HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130730Affidavit Brad Purdy.pdfBrad M. Purdy Attorney at Law Bar No. 3472 2019 N. 17ft St. Boise,ID. 83702 (208) 384-1299 FAX: (208) 384-8511 bmpurdy@hotmail.com Attorney for Intervenor Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho nt' o. rJ-.'rl. fl-..1 J BEFORE TIIE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMIVtrSSION IN TIIE MATTER OT THE APPLICATION ) oF PACIFTCORP DBA ROCKY MOUNTATN ) POWER TO TMTTATE DTSCUSSIONS WITH ) INTERESTED PARTIES ON ALTERNATWE ) RATE PLAIY PROPOSALS Affiant being first duly swom upon oatfu hereby deposes and states as follows: l. That he is legal counsel of record for the Community Action Partrership Association of Idaho (CAPAI) and, as suctl possesses sufficient information and knowledge to attest to the statements set forth herein. That attached to this Affidavit as Exhibit "A" is a tnre and correct copy of an email received by Affrant from Mr. Ted Weston on April 29,2013. That attached to this AfEdavit as Exhibit uB" is a true and correct copy of the Word document attached to Exhibit A. That attached to this Affidavit as Exhibit C is a true and correct copy of an email received by Affrant from Mr. Ted Weston on May 2,2013. CASE NO. PAC.E.B-o4 AFFIDAVIT OF BRAD M.PURDY IN SUPPORT OF MOTION TO COMPEL ) ) ) ) 3. 4. AFFIDAVIT OF BRAD M. PURDY 5. 6. That attached to this Affidavit as Exhibit nD" is an email received by Affiant from Ms. Kaley McNay on May 29,2013. That attached to this Affidavit as Exhibit "E" is the Word document attached to Exhibit D. FURTHER your affiant saith not. DATED this 30H day of July, 2013. SLJBSCRIBED Al.lD SWORN TO before me this 306 day of July, 2013. Residing at Boise, AdaCounty My Commission expires: 2 illrr,cL4 ,s-$sie- -a--....$ gOTAB2 eotD Q/guro AFFIDAVIT OF BRAD M. PURDY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, the undersigned, hereby certiff ttrat on the 30th day of July,20l3,I served a copy of the foregoing document on the following by electronic mail and U.S. Postage, first class. Ted Weston Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 ted.weston@pacifi corp.com Daniel E. Solander Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 daniel. solander@pacifi corp.com Electronic Service Only: Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp datarequest@pacifi corp.com Neil Price Deputy Attorney General Idatro Public Utilities Commission 472 W, Washington (837 02) P0 Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 neil.price@puc. idaho. eov Randall C. Budge Racine, Olson, Nyc, Budge & Bailey 201 E. Center P0 Box l39l Pocatello, ID 83204-1 391 E-Mail: rcb@racinelaw.net Brubaker & Associates 16690 Swingley Ridge Rd., #140 Chesterfield, MO 63017 bcol I ins@consu ltbai.com James R. Smith Monsanto Company P.O. Box 816 SodaSprings, ID 83276 Jim.r. smith@monsanto.com AFFIDAVIT OF BRAD M. PURDY Eric L. Olsen ASSOCIATION,INC: Racine, Olson,Nye, Budge & Bailey @xhibitNos.30 l-400) 201F,. Center P0 Box 1391 Pocatello, ID 83204- 139 I elo@racinelaw.net Anthony Yankel 29814 Lake Road Bay Village,OH44140 tony@.yankel.net Benjamin J. Otto Idaho Conservation League 710 N. 6tr St. Boise,ID 83702 botto @ idahoconservation. org Ronald Williams Williams Bradbury, P.C. l0l5 W. Hays St. Boise, D 83702 ron@wi I I iamsbradbury.com Don Schoenbeck RCS,Inc. 900 Washington St., Suite 780 Vancouveq WA 98660 dws@r-c-s-inc.com Tim Buller Agrium,Inc. 3010 CondaRd. Soda Springs, ID 83276 TBuller@agrium.com Ken Miller Snake RiverAlliance Box 1731 Boise,ID 83701 E-Mail : kmiller@,snalteriveralliance.org 4AFFIDAVIT OF BRAD M. PURDY Brad M. Purdy Outlook Print Message Page 1 of I EXHIBIT A Case PAC-E-13-04: CAPAI Discovery From : brad purdy (bmpurdy@hotmail.com) Sent: Mon4l29ll3 4:13 PM To: TedWeston(ted.weston@pacificorp.com) I attachment CAPAI Discovery.docx (13.8 KB) Hi Ted: Per our phone call earlier today, I am attaching via a Word doc, CAPAI's discovery requests in the above-referenced case. You agreed that it makes sense for all parties to submit their discovery requests directly to you and informally via email to expedite the Company's ability to respond to same, ideally prior to this Thursday's second settlement conference. Given the nature of CAPAI's discovery, it is possibly not possible for you to provide a response that quickly, but it will give you an idea of what issues and information my client is potentially interested in raising and delving into. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or suggestions on how to provide the requested information as easily and expeditiously as possible. Thanks Ted. bp Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. 17th St. Boise, lD 83702 208-384-1299 Land 208-484-9980 Cell 208-384-8511 Fax bmpurdv@hotmail.com https://sntl38.mail.live.com/mail/PrintMessages.aspx?cpids:fdb49553-bl l9-lle2-adf9-18... 712812013 EXHlBlr B TO: FROM: DATE: Re: TED WESTON BRAD PT]RDY April29,2013 Case PAC-E-13-04: CAPAI Discovery Requests l. How many of Rocky Mountain Power's (RMP's) Idaho Residential class customers received LIHEAP benefits during the test year for which the general rate case application, if filed in this proceeding, will be based upon? Please note that in all subsequent discovery where the term "test year" is found is to be defined identically to that stated in this request. 2. How many of RMP's Idaho Residential class customers received benefits under the Company's Low-Income Weatherization (LIWA) program? 3. Please calculate the total number of RMP customers who receive either LIHEAP or LIWA benefits during the test year. In making this calculation, please count customers who receive both LIHEAP and LIWA only once (hereinafter referred to as RMP's "low-income customer proxy group"). 4. Please provide the actual monthly consumption during the test year of all customers included in the low-income proxy group. 5. Please provide the actual monthly consumption during the test year of the Company's Residential class customers excluding those customers included in the low-income proxy group. 6. Using the Company's low-income proxy group, and based on actual monthly test year data as referred to in Request No.4, please make the following rate design model runs: a. Calculate the effects on the low-income customer proxy group's monthly bills if the Company's monthly basic charge were increased from its current level to $10, $15 and to $20, (assuming no changes to the existing commodity rates for the Residential class's two-tiered rate). In responding to this request, please make the requested calculations at existing rates during the test year. b. Assuming no change to the Company's existing monthly basic charge, calculate the effects on the low-income proxy groups' monthly bills in comparison to non-low income residential customers (using test year actual monthly consumption) if the existing two-tiered rate design is changed such that the consumption amount of the first tier is increased from the existing 700 kwh sunmer block to 800 kWh/month, 1000 kWh and 1200 kwh. Please provide the same data for the winter block of 1000 kWh if the block were changed to 800 kwh, 1200 kWh and 1400 kWh. Ouflook Print Message Page I ofl EXI.IIBff C Fhd: Responses for Brad Purdy From: Weston, Ted (Ted.Weston@pacificorp.com) You moved this message to its current location. Sent: T}iu5l02ll3 8:37 AM To: Brad M. Purdy (bmpurdy@hounail.com) 5 attachments CAPAI 5.doc (43.5 KB) . CAPAI l.doc (35.0 KB) , CAPAI 2.doc (35.0 KB). CAPAI 3.doc (35.0 KB) , CAPAI4.doc (45.5 KB) Brad Attached are responses 1-5 question 6 will take sometime. See you later this moming. Ted Weston Sent from my Verizon \Mreless 4G LTE Smartphone --- Fonrarded message --- From : "Bell, Barry" < Barry. Bell@pacifi corp. com> To:'Weston, Ted" <Ted.Weston@pacifi corp.com>, "Solander, Daniel" <Daniel. Solander@pacifi corp. com> Subject Responses for Brad Purdy Date: Wed, May 1,2013 5:41 PM Ted and Daniel: Attached are responses to CAPAI 1-5 for Brad Purdy. Please review and if you're okay with them, please provide directly to Brad at settlement tomorrow. The documents are locked. lf you see something that needs to be changed, please e-mail me; l'll change and send back to you. Otherwise you can provide responses to Brad as is, including fonrarding to him electronically. https://snt138.mail.live.com/mail/PrintMessages.aspx?cpids:c3 e2af57-b335-lle2-9920-00... 712912013 Outlook Print Message Page I of2 ID PAC-E-13-04 Rocky Mountain Powerrs Response to EXHBIT p CAPAI 6 From: McNay, Kaley (Ifuley.McNay@pacificorp.com) You moved this message to its current location. Sent: Wed5l29ll3 ll:45 AM To:'Randy Budge' (rcb@racinelaw.net); 'bcollins@consultbai.com' (bcollins@consultbai.com) ; 'gkajander@consultbai.com' (gkajander@consultbai.com); 'j im.r.smith@monsanto.com' ( im.r.smith@monsanto.com); 'robert. l. geddes@monsanto.com' (robert. l. geddes@monsanto. com) ; Price, Neil (ID PUC) (neil.price@puc.idaho.gov); tony @yankel.net (tony@yankel.net);'dws@-c-s- inc.com' (dws@-c-s-inc.com); ron@williamsbradbury.com (ron@williamsbradbury.com); tbuller@agrium.com (tbuller@agrium.com); bmpurdy@hotmail.com (bmpurdy@hotnail.com); botto@idahoconservation.org (botto@idahoconservation.org); kmiller@snakeriveralliance.org (kmiller@snakeriveralliance.org); elo@racinelaw.net (elo@racinelaw.net) Cc: Watkins, Betsy @etsy.Watkins@pacificorp.com); Bell, Barry @arry.Bell@pacifrcorp.com); C&T Discovery (ctdiscovery@PacifiCorp.com); Weston, Ted (Ted. Weston@pacifi corp.com); Solander, Daniel (Daniel.Solander@pacificorp.com) ; Data Request Response Center (datareq@pacifi corp. com) 2 attachments CAPAI DR 6.docx (23.7 KB) . Attach CAPAI DR 6a.xlsx (34.6 KB) Attached above is Rocky Mountain Powe/s Response to CAPAI 5 in lD PAC-E-13-04. Please let me know if you have any trouble opening the attached file(s). Thank you, Kaley McNay Coordinator, Regulatory Operations 503-813-6257 https://sntl38.mail.live.com/maiVPrintMessages.aspx?cpids:85b9c18b-c887 -lle2-975b-0... 7129/2013 PAC-E-I 3-04lRocky Mountain Power May,2013 CAPAI DataRequest 6 CAPAI Data Request 6 ExlilBt'ir E Using the Company's low-income proxy gfoup, and based on actual monthly test year data,as referred to in Request No.4, please make the following rate design model runs: a. Calculate the effects on the low-income customer proxy group's monthly bills ifthe Company's monthly basic charge were increased from its current level to $10, $15 and to $20, (assuming no changes to the existing commodity rates for the Residential class's two-tiered rate). In responding to this request, please make the requested calculations at existing rates during the test year. b. Assuming no change to the Company's existing monthly basic charge, calculate the effects on the low-income proxy groups' monthly bills in comparison to non-low income residential customers (using test year actual monthly consumption) if the existing two-tiered rate design is changed such that the consumption amount of the first tier is increased from the existing 700 kwh summer block to 800 kWh/month, 1000 kwh and 1200 kWh. Please provide the same data for the winter block of 1000 kWh if the block were changed to 800 kWb" 1200 kWh and 1400 kWh. Response to CAPAIData Request 6 Please refer to Attachment CAPAI DR 6a for the requested monthly bill impact analysis for the low-income customer proxy group who were under Schedule I un2012. The Company has not perfomred the two-tieredrate designanalysis requested by CAPAI.As specified in paragraph 18 ofthe Stipulation if CAPAI is party to the Stipulation the Company agrees to participate in a collaborative rate design process to evaluate altematives. Record holder: James 7-hary Sponsor: Joelle Steward