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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200917Comments.pdfAttomey for the Idaho Conservation League BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Benjamin J. Otto (ISB No. 8292) 710 N 6ft Street Boise,ID 83701 Ph: (208) 345-6933 x 12 Fax: (208) 344-0344 botto @idahoconservation. org IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUTAIN POWER TO CLOSE THE NET METERING PROGRAM TO NEW SERVICE & IMPLEMENT A NET BILLING PROGRAM TO COMPENSATE CUSTOMER GENERATORS FOR EXPORTEI) GENERATION I Order No. 34752 at7. PAC-E-19-08 TCL COMMENT ON PROPOSED ORDER =: ,: :. ;: l1.j P !1ii:--.'ii!r I EV iir;i: siF l] &tt 9: l+3 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. PAC.E.19.O8 IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE COMMENT ON PROPOSED ORDER NO.347s2 The ldaho Conservation League (ICL) submits the following comments on the Proposed Order No. 34752. ICL supports the Commission's proposal to respect the private investments made by solar customers who participate in Rocky Mountain Power's net metering program defined in Schedule 135. A viable and stable net metering program is essential to protecting Idahoan's rights to invest their own money to meet their own energy needs. The Proposed Order takes the first step towards this goal by applying the same grandfathering treatment devised in Idaho Power's net metering docket to Rocky Mountain Power customers. We strongly agree with the Commission that "there has been no showing of how Rocky Mountain Power customer- generators are differently situated than Idaho Power customers in their reasonable expectations of fundamental program stability". I While we support this overall conclusion ICL does have one concems about the proposed order. Closing the current net metering program before approving a successor program creates vast uncertainty in the market for customer-owned solar, to the detriment of tdahoans and benefit to RMP. This outcome is not fair, just or reasonable. Creating market uncertainty has a huge negative impact on customers who are considering investing their own money while benefiting September 16,2020 the utility. The unfairness arises from the fact that the utilities assert, and the Commission assumes, some amount of cost shifting as the basis for limiting solar growth. But those assumptions have not actually been rigorously tested by the PUC Staff or other stakeholders by examining a full cost of service study or completing a full, transparent assessment of the value of customer exports. Chilling private investment based on assumptions that favor the utility is not fair to customers. Further, creating this amount of market uncertainty appears to benefit only the utilities as shown by the sudden lack of urgency to address net metering going forward. ICL notes both ldaho Power and Rocky Mountain Power initially claimed near-emergency conditions related to net metering growth. Since closing the Idaho Power program, this emergency apparently has evaporated. And it seems like a similar dynamic will arise with Rocky Mountain Power. As RMP clearly states throughout this docket, a primary goal for the utility is to slow the growth of customer-owned solar and creating market uncertainty achieves this goal about as well as changing the program rates. Finally, chilling the market for customer-owned solar has a large impact on Idahoans who may desire to invest in their own energy needs while having no meaningful impact on RMP's system. In20l9 net metered systems accounted for 0.68Yo of peak demand in Idaho.2 To protect Idahoan's right to self-supply energy through a viable net metering program, and to encourage Rocky Mountain Power to complete a full, transparent study of the value of customer exports ICL recommends the Commission changed the Proposed Order to establish the eligibility date to remain on Rocky Mountain Power Schedule 135 to be the date the Commission approves a succor customer-owned solar schedule. Respectfully submitted this 16th day of September, 2020 /s/BeniaminJ Otto Idaho Conservation League 2 RI,P 2019 IRP Appendix A at 12 (2017 noncoincident peak of 830 MW in20l7, growing at l.l3o/o equals 848.9 MW in 2019). RMP Application, page 6, states there is a total of 5.8 MW of customer owned solar on their system in Idaho. PAC-E-19-08 ICL COMMENT ON PROPOSED ORDER 2 September 16,2020 CERTIFICATE OF SERYICE I certify that on the 16th day of September 2020,I delivered true and correct copies of the foregoing COMMENTS ON THE PROPOSED ORDERNO. 34752 to the following via the service method noted: /s/ Benjamin J. Otto Idaho Conservation League Electronic Mail onlv (Order No 34602) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission secr etary @puc. id aho. gov kendrah@givenspurs ley. com Monsanto James R. Smith Edward Jewell Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission edward Randall C. Budge Thomas J. Budge Racine Olson, PLLP r andy @r acineo I son. com Roclry Mountain Power Emily Wegener Ted Weston Rocky Mountain Power Em ily.we gener@pacifi ted.weston@pacifi corp. com datarequest@pac ifi Brian C. Collins Maurice Brubaker Katie Iverson Brubaker & Associates mbrubaker@consultbai. com Adam Lowney McDowell Rackner Gibson PC Idaho lrrigation Pumpers Association Eric L. Olsen ECHO HAWK & OLSEN, PLLC Anthony Yankel Idaho Clean Energt Association Preston N. Carter Givens Pursley LLP PAC-E-19-08 ICL COMMENT ON PROPOSED ORDER J September 16,2020