to provide these comments and looks forward to working with the Commission, Commission Staff, PacifiCorp and other Intervenors in this case to resolve the above issues. Dated this 14th day of May,2020. Respectfully submitted, Rr*r't /UrM Ronald L. Williams Williams Bradbury, P.C. Attomeys for PIIC PIIC COMMENTS Case No. PAC-E-20-20, Page 5 CERTIFICATE OF' MAILING I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 14th day of Mav 2020,1caused to be served a true and correct copy of the foregoing document upon the following individuals in the manner indicated below: Diane M. Hanian, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83702 472 W . Washington Street Boise,lD 83702-0074 E-Mail: diane.holt@puc.idaho. gov tru Hand Delivery US Mail (postage prepaid) Facsimile Transmission Federal Express Electronic Transmission Idaho Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W . Washington (837 02) PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720 Email: Karl.Kline@,puc.idaho. gov Ted Weston Idaho Regulatory Affairs Manager Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake city, uT 84116 E-Mail: ted.weston@pacifi corp.com Emily L. Wegener Assistant General Counsel Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, UT 84116 E-Mail: Emilv.wegener@pacifi corp.com Data Request Response Center PacificCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, OR97232 E-Mail: datarequestf@pacifi corp.com Adam Lowney McDowell Rackner Gibson PC 419 SW 11ft Ave., Suite 400 Portland, OR 97205 Email: adamf@mrg-law.com Attorney for RMP f] uand Delivery US Mail (postage prepaid) Facsimile Transmission Federal Express trtrtr trntr [l Electronic Transmission ! Uand Delivery E US Mail (postage prepaid) Facsimile Transmission Federal Express X Electronic Transmission ! Hand Delivery US Mail (postage prepaid) Facsimile Transmission Federal Express I Electronic Transmission Hand Delivery US Mail (postage prepaid) Facsimile Transmission Federal Express I Electronic Transmission Hand Delivery US Mail (postage prepaid) Facsimile Transmission Federal Express PIIC CERTIFICATE OF MAILING ffi Electronic Transmission Page I Randall C. Budge Racine, Olson, Nye & Budge, Chtd. 201 E. Center PO Box 1391 Pocatello, ID 83204-1391 E-Mail: rcb@racinela*.n"t Attomey for Bayer Jim Duke Idahoan Foods 357 Constitution Way Idaho Falls,lD 83742 E-Mail: jduke@idahoan.com PtrC Kyle Williams BYU Idaho Email: williamsk@byui.edu PIIC Val Steiner Nu-West Industries, Inc. EmailVal. Steiner@itafos.com PtrC Bradley G. Mullins 333 S.W. Taylor, St 400 Portland, OR97204 Email: brmullins@mwanalytics.com PtrC Hand Delivery US Mail (postage prepaid) Facsimile Transmission Federal Express Electronic Transmission f] uand Delivery US Mail (postage prepaid) Facsimile Transmission Federal Express Electronic Transmission nnnx trnunx f] nanADetvery US Mail (postage prepaid) Facsimile Transmission Federal Express [l Electronic Transmission Hand Delivery US Mail (postage prepaid) Facsimile Transmission Federal Express Electronic Transmission ! Uand Delivery US Mail (postage prepaid) Facsimile Transmission Federal Express I Electronic Transmission tst Roc*ll L lflall;ta Ronald L. Williams Williams Bradbury, P.C. Attorney for PIIC PIIC CERTIFICATE OF MAILING Page2