HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180529Admitted Exhibit 220.pdfMonoto Copa Fxhibir NO.220 PACIFICORP-2017 IRP UPDATE CHAPTERl -EXECUTIVE g CHAPTER 1--EXECUTIVE SUMMARY %Asde PacifiCorp submitted its 2017 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP)to state regulatorycommissions on April 4,2017.That plan provides a framework for future actions that PacifiCorp will take to provide reliable and reasonably priced service for its customers through the least-cost,least-risk resource portfolio.The 2017 IRP Update reflects resource planning and procurement activitiesthat have occurred since the 2017 IRP and presents an updated load-and-resource balance and an updated resource portfolio consistent with changes in the planning environment.The 2017 IRP Update also provides a status update for the action plan filed with the 2017 IRP in Chapter 10.In presenting the updated load-and-resource balance and updated resource portfolio,PacifiCorp shows changes relative to the 2017 IRP which covers the 2017 to 2036 planning horizon.In the 2017 IRP Update PacifiCorp also addresses recommendations and requirements identified by its state regulatory commissions during the 2017 IRP acknowledgement or acceptance process. PacifiCorp's long-termplanningprocess involves balanced consideration of cost,risk,uncertainty, supply reliability/delivery,and long-run public policy goals.The following summarizes the key highlights of PacifiCorp's 2017 IRP Update: PacifiCorp's 2017 IRP Update preferred portfolio includes updated cost-and-performance information for the Energy Vision 2020 projects,which include 1,31l MW of new wind, O repowering just over 999 MW of existing wind capacity,and the new 140-mile,500 kilovolt (kV)Aeolus-to-Bridger/Anticline transmission line in Wyoming.Collectively, these resources contribute to meeting the capacity need identified in PacifiCorp's updated load-and-resource balance and are on track to be in service by the end of 2020.The Energy Vision 2020 projects continue to be a central feature of the 2017 IRP Update least-cost, least-risk preferred portfolio and will provide substantial benefits for customers. -The 1,311 MW of new wind projects were identified through a robust competitive bidding process.Updated economic analysis of these new wind resources,enabled by the Aeolus-to-Bridger/Anticline transmission line,shows that they will provide substantial customer benefits.In additionto creating construction jobs and tax revenue in the state of Wyoming,the new wind projects will qualifyfor the full value of federal production tax credits (PTCs)and generate zero-fuel-cost energy. -The new 500-kv,140-mile Aeolus-to Bridger/Anticline transmission line,which is needed to strengthen the electric reliability of PacifiCorp's transmission system,will provide critical voltage support to the Wyoming transmission network,mitigate the impact of outages on the existing system,enhance the company's ability to comply with mandated reliabilityand performance standards,and reduce line losses.The new transmission line will also relieve existing transmission constraints,increase transfer capability and enable interconnection of new capacity. -The 999 MW of repowered wind facilities located in Oregon,Washington and O Wyoming,will provide substantial customer benefits and optimize the existing wind fleet by using new technologythat increases zero-fuel-cost energy production,reduces 1 PACIFICORP-2017 IRP UPDATE CHAPTER 1 -EXECUTIVESUMMARY O ongoing operating costs by avoidingcapital expenditures related to component failures, renews the existing wind fleet with new turbines that extend the useful life of the wind facilities by up to 13 years,requalifies the wind facilities to receive the full value of PTCs for another 10 years,and improves delivery of wind energy into the transmission system through enhanced voltage support and power quality. With reduced loads and lower renewable resource costs,the updated preferred portfolio contains no new natural gas resources through the 20-year planning horizon.This is the first time an IRP has not included new fossil-fueled generation as a least-cost,least-risk resource for PacifiCorp. Through the end of 2036,the updated preferred portfolio includes over 2,700 MW of new wind resources,1,860 MW of new solar resources,1,877 MW of incremental energy efficiency resources,and approximately268 MW of direct-load control resources. The 2017 IRP Update preferred portfolio continues to assume existing owned coal capacity will be reduced by 3,650 MW through the end of 2036. In accordance with action items in the 2017 IRP action plan,PacifiCorp completed unit- specific coal studies in the 2017 IRP Update for NaughtonUnit 3,Cholla Unit 4,Dave Johnston Unit 3,and Jim Bridger Units 1 and 2.Consistent with the findings from these studies,the 2017 IRP Update continues to assume no incremental selective catalytic reduction (SCR)emission-reduction systems will be needed to satisfy regional haze O compliance obligations.PacifiCorp continues to assume Cholla Unit 4 retires at the end of 2020,Dave Johnston Unit 3 retires at the end of 2027,and Jim Bridger Units 1 and 2 retire at the end of 2028 and 2032,respectively.The 2017 IRP Update assumes Naughton Unit 3 retires end of January 2019,shifted one month from the 2017 IRP that assumedretirement at the end of 2018. On March 28,2017,President Trump issued an Executive Order directing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)to review the Clean Power Plan (CPP)and,if appropriate,suspend,revise,or rescind the CPP,as well as related rules and agency actions. On October 10,2017,the EPA issued a proposal to repeal the CPP and the EPA will take comments on the proposed repeal until April 26,2018.In addition,the EPA published in the Federal Register an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking December 28,2017, seeking public input on,without committing to,a potential replacement rule.The public comment period for the Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking concluded February 26, 2018.PacifiCorp will continue to follow activities related to the CPP;however,the company has not included the CPP in its assumptions for the 2017 IRP Update.Rather,the 2017 IRP Update includes a medium CO2 priCC RSsumption starting in 2030 to reflect possible regulatory changes in the future. On December 22,2017,President Trump signed into law H.R.1 (Tax Reform Act)which generally impacts PacifiCorp for tax years beginning in 2018 and going forward.The Tax Reform Act reduced the federal corporate income tax rate from a top rate of 35 percent to an across-the-board federal corporate income tax rate of 21 percent.The Tax Reform Act O left intact the federal tax credit rules and phase-outs for wind and solar facilities as enacted in the 2015 tax extender legislation.Public utility property will no longer be eligible for 2 PACIFICORP-2017 IRP UPDATE CHAPTER1-EXECUTIVESUMMARY O bonus depreciation for property placed in service after September 27,2017,unless it was subject to a written binding contract on September 27,2017.PacifiCorp's 2017 IRP Update accounts for the Tax Reform Act,and updated economic analysis of Energy Vision 2020 projects are greater than originally estimated in the 2017 IRP despite the reduction in federal corporate income tax rate. As shown in Figure 1.1 PacifiCorp's most recent coincident system peak load forecast,is down relativeto the 20 17 IRP.On average,across the first ten years of the planning period, the coincidentsystem peak is down by roughly 424 MW relativeto the 2017 IRP reflecting a less favorable outlook for the industrial segment and the adoption of more efficient appliances by residential customers. Figure 1.1--System Coincident Peak Load 11,500 10,000 ------O = 9,500 9,000 -+-2017 IRP -111-2017 IRP Update Figure 1.2 shows that forecasted natural gas and energy prices have declined from those in the 2017 IRP through about the 2030-2031 time frame.Domestic gas price forecasts continue to be driven down by growth in unconventional shale-gas plays.This in turn (combined with lower forecasted regional loads)impacts forward market power prices. O 3 PACIFICORP-2017 IRP UPDATE CHAPTER1-EXECUTIVESUMMARY Figure 1.2 --Power and Natural Gas Price Co nparisons (Nominal) Henry Hub Natural Gas Prices yogo Average Mid-C/Palo Verde Flat Electric Prices 7 00 60 00 6 00 s * 50 00 4000 3000300m--E .. 2 00 2 20 00 1 00 10 00 000 000 -2017 lRP_Upd (Dec 2017)-20\7 IRP (Oct 20L6)-20L7 IRP Upd (Dec 2017)--2017 IRP (Oct 2016) Figure 1.3 summarizes the 2017 IRP Update capacity load-and-resource balance,before acquiring new resources and making firm market purchases,alongside the load-and-resource balance from the 2017 IRP.The load-and-resource balance capacity need has decreased by an average of 408 MW,relative to the 2017 IRP,reflecting a lower load forecast and an increase in qualifying facility contracts.The capacity need in both the 2017 IRP and the 2017 IRP Update increases at the end O of January 2019 due to the assumed early retirement of Naughton Unit 3 and at the end of 2020 due to the assumed early retirement of Cholla Unit 4.The 2017 IRP Update load-and-resource balance continues to show a capacity need throughout the planningperiod,but this need has been reduced relative to the 2017 IRP by 204 MW in 2018 rising to 539 MW by 2027. I O 4 PACIFICORP-2017 IRP UPDATE CHAPTER1 -EXECUTIVESUMMARY Figure 1.3 -Capacity Position Comparison 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 (1,200)=2017 IRP 2017 IRP Uµdate Table 1.1 reports the 2017 IRP Update preferred portfolio and differences relative to the 2017 IRP preferred portfolio.The table shows the resource mix that achieves a 13-percent planning reserve margin in each reported year.As compared to the 2017 IRP preferred portfolio,changes in the resource mix reflect updates to Energy Vision 2020 new wind resources and a reduced load forecast that result in removal of the need for a new natural gas simple cycle combustion turbine (SCCT)and combined cycle combustion turbine (CCCT)and reduced reliance on higher risk market transactions throughout the 20-year planning horizon.As was the case in the 2017 IRP preferred portfolio,PacifiCorp continues to plan to meet its customers'needs largely through the acquisition of cost-effective Energy Vision 2020 resources,energy efficiency (Class 2 demand- side management (DSM))resources,and front-office transactions (FOTs),over the next ten years. O 5 PACIFICORP-20 17 IRP UPDATE CHAPTER4 -LOAD-AND-RESOURCEBALANCE UPDATE CHAPTER 4 -LOAD-AND-RESOURCE BALANCE UPDATE This chapter presents an update to PacifiCorp's load-and-resource balance.Updates to PacifiCorp's long-term load forecasts (both energy and coincident peak load)for each state and the system as a whole are summarized in the Appendix.Updates to PacifiCorp's load forecast, resources,and capacity position are presented and summarized in this chapter. The 2017 IRP Update relies on PacifiCorp's August 2017 load forecast.Figure 4.1 compares PacifiCorp's most recent load forecast to the forecast used for the 2017 IRP.Figure 4.2 compares PacifiCorp's most recent coincident system peak load forecast to the forecast used for the 2017 IRP.Considering that PaciflCorp analyzes incremental energy efficiency and direct-load control programs as demand-side resource options in its IRP,both figures exclude incremental energy efficiency savings and direct-loadcontrol capacity included in the updated resource portfolio.The compounded average annual growth rate (CAGR)for system load is 0.55 percent over the period 2018 through 2027.The CAGR for system coincident peak is 0.54 percent over the period 2018 through 2027. Figure 4.1-Forecasted Annual Load (GWh) 68,000 62,000 58,000 56,000 - 54,000 i 52,000 50,000 -- -+-2017 IRP -e-2017 IRP Update O 23 PACIFICORP-20 17 IRP UPDATE CHAPTER5 -MODELINGAND ASSUMPTIONSUPDATE Figure 5.2 -Henry Hub Natural Gas Prices (Nominal) 8.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 ... 4.00 E 3.00 --- 2.00 1.00 0.00 --2017 IRP_Upd(Dec 2017)--2017 IRP (Oct 2016) Power Market Prices The natural gas fundamentals forecast described above is a key input to the Aurora model,and O consequently,the gas curve shape is reflected in wholesale electricity prices.Figure 5.3 and Figure 5.4 compare the average annual flat and heavy-load-hourelectricity prices for the Palo Verde market hub from the October 2016 and December 2017 OFPCs;Figure 5.5 and Figure 5.6 show the comparison for the Mid-Columbia market hub. O 56 PACIFICORP-2017 IRP UPDATE CHAPTER5 -MODELING AND ASSUMPTIONSUPDATE Figure 5.5 -Average Annual Flat Mid-Columbia Electricity Prices (Nominal) 70.00 60.00 3 50.00 ,....** 40.00 30.00 ,/ 20.00 10.00 0.00 ---2017 IRP Upd (Dec 2017)--2017 IRP (Oct 2016) Figure 5.6 -Average Annual Heavy Load Hour Mid-Columbia Electricity Prices (Nominal, 70.00 60.00 -""" =50.00 - 40.00 30.00 ,,..-* oX 20.00 10.00 0.00 ---2017 IRP Upd (Dec 2017)--2017 IRP (Oct 2016) Corbpa bioxtde Emission Policy On March 28,2017,President Trump issued an Executive order directing the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)to review the Clean Power Plan (CPP)and,if appropriate,suspend, revise,or rescind the CPP,as well as related rules and agency actions.On October 10,2017,EPA O issued a proposal to repeal the CPP and the public comment period on EPA's proposal closed April 26,2018.In addition,EPA published an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in the Federal 58 PACIFICORP-2017 IRP UPDATE CHAPTER7-ENERGY VISION 2020 UPDATE O for the updated performance estimates discussed above,customer benefits for all price-policy scenarios would improve by approximately$6 million for every dollar assigned to the incremental RECs that will be generated from the repowered facilities through 2036.Benefits for all price- policy scenarios would improve by approximately $12 million for every dollar assigned to the incremental RECs that will be generated from the repowered facilities through 2050.Quantifying the potential upside associatedwith incremental REC revenues is intended to simply communicate that the net benefits from the repowering project could improve if the incremental RECs can be monetized in the market.Moreover,as noted earlier,none of the economic analyses account for the capacity value of the repowered wind facilities in the period when they would have otherwise hit the end of their depreciable lives (i.e.,beyond 2036). Analysis conducted in the 2017 IRP covered a wide range of studies,including regional haze cases, price-policy cases and sensitivities.Wyoming wind was consistently selected in the optimized portfolios of nearly all cases,up to the maximum capacity of Wyoming wind capable of interconnecting to the transmission system without incremental investment in Energy Gateway transmission infrastructure.Based on these results,PacifiCorp further analyzed Energy Gateway sensitivities.This analysis showed that the combination of new wind and new transmission resulted in the least-cost,least-risk combinationof resources to meet load and resource needs over the 20-year planning horizon.Enabled by the transmission projects described later in this chapter, and based on the results of PacifiCorp's 2017R RFP,1,311 MW of new wind resources will be placed in service by the end of 2020,creating substantial benefits for customers. Wind Projects Extension of federal PTCs created a time-limited opportunityfor PacifiCorp to acquire significant cost-effective,zero-fuel cost wind resources,generating PTCs from the Wind Projects that will help meet projected capacity needs and provide substantial benefits for customers.The additional capacity from the Wind Projects will reduce reliance on more costly and less certain resources,in particular uncommitted front office transactions (market purchases)over the near term and defer the need for higher-cost resource alternatives over the long term.While not valued as part of this analysis,the new wind energy will also produce additional RECs,further increasing the value of these new resources. To achieve the full customer benefits of the PTCs,PacifiCorp must develop the Wind Projects with the Transmission Projects and bring them into service together.The Wind Projects are not economic without the Transmission Projects,which are needed to relieve existing congestion and to interconnect new PTC-eligible wind facilities in high-wind areas of Wyoming.The Transmission Projects are not economic without incremental cost-effective wind facilities producing zero-fuel-cost energy and PTCs. 2017R REP The 2017 IRP Update preferred portfolio relies on the extensive analysis conducted in the Company's 2017R RFP,and advances PacifiCorp's commitment to low-cost energy with plans to O 98 PACIFICORP-20 17 IRP UPDATE CHAPTER7 -ENERGYVISION 2020 UPDATE O Table 7.9 -Nominal Revenue Requirement PVRR(d)(Benefit)/Cost of the Low Gas,Zero CO2 184 Low Gas,Medium CO2 127 Low Gas,High CO2 (147) Medium Gas,Zero CO2 (92) Medium Gas,Medium CO2 (167) Medium Gas,High CO2 (304) High Gas,Zero CO2 (448) High Gas,Medium CO2 (499) High Gas,High CO2 (635) When system costs and benefits from the Combined Projects are extended out through 2050, covering the full depreciable life of the owned-windprojects included in the updated 2017R RFP final shortlist,the Combined Projects reduce customer costs in seven out of nine price-policy scenarios. In those price-policy scenarios showing net benefits,customer net benefits range from $92 million in the medium natural gas,zero CO2price-policy scenario to $635 million in the high natural gas, high CO2 price-policy scenario.Under the central price-policy scenario,when applying medium natural gas,medium CO2 price-policy assumptions,the PVRR(d)benefits of the Combined O Projects are $167 million.The Combined Projects provide significant customer benefits in all price-policy scenarios,and the net benefits are unfavorableonly when low natural-gas prices are paired with zero or medium CO2 prices.These results continue to show that upside benefits far outweigh downside risks. Potential Wind Projects Upside The PVRR(d)results presented in Table 7.8 andTable 7.9 do not reflect the potential value of RECs generated by the incremental energy output from the Wind Projects.Accounting for the performance estimates from these wind facilities,customer benefits for all price-policy scenarios would improve by approximately $34 million for every dollar assigned to the incremental RECs that will be generated from the winning bids through 2036.When calculated from expected wind generation through 2050,customer benefits would increase by approximately $43 million in all price-policy scenarios.Quantifying the potential upside associatedwith incremental REC revenues is simply intended to communicate that the net benefits from the winning bids could improve if the incremental RECs can be monetized in the market. Also,projects with large wind turbines are expected to require less O&M costs because there are fewer turbines on a given site.The default O&M assumptions applied to BTA and benchmark- EPC bids in the updated economic analysis are based on the company's experience in operating and maintaining the existingfleet ofowned-wind facilities,and do not reflect expected cost savings associated with operating and maintaining wind facilities proposing to use larger wind turbines. Three of the winning bids--InvenergyWind Development's Uinta project,the company's TB Flats O I &II project,and the company's Ekola Flats project--willuse larger equipment for a portion of the wind turbines at each facility.If the O&M cost elements applicable to the larger-turbine 104 PACIFICORP-2017 IRP UPDATE CHAPTER8 -PORTFoLlo DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 8 --PORTFOLIO DEVELOPMENT Introduction PacifiCorpused the System Optimizer (SO)model to develop an updated preferred portfolio based on inputs and assumptions updated since the 2017 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP)was filed April 4,2017.This updated resource portfolio is consistent with PacifiCorp's most recent load-and- resource balance as described in Chapter 4.This chapter presents the 2017 IRP Update preferred portfolio and a comparison of changes relative to the 2017 IRP preferred portfolio.This chapter also includes a sensitivity comparing the 2017 IRP Update preferred portfolio to the fall 2017 business plan. The 2017 IRP Update focuses on changesthat occurred after PacifiCorp filed its 2017 IRP.These include updates to load forecasts,changes in existing resources,any additions to PacifiCorp's contracts with other entities,and changes to Energy Vision 2020 resources. Table 8.1 summarizes the annual capacity in the 2017 IRP Update relative to the 2017 IRP preferred portfolio for the 10-year period 2018 through 2027.Consistent with the change in PacifiCorp's load-and-resource balance,the reduction in peak loads decreases the need to add new resources relative the 2017 IRP.The reduction in load reduces front-office transaction (FOT)and O demand-side management (DSM)resources.An additional 211 MW of new wind is added as part of Energy Vision 2020 new wind resources described in Chapter 7.The level of summer FOTs in 2027 is 493 MW,which is lower than in the 2017 IRP and below the assumed 1,575-MW FOT limit.PacifiCorp has not updated its FOT limits for the 2017 IRP Update but will review its FOT limits during the 2019 IRP public process.The updated portfolio does not include any natural gas resources through the 20-year planning horizon.Table 8.2 (summer)and Table 8.3 (winter) summarizes the 2017 IRP Update load and resource balance,inclusive of incremental resources, for 2018-2036,and Table 8.4 presents the 2017 IRP Update preferred portfolio through 2036. Class 2 DSM selections in the 2017 IRP Update were updated to reflect more current information on actual and projected acquisitions in the near-term (2018-2020)and the value of Class 2 DSM resources to the system.For 2018-2020,Oregon and Washington projections were modified to reflect current Energy Trust of Oregon projections and the approved "Demand Side Management 2018-2019 Business Plan"filed with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission(WUTC).I For Utah,2018-2020 projections match the 2017 IRP preferred portfolio selections. 2018-2020 projections for California align with forecasted achievements in 2018 and the 2017 IRP preferred portfolio selections for 2019 and 2020.For 2018-2020 Wyoming Class 2 DSM was updated to reflect proposed targets currently under review by the Wyoming Public Service Commission.From 2021 on,the SO model optimized Class 2 DSM selections to reflect the updated load-and-resource balance,and the associated value of Class 2 DSM in relation to other resource alternatives over the medium and long term. I Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission,Docket UE-171092,Order 01,January 12,2018. 107 O O O PA C I F I C O R P -2 0 1 7 IR P UP D A T E CH A P T E R 8 -- PO R T F O L I O DE V E L O P M E N T Ta b l e 8. 1 - Co m p a r i s o n of 20 1 7 IR P Up d a t e wi t h 20 1 7 IR P Pr e f e r r e d Po r t f o l i o (M e g a w a t t s ) 20 1 7 IR P Up d a t e * FO T in re n e u r w e to t u i ne w 20 - y e a r a v e r a g e n 20 1 7 IR P Pr e f e r r e d Po r t f o l i o 40 0 1,9 2 3 * PO T im as s u m m e te l m i are 20 - y e a r e w e r a g e s 20 1 7 IR P Up d a t e le s s 20 1 7 IR P Pr e f e r r e d Po r t f o l i o 75 4 (J U þ 82 9 * FO T in re s u m e r e to s n i es e 20 - y e a r av e r a g e s 10 8