HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110207Post-hearing Position Statement.pdfi:~:t~: Randall C. Budge, 1SB No. 1949 RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAIEY, CHARTERED P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 Telephone: (208) 232-6101 Fax: (208) 232-6109 rcb(ßacinelaw.net RECEl\l iOll FEB -7 PM 3: 52 Attorneys for Intervenor Monsanto Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) ROCKY MOUNAIN POWER FOR APPROVAL ) OF CHAGES TO ITS ELECTRC SERVICE ) SCHEDULES AN A PRICE INCREASE OF ) $27.7 MILLION, OR APPROXITELY )13.7 PERCENT ) ) Case No. PAC-E-IO-07 MONSANTO'S POST-HEARG POSITION STATEMENT Monsanto submits ths Position Statement to address the issues presented at the Februar 1, 2011 hearg to establish the rate for Monsanto interptible power, to-wit: I. Contract Terms Proposal: Commission need only deterne Schedule 400 hiterptib1e Demand Charge. Reasonig: Monsanto proposed no change to the hour orJother curailment option ters, and neither did PacifiCorp.l The Schedule 400 Fir Demand Chge has been ordered in hiterlocutory Order No. 32151.1 Upon the termnation of the existing Contract oIl Februar 28, 2011, PacifiCorp must continue to provide electrc serce to Monsanto under Schedule 400 in accordance with paragraph 2.1 of the Contract. 3 Thus, the Commission need only detere ¡.Dirt Testiony of James R. Smith daed December 22,2010, p. 3 and Supplementa Testiony of Paul H. Clements, p. 25. 2 Interlocutor Order No. 32151 dated December 27,2010, AttchmentB, p 3.3 The Electrc Service Agrent, Exbit 25, provides in pargraph 2.1: "Af the Teration Date PacifiCoip MONSAO'S POST-BEARG POSmON STATEME - i Schedule 400 hiterptible Demand Charge in ths phase based on existing contract terms and conditions. Mo:isanto remains committed to a longer term contract even though rates are subject to tarff rate changes. However, PacifiCorp failed to address this issue at the hearng. II. Overall Rate Impact Proposal: The tota rate impact to Monsanto should be considered by Commission. Reasonig: PacifiCorp has failed to adequately address the rate shock of its proposal: . PacifiCorp's as filed. case would have increased Monsanto's rate by over 50%, or more than $21 millon.4 . PacifiCorp's proposed valuation; together with hiterlocutory Order No. 32151, will increase Monsanto's rate by 39.4%, or $16.7 millon.s . Mr. Clements, PacifiCorp's manager of all Monsanto contract-related issues since 2004, adtted to not knowing either of these rate impacts and furterore, not even troubled or alared with their importce. . The Company has made no effort to address the rate shock of such an extreme rate change, despite their agreement to do so with other customers in the past. . The Commssion has a duty to consider the ful impact ofPacifiCorpts proposal in order to arve at a fair, just and reaonable rate for serce to Monsanto. m. Long-Term Perspective Proposal: Monsanto should be valued as a long-term resource. Reasonig: Monsanto has bee an interrptible customer ofPacifiCorp or its predecessor since 1951. PacifiCorp reflects Monsanto as a long-ter resource in its 2008 IR Update through 20196 and in its 2010 Business Plan though 20287. Monsanto intends to remain a long- term interptible customer. A long-ter resource valuation: . Results in better price cerainty and stabilty. . Avoids volatility of short-ter market valuation approach. . Promotes proper policy to retaining valuable demand-side resources. sha contiue to provide any electrc servce to Monsanto as specifed in Idao Electrc Servce Schedule No. 400 or its succeor then in effect until such tie as the Commission establishes or approves other 'term and conditions and price." 4 Direct Testiony of Kath E. Iverson dated December 22,2010, page 3. 5 Based on an increase of$5,n5,000 from Intelocutory Order No. 32151, and decrease of vauation of$l1 million.6 Exhbit 248 7 Exhbit 262 MONSANO'S POST-BEG POSITION STATEME - 2 Ií' I" i iv. Change in Valuation Proposal:The Interptible Credit should increase in an amount equal to or greater than the 9.6% increase in Monsanto's finn rate. Reasoning: PacifiCorp sought to increae rates by $27.7 million and to simultaneously reduce the valuation of Monsanto's interptible products by $11 milion: . Ths reduction in the face of increaing rates is counter-intutive and at odds with reality. . The curent hiterrptible Credit is $8.33 per kW-year, or $17.1 milion based on Monsanto's test year loads. Credit amounts have been based on past stipulations. Monsanto's rates increased in 2007,2008,2009 and 2010 -and each time the hiterptib1e Credits increased by a percentae at least as great as the percentage increase in fi rates. . Customer #1 's contract provides for the Interrptible Credit to be adjusted at the same percentage change as change in fi rate. 8 . An increase in the valuation acts as a hedge against rising costs and promotes retention of demand-side resources. . The Commission should not allow discriinatory treatment for supply-side resources and to the detrent of demand-side resources. V. PacifCorp's Short-Term Market Valuation Approach Proposal: The $6.1 millon valuation is uneasonable and should be given no weight. Reasonig: The method has never been accepted by the PUC and: . Is based on a single yea of short-ter energy markets and short-term energy prices and does not reflect a long-term valuation. . Results in implied capacity values which do not reasonably reflect avoided capacity cost.9 . Has no recogntion of resource deferraL. . Would result in a volatile and uncertin price to Monsanto over time. . Would result in a signficant increase to Monsanto of$16.7 milion, or 39.4%. . Would result in a overall price to Monsanto of$42.71/MWhlo which is signficantly higter than price paid by the other two interptible industral customers: .. Customer #1 's price is $33.49/M with only 130 hours of interrption; .¡ Customer #2's price is $32.84/M with at most 480 hours economic curailment and 100 hours of operating resere interption. 8 See Dit Testiony ofKathE. Iveron dated December 22,2010, page 24, lines 11 - 19.9 Exhbit 256 "(CC-3) 10 Based on $5.75 millon increase frm Interlocutory Order No. 32151, and $11 mion proposed decrease in value. MONSANO'S POST-BEG POSmON STATEMENT - 3 I ~ I ! ! . ii I . Is inconsistent with valuation of irrgation load control program which heavily weights resource deferral scenaro and explicitly "acknowledges the longer-term outlook towards demand-side resources and the national trend in valuation ofload control programs.ilIl VI. Stafts Valuation Proposal: Staffs Economic Curtailment valuation should be increased by $3.8 millon. Reasonig: The Stas acceptance ofPacifiCorp's $3.9 millon economic curailment value12 should be adjusted in order to reflect avoidance of resources: . PacifiCorp admits that removing 67 MW from six months of coincident peaks in the cost of servce "'studies values the economic curailment product at $7.7 millon.13 . Both the IR and the 2010 Business Blan include the 67 MW as a long-ter resource and therefore should not be modeled though short-ter energy only prices. . Mr. McDougal's $7.7 milion valuation is consistent with valuation of Cutomer #2's economic curtailment product which is at most only 480 hours, in COntrast to Monsanto's 850 hours. . This adjustment brings the Staffs proposed valuation of $14.2 milion to $18.0 millon. VII. Peaker Valuation Proposal: Peaker valuation should be incorporated into the Commssion's determnation. Reasonig: The peaker valuation appropriately reflects the value of a long-ter resource: . Provides a long-term and stable price signL. . Consistent with a policy supportng demand-side resourcès. . Used in irrgation load control program valuation where the peaker deferral scenaro was weighted by 67%.14 . Consistent with PacifiCorp's long-term QF pricing of$115.80 per kW-year and $53.40/M1S . Appropriate for those resources proven to be both "reliable and sustainable II 16 II Exhbit 259, p. 7. 12 See Confdential Exbit No. 135, average of 20 11-20 13 Economic Curtilment vaues of $3.6, $4.0 and $4.2 milion is $3.9 milion.13 See Stephen McDougal Rebutt Testiony dated November 2010, page 47. 14 See Surebutt testiony of Brian C. Collins dated Januar 25,2011, p. 14 - 15. 15 See Direct Testiony of Bri C. Coll dated December 22, 2010 and Exbit 255 (BCC-2). 16 Exhbit 259, p. 7. MONSANO'S POST~HEG POSITION STATEME - 4 VIII. Schedule 400 Interruptible Demand Charge Proposal: The curent Interrptible Demand Charge should not be increased. Reasoning: If the Commission does not exclusively accept the peaker valuation, there is still ample evidence that the lIterrptible Demand Charge not be increased: . An hiterrptible Demand Charge of$3.94 per kW-month equates to al hiterptible Credt of$9.51 per kW-monthI7, for an anual valuation of$19.5 millon.ls . Provides a reasonable compromise between the Staffs value of $ 18 millon and the peaker valuation of$25.5 millon. . Consistent with the irrgaon load control prograi valuation methodology tha:t weights a peaker valuation by 67% and a strct short-tèr approach by 33%.19 . Sends a proper signal that demand-side resources are valu~d on a long-ter basis. . Is consistent with past precedent that valuation increases as fi rates increase. . Results in Monsanto average price of $33.03!M20 which is in line wlth prices paid by Customer #1 ($33.401M) and Customer #2 ($32.84/MWh). . Resulting rate does not constitute "rate shock" and is fair, just and reasonable, cost- justified and supported by the evidence. . Sends a proper signal to Monsanto maIagement that for long-term planng, the Soda Sprigs plant wîl remai viable and competitive. IX. Summar In suar, Monsanto's proposals outlined above rightfully acknowledge a 10ng-terI outlook towards demand-side resource including interptibility that is consistent with the valuation of load control programs in Idao as well as nationally. Ths trend is based upon the proper assumption that over tie, where the acquied demand-side resource is reliable and sustainable, peakng resource deferral exists. Monsanto has proven to be a long-ter reliable and sustnable resource, and thus the valuation should reflect those important characteristics. An Interptible Demand Charge of no greater than $3.94 per kW -month is fair, just and reasonable, cost-justifed and supported by the evidence. 17 See Interlocutory Order No. 32151, AttchmentB, p. 3 of3, where the Fir Demand Charge is shown as $13.45 per kW-month. Retag the cuent Interptible Demand Chage of $3.94 results in an Intertible Credit of $9.51 per kW-moiith ($13.45 - $3.94 = $9.51). 18 $9.51 x 2,051,216 biling unts = $19.5 million. 19 (67% X. peaker valuation of $25.5 milonJ + (33% x short-term market price of $6. 1 milionJ == $19.1 millon. MONSANO'S POST-HEARG posmON STATEME - 5 í' I L i RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED ths ~ day of Februar, 2011. RACIN, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAIEY, CHAtERED By ~~~RA C. BUDGE MONSANO'S POST-HEARG POSITION STATEMENT - 6 CERTIFICATE OF MALING I HEREBY CERTIFY that on ths 1lf day of Februar. 2011, I served a tre. correct and complete copy of the foregoing document, to each of the following, via the method so imticated: Jea D. Jewell, Secretar (origial and 7) Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, il 83720-0074 E-mail: jjewell(Ðpuc.state.id.us Hand-Delivered Ted Weston Rocky Mountai Power 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lae City, Uta 84111 E-mail: ted.westoncgacificorp.com E-Mail Paul J, Hickey Hickey & Evan, LLP 1800 CareyAve., Ste 700 POBox 467 Cheyenne, WY 82003 E-mail: phickey($hickevvans.com E-Mail Mark C. Moench Daniel Solander Rocky Mountain Power 201 S. Mai Street, Suite "23 00 Salt Lake City, Uta 84111 E-mail: mark.moenchtIacificorp.com danel.solander($acificorp.com E-Mail Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portand, Oregon 97232 E-mail: datareguesttêacificorp.com E-Mai Scott Woodbury Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commssion P. O. Box 83720 MONSANO'S POST-HEG posmON STATEME - 7 r i. I Boise, Idao 83720-0074 E-mail: scott. woodbury~uc.daho. gov E-Mai Katie Iverson Brubaker & Associates 17244 W. Cordova Cour Surprise, Arzona 85387 E-mai: kiverson§consultbai.com E-Mai James R. Smith Monsanto Company. P. O. Box 816 Soda Sprigs, Idao 83276 E-mai: jim.r.smith~onsanto.com E-Mail Eric L. Olsen Racine, Olson, Nye, Budge & Bailey P.O. Box 1391 Pocatello, Idao 83204-1391 E-mail: elo(ßacinelaw.net E-Mail Anthony Yanel 29814 Lake Road Bay Vilage, Ohio 44140 E-mail: tony(yancel.net E-Mail. Tim Buller Jason Has Agrut, Inc. 3010 Conda Road Soda Springs, Idaho 83276 E-mail: tbuller§agrum.coin j aharis§agi.um.com E-mal Benjam J. Otto Idao Conseration Legue P. O. Box 844 Boise, Idao 83702 E-mail: bottotWdahoconservation.org E-Mai Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, il 83703 E-mail: dreadig~dspring.com E-Mail MONSANTO'S POST-BEG POSITION STATEMNT - 8 Melinda J. Davison Davison Van Cleve, P.C. 333 SW Taylor, Suite 400 Portland, Oregon 97204 E-mai: mjd§dvclaw.com Ronald L. Williams William Bradbur, P .C. 1015 W. Hays Street Boise, Idao 83702 E-mai: ron(iwillamsbradbury.com Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. 17th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 E-mai: bmpurdy§hotrail.com MONSANTO'S POST-BEARG POSITION STATEMENT - 9 E-Mail E-Mai E-Mail ~t"~ RAALL C. BUDGE -