HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110222XRG Answer to PAC Motions, and its own Motion.pdf¡:: tt"~,, ';~.QJ~ATTORNEYS AT LAW Tel: 208-938-7900 Fax: 208-938-7904 P.O. Box 7218 Boise, JD 83707 - 515 N. 27th St. Boise, JD 83702 1un fEB 22 PM 2: 41 Februar 22,2011 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secreta Idaho Public Utilities Commssion 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702 RE: PAC-E-10-08 Dear Ms. Jewell: We are enclosing an original and seven (7) copies of the XRG LLCs' ANSWER IN OPPOSITION TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER TO STAY DISCOVERY AND MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT and XRG LLCs' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PURSUANT TO I.R.C.P. 56(t), as well as the exhibits thereto, in the above-referenced case. A copy is also enclosed for your staping and retur to our office. I" rebLre ry M. Adams chardson & O'Lear PLLC Enc: XRG LLCs' 2-22-11 Filing Peter J. Richardson Gregory M. Adams Richardson & O'Lear, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peter(frichardsonandoleary.com greg(frichardsonandolear .com R:ECE ZOIl FEB 22 PM 2: 41 Attorneys for Complainants XRG-DP-7, XRG-DP-8, XRG-DP-9, XRG-DP-I0, LLCs BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION XRG-DP-7, XRG-DP-8, XRG-DP-9, XRG-DP- )10, LLCs, )Complainants, ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) vs. PACIFICORP, DBA ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER, Defendant. Case No. PAC-E-I0-08 XRGLLCs' ANSWER IN OPPOSITION TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER TO STAY DISCOVERY AND MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT, AND XRG LLCs' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PURSUANT TO I.R.C.P. 56(t) Comes now XRG-DP-7, XRG-DP-8, XRG-DP-9, XRG-DP-lO, LLCs (referred to collectively as "XRG" or "Exergy"), and pursuat to pursuant to Idaho Administrative Rules ("IDAPA") and, fies ths Answer to Rocky Mountan Power's ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT AND XRG LLCS' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PAGE 1 Motion for Protective Order to Stay Discovery and Motion for Sumar Judgment. i XRG remains committed to entering into a power purchase agreement for each of its 4 wind projects near Malta, Idaho. XRG has attempted to settle this dispute in good faith to no avaiL. XRG has diligently responded to Rocky Mounta Power's Production Request Nos. 1 to 50. XRG has already granted Rocky Mountan Power a 14-day extension to respond to XRG's Production Requests Nos. 24 to 63, each of which pertin to the highly relevant issue of Rocky Mountan Power's bad faith negotiations. F or all of these reasons and more, XRG opposes Rocky Mountain Power's motions, and respectfully requests that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") deny Rocky Mountan Power's motions. XRG alternatively moves the Commission, pursuat to Idaho Rule of Civil Procedure ("I.R.C.P.") 56(t), to require Rocky Mountain Power to respond to all pending discovery requests prior to the time XRG must provide a final response to any motion for sumary judgment. LEGAL AND REGULATORY BACKGROUND A. PURP A's Mandatory Purchase Provisions The mandatory purchase provisions of PURP A require electrc utilities to purchase power produced by cogenerators or small power producers that obtain status as a "qualifying facilty" ("QF"). 16 U.S.C. § 824a-3(a)(2). Congress's intent "was to encourage the promotion and development of renewable energy technologies as alternatives to fossil fuels and the constrction of new generating facilities by electric utilities." Rosebud Enterprises, Inc. v. Idaho Pub. Uti!. Commn., 128 Idaho 609,613,917 P.2d 766, 780 (1996). Because the foureenth day afer Rocky Mountain Power's Februar 7, 2011 motions was the President's Day Holiday, XRG's filing is timely on the fifteenth day, Februar 22,2011. See IDAPA; IDAPA and ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT AND XRG LLCS' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PAGE 2 Under Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") regulations, the price PURP A section 21O(b) requires the utilities to pay to QFs in exchange for a QF's electrical output is termed the avoided cost rate, which must compensate QFs for the utilities' full avoided cost and not discriminate against QFs. 16 U.S.C. § 824a-3(b), (d); 18 C.F.R. § 292.304(a), (b); see also Small Power Production and Cogeneration Faci!ities; Regulations Implementing Section 210 of the Public Utilty Regulatory Policy Act of 1978, 45 Fed. Reg. 12,214, 12,222-12,223 (Feb. 25, 1980). With regard to off-system QFs, "Any electric utility to which such energy or capacity is delivered must purchase this energy under the obligations set fort in these rues as if the purchase were made directly from the qualifying facility." 45 Fed. Reg. at 12,220, codifing 18 C.F.R. § 292.303(a)(2). QFs may select the "avoided costs calculated at the time the obligation (to provide energy or capacity) is incured." 18 C.F.R. § 292.304(d)(2)(ii). "Whle this may be done through contract, if the electric utility refuses to sign a contract, the QF may seek state regulatory authority assistance to enforce the PURP A-imposed obligation on the electrc utilty to purchase from the QF, and a non-contractual, but stil legally enforceable, obligation will be created pursuat to the state's implementation of PURPA." JD Wind 1, LLC, "Notice of Intent Not to Act and Declaratory Order," 129 FERC ~ 61,148, at ~ 25 (November 19,2009). The Idaho Commission requies utilties in Idaho to make the rates in the published rate schedule available to QFs that generate less than 10 average megawatts ("aMW"). See US. Geothermal, Inc. v. Idaho Power Company, Case No. IPC-E-04-8, Order No. 29632, p. 14; 18 ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT AND XRG LLCS' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PAGE 3 C.F.R. § 292.304(c)(1)-(3).2 When the published rates chage before the QF can obta an executed contract, the QF is entitled to grandfathered rates if it can "demonstrate that 'but for' the actions of (the utility, the QF) was otherwse entitled to a power purchase contract." Earth Power Resources, Inc. v. Washington Water Power Company, Case No. WWP-E-96-6, Order No. 27231 (1997); see also Blind Canyon Aquaranch v. Idaho Power Company, Case No. IPC- E-94-1, Order No. 25802 (1994); Snow Mountain Pine v. Maudin, 84 Or. App. 590, 600, 734 P.2d 1366, 1371 (1987). B. Federal Power Act and FERC's Open Access Transmission Tariff "Section 205 of the Federal Power Act () prohibits public utilities, with respect to any jursdictional transmission or sale, from granting an undue preference or subjecting any person to any undue disadvantage." In Re Portland General Electric Company, 131 FERC ~ 61,224, ~ 8 (June 4, 2010). "FERC acted upon evidence of pervasive discrimination in the transmission of electric power by completing a massive regulatory revision, culminating in Order No. 888." Entergy Service, Inc. v. FERC, 375 F.3d 1204, 1205-06 (D.C. Cir. 2004) (citing 16 U.S.C. §§ 824(b), 824d and 824e). FERC promulgated "a pro forma Open Access Transmission Tariff ('OATT') that includes the minimum terms and conditions under which transmission providers may offer service." Id at 1206. "Par II of the OATT, is transmission service from a specified point of receipt to a specified point of delivery," and FERC requires utilities to use Par II to serve their own wholesale and/or unbundled retal load. Id (citing 18 C.F.R. § 35.28(c)(2)). In contrast, "Par 2 As explained below, the Commission reduced the eligibility cap for published rates to 1 00 kilowatts for wind QFs since the time that XRG filed its Complaint in ths case. ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND MOTION FOR SUMMAY JUDGMENT AND XRG LLCS' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PAGE 4 III of the OATT, is a flexible service, which allows the transmission provider to servce a network customer's load by using multiple receipt and delivery points," and FERC allows utilities to use Par III (as a network customer) to serve bundled retail loads. Id Thus, FERC required the utilities themselves to become transmission customers and comply with the terms of the OATT. To overcome the inerent "incentive to reserve certain capacity simply to prevent everyone else from using it," FERC "required a network transmission customer (including a utilty), as a prerequisite to obtaining network transmission service, to designate those 'network resources' that would generate the power to be transmitted over the reserved capacity." Id at 1207 (internal quotations and alterations omitted). FERC also adopted standards of conduct for transmission providers. See 18 C.F.R. § 358.5(b)(1) (prohibiting market fuction employees from conducting transmission fuctions or having access to the system control center); id. at § 358.6 (prohibiting anyone from being a "conduit" of non-public transmission information between the transmission and merchant fuctions).3 3 Other protections against discrimination include that a transmission provider must accurately post available transmission capacity on its Open Access Same-time Information System website. 18 C.F.R. § 37.6(b)(3)(ii)(A); see also In Re Portland General Electric Company, 131 FERC ~ 61,224, ~~ 12,17 (approving stipulation to fines for inaccurate posting). And a utilty may not withold the availability of planed transmission lines from open access to all users solely on account of the utilty's own future plans to use the lines. See Puget Sound Energy, Inc., 133 FERC ~ 61,160, ~~ 7, 10 (November 18,2010). ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT AND XRG LLCS' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PAGE 5 FACTUAL AND PROCEDURA BACKGROUND4 A. XRG's fruitless attempts to obtain 4 PPAs prior to tlling the Complaint The Complaint in ths case arose from Rocky Mountain Power's conduct which stalled XRG's development of 4 off-system wind generation facilties near Malta, Idaho, each of which is a self-certified PURPA QF. XRG DP-7, XRG DP-8, and XRG-DP 9 wil be nameplate 20 MW, and XRG DP-lO wil be nameplate 10 MW. Complaint at ~ 6. XRG has actively developed these projects since 2006. See, e.g., XRG's Answer to Rocky Mountain Power's Motion for Summary Judgment Exhibit 1 (hereinafter "XRG Exhibit"), at pp. 1-48 (containing 2007 wind leases); id, at p. 49 (describing XRG's efforts to collect and evaluate wind data and secure interconnection both beginning in 2006). On Januar 21, 2009, XRG formally requested that Rocky Mountan Power provide it with 4 stadard PURP A PPAs for the projects subject to the Complaint, as well as 2 larger QF wind projects sized over 10 aMW for which XRG requested IRP Methodology rates. Rocky Mountain Power's Motion for Summary Judgment Exhibit A (hereinafter "RMP SJ Exhibit"), pp. 12-95, 111. XRG proposed to deliver the output of the projects to Rocky Mountan Power's system at the Brady substation with online dates of December 31,2010. Id at 44,56, 78, 87. Rocky Mountain Power, however, quickly rejected XRG's request. Beginning Februar 25, 2009, Rocky Mountain Power rejected the request for 4 standard PPAs, and never provided IRP Methodology rates for the 2 larger projects. Id at pp. 105, 117, 143, 209-10, 299-301. 4 XRG provides background regarding additional factual matters to those in Rocky Mountan Power's Motion. To the extent Rocky Mountain Power disagrees with XRG's characterization of the facts, such disagreement only serves to prove the Commission should hold an evidentiar hearng. ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT AND XRG LLCS' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PAGE 6 Rocky Mountain Power stated it lacked transmission capacity for the cumulative output such that Rocky Mountain Power Commercial and Trading ("Rocky Mountain Power C&T") could designate the projects as network resources and thereby obtain network transmission service from Rocky Mountain Power Transmission, as required by PacifiCorp's OATT. Id Rocky Mountain Power stated that it would need to deliver the output to its Utah load, would only be able to do so for 23 MW delivered to the Brady or Borah substation, and therefore requied XRG to select only one of its projects for a PP A. Id at p. at 117. Meanwhile, in March 2009, Bonnevile Power Administration ("BP A") required completion of $20,000 environmental studies for each of the 4 stadard project's interconnection - a tota of $80,000. XRG Exhibit 1, at p. 49. Because Rocky Mountan Power had expressed its resistace to executing PP As for all 4 projects, XRG had to bear the futility of its PPA efforts in mind when commtting additional fuds to the interconnection process and ultimately lost its queue numbers for each project which it had initiated in 2006. Id XRG neverteless persisted in attempting to convince Rocky Mountain Power that transmission from Brady to the Utah load center would not be a problem, and pointed out that publicly available information regarding upgrades to the applicable transmission path refuted Rocky Mountain Power's position. See RMP SJ Exhibit A, at p. 269. From a phone conversation on November 10,2009, XRG understood Rocky Mountain Power itself to state that transmission would not be a problem if the projects came online in June 2011, and in light of this information XRG requested to move the online date to June 2011. See id, at pp. 289, 296. Yet Rocky Mountain Power consistently and unequivocally relied on the perceived transmission problem to reject XRG's request for 4 PPAs. See, e.g, id, at p. 209. XRG again ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT AND XRG LLCS' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PAGE 7 requested 4 PPAs in March 2010. See id, at pp. 289, 296. On March 12,2010, the Commission issued Order No. 31021, increasing Rocky Mountain Power's wind integration charge, and then issued Order No. 31025 on March 16, 2010, which signficantly decreased the published avoided cost rates. On April 13,2010, Rocky Mountain Power responded to XRG's March inquiries by letter from Mr. Ken Kaufman. He stated, "PacifiCorp has not offered to purchase net output from any remaining Exergy project because PacifiCorp lacks the abilty to accept more than approximately 23 MW of new capacity at either its Borah or Brady substation and XRG has not offered to pay for system upgrades necessar to accept more than 23 MW." Id, at p. 299. Rocky Mountain Power disagreed with Exergy's reliance on the November 2010 phone call to "conclude that PacifiCorp Transmission wil be able to accommodate all Exergy projects after completion by PacifiCorp Transmission of the upgrade in mid-2011." Id, at p. 300. B. XRG's Complaint Left with no other recourse, XRG fied the Complaint in this case on July 29, 2010. XRG alleged that it attempted to negotiate 4 stadard PPAs in good faith prior to March 12, 2010, but that Rocky Mountain Power refused to fush them on account of its purorted transmission constraint. Complaint, at ~~ 8, 15-16. XRG alleged that, "By failing to provide publicly available stadard PPA terms and conditions, and delaying its responses to XRG's binding offers to enter into four PURP A PP As for its wind QFs near Malta, Idaho, PacifiCorp is in violation ofPURPA, FERC's implementing regulations, and the Commission's orders." Id at ~ 18. XRG requested that the Commission order Rocky Mountan Power to "execute stadard PURPA power purchase agreements for XRG's four QF projects at PacifiCorp's avoided cost rates on file for QFs under 10 aMW prior to March 12,2010(,)" or, "Grant()any other relief that ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND MOTION FOR SUMMAY JUDGMENT AND XRG LLCS' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PAGE 8 the Commission deems necessar." Id at p. 6. In its Answer, Rocky Mountain Power "admits it informed XRG in writing on March 23, 2009, May 11, 2009, and October 2, 2009, that available transmission capacity from the proposed delivery point - Brady substation - was insufficient for accepting more than 23 megawatts of net output from XRG's proposed qualifying facilities." Answer, at ~ 8. It also asserted as an affrmative defense that it had not acted in bad faith or with undue delay. Id, at p. 6. C. Rocky Mountain Power's admission that network transmission was available The paries commenced discovery, and XRG's First Set of Production Requests (Requests No. 1-15) inquired into the transmission capacity issue. See XRG Exhibit 2, at pp. 1- 24, 34, 36-37. Then, on September 21, 2010, Rocky Mountan Power sent XRG a letter admitting that transmission was now available for all 4 QFs. XRG Exhibit 3, at pp. 1-10. Rocky Mountan Power's September 21,2010, letter did not even reference the Complaint case. Id. As though the litigation were not ongoing, and as though Rocky Mountain Power's perceived transmission constrait were not a central issue in the litigation, the letter stated: On July 15,2010, PacifiCorp Transmission designated a new Point of DeliverylPoint of Receipt for Network Transmission Service under its Open Access Transmission Tariff called "Path C" . . . The new Point of DeliverylPoint of Receipt at Patch C effectively increases avai!able firm transmission across Path C and resolves PacifiCorp C&T's concerns at this time about the avai!abilty gf firm Network Resource Transmission Service .m the four QE projects. . . . If you decide to pursue all four projects, we would request an update on each project per the attched matrices so that we can correctly and expediently prepare the draft PP As. Id, at p. 2 (emphasis added). ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT AND XRG LLCS' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PAGE 9 The letter provided no explanation for why Rocky Mountan Power designated a new point of service on Path C, or why Rocky Mountain Power was unaware prior to this date that transmission would be available by the time XRG had initially proposed the projects come online - December 31, 2010. The letter contained, for the first time since XRG contacted Rocky Mountain Power on Janua 21, 2009, a stadard matrx of additional project information for each of the 4 QFs that Rocky Mountan Power believed XRG needed to provide in order for Rocky Mountain Power to prepare standard contracts and complete due dilgence. Id, at pp. 3- 10. Back in the litigation, in discovery, Rocky Mountain Power then provided internal communcations between Jim Parouw, a trader in Energy Marketing for PacifiCorp C & T, to John Younie, a contract administrator for PacifiCorp C & T, regarding Rocky Mountai Power's investigation into the transmission availability. XRG Exhibit 2, at pp. 1-22,61. On Januar 29, 2009, Mr. Younie had described the projects, including the online date of December 31, 2010, and that each would be a mandatory purchase PURP A project with an "Idaho Stadard QF Off- System MAG PPA." Id, at p. 4-7. He asked Mr. Parouw, "Are there any issues with this much capacity being delivered to Brady?" Id, at p. 3. On Janua 29, 2010, Mr. Parouw responded, "Import to Utah system on a firm basis is limited to 23 MW total for these transactions . . .. Another 250 MW exists but APS has first rights to schedule on the path." Id at pp. 16-19. Mr. Parouw fuher elaborated by stating: Wil need to request Network Resource status for this resource. Please notify when you want request for Network Resource status submitted (wil need to have signed attestation of C&T commitment). Suggest PPA be contingent upon receiving Network Resource status. Without Network Resource status for this ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT AND XRG LLCS' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PAGE 10 resource, we will need to use PacifiCorp PTP capacity and schedule the energy to load on the PTP reservation. Id. (emphasis added). XRG quickly fied its Second Set of Production Requests (Nos. 16-23), on September 29, 2009, to inquire fuer into the erroneous transmission finding, including information regarding Rocky Mountan Power's internal procedures for investigating available transmission for off- system PURP A projects. D. XRG's renewed attempt to secure 4 PP As without further litigation Despite the highly suspicious nature the newly revealed facts, XRG entered into settlement negotiations in good faith in hopes of foregoing fuher litigation and simply securing PP As for its projects at a rate that would provide it with a reasonable retu. XRG accepted Rocky Mountain Power's request to stay discovery, and settlement negotiations commenced in October 2010. Then, on November 5, 2010, Rocky Mountain Power, along with Idaho Power Company and Avista Corporation, fied a Joint Motion to Adjust Published Avoided Cost Rate Eligibilty Cap in GNR-E-1O-04. The utilities requested that the Commission imediately reduce the eligibilty cap for standard rates contained in PURP A PPAs for QFs from a project size of under 10 aMW to a project size of under 100 kilowatts ("kw") nameplate capacity. See Case No. GNR-E-1O-04. On December 3, 2010, the Commission issued Order No. 32131, wherein it declined to immediately reduce the eligibilty cap, but stated that its final decision on the eligibilty cap issue would be retroactively effective on December 14,2010. XRG understood settlement negotiations to be ongoing despite the Joint Motion to reduce ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT AND XRG LLCS' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PAGE 11 the eligibilty cap. The paries met on December 7,2010. But XRG perceived that meeting to have been a break down in the settlement negotiations. After that meeting XRG provided Rocky Mountan Power with a letter contaning updated information regarding the projects, which in par, responded to the September 21,2010 letter requesting refreshed inormation on the projects since the time in early 2009 when Rocky Mountain Power refused to negotiate. See XRG Exhibit 3, at pp. 11-15.5 Although XRG's response to the September 21, 2010 letter was delayed by litigation and settlement negotiations, XRG expressed interest in simply executing contracts. Id., at p. 13. In response, Rocky Mountan Power did not provide contracts contaning the rates in Order No. 30744 or 31025. Indeed, it never responded to XRG's letter at alL. Rather, it re- commenced litigation. E. The recently re-commenced litigation Rocky Mountan Power responded to XRG's Second Set of Production Requests on December 21, 2010, and Rocky Mountan Power filed its Second Set of Production Requests (Nos. 26-51) on December 22, 2010. XRG filed its Third Set of Production Requests (Nos. 24- 63) on Januar 11,2011, asking for detailed explanations for Rocky Mountain Power's failure to earlier realize that transmission would not be a problem, and its reliance on that non-existent problem to stal negotiations. F or example, XRG has asked, "please explain why Rocky Mountain Power did not offer the option to XRG to make the requested PPAs 'contingent upon receiving Network Resource status,''' Rocky Mountain Power's Motion for Protective Order Because settlement negotiations are confdential for some puroses and Rocky Mountan Power has objected to discovery requests regarding the settlement negotiations, XRG has provided only the redacted letter which does not refer to settlement negotiations. As redacted, it is simply a response to Rocky Mountain Power's September 21,2010 letter, provided by Rocky Mountan Power outside the context of the litigation. 5 ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAI POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUGMENT AND XRG LLCS' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PAGE 12 Exhibit A (hereinafter "RMP PO Exhibit"), at No. 31(b), which would have enabled Rocky Mountain Power to make a formal request to its transmission experts to analyze availabilty of transmission. Id, at Nos. 36-39; XRG Exhibit 2, at pp. 63-64. XRG also asked Rocky Mountain Power to explain the legitimate use under its OATT for which it held 250 MW ofPTP capacity, and the reason it did not offer that capacity for XRG's projects. RMP PO Exhibit A, at Nos. 32- 33. XRG also requested explanation for Rocky Mountain Power's failure to recognze the publicly available information regarding Rocky Mountain Power's plans to upgrade Path C such that it would have up to 1600 MW of transfer capacity by the end of201O, and would require no upgrades for deliveries at Brady. See, e.g., id., at Nos. 42,44. XRG fuher inquired into Rocky Mountain Power's commitment to the Idaho Commission durng the Mid-American holdings acquisition in 2005 to upgrade this path, and into its successful request for preferential transmission ratemakng treatment for the upgrades at FERC in 2008 where it stated that southwestern Idaho would be "hub" from which its "power will be collected and delivered in different directions." Id, at Nos. 48, 52. XRG requested explanation into Rocky Mountain Power's request to rate base the upgrades in its 2010 rate case before the Idaho Commission. Id, at Nos. 47,49,50. XRG asked whether anyone at Rocky Mountain Power C & T that processed XRG's PPA requests knew of the proposed upgrades. See, e.g., id., at No. 44(d). XRG then timely responded to Rocky Mountain Power's Production Request Nos. 26-50 on Janua 12, 2011, without requesting a delay, despite the intervening holiday season. On Janua 20, 2011, XRG agreed to allow Rocky Mountain Power an additional 14 days to respond to XRG's Requests Nos. 24-63. See XRG Exhibit 4, at pp. 1. At that time, Rocky Mountan ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT AND XRG LLCS' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PAGE 13 Power did not indicate that it planed to fie a motion for a protective order or for sumar judgment. Then, on Febru 2,2011, Rocky Mounta Power requested that XRG agree to stay the response to all of Request Nos. 24-63 pending resolution of a Motion for Sumar Judgment Rocky Mounta Power now planed to file. Id., at p. 3. XRG rejected ths request. On Februar 7, 2011, Rocky Mountan Power then filed its Motion for Protective Order to Stay Discovery on XRG's Production Requests Nos. 24-52, and Motion for Sumar Judgment, which together with attachments include 381 pages of documents. Rocky Mountain Power requests expedited review of its request to stay discover, citing the now-expired, extended deadline for its responses on Febru 15, 2011, which was only 8 days after its voluminous filing. On the same day, the Commission issued Order No. 32176, in Case No. GNR-E-I0-04, reducing the published avoided cost rate eligibility cap to 100 kw for wind QFs effective December 14, 2010. One can therefore infer from Rocky Mountain Power's motions that it believes XRG canot now even entitle itself to the published avoided cost rates in Order No. 31025. On February 15, 2011, Rocky Mountain Power responded to XRG's pending requests that do not regard the erroneous transmission constraint finding (Nos. 52-63), but has not responded to transmission questions (Nos. 24-52). ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAI POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUGMENT AND XRG LLCS' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PAGE 14 ANSWER I Rocky Mountain Power's Motion for Summary Judgment should be denied. A. Legal Standard Applicable to a Motion for Summary Judgment "Sumar judgment under I.R.C.P. 56(c) is proper only when there is no genuine issue of material fact and the moving part is entitled to judgment as a matter of law." Ackerman v. Bonnevile County, 140 Idaho 307, 310, 92 P.3d 557, 560 (Ct. App. 2004). "When ruling on a motion for sumar judgment, the tral cour must determine whether the evidence, when constred in the light most favorable to the nonmoving pary, presents a genuine issue of material fact or shows that the moving pary is not entitled to judgment as a matter of law." Chandler v. Hayden, 147 Idaho 765, 769, 215 P.3d 485, 489 (2009). "The moving par bears the burden of proving the absence of material facts." Id. "If the evidence is conficting on material issues or supports conflcting inferences, or if reasonable minds could reach differig conclusions, sumary judgment must be denied." Doe v. Sisters of Holy Cross, 126 Idaho 1036, 1039, 895 P.2d 1229, 1232 (Ct. App. 1995). "Should it appear from the afdavits of the pary opposing the motion that the pary canot for reasons stated present by affidavit facts essential to justify the par's opposition, the cour may refuse the application for judgment or may order a continuance to permit affidavits to be obtained or depositions to be taen or discovery to be had or may make such other order as is just." I.R.C.P. 56(t). An affrmative defense, such as laches, "must be pleaded and proved by the defendant," and the "defendant has the burden of proving every element necessar to establish the affrmative defense." Hawley v. Green, 117 Idaho 498, 504, 788 P.2d 1321, 1327 (1990); see ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT AND XRG LLCS' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PAGE 15 also I.R.C.P. 8(c). The defendant has the burden of supporting a claimed affrmative defense on a motion for sumar judgment. See Chandler, 147 Idaho at 771, 215 P.3d at 491. B. The Commission should deny Rocky Mountain Power's Motion for Summary Judgment, or at least stay the Motion until after Rocky Mountain Power responds to XRG's discovery requests and XRG supplements this filing with the additional discovery. 1. Rocky Mountain Power's Motion for Summary Judgment is not the appropriate procedural manner with which to process this case. The Commission's rues do not provide for a Motion for Sumar Judgment. Under IDAPA - a catch-all rule applicable to all motions - XRG must respond by Answer "with all deliberate and reasonable speed. In no event, is the par entitled to more than foureen (14) days to answer a motion. .." Because an adverse ruing would be dispositive, XRG must respond on the merits "with all deliberate speed," and not less than 14 days. A response to a sumar judgment motion fied in a cour where the rules are specifically designed to address sumar judgment, however, would not need to be filed so quickly without advance notice. Under I.R.C.P. 56(c), a response to a motion for sumar judgment is due 14 days prior to the date set for the hearng on the motion, and no responding par would agree setting the hearng such that it would have a 14-day tuaround on an unscheduled, 381-page fiing.6 In Idaho federal cours, a responding pary has 21 days to respond to a motion for sumar judgment. 7 6 See Local Rules. 2.1, 2.2, District Cour and Magistrate Division for the Fourth Judicial District ofthe State ofIdaho, available online at http://ww2.state.id.us/fourthjudicial/ FOURTH%20DISTRICT/2011 %20Fourh%20Judicial%20District-Rules.pdf. 7 See Local Rule 7.l(c)(I), (e)(2) United States Distrct Cour for the District ofIdao, available online at http://ww.id.uscourts.gov/docs/2011 LOCALRULES Clean.pdf. ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT AND XRG LLCS' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PAGE 16 XRG is clearly prejudiced by having to file a response so quickly to this unexpected 381- page dispositive filing in such a short time frame. Because the Commission has not requested motions for sumar judgment in ths case, the typical procedures should apply. The Commission's rules of procedure provide for two avenues by which to process a complaint case - either by evidentiary hearing (IDAPA to 260), or by modified procedure with comments (IDAPA to 204). The complex factual record before the Commission does not support a finding that it would be in the public interest to process this case without a hearng. The Commission should therefore process this case by evidentiar hearing. For thei;e reasons alone, the Commission should reject Rocky Mountain Power's Motion for Sumar Judgment. 2. The Commission should deny Rocky Mountain Power's Motion for Summary Judgment because it contains no admissible evidence and therefore fails to comply with I.R.C.P. 56(c), (e). Although styled as a motion for sumar judgment, Rocky Mountan Power's Motion fails the basic requirement that it include admissible evidence in support of all material facts. See I.R.C.P. 56(c), (e); see also Shacocass, Inc. v. Arrington Constr. Co., 116 Idaho 460, 463, 776 P.2d 469,472 (Ct. App. 1989) (holding that where pary submitted exhibits unattched to an affdavit, those exhbits had no evidentiar value and could not support a motion for sumar judgment). Rocky Mountain Power's Motion for Sumar Judgment fails ths test because it is supported only by inadmissible exhbits unattched to an affidavit. Rocky Mountan Power should not be allowed to avail itself of this unscheduled, surrise, dispositive motion called for in the Idaho Rules of Civil Procedure without actually complying with the rules contaned therein. ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT AND XRG LLCS' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PAGE 17 For this reason alone, Rocky Mountain Power's motion must be rejected.8 3. Even if the Summary Judgment Motion is appropriate procedurally, the Commission should deny the Motion because the record overwhelmingly demonstrates that there are genuine issues of material fact as to Rocky Mountain Power's bad faith negotiations prior to and after XRG fied the Complaint, and XRG is entitled to its additional discovery under I.R.C.P. 56(t). XRG's Complaint alleges that Rocky Mountain Power raised transmission constraint issues with which XRG disagreed, caused undue delay in negotiations, and thereby deprived XRG of its right to 4 stadard PPAs containing the rates in Order No. 30744, or any other relief the Commission deems necessar. XRG's Complaint's request for any other relief the Commission deems necessar should be read to include an alternative request for an order entitling it to 4 PPAs contaning the rates in Order No. 31025.9 Because "the record as curently constituted does not permit an undisputed finding that" XRG failed to attempt to negotiate in good faith before and after filing the Complaint, or a finding that it was possible to negotiate in light of Rocky Mountan Power's relentless bad faith, each of Rocky Mountan Power's three 8 Because Rocky Mountain Power has not properly fied affidavits in compliance with the rue, XRG has no burden to rebut Rocky Mountain Power's inadmissible evidence. See I.R.C.P. 56( e). Should the Commission allow Rocky Mountan Power the right to re-submit its attchments to its filings with affdavits, XRG respectfully requests the opportunity to do the same for XRG's supporting exhbits unattached to affdavits. 9 To the extent the Commssion disagrees that XRG's Complaint includes a request for such alterative relief, XRG hereby requests leave to amend its complaint. Under I.R.C.P. 15(a), "in the interest of justice, district cours should favor liberal grants of leave to amend a complaint." Hines v. Hines, 129 Idaho 847, 853, 934 P.2d 20, 26 (1997). Because the availability of published rates has changed and Rocky Mountain Power has admitted network transmission is available since the filing of the Complaint, XRG should be allowed to amend the Complaint to include an alternative claim to entitlement to the intervening rates in effect when it filed its Complaint if the Complaint canot be read to request such alternative relief. ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT AN XRG LLCS' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PAGE 18 asserted bases for sumar judgment faiL. See In the Matter of PacifCorp for an Order Determining that PacifCorp is not Required to Provide Wheeling Service to Snake River Valley Electric Association, Case No. PAC-E-01-6, Order No. 28888, p. 13 (2001) (denying PacifiCorp's motion for sumar judgment). a. There is a genuine issue of material fact as to whether XRG met its obligation to attempt to actively negotiate, but was precluded from doing so by Rocky Mountain Power's bad faith. The QF's expressed intent and attempts to obligate itself are the critical factors under any reasonable interpretation of when a legally enforceable obligation is incured under 18 C.F.R. § 292.304( d)(2)(ii). In Earth Power Resources, Inc., the Commission found that "Ear Power attempted to negotiate and did everyhing in its power to commit itself," but "Water Power Company . . . either knowingly or through negligence or ineptitude acted so as to prevent Ear Power from obtaining a contract." Order No. 27231. The QF was therefore entitled to a contract containing rates in existence when it attempted to obligate itself. Id; see also Snow Mountain Pine, 84 Or. App. at 600, 734 P.2d at 1371. The Commission's prior decisions also demonstrate that a QF's intent can be evidenced by the level of matuity of its development of the project and its knowledge of the standard contract terms. 10 10 See In the Matter of the Application of Idaho Power Company for Approval of a Firm Energy Sales Agreement with Yellowstone Power Company, Case No. IPC-E-1O-22, Order 32104, at p. 12 (2010) (approving of grandfathered rates despite "the apparent lack of any written documentation . . . evidencing that the terms of a power purchase agreement were materially complete (before the rate change)" in par because QF had "familiarity with PURP A projects and the stadard terms of Idaho Power's power purchase agreements"); In the Matter of Cassia Wind to Determine Exemption Status, Case No. IPC-E-05-35, Order No. 29954, at pp. 2-4 (2006) (finding wind QF entitled to grandfathered rates when it had merely submitted a completed application for interconnection study, including the applicable fee, and had pedormed ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT AND XRG LLCS' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PAGE 19 XRG meets the legally enforceable obligation test for its 4 QFs. XRG provided very detailed project specifics for its self-certified QFs in Januar 2009. XRG's parent company, Exergy Development Group of Idaho, LLC, has developed many Idaho wind QF projects and is intimately familiar with the unque contract provisions authorized by the Commission for stadard PURP A wind contracts. Rocky Mountan Power has provided no evidence that any terms were in dispute. Indeed, Rocky Mountain Power's own internal communications in Januar 2009 noted that each of these XRG projects would execute an "Idaho Stadard QF Off- System MAG PPA." XRG Exhibit 2, at pp. 4-7. XRG and Rocky Mountain Power knew the terms at the times XRG attempted to obligate itself. XRG also took substatial steps to develop the projects, despite Rocky Mountain Power's delay tactics. See XRG Exhibit 1, at pp. 49-50. XRG began the interconnection studies in 2006, and has paid multiple interconnection fees. Id XRG has reinitiated the process afer Rocky Mountan Power's delay contributed to the loss ofXRG's initial BPA queue numbers. Id XRG has performed and analyzed wind studies since 2006, has possessed real property rights since 2007, has engaged third paries to complete title and surey work necessar to plan constrction, and turbine and road layouts. Id, at pp. 1-50. In addition to these activities occuring prior to Order No. 31025, XRG's continued efforts in 2010 included completion of work to ensure the projects will not interfere with the governent systems or microwave towers, and wil not afect endangered species. Id. at p. 50. XRG's projects are much farher along than the grandfathered wind QF in Cassia Wind. See Order No. 29954. wind studies, commenced preliminar permitting and licensing activities, and made efforts to secure sites to place tubines). ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT AND XRG LLCS' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PAGE 20 Despite XRG's repeated attempts to execute 4 PPAs, Rocky Mountain Power took one year and eight months (January 21,2009 until September 21,2010) to respond to XRG with the Company's standard matrix that it provides to QFs as one of the first steps in QF negotiation and due diligence. Prior to that time, it provided XRG with no indication that any information XRG provided was incomplete, even for the one project that Rocky Mountan Power asserts it attempted to negotiate. Rocky Mountan Power admits that the discovery to which it objects relates to its actions to evaluate whether it could integrate 70 MW of output at Brady substation. Rocky Mountain Power's Motion for Protective Order, at p. 4. Rocky Mountain Power also admits XRG "indicated on multiple occasions that it thought the paries should proceed to negotiate all four PP As and resolve any issue involving transmission constraints on a separate negotiating path. The Company did not yield to this request." Rocky Mountain Power's Motion for Summary Judgment, at p. 5. There is no disagreement that the non-existent transmission constraint precluded any necessar negotiations. i I As noted above, FERC's regulations require a utility to accept the energy and capacity ii Rocky Mountan Power asserts that XRG delayed the process towards 4 PPAs. See Rocky Mountain Power's Motion for Summary Judgment, at pp. 14-15. XRG respectfully submits that an inquiry into the settlement negotiations initiated by XRG shortly afer Rocky Mountan Power first agreed on September 21, 2010, to provide 4 PPAs for all 4 QFs would serve to negate Rocky Mountain Power's assertion that XRG was the pary that delayed progress. IDAPA states that settlement negotiations are confdential, but this rue should be read in the context of Idaho Rule of Evidence 408, which only excludes evidence of settlement negotiations if offered for the purose of proving "liability for, or invalidity of, the claim or any other claim." The rule "does not require exclusion when the evidence is offered for another purpose," including "negativing a contention of undue delay." I.R.E. 408; Soria v. Sierra Pacifc Airlines, 111 Idaho 594, 605-06, 726 P.2d 706, 717-18 (1986); see also Athey v. Farmers, 234 F.3d 357, 362 (8th Cir. 2000); Carney v. American University, 151 F.3d 1090, 1095 (D.C. Cir. 1998). That the settlement negotiations ceased only after the filing of the Joint Petition in GNR-E-I0-04 only fuher negates Rocky Mountain Power's claim that XRG is the par that has delayed progress towards 4 executed PP As. ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AN MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT AND XRG LLCS' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PAGE 21 for an off-system QF just as it would for an on-system QF. See 18 C.F.R. § 292.303(a)(2). For on-system QF's, PacifiCorp recently asserted in defense of a QF complait that the transmission and merchant fuctions of the Company had failed to communcate, "PacifiCorp C&T does not communcate to PacifiCorp Transmission Services regarding a QF's interconnection status unless authorized by the QF." See XRG Exhibit 5, at p. 26. PacifiCorp stated, "While fuctional separation is mandated by FERC in order to facilitate open access to FERC-regulated transmission services, 18 C.F.R. § 358.2, there are other importt reasons to observe fuctional separation in the context ofQF negotiations. . . ." Id at p. 10 n.7. Rocky Mountan Power does not deny that FERC's rules apply to its processing ofXRG's PPA requests, see XRG Exhibit 2, at pp. 38-40, 60, 63-64, and therefore Rocky Mountan Power should not be allowed to abuse its role as transmission provider and PURP A negotiator to discriminate against QFs. XRG's pending Production Requests Nos. 24-52 request information very likely, however, to demonstrate Rocky Mountain Power committed acts of discrimination against XRG too numerous to detail in this filing. For example, Mr. Griswold stated that necessar network transmission upgrades "likely would tae four to five years to complete." RMP SJ Exhibit A, at p. 209. But if Mr. Griswold - who is a market fuction employee - made ths determination without contacting the transmission fuction employees, he very likely violated FERC's fuctional separation rules by exercising a transmission fuction of determining transmission availability for XRG's projects. 12 12 "Transmission" includes "network or point-to-point service." 18 C.F.R. § 358.3(t). FERC has stated, "it serves no purose to physically separate transmission personnel from the utility company's merchant personnel without also transferring responsibility for transmission operations and reliability fuctions to the transmission staff that is charged with the ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND MOTION FOR SUMARY JUDGMENT AND XRG LLCS' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PAGE 22 Additionally, Rocky Mountain Power's failure to notify XRG of the option to make the contracts contingent upon receiving network resource status or of initiating the network transmission request process prior to executing the agreements was very likely an act of bad faith, about which XRG is entitled to additional discovery.13 Had Rocky Mountain Power C & T agreed to process the contract negotiation and the transmission requests on different tracts, as requested by XRG, there is no doubt the transmission fuction employees would have determined that transmission would be adequate. Furher, Rocky Mountain Power C & T should have been aware of the ongoing upgrades themselves because XRG discussed the issue with them on November 10,2009, and the Company had even obtained and requested various forms of cost-recovery for the upgrades in multiple ratemakng forus. None of the cases cited by Rocky Mountain Power involved a utilty's complete refusal to even provide draft contracts on account of a "fatal flaw" perceived by the utilty, which later proved grossly incorrect. See Cogen Power II, Inc. v. PacifCorp, Case No. UPL-E-94-1, Order No. 25638 (1994) (stating ''the facts of this case do not demonstrate a pattern of delay, intransigence or obdurateness on the par ofPacifiCorp"). "(I)t is only after negotiation and/or a reasonable period for the utilty investigation and response that an otherwse eligible QF can responsibility of processing transmission requests." Arizona Public Service Company v. Idaho Power Company, 87 FERC ~ 61,303, 62,225- 62,226 (June 17, 1999); see also Standards of Conduct for Transmission Providers, Order No. 717-C, 131 FERC ~ 61,045, ~ 15 (April 16, 2010). 13 FERC's rues allow Rocky Mountan Power C & T to attest that it has the right to a network resource through a contract that is contingent upon obtaining network resource status. See Preventing Undue Discrimination and Preference in Transmission Service, Order 890-B, 123 FERC ~ 61,299, ~ 183 (June 23, 2008) (order on rehearing and clarfication). "Network customers are therefore not required to commit to purchasing a resource prior to submitting a request to designate that resource." Id.. ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND MOTION FOR SUMMAY JUDGMENT AND XRG LLCS' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PAGE 23 expect to obtain a power purchase contract and a lock-in of avoided cost rates." Id (emphasis added); see also Island Power Company v. Utah Power and Light Company, Cae No. UPL-E-93- 4, Order No. 25528 (1994) (stating, "PacifiCorp did not refuse repeated attempts to negotiate a contract"). In the present case, the Commission can find nothg but delay, intransigence and obdurateness by Rocky Mountain Power. b. Rocky Mountain Power is not entitled to Summary Judgment on its asserted basis that XRG's projects are not mature because Commission precedent does not require the level of maturity asserted by Rocky Mountain Power as mandatory and because Rocky Mountain Power's bad faith negotiations precluded XRG's projects' maturity. The Commission should reject Rocky Mountan Power's assertion that a QF must secure firm transmission and interconnection rights prior to being able to create a legally enforceable obligation. Securing firm interconnection and wheeling rights prior to execution of a PURP A PP A is simply not a requirement in Idaho. The PP As approved in countless orders requie an off-system QF to obtain transmission and interconnection rights as a condition to achieving first energy, but not as a precondition to executing the agreement. See, e.g., Application, Case No. IPC-E-1O-47, Attchment 1, Ars. 4.1.8, 5.7; see also Order No. 32144, at p. 4 (noting QF had to reapply for transmission rights afer execution and approval of PP As). Rocky Mountain Power itself has very recently entered into such agreements With QFs. See, e.g., Application, Case No. PAC-E-11-01, § 2.2.4 (Janua 10, 2011) (merely requiring QF to provide Rocky Mountain Power with executed interconnection agreement ''ten days prior to delivery of energy"); see also Application, Case No. PAC-E-1O-05, § 2.2.3 (August 20,2010) (same); Order No. 32084. These most recent Commission orders are consistent with long-standing Commission precedent. In the seminal Idaho PURA case, Idaho Power argued that Afton Energy, Inc. - an ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT AND XRG LLCS' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PAGE 24 off-system QF located in Wyoming - was not entitled to a PURP A contract because it "ha( d) not demonstrated that it can or will deliver its power generated at its facilty to the (Idaho Power) for the ful 35-year term." Afton Energy, Inc. v. Idaho Power Company, Case No. U-1006-199, Order No. 17478, at pp. 14 (1982). The Commission acknowledged that there was risk with the proposed wheeling arangement, which does not appear to have provided Afton with irrevocable wheeling rights. Id But in ordering Idaho Power to execute a PP A, the Commssion stated that ''the risk of BP A's exercise of the cancellation clause of the wheeling agreement is one that can reasonably be borne in bringing ths project on line." Id at 15. Furher, "(t)his is paricularly so in light of the fact that Afton itself has borne the risk of increased costs of transmission and interconnection as well as a major portion of other transmission or interconnection risks by virte of its agreement to the liquidated damages provision." Id, affrmed by Afton Energy, Inc. v. Idaho Power Co., 107 Idaho 781, 693 P.2d 427 (1984).14 The facts of the present case demonstrate that, in addition to long-stading precedent, common sense also dictates that a QF should not be required to secure firm transmission and interconnection rights prior to being able to obligate itself to a PP A. First, the costs to proceed through those processes are substatial. Each interconnection application for each of XRG's 4 QFs requires a $2,500 deposit, and each system impact study deposit is $5,000. See XRG Exhibit 1, at p. 53. Each Facilities Study deposit is $7,000. Id XRG understads that the deposit each QF must submit to secure wheeling rights is $2,600, which would be a tota of $10,400. 14 Like XRG, Afton alleged that the utility had "'intentionally and deliberately protracted the negotiation for the purchase of its power' and had 'continualy employed delaying tactics designed to discourage Jones and destroy his efforts to complete the financing of this plant.'" Order No. 17478, atpp. 1-2. ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT AND XRG LLCS' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PAGE 25 Combined, the processes could tae several months to complete, at which point the QF wil begin incurrng very substatial expenses for necessar construction. A QF canot be expected to commit the time and resources to complete each process with no assurance of which rates will be available to its project, or that it will even receive a contract. Furher, XRG has been engaged in the interconnection process for these QFs since 2006, and lost its initial queue positions on account of reluctace to incur additional expenses at a time when Rocky Mountain Power refused to execute PPAs. See XRG Exhibit 1, at pp. 49-50, 53-55. XRG has also investigated availability of transmission from the projects to the Brady substation at varous times since 2006 and is comfortable with its feasibility from a techncal and cost perspective. RMP SJ Exhibit A, at p. 44, 56, 67, 78, 87; XRG Exhibit 3, at p. 12. Rocky Mountain Power's speculation that XRG may be unable to compel BPA to wheel the output to Brady is unounded because BPA operates under an OATT.I5 In light of the delays in securng PPAs, XRG recently attempted to commit to a revised online date of Janua 1,2013, and XRG has committed to a $45/kw delay default liquidated damages provision, which would require it to post $3.15 milion as a guarantee that it will achieve the projected online date. XRG Exhibit 1, at p. 55; XRG Exhibit 3, p. 12-14. XRG is aware of this damages provision because it is included in several PPAs entered into by companies managed by its parent company, Exergy Development Group of Idaho, with Idaho Power. XRG Exhibit 1, at pp. 51-52. In a case not cited by Rocky Mountain Power, the Oregon Cour of Appeals approved of 15 Furer, Rocky Mountain Power's speculation that XRG will need three wheels to get the output to Brady is unounded. XRG is engaged in securng a single wheel over lines operated by BP A or for which BP A possesses transmission rights, and XRG is confdent in its ability to deliver the output to Brady. ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT AND XRG LLCS' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PAGE 26 the approach long used by the Idaho Commission and advocated by XRG in this case. See Water Power Co. v. PacifCorp, 99 Or.App. 125, 127, 132, 781 P.2d 860, 862, 864 (1989) (approving of PUC ruing that, after the QF filed a complaint in October 1983, "Pacific had to sign a power purchase agreement at 1982 rates, if Water Power would submit a written plan for transmitting power to Pacific's grid,,).16 Moreover, Rocky Mountain Power's reliance on Empire Lumber Company v. Washington Water Power, 114 Idaho 191, 755 P.2d 1229 (1987), is misplaced. In that case, the Cour merely held that a QF is not entitled to "obtain an option to sell some amount of electrcal power to be generated at some plant of unown size or capacity." Id, 114 Idaho at 194, 755 P.2d at 1232. XRG did not request an option. It requested 4 stadard contracts for 4 self-certified QFs of known size, capacity, and location, and for which it had expended substatial sums in developing. Rocky Mountain Power is therefore not entitled to judgment as a matter of law because XRG's projects were mature at the time of the rate change in Order No. 31025, and were even more matue at the time of the drop in the eligibilty cap in Order No. 32176. According to Rocky Mountan Power, XRG would have had to submit non-refudable deposits of tens of thousands of dollars for interconnection and transmission rights to entitle itself to PP As, all at a time when Rocky Mountain Power refused to even provide a responsive inquiry on due dilgence for any of the projects, or so much as a draf PP A for 3 of the projects. But Rocky Mountan Power canot have it both ways - if it will require an onerous delay default 16 The Commission should therefore reject Rocky Mountain Power's reliance upon Portland General Electric Co. v. Oregon Energy Co., OPUC Docket No. 98-055, 1998 Ore. LEXIS 131, recons. denied, Order No. 98-238, because it is a non-binding, out-of-state commission order and it imposes a requirement never utilzed in Idaho. ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT AND XRG LLCS' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PAGE 27 liquidated damages provision to more than protect it and its ratepayers from financial risk, it canot also require the QF to complete the expensive and time consumng interconnection and transmission processes prior to PP A execution. c. Rocky Mountain Power is not entitled to summary judgment on its asserted basis of a delay by XRG in fiing the Complaint. i. The pre-fied complaint rule does not compel summary judgment. Rocky Mountan Power asserts incorrectly that the "pre-fied complaint rule" should apply to this case, where the QF had almost no notice of the change of rates in Order No. 31025 and filed its Complaint prior to the change in the eligibility cap in Order No. 32176. Rocky Mountain Power's arguent fails for many reasons. First, the pre-filed complaint requirement arose from a procedure where the utility fied a petition to change existing rates well in advance of the effective date of the rate change. See A. W. Brown Co., Inc. v. Idaho Power Co., 121 Idaho 812, 814, 816, 828 P.2d 841, 843, 845 (1992) (noting that utility fied petition to change rates in Januar 1985, and rates did not go into effect until late April 1985); In the Matter of the Application of Idaho Power Company for New Cogeneration/Small Power Production Rates, Case No. U-I006-248, Order No. 19745, at pp. 1, 3 (1985) (noting that utility fied applications to lower rates in "sumer 1984" and Januar 25, 1985, but cut-off date for filing a complaint for grandfather status at April 29, 1985). Without such advance notice, the pre-filed complaint rule makes no sense, and the rate change in Order No. 31025 occured with almost no advance notice to XRG or other QFs. Second, in A. W. Brown, the Cour merely approved of this grandfather test and did not compel it as the Commission's only available way to test whether a QF had effected a legally ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT AND XRG LLCS' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PAGE 28 enforceable obligation. Third, the Commission has not requied ths pre-filed complaint test consistently. See, e.g., Blind Canyon Aquaranch, Order No. 25802; Earth Power Resources, Inc., Order No. 27231. Fourh, even if the pre-fied complaint rue applied to two rate changes at issue in XRG's Complaint, XRG fied its Complaint many months before the rate change regarding the eligibilty cap in Order No. 32176. And the Complaint has now proven highly meritorious in light of Rocky Mountain Power's subsequent determination that it had been incorrect, and XRG had been correct, regarding the transmission capacity issue. ii. Rocky Mountain Power has not proven the elements of laches. As noted above, laches is an affirmative defense which the defendant must prove. The elements are: "(1) defendant's invasion of plaintiffs rights, (2) delay in asserting plaintiffs rights, the plaintiff having had notice and an opportunity to institute a suit, (3) lack of knowledge by defendant that plaintiff would assert his rights, and (4) injur or prejudice to defendant in event relief is accorded to plaintiff or the suit is not held to be bared." Huppert v. Wolford, 91 Idaho 249, 257, 420 P.2d 11, 19 (1966). Rocky Mountain Power itself notes that, "Whether a par is gulty oflaches primarily is a question of fact. . . ." See Rocky Mountain Power's Motion for Summary Judgment, at p. 20 (internal quotation omitted). That admission alone warants rejecting ths arguent at sumar judgment. Aside from the lack of evidence, however, Rocky Mountain Power does not even have a colorable argument for the second and four elements. XRG engaged in no delay in asserting its position or its claims. As documented above and admitted by Rocky Mountan Power, XRG attempted at all times after March 2009 to convince Rocky Mountain Power to negotiate PPAs for delivery of all 4 QFs at Brady substation. That XRG waited until July 2010 to file a Complaint only demonstrates that XRG filed a ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT AND XRG LLCS' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PAGE 29 Complaint as a last resort afer giving Rocky Mountain Power ample time to recognze what ultimately proved tre - that it would have the capacity to accept more than 23 MW all along. Furher, Rocky Mountan Power has not even provided any clearly ariculated basis for how it was prejudiced by the July 29, 2010 filing of the Complaint. It took Rocky Mountain Power over a month to even respond to XRG's last correspondence on March 12,2010, with a letter dated April 13,2010. In several cases arising out of the rate change in Order No. 31025, the Commission approved of PP As with grandfathered rates entered into after the rate change. See Order Nos. 32024,32025,32026, 32027, 32068, 32104, 32138. It was reasonable for XRG to wait to see if Rocky Mountai Power would resolve the transmission constraint XRG believed to be wholly non-existent all along prior to filing the Complaint. Indeed, Rocky Mountain Power ultimately discovered XRG was correct about transmission - the crucial issue in this case - after XRG filed the Complaint. II Rocky Mountain Power's Motion for Protective Order to Stay Discovery should be denied. Rocky Mountan Power's request for protective order and stay of discovery is governed by IDAPA, and I.R.C.P. 26(c). "The discovery rules are to be used as a means of eliciting unprivileged information that appears reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence." Rosebud v. PacifCorp, Case No. UPL-E-92-6, Case No. 25784 (1994). A tribunal may issue a protective order to protect a pary from, inter alia, "undue burden," but only "for good cause shown." I.R.C.P. 26(c). "If the motion for protective order is denied in whole or in par, the cour may, on such terms and conditions as are just, order that any pary or person provide or permit discovery." Id Rocky Mountan Power is incorrect that a protective ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAI POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT AND XRG LLCS' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PAGE 30 order is justified. As explained above, the discovery requests stil outstading (Nos. 24-52) pertn to the crucial issue in this case - Rocky Mountain Power's bad faith investigation into available transmission capacity. XRG's Motion to Complete Discovery under Rule 56(t) should be granted on that basis alone. Doe, 126 Idaho at 1044, 895 P.2d at 1237 (holding cour erred in denying Rule 56(t) motion seeking an opportity to conduct discovery on relevant points before disposition of the sumar judgment motion). 17 Additionally, Rocky Mountain Power has over broadly characterized each and every one of XRG's Production Request Nos. 24-52 as "burdensome." Some that it lists as "paricularly burdensome in both depth and scope" are anytng but burdensome. See Rocky Mountain Power's Motion for Protective Order, at p. 4 & n.lO (listing Production Requests Nos. 44-52). Those questions inquire into highly relevant issues, such as an explanation for why Rocky Mountain Power stated in publicly available documents in early 2010 that imports to Brady for bidders into a request for proposal would require $0 in upgrades, while at the same time tellng XRG it could not deliver to Brady without XRG paying for upgrades. See RMP POD Exhibit A, at No. 44. Some can be answered with a single word. See id. at No. 45(a) (asking if Rocky Mountain Power ever provided XRG with IRP Methodology rates). Even if some requests could 17 Rocky Mountain Power's cited cases are so distinguishable that they do not merit serious discussion. See Rocky Mountain Power's Motion for Protective Order, at p. 3 (citing Selkirk Seed Co. v. Forney, 134 Idaho 98, 105,996 P.2d 798,805 (2000) (holding that cour's protective order was appropriate where the plaintiff sought discovery on an "alleged fraud on the cour" which "was not par of a 'case or controversy' properly before it" and none of applicable documents were evidence of such fraud); Avi!a v. Wahlquist, 126 Idaho 745, 749, 890 P.2d 331, 335 (1995) (holding trial cour properly granted sumar judgment without additional discovery because plaintiff failed to fie notice of tort claim act within applicable statute of limitation). ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND MOTION FOR SUMMAY JUDGMENT AND XRG LLCS' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PAGE 31 be considered unduly burdensome, Rocky Mountain Power's recourse is to object to individua questions rather than refuse to answer any questions regarding its investigation into transmission a"ClilalJilit;y.I8 Rocky Mountain Power has served, and XRG has individually responded or objected to 50 production requests in a timely fashion. For the Commission to grant sumar judgment without a procedural schedule in ths case, and without allowing for XRG to receive the responses to these highy relevant production requests on account of a massive, sophisticated utility's complaint that the requests are "unduly burdensome" would be patently unair. The Commission should deny Rocky Mountain Power's Motion for Protective Order. CONCLUSION XRG remains committed to enterig into a stadad power purchase agreement for each of the 4 QFs, and maintans it has the right to 4 contracts containing stadard provisions and the published avoided cost rates. XRG respectfully requests that the Commission require Rocky Mountain Power to respond to all pending discovery requests prior to the time XRG must provide a final response to any pleading or motion addressing the merits of the allegations in XRG's Complaint. Furer, without waiving its right to the full relief requested in the Complaint, XRG alternatively requests that the Commission simply order Rocky Mountain Power to accept XRG's reasonable settlement offer and execute 4 stadard contracts. XRG stads wiling to provide whatever evidence or arguent the Commission may request regarding 18 Ironically, Rocky Mountain Power cites Rosebud v. PacifCorp, where the Commission not only ordered a pary to respond to discovery requests but also painstangly itemized the various appropriate bases upon which the pary may object to individual questions. See Order No. 25784. ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND MOTION FOR SUMMRY JUGMENT AN XRG LLCS' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PAGE 32 the settlement negotiations. ) Respectfully submitted this l: day of Febru 2011. CHARDSON AND O'LEARY, PLLCU- eter J Richardson (ISB No: 3195) or ry M. Adams (ISB No. 7454) Attorneys for the XRG LLCs ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT AND XRG LLCS' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PAGE 33 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE ,) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 'l-i day of Febru, 2011, a tre and correct copy of the within and foregoing XRG LLCs' ANSWER IN OPPOSITION TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER TO STAY DISCOVERY AND MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT, and XRG LLCs' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PURSUANT TO I.R.C.P. 56(t) was served in the maner shown to: Jean Jewell Commission Secreta Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702 jean. j ewell(fpuc. idaho. gov L Hand Delivery _ U.S. Mail, postage pre-paid Facsimile lL Electronic Mail Mark C. Moench Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Mark.moenchCfacificom.com _ Hand Delivery X- U.S. Mail, postage pre-paid Facsimile lL Electronic Mail Danel E. Solander Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Daniel.solanderCfacificorp.com _ Hand Delivery lL U.S. Mail, postage pre-paid Facsimile lL Electronic Mail Jeffey S. Lovinger Kenneth E. Kaufman Lovinger Kaufman LLP 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 925 Portland, OR 97232 lovinger(fLKLaw.com Kaufman(fLKLaw.com _ Hand Delivery .. U.S. Mail, postage pre-paid Facsimile -. Electronic Mail By: or a M. Adams RICHARDSON & O'LEARY PLLC Attorneys for Complainant ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER AND MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT AND XRG LLCS' MOTION TO COMPLETE DISCOVERY PAGE 34 Case No. PAC-E-IO-08 ftf:CE: 20" FEB 22 Pr¡ 2: 48 XRG LLCs' ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR SUMRY JUGMENT EXHIBIT 1 Excerpts ofXRG LLCs' Responses to Rocky Mountain Power's Production Requests XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 1 Page 1 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 ~ONRlQlNo. 24 OD~.1$,2()ì~.dW X1G ~ al oftb pr ri ae to ~ _ ~..th D.O ~ fot..yW inlu pr riahts to eo.cløpatal re~fa1i~on ac nøb, an ónínwi~? ~.pr~ ofsu pr ri... XRIITO.UQ NO. 24Se................ Xl... Ílbc~ 24Pø.JI~.. XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 1 Page 2 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 J.nr .... Pi lI~ ll ..........hI....l! ..14. .. ll... .li..Di.... "lIsSln .ifl _..tit C...." ri. -~u.e......1 '....01"'('111.. i.antnne..........,............ 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Lu... .. ....iry ...si.... in Cl........1~i....,........,......11,......... ~l.lllr"... ..blt it. Lii..... ",_l.II.'-" .. l.....wi .... _..... ..............'.i..I..., Lei... .......... S.i.1'Ppså' "......" 121:. i(.....--..~.........................1.....--.............,..l1..'."'.....IIIA 5)1....... Liii....... 2Gf- LP~XIDP_ XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 1 Page 4 Case No. PAC-E-IO-08 ............... ........... ...... IMcr,tat .nn....lWu..... ....LUIIl...,..__., mii' l.2 . .... !nsnlf¡tur tp'? t...e . . ilL............BII....._......lllt-....IEI...II..'......,......_..dii.......ndilliulin.....,ufin......'.'..id..L..._....... Ji.lflliflll..ILlI........'UI_I..III........ _1"'1011."11"11..111. t.. llhì.fa... ....LN..... ..,.ù......ct....ta.iiul............uJJ ii..,søøf --fMlnrGl.lu,ia...W."I.1 .... II' .11..................".... lNrI.....,.....llin..on..... Li..ee Cl lÐ ...1.. aI ill. en... on t.-.. pr".... 3.3 "rrl.ef.nnl'"aner..Luu'..~..,..slv......111... ~i1... .... ft "PNe.,_..._lllli.............1., ....-ac..Pl..I'....Ii..... CJe" -..... ...... . Less., .,~"'''tO.'' ,.~ør"'.'" ..pRM-..t.,.~.(14)fe....~ L_....~-..,.I.I......RØuplh~-..I'.N~.ape.......I.¡ . .-1..,......., Le. Lee..e"~ WI. L..lM8i C'.. ,. ., lMs II...... ...... hi" lI..p"" øt....... wtlPp.. .. MI" UR110l1l~......... hit..... Pr...or.. "ci~ ... Su........ ...... at l!" Lui..... ,. _... ..,....1... .......'111. ~........ 3.4"'~£lmle.*''' Llllee..IO....,....IIR_...nl$.,."ll4~Ar....il'..at...IO...II..~. ............"................... LelSllif ..ta........ CUi. ....... ..çlrn.-øfwi..........'.11.11............:1..1.,.,.. 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N.... iUs" tc88.. PPA(Rf RøMG.Aai....... -=I".""".8I1r. I Lis. II ill." ....... ..............- iÐ....)...L........l.".... ....in.....C1I...d.il.. ~..Mam_fIcll....fGif..PMl- ~ cMfl 5_1Y..I.A~DG-_ XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 1 Page 7 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 .... $sIFICI".. ..I~....1 .~.'1..... Ce:J 2........,.........e....Ef*l.. UlOp."'"CG..li...~. ".I i.........lU tAl .'d OM Fe...... .t-" i..Mn St.'II1M In......,...~-.__ fo.~.£I.""d,.Qldi$2ØO.-e'd Op..;..in~fN ,.....fi.....ldIR Re .1.~S"'OR ÑØ."¡..lof.. T~I'IQfl..1.GØ."...Nt...Re ....Je..ii lAiiønol..ee..d.n....un..:I lwallJ....~_.~......,..'CG'-T...ILi.¡.lJ .~~..ii Ii Iind. ....3 --..~If~Ar..Pe.._c...ofoi..eo......Of....AIlI4.i) If ow.to .. Cllin d..,.......8h "'Ií ..IiSblIi.n.nl s. lrsaoiwrrnrnf. Lllll........Ii_Mc...L.uCl.i:." "S ."lJ Ef~ 5.1 C..p....i.. I................ .,........ f....wI........._.... ...II...M___-_." 1Ø.'1 ..M ....._.1..1.. Lissi.~s.."_ en...........,.... 5.2 _ .1ZO "1,.. S.. Ql21..11 .Lii... ......I..8Ie..I...,.....m .............iin__ I'p.it ..lílll..L....... 60t- LB ~ XlG- XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 1 PageS Case No. PAC-E-10-OS irllllhn"ln '....II.""' ....._....... ..._.li........ '"U.IiUI.................I.m .... ._.1 .1.11_....11...111 ,...u~....._I._.."n_..lI ,..........'..'.....1'1,.. Liiiii..................., ......i.i.'....i .t'.I.IIi...........i" .1...11.. In....'' ,.-._.......... __, ....lir.......si....LI..n."Pr..",. $.3 u. 1..... ....l.i..........."...."'.......................--....,....._....111111. .'.1. ..................""1.'" inC...c..1I.. Lun......,..,.1,.. 5.. .. Ui trlSi'" Fl.. _. ...........WØt an.. it.....'...liEIEi..-..I....i" "Lis...d. ..........~~ tt ør..111"..,.."........ .in. .....-.ida.iorhl.nerehi.." I...... ..IÄI.I n. ,....... Stili_.... dalü. a.. ..Ill..... "ei' .... __ne", ..11. "t .... ...... .. ,..... in.. ..1..le fill.... .. or Ir ta. at (' QUII.ac OR or un" ""11M). lN Se .nø~ .~._.."~.I,pli"'."I5""" mlJ8.. Clc:..,....5. 5.5 . .".0"'.. Le...... 1n.....""..eol.1Slfl'....L....rJ.... _Ii IUILIIIIr'~. pa... ..i.e.........,I.s.....i.~..~..lllt.,~...........di.II..... el'..ses..iøl...U.... ..ør....-~.....iR ....Cl...l.nl..dl..si....~? ~..,ne...nt.... nll...........llÐflelil.or.... ~.iR **-- fÐlessei.. Ci 'llJd........ Lees.. 1'~ .... th ..:i*1.......~ Th in'Biliiáfsh aø... .......IS.di ................__.-ltqp;lsI~_..ul. .,....lIill........,ÜI...dPa. $., .. kW_.I"II........~ti~...- N...SOf..,.,. _.....ll...~.... ....$l............~_..In..MdT..MlDø (.,.....~ .~ li ........ lI.".llGfa Ii.."", ~....BI8I. Lees.. .llll...lM..............ii øf......l.lØ'lr'II..,~ 5.7 . g..nnrll'tpnr...' E ..in................ Qcl.,......_.... ...I..........,lI.........c..l. ...lO.,..i....r........u.............,....,.Qt.. ".l....L"n.......,..~1i .........,L..~,...-_su _II... __1M.." ø..Ql _0*,1 ..-...,......................liWI.. re.......ii.....da.i..... or "1st ..... if..... 1f.........................~ ..all... Pa,......'" l.i....._ fl...."I.=-_ Us. 7427v. LI AGI XlGD.k XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 1 Page 9 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 $.1" , ... U......... ..........Ut..llll.. .....13...nlil........"... Lin........,...............lil.........II."'..L.I..I....' .......,.........".,........11...........1. ill....."'il..._prlnl.I'tl,.IiIU.. ...infi. ...~:..:~II;:;:I=.~::~-:=::~I==~ef.....1...' .,..._... _..... ..m...li ".Fi? nnntS Cr 1 iin.,."' ..,.......ânlilll.... 111;1.... ..............111.111. ..llllll...... ..... ...............1 ill' cll..'''..OIuni...q..... .......lli.'.8......... l..lliwI......oRl............ "W"""""'LII..r ......llck ........~. ~i~i.." .......1.111........ ....1,...... ..... 5.tt ,.'alIORU., L.a... .,..if......_.~'..r........e...........,.....QRLI...ot....'lrlW"....I.._....to-.~..e_..bo...,.. 5.ta. t't::.. i........no... ù..Diå uecill..'IIl.Tl~.. .... ..............~_............'.hli "'II...... 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'.N111'" ......l.l.ll.i..in......."'i' Irt.."l..'III_ .....11 I. ..IJl_..\...,.... .... _Is III.......,................_...1..'.. -....'iirt.1 J. 11 . i. ,....,..,....,~...........Di............(I,.....CGSI...I_L11fCit . 1....Ol.I...._"O.Ii.I....Op..._~GI..__... ..,...............,¡ IIIA~. ,.........._....~ll..,..........~i__.,..........-........Ii-$U..........liPt.......-i.....iif. ....,......''11........... .VM..~.. fal1 lI.....D8Ol..Temlì....Lliu. ....tolØI$U..OII...o,..lfllf.....ld ~...~t.SlI. fA"~....PJ)W.._~ -. Lei........... ....... PØE ltit 4 lei... ..... ...,1.3. 3. Pw 7"VS _.ei $X. Th..dn..~..J*14..Ii. .. ..... PI ",.._ae ff. .. an no øI 3.1'.0 BY tin '7311 Q.r!PræertU...fWur.o.1h T..Liii.... .......It... ..to... ........ce...... .....,.........."'.1...... ""'lrlóin _.. Of..lIplllla........,,.Lr..l. .dWl$... ....i..~fO..lJ.e..al.,......l.U.li¡n..PPA(S~WI.....~lf..føu..8......a1..........'....~....._....ii.in_...._ ....IR..~fl.s.....llfø......in.... .......ri. .inlNøø ...........st..... .._..d..I... .cM....'....'.....es.....n. ..iDII_" '''...fI.......es to ..."I..ElIA ~....lWi. ..1 , Ii.... ...ml.....tø....wi mluUEIIElCe....'.. __IM.ii.. _.._.., .....yR~..J'_...1 ....fplZ..W.. noin"~. .I.....R.-..~......fer~'llijl.... ......lI~..........1... ø.. _.-.... ~ge.lrm.,II'I..lfil...n...l..............l...R.............~,..eí.........Ii.. Pl.I...0n~Fi..fI(1.,d......'111.......'..111... ..&tll..... lUl'II,".. IIRIIRd.CR.......... Wll" ~s pi....,...."- .....l................._...it$PI_..~.._sp...~.,.. ".UII". in...... "'."ØJ'_. MÇlIS.-- de.il itliin~._...... .Rt.............,.........,..,.. .....LIs.........tess.....,. Le........,..'e.......OR... ......... ÎRlc8....I..lIl. iie. ..1m lit ....._... 2.. -llìi\ AG:x.4 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 1 Page 27 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 ......JJ........................... ......-........,..lI....it"'i...............,. 'I'Z U . 117$ilf:,.ror!nfli'MsrCl\OJI. in.......................11,........130......_.... .'ut.......ildl.lldi..nili......II...........1 lui floz..1 _..... ¡.'¡IIL" ....."...... a..........1.....'....10....... .u....Le..........ì..nii............. iISilrt...I.........lii.II.."'...UI fi1...I.r...ll'fI~.l.................P...,. ....if__-............. .....,............................ ........1... U.I ..... ...1. ..... L...lir'JR'.. , 3-~3 'ann.larm Jil t 1 en $ LlI.......... ..~rief....~~Ir.. .... .... ."fi"'~ ...,.....an."'11,,""1.- ~........~_m..n$~_li......,............... L..e'i.. ~.fr"IQ_. ..Th .........lIP.....IJ..C'l)fefAwi. Linii.._.... ..... i .. II,. ,... ....,........ to be ...il .. ....... ............,... iyL..,or.l...iee_._...iA_..ef....ØRLI...rs~...L........,......11... f1..~.. "".,p ..... li un"'-!." ..... .'11.i..,.....lti.. en" PR,I.. ..,~i1. ot.,.'.II~..I:U".......................l..ll.....I."........_..i'i.........iire..,~.~. ...:ì~..=~ER5::...-:.:~':m:==....tr..Il.....~ll....__.. tlMdCGMn.LeiiieifA ..fi .............. Le.....ceofWi....................'.......D.....'.,..................Ii...I...R......sb_al~.."1111111.. ..........,..1&..".......... L..nr. .. IIiUlll. ......l.s..... .,..ptlllfwØ ..".....Ih .... ..llrUIlI.fIl.al........SLI..4..... ....In...........I...n."".lI.c1ai... ........ .,111. ".11111"".U ... ...IM.............en...Pl..........-........PI................or.outttiii....,...... ..... ci ..1O..a..lM............ ......... ....,....., ...._fR.. "......... lIII...... eiillinc Lis."" ......'-Ili .....,.. ...,... 1.1 9 p 1'1f' t n ."'1 *.M,.lfl Ì1...U...........r\ '"U...,.....I'........... '.._,.ar...........p:1.....Le.............. ..h...L.lii.llll .....id. .. U... ... Pr'.'..1 UP", 4.1 M?lpt OM_Ita? FE 7 tFttfÇM'.2s . , .. 3....J.~~_ XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 1 Page 28 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 .......S...............c.....O'..lln..L............i-.......o.n.II..FM....... ..($1.-'''_._''_ ....Jl ,. fi.... ,..l".. fR... 4.2 . n' .8i __.p1ilIdiMIII'.lrtei........ L.......,....La... __" Fø""lllnd Oøllfl(l._,._éf.,.1... ...I_..L..lfl..('..~. Me...c...9I....ti....llllp. ."lId"".' , n". ......._...,.................,...L..I....."'......~ o.'1rl..,....IIa.,...,. .-...11.11.11' "...'-..,... r-llølFl8 ... (l pe lM _¡....ul CIl.dl.... ...1 IlUIL."" r. .. ..,.. piiiA". llQNalle...eRi'etsthAtii..le......,... ...laRM...__..dfe..,.,.lndw8øn...IIÎi-.....lh..~~1..MßQ_.. _(1)......~. 21'" or...Dl.t.as.....P!L......lA...,.....I....... ,.....th~0.... (J"''' ..fc ~ 1stlneaYf~"c.IfUllàl~ ÐI...l. RerlUÑltJ pM~.lnth......in..I_..Iliå_Jll..n...~.t.$J........ ..~ an~onTlS..f'.~ (I'.-.O€ ....,.. .... foP..Qn....SIS*"Øi rlUl.I.R.. Fe" _~""'."~.....be_...if...an...IR.... ......onor..~tO.føea..$J.....,......r........T..of..~In.........L.............IJ i8f(t.,........__rÐ ...lll............ ..3.__.i..I~..Ji....d..._l.la_il.liaR.it fi -II NA _II... "'ti.. d.o. ~ ~($1.01.10....... .1U..____'sd~~.......fe. '.&lin1M'" c......iid __ Lesfl 1I.I.ib en_A... --il a........ ..,(1.. -.~.-....d.d.".i.-.....rt....nil.i...Re. FG....h_....r~...W_~.....i_llI1M..~d_.d..fi~..twør .._11." ..............,....._.re¡...Ter of ti ..1l l'...... Re.. T....iss¡IRl. Rè..clillll ... .....1Ì RI. 4.3 .. i.re.eapnJl .....t..ofll........Pe.ri...(d......,..... ..~~.....................1111... _ li ........._ Clllnd,...II... ~Aln"lnlt....f:tl _,......,...~e...t....... ".a_MI .....II..,.;R.... _,..,... .....lì....,.........(.n...,.. 4.4 A n tin"'.'PI., en ...=-.., . ....l1..~Pe_lill...-..-..~(2-iin,.1 ~...,eø...,.,cl Of........-. ........ ~(3~)in,. 'lW.tl1lfi Cøiiu..Opit ..l ....... WlIf4.Ø)in ,...11..~ 1$. ea... OIlI..llll.. ........ (5.ft) in ye1l..in EI1.1I1'.lIl1nt,._......d..~ ...............:""CI re'........i.._i....._tl...._..._......._.........ii_..~. ..0f. i. AG XIGÐÂ8 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 1 Page 29 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 ....,.... .0111111 il'b'-illlcl..IU... .,lr.....tc:....'..d..~.._.,..lR.JC .1.....11I...........1.3'1.... ..... ....11...........11..,......11.......0..... ........1..1... . ui..............,1..IUI.........d.r.IU.'I 111111.1.._.'..................,.......... ..........i.m..i.. ...111.1..'1.........,.__ .... ¡ç ....IIIUilo: It...... ue.f1ua.._.liraMt...ilrllllí............................._......._.4...C.......I).13I.. ...................._......1 2..f..II......*II"..........__.. ....,.....1 i.' 1111. ..,,*a .......Iiin .....:..) ,.1.-0........1.....'......,...........,..."I'UI.II'..I.I.IIlI.. LII.......iiUI.....PP..S)......._...i.....'hl.'....._,....~....... nl".........."'.....ier~~...... ". ..q.."..,.IA.'ld..I,.~.........--.1R .....;-....Id.......""..... ....-. cI... or....au.....U Fl..". ............nøt..øtll.IN.... .,.-- .......ll. or an ~..ç 7).....ir$'..n.lit ,...........PlllU...-_dlR 1...... iA .._ Li...i......._It" 1111...." ........... ø._ i., of 1.eli.........: I)...,........1. ..11.... ....-...1_. ....1"1f.._....s relih...Le....... ..ii. 1_ .._â'. ......1 l..s.e.,........lia..II..nøf....~8l ... ...1.. ..1l........"".......er...,... FR"'Ni"''' ""- ,......,...... ~t.. si (l."" ......... CJ ee c"in.,._ ......" .1_.. leiie'" pn....on. Le......1011....... llllerttAleiiee ."leIS."''' SI ... ....... ....li............. ..,.. ~wi le...if.......... 4.1.1 "fim '.'....e.. TMht..".ftlI'" ........,......,.II..WiR 't r . .tl,27C1ii.. AI'.I"'WI........'I..hll...L.......lr....I...........ií .,... .................,.1... Th..I1I1......... ........ lAn n II til'."". AW_. -. 20 MW. Th Pa.... Lli......... ..tfwi po'" on" ~ . aotl iell.........I.......PPA(.,l' Ro~ Po...._..oatti,..i.r. ILIII.I'"II.....me.... J...of~""""" .... ......'1.._.. L..... ..Re ...8J...lllid.. fit........... ......._ef....1I cdfoiRll.. f8l4Cllr dlM..i I4M...I.AIIA~~. XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 1 Page 30 Case No. PAC-E-IO-08 4.6 SPrn ÇhOf Pant Se 4.1 Paym Pr to $1.5O Beinng wi thCocetofEffDaanCoEndinUpoOpeCocet of CoODeonsseon4.2 la Re $4,OO Install One Time Fee(Stao)caøa Land Re $1 ,5f in$tale Anuaian (Anua)ca fo firs Commiit of year ~$2.00 irttaled O~8;ØE.in~$Vryye quaraffiYeSuRent$1,~ta AluaaferinitofconTrali$1 ,OO aø Anua afrRefotrioinitof Hoe coctn MinimlJ..Rø.:;Anual aft LancJReAnnU8.CQcentof~taRet &.eørdalTramionWne()ra orR.t initonóf~.Sê 4.3 Royty Paymet ffRoit Anl .,Perot Comencnt ofGroReueCOI~the QPtart Miirm . Rent (s4.2~)aPbieto suecaleryea.Les shall paysi.êX toLe.adltl ret 5.. ~ kØVI1l. .t, cona. re ardwarttltøLeä$ fo as.ofthe Efcte Date: 5.1 . .~Yl l.l.L.shaUat all titncoil'atl mal re$wilhaJlvaidlå. orc:. rule,reulåon and sttu Of any ~ntå ~. apicbl to L~$Ofôn$onâíi usôf the Plpe. 5.2 . PaYftet'rapancfOtr nb.. L.~sJ1I be~_ft an inc in rel p~l$ le again th Prpeatbuto i.'s 64248v - LEAE AGRE XRG-P9.do XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 1 J?åge 31 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 inn.. ..lì4fn..".Ii.......'i......Ja. "'.... CG...."L...... ..å..........fllII.I......."...... ..........rbl..) _i.... .i..n.......... ........_ it..'_ L........ m 1I._PuI,". Lii........................! ......., d.....¡iI'..'lln.........IJaI.le..... Lii..i..... ,....... -... -...., ...ct.......... ,.Lniilt en......, .... ~.. L......... L.......,....... "....,.__.. .........................,.. ......ru.i..nu,..._.,.,...._I,.._ .."'...... iI ..d1.wlL....ì~.....f'". IA Hi....1..'I.... ,................_...... .Lê..' d tll..-il'IIIU,.iIUII tI.."..~..t..Of, ......_.....lftl............,..øI .................t. 11........_..IiCIl1ln .. ""'en of........ whis till.. . 8 ".pn. ....1..'....,1.1..... _I..... .. "'.l'. "t _..."., ....."""......if..__.all..fI... ........'......_.. ....PI.il.'l. 'Tie i$no.......,.,.........'..1. ..!,.c.'_.,I...,...,.bor~...~tø he, U. 1.. .. .ktr. ... r Li............. .ei....l'ldiL II.".L....... ......d... Lt....".......... ...f.........,lILI" .a.............. .. '1i1.,r in....dhøI '..,.. II tU.... _...s. ..ei'.".iis......... ..nm or.. GU ti. ..... il.. (I., lillÐfLISluon lePlIi...CIan ne...nt ..............- Il.. . lsi... or 8f _..in do wøfe Les..e. ør(l.... of..~.. Le.... Th if&lei~..~.._.....Of_~ llirldRlhO""- tel....UU.,Ii,.. .IIIIMIi..... ............._......_ini. ". ... .aø. ..iii" en"""" Le....d... I.. tt7n1tLlllI......_..Ì1I_.Il~~....... ..............1..........1'...111"-.... ""......~.......'*¥.*_I.I..___In_I.lßfA.T.,..............,..se ii.lI .....II_.....Ade.,._ '1IllldDapd__......III...L............ ..........11. ...d....,.......Leiur..,..IIi.... ....1st $:1 .n::=~??I7rl=:? ........1......'....... .....1. .i..u.ny¿~... ii~ ........................,..L....................... ..... .....11'.._ en"PfI'....Liu.....n -".Le- 1A...,.. ....~.~ ........... ............ ISI-'CI. fi........,............................I.i...r..... ........ ".._.. ...... ...lti.ck.. ".lfuq. IS". "1S,.fl ................., ..d erdiiii..... ..........1..... ....(3.... no, ff L...ir. 74....J1..A...lIlCDØ. XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 1 Page 32 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 ..1 m 3. tA.... ....eii ..........n........ -.1.. ......il....,..Pt...I............il.... .. .... .... ....Iin.... Pt..... an ~..I.. ..... '.1'........... ... Pti,." ...... .'1_ ...... _JII ''''Ufiillll aGl .lIiun..... II.... JL I.t. ., L¡...IlI.ln....._'...~le Lt".,. .1....lb..11 .:1.. .., ..i.inm........"u... in..........1. . II....... ............ .1i1.." 5.10 F. .1.. Ct In....... M""I".. "'iM..lJsi~....nllIl.... -.. ...._.I.I.l....FS prlI"'......li............*12 . ca..II"'.............".....1f ......,.ilr....... ....Pftl\. L...........nE.le.."...-øp...........LeI...IiI.......Ní.....lIli""....., L........,. _.-..1 llIElS ....... 5.11 "... ftlf'tqtl¡'LLellll.............:111...or............II.......... ......."..11... "'.........._... rlfetbbGllPlel 5.12. .." 5 IF LA...ilh ne in.. L...ote _... PNpllft. n. ......... __."1.. .,.1l if... tJ.,... .-"'-' ....it...... ..ti........iøilll.., ..............._.. _.lUI......"............._.. in... .,..... iì....... ...,... LuSlst...... .... ......irl....i:.. iriii.oø... l. .. .. .l 211Ft". ..i..'.n.....__...LU.......Slll....... DI 1.1 .. inuia...." ~iS._..(J""""it,,,,,(l..........."'1......... ..'i:."" tI..~ 1.2 . I b...! C i.ii 1i1r..'he_f!g.IiGf ..,........_1_ .il...pz..J..,...di......~lt bW.1i.... _.........,..:t..1.~...........-......-Le.c.~.....(J...I!...~....,....u....J..m.LIi... ..........._... rll..I..LI..il.... 1111"".."')11'.._. .........1.... ....,.............,.. .._w..tdC4IIIf.¡"'.\liS '.li......II..CI'.I:......ini I.'.'.........."'..............108..... _.. ~...II.S._rlll...-.....-...iP.. _..fJ_....~ør..r..."...1........... .. ..t'.,..PI....,...,.... .&bCrlr""". ....ISE......................,...."'... *p.."..lltIC.Le..ee.. .1........I..III..ld ..... LIl.I. ..~r ....11111... ie 11I..,......lI9..... ....P'plfl. i............ ....T..I............., ..... Pm......,.......-.. .. ......lI.. .UlCidl.......".II..llÙliSI. IG4 ~ LB Aall .n XlDP_ XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 1 Page 33 Case No. PAC-E-IO-08 ...................~..........n..' LoIl.III''' .iia ....,_....Li...'a........"iI.I"..~..Jl. ..an...... ,.111 a.'.............................,....-....tl'....!"T...."tJ .."..lllf"'.n.... ......III.....I_Ul... ..L..... ....ttl...........U...I._.....,....................... '..11 .11 ;,....u.."u...iI..i..........'..llSf,...II.lftliti.IU. ..1 .Jet. ... ..... .-.......O..L1(.........~.... -'1'1 mi.......i.i........................ .. lJ................. ...,..11_....4........... pii............_..I1..ll_.....,Ii.._.....__or~...__.,..Li............i.. """'...or.leFl"" ""............... oI...pu"..... _.I.ciiR IInr1'.t, ..1......_'itorS... ....... or.."- ...li,h.~.nllii 11.,,'I . Q'. ...foIJ.a..IiJ.I.........lM............Pn--_or............,.. .-.,is ..111.,. . ,¡.., .....II'S UI.90" ,... ,.n_.8d ti..~...lI_........wn..__...~.lM........-. J.... er...wi~-..Pr.,....¡It............,... .Ini.. Ma.2......... ........................i..Ud......'....nllu' __. or.. ...... ... ""1I. n.PwI.. .. ,...ii....*.... b."!tllI" "..........',. i_III...... CG.....ù2jl..lill¡............... 1...1. QI~..,~R.'I..~i:la....,..................~.._...__À.,hn..llllllnlJ .... ."..11'1.".:4 ii..llls. or.............. 11-.... .le"JI. ..1.1i.nr.-.....AI.. ....... N eii.. ... ........... __.. Pn.fW........ .. wi pu at _.. je ..-.. fAL.............. 1.1. . ,.,=ltt,. ... ..", ...... it....~ YeI...ur,_ __w %qr.lA..................I iliiI.Rai............._'" _III øf..~.."...ii.."'.... i.". .ll.... . .., .. .. .................... Ifitc_.. .........Il.II....\l...¿..lMEl~........ t.....ui..... ... ...' 'ulMhl ......,.... ..........'...1111..... ".ila..i..III.....II...m........_., Mil... .........,. idi..........,.... .....i1III&....lnl.............. ...........11.1..... ...s,p't................ ... _..w ........... 1' Se is.. iøJI......... _in..'" .,pli,'sßeflûil.".toiilJ." .......... u. her' pt. ....in..ii.a. .... ..flUI1.....1 i'.tii..........ii Ii.ii......_i....... ......~ lI. _....... ..'....'1;......... II' ......ili:L1lI."" .""-l".Â.BI~_ XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 1 Page 34 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 taJ1tV ri ai1o, dam,c:ims. ex an ot liail telJ~ sole fror añing soouöf (i) any QPöf leøon th Prort. (¡¡)any grol1l~ae or grnelltfalur to ac on th pa of Les or anøiels eI in dong wo fo Le, or (ãi) any brch of this Agret by L.. This innica sh surv th tena of th Agrent Th inJl shano ap to lo, da,c:m&,expseanotli$lit caus ei whol or in pa by any nelg or delib ac or orlonon th pa of any Leee Indif Part. 6.5.1L.$~tøitmtif l.... U.~6.§ isca at OrMiIIi~($1,QO,OO.0Q),.un .80. insuce po Í$.lnpta..wh. Pfvi fogreta cøe. In th ev oiL, gas. minel exüonorexactes. COmeOlthPt byLeorotpa.~ ça.of.~$Ø$rêpötir1hCem lé$UrrSe6.5is¡n~.tcF"~MllQ ~rS ($5,OQ,OQ¡OQ). 7. En~;ReNot to~. 7.1 Biht to En. Lesee shl. haveth riht at ll. tietø~to any en (h. a 'Vag") all or any pa of leee's intre unthSAgte wl. th co of l.es. l. sh be pI. coofallsucagrnt be Lean ~ and all suchmaiBnadfo th piof Slrily~no.deinsg7'.¡(Q). Les 8Qrethat suc docnt ar th profL$$ end 1batl.~ll(eesuel'lrec eoentiát$hH l"ot.~$Uc: retqal"Y tbPf ~llS$le'spror wrn cot. 7.2. .. . ~føMoBé Shlé~~anyófit inhøhd..pt.. insPQf!7.1 ~, i.~8h l.ese~agre ~n ~..at fo the beneofanY.Mort_as~: (a) Th .PaWU nocaCè or ni thisA;remet't the pri wt co of éa of th Moee, Which coshllhO beu~lyWihlldordØJa. (t/. Ea...~stl..~.....fhl'httø cfOãô~..or..tbin re1Jretobe~ by Leee un th Agnt. an Lerstacany sue.ac.orttin peom by a MO.uhderth Ag~asjfsuc aetorthng W8dØby L~it. (cYIfi.esorihllb$e~toterrnaeih$Ag..lTcl"'tøål"unere deulby.t.~.i.Will notettAQ~nt~ ltli.fi.givwt no ofSUurire deul anofitintotein th$ Agrenttö~Ch~WhiC tiYere an gNe l.Ø$ Per$,.nøiOfMr~... in in i.ee'$~an ha givn eac$uc~$t~th (ao) êlon da.. to curelldeult to prt such teti øfthi$~. (d) . .In cae of th teinati of th ~mefasareltofanyde.lJotthb$~.inscyar ap~ otare Inbåøi for~, L.~lg..pr f'.toal(MØ~Whic ~ reandorgiv L. pef$n$riofthir..re ~lnL~'$pr. ~maYl 10 424.LEBAGRU XRG-DP9.dQ XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 1 Page 35 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 .... ..1..."'.. ,¡..alS .11....1.,...._..,..,..'1... ...,.'......Ull.......... ...._...__L...........~i.................11111'.2........... .................11.. IE .~....I....I!... .........Nnttulfllfl, ruC. ............m.... "'elti "-li"'. ".I..L ...ss.,........"....arlf.II.......Ii.........._...._...lílr.,_.,.._.~_....__....u....... ZSlI...._........Jt......... ui1h..1.....11...._.......... ........1.. ...... lJ..I......_1........L..llr..L..IiI. _,.Lin.r.. .....II_~............tl........................_..."....I.fA...,..........,.................. .....or.....,.....,.... .......-........if...... .p.m..llli.....to..~..L.U..lí....._.. to.. ei..tiii,,'" _............. .le. n-........raf....in..,...iwan ....61111................. WdCDOftelar;an r..110.......... .n.... AOtIdtor....... I. g l"Ia. t ,$?!, .1.1 n! ..&a............shco ....i:et De" .."................U.. ....... ........ .... iJ ..1..,......_............. ....... ..11..1.".CI~ c. lMfø. iiiiiuii..liei... pe.... to,.......r...........or~_...~._..(3di........... l! lI ,.....iulOìl .,...,.100...... ....,....,........._I.....__...........su .... . shu".. .......(J-.fGSU..R1lun..ls.. ....._......... _uian. r.. fa .øa.i.. QlPI .......... .....Ht.(3..pe..Wl ........Plor (c. A......'..il=i..¡...r....n....I.n......"-UØ ..'..... .11- .... ..if ""..lllit -ik_.,.,..llIle.Ill.å5k." efa .'''ii II iine It ..... ~lt'1i.lm.......lllrJill... _ (l."..... 1.2. Jr.', t i." 3 D.LI......Ii.I.......II.lnt_...._....l..nr .....(3 .........-..1..tIh5liJ iil.......... ."-ÜkRe ."i,,'ar." ,.in.._.. ...,..........".c.......Pl......._.-1'."'" ....IIIlI.......Ii...nla'...ar.u... ..... II I... ..il.......... ..1..... ff. ...5.. ..ûtW.,,, .111.......1.................11..1.._....'11...01...... ......Li.... 'IIm. 11"....1 ..tn...I.-piflll..... 1141.~.l.~Øi._ XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 1 Page 36 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 df at th wi enfaHt, wh fo pelt, érMme ototetco, Le ma te th Le (" Terinan")beth~ofco. In 1h ev of su Ea T~.~Wlll ~ le. fQ L.s. us, . any wind rn de an.an.fa p$it d~ de. by Le.seeas of th teinda. Wdhirrni(901days folQany su. Ea. Terna, Les wi re.it. J,.. an inlla fr th Le prrt, incing it nil(1 mwrs. 8.3 $wr of Pm.Upo th exor..teof1h Ag. Lesee sh pe an qu Iè.sur' and rêth Pt to Le In th .CO in whic it wa SU at theornoe atlfi$~ unlé ot ag to by Le. Lesag"-at.~ co todi ao.re .i1eqipm. imvet'Ot8, fb.an oter pr ~.O( i~ by L.- or it afflite on tlPro (prviedithtallfQn fond sh be to a de of th (3) fet bethsur of the gnind an covered wi .sol) wiin on hureeiti (180) dafromtt i:of te,åÐ of Which .$h beat L.ee'sso.CO an~. If.Lêfal$tòremoStWind ~.felitwiin 180. daysof~ofttA9~ L;rrndosø,inwh çaLeseesh rersL.førebJe C(. of re..n ~ incrr by Le. In adon to any ot reie avie to Le. sh Le fal to re su prrt \M on hundre ei(180)da fr th exon or ea tein of this Ag an arall prrelng on thPtbe su on hun eiht (180) dl nøl peod sh be de ab to Le and Leee he ag to renquianaraØ rihts to an su pr. it be noes un anagre thl. shll be unde no Oblig to ac su abndrr SA. I~ otJb rm. .l.~thrihttoit~lt ~to9Q.upo th.~at reJ1.eo.pr.tfrnloins th sa fO thpuotde.th fh Agre is beng pio 0b Elndtlall .of.the f$flârbêng!æ and .pê by l.. 9. .. COem. Sh ti or po of al of thPrøbe~ in~. prngs bya gome ag. go.~ or ot prte pø un thex of th ri of emnedomin. or shd apatltaki re1hre~. po of th Prpe wh .ul'bi fQleu's U$, thn th~ntshl ~at up th ve Of ti or tangof pO~ Allpa inon~ofanta by ernect shbe ì'tol.,excetthle shbtentoaraw lTefo th~ lEr'lamd reCOof anrø prthtLee ha1hrihtto iemo. an foth IO al1~to anSUp~thLe.eior is reuil'otto A!,an4 folhiootusof th ~by Løse. Itisearetl LesShàl~thriht to pepat.in anY ~ntpringanath le shallnoent.r intoany.biiri ~t~~tWi()thpi WI~ of ~~which $hii nobeunreeblywil.ld. 10. Ui~: 1.0.1 For Ma .. Qe. If ~no of$'$: .,.Ui bYthÎS Agreto be pe by elpa is prvent or del by ~ot ar . 12 4248v.. I.i.AGRB DG..DP9òdø XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 1 Page 37 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 .,..~ .n.'......" hi llli-_.............==.i:::':::':::'.-::p.-:.::..:::-::- .UlI.... ..tli.... _. .......,...... ....iiz"..p.'................. ....i:.=~d.M=.==..':-:::~:=.;~-::=:-. ...UIl......U..II$u..-. h........_ .....Ile'... ...1'1 i .........1.......... ....... ...".....,,_ ""1."..Jl ,....................................,.. .....SJl,....,..JlU.,.....L.....IiII.. ..._...........in....Ltln.......o...............n.......... '.....i..I....ln.II."..""'llR".O U....... ~. .....In_l_if.....rl.au.I__........ Wlre.p.i:.~..................s..t..._............~._ ...,....tI (I...... ....111y fn su~.._.........__.......d:af(ino..i..._wt...wi..... ....llli'....lnli:UIe.if.. na.~ ...ifi...~.......,..._..GI.....~...."......Id-Iiior............................. .is.............,. ...11.... "illta..ii"&........ Ii .r......JDI"'. 1'.' ttmlll.......CX.........._....~...11.1It..II........ .............. .... ..lJ$cI~...~if......'...n........d....rei..~~.or.. """111111 CI ._cd ..l're n!lstl'. .. ,... .., ... .iid...,.........ii..iddtnses: ...'U? .J...'..t~lL..M1 ~".ii..,".0."21__...1_..0., UJ:.u. =':~E.~ì~C....,.,NM.-CI...Ia-..-~ LLC..... "IPI & cn PLC......"....10..Mn...... 13....J.I..~øm~._ XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 1 Page 38 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 Not pe ~Shl be. dH giVthäayéode. NoeøgiVbY~çO$h.be tlemedgi ontlfQ.bu .$i. fo.~ 1l_; ..No male as prhe shQ be deegiV on thtbrd bu. da folo th ma date. No Of ch of address shal be giVn bywrn ..nø. in th ma dele in th Se 10.3. 10.4 Fyr As. Ea ~1h Part loUiis Ag~taito pe all su ac ("in bu notliit to ex anddeliiia$l suaiins and do) as reSCbl.1' be ne 10 fuefeaCh an allofthe pu aoin of th Agre les eireagrethit Will fr ti to time eninrèablhótisee.El~.WlånMoaøwhictrreui~ suChanagre~tprih9tl ~$hU ~jzu-rltrQfth ~ari tiotdisb..ft.po of.th Pr$( ~asjtisno.ind.ult ofanofthprioofth.Agnl Lesragrelñtwinthirt(3Q) day.af reiptofa Wl reue by .Le itsh: Calgra I'-w and ie. fOeleandotpuli uti1anfaanany.ot elpo~ incUding an ~r~ h on.te acta to Le.anc~tl ~tlttshal. denery or øerabf for Leee's ~enan. ~øf.tñPr; an4 (b) cote with l.. in ~wi retJforanandalf_in cha or oth land us peit anor ap18 nec fO LeSE'S dev an us of th Prer. co bythfsAgte 10.5 . ..El ce. Eìcl pa~rethitshall.attlriticlUlrithTeroftllsAgtwi te (10) øa af. awn reue by lhQtpa. exe..~.anddeNè lothreuepaawñt~ eengththis,.rn Is unrnand in fuH toanef(ormo ..an statl tnifri). th daøn WhiC the plymts an4 any otclrgeshave_npad, anc.lh ~arnodetlt ex$ÜC) tltd~eX .at. stng .lh na of such deult. 10.6NÓWmv. No weofanyrightunth~shabeefedfuanpuun .iOwr. Sinøbythp$hRto~th riht. ..l) Sh any su wa be .cø 10 be a niv of.anySt~ rihtt. or prøftlisAgre 10~7 .~fi'.ThPartesagthatthootêntsoUfûS.~arl.óth.fn eXèng.R øol'en..år~txpt81 reui by law,Shll bel~ePtstøt ~nt. St(í in90i~ll't~l:~toariy~C)cony wi priwr c;..øf th ot p$rt. 10~8gDIrJ A$rB ThsAg. toth with it åttex.tQl1lli1he eh~~ .be.th Pår .~.~.repe tøth$tbj mattr her: and any prr agrets, d~() u~if.wrttor or.l, .R supeec by th Agreementanc $hbe of no for oref. No ad or inifca of an termorptotooUhis Agre shH be ef unlesetforth in Wrng andsiiiedby éa.Oflhe Par. 10.~GptnYr... Tt te.åndpiofth Agrøtshallbeiorein~nc wl..i.tn.ila.of tn_teof....kJ...~ble.fQ.Ç(rdci madeanlobepewi su Stte an with refetoth chofle. 14 4248 -LEA~ XlG-DP9.do XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 1 Page 39 Case No. PAC-E-IO-08 "11...Ui.,....................... 111111.1 -..Ift'"..1....lØ.............c:.~........._.........11.............. 11. ..I.W.1l?........................:iill...,...........4.."...............1................ ....Si.................- IILf", ..... ..1=-"'57Ir ...II...............,....nt....l ntli i..nq......,.,. .....1.. ...11....... ør..11 .'Ù....d. ..r_............o"ii.i.n."......"'.IIR.Jl.....,. OI.......... l.il hi""" un.. ..IU...'...... ......,... ....lIil..... lRdlhn" .. ............. lll.... ti...... ...... .. la. ..12 NI .111 .,~r-li..dlntwor...1..' ...,.....II......._....alOfWl.....-II..................... ...1l f='ra., ....J... peiIUll... or......_.. ...il':"" '7.& YL..It.I......Of.......-..dy ........1. .,.....I.fl...IIO .,.......... ..lltol' ....1.-...II..~-....in..J._..IU..or~.....,pøs...... 10.14 ..... ....I.LU.. re. ..Il......,......1.1.........1........0*"1.1N.....EROF.....l.el..............1...-.. L.iierJ.Fl_.a.,.." IJ ;r. ~~~..'1........Pl.llihii8R CE L.I.U~"._tø..u............... ~4! 15...._.r.Al..~~.. XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 1 Page 40 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 mETA iiier... ,...PR8R ll "Mi". 12".......2, 3.. -t. E ~$W" fl. .Ift _an "'1, 2.3.. if, E KNWK f E "'.". 811111 3t. -rI ...11.... 21 Ea......MlJ'Il'" 0. ce. .. 1.4i - i. AG XJGÐ.- XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 1 Page 41 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 7T77,1"'9s r 71......,y. :;. : ~;~_.) .f :;,,~~~~~~_;.~ ~...';' ;......\..,.r.. !.~~':- :w~,,~l; , i :,',.._...........'... ..... ..:,..". .~"..'" . ~ i i ...or ..,~!..:.......~:.....-l ..~.- ¡ -.; ~.l.:,~:, 'I.1 i i ~'),', r " · ~-t,,;, ".. ¡,...~ '\ ;r '~ " ,-g,"' ~ ~Il i ;~... -.~:=I \." "\..,'. "...--..'i .¿_..~.. ~l~~; '"_.t-.4....,. .... '" .;:~.,-$" ".,\ ~..li).\.\i.~ 'il--'~~,'.'. ",'"-"'l~,~lIf ". . ; 'l . _ f:.......~ ...r.....:~=-\ ~, :~ ",~ '-l ~,.' ..","'l~ .. ~i-", .. ~§~...,.. '".' ~.-..;;..~~i .:1 .. '~~' ~..m~i_'...... ..'....-.- 11G4" IMNa -- XI.4e 3.14l48 ~~Sl"" SJ Exhibit 1tlage il2 CAS¿;'. ,~lse'ïø.AAC-E-l0-08 i.:'!¡::.'f A. l.tt;ji:::LS~NRECO~PER ~ ~i:i: I~ u: PU'rY ~ . ....... ..- ~ø...."'IWNe....t: NT 10 lG:7 RPR 2 Rtl9 19 W..gpu.....Ii.,&~.PUc......;...."II.... -= .....~i. ~ . ""i-" "~""Jli1 ~t:'¿~~Î1i~7 ...................en 7.np??F'".,ZC'W.,t.tS rna1' ... OF ¥I PAlE AØ is... ..... -.....14. ... by ""..ien J.1' s.".ee.... ~t.. Xf - DP.MIl IR .. CC _" (iiiee"). WH: A. OR....... ..fl.....-.._aWiP8......1...."....1.,.... _.. ".,iill. _.. ..",._",._nIBii..... i..I........ .11.1' . lIsn.....__.....-_I.._..-....IIÎl..~..ìt_A ........ _I", at It "'ti,ef (t ~ It. 1'.............."T..")_~OR.....fW...........l3,."".......-Qa~ot..II...."O.......Op......O'7);Øß........Ml.....,.....""..1. ...t........5 UlftÐa"l.As........"....Op...I....-.w~....er....or .....,...... ._..1.... or .S..ll-~."'''..............'lIle.n...~..ef_~........'11*2......,. T..._._ ....,........,...~ef.iiimllllløf_.~.,..ii'ii iilhn øf...... ìt..lløf...15*...._...... c. .. ll..............annI.................M......._.. .....,....ON.. ..'..111 .."'l'of"..."....... _øf...sû...__...... ...-.'~LE...II...,...1 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 1 Page 43 Case No. PAC-E-IO-08 ....._.J....ll...ll.tdlll_......~..Wl..i..... ..._.......... L....r. J. a .111 i ii'" 0IMW ~ ~~· . Gi;;.iiL _...i.....æø buia: JØ:DP_.........~i111 .....~.cZ ~. L"", , ' ,,,*Ab " Š .......'_I..It'j._..~..2 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 1 Page 44 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 ll"'_rm .... lit.~.....) ) ) ss. ~~ ..., -:\~ )i\ ) ss.C..øi M'('llL ) o.UAie,k. 2.'1 .20l)7.~"..h~ =~T~~ 76l~ Cv!H~~ ..Ø*soNlI)t...-........_........llbcD.Å.lnceto....~)..~..... _i.a.ii ......1n .......ad.lD.......Il 11.:l..'....it....~J....._.........J. ...iM..~s~ .tReA...........~..........~ £~~,~~ .§.¿gl7. ...,......,......LI.AWIl..-.... XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 1 Page 45 Case No. PAC-E-I0-08 DrZSA...0....._....."' ""NlK. li"Il" '..1.3.....1". ,......n. .....úi,1".,"..1'.".....0".1..11....21 .."......_\e.~."" in 'Mì.""_-'''" .......B1..,.. XRG Answer 8J Exhibit 1 Page 46 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 , P"IA..Qg t Ptd 1M8F..1R ¥.~l....ß' .';, ',;;'..'.:L ; ;-f',\~)'/ ~ ¡ ì If tiJ .-..u..'... :" (t ""~;\ ¡... i. ¿~...'~..F "\'.. ),. ,\._", .. '" -iar . :~. lq ~ ..if v,', ~'r. '. ~, .Ji, . .-Z,c.....rR l t~: l1;,~::.' ~.., l ~~=-1~......,..". .. ,,'.... . )' '_...........i~F..\~~.:.. l'~~:1.t..i .~.t'-_: r'.-,.0- .....~ ¡ .'.~". tSeru!'-" . t \" " ! - ",,\4, 'S" ~..~" ,,";' 'I'~~.: ..' ""-l. ':. ~' ~.. ~"".~,,, ~~ """~ 1 ~"l,=-l_~,l~"",. ,.lIi.,..'.oi ......."MILI..11I -,.. XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 1 Page 47 .,'..LI_....,~e No. PAC-E-10-08 .¡, . , ,ll "fi ) SI.0. _....lr..l.l...J~".. .11.., ~....,..... ...... ... .......)..Il.)WM_IU.....'" Ii 111.."" ..._l..il..._~.ei..i."ii...lif... .....Il.IIt..).......,.~ ~l)."......rr... .aI.- ....Yi 1h J*I)..~. th . .....Y:8ß _øf...::~a~.f'. ~ ..o...~£.11. . .~~...th......~..~,.In.l1).....~ê:..( .Z ~1r"J ... ..lIJr~.._..~._.....'h£iiu...rr e;i.."....~a)~-.l) .,1.'...11..... ill..£IIUÇ... Mlil.ldto_..ti....I...Ii.......1.....1... .....ltMi.... .,~~s,er" Ï81I.lili ..,.Ii.L........li..wàtI ~s)....aliiu..i..... ) )II ) :all,d ¿¡~-~....Pu.I_ XIo-. LL..iiiii...._"2".1 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 1 Page 48 Case No. PAC-E-10-08~...II.. AG""' IX 1lwwr.i..'\. i 1I..1rili..iI.._.tf~.i..,....._J.llSi.'hIC... IS riuli""DG-,UC('.IUI"".III,,," .,. ea................ l ..........iA1hWWhii..........,........ 14,"': -...._llyt.... 1. _.lllnl.....l~..eåfoC.....i~~.....,..ieMl 14,it,~.~~...~........IIJI..IfI..C RlI.........Ii........... .........,.-..,.... ..... ftaß."C.IiRer~.~ DG-, LtC wi,. "..,......ii ~ ORØfWO Je.l,a¡ø wiOE . 1:__ 0,...... ..'l--..I.,....c.lRlll_ofcl.~on oftk.. Mii uiialCiiRllI11 ....~: l).~efa~'OW,.. nl...1rlrt t ,. ti l)ai ~yofl'..1..~..........a....Mn_....fJ.~().._;3)...~olal..e.~'q*tdlQ..__pr4)_.iÌYer ofbi..-alnl.I._._I..,..I'..tQco.c6e~anElS)BclÇQII.R'lIof......ì..l1ad.i.dæ si. NOW'l fo .. .. vain.. 00Cl 1M no ai nffilof wh In.. ..wlll.... i... i...... G1 lb W"øl PI Le..IBlIB~ Ju i, 28.., ~ eo _1m tIin ¡fth.. CO ha---"Y."--IN WlWl, i... i..........~&$ief.,.fl."wra1.LI:1.~..~ .~..1ls..,."J.. ~:' ;.. 'Tem..hs: 1....1" $ $' 'tnt .. I.a: XlG-,LL~~ hi tZ..".... .~l..A.u¡.I...L.I.,.."....:~ .. ~ -.,;¡...., ,." . .,,'" XlG-. u. ix..¡. .Â11.'."lof2 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 1 Page 49 Case No. PAC-E-IO-08 UQEalriuaNlj3i DiX1wo.~ofdaXlG ~..Ol.th thPPA~200 JfÎQ..USall'ii_ (q. eo ~ ~ co. pe~et.lre totb*G.~.".~Ìl200. X& l_rQJlIQ. 31 ......iirits~()ftk~.ia200..toR.M~Pow. ..to..iiit PPA$~bafisuttBPA ~ôD ~ OINøvel,20 (BAQu NoOOS. 0046, 004', GØ). XRO .pa f., .~-lü"'Øi ~200, an ~ûi th iistypr.~.... qu iiUD1U lâ200, wh.. SPA ~1(O'$~ ~_tol~.dna~JI~ ()f.adnaS2~OOfo.adot ~ .-..totEpr-a tö ofS80~OO. At th ti.~.~-~~ W.,e...d it~ to .~ PrAs f01'8114 pr~.an.nOhaiø btth tùilofilPPA..et ia mi.... ~tt áC. tU.iø th ~0I pr.~ M~Po'$ e:y .-coya faii D.O's inliiø ~ ii._qu..thpr~ie... I:lt~Po$~ tôPrAs in 200,XRO did cotô wcöi th~iaio. 1' ~ in~ · E..e4m..~ armaneXRO'saOstón ìt~.· ~aîb pu to ~.di. an su woon th i-_ fA plm~tI_aøiö layø . ~..:w" ~aM aD whch wu inly coJui20 ..eion of_1ø'M.· ~ So~-8DOfwiWh~Uitjia208. · ~ ~on~ to SPA -QuNos. G0388 (XG-DP7~ lllO),OO9S(XO DP subt i 1l2310). XRO LL' REPONSES TO ROCY MOUNAI POWER'S SECON SET OF PIODUCTON REUEST - PACoE-l() PAG 7 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 1 Page 50 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 IJEftriODlÇf NQ.i22 Di DG wo..on..~. of1h XRO pr od1b th PPA..du 20101 Ifsopl....lialmi (e.g. co awa l!&ine cope .~et,)~to th no pr th oc in 2010. X&QJWNSE TO RE NO. 32 De Ro MoUDaiiPowv's co re to execg PrAlin 2010, XRO.dK~to wo__ priin2010. n.woin~: . E.~ 'tpa ~ ~.wlCO1èmvepton $likly~..~~.· F.iin ~neon1 an iDintineXRG's.gøo..úioøit le. · ~ widà :ntoananyss. whh waiiøø~ Ju1200 wit1erofme toWel. . .~ So mot0 an anys ofwi wmch ~iitiîn200. .Rettln nq to BPA - 001 1 (DG..Dl'.~ 3/1ill0), ani.Q(12QCG-DPIO su 3/12110). DutollPA'$.~iiÐftN~_ XRG~bmthieuetoçæiy wiBPA's eø. BPAaetl .~ for xiG-DI, WI mw lîa.Qi..No.OOSefveonl216110..Xl0 issûawlÏ~ fr BPA.or 1h.suan desìfo tlUG-DPl.O ~ii ..wt it iši _.mtøBPA Øî i 1124flO..RêWda~.~.sy..ùn.st.îrBPA fòQuiNos. (j8S(XG.DP7,Ø09SQCG 1)l') an ex~ F~tiStt.Ag~fosa · Eiath pa øøto~anii~beaiutudyfOt aU4 prj~ttoeö. th prlCwl.ii_fêe\\than,miet~toêt.~ . Bii atb pa ~ttoooast co!'withth NaT~it.Øt.ItoiØîAdjn_øn.tØi.~ al4.~.wl aVOd in~ wilhgovert~.· ~~nk~ in or to~aB~AtnQn~P$niai.~in~witlØPA ttS$ÐÖ~~itg f'tr$Str thUa.prj.-to Øny __on XRO LLCs' R.SES TO ROCKY MOUNAI POWE'S SECOND SE OF PRODUCTON REQUE - PAC.E-l ()S PAGES XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 1 Page 51 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 .B1 r...cmkUH iuH ø.~ '-61 ~... ~ totlpoit ob OIør..jty.. PPAIwil..pI in 200 P..liea pico, an PlAex da. ØG.lgpIBTOUQ.NQí34 XI..__..lh..eáfo~infoli_oi. Vad W81h ~XR..... ..fb Bu..~..tI fø.QWi ~totb po offu~PPAit20: . -r*ø C_Wil"~~.Pø Q.y" ~11912Q0 . Cø~W'md M wWldP(lCo"..~ ?~. ~"s Fln W"UI Pa 'W. IdiPaw Q.y, ~. 71912 no LLs" REPOSES TO ROCY MOUNAI POWE"S SEC SET OF PRODUCT REUE - PAC-E-lo- PAGE 10 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 1 Page 52 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 BEQU FOI PR.OPQ.QN NO. 35 HolD pi di.Eø de to th po it oboaor ii fWyex PPAs wi acoun in 201 O? Pl lis.. prec COUDpa, an PPA ~_. XBGUSPOSE 10 RE NO. 35 ~G ôl.......thftca1sfoimiev~W"~ MùVn...th ~Xltl.. aslõoW$. Eø ~..~.~. totl pooffny~PJAÙl.i()lo: · BigBIuW"ui Far wi N~ StPOWè ~dla Xe~,eXec in ill 0 an apve by th PUC 0181010 .. DoCre Win PB wi Id Powe eoy,.ex~12l10l10 .. Cotwo WiD Pa wi kW Pow ~,_~ 12110110 · Sa.Ct. Wìn ,ar wi Id Powe Coi,ex~ 121101010 .. ~!'W'md Pa W'.ldù Pow Com,.,O'~ 121101010 XR LLs' RESE TO ROCK.Y MOAI POWER.'S SECOND SET OF PRODCTON REQUSTS - PAC-E-IO-8 PAGE 11 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 1 Page 53 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 .JIPmfO BORClWt 37 DoDG_...~ ....tø.~ tb XRGpr to ~iPO\ A-.....'s (BPA")~? If,. di XRO oonttiSUri~ ~ 14.20101 OaMl 1S:~2010? 0ì~. 10, ..20 On Oc 2, 200 On Jem21,200~.__..lImr.ca.da JBllS¡ tOUQtæTN~i7 Xlß~~dilJth~ eas foimev inot XRO ~.itrit( Ol¡"'~lØ 1'A$lØ*,rili iltb .prtoseiico ri.1Dsa~" fo 1iea ou. Ref, e.g., IPC 0r l4Q. 32144. Xl(J ~~... ~tI_l'is aibipuastø th in of~."Wlut ~.. Ob~ DO". foll S..XlG'$.~..toReNo. 31.32 for XRO'set_ ri~~~Thtìi_øf"..~pi.wi.th PPAptli be. di~..hu"''' DO eâ by..Ro Moun Pø'ste~tø..ec PI"iw...pmecøe _ PP.A ieGi. ~. Jai 21,200. DO haiDti an,.fo-..~.~an.stsi200. .~.~ ~~'$2~ -_.~ ~sty desi is ".00. EaFacSt..t isS'M)(.BPA l&ony~aS20lOO"t fo.. ~ ~ .fo... Jl in Ja 200,wb wod..habeæiSl,OOdeatatime Wh. Roc Mo Pow.it it eøul.O! ~di ou. ofll..pr.llO" ii~ ~st COai laily asa reofth .de ùi se PPAa~. ha .be..bu QUof its. inq-. .po fo t1Ptec~ DGln~tø ~thup BPA'si~on;p.ai hacu.~.to .~~11: BPA's.sty~. It~ tb.,.XROdiâ'ld ~ wi. BPAno~in XlG~I..li ~to~ NO.6. DG ha oitt co st iD for. 1' ee"in.O's~ to Re No.49.XRG 1)y p1ri tbâd~.XRG .Abm toRM Re No. 37. xa0l.' R£~ TO RQCYMOAIPOWE'S SECNP SET OFPROOCTON REST -- PA£..£.I() PAGE 13 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 1 Page 54 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 BET FOR PRODUCTION NO. 38 Doe JOG curtly have Fin righ as defi in the trssion sece prvídet's OAITto deliver all outut from the XRG prjec ac th trssion seces provider's syst to Rocky Mounta Power at Bray for the ful 20-yea tem reue in the PPAs? ffyes, pl~ descbe the spific trmion providers) and did XRG contrl suh rights on Decber 14, 20101 OìiMarh 15, 2010? On Novembe 1O,2oo9? On Oc()be ~,2009? OnJanUl~l, 2009?Pleaanwer setely for each dae. Ifno, pleaexplainctistof~i()n sece reues) wìththe 1:sr,ssi()l' seceprovider(s). XRO RESPONSE TO REUEST NO. 38 XRO objects on the grund ths reuestcas for irlevantiiöriation.XR.Gniaitaios its righ to oblìgåltslfto PPAs, and the riskinerent th~th pr()to serøginteonnecon righ an ttssion righ for the enti outut. Reerce, e.g., IPC Or No. 32144. Witliiwavig ths objecon, XROstte as follows. See JOO's R.esponse to RequestNo. 32 for XRG's effort an rights to P'trmissoriA$ ëKpl'setoR.ocky M0unPowermay túes proUS1Y'anui0$tfeçt1yatthemee& heeetheJ)es onDeber 7, 2010 andinXRG's. lettiandatfuep.tsMte .~ber 14,2010, XRGisçønf4etthattrionto Ro Mountain Powerwilbeaclievale.and cost-effective. (Redted reference to settement negotiations.) XRG LLCs' REPONSES TO ROCKY MOUNAI POWER'S SECOND SET OF PRODUCTION REQUESTS - PAC-E-) 0-08 PAGE 14 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 1 Page 55 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 Bi FQ PIOWCDOl NQ. 39 Wh is di ei _ at wh fi tri8$ fo th no pr to Ro MOUPo's l) 'W be av? Pl exla xi lÐfTO Bil\. 39 As sall in DO's.. t& R. MO Pow on De 14,2010, no ha J' au 0I ci of J.. 1, 2013. àD ri wi be av at th ti. XR LL' REPOSES TO R.OCKY MOAI POWE'S SECND SET OF PRODUCTN RETS - PAC.E-I0-8 PAGE is Case No. PAC-E-IO-08 RE(~Ef iO!! FEB 22 Pi"l 2: Its XRG LLCs' ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR SUMY JUDGMENT EXHBIT 2 Excerpts of Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to XRG LLCs' Production Requests PtC,,E..l()81R~kyMounta Powe Septbe 21, 2010 XRG ~ :R~uesi 1 ØC; n.taR."lles i pie~ide _ Jl(l al1donts (ìllhidìng eoes,~ly or externally dibut), and allstes rega XR6's teuefor PURPA PPAs.an inteonnecon with R.ky Mountan Power's syem in Idao for the XRGQl projects referecedin the Complaimin this ca. pieaor~ize docaits chrnologicaly. XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 1 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 f , -.poe to :XRGD.~Reqll.t.l R.ocky MÖU1Wi ~ obj toXRO' $oaReq\lst 1 totñextettbàt it.ca fQltJJdaçuments .an$tl(i~on tiegruntbatitisunulyburns,overy br~anmayseimdevant and or privileged ìnfonnatC$.N()tw~ l1d witbat waivi tl fQlloingobjeçpns, R.oçky MounPowerespti asfo1lo.ws. Plea refer to Attbnen XRG 1. R.eclder: Sponsr: Brue Grswold To Be Detin t_,;", XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 2 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 RO~kyMou.taili Power provided two att~h..e..ts bire$PoiiøetoXRG Reques No.1. .A pages 7..301 of Exhibit A to Rocky Mountain. Power~s.Moti()n forSnøiinar Judgmeiit, Roeky MoolitainPowersubinited olily"AttclaXRG 1 Part i~" .Ia¡ela contains correpondence between XRG and Rocky Mountain Power. XRGbefeby Ìlicludes fortbeCollltissÎØllonly "AttehXRG1Part 2," which Ro~kyMollntainP()werprovded ilirepGlI$eto XRG~si-li_f()t aU internally generate corrpondence and documents. XRG Answer SJ ~xhibit 2 Page 3 ag løll Case No. PAC-E-IO-08 (J~'"" (M Funl tt . Fr YOUnl JOn .. Frl.~.23._10:2NATo: ~. ~l'~l.~i::.e-.~ Jl 181e. "'Po, Ji - Fr, JI~,2O 1:24AMTCKV"" Jo.~.~: ex~ e...~..ld .~..it~. an Bn th.. ne i8ues"8rde~. WeÇUhl2$ MW fi PT lmpoQ8bifrSr..bo_h8..$ô an op to APS to us th~lO ~ \V. ~ ....av Weco do a 1ø1J reir to ge en adê8paføOO of 0.. ~ UI(20MW). WeOQ UI$ho-k re to hae da ca fo ot Unlbuth wo bênoIo~ tt ltwiUbe av. Jl fr_;Y~ Jo ..~, ~...:z _U:l1PM...~,JINdln .Pi Ji tì is a sunM of 8prWind pÌ to .~23lI.Th pr pontd ch ..,, Br Su Ioin so .1d. Ar th any is wi thismucñ t:bede" ør ThkJfo yohi. Younie, John XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2Page 4 Pap lof 1 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 fro: Younie.Jon .. ~,Janu.29.20 12:2.PMTo: _C&T PrTraAp $Ub,XRG-p-i (Sipi) -PipóQFTra F'Aeis~thfo stnd Idah OF WÏd trsa Jo ne Ma Idah. ThprYl be c:nn tøth ePA sy an wi deiv to PAC at th Br Suba. 8f is theprsurn. . Bu . seller: . PO: . Tenn:. Pr. Qu . Prce: . LO:. Ag.-. Cr.8t~ . Nona Va: PAC XRG-P-7. LLC (Simpl) BnJy Subsn, 10 20 yer1, Decmbe 31, 2010 through. Dern30.2030 FirmQFpu~ 19.8 Mt. .pproXima 50,00 MWH lfnLlallyldahQfb(fj lJVO~Ç(PrlReplace Pow on annualizbasiif.MAGisritaqhie IdahôSt.rdQFOfem MAG PPA TBDObligon to purQF Po $77 rnlOnove 2Qye te You John XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 5 P.l Qfl Case No. PAC-E-10-08 F'l' You.Jo ll ~,JaUl29._ 12.~PlTo: _~T~T~" Ap.~.~..,().Llç ~Wut ..PrQFTra PAC ie~,ilJ"'fO .~.ldho QFwf~ Io rtMa Id. ThpR'W be COto th SPA." at Wldeivtø PAÇ at th Br Subs. Be IS th. pt~. . Bu. a.. PO . Ter:. Pr. 0...)'. Pr:. IJ.~. CN. 8l-.. No Va PAC XR..10. LLC (Ne We) Br Substi 10 20 ye, De 31, 200 th Ðebe 30,2030FI OF pu19.8 lM ~ 54.8OMW annuId fi av co prRe Po on an bais If MA is no ac Id Sl QF Of-8 MAG PPA TB 0b to pu QF Po18." mlfo ov 20 ye te XRG Answer SJl'¡Tgf Page 6 Case No. PAC-E-IO-08Yoiin.,. John Frø: YournJo se lb. Ja29. 2Q 12:02 PM To: _C&TPrT~ Apl Søbje:XR... LLC (Nemb Ea) - PrQF Trans PAGil~thfo.lQng ~.kthoQF.WI hiielo ~..Ma.Id. .l" prwlbê Q)r'1athBPA lYanWldew to PAC at th Bt SObl. Be"thprsurn; . Bu. Ie . PO: . Ter:. Prct. Qu:. Pr:. LO.~. Cr · 8I*t. No Va: PAC XRP-9. LLC.(N Ea) Br SObl. 10 20 ye. Debe 31. 200 tth De 30. 2030FI QF.pu 19.8MWépat56.31S. MWanal Id.flav co pr~.Po.o,iannu balf MA Is notae IdStndQf Qf~ tAGPPA TBD Obaeto.~ Qf Po $t.7 mi1K ov 20 ye te You. Jo XRG Answer SJ Exii.ibit 2Page 7 Pap i of! Case No. PAC-E-IO-08 Fr: yoi. ..I -= ~.""Ula..~ fZ,'ÒPfTo: ..ClT PrT~Ap..~.LLC(P) ...PrQFTrt PAÇ faØQII", ..~~. kk QFWi tr lQneM8 "bo. ". prWi be ~ to thBPAIY ai wideto PAC at th Br Subs. Be is ..~ $Urnry. · hJ. a.. PO. Têr. Pn.~. Pr:. LD· Aø. Cn · "ilier. Na Va: PAC XR-8, LLC (Pl) 8r SUbl. 10 20 ye Debe 31. 200 th De 30. 20FI QF pu 19.8 MW ap 67.507 MW anly Id ft aved CO prR8 Po on ari8 be if MA is no ac Id SI QF OI.. MA PPA TBO 0b to pu QF Pc $8.5 miio tM 20 ye te Yøunle, John XRG Answer SJÆxhibit 2Page 8 Pagi ofl Case No. PAC-E-10-08 Fto: Wesim. Naie .se Th, ~29. 20 12:3 PM To: YOU, JoCo ..Pa Ch ~/RE:XRG.p..7 (Simpl) .. Pr QF Tr8 ~Plthex Je na of th cont an th da ne to ru,rth PPE. wn.aii. wøoothls? We wa to en we ån co-'fr .crstndlntøn th IdQFs gø ~. NolKl' if we srStprde fr..Qett critse. .,.v~ Jø. ... ..... . . ... .. .... ..... 1e.~,Ji29,.~ 12:02 PMi.=_Cl" ""~Ap"lt~7(Sl)"PrQPTmn PA.Cil~thdoilo _id Id QF wi tr lo .,.Mã..fd. . TnplWi be COMí..to.th SPA sy an wi de to PAC at th Br&a. Be.th tisu. . Bur:. 8e . POD:. Ter:. Pi. Qu:. Pr: . LD:. Agrme . Creit. Stat . Honat Value: PAC XRø.P..7. LLC (Simpl)~SubsnllD2Oyel'. Debe31.2010throh De11J" aQ. 203FiJ ÇlF JK 19.8. MWapproxlma 5O,OO.MW 'rt"~IY Jdati 1ñèd iavQ eø pri ReplacementPoronannuall baiS If MAG is no aCh Idah Stlu QF OtY$ MAG PPA TaD Oboatt( pua. QFPow$71.rnllin. 0_20 yn..te XRG Answer SJ~xhif~ Page 9 ap Case No. PAC-E-10-08yøuJon F..: W~.~ .e. T'¡ JI29.20 12:37 PM TOt YOú.. JoCO P8..Ch.......XR..1().LtØ(~W.)..~QFT~ ~pr..~..naofthcoln th da ne to ru thPP, ,. Yau.Jo ..1l,..l 29,20 12mPMM...caT..~..~ l'lrl ~io, LJCf7CpI111:HN.) ..~Qf rl1lS PAÇ.i.~if..tb~ .i'. ~ QFWi~io ne Mald.ThprØjechYi be ~tothlPAsyln Wi.. d8l9 PAqat thBI1Suti. .EJI$ tlprau. · 8u. ... PO. T..:. Pr . QI J ii)":. Pr. 1.:.~. ÇI. 8t1l. No VII: PACXR-10. Lie (Nb Wes) Br Su. 10 20 ye De 31.2010 th Dl 30.20Fi QF pu 19.' li .proxlma", 54.80 MW m'ld.fi av co pr Re Po on an bail If MA Is no ac Id8 St QF 0I-8 MAG PPA TIDObig to pu OF Po $&.4 mUton av 20 ye te Yo.ul'le, Jotn XRG Answer SJExhibit 2Page 10 Pag loft Case No. PAC-E-10-08 Fro: WeIn, Naie .Se Tl, JaY8 29. 2O 12:38 PM To: Yót. Jo CO: PI-' Ch SU REXR-...LLC (NbEal..~ QFT~ PIpne th ex .1èn8meóftheoht an th da ne to runihPP. ~YØlleJon .se. ~,Ja 29, 20 12:02 PMJO;..ClT PrT~ApiSU..XR,LLC (NalCnbEa)... .Pr.QFTra PA.Cls~thfOriSfIdQFWfnd~~ riMa'de. ..prwfb.lXie to thBPA iysten'laiWlI.deto PACatthBrSU. 8ø. IIth prsu. . Bu. Ie. PO. Ter. Pr. GuIt. Pr ..:,LD:. Agit:. Cn. 8tat . No Value: PAC XR-D-8. LLC (Neb Ea) Br Su. 10 20 ye Debe 31, 2010 th De 30.20FI QF pc19.8 MN ap 68316 MW anId fi av oo prRe Po on an ba If MA is no adie Ida Stnd OF Of-$ MAG PPA TBO Oblg to puse OF Po $8.7 miio ov 20 ye te XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2Page 11 Pql On Case No. PAC-E-10-08Younl.Jo Fro: ~..~ .. 1b,Ja2t,2012:38 PMTo: Y~Jo...: REXRG--e. U.C~. ~QFjl1 ..~......naôfthCOntan thdàl'tonm th PÆ. 4"" ,,4, " ;r 4. _Z!.~ ¥ô-.....~,~~,_12:02PM,.l...Q.TPr~~ .....~u.(PI).. Pr QFTl1 PAC"~lh~ ~ktQF Vllr lo ,. MakJ. ThprWi be conato1h SPA Nt atWI de to PAC. th Br Subs.Be is th.pr~. · II. 8I. PO. T_: . PfDcl . Clb.': · JI. LD.~. Ql · 8l1lr-. ..Ya: PAC XR. LLC (P) Br Su. 10 20 ye Debe 31, 2010 th Debe 30; 2030Fi QF pu 18.8 MW lIat 61$7 MW arId fi av co prRe Po on ania..11 MA is no ad id St QF 0f MAG PPA TBO 0b to pu OF Po $8.5 milio ov 20 ye te V'ounle, John XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2Page 12 Pag i ofl Case No. PAC-E-I0-08 Fro: HeI1, Da le Th, Jan 29,.20 3:2 PM -rOt Yøu. Jo; _C&T PrTra Ap .SuRE: XR..7 (Si)- ~ OF Trans Pr ae deûioø: Lea 8C Not a le as tl pd is eo fiDe ~~ No si ti CO 1a a ii ~1': VOl"ie/Jcihn ~ Tb, Jl29,20 12:02 PM1'.:._ÇlT..~..Ap$lld~1(Sipkl"Pl QF Tr PAC l$~" fCkM.ai .1d QF wi t1 lo ne Ma kJho.thprwl.l) co~ tou. SPA .$Y..8r WIL deiV to PAC at th Br SUbl. Be isttprec SU. . Buy . 8e1er:. PO: . Ten:. Pruc. Quant. Pr~ . LO: . Agrwnt:. Crit. Staty: . Nomin Value PAC XRG-..7, ltC (Simplt) Bra$l;bsn, 10 20 ye. Oer31, 2010 thh Dembr 30,203FiQF~.19.8 Mlapxi 50.00 MWannually Idaho fied aVOid ..cø pr Rep Po on anliz baiS if MAGis not aChieve ldahStai QF Of-8ys MAG PPA TBD Oblgatonto puid.QF Power $71miHiQ over~OYcta XRG Answer SJlxhi~iUi Page 13 . Case No. PAC-E-IO-08You. Joh Pr: He. Dl e. lb. Ja 29. 20 3:3 PM To: You. Jo _CAT PrTI' Ap ...at FE: XR10, U.C (N Wes) . Pr QF Tra .."....,......... ..~ lI.Il..lø Noa... tl pr ÎI CØ fi~-_: 'Niwa.. ti oo la aii 4....Yø.JQ .."n' ~ ~,i0ii~Pll':_aT~~IUIJ ~ioLL~Wt).. Ph~ QF~ PACil.~;..~~..kI.cø..wJ. nn lo neMakf. 'T.~wi be ~tolh .A~ li wi deto PAC...Br Su. .Bø 18l1prSl~.~. 8e. PO. T.... Pr.... Pr. LD.~. Cr· --.. No Vii PAC XR10. LLC (Nco Vl) .. Su. ID20 ye De 31. 2010 th Debe 30. 20 Fi QF pt 18.8 MW ap 54 MWH 8IId fl av co prRe Poon ~ balf MA Is no ac 1d8tid QF ~ MA PPA TBOb to pu QF Po $8.4 mil ov 20 y. tl XRG Answer SJ ~xhi~itliPage 14 a¡ Case No. PAC-E-l0-08Younle,Joh Fr: He..Oe e. Th. Ja29. 20 3:33 PM To: yopie. Joh";3~&TPrTI' Ap .llREXß...LtC(NbEa) - ~op QF Tra ~~deb h'iae: Le.~ Not iii..tlpd is co fiDe¡,1f8Ciu~ så th c:'" a DO $....Pr: You Jo le lh, Ja 29, 20 U:02 PMTo: 3:4T PrTr ApSubj XR, u. (Nenb Ea) - Pr QF Tre PAC ia oolIig lh fo st Id QF wi tr lo ne Ma Id. Th pr wi be ci to th SPA sy an wi de to PAC at th Br SUbs Be ia th pr iumme. . Bu. Se. PO. T-.. Pr. Qu. Pr. LO. Ag. Cr. 8bal . NOlIlliai va: PACXf-9, LtC (Ne Ea) In Su JD 20 ye De 31. 200 th De 30, 2030FI QF pu19.8 WI ap 56,315 MW anId fi av co pr Reacen Po on ar be if MAG ia no acie Id Sl QF Ol-6 MA PPA 180 Ob to pu OF Po$8.7 ml ov 20 yø te You,John XRG Answer 8J Exhibit 2 Page 15 laplOfl Case No. PAC-E-10-08 Fr-: He,; ',Ql .. ~, ..a.203:35PM TO: Y~Jo3~&T PrTI' Ap.~..AE~,L.C(Pf) ..~QF"FI PøÌlii4l ICclinfnti: i-..... Noa...... pi is cc1en fi ÐI ...';1. Nø'l IÌ th CC la aDO :d'..:;Q; ..you .1..~t~29t2O ii:QPM,..JT~,~ll1!...~W:.~._~QF~ PAC 1S~.Ii"fo_lCldQFwl"'au..etto to.. M8 Id.Thptwl be ~ to".A~ .,wi..detq. PAC at th Br SUbs. Be.1I thprsumiiåI. · II. 8e . POD: . Ter:. Pr . au81l:...: . LD. Ag. Cr. ad..:. ....Va: PACXR-a LtC (Pi) Br Su, 102Ô ye De 31, 2010 ho Debe 30, 20Fi QF pu 19.8MW 8Pox57.607 MW Rl Idfl ev co prRe Po on 8l ba if MA Is no acId .8l QF 0I MA PPATI Q) to ~ QF Po $8.6 ml rN 20 ye te XRG Answer SJ ll~ilJi Page 16 Case No. PAC-E-I0-08 GI', 8Iøe (MktFun) 44Fro: Po. Jin 8e Tt..Ja29. 203:56 PM To: Yount. .J;__C&T PnTraAp ~: FæXRG-"7($impJ).. Pr QFTran Tr'l1i$Imp to lJ~ on.fi~ li to 23 MW to fo th tr (WO 4olfOf~ .Bø re.. to 8n to fail.tr). An 25 MW ex bu APShafh.ri. to ~onth pathIfAP scUl fr Br we cold an8fllpt to wh lhgh BO.. bu th'Mbe~. Imp to GøÎl po~ bu wi be li by Go ar lo an .~ba. Tl wlbehors woen Go IOqm ll ussooraJ Ofthre.A stWi be.~.toPtnu"Of 1ir11ô Wi bl iri. Th prem may be exacerb bY SPA .lO$Mlo Thee"KnI. Wi neto~.~.~stfothré'....~....~.wtYW..wa~fo.Nê~$l~ $UbmJt(Wil'to ~tlatOf~Tcol1)~S~PPAbeøoiqQpn~..~~... Wf"-tw~atfóti~...Wl.~..to..UIPa.PTcø.Mdscutth~tolQad ønth.PT.f8on. PI: Youle Jo 81. 'Trs, Jaua 29, 20 12:02 PMToi _caT PnTnt Ap~XR-7 (SI) -Pr QF Tl1ns PAC 1$ co th. fo~ ld OF wind tr~JøneMáldä.."".~iWibecorito thBPA~nWl.dé 10 PAC.th Br SU.8eISthPrsull. . Bu. Se . POD:. Ten:. Pruc. Qu:D._.. ..IRØ. . LO:. Ag. Cre · Stat: . Nomina Val PAC XRG.."7'.LLØ (Simplt)ElraySubtinllO ... . . . . . . 20 ye Demb 311 2010 through De 3(, 2030FirnaF~ is.8MW 8ppXilé 50.00 MWHll kjah fbed ..~. co pr Re ..Po.on..annUiIl...ba ¡fMAe.1$ nQtachldåti St(ilt QF Of-8em MA13PPA taD Oljgtò PYrc"QF .PQ $77 mil ove 20yertenn XRG Answer SJ/;xhifgrlPage 17 · Case No. PAC-E-I0-08 GrId. Br (Mid Funcon) Fr: Po, JI le Th, Ja 29, 20 ~56 PM To: Youie Jo; _c&T PrTra Ap 8U RE: XRGÐ-10. LLC (Nb Wes) - Pr QF Tra TnmJl Imp to Ut sy. on a fi ba Ji to 23 MW to fo th tr (wo do re of exBo nt to 8n to Wlte tr). An 25 WI .. bu AP ha fi ri to scon th pa. If Nl scUl fr Br we co at to wh th Bo bu th wo be na. Ii 4:. "Il ImPtc~ Î$polM Wlf.llby Gø.. lø lI..rcba.. Th wi beho WhGO lo. C8no OM $OOf. of tlre. A stdy Wil be nelo ~ m.ofhofoWlbein Thpn rtbe~by BPA.loe shiål ~ _ l(, Wl....\O~~~..foth ~.P1e1nøWbyo wa~føNeRè..~ (wI~tcbMsiat ofC&T c:). Su PPA be~up ..re Nè~st. Wi Nc Re 8ttí fo th .~. we Wi r. to_Pa PT~ ari SCtt ene to lo on th PT re. ..y~.)...~t~~I_U:02PMT.._C.T..~.~ ...~101 U,CNe1Q W.)-.~.q:.Tt PACil~.thfo~1c OF Wi ~IQC.ne Ma ~Tt~Wl btCØ1ltoltBPAJY 8l. de to PAC at1h BrSU. Be IS th pr su. . 8u... . PO:. . Ter:. Pl. Qu:. Pr: . LD:.~ . CNd· 8t1D . Nomin Yaue PACXR..10,L.(~b we8r~1Ø 2Oyu. De3'l, 200 th Debe 30, 20FiQF~1EUtMW ~54.øMWH8I kl.fb.. co pr~en~on ll11.il:ifMAGîsoq~Ida $tQF()MAGPPA18~tc ~.QF.F'$8.4 mi Ø'20 yete XRG Answer S~xhibAlì Page 18 p Case No. PAC-E-I0-08 G1',.Br(Mkt Func) !i " iØ . Fr; Po,.n Se. ~,Jan 29,20 3:5 PM To; You~, Jo; _CAT PrTra Ap ~ .RE XRG--e, LLC (Ne .Ea) - Pr QF Tr.lI88ctlo TrarnisnIrpotO Wa sy ona fibe ii to 23. MW to fo th tr (woddOreöf éXng Boh I' to Br to fa trlS). An 25Ø MWexst bu AP.firltsto sc on th pa. If APS scOles fr .Bt we co atmplto wttJgf Bch buth\N benonrm. Imtoi~j$pObu wilbelimft.by Gcn.øilOanretcba. 'TWilbehö_n~l0 caiius soorall ofthre; AsbYl' be ~topnl'be of hoJoe.1 bei~ Th'$~.lTbe.~ by aPA IPsluto Th Mile Knoll. \WnMtoni.i.Nel~."fo.th.I'.PlnowhYØ .1I~1ø~ ~. st$\'"it (Wi ne to ha.. sig attesation ofQlT coml). S~t PFAbe CQ1G upo re .Ne Re $i. Wi Ne Reræslfo thr'rowe wil needtousPa PT ca an sce th en to lod on th PT l'. FI YOU~ Jo1e~,Ja;i,2012:QZ PMTO.~tAT.Pr~~1U~,.u.(N Ei.. PrQF Tra PAC tsconglIfolO.~ldi QF Witr\oneMa Id. ThprWi becototh BPA .sy. ån Wi.deto PAC at1hBhISU Beisthprje su. . Buy. Se . PO:. Ttu. Pr. Qu:. Pri:. LO. AQen. Cr. Sbate . No.. Value: PAC XR, LLC (N Ea) Br Su 1020 ye De 31, 2010 th Debe 30, 20Fi QF pu 19.8 MW apat 56,315 MW anIda fi av co pr Re Po on annu ba if MAG is no ac Ida strd QF Ol MAG PPA TaDOb to pu OF Po $8.7 mllo ov 20 ye te XRG Answer SJlxhiri~liPage 19 ~ Case No. PAC-E-10-08 Gr Br (Mid Func)t ¥bFr: Po. Ji le Th, Ja 29, 20 3:57 PM To: Youni. Jo _C&T PrTI' Ap "ifliet RE JC UC (P) . Pr QF TraT~Jmtø.Ul ~Qt. fi.bI hhdtø23 MW tøfolh~(wC)ulcfdO ~c:~Bo~tø8n lf~~). An 2SMWéX bu AP "1lt"'lfi~ on th Ød. IfAP âc fr Biwe cold 8tpttø 'l lh 80buthla WObeii. lmtc~ils ~..bQWil)ljltby Go...k)'an.~~. 1'~b.~'Wh .Gó.Iò_no....sø.øralof...I1. A $lWI be.n8.to pI..~.tR hol'löWi bein. Th prma be'~ bYBPA lo $hto1' MD. Kn. WI titø~~.~...fotf~. Pl. no Whnyo'wi ~for~~il~.(W' neto.i..$i'~ ofC&T oomi).SOPPAbe~ .lI~NeRlst..Wl Ne ReR: -".fo tt.~ we wil ne to us.Pa.PT ~ andSCuJth en tt _(ton th PT re. '. 4....~.J ...~, 3l29, .2Q.t2:02,"""-ClT".~~Nd..~, u.(Pl.~QFTr . .PAi$CQt8klefIlQ ...~~ IØClWI ~ Jó.. Mlldo Th~.be~ totlBPA $y an..de to PAC atth Bn~o Bé.la1l ~1W. . Bu. 8e. PO . Ter:. Pr.~. Pr . LO:.~. Cr. St8t. No V8l PAC JC. LLÇ(~) 1n.$ybø JD 20 ye. D8be31,2010thtt De30. 2030Fl(,.~1'.JMW.~.57.507 MW ii Idfi.1l co.. pr~t.~..Of""m.lz be. lft#is riadId $t.QFOfMASPPA TS Obigto pu QF Pp$8.5 miioov20ye te XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 20 Cas-e No. PAC-E-IO-08 a _......._....,.~.....;.'iI R.-~... ~..,-- '-1l~~,..~...~~ ~.-,.....'....~.... ....~~....--'..".. ~ ;k'U.. .~...~i._~..~..,~~~,._,,~~~.,'. .. ,." ',. ,.. ~..."$ ......~--..~~.....-.-..-.. ..~_.... ...~~.._-¡¡ ....~;'....~.........,..',.......-..-..:_:..;;-'~~ :_~;...............----._..~~~~~~~'~ ....:~~..-~-..~:..~....~.--,--"'~ XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 21 Case No. PAC-E-10-08... . . . .... .... -.4..t\a..~.. ~ L .....,.70 . ':.:.._......__... ....... . '" '-~~. ~~..:~~~J..~,... ""~. .... "'=-_. , .::-~ , :'...... ...=~::ßbAi ,. Byte:" '.;~'~ ~ ff~J;:~..:: \ .. ._.._.... :=._~j._.._~~:+::..~j¡~J\¿~¡J;::: -.. ......--_.. .-...........__........._... .. ..._._.....,~..,..--.-.......-...- -~ ..,...~ .,......-...- .. .~". ..:~...,'..'...:..,. ."'.., .,.;~....~:.'-'....,--,---.. .......:'-... ....,...,.....:..'.',.......,;.;'..:.'. '..,,.'..", "i.'.. ", .....'......,...._:.,..:::..'. "'"":...*! . .......-"~~~~?l.~_~trC-_.__6~'4f"__J)~ .._~__._.......... .~--._._- --~~~---æJ ..:'....~fA .... ~+~\it~ ~_ ...~._.. ___-~ _.:.._~_",:.~ ..2:"~-~-;Ll:~. =2dd~.~~lp~"~i9 --_." --~~~.~-~.~~,.6blt ~=. ¡h~~....'.........:......_ .,...__..__.._..~..._~_ _~."............_~~....,.. .. ...:.......~.~~:_...~._.. ---..-.....-....._,....~,~., -~~.. "jf ..---- -.--.._..':.~.... ...,,......-.--- .....',,.~--. XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 22 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 QJ~~la ll\l' - +~ -- -,.. .. ¡ -. . _.- ..lJ~~. _'00 .~A.~~.~~. ~:~d/ ~~~~N'. - .. -_..:~.- .. ~-~ '"¡~ 'b~ 0,',- \... . ."..".~:. ',.. ,- '- ....."" "'' ..~'---.:--'... . .,.,...., ..~...... '. -. ~~~~-~~_.... _:.~_... ~~~.. .. .'.. -.:., '....' .., "..."" ..~-~-.'-~....,..',,N.'..''! t.....,',;..l,..'...'..............'...'.. ~...._... .._~'.......~..'..,.......... ,-...__....'.;,".,,'. . 4...'~.._;'.;'.,,'.. ..~.~. ...; -.'_ _... ;. .Ò¡.;...;....~..:. t.~~...'....__..~..__.... ..,..,...... -....~._. " .. ;.',.':',_:.. .. ~-.~.-=~~:_~:.- ..~-~~:.'~.." .~~ -~.:..".'!~~~., PAC-E-l Q-8/Roc Mountan Powe Sebe 27.2010 XRO Dat Request 2 XRG Data Reque 2 Refere Ansr, , 9. Plea explain why Rocky Mountan Power delivere a PPA for only one of th XRO prjec? Did Rocky Mounta Power reive reuets for PPAs for all four XRO prjec? XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 23 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 l.poastoXRGDataa.uest2 Rocky MOWltain Power objects to XRO's Dat Request 2 to the extent th it seks an expe opinion, a lega opinion, or legal art an to th extet it cals for Rocky Mountan Powe to ste an opinion not prviously wrtten. See IPUC Rule 225. Notthdin an without waving the foregoing objecons Rocky Mounin Pow rends as follows. Yes Rocky Mounta Powe did reive reuests frm XRO for four PPAs for the XRO projec. Rocky Mowi1a Power previously explaied why it pred only one PP A, in an e-mal frm Bruce Oriswld to James Cakulis da Octobe 2,200, an in a letter frm PacifCorp's lega col, Ken Kauf to XRO's atrney. Peter Richadson, on Apnl13, 2010. Plea refer to Exhbits A-19 an A-2S to Roc Mounta Power's First ~w:tion Request to th XRO LLCs. atthe as par of Atthment no 1, , "~ T' , Furore, even ¡fth wer no issueS with any of th four PPAs reuested. Paciforp intily would have set XRG a single PPA, an th pr invidua PP As at th end of the neotiati. afer all te and condtion ha be fuy negotiated. Rerdlde:Spor: ".1 ,,-Bru Grlq. ; To Be Detered;-, PAC..E- i 0-81R1c'MountaPoWe Septebe 27, .2010 XRG Data Request 5 XRG Data Request.5 Refece Anser, 1 8. Plea pi:vi~ surt docnts orstes estlishg th tron cait:v for nO more th 23NfW of net ol.ir ~ availaòle at the time peod frm Jan 200 to Marh 2010. Please provide suning.doWTents or stes eslishg tht trmission çaity. for no more th 23MW w()uId beavaiiaòleat aU proposed online date discus by XRO~.inçluding.June201J . XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 24 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 Response to XRG Data Reuet 5 Rocky Mounta Power objec t9 XRG'sData Request 5 to th exent tht it cals for all douments and studes on the grtis th it is unduly burensome. overly brad. an may sek irrlevant and or privileged informaton. Notwth an withut waiving the foregoing objecQl. Ro Mouta Power responds as follows. Pleae refer to Atthmnt XRO 1. whch inludes emais from Jim Portouw to Bru Grswold daed Janua 29, 200 an Atthment XRO 5, a let frm Rocky Mounta Power to XRO da Sembe 21,2010. Recordlder: Sponsr: Brue Grswold; ;.l .t To Be DeterieJ . i i i, l ~: .1' n" J ,I' 10 PAC-10- XRG5 XRG Answer 8J Exhibit 2 Page 25 A.metXR 5 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 ~eslElf2 ¡815 Mu St 60 Po ot ",31 ~il,20io ~.~_r,..Ca1424~Ave llei-.MTS961 at DQp.7~)(G.N,1(H, :ø1'..iø.uCs De W.Cais: Ol. .JyIS,2QiO, hd~1's8oDde~a~poüofôovc~ ofl""lbNtt ~Séce..iØOp~ T~øn Tarcald~C'.P_fl~&l'~tPlO1iCoQiT" ~awa.of1himofth~toXRO'8plje~ 0J~ i~, 2010. Th... poiqøf.J:veomotklCat PatCefwiy~~tefl .~..~.. ~"c.l'ivePaeCò C&T's coat tb"'a1tb ~ty()ffi~"Øl~T""iS8io SefQf1fo QFpi-, ab~ .~. byD.G.to dctò PallBr,Ida. Tlre th 1-. pr.XRG-DP., 7LL,D.G-DP..8LL,XRQ.j)P-9 Ll;anXRG-pp.,iO LL.nocetbPacfiCoC&TisØØJ:lP-to eiio a 2O)' ~~~Wiudofthprjec at.~avøi4~ ..... .mt. in OPC Or No. 31025 (orsusu:rasi:ybf in~ OI .tltl~.~~~pu~foth pr): 'iø..~.toN__.R.Tnmia..Sect.&\paic Yrnbf~ll PeCoT~onafi~. fiSé ba JfyO\iWC Ubtoøt'VfoWidt yopìiOCpleomeatS0-113-Sillal l0 lS.PQõle IfyøudeØètopuålfbpr~ weWè~an ~OJC!ipmjepetlatma_ ÌOthwe..~y ..~Y p&o ci PPAs is inicp crticapij_sp~~QF ~lapt..ai buth~ maIlbCâl inclusve Adtional inmabe . lswepiep"'~dr. &cO$:XRG-DP7-R.CqIi~ XRG-D$I.~ ~Ol X"O-DP ReIøon XRG-))Pto.Re~OJ CC PwllcbDåêlSöJlfBt1.~~T~ao~tl~'l""wi..Nll~~ Så1O iinßPrec. lI~Pa.C4T is Dê..l awa()an Ji fa flw1h WO~~T~1ì"".SI.ie At XRG 5.pd Pag. 1 of9 10 PAC-E-1Q. XRG5 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 26 AttachmentXRG 5 Case No. PAC-E-1O-08 DC - Dn Of PPA InfOlOJ Note: .~tin r~st~ in lii" 1J11.isiWl to he CQtidertl inclLtil'e4mliN.ii.fiHforPPA pre/jonitJ ho/ipartic-s age em fllli1lfòrmtltiem. Prear by Pae -91211Q XRO-Dr7 - ReIafol'tiD (a) Detion abili to obt QF stat (b) Degn cacit (MW).stion sc rel1. an ne am of poer delive to th Comy's elecc 8Vem (c) Geon teclog another reated teclo atl1ícable to th site (d) pr site locion (è) SChedul ofiny JKwcr deliveres (1) Callati or dolron of minimu an iniudmu aiiualdees (g) Motve for or tì pIa (h) pr onli date andot $ignic dles ni to comlet mileone Pl"ided - January 2 i, 20 Prde FEC For 556 ~ QF Sef Cerifcation Ten OcWin D8.2. 2MW tu totling 19.8 MW DcWind D8.2. 2MW tuine Cas Count,lD Prvided ma ofturine locions Prde i 2X24 geti for Ves V90 i.8 MW \\'TG No Inortion Prvi Prvide 12X4 geti for Ves V90 1.8 MW WT p. En - i 21111 0 Additionai Infortin reQuesed by lacCol1: Pr QF nu whe Form 556 aclledge by PERC Ese stion sece for ea tune; wil serae station sece be requi Ar the st the seèeed turbnes? Prvie tuin S'ficaion Provide cooes of prec and tax lot num. Prvide loction of subsation. Map shs 13 turbin rcleinforion prde in (b);(c). tel, an (g)Rec dinc inture maufac in (b) and (e) and (e) prucon foret. hovide the co i 1X4 for tb seeced tur. lnlue th me in exce formt. Pride Càlcuion ofmi ma and av anual geemion Con da is stll valid. Prode win sty fo P1ec.Prvide up sce to acev the daes includng interio ancoon nieson(i) pr coct ter and~vW (j) Status of intetion ortr$Slon art 20 ye, non-Ievlí. non- fuel Inion is thugh BPA Prvide.. of Seller'sinerecionapeaion wit BfA; prdè date Seller's aplicaion was de colee by BPA; provide co of SIS an ot stes if available; prvid doumon of avaibiity of tr for Prie to Att XRG 5.pd Pag2of9 10 PAe--1Q- XRG5 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 27 AtfrnXRG 5 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 Ug - nrJ Of UA ID&21Nt: l11mi m¡sM in the nw Is 11 to be COJ'lSuk inclushv (1d is Mt fina/for PPA ~ im INJr pa 6f on aD hiomiotJ. Prar by Pac - 9121/10 (k) pont of dcive Bry Substtion Bry. If a\"alabJe; prde scedule of reinng ineron wor.Identify ~t lea- tim for majorinterion com an incae wheiJl suh inerio eqpm babe or Prode st ofBPATrassn ScAg to BraSubstPrvi doaton thatSeer ba obed ng to wi at prec site (ie. la011_Spe prer fon of sety to be prde fordeay se (leer of cr~ea or Plea list all pets. lice an le ri an eo (e.g. iiio agt) reuire to opeprjec; prvide st of ea'S reuire facilitdoPlea prde Je na an 2 ye of auted fi for the QF dew0p or then prvig cr suto th QF deop so th PacifiCor ca colee crorll reew. (I)Win Righs (m) Fon ofSety to be prvide (n) Requit FacilitDos (0) Cre 2 At XRG 5.pd P8 3Of9 10 PAC--10- XRG5 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 28 At XRG 5 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 BG _.PPlOfPPA.IiOlNote.: l1fion reet bi ti maT Is no to be Ct illlini,." and is lffiforPPA ptpillYio until bo paes ag OI all ilfrmat. Pteby Pac - 9121110 XRG-DP8 -Requir Prvied -January ii Addl Infonsio,JlÚormaoD 109 reqes by P.dfCorp: (a)Demontion iibi1ity to Provided PERC Fonn 556 -Proide QF num wheobtanQFstusQFSelfCerficationFc: 556aewlèdge.py PERC (b)Desgn cåty(MW)~1'en DeWind n8..~~2MW estesiori.âece..fòtstaiönseCetuinestøtaUns 19 8 MW eatUiì;wm..mtereG~eìtS, iu.nt;statoi~(l~~uir? amount ofwwt'tJe1ivered to theCorrPA$ei~csYS (el Géretn teclogy DeWin 08.2. 2M\ Ar.~$tiltheseeetedaDotherrelledtuestqil1?P1Vietuetelogyapliletothee~catiQJsite ((l)propo$e siieiocol1 CûSaCöUtty~ 10 Pr~~~.o:tprJ~tPfuVideni~oftuin and t8Klotn~.PI~ loction locion ()sub$ation Mapsli$13t~~le lDØTiODJ'vidcin Cb).(c).(e);ii (a) (e)Scledl.ileôf inthy PrVided 12X4 georon R~di~Ì1 power delveres rorVe$V9()1 .8 MW tim~.ni~fuO!) WTG an(c)ii (e)prI.ÎØfQre. Prde~~ i.2Xifor.thc..$e~...tu~. lneb.tQf'ìle Íløicel fonn. (t) CøiCUatønpr No InrotiønPrVìded PrvicilCUn ofd.etøminin.ofJ:niui ~nììflndan~uiian av~antigentiOD deveres (øMOte f0or lù PtØYÍde i2X24ge~n Còii di1åis iî'I¡ålidplanrorV'~fa V90L,$MW PtvK...Wi sty for WTG Prøf;.(h)prpo øn-linedat tllEnet ==i2/3 1IlO PrVideupld~ui~tQ and otetSigrfiCâtdâes acb_...tl...~te..inciini reuire to complete mterion an miesones ~mileson (ilpr cotrct ter 20 ye.non~levli.non- and ÐJçigørvi$ions ful (j)Staus. ê)inteønecn Iriterecon is throug P~videst~ot~etiiôt..ttmon.argee1t BPA int~lPn~pp1iGaiøP withBPA;proe~te Seller's lllicatiwe decOlete bvBPA; At XRG 5.pd Pag 4 019 10 PAe--1D-S XRGS XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2Page 29 ~x.5 Case No. PAC-E-1O-08 XßG - pea Ql rfA lItDl Note: l1fon rellH in tie 1'tr is 1W 10 be c:onsrter indu.'IÎl'e tmd is not filor pp II pratiDii unlJ bm pøies ~ (1 011 infrmatun. Pr by Pae ~ 9/2 111 0 (k) po of deive Br Subston provide copy of sis an ot stes, it avalabl provi doclimeniaÛO of ~i.biil oftriiS$ion for Prjce to Br. If available; prdescedule of rening interecon WO. Ide pr lead- tim for maorin compsan incate whe suinlerion eq ba be oiPrvi st of al Trasson Prvider's Trassion SerceA¡t to BraSubon Prvide docation th Selle ha obt rits to wi at projl site (ie. la or le Spey pmer fo of se to be prvied fordeay se (leter of crt, caesw. or-teel Plea lis al pennit licen. an land rights aneos (e.g. inmxinonag) reui to opte prec prvide st of eahsuc re fadot Plea prvide leg na an2 ye of aud fina for th QF delop or thentity prvidi cr surt to th QF develop SO th PacifCor can coletcrtwor re. (nWin Rights (m) For of Se to be prvied (n) R.ui FaeiltyDots (0) Crtw 2 At XR 5.pd Pa 5019 10 PAC-E~1 () XRG5 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 30 AtththtXRG 5 Case No. PAC-E-IO-08 XB(;-- in OF PPA.lati.1W~. lnftionrested in the Iftr is 1U tQ be ''ØlIidn-d jndU$'rdw:jg1ltfinQforPPA Pr'JX1"dI inil bøthpal1e$ ~(l till itiømQn. ~byPRç ~ 9121110 XRGoDP9 .. Requir Provide -Jan....ryZl,A4diti..litol1UonInfonitlii20req"esegbyPatiCorp: (a) Demc:on ablity to Prvide PEC Form SS6-PrVide QF iiwli obtan QF sttu QF SelfCerficaon Foi SS6 acge by FERC (b)OèSign caty (MW),Ten OeWin 08.2.2MW Esmate stonMrce forstonsecetunestotain19.8 MW ee tu wil ii~reujrents an net iiøn secebc l'iiit? an0un of power øeliverto the CØtPânts elecc smet (CrGêJØnteøoI~&Y PeWindDS.i,~MW At'~$tUthSelécød and Qtreate tues t~? Prvidetume ~()loiy 1i1i~letøthe sptb() sìte (d)ptseSite location Casa County,ID Prvide ~()fpti~Prded ni oftuine an ta lot nube.Prviloconsloetioiofsublton.M~sb 13 turin,reriile írifortioll¡)ovided iii (b),Ce),. O~). ..li (g (e)SohedUI'of nrntly Pivic;ed 1~4 gflwaon R#;:o~itdi~ii powerdelivores forVe8tas V90 i.$MW ttiin.~~in.(b) WTO aiile)~ (e)PtUc9t f~,. Pryjdetlcomt12X4 for thsøeÇedtii~ Irlude the fie in ~lfann (f) Cl1çplationoi'Nolnronnôn Prded Precakfation.øfd~enìnonof minium inui_~anamtnwmumänuaaYe~anuä~ delVlê$ (j) MqtÌve ft.oJ'ñi Prvideø t2~4 g$~tion Cønfl datâis stl\lUd. plan for VC$tå V901.8 MW hoyj~CliWmø Jtu(lfot WTO prj~. (h)ptopedon-lindae l!il2ergy:=121II10 PrvitJeupted. søece tQå.dotlerSignfteliit dåtes acíevthtJé$ínud æqui..tø..eoPlete íiit~íim ann:~.~Ot i:êåór (llpr .eoqt te 20ye.î1-levelize.nol1-~ørcigPiViiOl fu QJ,Stl of'ìlerrtneco!I Int~eçon .istlugh PrQvide~Qf$eiler'$otttisSiQî ålseent BPA il't~a¡liçaíon with BPA; pryjedat.e Sellêr'sappHean WlJ de colie bYBPA; 1 AtXRG5;pd PaS of9 10 PAC-E-10- XRG$ XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 31~~xRG $ Case No. PAC-E-10-08 X89 - Dr? Ot: l7 lD'1tiNo: ~ ~ in tM1ftr i. 1W to be c'oner fiiclush'l an is ltt,tilUllø PPA JW1o unl bóth pain ag on all ~. Prepaed by Pae - 9121/10 (I) poin of delive Bray Subtion prvie co oralS an othestes if avalale predoation of avilalnoftrøsion fo Prjec to Bra. If aville; prvide scede of reiniinternnon worIdeif pr le. tim fo maor inion compne ancUndcate whed suh internnion eqt ..be or Prde st of anTflon Prvide' sTrasson SeceAgr to BraySubtiPrde dotion that Sele ha obtined rilh to wind at prec site (ie, laorleu tsl Spfy prer fo of se to be ptvided fordelay sety (leter of cr ca esw orPlea lis all pe lic an la risJ anco (e.g. in agree) re to ope proec prde st of easu re falitdo Plea prde lep na an 2 ye of auite fiia for th QF delop or thenty prdin crt su to th QF delo so th PacfiCor ea colete crworbi miew. (l)Win Righ (m) Pon of Se to be prvided (n) Require Facility Docuents (0) Crtwrtes 2 Att XRG 5.pd Pa7of9 10 PAC--10- XRG5 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 32 Atme XRG 5 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 Dg~.vtiqOfWW"'''N~:l1tN refMet in t~_tr is Mt to be cøøsti ilK:lusÌl'f andisllØt,~.fP:IM~ un bo pe ag di til i1f Pr by Pac- 9121110 XRG-DPI0 -Reuir Prvied -Janua 21 Addlüori Jllonili,Inform 200 reueed by PaCo: (a)Oeontion ablity to Prvi FERC For SS6 -ProVide QF'num whe Obtain QF sts QF Self Cerfication Fon 556 aeJecae bYFElC (b)Dø¡neaty (MW),Five DeWmd D8.2,2MW 'NO'tE:f'EltCS56slI5Sttionsecetuinestotaing10MWDeWin niin~totld lOMW reuireents and net and.12X4Wìsetion aiount ofpòercm1ive showsl9,8MW USVC$ to tlw Cqty's eleçç ttUines Estitesttioll system ~eefóteah t~..il~t~$tQl.~..~ ?(ê) .aeeronteology DeWin D8.2,2MW N . FæC$5~~s5 anöther mated tuines DeWìaniInt9tâlOMW tecolo&y aplicable to the an 12X4\V~ticm site S~19.8MWUsmi"" tuin At. th..tin thøselli tiin?PrvìdetllSDCâoii (d)~site 10ßon C~aCoUlty,ID P1"vìd4Q(~tesofpijec Prvided ma oftuine anitulotnt.PløYdeloconloc9f~tiOt. Map~..lltuii,~neUe~tioipnvj in~ahfltl.. (e)Sd"fileofnionthy Provide 1 2X4gencrti ~.Ul pQwed€livees fOr Ves V90 1.8MW tiiùi~Ctin..(b) WTO ii(c).lr (è)pitìf~. lìýÌdethé~f~4fo~..~ed..~ Inel~the tl~ÍIeiee .eaJcøøof(f)Caleuå1oßor No ~C)n PI".videddet~onofrrinìtui Ilii.Ji~1QatmlXmiun~ave~ àI~tion. deliveres (¡ MøtivcfQt Otfuel Prvided 12X24gèEløn Córimdà.i,)lln..."ßd,pla fot VêSta V90 L.8MW PrvideWú tfy lò WT ptojee. (h) prpo on..hi date tllEncrgy -12/1Ii 0 PtWt upsçoto and other signficat date ac~da~tidin reuireto ~nilete in~~ii1'IC$~~ (iJpîpôèontt ter 20 ye~non4evClìiea,nC)n.. fl micinir muvions fuel m Si.tuofinternneçon Internnecon is tb~pr\'léltU$øfSeêt'l At XRG 5.pd Pa 8 Of9 10 PAC-E-1() XRG5 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 33 AtrrXRG.5 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 :uç- aeig OF Uà àfNo: I~cm tw1l in lit mlW Is IWlo be coid inclu.moe an is 1t1:fùuil Jor PP A. pl' ii bø/i pt ag IJ utI iiion. Pr by Pac - 9121110 or trison ememt SPA (k) potofdeliver Bmdy Substion interon aplieaøn with BPA; prvi date Seer's aplictio was d= colete by SPA; prvide coy of SI an otstdies if avlabl pr\iddoti of .vabilit oftrsio for Prec to Sra.lfavilable: prvide lCheule ofreinteii woIdenfy pmt Jead- tim fo majorin: co an inca wher NChiner eqt habe oiPr stus ohllTmi Prvi's Trass SeceAgs) to BidySubonProvide dcwnon th' Seler ba obt ri¡hl to wind at prjt li (ie. lan . art_ Spfy pr fo ofsety to be iø fodey sety (leter of crt. ca es Plea li all pe. lice an 1a n¡ anco (e.g. iDte: agr) re to opc proec prde st of eah suc re falitdot Plea prvide 1e¡ na an 2 yea of au ñiials for the QF de or th enty prdi crt su to th QF deop so thPacCoi ca coi~crtwøt re. (I)Win Rights (m) For ofSecty to beprde (n) Requi FacliDoen (0) Crtwoiincss 2 Att XR 5.pd Pag9of9 PAC-E-l ()8lRocky Mounta Powel' Septbe 27,2010 XRODa Reauest 6 XRG Data Request 6 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 34 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 . ,; :, Do it app at ths date th trssion capaity will exis for over 23 MW at th propose point of interonnection for th XRG projects at any point pror to the end of 20 i i? If so, plea identify an provide supportng documents esblishi when Rocky Mounta Power firs beame awa of ths possibilty of additiona trssion capaity. Response to DO' Data Reques 6 '1 Rocky Mounta Powerobjec to XRO's Data ReqC$ 6totb exil tl itças for q1/dourents an stdies On the gtun tht ¡tis unduly bureíme,overly broa an ni~yseekireievant and ot prVieged iiiføraton~RQCky r\auntan Powç.ppjøÇ to XR(l'sPataReqt 6 to.th~ent dit it~ksanexpe O))ìnon, a.1egopilÛon, or legal lUguenandtotlexteltitcalsfot RÒØKy ~PuntaPo~lostan opitonnot pre"io~IYwil''SeelPI.C RUle2iS. Nptw1ltading an withut waving th f~oing objecons, Rocky MOunWn Powe respnd as follows.. '; .~ 1:"Yes. It now. appe th trSsi~cait exists sucient to acomodte 70 MW otcaity frm XRO's four ptoposec prjects deIivetgnet outputto Rocky Mounta Power's Bray Substn in Idao. Rocky Mouta Power bee aware of adtional trission capaity acrss Pat C on July is, 20lo- dat PacifCorp Trassion Servces declar a new Point ofDeJiverlPoint of Recipt caled "Path Co.. On Septmbe 14,2010, Roclc Moun Power firs regniZed that the July 15, 20 i 0 ch elimina al identified baer to accngall;70 MW output from th XRO projects at Bra Subson. On Sepembe2\j 2010, Rocky Mountain Powe notified XRG tht it is able to pur out ftri alJour prpose XRO prjec at the Bray Substion Poin of Delive at th p\1bli$ avoided co rate in efec on th date th paes execute PPAs for such projects. Plea refer to Attent XRO 5 for a copy of the Sembe 21, 2010 letr. Recrdolder: Sponso: Bnie Grswold To Be Deteinec ,f ~;,.1- , ~.', .. XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 35 Case No. PAC-E-IO-08PAC-Bot o-08JRoc Mounta Powe Sepbe 27, 2010 no Data Request 9 DG Da Request 9 Referce Ânsert FIT AFFI tr DEFENSE. Plea explain how XRO could execute PP As when Rocky .M9Uø.n Power did not prvide XRO's reue PPAs. Plea identi ai;pr~de th communcaon from Roy Mou Powe inorming XRO th thè one PPA prvided fo one of the four XRO prjecs shoul be us fo th reaing XRO projects. Repo to XRG Data Reuest 9 Rocky Moun Powe objects to XRO's Data Requet 9 to th ext th it see an expe opinon, a legal opinion, or legal arguent and to th extt it cals for Rocky Mowiwn Power to stte an opinon not previously wrtt. Se ¡PUC Rule 225. Notwtb~ and Witbout waiving th foregoing objections, Rocky Mountan Powrre.snds as follows. XRO could not execute PPAs beus XRO did not negotiat PPAs to completion with Roc Mounta Power pnor to th Mah 15, 2010 rate change. Roc Mounta Power did no exlan to XRO in wrg th the one dr PPA provied by Rocky Mou Powe on" May i i. 200. shuld be us for the reai XRO projec. XRO.~l~:i a July 6. 2009 e-mail, an again in a Mah I 1, 2010 e-mail to anice Or~oi~ tht it would tak the dr PPA prvide by Rocky Mountan POWCpn)Aay i 1. 200 an replicat it to crete PP As fur its oth th prjec pi~refer to Exhbits A- 17 an A-23 to Rocky Mouta Powe's Fir Pructiòn Reuest to th XRO LLCs, at as pa of Atthm no 1. XRO al delar on Marh 11. 2010, tht it would pr Roky Mowitan Powe with ree maup of thse four dr pp As for Roc Mounta Power's review an apval. XRO ha never prted the dr to Rocky Moun Power. Recrdlde:Spor:Bru Gnswlèf ..~. To Be Deteinel',", t/ \': l I XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 36 Case No. PAC-E-IO-08PAC..E-IO-Q3/Roky Mounta Power Septmber 27, 2010 XRQ~ ReqlJe$tll XRG DataR~..est 11 Refeiçe .Ansr, THll AFFlRATIEPEFENSE. WOldR.ockyMounta Powe consider action in contrcton with FERCinteecontues to be ba fath? Would Roky Mounta Powe consde it to.~ ba fai to refu.to pross reues for PPAs on th gruns th trsmission caity is perceived to be lackig at a ti whe Rocky Mountan Power knew., or could reanably anticipate, tht trsnission caity would not be a problem on the prpose online date in th PPAs? Repö_to DGDat Req..estU Rocky Moimtä.úiPowetobjectstö XR6's DataRequest i 1. ort.tliWöUn thåtit ~KSeKpê .Qpimon, a Iegalopinon,or legatargueritandonttcrgrOl.ds tbatit cals for Rocky Mow: Power to St an opinon not previously wrtt. See !PUC Rule 225. Recrdlder: Sponsor: 8niceOrswldTriBe Detêd XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 37 Case No. PAC-E-IO-08PAC-E- i o-08IRocky Mounta Power Sebe 27, 20 i 0no Da Reuest 12 DG Datà Request 12 Do PacitiCorp or any of its afliat cons tr upgr that ar likely to occur whn it commts itlf an' its ratepyers to utty-own geon reures? If so, pleae: 'C?Plam how Roc Mounta Powe pres XRO's re for intercOilec an PP As on a nondiscmiorbas ~pa to otr cume, ì'iìludng utlity-owned generon reures. Refernce 18 C.F.R. § 292.306(a). Rocky Móunta Power adinisterXRO's QFPPAteues in acrd With itsPt.AobligationsaiIÔ1b() Coiiioii ii.e.sand ordet. N"on..QF iresós would bcadster .~~.COm~y-iS$~ed ReauestFot Ptpo~l (RP) prS Whe.~.~url,inludiiniany inepede devel0lJ(itie1ud¡ in~ QF*).~.ù,iit-0wn$enonre\Uee who cJiose to bid into th R., .ar tl~li a non-discriory mantwith indetevaluaov~i¡h onlieproçesa. andcommuncatIpii.Rocky Moimta Power's RFP Proe$San doçumeit ar post on its website. If th QF is not selec un th RF pro, the QF ca stll re a PPA frm Rocky Moutan Powe un PUR A obligaons. Rocky Mountan Powe trts all QFs reuesting a PPA Ulde PÜk A obligaon in the sae non- discminator man. . ., Reerdolder: Spons: Bru GrswoldTo Be De tf., PAC-B..io.08IRoc Moun Power Debe ilt 2010XRGDa Requ 16 - XRGData Reues 16 Plea prvide Roc Moui Po's poli by whch tho.~ ai tr ar of th Co re infon re trsson ai reue ne re st ft th trssioi side of th Compy for PPAs. lith policy is difft for PUR A PP As or for off-sýs PPAs, plea prvide the seartêpolícyìes). . XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 38 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 Resøs to XRG Data Reques 16 Ro Moun Power's Coer an Tra bus un rees inonti re.trsson an ne reur rees thugh PacfiCorp Trasson th wholes tnamison busine unt ofPacCo. PacColp's wholese trsmiss sece ar re by th Fed Ener R.Co (PRC) wei co-ba regulation subject toPacCoi's Op Ac Trasson Tarff, whch ha be on file at th PERC si 1989. PacfiCots tmission bus op inntly an in it trsson sece on a noat bass usin th public Op Accss Same-tie Inon Sys (OASIS). Plea refer to Att XRO 16 for a coy of Trasson' s BUs Prce #9: NetorkLo and Reur Addtion an Ch. Rede Bt' Grswold lDesDeSp -Biu Grold 10 PA~-10.8 XRG16~~XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 39~~XRG 1l Case No. PAC-E-10-08r~.".,,.~ Bu.....Pl'~",: :Nno..k l.lind. a...reAddtióJs fld ClåDg. pfJ:MåY23,~001Katt~Y23,2()B~N(): 0.0 Not to aD Enties: niQA.ITplVidetiu~ta iraîssiônCusmeriny see its Nerk Lo utilzingNotQitIn~n. Trasnissioo Ser'i~. 'I.NetQrk Trasiision Custme mus submit a Cørleted Apli~iQnp'lrst to Setion 29 for all New. Netrk Lö (SeQn 31.2). Se~n 31,~Qfth~OATT rellÎtS a Netork Cusme to submit ...~. lQl an l'(LR)fO ûPdatt~ for it :Netork. Lo and keSQurce.PaifiCôrpusetbe$efø_tbrtrÎSionplang. inchidingbut not. limited totr~ion ~italloctin a1iti expaion plans to asist PacifiCQI. in~lia1ly seÙJ it C\tnet løa.CuntteYeaL&R.infonntionisre'lird to be stbrit at lea on..pe yeaûöm eah Netork Cl1mer. Netork Ctistoiar .alSQ reuiretosubrit timely wrtt nQtiçe of material ehangestoany infoitionprovid in,. Cöniple Application relatg tQ the Netor Custer's NetwórLös, Netrk lesø~,it trsmissonsyst or oter 8S.()f its failtie$or opeQnsafg th TraiQtiPrvider'sabilty tQplvide . reliabJeserviçe. Th Netk Cusoner $luIdcleay . idetify . any chages to the an'llsubnission in aU inir"yea submisions. ~ifiCQ t.i.si() willrev~,sty. and. açmmodte int-yea clip$ts SQ aspraticaleonceteived. 1Iis~ineprticeappli($.to aU trission C\ltomer unless explicitly contrcte bY Cötttes. Netork Lod Additi 1IisbQsîiss ~cWifies whPaciñCorp considers to bea~íiew" load or re'I, öt)a~lnat chage" in load. tbfoUowig atootiider "' loa. anreuirasepa Cømplet Applicaon put to ses 29 and 31 of the OA'l: · In~ji .1Qå no alrey aeunte for in th. L&k,tothe disbusystm (qo JcV)aioneslof2MW or gr~ · In~in lo nQt al..aeunte for in tbL&R. to tbtrissioii .sy (~ leV) atör.sit of S MW or grer. 1IefcilQwing arCQnsidere "matrial. çhage" an reuir tirelywren 110ticetothe trsmissiotproviderput to 31.6 ôfth QA IT: Pa Bu.. Pr Att XRG 18,pd 1 Pag1Of2 10 PAc--10. XRG16 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 40 AtXRG16 Case No. PAC-E-1O-08~~Tra",~~ · Inl'inlOl t1otalraceounted (or in tñ.L&R,to ti dbtri1:onsysi (~O.kV) atone sit grr tll MWbiit le$stI 2 MW. · Incr. in ioa nøt aladaclJte fotintheL&llto the iiiSion syste (:;.40kV) at one sit gr th I MW but lestl 5 MW. · Reuction in 10lnot al acun (or in th L&Il atoisÎt oneit the distrbuton or trsmision syst of S MW or gr. Lo inres unde 1 MW ar consid oranic grwt and do no reqit tiely wrtt nøtice or a Complet Applion. NemOl Relure Adtu Mew Network ltures or cbagetø the naeplae ()çøiiiingsorlKis!NetWøt~W'rean e~~ ineçonagmetpumto PaIV or Vqftñ OA.Tt and .. Coniplet Appliønpuuat to.seon29and 30 oftb OA.Tt. Reue for ne Netor Reur deignon shaH be madt1ag searte OASIS .reque for service tø .ilow PacifCor. the opit to reie and respnd accoin to Setin 32 oftheOA.1T. Cô._'Qr~: busj~.co I.F~ IDa':.o.o:~:i~~ Pacor Sune Pr 2 Ath XRG 16.pd Pag2of2 PAC~B-lo-ky Mountan Power Debe 21, 201 () XRO Da Reue 17 XRG Data Reue 17 Plea exp how the Coy's two aI coply with PE's m¡tth th tw not cou. regag trssion rets. XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 41 Case No. PAC-E-I0-08 Res to XRG Data Reue i 7 Plea reer to Atthm XRO 17, a coy of PacfiCo's Sta of CoColian Pr. Th Fed En Reg Comon Stada of Cond fo ttsnion prvi ar avaable on PafiCo Tnusson's OASIS webite. ~old BriGnold/.J..DesS~ Bni Grswold 10 PAC.E..1ß.8 XRG17 ~.~!flf~RP Standards of Conduct Compliance Procedures Att XRG 17.pd Pag 1 Of 18 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 42 Atthm XRG17 Case No. PAC-E-IO-08 PO M8 1. 2010 3I10 10 PAC-E-10. XRG 1tABLE OF CONTENT XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 43~AAG17 Case No. PAC-E-1O-08 St or Conuc Coplia Pr Att XRG 11.p Pag2of18 ro PAe-.10- XRG17 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 4+.me XRG 17 Case No. PAC-E-10-08¡'Ai IFICORP I. Introucton 1he leer~ .En~tnCoIle'FB1~.c')St$Of omd.uctfoUr~ plvìdéi ("StådaOf COdtid')ai de to proæføfudai prle; 1. AtrOñpródemusttreanil trsioo aito,åf~anri, onanoundl1ydiry bas, an mus no ma or grt any unuep~ Qt advan to any pers or Sl any pe to undue prdiæ or didvata With reto any tra.on of elec en in inte co,01' wi~. roth whle8sae of elec er in iiilest comm.;L Å ~ÍQprdeist:onfuoneilny inU$ ftgjii~ently frm itslIfuemployeerexcas pettinthruor~ pett byFECorr,3. A trï'óiprovide mdlts eml'l()~C0ttåc, cötats lidagets at~tefrincU~pruslilLt(dut"Ü)~, :rb1ic~tpfuOll iitmontothtr~ ptOde~s ìMkefumtemp~..4. Atraniiionprd.eimuspreqac to nopublic.tninon~on innntin to al itstt cu afte an noteexce in th ca. of co cutome inti or crtica en inasetreirortion Ii~ of th ob PE ha prulte ru th.govetlir~çí ar.((Jtuncati ben ce employee wi Pacrp, anwi .rei.toeert inAl employee ofPaØ.ar PacCo's afte mus çomplywìth. the Stof Coucttues. '1St.ofCouct Copli ~ulexli FBC'stuan th pturPaciCorpan its aftèwi fol.owin orgrÜ)ÇOply With th tu 2.C:hlefC:orianeéOteer PaCor hadegn ColfNoas thclexJiofffor$t of~(~13.5$).M: Not~~fo~otC01latolaflite((mpli is..wi .MiRed, leal c: arèOliäriOfær (S(.l3-.81~), 3. Key Definits Th ru go inon be tranion fuon emplo and mâ fu emloyee, inud sittins wh an emploee who doe no fa with eith cà ac asa couit fo non-pblic tr fu inti Al of th tehave sp mean uner th ru, so ca un of FEaC's de is ke to copliæ. 2 Staar of Cond Coia Preó At XRG 17.pdf Page30f18 to PAc-.10- XRG17 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 4$\n'tXR17 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 I'A(IFI((JRP A. Traon Pn '1anio pro me any puli utiit tht own opate or cotrls fad1 us for th tr of elc en in inte co. PadCo is a tr prede I. Trisn Fuon Em ."' £uct emloyee me an employe cotrct cotat or ag of a tron prer who actly an pe en on a day-ty ba in tr fucton Tron fuon inude the pla dir or or ca out ofday-toy tr ope, indi th grantig and denyi oftrss se re. Ce Pa Powereiloyee ar tr fuon emloy (fo exple QPlo, scul an emloye tht wor on tron sece aninte re). C. Ma func Em "M fu em" me an emloyee, ~ cotat or a¡t of a t: p:r or of an afte of a trss prde who acvey and pey en on a day-to ba in mllke ft, which geery meanth sae fo re of elc en or c: CeipadfCåt.~..~åfd...tt.oilo.mabt~.,~..ForaliofPad(J$ ~fuempIQY.pl.retpPa~s ~ web.orìl:Op~~nmeJntitiSys (OAS) website: htt://ww.0aÍ$.padftotp.c1 oa/Pf/~unctpIQyeLiH' PaCo'IÍ ~£ucton employeam al beid by e-addi ~tiof"llFundil"tøiiOWei~. fuonemloyecsnae. D.Afiau Al" of a sp en me an pe wh oo)s is ooll by or is uner co co with th sp enty. An afte in a divion of th sp enty tht opte as a funa unt Paàñ ba seer af indi but no lite to:Padf EnCo &i Tr 82 NE Multnma Sui 60 Por OR 9' Fo a ro li of PadCors afte, pleas re to Pacors Intet web site or its OAS we site: htt//ww.oa.pacorp.co/oa/ppw I afte.doc 3 Sta of Co Co Prre At XRG 17.pd Pa.4of18 10 PAe-..10-o XRG17 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 46 Atnt XRG 11 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 P'ACIIIC()ßJ* ...I..pedent Fqnctønini Rule Padfot'$~on fuon empioy mus fu indeently of Pacior!s makeÍ1 employee. Make fu emloy ar prit fr conduÇt tron sy option or iety fu, an make nucton empløyca have ac to a tranon cotr cer or ot t:onfaties or inatisytern th differ in any way fr th atpïdé tn.ii~ tton~. ~flcton empioye arptotefr.cxuct~.£u. .A.Phøi ~WorkSltiót!ót ~..fUónemplóyeofP~...at.Ph:y$~y..~~ .&o..th.oimake .fuat~ploy, an atis.~et Pac's tranon fu emloy ~ locte in two pla (1) at th Portan Cotr Cete at 9951 SE Any, an (2) at PadfCo's hedquar in th Lld Ce Towe on th 16t floo. No ~ fuon emploee ar stti at th Pord Col Cete or on th Uoyd Cete Tow 16t floo an ac to th trmin fati an fl is rect as describe in se 4.B. beow. Ma fu employ in Por ar lote on th 6t fl of th lloyd Cete Tow. No tr fuon employ ar stti on th 6t fl an tr fu employ do no have badge acc in the ar of th 6t fl wh matig fuon emploee ar locte. A vito log is mata at th lotion. 8.Acces Reons Visito lo ar ma at th Port Cotrl Cete. Notæ of any vits to th Porlan Conl Ce by maket fu emplo ar al pote on Pac's In we si or its OAS, alon wi a depton of th pu for th viit Th ll Ceter Tower budig is sh wi ot copa tl acc is l'trct by floo In th sitution any emlo who is no stlior on a pacu fi mus eithha a bage pett ac to th floa or must cota an employee on th fl to es th dur any flr acc. Badge for markeg fuon employee do no alow su emloye to acc a tr fu facity or floor With a pers esrt fr a tranon fuon or ot no-ma fucton employee. F1 badge fo tr fu employee do no al such em to have ac to ar hoin maketigfuon employ witht a pers esrt 4 Ath XRG 17.pd Sti of Co Co Pr Pag50f18 10 PAe--1Q-a XRG17 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2Page 47~.)G.11 Case No. PAC-E-IO-08 PAçifl(-()RI' S.No Couit. RulP~js~itefn ~~yoasa codUi fothdiofno-pilic ~~oninlitoilS makefUonemp~. Anem~~cotr~øn.tWagafP~Wit$aftei$~teft~1lpt(~~onintoany of th tranPtQtler~$ .n\~ftd'emplö)t N()..littronÑl()~ti~Ude.infoon:rti to tlp~~.~gQ1 ~out otday..tøayoptiönindithgrtilt denyi of ~sec;ie,.tlt jsnptavaßle tothpubIic() on th tr pr\1'sOA$. ~no CQnltrn aPi~totûemloye,whè() no anemplee.isdéSte as atränmifu()()m~ fuoneipioyeEmploy~ini-venOr..pulicOt coential tranfudioniiritionbUtth arptte fr sh such inal; w;th~fuempioyee thgh any rtA-puC01' off..ASIS èocati. lnadditithnocouiiu1eapP to eourcation~ PadRCQl'eiPloye Elø maft eJptyeof PacÇa af*Mi~..Bn.coy.iSan afæd el ~ pryi. P~Cqcash~() with Mierca.En Coinpany with on øcc:Qn.Mi~an ~Coparseledìktr~ c:lamafuet1oYee.Nonopublict: fuon Wonntieith~t Mita~CoiyOtpaâforp,shd be Sl. wi themloee. LiinoMi~am En Copay J.pili.tr f1ln()shcl be ~ wi.Padfi$~.lt trc1make fueipIo. SiiL~ Nót Natu Ga aIcl Ke. Riwraæafli gt tnsion prvide, Ce MidACland PaQCorpSas S1pply anunte re sece eiploye en in.1l ftdionthNOt Nå~ Ga or Ke Rive ~ No no pilic~()fictinnnati otNor or Ker $hdbeshw;th th èiiplòyéè 5 St of Conct Coe Pr At XRG 17.pd Pag6of18 10 PAe--1() XRG17 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 48Atme XRG 17 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 Pi\(lfl(()RP 6. Trancy RuleA.Co~ DI$O$re.R.ll'me If atr~Qtpreipiøyeedios.nøn-publi ttanftoitinrmtioninanl COtò tlSta of Col1cttheip1oyee .is..retø ~y CQctith.Re Coli R~at 5013-,.pr. 6, Øt801-22,pr.6,oranycoplæøfñce.IntiOh dîos in vîotation oftlStarof CQtdllct mus be ~tey po on th ln web si~ orOAS. i. Expt fo Cusme Infon an Cri Ener 1~c;reInftinUnd tl exem ttan prvîder al retøpøiiceof dios,l:t.nQ. it noafte. ct inrmtiQtor.çrti en fut1búritiOhonitslnetweb siæ6r OAS. 'lexeiptOrwialSaplyt6 lXy.() în~n.~Ca~is$Ubjtolite~tiQt. il.TI' ..5p. Ex..ptonUnciei tlexenpt~oiiprvid. donø ha'Yetø~yd*løeinti tht maie sole toa tr fucts sp ~fó~ ae. Th expt pe di of te inQt~iñ..~ sy ;,d prct. option of th tron sy if ælafew.tlrnk.fucts tranon rees il.Vourt Cose EX Anø-aftetUst.lXY vø~taçøtin wititØaUQWthe~Oh prvidetto..sh..su.ctLö'S intionWi~~OhenpJQ)ee.Jn.()idtø~~.alnøinIQiia~ly p~to'Uvol~y"CQt,FEC~ tltranfiioprdê t( pø noæóftloonst!l'fórits In web site. orOASlS,aløt with a~ thtìt did no prvieanyprce/eiiñøpøti;ie:m~in exchfó th votttcot. Iv. Reiait ~ toplEX Attprdé'sttònftOr and Inar.fuem~ mayexçlintipetocopUai\(::ewithRetyi~$Uch.~ mus betKed ex inemqr ci W'.ai:ld mus be rne Ûl' a$plctca. 'Ixetdsh bemadeavaUableto FECQ.po re'l ~ rny~is.()fha"Wrtt.ør.ty.no. elcresumas&mar ttines, or rerdediteexcl. The~r4mU$tbe.il: l9l'fteye Y. Exn. Ihfon NecêSto MåRln or ltÐpêl Thexemptøn aIows t:~prvils ~fuc:..i()_eø ~fu emIoyeto.exdtin ne to iiorIáre 6 SW1 of Cout Colice Prure At XRG 17.pd Pag 7ot18 10 PAe--1() XRG17 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2Page 49 ~1'~17 Case No. PAC-E-IO-08 lA1lfrcQHP opti of th tran syst or ge unts or inon th ma af thdi of geat unts Such ex mus be æc ext in em ci whe a re mus be made as so as prctle. Th re sh be mae available to FERC up rees Th re may ço of had-wrtt or ty no, elc æcrd such as e-in an te in or reed teho exch, Th re mus be re for five ye. I.Ac to Traisson Funeon Sp InfnPacCo ha stct its inimti ac sy to en ma £u emlo of PadCor an its affli do not have ac to inimti prbite un th Stda of Coduct PadCorp's inrmti te gr ha implemte cotrls, whdi ar rewed on a rear ba, to en acc re ar incoliæ. 7. i..." Web ..~. Rt4ui,.entIn~~~no~trprcerFEC~PaçCo topo~ intiQi Oi itli ~..Si. p~CQ's.lite we. si cube~ alWW~df.am. lroitionpoon th Intert websi is ~ fo fiVêyefot FBCau.di..Pa.l1 posudi inrmtiOn on itsOASlS. A. Ge Re annmin, of Poft i. A tranon provide mus upte te intion on its litet we site wi se bu days of any chge, an pot the date on whch th inrmti was update ii.In thevenat~sudiasanea~ l100 fiorhu.ca, ~y~pta~ptdet'$nørbu..opl:, the poti/reuiénts may be SUpe bythtlantn()prde If tldîpt la.m~ th on .~øn the~ion prvidtnttus.nQt l"C andlfy sek a fu exemptonfrinth..po.~ts. iJi.A1repotil1Usf besuffcitlyprtllastobe readily accib1e. ..W'ri.P~ PadECotp po~ wrltpr for ii1etati of th $bø ofQmuçt on its InwebsiteandOAS. 7 Sta d Co Coia Pr At XRG 17.pd PagSOf18 10 PAe--10. XRG17 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page SO AtmeXRG 17 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 I'A(lfl(ORf' c.o..~.~ PaciÇotpPQ .~ÍQl1owm~ti inti() on its ~'Welslte · Th naeS an ad ofPaåfCos .ite tlt ~pl or remalæ fuct emloye; · A li Of faciti sh by tr fu eilq aninfict emploee, includi th ty Of fati sh an th addi; an · Th job titl an jo despt Of tTon fuon erp~. I) ~ .""nnn PacCotp ù:...po.itimtior~ip(lW.~.~ias..åffiiateWith seend4Y$a£thepø~ti..~ iS~.PaciCottn$t.altrt ~pøtial tr påasAA afate. E. E""Tl"Eimay tran be. ~~ønfuonantl in ftcm so lon as SU ttiS1\uslaç:eit thStoi Couct N~ ofanyempløyttfmbéèeth ~ fucton and th ma (u Win bepoteon the htte web site an OAS and inude the. £oinOrón: · NaiOf trfegerployæ; " 1hievetit:es held at the pror anci ne potion;anci · 1heff date of th tt. Employee tr sh not be us as a couit for im inrmtion sh (i.e., no "cycl ba and fo beee th t: fu and th make fuct in orer to evad th inrmtion dios pr1)tión). Employ tr intion mus te po on th Inet web site an OAS fo ni days. 8. Separ Bo and Records PacCo ma it bo of ac and rerd setey fti th of its aîte tht emlo or re ma fuon employ. paås bob an rerd aravaile fo FEC inon at PacCos he 82 NB Multn por Or 972. 8 Sta of Co Coia Pred Att XRG 17.pd Pa9of18 10 PAc.-10.8 XRG17 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 5~l'.x11 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 PAClfIC()f\P 9. Sands of Cond TraniniA... ofCoTrain Rere Th Stda of Coct ie, an PadfCo pr, tr for al trfuon emplye marke fu emloy, ofce di su employan any ot empl li to be pr to tron fu inrm Th emloee mus :æve the Sta of Conduct prur in wrtt fo an mus re Stdar of Coduct tr with th fit th days of emplym ø.AnTrani., P..PadCoprde an tr on th St of Co ru to al emplo an cotrct with asgn P-num An ex mus be apprved by th compli of. 'l.trtnbe live Otetc. oncötion of bo EmpoyWi be ti .tothav~.a¡5(he(bJlingofsudi tiUûngby bu\Ut mageorth~ai Oltoftpli~ c. .c.CaAlemplothtpardpinSt ofCònct trft'U šignaæion $ttithtithh.e.~. l:, In th.~of~c tr~emploE!~ be ~ toceé~øitNtth have ~in th tr;MalU tr aucatiOfaæmallbyth~. ~fîn a 6ldot FECaudit. 10. Ope Ac:c:esTra.lon Tar Implemnton ~.~onptvideinus apiyal.opacc.~ ta (ØATT).~ré~ foth puor $å of~on se (inUd butnoJitefo, ùiofprçe/~, sc~pr~ .an seCl or baina fa li~anno~ rn.Th ~on ptvidetmupt alsi ~secereint:sa ~ancl with th sa t:efr~. A..5t. ~ ofT Pl'~~iopiermWòtstdd:yen alOATTpr tht 40rt ~ prde fò th usofdion. 9 Sta of Couci Co Prre At XRG 17.pd P910of18 10 PAc--10- XRG17 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 51AmeXRG 11 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 PALlflCORP I I. Oter InformnShnl Resrls Inadtiorrtoth inrm shre01.re bythS~ofeodt1ctFEC's seate Ma-B Ra Af Re en tht HmairtiøJ.' is no pa beee PadfCo En employe or its cotrac an .aneinployee of a in-ite powe sa afte such as Corova En Coy;d:yor indiy. "M in" is bry def by FERCtome acouneaonbeeeautityanitsafte poer ma COth utitys, órhafte powetmarke's, powerortranioI\ bu, inuding:· PosliveiUdneliveitlionstch as saórpuSé thtWiårWi.rIbe made¡ · Prt or Ñtuittlo,· C~otpoli mf:itionw " Iiti ofSicaL or slt value. Th Afæ Reon al pre tht PaåCo wi not dùy or in.prade to any afte powe make peel no-puHc intiOl æggtr~avaty term or rate on Pacor's tron SYte unf$sichin:ition · Is prvided in re to a tees by a poer tra.tefQr~Olgeiæ uner PaciCorp's op-acc tron ta; · Per to thiese and · Iscopååbleto hinontion prdedfu nofafteMttitiiintMeoletåfth~fc~ÎSon~æ. PacCorp wi po on its OASIS th dition of any re fo trmiion sece by any poer makeg.afte in h sama as it wou po inrmtion fo a ret fo sece by an no-aJiate elle entity. 12. Quesons and Inquiries Any queson or co reate to Staar of Couc compli or an copli ret des here shd be addr to Colt Nor at 503-13-554. In addition any emloye revig coplicerete inqu fr exte pa, includi but no limited to pa rerenti FEC, otr retory boes, copa or copetitors, shoud re sad pa to th nu.. 10 Stda of Codu Copl Prcedun Att XRG 17.pd Pag 110118 10 PAC--1Q- XR17 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 5~rrXRG11 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 Atth XRG 17.pd Page 12 of 18 10 PAC-E-1o-OS XRG17 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 5Init~G 17 Case No. PAC-E-IO-08 Attach XRG 17.pd Page 13 of 18 10 PAe--10- XR17 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 5imeXRG17 Case No. PAC-E-l0-08 Ath XRG 17.pdf Page 14 of 18 ID PAC-E-10- XRG17 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page ~riènXRG17 Case No. PAC-E-IO-08 Attch XRG 17.pd page 15 of18 10 PAø.-1Q; XRG17 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page SRttritXRG 17 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 Atth XRG 17.pd Page 16 of 18 10 PAe--10- XRG17 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page ~me XRG 17 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 At1h XRG 17.pdf Page 17 of 18 10 PAe-.10- XRG17 3/10 Atth XRG 17.pd XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page ~metXRG 11 Case No. PAC-E-IO-08 ~~!.!!lRP Pa.18of 18 PAC.,E40-lRocky Mounta PoWer ~be21~~OlO XRGData R.uet18 :QGDjtReq1H18 Plea explai how-th Coy coplied with th pøcìe di inresp to pron re i 6 an i 7 in its negoaton with XRO for th PPAs at issue in th Complo XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 60 Case No. PAC-E-IO-08 Res to XRG Data Reque 18 Th Coiy~smerbatfictonut1ìztrissió~infoinpubliciy avai1lbleonth P~cifiCør Tnuion OASISw~site,fol1owingthe Stada øtCOduct pr prvide in AttentXRO.17, Reclde Biie (Jold / Des DesSpo Bro Grswold PAC-E- io-8Iocky Mou PoweDe 21,2010 XRO Da Reue 19 XRData Reque 19 R.ef Roc Mou Pow's Re to no's Fir Pron Recst Att XRO 1, Par 2. Pl prvide th job titl an detionfor th followig invis dur th ti fr of the corr prvide by Roky Mounta Pow. XRG Answèr SJ Exhibit 2 Page 61 Case No. PAC-E-I0-08 a. John Youne b. Bruce Grswold c. Nae Weslingd Chs Pa e. Jim Portwf. DaHei Resnse to DC Data Reques 19 Nam, poitn, de buses un a. Joh Youne, Co Admstr, Coeral an Trg. P8fiCor b. Br Orld,Di, ShorTen Orgion an QF Cotr,Comer and Tra, PafiCo Engy . c. Nat Weslin Maag, Cret, Cret, PacifiCoi d Chs Papusk, Dior, :R isk M8Dagent, Cret, PacfiCor e. Jim POluw, Tra, Engy Mang, Coial an Traing, PaeifiCo f. Da He, Anys FinAcctig, Comia an Trag, PacfiCo b:lde; Br Grswold lDe DeS~ Bru.Grswøld PAC-E-1O..08IRky Mounta Power Deceer21,2010 XRGData Requet 20 XRC Data R.eques io XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 62 Case No. PAC-E-IO-08 Did Rocky Mou Power inor XRO dur a telopho COYétiønonor ab\Ú Novembe 10, 200, th ttsson may be avle for all f01 XRO projects if the prjec cae on on or aftr JuneZOII? If so,. plea idetify anprovidesigdoentseslisngWheRöCkfMòuntaPowetfut Qee awar of ths possibilty of adtiøna1:Ì$iøn çaìt. Resonse to XRG Data Reues io Nø. Tbe~~ di$ÇU$trsioncon$Ilts.4ug aNov~rlO,2Q0 coiierecaUdurng which XRGsiiggestha.~a Jun20U CØercial ønin_ foritsprostprjeçis niightlltletn$$ion contrt issue. Rocky Mounta Pøwerdidnot.ag tbta June 2011 one date wod aØly ad th trsmisson ooI't issu. Du the Novembe 10, 200 coce cal, the paes di th Rocky Mounta Power's trsson fution ("PacfiCoi Trasson Serces" or "PTS") is Kheduled to complet a sees of trsson sy impryements beee Popus Subston and Ter Subtion by Janua 2011. However, the paes also dise the fa th Ro Moun. Power's me fucton ("Comm an Trag" or "C&T') do not cotrol the PTS cons schee rega suh trsson sys imprvemts and tht C&T ha no asur tht suc imroemts will be available in Janua 20 i i or at any tie in 20 i 1. Moreer, copleton of th Populus- Ter upgr likely would not alevate constrnts acs Path C sucitly toacmm all 70 MW ofXRG's propo output at Bray without cain Rock Mountan Power to cu a corrndg amou of fi imrt fr Network Reoures utizng the lim Path Ctrsmission caity. ReldeSpor:Bruce Grswold Bruce Grswold PAC-E..io-08Iooky Mountain Power Debe 21, 2010 XRO Da Reue 21 DO Data R.ue 21 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 63 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 Refeiai Rocky Moun Pow's. Resns to XRO's Fiø Pron Reques Att XRO S. a. Plea exlai bow PacfiCorp C&T bee awar of Pa Con Sepbe 13,2010. b. Plça explai wh PacfiCo Traion fi be awa th Path C wonld exist. R.llsetonG.J) Requestlt a. PaefiCoip C&Treewedtb availetrSsion caty~on for patCq:n P~ifiGorp Tnission'sOASIS weite. b. paçifCqrp. Tl'usrisoi.fideitwou1ddeiptPai C as. Poi ofServee(for:netoit reat()) qtt OASIS afew week$.PJ() to 1uly 15, 2010, 'W itd.ver tbldi Powehasplîtits OASIS po naed "IlBR,"wlebisaaacenttq Pat C,into sean dièt$Ccdg PQintSna "Bonn" an .~ray:' PaeifiCor Traionimplen~ theebaon July 15,2010. PAC.E-l ()8/ocky Mouta Powe ' Debe 21 t 201 0 XRG PaRequc$t 21 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 64 Case No. PAC-E-10.08 e. Neitb. PacfiCo Trasmisson wa no awa, at th tie it øegn, Path C as a Poi of $~ce, th th cha would have any efeç() the ability to prvide futu t:ssîonseceto XRO. d. ThedirefetooiiJulylS, iQIOwaii . new ~~ pa .po'..butin Wa årting .()ftliahY'exîsti~PatCpo. e. (î) Yes, PacfiCo Tron êoidepr'.pa' iø.redigto rets fortrSTissøi sece. (ii) Yes,PaçifiCo Traon prde aplicæts fo. trD$ii$iOl sece withiirmon abut fl trssøi .sy up~thtmaYi:lCan aplicatsabiltyto seur trSSon sece. HO'evr~th July 15, 2010 inodêåontø path C$a PoiøtofSece W8iiota ~on systeim~ (il) No, as of De 20, 20 1 0 ther ha be no trss seee reest for the XRG prec. f. PacfiCo Trasmisson deign Pa C as a Poin of Se (for neor reaton) 00 July 15, 2010. Th cha prvide adti fischeul flexbil, wi th un ret tht mo reur using differ fi pat to Pat C Poin of Sece coul be scheuled usg th sa fi pa fr Pat C Point of Sece to Ut loa even though no phyica upgr ocur Beus thre was no physic upgr rela to the July 1 S, 2010 ch, an beau th in in scheg flexiilty tht rete fr th .July 15, 2010 chage wa not ex C&T did nø look for or diver new flexibilty acs Pat C unti XRO's Firt Dat Reque caus C&T to review Pat C OASIS de in Sebe 2010. g. No, PaeifCor C&T ba no knwlede of avaable caty ac Pat C prior to Setebe 13, 2010. Pnorto Septebe 13, 2010, C&Tbelieved thal Pat C available caacty ha be reed an ba no exon tb caity wod be avable. In re to XRO diver re PafiCor C&Tmad OASIS inqes on Setebe 13,2010 an discver the &Yaile cacity. C&T immedly reque all avaable caty fr PacfiCo Traion an reuested th PacfiCoi Traisson alocte th caty to C&T as Networ t:ion to deiver Network reur to Network loa Recolde: Grold I Desmas Spor: Bre Grswld PAC-E- i 0-81Roc Mounta Power Debe21, 2010 XRG Da Rees 22 XRG Data :Reques ii Refen Ro Mouta Powe's Re to XRO's Fir Pi Re æqt No.7. XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 65 Case No. PAC-E-IO-08 a. Do Roc Mountan Pow adt tbt it did not provide its deptn of th ''p flws an omss in XRO's aplicaon maals" ua itsSep 2 i, 2010 let b. If no plea idtify an prvide th code ft Roky Moun Power describing su "pt flaws and omssons~' eaier. c. Is it Roc Mou Pow's policy in PURA negotion to wat apxily 1 ye and g month (Jan 200 to Sebe 2010) af aPPA re to prvide Ro Moun Power's detin of th "patet flws an omission" in a PUR A PPA aplion în a ma sutialy simla to tht at to the Sein 21, 2010 let. do If no plea explain why Rocky Mounta Power waite appxily 1 ye an 8 month to re to no's reue at isue in th Complabit. ReBS to DC Data Reque 22 llocyMountanl'ower objeçtoX'G'sDa Reqv,22 to tli~~tbit Sêlcàl expopinon~ iåtepopinonörleg areItan to th extet it calsfor R.()Mou Power to s..an QPiinii .pre()lywrtw ~irUC Rte22S. No an witb waiVig th fotgoing øbjøønR.ockyMount. power re as foiiows. a. No. b. Pactl()nQted~O of potetial "f tl"ne~XR(l's coon it fuer due digen onOçbe 2,200,an.gln () Apri13, 2~10. Thse wrtiwer prvidedasEXbitA..19andEXhbitA-2S, revely, inEXhbit A, to Rocky Mounta Power's Fi. Pron .Req to XRO. c. No. d. As.discit Rocky Mouta Power's R~toXR.rl'sFir PJuÇ() R.~t,:oRees No.7, Rocky MOun Power seXRG a dr PPA anasedJorcomments on May III 20Q. XRG4id iitrean.c. wicoelts,reionsoradtiøn inormtirept thdrPPA. Rocky Mounta Powerreite itsret for couuenonthe dr. lPA on Oc~2, 2QQ9. Apin,XRG 4idnot re Neenextste in PAC-E-I0-lRky Mounta Power Debe .21,2010 ARGData R.es 22 netig th dr PPA ar th rebilty of XRO. XROneetoverfy tbtthinon0n prvide by it in Janua 200 is stU cot (as RÔky Moun~in Powerre in Ocbe 200 and Apr i3~2010).XROnee to. tellR()ky MO\ Power if any of th te.pfthe P.PA arnøt ~lean 'Proaltetive lague, ifany. XRGålsOIleetoIIe Chceinth drPPA, suh as eleçwbafc of~layaefatítsety it will prvide an wli it Wi prvi fiial inon in aida! Ro Mouta Power's crtwort review. Unt XRG prvide siß informon Rooky Moun Power cat dee.with cety.wh prjec-spfic iion is misug, wh inoron is in or wbâ adtion inoration may stll be reui As dius in th ~ns to ARGDataR.t No. 10, thpt of deel()inaR~sa inftîonforan Ida PPA is iteve. Any faJurwdelopsut ii~in~öt Wìtl .te.to.XRG'srefotPPAsiibetJtetofncr'srefu to~dto,orcøeJt.qi tldrPPA~ by Roky ~oanPowet.lietiecXRG ha boyethe)~and Roc MoutaiiPower ~ be left to ~veadialogWìthil$lf.'llK- excltisive lits ofii inortion prvide by Roky Moun Power on Sebe 21, 2010 wer a ¡o fath ef by Ro Moun Power to ma pr noth no's lac of coon Roc Mounta Power dees tht its Sebe 2 l, 2010 let wa th fi ti it councate with XRG rega ne inoo. XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 66 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 Reclde: Bru Grswold Sponsr: Broe Grswold PAC..E-l Q.08l Mounta Power Debe 21, 2010 XRO Da Reque 23 XRG Data Reques 23 Refer Ans FOURTH AFTIV DEFESE. Ple idetify an provi al dots or evden sn th ason th no's prjCG wer not suciently ma. XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 2 Page 67 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 Jl to DG Data Req 23 Roc Mouta Power obec to XRO's Da Reque 23 to th cxæt th it ca for all doents an stu on th grun th it is unuly buen.overy br an may se irlevant and or pnvieg infoon Rtl Mol, Poweobec to XRO's Da Reque 23 to the exte it se ex opti a leg opon or le argu an to the exte th it cals for Ro Mou Power to st an opinon not prviouy wrtt See IPUC Rule 225. Notthing an withut wavig th forein obecon Roky Mounta Power resp as fonows. Rqçky M9U1t$in Pow$" baaJYprvide XRO with ail.non-pvilcF dourrespiveto XRG'sDa.llt ~3. ReldSp Bru Grswold I Des Des Bnie Grswold Case No. PAC-E-IO-08 ,"'-r1lJL.ì 11'.... q eEB. ')? P"A 2~ 49,Jjli \ _,~,' Lf- ,1. XRG LLCs' ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR SUMY JUGMENT EXHIBIT 3 Rocky Mountain Power's September 21, 2010 letter regarding transmission a'failabilit) and XRG,LLCs' December 13,2010 letter -- REDACTED !!Adams i:gt: ."m: To: CO:IUbj:..me: XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 3 Page 1 Case No. PAC-E-IO-08 Jef 1.,.(I~.lkl.C(lT~l~2tl2010 5:43PMPetRicrd Kerf Kaufmann; Gr. Ad Re:XRGPecCQ No ofavai'bltrnsmi$$iO 21$e010.póf; ATT02188.tx Pete: SOnds goo. It. attaçhing atøpy of ,letter that Bruce Griswold just sent to i,.,Clrkt.lis. ....r41nl -traiisødssiOra\llililbility. Thanks, Jef 1 ~~~fe XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 3 Page 2 Case No. PAC-E-IO-08lis MiJh,st 600Por. 0r9n32 Seembe 2 I, 2010 Mr. Jim T. Cas 1424.Po A.ve. HeleaMT 5961 Rø XRG-Dp..7, XlG-DP-, XRG-DP-9, XRG-P-ltJ, LL, De Mt.Cais: OtJuly i St 2010,iPâCCo TraisSol'.(If1iptt a .Re.Poiøt ofOelivelPoint ofR~tfutNetot Tiansson$er~ undeits.Op Acc Trasson TadCåed "Pat C".PacfiCo Coal &: Trag ("PacfiCoi C&'rbeeawaofthîi of tl~to XJG's prj~ alve,on~be 13,.2010. Tl.nePoiofDeVelPointøflùptatPatCetecveY.inavaablefi ~().lCPatC an relve PacfiCo C&T's COl'ce$ attbstiC' abuttiav~offi~oi Resur Tanissol' Sen~for theÍ(urQFptee,ab~ pr by XRGtotWverto PaefiCoip at Bry, lda.. Ther~' .tl..ICer prvideXRG..OP"7LLC XRG~DP..8LL, XRG-DP..9 LL, an XRG~DP-IOL.LC 11ti~tmPacñCoC&Tis iiw~toen_intoa 2()yellwe J'ur apâlt Wie8 ofthes~~,atii cut avode QO..t'se fort in OPIJC or. NQ.310ZS (or..su sn~ taasmabein et ol'.the da th paes execpowè puagreits foth~jec). i Fit c:tyfo Netpt Res 'lissonSCceac Pat C Wil beal.~y Pacfteo Trasmison 00 a fi cot%ñr seed.bais. i.lfyou WQuld ~tomoveføa:with yourpiêê~co~ meat.SO~813-52i8.as son as poible. If you dedeto pu. aU fourpree we woud rees an up on eaèb ptjecpett.~~S(tbweça C0:Yaiexely.pr..~PPAs.Eah~rel$. crcat'ecspinon. roQF PPA prtionbmtheinmaynotbeal i~ve. AdditiotW inonir beaswe~aiexch dra. ~: XJCìDir..lequi1aIIionn; XRG-OP8..leqlÛed hûon; XR~DP9 ReqIntion XRG~DPio-Req Iinnon co: P_R.~n Danel SolarJetEr i Pac CAT do no gø th PaCo T~ wi lt N. Re TransDisø Se to th XRO Prje. Howeve Paciñ CAT is no lon awa of any lily fa flw th wo pt Pa Tmn8S ftm gr su a re XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 3 Page 3 P.Sì-l1P7OlWAllÛimdM . .. . . . ..... Case No. PAC-E-10-08 Nø~; hJmtlirre~ Ihtliemtixis:noi to Jwc()idmd inclu.'fil'tQldisnot,tnul lt PPA p.ralJtilltilbølhP(rtiesagQn n11 inlOttatiQ17.P~by Pac- 9121110 XRG-DP7 - R.equ InformtioD (a) DemnstiÓ1 abilty to obai OF stat (b) Desig capaci (MW).stion se res. and ne amt of power delive to th Comy's electrc svem (e) Getion teclog another reed technlog aolicable to th site (d) pr site locion (el ScClule of moly power devees (1) Calti ordeion of in an maimum annal deivees (g) Moti\'e for or fu pbln (h) pred onlin da an ot signficat daes reir to colete miesones Pro'Vded - Januar 21, 209 Prde FERC Fen S56 - QF Self Cerification Ten DeWin 08.2. 2MW tu totali 19.8 MW DeWind 08.2. 2MW tures Casia Coun, ID Provided ma of turine lociOD Prvided i2X4 gen for vesta V90 i.8 MW Vt'T No Iiormtion Prvided Prvided 12X4 getion fo Ve$ V90 1.8 MW WTG 1$r Ener = 1211110 Addiolln(ormatin reauesed by PatiCotv: Prvide OF nube when Fonn 556 ackwleded by FERC Esimte sttion sece for ea turb; wil serae statio seice be reuir? Ar these still the ~leced turin? Prvide tuine snficaon Prvide cool1tes of prjec and tax lot numer. Prde loctio of suation. Map shos 13 turin. rcile infomtion prvided in (b).(c), eeL. an (2) Recnce diy in turin mafacture in (b) an (c) and (e) prouctionforet. Prvide th corr 12X24 for the se0ced turne. Include the file in excel formt. Prd~ calcuatio of mini maini and averge anua geertion Conin data is stll valid. Provie wind stud for nroiec. Prvide upted sce to acheve th da inlud interon and cotrct milesone(i) pr cont ter and. viion (J) Staus of intertion ortrion art 2Q ya~ qo-lev non- fuel Internnecon i. thgh BPA Prvide $tatu of Seller' s interion applicaion with BP A; provide date Seller's aplicaion was dee colete by BPA; provide co of SiS and oth stes. if avilable; prvide documtaton of avilabilty of tron for Priec to XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 3 Page 4 BC-PM QFPPl)Ol1d01l. ... Case No. PAC-E-IO-ØS i¥Q1e: Inforation reue,tI,d in thèmtitr.is not to be,'onsdtmi iiit1usiveond is tlot.fiulfor PPA prerotiollUltil both ptttes aplon (i1 in/ormation. Prear by Pac - 9/21/10 (k) poin of deive Bray Subsation Brady. If available; prvide schede of reining interecion work Idenify prourt lead- time for majorinterion co an inicate whethe suh interion eqpinent hasbee or Provide sts ofBPA Trasmsson Serce Agt to Brady Substion Prode doation tht Seller ha obtined ngh to wid at prjec site (ie-landour or lea s) Spefy prer fon of securty to be prided for delay secty (leter of cred~ cash esow. or ee) Plea list all pets. lice. and land nghts an contrct (e.g. internntion agrt) reuied to opte project; prvide stus of each such reuired faclitydocum Please prvide leg na ai1d 2 yem of audited fineia for the QF devlop or th enty prviding crt support to th QF dever SO that PacifiCor ca complete credtwornes reew. (l)Win Rights (tn). Fól' of Secty tò be prvide (n) Req FaciltyDots (0) Crìwortbies 2 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 3 Page 5.G~pPlgitlAW.rJ .. . CaseNo. PAC-E-10-08 Nnté,' ~Øl~i&tM-."ti..ll"l to be C(~tW i1l1ith't aNt Lsrrfflll.f(d PPA ~JJtipniatilbn.j14t1if!,t~(Q1l.tillinrm(llion. ~reb.Y Pie -9121110 DG-ON -R.eqil"PJoVk ...JlJllar 21,Atlnal InformationlAfo....ti.200 ..uesec.l)PadfCorp: (a) Domononabì1ty tó PtôvidedFERC Pot 556-l'yietcQF ~.Wb obtain QF SttQ OF $ef Cerficaon FoS.S6øcledle by PEC(1) ~ìgn~ty (M\V,T~OøW"ìn .08.2,2MW Esimate stonsece fOtsttion seCe tuines totllìng 19.8 MW eacl tuin; wil1&qte re1,irel'ÇIt8 aid Ilet $tation aaeeber~llir amountofpowet deliver to the ÇOfPity's eltçc smem (ø)(ì~er(ion t.olosy DeWin D8.2,2MW At tlistll the seloced an. other telated tuines tu1ines?Prvie tuin~lolymliÇable tothe Spfication site (d)prosositè1ocation C.Coum,ID Prvide.COrdte. of prjec Prövide n.p of t\ine and wflot numbe. .Prvide locaons 1QCtiondf sublltiøn.. ~ap slws .13. tuin.~llile infonnlion l'vi~in (l)).(ø). Ce)..ån(g) (e)$c1iikl\de ofmontlly Prvide 12X24 genertion R.ec1edián in pòwedeliveres forV~V9()1 .8MW"turine måfåin (b) WTG an (cl ~ (e) praon for. Prvide t1COrr 1.2 forthseeøed tuine, Inclqdethefie in exel formt (f). C'a1It1onor No Infòon Prvided PtvidewCUon ofdeterûon ofmium tnnimi~r:ur ånanriumanuaavi;ge imua ~Qn døJvees (J)MOtve ..fo or fuel Pt'lded 12X24.g~ertìon Con dlta is stil "Italid. 1'1$1 for Ves. V90 1.8 MW Prvide wind styfor WTG projec. (h) pr~on-1ine date 1st È,etgy=1211fl0 Provide ~ed seleto ändother si¡iCät dãtès aclev th. dåtes including reui~tOCQirplete interon and 1liesnes c~on míld$es (i) pt$ec ÇQtrGt ter 20 ye. non..ieve1ized,non~ ändPrCÙgørvisions fuel (j S.9finterecon biterecon is throug Prvide $laM ofSeIletts ortrassonammgeert BFA iitetec01.aplication WithBPA~prde dae Seller'sapücatiOll WK deeççUlleteby llP.A 1 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 3 Page 6 XR - DPS OF PfA Infgrn Case No. PAC-E-10-08 Note: In.foatio"1W/.ested ¡nthe matr is not t() be t:onsderedinê/u.ûl'eandis not fina/for PPA preion U7ti both parties uge on al/ i1ffo17tion. Prep by Pac - 9/2 i 110 (k) point of delive Brady Substatiôn provide copy of sis and other stes, if available; provide documtation of avaabilty of trnsission for Prect to Brady. If availble; provide schedule of reinng interecon work. Idenif prt lead- tim for majorinteecio conets an incate whether such inerecion equipm habe or Prvide st of all Trassion Prvider's Trasson Serce Agrt to Brady Subtion Provide doctation that selle ha obtaed rights to wi at prject site (ie.lad nur or lea . Spe prfer fonn of securty to be prvided for delay seurty (leer of crit. ca esw. or llte) Pleae li all pets, licees and lad rights an contrs (e.g. inerecon agt) reui to opte prject; prvide st of eachsu reUire facitydo Plea prvide legal na an 2 ye of audite financls for th QF devop or th entity prviding crt surt to the QF devlop so tht PacfiCoi can coletecretwores recn. (l)Wind Rights (m) Fon ofSecunty to be provided (n) Requi Facilty Douments (0) Credtwornes 2 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 3. Page 7 BG-mQ1rtAln0i; .. Case No. PAC-E-IO-08 NfIe:.' ...lr~nre~lt.Ì1ilrelJri;r: i.t1lt.,o bq(:01Lfidø:ed iltc1u.fÎl'EQnt .1$. nøfimil.for PPA prratkn ltil /)1tparti~siieo.n all inll)rm~tiøn.~QYP.c- 9/21110 XRG-DP9 - Require liifonutioD (a) Demon abilty to obta QF sttu (b) Dei¡n cacity (MW), sttion sece reirents, and net amunt of power deiveed to th Compay's elecc SYem (e) Genertion tehnology and ot related telogy aplicale to the $ite (d) propo site location (e) Schedule of monthy powe delivees (f) Cacuation ordeteraton of mium and maimum anua delveres (g) Motive forc or fuel plan (h) propose on-line dae and other sil1ficat dates reui to completemiesnes (i) prse contrct teran prcig prviions (j Statu of internnectonor trisson amemt Prvided -Januar 21, 100 Prvided FERC Form 556 - QF Self Cerfication Ten OeWin 08.2, 2MW tues totain 19.8 MW DeWind D8.2, 2MWtwes Cassia County, ID Provided map of tuin loctions Prvided 12X24 generation forVesV90 1.8 MW WTG No InlòJ'oli Prvided Provided 12X24 generon forVèsas V90 1.8 MW WTG 1 Sl Energy = 12.31110 20 yet, non-leveJized, non- fuel 1nterC()liiec is thugh SPA AddoDal Inormtin requesed by Patior: Provide OF num when Form 556 acw1edge by FERC Esimae stion sece for each turbine wi sete station sece be reuir Ar th stil the seleced turine? Prvide tuin spificaion Prvide cordnaes of prjec and tax lot num. Pride loction of substion. Map shows 13 tuin, reile inomtion prvided in (b),Ce), (el, an (g)Recile dicran inturin mact in (b) and (e) an (e) pronfor. Prvie th co 12X4 for the seeced tue. Inlude th fie in exce font. Prvide calation of mimu maimum an averge anua gention Con daa is st vad. Prvide wi stdy for projec. Prvide up scede to achiev thes dates includin inteion and conson mileon Prvie status of Seller's internn applicaion with BPA; provide date Seller's aplication was dee complete by BP A; 1 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 3 Page 8 XR- DP9 OF PPA 1J0IPt.g. Case No. PAC-E-10-08 NQte.- .1'1fomi(lti()lf1tliest~initht!mntrx tsllot to lJ(.òl'sietinclush-eáM is not fiMlfprPPA Prerl1ti(J/luntil/)liparJi~sagre t:n all ilffOJ11faiføn. P~by Pac.. 9/21110 (k) point of deliver Bray Substtion prvide copy of SIS an otherstudes, if avalale; prvi docon of avalability of trsson for Prjec to Brady. If avalable; prvide sce of reining inerec wor Idenify proemt lea- ti for major interconnecion coens and inicte whe su internecon eqipmt hasbe orer Prvide sta of all Trasmon Provde's Trasson Seice Agrt to Brady Subtation Provide doumention that Seller has obtain ngh to wind at projec site (ie, lan. orlease - , Speif preer for of seurty to be prvided fo dely sety (leter of crt. cash esw, or Plea list all pets, lic., an la ngh andcon (e.g. inerneionaart) reui to ope projec; -procl sttu ofea suh reoo facilitydo Plea provide legl na an 2 ye of audoo fincls for the QF deelop or th enity providi crt supp to the QF develop so th PacifiCor can complete crtworne review. (l)Wind Rights (m) Form of Secty to be prvided (n) Requi Facility Docuents (0) Cretwortines 2 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 3 Page 9 ~G..,pi(lQrlälafl1tl... .... ....... Case No. PAC-E-IO-08 Nol: i~nrrfllßtltfU1 th€~ isnØt t(1 #1Cfn.'riderälinclu.nl't a'ljs nø/imiføllM: premliOl'!lii bqtn ptesagret on gil l'!fomutio.ll. . ~byPac- 9121110 DG.J)PlO -R.eqJÛre Provide -Jaø.uar 11,A~"tion~D lafonnQøn.1009 r~l,1l_" byPaØfCoi'; (a) 0~strti()11 ability tö Prvided PERC Fonn 556 -ProvideQF utn .\VIl obtamQF sttu QF $elfCeriffcation Fon SS6acknwleded by FERe (t)Degncaty(MW),FiyeOeWind D8.2.2MW NOTE:FERC S56 shws 5 staon sece tunes totaing 1 0 MW DeWintutótal 10MW ~llireøts.aid net and 12.~4 Wind pntian amount øfpowe deliver shows 19.8ti usÌ1g Ves$. to theCotpany'selectç tur~.Esesttìon sY$ei seree fOlea tuine;wil septe Sttiönseìcebe. -., (c)Geertion tecol0aY DeWin(l 08.2.2MW NOTE:FERCS56 shv..sS and othettelåte tues De'\ìndtwljnes totallQMW teehnlogy applicable to the and 1 m4 win getion site shows 1 9.8MW usin Vešs tuinei.Ar th. still th selecedtuin?Prvide ture: infieaon ((I)ptØPQ$(site lpctipn CQsiC'oul'ty.ID Pmvi4ecotesøfpt(j~ Providedinåp oftiìne and tax lOt numbe. Prvide locons locofsusttiór Map shos 13 turrreriile inrition prvided.in(bHc)' leL.anCiù (el Seieie pfinonthy Prvide 12X4 geertion Recnçie~m powerdelivmes for Ves V90 1.8 MW tue ~ in (b) WTO and (è) an (e) Pr\1nnfore.Prdø the co.-t 12X4 fQJ t1e~e4tujI1;Inludethe fie in excelfoni. (f)Caløula.tion or No Information Prvided Ptde èåculloJ1öfdetnaonofn:íni1m 1'il ~hnum,an aniiædniuianual aVerge 8luill getion dêliveies (g)Møtiveforcof fuel Prvidedl2X4 genation Conf daa is stiUvälid. plan førV'esas V90 1 .8 MW PmVidewi ltudy for WTO prjeçt. (l)prpO$e öi4íp.edae 1 ti Ene,gy ""12/31110 Prvideuptescede to andoth$ignficantdates ache.~..daøsinludin tøqlJìre tøcøinlete mt.eciöJ.and nùlelnes conson milesone ()) prpoed Cónù1ct ter 2Qyea,non..leveiized.non.. andorcilZm-visions fuel .m.$ta~ofintern.eøon Inteiiieeton is throu2ñ Prvide sttus øfSel1cr's XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 3 Page 10 ØG - ppl0 Of 'FA lnor9!tin Case No. PAC-E-10-08Note: 'nfrmon 1Yue:edinrhe 11tr is not 10 be('()l1sid~dÌ1clu.m't'an;s notfllfor PPA prt!paation unl bøth parte.' ap' .onQ/l irrformution. Prear by Pac - 9121/10 Qr trsisson arement BP A (lc)point ofdClliver BradySubstoIl interecon apHcaon with BPA; provide date Seller's aplication was dee colete by BPA; pnvide cop of SiS and other stes. if available; pro, ide docmentation of availabilty of trmissio for Projec to Bray. If available; prde schedule of rein interecion workIdentify pr lea- limes for maorintertion conen an indcae wheer suhinterecon eqmen ba be ot Provide status of aU Traon Prvider' s Trasson Serce Agr(s) to Brady Subtion Prvide docmentation tht' Seller ha obtned rights to wind at projec site (ie. lanour or lea aarens) Spefy preer fon of sec to be prvided for dely secty (letèr of cret. cash esw, or Plea li all pets, lice, an lan righs ancontct (e.g. intion agt) reui 10 opteprojec; prvide stat of eah su reui falidoct Pleaii prvide legl na an 2 yers of aUdie fiei for the QF âe0per or theenity pmvi crit su to the QF delop so tht PacifCor ca compete crtwortess reew. (!)WindRights (m) Form of Secunty to be prvided (n) Requí Facility Douments (0) Creitwrthiess 2 .!Adms Fro:Se To: eo:IuAthmnl: XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 3 Page 11 Çase No, PAÇ-E-1Q-08 GreAcms Mo, Der 13. 20101:45 PM'Ke Kaufmann'; Jef LorPe Ricar; Bru Ort; 1eultsxermet.com' XRG OP7, XRG OP8, XRG OP9, and XRG OP10Meum of Recing - Raf River Ran (XRG-DP8).pd Meorndm of Recin - XRG:OP7 (XRG:OP9).pd Memondm of Recing - XRG-P8 (XRG-P7)pdMemum of Rerding - XRG-0P (XRG-DP7).pd Mendm of Recin - XRG- OP10 (XRG-P10).pd 12 x 24 - XRG-DP7.x1x; 12 x 24 - XRO-DP.xI 12 x 24 - XRG OP9.xlsx; 12 x 24 - XRG-P10.xfsx; Malt Compl Ma.jpg; 12-13-10 Lett to Kaufmann.pd XRG Da Refrh 12-13-10(2).doc Ken and Jeff, flleiøsethe ._hl letter .nd dOCument, Wearøplaclnc.papercopies ln the mail toay. 'lease confirm recipt. Thanks. GrAdaRi & O'Le PLLC SIS N. 27th S1. 83702 P,O. Bo 7218. 83707 Boise, Ido Voice: 208.938.2236 Facsimile: 208.938.790 lnformtionçontanèd in thiseletirnicmesse and in anyattçhrnents hero rnyçQttRin lnfunna.tionthat is çonfidelthd.proeted by the attorney/clieniprvilege and/or attorney work proucrdocne. This email is intended only for the. use of the indivìdual. or entity named abve. Inadverent disclosure of the contents of this email or its attçhments to unintended recpients is no intended to and doe not constitue a waiver oftheattmey/ciient privilege and/or attorney work prodUct doomne. This trsmission isfirter cøvered by the Eletttnic Commllnicatiotl Privacy Act, i 8 U.S.C. §§ 2510-252 L If you håVê received this emailih errr, immediately notify th sender of the errneous receipt and destroy this email and any attchmen of the same eiter electronic or prite. Arty disclosure. dissmination. distrbution, copymg otuseofthe col1tentsor infonon reeived in error is strctly prohibited. Thank you. 1 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 3 Page 12 Case No. PAC-E-I0-08 .......'1'10".1'1' .T ...." T.I,201.9".7,. ...1 i.......,.,.. ao.. m. .. io." . m N. 2M.... lO Ø7 ~13,20io ..u................ r.i.e i l~i..LL.Jll.a~Stfi~.~.rm2O$,:~~."lSFa:~..i ..Jl.....P4e.....xa, XI ~,.. xap.i. 0. Mr. K.; ~it..Wk.......~io_..yøwi...wr..........~ to.1l~ wi be~ Hø.Blao- bd............i.. CD oftbPPAs .. .""Ib_al..çø.~...,r....__~...__....po..y~.i.__îtJs4itê~.PMiIl$~~n,l ~PlA....lCØo,.li......lU~.å~.~.of.PPl. Mr. ~mn6:,K.rl1Ð De.il3. 200"2 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 3 Page 13 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 As Bxergy sucted as eay as November 200 from a telephone conversation with PacillCorp Traission and as confied v.;th PacifiCorp' s Septembe 21, 20 to let, trission capity is not an issue. Exerg)' maintains that PacifiCorp's refusal to negotiate PPAs in 200 wa entirely unjusified. Furer, th reman unwered quesions in the complait tløt regaring PaeifiCotp Comereial and Trading's process for investigatg ne ~. designtin on Excq~s behalf in this ca, inluding bow tha pross faile to __ røiz th tiS$ion would not be a prblem an whPacifiCorp~. . s. . shoud no tae long to complet the reuested PP As. Can we ex euute PP As to yo re. 01 We look for Mt....K~~i3.,2010"3 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 3 Page 14 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 v..tM...,. 1?~'-....~..()IA, PL Cc: Bn 0r Pa--Ca.. ~Grof~ LLC~: mti....pø ..XJ, XRG-P8.XlG-,âDRO.DP.I0 !!Ad Fro:Se: To: Cc:SUbj: XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 3 Page 15 Case No. PAC-E-I0-08 Ke Kannlk~nt._.ooi t.nø; ~ber13,20101:54 PMG~A($ Jeft.oYfng P.-rRlarn; Bru GrlWkI; ~rkullsx~elencoRl: ~RGDP1,~RG DPa, XRG DP,end XRG OP10 ,..... i cQnfi...recl1pt. Thlnls.. ken on oe..13.. 2919.. at 12:44 PM"Ghe Ad..s wrote: ~. .ken.nd~~f 1 ) ) Please Sift. the attached letter and dócuiients. weareplac;lllpatJrcapies in the_it tocey. ) ~.Pl'a$e corrtrt re.1pt. ,. .)Thanks. ,.)Gre . ..A )llchards().l( O'Leary PLi.C )lUSH. 21thStreeti 13192 ), P.O. 90x 721., 83107 ,.~l$e¡ Idah9 ,. Vt~i(.: 2.. '~..~~36,. Facsi.11e: 288.9.38.'7 ,.)inf~lon c()tain-ain thisel.ectroic .sseae and lnanyattedlllnt$ heret:o.ycont:alnlnf()l"t1onthetlsc()nfidentl~1Ipr-ected by the attorneylclientprivi1eie .\'d/()r attorney Iirk prouct ØØctrine. Tl'is..n is intended.only for the use of the indivldual or entity nll .boVe. Inadvertent dlsdosureøf the contents of thiS èlHor itsåttachits to unintende recipiénts is' not intende to and does nO constitute a waiver'. of the .itorny/clientprivilele andlor. attorney WQrk prouct doctrine.. This transliiss10n is . fi.('her coyeredby the ElectronicConunicatic)O Privacy Act, 11 U.S.C. §§ 2S1fl..2S21. )0 )1'f yôu haverecelVed thisélU in erro ..i-.diatelynotifythesencler O' theêrroneøi.$ receiptanddestrøythis emil and any attachnints of the same èither electroic: or pl'ntèd. Anydisclos\lre.diss.ination. diStribution.. copying or use of the contents or infol"llti() received in error is str1ctlYProib1ted. ,. ttønkYou..) ~.(~ran\Jøf. ltecordinc - ltaftRiverRarich (XJG-DP8). pdfHMeniranUlofRecol"in,-XRG,. pp"7(XRG",DP) .pdf)(Merandl.llO' Recording - XRG-DP8 (XRG-DP"7) .pdfHMerandl.Of Rec()rdinC ,- X.RG..J: (XRG-OP7).pdf)(Menirandum of Recording - XRG..DPiø (XRG..DPiø) .pdfH12 x 24 - XRG- DP'l.xlsx)(12 x 24 - XRG-DP8.xlsx)(12 x 24 - XRG-DP9.x1sx)d2 x 24 ,. XRG-DP1Ø.xl$xHMalta COilexMap.jpl)(12..1l-1Ø Letter toicauTânh.pdf)(XRG Dâta Refresh 12-13-19(%) .dOc) K.nnethKaufunn Lovlnør ic.u-nnlt.P 82SNE MultnOlh¡Suite92S Portland" OR 97232-21S9 ($l~Jiiø..nis (()lce) 1 (503) 912-29~1 (fax) (503) 595-1867 (direct) ww.LKLaw.com k¡ufmanQlLKtaw. com XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 3 Page 16 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 THISCCfICATION MAY CONAIN CONFIDENTIAL INFOTION AND MAY BE SUBJECT TO ATTORNEY"CLIENT PRIVILEGE, THE ATTORNEY WOK PRODCT DOTRINE, THE JOINT DEFENSE PRIVILEGE, AN/ORO"lER pRIVllEGiS.If you are no the intended recipient(s), or theeiloyee or\igentrespon$ibl, for delivery of this message to the intended recipient(s), you are hereby notified "that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-lIi1 inssage is strictly proibited. If you have received this message in error, please imndiately notify the sender and dèlete thise:. IRaU lI!isage fro your comuter. 2 Case No. PAC-E-IO-08 REeF ZOU FEB 22 PM 2: 49 XRG LLCs' ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR SUMY JUDGMENT EXHBIT 4 Correspondence regarding response time for XRG, LLCs' Production Requests Nos. 24-63 !! Adams Pro:le To: Cc:~ XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 4 Page 1 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 . Gr Adms Thursy. Janua 20. 2011 10:00 AM.., Lovnger; Pet Ric Kr Sa Ke Kaufn RE: XRG v. PII, IPUC Cas No. PAe-E-10-e Conf1f' ! &r....Ad.II$RtchålsOl & o~ ieary PLl"C SlSN... 21thStre.t,8~1ê2 P.O. 8()( 7218.. ø~7ø7 klsl.. :td.ho Vole.: iea. .3Ii.223S Facsiml.: 288.938.798 X.nfl'tlO1cQntainedìn thbeleetl"ic _s5age and in.anyattachantshlMito .-..c()rrlln lnføntiQO thcJt i~cQOfidentiai,Prøtected by the attorney/client priv1.i.eleand/orattom~ "01'1( prouct doctr1.ne. Th:i enil is intended only for the use of the individual or entity. n"' abv.. Inadvertent d1sdosureof thé col"tentsof this èmU or its attachlntsto uninten red.pients is not. intendød.t~ ana does not constitute a waiver ofth~ it'ttorney/c1ientpr1vilege and/or ëtttorney wo.rl( prouct doctrine. This transiiiss10n blurther covered by tlH Electroi.c C()unication Pri vilcy Act, 18 U. S.C. §§ 2510- 2521. If you have received this email in er"ror.. i-.iatel~not1fy .the sender of tl'e er'roeos receipt and destroy this emil and any attachønts of the same either electroic or printed. Anydl$c1os\,re, dis$e11oatioil di,stribution, copying or use of the contents or :informtion rleived in error 1$ strictlyproh:ibited. Tlankyou. ..........Or:i.sinai..ss..e.. -....- Fr':Jef l,ovl",ier r ntllto: lovin¡erjlklaw. com) Slnt: Thursd.y., .'.n...ry28, 2eU . :45 AMTo: peter Richlr"son;Gre Ad.s Cç:kr'is · S.sser; Ken KåUnn SUf.jeet:XlGv. PltifiCqrPI IPU C.seHø. PAC-E-1'-e8 Peter & Gre: Th.nkyou føragreeinstoaJ extens:ion of ti. for PacifiCorp to ...:ise objections and respod to XRG's third set of cti$çovery requests in PAC:. E-1e-ø8. Per our conversation.. both objections .nd responses .re no due February 15, 29U. Pleaseconfil". Jef Jeffrey S. l"ovinier Loviner kaman LLP 825 HE Multnoh , Suite 925 Portland, OR 97232-2159 (583) 2lØ-7715 (office) (593) 972-2921 (fax) (593) 239-7129 (direct) ww. LKlaw. çQJ lov1ngenlKlaw. Com 1 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 4 Page 2 THXS COMICATION MAY CONAIN CONFIDENTIAL INFOMATION AN MAY sease No. PAC-E-10-08 SUBJECT TO ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGE" TH ATTORNEY WORK PROD DOTRINE" THE JOINT DEFENSE PRIVILEGE" AN/OR OTHER PRIVILEGES. if you are not the intended recipient(s)" or the employee or agent reSpOnsible for deli very of this me$Sage to the intended recipient ( s) " you are hereby notified that any dissemnation" distribution or copy~ngof tliise-maU message isstrictiyprohibited. If you have received thiSmessageirt error, please illdiately notify the sender and delete this e-ntil Ilssage fro your comuter. i .2Ada Fro:te To: Cc:Sub XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 4 Page 3 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 Je Lovin (Ionglk.oo) Wed. Febar 02. 201112:18 PMP9 RicrdGre Adms; Ke Kaufmn. XRG v. Pacor, IPUC ca no. PAC--1o- Pete: RøçkyMøn.tëlIn Por intends to fUea IItion for sUJIry judgrnt. .. donit thtn.ktbeMlttøn iJiicëltesany .bsueonwhich XRGseeks dlscov.ry tn the pending third set of discoveryrequests. Forèfic1ençy we rec~nc:astay of discoverypendil1sresolution of the dlspcsj,ive Jlion.C:an XRG agre to stay discovery? We would be happy to cliscuss. .If tttpart1es cannoreachaireemtit.. Wêllyllve to stay discovery Peoding resoluti.ønor the dispositive iitiön. IAresPQnse by non. . tOlrro would be ..chappreiated. Thanks, Jef I Ken Jefrey S. Lovinger Lovinaer Kaunn LlP 825 HE Multnoh, Suite 925 Porlindi OR 97232-2158 (5$3) 238-7715 (office) (503) 972-2921 (fax) (513) 238-7129 (direct) ww. LKLaw. çom 10vingeriKLaw. C9f TlI$ C~iCATi:ON .MAVCOlArCONFtDENti:L ItlFORTiON AN MAYBE SuBJECT TQ. IATTQKEV~CUENT PRIvtLEGE, THE ATT~NEY WOK PROPCT DOTRINE1 THE JOINT DEFENS.E PRIVILEGE, AN/OR OTHER PltiVIUGE$. if you are not the intended recip:lent(s)i or the employee or agent respOnsiblefor dellveryQf this_ssage to the intended recipient (5), you are hereby notifi~el . tb.-any di5semination1distributioo orcopyiiigof thise-iiail message 1$ strlçtly prohibit.c.. l'fypu havereceived this me 5 s..ge in error, please i.ediately notify the sender an delete thb e.. 1111.$$.lle fl" YO\.rcOIuter. l 51G: 4d9b17a6956857832992l 1 n"'(' r~'~",~ - , Ca~e'No. PAC-E-IO-08 ...."" 'ì?')t\\' t- tJ) L,..L.v . .._ i,. nL6 io; J XRG LLCs' ANSWER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S MOTION FOR SUMY JUDGMENT EXHIBIT 5 Excerpts of Testimony and Brief of Rocky Mountain Power in Energy Recovery Group, LLC v. PacifiCorp, dba Pacific Power Oregon PUC Docket No. UCB 44 Lo I KAUI UP.. Nl N\ l .. 92..Oa91iSO XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 5 Page 1 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 .ol..(l ...,15-(S.m. Jt£ Ap .26, 2010Jl.....,.IIf/JI Pu Utty~ilØ ()f~A..: fie- JOBOil48 s..0I t72141 k DEG\' UOVl\'GROtJ. LLÖ,Co vaP~ll"lAC POWß~OPC~No. t144 AtIFit.Ce BulttUii"~doetar åtorbå __ eøof.P~tfM!llPSMIl.,.. Â8...øoolths__ ..ùenlosPlda st th ex coaoieitto -il-.~ prde. '1.yo.ii.~fø.y()U1... CQ: UCI44SCcc Li~ XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 5 Page 2 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 BEORE TH PUBC UT COMMION 01' OREN UCB44 ENGY REVEY GROUP LL, Colat,PAcmCORP"S.MOTON..JOltSUY lVME VI PACICORP dbaPACDC POWE~ 1 Pu to OAR 86013-031, Pa dIaPac .Po~ly 2 i:ves th Puli Ut Co of Or ("ssoi") fo an orgrai 3 s:judgmen in th abca ma, ~thre~ by~. 4 Rever Oi.UC ("G"ar. diQis..ElO~s COWiptUd ERG 5 fi its pr. se Colaiton Novem iO,200asth c... to øn 6 PaCo to en itapowe puag("PA,?WitlrthavOidO cø.. 7 inef pr to Sebe 9, 200. .At de wh ERG SOieø..I\lOJ 8 åi th i-. un. di, th Mii..~ l... ..J.. fol ~.. .~ 9 or th pa to fi dive II by Ap 26, 201 O.$le Må ~, 2010 10 Riil Deb 44 812. PaCo~. sø.t.lJøiin~of.. 1 i Ap26dealme 12 13 L .STAN.A OF RE 14 15 Oiunoû.tO sujuet, th .Co vi th tãaøaUitbtii th may be drlitt il fa of th novi pu... .1 v. Gø Mo Co., 325 UCB 44 - PacCo's Mo fo Sum Ju 1 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 5 Page 3 Case No. PAC-E-IO-08 1 Or., .40 (1lt. ..1' t1'jud. vr ... if... . íli .._..'f~.._...~.pa..~.to~ 3 .... ofJa.() 47 C. 4 y.....,,~ ai~¥".t_ c.'I347 or 44,451 (i (."'I".JI_ S _.l';III.pe.tr.~I..of. TIJI~. 6 ii APUC.."UW1 i.Jl1~...IF.ii~~.....Ae~Â") I ii U.S.CIt a.a "_""to ~ ~ ... of... .~ 9 PlAR 201 .. 210 (....,, 16 OS.C. If M,. ~3) .. ....10..dt__~of~aø.....~lJ 11 .... ..~. .ea. .~,~ t'.øiPUAf210(')12 ..... "....a-. ....e-i.. ~ . ~.. 1 ""....li....-lPa.c~tO....._if ,.sof~(l....... ...... ~dî . It.'" .. ~~l&~.......... w: p., Pøw Co., 71 fIC 1 61,153,61,495 (I'"); t1~.. Co., 72l"' 61.0l$,'lAS(l"~ UC44-PaCo'sMø fot~..fpe 2 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 5 Page 4 Case No. PAC-E-IO-08 1 On Jl 23, 199, th Go si SB i 149, th el ii 2 ~ bil .pu by th 1999 OrOlLoshttve Aa. On 3 F~.S,20iJt1~OI prga rem.~ SB .1149. 4 OPUC Or No~ 01..154, sl OJ at i (OPC Do No. AI390,lt 1h~of l S Pr R.1e1å to Im th Co of Co Ag an.AJl~ 6 of FlI). Th.re ex Pa II Po 0e BJeft 7 Oron PtA (aU 768.50 tb 7S8.SSS) an th ~'sP0A 8 reot(.ri29 or th OMAclistratiivJl...). .Seê opue ~:No..o.S.. .9 S8atS7. 10 In 200, th CoiSlOl ov it PUAre2Ct-. ... 1 i ured th Co to COde at 1b ti wh.u ho to rJDi..2lò 12eJ whch niif aD,lJy toele ut TI~~..it .13 .Wo. ~te_otÐivi29 "Wb it ~.... UN 1i2?~.. 0l 14 OtNo. Os.S8.âtsl. Thugor iI..biUMlI29,th .~.~.. is ~.pr.ro.im1e PUAfo" QFs, ~iifaøi 16 l) ..~ utility an in l se of S'PPAs.~. _.ap tt.. 17 ~ tI 1129.~ PiO; ~ Tar ~ 37 18 ~ 3'7. Wlprdêi~fWQ'pløf 10 MW. otik\ t..~ppA$19 lI~~ 20 Oi lun6,20(, ~ Bil 838 ~ la, an d~ .. ~/ii iisl 1149~~ ~'tì Oròl PUA. ..~ot~ 22 R.øe OPCDóNo. ARS~9 (Ap 1~,20). Th CoiaM tøløwe 2 8M OPUC Or No. OS-S8 (OPU Do No. UM i 129. lnve Ro to Blio Ut Pu..1t QuiI Faclit). UCB44..PaCo.sMöfbr ~~3 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit S PageS Case No. PAC-E-10-08 .. Th c...i..i. ""çi. th. a QP Ì$1ì oll.th.aW..it S.........1Ma Pl.l it ~. th QP _..m .... ..._a, .. .."."...... .ihQ' es___ ut.... 7 1i.fa..~ 1'., .~. v..~, OPOati. ...at a "ÐI..~.Nø.UMi4Ø~4,2O. 9 m. AlPI.I'ACT 10 Bk it.. ..ofa...QP,toÑ _8I..lClM NkOiI.-. 11 ..,.._-... 10.. t'. QFi.. UlMW.... to 12 .. ... ..~.. ..sa... 37. BRO ..iDlh .... 13 ...Iå~..ii ~ wdSd3'1by... 14 ..lncøtOl a¡li wi l'. T.. s. _ ~ 17, U 20. Pa. BØWt 101. IJ Apl 20. !RO's .... Di, Mi16 ~,._~ T~ Se IIP'fIiIlLa ll. 17 P~l_"'.Il..A _.t.Ms. ~.vc Mr.~_ JI 18 ........ ()f~~.. TtåraT"nií.eJtI.. wm 19 'Y.. ld ...1 ... ~..~ Mr. CafM th ~Cø ~ 20 ~.... adPPAJ .. tb heii to c. Mr. Y_e. .. .. ii ~.tli. Wg(a PPA.ll. lAl............ _~ ... ÌlN~ -".lI.lInÖlt'" ..,... '.'.by_Coki il Al S2l...llyl il efMorc .onNO. ..ll6(lIamQF ~ ruwit.. Aup26, 200~_). UCB 44.;-Paeol Mofolu J1..4 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 5 Page 6 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 i In Ju 20. Mr. ~. co PIICAT to.ÍJ ~tl 2 pr for ne a PPA. PacCo. 0r. PaCo CtT ~. 3 ERO th ne of a PPA wa go by $c37 ai th EI.iØi 4 ad iD01on at PacCo's cu geat Mbte. 14 at 4-3; 5 PaCoEXbit 201.8R0 wa en to ~ lh in~ ~by 6 $c37îfaiWlBR.G4oidetoii1iattb$c37 ~fo~ 7alPA. .P~. (ìldl,"3. 8 Oi .Jy9.200. PaCO fied .~ Nø. ~1~\Vtl .t1. C~ 9 se to.re PøifCo's pU Sc. 37 av co ra m~ 10 wi OPUC ~No. OSS84 (Coon af a tWYet cye1olUavoid 11 0Q ra)aim ~Wi OAit~) (~a:ut .,iiøe 12avideCO_ inor~at ieaQJ:.ft:tw ,.). ...li.t,.ActNo. 0912, 13 PaCo iafire_ :~ CO .~ ..1u1y .12.20. 14 ~OPUCAd~Nq.~i2,.Ii Utity fWnaa 1 (Jn~..io.Oi ..~. 15~(). PaCo.sne~.3.7.avde...co ia.\V....in..~. 16 Mr. ~øiwi. Ra"on~ 16. .Ath....17 ..tebtapa .~iion~t4_ a~ ~ 18PPA føBlO'$ ~ prje~toø~. MtRarOldê 19 _.A"~OoC&tby.~tmth"da. ld .~Co.hadö 20 .J*. ii~ tl~PPA.DØ waita:waN th.OWoba .1I l Th inCOui ~ wa fùly ex by Pa Tnis Se ei lMef en Se 17, 20. Paoo. ~ To" El ba pu PITrais s... to ofS10,03330 to re PI Trwis Se's ae Oòto co a ~ im si aa a fa 1Q. Pa Exib 102 (ø.683.0); PIEx 103 (S6SO.2). ElG.. DO ma an pa to Pa c.l'. ~.GrId. UCB 44 - PacCo's Moton fo Su Judpi 5 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 5 Page 7 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 1 PPA "~áD.~.1O ~ it 14.; Pa00, tl4. .1'te 2 _da ........fi Wr_ ...hc8l PaCoC&T l' ... I ...d,.Of. lPA wc bê .~J' to tI ~..Wi.hcl ia 9 ~";(3) ti ER .ii.io ..~ .Pa.. C£T .Witl \1 10 .... ~ by SI(B)() ofSC31; am(4) ... Pa.I 11..37i-W'h"7..d~..9,20. ..~ 1... 12 Oa.~ 10, 2l, th Comh.OI sePa wi. BRlll. 13 ô....... ().~ 13,200, im ii PeCAT"" 14 QP ..tct.. it Md .be..1J ii tM ..ma IRUl to Pe OI 15 1*,11'... 16,.. âö lo vibeof ~~. BRO',,, 16 P. .lS204. BRO ùiea tbit Wòd, .iD ... ~. 11 ~... fi po pâls tatb paatto dualax 18 ... 14. PjØCQe.T_.~. to wo diHp WiEROto......_ 19 ~~~_toOOJctl Sc 31 ptii. fo .ioti... 20 ",A~,~. Toc.,EROhl_ prPl e.wi 21 ell of th ~on~.by 8eii (8)(2) of$C. 37. 14. at 6.Tl ~.. 22 ha DO ..eX . PP.A or an .~ fC th ~ of. lcp 23 ~.ob""ilil.at6. UCB 44 - PaCø'.1 Mo fo~ Ju 6 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 5 Page 8 Case No. PAC-E-IO-08 1 IV. ARUM 2 ERG's re 10 "or th ut 10 hoth fee. sc Qfinth 3 or¡i Sc 37 in fo an in pl pror to Se 1,20 sI be d'" 4 1:.U,O "nøa, fa 'Wêb ittiwo ~ .a'-.øfla,tJ 5 øø¡S"'olio_~it~ 6 .,A lBGjfut.ltl1""w=!.. .._... 7 UìidØ" th Co'ø reor. a QFis entl to a. ~.....av....CO 8 ra cmifth QF_ th ut haèXawr PPAotif_ bave~in 9 wr 1b a.Je enoblion ai Se OAR &6~3)_ 10 OAR 86g.10(29). lñ .~...th rc~ ..th Coi.¡øi. hi .~ II ~thlÎ~~eoWl'uia.fU ~PPÃOIlÎwi 12 ~. re th exlimc of a leg W~ obon 13OPUCOr No. 0939 at. 6. How, th Co8lal .ao1l it ... 14 detb a Ie .ror 0b ha bà ii..... mtb~..of lSa.wrtt...-iftb..Co ~.tIa1J~. .11_ 16 or wi im cW. .1à." S DO iiÎ1 a mmfl" dl do DO ei.... re wh DO MB it is lI 11 .. roW it re EIO" be re by col fo ove th mo.... DO cb 11..pI it CoIa PI is ki in 1l po ofmt Ba.s.. ti it 'f.OoIIi.. to qu ør _ cl ha DO re to lltto ,. (... du :E paÎReÐC cø to Pa 'I Sw) .. Pa do .... .. .. he Th on poll ret aI se fa il th Co .. to ER', aU -- ofdi ra ch_ Pa'1 aU falu to prvi no 'In OPC Ol 0939. th ('ig l1: Pa is l' bo by Cois nd .. by .. ow Sc 38 (1l .. Qf .. to Sc 37J 11 Jl il ao" It PI ... in ii fada or wi DI tW. a QF ma ti a oola wi 1l eoil _ it di CoÎl fi ba fa or UD de. we ma CO th a (J crOlleobJiJ wa ÌI in di -. of a wr ..__ be th pa. UCB 44 - Pac's Moon fo Summa Ju 7 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 5 Page 9 Case No. PAC-E-IO-08 12 .. fr di ÎI fa ofBI al tI PIC ha DO acia bi fØ or wi 13 lI de ..:nO is DO Cl to \w pa Pa's ~ 9 14 øo co.. is .. ...%1...... ....'...Cli .....16 _lZl!liilW 1' \" .~ap__.f9 st. _lQPPP~.PaçCQ i9Uo 18 1M pr.", ..___ tò ÌI. ~~1. Th.~~. 19 WI_31ia OPUQ ~ 1'0'-iiø. ..~ 37~." _QF.~. 20 $o31 avela___ mu.. ii. bo .~ ~... 21 PPA.wi.~. ~.37.atl. ,,'øf~.37pr.~øf 22 ...~.~ 23 .......... ........ ,....- .......~.....24 ... .......C..,.. ..~....s2S .(l.._~iø i. ~)...1. -- 26 Co'.tin_¡sâ . fb (PCö T....issi 8e)27 ~.. .~. ..,....~ ...he by _ Co's28 ~..t\~~ anTtI. UCB 44-. Pa', MofoS., .J . XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 5 Page 10 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 I Sc 31. at 8 (emph ad. Th _pa"Í$ieti~ oi 2 Pae lO. Pae lO al ~tb PacCo Tra ~.ai Pa '3 OtT ar ... fùon. ~ PaCorp ..~... .øf ~.$O~ 4~Cä11by th,ecBi~~~ Idat 10. S Movaby reanlilD of fe law. II wi. th ~øf .tl 6 Commisson Pa adist th ii. prm ttcompke 7 seon 1ì th PPA.prfor QFs.' hcCo c.t _.spio PICo 8 trasson Sece ie.wlêh QFshatoue~~ 9 P.~, ~Idld. WPaCo T~on Se_dønø~tø 10 J-.m.0I1 ~. ta ofits PlA.~loø.~..3. ~di i i seon ma _ be ii it is cly exai ~inSc37. 12 If Mr. Ca wa no al ~. of ...~31, ..Pø.. ir 13 Mi. ..Ca ~.of ~.. 37 in th sp. of 20. Mr. .~.me 'Wth 14 ~if~TJ'.on~~elnit.w;LaRa inAp200tø~ IS.G.s ~..t.~ PaCøtOOt~I..2. At th "l1îl.~_~. Îl '1-1J PDC.. ~1D~Cl~..tø.~"'ÌI~ 18.C.f..§3SI.2....tiÛI~.~~..,...il. tl ÇØof9F ~aa Sc 37. F.... QF.~ia._~..QI.....,A ~~i: ....1) dI_..~_ ..JM...Qf..". ma ....loOl..a FB~wl....,ÌD'l.ai....~1..it ~ofPEC'..~ ofCo\\c..... 8l.~~ii popt m.- lJ to" ei a QF ot . Wh"" ...._.. mi Jl .....êl di liJof"~ it is~tto ~.tø ol .~ ~.. F8C~of~ln if.ìlHi po pnintiSt1D..~_..~.a QF. ~ if ~ ~.. .ap. OItOmtc.~ WbIe.... ~.... 1D..jb~IQF..s8d..it1l bôdi _ ..r*..toeølo ~in~'s"" .. ..ia.. lO~" CCrt$ii~e'Wth rn ~~aI""_"" -..-40 IQ. A$..~ ... COB8wi røÇS.. ofCois ..~.__ if~*'~ti.."~.. bø DCF ...... .. QP .... ........ dieo---eois Sá....8Dap..:n.~..4...PlQ)!~tùJlCtlse. iDdi CO ofQF.... ... Sa op Øn. No.07..120(~Sd 37) .. al Sd Re Ad No. 0619 (M 2. 200 (~ lb di ~apScl131). UCB 44 - Pals Moûæi for 8rWI Judgm t XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 5 Page 11 Case No. PAC-E-IO-08 1 ..a..y,.Ot...r ...... .. .~ wk he coul ..lØfoa PPAld. 2 ....... .tø Mr. ~ th~Co T~ ..._- 3 ..WulPAll kL ... ~th.. _~""øf~ 4. QlTQf(:c.JJ.~"" y..........ot_of........ ., _..l.._toMr.~laøto lû to aûlWr. YOU....aPPA.lJ. 6 kt.Jv.it Mr.~" ...Plif caT. P"~~. '1 i... ~Cl1øc........ JelYOU. -.Mr.C4..... ....3....:l ~ 10 ir is th.liö to '-CO~.s ~I~ ~ n. Of 11 ,......... .... ..~ -'OO...pt.. of or (*) ~ 12 ~37. Lcøi kJifyou have atY~ 13 PaCo BxWt201. Mt.~_Mr. YOU ~iùe. th 14 .. ...dare.. th 00 wl lii toSc 31. Pac lbli202 IS Mr. ~ "_Mr. Y" aahlidtlcollMr. YOU fu.ltOn.h 16 23. Mt. ~. cl. .~ otT an .ieth .~. ofQP ~ 11 JkGiJ4wh Wå ~ fO Jo. Yo_ wh Mr. YOuto~ 11 ~it~.ht ~ witl Ids -ld ..~Mt. Gr$' 19 .~Mr. ..~ to th ~~._.. to re Se.37~ ~. 20MI. .~to-. Wi lI.~- ~l4. ..~ fC~a 21 wr ~tb .PPA~..... ni .1J~.7.14 .2..3. -At" ~.MI ~hI 8D~ 1bPlwo.. a..1' ._2O.~-~. UCB44 -~lsMofoSu Jv 10 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 5 Page 12 Case No. PAC-E-I0-08 i Olmilai"artb. pi apay-e orlitoPaCø TraissOl 1 i sece..o 12 Althiilbano dutødø ..,PaCo ~ss i.s. p:pt 13 forth pay~utPP.A tøPa.Co Oct. liJWh~ c.T 14reveERG'spa exPP.Aittredtøhep Mr~ Ca..by.te. lûwh iSh.ne tocl tofoUowth Sc 31.piusi them... pr~im 1I Se B() OI paes l an 9 otSe 31 prvi: ID or to ob a prje sp dr po pu .. di ow mupr ÎI Miti to ti eo. .. pr ia I8 fo th cole of a po pu.. ia bu no Ji 10: (a) dc of 8bili 10 ob fJP _: (b) de ca (M st se re, an no am of po to bedeli to th Co~ oI sy. (e) .... te. an.... tlJo ariOlto th... (d) pi si lo (e) scedul ofmo po deer(I) calan or de ofmiim an ma ID dler(ø mo fo or 1\l pll;(I) pr oa1i .. an od siif.. re to CO th milo; (i) pr COIr te an pr prviio (Le. ~.. iD;(j",of~ortria~ (I) POin of 40iv or ii. 10 Mr. Ca.. ai a co of th ~bc 9 ve of Sd 31 to tb plly "lte PPA su Se 16, 200. Paif00 Grold. UCB 44 - PaCorp's Mo fo Sum 1u 11 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 5 Page 13 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 1 ..,.i, ~PI" M". YØt.. Mr. .~.. lI ...... .. 2 _.'IIl.klt 1'1,/2O..... ..of.O'.PPA. ØI .~.BR." 3 ~.... ..fOdl'PA ~..m .~...37,"" sa.-4 __...~Il_~"".(I)().ot~37,.~." S........._"A7..irW.~byDOW..~., 6 ll.~ .~_n....',20. .Pa Exõi203. Pí. ti .. it 1 ~_'. .._17, 20. ~ ~ tb Sc.37 PPAì*IUI. I "Jì." ...... ......_ .~.£RG'. pe.. ~ ...~. , C&l'_.~"m dU.. ~ I1 ti :(. to. ..pi Ðl'$ "1\ 10 ...i..f""U ..or....~....ia~..~..... 12 .. ,.~4i_..~37fKMr.~..itl'...it_ld. 13 .. *I~d. ~ to OIMr.You Mr. YCM'... ..~ 14 Mr. ~l"to"Îd ..~. 37, ~i Mr. Or's .- .~. .. is .~~Cô4i_""Mt..~.. it~.to"'~. 16 ~.PlCo.dM""'..~ 37 ..itW..... tô~.PPA 17 ..... .Çl.........8D ìl1W ~ ...wr~ to ht.... 11 ~.tt......by,.laa90f~.37. 19 .~ CAT .. ~ .. ~i7, .20, ~. ..~ 20 1'.__.~""N to it. .çøfpø ~PPA""_ il. 21 .. ~ .~.Gr4. .~ClT..4i-.._PPA; 22 .di. ....fP .pe_.. toBRG;ar 4k no bo Ø1 ab.. QP 23 ....ibeii .PPA- .. ~hcit .r.Co CAT . fi di ømc UCB 44-~"Mo.fc.~h""12 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 5 Page 14 Case No. PAC-E-I0-08 1 ev spking wi Mr. Cate lIut his pI QF preø 1d Wh a~() :2 itredire th hcCo CeT spe with Mr.Caii.l _,~ 3 ~....~ un. ld. PaCo C&T.~. ~ ~ 4abPP.A at th aplion pr th do DO euimt in awr~fø S a PPA Id at 3. Of ca mely re a bl PPA u pe of¡nbrpi 6 plamng. Id. PaCo C&T reve ca frm jo. polDko$, .~ 7 ~.Gd .~. in ad~ to ~. ~ 14. ~_.. 8 .~. .:w....~ ~iil P~do. op a,Øl.or .be pi..~ 9 coUDøø wi aQF un1ilPaifCo ear reawi ~.fø.. lOPPA. 11 IdMr. Ca ha noce of th Sc 37 ta aø eifo totø i 1 it orch to ig it Ha he sutt to PaCo a ."Wie.- fo a ppA.in 12 _ 200.heWlli leab th pera -"m_~. wi i3hcCl CÂT fi. ttd_'øBRO's .pd ~lPi. it ~tW 14 ~.. '.WJ¡_~for.piM,. miSc37,aøpve Mr. ~ is ~. of. sl oIQF.aw CO ia th .. da. It/ at 4-S. 16 Pa. ... wi Mr. ~s ~ .th... Pa 17 T~"'Se_diii.ùi hi of Pals_ ..~_.. 18 r. wa . th re.ofW fa ~ caT,...it~3ii ..,. i9apby.~ dø_teP~T~~.Wh ti 20 Co, re ne..... ~.didno 1m.Wh .. me .. 21 Mr.~m.Ap 20. ti. ~ C&Twoul Ø:a....l"m 22 Jul 20. PaCotoo, la. i. tà Ms. ..~.. :f i. 'l II Se Se 31. at 8 ("le ot di by th Co. aU collic to di Co te QF popu ..- sh be din m wr to ~F Co).") UCB 44 - PadCo's Moon for &i .f 13 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 5 Page 15 Case No. PAC-E-I0-08 1~~. ..~.. _ .,. w. oied ft Mr. ~.m 2 ...,. r.2Ø.U 14 .w-... 8Qin .po.fa in Api1Obf .. 3 Ii~. c.iø..wiMt. y~. iatw reenedbiiø sc31. " G ... ...".....md.......dr..r5 ii'" .-.ila .'11~ Ob.tø-.......'~6 ..O_~...~~...bl_~ot~ck- 1 ....~~or..'d~ERøt.~~9., ii,."" a ..w_~_ot..deJl_la.~.fli.. tl ~. , ~.. 9. 20. ~ DO hû ~ 37 ,PA .~. . 10 PlCO otTóI ~ 16. 20 -.. $i .. tJ ..~ 9 ... U ~37" .. aaan ii 1:ot OCaf u.~ ... 12 ~oø ~bc 16.20. woc. no p\t ri. to .. le .~. 13 ~to~'~20... 14 v.. COCLUSION is D.G is ei.to. PP.....Sebe 9. 200avoU.__ _if 16 ElO." ..tø..~on.s sa tb~~.w 17 fithot"" it~... thde ER.Gofa.fu ~ lPAot a 18 Wr. ~.. roth .aiof .. lepy ~leobOli..be 12~......tiltdi..iaOf.,nI~....OPC .00No. 0939 ..~4. 20ia OPCDo No. tI 1449. ~ CATii p* Jl of ..._ ...ôI ... on it CIer aacn .. .ll ...e-",JJW~Cf.htn.Atit..lI~ we...ui I~..~ to QP.... _~..... (..li;llw.paif~...- Pl,.__~..~-~...~~tMil~..-jlIO~.._..~~....pØ~~1Ola~T8 ....~... fOøoofll pe.lpli~. ~.1Omi~ 00l'ia~. ~_Qø...'s iP in ..Qr No.ø.39 "'~at'".. at ~ iD...... ca. _Shld nö bè aplk ~ .. ..bà ro Wi..-~."'.iD li ft uæ44..~'$~ fo~.._7 Jvi 14 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 5 Page 16 Case No. PAC-E-I0-08 i Sè 9, 20. For th ie cf abve,tIfa in ths C8 (am ål 2 releii to be dr ft 1h fa), ev. wbé view in thlilh__ 3 fae ito ERG, do iisu a fi th PaCo .ae. in ibefath or With 4 ~delay., 5 ~ORE,P8C(re re.tltlCOon fb th 6 thaino ge is of ma fa an th Pais en tø~ 7 ju.as.a ii of law, an re th diCoon .tl ERG's ~ 8 wi prce. Date th 26th da of Apr 2010.Re su By ,OS96147Ke . Kantì 088 98672 Lo Xaan LLP Of Att for PacCo82 N.H. Mu SU 92 Pó Or 9722 (503) 23o-mS~miC Jor A. Whte, OSB 0970Se CoPaftCo82 N.R. Mul Sui 180 Potl Or 972 (S03) 813.5613lo~ UCB 44-- PaçCç!sMøti forS1 ~15 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 5 Page 17 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 CETICATE OF SERVICE i~ _ _00 ApI26, 2010. I sea f;. _..cø..coøf#J ~p~',JlfoSIl ~ on th fOllwm.iupeeD byf1eiMå: MI CAMAAGIG DIR BNY UCVEY GlOUP LL POBOX 21420 SALOR9'07 ED DURERGER PUUC UT COMMSION OFOREN PO BOX 2148 SAL OR 9708-2141 I ~ce"'oDAp26, 2010, 1$C .tr. CO co of"~P~',Mofø ~~ 0J tbftii peeø by~.ma: .JAlA .\V. (\OREGClN~ll SENCOSEL PAClORPOREN J: '~eiCPOWJ~ LIaHT 82NE MUTNOMA JT STB200 140 W NOltnl'IST32Ø POk'I 01.9132 SALT LACl1U'UU6 -..""1ø. THOM HNEON (W PO.IiX:iiilWE.01.:971..121 I...,.-.....iil_ XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 5 Page 18 Case No. PAC-E-I0-08 1A I KAtJ LL as HE w. _. Su 92 PoOl ""21~ XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 5 Page 19 Case No. PAC-E-10-08 .~..1'iS_.91 i- A.26,2010 MI". lib""" U.. JI Pu Uti CoMf ofOn At Yt1iD Ce POll214l s. ott 972148 It: BNOY REVERY GROUP, LLC, Cola vi.PACJCO dbPACI POWE Ra OPUC Doet No. UC 44 ~FiJ.Ca..b~hi_~......Qf_lvecøoltbDh r~ ...E: øfLn Ri (paeltJlOJ) an th Di T~..!i1Ø t11k Gr(PacQ10f2fU). Al... co.oftl ccleisenlø l'dast th.ex .colJRlitto "Ùltl-~ ¡)'\decl. iiY' Ùl~foYO\~. SiDy. :/- cc: uæ 44 Se LiEn XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 5 Page 20cas~"f. BgoRE TH PUC UT COMMON OJ' OREN UCB44 ENGY REVEY GROUP LL Compt. va PAClOOIt dIJPACDCPOWE R.t. DIRTINYor BRUCE GRIOLD ON.IØJ'OF PÂ.ClCORP Ap 26 2010 i Q. 2 A. 3 '" 4 0- s A. 6 1 Q. 8 A- t 10 11 12 13 14 is 16 17 Q. 18 A. 19 io 21 22 Q. 23 24 ,,''''....,;'.'..,......, XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 5Page2~oo Case Nò'~Y~UD8 ,...,............ Bn Cìld. ~. 825NH M~,Sak ~.p~. ~ 9132 WØ..,..................î..~ lam emoy" by Paêo fWtiîi tb~.t Tl'de1I .. ~.øfSbT.. Qr.ai Ql. 'ac.t'. Co..........,...........e....... lba. aa.s." M.S.... ~ ~ Io Me.. .. t1 auOtSt l1ìi, reve. lbaw be.,. Wi ~o_~ye in va pootlêbim ieeD .~ ...~. ma.i'. an.-w .CI .~I. ia. al wo.ùi~ .ii.alwi .. ~ fiii apt'1ol'. I.. Cû~ we. in .. ee.... Tta ..bu UI.of.~ ~r,.Coc.'rM'..Di._... QF- ..,..~. ..... ~.... ...tb...._~...~.DIwi.....~.........,,....,..?ll ~of.~.tD l'la _~ wi...R. Ot1.MD"i.. .... wrCO.. ..~ ~_SlG,_ dåhO ~.ii..~ fr ..QF$tòJ'PØch ~("Aspvto...31.,........,........ii'. ...il........~ c.T....... ØG" ..1I.aPPA for Q.G'. ...... .. .,.....Xh...l'..o...(......~ i A- 2 3 4 S Q. 6 7 A- S 9 Q. 10 A. 11 12 13 14 is Q. 16 17 A. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 5 Page 22CaseNo.~GrJd i pa.in ce councdon bo SIO an .Pae.T.. As Di of QF Cæ an suso to J"Y~ QF .~ .A, I wa gey awa of coUD beBRG _ PaCo C&T. Ar yo... of al CO "'_ERG 0.... np.........ay..pi. of..dl.rpC... Piwto..........nO'.:rJ-' No, to .thbe.of ..inknwlede ERG ba no co wi aiieieeof PaCo QtT~its:Pjepr to Ji200. WlcJ ERG 1i...CO wi~e.Tt Mi Ca,on be of ERG, ca Mr. YOU fo tbifi _ot or abut Jun 3, 200. AJ 8$ Exõi ~lan £x. ~02Î&tñ exNiOfembeiMr". Y~..Mt.i~ on lun 3 in..wh. Mr. YOUidiMt..~toPâC'$.~ seillot'Wpq. Di )'011a lI eo wi ERG .. .i 2I? If,.,. ......ti.. ofyfM.... Yes i sp wi Mi Ca, Ma Di of lio. t. ph on a Ju 23, 200 ph ca. No, Mr. You 1l ha .. suh a phca bu he wa on va My re ,. Wb !I to po aps fo a Sc 31 PPA is to em_ poi. de If.a co ofSd 37, iq tb ap to.u wi an ~ .. iu th ap to sv a wr te fo a PPA COII th iaiiilon re by SC 31 if he de to se a PPA. Mr. Ca to me ab hi prje aa to me th i. ta ~ wiMr. Y01. i_ code th I as Mr. Ca if Mr. YOU se him à li to See37, XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 5Page~~fi~caseNõ~8 i ....if.i.. -4~- tøbi todita. ...... 2 PJA ~ fb....~ ~ by .Se..31itii.dilfl. ... 3 PIA. .. .Q. .... .,...IlØ......,Q.'. I..... "'... _.S ..Cl.,~...tttd QI ...., 6 A. 1' .J ..2O... ~we ~ ~CO ~T .~... '1 ~...pp.A__~i"øçessJbat. no Cltm in wn I ie. to a PPA. Ma ca mely l'a 'bla :PAIi ..pa of 9 ,.imiMt tm- ..PJ .PI CåTRC_ ca tr jo..iOpo~ Il ~_ l's in ad. to seIt ~ 12 0." .~CaT.", ..0. DO .... DC', Jø.2813 .....,ø..".... i..A. NCll~.~Tdi:n opaflon æO..bUonth.. 2OCO 15 As aOìt_ ~tø th .pr qU Pa elT .~ 16 ~ ~l~. It is bO PaCo ..pt....f( ap ...ti OI . 17 ~l.QP 1ØJ th~QPsutsa wr .l'fo ..WA .~ II .~31. 19 Q.. 1'0_'" .'1... fi DC CèP"" Cl'l....20 ..i3....$......I',21? 21 Ã.. No, it_-. 22 .Q. ..............1',*" 23 Ã. ~CåT .~..wl .1ø. tik a st.. P'A tb .wu ~ 2.. lI..Wl~~ tl PrecansibymtG. 1 Q. 2 3 A. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Q. 15 A. 16 17 is 19 20 Q. 21 22 A. 23 24 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 5 Page 24CaseNo.~Grkl4 w. Paer CAT ap.'." ,1' 8ebe 11, aø. PPA ,. ERG? U..t, wlaot PaCo C&T wa DO ex th PPA an wa DO awa tI .!RO..wu ~a PPA. . Pa 8 an90fSde37~it.~$.PKJ_ thQF,~lplJ* ..tb .:f di. of 't PFA. .T, is~sø'" ~Cø cabe eetbih PPAiS.~ tøìt~ PPAgtve by th Coi$Søn Th 8e17,.20 PPA~tlfi~~ PaCo C&T ~ iiBRG tb it ~.å ~. 37 PPJ\ Pa C&T .hø no pa .Î1 .pi th ~c ~Oí ij ERq's~ 17.200PPA,ii wa it _. tlBRO .ha. ..~ a štnd PPA te _ha .~. to~¡t. .Mr. 'Y~ anuwle at fidid DO re ev ~ with Mr. Caabhi ~.Prj_ ui we reew our re w...s... 17, io.PPAeøpl..? No. it co so bu DO al of th jnfon re by Seon (B)() at pa 8 an 9 of ~ 37.. Al. it con1aiiiec avo co ra IS we IS a co of th Sc 37, th we in ef pr to Sebe 9. 200 bu DO lo efve wh ERG su th maal re by Pa C&T on Se 17, 200~ Bow di Padf.. lD :E'. .... 11,'" PPAsùlB A1 ERG di DOt foll Sc 31, PaCo ..st hi su oftb PPA on ~ 11. 20 to be a wr re to bq th Sc 37 pr. Th sa da, loh You sa Mr. Ca an eml (at 1 2 3 4 S 6 1 Q. i A. 9 10 11 12 13 14 Q. 15 A- t6 11 11 19 20 21 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 5Page~~caseNõ~j'8 am Pa) ia (1) .. Pa CAT .. iø øc el EIO'. So 16 pr PPA; (2) tJ ne of a PPA wo be ~ pu to th pm csHi in Sc 31; (3) th ERG 8I to pr Pa CeT wi th wr iiOl f8 by Se (8)(2) of Sc 37; an (4) th PaCoqts Sc 31 ia ha cli ef Se 9, 20. .. ...di .,1W Pacor to tI la. Bx'b Pa is a No 13, 20 ci fì Mr. Ca to Mr. YOU an myin wI he in Pa caT th lå BI Prje 8$ it be ... Jf in di matuia ie by Pa CAT OD Sebe 11, ie .. no .. Wa .. of ~ co at" Prt, _. In.. _..I, D. ... pm' to eoie it ap .PI fi ,. pI gat I.... ,...'CW to du am t. WI...Nø__13,.....1M....D.'... Fo_ .. it ...,. fh DO W_col.'pi~ ~foth~4. ~ I1t20lWl¥t.~~ tò 1Ç Patoasa.PPA. MØI deVi.. it tO l'1l si a io.. PPA Wi ~for ~ uitilthli ~ ti th prptlC ..... ~f..b1. Al,it-.~... to ~SlG ev .hi. or ii.... ecfele .pict .. ol4 Sc37.pr or thcti'- ~e 37 ~ i Q. 2 3 A. 4 S 6 7 8 9 Q. 10 11 A- 12 13 14 is Q. 16 A. 17 Q. 18 A- XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 5 Page 26CaseNo.~Grld6 au ER ..,.. lD.. .. ue... il di 8......1'7,__"A aa eopl tie Sc 37 pr te obta aPPA? Pa C&T ba coue to wo di wi Bla to up th prec inlQly. ØØpletlbSde31 .prfo ~ . PPA. Toø. iRQ_ no prvide Pa C&Twitb a1.ofth iJ æqbySe (BX2) of Sc 37. 'loi thple$ have ii exec a PPA or an aa ie th eslisbof ..a lep enle oblon Plbri ex .. Padorp QtT aa P~or ~..8ent...1a1' PaC&T .do. nb~ea to PtCo .T1's. Se re a QF's iD st UD au by thQF. BRa di no au su CC UD SC i7~ 1iit pi PaCo wi wr au aU to thSe 17, 200PPA. ...hcorcaT........ orre.........G? NOtPaC&Tbari.~øo~.mottER. Do......,..te.Bý Yes. XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 5 Page 27 Ca. G.. ....... ..ij. -¡fis· ... ... l'Cl ØJTGPl~ tJCOIOl or ORJlf tIeD" ENY IlVD Gllot LL, e."i, Y& p.ACDcoar AaPACI PO 1t1l.. uiu TlONY or LtlJ ltD11 ONJJ OJ' PACØOOll Apr2l 208 . XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 5 Page 28CaseNo.~R.l i Q. Pie ltle.Y"UÖeaa .... ad 2 A. 3 4 Q. S A. 6 7 Q. 8 9 10 .LaRa PådCo. 82 NE ~ SUi 160, 'Poi~() 97232. Wlt II ye oc...... "'.. ..y.. _plci? I am emloy by PaCo fu-t in th TraiMon. de (P'transssonSece) asa 'trass~ .. cl ,....ilri..wi E.. ...., C.. ...l..' (".G~..ID~ wi P.df...T....~~..ilOERG'. .pto .. ..ti tã .. IO"'FaI. .or ("Proje 11 A. 1 have be PacCo Tf8ss Se's pr ... WiERG..fO 12 tn. ~Ùl ERG's. iion refoitP: .si.Ocbe ...16. 13 201, Wh lWå .coby BRO's Ç(ta (B Wojszk) .Wl 14 quOD 0J~1et thapCâfom for 1I~ofth is ~øifàity. 16 Q. ,Je...EüPMierp0i tetlteoay. 17 A. E,mbit.PåCo101 is th fi pae an sillplc ..0£ di...a~ i8~on .rc fOrERO's Prjesu~ by U,(l to 'lCCo 19 TiiissØli~onNovebe .11, 2001. l,y sa1Wgtb.re.- El 20 intlp. foine an~on..~ 21 Q. :DY" reeverèl..apoerpur.. .._ (~'PA.,.22 ERGpri''' Sl.. .t"lflO~""øp 23 A. 'Yes Irela coon tht i ha withMI. ~tbl'ble_p_ 24 inA.200, wh I me wi Mr. Ca~ .~on 2S~ap~an.exQ1of thFacJiQes .$t.. ~.. I 1 2 3 4 $ 6 7 I Q. 9 10 A. 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 11 19 Q. 20 A. 21 22 23 24 Q. 2$ XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 5 ~:;:~~8..k_......~Mi.~.._...øo ....a"Àtl.~lW....~T.....Il..~_., "'riJl". BAs i ~ th ... ..~ ~.!.~ ~-'T""~ GlTj .1.lllhL"..i 'Y"." _ ... ti....... .. ... __.. .... ~, _tohl hi. .... ~..... tOcaMr. yØtf4 cl1l.,.. ..~_ ....pp,A .,.......,....PPA.........t....... .......... Yes X_witl .Mr...~..~....~.U)J2QQ. At thtiliJ'._..wi.a~~.~on..~._a....~ It. fi ."', fijlrl I.... toM'. ~ '.'''.. ..~ 1"_....~.. ii.hath ~ ..arfl-.øIWÂl _'1.1I...ft"~." ~. caT i.....i.. iøh V-u. 1l..~Wk.....~ li.. to 4ø.. OI.... _~l."" ....A.. .Mi. Y01~. ~ .-.Ot. .~. .,Ihptii.. .17,., PJCo~'" ~..~...--... ....,...1.......... $eIRI..i.. 2Ø ..... .... Møl\V" ..ti..l'A. PaT~~Ii nOrole "Pt...... ".(.11 "8). i.ll~ _1l wo........ii_ ... ."".\\ ...... ~ .... ~ .n... ...,...........,. ...paeTn... .....~.C..T........? 1 A. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Q. 8 9 10 A. 11 Q. 12 13 A. 14 15 16 Q. 17 A. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 5 Page 30 ~~.. .....! 1.RP Case No. r ft'i~ Pa Tl'on Se do DO c: wi Pa..c.T re .di~on of .. ge...ta ~.. th ~._ prvi.. volll cons no to PlñØnt~$$Sece au su o(.Ulica To ti be øfmy.~ ø.Øba.ii pr su ..re fo Pa Tiwis .SlCl tø di.. Prec with Pa C&T. Attle lÙleöf101lApr2lJ ..ee di .ERG, ...,. .....tIpNforp...... *"øiè .... ...c_... .. tb...l'ld UlIee....OfOria.J....2I No~ I wanøflthPaCo W0fill_C~.-_ÍJJu2(. wi... ia di YOB ... awtU daeSe 37 avld.....Iadi..' I ñr ie th hcCo~s.Sc 31 av0cc_ba ebll wJ. Mr.~inudni.in lQ-'to ai ~:kQÍPl~ e.'l m 0e..200treiiOl....W8..~ÎO~_pp.A wit.. .-ofIRG'liateuOl'.... PaOa'l..i.. Se CO bo .~ ~...~ .. .. fatyst re iiimon of ElG'.~. BlQ _~ ÎO pay a de towaPac TrIlOl~ts__ .~ ~ st. ..bø iea 1t.. ...be .. ..~ ~.. ..eo. ... .... ~..EkG ...ul. .pa. $10,033.30 to ~.. ..I*Co Tl'i_on Sece's cøto .ev... tl ..ap_ ..stth ~ ôfBR's~ J'je JlCo ,.¡.. .~ bal1fn:ui EROto pa aaadtiOJ cobeOJth.S1Q~Ø3:l.3(~ to..buth ..... .c=~1Oc:_ .tt ~_.. i i 3 Q. 4 ~ S 6 7 Q. i A. 9 10 ii Q. 12 A. XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 5 ~:::~~8~"SJ""an~() ~.IoER(r. Pt ...,bl17,20. .........i..Oleato..~. s-biPlCol02Î$ ... let .da May 21. 2O1hm ~ T.._.. s...tø BI... pndi .. ac. of th .ae. eoto CO- it~ÎI st. .. ....XthMPMiorl3to th...,.~~ioi lal li()be 6,. ~. _ ~. r..ØI ~tø.ø..pr . ..~ of tt. __ _.lø eoi.ttf'list...........,..... Yes XRG Answer SJ Exhibit 5 Page 32 Case No. PAC-E-IO-08