HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110406Reply Comments.pdfWILLIAMS. BRADBURY' ATTORNEYS AT LAW RECEIVED LOLL APR -5 PH~: 31 April 5, 2011 iDAHO PUflL.iG UTILiTiES COMMiSSION Idaho Public Utilties Commssion 472 W. Washigton Street Boise,ID 83702 ATTN: Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretar Re: In the Matter of the Application ofPacificorp dba Rocky Mountain Power for a Determination Regarding a Firm Energy Sales Agreement Between Rocky Mountai Power and Cedar Creek Wind, LLC Dear Jean: Please find enclosed the original and seven (7) copies of Reply Comments of Cedar Creek Wind LLC in each of the following actions: Rattlesnake Canyon Coyote Hill North Point Steep Ridge Five Pine PAC-E-11-01 PAC-E-11-02 PAC-E-11-03 PAC-E-11-04 ~. P AC-E-l 1-05 ,Sincerely, " R~ WMJ Ronald L. Wiliams RLW/jr Enclosures 1015 W. Hays Street - Boise, ID 83702 Phone: 208-3446633 - Fax: 208-3440077 - ww.wiamsbradbur.coin .. -- Ronald L. Wiliams, ISB No. 3034 Willams Bradbur, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise ID, 83702 Telephone: 208-344-6633 Fax: 208-344-0077 lOn(gwillamsbradbur .com RECEIVED lOll ß,PR -5 PM~: 33 Attorneys for Cedar Creek Wind LLC BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF) Case No. PAC-E-11-01 PACIFICORP DBA ROCKY MOUNTAIN ) POWER FOR A DETERMINATION ) REGARING A FIRM ENERGY SALES ) AGREEMENT BETWEEN ROCKY ) MOUNTAIN POWER AND CEDAR CREEK ) WIND, LLC (RATTLESNAKE CANYON )PROJECT) ) ) IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF) Case No. PAC-E-11-02 PACIFICORP DBA ROCKY MOUNTAIN ) POWER FOR A DETERMINATION ) REGARDING A FIRM ENERGY SALES ) AGREEMENT BETWEEN ROCKY ) MOUNTAIN POWER AND CEDAR CREEK ) WIND, LLC (COYOTE HILL PROJECT) ) ) IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF) Case No. PAC-E-11-03 PACIFICORP DBA ROCKY MOUNTAIN ) POWER FOR A DETERMINATION ) REGARDING A FIRM ENERGY SALES ) AGREEMENT BETWEEN ROCKY ) MOUNTAIN POWER AND CEDAR CREEK ) WIND, LLC (NORTH POINT PROJECT) ) ) CEDAR CREEK WIN REPLY COMMENTS Page 1 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) PACIFICORP DBA ROCKY MOUNTAIN ) POWER FOR A DETERMINATION ) REGARING A FIRM ENERGY SALES ) AGREEMENT BETWEEN ROCKY ) MOUNTAIN POWER AND CEDAR CREEK ) WIND, LLC (STEEP RIDGE PROJECT) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF PACIFICORP DBA ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR A DETERMINATION REGARING A FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BETWEEN ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AND CEDAR CREEK WIND, LLC (FIVE PINE PROJECT) Case No. PAC-E-11-04 V Case No. PAC-E-11-05 REPLY COMMENTS OF CEDAR CREEK WIND LLC Comes now Cedar Creek Wind, LLC ("Cedar Creek" or "CCW") and fies these Reply Comments in response to Comments of the Commission Staf and asks the Commission to consider these Reply Comments, for the reasons set forth below. Cedar Creek is counterpary to the five Firm Energy Sales Agreements with Rocky Mountain Power in the above listed dockets. As the Commission noted in Order 32210 in Case Numbers IPC-E-1 0-51 though 55, a counterpary such as CCW is an "actual par" in such a case with a "direct interest" in the outcome of these proceedings. For this reason, these Reply Comments are filed because an additional material fact impacting CCW's direct interest in this case has arisen subsequent to the filing of initial comments by Cedar Creek and the March 24, 2010 date established by Commission Order 32192 for the filing of comments by interested paries. STATEMENT OF FACT On March 25,2011 Rocky Mountain Power filed the Direct Testimony of Bruce W. Griwold in IPUC Case No. GNR-E-11-01 In The Matter of the Commission's Investigation Into CEDAR CREEK WI REPLY COMMENTS Page 2 Disaggregation and An Appropriate Published Avoided Cost Rate Eligibilty Cap Structure for PURPA Qualifing Facilties. In his direct testimony in ths case Mr. Griswold, makes the following statement: Because the Company and Cedar Creek reached agreement on all terms of their power purchase agreements including the avoided cost price prior to December 14,2010, (the effective date of Commission Order No 32131) Rocky Mountain Power executed final power purchase agreement and, on Januar 10,2010, fied them with the Commission. Case No. GNR E-11-01, Griswold, Di - 8. (emphasis added) A copy of this page of Mr. Griswold's direct testimony is attched. This statement of Mr. Griswold is in accord with the facts sworn to by Dana Zentz in his affidavit previously fied by CCW in these cases, where Mr. Zentz said: 16. On November 29, 2009 I received an email from Ken Kaufman, legal counsel to PacifiCorp, transmitting a "proposed final redline" PP A for the Coyote Hil wind project, with the additional notation that when the Coyote Hil PP A is finalized, PacifiCorp will commence preparing the other four PP As using the same contract prototype. My response the next day made a couple of anotations in the body of this PP A and otherwse noted that "we have nothng fuer" to add or request. See Attachment No. 8 (to Affdavit) (emphasis original) 24. All material outstanding contract issues between CCW and PacifiCorp were resolved by November 29, 2010 and the parties had, on or before this date, arived at a meeting of the mids. CCW was simply forced to wait for three weeks for PacifiCorp credit, legal and management reviews of the contracts, before contract execution by PacifiCorp. See Affdavit of Dana Zentz, p. 10, 12-13. In spite of both paries to the power purchase agreements (PP As) confirming in sworn testimony before the Commission that a binding, legally enforceable obligation arose before December 14,2011, Staff recommends that the Commission reject the five Cedar Creek PPAs because Rocky Mountain Power executed the agreements after December 14,2010. As Stated by Staff: "Staf views the December 14,2010 effective date of Order No. 32176 as absolute." CEDAR CREEK WI REPLY COMMENTS Page 3 STATEMENT OF LAW The stadard ariculated by Staff - that December 14,2010 is an "absolute" cut-off date- is both a misreading of the Commission Order 32176 in Case No. GNR-E-1O-4 and is contrar to established law regarding PURP A rates and contract requirements. In its Notice of Joint Petition in Case No. GNR-E-1O-4 the Commission stated its intent to "reduce the published avoided cost eligibilty cap" effective on December 14,2010. See Order 3213 1. After deliberation the Commission in Order No. 32176 held: "Based on the forgoing, the Commission temporarly reduces the eligibility cap for published avoided cost rates from 10 aMW to 100 kW for wind and solar resources only, effective December 14,2010." Id. Both Orders establish December 14 as the date of "eligibility" for 10 aMW cap and the stadard rates that accompany such a 10 aMW contract. Neither Order requires, or even speaks to, December 14 as the date by which both counterparies must have signed. Both counterparies - Rocky Mountain Power and Cedar Creek - agree that the five CCW contracts were eligible for the 10 aMW rates prior to December 14,2010. Both also agree that all PPA terms and conditions, including price, had been agreed to before this date. Respectfully, CCW believes Staffis misreading Commission Order No. 32176. As previously noted in CCW's initial comments, two recent Qualifying Facilty (QF) contract approvals by the Commission continue a long line of decisions wherein the Commission reviews the relevant facts and circumstaces to determine whether a QF is entitled to vintage rates or contract terms. Those factors are discussed in CCW's initial comments in these cases and will not be repeated here, except with respect to the final point: a "meeting of the minds" between counterparies to a PP A. CEDAR CREEK WIN REPLY COMMENTS Page 4 In Grand View Solar the Commission approved a PP A executed by both paries substantially afer a change of avoided cost rates, but containing higher vintage PURP A rates. i In Grand View Solar Idaho Power represented to the Commission that "an agreement (between Idaho Power and Grand View Solar) was materially complete prior to March 16,2010, and except for routine Idaho Power final processing, an agreement would have been executed by both paries prior to March 16,2010." Order No. 32068 at p. 2. Staff also recommended approval of the Grand View Solar Contract: "Staff concludes that the Company has demonstrated that Grandview (sic) is eligible for grandfathered rates." Id. at p. 3. The Commission approved the Grand View Solar PPA, noting: "We accept the representations of Idaho Power as to the contract negotiations of the paries." Id. at p. 5. The Commission then stated: "We fuher find the Company's approach in this case regarding contract rates to be consistent with the spirit of those prior grandfathering cases. See A. W Brown Co., Inc., v. Idaho Power Company, 121 Idaho 812,817; 828 P.2d 841 (1992), Order No. 29872, Case No IPC-E- 05-22." Id. See also Yellowstone Power Inc. 2 where the Commission also found that Yellowstone was entitled to grandfathered contract terms and rates, as "(t)here is no reason to question the representations of Idaho Power and Yellowstone" as to a meeting of the minds on contract rates and terms. Order No. 32104. at p. 11. In this case Idaho Power and Yellowstone Power Inc. also both executed the PPA after March 16. 2010. Alternatively, if December 14 is in fact considered the "absolute" date by which a contract must be entered into, the counterparies to the Cedar Creek PP As are in accord that such i Case No. IPC-E-1 0-19; In the Matter of the Application of Idaho Power Company for Approval of a Firm Energy Sales Agreement with Grand View Solar PV 1. Idaho Power and Grand View Solar executed their contract on June 8,2010, not quite three months after the change in rates.2 Case No. IPC-E-10-22; In the Matter of the Application of Idaho Power Company for Approval of a Firm Energy Sales Agreement with Yellowstone Power Inc. The contract between Yellowstone Power Inc. and Idao Power was dated July 28, 1020, more than four months after the change in rates. CEDAR CREEK WID REPLY COMMENTS Page 5 a binding commitment or obligation was agreed to between them before December 14,2010. The actual date inserted on the face of the PP As by Rocky Mountain Power was merely a fuction of "routine final processing" 3 of the PP As by Rocky Mountain Power. CONCLUSION Stas recommendation to now, and for the first time, establish an "absolute" or "bright line" grandfathering test, as a substitute for the longstading "facts and circumstaces" test (previously employed by the Commission and ratified by the Idaho Supreme Cour) is wrong and misguided. Such a new, arbitrar test for determining grandfathered rights to pre-existing rates, terms or conditions is bad public policy because it would simply allow a utility the unilateral abilty to "ru out the clock" with routine, non-substative approval matters when the "absolute" date is approaching. A hard-and-fast rule is also contrar to PURPA's federal mandate that utilities execute power purchase agreements with QF projects that are mature and are ready, wiling and able to deliver quaifyng power to the utilty at the avoided cost applicable at that time. The Commission has a long history of sifting through and determining which projects and contracts are sufficiently matue to deserve grandfathered PURP A rates, terms or conditions. That well reasoned body oflaw should not be abandoned here for an arbitrar, "absolute" hard- date test that fails to consider both the facts and the equities of the parties involved. Or, as in this case, sworn testimony by both counterparies to the Cedar Creek PP As that "(T)he Company and Cedar Creek reached agreement on all terms of their power purchase agreements including the avoided cost price prior to December 14,2010." Id. Griswold Direct Testimony, p. 8. 3 IPUC Order No. 32068, Grand View Solar, p.2. CEDAR CREEK WID REPLY COMMENTS Page 6 f' f~Dated this ~ day of April, 2011. CEDAR CREEK WIN Respectfully submitteà, ~ Â#J LtJ~ Ronald L. Wiliams Wiliams Bradbur, P.C. of Attorneys for Cedar Creek Wind REPLY COMMENTS Page 7 . .. . ..... REceIVED !OJ J HAR 25 AH 10: 00 IDAHO PU6i.K: UTrLlïlf-S COMMISSION BEFORE TH IDAHO PULIC UTES COMMON IN TH MATl OF TH )COMMSSION'S ) CASE NO. GNR.E-ii.oiINTIGATION INO ) DISAGGREATION AN AN ) DI Tesy ofBI' W..GrAPPROPRITE PUUSHE ) AVOIDED COST RATE ELGIBll CAP STRUCT FOR PURA ~ .QUALG FACl ROCKY MOUNAI POWE . CAS NO. GNR.E-ll.Ol Ma2lll . .1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11.12 13 14 '15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22.23 Pnor to applyi for a QF cotr with publish price Ced Cre submtt a bid into the Company's 200 reewable RF as a single 151 MW projec but thei bid was not selec by th Compay beuse thei propose pri was too high and not comptive with th alteatives. In Marh 2010, the deeloper reueste QF :pricig fortwó 78 MW'projets. . The projec' avoide' cost prices were deteed usg th Comssion-ordre. IR methodolog for Idao QFs over 10 aM. Th Coy pre and de~ a te slt contag a twty-yea str of avoide cot price. On a twenty-yea nomial leveli paymnt basis th resutat avoide cost price was 556.06 pe MW . assuming a sta da in 2012. Th avoi cost price wer reecte by th developer due to the price beg to low. In May.20lO, the develope resubmitt five distict proje totang 133 . MW' and rete th pubHshed avoide cost price. Ce Cr is a lare- scale, sophistcate developr with legal and teca assets who disaggate a sigle lare projet th was not selec tbughthe Company's comptive bid pros into 'multiple prjets in orr to met the 10 aM thshld an quaJ for muh higher publish avoide cost contrts. Becuse the Company and Ce Crk rehed agt on al te of their power puras agnts inlu . th avoid. cost price prior to Deber 14, 20IO, (th effecve da of Cossion Or No. 32131) Rocky Mounta Pow execte fi power purse agtS and, on Janua 10, 2010, filed them with the Commsion. Th conttsar curtly before the Commsion' for reew and decîsion. .On a comparve bas. th 2o-ye Grswold, Di - 8 Rocky Mouta Power