HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180326Brief in Support of Motion.pdfRonald L.Williams,ISB No.3034 RE E ED Williams Bradbury,P.C. P.O.Box 388 25 AM 9:59 Boise ID,83701 Telephone:208-344-6633 Fax:208-343-5456 ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for PIIC BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION )Case No.PAC-E-17-07 OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR )CERTIFICATES OF PUBLIC )PACIFICORP IDAHO INDUSTRIAL CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY AND )CUSTOMERS'BRIEF IN SUPPORT OF BINDING RATEMAKING TREATMENT )MOTION TO COMPEL DISCOVERY FOR WIND AND TRANSMISSION )RESPONSES FACILITIES The PacifiCorp Idaho Industrial Customers ("PIIC"),submits this Brief in Support of its Motion to Compel Discovery Responses,in accordance with IDAPA,221 -225,to compel Rocky Mountain Power (RMP or "PacifiCorp")to fully answer PIIC's Fifth Production Request,Requests No.30,31,34(d)and 34(h). PROCEDURAL BACKGROUND On February 26,2018,PIIC timely served RMP with its Fifth Request for Production in the above referenced case -PIIC Request Nos 21 -40.On Monday,March 19,2018,PacifiCorp timely served its response to PIIC's Fifth Request for Production. (See Exhibit A,which includes both requests and responses).In its response,PacifiCorp objected,and did not respond to,PIIC Data Requests 30,31,32,33,34,35,and 36. PacifiCorp alleged that those requests were "not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant or admissible evidence."On Tuesday March 20,2018,PIIC PIIC MOTION TO COMPEL,Page 1 contacted PacifiCorp and asked that if PacifiCorp would respond to only PIIC Data Requests 30,31,34(d)and 34(h),PIIC was willing to withdraw the other requests.(See Exhibit B).The request also asked that PacifiCorp reply "at its earliest convenience"and that PIIC would appreciate "knowingASAP if [PacifiCorp]would amend its answer." Otherwise,PIIC stated it would need "to file a motion to compel"answers.PacifiCorp has not responded to this request and PIIC interprets PacifiCorp's failure to respond as its continued objection to providing responses to PIIC Data Requests 30,31,34(d)and 34(h). STATEMENT OF LAW Idaho PUC Rule 221.05 provides that the scope and procedure of discovery (other than statutory examination and audit)shall be governed by the Idaho Rules of Civil Procedure ("IRCP").Rule 26(b)(l)of the IRCP broadly defines the scope of discovery as follows: Parties may obtain discovery regarding any nonprivileged matter that is relevant to any party's claim or defense,including the existence, description,nature,custody,condition,and location of any documents or other tangible things and the identity and location of persons who know of any discoverable matter.For good cause,the court may order discovery of any matter relevant to the subject matter involved in the action.Relevant information need not be admissible at the trial if the discovery appears reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. I.R.C.P.26(b)(l)(2016)(emphasis added).Therefore,under IPUC Rule 221,the Commission may order discovery that is "relevant to the subject matter involved in the action"and the "relevant information need not be admissible at the trial if the discovery appears to reasonably calculate to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence." PIIC MOTION TO COMPEL,Page 2 ARGUMENT I.PIIC's Requests 30,31,34(d),and 34(h)are calculated to lead to admissible evidence. With respect to RMP's objection that discovered information may not be "admissible,"such an objection is essentially prohibited by Idaho Rules of Civil Procedure ("Relevant information need not be admissible at the trial if the discovery appears reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence.")See I.R.C.P.26(b)(l). The standard for admissibility of evidence before the Commission is also significantlyless than the standard applicable in Idaho courts,to which I.R.C.P 26(b)(l) also applies.Idaho PUC Rules state that the Commission is not bound by the Idaho Rules of Evidence,but the "rules as to the admissibility of evidence used by the district courts of Idaho in non-jurycivil cases are generally followed"and "evidence may be admitted if it is a type generally relied upon by prudent persons in the conduct of their affairs." IDAPA evidence that will be obtained through PIIC's requests is information that would be reasonably relied up by a prudent customer of RMP in the conduct if its affairs.In essence,the information requested is important to understanding the costs and benefits associated with the 2017R RFP short list resources identified in PacifiCorp's SupplementalDirect Testimony,as discussed below. II.PIIC's Requests 30,31,34(d),and 34(h)are relevant. A.Overview PIIC's production requests 30,31,34(d)and 34(h)are not only relevant,but are essential to understandingthe costs and benefits associated with the 2017R RFP short list resources identified in PacifiCorp's SupplementalDirect Testimony.In particular,these PIIC MOTION TO COMPEL,Page 3 production requests are relevant in understanding whether PacifiCorp has appropriately considered the costs and benefits of energy imbalance market ("EIM")transactions which are imputes or variables used by RMP in developing its estimated benefit projections in Corrected Table 2-SD and Corrected Table 3-SD in the Supplemental Direct Testimony of Rick Link.' In response to PIIC Data Request 21,PacifiCorp confirmed that the economic analyses in the SupplementalDirect Testimony of Rick T.Link included a modeling assumption it refers to as an "Energy Imbalance Market ("EIM")Benefit."2 In both the System Optimizer and PaR models,the transmission topology3 includes a new 300 MW transmission link between Jim Bridger and Walla Walla.This new transmission link does not exist today,and PacifiCorp has no plans to build it.Notwithstanding, PacifiCorp believes that this incremental 300 MW of transmission capability will be made available when Idaho Power joins the EIM.Within its models,this assumption has the effect of reducing congestion out of Wyoming at Bridger (the terminating end of the proposed Gateway sub-segment D2)and increasing the purported economic benefits of the short list resources identified in the SupplementalDirect Testimony of Rick T.Link. In Direct Testimony,PIIC witness Mr.Mullins testified that the EIM does not operate in a way that allows a utility to effectuate firm transmission of electricity,as PacifiCorp has modeled with respect to its EIM benefit adjustment.4 In contrast,Mr. Mullins testified that the EIM is likelyto result in a net cost to Wyomingwind resources, i See Corrected Supplemental Direct Testimony of Rick Link,Pages 27 and 30. 2 See Exhibit A page 14. For an illustration of the transmission topology used in the IRP see PacifiCorp,2017 Integrated Resource Plan,Page 147,Figure 7.2. 4 Direct Testimony of Bradley G.Mullins,page 28,line 1 -page 29,line 2. PIIC MOTION TO COMPEL,Page 4 since those resource will be subject to uninstructed imbalance charges,which PacifiCorp acknowledged was not considered in its economic analysis." In Rebuttal Testimony,RMP never actuallyresponded to the propriety of the new 300 MW transmission link between the Jim Bridger and Walla Walla.Mr.Link apparently disagreed with the way Mr.Mullins has characterized the Supplemental GRID studies that were prepared as a part of the 2017 IRP.6 He noted that the GRID model studies were only used in the 2017 IRP,and not in subsequent analyses presented in this docket.'Mr.Mullins,however,acknowledgedthat PacifiCorp only used the Supplemental GRID studies in the 2017 IRP,and that PacifiCorp had since incorporated the adjustments into the SO and PaR models."The only reason that the Supplemental GRID studies were considered was due to the fact that,as can be noted in PacifiCorp's response to PIIC Data Request 21,PacifiCorp has been unwillingto isolate the impact of the 300 MW link between Jim Bridger and Walla Walla in economic studies performed using the SO and PaR models."Since PacifiCorp has been unresponsive,the Supplemental GRID studies are the best information available estimating the economic impact of the new,300 MW transmission link between Jim Bridger and Walla Walla included in PacifiCorp's economic analyses. Further,in response to Mr.Mullins allegation that the EIM is likely to represent an additional ancillaryservice cost,Mr.Vail testified that "there is no basis to assume that uninstructed imbalance will result in a net cost and,in fact,the expectation is that 5 Id. 6 Rebuttal Testimony of Rick Link,page 27,line 19 -page 28,line l. 7 Id. 8 Direct Testimony of Bradley G.Mullins,page 6,lines 7 -10. 9 See Attachment A,page 14. PIIC MOTION TO COMPEL,Page 5 over time there will be no net impact associated with uninstructed imbalance"'°Mr.Vail, however,did not provide any supporting data-such as actual uninstructed imbalance charges for existing Wyomingwind resources-to support his claim that the uninstructed imbalance of Wyomingwind resources will net to zero. B.PIIC Data Request 30 In Data Request 30,PIIC requested PacifiCorp identify whether PacifiCorp is "required to submit independently balanced EIM Base Schedules for PACE and PACW balancing area pursuant to the CAISO's EIM tariff or PacifiCorp Transmission's EIM tariff."PacifiCorp objected to this request alleging that it was not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant or admissible evidence. PIIC believes that it is not possible to use the EIM to achieve new,firm transmission rights on another EIM participants system because each EIM participant is required to submit a balanced EIM Base Schedule.To the extent that each balancing area must be independently balanced,as questioned in PIIC Data Request,PacifiCorp would not be able to utilize the EIM to effectuate firm transmission between PACE and PACW in an amount exceeding PacifiCorp's existing firm transmission capability.If true,it would suggest that the 300 MW of link between Jim Bridger and Walla Walla is not appropriately included in the SO and PaR model studies presented in the Supplemental Direct Testimony of Rick T.Link. 10 Rebuttal Testimony of Rick Vail,page 23,lines 12 -14. PIIC MOTION TO COMPEL,Page 6 C.PIIC Data Request 31 In Data Request 31,PIIC requested PacifiCorp identify whether the EIM provides "PacifiCorp with the ability to schedule firm energy between balancing areas in an amount exceeding the firm transmission rights that PacifiCorp possesses between the two balancing areas."PacifiCorp objected to this request on the basis that the request is not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant or admissible evidence. PIIC is aware of no tariff provisions within the California IndependentOperator EIM tariff that would allow for the type of transmission capability between Jim Bridger and Walla Wall that the Company has included in the SO and PaR model studies presented in the Second Supplemental Direct Testimony of Rick T.Link.Data Request 31 requests PacifiCorp identify those provisions.Thus,it is appropriate,and relevant,to the consideration of the Company's purported benefits of the 2017R RFP short list win resource for PacifiCorp to identify,with specificity,how it intends to use the EIM to achieve the incremental 300 MW of new transmission capability between Jim Bridger and Walla Walla. D.PIIC Data Request 34(d)and 34(h) In Data Request 34,PIIC requested PacifiCorp provide the monthlyuninstructed imbalance charges associated with a list of existing wind resources located in Wyoming. In an effort to reduce the potential burden of responding to this request,PIIC was willing to limit the data requested to two existing wind facilities:McFadden Ridge (PIIC Data Request 34(d))and Dunlap I (PIIC Data Request 34(h)). Mr.Vail's Rebuttal Testimony confirmed that the economic studies presented in the Supplemental Direct Testimony of Mr.Link did not consider any ancillaryservices PIIC MOTION TO COMPEL,Page 7 costs associated with acquiring EIM imbalance services applicable to the 2017R RFP short list wind resources.As noted above,Mr.Vail has testified that his expectation is the net uninstructed imbalance will be zero for Wyomingwind resource.PIIC does not share Mr.Vail's expectation.PIIC's expectation is that imbalance services will be a net cost to the 2017R RFP short list wind resources,since imbalance ancillaryservices typically represent a net cost to non-dispatchableresources and loads (the resources causing the imbalance),and a net benefit to dispatchable resources (the resources responding to the imbalance). A simple way to test the accuracy of Mr.Vail's testimony is to look at the actual uninstructed imbalance data associated with existing wind resources in eastern Wyoming, as requested in PIIC Data Request 34.If the uninstructed imbalance for existing wind resources represents a net cost,then Mr.Vail's testimony on this issue,and the modeling supporting the 2017R RFP shortlist,is not accurate.Accordingly,the information sought with respect to Data Request 34 is relevant to this case. III.Confidential Information. Any confidential or highly confidentlyinformation that is provided to PIIC pursuant to these request is protected by a Protective Agreement signed by all parties and will be respected and treated as confidential.Thus,pursuant to IRCP 26(b)(l),the data requested by PIIC is discoverable and PacifiCorp should be compelled to respond in full. PIIC MOTION TO COMPEL,Page 8 CONCLUSION For the forgoing reasons,PacifiCorp Idaho Industrial Customers request of the Commission as follows: 1.To set a schedule with respect to this Motion and consider its merits on an expedited basis.PIIC waives oral argument and agrees that the Commission can consider and rule based on written materials submitted by PIIC and RMP. 2.To compel Rocky Mountain Power to respond in full to PIIC Requests 30,31, 34(d)and 34(h), 3.If the relief requested is granted,to direct Idaho PUC Staff,in conjunctionwith the Parties,to re-establish a delayed procedural schedule in this case that will allow PIIC to receive the requested information,analyze it,prepare and file its prefiled testimony,and provide adequate time for all parties to prepare for hearing,and 4.To provide other relief as deemed necessary by the Commission. Dated this dayS of March,2018. Res tfully Ronald L.Williams Williams Bradbury,P.C. Attorneys for PIIC PIIC MOTION TO COMPEL,Page 9 Ronald L.Williams,ISB No.3034 Williams Bradbury,P.C. P.O.Box 388 Boise ID,83701 Telephone:208-344-6633 Fax:208-343-5456 ron @ williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for PIIC BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR ) CERTIFICATES OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE )Case No.PAC-E-17-07 AND NECESSITY AND BINDING )RATEMAKING TREATMENT FOR WIND ) AND TRANSMISSION FACILITIES ) EXHIBIT A ROCKY MOUNTAINPOWER A DnnSIONOFPACŒlCORP 1407 W North Temple,Suite 330 Salt Lake City,Utah 84116 March 19,2018 Ronald L.Williams,ISB No.3034 802 W.Bannock Street,Suite 900 Boise,ID 83702 ron@williamsbradbury.com(C) RE:ID PAC-E-17-07 PIIC 5th Set Data Request (21-42) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responsesto PIIC 5th Set Data Requests 21-42. Also provided are Attachments PIIC 25-(1-2)and 29-1.Provided on the enclosed Confidential CD are Confidential Attachments PIIC 26,29 -(2-3),and 38. Confidential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding. If you have any questions,please feel free to call me at (801)220-2963. Sincerely, J.Ted Weston Manager,Regulation Enclosures C.c.:Brad Mullins/PIIC brmullins@mwanalytics.com (C) Jim Duke/PIIC iduke@idahoan.com (W) Kyle Williams/PIIC williamsk@bvui.edu (W) Val Steiner/PIICval.steiner@agrium.com (W) Brian C.Collins/Brubaker&Associates boollins@consultbai.com (C)(W) James ILSmith/Monsanto jim.r.smith@monsanto.com (C)(W) Maurice Brubaker/Monsantombrubaker@consultbai.com (C)(W) Katie Iverson/Monsantokiverson@consultbai.com (C) Eric Olsen/IIPA elo@achohawk.com (C) AnthonyYankel/IIPA tonv@vankel.net(C) Randall C.Budge/Monsanto reb@racinelaw.net (C) Thomas J.Budge/Monsanto tjb@racinelaw.net (C)(W) Diane Hanian/IPUC diane.holt@puc.idaho.gov (C) PAC-E-17-07/Rocky Mountain Power March 19,2018 PIIC 5th Set Data Request 30 PIIC Data Request 30 Is PacifiCorp required to submit independently balanced EIM Base Schedules for PACE and PACW balancing area pursuant to the CAISO's EIM tariff or PacifiCorp Transmission's EIM tariff?If yes,please provide a citation to the tariff corresponding to the requirement.If no,please explain how the EIM base schedules are determined for the respective balancing areas. Response to PIIC Data Request 30 PacifiCorp objects to this request as not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant or admissible evidence. Recordholder:Yvonne Hogle Sponsor:To Be Determined PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power March 19,2018 PIIC 563 Set Data Request 31 PIIC Data Request 31 Does the EIM provide PacifiCorp with the ability to schedule finn energy between balancing areas in an amount exceeding the firm transmission rights that PacifiCorp possesses between the two balancing areas?If yes,please explain, with references to specific tariff provision,how transfers of such firm energy transfers may be accomplished. Response to PIIC Data Request 31 PacifiCorp objects to this request as not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant or admissible evidence. Recordholder:Yvonne Hogle Sponsor:To Be Determined PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power March 19,2018 PIIC 5"Set Data Request 32 PIIC Data Request 32 Please identify the all scheduling information that PacifiCorp submits to the CAISO on an hour-ahead basis. Response to PIIC Data Request 32 PacifiCorp objects to this request as not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant or admissible evidence. Recordholder:Yvonne Hogle Sponsor:To Be Deternined PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power March 19,2018 PIIC 5th Set Data Request 33 PIIC Data Request 33 Please provide a sample of the EIM Base Schedules that PacifiCorp submitted to the CAISO,including the most granular level of load and resource data available, corresponding to the followinghours: (a)June 26,2017,HE 1700. (b)January 16,2017,HE 800. (c)November 30,2016,HE 800. (d)July28,2016,HE 1700. Response to PIIC Data Request 33 PacifiCorp objects to this request as not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant or admissible evidence. Recordholder:Yvonne Hogle Sponsor:To Be Determined PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power March 19,20 18 PIIC 5th Set Data Request 34 PIIC Data Request 34 Please provide uninstructed imbalance charges for the followingwind facilities on a monthlybasis (or the greatest level of granularity available)over the period January 1,2015 through June 30,2017: (a)Glenrock. (b)Glenrock III. (c)Foote Creek. (d)McFadden Ridge. (e)Seven Mile Wind. (f)Seven Mile 11 Wind. (g)Top of the World Wind. (h)Dunlap Wind. (i)High Plains Wind. (j)Mountain Wind I. (k)Mountain Wind II. (1)Rock River 1. (m)Rolling Hills Wind Response to PIIC Data Request 34 PacifiCorp objects to this request as not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant or admissible evidence. Recordholder:Yvonne Hogle Sponsor:To Be Determined PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power March 19,2018 PIIC 5th Set Data Request 35 PIIC Data Request 35 Please provide the 5 and 15 minute uninstructed imbalance associated with the followingwind facilities over the period July 1,2016 through June 30,2017: (a)Dunlap Wind. (b)McFadden Ridge. (c)Top of the World Wind. Response to PIIC Data Request 35 PacifiCorp objects to this request as not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant or admissible evidence. Recordholder:Yvonne Hogle Sponsor:To Be Detennined PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power March 19,2018 PIIC 5e'Set Data Request 36 PIIC Data Request 36 For each PNode in PacifiCorp's PACE and PACW balancing area,please provide 5-and 15-minuted EIM prices over the period July 1,2016 through June 30, 2017. Response to PIIC Data Request 36 PacifiCorp objects to this request as not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of relevant or admissible evidence. Recordholder:Yvonne Hogle Sponsor:To Be Determined Ronald L.Williams,ISB No.3034 Williams Bradbury,P.C. P.O.Box 388 Boise ID,83701 Telephone:208-344-6633 Fax:208-343-5456 ron @ williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for PIIC BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF )ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR )CERTIFICATES OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE )Case No.PAC-E-17-07 AND NECESSITY AND BINDING ) RATEMAKING TREATMENT FOR WIND )AND TRANSMISSION FACILITIES ) EXHIBIT B From:Ron Williams Sent:Tuesday,March 20,2018 12:41 PM To:Hogle,Yvonne Cc:Bradley G.Mullins (brmullins@mwanalytics.com);jduke@idahoan.com; Michelle Williams Subject:Discovery Yvonne, I noticed that you elected not to answer PIIC discovery requests 30 -36 as not relevant of admissible. Brad needs answers to requests 30,31,34(d)and 34(h),in preparation of his testimony.The rest we can let go. Please let me know at your earliest convenience if and when you can answer these requests.I would also appreciate knowing ASAP if you will not amend your answer,in order to file a motion to compel, and have it timely considered.Scheduling a motion could also impact the schedule. Regards, (w)208.344.6633 (c)208.890.4620