HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150313Comments.pdfil March 13,2015 Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-007 4 Re: IPUC Case No. PAC-E-15-01 Dear Ms. Jewell: j?nCr:1i,,';, RANDALL C. BUDGE ?gl5 HAR l3 Pll 3: l2 rcb@racinelaw.net liirii, i.-- i UT lLl'li I: : Cl,,l, il i.iSt r_;i, Hand Delivered RACINE OLSON NYE BUDGE BAILEY 2Ol E. Center St. P.O. Box 1391 Pocatello, lD 83204 oFFtcE 208.232.6101 FAX 208.232.6109 raclnelaw.net Enclosed you willfind the original and seven (7) copies of Comments of Monsanto Company. Please file the same with the Commission's records. lf you have any questions, please don't hesitiate to call. Thank you. Sincerely, Wc.g^k RANDALL C. BUDGE RCB:tscc: Service List Randall C. Budge,ISB No. 1949 Thomas J. Budge, ISB No. 7465 RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, CHARTERED P.O. Box l39l1,201E. Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 Telephone: (208) 232-6101 Fax (208) 232-6109 rcb@racinelaw.net Attorneys for Intervenor Monsanto Company IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE RATES BY $10.7 MILLION TO RECOYER DEF'ERRED I\-ET POWER COSTS THROUGH THE ENERGY COST ADJUSTMENT MECHAMSM Pr{t? BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ) CASE NO. PAC-E-15-0I )) APPLTCATTON OF ROCKY ) MOUNTAIN POWER ) ) ) COMMENTS OF MONSANTO COMPAI\TY INTRODUCTION COMES NOW Intervenor Monsanto Company ("Monsanto") through counsel and submits these Comments with respect to the February 2, 2015 Application of PacifiCorp, dlbla Rocky Mountain Power ("Company") seeking authorization to increase rates by $10.7 million to recover deferred net power costs through the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism (ECAM). Monsanto's Comments are in response to the Commissionos Order No. 33235 dated February 25,2015, giving notice of the Application, and that this matter will proceed under Modified Procedure, authorizing interested persons to file written comments in support or opposition, and providing rights or participation by filing a Petition to Intervene. Monsanto's Petition to Intervene was granted February 25,2015 by OrderNo.33232. COMMENTS OF MONSANTO COMPANY. I MONSAIITO COMMENTS Monsanto has reviewed the testimony and exhibits in this case and requests the Commission and Company consider an alternative strucfure for the payment of Monsanto's prior deferral balance of $6,175,247 . The Company proposes to recover this amount as a 0.441 cents/kWh charge over the next twelve months. The Company further proposes that Monsanto pay the 2014Deferralrate of 0.467 cents/kWh, for a combined total rate of 0.908 cents/kWh. [n order to split apart the prior deferal revenues from the 2014 Defenal revenues, the Company proposes to apply 54.0 percent of the 0.908 cents/kWh against the balance of the prior deferrals, and 46.0 percent against the 2014 Deferral balance. We have two primary concerns with this treatment: (1) ensuring that Monsanto neither over-pays or under- pays its actual prior defenal balance, and (2) ensuring that Monsanto does not pay the portion of the 2014 Deferral related to the under-collection from the standard tariff customers. Monsanto Should Pav Its Prior Deferral Balance The Company has estimated that Monsanto's prior deferral balance is$6,175,247 based on forecasted information for the months of January, February and March 2015. Since the Company filed its Application on February 2,2015, updated billing information has become available. Using actual ECAM revenues for January, February and March 2015, the deferral balance is actually $6,106,392, as shown on Attachment A to these Comments.l We recommend the Commission use this updated figure for purposes of establishing Monsanto's payment of its prior deferral balance. Second, Monsanto is concerned that the Company neither over-collect or under-collect the prior deferral balance. As this is the final year for Monsanto to pay down its individual prior deferal balance, it would be best if the amount were paid off as accurately as possible. Recovering Monsanto's prior deferral balance on a cents/kWh basis as the Company proposes may either over-collect or under-collect depending on Monsanto's loads and depending on the proportionate tracking of the collections. For example, the Company proposes to track the rDue to the lag in ECAM revenues, the actual revenues for these three months are from the December 2014, January 2015 and February 2015 invoices. COMMENTS OF MONSANTO COMPAI\TY - 2 recovery of the prior deferral balance by proportioning Monsanto's monthly collections as 46.0 percent applied against the balance for the 2014 Defemal, and 54.0 percent applied against the prior deferral balance. We estimate that applying 54.0 percent of the proposed collections from Monsanto against the balance of the prior deferral could result in an over-collection by as much as $678,000 above the $6,175,247 estimated balance.2 Furthermore, Monsanto questions whether the 54.0 percent allocator is the proper percentage to apply. As explained in the testimony of Ms. Joelle Steward, the 54.0 percent is premised on the assumption that 10.5 percent, or $1.7 million, of the 20L4Defenal is related to the outstanding balance from standard tariff customers. A closer inspection of the work papers, however, reveals that of the $16,703,740 to be recovered for the 2014 Deferral, the outstanding balance from standard tariff customers appears to be $69,178 after the forecasted Schedule 94 collections for December 2014 through March 2015 are included.3 Hence, the 54.0 percent allocator may over-recover Monsanto's prior deferral balance, and simultaneously under-recover the 2014 Deferral shared by all customers. Consequently, Monsanto suggests that a simpler approach would be for Monsanto to make equal monthly payments in order to pay down its $6,106,392 balance to $0, as well as pay the monthly interest. A monthly payment of $511,413.50 will pay back the prior deferral balance at the annual interest rate of lo/o. Attachment B to these comments provides the details of this pay-off for the months April20l5 through March 2016. Monsanto Should Not Pav for the Standard Tariff Under-Collection The Company is rightfully concerned that TariffContract 400 and 401 customers not pay for the portion of the 2014Defenal related to the under-collection from the standard tariff customers from the prior year. To accomplish this, the Company proposes to correspondingly reduce the percentage of collections allocated to the 2014 Deferral for Tariff Contract 400 and 401, and increase the percentage of collections allocated to the prior deferral balance. However, the Company has not provided any explanation of how that percentage reduction will result in 2 Assuming Monsanto loads are the same as last year's loads. 3 See the Excel file entitled *ID 2015 ECAM Rate Design Workpaper", sheet 'NPC - Exhibit 1", cellU74. COMMENTS OF MONSANTO COMPANY - 3 any lower cost to TariffContract customers since the proposed rate of 0.467 cents/kWh includes recovery of the standard tariff under-collection. Monsanto is still concerned that despite the Company's good intentions, the details of this proposal have not yet been adequately resolved. Monsanto suggests two possible resolutions to this situation. The first alternative would be to design the ECAM rate for Tariff Contract customers without the standard tariff under- collection, and likewise design the ECAM rate for standard tariff customers with the standard tariff under-collection. As shown in Attachment B, Monsanto's ECAM rate would be 0.465 cents/kWh (as opposed to the proposed 0.467 cents/kWh). This would place the cost ofthe standard tariff under-collection back onto the appropriate customers. A second alternative solution would be to have Monsanto pay the 0.468 cents/kWh Schedule 94 ECAM rate,a and provide a monthly credit to Monsanto for its share of the $69,178 standard tariff customers' under-collections. As shown on Attachment B, we calculate Monsanto's share of the under-collection from the standard tariff customers to be $42,000, or a monthly credit of $3,500. Consequently, Monsanto would pay a net fixed monthly amount of $507,913 to pay off its prior deferral balance, while paying the same ECAM rate as all transmission customers, that is, 0.468 centsikWh over the next twelve months. Monsanto would be open to discussing these alternative solutions with the Company and Commission Staff. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this 13ft day of March,20l5. RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, CHARTERED a The 0.468 cents/kWh ECAM rate is based on the fact that only standard tariffcustomers are allocated the $69,178 under-collection. See Attachment B. COMMENTS OF MONSANTO COMPANY- 4 CERTIFICATT, OF MAILING I IIEREBY CERTIFY that on this 134 Oay of March ,2Ol5,I served a true, correct and complete copy of the foregoing document, to each of the following, via the method so indicated: Jean D. Jewell, Secretary (original and7) Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise,lD 83720-0074 E-mail : jjewell@puc.state.id.us U.S. Mail Ted Weston Idaho Regulatory Affairs Manager Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 8411I E-mail: ted.weston@fracificorp.com E-Mail Yvonne R. Hogle Senior Counsel Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake city, utah 84111 E-Mail E-mail: Yvonne.hogel@pacificorp.com Ronald L. Williams Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise 1D,83702 Telephone :208 -3 44 -663 3 Fax:208-3 44-0077 E-Mail ron@wil I iamsbradbury.com COMMENTS OF MONSANTO COMPAJ{Y. 5 ATTACHMENT A Monsanto Prior Deferral Balance as of April 1. 2015 Based on Actuals AS FILED BY RMP IN ITS APPLICATIONLine No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I lnterest Rate Monsanto Balance Less: Monthly Payment lnterest Ending Balance Monsanto Balance Less: Monthly Paynent lnterest Ending Balance Order Nos. 32403,32684 Exhibit No. 3 Forecast Exhibit No. 3 Actual Dec-14 1.00o/o 7,949,050 (344,930) 6,480 7,610,601 Feb-'15 Mar.15 1.00%1.00Yo 7,949,050 7,610,601 7,097,996 6,590,101(344,930) (518,731) (513,596) (420,17',t)6,480 6,126 5,701 5,317 7,610,601 7,097,996 6,590,101 6,',t75,247 Jan-15 1.00o/o 7,6't0,601 7,096,109 6,604,193(520,617) (497,622) (503,095)6,'125 5,706 5,294 7,096,109 6,604,193 6,106,392 AFlt kllS &Flt ftLll kMr.g{3.Sg l.M 1.0S Lm* l.Ota Aryl5 tf.l5 e!15 l.m9a t.o% 1.o* 3,S (s7,e 13) ffisbffi sbtuT.il T.il|ffits UtrF CeIcls CdLrlb! 116,634,S2 !69,178 31G.m3,7403,m,30 2,14,2510.4 0.m o.{5, Eeldrq E!@ I@EJg0.4fl 0.4e 0.{sr.lols !.u75 _____-!.0!e!.0.4s 0.41 0.0 kl6 hll $Fla f.bla hFll Lm% t.@% t.o* Lm* i.m% Ls: Mdykyd HiBUm 8 TodhBkqtuNrc&ld0 $Gdhtu(MWH)l0 EW &b (t F kwx) il TlBTnM.sLaFicb 12 Eil &b(t Ftw)-TElmhtu VdhsE 14 Mbfu[m3 qloq3e 5,ffi,89 5,m,Eg 4,$5,512 +On,76 3.S,48 3,m,86 2,551,f* 4W,24 t,5p,35 t,021,0r 511,41(sr1,414) (sil,4r4) (silJl4) (5r1,4r1) (5fi,4r1) (31r,4r4) (51r,4r4) (5fi,4r4) (S1r,rr4) (5fi,4r4) (sfi,li4) (51r,4r4)+am __t€. _!pgl _9&. _9,]!q 2,741 2,3s r.013 _--__lJE _-__!pg. 2135,S,89 s,m,lg 4,s5,512 4On,?6 3,S,476 3,m,6r 2,551,?S 2,OA,25 1,631,323 1,021,eil 5rr.rl O AdBffito dffi k.s'3SE dSed T.#ciMl*dbh: Ewdkytmtbykrtu 3,S ($7,013) 3,S (s7,e t3) 3,m (a7,913) 3,S ($7,e t3) qffi ($7,e 13) 3,ffi ($?,e r3) 3,S ($?.r13) 3,S 3,S ($zsr3) ($7t$) 3,m 3,m (507,er3) ($7,013) sbcdT.#U&r. ldhrlho SMT.il U&t- Cdhelo ffisbcd sbffiLffi T.ilUdF U*FCdrds Cdlrlo 0.491.0il50.& i,&,fi4 0,5fl,59 l.2,ms$.m SHM.3EIilil M.2 ffiHk2 ffh&.2 tr0,!34s2 3.7@,350.4t.offi50.G 1,&,i14 G.510.5S 15 MbltrodhSffiTffiUegMi6 Mdlytuled