HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101101Revised Testimony Cover Letter.pdfW. MARCUS W. NVE . RANDAl.l. C. BUDGE JOHN A. BAll.EY, JR. JOHN R. GOODEl.l. JOHN B. INGEl.STROM DANIEL. C. GREEN BRENT O. ROCHE KIRK B. HADl.EV FRED J. l.EWIS MITCHEl.l. W. BROWN ERIC l.. Ol.SEN CONRAD J. AIKEN RICHARD A. HEARN, M.D. DAVID E. Al.EXANDER l.ANE V. ERICKSON PATRICK N. GEORGE SCOTT J. SMITH STEPHEN J. MUHONEN BRENT l.. WHITING JUSTIN R. El.l.lS JOSHUA D. JOHNSON JONATHON S. BVINGTON DAVE BAGl.EV CAROL. TIPPI VOl.VN THOMAS J. BUDGE C..NDICE M. MCHUCH JONATHON M. YOLYN M"RK A. SH......ER JASON E. FLAIG FERRELL S. RY"N l.AW OFFICES OF RACINE OLSON NYE BUDGE Be BAILEY CHARTERED 101 SOUTH CAPITOL BOULEVARD SUITE 208 BOISE, IDAHO 83702 TEl.EPHONE (208) 395-0011 FACSIMll.E (208) 433-0167 WWW.RACINEl.AW.NET SENDER'S E-MAIL. ADDRESS: ELO(gRACINELAW.NET October 28,2010 Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretar Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W. Washington Boise,ID 83702 Re: Case No. PAC-E-10-7 Dear Ms. Jewell: POCAT!LLO OFFICE 201 EAST CENTER STREET POST OFFICE BOX 1 391 POCATEl.l.O, IDAHO 83204 TEl.EPHONE: (208) 232-6101FACSIMll.E: (208) 232-6109 IDAHO FALLS OFFICE 477 SHOUP AVENUE SUITE 203A IDAHO FAl.l.S, 1083402 TEl.EPHONE: (208) 1528-6101 FACSIMll.E: (208) 1528-6109 ÇQEUR p'ALENE OFFICE 2150 NORTHWEST BOULEV"RD, SUITE 106A COEUR D'ALENE, IDAHO 83814 TELEI'HONE: (208) 7615-6888 ALL OFFICI. TOLL FRIl (877) 232-8101 l.OUIS F. R"CINE (1917-2005) WILLIAM D. OLSON, 01' COUNSEL I"=.-.=zo.. I .- ,......)::xeoco In compliance with the Commission's October 22,2010 Order No. 32098, please find enclosed for filing an original and nine copies of the following fied on behalf of Monsanto Company: 1. Witness List and Exhibit List of Intervenor Monsanto Company. 2. Sumar of Testimony. 3. Direct Testimony of James R. Smith, Mark Widmer, Kath E. Iverson and Brian Collns. 4. Confidential Direct Testimony of Mark Widmer. 5. Exhibit Nos. 229,230 and 231 (KEI). Also enclosed is a CD containing an electronic copy of these new filings. These new fiings replace the same prior filings made October 14,2010 which should be removed from the fie and website. The Confidential Direct Testimony of Mark Widmer provided on yellow paper contains pages 27 and 31 from his Direct Testimony containing information based upon company data responses marked "Confidential". As such, this Confidential Testimony should be fied under seal and not posted on the website. Jean Jewell October 28, 20 i 0 Page 2 The testimony of Monsanto witnesses Kevin Lawrence, Dennis Peseau and Michael Gorman is unchanged and wil remain as previously fied. All Monsanto exhibits wil remain as previously filed, except for Exhibit Nos. 232 (BCC-l) and 233 (BCC-2) which may be removed from the record. Than you for your assistance. Sincerely, RCB:rr Enclosures c: Service List /c~ Randall C. Budge, ISB No. 1949 RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, CHARTERED P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 Telephone: (208) 232-6101 Fax: (208) 232-6109 rcb(fracinelaw.net ZOWNOV -I AH in: 00 Attorneys for Intervenor Monsanto Company BEFORE TH IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMSSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR APPROVAL) OF CHANGES TO ITS ELECTRIC SERVICE ) SCHEDULES AND A PRICE INCREASE OF ) $27.7 MILLION, OR APPROXIMATELY )13.7 PERCENT ) ) Case No. PAC-E-IO-07 DIRCT TESTIONY AND EXHITS OF INTERVENOR MONSANTO COMPAN Submitted November 1,2010 -1 1. Kevin P. Lawrence 2. James R. Smith 3. Michael Gorman 4. Dennis Peseau 5. Mark Widmer 6. Kathr E. Iverson 7. Brian Collns Exhibit No. 201 (JRS-l) Exhibit No. 202 (MPG-l) Exhibit No. 203 (MPG-2) Exhibit No. 204 (MPG-3) Exhibit No. 205 (MPG-4) Exhibit No. 206 (MPG-5) Exhibit No. 207 (MPG-6) Exhibit No. 208 (MPG-7) Exhibit No. 209 (MPG-8) Exhibit No. 210 (MPG-9) Exhibit No. 211 (MPG-I0) Exhibit No. 212 (MPG-ll) Exhibit No. 213 (MPG-12) Exhibit No. 214 (MPG-13) Exhibit No. 215 (MPG-14) Exhibit No. 216 (MPG-15) Exhibit No. 217 (MPG-16) Exhibit No. 218 (MPG-17) Exhibit No. 219 (MPG-18) Exhibit No. 220 (MPG-19) Exhibit No. 221 (DEP-l) Exhibit No. 222 (DEP-2) Exhibit No. 223 (DEP-3) Exhibit No. 224 (DEP-4) Exhibit No. 225 (DEP-5) Exhibit No. 226 (DEP-6) Exhibit No. 227 (DEP-7) Exhbit No. 228 (MW -1) - 2 MONSANTO WITNSS LIST:RECE 2Bm NOV -I AM 10: no MONSANO EXHIT LIST: Schematic-Phosphorus Manufacturing Process Rate of Retur Proxy Group Growth Rates Constat Growt DCF Model Electricity Sales Are Linked to U.S. Economic Growth Proxy Group Payout Ratios Sustainable Growth Rates Sustainable Constant Growth DCF Model Multi-Stage Growth DCF Model Electric Utility Market/ook Ratio Electric Equity Risk Premium - Treasur Bond Electric Equity Risk Premium - Utilty Bond Utilty Bond Yield Spreads Utility and Treasur Bond Yields Value Line Beta CAPMRetur Standard & Poor's Credit Metrcs Adju;sted Hadaway DCF Accuracy ofInterest Rate Forecasts PacifiCorp's Website Description of Proposed Energy Gateway PacifiCorp's Website Description of Proposed Gateway West PacifiCorp's Website Description of Proposed Gateway South Page 6 and 7 ofIdaho MEHC Acquisition Order No. 29973 Comparative Investment per Mile Costs of Gateway Central and Energy Gateway Map of Western U.S. Competing Transmission Lines Copy ofPacifiCorp's Response to Monsanto Data Request 4.5 Qualifications of Mark T. Widmer Exhibit No. 229 (KEI-l) Exhibit No. 230 (KEI-2) Exhibit No. 231 (KEI-3) -3 History of Monsanto Increases and Average Costs Since 2003 Contract Idaho Results with Monsanto Adjustments to Revenue Requirements Sumar of Idaho Class Cost of Service Study with Monsanto Adjustments to Revenue Requirements MONSANTO COMPANY SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY PAC-E-l0-7 CEl\/ () iamrmv -f AM 10: 0 I October 14, 2010 Monsanto Company provides this summary of its testimony and exhibits filed in opposition to the general rate increases requested in the Application of Rocky Mountain Power, Division of PacifiCorp. Copies of Monsanto's filing are available on line on the Idaho Public Utilties Commission website at www.puc.idaho.gov; click on "Electric" and then select "Open Electric Cases" and then select "PAC-E-10-07". KEVIN P. LAWRENCE Vice President, Procurement, Engineering and Supply Chain, Monsanto Company, St. Louis Kevin P. Lawrence, executive for the Monsanto Company headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri submitted direct testimony in the current Rocky Mountain Power rate case in Boise on Thursday, October 14th. Monsanto has a key elemental phosphorus production facility located in Soda Springs, Idaho which is served by Rocky Mountain Power. The Soda Springs plant is the largest single connection point in the six state franchised territory served by the parent company, Pacificorp. Mr. Lawrence testified that electricity is the single largest cost component in the production of elemental phosphorus which is out of Monsanto's direct control. Elemental phosphorus is a key component in the production of Round Up herbicide, a flagship product for Monsanto, which is sold to farmers around the world. He stated that the new multi-bilion dollar transmission and renewable investments proposed by Rocky Mountain Power in this case are currently unnecessary to serve the customers in the State of Idaho. Mr. Lawrence highlighted the business pressures that Monsanto has experienced in the past two years as a result of the competitive pressures by the Chinese as they restructured their elemental phosphorus industry and ultimately flooded the market with very low cost generic glyphosate. Monsanto's sales and earnings reports have documented dramatic declines as they attempt to reposition Round Up and recover the lost farmer demand. The bottom line for Monsanto is that they cannot absorb any additional costs which their competition is not also experiencing. They must offer a competitive product to their customers. Monsanto Company Summary of Testimony/PAC-E-IO-07 - Page 1 In closing, Mr. Lawrence indicated that Monsanto is committed to work with Rocky Mountain Power and the Idaho Utilities Commission to develop a solution which yields affordable power for the Soda Springs plant and, when combined with Monsanto's best in class manufacturing efficiencies, wil give Monsanto long term competitive footing in their global marketplace. JAMES R. SMITH: Purchasing Lead - Monsanto Company, Soda Springs, Idaho Witness James R. Smith describes how Monsanto has continuously operated since 1952 to mine phosphate ore and manufacture phosphorus used to produce glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup Herbicide. Mr. Smith describes how the glyphosate business has become extremely competitive with Chinese production undercutting sales and threatening the viabilty of the Soda Springs plant. Mr. Smith describes how non-firm power is supplied to three furnaces which can be curtailed up to 1,050 hours per year up to 162 MW. With a load of 182 MW, the Sod.a Springs Plant is the largest single point customer of PacifiCorp with an annual electric bil exceeding $42 milion. Mr. Smith describes how in 2006, for the first time ever, Monsanto's became a tariff rate customer with new methodologies employed to established to value Monsanto's non-firm service as if Monsanto was a lifirm" customer with an liinterruptible credit." These new methodologies were agreed to with the expectation that Monsanto would achieve rate stabilty and certainty which has not happened. Mr. Smith concludes that since Monsanto has always been a non-firm customer subject to curtailment and does not sell any power back to PacifiCorp, it is a complete fiction that does not reflect reality to price Monsanto as a firm customer with an interruptible credit. For these reasons and because of the benefits provided to the entire system, Monsanto proposes to amend the jurisdictional cost of service studies to better reflect Monsanto's non-firm service characteristics. . Mr. Smith describes how Monsanto's rates have dramatically and disproportionately increased since 2003 compared to other customers, a whopping 65% since 2003. If PacifiCorp's proposed $22.3 milion increase is approved, Monsanto's net rates wil increase an incredible 153% since 2003. During 2009 the Soda Springs plant was required to idle several furnaces over a course of several months as a result of lost market share due to competition from the Chinese in the glyphosate business. In the last twelve months the Soda Springs Plant has cut 15% of its salaried employees and continues to make changes and reorganize to reduce the cost of production. Mr. Smith concludes that the Soda Springs Plant can only stay in business if it can produce phosphorus at competitive prices which require relatively stable electricity prices. Mr. Smith also discusses the tremendous economic benefits to the region provided by the Soda Monsanto Company Summary of Testimony/PAC-E-10-07 - Page 2 Springs operations which wil be lost if recent unplanned electricity price increases by PacifiCorp continue. MICHAEL P. GORMAN: Consultant - Brubaker and AssociatesL Inc. Witness Michael P. Gorman recommend the Idaho Public Utilties Commission ("Commission") award Rocky Mountain Power a return on common equity of 9.5%, which is the midpoint of his estimated range of 9.1% to 9.9%. He proposes adjustments to PacifiCorp's proposed capital structure to exclude common equity supporting assets not devoted to utilty operations. Based on his recommended return on equity and capital structure, Mr. Gorman recommends an overall rate of return of 7.70% for RMP. His recommended return on equity and capital structure wil support RMP's financial integrity, and provide fair compensation for the risk of utilty operations. Mr. Gorman also contends PacifiCorp proposed return on equity of 10.6% proposed by witness Hardawaýs is excessive and should be rejected. DENNIS E. PESEAU: Consultant - Utilty ResourcesL Inc. Dennis E. Peseau challenges PacifiCorp's request in this case to include as a rate base addition some $801.5 milion for the proposed Gateway Central transmission line. Idaho would be allocated nearly $45 millon of these costs. Mr. Peseau testifies that the Commission should instead defer the decision on the entire $801.5 milion rate base addition until the next general rate case in order to fully evaluate whether huge and costly transmission line is really used and useful, is vastly over built, and wil cause Idaho ratepayers to pay the carrying costs of this project that wil ultimately benefit California ratepayers and PacifiCorp shareholders. If adopted by the Commission, Mr. Peseau's recommendation would reduce PacifiCorp's requested rate increase by approximately $5.9 millon. MARK T. WIDMER: Consultant - Northwest Energy ConsultingL LLC Witness Mark T. Widmer's testimony presents a primary recommendation which includes fifteen Net Power Cost reductions totaling $47.37 milion total Company and $2.57 millon Idaho. The proposed adjustments are made to reflect realistic operation of the Monsanto Company Summary of Testimony/PAC-E-1O-07 - Page 3 Company's system, match costs with benefits, make corrections and reflect reasonable results. The adjustments include: (1) elimination of the uneconomic APS Supplemental contract which provides the Company the option to take the energy but does not require it, (2) recovery of wind integration costs through the ECAM to ensure Idaho customers do not overpay for those costs, (3) inclusion of non-firm transmission because it pays a substantive part in the Company's abilty to optimize its system, (4) inclusion of operating reserves for the Dunlap wind project, (5) exclusion of reserve shutdowns from the Company's forced outage rate calculation to ensure lost generation is not overstated, (6) inclusion ofthe latest expected in-service date for the Top of World wind project, (7) removal of Cal ISO expenses from May through December 2010 because there are no wholesale. transactions to justify the costs and inclusion of actual Cal ISO expenses for the period January through April 2010 to match the inclusion of actual Cal ISO wholesale transactions for the same period, (8) revised timing for Colstrip 3 and Colstrip 4 planned outages to better optimize results of operation, (9) exclusion of the Energy Gateway transmission project to match Mr. Peseau's proposed adjustment, (10) correction of Cholla 4 capacity, (11) elimination of uneconomic Morgan Stanley call premiums, (12) proper normalization of Bear River hydro generation so it is consistent with normalization of other small hydro projects, (13) reshaping of the Black Hils wholesale sales dispatch to be consistent with historical dispatch by Black Hils, (14) correction of the Mona market size and, (15) elimination of a Naughton 3 forced outage to avoid double recovery by the Company, who already collected liquidated damages for this outage from its contractor. If the Commission does not adopt Mr. Widmers primary recommendation to recover wind integration costs solely through the ECAM, his secondary recommendation includes all of the adjustments proposed above except the wind integration adjustment, plus elimination of a double count of balancing wind integration costs included in the Companýs filng and exclusion of wind integration costs for OA TI customers because they are not the responsibilty of retail customers and the Companýs failure to request revision to its OATI so it can recover the costs from OATI customers should be the responsibility of stockholders not retail customers. KATHRYN E. IVERSON: Consultant - Brubaker and Associates, Inc. Ms. Iverson's testimony first discusses Monsanto's predominately non-firm service and the rate impacts Monsanto has experienced recently. With four years of increases totaling $10.5 milion since 2007, this proceeding has the potential to increase Monsanto's rates by another $8 milion to $22 milion. Ms. Iverson discusses the proper regulatory treatment of a non-firm customer such as Monsanto in the allocation of jurisdictional costs and points out many of the problems with the current treatment which allocates costs as though Monsanto were a firm customer. Since RMP has not planned for, or acquired resources, on the basis of Monsanto Company Summary of Testimony/PAC-E-l0-07 - Page 4 Monsanto's non-firm loads, her preferred methodology would remove those non-firm loads from the inter-jurisdictional allocation. Ms. Iverson also quantifies the increase to Idaho with the modifications to the revenue requirement provided in the testimonies of Messrs. Gorman, Peseau and Widmer. Under the existing "All Firm" jurisdictional approach and these modifications, the total increase to Idaho is $11.8 milion, with Monsanto's increase at $6.4 millon. Using the "non-firm" jurisdictional method, Ms. Iverson determines that Monsanto's share of the benefits from the reduced allocation to the Idaho jurisdiction completely mitigate Monsanto's $6.4 millon increase. Ms. Iverson also offers recommendations as to the rate design of Monsanto's electric tariff. BRIAN C. COLLINS: Consultant - Brubaker and AssociatesL Inc. Mr. Collns provides testimony as to the interruptible nature of Monsanto's loads, the treatment of Monsanto by RMP in its Integrated Resource Plan, and the economic benefits to RMP, its customers and the power system as a whole from a long-term interruptible program such as Monsanto. Mr. Collns notes that Monsanto's load is treated as non-firm and not considered when the Company plans to construct or purchase resources to meet firm system demand. Monsanto Company Summary of Testimony/PAC-E-lO-07 - Page 5 Randall C. Budge, ISB No. 1949 RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, CHARTERED P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 Telephone: (208) 232-6101 Fax: (208) 232-6109 rcb(fracinelaw.net D,Ç,,,.~. Zlrtf NOV - i At1 10= 02 Attorneys for Intervenor Monsanto Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR APPROVAL) OF CHANGES TO ITS ELECTRIC SERVICE ) SCHEDULES AND A PRICE INCREASE OF ) $27.7 MILLION, OR APPROXIMATELY )13.7 PERCENT ) ) Case No. PAC-E-IO-07 PROOF OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 29th day of October, 2010, I served a true, correct and complete copy of the foregoing Direct Testimony of James R. Smith, Mark T. Widmer, Kathryn E. Iverson and Brian Collns, Confidential Testimony of Mark T. Widmer, and Exhibits 229, 230 and 231 to each of the following in the maner indicated: Jean D. Jewell, Secretar (original and 9) Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702-5918 Overnight Mail Ted Weston Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main, Ste 2300 Salt Lake City, Uta 84111 Overnight Mail Paul 1. Hickey Hickey & Evans, LLP 1800 Carey Ave., Ste 700 Cheyenne, WY 82003 Overnight Mail PROOF OF SERVICE - 1 Mark C. Moench Daniel Solander Rocky Mountain Power 201 S. Main Street, Ste 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Overnight Mail Katie Iverson Brubaker & Associates 17244 W. Cordova Court Surrise, Arzona 85387 U.S. Mail James R. Smith Monsanto Company P.O. Box 816 Soda Springs, Idaho 83276 U.S. Mail Eric L. Olsen Racine, Olson, Nye, Budge & Bailey P.O. Box 1391 Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 Hand Delivered Anthony Yanel 29814 Lake Road Bay Vilage, Ohio 44140 U.S. Mail Tim Buller Jason Hars Agrium, Inc. 3010 Conda Road Soda Springs, Idaho 83276 U.S. Mail Benjamin J. Otto Idaho Conservation League P.O. Box 844 Boise, Idaho 83702 U.S. Mail Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hil Road Boise, Idaho 83703 U.S. Mail PROOF OF SERVICE - 2 Melinda J. Davison Davison Van Cleve, PC 333 SW Taylor, Ste 400 Portland, Oregon 97204 Overnight Mail Ronald L. Wiliams Willams Bradbury, PC 1015 W. Hays Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Overnight Mail Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019N. 17th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Overnight Mail RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, CHARTERED BL~C'&& RANDALL C. BUDGE PROOF OF SERVICE - 3