HomeMy WebLinkAbout20111214Application for Intervenor Funding.pdfBrad M. Purdy Attorney at Law BarNo. 3472 2019 N. 17th St. Boise, ID. 83702 (208) 384-1299 (Land) (208) 384-8511 (Fax) bmpurdy(ßhotmail.com Attorney for Petitioner Communty Action Parership Association of Idaho HECE E 2011 DEC 14 Pr1 4: 2 J BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITS COMMSSION IN THE MATTER OF TH APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAI POWER SEEKIG AUTHORIZATION TO SUSPEND FUTU PROGRA EVALUATIONS OF SCHEDULE 21, LOW INCOME WEATHRITION SERVICES FOR INCOME QUALIFYIG CUSTOMERS ) ) CASE NO. PAC-E-ll-13 ) ) COMMTY ACTION ) PARTNRSHI ASSOCIA- ) TION OF IDAHO'S ) COMMNTS ) ) COMES NOW, the Communty Action Parership Association ofIdao (CAP AI) and, pursuat to Idaho Code § 61-617 A and Ru1es 161-165 of the Commssion's Ru1es of Procedure, IDAPA 31.01.01, petitions ths Commssion for an award ofintervenor fuding in the above- captioned proceedig. Rule 161 Requirements: Rocky Mounta Power Company (R or Company) is a reguated electrc public utility with grss Idaho intrte anua revenues exceedig thee millon, five hundred thousad dollar ($3,500,000.00). Rule 162 Requirments: (01) Itemiz list of Expenses CAPAI APPLICATION FOR INRVENOR FUDING 1 Consistent with Ru1e 162(01) of the Commssion's Rules of Procedure, an itemied list of all expenses incured by CAPAI in ths proceeding is atthed hereto as Exhbit "A." CAPAI seeks tota fudig of $16,845.00. (02) Statement of Proposed Findings The proposed fidings and reommendations of CAP AI are set fort in CAP AI's detailed comments, includg a lengty legal anysis, supported by the exhaustive 28 page analysis performed by CAP AI's expert retaed for ths cae, Mr. Roger Colton. CAP AI recommends th the Commssion accept the Company's application that its low- income weathenzation program contiue to be included in its overal DSM portolio, but recommends that the Commssion reject the application's request that the Company be relieved from fuer cost-effectveness evaluations. Most of all, CAP AI recommends tht the Commssion reject RM's contention that its LIW A progr is not cost-effective and that the Commssion provide gudance to the paries in terms of how to properly evaluate LIWA in the futue, including how to value the social benefits denved from the progr as well as the "non- energy" benefits of LIW A such as reduce areares, reduce debt collection costs, improved cash flow, etc. Finlly, CAPAI recommends tht if the Commssion believes tht the inormtion already provided by the pares does not fuly provide the Commssion with sufcient abilty to provide a definitive cost-effectiveness evaluation technque, tht LIWA contiue to be considered cost- effective and tht no "hold" be placed on futue fudig increas until ths issue is fully resolved. CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INRVENOR FUNING 2 (03) Statement Showing Costs CAP AI submits that its requested costs are reasonable in amount. CAP AI intervened in ths proceedig shortly after it was filed and pnor to a Notice of Application being issued. Because of the landmark natu of ths case, the legal and pragmatic preicaent is created, the consequences it theatened to have on all LIW A progrs in Idaho, and CAP AI's wish to satisfy Staffs desire for gudance from the Commssion in evaluatig LIW A progr, CAP AI paricipated in ths case on a level equa to or grater than a general rate case. Because RM's application was facially support by a typ of anysis tht CAP AI's stff and reresentatives were not capable of respondig to in ful, and because of the potential for ths case to undermne nearly a decade of a substtial investment of tie and money by CAP AI in advocatg for low- income interests and, fially, the because of the uncertty whether ths proceeding might u1timately be converted into a formal cas or resu1t in a genenc proceeding reuinng an expert witness in the field, CAP AI believed it essential to reta the servces of an expert, Mr. Roger Colton, who is a nationally renowned expert in the field of evaluatig low-income programs. The effort put into ths cas by CAP AI and its representatives is substatial and included the normal tie and effort expended to become a form par to ths cas as well as engagig in substatial discovery, parcipating in a webin with RM, Sta, and CADMUS, extensive analysis of data and the compilation of comments and Mr. Colton's analysis. Severa pnmar points were raised and addressed by CAP AI in the combined 45 pages of commentsanalysis it fied in ths cas. The application effectively seeks a rug from the Commission that LIW A is not cost-effective, but tht it should, nonetheless, be included as par of the Company's overal DSM portolio and that RM be relieved of any futu obligation to evaluate the cost-effectiveness ofLIWA. CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING 3 To the extent not obvious, the maner in which RM fred and phred its application, if accepted as proposed, cou1d well resu1t in a Commssion Order tht wou1d likely be unawf and not withstad potential legal challenge; i.e., the Commission wou1d fid a DSM program to not be cost-effective and, therefore, not prudent, but allow indefite continuation of that program by simply including it in RM's overal DSM portolio requig ratepayers to pay for it. In calling into question the wisdom of RM's application, CAP AI was clearly not merely serving its own interests, but seekig to avoid a sitution that wou1d place the Commssion and its Sta in an awkward position. Thus, althoug CAPAI firmy believes tht LIWA is a cost-effective progr when properly evaluated it avoided the arguble convenience of allowig RM to seek a formal ruling that wou1d effectively imun LIW A from attck. Ths might have been the expedent thng for CAP AI to do, but not a fai-mided position to tae. CAP AI was well aware of Stas concern about ths, was deeply concered over the legality of the application as just discussed, and legitimately believes that LIW A shou1d be subject to some maner of evaluation, so long as it is reasonable and taes into account the unque chaactenstics and benefits of LIW A to not just low-income, but all RM cusomers. Though it is unortate tht CAP AI was effectively obligated to incur cost tht pushed it so far ficially, CAP AI is confdent tht the efforts made by its reresentatives, including Mr. Colton, will u1tiately aid Sta and the Commssion considerably in determg how to evaluate a unquely desirble progr such as LIW A. The anysis offere by Mr. Colton is such that so long as RM does a proper job of collectig the needed inormation in ty and magntude, it shou1d not be diffcu1t to more accurtely assess LIW A from a cost-effectiveness stadpoint using and valuig both non-energ and societa benefits. CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INTERVEOR FUNING 4 In addition to the foregoing, CAP AI ha even greater involvement in ths case because of the npple effect it ha had on other pending cas, includi the RM, Idaho Power and A VISTA general rate cases either recently completed or stil pending. Because RMP's application in ths case was filed fi CAP AI correcly prected tht RM's filing, flawed as it is, wou1d resu1t in a hesitation on the par of Sta and perhaps other pares to not object to an increase in LIW A fudig for the thee utilities. CAP AI was most concerned about Idao Power and the fact that, as CAP AI determes it, tht utilty is fuding its W AQC program at a fraction of the other two companes. CAP AI's predictions have proven accurte and the Commssion is now being presented with widely disparte points of view on LIW A fudig, all as a diect result of ths case. It is unortate enough that a single filing by one utilty (who was obligated to file ths case roughy a year ago) can cause such widespread disruption for the only low-income advocate that reguarly appear before ths Commssion and, more importtly, for the segment of customers it represents, but the half-heared natu in which RM went about providing its contractor CADMUS with what Sta considers inufcient detaled data makes it worse. As noted by both CAP AI's expert Roger Colton and Sta expert Staey Donohue, the technques employed by CADMUS were not necessaly inappropnate, as far as they went. The problem lies in what clearly was a miist effort by the Company to provide CADMUS with sufcient information to legitimately render a meagf conclusion about the cost-effectiveness of LIW A. The ficial and practical consequences to CAP AI Sta and the Commssion of this are considerable. Because of the npple effect caused by RM's fiing and supporting report, CAP AI's requid efforts in the pedig thee electrc rate caes was also increased, causing a commensurte incree to cost in those caes as welL. CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING 5 In its comments, CAP AI notes tht ths ca is unque not only in substce, but procedure as well. CAP AI assumed tht Sta and RM wou1d desir tie to review Mr. Colton's analysis, considenng that both Staff and CAP AI fied their comments by the same deadline. CAP AI is uncert whether any fuer procedur steps might be deemed necessar by the Commission. When CAP AI fied its comments, it recommended tht additiona time be provided for the other pares to respond to CAP AI's comments and Mr. Colton's anysis and that a deadline be set for that response. CAP AI recommended that the Commission then base its fi determtion on tht record. CAP AI prepar ths petition as son as possible afer learng that some maner of ruing might be imnent. CAP AI does not know if tht determnation will order additiona action taen by the paries, possibly defer ruing pending additional action or make ths a genenc proceeding, or completely and fially resolve all of the issues rased durg ths cae in the near futu. Regarding the costs set fort in Exhbit A, CAP AI notes that it normally relies upon the expertise of Ms. Ten Otens who tyically testifies on beha of CAP AI. Ms. Oten's expertse in low-income issues was relied upon to a lesser degree in ths cas, but still necssar to a certn extent. Mr. Colton's fees ar relatively modest given his vast knowledge, expenence and expertise in the precise field of evaluating the costs and benefits of low-income progrs as evidenced by his resume fied with CAP AI's comments. CAP AI's legal representative charges a reduced fee in light of CAP AI's limited budget. Tht fee has increased only modestly since 2003. CAP AI respectfuly submits, therefore, that the costs and fees incured in ths case, and set forth in Exhbit "A," are reasnable in amount. (04) Explanation of Cost Statement CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING 6 CAP AI is a non-profit corporation overeeing a numbe of agencies who fight the causes and conditions of povert thoughout Idaho. CAP AI's fudig for any given effort might come from a different vanety of sources, including governenta. CAP AI does not have "memberships" and, therefore, does not receive member contrbutions of any kid. Many of CAP AI's fuding sources are unpredictable and impose conditions or limtations on the scope and natue of work eligible for fudig. CAP AI, therefore, has relatively little "discretionar" fuds available for al projects. Some matters before ths Commssion, fuermore, do not qualify for intervenor fudig by vie of their natu. Thus, wer it not for the availabilty of intervenor fuds and pa awards by this Commission, CAP AI would not be able to paicipate in cases before ths Commssion representing an importt and otherwse unepresented segment of reguated public utilty customers. Even with intervenor fudig, parcipation in Commssion cass constitutes a signficant financial hadship becaus CAP AI mus pay its expenses as they are incured, not if and when interenor fuding becomes available. (05) Statement of Diference There appe to be some degre of agrment between CAP AI and the Commssion Sta in ths case, but there are also matenal differences. Sta recommends that workshops be conducted at some futue date in order to fill in the holes in RM's evaluation in ths case. CAP AI recommends tht LIW A not be afected by what CAP AI perceives as a flawed evaluation and though CAP AI will willingly paricipate in any workshops conducted that involve low-income progrs, it does not agee that ths proceedig shou1d cast into doubt the effcacy and cost-effectiveness ofRM's LIWA or other low-income weathention progrs and shou1d CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING 7 not be relied upon as a basis to not increas fudig for those progr where otherse justified. To ths extent, there are matnal differences between CAP AI and Sta. (06) Statement of Recommendation CAP AI assert tht all cost-effective DSM progrs ar in the best interests of the general body of any regulated public utility. RM's LIW A progr is no differet in tht respect. Whle RM's filing might have temporarly cast doubt, in the minds of some, as to LIW A's cost-effectiveness, the Commssion doubled fudig to LIW A ths very yea. CAP AI is confdent that LIW A is and will continue to prove to be a cost-effective DSM progr benefittng all RM ratepayers. Low-income DSM provides an additional benefit to all customers because of the many non-energy benefits thoroughy anyzed in Mr. Colton's analysis. (07) Statement Showing Class of Customer To the extent tht CAP AI represents a specific RM Power customer class, it is the residential class. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, ths 14th day of December, 2011. ¡3~~ Brad M. Purdy CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING 8 CERTIFCATE OF SERVICE I, the undersigned, hereby certfy tht on the 14th day of December, 2011, sered a copy of the foregoing document on the followig by email and U.S. mal, first class postage. Ted Weston Rocky Mounta Power 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 ted. weston(ßpacificorp.com Daniel E. Solander Rocky Mounta Power 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 daniel. solander(ipacificorp. com Neil Pnce Idao Public Utilities Commssion Deputy Attorney General 472 W. Washigton St. Boise, ID 83702 nei1.price(ßpuc.idaho. gov Jean Jewell Commission Secreta Idao Public Utilties Commission 472 W. Washigton St. Boise,ID 83702 jean. j ewell(ßpuc. idaho. gov DATED, ths 14th day of December, 2011 ~::cBra M. Pudy CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUING 9 EXHBIT" A" ITEMIZED EXPENSES Costs: Photocpies/postage Total Costs Fees: Legal (Brad M. Pudy -63.00 hour ~ $130.001h.) Expert Witness (Ten Ottns - 20.0 hour ~ $50.001h.) Roger Colton (44.0 hr ~ $1701h.) Tota Fees Total Expenses CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INTERVEOR FUNING $175.00 $175.00 $8,190.00 $1,000.00 $7,480.00 $16,670.00 $16,845.00 10