HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150618Reading Direct Replacement Page 15.pdffa:+.ft i'- r - ?OI5 JUH I B PH I: 35 i'-ji''t " ' " -:: l il l[t'il ii- *,.ri.,,.i sil0i':R'EICEEARIIS()FI AIDAMSe Pf,,r-..c ATTORNEYS AT LAW richudsonadams.com Tcl: 208-938-7900 Fax: 2O8-938-79O4 P.O. Box 7218 Boisc, lD 83707 - 515 N.27th St. Boisc, lD 83702 June 18,2015 Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W est Washington Steet Boise,Idaho 83702 HAND DELIVERY Re: Dr. Readings Replacement Page 15 Dockets No. IPC-E-15-01; AVC-E-15-01; PAC-E- r5-03 Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed please find replacement page l5 to Dr. Reading's prefiled direct testimony in the above referenced dockets. Also enclosed is a disc with his direct testimony in word format. Please give me a call if you have any questions. Sincerelv - e,fl /;,,(- Peter Richardson ISB #3195 Attorneys for Simplot/Clearwater Peter J. Richardson (ISB No. 3195) Gregory M. Adams (ISB No. 7454) Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7 901 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peter@richardsonadams. com gre g@richardsonadams. com Attorneys for J.R. Simplot Company and Clearwater Paper Corporation IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S PETITION TO MODIFY TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PURPA PURCHASE AGREEMENTS IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER CORPORATION'S PETITION TO MODIFY TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PURPA PURCHASE AGREEMENTS IN THE MATTER OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER COMPANY'S PETITION TO MODIFY TERIVIS AND CONDITIONS OF PURPA PURCHASE AGREEMENTS i31! jilil l l tii l: 36 l, -'. ri BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-I5.01 CASE NO. AVU-E.Is.OI CASE NO. PAC.E.Is.O3 REPLACEMENT PAGE # 15IN DR. READING'S PREFILED DIRECT TESTIMONY The J. R. Simplot Company and Clearwater Paper Corporation hereby provide the enclosed replacement page l5 to the direct prefiled testimony of Dr. Reading. Dr. Reading's original page l5 contained a chart with an error in the calculation of the production costs REPLACEMENT PAGE # 15 IN DR. READING'S PREFILED DIRECT TESTIMONY PAGE I associated with Idaho Power's Bennett Mt. power plant. Instead of $253.87 per MWh the chart in the middle of the page should reflect a cost of $171. 28 per MWh. The corrected chart on page l5 does not change Dr. Reading's insights into the relationship (relative rankings) of Idaho Power's most expensive resource to its least expensive resource. In addition, the corrected chart does not necessitate any change in Dr. Reading's testimony as to how much less expensive PURPA projects are when compared to the costs of Idaho Power's other resources. Therefore no other changes are necessitated to Dr. Reading's testimony. Please substitute the attached for the original page l5 in your testimony notebooks. Dated at Boise, Idaho, this 17th day of June 2015. REPLACEMENT PAGE # 15 tN DR. READING'S PREFILED DIRECT TESTIMONY PAGE 2 n ISB #3195 Richardson Adams, PLLC CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certiff that on the lTth day of June,2015,I served the forgoing J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S and CLEARWATER PAPER CORPORATION'S replacement page # 15 in Docket Nos. IPC-E-I5-01, AVU-E-I5-01 and PAC-E-I5-03 via electronic mail as noted below. IDAHO POWER COMPANY Donovan Walker dwalker@idahopower. com dockets@idahopower. com COMMISSION STAFF Donald Howell Daphne Huang Jean Jewell don.howell@puc.idaho. eov daphne.huan g@puc. idaho. gov j ean j ewell@puc. idaho. gov IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE SIERRA CLUB Benjamin J. Otto Matt Vespa botto@idahoconservation.org matt. vespa@ sierraclub. org INTERMOUNTAIN ENERGY PARTNERS, LLC Leif Elgethun Dean Miller leif@ sitebasedenergy.com i oe@mcdevitt-miller. com SNAKE zuVER ALLINCE Kelsey Jae Nunez Ken Miller knunez@snakeriveralliance.org kmille@ snakeriveralliance.org REPLACEMENT PAGE # 15 tN DR. READING'S PREFILED DIRECT TESTIMONY PAGE 3 PACIFCORP, DBA ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Ted Weston Daniel Solander Yvonne Hogel Data Response Center ted. weston@f acificorp.com yvonne.ho gel@pacifi corp. com datareq uest@f acifi corp.com TWIN FALLS CANAL COMPANY NORTHSIDE CANAL COMPANY AMERICAN FALLS RESERVOIR DISTRICT NO. 2 C. Tom Arkoosh Erin Cecil tom. arkoosh@arkoosh. com erin.cecil @arkoosh. com IDAHO IRzuGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. Eric Olsen Anthony Yankel elo@racinelaw.net tony@yankel.net CLEARWATER PAPER CORPORATION Peter Richardson Gregory Adams Don Reading peter@richardsonadams. com gre g@richardsonadams. com dreading@mindsprin g.com RENEWABLE ENERGY COALITION Ron Williams Irion Sanger ron@williamsbradbury.com irion@sanger-law.com AVTSTA CORPORATION Michael Andrea Clint Kalich michael. andrea@avistacorp.com clint.kal ich@avistacorp. com MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC. REPLACEMENT PAGE # I5 IN DR. READING'S PREFILED DIRECT TESTIMONY PAGE 4 Frederick Schmidt Pamela Howland Richard Malmgren fschmidt@ho I landandhart. com phowland@hol landandhart. com remalmgren@micron.com THE AMALGAMATED SUGAR COMPANY Scott Blickenstaff sblickenstaff@amalsuear.com AGPOWER DCD, LLC AND AGPOWER JEROME, LLC Andrew Jackura Dean Miller andrew j ackura@camcocleanenergy.com j oe@mcdevitt-miller.com ECOPLEXUS, INC. John R. Hammond, Jr. Fisher Pusch, LLP l0l S. Capitol Blvd. Boise, Idaho 83702 jrh@fisherpusch.com John Gorman Ecoplexus, lnc 650 Townsend St., Ste.3l0 San Francisco, CA 94130 iohng@ecoplexus.com ,,PfuCL $9lcurfis REPLACEMENT PAGE # PAGE 5 IN DR. READING'S PREFTLED DIRECT TESTIMONY lowest cost non-hydro resource on Idaho Power's system. Two of the Company's coal resources have a lower cost than PURPA resources with the other four thermal units at a higher cost. This does not take into account the additional costs that might be necessary for coal plant upgrades for environmental compliance for the Company's non-PURPA resources that may be necessary in the near future. Chart 1 (Corrected) ldaho Power Ratepayer Power Costs 2013 & Mid-C S/MWh Bennett Mt.* * Danskin* r Langley Gulch* * Valmy** PURPA* Boardmanr * Jim Bridger** Mid-c* I Sroo s/Mwh : 1 Siso I Szoo it, I I ,(Jrl!tt i=r<. d:c ='4 Ci3 E,o IE oc,o C, 1 8 9 10 11 T2 13 t4 a. Source: * R. Allphin Exhibit 10 **Attachrnent2 -ResponsetoSimplot'sRequestNo. 13,2013;'NetPlant'*.lSforCapacity; ResponsetoSimplot's RequestNo.5(d),annual reveunerequirementis 18%of capital Cost; Production Expense'and 'NetGeneration',2013 FERC Form 1 DR. READING,I DO NOT SEE IDAHO POWER'S HYDRO RESOURCES IN YOUR CHART 1. SINCE, DEPENDING ON STREAM FLOWS,IDAHO POWER'S HYDRO RESOURCES MAKE UP HALF OF THE COMPANY'S ENERGY SUPPLY, WHY HAVE YOU EXCLUDED THEM FROM YOUR COST COMPARISONS? Idaho Power's hydro facilities are certainly the Company's lowest cost resource with a depreciated rate base and very low variable running cost. Also, depending on stream flow r5;Reading, Di Correct 6l17l05 IPC-E-15-01, AVU-E-l 5-01, PAC-E-l 5-03 A.