HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180516Comments.pdfR RACINE OLSON ATTORNEYS Re: IPUC Case No. PAC-E-I8-01 Dear Ms. Hanian Enclosed please find the original and seven (7) copies of Commenffiof fitlonsanto Company. Please file the same with the Commission's records.ff you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call. Thank you. Sincerely, Diane Hanian, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-007 4 diane.holt@puc.idaho.qov RCB:tscc: Service List h,l"l g-fltr DGE V May 16,2018 AU' RANDALL C. BU RANDALL C. BUDGE rcb@racinelaw.net Hand Delivered l,\} ffi i}, /\,! L}(rr rn =m(} cn I I l -.. U) 2O1 E. Center St. I P.O Box 1391 I Pocatello, lD 83204 P: (208) 232-61O1 I F: (2O8) 232-6109 I racinelaw.net Offices in Boise, Pocatello, and ldaho Falls Randall C. Budge, ISB No. 1949 Thomas J. Budge, ISB No. 7465 RACINE, OLSON, NYE & BUDGE, CHARTERED P.O. Box l39l;201 E. Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 Telephone: (208) 232-6101 Fax: (208) 232-6109 rcb@racinelaw.net tib(Dracinelaw.net IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCI(Y MOUNTAIN POWER REQUESTTNG APPROVAL OF $7.8 MILLION NET POWER COST DEFERRAL WITH NO CHANGE TO RATES RECEIVED ?c!flt"t$.Y t6 Pr,t t:35 slol,j C b CASE NO. PAC.E.18.O1 COMMENTS OF MONSAIITO COMPAIYY r-' nl^rilllr-; r/utttttl Attorneys for Intervenor Monsanto Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ) ) ) ) ) ) ) INTRODUCTION COMES NOW Intervenor Monsanto Company ("Monsanto") through counsel and submits these Comments regarding the March 30,2018 Application of Rocky Mountain Power ("Company") seeking approval of a $7.8 million net power cost deferral and the continuation of its 2017 alternative rate plan. The Company is requesting that Schedule No. 94 rates remain at current levels which collect approximately $11.5 million annually from Idaho customers, split as follows: $7.5 million (or 65 percent) for the energy cost adjustment mechanism ("ECAM") deferred balance, and $4.0 million (or 35 percent) for the amortization of the 2013 incremental depreciation expense. Monsanto's Comments are in response to the Commission's Order No. 34038 dated April 19, 2018, giving notice of the Application, that this matter will proceed under Modified Procedure with comments due May 16, 2108, authoizinginterested persons to file written comments in support or opposition, and providing rights or participation by filing a Petition to Intervene. Monsanto's Petition to Intervene was granted by Order No. 34045, April 30, 2018. COMMENTS OF MONSANTO COMPANY.l As discussed below, Monsanto supports lowering ECAM rates from that proposed in the Application as a result of the Stipulation in Case No. GNR-U-18-01. BACKGROUND Monsanto owns and operates phosphate mines in Caribou County, Idaho together with a plant in Soda Springs which utilizes three electric furnaces to produce elemental phosphorus. Elemental phosphorus is the primary building block for the active ingredient glyphosate in Roundup herbicide, the foremost weed-control agent in the world. Monsanto's Soda Springs plant is the largest single user of electricity and the largest single user on the PacifiCorp system, with a load of exceeding 180 megawatts (MW) using 1.4 million MW-hours per year. Monsanto has continuously been a contract customer of PacifiCorp since plant operations began in 1951. The Company provides electric service to Monsanto pursuant to an Electric Service Agreement effective January 1,2016 for a2-year term ("Agreement") and Idaho Electric Service Schedule 400. Under the Agreement, Monsanto receives both firm and intemrptible power. Monsanto's intemrptible products provide the Company with up to 188 hours of operating reserve intemrptions at 95 MW, up to 12 hours of system integrity intemrptions at 162 MW, and up to 800 hours economic curtailments at 67 MW. Monsanto receives a credit for these intemrptions. While Monsanto's rates are fixed pursuant to the Agreement, they remain subject to annual ECAM adjustments like all other Idaho customers. MONSANTO COMMENTS The Company's Application seeks an Order approving the Company's2017 energy related costs of $7.8 million. The Company is proposing to make no change to current Schedule No. 94 rates, thereby collecting approximately $1 1.5 million annually from Idaho customers. Of this total, $4.0 million is proposed to be collected from customers through the ECAM for the amortization of the 2013 incremental depreciation expense. Without the proposed $4 million collection for the deferral balance, rates for customer classes would decrease an average of 1.4%. Monsanto's rates under Schedule 400 would decrease l.8o/o.r The concept of using the ECAM tariff as a collection device to address the growing depreciation regulatory asset was first introduced in the previous ECAM proceeding (Case No. COMMENTS OF MONSANTO COMPANIY - 2 | ,See Response to Monsanto Data Request 1.2, Attachment Monsanto 1.2. PAC-E-I7-02). In that docket, the Company sought approval to decrease ECAM revenues by $7.0 million. However, rather than flow back to customers the entire $7.0 million ECAM decrease, the Application and testimony proposed a rate stability alternative to address the growing depreciation regulatory asset. Under last year's alternative plan, ECAM rates were reduced by $3 million rather than the full $7 million. The remaining $4 million collected from customers was used to offset the defened regulatory asset owed from customers for the 2013 depreciation regulatory asset. In Case No. PAC-E-17-02, Monsanto carefully considered the benefits of receiving a larger rate reduction that would result from the full $7 million decrease, as compared to the benefit of the Company retaining $4 million of revenues to offset dollar for dollar a significant portion of the June 1, 2017 depreciation regulatory asset balance of $5.7 million. Monsanto ultimately supported approval of the concept as the more prudent rate making policy under the circumstances to provide for rate stability and mitigate future rate shock. Monsanto's support of the concept of using the ECAM tariff to collect revenues to pay other, non-power-related costs is by no means a blanket approval for the alternative to continue until a deferral balance reaches zero. Each ECAM case presents its own unique set of circumstances. Unlike last year's ECAM filing, the Company's Application made no offer for an "alternative" rate plan, but rather, simply assumed the concept of recovering another $4.0 million through the ECAM "should be used to amortize the depreciation balance until that balance is recovered." 2 Monsanto believes proposed ECAM rates should first be designed for their intended purpose, that is, to allow the Company to collect or credit the balance of deferred net power costs. While other items have been added over the years,3 these items have been approved through specific Commission order to be included as a part of the ECAM rate on a formal, on- going basis. The use of the ECAM as a means to collect for other deferrals should be considered the exception, and not the rule. Therefore, Monsanto does not agree the $4 million collection should automatically continue this year without question. 2 See Response to Monsanto Data Request 1.3. 3These items include costs associated with Lake Side 2 resource adder, renewable energy production tax credits, Deer Creek mine amortization expense allocated to Idaho, and revenues from the sale of renewable energy credits. COMMENTS OF MONSANTO COMPANY - 3 Our concem, however, has been mitigated in part with the results of a Stipulation reached by the parties in the Tax Reform case, Case No. GNR-U-I8-01. The Tax Reform parties agreed that approximately $3.5 million of Idaho's allocation of tax savings deferred from Januaryl, 2018 through May 31, 2018, will be used to offset the ending balance of the depreciation regulatory asset as of May 31,2018.4 Since the deferred depreciation balance will be zero effective June l, 2018, the Company's proposed $4 million recovery is no longer necessary. Instead, an additional $1.8 million above the approved20lT ECAM deferral will continue to be collected in this year's ECAM rate, in order to offset the incremental2013 depreciation deferral. This effectively reduces the ECAM recovery by $2.2 million. Under this proposal, rates for customer classes would decrease an average of 0.8%. Monsanto's rates under Schedule 400 would decrease 1.0%. Monsanto supports approval of an ECAM rate which includes $1.8 million for the incremental depreciation deferral, rather than the Company's proposed continuation of collecting $4 million. Specifically, Monsanto supports this additional collection for the 2018 ECAM during the next twelve-month collection period June l, 2018 through May 31, 2019. The collection of incremental deferral after June 1,2019 should be considered in the next ECAM filing and only upon a showing it is the more prudent rate making policy. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this l6th day of May 2018. RACINE, OLSON, NYE & BUDGE, CHARTERED B RANDA C. BUDGE a At page 5 of his testimony, RMP witness Michael G. Wilding stated, "The depreciation balance is projected to be $4.9 million by June I , 20 18, with $ I .9 million additional deferral during the next twelve- month collection period (June l, 2018 to May 31, 2019).* In discovery, however, the balance at the end of May 2018 is projected to be much lower at $3.5 million. See RMP Response to Monsanto Data Request 1.4, Attachment Monsanto 1.4. COMMENTS OF MONSANTO COMPANY - 4 CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this l6th day of May, 2018, I served a true, correct and complete copy of the foregoing document, to each of the following, via the method so indicated: Diane Hanian, Secretary (original and 7) Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 E-mail : diane.holt@puc. idaho. sov Ted Weston Idaho Regulatory Affairs Manager Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake city, utah 84111 E-mail : ted. weston(ri pac ificom. com Yvonne R. Hogle Senior Counsel Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake city, Utah 841I I E-mail: Yvonne.hoge[@pacificorp.com Ronald L. Williams Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise,Idaho 83702 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneyfor PICC Eric L. Olsen Echo Hawk & Olsen PLLC 505 Pershing Ave., Suite 100 P.O. Box 6119 Pocatello, Idaho 83205 Email: elo@echohawk.com Attorneyfor IIPA Hand Delivered + Email E-Mail E-Mail E-Mail E-Mail c. RANDALL C. BUDGE COMMENTS OF MONSANTO COMPAITIY - 5